ΟΙ ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ ΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΟΙ ΘΕΣΜΟΙ ΚΑΙ Ι∆ΕΕΣ 1900 -1940 Γιάννης Αντωνίου 1

ελληνες μηχανικοι 1950-70

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  • 1900 -1940


  • 1900-1940


  • (. 6-9) . 1 O , Technocracy . (. 10-87) 1. . (.10-14) 1. Technocracy. (. 14-27)

    , Technocracy. (.17-23)

    americanismus . (. 23-29)

    1.. Technocracy. (. 30-63)

    . (. 30-35) . (. 35-44) . (. 45-52) . (. 52-61) . . (.61-63)

    1. . . (.64-72) 1. . (. 73-89)

    . (. 73-77)

    . (. 77-80) . (. 80-84) . (. 84-87)


  • . 2 . . 19 20 . (. 88-151)

    2.. . (. 89-121)

    1836-1863, . (. 93-97)

    1863-1887, . (98-101)

    1887-1914, . (102-112)

    1914-1920. . (. 112-120)

    2. (. 121-128) 2. . (. 129-139) 2. . (. 139-146) 2.. . (. 146-151) 2 . (. 152-161) . 3 . . (. 162-201) 3.

    . (. 162-173) 3. ; (. 173-183)

    , , . ;

    3. : (. 184-187) , , .

    3. , . . (. 187-195)

    : . (. 187-188) . (. 188) . (. 188-193) . (. 193-195) . .

    20 30. (. 196-202)

    3 . (. 203-227)


  • . 4 . . (. 229-300) 4.. . (. 229-234)

    4.. . (. 234-268)

    , , , , , .(234-237)

    : , , , . . (. 237-247)

    . . (. 248-251)

    , . (. 251-268) 4. . (. 268-293)

    . (. 268-273) . (. 273-280) . (. 280-293)

    4.. , . (. 293-300) 4 . (. 301-308) (. 309-319) (. 319-335)


  • , . 19 20. , 1837 1950, . ... , , , , . . , . , .. (Engineering Studies) (Science and Technology Studies). , , , . , , , , . : , , , , , , , . , : , . , technocracy , , .


  • , . , 1836 . , , , , 19 1923. . , . , , , , , , , . , . , , , . 1920-1940. , . , . , ,


  • . , , , .

    , . Virginia Technological Institute Harvard. , , , , , . , 6 . , , , , , . , , . Gary L. Downey, , Engineering Studies, Virginia Technological Institute. Antoine Picon, Harvard . . , . , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , . / , , ,


  • . , . , , , .


  • . 1 , echnocracy

    1. . o 19 20 . 100 . , , , . . 18 .

    O . Misa . , . . . Raymond Williams , , , , , , . Marx, 19 . 1 . 20, . , 20 . 1 Thomas Misa, The Compelling Tangle of Modernity and Technology, T. Misa, P. Brey, A. Feenberg, Modernity and Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT, 2003, p. 5, 7, 10, 12.


  • , . , . . Salomon, (technology) (technique), . , , , . (technologie) (technique). , . (technique) (technology) , (technologie) (technique technic ).2 K. Jacobsen, , . . . .3 David Noble L. Marx Jacob Bigelow, Harvard, 1829, The Elements of Technology. Bigelow , , .

    2 Salomon 1728 Philosophia rationalis sive logica Christian Wolf . , J. Becman , management. JeanJacques Salomon, What is Technology? The Issue of its Origins and Definitions, History and Technology, v. 1, 1984, p. 113, 125. 3 K. Jacobsen, K. Andersen, T. Halvorsen S. Myklebustin, Engineering Cultures: European Appropriations of Americanism, M. Hard and A. Jamison eds. The International Appropriation of Technology, Discourses on Modernity, 1900-1939, MIT, 1998, p. 105.


  • , , , , , , .4 Leo Marx Bigelow. . MIT 1861, , . (science based industries), , , .. . . 5 . , , , . 1880 1920. , , , , , . , , . , Descartes, Bacon Locke, 19 , , , . , , , management. ,

    4 David Noble, America by Design. Science, Technology, and the Rise of Corporate Capitalism, Oxford University Press, 1977 p. 3-4. 5 L. Marx Technology the Emergence of a Hazardous Concept Social Research. Vol. 64, n. 3, 1997, p. 973-976


  • , , .6 , , . , , , , . , , , .7 L. Marx , . , Bigelow , , . , , , . . . . , , , . ,

    6L. Marx Technology, the Emergence of a Hazardous Concept Social Research. Vol. 64, n. 3, 1997, p. 973-976. , Lindy Biggs, The Rational Factory, Baltimore, Maryland, The John Hopkins University Press, 1996, p. 3-6. 7 L. Marx , , , , . , , , . Leo Marx, The Idea of Technology and Postmodern Pessimism, Merrit Roe Smith and Leo Marx, edit., Does Technology Drive History? MIT Press, 1995, p. 247-248.


  • . 8 technocracy. , , . . . 1. Technocracy , , . . . , .9 , , , , , . , . , D. Edgerton, .10 . , 8 L. Marx Technology the Emergence of a Hazardous Concept Social Research. Vol. 64, n. 3, 1997, p. 967-968, 977-980. 9Jean Pierre Vernant, : , , , , 4. Aristotle Tympas, What Have We Been Since We Have Never Been Modern? A Macro-Historical Periodization based on Historiographical Considerations on the History of Technology in Ancient and Modern Greece 10 David Edgerton, From Innovation to Use: Ten Eclectic Theses on the Historiography of Technology, History and Technology, 1999, vol.16, p. 111-136.


  • . , .

    20 , , . , .

    , . , , 18 . , .11 , , . , , . . , . .12 11 Thomas Hughes, Merrit Roe Smith, Leo Marx, David Noble, David Hounshell, Thomas Misa, John Sttaudenmaier, John Jordan, Lindy Biggs, Charles Maier .. Andrew Jamison, Mikael Hard, Peter Wagner, Kjetil Jakobsen .. . 12 P. Wagner, Social Reflections: The Technology Question during the First Crisis of Modernity, eds, M. Hard A. Jamison, The Intellectual Appropriation of Technology, Discources on Modernity, 1900-1939, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 1998, p. 228. . , , . ,


  • , , , , . . , , , . , 19 20, . , , , . , , . , . , : , , , , , . O M. R. Smith L. Marx, , , ,

    , , , . , Bruce Bimber. Three Faces of Technological Determinism, eds. Merrit Roe Smith and Leo Marx, Does Technology Drive History? the MIT Press, 1995, p. 80-100.


