p,*'-* ' -I •WTSin. ofCkrMtn BUaM A nB- • a S a i tiaii la a n l p t a ^ Um _ tmUa tta'WMU ar wwaT. .SKSMtss&iys •iiali«fClWllSwMatt «t» iiw MiiiJ i««i<t aiiWi >• A. mm aauni anr l a M oC aosuatt aatl eumwHuThhSMSM^e'tLi fiuSSSa'^tte OulxiaiicitaniitollMclawaniWfWttMBiik ,j-jrewad«wiitiminiii aril. YMtevvastlBui ssnsssssii^^si&^s^ ^fmttr MnataaaatfTrfuvlMi arBtd^iMB ij. •rBBCniHrtuU. Aa idMunr*! n * O w U C — l a * qfeynla^ BapUM •ad nUctooaliMnor. mr C i M C U K n m o n Bkv. W.A.JamL TldiUs wir ^ U U t o T W i ^ m l a m p w S c i a , i n l u i & ^ lavap«w« jEr^^i'si^'OT Si IbavatU*) m e * IB ekMb. l u * . t. UM j^uoncAi. ,>BaAna.BmuB uwaurm. i>lt ma* m o t I — n w a aiieiM ** So «Beh Tatoabte book aa Jeoai «• M w m b ian^pvtr- n C f t t ooift. SST" • BMMitf M M B d UMaMtvaboak i M l B M M X TCtaMM, U i » > lo- mstaoMafUM worm (teMtiaet «z«rat. So ^ mmm*}o M MUHm^tt- ommrnlvrmrmmvmfrn, rtlM.Mm xxrtmm. A. e. .lux OweitteabWweaeeT* la nfUMton at Uw jMntfoaos M aHl m t h t kr Um >a-eaUad ;kiMlaaai>mh. rriw la akx^ tUWi nui lanMm MOiiinfsM. nuk or.iMk morn, ~ lAi. njDamcAi. l A s s S f l S S ^ rABAV^OB. Br Or. B. - « fi^ ' • w n s « m •* TMB asav btoiAdtri^iKihNDdrlU)^ 41TUI* aotf itp* •EboUr.li Utf imM Mrk know or te Bitadgv^aHdi:, BBd.liyatAr-v^oui w^ta rw. Map*, iJik* and pneUeti; 'Jt p(S[»- CspUuarfulT BtarntaiT nr«a a erttieal Mula, m> lanteoad lor paaton aod Bonda)- «F^VUark.DD,aaUiuror A II««HaraMa)ro(U>aaoap«U.<!ie. Tbataan falnabl* aMm^aurtas, a. d iba aoUior la a Baptict a ^ l a r who d««l< WtbtaUy with Ued** wnfd. Prtn*. nrr vul^ tUO mtMASlMM. •IMXrUl7AI.| w Arta vr te. —lai, Br Mn. A. C. Unvas. til Uib. book la portrarad tha arU and wUm oT lbs - Bsa CaUione obnreb Is siooldltic and mtodaof UienalBg sanaraUon. Prtaa.la aloUi.«U& n u WMAai la ruBruc axdiicab> ^i/Ai-^-SS-^Si: If ^ book, br • nuMtartr . b a m l ^ a enrtaln U Uflad. and tha nntoU mt*rt»m of coanUcM TleUma aia rtraatcd. HCTa tha daeapuonm Iba lotnuBM, Ui» ernctUm, Uie manlaraaK • ^ Um Boauiu OttaoUa ebnreh are moaSd. Yaa,Uitmibr blood, far tna Mood arCbaMlaiaafOoiLatutdsoataaona of tba oromUMU'elanieiar^ca of tba Rnm»ii biararebr. taelotbt-JO. BearfaafBarkM^ViwIaM^-BrUilT* to JLuteniarOMitrtidoa.aod l u ivlailuo* to HctrdoUl e M t b ^ . aouTymm moa.nicriw BaTjaWblU.9«Pf<- Prt<><-,«l.t4 blU. SM pr. tnwbi MwoKA. »KW •Arrurg MTM^ SnaudrSM^STlaaim tTmll^^^ nadMlea «IaeUoB of tba TrryWt ofllri" tw • aow • mom SaStaS^iiM jBday- aad tba anmaUi aad aaa ba nam br tbona aoBaalad wttlilbereendDOteeaawaU. Bar ttSbalM H r s a aad Tana Book ibrtba nuar ~ BtMa.aBdae«a>r«w!taettitd. Tblstade- 1»taka tba plaea of tba Old HuQUMira - baaad twaatr yea" agt. Kxanitur ' " ' " S l ^ O J O ^ . b , mail, m BBW KAXTiirr HTMW BOOH, 1* •— A aaw, improTnl aad raalnad adlUoD, la wbleb wUl »a (wood, la cime* of Um old tadMi. ooa M laiva, ookl t r » ^ ood akie maar aav and Mmrttr Snaoa. tba iSaaa of oUwn wbleb v o n waatlas IB laartt. Tha atrsatament aad Boabartac bam not bava iniarraptad. MMbsaiaa fiSwaa, liSSrSfcJs^Trr:—rrzzr: IS iZca mam, monim. KuiTrnlpIl ad aJf kUU rnlpll R T U umjl MKKAra.la tba apan I wut lor roar Maadar-aabool. it admitMd IhiU IbU ki OM kwpmt ax- iataa^aar •«•«•( 4Mpttbat baa aaar ba«i aflaca^oarHaadiv^^&oola. TbadoatHaa ••••••d. nm aolaa am tbamawtma-ml>Mp- SiTSS Uto UM Tair Book lar Voaatv BuSSihhonH. latbaBmphyaawmtod «sS*¥«aat Br aad ltr,"MtbieontaroU>ack Prtoabr iaaU»o<«. • a i i a i a y , Oooialnlna at UyniM aad FaUra^ itaam tnua tba baat aa- aad AoMHca, utcMJMt wttb abuiaaambarof HawTaiMa boa amlnaat »M|5i^inambalnr.pn>mhiiil am-itanlni i m S w M r a f M tnaantlcd to oaartr at! UMHaUwaaalMaad la tba w l o i a UTma aad HbMi Books oaad br tba dunnot da- ai^laillnmi UaaHnad alas tor tba awof MlaslacMtoDoKWotn.Buetal aad Prlvsia S i S 3 Paitla* la Um •aaaaHVnbol mrw- mmmmf ainalaal aantxalMia. wiib aaaiM. Vka CtwtaUaa Hi thM laKvopai ^^ . lar Wm. Walkar.or aoma Ovouaa. flilL BadoMlM wban oaa doaia ar ue enlared at aaa* ruvyitoort iSSrJ. M PSroiUBieiTMBBM., oa laiportaM Ml - nialaaalam n i M K i a alotk.w.aai, r « l l a < s - F l a « . Mcoad HaOMnuylt. «;taUi,ac«i, MMcii rmm <m» ciri».»pi«3i, -ftMUMrrafiiM w w - n w mwiarti - - -aa,««Mia suapla taavM«« tor of D»anf ail cboteiMa. Oopwai bM*. flaa baavr •ad ia Iba ml lUcont'Book avar UafkawbobaTai tha mliinUa and tbatr ehnnbca •T*rr parUenlar. Daaa* aTDcalk. Br m i t e . Abuak bat In u n l q w ^ ^ U | k.aodalaaittlaagaaKlf " ariktof tbamodm daaaa, I<a nonlbla.i nnliMad qolia a Miuatvrv. br tba pnv, aad br landlai dcnomlnatiuai unrywUmtm. OMOBJtn MJBerVMMU, <(pbcn and JtlMloa al W o a » : ofiLmmnr. uipago, vm, Tka Paa«ar. Br Mmv B Brnmr, D D. A tok a w r BtpUatptaaei^, wbo djaim y rSSkieeuu* know bow lo ba a sood aM ibould bara. It la » ebaap bar H. FnblMi^'b^Uutmidaa U tba b«*t aldloBU>ia«tadrrM mnotaaatabrtaf aad M l Mlii( eamb«nuiaa. all laodludBttnlttm. alUwatll. BlbUcal Tkia It la r< ssrsi Ma* B—aaaUy >nofW»anaiWltblM» dineovanal lir matara laTcatladtoB aad o i U toHuo. It I* o l< i; bat aomprtiiliis tklogi aa*- «a«arr tuart«btaodtwdaadlBd o( iba^bla. and whieb bava ncTar babra baaa pat batora Ui« pobile In Mieb oonTaolaat aai »b«ap Mrm. FMM,tl.B rraaaaadan Blbla I CnuJau-a uoia Tainabla aroti In prearalBd I I . tlona aad »oa*ete on tha Old andNair Tba. ouBtttia. witb a husar maw of Herlpuirai laMntailoa for Ittbia TnMbanaad MadaaM Uian cv«r batoca boai«l la oaa aotaMa, maUkga bandaoraaMipar>roral(toof o*ar TWipocB*. Inelutb.lLM. P a l p l l e m a a . Plana tor Banaon* b r W W. wftiw. Umo, tinia«;aaM. . rnaa^ m eloib, «l.W. Tbla to aol aftOiHtoa •armon*torbur roan« mrBli>iw.bat abook o aid In 'b* Mni - - 7 — 7 -IT.. - J .» J . ' " ' • • J " • ^^^ p m l a uf i i t f ^ 9(kbl|>-vt«^ kmollUi. , _ aixi n n v i r ^ Ifat v i t t t ^ ^ttlt m t£« craw, h* tdH of ti|>pie»kiaa|j^ loert.^lid dislwC of poverty BBd loiDd flMAjMM^SlM^ but. he of (iMta t9 b M i aad itai^ ais Mumt bii th«3f tontei uwijiisiflBiSir^^ iy ^ ift*t tascolalco to i I <ba praparailoaol aw. BM«raI*|Mtfla ar Ballfta adaa t or a neuuaarr ul t b ^ b Hdia^Bi Kaawl. jbto,TbaokiKr, mcardaaai MlKibua Ml-, . _ Bn>»a. llluanaad W «n«r»TU><pion u a i j B j a l a u a l . U » paiat. innbaeputralMlL HABMOXT A B O B X P O H m M 9t •VB MBtoWOKKATrKOCMaBVlr. BT IX U. BOCK. UoauftbabntbuokaliaMiiiliaa oa a mMtacI tbat auiiaM IniaraM artay ciunUan,-iba CDtkl^ot Citrtol MMa to UmmtUU iTiptgSii^ ^ Seodtftraabdocaa.n' AddnM aUuidtoata bM' - . NAHnm-BBOK BatMB, I * «;hkT(M broOKlit agminst ChrJrt by the Jows, 1. H » l(! fcdUlous. 2. H e b» the f w m y of the law. 3. necalbhlins«.^f ihtf Hun of GihI. 4. l i t calk) hioMcIf klug of Ifintfl. IB wply th*" SiVlor 8»kl. " I rtoi the &m<»fOod, - ^ the father sent ni© to tevwil his nametothf world, kwl to !x«r witntss of the truth, M y Ooc trin« h not inlop, but his that .-HMit me. It any luan will do hia will he shall knt>w of th« doc- trine, whrlht'r It bB of 0«*l. i>r \vhf!b«* I of myself.*' Thiw be ni»-t ilw-lr bold churxw, and y m n mner when the kutbor of tho Hfxt CBimt t<» view the croM MS tbe foubdaUon of att b b bopt>^ bf> rebiwd that be woold know no mtu lu the flesb, tbat be woetd r)>>ct «tt the bonv>n and llipBliw of an eairtbly natora and ^ory iu nuita< CbrleC IM OB tnce bbn tbiouf b all bts miintoo bm oa eutb, with hlsBobto deob of love, we eee bim wlb^gKttbe of. bk IH^nd, and t«e bltn mlw }dm fhmi tt^ dewi; And «t bla btptbm w tMC»iMi>pi(|natway oat of tbe wa&.>r. liO; the ' heavSw ew'opeoed, and Uiey bear^ tbe voice of ^fn^^aMmisiiaol idory. wylng thfa Boa ia whom I Am well pieeai^. with bia dladtiira NToand bim, ^ d i l i ^ thai BMkto b^o>«3ttsiMiv« t d ^ m lioiwir. hart« on^ranK lofever, while UieiTiilf In tt^ary fold thiHr wioga and weep tlU heaven nao«a4* with one Ut sprrad ^eoti^tioit., BittaaGbtiat ttlla of bU triumphs oA the croiB,' how be haa conquered death, bell V o d the grave, t ^ of U a tMnirrection, and a M e n s l V u i l the deMxnt of the Holy Spirit, and the p r e ^ n g of the glorfcMit i;u>pel in every land and natt<« Bp<» tfaettoh*. and the ranaomeil raiUioBs far dOWB . the vlata of future age!) prMslng into the kingdom Of Ood, angels chant t h ^ p r a l m to aod,!iayiBg, AIMnIa, salvation, aod glory, and honor, and power, unto the Lord our God. So Paul exdaimed, God f»rhi.l thitt 1 s l ^ l d glory, save In the ctgas of w r L >rd Jt»>»M Ohrtst. CttBIST CPorf TUKCBO-8. AVben the Christian h«!in the name of Calvary, bia heart thrills with ne^t^oUons, be lookis bade to that conaecraf^ «pot, grandnfee, and gltny, and brightd'.^ It prtveat to his teart. The p^n, tbe sweat, and tdood in the garddn hMl paaeed, tod tbe ebamelol examination be&n the h % h latest, and he m i is tlitir power. A B 4 I l k a tbcor led h i m awag^ to be cmciacd. Croat and kit to die in agooy. :m ' " msm^ Baa»ltotbe< DdajrJ No wall* W t a i ft idwaytgalsmrT' Aclis lonilii% «-( whlctiyott BMiyi Woitad oo~anB*i;il are thorns enough ift ^ He sBtanits to be i wbo sullea himself to^ gapghil^Bj Some uoft has b i M b ^ ^ age that it va* the e t 4 U o i I t i i not (rom aod It.ihfts, tlMt mirj wallw, and WTttia|!!^ W^m POWDER AMslr Purs. lUda BiaaOtapaCia^TMy.

:mmedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1881/TB_1881... · 2012-11-19 · ;kiMlaaai>mh. rri lwa akx^ tUWi nui lanMm MOiiinfsM nuk . or.iMk morn, ~ lAi. njDamcAi. lAssSflSS^

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Page 1: :mmedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1881/TB_1881... · 2012-11-19 · ;kiMlaaai>mh. rri lwa akx^ tUWi nui lanMm MOiiinfsM nuk . or.iMk morn, ~ lAi. njDamcAi. lAssSflSS^

p,*'-* ' -I

• W T S i n . • ofCkrMtn BUaM

A nB-•aSai tiaii la a n l p t a ^

Um _ tmUa tta'WMU

ar w w a T . . S K S M t s s & i y s

•i ia l i « fClWl lSwMatt « t »

iiw MiiiJ i««i<t aiiWi >• A . mm a a u n i anr

l a M oC aosuatt aatl

eumw HuThhSMSM^e'tLi fiuSSSa'^tte OulxiaiicitaniitollMclawaniWfWttMBiik

, j - j rewad«wiit imini i i aril. YMtevvast lBui

s s n s s s s s i i ^ ^ s i & ^ s ^

^fmttr M n a t a a a a t f T r f u v l M i a r B t d ^ i M B

i j . •rBBCniHrtuU. Aa idMunr*!

n * O w U C — l a * qfeynla^ BapUM •ad nUctooaliMnor. mr C i M C U K n m o n

Bkv. W . A . J a m L T l d i U s w i r

^ U U t o T W i ^ m l a mpw Scia, in lu i& ^ l a v a p « w «

j E r ^ ^ i ' s i ^ ' O T S i

IbavatU*) me* IB ekMb. lu*.

t. UM

j ^ u o n c A i . ,>BaAna.BmuB uwaurm.

i > l t ma* m o t I—nwa aiieiM ** So «Beh Tatoabte book aa

Jeoai «• M w m b

ian^pvtr- n C f t t ooift.SST" • BMMitf M M B d UMaMtvaboak i M l B M M X TCtaMM, U i » > l o -

m s t a o M a f U M worm (teMtiaet «z«rat. So

J « ^ mmm*}o M MUHm^tt-ommrnlvrmrmmvmfrn, r t l M . M m

xxrtmm. A. e. . l u x O w e i t t e a b W w e a e e T *

la nfUMton at Uw jMntfoaos M aHl m t h t kr Um >a-eaUad

;kiMlaaai>mh. r r i w la akx^ tUWi n u i l a n M m M O i i i n f s M . nuk

or.iMk morn, ~

l A i . n j D a m c A i .

l A s s S f l S S ^ r A B A V ^ O B . Br Or. B.

- « fi^ ' • w n s « m • * T M B asav

btoiAdtri^iKihNDdrlU)^ 41TUI* aotf itp* •EboUr.li Utf imM M r k know

or te Bitadgv^aHdi:, BBd.liyatAr-v^oui

w ^ t a

rw. Map*, i J i k * and pneUeti; 'Jt p(S[»-CspUuarfulT

BtarntaiT nr«a a erttieal Mula, m> lanteoad lor paaton aod Bonda)-« F ^ V U a r k . D D , a a U i u r o r A

II««HaraMa)ro(U>aaoap«U.<!ie. Tbataan falnabl* aMm^aurtas, a. d iba aoUior la a Baptict a ^ l a r who d««l< WtbtaUy with Ued** wnfd. Prtn*. nrr vul^ tUO

mtMASlMM. • I M X r U l 7 A I . | w Arta vr te.

— l a i , Br Mn. A. C. Unvas. til Uib. book la portrarad tha arU and wUm oT lbs - Bsa CaUione obnreb Is siooldltic and

mtodaof UienalBg sanaraUon. Prtaa.la aloUi.«U&

n u W M A a i l a r u B r u c a x d i i c a b > ^ i / A i - ^ - S S - ^ S i : I f ^ book, br • nuMtartr . b a m l ^ a enrtaln U Uflad. and tha nntoU mt*rt»m of coanUcM TleUma aia rtraatcd. HCTa tha daeapuonm Iba lotnuBM, Ui» ernctUm, Uie manlaraaK • ^ Um Boauiu OttaoUa ebnreh are moaSd. Yaa,Uitmibr blood, far tna Mood arCbaMlaiaafOoiLatutdsoataaona of tba oromUMU'elanieiar^ca of tba Rnm»ii biararebr. taelotbt-JO.

BearfaafBarkM^ViwIaM^-BrUi lT* to JLuteniarOMitrtidoa.aod l u ivlailuo* to HctrdoUl e M t b ^ . aouTymm moa.nicriw BaTjaWblU.9«Pf<- Prt<><-,«l.t4 blU. SM pr.

tnwbi MwoKA. » K W • A r r u r g M T M ^

S n a u d r S M ^ S T l a a i m t T m l l ^ ^ ^ nadMlea «IaeUoB of tba T r r y W t ofllri" tw

• aow • mom

S a S t a S ^ i i M

jBday-aad tba anmaUi

aad aaa ba nam br tbona aoBaalad wttlilbereendDOteeaawaU. Bar ttSbalM H r s a aad Tana Book ibrtba nuar ~ BtMa.aBdae«a>r«w!taettitd. Tblstade-

1»taka tba plaea of tba Old HuQUMira - baaad twaatr yea" agt. Kxanitur

' " ' " S l ^ O J O ^ . b , mail, m B B W K A X T i i r r H T M W BOOH, — 1* • —

A aaw, improTnl aad raalnad adlUoD, la wbleb wUl »a (wood, la cime* of Um old tadMi. ooa M laiva, ookl t r » ^ ood akie maar aav and Mmrttr Snaoa. tba iSaaa of oUwn wbleb v o n waatlas IB laartt. Tha atrsatament aad Boabartac bam not bava iniarraptad. MMbsaiaa

f i S w a a , l i S S r S f c J s ^ T r r : — r r z z r : I S i Z c a mam, monim. KuiTrnlpIl ad aJf kUU rnlpll R T U u m j l M K K A r a . l a tba apan

I wut lor roar Maadar-aabool. it admitMd IhiU IbU ki OM kwpmt ax-

iataa^aar •«•«•( 4Mpttbat baa aaar ba«i aflaca^oarHaadiv^^&oola. TbadoatHaa ••••••d. nm aolaa am tbamawtma-ml>Mp-S i T S S Uto UM Tair Book lar Voaatv BuSSihhonH. latbaBmphyaawmtod «sS*¥«aat Br aad ltr,"MtbieontaroU>ack

Prtoabr iaaU»o<«. •ai iaiay, Oooialnlna at UyniM aad FaUra^

itaam tnua tba baat aa-aad AoMHca, utcMJMt wttb

abuiaaambarof HawTaiMa boa amlnaat »M|5i^inambalnr.pn>mhiiil am-itanlni i m S w M r a f M tnaantlcd to oaartr at! UMHaUwaaalMaad la tba w l o i a UTma aad HbMi Books oaad br tba dunnot da-ai^laillnmi UaaHnad alas tor tba awof MlaslacMtoDoKWotn.Buetal aad Prlvsia S i S 3 Paitla* la Um •aaaaHVnbol mrw-mmmmf ainalaal aantxalMia. wiib aaaiM.

Vka CtwtaUaa Hi

t h M laKvopai

^^ . lar Wm. Walkar.or aoma Ovouaa. flilL BadoMlM wban oaa doaia ar ue enlared at aaa*

ruvyitoort iSSrJ. M

P S r o i U B i e i T M B B M . , oa laiportaM Ml

- n i a l a a a l a m niMKia alotk.w.aai,

r « l l a < s - F l a « . Mcoad

H a O M n u y l t . «;taUi,ac«i,

M M c i i rmm < m » ciri» .»pi«3i , - f t M U M r r a f i i M w w - n w mwiarti - - -aa,««Mia suapla taavM«« tor

of D»anf ail cboteiMa. Oopwai bM*. flaa baavr •ad ia Iba m l lUcont'Book avar UafkawbobaTai tha mliinUa and tbatr ehnnbca •T*rr parUenlar.

Daaa* aTDcalk. Br m i t e . Abuak bat In u n l q w ^ ^ U |

k.aodalaaittlaagaaKlf " ariktof tbamodm daaaa, I<a nonlbla.i nnliMad qolia a Miuatvrv. br tba pnv, aad br landlai dcnomlnatiuai unrywUmtm.

O M O B J t n MJBerVMMU,

<(pbcn and JtlMloa al W o a » : ofiLmmnr. uipago, vm,

T k a Paa«ar. Br Mmv B Brnmr, D D. A tok a w r BtpUatptaaei^, wbo djaim y

rSSkieeuu* know bow lo ba a sood aM ibould bara. It la » ebaap bar H. FnblMi^'b^Uutmidaa U tba b«*t aldloBU>ia«tadrrM mnotaaatabrtaf aad M l Mlii( eamb«nuiaa. all laodludBttnlttm. alUwatll.

BlbUcal Tk ia

It la r< s s r s i

Ma* B — a a a U y >nofW»anaiWltblM»

dineovanal lir matara laTcatladtoB aad o i U toHuo. It I* o l< i; bat aomprtiiliis tklogi aa*-«a«arr tuart«btaodtwdaadlBd o( iba^bla. and whieb bava ncTar babra baaa pat batora Ui« pobile In Mieb oonTaolaat aai »b«ap Mrm. FMM,tl.B

r r a a a a a d a n Blbla I CnuJau-a uoia Tainabla aroti In prearalBd I I .

tlona aad »oa*ete on tha Old andNair Tba. ouBtttia. witb a husar maw of Herlpuirai laMntailoa for Ittbia TnMbanaad MadaaM Uian cv«r batoca boai«l la oaa aotaMa, maUkga bandaoraaMipar>roral(toof o*ar TWipocB*. Inelutb.lLM.

