application of method analytic network process in decision support system for the selection final project Dila Nurlaila – 13102009 S1 Informatics School Of Telematics Telkom Purwokerto

Seminar Proposal Tugas Akhir - SPK Pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir menggunakan Analytic Network Process

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Page 1: Seminar Proposal Tugas Akhir - SPK Pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir menggunakan Analytic Network Process

application of method analytic network process in decision support system for the selection final project

Dila Nurlaila – 13102009S1 Informatics

School Of Telematics Telkom Purwokerto

Page 2: Seminar Proposal Tugas Akhir - SPK Pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir menggunakan Analytic Network Process

What will be discussed

Background of the problem

Problem of the study

Purpose of the Research

Scope of the problem

Method of the Research



Page 3: Seminar Proposal Tugas Akhir - SPK Pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir menggunakan Analytic Network Process

What is the problem ?

Page 4: Seminar Proposal Tugas Akhir - SPK Pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir menggunakan Analytic Network Process

confusedSemester 5 - 6

,Semester 1 – 5

Mobile program


Animasi 3d

JaringanPemrograman java

And many more

Too much learn, and not make a choice for her passionSo that is the problem

Background of the problem

Page 5: Seminar Proposal Tugas Akhir - SPK Pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir menggunakan Analytic Network Process

Background of the problemBased on fact,

More than 80% of students informatics st3 TelkomAt the 4 semester do not have the concept of final Prject.

Page 6: Seminar Proposal Tugas Akhir - SPK Pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir menggunakan Analytic Network Process

Background of the problemBased on fact,

29% of students do not know at all informatics science before studying in informatics.

Page 7: Seminar Proposal Tugas Akhir - SPK Pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir menggunakan Analytic Network Process

And many more,

From the begining, he chose the wrong side

Stiil in the comfort zone


Background of the problem

Page 8: Seminar Proposal Tugas Akhir - SPK Pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir menggunakan Analytic Network Process

Purpose of the Research

untuk mengetahui penggunaan tingkat keberhasilan metode analytic network process yang diterapkan dalam system pendukung keputusan untuk pemilihan tema tugas akhir

Page 9: Seminar Proposal Tugas Akhir - SPK Pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir menggunakan Analytic Network Process

Problem of the study

1. Bagaimana menerapkan metode analytic network process (ANP) dalam system pendukung keputusan untuk pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir ?

Specially the formulation of the problem in this research was

Page 10: Seminar Proposal Tugas Akhir - SPK Pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir menggunakan Analytic Network Process

scope of the problem

1. Masalah yang dibahas pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana menerapkan metode analytic network process kedalam sebuah system pendukung keputusan untuk menentukan tema Tugas Akhir

2. Study kasus dari penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa program studi S1 Informatika STT Telematika Telkom Purwokerto yang akan mengambil mata kuliah tugas akhir

3. Dalam penelitian ini ada beberapa Set kriteria yang digunakan yaitu nilai matakuliah dari bidang ilmu RPL dan TI, hasil tes bakat, skill mahasiswa dan minat/passion.

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Selecting or prioritizing alternatives from a set of available alternatives with respect to multiple criteria, is often refer to Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM).

analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Analytic Network Process (ANP) are the common methods by which to solve Multi-Criteria Decision Making problems.

Analytic Network Process

Page 12: Seminar Proposal Tugas Akhir - SPK Pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir menggunakan Analytic Network Process

Analytic Network Process why used the analytic network process ?

Because, The Analytic network Process method (ANP) was the development of the Analytical Hierarchy Process method (AHP). The ANP method of could improve the AHP weakness took the form of the capacity the connection between the criterion or the alternative (Saaty, 2004)

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Analytic Network Process





Loop menunjukkan bahwa setiap elemen hanya tergantung pada dirinya sendiri

Hierarchy Linear (AHP)









Network Feedback (ANP)

Komponen Cluster (level)

Outer Dependence

Iner Dependence


The difference of AHP and ANP

Page 14: Seminar Proposal Tugas Akhir - SPK Pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir menggunakan Analytic Network Process

Method of research1. Lokasi Penelitian / case study


2. Kind of the research - type of the research is Action Research (Tindakan)3. Method of collecting data

- using a quistionnaire

Page 15: Seminar Proposal Tugas Akhir - SPK Pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir menggunakan Analytic Network Process

Identification and definition of the problem

Classification decision makers

Identification of criteria and sub-criteria decision


Study of Literature

Collection data

Processing data using ANP method

Apply the results into modeling of


Method of research

Page 16: Seminar Proposal Tugas Akhir - SPK Pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir menggunakan Analytic Network Process

Output expectedkeluaran yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah berupa perhitungan

set kriteria

Page 17: Seminar Proposal Tugas Akhir - SPK Pemilihan tema Tugas Akhir menggunakan Analytic Network Process

Study Literaturer1. Implementasi metode Analytic Network Process untuk membangun aplikasi

executive support system pada perusahaan consultant IT (Jurnal Ilmu Komputer – Vol 4. no.1 – April 2011) oleh : Ngurah Agus Sanjaya ER Universitas Udayana

This research built a support system executives to determine the success of SEO projects by applying methods of ANP,

2. Choosing a College Major : A prototype decision support system (Journal Computer in Human Behavior, vol.10, no.3, copyright 1994 Elsevier Science Ltd) by : Barry

B. Zwibelman and Robert T. Plant University of Miami.This article demonstrates the feasibility of a new computer technology,

decision support systems (DSSs), to assist counselors with their clients in choosing a college major:

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Study Literaturer3. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan bidang studi di Perguruan Tinggi menggunakan metode Analytic Network Process (Jurnal Program teknologi informasi dan ilmu computer Universitas Brawijaya) by : Robert Eka Rahendi, dkk

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References T. L. Saaty, “Fundamental Of the Analytic Network Process Dependence and feedback in Decision - Making with Single Network,” Systems Science And System Engineering, vol. 13, 2004.

J. Hidayati, “Penerapan Analytical Network Process (ANP) pada Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja Di Kebun Sidamanik Pematang Siantar,” 2012. [Online]. Available: http://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/jgti/article/view/4088/3738.. [Diakses 20 03 2016].

Thomas. L. Saaty dan L. G. Vargas, Decision Making with the Analytic Network Process, New York : Springer, 2006.

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Thanks for attention. Sukron katsiron