페이스북과 기존 플랫폼 통합 방법




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정윤호 January 2013

소셜 어플리케이션 전문기업 유저스토리랩 대표이사 http://userstorylab.com

태터앤컴퍼니/태터앤미디어 기획팀장 네이버 뉴스 기획팀 오마이뉴스 전략기획팀 서강대학교 경영학과 졸업

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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook_F8 참조

https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ 참조

Building an app on Facebook gives you the opportunity to deeply integrate into the core Facebook experience. Your app can integrate with many aspects of Facebook.com, including the News Feed and Notifications. All of the core Facebook Platform technologies, such as Social Plugins, the Graph API and Platform Dialogs are available to Apps on Facebook.

Facebook Pages are a heavily used feature of Facebook. Major brands, celebrities, etc. use Facebook Pages as their "social home" on the web. One of the most interesting features of Apps on Facebook. com is the ability for your app to be used within the context of a Facebook Page. You can find a great example of this kind of integration on the Coca-Cola Page.

Facebook Platform makes both native and mobile web apps social. Use Facebook Login to access the user's social graph (without yet another username/password) and create a personalized experience. Find out more about the Facebook SDKs for iOS and Android.

Facebook Platform enables you to make your web site more social. You can use our Social Plugins, such as the Like Button to drive user engagement with a single line of HTML. Our Login Button and Registration Plugin let you simplify or eliminate your own user registration and sign-in. Lastly, the Graph API lets you access the full social graph of a given user, allowing you to create a truly deep personal experience.


타임라인앱에서는 방식으로데이터를페이스북에전달한다

페이스북서버는 요청을받는즉시파라미터 로전달받은웹페이지를방문한다 이때방문한페이지의메타데이타 를해석하여필요한데이터를추출하고 썸네일등필요한이미지를얻어페이스북서버에데이터를캐싱하게된다

이와같이페이스북에저장된데이터는사용자의타임라인 뉴스피드 지금이순간 등에노출된다
