Conferencia e-Health APDS



Conferência As TIC e a Saúde no Portugal de 2011 15 de Dezembro de 2011 Auditório do Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa Av. Brasil, Lisboa Coordenação: Prof. Drª Maria Helena Monteiro PROGRAMA 08:30 Recepção dos Participantes 08:50 Boas Vindas – Prof. Dr. José Dias Coelho (APDSI) Dr. Cunha Ribeiro em representação do Senhor Ministro da Saúde Dr. Paulo Macedo 09:00 A IBM – a Saúde e a Investigação Dr.ª Cristina Semião | Directora do Sector Público, IBM 09:20 Software AG – Um Caso de Estudo das TIC na Saúde – Parnassia Bavo Groep Mr. Mark Rhoden | Senior Vice President EMEA (apresentação na língua inglesa) 09:40 Os registo de doentes (patient registries) como instrumentos de suporte à prática clínica, à gestão/administração e às politicas em saúde Prof. Dr. António Vaz Carneiro | Director do Centro de Estudos de Medicina Baseada na Evidência da Faculdade de Medicina da UL 10:10 O Cidadão e a Saúde – novos modelos de prestação de serviços … Dr. Raul Mascarenhas | Presidente do Conselho de Administração da SPMS Café (10:30 a 11:00) 11:00 – Debate – Interoperabilidade e Registo de Saúde Electrónico – Sonho ou Realidade em Portugal? Moderação – Dr. Adalberto Campos Fernandes (ENSP/UNL) - Prof. Dr. Henrique Martins | Comissão para a Informatização Clínica - Prof. Dr. José Carlos Nascimento | Universidade do Minho - Dr. Luis Campos | Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Oeste 12:00 – Debate – TeleMedicina – Experiências Cá e Lá … Moderação – Eng.ª Sara Carrasqueiro (ENSP/UNL) - Dr. Miguel Soares de Oliveira | INEM - Dr. Paulo Freitas | Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr - Dr.ª Teresa Delgado | Hospital Santa Maria Lisboa Almoço Livre (13:00 a 14.00) 14:00 – Debate – A transformação tecnológica na Saúde em Portugal – a quadratura do círculo no SNS Moderação – Prof. Dr. Álvaro Rocha (UFP) - Dr. Ponciano Oliveira | Vogal do Conselho Directivo da ARS Norte, IP - Dr. José Manuel Azenha Tereso | Presidente do Conselho Directivo da ARS Centro, IP - Dr. Cunha Ribeiro | Presidente do Conselho Directivo da ARS de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, IP - Dr. José Alberto Robalo | Presidente do Conselho Directivo da ARS Alentejo, IP - Dr. Martins dos Santos | Presidente do Conselho Directivo da ARS Algarve, IP * 15:30 – A Plataforma Digital do Registo Oncológico Regional Sul – Uma experiência inovadora Dr.ª Ana Miranda | IPO Lisboa Café (16:00 a 16:30) 16:30 - A Gestão do Risco nos Grandes Hospitais Eng.º Rui Gomes | Director das Tecnologias e Informação do HPFF 17:00 - Activity Based Cost na Gestão da Saúde Prof. Dr.ª Ana Paula Harfouche | IPO Lisboa | UTL/ISCSP 17:30 – Network Innovation na Saúde Dr. Paulo Nunes de Abreu | groupVision Education Services – Fórum Hospital do Futuro 18:00 Encerramento O Empreendedorismo e a Inovação na Saúde Eng. Joaquim Cunha | Director Executivo da Health Cluster Portugal) 18:30 Fim da Conferência – Prof. Dr.ª Maria Helena Monteiro | UTL/ISCSP/CAPP/APDSI – Eng. António Vasconcelos da Cunha | APDSI

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As TIC e a Saúde no Portugal de 2011

15 de Dezembro de 2011 Auditório do Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa

Network Innovation na Saúde

Modelo de reuniões“Round Table”

Pensar hoje a saúde que

queremos ter amanhã

(fôr’əm, fōr’-) Pronunciation Keyn. pl. fo·rums also fo·ra (fôr’ə, fōr’ə)

1. The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business.

2. A public meeting place for open discussion.3. A medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a

newspaper, a radio or television program, or a website.

A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation.


Fórum Hospital do Futuro

Comunidade para a partilha de informação e

geração de conhecimento em Saúde

Os prémios HdF em 2011


Comunidade on-line



Estratégia de internacionalização do HdF

Estratégia de internacionalização do HdF

Estratégia de internacionalização do HdF

Estratégia de internacionalização do HdF

II Cimeira Ibérica de Líderes em Saúde | Cumbre Ibérica de Líderes en Sanidad

Sevilha (Andaluzia) Espanha, 26 e 27 de Janeiro de 2012


Estratégia de internacionalização do HdF

The Roundtables concept

Background on Roundtables

The Health Roundtable was started by an American psychologist,

David Dean, in Australia. It has a membership of 150 hospitals in

Australia and New Zealand.



dos temas



de conteúdos

White Paper


AnáliseProdução de


Facilitador Participantes


Painel de





The process

Possible topics:

•Avoiding delayed discharges.

•Avoiding hospital admissions for ambulatory care sensitive


•Avoiding readmissions - safely discharging patients sooner.

•Balancing emergency and elective throughput.

•Comparisons of costs of procedures.

•Data collections/movement. How often does data get captured


•How do we relate to the patient vs patient satisfaction and


•Keeping the hospital safe at night.


The benefits are:

•We learn from each other and are autonomous.

•We can learn from what each of us is doing well.

•There is no blame. This is about self-awareness and discovery.

•Data are collected for finding innovations, not for setting accountability.

•There are no imposed demands. This is about health practitioners and

administrators making the best choices available.

•We develop an innovative culture. We are rewarded in for trying new/better.

•There is no centralized knowledge authority

• Better decisions about what to KEEP, what to ABANDON and what to


9.00 -



Arrival tea & coffee

9.30 -



Introduction to the Roundtable

10.00 -


Presentation of survey results & benchmarking

Interactive session



Morning tea & Poster presentations about Individual

Hospital Successes

In pairs with someone you haven’t met before

11.45 -


Presentations to the group

After participants vote for posters they want to hear about,

the three or four most popular will be presented to the

group. Participants will discuss and then brainstorm their

own ideas about how these successful approaches could

be adopted in their organization, how to get started, the

resources required, and ways to possibly improve on the

idea as well. All of the ideas will be shared with the entire


12.15 -


Keynote OR Extend the interactive session: The keynote

would also be undertaken as an interactive session focused

on working out how to use the ideas in the hospital setting.

1.15 -



Breaks are frequent and long - this is a large part of the


Example Roundtable workshop agenda

2.15 -


New Ideas Forum: Novel concepts, trends members

have heard about and are interested in learning more

about, trialing in more than one place or applying e.g.

ideas suggested by a keynote.

3.15 -


Afternoon Tea

Participants are asked to identify one hot issue they want

input from peers to address before leaving for tea.

3.45 -


“Hot Topics” Marketplace

Participants provide relevant insight or experience to

raised issues

4.45 -


Action Planning Session

Commitment to action. New data to collect. Projects to

trial worksheets for individual projects. What is the one

good idea you want to implement? Who are you going to

ask to join the team? What is the next step?

5.15 -


Respond to group

Interactive session to share project concepts and think

about future cohorts and tracking.

5.30 Roundtable close

Para mais informações