  • , . .13 . , , , , , ` , , , , , , , . , . , , , . . , , Taylor, Ford Veblen . americanismus.14 , technocracy , . . Thomas Hughes, , 20 . 15

    13 Merrit Roe Smith and Leo Marx, Does Technology Drives History? Massachusetts, MIT Press, 1995, ntroduction. 14 Charles Maer Between Taylorism and Technocracy: European Ideologies and the Vision of Industrial Productivity in the 1920s, Journal of Contemporary History 5, 1970, no. 2: 27-61. 15 Thomas Hughes, American Genesis, U.S.A. VIKING,1989, p.186


  • . , , . , , , , , , , , .. . , , . , , Frederick Winslow Taylor, Henry Ford, Samuel Insull Th. Veblen. Taylor . , Taylor, 19 , . , . Taylor , , . , . , , Taylor, . , , , . , Scientific Management, , .


  • , . , , , , . Principles of Scientific Management, : , .16 ... 1911 , , , , , , , . Taylor . , . .17 o Henry Ford 20 . , , , . , , , , , , standards ,

    16 . . . 188 247, 17 Taylor: Edwin Layton, The Revolt of Engineers, Social Responsibility and the American Engineering Profession, Baltimore and London, The John Hopkins University Press, 1986, p. 134-154. Alfred Chandler, The Visible Hand. The Managerial Revolution in American Business. Cambridge, Massachusetts, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1999 (15th printing), p. 272-283. John Jordan, Machine Age Ideology. Social Engineering and American Liberalism, 1911-1939, the University of North Carolina Press, 1994, p. 40-46. Thomas Hughes, American Genesis, U.S.A. VIKING, 1989, p 249-295. David Noble, America by Design. Science, Technology, and the Rise of Corporate Capitalism, Oxford University Press, 1977, p. 267-276. Charles Maer Between Taylorism and Technocracy: European Ideologies and the Vision of Industrial Productivity in the 1920s, Journal of Contemporary History 5, no. 2: p. 30-32.


  • . , , . Highland Park, 1913 River Rouge Plant 1920, , , . , , , Henry Ford 1913 1925 . Taylor. H . 18 . , , . . , , , , . , . Samuel Insull. Ford Insull ... , , , , , , , .19

    18 Ford : Thomas Hughes, American Genesis, U.S.A. VIKING,1989, p 249-295. David Hounshell, From the American System to Mass Production, 1800-1932. The Development of Manufacturing Technology in the United States, Baltimore, The John Hopkins University Press, p. 217-263. Ruth Schwarz Coawn, A Social History of American Technology, Oxford University Press, 1997, p.221-248. Lindy Biggs, 1996, p. 95-161. 19 David Nye, Electrifying America, p. 236-237. Thomas Hughes, American Genesis, p. 226-246.


  • 19 , , , , . . Thorstein Veblen.20 O Veblen . , , , . , . Ford Insull . , , , , , , , , , ... , , , .21 Veblen . . Veblen , The Engineers and the Price System, 1921, , , Technocracy. 20 Veblen : John Jordan, Machine Age Ideology, p. 40-46. Thomas Hughes, 1989, p. 246-247. Edwin Layton, 1986, p. 1-3, 225-228. David Noble, 1977, p. 244-246. Andrew Jamison, American Anxieties: Technology and the Reshaping of Republican values, eds, M. Hard A. Jamison, The Intellectual Appropriation of Technology, Discources on Modernity, 1900-1939, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 1998, p. 81-87. 21 Th. Veblen, Engineers and the Price System, New Brunswick and London, Transaction Edition, 1983 (first edition 1921), . 131-145. , Th. Veblen, , , . , 1982, . .


  • Veblen , , 1929 . , . , . P. Wagner . 22 , , , . , , . , . , Los Alamos, , Big Science, . 1929 New Deal. Tennessee Valley Authority. , .. . Roosevelt . : ... , , ,

    22 P. Wagner, Social Reflections: The Technology Question during the First Crisis of Modernity, eds, M. Hard A. Jamison, The Intellectual Appropriation of Technology, Discources on Modernity, 1900-1939, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 1998, p. 230-231, 235.


  • .23 technocracy . , . . , , .

    , . , , , . , . , . americanismus technocracy , , . , . , , .

    Hegel, 1830, , : .24 , Gramsci, , : .

    23 Thomas Hughes, 1989, p. 364. 24 K. Jacobsen, K. Andersen, T. Halvorsen, S. Myklebust, Engineering Cultures: European Appropriation of Americanism, eds, M. Hard A. Jamison, The Intellectual Appropriation of Technology, Discources on Modernity, 1900-1939, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 1998, p. 101-129.


  • .25 . 19 , , 20, . , , , , . , . , . .

    Thomas Hughes American Genesis 20 . , , , management. . , Le Corbusier Gropius, Ford Taylor , , , . , , .26 T. Misa , , .27 avant guards, , . . , . , , ,

    25 Charles Maer Between Taylorism and Technocracy: European Ideologies and the Vision of Industrial Productivity in the 1920s, Journal of Contemporary History 5, no. 2, 1970, p. 27. 26 Thomas Hughes, 1989, p. 295-352. 27 T. Misa, 2003, p. 6.


  • , . , , , . , , , , technocracy, .28

    . Maier , . , - , . , . 29

    , . , , . , , , , , , ..

    , . , . Maier

    28 P. Wagner, 1998, p. 246-251 29 Charles Maier, 1970, p. 28.


  • . management , . 30

    . . , , , .

    P. Wagner . . , . Max Weber .31

    , . , , , , .32 , Kultur, Kultur ivilization. , J. Herf .33 ,

    30 Charles Maier, 1970, p. 28-29. , Charles Maier, Recasting Burgois Europe: Stabilization in France, Germany and Italy after World War I, Prinston, 1975.31 P. Wagner, 1998, p. 235-238. 32 Mikael Hard, German Regulation: The Integration of Modern Technology into National Culture, eds, M. Hard A. Jamison, The Intellectual Appropriation of Technology, Discources on Modernity, 1900-1939, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 1998, p. 36-46. . , , 1987, 7, . 209-224. 33 Jeffrey Herf, 1984, . 184-228.


  • , Walter Rathenau, management . O Rathenau . AEG, , , , , , 34 . , , .35

    K , . , , , Herf, Hard, Maier, . , . . Jeffrey Herf, The Reactionary Modernism. . , , . , , , , , , ., .

    34. M. Hard, 1998, p. 46-56. 35 Herf, 1984, . 229-261.


  • .36

    technocracy. , technocracy . (produttovismo) . , , . , .37

    1917 .38 , Indiana Ford Detroit . , , . To , ,39 . , , , ... , , Insull . Scientific Management Taylor 20 ,

    36 Michael Tad Allen, Modernity, the Haulocaust, and Machines without History, Technologies of Power, Essays in Honor of Thomas Parke Houghes, eds. M. Thad Allen and Gabrielle Hecht, MIT, 2001, p. 175-214. Edmund N Todd, Engineering Politics, Technological Fundamelism, and German Power Technology, Technologies of Power, Essays in Honor of Thomas Parke Houghes, eds. M. Thad Allen and Gabrielle Hecht, MIT, 2001, p. 145-174. 37 Charles Maier, 1970, p. 40-43. 38 Kendal Bailes, Technology and Society under Lenin and Stalin: Origins of the Social Technical Intelligentsia 1917-1941, Princeton University Press 1978. 39 Jonathan Coopersmith, The Electrification of Russia, p. 151-192


  • scientific management.