Palpl l e m a a . Plana tor Banaon* br W W. wftiw. Umo, tinia«;aaM. . rnaa^ m eloib, «l.W. Tbla to aol aftOiHtoa •armon* tor bur roan« mrBli>iw.bat abook

o aid In 'b*

M n i

- - 7 — 7 -IT.. - J .» J . ' " '• • J " • ^ ^ p m l a uf i i t f ^

9 ( k b l | > - v t « ^ k m o l l U i . , _ aixi n n v i r ^ Ifat v i t t t ^ ^ t t l t

m t £ « craw, h* t d H of ti|>pie»kiaa|j^ loert.^lid d i s l w C of poverty BBd


flMAjMM^SlM^ but. he


(iMta t9 b M i aad i ta i^ a i s M u m t b i i th«3f tontei

u w i j i i s i f l B i S i r ^ ^

i y ^


tascolalco to i I <ba praparailoaol aw.

BM«raI*|Mtfla ar Ballfta adaa t or a neuuaarr ul t b ^ b H d i a ^ B i

Kaawl. jbto,TbaokiKr,

mcardaaai MlKibua Ml-, . _ Bn>»a. llluanaad W «n«r»TU><pion uaijB j a l a u a l . U » paiat. innbaeputralMlL •

H A B M O X T A B O B X P O H m M 9 t • V B MBtoWOKKATrKOCMaBVlr . BT IX U. BOCK. UoauftbabntbuokaliaMiiiliaa oa a mMtacI tbat auiiaM IniaraM artay ciunUan,- iba CDtkl^ot Citrtol MMa to UmmtUU iTiptgSii^ ^

Seod tftraabdocaa. n' AddnM aUuidtoata bM' - .

N A H n m - B B O K BatMB,


* «;hkT(M broOKlit agminst ChrJrt by the Jows, 1. H » l(! fcdUlous. 2. H e b» the f w m y of the law. 3. necalbhlins«.^f ihtf Hun of GihI. 4. l i t calk) hioMcIf klug of Ifintfl.

IB w p l y th*" SiVlor 8»kl. " I rtoi the &m<»fOod, - ^ the father sent ni© to tevwil his n a m e t o t h f

world, k w l to ! x « r witntss of the truth, M y Ooc t r in« h not inlop, but his that .-HMit me. It any luan wi l l do hia wil l he shall knt>w of th« doc-trine, whrlht'r It bB of 0«*l. i>r \vhf!b«* I of myself.*' T h i w be ni»-t ilw-lr bold churxw, and y m n mner when the kutbor of tho Hfxt CBimt t<» v iew the croM MS tbe foubdaUon of att b b bopt>^ bf> rebiwd that be woold know no m t u lu the flesb, tbat be woetd r)>>ct «tt the bonv>n and l l i p B l i w of an eairtbly natora and ^ o r y iu nuita<

CbrleC I M OB t n c e b b n tbiouf b all bts miintoo b m

oa e u t b , w i t h hlsBobto d e o b of love, we eee b i m w l b ^ g K t t b e of. b k IH^nd, and t«e bltn m l w } d m fhmi tt^ dewi; A n d « t bla b t p t b m w tMC»iMi>pi (|natway oat of tbe wa&.>r. l i O ; the

' h e a v S w e w ' o p e o e d , and Uiey bear^ tbe voice of ^ f n ^ ^ a M m i s i i a o l idory. w y l n g thfa

Boa ia w h o m I A m well pieeai^. w i t h bia dladtiira NToand b im,

^ d i l i ^ thai BMkto b^o>«3ttsiMiv«

t d ^ m lioiwir. hart« on^ranK lofever, while UieiTiilf In t t ^ a r y fold thiHr wioga and weep tlU heaven nao«a4* with one Ut sprrad ^ e o t i ^ t i o i t . , BittaaGbtiat ttlla of b U triumphs oA the croiB,' how b e haa conquered death, bell V o d the grave, t ^ of U a tMnirrection, and a M e n s l V u i l the deMxnt of the H o l y Spirit, and the p r e ^ n g of the glorfcMit i;u>pel in every land and natt<« Bp<» tfaettoh*. and the ranaomeil raiUioBs far dOWB . the vlata of future age!) prMslng into the kingdom Of Ood, angels chant t h ^ p r a l m to aod,!iayiBg, A I M n I a , salvation, aod glory, and honor, and power, unto the L o r d our God.

So Paul exdaimed, God f»rhi.l thitt 1 s l ^ l d glory, save In the ctgas of w r L >rd Jt»>»M Ohrtst.

CttBIST CPorf TUKCBO-8. AVben the Christian h « ! i n the name of Calvary,

bia heart thrills with n e ^ t ^ o U o n s , be lookis bade to that conaecraf^ «pot, grandnfee, and gltny, and br ightd ' .^ It prtveat to his teart. T h e p ^ n , tbe sweat, and tdood in the garddn hMl paaeed, t o d tbe ebamelol examination b e & n the h % h latest, and he m i i s t l i t ir power. A B 4 I l k a tbcor led h i m awag^ to be cmciacd. n «

Croat and k i t to die i n agooy.

:m ' "


B a a » l t o t b e <

DdajrJ N o

wall* W t a i ft

i d w a y t g a l s m r T ' Aclis lonilii% « - (

whlctiyott BMiyi Woitad oo~anB*i;il

are thorns enough ift H e sBtanits to be i

wbo sullea himself to^ g a p g h i l ^ B j Some uoft has b i M b ^ ^

age that it va* the e t 4 U o i I t i i not (rom

aod It.ihfts, tlMt m i r j

wallw, and W T t t i a | ! ! ^ W ^ m

POWDER AMslr Purs.

lUda B i a a O t a p a C i a ^ T M y .

Page 2: :mmedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1881/TB_1881... · 2012-11-19 · ;kiMlaaai>mh. rri lwa akx^ tUWi nui lanMm MOiiinfsM nuk . or.iMk morn, ~ lAi. njDamcAi. lAssSflSS^

^ 6 6

M I K H n X B I A t A U T B O B i T Y - r r e SOUBCE A S I > i X T B K T .

by C. l - o n o * , TBl»I> CHlEt-H, t r r . ^ t n K . x o . rI E B E Mf-t»«» pid^w c r (•flk-rg of Ihe New

TcmUiii«D£ ii>iBM>7. wlublfa-lM U id tjwcfaaarb: I . BWjoim', or rfcifw, «»ll«l "l-w-uns Mid taHArw." ~ Dwicww. The f u n w * suiaittOT le Uir»jilrltml, « » Uttor to ihe H!».-utar, tbiflga of th* ehorrh, ami eonrfciwDd, In Booje u l c a w . ta ibt* prfeirfit and Le^iUrtoTllietebrr-naslB— ibe htiib i>ri»t U-in* ly mImUiuimI Uy Jmm Chiiat blmaeif. They corratpoitd. in aoma nwaanre, to U»e r u k w and aenranb of the u d c B i *yiagaBtw. Th«ie two uOcfrH In the mioMiy faeiuac anlrfy to theaerviee.of the cburcb, and Uwy a n axdiwivtiy eiinKi^'tl'Mud In their f p l m or daty . A d t u o a w bbhop, or deacoo, f< nokflowa tu&jd ' a word. In each cbutcb, as In tba tafatnaeie and the «ytiacuKW>H t b r w may- br m tbumUt j of bbfaopa and deacootf. acc<irdui]( tu U» oeeda.

T h e e two omce*are dvBncd, with the qudUO-m t V ^ of t t e «fflcew. Paol In Timutby »nd Tltna; and tb«y an* the uuly t v u t^baal pubitiuas ^oown to the focal ehuich. As fi»r iw revrfatUin g n o t o a b o w . U w y woeehiaten by the coogiega tiuna, and aidained tu t i«U wurk by tlw laying on of handa of pnstbytejiea, both deacona and tJdan. The aendar daties of the deacon cuvocd tbH " « r » l B g of taUef"—and, by impUcatloo, sow bamKommaiitimUmpartUiHeB, aa a atfrVant ofOod 'ahuaK. I h a a p i r i t ^ dutka of the blabop e o n m i , (1) preaching and teaching. (2) the ruling o w the O d ^ (3) UK admlnlatmUoa uf Uie urdi-muioea. D a m a * bad nothinK tu do then—more Iban other iD«nb«i>i of II chuich—witb the npir itual aflWra of a congitgaUon —a piiualUy of biaiwpa. or ridrn, be^W ordaineil In every city «nd ehoich fat that purpuK.

BaTing glanced at the i-ffiecn of a l(jc«l cburch,) l a t w eonaUar ihtaa geaaial cLmbw ol the anvleni minMry t U ) Aportlea, Vi) pnipbets, evansfl-l a ^ oAptaiAlaa" w<(n» m l o M e n t>l«nipotan^y> •mlowed wtth I n a p t i ^ a to eatabliah ehnrvhca, onlala mi f f ' ^— when ehu«n, and comidete the a a a o of i m i a t l a s : Thei* were apoatiaa, or Ihe u ^ i n f n i t m l a a r m a M o t a M o t m r i m . Some-timea lh« snatanqnat taB acted aa minor apoatlea, o r a a d d m a r a k w a l efanich. » Fropheta," both men and wtnneB, being Inaplxcd, levealed and azpoandad tratb, « fiuntold ftatnre eventa, nntil UMebnrchaa i iena tab l lehcdand nnrelatioa waa vatad . Tba oiBca and miniauy " p r o p h e t " and ' •apiat la ' 'baUieeMed wtth thr i r DrcewHily, and wtthoot aneoairion aa audi » £:vangi;ii»ta "

c m i o a abould, eapeciaUy, be true under the gtvprt. The Holy 8 |dri t , by inWliWe evidencea, accompanied by MrroandinK indicatioDa, ahoold InA Um candidate for the minbary to bis aotemn officr. 8 w h a call iniwt be of rperiat and perpetual otfilKaSIon. Wp i«hould f « l Paol ' - " M c e a d t y " upon U8 laid, and alwayo cry, " Woe ia me if I ptmrta Pot the Originally our authority M dimrliy from God; and without a divine call and quallficationa, no efaardi or presbytery can make a man a go^pd minister.

The cboieh of Christ, however, 13 the medium throagh whicfa God estabtiahea tlie minister's oulJkorUy. The ministry of the tew were caUed by God, but furmaUy net apart bef^ce the authority to m i n i s t s wa4 established In the New Tntar ment all the ministry wwe ordained by 8ome> body. While Christ waa prcMot he called and " o r d a i n e d " thu twdve , bctJdes appointing tieveaty othcra on a temporary m M o n . After him tJie trievea formally chose Matbias by lot and Ibrooich the Holy Uhcat directing. The church a t Jefttwlem choae its aaven deacons, and the apustles laid itandd npon and ordained them to

w m m i o t a u m whoawiated the apodlea in their mtelonary w w k , aa Timothy, Tltua and Philip— afo tmerdaacnnof J e n w d e m . These were under the diwctica of the apoatlm^ g iwra l ly , aa depo-ttaa in daUto te and fijrdgn Bu'RIm, aanloting In m-^Mfahiny and olBccrtng the chutchea, preachina Iha gospel and exteodlng the kingdom of Chriai. The neeaedty for tola gem ral order ol the minl^ry atili c^a ta . It woold aanm. in what i i called •vangalMle and m M o n a r y work at home and

; and the nrccaiUy will ao continue until the world b converted and organised into well-offlcered duirchea.

