職場穿著滴咕 Dress for work


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Dress for Work職場穿著

所謂的「型男魅力」只能用在膚淺的 把妹 應徵工作、升學面試常常吃鱉;洽公會報、業務商談總顯得力道不足,距離成功理想狀況總是差那麼一點點…… 那請你思考看看




視覺 55 %、聽覺 38 %,談話的內容7 %

第一印象在見面的瞬間,大概多久時間就已經定型了呢?答案是只有「 7 秒鐘 」。

在面試、推銷、客戶會面、業務洽談等等,大部分時間都在解說上,希望吸引對方的注意,但談話的內容在第一印象裡,事實上卻只占了 7 %而已,換句話說,如果你能著力在高達 55 %的「視覺訊息」上,反而更能獲得成效。


成為「正確附加價值」的商品 選擇題:

A :一盒價值 500 元的巧克力,卻用皺巴巴的報紙包著

B :一盒價值 50 元的巧克力,裝在漂亮的盒子裡,而



還用想嗎?當然是包裝精美的 B 巧克力啦!

── 雖然 B 巧克力比較便宜,但是「附加價值」卻 大大提升其好感度與接受度!


A :用報紙包著的烤蕃薯

B :裝在箱子裡,然後綁上緞帶的烤蕃薯


選 B ?大錯特錯!

── 兩者相較之下,用樸實的報紙包著、冒出陣陣 香味及熱氣的烤蕃薯,反而更能刺激購買欲,






即使木村拓哉、布萊德彼特造型很優,如果你不是那個 Type ,用同樣的造型也不見得能帥到哪裡去!













可以把深色系列的長褲套裝,例如黑色、棕色、木炭色或海軍色,作為一個正式的職業著裝,這通常被稱作是職場的“硬”套裝。除此之外,還可以準備一些“軟”套裝,例如兩件套 (無袖或短袖毛衣配長袖毛衣外套 ),在商務休閒的場合可以選擇把毛衣綁在肩膀兩側。


Which outfit should you not wear to work?

Wear to Work Mistake #1 - Short Skirts

Wear to work mistake #1 is wearing a skirt or dress that's too short. Even if you look fabulous in very short skirts, save the minis for date night or other occasions outside of the workplace. Short women especially need to be mindful that a mini-skirt may make them look girlish (if not sexy), and that's a look to avoid in a business setting where women want to be taken seriously.

Wear to Work Mistake #2 - Cleavage Showing

Wear to work mistake #2 is showing cleavage. Even Hillary Clinton, who's known more for wearing business/formal pantsuits than sexy tops, took some flack from commentators for cleavage showing during a Senate speech in 2008. This is another look that's too sexy for the office and best saved for non-work occasions.

Wear to Work Mistake #3 – Stilettos

Wear to work mistake #3 is wearing sky-high stilettos. While high heels are fine for the workplace, and most petites enjoy the extra height, when heels are too high, they read as too sexy. Another downside is that very high stilettos are terribly uncomfortable to wear all day. Recently I was at the bank, and I noticed that one of the officers was tottering around on 6-inch stilettos. She could barely walk in her beautiful shoes. The best look for business: sleek shoes with a heel height that you can live in for a day's work.

Wear to Work Mistake #4 - Distracting Jewelry

Wear to work mistake #4 is wearing distracting jewelry. Huge hoops or chandelier earrings, an armful of bangles, big statement necklaces, or rings on every finger qualify as too much distraction, as does some body jewelry. While jangly and dangly can be fun for casual wear, less is more when it comes to jewelry for work.

Wear to Work Mistake #5 – Jeans

Wear to work mistake #5 is wearing jeans. Although jeans are acceptable in certain workplaces and in others only on "casual Friday," they're not really up to code when it comes to business/casual attire because the workplace emphasis remains more on "business" than "casual." If wearing jeans is acceptable in your workplace, opt for dark wash jeans because not only does a darker color make women look slimmer, but it also makes us look taller. Dark jeans make for a neater look, always good to maintain for business.

Wear to Work Mistake #6 - Flip Flops

Wear to work mistake #6 is wearing flip flops. I love my flip flops and live in them in the summer--but not at work. Flip flops are far too casual to wear in the workplace unless you're working at the beach.

男同學 !去買件襯衫吧 !

Thank you