Jaya kailasa pate


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Jaya Kailasa Pate

Lyrics 1. Jaya kailasa pate shiva shankara 2. Sa amba sada shiva shambho 3. Parthi eshwara sai shiva shambho 4. Saileshwara karunamaya shankara 5. Lingodhbhava kara shiva shambho 6. Thrishula jatadhara gangadhari 7. Ala hala dhara shambho 8. Sa amba sada shiva shambho 9. Partheeshwara sai shiva shambho

Inner Significance

This bhajan describes the male and female

energies that co-exist

harmoniously in Lord Shiva.

Observation 1:The meaning of the lines : 1. Jaya kailasa pate shiva shankara 2. Sa amba sada shiva shambho 3. Parthi eshwara sai shiva shambho

‘Sa’ means together ; ‘amba’ means mother ; ‘Sai’ = ‘Sa’ + ‘ ai ‘; ‘Sa’ means together and ‘ai’

means mother. Basically , the line 2 refers to the one who is both

the Mother and Father, residing in Kailash. The line 3 refers to the one who is both the the

Mother and Father, who is the Lord of Parthi.

Observation 2: The lines 4 and 5 bring out the combination of

success and humility in Shiva. The lines say that he is ‘Saileshwara’ : The

Lord of the Mountain, symbolizing the one who has achieved a lot and climbed the mountain of success.

At the same time, He is full of compassion and Performs the Lingodhbhava , going through all the pain for the welfare of Humanity.

These show how the opposite energies (male and female) co-exist in Shiva !

Observation 3: The lines 6 and 7 bring out the fact that Lord

Shiva is the Master of Life. He drinks Poison and nothing happens to Him.

He is indeed the Master of the Life force ! He gives Life in the form of Ganga and takes

away Life in the form of Trishula. This also exhibits the co-existence of opposite

energies in Shiva.