Ninh Binh2/4 Vietnam

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The closest attraction to Ninh Binh is Tam Coc, a network of three beautiful caves carved by the local river as it winds through the karsts. Surrounded by paddy fields and dwarfed by the karsts towering above, a row down this river is a serene, peaceful experience that allows you to take in the natural beauty of the area at a gentle pace. There are almost 2,000 low income families in the area who take turns to row boats up the river, spending the rest of their time working in the paddy fields. Obviously this means their chance to row may only come up once every week or two, and since the cost of a river trip is just a couple of dollars most try to top up their row-boat income by selling handicrafts, embroidery and T-shirts on the boats. In Tam Coc, you can take a boat tour on a river which tunnels several times into the same type of mountains. The river is actually used by local villagers to access their rice fields.

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Înseamnă „cele trei peşteri” şi este cea mai mare atracţie turistică din zona Ninh Binh.

Bărcile urcă pe râul Ngo Dong care străbate cele trei peşteri, ducând câte doi sau trei turişti.

Prima peşteră, Hang Ca, are 127 metri lungime, a doua, Hang Hai, are 70 metri lungime iar a treia, Hang Ba, 45 de metri şi se spune că ar fi fost scăldătoarea zânelor.

Ninh Binh

Fotografii: ♦ Jean Moldovan

♦ Sanda Foişoreanu


Sanda Foişoreanu

Muzică: ♦ Co Loa Bi Su (The Drama Of The Co Loa Citadel)