    , 1924, . : . , , ... .40

    . , , ... , , .

    40 Thomas Hughes, American Genesis, p. 251


  • 1. technocracy. , , . , . , .

    , . , . , 1900-1940 .

    Marx . . , , , . , standards , 19 H...41

    . , , , . . . , 41 Chris Smith and Peter Whalley, Engineers in Britain, Peter Meiskins & Chris Smith (edit.), 1996, p. 27. M. Berg, The age of Manufactures 1700-1820, London, Routledge, 1994, 2nd edition, p. 13-50, 57-77. Ian Inkster, Science and Technology in History, An Approach to Industrial Development, USA, Rutgers University Press, 1991, p. 61-76.


  • , 19 . . 42 , , Oxbridge, , , , . P. Lundgreen, . .43 . , . gentleman. . , . , , , engineering, . . , , Smith Whalley , (shop-

    42 Chris Smith and Peter Whalley, 1996, p. 31-33. M. Berg, 1994, p. 57-77. Ian Inkster, 1991, p. 60-86. Eric Hobsbawm, Industry and Empire. The Birth of the Industrial Revolution, N.Y. New York Press, 1968, p. 150-173, 185-204. 43P. Lundgreen, Engineering Education in Europe and the USA, 1750-1930: The Rise to Dominance of School Culture and the Engineering Profession, Annals of Science vol. 4, 1990, p.46.


  • culture) , .44

    , , , . , , . , ad hoc . 1929 , management B .

    . , 30, 20 .45

    , 20 , , . engineering, 1820. , , . 1880 , . , . 20 . , , , . A. Guagnini 44 P. Whalley, Negotiating the Boundaries of Engineering: Professionals, Managers, and Manual Work, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 1991, V. 8, p. 208. 45 K. Jacobsen, 1998, p. 110. M.C. Duffy, Engineering Production and Economic Growth, 2002, web paper, Chris Smith and Peter Whalley, 1996, p. 36-37.


  • . . .46 Imperial College 1907 , , . Oxbridge. . 20 , , , Oxbridge .47 . (Corps of Royal Engineers) 17 18 19 . To 1812 , , 1860, . , , , . . . , Society of Civil Engineers (SCE), 1771 46 1900 2000, Chris Smith and Peter Whalley, 1996, p. 33. 1910 613. A. Guagnini, Worlds Apart: Academic Institution and Professional Qualifications in the Training of Mechanical Engineers in England 1850-1914, in R. Fox, A. Guagnini eds. Education, Technology and Industrial Performance in Europe,1850-1939, Cambridge UP 1993, p. 16-18, 33. 47 K. Jacobsen, 1998, p. 105-106.


  • . , gentlemen , , , , , , , . 19 , . 1818 (Institution of Civil Engineers, ICE). SCE. ICE . .48 . 20 . . , , . . 1846 (Institution of Mechanical Engineers, ). , . Smith Whalley .49 . , , . , , , . 1911 .50

    48 Peter Lundgreen, 1990, p. 46-51. 49 Chris Smith and Peter Whalley, 1996, p. 45 50 A. Guagnini, 1993, p. 27-28.


  • , 1910 17 . . . . , , Samuelson 1868, Finiston Committee 1980, , . , . . design , P. Whalley.51 , . 19 , Watt Stephenson . . , , , , , status .

    . Sain Simon A. Compte, . , , management . 51 P. Whalley, 1991, p.


  • Taylor Ford 20 , , , . , . , management . , , . Jacobsen, , , , .52

    , , management (Michelin) (Citroen). management Fayol. K. Jacobsen .. management , , Taylor. management . , . Fayol.53

    , , Sain-Simon , , . , , .

    Maier, technocracy, , , , .

    52 Jacobsen 1998, p. 112. 53Jacobsen 1998, p. 113-114. Andre Grelon, The Training and the Career Structures of Engineers in France, 1880-1939, R. Fox and Anna Guagnini edit. Education, Technology and Industrial Performance in Europe, 1850-1939, Cambridge University press, 1993, p. 54-55. . , Fayol, , , 30, 1926.


  • Veblen . Vichy . Taylor Gantt .54

    . 19 , .

    19 20 . Grandes Ecoles . Grandes Ecoles . , . , , . , , , , Ecoles d Application. ( ) . , , 20 . , , , status. status Ecole Centrale, 19 Grandes Ecoles, 1880-1930 gadzarts, Ecoles des Arts et Metiers, . gadzarts 80% , , ,

    54Charles Maier Between Taylorism and Technocracy: European Ideologies and the Vision of Industrial Productivity in the 1920s, Journal of Contemporary History 5, no. 2, p. 38. K. Jacobsen, 1998, p. 111-113.


  • , . . 55

    17 . Corps du Genie Militaire 1676 Ecole d Artillerie 1679. , des Ponts et Chausses, 1716, 1747 Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chausses, . 1783 Corps des Ingenieurs des Mines . II , 1794, , Convention Ecole Polytechnique. 100 , . (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chausses, Ecole des Mines, Ecole du Genie Maritime ..) Ecole Polytechnique (ecoles d application) . polytechniciens 19 20 . 56 . Ecole Polytechnique . . Grandes Ecoles, .

    , . . , , .57

    55 Eda Kranakis, The Social Determinants of Engineering Practice: A Comparative View of France and America in the 19th century, Social Studies of Science, vol. 19, 1989, p. 10. 56Terry Shin, From Corps to Profession: the Emergence and Definition of Industrial Engineering in Modern France, Robert Fox, George Weisz edit. The Organization of Science and Technology in France 1808-1914. Cambridge University Press and Editions de la Maison des Science de l Homme, 1980, p. 183-208. Stephen Crawford, The Making of the French Engineer, P. Meiksins, Ch. Smith edits, 1996, p. 98-102. 57 Stephen Crawford, 1996, p. 104-106.


  • Alder , ancient regime, , , . .58

    A. Picon , , Latour Gallon, . . 59 , 18 19, , , laissez-faire, laissez-passer. Ponts et Chausses ancient regime . Ecole Polytechnique .

