Kaggle presentation


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Winning Kaggle Competitions

Hendrik Jacob van Veen - Nubank Brasil

About Kaggle

Biggest platform for competitive data science in the world

Currently 500k + competitors

Great platform to learn about the latest techniques and avoiding overfit

Great platform to share and meet up with other data freaks


Get a good score as fast as possible

Using versatile libraries

Model ensembling

Get a good score as fast as possible

Get the raw data into a universal format like SVMlight or Numpy arrays.

Failing fast and failing often / Agile sprint / Iteration

Sub-linear debugging: “output enough intermediate information as a calculation is progressing to determine before it finishes whether you've injected a major defect or a significant improvement.” Paul Mineiro

Using versatile libraries


Vowpal Wabbit



Other tools get Scikit-learn API wrappers

Model Ensembling








General Strategy

Try to create “machine learning”-learning algorithms with optimized pipelines that are:

Data agnostic (Sparse, dense, missing values, larger than memory)

Problem agnostic (Classification, regression, clustering)

Solution agnostic (Production-ready, PoC, latency)

Automated (Turn on and go to bed)

Memory-friendly (Don’t want to pay for AWS)

Robust (Good generalization, concept drift, consistent)

First Overview I

Classification? Regression?

Evaluation Metric


Benchmark code

“Predict human activities based on their smartphone usage. Predict if a user is sitting, walking etc.” - Smartphone User Activity Prediction

Given the HTML of ~337k websites served to users of StumbleUpon, identify the paid content disguised as real content. - Dato Truly Native?

First Overview II







0.28309984, -0.025501173, … , -0.11118051, 0.37447712

<!Doctype html><html><head><meta charset=utf-8> … </html>

First Overview III

Data size?


Number of train samples & test samples?

Online or offline learning?

Linear problem or non-linear problem?

Previous competitions that were similar?


If: Issues with the data -> Tedious clean-up

Join JSON tables, Impute missing values, Curse Kaggle and join another competition

Else: Get data into Numpy arrays, we want:

X_train, y, X_test

Local Evaluation

Set up local evaluation according to competition metric

Create a simple benchmark (useful for exploration and discarding models)

5-fold stratified cross-validation usually does the trick

Very important step for fast iteration and saving submissions, yet easy to be lazy and use leaderboard.

Area Under the Curve, Multi-Class Classification Accuracy

Data Exploration

Min, Max, Mean, Percentiles, Std, Plotting

Can detect: leakage, golden features, feature engineering tricks, data health issues.

Caveat: At least one top 50 Kaggler used to not look at the data at all:

“It’s called machine learning for a reason.”

Feature Engineering I

Log-transform count features, tf-idf transform text features

Unsupervised transforms / dimensionality reduction

Manual inspection of data

Dates -> day of month, is_holiday, season, etc.

Create histograms and cluster similar features

Using VW-varinfo or XGBfi to check 2-3-way interactions

Row stats: mean, max, min, number of NA’s.

Feature Engineering II

Bin numerical features to categorical features

Bayesian encoding of categorical features to likelihood

Genetic programming

Random-swap feature elimination

Time binning (customer bought in last week, last month, last year …)

Expand data (Coates & Ng, Random Bit Regression)

Automate all of this

Feature Engineering III

Categorical features need some special treatment

Onehot-encode for linear models (sparsity)

Colhot-encode for tree-based models (density)

Counthot-encode for large cardinality features

Likelihood-encode for experts…

Algorithms I

A bias-variance trade-off between simple and complex models

Algorithms II

There is No Free Lunch in statistical inference

We show that all algorithms that search for an extremum of a cost function perform exactly the same, when averaged over all possible cost functions. – Wolpert & Macready, No free lunch theorems for search

Practical Solution for low-bias low-variance models:

Use prior knowledge / experience to limit search (Let algo’s play to their known strengths for particular problems)

Remove or avoid their weaknesses

Combine/Bag their predictions

Random Forests I

A Random Forest is an ensemble of decision trees.

