Oyble at Fireweek 09, Lulea Sweden

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iBrussels & OybleKristof Michiels Vrije Universiteit Brussel, IBBT-SMIT


- The iBrussels Wireless Campus- “Virtual Service Delivery Platform” linking

Living Labs and Testbeds- The example of Oyble- Demo

Get the slides, try it out

– Sms: fireweek subscribe– Tel Sweden: +46 703 89 03 82– Tel Finland: +358 505 76 86 50– Tel Belgium: +32 497 63 83 40– You’ll receive a code that gets you

into the application at http://oyble.com

– Getting out: fireweek unsubscribe– Presentation online:


The iBrussels Wireless Campus is a project initiated by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel & iLab.oWith the support of the Brussel- Capital Region

iBrussels Wireless Campus: Living Lab andTestbed for Urban context-aware applications

• Mission: a permanent test- and demozone active partnership with industry and government platform for scientific research and education

• Living lab environment with +10000 users• Experimental Facility hosted by engineering groups• Develop generic components and platforms to link Living

Lab and Testbed activities• Focus on mobile web 2.0, internet of things• Free public wifi mesh network on campus• Various RFID-related technologies deployed

Focus of experiments

• Different application domains– Sport & leisure– Education / R&D– Culture– Work/productivity– Social networks

Generic components: 3 examples

AirGraffiti Mind the Steps Wayfinding 2.0

Sensor-based navigation for public spaces

Motivational community activity monitor

Context-aware urban mobile service

These applications are not silos

• Developed pragmatically

• Exist as independent applications and tools within campus portfolio

• At the same time pieces of a larger puzzle

• Versatile components that can be used by other applications

Virtual Service Delivery Platform

• Strategically adding functionality to a “Virtual Service Delivery Platform”

• And by opening up your technical infrastructure: users can become co-creators

Oyble: part of iBrussels demozone

• Developed out of real campus needs

• We have a teacher-student e-learning platform: Pointcarré (Dokeos-based)

• Problem of last-minute notification, re-scheduling classrooms

• Could not depend on mobile internet alone, must have a wider reach

Oyble: a piece of the puzzle

• Initial idea of an sms alerting application…

• … soon became that of a loosely coupled service that allows members of any group to connect in heterogeneous circumstances

• Much more use cases possible

Oyble: a group-communication hub

• Users can send/receive messages or interact with the service using SMS, e-mail, the web or an API

• A widget that can easily be pasted into existing websites is available

• May be used as broadcast or as many-to-many communication tool

User talking, other users listening


emailemail Custom app

Custom app



Or group conversation



• Swiss army knife: API to get messages in + make it possible to speak to other APIs from within Oyble

• Can be used as application extension, part of VSDP-puzzle

• Not limited to the campus demozone

Other use cases / the future

• Letting users and groups (e.g. student bodies, research departments) use it on the iBrussels campus

• Opening up to other interested parties• Exploring other use cases:small-to-medium

sized communities (e.g. ‘soccer parents); bridging communities and technology (e.g. grandparents-grandchildren, digital divide project, …)

Try it out / contact

• iBrussels Wireless Campus /demozone– Pleinlaan 2 – B-1050 Brussels– http://ibrussels.etro.vub.ac.be– Jan Cornelis: jpcornel@etro.vub.ac.be– Kristof Michiels: Kristof.michiels@vub.ac.be

– Sms: fireweek subscribe– Tel Sweden: +46 703 89 03 82– Tel Finland: +358 505 76 86 50– Tel Belgium: +32 497 63 83 40– You’ll receive a code that gets you into the

application at http://oyble.com – Getting out: fireweek unsubscribe– Presentation online: http://dglo.be/2009/7/1/oyble

The iBrussels Wireless Campus is a project initiated by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel & iLab.oWith the support of the Brussel- Capital Region