Gas Plant and Distributions

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NATURAL-GAS & PROCESSING PLANT Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane,

but commonly including varying amounts of other higher alkanes, and sometimes a small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulphide.

It is formed when layers of decomposing plant and animal matter are exposed to intense heat and pressure supplied by existing under the surface of the Earth over millions of years.

The energy that the plants originally obtained from the sun is stored in the form of chemical bonds in the gas

There are a great many ways in which to configure the various unit processes used in the processing of raw natural gas.

The processing of raw natural gas from non-associated gas wells, It shows how raw natural gas is processed into sales gas pipelined to the end user


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APPLICATIONS OF NATURAL GAS : Fuel for industrial heating and process. Fuel for the operation of public and industrial power stations. Household fuel for cooking, heating and providing hot water.. Fuel for environmentally friendly compressed or liquid natural gas

vehicles Raw material for chemical synthesis. Raw material for large-scale fuel production using gas-to-liquid (GTL)

process (e.g. to produce sulphur-and aromatic-free diesel with low-emission combustion).

USES OF NATURAL GAS : POWER GENERATION –natural gas is a major source of electricity generation through the use of gas turbines and

steam turbines DOMESTIC USE- natural gas is a powerful domestic cooking and heating fuel TRANSPORTATION –natural gas in form of CNG is cleaner automobile fuel compared to petrol and diesel and LNG

is also emerging as an alternative fuel for automobiles HYDROGEN – natural gas can be used to produce hydrogen with one commom method being the hydrogen reformer

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DISTRIBUTION OF NATURAL GAS : Distribution is the final step in delivering natural gas to customers. While some large industrial, commercial, and electric generation customers receive natural gas directly from high

capacity interstate and intrastate pipelines (usually contracted through natural gas marketing companies), most other users receive natural gas from their local gas utility, also called a local distribution company (LDC).

LDCs are regulated utilities involved in the delivery of natural gas to consumers within a specific geographic area. There are two basic types of natural gas utilities: those owned by investors, and public gas systems owned by local

governments. The delivery point where the natural gas is transferred from a transmission pipeline to the local gas utility is often

termed the ‘citygate’, and is an important market center for the pricing of natural gas in large urban areas. Typically, Utilities take ownership of the natural gas at the citygate, and deliver it to each individual customer’s

meter.This requires an extensive network of small-diameter distribution pipe Because of the transportation infrastructure required to move natural gas to many diverse customers across a reasonably

wide geographic area, distribution costs typically make up about half of natural gas costs for households and small volume customers.

While large pipelines can reduce unit costs by transmitting large volumes of natural gas, distribution companies must deliver relatively small volumes to many more different locations.

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distribution involves moving smaller volumes of gas at much lower pressures over shorter distances to a great number of individual users. Smaller-diameter pipe also is used to transport natural gas from the citygate to individual consumers..

The natural gas is periodically compressed to ensure pipeline flow, although local compressor stations are typically smaller than those used for interstate transportation.

Because of the smaller volumes of natural gas to be moved, as well as the small-diameter pipe that is used, the pressure required to move natural gas through the distribution network is much lower than that found in the transmission pipelines.

Underground gas line

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Another innovation in the distribution of natural gas is the use of electronic meter-reading systems. The natural gas that is consumed by any one customer is measured by on-site meters, which essentially keep track of the volume of natural gas consumed at that location. Traditionally, in order to bill customers correctly, meter-reading personnel had to be dispatched to record these volumes. However, new electronic meter-reading systems are capable of transmitting this information directly to the utility. This results in cost savings for the utility, which are in turn passed along to customers.

Distribution Compressor Station Installing residential distribution

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Local distribution companies, like the larger interstate and intrastate pipelines, maintain the highest safety standards to ensure that preventable accidents are avoided, and problems with the distribution network are remedied in a timely fashion. Many of the safety programs maintained by utilities are quite similar to those of interstate pipeline companies. Safety measures at the local level include:1. Leak Detection Equipment – Utilities have in place sophisticated leak detection equipment, designed to pick up on

leaks of natural gas from the distribution network.  Utilities also add odorants to the natural gas to make it easier to detect a leak.