    E. Kranakis . 19 , , , , . , . Navier, o Dupin, o M. Levy, o J. Resal, L. De Bussy, , , 19 , W. Taylor, T. Edison, E. Sperry, E. Thomas, J. Westinghouse, H. Ford, W. and O. Wright, .60 Jacobsen , , . , 58 K. Alder, Engineering the Revolution, Arms and Enlightenment in France, 1763-1815, Princeton University Press, 1997, p. 310, 346. 59 A. Picon, Towards a History of Technological Thought, in R. Fox ed., Technological Change, Harwood, 1996, p. 37-51. 60 Eda Kranakis, The French connection: Giffords injector and the nature of heat, Technology and Culture, vol. 23, 1982, pp. 3-38, The Social Determinants of Engineering Practice: A Comparative View of France and America in the 19th century, Social Studies of Science, vol. 19, 1989, pp. 5-70, Constructing a Bridge, MIT Press, 1997.


  • , . , . , . , , . . .

    Ecole Polytechnique . , . , . . Ecole Polytechnique Grandes Ecoles, , 19 , . , .61

    T. Shinn status. . . , . . , . , . .62

    61 Jacobsen et al. 1998, p. 110-111. 62 Terry Shin, 1980, p. 187-188.


  • , 19 , . Ecole Polytechnique 10% , 63 5% . 64 Ecoles d Arts et Metiers . . 12 15 , , . . . , . , . , , , , , ( ), , , , , , . 19 . 1909 (calculus), , 7 . 6, 1907 .65 1829 Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures. H Centrale . polytechniciens. ,

    63 Lundgreen, 1990, p. 39. 64 T. Shinn, Pillars of French Engineering, Social studies of science, v.29, 1999, p.143. 65 Eda Kranakis, The Social Determinants of Engineering Practice: A Comparative View of France and America in the 19th century, Social Studies of Science, vol. 19, 1989, p. 10-12. Andre Grelon, 1993, p. 43-46. Stephen Crawford, 1996, p. 108-111.


  • , . Ecole Centrale , , 1870. , , , , . status Grandes Ecoles . Ecole Polytechnique. engineering . Centrale Ecole Polytechnique, 19 , Ecole Polytechique. Centraliens Polytechniciens. Centrale , . Centrale Ecole Polytechnique Grandes Ecoles Ecoles Arts et Metiers. 19 20 .66

    19 . . , , , , . , , , . , Baccalaureat. 1880 .67 . . , , , , 66 Eda Kranakis, 1989, p. 10-12, 39. Terry Shin, 1980, p. 190-194. 67 1880 1939 65 . Andre Grelon, 1993, p. 44.


  • , , , . . ( ) 19 , 20 . 19 , . . . .68 , management Taylor Fayol . , Fayol. , 1930 , . . , Societe des Ingenieurs Civils 1848 Centrale. , . 68 Eda Kranakis, 1989, p. 28-29. Terry Shin, 1980, p. 204-205.


  • 1880 1930, . , (USIC), , . 1920 , , Union des Syndicates d Ingenieurs Francais (USIF). USIF 4000 50-60000 . , , , . 1917 Astier . , , , , . . 1930 . 1934 . . , 1937, (Federation Nationale des Syndicates d Inginieurs FNSI), 20000 . . . A. Grelon : , . , . . , .69

    69 Andre Grelon, 1993, p. 60-61.


  • civilization ultur 19 . 19 ,70 . . , .

    1729 , 1755, Ecole de genie, Ingenieuracademy. E 18 . 1799 Bauakademie. (Ingenieure) Baubeamte. , , , . , . 71

    19 , Humbold , , Polytechische Schulen, Technische Hochschulen. (Gymnasia), .72

    1859 Realschule. , status Gymnasium. , . . 70 O . Inkster Bairoch , optimum 100 1750 1900 : , 1750: 2.4, 1830:17.5, 1860: 54, 1900: 100. , 1750: 3.7, 1830: 6.5, 1860: 11.1, 1900: 71,2. Inkster, 1991, p. 137. 71 Lundgreen, 1990, . 41. 72 K. Gispen, New Profession, Old Order. Engineers and German Society, 1815-1914, Cambridge University Press, 1989, p 24.


  • 19 . , , 19 Gymnasium.

    Technische Hochschulen , , , , Grandes Ecoles, . Manegold , .

    , Technische Hochschulen , , . Technische Hochschulen . geist, . . . 73

    1870 Technische Hochschulen . , , .74 1879 Technische Hochschulen, 73 K. Manegold, Technology Academized: Educationand Training of the Engineer in the 19th Century, E. Layton, P. Weingart (edits), The Dynamics of Science and Technology: Sociology of Sciences, Doedrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1978, p.153 74 2% Gymnasium Abitur , Lundgreen . P. Lundgreen, Education for ScienceBased Industrial State? The Case for 19th century Germany. History of Education, vol. 13, 1984, p. 67.


  • . 1899 , status, . . , .

    , 1880 1914. , , management . , Technische Hochschulen , Technische Mittelschulen. , , , , . 75

    19 20 . Technische Hochschulen Technische Mittelschulen Technische Hochschulen, status 19 .

    19 20, , , , , , (the science based industries), . , , .76

    , , : . , , , . , 75 Kees Gispen, The Long Quest for Professional Identity: German Engineers in Historical Perspective, 1850-1990, P. Meiskins, C. Smith, 1996, p. 136-145. 76Lundgreen 1990, . 57. Sombart 1913 , Sombart, , . 152, .


  • . Koenig, , , . 77

    ,78 ,79 , . Koenig , , . . 80

    Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, , 1856. , . , .81

    Verein Deutscher Ingenieure , , .82 , geist, , , 19 .

    77 W. Koenig, Science-Based Industry or IndustryBased Science? Electrical Engineering in Germany Before World War I, Technology and Culture, v.37, 1996, . 100. 1880 40% , 1895 2%, p. 79. W. Koenig, Technical Education and Industrial Performance in Germany: a Triumph of Heterogeneity, R. Fox, A. Guagnini (edits), Education, Technology and Industrial Performance in Europe, 1850-1939, Cambridge University Press, 1993, p. 65-87. 78 O Wengenroth Status ridden society, Wengenroth, web paper. 79 Shadwell Inkster, . 101. 80W. Koenig, Technical Education and Industrial Performance in Germany: a Triumph of Heterogeneity, R. Fox, A. Guagnini (edits), Education, Technology and Industrial Performance in Europe, 1850-1939, Cambridge University Press, 1993, p. 81-84. 81 K. Gispen, 1989, . 51. 82 K. Gispen,1989, p. 52-60.


  • VDI . , 1877, .83

    , , , . .84

    1909 Verband Deucher Diplom-Inginieure. VDDI , VDI Technische Mittelschulen. , Bund der Technisch Industriellen Beamten (BUTIB), 1904, Technische Mittelschulen . BUTIB, , 24.000 . H VDDI, 4000 , , , VDI management.85

    20 , , managers ancient regime, geist 1940.

