Por/by Gemma Gaffney La Peligrosa Aventura de Lance Lance´s Dangerous Adventure

Presentación Proyecto Integrado Gemma Gaffney Goodwin. Escuela de Arte, Murcia

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Por/by Gemma Gaffney

La Peligrosa Aventura de Lance

Lances Dangerous Adventure

1.Buenas tardes miembros del tribunal. Voy a comenzar la defensa de mi proyecto integrado. Como saben lo voy a hacer en mi lengua materna para poder expresarme mejor. Muchas gracias. Good afternoon members of the tribunal. My name is Gemma Gaffney. First of all I would like to thank my teacher and tutor Sancho Garca for his help to carry out the present integrated project.I have created achildrens book entitled Lances Dangerous Adventure, La peligrosa aventura de Lance



2. As you can see on the map, I was born in Queensland, Australia, in the city of Cairns. The original idea for this book came from my Australian heritage. I have chosen to base my project on Australia as I will explain later on. 2

GUIN / OUTLINELa Idea/The idea

Inspiracin Antecedentes histricos y referentes directos /Inspiration- Historical & Direct referents.

Pblico objetivo/Target Audience

Aspectos estticos /Aesthetic Aspects

Aspectos tcnicos /Technical Aspects

Presupuesto y tiempo trabajado /Budget & Working time

El cuento/The Tale

Video /Video

3. I have divided the presentation into 8 parts. In the 1st part I will talk about the idea and its origin. Then I shall briefly talk about the historical referents and background. Later on I will deal with the target audience and the aesthetic aspects. After that I will talk about the sketches and paintings carried out for this project, following with the technique and process. After that I will comment on the budget and working time and finally I will then tell you about the storyline of the tale. I shall conclude with a short video of the final work.


1- La idea/ The idea

4. My project consists of a bilingual book for Spanish and English children which comprises a short story with a fable, 28 illustrations and a bilingual glossary on new words at the end. We have set some specific targets such as the learning of the English language; the transmission of values by means of a fable from which they can learn that it is impossible to live without other peoples help and a last objective that is to show children something about the Australian fauna, their habitat and their behaviour. I conceived the idea when I came to Spain three years ago and realised the need for Spanish children to learn English and became aware of their lack of knowledge about the Australian fauna.


El ave lira

El casuarioThe cassowaryLa serpienteThe serpentLa selvaThe jungle

The lyrebird

5. In Australia there are many original birds and animals. The three main characters of this book are the cassowary, the lyrebird and the serpent. These characters are animals whom we have given human characteristics.Lets see them closely5

El ave lira /The lyrebird

6. In the 1st place we find the lyrebird which is a native Australian bird well known for its ability to imitate natural and artificial sounds from the environment. They are notable because of the striking beauty of the males huge tale when fanned out in display. The lyrebird is also found on the Australian 10 cents coin.


El casuario/ The cassowary

7. We also nave the cassowary, a native Australian bird that eats fallen fruit and fruit toxic to other animals. It is a solitary bird and pairs only in breeding season. The male makes its nest on the ground, incubates the egg and raises the chicks alone. 7

Serpiente venenosa / poisonous snake

8. Another of the characters of my story is a poisonous snake. In Australia there are many venomous snakes. This is the evil character in my short fable. Snakes have always been a symbol of evil power.8

SamaniegoFedroJean de la Fontaine

2.a Inspiracin Antecedentes histricosInspiration- Historical referentsThe Lion and the Mouse

Esopo /AesopToms de Iriarte

9. Many fable writers have inspired me such as Aesop, a famous Greek fable writer of the 6th century before Christ; Fedro, a slave and a fable writer of 101 fables; Samaniego, a well-known Spanish fable writer, and Jean de la Fontaine, a French fable writer of the 17th century.Amongst the famous fabulists I have mentioned, Aesop is a famous Greek fable writer of the 6th century before Christ. One of his fables is The Lion and the Mouse where the lion has pity on the mouse and lets him go free. Subsequently, the mouse was able to free the lion from the net where he was trapped. This teaches the need to help one another to be able to survive and also that kindness always finds its reward.


