Social media in Sri Lanka: A brief introduction


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Social media in Sri Lanka: A brief introduction

Sanjana Hattotuwa Editor, Groundviews, TED Fellow Alumn

‘glocal’ pulse A local and global nervous system

twitter : a pulse of #srilanka

twitter : a pulse of #srilanka

facebook: a pulse of #srilanka

Facebook live: a pulse of #srilanka

instagram: a pulse of #srilanka

Post-2015 Conversations on Twitter

Social witnessing

• Over 42% want Govt Ministers to use social media to engage with the public.

• 18 – 24 want Q&A (20.8%), older groups want updates from events they attend. Younger want interaction, older want information (narrowcasting vs broadcasting generation?).

• Majority want information and news updates on a daily basis.

• Reframing Youth apathy? Disinterest by young adults?

• The most engaged in political and social issues seem to be the youngest and oldest demographics in the survey

• Not everyone needs to be connected to web to be influenced by it

• The influence of content on social media in particular, and online content in general, extends to groups well beyond those who are directly connected to, and participating in these online networks.

• This also puts to rest the often quoted myth that since Internet penetration is relatively low in the country, content shared online has little to no footprint in the larger public consciousness.

Consumption is already shifting online, away from terrestrial broadcast

Social sharing, time shifting, mobile first

Mainstream media over social media

Clips vs. programmes

Photography vs. text or audio

Resolution of screen vs. length of article

“The primary results shows that the internet, mainly the social media, is becoming game


Ranga Kalansuriya

“…almost half of the sample feels that the media content impacted on their decisions to some extent

at the elections”

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