    . , . , , , , , Kant, o Wolff Shiller. .

    83 K. Manegold, 1978, p. 142. 84Maier, 1970, . 27-51. 85 Kees Gispen, 1996, p. 147-155


  • , . , , , , manager. technocracy .

    managers, . management leitung (). , , Fuhrer , , , .

    , , . management , , geist. , , . , Jacobsen, Ford . Ford , . 86

    , K. Ludwig87 . . , Kultur Zivilisation. , . , , . ,

    86 Jacobsen et al. 1998, p. 110-111, 117-123. 87 Herf, 1984, .189.


  • , .

    , , , . .

    1904 Max Eyth, , geist. geist , . , Eyth, , . , .88

    Kultur - Zivilization, , , . 20 . , , .

    , Herf, , . .89 Hard

    88 Jeffrey Herf, 1984, . 193. 89 .. . 188


  • Kultur, , ivilization.90

    18 19, , , . 19 . . O Layton 1816 30 , , 1850 2000, . 1880 7000. 40 , 1920 136.000, 1930 226.000 1940 260.000.91 19 , status. . . 19 . 20.92 . Tomas Hughes, The American Genesis: A Century of Invention and Technological Enthusiasm, , .93 , .94

    90 M. Hard, 1998, p. 42. 91 Edwin Layton, The Revolt of Engineers, Social Responsibility and the American Engineering Profession, Baltimore and London, The John Hopkins University Press, 1986, p. 3. 92 P. Meiksins, Engineers in the United States: A House Divided, Peter Meiksins & Chris Smith, 1996, . 65 93 T. P. Hughes, American Genesis: A Century of Invention and Technological Enthusiasm, Penguin, 1989, p. 1. 94 . Lindy Biggs, The Rational Factory, Baltimore, Maryland, The John Hopkins University Press, 1996, p.


  • David Hounshell, , From the American System to Mass Production, 1874-1880 Singer 250 500. Hounshell .95 Thomas Misa, , Nation of Steel: The Making of Modern America, 1865-1925, 1870-1880, , . H , Bessemer, .96 H. Ford.97 20 , . General Motors, Ford 20 , , 40 , General Motors , .98 , West Point, 1802, . Ecole Polytechnique . , , , 99 , .100

    95 David Hounshell, From the American System to Mass Production, 1800-1933, The Development of Manufacturing Technology in the United States, Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press, 1984, p.122. 96 Thomas Misa, Nation of Steel: The Making of Modern America, 1865-1925, Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press, 1995, p. xx-xxi 97 David Hounshell, 1984, p. 9. 98 David Hounshell, 1984, p. 13. 99 Edwin Layton, Mirror-Image Twins: The Communities of Science and Technology in 19th Century America, Technology and Culture, vol. 20, no. 1, January 1979, p 570-571 100P. Meiksins, Engineers in the United States: A House Divided, Peter Meiskins & Chris Smith, 1996, . 64-66. Kranakis, 1989, p. 55.


  • 1836 (VMI), Thomas Jefferson. VMI Ecole Polytechnique , , , .101 , Renssellaer School, 1824 Troy , , 1830, Renssellaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). 1860. , , , , , . , . , , Ecole Centrale. 1860 .102 .103 Massachussetts Institute of Technology (). 1862 , Harvard . 1865 Mens and Manus. . D. Noble 1900 , General Motors, General Electric, Du Pont Goodyear.104 Morril act 1862.

    101 Gary L. Downey, Advanced Topics in Engineering Studies, Virginia Technological Institute, , 2004. 102 J.W. Gibbs, H. Rowland J. Henry RPI. Noble, 1977, . 22. 103 West Point 1802-1827 121 , 1860 1 . P. Meiksins, 1996, . 65. 104Noble, 1977, p. 51.


  • .105 T , 6 70. 1880 85 1917 126. 1870 100 4300. T , , (laborious thinkers thinking laborers).106 . . A. Donovan, , . , , . .107 , , . . 108 , , 20 . . , . 19 , , , , , . 109 19 , (erudition)

    105 Ed. J. James, The Origin of the Land Grant Act of 1862 (the so called Morril Act) and Some Account of its Author J. B. Turner, The University Studies, University of Illinois, Vol. IV No. 1, November 1910, p. 49-61. 106 Noble, 1977, p. 24, 21. 107 Arthur Donovan, Education, Industry and the American University Fox, Guagnini, eds., 1993, p. 260. 108 Meiksins, 1996, p. 62-64. 109 G. L. Downey, J. Lucena, Knowledge and Professional Identity in Engineering: Code-Switching and the Metric of Progress, under review at History and Technology, (manuscript), p. 22-23.


  • .110 H , B. Franklin, .111 1839. 1869 , , , St. Luis. 1870 Layton .112 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 1848, . American Institute of Mining Engineers (AIME), 1871 , . . 1880, , , ASCE AIME . H American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 1880, American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE), 1884. . , , . 19o 20, .113 , . Layton . . Layton, , The Revolt of the Engineers, , 110 Donovan, 1993, p. 268. 111 Noble, 1977, p. 23. 112 Layton, 1986, p. 25-46. 113 : The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1893, the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, 1894, the American Railway Engineering Assosiation, 1899, the American Electrochemical Society, 1902, the Society of Automotive Engineers, 1904, the Illuminating Engineering Society, 1906, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1908, Institute of Radio Engineers, 1912. Layton, 1986, p. 41.


  • ..., , , , . . , .114 . , . Morris L. Cook Frederick Haynes Newel . , , . , management technocracy. . Layton, Mirror-Image Twins: The Communities of Science and Technology in 19th Century America,115 19 . . . . , . , . Layton , , . , . (social engineering) 114 Edwin Layton, 1986, p. 1. 115 Edwin Layton, 1971, p. 579.


  • . technocracy. 1921 Th. Veblen, , , .116 Veblen, , . , . , , , .117 Layton Veblen. Layton, Veblen . , . 20 , . , Layton, , . . 118 , Layton . 20, 30 Howard Scott, .119 Layton 116 Th. Veblen, Engineers and the Price System, New Brunswick and London, Transaction Edition, 1983 (first edition 1921), . 131-145. 117 Andrew Jamison, American Anxieties: Technology and the Reshaping of Republican values, eds, M. Hard A. Jamison, 1998, p. 81. 118 Layton, 1986, p. 1, 225-228. 119Scott, Howard, Science Versus Chaos, New York, Technocracy Incorporated, 1933. Layton, 1986, p. 227.


