Digital Graphic Narrative Development Amelia Browne

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Digital Graphic Narrative


Amelia Browne

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Shape Task

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What did you like about your image?I like that this image is simple yet identifiable, the use of shapes meant that only simple outlines could be created, allowing for a basic cartoon like feel to the image, I feel that the subject was successfully captured as it is still clear what it is. What would you improve if you did it again?when looking at the image I feel that greater emphasis could be added to the eyes, as they don’t really stand out, this could be done through the addition of catch lights.

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What did you like about your image?I like the pop art feel that has been created in this image through the areas I chose to shade and lighten, I also like the greater detail that this image has in comparison to the shape task as it creates an image where you can get a better understanding of the subject as you can see more. What would you improve if you did it again?I feel that the left hand side (mainly the eye) needs more shading to help create a more 3D feel to the image

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Narrative Environment

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What did you like about your image?I like that I have created a fairly basic image of a generally quite complex environment, it allows you to be able to tell what the environment is (rainforest) however remains fairly simple meaning that if characters where to be added that they wouldn't be lost in the background What would you improve if you did it again?I would add in some more detail thought the addition of a few more complex leaves in the foreground and around the edges of the image to help add to the feel of a dense rainforest

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Text Based

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What did you like about your image?I like the variety of ways I was able to alter the text in order to create very different effects I particularly like the use of the warp tool in the last example as I feel that it helps to make the words stand out more as it is more visually interesting, I feel that this effect would work particularly well with onomatopoeia wordsWhat would you improve if you did it again?I would perhaps use a different font as I feel that this particular font didn't look as effective once it had been edited particularly in the last two edits

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Text Based

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?I like that the use of the image to fill the text creates a more visually interesting look as it isn't just one block colour, I feel this technique would work particularly well with onomatopoeia words as the picture used to fill the text could be related to the word therefore aiding in the understanding and description of the word. I feel that the addition of the black stroke also works particularly well as it helps the words to stand out more against the background. What would you improve if you did it again?I would increase the spacing between the letters as some of them have merged together and others haven't I believe this would make the word and the letters clearer as well as looking more aesthetically pleasing.

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Comic Book

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?I like that in all three images you are able to clearly identify and recognise the character even when the image is extremely abstract, I infect prefer the more abstract edits as I feel they give a better comic book effect as it looks more cartoon like. I also feel the addition of the text as although it isn't traditional style comic book text it helps to show the more sinister feel of the character What would you improve if you did it again?To improve all three images I feel that if I went over the purple jacket areas on the top black layer it would perhaps give more colour and detail to the image as I feel like the shadows in this area have removed too much of the image

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Comic Book

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?I like my edits of this image as I feel they work well when creating the comic book feel particularly the last two edits as they look particularly cartoon like, I feel like the addition of the text in the white text box works really well in creating a classic comic book style for the image as well as giving some context to the image.What would you improve if you did it again?I would perhaps erase some of the black areas on the second layer in order too add more colour detail in to the image such as the blue dots on the mask as I found that in order to gain more detail on the gun and in the facial features the shading had to become darker which in turn removed some of the other details in the image

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Photo Story

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?I like the way that I was able to create a more sinister feel by the use of the black and white filter. As I believe that this adds to the effect of the story I also like how I was able to create a story almost solely through the use of images as it makes people think and engage more with the story. I also feel that the twist I included in the end makes the story more interesting What would you improve if you did it again?I would add some more text to a few of the images to help aid in the understanding of what is happening making the story easier to follow I would also edit the speech bubble more to make it look more consistent with the style of the rest of the photo story

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What did you like about your image?I like how I was able to create the exact images in the style I wanted without having to use other material as a reference or a base to work from, I feel that this would work particularly well when making cartoons as you would be able to create something simple yet original easily.What would you improve if you did it againI would use a fine liner to outline the drawings so that when they are scanned on to the computer they are more visible, unlike the pencil which I used which became less visible once scanned in and some lines and detail was lost.

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Initial Ideas

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Princess Georgia

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The Dragon

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The Prince

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The King

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Text Style

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10 landscape pages with the dimensions 25cm> 19cm^

Story Overview• The king sends the prince to fight the dragon which is terrorising the kingdom, and in return the prince will

be allowed to marry the princess• The prince goes to fight the dragon but it doesn't go to plan and he ends up being attacked• The princess is out riding nearby and hears screams• She rides off to see what is happening and finds the dragon and the prince• To save the prince she fights the dragon• Her sword gets shattered by the dragons scales• Then her armour gets split in two by the dragons poison• She then plunges her dagger under the dragons wing where there are no scales and kills the dragon, saving

the prince

Export FormatJpeg

Advantages: can be opened on any software meaning it can be viewed on many different platforms and shared online Disadvantages: each time the file is saved it is compressed meaning that over time quality may be lost

