Ramon Ray - Date Your Leads and Marry Your Customers

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Lifecycle Marketing Track - ICON14

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The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Date your Leads and Marry Your Customers with Lifecycle Marketing

Ramon RaySmall Business Evangelist, InfusionsoftTechnology Evangelist, Smallbiztechnology.com@Ramonray

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Our Business Challenges• Not enough leads – “why aren’t more

people interested?” • Not enough follow up with leads –

“almost customers” • Not enough follow up with customers –

“customers are not happy” • Not enough referrals or upsells – “I’m

not getting enough referrals” • Multiple system chaos – “I’m using 3

or 4 different systems to manage my business”

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

You’re Not Alone

Other businesses have the same challenges!

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

You’re Not Alone: The Gleasons (Financial Advisory Services)• Multiple systems to

manage business (Excel and others)

• Spending lots of money to get leads, instead of nurturing the ones they had

Other businesses have the same challenges!

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

You’re Not Alone: Original Runner Company (Shark Tank Season One)

• Kept customer information on index cards

• Overwhelmed by success

Other businesses have the same challenges!

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

You’re Not Alone: Presidential Pools

• Down housing market, cut sales

• 2,000 pools in 2006 to 500 in 210

• Manual data entry

Other businesses have the same challenges!

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.


The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Accounting Software vs Understanding Cash Flow Basics

Having A Twitter Account vs Understanding Content Marketing

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Lifecycle Marketing

Grow sales. Save time.

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

What is Lifecycle Marketing

• Simple framework• Attract customers, grow sales, wow customer

experience• Developed by sales and marketing ninjas• Give you back time for what YOU love• 3 Phases, 3 strategies, many tactics

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Phase One: Attract


Collect Leads

Attract Interest

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Attraction Concepts

• Prospects aren’t looking for your company• Discover you by accident or through your

attraction strategy• Narrow focus• Engage and follow up

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.


The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Target concepts

• Big dreams, rule the world , sell to everyone!• Selling to everyone is inefficient and

expensive• Narrowly define target customer• Meet them where they are

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Successful companies start targeting narrow…

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

If You Sell to Everyone, You Sell to NO ONE

Know who your target market IS and Who it is NOT

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Benefits of clarity in target customer• More focused marketing messages• Find the right type of customer• Design products and services to meet the

right customer• Increased customer satisfaction and referrals

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Your Target CustomerDemographics: Who they are

• Gender • Age• Income • Geography• Education• Ethnicity• Employment level• Size (B2B)

Psychographics: Why the buy

• Values• Motivations• Attitudes• Beliefs

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Your Position Statement

Once you’re clear on your target, it’s time to develop your positioning statement.

The Foundation of Marketing StrategyGreg Head, Infusionsoft Chief Marketing OfficerFriday, April 25th 10:40-11:40

The Big Ideas Track

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Attract Interest

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Your Attract Strategy

• Your attract strategy is a function of your budget, audience and offering.

• Where do your customers hang out?• What can you allocate for marketing

budget?• How will you get noticed?

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Get Noticed!• Content

marketing• Social media• Face to face• Advertising• Partners and


The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Content Marketing is:

• Creating and sharing valuable content that attracts, educates & engages people.

• Telling stories that connect the audience to you and your brand.

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Content Marketing Goals • Educate• Inspire• Entertain• Persuade• Create

conversation• Establish

authority• Lead generation

Consumption Leads to Behavior

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

“We are the AUTHORITY in our market. Thousands of people see the value in our content, and they are calling us instead of us calling them.”-Greg HarrelsonCentury 21 Harrelson group

Demonstrate Authority

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Content Topics Ideas• Cornerstone content (FAQ about

your product)• How-to instructional videos• Concepts or ideas• Opinions or perspectives on current

events• Research and analysis• Tips and tricks• Recommendations• Insider information

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Showcase Your Customers

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Examples of Content Types

• Blog posts• Videos• Images / pictures• Reports• Infographics• Emails• Coupons / offers• Games and Contests

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Social Media is:

• The channel(s) that are used by customers and prospects to communicate among themselves and with companies.

• This communication can result in leads, sales or advocacy.

• Also used as a customer support channel.

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Social Media Marketing Goals • Listen & learn• Engage• Influence• Build community• Build connection &

loyalty• Customer service• Communications• Lead generation Participation Leads to Behavior

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Where is Your Target Market?

• 53% male• 47% female• 65% of users are


• 53% female• 47% male• Largest

demographic is American Women under 25

• 68% female• 32% male• 90% of users

are under 35

• 80% women• 20% male• 1 hr 17 mins

per week (avg. user)

• 50% male• 50% female• Largest

demographic is 18-34 year olds

• 67% male• 33% female• “28 year-old

male techie”

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

“We’ve grown our Facebook page from 300 to more than 14,000 fans. We CONNECT with our followers online.”-Lee RichterHolistic Veterinary Care


The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Social Media Topic Ideas

• Quick response to inquiries, complaints or compliments.

• Current events• New product or service• Customer success stories• Pictures and quotes• Contests• Discounts• Reminders

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Social Media Success is F R E A


Weaving Social Media throughout your Lifecycle Marketing Strategy

Heather Dopson, Manager of Social StrategyThursday, April 24th 1:30-2:30

Lifecycle Marketing Track

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Examples of Other Attract Tactics• Pay per click• Advertisements• Review sites• Direct mail• Directories• Events• Professional organizations• Networking

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Your copy will reflect your target attraction!

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Collect Leads

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Lead collection insight

• Don’t let prospects forget you• Give them a LEAD MAGNET so they

won’t forget you

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Provide Value to Get Value• Webinars• Podcasts• E-books• Training• Discounts• Coupons• Contests

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

After attracting the audience, make the sale or get contact information.