"Random forests are a combination of tree predictors such that each tree depends on the values of a random vector sampled independently and with the same distribution for all trees in the forest. […] More robust to noise - “Random Forest" Breiman

Random Forests II



Easy to tune

Easy to inspect

Easy to explore data with

Good Benchmark

Very wide applicability

Can introduce randomness / Diversity


Memory Hungry


Slower for test time


A GBM trains weak models on samples that previous models got wrong

"A method is described for converting a weak learning algorithm [the learner can produce an hypothesis that performs only slightly better than random guessing] into one that achieves arbitrarily high accuracy." - “The Strength of Weak Learnability" Schapire



Can achieve very good results

Can model complex problems

Works on wide variety of problems

Use custom loss functions

No need to scale data


Slower to train

Easier to overfit than RF

Weak learner assumption is broken along the way

Tricky to tune



Classification and Regression using Support Vectors

"Nothing is more practical than a good theory." ‘The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory’, Vapnik



Strong theoretical guarantees

Tuning regularization parameter helps prevent overfit

Kernel Trick: Use custom kernels, turn linear kernel into non-linear kernel

Achieve state-of-the-art on select problems


Slower to train

Memory heavy

Requires a tedious grid-search for best performance

Will probably time-out on large datasets

Nearest Neighbours I

Look at the distance to other samples

"The nearest neighbor decision rule assigns to an unclassified sample point the classification of the nearest of a set of previously classified points." ‘Nearest neighbor pattern classification’, Cover et. al.

Nearest Neighbours II





Easy to tune

Detect near-duplicates



Does not work well on average

Depending on data size: Slow

Perceptron I

Update weights when wrong prediction, else do nothing

The embryo of an electronic computer that [the Navy] expects will be able to walk, talk, see, write, reproduce itself and be conscious of its existence. ‘New York Times’, Rosenblatt

Perceptron II


Cool / Street Cred

Extremely Simple

Fast / Sparse updates

Online Learning

Works well with text


Other linear algo’s usually beat it

Does not work well on average

No regularization

Neural Networks I

Inspired by biological systems (Connected neurons firing when threshold is reached)

Because of the "all-or-none" character of nervous activity, neural events and the relations among them can be treated by means of propositional logic. […] for any logical expression satisfying certain conditions, one can find a net behaving in the fashion it describes. ‘A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity’, McCulloch & Pitts

Neural Networks II


The best for images

Can model any function

End-to-end Training

Amortizes feature representation


Can be difficult to set up

Not very interpretable

Requires specialized hardware

Underfit / Overfit

Vowpal Wabbit I

Online learning while optimizing a loss function

We present a system and a set of techniques for learning linear predictors with convex losses on terascale datasets, with trillions of features, billions of training examples and millions of parameters in an hour using a cluster of 1000 machines. ‘A Reliable Effective Terascale Linear Learning System’, Agarwal et al.

Vowpal Wabbit II


Fixed memory constraint

Extremely fast

Feature expansion

Difficult to overfit



Different API

Manual feature engineering

Loses against boosting

Requires practice

Hashing can obscure


Factorization Machines




Ridge Regression


Genetic Algorithms


Logistic Regression

Quantile Regression



Ensembles I

Combine models in a way that outperforms individual models.

“That’s how almost all ML competitions are won” - ‘Dark Knowledge’ Hinton et al.

Ensembles reduce the chance of overfit.

Bagging / Averaging -> Lower variance, slightly lower bias

Blending / Stacking -> Remove biases of base models

Ensembles II

Practical tips:

Use diverse models

Use diverse feature sets

Use many models

Do not leak any information

Stacked Generalization I

Train one model on the predictions of another model

A scheme for minimizing the generalization error rate of one or more generalizers. Stacked generalization works by deducing the biases of the generalizer(s) with respect to a provided learning set. This deduction proceeds by generalizing in a second space whose inputs are (for example) the guesses of the original generalizers when taught with part of the learning set and trying to guess the rest of it, and whose output is (for example) the correct guess. - ‘Stacked Generalization’, Wolpert

Stacked Generalization II

Train one model on the predictions of another model

Stacked Generalization III

Using weak base models vs. using strong base models

Using average of out-of-fold predictors vs. One model for testing

One can also stack features when these are not available in test set.

Can share train set predictions based on different folds


We need to go deeper:

Splitting node: x1 > 5? 1 else 0

Decision tree: x1 > 5 AND x2 < 12?