Freya Blackwood Robert Ingpen

Ann James

Jenny Hale

Carmen de Andrs

Mario Suarez2.b Inspiracin Referentes directos Inspiration- Direct Referents

10. Some Australian Illustrators that have inspired me are Freya Blackwood, Robert Ingpen, Ann James, Jenny Hale. Some Spanish illustrators that have inspired me are Mario Suarez and Carmen de Andrs, who have influenced the way I paint the scenes and characters in this book. I would like to mention that the Australian illustrator Freya Blackwood has inspired me for her childrens books with lively illustrations. As a curiosity, I will mention that she grew up in New South Wales and helped work on the technical effects for The Lord of the Rings trilogy. She uses a watercolor technique to demonstrate an animated scene and this technique has helped me with the composition of my paintings. Robert Ingpen is another Australian illustrator who has illustrated for famous books such as The Jungle Book and Treasure Island. He uses a realistic style and projects curiosity in his illustrations and paintings. This illustrator has influenced the way I try to communicate the emotions of the characters in my short narrative.


3. Pblico Objetivo Target Audience

11. The target audience for this book are children aged 3 to 7 years old. Id like to point out that one of the objectives of this tale is to help children learn English or Spanish. Included is also a vocabulary list at the end of the book to encourage and help the children to learn. This list include the most relevant keywords in order to help them to acquire new vocabulary


4. Aspectos estticosAesthetic aspects

12. The aesthetic quality of this book includes its simple A4 format, the cover and back-cover in cardboard, the photographic quality, the digital editing and a myriad pro font for the text, which I chose to make it easier for children to read. The title on the cover has medium sized children lettering. I have tried to give an overall aesthetically pleasing appearance to the paintings.12

5. Aspectos Tcnicos/ Technical AspectsDibujando en la clase de Helena Drawing in Helenas class

13. Drawing in Helenas class and experimenting with watercolour techniques encouraged my idea. These are some of my watercolour paintings13

Pintando en la clase de HelenaPainting in Helenas class

14. I have used these paintings of the lyrebirds, which I previously painted, to create the main characters of my book. 14

Pintando en la clase de HelenaPainting in Helenas class

15 15

16. I have used many techniques in the process. Among them I would highlight thewashed out effect The coloured effect The dry brush for details The digital editing on Photoshop with tools such as crop and eraserAnd finally the InDesign software for the project report16

6. Presupuesto y tiempo trabajado Budget and Working Hours

17. In the budget the first book printed and bound with all the documentation and the working time calculated at 8 euros per hour, including all repetitions would cost 1939 euros. It took approximately 208 hours including the project report. If I were to market the book I could print copies in softcover to lower the cost and make a higher profit. 17

7- El cuento /The tale

18. Lets move onto the penultimate part of the presentation that deals with the tale. These are my watercolour paintings. The fable begins when the animals are happily living in their habitat. I have used light blue and dark green tones to illuminate the scene and to give a sense of life, light and happiness, which is what children generally like. 18

El nacimiento de Lance, El ave liraThe birth of Lance, the lyrebird

19. This page represents the birth of Lance, The lyrebird. I have used a watercolour blending effect with yellow and red colours for the sunrise in the background and a bright, happy expression on Lances face as he welcomes the new world. 19

Pap lira y mam lira buscan comidaMum and dad lyrebirds look for food

20. On these next pages the mother and father lyrebirds leave to look for food for Lance. I have used bright, saturated colours set in a peaceful, natural environment. 20

Lance conoce al casuarioLance meets the cassowary

21. In this part of the story Lance meets the cassowary and they decide to explore the rainforest and become friends. I have used a dry brush watercolour technique in the character, flowers and grass and mixed various green tones to form the mountains in the background. 21

La serpiente venenosa acechandoThe stalking poisonous serpent

22. On these pages the giant serpent is stalking Lance and we can see some shadows used for the giant serpent and a feather to the left.22

23. In the first image we can see the attack of the giant serpent. Lance is distracted by the butterfly and doesnt notice him. In the second image the cassowary squashes the serpents head. In the third image the serpent escapes.


Mam lira y pap lira regresanMother lyrebird and father lyrebird return

24. In this scene the mother and father lyrebirds return. The lyrebirds and the cassowary become very close friends and continued helping other animals forever. 24

FINThe End

25. This is the end of the fable when all the animals reunite to celebrate Lances return. To end up I will show you a short video I have made with the complete and narrated tale. I hope you enjoy. Thanks for your attention.25

8. Video