Kicrpt daacima. aU minlatera, of whatever o r d « <s oflk*. a » minWeia of the "?car.l," specially called of God and ordained, or ant apart, by the ctaorahcn. Them a » . aa wa have lee^. ba t two efaMHB of i h o e mlnlatan of Ihe word now existent, (U blakove, or sldera. In the looal chan:hc8,''(8) • v a n g a u i k « mlsBlanarfaia,aent oat Into dertitate M d a , or teelga aoontrieB, or needy churcbea, oader aome apadal or genetal appoia tment A ailnktar of the word may fill any place, or oOcp, i n o r a n t a f t l M e l i a r d i a i , ander Um anthority of aonw e h n e b . If callad or appointed to do so.

IM m now cnaalder the soazci and .extent of saeb a odaialrt 'a aatboiity

I . Tlwaoareeaf l i iaanthot l iy if in Ood, manl-l l a la iUi faagb tbechafdMi ,aof tu raa New n ^ t — d g « M « t o s h o w . M j f o nmo taketfa Utla tBffi^ onto UoMel'. bal iw that la called of Ood." AdlviaecaUasdmoeeiBkmaf UM mlniatry vaa Miiuttst mdes^ tb« l a w ; and anch call a n d t a s -

their work. Pool was called of Christ and set apart by a sipccial cuniin^intier , AniMlaa,- to the apostuliUe; and When be and Barnabas by the call of the Holy Obott, were ^ t oat as foreign mtoinnariei). they were set apart, or ordained, by the ministry of the church of Antioch—no doabt under the direct ton of the chureb, since they repotted to Ihe church upon their return. Tim-othy, tba evaoRTlint, wa< called and ordained by the layinar on ttt hands of the presbytery, of which Paul was a member. &». no doubt, of all Other evang>U-ls and mlssli^nariea s-n't out under the directioc ol the ap<»tles and churclies. Even In the churdiea and cities theh^ders of tiie churctiea were ordered by Paul to I Im-Jtay to be ordained; and to In ail cases the rule ii>w«t have held goo.1. Thus the churches wfx« establliihed every wht-rt, and offlcerwl by anordalnwl mlulslry—<Ad»ln«l, und^r the election of the churches, by an ordained luinUtry of ifvangeilats or aposUea - these ttvai^[eU4a and apostles theoMelves being or dained. iiistorically. it Is true that the earl_ charchea maintained an ordained ministry, and

all tho agM ttJI regular denominaUom have maintained the i^ripiuml order and law of ordiaatlon. But few exii|»iioaH c.in be found, until the di80ipini»ng leudtmclM of modem ttmea.

Now Ood's law on this subjeci ha.i a rationaU, There m w t be i^Andards and methodis to regulittn and eOablish a ministry. Who is to be tho Judge of the call and qualifli-alions of the mlnUter T and who b to control and reguhite his orthodoxy, conduct and scope of du ty? i l i m « U ? Certainly, if he has a right to preach and t n c h publicly and exponentially, as a prodalnter and expounder of God's word. Independent of church authority. But God la not tiw God of c^nriHlon and disorder, nor does he plain so great a trust aa that of hi* sacrvd word in the handi of men who are re-sponsible to uobody. He has conatltuted his churcha sovereign, under Christ, and sacred guatdlana of his word, cach as a pillar and ground of the t ro th; to his churcbea he baa delivered hie Mordlnancea," too, for k e ^ n g fcnd administra-tion, and to his churclMB be has ddlvfared tho MncUon, acknowiedgemenl and ordination, aa well as the authority to control and diaclpllne, his ministers. This is New TesUment truth, and this waa the nnivenal practice of the charchea in the fiiat age^ tiU the urarraUoos of the clergy over the peoj^e culminated In the papecy of Bome—being in onb ryo from the Antichrist of the flrat centnry. Independency, or congrega-Uonallam, meuw ccdcriaaUcal aovtiKlgnty c m the admlidatratloa and InterinetaOon of divine truth, o v w the ordinaneea and over the mlniBtry. The ministry of the New Teatament belonpi to the churcbea, not the ei^nrcfaes to them; and thla mlnlatiy to the servant of Chrlat, and the aervant, for C h r b f a aake, ctf the charchca, aoeocdln^ to ibe dearest taachlnga of the ApoaUe FaaL

I t ) a p « V « I x n to d l a U n g o ^ between charch and mloMeilal anthority. Tfa« mlidatar doea p u a f m an authgrity abov* the ohatcb—attar ordioatloo and an dectlon to preach to U — o v a

which the church has no control w h a l e r . (U Th« officer of a free government •xecatft« t h« law, and the people who chow Ihe • ffl-vr sre b.KirHl to obey. S«» O - l to the t-horrlit- t<> obey »i d btanir their p ^ n r a WIM» have role ov< r «liem. These pastinu IMV.> a rijfht t.» Imch aod ml •. by UaehuMj, v»-»T4hi' fl ick, of which Ihn l l - ly nti .«i hath made nlm overs***, by b^-lng i xannJe» and Int<lf>f8 to Ibehheep; Iwt they canii»t rule by ri»rre, «ir |..rd it <iver G.alV heritage. How shall Ihpy enforce their aulhori ly? Uuly by IrachinL', example and p. rt-ua^ioii. 1 h«> chuicii di»;ln'j-8 at iU peril, b^Jt it is re<«p<Mu.lble only Jo Christ. Ihe Head and Kln^ <»f lht» church. If Ihe mluWer cannot 8i>cur»i obedlenw to Gotl'i. wi.id - n>.t bis own —hbcan wUhdraw his pasli.ral or teaching reialion. The charch l i not nvpunolble to hini, although in conHuc'. or honay, he Is ever snhj i i t t« the church of which he is a meniU-r, und fwally he is rrapooslUe to God. Church authority over the minister i^ eodeKlastkMl. or diM:ipUnar>-, white ministerial authority o v r the church la only that at'moral tuatlon and rlis»il, wnlrh ht-l U the church accountable only to the |{ri>al 8lit |ihe d and Bishop of soul*. Christ is ovrr the rhurch and the minb l ry both, but both Christ niul ihe chuicb, in discipline, are over the miubl ry of Ihe gosiipl. Every minister of the word, at-cordlng to the New Testament, is responsible to the i-hurch of which he Li a member, whether pastor, evan-KelUt or mi^lonary, or prcachrr and tiacher without special appointment.

(7V> ftr eoiiMiiHnt.)

BEMABKS.— Dr. Lofton furnishea iis two articles on Minteierlal Authority, the flrvt of which we jcivo eur readers tbi-i week. Thla is a llvin* Issue, atnd so recogolased by our leading ixipers at tho North, and fnim what ha< appoan^l in several • f our Si«ulbern cschange<, th i re can bie no d<»ubt about Ihe Importance of a thorough cliiHr'-i'wIaD of the question.

Jt Is intiiiiated by one or more p^per at imst ths't it.id nce<Uesrt lo •litH.-UMi any such eubji cl. an tbcro^s not tho least nhadow of any danfti-r «f ministers trenching upon Ihe rlghU of tho ( lurches—that it ta all "wolf c ry"—and yet theM very papen stoutly deny Ihe guardianship and sole control of baptism to the local cbnrches. but teach that It belougs to the kingdom alone, and b under the control of the rolnbliy, the churchfs having no voice, exo'pt as the minisler may see fit to allow II!

If Ihe churches are indeed the sole guardlsn^ of the ordinances, b there no tendency to usurpation on Ihe part ol those mlnbters who sssert contn>l over t h b ordinance? Again, one Bnplbt paper, In the last monlh, openly and boldly sa-erti* that member^ lp In one chuiich cnlHIfs one to all «hurch privileges l« sH the churches*, thus uttwly annihilating Ibe laxt vesliice of church Inde-pendency. the right of self government; and. strange to »ay, t b b b |>at furlh a i sound Biptl-t polity on the sol! of Tennenice! lher« no dancer ahead of the advocacy of such moiwlroU'* pnslllons by a Baptist paper that claims to iw iroiy repn-sentallve of I b p t b t sentiments? Then titer.' are Bi«ptb>t mlnblers in AlshamaTMississippi aii.l Tcnne»«ee, as we learn from Ihe papers of iheso ^ l e a . who are carrying t b b theory Into practice — baptising without the voice of Ihe churchrs. and even under the shadow of organised churche*, and. In the very baptUtei v of a church, »lthi.«t c o u n t i n g the church i Is there no usurpatlim of church authority In these acta. If Indetd Ibe churchca have any authority ?

Not only are the chorchea denied all control of the ordinaneea, but north ol a a - a n d by how mkny among as?—i t b aaaertcd thai thecharcbes cannot elect and commission their own officers without the consent of a coancil of minbteis, and that even a coancil cannot act withoat a previous committee or examing coandl recommends the ocdInaUoD. Bat there b no tendency to dimlnb h the anthority of the choichea I

One of oar lending laipen in New York Q t y — that b conaldered "ooaaervat ive" aa reapecb fiai^bt pracUoe and pcrilty—boldly lifts op Ito Tolct and aonnda a t i m d y waraing, «ad y ^


T H E B i B A I T i S T . 4:67

are told there b no tendency to inMoge upon the rights of the churcbea!

Let the churches themselves read aud decldt t b b for thcmseivtti. At hewt it can do no b^inn to thorouKMy discow Ihe question ot mlnUteria» authority anil the righti" of the kn-./Klpg I hill " eternal vigilance b tho prk* of liberty."

It will he « * « by tho reader lUit Dr. L'-fton j-ubstantiaUy a p e e s with on a* to riBhw of the c h u r c J i a n d l h e l i m U a t l o n s o f m i n l s l - r i a l a u t h o r i t y

0 ) . The seiileni-e we have noted by (l> u^ay l-raibly l>e nil-«appn'hemlwl. Wa »uppo^e the wilier means that the right over which the cluitcb has no conirol after an election.is the duty enjoined by Chrbt upon him a minister to preach the whole ga^p^l. fulfy, faithfully and boldly, aa he ought to preach It, and to prosidv o \fri t«deUberatlon8liniMrtlally,and to Instruct it as to ite duties feajleasly, and Insist, with all authority as a pastor, tha t Scriptutai discipline be maintained. Eld. W. C. Buck refused for years to administer the Supper to h b church, bw^aase of lU grtws negkct of proper discipline. I t allowed drunkenne« aud dancing to p i unrebuked by proper discipline. T b b ta Ihe duty of every l>astor.

Wo leave the reader loiook bacli and t«wl I>r. L.'s ar l ide again, and then look forward for his next.

some l ^ l h .

East ChikUnd and ito good |iaator, Bev. S. B. Morse, are accomplbhin^ a good work. So a b o b Rev. Mf. Bead, in Alimeda.

Bev. C. A. Buckbi*: D. D.. fills a i>bc«oI hontw and troit in the United Suit«js niint. in Sao Fran-cl«o. during thjB week, wid on Sabbath sapptlw the churcli in Bi>.lwooil City, Iwooly-eijcht miloi dbtant .

At SanU Ciat;^ H.'V. C. L. if"isiier, the ve teran pastor, b at t b b time cvmduclittg a series of inter artlng meetings. a«Uted by U^v. J . E. Bimea.

San Jose church, havinjt rveolved not lo settle

watchman " fuU of the I W y Spirit and i of both j ot ooin ttaeaable directly to UM M a i « r o r of { calling aa enttre strainer to the pastonta.

A n o t h « thing,.oteqttal importaace to h fc thmi In the E * t and longing lor the far W ^ — j i

Ddabte s e n U m e n t - b the fact tha t aoue need expe<^ mooey forwarded by n cbnreh ti>» ^ranj^^r to defray b b e s p e n m acniastbireueti-neul. O i r c h m c W a r e topoortodothal.

These are iJ-ln, tf yoa tdrase, nnwelcome be ta ; but they are facts, and. bdog sach, should be known; And who briicr itaiied to»» bbmed i i* wriiiDX Ibt m than tt. c- W.

ttakland, Gd., Itec. S, 18S0,


l ^ E T r t l W FROM Ti lF. PACIFIC.