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Audiencethe target audience for the book I'm creating is a mixed gender audience of around 3-5 years old, although the book is aimed at and will appeal to both girls and boys, I feel that it may be more popular with the female audience as the main character is female. I'm targeting the younger aged reading audience through the amount of text and the style of text I use as it is more basic meaning that it would be easier to help them learn to read. The target audience for my book may be interested in medieval stories as it is set in those times however I doubt that this would be one of the main likes of the target audience as the majority of children that age simply enjoy the visual elements of a book rather than the educational aspects surrounding it

Production Methods

Characters: I plan to create my characters through rotoscoping as I feel I will be able to create a more realistic look by doing this, I will find images online to rotoscope and will create the characters body's in separate components so that I am able to bend them in to the different positions that I need, whole characters may be made up of several different images that I choose to rotoscope in order to create the exact look that I want for my book for example I will use the head and body from one image and then add the legs from another image. By using rotoscoping as my chosen technique I hope to create a realistic cartoon look for my characters as it is easy to add in detail using this technique however as each rotoscoped shape will only be one block colour the characters will still have a cartoon like look to them Settings/ Background: when creating the backgrounds for my book I will mostly be creating them by doing free hand rotoscoping to create shapes for a fairly basic background as I will be able to create the exact scene which I want as I don’t have to base it off a pre existing image however I will be rotoscoping over an image for some of the more complex elements of the background such as the dragons cave, the throne and the castle gate as I feel that by doing this I will be able to keep the background in a fairly consistent style with the characters which makes the scene look more real and as if the characters where actually in it rather than just places on a page. It also helps the background look more realistic which is the style that I was aiming for.Text: the text for the book will be placed within the image in empty places of the background or weaving through the elements of the image I've chosen to do this as it helps to visually connect the image to the story more and also makes the book flow better as the are no plain pages with just text. The chosen vocabulary in my book will be fairly basic to ensure the young audience of the book understands it and therefore gains a greater enjoyment from reading it. I intend to use a clear sans font which reflects the feel of the book, I have chosen to do this as it will be easier for the younger audiences to read as they will be learning to read it will also look more aesthetically pleasing as the writing will flow with the narrative being told through the images

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

I like how detailed your mind maps are, especially the idea generation one. You have a very detailed plan of how you will create your final product, which is great. Also, I love the story you have chosen to do and I love that it is a lead female role!

In your "Target Audience etc." section, you could mention the geodemographic of your book, so it can be sold in English speaking countries but it can be translated if it needs to be.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

Your idea generation is brilliant, it is very detailed and I know exactly what you are wanting to do and how you will do it just by looking at your mind map. I like the amount of inspiration you have on your mood boards for each character as it gives a clear idea of what you want your character to look like.

On your George and The Dragon mind map, you could expand on your character branches by saying what little details each character could have, and how you wanted to lay out the book but I know you've explained that in your actual proposal, but apart from that it's really good!

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

The main strengths of your proposal, are your mind maps as you have written a lot of ideas down on the Idea Gen map, and then you have narrowed it down on the second mind map about ideas that you want to include. You have also written the story and got that planed out on your mind map. Another strength in your proposal is how you are going to produce the product and create it, you have written a lot of detailed information about how and what your going to do.

Areas that need further work are your mood boards because I think that you should add the characters names onto it. Also there was a spelling mistake in the audience section, you put 'tose'.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

The strengths of the ides generation is that you have lots and lots of ideas about what you could do. You have also categorised each section like settings and characters.

Don't think you need to improve or add to your idea generation because you already have so much.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

You have a clear understanding of how you wish to create your rendition of George and the dragon, this is due to the amount of information and ideas that you displayed in both your production methods and the audience that you have considered for your story.

I think that it could be an idea could consider using a different file for exporting your book. This is due to the fact that if you were to consider using a PNG file you would have many benefits such as smaller compression, transparent backgrounds .

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

You have displayed many different ideas of you desire the protagonists and the antagonist in you story to look like, as well as there is also a clear knowledge of the different art styles that are possible in a children's story from what I can deduce from your idea generation.

I no regards for how you could improve this due to the fact that you have displayed a huge amount of information and ideas of how you could delvelop you story.

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Feedback SummarySum up your feedback.Generally the feedback was positive, however there where some points raised which may need to be altered which I generally agree with.

Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?I agree with the comment made in my second lot of feed back, that I should add the characters names to the mood boards in order to make it clearer who they are for, I feel this would be beneficial to make my proposal clearer and my idea more obvious

Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?

I disagree with the comment in the last piece of feedback regarding the type of file I should use to export the images, although there are some valid points I have decided to stick with the PSD format as I believe it has a greater number of pros for the ways I will be using the files

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Original Script

St. George travelled for many months by land and sea until he came to Libya. Here he met a poor hermit who told him that everyone in that land was in great distress, for a dragon had long ravaged the country.'Every day,' said the old man, 'he demands the sacrifice of a beautiful maiden and now all the young girls have been killed. The king's daughter alone remains, and unless we can find a knight who can slay the dragon she will be sacrificed tomorrow. The king of Egypt will give his daughter in marriage to the champion who overcomes this terrible monster.'When St. George heard this story, he was determined to try and save the princess, so he rested that night in the hermit's hut, and at daybreak set out to the valley where the dragon lived. When he drew near he saw a little procession of women, headed by a beautiful girl dressed in pure Arabian silk. The princess Sabra was being led by her attendants to the place of death. The knight spurred his horse and overtook the ladies. He comforted them with brave words and persuaded the princess to return to the palace. Then he entered the valley.As soon as the dragon saw him it rushed from its cave, roaring with a sound louder than thunder. Its head was immense and its tail fifty feet long. But St. George was not afraid. He struck the monster with his spear, hoping he would wound it. The dragon's scales were so hard that the spear broke into a thousand pieces. and St. George fell from his horse. Fortunately he rolled under an enchanted orange tree against which poison could not prevail, so that the venomous dragon was unable to hurt him. Within a few minutes he had recovered his strength and was able to fight again.