  • , . management, , . management , in toto , . , 20 New Deal 30. . 20 . 20 . Layton , . , , 20.120 , , , technocracy, . 1986, 20, .121 , technocracy Brus Sinclair A Centennial History of ASME, 1880-1980 (American Society of Mechical Engineers). . , , ASME, . 30, . , Sinclair, , 120 Layton, 1986, p. 212-213. 121 Layton, 1986, xi


  • .122 David Noble, , America by Design. Noble, , . , .123 , Noble, , , . . , .124 Noble . , . Noble , , . .125 P. Meiksins, , The Revolt of Engineers Reconsidered,126 1988, , , . . . , 122 Bruce Sinclair, A Centennial History of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1880-1980, ASME, University of Toronto, 1980, p. 21-28, 196-226. 123 Noble, 1977, . 39-41. 124 . . 1977, . 62-63. 125 . . 1977, . 320-324 126 P. Meiksins, The Revolt of Engineers Reconsidered, Tery S. Reynolds (edit), The Engineer in America, A Historical Anthology from Technology and Culture, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1991, p. 399-426.


  • , . , . , Meiksins , Cooke Newell ., . , , . Meiksins , . . , , . Meiksins Noble , , Layton Sinclair, , , .127 , 1996, Engineers in the United States: A House Divided128 , , . , , engineering. . , .


    127 P. Meiksins, 1991, p. 424-426. 128 P. Meiksins, Engineers in the United States: A House Divided, Peter Meiskins & Chris Smith, 1996, p. 61-97.


  • 4 .

    , , . .

    , , , , , , , , , , , .

    18 , 19 , . , .

    Grandes Ecoles , Arts et Metiers 19 20. 20 . , . . o , , , management .


    . . , ,


  • status 1859, 40 . , , , . . .129

    19 . , . . , 19 20 , , , , , ..130

    . Gothenburg 1826 1829 . status 1876, 1937. , 30 . .131

    129Anna Guagnini, Academic Qualifications and Professional Functions in the Development of the Italian Engineering Schools, 1859-1914, Fox, Guagnini, eds, 1993, p.171-197. Charles Maier, 1970, p. 40-43. 130 Santiago Riera i Tuebols, Industrialization and Technical Education in Spain, Fox, Guagnini, eds, 1993, p. 141-171. 131Goran Ahlsrom, Technical Education, Engineering, and Industrial Growth: Sweden in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries, Fox, Guagnini, eds, 1993, p. 115-141. Boel Berner, Professional or Wage Worker? Engineers and Economic Transformation in Sweden, P. Meiskins, C. Smith, 1996, p. 132-168. Aant Elzinga, Andrew Jamison, Conny Mithander, Swedish Grandeur: Contending Reformations of the Great-Power Project, M. Hard and A. Jamison, 1998, p. 129-163.


  • 1. . . , , , , , Engineering Studies ( ), STS ( ). , , 30 :



    , .

    , , . .

    , , , . .

    . , , , , , technocracy. , , , , , design, , management, marketing, , , , .


  • 132 , . , , . , , , , , . 133

    , Peter Meiksins Chris Smith, , Engineering Labour, Technical Workers in Comparative Perspective, , , . , . , , , , .. , .. . Meiskins Smith , , , . 132 (heterogeneous engineering) J. Law. 12-15 , . , , , , , , . John Law, Technology and Heterogeneous Engineering.The Portuguese Expansion, Bijker, Wiebe E. Hughes, Thomas P. Pinch Trevor. The Social Construction of Technological systems. New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology, the MIT Press, 1987, p. 131-135. 133 , Yiannis Antoniou, Michalis Asmakopoulos, Notes on the Genesis of the Greek Engineer of the 19th century. The School of Arts and the Military Academy Science, Technology and the 19th Century State: The Role of the Army, edits Kostas Chatzis, Efthymios Nicolaidis, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Laboratoire Techniques, Territoire et Societes / CNRS, Athens, 2003, p. 91-138.


  • . , , , . , set , , , . . . .134 , .135 , , . , manager. , . , .

    . , , , , .

    status, . engineering management, .

    . , . , ,

    134 Peter Meiskins & Chris Smith, 1996, p. 233-236. 135 Engineering Labour, Technical Workers in Comparative Perspective, p. 236-253.


  • management, .

    . , .

    , , . , . . , H, , , .

    , 90 , (Engineering Studies), (STS), , , . , The Invisible Engineer: How Engineering Ceased to be a Problem in Science and Technology Studies,136 Downey, Donovan and Elliot, 1989, , Engineering Studies,137 1995, Downey Lucena. , .138 , . . . .

    136 G. L. Downey, A. Donovan, T J. Elliott, The Invisible Engineer: How Engineering Ceased to be a Problem in Science and Technology Studies, Knowledge and Society, vol. 8, 1989, pp. 189-216. 137 Gary Lee Downey, Juan C. Lucena, Engineering Studies Sh. Jasanoff et all, The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, edited by Sage, 1995, pp. 167-188. 138 : Brown, Bucciareli, Vinck etc


  • , , . , , Manheim.139 P. Whalley. . , . Whalley , , . , , . Whalley, . , Saint Simon Veblen. , , . , 70.140 , , . , ,

    139 Durkheim Tawney Parsons 60-70, , Gerstl, Perrucci, Ritti, Hall .. 140 R. Perrucci, A. Gorz. P. Whalley, Negotiating Boundaries of Engineering: Professionals Managers and Manual Work, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, vol. 8, 1999, pp. 191-215.


  • . , , . 141 E. Layton o 1971, , , , . , . , 19 .142 R. Kline, , , . , 1880-1945, . . , .

    141 60 70 Bunge Agassi Skolimowski, . W. Vincenti R. Laudan, . Laudan, Natural Alliance or Forced Marriage? Changing Relations Between the Histories of Science and Technology, Technology and Culture, v. 1995, p. 17-28, , 1970, . status , A. Aragiorgis, A. Baltas, Demarcating Technology from Science: Problems and Problem Solving in Technology, Zeischrift fur allgemeine Wissenchaftstheorie, xx/2, 1989, 212-229, Y. Niadas, On the cognitive demarcation between science and technology, Philosophy of Technology, v. 19 2000, p. 175-213. 142 Edwin Layton, Mirror-Image Twins: The Communities of Science and Technology in 19th Century America, Technology and Culture, vol. 12, no. 4, October 1971, p. 563-580. , E. Layton, Technology as Knowledge, p. 31-41.


  • , , , . Kline, engineering, , , , (science policies).143, Downey, Donovan, Elliot, , , . . , . . , , . , , . , , , . , G. Downey J. Lucena . , , , , , , 143 Ronald Kline, Construing Technology as Applied Science, Public Rhetoric of Scientists and Engineers in the United States, 1880-1945, ISIS, 1995, 86, p, 194-221.


  • . .144 , , . , . , , . , , , . . , . . , , , , . , . , , . 144 Gary Lee Downey, Juan C. Lucena, 1995, pp. 167-188.


  • . . , , , . , . , , . . , . , , status gentlemen. , , . , , . , . , . geist . , , . , , status , .


