Nina Gadshibiklinskaja

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Нина Гаджибиклинская

Лилианна Волоховаучитель физической культуры

МОУ «Тверская СОШ»Тверская область Калининский район

Мермерины 2013

I want to tell about the man who opened me a road to the world of sports.

Nina Gadshibiklinskaja honored coach of rhythmic gymnastics.

She trained girls in the sports society "Burevestnik".

We called her tenderly grandmother, because she is kind, attentive and careful. Thanks to her persistence and patience of many of its students were able to achieve high results and get the proud title of master of sports of the USSR.

Now the love of the sport instill its numerous pupils of his disciples.

Thank You very much, Nina Fedorovna, for what You are!