BBO. GBAVES:—My NoN-ember letter may not have been ol the most Interestina material

poBslble, In view ot some of the thouaauda of your readers; But It recordeil, truthfully,facta that will be hbtorical, and that every Kaptl<»t in the b u d has a right lo know.

OUR B/.lTISTICAl. ST ATI H Msy be falriy Inferred from the following out

The First i hurth, »an Francbeo, b suppliwl by llcv. Mr. Henry, of Chicago, 'vhlle aWAiting the arrival of Ihwr p-wtor-eled. lUiv. KlokaSd.of New York, sou of Ihe veteran missionary. Eusenlo

The.Thlrd church, colored, under the efficient labors of its long-Ume pastor. Bev. Mr. Young, b botdina on lb" even tenor of l b way.

The-Kifth church b still proHldctl over by Ifcjv. C. W. Howes', with b b «ivuslowc<l tlilclily and «<al.

The Melrin>oliUn has. for i n chief wrvant , the president of the boartl of health, prenidcnt of the boartl of public works, prcsl.U-nl of tht« board ol supoivl-jors, the Innyor of tho city, the iKiitor and puMisher of two or three hebdoinidab, all c»m-bine<l In the jwraon of l b iKWtor, liev. l .S . K-il-loCb, 1> i>. How b" «l.«tlons, with o n l y twoHiy-tour tiour-'In a day. and only seven days In a w«-. k, if you know, pl.>a«J tell — I don'i. But ihat the church —

tlWKlVlW MOIJK MtMUKRS, And contributes more money for benewleiit, iiiL-wionary and chunh work than any other ou tht> coast, b undenbble.

lUtv. Winfleid Bcott—whoso name ludicatos that he wln« every field on which ho tt^b —has gone into a destitute, but l opulous, dbCfict of the c i t y - " H a y e s ' s Valley"—hlrwa a good, well-locato'.l, well-fintahed and fumisbeil church bou>« —owned by another denomination — caittble of feating an«I cmimenced an e»>rt lo—

OWJANIZB AND 1M'U.I> TP A NRW CUUIUU In a most promblng field. And in such a field, with such surroundings, and, tar abovo all, with such a cultivated and noble Christian worker for a wife. If he doea not b n ^ l y succeed, I h e n s u U will belie b b name.

In Oakland First church, Bev. Or. Abbott b working with a wmstancy and devotion worthy ol the beat of causes

The "Cen t ra l " b \UU without a pastor, but, by praycr m ^ n g s andNrtborwbe stUI, tully deter-mined to boI4 the fort;"—And why sbtwid they not ? They number aome sixty membeia, are out of debt, and combine seme of the best working

In the b n d . When the great wirrow, resultant from their unfortunate conncelloa with Bev. Geo. Gulry, haa given way to more cheerful inlluenew, t h b wlU be a most inviting flrtd for

another pastor unUl they have r lieved themaelvca from a chutvh debt of s o m e thousands, are stlU being supplied. At prwent they have Bev. Dr. Steward, recently from Oinada.

First Koekton b expecUng a supply, with refer-ence to the pastorate, about Jan. I. He comes fh>m Colorado, weU recommended.

First Sacramento, under ihe care of Dr. Fwst — whom I need not charaeUrix to yoUr rea«»ers— b enjoying a season ol unusual Interest.

Calvary charch, SdcramKiito, hs'i invited l y v J . W. l>ibom, Jr . , late g r ^ a ^ i v of Bx-hft^cr, lo supply them three m-milw, with a view to oe-comlng their pv to r . A provision in the bu^nesa rules of t b b chun h f j t t iUb the selllemwit of a pastor,* with 1«!«« tuan thwe month*' ai-qualnUnco. [How many dbasttous, abort torates. how much heart achlnj< and blttemeiM of aoul, woukl be prevented. If every church would csUblish and act uiwn a sinuUr rulel- Bro. O. b p r o v i n g hlm*lf truly " a Scribe well instructed, a workman who need not be ashamed." If hw health b not irreparably Impaired by o w w o r k white in the Semlnarj-.of which there b "ome ft-ar. b b future b l-righl. hU prvMuinentev sur.!.

At Valle)o, \Wv. E. l i . l» . has finally accepted the pastorate, »ud U lUiinj: a noble wurk.

Dr. Taft, at S^utr. IUiki, b a Krowln^; tower of strength, and extendlnR a usriulotw Into " t h e regions beyond " rarely cq«u-ai«i.

PeUluma, one ol the pietUest clt4m oo the coant, within an hour and a half of San Francbco. the fiotd of the bs t labow of ibe b te , bn i ra ted , Bev. J . J . Shirley, wilh • good . hurch edifice, centrally loorttetl, out of .tebt. b ptiyrerfully awaiting tbe arrival of some iaithful, twiseCTalcd Ulwrer, whom they noi* tbe Lord ot the har\-cst »iU soon send

'^LwAbgeless a cily of 20,000. in a vallt^r full of all fertility, tragrant with pei«nuial Oowers. and liMded with ' every variety of citrus fruits, with some of the livesl Uirbt iaB woikers to be found in any church, b la s imlbr clrcamstanms, though not owning thi lr place of worship. O. for two fln»l class rcapera to go into tbiwe fl-l«b and gather the wasting harvewl •

Bene, Just over the line lo Nevada, the line of tiie a P . / lua«fsy . at lU Juuctl m wlih the V. A T,. and »o.)n to n w l v e the simlhern tmolnusof the Nevaib »nd On-Ron lUilway. a fine town^^ fuller of prtuul*'. In |>ermanent pnwperlty, than any titbcr town In tbe " Silver State," with a new houseof w o w h i p - o n e o f t h e in«iet i.-rfei-t gems I over saw—a t>aud of most eurrem dl»cipl«», hw Ju«t lost Its young jwstor, tbe b«>*llh of h b wile having necWsita-.ed « change of location. Who

miSr not w«iry you with dry statiatfcsal redtal ol undeslraWa circomstances. One thing needs to be understood, »Dd it b dally piwoed npcm my mlndi by the multiplicity of letUrs I receive (h>m m l n b l o a In the East, desirous of a ' •p lace" and a " c a l l " from the Occident. No charch heie t eed be auppoaed to be stupW enoogh to aaaume the respcrndbUlty of caUlng a pastor Irom acnwa the continent whom they have never ne^'er seen, and oC whom they know next lo nothing. The experlmBot has too often been tried with dbastroas retaita, to expect l b early or oft repeUtkm. Two c h o r c ) ^ which were, at times, rwarded aa th« most promidng and do l r aUa fidds w«et ot tho Borky Moantaina, atw to-day lying, tbe one like a stranded wreck upon a lee shore, and the other like the dismasted ball, Ooatlng and driven, a t the mercy <rf every rb lng blUow and every raging storm, and the coodiUon


BBO. G B A V E S : - 1 i^omlaed brethnm in dii-

sectkms of the S a t e lo teU yoar readeca about tte troubles among the Baptbtt | n Ut t to Hodc, a t d also to teU irf the decWoo of the oMinea, « hich met Nov. 11- T h b 1 ha ve done as i andei-stood the nut ter , bot Dr. BH>y wooW make y ^ readers believe that* I made "oerUdn penonal mbrepresentBtions against him.'* H e touk care n«»t to 'mention even one; wad I here n y l a m wUUng to ^ n - e all I said, .or ^ ^ w i t l ^ w my Statements. II I stated what was not tree, ttaen Dr. Espv abould have pointed it oat , and not made Wh insinaatkiois and then Wde behind " the dccmion ol the coancil." Periups Ibe moA sliamefui thruit ever luaAf by a Baptkt a t tlw editor-in chtef of T u x l U p r i s r , was made»» Dr. Espy while edlUng the WetUrm, and now bcnenM wlUing to try h b hand on ma.

Dr. Espy was anxlow for Tuk BAjrnat to pi»b-li-ihthe " action ol Calvary lAuieh respecting th« dectelon of the coancU," bot iiecaaMt I gave my ondersUmllng dTthe matttf, he aayauf m e : " He wants U. seep up Ih^ l t a t lon ." F t sw Ui« acttoa of h b c h t t j ch. which oe wa«i tu anxloas Cmt yoa to publiah. I suppose "atfiialioii" an anpieawuit thin^ Ui tbem.

But a-, the D wtor Uno gcttecoaa (?) wlahteg oie to have go « to

1 wilt m It tear tk tegt towlilBg tba "acUoa of the Cklvary e h i i ^ * * in adopting tbote wonderful pnambto and r a n l . i l o H iiohtd in several papers.

In tbe flnrt " wherena," Uw charch bp i t t l ea la i to tell us, tbe (oundl that eoet to onOThiwr the iroublw in UtUe B i x l wai a " a t n n g ousiKil oC Ivretbrcn," and that Bev. J. P. SaiOe waa modar. ator, and B«v. 3. D. Fletcher weeMUuf; and in tbe last "whereas" they give aa tlM foUowlflg:

" The sski couadl, alter a thorooch, pUttent ^ Impartbl Inquiry into all the lada In t t o e ^ d i d n u k e and annoanoe thefoUawingai l t e t e b U * ! —

"Jiaiatctd, 1 T b a t i t b t h e a e t t i B a f tibbeoon^ that the art of the Eighth-atreet c l m ^ m U»e i2ih of St«plember. In pasalng a rasuloUMi o» MUldatlou with the Usntral ctrarch, W * a viitoal dissoluilon of said charch, wnkh d i a n l i i i ^ consummatod on the l i i h of September."

Now any o a e c a n w e t h a t t h e r e WMamoti re in telling of tbe "s t rong cioncU of bceUircn," In glvinii tbe nam«- of the mtwienitor and Mentaiy, in telling of the " thorough, patient and imptrtial io<iairy- Inte M the Ucu in l iw caae," and ^ the coancil *g»v« as " d e c b k m " the above r^wolution. Wai i t not to Imprtw the people that tbe coancil, as aach, p-saed that r«solotk»? They certainly knew that nearly ball the cMneUdtd not &vor the RMlatioo above given. T h b b Iqr no means compUmmtary to the chiucb.

But thei« WM another moUve that jramptad them to make it a^iear tha i t be oponcU, M a i ^ p » « d that rwrfntiaB. Tba d u n h to ^ . a teeulaUon w h k h tbey w I A e i « « » » ^ p e n r waa joiUaad by " t h e daeUon of fbe coon«4L» H e r e t t b : —

"Therefore be It— . „ . " i i a o M . bv the WwnrB^

That t b b c h n A h e n b y yoepto a r f y top^aa l i t decidon a a a S b b c t o i x u d flaal. a ^ banfa? an-

W o o d e r f e l n a i d i ^ that l Bvefjr nerve nsnai h a v e b « n a t i . i n e d t o p a « M ! T b e e h n i e h " a f r

t l ^ b , the cb-tach acrepta the.«toctalon rf eight of

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4 6 8 ^ttolbartawi flrtteomnca ' ^ T l S p r t a I wnoderfull t j e rto^

UW of th« eight, ( t o Uie « dki wA -pprov. I t e

i n a w ol U»e teptfat „ tu the tachine. of the to I wn witlilHE

^ f o none who fo the a « t ^ t t e OHmeil. The h o w e v « . " w.U b« beid in »«tef«I lemrmbware by Ibe memU w of

dW unMimouHly pa^ • r«.ilutfoa M i a s Oum oppuflwl ta taseominic mwnbrfs of ^ e

rtreat chnKh. T h h I e i « « «»y cmvfc to «« l lOI thp naulatl..®. that the C a ^ ^

Hot SprlDg?!, At lw P'*'-

l i t e j a p t i g i

„ _ . Editor *aa 1'1uim»»»


SOMBlwelTCcr m-'w y»atje m i n b t e w a ^ thrfr sla.llei »t th t&mth«i Baptist

r ^ i ^ c r f the f H « d » « l Mini-lertU B-ln^liou ; I J i r r o t l r r f y i o - A l t « t h = yonng b ^ l . ^ o

T a t -Wmnc^ la th«ir .tudW., " S ta-fpthc-ux-Kby H u p r W

^ . ^ . w l thr B.«nl mast Io«lt to the ehur^fte. Wends of thfc rfa*. .rf yours«« «».