  • 1. . , . , , . . . , . ... , 50 60, . , , . , , , . . , 1954 1962. , Staudenmaier, . , 20 . .145 145 : Charles Singer, E.J. Holmayard, and A.R. Hall, eds, History of Technology (1954-1958). Maurice Daumas, ed., Histoire, 1962-1968. A. Zvorikine, Geschichte


  • (internalist) , design , . O 50. 1958, , . History of Science Society Society for the History of Technology (SHOT). , Technology and Culture, 60, . (contextual), 146 .147 . , , . , .148

    (1962). , John M. Staudenmaier, Technology Storytellers. Reweaving the Human Fabric, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT, 1985, p. 10-11. , Francois Russo, , , , , 1993, . 43-49. 146 Whig History , whigism (), . , . , John M. Staudenmaier, (internal history). , Rupert Hall, On Whiggism, History of Science, xxxi, 1983, p. 45-59. Herbert Butterfield, The Whig Interpretation of History, 1931. 147 J. Studenmaier 1958 1980 : (Internalist History), - (Nonhistorical analysis), , (Contextual history), (Externalist history), , , .. John M. Staudenmaier, Technology Storytellers. Reweaving the Human Fabric, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT, 1985, p. 1-35. , , ..., , 61, . 29-38. 148 Bruce Bimber . , ( ), ( ),


  • , , , . , , . , . Medieval Technology and Social Change, 1964, Lynn White Jr, M. Bloch. . , . 9 . , .149 : , , , . .150

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    , . . Bruce Bimber. Three Faces of Technological Determinism, eds. Merrit Roe Smith and Leo Marx, Smith, Meritt Roe and Marx, Leo, the MIT Press, 1995, p. 80-100. 149Bert Hall, Lynn Whites Medieval Technology and Social Change After Thirty Years, Robert Fox (editor), Methods and Themes in the History of Technology, Harwood Academic, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1996, p. 85-101. 150 Peter C. Perdue, Technological Determinism in Agrarian Societies, Smith, Meritt Roe and Marx, Leo, the MIT Press, 1995, p. 169-201. , Richard W. Buliet, Determinism and Pre-Industrial Technology, Smith, Meritt Roe and Marx, Leo, the MIT Press, 1995, p. 201-217. John M. Staudenmaier, Technology Storytellers. Reweaving the Human Fabric, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT, 1985, p. 146-148.


  • , .151

    , , , , .152

    , . . , , , , , . , , . per se, , , , , . , . , , . , , , . , . , . .

    151Philip Scranton, Determinism and Indeterminacy in the History of Technology Smith, Meritt Roe and Marx, Leo, the MIT Press, 1995, p. 143-169. 152 Rosalind Williams, The Political and Feminist Dimensions of Technological Determinism, Smith, Meritt Roe and Marx, Leo, the MIT Press, 1995 p. 217-237.


  • R. Heilbroner, Do Maschines Make History? 1967 Technology and Culture 1994 , Does Technology Drives History? . , . , , . . , . . . . Technological Determinism Revisited, . Heilbroner , . , , . , . . , (internalist), (culture independent) (externalist) (culture specific), , ,


  • , .153 . . , . , , . 19 20. . , , . M. R. Smith . . 19 , . 20 , , Mumford, Ellul Winner, , .154 , Smith, Bimber,155 Habermas Marcuse, 153 John Staudenmaier ( , ) . John M. Staudenmaier, Rationality versus Contingency in the History of Technology, Merrit Roe Smith and Leo Marx, 1995, p. 260-273. 154 Merrit Roe Smith. Technological Determinism in American Culture, Merrit Roe Smith and Leo Marx edit, 1995, p. 26-34. 155 Bruce Bimber. Three Faces of Technological Determinism Merrit Roe Smith and Leo Marx, Does Technology Drives History? p. 83


  • , , . L. Marx, , , , . . (, Three Mile Island), , , . . , . 156 . , . , . , , , . , , , , , , , . , , , ,

    156 Leo Marx, The Idea of Technology and Postmodern Pessimism, Merrit Roe Smith and Leo Marx, 1995, p. 238-257. , Leo Marx , Does Improved Technology Mean Progress?, Technology Review, Jan. 1987, p. 33-41. , Leo Marx, 1997, p. 973-976.


  • , J. M. Staudenmaier,157 . . , , , , . , , . , MIT 1989, 1994 , Does Technology Drive History? The Dilemma of Technological Determinism, . , , , , , . , , .158 , (Social Constraction of Technology, SCOT). , , , , . , , , , , , .

    157 John M. Staudenmaier, Rationality versus Contingency in the History of Technology, Merrit Roe Smith and Leo Marx, Does Technology Drive History, p. 269. 158 P. Wagner, Social Reflections: The Technology Question during the First Crisis of Modernity, eds, M. Hard A. Jamison, The Intellectual Appropriation of Technology, Discources on Modernity, 1900-1939, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 1998, p. 251-252.


  • , . , , , . , . 159

    . T. Hughes, . , , .160 , , hardware .

    , .. .

    , . , , , . (SCOT).161

    159 T. Misa, 2003, p. 3-30. 160Thomas P. Hughes, The Evolution of Large Technological Systems eds. Thomas P. Hughes, Wiebe E. Bijker and Trevor F. Pinch 1987, p. 51-83. 161 , W. Bijker, T. Hughes, T. Pinch, The Social Construction of Technological Systems. New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, the MIT Press, 1987. 1997 , W. Bijker and J. Law, Shaping Technology Building Society, Studies in Sociotechnical Change. Cambridge, Massachusetts, the MIT Press, 1997. . , Ronald Kline and Trevor Pinch, The Social Construction of Technology, Donald Mackenzie and Judy Wajcman, eds. The Social Shapin of Technology,


  • , . , W. E. ijker, , , T.Pinch. , , . , SCOT , . . , explanans explanandum . , , , . Hughes, . , . : 1. , . , , . . .. ,

    Philadelphia, Open University Books 1999, p. 113-115. . . , . , . , 20 . , , 2004. .


  • . , .1622. , , . , , , . , , . , . . , , . 1633. , , , . . 4. . . (Seamless Web). , , ,

    162 Wiebe Bijker, Of Bicycles, Bacelites, and Bulbs, Toward a Theory of Sociotechnical Change, Cambridge, Massachusetts, the MIT Press, 1995. 163 .. , . , . , , . (closure) , . , . Wiebe Bijker, 1995.


  • . . , , . Hughes, (Technological momentum). Hughes . . . . , , . . , , , , (technological momentum), . Hughes , , - . , .. Edison, . Edison . .164 (Actors Network) . . , Hughes, o . , , , , . . .