He smote the beast with his sword, but the dragon poured poison on him and his armor split in two. Once more he refreshed himself from the orange tree and then, with his sword in his hand, he rushed at the dragon and pierced it under the wing where there were no scales, so that it fell dead at his feet.

Unknown. (2013). St George and the Dragon story. Available: http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/stgeorge2.html. Last accessed 10th Dec 2015.

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Script Breakdown

• A dragon is terrorizing the kingdom • the king sends the prince to fight the dragon and in return the prince will be allowed

to marry the princess • The prince goes to fight the dragon • However it doesn't go to plan and he ends up being attacked and held capture• The princess is out riding nearby and hears screams • She rides off to see what is happening and finds the dragon and the prince • To save the prince she fights the dragon • Her sword gets shattered by the dragon's scales • Then her armor gets split in two by the dragons poison • She then plunges her dagger under the dragons wing where there are no scales and

kills the dragon, saving the prince • They return to the castle to see the king • In return for the princesses courage and bravery she is given her very own kingdom to

rule over and protect.

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Final Script 1

-A long time ago in a far off land there once was a kingdom being held capture by a terrible, terrible dragon.-The king was very worried for the safety of his people so he called for the bravest prince in the land and said to him: " if you rid us of this terrible dragon then you may marry my beautiful daughter the princess Georgia"-excited by this news the prince immediately leapt on his horse and rode off to battle the dragon unaware of the incredible dangers that waited for him.-eventually the prince reached the dragons cave where he found the terrible fire breathing dragon, the prince fought with all his might but the dragon was too strong for him "ahhhhh"-in the hills nearby the princess Georgia was out for a ride on her favourite horse, when suddenly she hears screams "ahhhhh" "help" "help me"she bravely gallops off on her horse to see what's the matter- then suddenly she comes across the prince and the dragon, the brave princess draws her sword getting ready to fight the dragon-she strikes the dragon with her sword but the dragons hard scales shatter her sword into a thousand pieces... the dragon then spits poison on her armour splitting it in two.... Georgia bravely pulls out her dagger and waits for the perfect moment then...-She plunges the dagger under the dragons wing where there are no scales causing the dragon to cry out in pain "arrrrrgggghhh"-the prince is safe!!-Georgia and the prince jump on their horses and ride straight back to the castle where the king is waiting -as soon as they get back they tell the king everything that had happened-after hearing the whole story the king declares to Georgia "for your outstanding bravery I will give you your very own kingdom to watch over and protect as you have done with mine"

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Final Script 2 (changed)

-A long time ago in a far off land there once was a kingdom being held capture by a terrible, terrible dragon.-The King was very worried for the safety of his people, so he called for the bravest prince in the land and said to him… ‘if you rid us of this terrible dragon then you may marry my beautiful daughter the princess Georgia’-Excited by this news the prince immediately leapt on his horse and rode off to battle the dragon, unaware of the incredible dangers that waited for him.- Eventually the prince reached the dragons cave where he found the terrible fire breathing dragon. The prince fought with all his might but the dragon was too strong for him. ‘Ahhhh’- In the hills nearby the princess Georgia was out for a ride on her favourite horse, when suddenly she hears screams. ‘Ahhhhh!! Help!! Help me!!’ She bravely gallops off to see what's the matter.- Then suddenly she comes across the prince and the dragon, the brave princess draws her sword getting ready to fight the dragon.- She strikes the dragon with her sword… But the dragon shatters her sword into a thousand pieces… The dragon then breathes fire… burning her clothes!! Georgia bravely pulls out her dagger and waits for the perfect moment, then…- She plunged the dagger under the dragons wing where there are no scales causing the dragon to cry out in pain. ‘Arrrrrgggghhh!!!’-The dragon is dead, The prince is safe!!!- Georgia and the prince jump on their horses and ride straight back to the castle where the king is waiting.-As soon as they got back they told the king everything that had happened.-After hearing the whole story the king declares… ‘For your amazing bravery I will give you your very own kingdom to watch over and protect as you have done with mine’

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Digital Flat Plans

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Test Page

Add clouds to the sky to fill empty space (make more visually interesting) and make the image look more realistic

De-saturate the colour of the dragon as it looks too bright compared to the other colours used for the page

Take the princess off the horse as it

will help the picture flow in to the next

page better

Move the dragon, prince and sword around to fill empty space at the bottom and make the page look less cramped