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Distractions & Diversions

during The Depression

• Dionne Quintuplets!

• Ontario government took over their care as their family was extremely poor

• They rarely saw their parents or siblings and were constantly tested and observed

• A road was built to the nursery so people could come and see them

• The Ontario government made over $500 million dollars in the tourist industry they built around these babies (you could buy postcards, mugs and even fertility stones)

• After a 9 year legal battle, the Quintuplets were returned to their family

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7s12ZdqMTU“The Making of Million Dollar Babies”

2:30 Seconds

• The CBC was developed to compete with the rising popularity of American radio programs such as “The Lone Ranger” & “The Happy Gang”

• “Grey Owl”-Archie Belaney

Discussion: When is it appropriate to lie?

• Baseball’s popularity increased with the likes of Babe Ruth…

• The first All-Star game!

• … and the “Negro Leagues” had a faithful following of 25 000 fans.

• King of the Road – Roger Miller

-What lyrics from the song prove that it is about the Great Depression?
