windows 10


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By S.karthikeyan

Abstract Introduction Ancient civilization to artificial intelligence Why windows 10 Start menu is back with bang Multiple desktop support Modern UI Apps Now Run in Classic Desktop Cortana- personal digital assistant Microsoft edge Devices it runs Security Android vs windows 10 conclusion

Introduction Microsoft has finally released the successor of Windows 8 and it’s

called Windows 10. The new operating system by Microsoft promises to iron out all the

flaws that made users loathe Windows 8. We decided to take Windows 10 for a spin to see if it is anything that

it promises to be and I must admit, it was quite impressive.

Ancient civilization to Artificial intelligence

Why windows 10

Newfeatures than previous versions Its familiar- This combines the strengths of Windows 8 with

Windows 7. Its productivity-Multi-doing helps you get to “done” faster its personal- Touch2, type, write5: the choice is yours so you

can use whatever works best for what you’re doing. Its flexibility The best screen is always the one you’re on


Multiple desktop

Modern UI apps in classic Desktop

Ancient civilization to AI


Microsoft Edge

Features of EDGE

Universal windows app Search faster in the address bar Cortana support Take notes and share Read effective Highlight + clip + save

Device it runs

Ancient civilization to AI


Microsoft aunthentication root Identity Protection and Access Control Information Protection Threat Resistance

Windows 10 VS android

Ancient civilization to AI


Windows is the best operating system available because of its user-friendly GUI which everyone tried to copy or beat, but failed. Windows also has the simplest installation methods. There are only two operating systems at the moment: UNIX/Linux and Windows. Everything else falls in between. If it were not for Windows we would be using poorer hardware. Being free is not an excuse to being a failure. Windows is analogous to Manchester United in English football. Everyone hates Manchester United but it is arguably one of, if not the strongest English team. By the way, MacOSX is UNIX. Linux is UNIX. Every other operating system is LINUX. Enough said.

