Harry brown age


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Representations of



• All media texts contain stereotypes.

• Stereotypes help audiences to quickly identify and recognise different groups

• Media text most commonly choose to use dominant stereotypes that exist within culture and the media

• Is this true in Harry Brown?

Teenagers and Pensioners

• These are two of the most heavily stereotyped groups within the media.

• It is adults who create media texts and as a result younger or older groups are often marginalised and given very simplistic representations.

Do these stereotypes exist within

Harry Brown?


• Analyse the opening ten minutes of the film

1. How have the VAT codes been used to create representations of Teenagers?

2. Write ten words which sum up the impression you are given of this age group from the opening sequence.

3. Which Micro Elements are helping to reinforce the representation?


Harry Brown

The Teenager

• Is this Representation unique to Harry Brown?

• Where else might we see this stereotype being used?

Everywhere!!!• News

• Advertising

• Music Industry

• Film Industry

• TV Drama

• Comedy

The Elderlyin

Harry Brown

• Which Micro Elements have helped to construct the typical Elderly stereotype?


Analyse the opening ten minutes of the film

1.How have the Micro Elements been used to create representations of The Elderly?

2.Write ten words which sum up the impression you are given of this age group from the opening sequence.

3.Which Micro Elements have helped to construct the typical Elderly stereotype?

How does Harry Brown Challenge the Elderly


What alternative representation are we given?


• “Every man has a breaking point.”

• Harry Brown is a revenge thriller. There is one little difference with this film, the hero is an old age pensioner!

• Once he decides to seek out revenge, how do the micro elements and Michael Caine’s performance change?

Alternative Representations

Key Scenes

•Subway Scene

•Torture Scene

Zeitgeist(Spirit of the Times)

• All media texts are like a sponge. They absorb everything that is happening in the world during the time they are produced.

• Concerns, fears, politics and social issues are often reflected back to audiences through media texts.

Final Scene

• How does the film end? What images and locations do we see?

• How have the VAT codes changed to help convey the message of the film?

• What dominant ideologies does the film promote? Why might different audiences enjoy this film?
