Who wants to go with me to the magical land of make believe? + +

2016 Aandachtsfabriek | Manchego Media | PRvanstekelenborg

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Page 1: 2016 Aandachtsfabriek | Manchego Media | PRvanstekelenborg

Who wants to go with me to the magical land of make believe?

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Page 2: 2016 Aandachtsfabriek | Manchego Media | PRvanstekelenborg

This is what you have to deal with first…

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Page 3: 2016 Aandachtsfabriek | Manchego Media | PRvanstekelenborg

Public relations =A strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.

With in- and external communications you can inform and influence any audience with text, adverts, publicity, promotion or special events.

Public relations is also about signalizing trends and cases in the outside world and live by actions and reactions.

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Page 4: 2016 Aandachtsfabriek | Manchego Media | PRvanstekelenborg

PR targets? The main target is about maintaining or creating a good image. PR is not about sales. PR is based upon image and reputation research. The main tools you work with are: to influence opinion leaders in your key target audience and to contact your target audiences by using their own kinds of media.

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Page 5: 2016 Aandachtsfabriek | Manchego Media | PRvanstekelenborg

A good story! PR is about good stories to attract people, to engage them, to gain credibility or to gain trust and empowerment. A nice and long lasting way of building relationships with your clients in order to sell your products and services.

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Page 6: 2016 Aandachtsfabriek | Manchego Media | PRvanstekelenborg

Be good and let others tell it!


is the best a man can do…”

- Plato -

You don’t have to tell how good your client is, let others tell it. It’s about ordinary opinions by the common man. They’re really priceless and sincere.

The big question remains: who’s able to convince you in the fastest, the best and most efficient way? Do we have to pitch our voice on emotions, on our senses, our sensibility or on our doubtful reasons?

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Page 7: 2016 Aandachtsfabriek | Manchego Media | PRvanstekelenborg

Introduction Lotus Speculoospasta

• Recipes Marocforum• Mega swap Dutch border Hazeldonk• Innovative product award• Viral: Jetzt Geht’s Speculoos!• Collectable art cards Dutch and Belgian art galleries

In case…

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Page 8: 2016 Aandachtsfabriek | Manchego Media | PRvanstekelenborg

What’s fun about PR?

• You get to know people and understand their drives. Influencing people is about psychology. Communication is about organization management.• You end up different places and you’ll learn the cause of things.• You learn the art of argueing, of motivating and of engaging.• You keep on learning and developing.• You can easily work at home.

Nice working!

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Page 9: 2016 Aandachtsfabriek | Manchego Media | PRvanstekelenborg

• PR is about press relations.• PR is just a quick promotion tool.• PR is the best search engine tool.• PR is the poor people’s advertising business.• PR is about lousy wages.• PR is a science.


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Page 10: 2016 Aandachtsfabriek | Manchego Media | PRvanstekelenborg

• Differences between earned, owned and paid media will fade.• Marketeers, communications people and PR officers will join each other in order to sell products, services and stories to the world.• The usage of words like ‘online’ and ‘new media’ will finally be a definitive no go.• Campaigning is all about engaging and convincing communities on the long run and retrieving ‘peer reviews’. • The advertising business will focus more intensively on tactics and long-term strategies. They depend on reputation management and image building experiences by communications and public relations strategists.

Trend forecasts

Page 11: 2016 Aandachtsfabriek | Manchego Media | PRvanstekelenborg

I am René van Stekelenborg, I’ve been studying the Dutch language and got myself degrees in internal and external communications at the School of Journalism, Social Academy and the Tilburg University. Throughout the years I’ve been working as a journalist, a communications advisor, a spokesperson, a marketeer and a (chief-)editor on account levels and at several offices.


Who am I?

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Page 12: 2016 Aandachtsfabriek | Manchego Media | PRvanstekelenborg

I’ve worked for some amazing brands. Thank you for your attention and good luck in choosing the right opportunities! Say hello!

Any questions? Please ask!


Take notice!

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