Tf linephone简报




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Line Phone 简报

Line phone(线式交互手机及其界面设计)是2011芙蓉杯国际工业设计大赛“数字产品与服务设计类”金奖获奖作品。

本作品中的一部分资料 (video) 公开后,引起了设计、消费电子、互联网界的广泛关注,在国内,Engadget中文版(Engadget是全球最知名的科技新闻资讯





使用百度请搜索 line phone使用google请搜索 line phone concept

* 芙蓉杯(Lotus prize)是继德国红点、美国IDEA之后的全球三大顶级国际性工业设计竞赛,经国际工业设计联合会(ICSID)、国际设计院校联盟(Cumulus)、和中国工业设计协会联合认证,具有国际效力的顶级赛事。由湖南省政府主办,每两年一届。评审团通常由8位国际知名专家担任终评评委,包括美国工业设计协会主席Eric Anderson教授、四届世博会设计师田中一雄、意大利米兰市政府设计顾问Arturo Dell'acqua教授、芬兰NOKIA设计顾问Tapani Hyvonen等。

This will be the iPhone Killer这将会是IPHONE杀手是北美地区知名科技类博客

Chinese manufacturers want to prove that they are not only able to produce counterfeit gadgets but they also can make innovative ones. They have just designed a new smartphone called Line Phone with an awesome concept...... it is totally deserved as this is one of the best ideas we've ever seen ......

中国制造业正在努力证明他们不仅是世界工厂,他们还可以是创新者。他们刚刚设计了一种叫Line phone的新型智能手机,这真是一个令人敬畏的概念…… Linphone完全配的上我们所见过的最棒的设计这一称号.....

I May Cry Because This Beautiful Concept Phone Will Probably Never Become Real我将会哭泣,如果这个美丽的设计不能实现的话 Gizmodo为著名科技资讯网站,日访问量过百万

Beautiful design, a touch-sensitive frame, the ability to combine with other phones and turn into a full-fledged tablet......


Coolest Concept Phone From China. Ever.中国有史以来最酷的概念手机!为业界最著名的资讯网站之一

Describing this concept phone made in China in words won’t give it justice. It’s called the Line Phone and it’s awesome.....

如果使用“中国制造”来描述这个设计,那是一种侮辱。它的名字叫Line phone,它的创意令人震惊.......

Award-winning concept phone can turn into a tablet or game display获奖作品linephone组合形成超级平板电脑是知名的数字设备产品网站

......we're still stoked after watching this video three times.

......This is the ultimate phone I hope to be carrying around in my pocket in 10 to 20 years. The Line Phone is what the iPhone and every other smartphone should be like in 10 years.


Concept ‘Line Phones’ combine to form a super tabletLinephone——超级平板电脑的基石 Trands 北美著名潮流科技网站

This Chinese concept phone, named the Line Phone, has touchable sides and can combine with other phones to form a large, tablet-like screen ...... The coolest feature is the screen sharing. By linking up more than one Line Phone, items can be shared from one home screen to another by swiping right across, and if you line up three or four, they can combine to form a tablet of sorts, making this the definitive Voltron of phones .....


Concept Line Phone gives you buttonless control over the screen

概念手机linephone为世人呈现无键手机 Phonearena,北美手持设备专业评论站点

We have seen a number of concept cel l phones including one we recentlyshowed you that had three flexible Super AMOLED screens. The Concept Line Phone in the video below has only one screen, but if you notice, there are no buttons on the sides of the unit. The elongated shape of the phone might bring back memories of the BL40, but with a sleeker and more metallic design.Scrolling is accomplished by running your finger up or down the side of the phone. While using the music player, running a thumb on the bottom from left to right brings up the volume display. A landscape virtual QWERTY keyboard was displayed, and in portrait mode the triple tap system quickly spelled out text. The use of gestures to read and send messages brings to mind the recent story we reported on about the next Apple iPhone and iPad possibly using multi-touch gestures to reveal the multitask-ng bar or to switch between apps Without a hone button, pinching four or five fingers together will take you to the home screen.So which concept phone do you think you would buy? Would it be the triple-screened Android device or the this Concept Line Phone? Let us know by responding in the comment box below.Thanks to Michael!

Line Phone concept uses extra-clever gestures thanks to its touch-sensitive rim感应触边还有极其智能的手势系统——这就是概念手机linephone

......The Line Phone is a full touch phone in the extreme – the front is a touchscreen edge to edge. Also, the defining feature of the concept is the touch sensitive rim, which plays a key role in controlling the user interface...... The touchscreen also boasts a variety of multitouch gestures – who needs physical buttons when you have a well thought-out touch UI, right?......

Line phone为全触控屏幕,同时也具备在用户界面中发挥重要作用的触控边线系统......触控屏幕涵盖了多样化的操作手势,在触控UI足够好的时候那谁还需要实体按键呢......

Line Phone Concept Combines Screens for PC ModeLinephone,组合的形成掌上电脑

What does it take for a concept phone to win a “Digital Product and Service Design Competition” in China? An aggressively thin bezel, minimalistic UI and crazy thin form factor for a start. Overall, the Line Touch is mostly a typical concept phone, with some neat touch controls along the sides that look like a natural evolution of what we’ve seen on touch devices like the BlackBerry PlayBook.The Line Touch concept video takes a surprising turn when it introduces Share Mode, which we would absolutely love to see in a future phone. Thanks to the slim bezel, multiple Line Touch phones could be lined up together to create one big screen. Think of the Line Touch as Sifteo cubes on steroids.


Should the iPhone be worried?Iphone也许得担忧了?ht tp:/ /www.wik io .co .uk/v ideo/concept- l ine-phone-4975602

Still Dream about having a iPhone? Not after you see this one!

As a fanatical iPhone fanboy I was sceptical when I first heard about the concept video for this young Chinese upstart to the smartphone crown. However, the winner of the gold award at the 2010 Furong Cup ‘Digital Product and Service Design Competition’ might just have something, it is quite simply stunning.

仍然要梦想拥有iPhone?看了line Phone你就不会再想它了!


Line Phone: China’s Cool Smartphone Concept at its Best Linephone,中国最酷的智能手机

A new futuristic smartphone concept called "Line Phone" featuring most of the technologies available today, but making creative use of them, was shown off at the 2010 Furong Cup ‘Digital Product and Service Design Competition in China.The phone concept uses technologies like NFC (or whatever) to bump smartphones together to transfer files / apps or create a large (multiple) screen real estate, touch sensitive sides that enable slide navigation / volume / app-specific controls, gesture recognition and so on… It’s awesome!



湖南省科技厅网站 h t t p : / /www .hn s t . g o v . c n / k j d t / k j k x / 201012 /t20101220_191515.htm

国人获奖设计 令人惊叹的概念手机line phone




网易科技 h t t p : / / t e c h . 1 6 3 . c o m / m o b i l e / 1 1 / 0 1 2 1 / 2 3 /6QV6DV5C001163EJ.html



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