2. Safety Education Programs – Utilities typically run natural gas safety seminars in schools, community centers, and through other organizations to ensure customers are well versed in natural gas safety procedures and know what to do in the event of a leak or emergency.

3. Technicians on Call – Utilities maintain fleets of technicians on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to respond to customers’ problems and concerns.

4. Emergency Preparedness – Utilities participate in community and local emergency preparedness programs, educating and preparing for emergency events such as natural disasters.

5. One Call Systems – Provides customers, contractors, and excavators with a single phone number to call before commencing excavation or construction, to ensure that the pipelines, and other buried facilities are not damaged.


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BIOGAS - i) Biogas typically refers to a mixture of different gases produced by the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. ii) Biogas can be produced from raw materials such as agricultural waste, municipal waste,plant material, sewage, green waste or food waste. Biogas is a renewable energy source and in many cases exerts a very small carbon footprint.

iii)Biogas is primarily methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and may have small amounts of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), The gases methane, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide (CO) can be combusted or oxidized with oxygen.

iv)This energy release allows biogas to be used as a fuel; it can be used for any heating purpose, such as cooking. It can also be used in a gas engine to convert the energy in the gas into electricity and heat.

•Methane or ‘swamp gas’, produced naturally in swampy ponds

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How is it made?-Biogas is made by fermenting organic waste in a biogas digester.

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ADVANTAGES OF BIOGAS:1. Renewable Source of Energy: To begin with, biogas is considered to be a renewable source of energy. Since it often produced from materials that form sewage and waste products, the only time it will be depleted is when we stop producing any waste.2. Reduces Landfills: It also uses up waste material found in landfills, dump sites and even farms across the country, allowing for decreased soil and water pollution.3.CLEAN FUEL,NON POLLUTING ,ECONOMICAL ,CAN BE SUPPLIED THROUGH PIPES

DISADVANTAGES OF BIOGAS:1. Contain Impurities: Biogas contains a number of impurities even after refining processes have been put into place. When compressed for use as fuel, these can become corrosive to the metal parts of engines.2. Not Attractive on Large Scale: The process of using biogas on a large scale is not economically viable and it is very difficult to enhance the efficiency of biogas systems.

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Pantry area

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Pantry area

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•Reticulated / Piped Gas system in Apartments•Cooking gas supply to Apartments is one of the latest value-additions being offered by builders.This centralized distribution system supplies gas to each and every Kitchen through a network of safe piping and is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to the conventional LPG cylinder in every kitchen. The rigors of getting a refill are totally eliminated and the consumer ‘pays for what he uses’

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What is a Reticulated Gas System?In Apartment Complexes in India, the Reticulated Gas System, consists of a Gas Bank with common delivery line Below are the highlights:• A Gas Storage Facility in a common area with a number of cylinders connected to common delivery lines.•The Pipe Line Systems are installed with pressure regulation and safety devices.•The control valves, regulator and Burner are placed in the kitchen.Continuous supply of gas at the turn of a tap.•Eliminates cylinder refill booking, and scheduling the delivery.•No cylinder handling. Avoids damage to floor / lift.•Easy & effortless operation with increased convenience.•Increased safety in kitchen as the pressure of LPG in pipeline is much lower than an LPG cylinder.•Space required to store two cylinders is saved. The saved space can be put to much better use.•Payment as per actual consumption of gas through meter in following month.•Trappings can be provided for LPG Geysers / LPG fireplaces and air convectors for cold places / LPG lanterns / LPG Gensets

Maintenance of a Reticulated Gas system•Gas Bank must have Good Ventilation•Avoid wiring for lighting inside the Gas Bank•Bottom Portion of the Room Ventilation with Brass Mesh OnlyDon’t allow the mobile inside the gas bank•Check inlet and outlet near the meter frequently.

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