WlhoutimmiHlUUe b«Jp tbry mu-t

' ^ ' t S i i a u i ^ m e a p . - M . Hue tal«nU. are

to^^STThwa of t b « « yoaux belong . nd . If sUowed Jp flatoh their coarae.

Sm i S T S i «f l« t honor thai,

W . H a , h « ,


Oentna chnreh BundBy^jchool. N.«hvlUe. *'MeMlim'»Uleaund*y «h.i..l. fT.OO.

to w«U lh«« •ch.^.b; but will not olbcn h»ten to mpood . The B.«rd «.nnot art

t t a S u r c h r S T i M. Ch«ttaD00g»,

r- „

TU. non- coKUitloo «

s ^ i t t x wlUi Bapu*l eharrh*^

1881. rU thfa enter ui«>n the lahqw ^ d

^ n>pon.4l>UUieH of a new y e a r - a y e « that o r j m i ^ to be dWU.guJ^h^l by nutet rtlrrtnii e v r i r ^ D d «i lb th^ m « t un-ur-^ t - c i i v l i i « in ih.- dln.:a..n of mat i rW P'o

The Kr«it thinWi-w .nd d0Pt« h .v^

Whiclr f ^ iu their proport^o^ t h ^ ' whicu h we so uh in the fcw yeHW-

niDid InterchangB of the worM's commoditMas t h r . S n « n t a t l . m of Its wealth, but t o o ^ n

« d t o t h e porUona of th»

^ C B we h«t noticed the great events tmrn^r -tag to the outside world, what have ^ n «Jou.pliHhed I Palestine ha- been tS^cruel tyrany of the Mu««liimn, and opened to

I'arto has been bn.UKht a-near u. Rome T ^ ^ o n U to P.aiadelphla, by M i ^ y a ra l ln-d . On thi . side the Mi«l«lppl H ^ r L . throuiih the .kid -nd onTmlTbeeno^entHj that the l a r s« t v««el

no and load and unload at the wh.irv« of the city X 4 ^ w Oriean-.thu»makin,ttbe Ml«faaippi river w i t u never ^aa before, nave In a a ^ T T x ^ n d «ka. B y m e a w of the telephone ^ o

J L to ear, and the private rwldencea In verb.U ^ c m u n i ^ o o w l t h all the l a d i n g » t o r « ^ d

aa well aa with the office of every p h j ^ S r S t h r c T t F . that e^-ery order can be flU^ M d every war^ w p p l W without stepping

Ind the v ^ exercfaca of the tanctuary, S : S o " pmy.r Z prabn, an... of the «^rmon

lnt.M.v.ry lau.Uyaud thei iek. But notice Uie vast M.beinw w m m ^ H l o r pn.j«:ledt . be ..-v-mplWh^l in the

1 ThetunnelUngof the Thamw, so m to put l J ; ^ Y n Uv»dcomm«nlca t i . . n with the eon-

" " T i h l « K h m e n t of a water com.uunlcaUoo b^ween the Black and ^ p i a n wnw

3. V canal to convey the waters of the M ^ t e r -J ^ n i r ^ o the Sahara D^ert , ITSto a vast inland and thus fertUlxlog a Ur^e «r i ioo of that which la now an arid w ^ e .

1 Awllroad o v ^ the D««rt of Sihara.eon-

A ^ ^ v i g T u o n . and. by ^ and re i lg l^ . cWUl*' tu« »»vage^ of the Interior.


1. The new WKponrfon bridge ov»-r Nm^i-ri

T r ^ w Atlantic euWo. one-half or two thirds of tho p r « ^ t » x p ' n « 8 - b e g u n ,

a TonnellnK the U u d « n river, thus plac.ns ^ L l ^ J w Y u r k City in connection wit., .he^ .n-

Paci®. rai.r.«d thu, putlinK emit WUMSO in omnection with and CalUomU-ln course of contraction.

5 ThecompleUouoJ the&Hithem Paciflc rail road, via. SanteFe, putting S m t h ^ ! ta««necUonwith Orieans. MemphU and New York, wiihout encountering the winter per--da<>rtheBoeky MounUlns, and opening a vast section of hitherto Inaccesaahle Unds to eiuigra-tion. Tobecomplt ' tedthlayear. , ,

6 Extension of the AtchWon. TopekuASiota Fe railroad to the City of Mexico, and thus open-inirthat country, so rich in mines and iU « m i tropical pi.^luc'8 to our m irkeU and the entcq.r.se of our nation.

7 The building of a ship cin.d acro^ the Ulh mu.«f Dorien. thu. conn. c:i..« th^ PjciB.: Oc^an ,u,d the Oulf of Mexicv. The anioun ba^»lr«..lyt'een8ub«:ritMyl by the aat ioas and ' ^ r T u r S ^ r o f a .hip-railcoud a l ^ a c n ^ . tl;i; i,»!h.HU% that U^A^l ve«el^ can be fctkcn on traces from the P.icific. carrie.1 .'cro« and rrunchf.! into the Oulf ..f .M«K-o without brvak^ l u g bulk i n one . ( .Mir th the timo they csn be towid

on the ground, . u r v e y l . . the route for hU ^hiprailroa.:. which. If succ^lul ,

f..r util.t...g IheMinV heut. an.l B-li^ .V .Chon.e or utlLzing electricity, tu «up rc^le ga.^ and even

.or The running of ou: r«ilr.«.l. und u.a-chTucry of all and the grandt^t by which wal oil i-H mnde to supply th.- place of w.hkI Tn for all purp.«f«. »o that .m en^lnwr can

^^I n r u r n L . and c .utn4 hU eu . loe ln rioy« . nd broadcloth. But wo mu.t stop

with the man, who, r « d y o j T d X - d to live twenty-flve years Just t., ^ w S t man would accomplish In that time. It Twel l fo r u . t o know what grand achievements arTcLntempIated and under way In thegrwt ^^r iTamuml us that we may know the world to L v i n g , If everything seems to te standlngst.il around u-«.

We wish to speok of our— DENOMINATIO.NAL OKOWTU.

How nutural U Is for us to conclude that thi-re ta UtUe doing or accomplL-hed in the kinK-h.-u of Christ, becau^' we done ..r d..lag n our own church or Wo an, apt to ludireof the progre-s ot the denomination from what we see pacing under our own eye. or within the limltwl sphere of our aoq ulntsnoe. Ik* ia.e there Ua drouth In your nelghborh.ri.1 .ir c .unty. la no proof that no rain f ^ - J - f ^'he.v "r becanU your .-r-.P Is sh..rt. thi t very little will tw made. To*kiiow the whtJe facU. we n.u^t

an'i^nr,..in.Hlng fact th..t numeriwlly the BiptWs ..f America and B^ptUt principle srn rapldlv ami «-^toa5i!.ln)tly lncf«».«lng. A«-.mlinK to the'mofct «.|l«»le-t;itWl«i Kiroi-h.^l thiMnllior .,f the Ytur Binik. Philadelphia, i! »"•- I-*'" taln.«d that for lh«> ten years fmn. IMSI t.. 187!) ..ur numeric^ growth ha« averaged 28i) perdsy, ii.-arly twenty four U.ptisms every day of twelve hours, or lj)60 baptisms every Bibbath in the year. Seventy members should make a self sustahilng church; this would give us tour new st-lf support-Injf churchea a day tbronghout the ywr .

l ap t lSa are nniiericaUy rapidly gaining on the incifwlng p.>pnlallon of this country. I t han been found that in 1792 Baptlsta w « 8 in the prt)p«.rtion of one to ev»»y sixty ot the population, while In 17«0they w.'T® In proportion,one to every Iwenty-two that Is It has been thre® timw as rapid as the populaU'm of the country, while that growth hHBbeeo very largely swMled by Immigration that Is m.>4ly Catholle. No other denomlntUon

h L m a d c t h e l c c r e ^ l n a n o d - / . and ! J ^ ^ K ^ " J ^ ^ ^ i l a t a wonderfully increased W ^ j u . «spect to the wdf-re

m'm^immrdmmM^: 'mm^mMmmrnm ...in<>inlM? . . - TT ... of November. Deem E«»mt.Brr.J.T.

Lnt agency to corr^lng fa t id ing poTiCs In OU

What U a Church Oriin^ce? Other denomlnatlonsj^ rully a ^ e and J ^ o T w ^ ci^rch ordinance, delivered, and

tCr ' ^ s^^ment an'd we ^ b o t sponsible tor their ^ there never has been a ^ Ma>- a church ordinance, act or pHvU.^ ^

S e C o i f t i ^ i w i S BaptlsU were so lukeM ^^.ond the iurl«iictiou o. the church

r u o S i t h a t five books or tracts aresold now, ^ ^ ^ syn^bolUm of the lord's supper wUl be wheTthere were hundreds before the war Th^ ^ i„ ^ of articles. Sih"notsotobe. .udwelong and pray forare- ^ ^ ^ ^ wUl v i ^ l of an effecUve church effort. ^^^^ to be conslde^ al ^ u i ^

C0SCI.U810N8. Llfilled prophecies and aU the e%-enU that r e n ^

kinXmtheprcwntyeaHhanlnani lHUSto ^ ^ new hravens a n | U h e n ^ maf b^^he iJ^t on® »» J " n h the final homeand h « « n of the r^^f®*^ wSfkT^it will be the Ust one to many a mlnUdeH ol our Stale B.mrAs and F o r e ^ T d to th.H.«uds of our members, and ^ ^ J J L t s l o n , will r .«lve special attention, a«d our

* . ••Milwf ** _ _

I Qliirlany

n-a vl»j a« « « -ke nwt}

iv«r oUwr v o r k a , , , . j i m ana as •••!•

fe.«eor the whol|< truth. wcriftce

(ur our uiembershlp

Pi • — weekly summaries. .

ou r ol.Jeot will be to make h a s r e c e l ^ the generous lUiUUts. (or thirty years, a ^ of Lp l l s t s in all the Sncthern 8 U t « , more I n t o ^ log a , ^ real'y vslaaW^ t h n J-mr t l«n any prt^ vlou>« one.

Terms per annum. fio-J. For working rolnWwiH 12.00. SIX months, l U ^ « d H.oa

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SUMMABY. ' , _ J . B.jl.

WB WPaifflBl to K . of Plam man, mm »bat wad kilteU bf * l U inwk wWU. bm Hfa pJMUiwm to oineiaiiity. weh»ni t t e ^

S e o B T ^ p b f ^ , white W* ateemed him Wlhly and

C t e « - I n m * aymprtbr «««» coodotoce to a ^ A u d r a o a In tar benavemcnt- May Uw Lard take a m of b « and her mile oB&«-

BtT. 1- T. Jenkins, of Aricadeipaa, wrlttw lh»t his chHieh hold* mtarionary maetioiCB once m month,ona*btath night, A t t h e l w t t w m ^ -Ima Ihey havB imtoed 136 to mlrtlona. Thta » a m ^ in the right dirKtloo. U faqniteawy to imten i i« loB«Tn ion«y i f« pnssent pinnariy hefarsfMreharehw. The renpoiBibtUty

teiiely wtth om jmstaa. Brethren, let i» work in the mMonary omw this year.

