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ZAY Jerusalem ירושלים יוסף אברהם זכרון

" ' ל ז יוסף אברהם ר נשמת לזכר( " א שליט ירוחם דניאל הרב (בן

קרליבך " ' " ז תשנ ה ניסן ט כ נפטר

What is


About a year ago, a friend of mine called me to ask me to come with him to a party

His friend Zevi had just finished the Mesechta he was learning, and decided to make a Siyum in the States.

Chaim GoldstienZAY Member

My friend said, “Zevi arranged a Thursday night kumzitz and siyum with some friends. It will be great.”

ZAY Member

Chaim Goldstien

I was scared to go inside as I had never met this guy Zevi. I was sitting on the steps outside, not wanting to go in. This guy came out and introduced himself to me and asked me to come inside. Zevi told me he didn’t want me to hang out on his steps.

Chaim GoldstienZAY Member

After the party I told Zevi, that I too would like to make a siyum.

Let me describe myself at that time to you;

I was not wearing a Yarmulka, I was wearing chains, a ripped T-shirt and jeans, and I was saying I wanted to make a Siyum.

Chaim GoldstienZAY Member

Zevi spoke to me for a bit, I told him that I have some friends learning in Ohr Yitzchak with R’ Binyamin Wallerstein. I told him I might start going. He said amazing!!! We exchanged email addresses, he told me he wanted to know when my Siyum was going to be, and that we should be in touch. A while later Zevi got in touch with me and asked me how I was doing. I told him I had recently started keeping Shabbos again, after many years. He complimented me, telling me how great it is.

ZAY Member

Chaim Goldstien

I had made a decision to go learn in Eretz Yisroel.

Unfortunately the Yeshiva I was attending did not work out and I had nowhere to go.

I called Zevi and told him that I needed a place to stay. He said come down to my neighborhood, we will schmooze.

Chaim GoldstienZAY Member

I went to his neighborhood, he took me out for lunch. I told him my situation, he said, “I have an extra bed in my apartment, but it’s just for a few days,

until we find you something.”

Chaim GoldstienZAY Member

After speaking with his Rebbi, Rabbi Dov Keilson, he came back to me and told me, “You are going to be staying here, this is your bed.” He gave me a schedule with shachris, first seder, Mincha, second seder, ma’ariv, night seder, and then some other seder. He also told me that I would be making a Siyum before Purim.

I thought he was joking.

Chaim GoldstienZAY Member

Seven months later, I am davening three times a day with a minyan, I am learning four sedarim every day, I love what I am learning, and I just made a siyum. All of which would not have happened without the love, care, support and encouragement that Zevi and the crew at ZAY, my friends, were able to provide.

Chaim GoldstienZAY Member

And that Friends, is

How ZAY Started!!

We are doing it!! Lets do it right!

We at ZAY want to offer you an opportunity to join us on our mission.

To join us on this unique task. Dedications are available, call our

office (347)624-6092 or email

Our Programs

• Boys emergency dorm.• Chavrusa / Mentoring Program within the regular

yeshiva program or with our own program.• “Alternative Yeshiva”.• Trips.• Incentive Programs.• Motzaei Shabbos activities .• Soldiers chizzuk group – about to get started.

Boys emergency dorm.

A boy is asked to leave the Yeshiva he was in for making a mistake. What does he do? Where does he go?

These boys come to ZAY’s emergency dorm, where they can get a bed for a night. Our staff will encourage the boy to beg to be taken back into Yeshiva. Some times we will tell the boy he can stay for two weeks, but he has to go to yeshiva every day, and really prove himself to his hanhala.

Chavrusa / Mentoring Program

Sometimes a boy who is in a “regular” Yeshiva setting, is finding it difficult to keep up. The boy is asking us for help. We will get him a chavrusa / mentor, who will be his personal “Rebbi” who will help him through the z’man. Our Mentors will teach them life skills that they can take and put to use for the rest of their lives.

We work with each boy separately. For some it is twice daily. For others it is one a month. Each on their own level.

Many boys are taken back into the program they came from, provided they keep up with their mentor.

