Rauf ashraf bio


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Rauf Ashraf BIO

Beginning of career Mr. Ashraf started his career at Fidelity Investments, one of the largest asset management firms on Wall Street, and worked for five years with two large hedge funds with assets of over one billion dollars.Mr. Ashraf also served as an Analyst at Fidelity Investments in 1995 (including working with the $50 Billion + Magellan Fund Manager) and Essex Investment Management as well as a founding member of the hedge fund arm of Summit Partners. Subsequently Mr. Ashraf founded his own firm, Ash Funds LLC deploying over $1 billion in numerous investments. During his career, he has interacted with CEOs and CFOs to model and analyze over 1,000 different publically traded companies.

In addition, Mr. Ashraf has served as an equal Managing Director with Thom Weisel in an joint venture with the publically traded Thomas Weisel Partners who currently has grown to Co-Chair his $100 billion firm. In addition Mr. Ashraf has served in a joint venture with $12 billion global equity fund with Altrinsic Global Partners. Mr. Ashraf has also completed other philanthropic initiatives with other world figures including Warren & Peter Buffett, Hollywood Musician Akon, Hollywood’s #1 Music Producer RedOne, Dual Oscar Winner & Bollywood Legend A.R. Rahman as well as with the Governments of Morocco and Trinidad.