Branded Entertainment in the Digital Age

Nurun Branded Entertainment

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A presentation made to the "2007 China Entertainment and Interactive Marketing Summit" on July 19, 2007

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Branded Entertainment in the Digital Age

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Pepsi Mentos

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Why would you listen to me?

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

thatwouldbeme.blogspot.comhttp://del.icio.us/nicolaszwww.linkedin.comwww.facebook.comnicolas@[email protected]

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Branded Entertainment is now about the community

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

The Good Ole Days of Corporate Media

Central editorial controlGovernment regulation (censorship)One-way communicationLimited channels of informationWe will decide what you want & needI AM THE MEDIAAlain Thyshttp://www.slideshare.net/alainthys/i-am-the-media/

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

34 million blogs341.5 million residents150The workers should appropriate the means of productionJune 1.2 billion films60 million per day6126Almost 4,000,000 articles(10 languages)10433,347,000 profiles3347I AM THE MEDIAAlain Thys

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Big Six Study (US): People with PVRs watch 12% more TV, yet 90% of them adskip (Germany : 88.2%)Big Six Study (US) :PVRs 12%90%88.2%78.2% of Germans are irritated by advertising, only 24% actually still watches it (GfK Marktforschung)78.2%24%GfK 54% of US consumers avoids products & services which overwhelm with advertising (Yankelovich Partners)54%85% of Chinese stop watching TV during commercial breaks. More than half change the channel, while the rest do housework, eat, chat or use the bathroom. (McKinsey & Co.)85%In 1965, 80% of 18-49 year-olds in the US could be reached with three 60-second TV spots. In 2002, it required 117 prime-time commercials to do the same. (Jim Stengel, Global Marketing Officer, P&G)196536080%18-49 2002117-A US hour of prime time TV carried 21 minutes of advertising, Late Night network shows like Leno or Letterman carry 31:27 (TNS Media Intelligence, Q1 2006) 213127TNS 061BRANDSCONSUMERSRESPONSEI AM THE MEDIAAlain Thys

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Using online to power your branded entertainment

Refuting vs. RelishingRolling your own vs. partneringTransmedia vs. Media NeutralThe power of communityLet your content free

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Refuting vs Relishing

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

7500 videos tagged7500More than 20 million views2Almost 800 mentions in de.icio.usde.icio.us8005,000 blog posts on Technorati5000de.icio.usSurfing the Wave

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Mentos leveraged the existing community to drive a promotional campaign

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Coke developed their own video uploading site

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Mentos has attracted over 300 submissions, which have been viewed more than 400,000 times.

The Coke Show, which wrapped up its first contest last week, got only 35 videos, with none getting more than 2,000 views.


Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Roll your own vs partnering

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

The falling value of destination programming

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy


Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

CoverGirlTop Model

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Transmedia vs Media NeutralTargeting the right idea to the right group

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Same idea different channelshttp://farisyakob.typepad.com/blog/2006/10/transmedia_plan.html

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Thanks tohttp://rohitbhargava.typepad.com/weblog/2007/07/the-complete-ga.html

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Different Idea different channel

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Matrix Series

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

DoveInternet surveySelf Esteem fundProage internet Ad Mother Daughter communication toolsEvolution viral videoReal Women Blogs

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Matrix Series

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Let your content free

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Diagram from www.slideshare.net/jeroendeb

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Multi Channel, Multi platform

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Multi Channel, Multi platform

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Multi Channel, Multi platform

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Multi Channel, Multi platform

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Its about the community

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy


Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Season/ Ended/Rank/Date/Viewers/ (in millions)1st[33]Final Performances: September 3, 200218.69#30Season Finale: September 4, 200222.77#252nd[34]Final Performances: May 20, 200325.67#5Season Finale: May 21, 200334.24#33rd[35]Final Performances: May 25, 200425.13#2Season Finale: May 26, 200428.84#34th[36]Final Performances: May 24, 200528.05#1Season Finale: May 25, 200530.27#35th[37]Final Performances: May 23, 200631.78#1Season Finale: May 24, 200636.38#16th[38][39][40]Final Performances: May 22, 200725.33#2Season Finale: May 23, 200730.74#1

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Using online to power your branded entertainment

Refuting vs RelishingRolling your own vs partneringTransmedia vs media NeutralThe power of communityLet your content free

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Its about the community

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

Digital Strategy

Yves Rocher : Plan de contacts

I want to take you back in time for a moment when what I call trendy men, smoking fat cigars and drinking way too expensive whiskey determined the one-way relationship what het media (expand to create the atmosphere of a smokey room with guys making decision.And if that werent enough, it turned out what Marx was right after all.

Once the means of production were distributed, the proletarians had stood up and created their own media reality

Suddently we could blog, podcast, write, produce videes, etc.When you look at the marketing truisms we all believe, they are being challenged by the reality many in the industry chose to ignore.

For example:

In the US there was great excitement that the people who bought PVRs, actually watched 12% more television that those who didnt. This was seen as great news for television as a medium. Unfortunately a study by the big six TV networks showed that 90% of these consumers adskip (a similar study in germany put this number a little lower: at 88.2%)In Europe, more than three quarters of germans are irritated by advertising, in which only 24% still watch it.Over half of the US consumers start avoiding products & services which overwhelm with advertisingAnd to prove that this is a universal phenemenon, according to McKinsey 85% of Chinese stop watching TV during commercial breaks.

So the experts are coming to the conclusion that the traditional marketing model is being challenged and CMOs can see the day where it will no longer work.

This is also confirmed by Jim STengel, the global marketing officer at P&G who goes on the record to say that were applying antiquated thinking and work systems to a world of possibilities.

SourcesB78% of germans ((GfK Marktforschung 25/05/2004)54% of US consumers (Yankelovich Partners, June 2005)85% of chines (McKinsey, 2006)

Traditional model is broken: McKinsey Quarterly, 2005, Number 2

Focused on is because of the outpouring of videos that arose from this all marked with the brand names Mentos and CokeIncluding appearanced on David LettermanCoke said it doesnt fit with our brand personality and wished people would drink and not experiment with itMentos relished over 10million USD of brand exposure (they spend less than 20million PA in the US)CokeCokeCokeChannel shiftingUsers used to moving between different different channels and different media. Therefore you need to go to them.Leveraging a sponsorship when you dont own the show.Site take over of brand siteHow an advertising campaign can go through thisThe simple answer is that one is on tv and the other isntLaunched February 5Aimed at Males between 21-27Shows include replaced by a chimp truly famous30millionUSD2002705,000USD for 30s spotWebsite is number one tv show destination siteYoutube has 135,000 amnerican idol videosConcertsProduct integration400 clips that generated 75 million+ page views for the season on the site