Random forest: avg ( x1 > 5 AND x2 < 12?, x3 > 2? )

Stacking-1: avg ( RF1_pred > 0.9?, RF2_pred > 0.92? )

Stacking-2: avg ( S1_pred > 0.93?, S2_pred < 0.77? )

Stacking-3: avg ( SS1_pred > 0.98?, SS2_pred > 0.97? )

Bagging Predictors I

Averaging submissions to reduce variance

"Bagging predictors is a method for generating multiple versions of a predictor and using these to get an aggregated predictor." - "Bagging Predictors". Breiman

Bagging Predictors II

Train models with:

Different data sets

Different algorithms

Different features subsets

Different sample subsets

Then average / vote aggregate these

Bagging Predictors III

One can average with:

Plain average

Geometric mean

Rank mean

Harmonic mean

KazAnova’s brute-force weighted averaging

Caruana’s forward greedy model selection

Brute-Force Weighted Average

Create out-of-fold predictions for train set for n models

Pick a stepsize s, and set n weights

Try every possible weight with stepsize s

Look which set of n weights improves the train set score the most

Can do in cross-validation-style manner for extra robustness.

Greedy forward model selection (Caruana)

Create out-of-fold predictions for the train set

Start with a base ensemble of 3 best models

Loop: Add every model from library to ensemble and pick 4 models that give best train score performance

Using place-back of models, models can be picked multiple times (weighing them)

Using random subset selection from library in loop avoids overfitting to single best model.

Automated Stack ’n Bag I

Automatically train 1000s of models and 100s of stackers, then average everything.

“Hodor!” - Hodor

Automated Stack ’n Bag II


Train random models, random parameters, random data set transforms, random feature sets, random sample sets.


Train random models, random parameters, random base models, with and without original features, random feature sets, random sample sets.


Average random selection of Stackers and Generalizers. Either pick best model, or create more random bags and keep averaging, ‘till no increase.

Automated Stack ’n Bag III


Wins Kaggle competitions

Best generalization

No tuning

No selection

No human bias


Extremely slow



Very complex

Bad for environment

Leakage I

“The introduction of information about the data mining target, which should not be legitimately available to mine from.” - ‘Leakage in Data Mining: Formulation, Detection, and Avoidance’, Kaufman et. al.

“one of the top ten data mining mistakes” - ‘Handbook of Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Applications.’, Nisbet et. al.

Leakage II

Exploiting Leakage:

In predictive modeling competitions: Allowed and beneficial for results

In Science and Business: A very big NO NO!

In both: Accidental (Complex algo’s find leakage automatically, or KNN finds duplicates)

Leakage III

Dato Truly Native?

This task suffered from data collection leakage:

Dates and certain keywords (Trump) were indicative, and generalized to private LB (but not generalize to future data).

Smartphone activity prediction

This task had not enough randomization (order of samples in train and test set was indicative)

Could manually change predictions, because classes were clustered.

Winning Dato Truly Native? I

Invented StackNet

“Data science is a team sport”: it helps to join up with #1 Kaggler :)

We used basic NLP: Cleaning, lowercasing, stemming, ngrams, chargrams, tf-idf, SVD.

Trained a lot of different models on different datasets.

Started ensembling in the last 2 weeks.

Doing research and fun stuff, while waiting for models to complete.

XGBoost the big winner (somewhat rare to use boosting for sparse text)

Winning Dato Truly Native? II

Winning Smartphone Activity Prediction I

Prototyped Automated Stack ’n Bag (Kaggle Killer).

Let computer run for two days

Automatically inferred feature types

Did not look at the data

Beat very stiff competition

Winning Smartphone Activity Prediction I

General strategy

Being #1 during competition sucks.

Team up

Go crazy with ensembling

Do not worry so much about replication that it freezes progress

Check previous competitions

Be patient and persistent (dont run out of steam)

Automate a lot

Stay up-to-date with State-of-the-art algorithms and tools

Complexity vs. Practicality I

Most Kaggle winner models are useless for production. It’s about hyper-optimization. Top 10% probably good enough for business.

But what if we could use some Top 1% principles from Kaggle models for business?

1-5% increase in accuracy can matter a lot!

Batch jobs allow us to overcome latency constraints

Ensembles are technically brittle, but give good generalization.

Leave no model behind!

Complexity vs. Practicality II


Use re-usable holdout set

Use contextual bandits for training the ensemble

Find more models to add to library

Ensemble pruning / compression

Interpretable black box models