B e v . A . J . FawMtt wiQ preach at MonUcelte

t« t l&lBtbeI />nl . ' This certainly f S S r i ^ o * wboa«Chrfatian».and t o t t ^

S W t o the liMdlnihepertonnaneeofOufatUm duty.' Eph. vf. I : tailWreB.ob^yyonr parwte in the Lord.' ThU«nno t mean, ChUdren, obey yoor p«Ten«Viri»»ey t'brbUaD"; but, obey ^ In m>lar al^ In «o doing, yon « n

tiw I ^ . Epb. vl.' 1«: ' Be strong in the Lont;- (I. e.. tnn.lng in the- Loid.) CoL iU. 18 : •Wlven sabnjlt yoaraelves unto your own hna-tendi 83 It is Bt in the Lord; ' (i. e., in obediwce to the Lord, in the exercise of a Christian Epirit). Similar examirfea might ^mul t ip l ied .

I t app«an. thwefore. that the interpretation of Chrytortom, and of many other eminent ^holars wlu> agree with him, does no violence to the meaning of the wonb, ' I n the Urn! , ' ba t i s i n keeping with the meaning of thU ex|»re»lon in nuiny other p&Mgesu On the <rther hand, if Paul had ment toi«y defloiteiy, she is ftee to be mar-ried to whom ahe wiai, only to one in the Lord, o r ; only to one who I ra bdiever, or only to one who ia a brother in the Lord, it would have been a v « y easy maUer lor him to have made the ex-

' ' i S ^ t f this interpreUti«n,and understand that Panl ment to limit the marriage

SELECTIONS. The chief element in all great ent«r]>r^ •Sis

worid, particularly In reiigioui enterprbe. Is In-leltectual and spiritual lorce. Physical forcecan I e m«i3ur«J, and Us opemUons accurately repn-suntflil in Azures and synibolf. but wh«» sIkiII ninviurf Um* est-rgy of the human soul or Dlvlno Providf'acer Who"shall talMilate for iw 11m« results of a life which l-<the radiating centre ..S !<i«SritU!il }iower? Who would think of mwur iug the rt-8ult'<of?u«-halifeaath!it of Thomas Aroohl, or of KrancU Wayland. by thf uum«>er of l ^ i w given, Icetures df4'vpred. hooks written, d a ^ of activo work lived! Can the results of such a lit« as Jurtson's. or Carey's or Jewett's be measured by UWes ot statistics wjiich man could compfle, thongh ciphered op In columns high " as Atlas or T^ re l i f f e?" -^ . f . Harwa.

Prof. Au.-*tin Phelps In the .Sunihi!/-Srlioo( Timrn says:—

When a man in puWic station begins to talk much of the i»wt, and to delight h b soul with the " pleasure of memory " it is time for him to look out lor the place he fills. When a preacher begiw to drow his illiwfralions of truth heavily from the experience of his boyhood, anil tfcf moral government he found in his father's hoa-»e, he may be sure that a younger man than he L-» treading hard on his heels to dbplace him. Men

th« flBiand fimith SUUtatha in each month, We h « n eaUed to U»« paatocil»««: tf ihe

chnrrh at Toledii, and have a t f r ^ t& iw^pt the (alL I unuersianu inai * uicu> —

-AU the Bapsirt tneachera in Arkansas ought Uf a Christian woman in Corinth toamemberpf ^ to try to live to peao. E -e t one should try to u»e chnrrh. the quest^n stUl I n o ^ widkVst enough or straight enough for

in the manltotationn of a fraternal spin*, to lay down a general Ihe world's need, if they arc walking backward. Ihl . alienation is bat the goldm apple thrown caUon^ that a member ol a ChnalUn chareh is at ^^^ ^^ ^ toppling over is imminent. Tlie among ua te make d i s c w d . " - ^ Fu^rtit. Hbarty to m a r ^ only a m e m ^ ^ a ^ l ^ a n ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

We am to p « w w a n of a ktod and weU written .barch ? « ^ the m ^ ^ ^ , it d ^ ^ m ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ h o Uve in the fu tu re -I ^ S i t e J ^ C b m p e r e . of eye, are to their faces: wholookoo-S t ^ p l a i n i n g of what we wnte concerning lUe should ^ ward, and pro« onward and do it cageriy. I-^om

We baaed what « p S I i S S S T ^ ^ world elects its leaders. I t l s s l -W ^ e ^ y upon tfa« uitauta. of the Assoeia- or the ThessalonianiaM, f w a y s so. and it ai waj-s will be so. Z ! WehJverdWip«dt ionto . to any one U is not the having a high temper, but it is the lurtire. Bat evldenUx somebody la wrong, or the that no other « letting ^ bigh temper have you, that you should A»odatlia woiOd not have been rent a s a ^ r . mSwiable. if we toterpret the he ashamed ot. Unless you could get angry, you »>ur comments were meant to potot to the diie;- » suppose that Panl had in mind the] w„uid not be worth much for acUve service in the Unnof p««». We are always pained »» see ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ In that voIup-1 world; but unless you can control your anger, yon divlMHH among Baptists. We hope that Ume ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ condition will do altogether too much in the world-and and ««met piayer win make the matter right. generally was* mo^' degraded, and | that not to the N«t way. A strong -spirit well

" W e have had ten acnaalmM to our | - u ^ r e the posiUon of a wife wai, literally better - I t would, indeed, be a very fdnss September 8, hy expCTieoi» and baptism.

W« hope to build a new howie of wowhlp next snmmer."—J. I.Jtaldn*.

AS IMPOBTANT EXEGESIS. lMrKanaakedy«9ut7. lfnotoflener,if aChris-" tlan, and enpeeiany a mlni3t«, can Sctiptn-

mDy marry out of a Qiriallan chorch—if the exiiiMhm " to tfePliord " doea not mean a penon wft t ts tot tae Lord? We submit with pteamne an a « i a l a tooB the pen of Dr. J . B. Boise, D. D., L U D ^ p w f i - w of Greek to the UniTeislty O i i o ^ who atanda to the front rank of the Greek eritkai of oar B a d and prssenre i t ; we ojpy frnm

" 0 5 1 . Y 1 5 T H * L O B E . ^ i r i a g e "» » — ~ -•A me"»ber Of the church, la by no

i«fpMi.tni J i.t^ti,* ini.iinofi tn unfierstanu ine ein

than that of a slave? — aerioot) matter for a Christian woman, then and there, to become the wife of a heathen mair. I t would be very douWfol whether she could thus live to obedience to the Lord. I t would be some-what as if a Christian woman of this country

1 Bbouia go tn ImUa or China and marry a heathw. It Is very plain that a Christian woman in a Chris-tian land, who marries a man not a m e m ^ r of any chnn h ,butofgood character, is very differ-ently sitnated. How many sach women do we aU know, who are among the most active and »wfid memlieisototirchurchffl!

w e d e l u d e , first, that the Interpretation of the clause, 'only in the Lord,' as linilUng the mar riage of a ChrisUan woman in Corinth only to a

himi O U « i , o « h . i » l h « B J l M « u > i . t l . f c l o < l « m i ) . r i « « totn-to *E eatrled le-wtkHn wUl.only ta Ui» Lonl.' U Cor.

•• I tianalate the Terse Ittcralljr from the text ol Tiaefaendorf: What is Uie mcantog rf the last dansa, 'only to the Lord T* Doea It mean that the (the widow) la at Uberty to marry only a Christian Buut? A i r f a r e we to draw torn this ctousBihUHlo-tanmted, a general ^ d l r f e appUcahle to all Ctotetiana, to all times and to aU coodlttons ol ancMy? qoertlon iaone of great pwcUcal

managed ia a finer sight than a lack of spirit. One of the prwrepte of Buddha's Book^f Virtiw Ik " H e who holds back rising anger like a rolling diariot. Mm I caU a m d driver: other people are but holding the reigns." A better book than Buddha's says: " Ho that la slow to anger is bet-ter than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than ho that taketh a city."

" I dread tlie arrival of an American ship." said Jrthn Wllllami'.the martyr missionary to the Pacific Islands; " For though she m^y have more mi-«sionari«« in her cabin, she brings in her h<)ld the waters of damnation." Quite as emphatic was the testimony of the late Archdeacon ot Bom-bay, who. after thirty year's experience, said at a public mceUng in London : " For one really con-verted Chrtatian as the fruit of missionary labor, the drinking practices of the English make one thousand drunkards: If the F.oglLsh were driven out of India to-morrow, the. chief trace of their

Historical Department.

am decldeJiy Incltoed to understand the Greek as Chrysostom, and Calvin, and'Keander, and , ^^ to-morrow, tne cniei iracooi inm many others have nndcThtood It. I joying been thfre would 1* the nuint^r of drunk

Secoad. If we do understand the w o r ^ to mean ^^^ i>ehlnd." that a Christian woman in Cbrteth might marry 1 ' only a member of the church, it by no means fol-lows that this was Intendsd as a general rule, a--plirable to all conditions of society to

There is but one other l««P«Re that seems to bear directly on this suhif«t. It occurs in 2

aocMy? The qawUon m one oi gnsu pn«:u™ vl. H,and ta translated^'Bi>y«not MCqu^ly imoortmce, eepedally to mlnlaters who are called u ^ e r with unbel lwrs. l Alforf « n d e « a w r ^ n H f e m the marriage c ^ m o n ^ U. 'Become not incongruous yokefdlows with

I m«» W at once that tha beat Biblical scholars unbelleven.' Tho exhortxUon Isentlrriy general, f r o m t h e ^ t a t period have by no m«i»bew^d.ppis„toalUheb«siness .andriltberelaU.^ i S r f to^ K f e t a t l o n . Such eminent ^ „reV No such connection to to be for^^^h

Oyaoaioo, Tliobytoct, IWvto ^ Q». „„bellever wlU compromise one's ChrteUan ta^fSTF^ Ba«ekert.0.laiider.Neandef,Lh.n«trr. Thereto no mowrefere^ here o the ^ ^ S w ^ a ^ many othtm undenrtand, the mean- nworiage rel4«f'n than to any other relation in mrtorj- of the Baptists and the Baptist church S i ^ ; , o - i e t o b e , ' r i u i t o f » « » l o b e j ^ e d t o l i i ^


viilu»bl» onnlrtbutJOM Otreo »»>. t NUMdaHl Bapttat UialarlM.

cvrhaol'n HlnUwy ol Auclwil ItepUsU 11-^'

^ k l n mad IllMortaU ttoweiwlon of UnplUiii

" "^asTot. patuick a catholic? I j ^ B O . OllAVES:—In a rrcent conversation

I T L m X T u L ^ ' t o i ) r f l ence to the L o r d | In vHw of t h « e conslde^tous. O ^ t l a n ^ n -w h o m ^ wui, o ^ only by the totem have generally to thto country been wlUlng

to S L to S T g e ' a member o U church, with a

wlth a ffrnUeman of culture, who h$B ic*vcii n .I..4. qY^XI

IIIUVAI •*•«•<.• ——— 7,--- «, CtiCl certain noted characti-rs, emlnenUy pious, who havo always dilmcd as^Wonglng to tho Roman Chthollc churA or the E p l ^ i ^ , I ww much surprised to hear him say that St. ^ t r i c k the patrwi -wlift Ireland was not a Roman CtethtHlc—thxt he did not preach or practice the RomWi doclilnei. He ^ « l d lAat O ^ ; .

i WaahlDgtoo was not an EplscopalUn, and that he

n ^ F T w v b A P T I S T 4 . 7 1

Ject? £ t n k x *

not sprinkled In the Will yoa be 80 klu« — tiit. - i

yoomaypoBaBopoothteTOt*-? Should It take-up l o o m n A « r f y < ^ l m e

chorch. Will yoo •U the loforaudioQ

.n commamon of that I the last ooontry In Europe that acknowledged the be 80 kind aa to favor me ' ^ t h | gapiemacy of the Pope.