“Alternative Yeshiva”.

When a boy just can’t get back into a regular structure. We custom a structure to fit his needs. These boys sleep in our emergency dorm, are provided with chavrusas and mentors. They are given three meals daily.

We have found this program very successful. We already have had boys finish full mesechtos and know it through this program.


Bein Hazmanim, Chanuka etc.We take the boys on trips. Sometimes one at a

time and sometimes up to 15 at a time.It helps build a kesher between the staff and the boys, as well as between the boys who are growing themselves.

We have a few shabbatons annually. Where we go away with ten to fifteen boys at a time.

Incentive Programs.

Many boys really want to do well. They have come to Eretz Yisroel to become better people. Something is blocking them, while our mentors are working on that issue, we want the boys to be living a normal life style. They just need a bit of encouragement. We have incentive program to provide that. It is the starter. It gets them moving. “mitoch shelo l’shma ba l’shma”. Each to their own Level.

Motzaei Shabbos activities .

A time when a lot of boys find themselves getting into trouble, is when the have too much “FREE” time, such as Motzaei Shabbosim. We try to take the boys out, usually a group of 5-6 boys. We take them to have a melava malka and then to have some fun such as Bowling, pool, mini golf etc.

These trips are supervised by ZAY staff to ensure that the boys start their week off on the right foot.

Soldiers chizzuk group –

about to get started.

There are many young boys whose parents are Israeli but they grew up in the US or UK, and then got drafted or volunteered to serve in the army. We will be there for them to help them find Shabbos meals when they are off base. We are setting up a Thursday night “Mishmor” for boys in training or in service that get off for the weekends, where they can come together and learn a little gemara or a little about the parsha and get some chizzuk to help them get through their time in the army.

Chavrusa Mentoring Program


About Our


Since his father was a young man when he left this world, Zevi does not remember much. But what he does remember he will carry with him for the rest of his life.

Our Founder

Zevi Carlebach,Founder & Director

Zevi clearly remembers many nights, after doing homework, getting into the car to talk to “Daddy”, who would drive to the closest bus stop and ask people there if they needed a ride. He would drop them off then go to the next stop, he did not ask for money.

Our Founder

Zevi Carlebach,Founder & Director

“Daddy” used to take him every Thursday night to Tomchei Shabbos to deliver food to those who needed. He did it out of his love for people, and to show his son, Zevi how important it is to help someone in need, in any way you can.

Our Founder

Zevi Carlebach,Founder & Director

Our Founder

Zevi Carlebach,Founder & Director

After his father was niftar Zevi felt lost and alone.

Then Zevi he found his Rebbi, Rabbi Yaakov Bender Shlit”a, who understood him and his situation, and became a “father figure” in his life. He listens when something is bothering him and always knows what to say, and how to say it.

Zevi’s Rebbi picked up on his need to help others. Shortly after he joined the yeshiva a parent came with his blind son. The yeshiva put him in Zevi’s class and he got the Z’chus to walk this boy to lunch and spend recess breaks with him.

Our Founder

Zevi Carlebach,Founder & Director

“Many times we think we are helping other people by assisting them, but really we are the ones being helped. I did it totally Shelo Leshma and I gained more then that boy did. I did it for myself, because it was what I needed to do to feel like I was continuing my father’s work in every way I could.”

Our Founder

Zevi Carlebach,Founder & Director

Our Founder

Zevi Carlebach,Founder & Director

“When I realized I had someone I could trust, I knew I was secure. I felt able to move on. I always wanted to emulate the ways of my father, to carry his life onward.”

Fast forward to today. Zevi is finishing up a course in life coaching. He feels that everything he has gone through was all Hashem’s doing to guide him to where and what he is today.

Our Founder

Zevi Carlebach,Founder & Director

ZAY Jerusalem ירושלים יוסף אברהם זכרון

" ' ל ז יוסף אברהם ר נשמת לזכר) " א) שליט ירוחם דניאל הרב בן

קרליבך We at ZAY want to offer you an opportunity to join us on our mission. To join us on this unique task. Dedications are available, call our office (347)624-6092 or email