"Prototype Everything" at The conference(19/Aug/2014,Malmo,Sweden) by @tks



Masakazu Takasu, Technical Evangelist, TeamLab http://theconference.se/ Masakazu will show how ingenious technology and art is made in Japan today. Our next event is MakerFaire trondheim 2014 and ALS Electronica 2014! http://prix2014.aec.at/prixwinner/13489/ PROTOTYPING EVERYTHING We grow up exploring ourselves and our surroundings. We learn how to interact with the community we live in. In our early days it’s ok to ask a lot of questions and to learn by doing and failing. Somewhere along the way we become less inclined to play and test to learn how things work, and it seems like we are supposed to know everything about what we do (listen to a politician interviewed on telly). A lot of us forget that craft of testing our way forward. But, there is a global maker movement that is all about trying things out and building prototypes to understand if an idea works and if there’s a market for it. In this session you will learn about how you can prototype everything from business models to technology. http://togetter.com/li/708899

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Don’t think alone,All right.Interactive Design Prototypeing

by teamLab

Masakazu Takasu (teamLab)@tks

I’m not able to speak english well.I will try to my presentation today, in my broken english. My first message, with apologies to Bruce Lee(李小龍 ),



My name:Masakazu TakasuI’m a maker from japan.I love [Make:]

Tokyo2009- Bay area2012 Taipei 2013 ShenZhen 2014

Taipei 2014 Maker’s Block MakerFaire Singapore

Next,MakerFaire trondheim,Katmandu,Tokyo…

ultra-technologists groupteamLab

About teamlab

teamLab is an ultra-technologists group made up of information specialists including; engineers  (user interface engineers, data base engineers,    network engineers, robot engineers, computer vision engineers,   software architects), mathematicians, architects, CG animators, web designers, graphic designers, artists, and editors. 400 employees work in tokyo. 70% engineers.

Characteristic of teamLab

Creation without boundaries between Design and Art

There is not much of a border between Design and Art because we focus on the digital domain. We sell art works at the top world art markets, such as Art Basel. We also find solutions for new products.



Technology, Design, Art, Science.


We are creating works through "experimentation and innovation"

making the borders between Technology, Art, and Design more Ambiguous.


Today’s theme

Prototyping methodsMulti diciplinary co-working

Interactive design from Japan


Sketch Aqualium


How to Make Educational by Technology and Art.


Today's children is always using smartphone and


For the children,Digital world is fun.

Real world is too boreing.

On the TV,Mario and Angry bird are jump,play with friend.But child is lie down.These are bad things for growth.

We maid it “Real Super Mario World”!To play with friends using the brain and physical.

teamLab future park


Hopscotch for Geniuses


Sketch Aqualium


Sketch Aqualium

ConceptCo-Creative by children

-A line drawing for coloring-Physical drawing-Every drawing in same Big screen-Aqualium by Everybody

Augmented FieldSilicon Valley way is Augmented Human. Empowerment myself.Our way is Augmented Field. Empowerment people together.

Person People

Team Sketch AqualiumDrawer (U.K)Graphic Designer(Japanse) Computer Vision engineer(Japanese)Unity 3D engineer(Japanse)

Around 2 month.

1st PrototypeImage by Drawer

Adam Booth(Drawer)

Adam Booth is an English-born master of   Nihonga, a kind of painting that uses traditional Japanese methods and styles.

2nd   PrototypeMake 16m 3D world    by Unity3D engineer.

Sugi-cho(Unity3D engineer)Sugi-cho is an Graduation of Technology polytechnique and Art university.He is founder of our interactiveTeam.

3rd   PrototypeMore visual effect,light, perspective   by Unity3D engineer and Designer.

Before effect

After effect

4th   PrototypeMove and Visual design by engineer and mathematics

pos.x = A * sin(t);pos.y =  B * noise(pos.x,t);pos.z =  C * cos(pos.x/C+t);noise(x,y):

5th   PrototypeAlgorithm

Fish swim aim target

Same shape fish same target, making squadronEscape from the Shark

When Escape and Find food are more fast.

6th   PrototypeVisual and Move Making(important!)

Understandable, Look so good,not borling

Every moveing has meaningful.Meaningless moveing is borling.Still same move is borling.

7th   PrototypeInteraction Design

How to get drawing in display The fishes are touchable? The fishes eyes are able to see us?

How to connect Virtual and Physical.

8th   PrototypeChoose tool

We use scanner and IR Camera.


Sketch Aqualium

How to Multi diciplinary co-working?

Prototype is best way,not need language.“Two heads are better than one.”

Don’t think alone,All right!

One More Thing

Make:technology on my timeI told about our business product.But next thing is not out business Prototypeing,Made by only our mind.

This is our toilet.

Our office toilet is few.Typical Enginner is male.Toilet for male always under heavy traffic.

An engineer want is "don't stop my hacking".An engineer want to recognize his toilet are “open" or “closed" at his desk.Therefore we made it.

Heaven’s door

Toilet door

With mouce


Click by door!


Server (laptop)Apache web server

USB wireless mouse

The mouse send a toilet situation to server.

Become a able to knowing toilet situation when still my eyes gazing computer.

1 click change few second.

heaven's door is browser extension.

Do It With Others Heaven’s door

Do It With Others “heaven’s door”

@nazokingI make it web user interface!When toilet open,send alert from web page.

Other Enginner makes:Heaven's door become adapt cacti(network graphing solution).We can recognise heavy traffic time.

Do It With Others “heaven’s door”

We are Future!Tack “the conference”