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

“We have identified three questions that allow us to DIVIDE our leads. This allows us to spend our time only on the most qualified and interested ones.”-Heather LemereSalon Success Strategies

Be Efficient

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Get Contact Information

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Lead capture tactics

• Pop-up subscription forms• Forms• Contests , digital fishbowls (or real ones)• Kiosks or tablets at events• Contact information at point of sale

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Phase Two: Sell



The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Selling insight

• Customers have access to massive pre-sales information

• Customers are focused on price and value• Give more value – don’t compete on price

Is your product the OBVIOUS choice for a buyer?

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.


The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Education insight

• Customers pay attention when motivated• Gain their attention via interaction and education• Does your message serve customer needs• Build content to meet needs• Trust is important, takes time• Be helpful, don’t sell, money will come

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Content is the Mentor









) Hero



The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Educators are not selfish. DO NOT BE SELFISH

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Create Amazing Content

1. Know your audience2. Know where they are in the buying

process3. Connect with them by educating them

on topics that they care about4. Create a sequence of positive

(human) experiences that leads them on a journey to purchase

5. Always follow up

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

“We FOLLOW UP. Our email messaging is very personal and all emails are written as if I were sitting down to write an email to an individual, never a list.”-Nadine LarderPrinter Bees

Follow up

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Follow up best practices

• Follow up should be to a segmented audience and be personable.

• Personable – means it’s sent from a real person. Do not send “no reply” emails.

• Segmented – means that you can speak to the person as if they are the only person that matters. No general emails!

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

What Do Your Customers Care About?

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.


The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Offer insight

• Understand customer buying process to make a good offer• Create buying process map• Lead scoring helps spend time with high converting

prospects• Optimal offer time: When they’re evaluating options,

before finalize recommendations

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Misconceptions“There is a misconception in the world that selling hard turns your audience off and gives your company a bad vibe.

There are two qualifiers necessary before you can sell hard and not have any backlash — permission and relevancy.

People only feel icky about being sold to when either they didn't give you permission to do so, or the content/product/service you are offering (and the way you are selling) isn't relevant to them.”– Aaron Stead

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

“We designed a custom 2-step order process that has allowed us to increase overall SALES significantly.”-Bill HarneyKeeping Current Matters

Make it Easy

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Sales Offer Tactics – Short Sales Cycle•Free offers and trials•Discounts•One-click upsells•Product pairing•Chat support•Make it easy to buy•Cart abandonment sequences•Active engagement on social media to drive awareness and sales •Social media offers are linked to product

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Sales Offer Tactics – Long Sales Cycle•Lead scoring•Onboarding sequences•Detailed FAQ•Long sales page•Social and content marketing to drive awareness and establish authority or expertise

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.


The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Close best practices

• Beyond exchange of money• It’s about clear communication• Good presence• Written documentation• Payment process

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Ensure Sales Excellence in Staff - Training

• Written process• Training• Call listening• Coaching and

feedback• Automate if possible

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

“With a small sales team and hundreds of prospects to track, the AUTOMATION helps keep any one prospect from falling through the cracks.”-Mario GuerreroModern Martial Arts


The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Phase Three: Wow

Deliver & Wow Offer More


The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

What makes your business different?

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Deliver and Wow

More than you promised.

Above and Beyond Expectations

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

“We HUMANIZE the interaction between the customer and their cleaner. We serve our customers with pride and instill pride in all our employees and their chosen career.”-Lisa MacqueenCleancorp

Be Human

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

The $5.00 ChallengeWhat could you do with $5 or less to wow every new customer?

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Offer More

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Emotional bank account

• Deposit good will• Trust grows• Stronger

relationships develop• Make a timely

withdrawal (more sales)

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Offer more best practice…• Cross sell: customers aren’t aware of perfect

product/service matches• Upsell: Listen to customer needs and ways you

can provide added value• New products: What new solutions might

customers want from you

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Offer More: Strategic plan

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.


The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Referral insights

• Costs less to market to existing customers• Referrals is lowest cost of marketing• Referral strategies help customers develop

referral habits• Wow customers with service to rock referrals

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

“We PARTNER with other businesses who help us spread the word to more people than just through our own efforts”-Tom ForceICE Keytags


The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Make Referring Easy

• Ask customers for referrals.• Reward customers who refer.• Send customers a link to a review site• Leverage social media to create

online word of mouth. • Create a partner referral program. • Make it easy.• Offer the right incentives. • Treat referrals as VIPs.

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

You have the framework for your success.

Are You Ready to Thrive?

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Small Business Sales and Marketing Scorecard

Get Your Score at: www.SmallBizMarketingScore.com

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

What’s Next

• Other Lifecycle Marketing sessions• Commitment to implement one thing

you learned today• See the awesome results• Implement more improvements• Spend some time doing what you


The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Lifecycle Marketing

Grow sales. Save time.

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Do you want to host Lifecycle Marketing in Your Home Town? ½ Day Sales and Marketing Clinic (PR, branding, media)

Ramon RaySmall Business Evangelist, InfusionsoftTechnology Evangelist, Smallbiztechhnology.com@Ramonray

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

½ Day Sales and Marketing Clinic- Lifecycle Marketing- Personal Branding- Free Publicity through Media Coverage- Social Media for Business

Ramon RaySmall Business Evangelist, InfusionsoftTechnology Evangelist, Smallbiztechhnology.com@Ramonray

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.


Ramon RaySmall Business Evangelist, InfusionsoftTechnology Evangelist, Smallbiztechhnology.com@Ramonray

The Ultimate Event for Small Business Success.

Ramon RaySmall Business Evangelist, InfusionsoftTechnology Evangelist, Smallbiztechhnology.com@Ramonray
