Peer5: DataChannels API Applications and Opportunities



RTCDataChannel API which is part of WebRTC brings new innovation and interesting applications and challenges.

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DataChannels API Applications and Opportunities

Cross platform Chrome Chrome for Android Firefox Opera Native (Java + Objective C) More will follow (iOS??)

1,000,000,000+WebRTC Endpoints

RTCDataChannelBidirectional communication of arbitrary data between peers

WebSockets API send(), onMessage()

Reliable / Unreliable

Ultra-low latency

SecureDTLS EncryptionBrowser Sandbox

RTCDataChannel is awesome

RTCDataChannel is still limited No Binary yet No interoperability Works on Chrome 26+ Firefox 22+

Example (Live simple demo?)

P2P FilesharingServerless, Low cost, Secured, Instant and Fast

File Distribution


Remote Desktop applications

Chat, Texting

Real-Time Web Apps

Low Latency Applications

Live Video Streaming and

Web Radio

General purpose CDN

Peer Assisted Delivery

Applicative Messaging System

Decentralized Twitter

Other projects

PubSub, DHT and more


Building a P2P app

Developer responsibilities Signaling NAT Traversal App Protocol


How do we match?

How do we “split” the job?

Who send who what?

Building a complex P2P app

Developer responsibilities Signaling NAT Traversal App Protocol Topology Matching Security P2P/Server synchronization*

We are here for you!

Peer5 Architecture Signaling NAT Traversal App Protocol Topology Matching Security P2P/Server synchronization*

Thank YouQuestions?
