MariaDB 通信驱动服务器



MariaDB 通信驱动服务器 (出处: OSSEZ)

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MariaDB: Community Driven SQL Server

Kurt von Finck

Chief Community and Communications Officer

Michael “Monty” Widenius


Monty Program

Our presentation

Kurt von Finck

Chief Community and Communications O!cer

The project: why it exists, how it works, what you may expect, how you can get involved.

Monty Widenius


Technical details about current MariaDB development that a"ect our community members.

Question and answer period

MariaDB: Community Driven SQL Server

Kurt von Finck

Chief Community and Communications Officer

Monty Program

What is MariaDB?

A branch of MySQL

User-level compatible (drop-in replacement)

Developed by Monty Program in full cooperation with an active community

GPL licensed

Open: open code, open community, open licenses

Monty Program

MariaDB – A branch of MySQL

MySQL is a registered trademark of Sun in the United States, the European Union, and other countries.

MySQL is licensed under the GPL

The GPL allows branching/forking

Branching allows di"erent development models and di"erent development styles

Branching/forking tends to be a last choice

Monty Program

MariaDB – A drop-in replacement

MySQL has a long track record, and a large install base

MySQL DBAs and other users are familiar with the product

MySQL is a cornerstone of the LAMP stack

MariaDB seeks to be as least disruptive as possible to existing workflows and deployments

Monty Program

MariaDB – Community developed

The strength of Open Source is a robust community development model

MariaDB welcomes outside contributors and their work

We strive for inclusivity, a relaxed and fun atmosphere, and code that's ready for the enterprise.

“If you take your work seriously, you're doing it right. If you take yourself seriously, you're doing it wrong.”

Monty Program

MariaDB – Using Free licenses

MariaDB uses commonly accepted Free licensesGPL


Public domain

Developers and users are assured that MariaDB will always be free, and o"er the best work we produce to all users.

Monty Program

MariaDB – The raison d'etre

Save the people, save the product!

Keep MySQL open and available

Have a project that values quality contributions in any form, from any interested party

Develop and distribute the very best SQL product the open source and Free Software community can create

Work with Drizzle and Postgres to share know-how

Monty Program

MariaDB – Getting involved

LaunchpadMaria Project

maria-discuss – for project discussion and news

maria-developers – for contributors

maria-captains – for those with commit rights

Bazaar version control

IRC#maria on Freenode

Monty Program

Monty Program

Founded by ... uhhh ... Monty

Nearly 20 employees working in a distributed environment

The Hacking Business Model

Center on engineering excellence for MySQL and derivative code

No “_______?” before “profit!”

Monty Program

Monty Program – Our partners

Monty Program

The Open Database Alliance

Database agnostic

Vendor neutral

Provides a single point of contact for those that need support, services, NRE, etc for open databases

Democratic policies reflect the open design of the consortium. Reflected in the ODBA's referral incentive program.

More flexible solutions than a single large company could provide

MariaDB: Community Driven SQL Server

Michael “Monty” Widenius


Monty Program

State of MariaDB 5.1

Recommended (close to GA) release at end of August

MariaDB 5.1 is kept up to date with MySQL 5.1 (pulls are done monthly or when there is a new MySQL build)

Binaries with up to date versions of Maria, PBXT and XtraDB

We have done a lot of work on buildbot to make reliable builds

Monty Program

New features in MariaDB 5.1

Table elimination

CREATE TABLE B (id int primary key);

Select A.colA from tableA A

left outer join tableB B

on =;

In this case we can remove table B and the join from the query.

Monty Program

New features in MariaDB 5.1

Pool of threadsAllows hundreds of thousands of connections to MariaDB with a few worker threads doing the task.

Backport from 6.0 with new option –extra-port=#

This allows an admin to login and resolve lock issues with threads in the pool and also allows di"erent schedulers for di"erent connections

Monty Program

New features in MariaDB 5.1

Virtual columns




Patch originally by Andrey Zhakov

Monty Program

New features in MariaDB 5.1

Speed improvements

Index merge optimizations (faster queries when using multiple possible index)

Faster complex queries (that uses disk based temporary tables)

Speed improvements; sql_bench benchmarks shows 10 % speedup for some common queries that returns lots of simple character data

Monty Program

New features in MariaDB 5.1

Code cleanups

We have fixed a lot of compiler warnings and errors found by valgrind

Most posted patches on

Detector if mutex are wrongly used

Monty Program

New features to be added to MariaDB 5.1

Need to be added before 'first release' by the end of August

The new Federated storage engine.

Proven and stable community patches we feel o"er important performance or feature enhancements. Percona and Ourdelta patches exemplify this work.



Memory tables with e!cient VARCHAR/BLOB support

Monty Program

Features planned for MariaDB 5.4

Features to be nominated during all-company on-site planning meeting in August

Stable features from MySQL 5.4

Group commit for Maria storage engine (done)

Extra arguments to storage engines for columns, index and tables in CREATE TABLE

Google replication patches

Facebook patches

Stable patches from Ourdelta

Recursive queries

Optimizer extensions

Dynamic columns

Phone home (code shared with Drizzle)

Monty Program

Maria/MariaDB - resources

Up to date Information about MariaDB/Maria at

MariaDB source code at LaunchPad

Maria roadmap, algorithms and internals are described in detail at

End user documentation about Maria can be found at

Monty's blog at: will have all important updates to the MariaDB/Maria project.

You can follow and participate in all MariaDB development discussions by joining us on Launchpad and #maria on freenode.