    164 Thomas P. Hughes Technological Momentum edit. Merrit Roe Smith and Leo Marx, 1995, p. 101-115. American Genesis, p. 443-473. , The Evolution of Large Technological Systems eds. Trevor F. Pinch and Wiebe E. Bijker, p. 51-83.


  • , , ,165 . - , - .166 . Latour , , . , Latour, , . , , . .167 ,168 Shaping, Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air- Pump, 1985. . oyle , Hobbes . , . . Latour . Latour, o Kant . a priori , . , , , . , , , . , 165 Callon, Latour. 166 . Callon, Some Elements of a Sociology of Translation: Domestication of the Scallops and the Fishermen of St.Brieuc Bay, in M.Biagioli ed. Science Studies Reader, Routledge, 1999 p 67-84. 167Bruno Latour, Pandoras Hope, Essays on the Reality of Science Studies, Harvard University Press, 1999. 168.Latour, , , . . , 2000.


  • , . , . , .169 1989 , . , , , , , . , , , , . . , . , , . Latour , Bloor.170 , , Latour. , . Latour . (collective), . .171

    (SCOT) (Science and Technology Studies) ,

    169 Bruno Latour, One More Turn After the Social Turn: Easing Science Studies into the non Modern World, Ernan MacMullin (ed.), The Social Dimensions of Science. Notre Dame University Press, 1992, p. 272-292. 170 David Bloor, Knowledge and Social Imagery, University of Chicago Press, 1991 (2nd edition) 171 B. Latour, 1999, 304.


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    172 , . , ., . , 2004. . , , , 2003, . , : , , 2003, .


  • . 2. . . , 1934-1935. . 1934, . . , , . .

    1934-1935.173 , . , .

    , 1880, , , , , , .

    173 , ... , ... , . , . .. , 1934, . . . 1935. . . .


  • , . 1934 ... 2146 , , , , , , , .

    , , .., status , . 97 , 1920174 , .

    , , . , , , .

    , 1832-1920. : , , 1878, , , , , , . 2.. . . , 19 , . , 1836, , ,

    174 97 12 1920. , 1935.


  • , 1914 , status .

    , .

    , , , .175 , , . , , 3 1837.176 , 31 1836, , . 177 , , , status , , , . . , , . , , .178

    175 , , 125 , (1828-1953). . , (1828-1834), , . 176. . , 3 1837, . 31-34. . . 86, 31-12-1836, 24 1837, . . 16, . 177 . . 82, , 31-12-1836.

    178 , . . , 3 1837, , , . . , , , , 1994, . . , . ,


  • . , ( ) , .

    , , 19 , , . , , , , . , , , . 179 . , . . 180

    , 30 19 20, , , . , .

    , , 1986. . , , , , 1977. . , . , , , 1983. , , , , , 1988. , , , , 1998. , , , . 179 David Noble, 1977, p. 3-4. Leo Marx, 1995, p. 247. 180 Peter Meiksins & Chris Smith, 1996, p, 66-67, 136-145, 170-173.


  • 19 20. 181 . , , , . , , , , .182 , , . . .183

    , , , , . , .

    . Enfantin , 1832, . Gustave d Eichthal, . J. Roujoux. Fr. Graillard, R. Bailly, F. Curry ... Eichthal , , . Eichthel , ,

    181 Petropoulos, John. , 1833-1843, , MIET, 1985, . 53-60. , Douglas Daikin, , 1770-1923, , MIET, 1989, . 390-402. , 1988, . 163-171, 287-309, 217-230. 182 E. J. Hobsbawm, , 1789-1848. , , 1997, . 208-209, 257. 183 , , , (), , , , 2003, . 7-26.


  • . , . 184

    . , 1868.185 , 1896, . . . ( ) , , , , , , .186 , , ( ) ( , , ) , . , , , .187 , 19 . 20. status , , 1887, , . 1836-1863,

    184 Enfantin . , , . Gustave Eichthal, 1821, , , . . , . 9-11, 66. , . , , , 1988, . 148-152. Picon, Antoine, Les Saint-simoniens : Raison, imaginaire et utopie, Belin, 2002. 185 , . , . , , 1900 1902 . 186 , , 17- 1896, . 33. 187 . , . , . , . , . , . ... ...


  • . 1863 1887. 1887 1914, , . 1914 , .

    , 1836-1863. . .188 . , , , .189 H ,190 , , . , , .191 31 1836, : , , () .192 . . , .

    188 (1834-1837) . , , , . K. , 1977. . 391, 414, 430. 189 . , . 82. 31-12-1836. , 1957, . 14-15 68. 190 , , , , , , , , , 1957, . 28. 191 . , . , . , 1989, , . 170. 192 . . 82. 31-12-1836. , 1957, . 22.


  • , .

    , , . , . La Martiniere ,193 , .194 , , . 1841 , , , . 1843, . 22 1843, , , , .195 , , 1860. , 1860. , , . , . , , . 635 1844-45, 310, 30 24.196 1870 . 1870, 27 , 21 .197 , 1843, . , , , . 1845, . , ,

    193 , , 1957, . 25. 194 . . 35, , 6-11-1837.

    195 . . 38. . , 1957, . 62 70-72. 196 .. . 80.

    197 ... . 39, 1879.


  • : ( ) , , . 198 , , , . .199 1844-1862, , , . . . . , 1844, 1844-1845, , , , , . , , . , 30 1849 , ! .200 , 1859, 1843. , , . , . , 1855, ,

    198 . , , , 22 1845, . 7. 199 . , 19 ., , , 1986, . 15-17. 200 . 78-79.


  • . . , , , , , . , 1860 . 201 , , , , ... 37 , , 5 , 5 , 7 , 3 , 15 , , , , ..., .202 . 400 4 , . , , . , , . . , . , , . 1843, , 312 10. 1844-45, 635 , 390 245 . 11 40 25 (1,5%), 44 25 20 (6,9%), 256 20 15 (40,3), 270 15 10 (42,5%) 54 10 7 (8,5%), 10. 1859 612. 230 , , , , , , , , , , , , , ... 23 . 382 , . 13 . . .203

    201. . . 1860-1870 , . , 1989, , , , . 159-161. 202 , . 485-500

    203 , . 10, 1859-1871, , , 1957, . 33-35, 62-64, 80, 110-111. . 1, 1-2


  • 27 , , . , , .204 . , , , , , . , . , , , , , . . . , , .205 412 .206

    1863-1887. . 26 1863.207 ,

    204 , 1957, . 89 205 , , , 1844, , , , . , , , . , Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chausses, 1851. , , , , 1856, , 1860 . , 1957, . 22-24, 67, 77, 86, 89, 126-127. 206 . 10, 1859-1870, , , 1957, . 180-195, 201, 278. . , 1989, . 154.

    207 . , . 33. , 26-8-1863.


  • . , . , . , . , . , . 70 , 1863-1887, 19 , 3 , 9 , 5 , 17 ,