Atendimento Publicitário em Cannes | Grand Prix | Wristband


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4DON'TS FOR winning a LionKCM 2014 Hamburg

grand pr


– Account Service Group Summit | Cannes 2013:

“…you only have one chance to do it the first time. If it works, we can do it even better next time

If it does not work we will learn something”.

win win situation

creative wins

agency wins

client wins

brand wins The idea that winning a Cannes Lion is only good for the Creative team is too

small when compared to the real TRANSFORMATION that this will trigger.

Within the agency, the process is more complicated, so i decided to split it in 4don'ts



  don’t  wait  for  the  brief  –  Not  always  there  is  a  client  brief  provided.  Brands  have  an  integrity,  a  point  of  view,  a  real  truth.      And  you,  as  account  person,  are  the  best  representative  of  the  brand  inside  the  agency.  !So,  share  your  knowledge  with  your  creative  friends.    !For  example,  within  the  agency  the  account  team  prepared  a  material  full  of  information  regarding  our  brands,  products,  context,  category  information.    We  left  these  notice  boards  in  the  Creative  ofCice  and  many  of  them  are  still  there  waiting  for  the  click…  

The idea: Nivea Sun Kids is

about protection. ! Parents care about

their children ! we presented an ad

that care about their children as well.


don’t try this alone


don’t try to do this alone  - Partnership is key. To nourish the idea, you should involve all departments in the approval process of the idea with the client. !When the creative people have the respect of the client it is easier to prove to the client that the idea is powerful. So, make your client and creative guy to really know each other. Have them talk to each other.    To study the viabilitity, it is fundamental to work together using a project manager and his tools. At times it can be necessary to coordinate 4 or 5 suppliers simultaneously while meeting client demands. Innumerous consultations with suppliers are needed to study the best form of execution. And from this, it is fundamental to work with a talented production group working within the time frames and with creativity. And, do not forget to invite the media team on your meetings.  

! The challenge:

stable Technology - Beacon • Thin / Lightweight • Inexpensive • long lasting • Communication (Bluetooth 4.0) • "embedded" in a magazine as a bracelet. !

In the right place • Brazilians take magazines to read on

the beach for a relaxing moments • waterproof paper • Detachable and durable. !

A simple APP: Sets a security radius. That communicates with the bracelet

!      beacon technology magazine

don’t forget to include all those that may end up being



don’t  forget  to  include  all  those  that  may  end  up  being  involved.  -­‐  The  client  becomes  part  of  the  idea.  Together  we  need  to  understand  any  restriction  related  to  the  execution  of  the  idea.  We  have  to  Cind  solutions  and  discuss  each  of  the  problems  the  client  may  foresee.  !We  had  to  sit  down  with  the  responsible  for  Customer  Services  and  Public  Relations  to  develop  an  action  plan  in  case  some  internal  crisis  raises.  We  have  studied  30  possible  questions  and  responses  trying  to  pre-­‐empt  customer  services  concern.      Remember:  A  great  idea  changes  the  reputation  of  a  brand  and  the  company  as  whole.  

senior client, Marketing team ,


PR .

+ account & planning team

creative & media team project manager

rtvc & graphic production team

don’t give in to the first “no” you hear


  don’t  give  in  to  the  9irst  NO  you  hear.-­‐  Be  careful  with  phrases  like  “it  is  a  conservative  account”,  “the  account  is  too  big”,  “the  account  is  international,  we  have  a  lot  of  guidelines  or  we  don’t  have  sufCicient  funds.  It  is  time  to  test  what  is  an  excuse  versus  how  much  brave  you  and  your  client  are  going  to  be.  To  raise  a  great  idea,  at  times  it  can  take  a  year  of  work,  with  3  months  to  get  the  client  approval,  tons  of  meetings.  And  during  this  time  you  are  going  to  need  to  be  a  Cighter  because  there  will  be  plenty  of  excuse  pushing  to  derail  the  ideas.  !

ID Task




Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors

1 0% NIVEA - PULSEIRA 1 day Thu 30/01/14 Thu 30/01/14

2 100% Aprovação cliente 1 day Tue 18/02/14 Tue 18/02/14


4 47% ANÚNCIO 54 days Thu 30/01/14 Fri 18/04/14

5 50% Layout 41 days Thu 30/01/14 Tue 01/04/14

6 100% Desenvolvimento do layout 4 days Thu 30/01/14 Tue 04/02/14

7 100% Aprovação e ajustes de layout 8 days Mon 17/02/14 Wed 26/02/14 6

8 100% Produção (foto, ilustração) 2 days Tue 11/03/14 Wed 12/03/14 7

9 0% Tratamento foto e aprovação cliente 3 days Thu 13/03/14 Mon 17/03/14 8

10 0% Finalização e aprovação final 1 day Tue 18/03/14 Tue 18/03/14 9

11 0% Impressão, faca, etc. 10 days Wed 19/03/14 Tue 01/04/14 10

12 81% Beacons 21 days Wed 19/02/14 Mon 24/03/14

13 100% Compra do material 1 day Wed 19/02/14 Wed 19/02/14 2

14 100% Importação do material 9 days Thu 20/02/14 Fri 07/03/14 13

15 100% Desembaraço de importação 3 days Mon 10/03/14 Wed 12/03/14 14

16 0% Recebimento dos beacons 1 day Thu 13/03/14 Thu 13/03/14 15

17 0% Testes dos beacons com aplicativo 2 days Fri 21/03/14 Mon 24/03/14 52;62

18 0% Montagem 3 days Wed 02/04/14 Fri 04/04/14 11;17

19 0% Entrega do anúncio para veículo 1 day Mon 07/04/14 Mon 07/04/14 39;56;18;17

20 0% Produção no veículo 9 days Tue 08/04/14 Fri 18/04/14 19


22 0% VÍDEO CASE 54 days Thu 30/01/14 Fri 18/04/14

23 0% Anúncio mockup 1 day Wed 19/03/14 Wed 19/03/14

24 0% Montagem dos mockups 1 day Wed 19/03/14 Wed 19/03/14 10

25 18% Vídeo 14 days Wed 12/03/14 Mon 31/03/14


26 Jan '14 02 Feb '14





Project Summary

External Tasks

External Milestone

Inactive Task

Inactive Milestone

Inactive Summary

Manual Task


Manual Summary Rollup

Manual Summary





Page 1

Project: Nivea - Pulseira 5000

Date: Thu 13/03/14

– Tatiana Ponce - Marketing Director

"More than a Lion, that it is really important to us and for your side it is super important… We have business figures to prove that we are also bringing a lot to the company.

It shows that this Lion reflects the improved numbers that we are delivering. We've just received the BHT (Brand Health Tracking ) wave and we are the brand that grew

the most in all areas of the BHT. We increased the most in likeability and awareness in media recall. That it is super important to us.

!So, everything that we are doing is really building together. This represents this work.This is

a beautiful thing to celebrate.: all the parts of the business are doing very well.

–Christian Goetz

“Partnership: best in class.”

–Woody Allen

“90% of success is based on Simply insist.”

thanks obrigada

danke :) group account director at fob brazil