Patrick WW one of the noUest, pareat Bapttot

be miKle of the school of P o « P i « t h «

tt^Bldheawiallymentio^. Savonarola. H the spirit of Patrick, with hto Haywood county, Teoo., Sept. 9,1880. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f^^ ^^ r h ^ g O ^ RBMABK8;-HondTe<l8 to Weat Tennespee know j^^irt ©f I r ^ d . it wou'd a^ain he a Ian 1 of

the writer of the above as a gentleman of coUurc I n^jng Patrick di«l M«reh 17, 46.s to t t e of and extensive Information. We can but fed the 75^, y^ , , of his age, honor ot his referring to us for InformiUon upon I comm«»ee«l to preac'a 181 y ^ befcw any sul^ect not strictly thedoglcal. Pap«cy existed, and IS5 years before It waa

St Patrick to one of earth's'noWe names that U^^wn to England, and he died 145 yeaja brfore were not born to die. The 17th of March will for | there was ever a Roman Pontff recognised »t ures to como keep hto name green among mUllona. And yet. how imi? to of the real Patrick irf England. Who was he? Kotim Irishman, bat an Engltohnoan by htoown c o ^ sion. Heapeakarf vIslUng hto parrots In d i t -tany. It waa not the England of to-day, l o -cated, cIvlUxed, but dark, cruel, a Und of frefr booting. At the age of sixteen Patrick w m I ^ m capUve by a band of men and sent to Iretond, where be remained six years. It was thto captlv-

Rome. Patrick could not have been a Pa{dst. COncemtog the second matter 01 toqalry, we

aospcet that "GenUeman of Culturtf' was famlHar With the Hbtorical Department of thto paper. In the 29th number of Vol. X. we publtohrf the following Historical Remtofacence of Rev. S. Gano, fumtehed us by the aged Jacob Creath, ^ Palmyra, Mo., whteh we copy for oor friend and brother: —

— - . . , , 1 " In 1810 David Benedict, of Rhode Island, tM ad feet to the beautiful _ „ t h « of the H l ^ of American Baptists, M home with hto parents ^ y other 's house In M n ^ n ^ bit that I »— finrin? which time. I dtotnbuted

itv that tnmed hto heart and feet to the beautiful Wand. He remained at home with hto parents 1 o t h e r ' s house ta M n ^ n ^ c ^ ^ S he was forty yeara of age. He now felt that j ten He now len »na» 1 nome ten oays, u ^ d k r e m i i go-.o i r^und and bear Ud .np ^ wh"ul h ' ^ ^ S S . S ^ He left behtad him hto confcesion of faith. From 1 t h e Ufe of Dr. Jno. Gano, who. ... , m ™ ^ mother the Ufe of Dr. Jno-

we learn of hto eameat love of the Bibl^ of ^ told my mother was toirton'e~army "daring the r e v o l u t l o i ^ war. h ^ » ' h o t love "for G ^ i " as be styles it, of his

SJmtag d«i re to teU the good Udings. Filled j He ^ t e ^ i ^ ^ - ™ with thto spirit he left h b home atone to conquer ^ fnowET^'BencdiH^trf ^ t he received thto statement from hto

' • « Gano of Rhode Waad, a n d ^ r ^ ^ a country for Christ. When he landed to Ireland it was filletl with

the rdlglon of tho Druids-mysterious, awful, cruel. 'On thdr stone alUts under the oak trees they oftered n ^ their fiwt bom In sacrifice. 80 earnest was Patrick In preaching, so braw, t ta t thto frightful system was swept away. In toe open ait he prwehed to thousands of people. He traversed the country from one end to the other. He ordained and e^Wlshed over 350 pantos In various parte of Ireland. Well has he been ctdled the Apostle ot Ireland. He did not dtocover it m «Oolambaa,bataaone of Ood'a chosen men he brought U to Chrtot.

When he planted churches he put schot^ •ioaislde of tbem. The land b««me rich to schools and theologloal aMnlnaries. For centuries theschoowand unlversitleB of Ireland were the most dtotlngnlrfied In Europe. In the eighth

It from hto father-ln-taw w t o EsstOT SUtes and settled at T o ^ ^ e county. Ky., near Lexington and had the

church there. • • 1 saw and ^ " ' t h e l ^ n ^ o . which B e n r f l t g a ^ ^ y

and I heard her often relate w ^ ^ e -SSIold h a r « p ^ n g the t-P^^® ^ c ^ h ^ ton by Dr. Gano." •» Crkath.

Palmyra, Mo., Aug. 1814. ^ ^ Thto to all that ever wlU be known ot that ^

vate transacUon, and it wlU be seen that It rests upon the veracity of Dr. Gano, who aaeerts that he did immerse Washlngtoo.


TH S object in ormmlsing thto class Is to pro-mote the study of the Bifel<»; not to fexdte

he laft It full of churches. He found It nncdu-cated: he> left it full of schools.

The traditions that hang around him, such as driving the toads and snakes out of the country, and the miracles, WMe not heard of uoyi Bev«» hundred years after ho wafc dead. No name, pe^ haps, fa more covered with mbconcepl Ions than that of Patrick. In no sense of th» word was be a Romanist l ie waa a slmplo-heartcd man of one book. The book that made him was the Bible. In hto Confesrion, which to but a ahoit tract, are found twenty-Bve quoUtlons from the Bible. The venerable Bode says of Patrick's fo.'-lowers: "They wtmid receive those things only BS matters of doctrine which ar® contained in the writings of the prophets tho aiioaties and evaogd-tota," Patrick'8 CooltasloB speaks not a word of the Virgin or Invocation of satots. ' m e m l n b t m were married men. Popery, aa It now fa, was not yetboni . Iretond dW not. to fact, Oftt&olk antll the twdf th c«i tnry- tbe« OrtboU-d u n was foioed upon h«r by England. It —

OR TstB a j j o t F w a To aay one who wUl mboitt naaooahte CnMDA lllO Scriptnm, that the aatets rnm^ttfu, with CSitist to the h«v«n rf Ood ahaf*.

• * OE THE M . M l-BOS. <» and Explanatory

.Bd Kew tiro ^ Enieltoherttie? and scholars; 1,«7 pages. Uiw traled. TrttlyvstoahJe.-

To any one w t o WlU taiBtoh " w o a h t o P ^ . woidcf God, that a i ^ ^ J m y ^

riorified and crowned—to a word, ao

ofOodinheaxfo . . fc^tai, , And the same to.any 00a who will I t an to proof, from the Blbie,that J * » ^ ^ saint to h.«veD, where

a m ^ ^ the first w « k to w e d T E v e n r article snbmitted i ^ p t o i j be pahUshed to thto w ® Those that have appeared ^ J j ^ the competing arttetes or the anthois can re-write and re arrange them If they desire. DlFFICl ASD APP*BE-Vn.Y COJ!T»AMCIOET

ecRirrcwBS. 1. 2Oor. xil. 17: " K#rarthek», hsingcrafti, 1 caught you wita guile. -0 1 -r $i- "Neither k t as oommit farns-

S ^ ^ S r e e and twenty thousand.' T Num. XXV. 9: ptonue were twenty and four thoBsand.

apparmt, and, to most Bible, r « l , contradictkffls, a n i m ^ a n d totlmately coBcem both the verbal [mDort, ana mun ia in j — -l 3 ^ o n and anihenUcity of t h e S c r i p t . ^ ^ -S S ^ t e a c h e w o f o n r I - n ^ w i l ^ J t e

and other p M a g a that may be p r a m t e l . J ^ may be compeltod to call upon soafcroDe each w ^ to hdp. but don't wait to be called.

.tm^mmttMi^" tmr ISSl. fcr I te Ute SMnt • r Bis AMSif II—

divert attention from them until they have readied a settlement.

FIRST PRIZE—BOOKS. Pulpit Cycloprolto, 614 i«ges. UlteofJudson. Ule and Letter^, of Mrs. Judsen. Tr-veto to A«j|a, by Dr. Malcom. We will send any one of the above bo<jks to any

one who wUl give Scriptural proof that therf» was an o«a«»««i at Troas at the time of Paul's Ustvisi t W e o n l y r e q a l n > » o c b « i w i U d e t e r m i D e j j ^ ^ ~ » ' ; ^ ^ the matter beyoad a rwaooaWe doubt.

We appoint the two Bapttot pastras of thto rfty to be the judgas, rrtalnlng the privilege of voting in caw of a tie. The dcctokm wlU be made the flnit week In February, No oommnnlcaUons after January 81,1881. Stoown PBIZE—TUBBAPTllTr FIVE VEABS, f I2 CO,

John Biu«m«a-A««xawm» conrra. LaAvnO- »a»»-

" " w . U A m t a o n r - F i O W ^ ^ H. Borem-WTW*"*

H. ««r—HWtmx V-Off Cr«lL. rw»rrui» mad S«r Hop.:

J. W.Cknoa-BBUMlsaad Walnal Qitnra.

qm. W.I>iiT-0«nn«rk.>««P>»««"»«»** Woodland. E. C. FaottnW-BtpWff and EUin. U«n. W.OrlfflB—lUeaa. A. J. tilnoM - Oovlcaton. IMlMi. BK Cim0 >ad Ml.

PuwOk-J. W. U|»er-B>J«» Hl«»i.Orno«nlo»B aiul GoUlOTTtUr. llH.HlUUln—li^numemaa Utaotr-A M. O-QulBB-AnUoeU. Ebob. HHwoo u d Brtsbtoa. 8. H. lToTMM»-Brtrtr«i«TUl«. T. J. Roiraa-Centnl ebntrfa. Mcmptite. a. Bleb Smrnta. H. C. Bomoaan-SUnttm, BmhwuT and BMWeb». O. M. »«TM!*-BoUvmr. 0. W. Hm and Uraea. 1. 1. Tnn>«-AUbrt»Bl. R. A. Venrtle-nnaehitiBfc. JteitsphSt W. H. Bark»rf»l»-Woodl»wn Mid Eadfln. Tm Baud baa oat UwaboTa IM traoi taa mloolM

at bMt rwr. aaA doabilM tbm haT* baaa ekaaiM that u U iwtawawof; and «• inHt tballwiaoCT wm a o B ^ Har-inctbechnreawtbey «*»«««•»•• »'»•»'" ta ior ^ pastor u. .atoetowiof tbe naB .. ss^dr lay-breiun-o «o-art.* h'm IB eaB«a-»iNt u» HbMfnm uuiy a»d w» tat BMwatthat ^ hroCb«»-«.tmiW.p«NJ»^t»,UUaUat. Ko*.*ntl>na. aa ^ ti l . plan t«yont»-u>*"^ro«"q««a-«»«>Bra««>l«»*«» ^ into ««aUoi«.»a .aoaiLaiaaaUjr rt<FM«that,iB ot Jaauarr.or. it wmufa la wdarataMa. at yniaalttiat appolatmauu yoo «t^pMa>t Mm. »ati»H ot nilBitiaate aiidwt«aehh««h»raadrtiiSToattl«fta aiaaittWn »r tbla o»i««. pajrabla tb* balanc* at watUm ot Xtm Aaa"—"" — Itonday ta Jnlr, bat nport ta aa IM »tfjTlaU«»a|*U»«wa«C|>i«*»fca«W«»« mtjadosarr IB UM «<aUtat> Oaid Unt tiai bamaa Ito Ml*-maiptA RiTar and tba Caalnl RaCiMd. Aa appIiaMlaB b * b«ee mad* at a pMut oe tba Paduedl BaUieea, wWe a abxcb raa auoa ba ornaauid. fcn U ba ma 1 < a>oa

s i^^ , rp«,Z. - tHBBAPT, . r rF ,VEVEA»MI2«) . To any one who will submit reinoaablo proof; from the Sc r i^» f« . ^ " ^ S f L f S ' inherit, no t* heaven 8oroewher^ bat the « i S T i W ^ ^ t a i a .»» . wMk uti. God's throne, as their toheritaace and eternal ^ hooM.

BrortararUwBwrS. a . W. aBAHBEBBr.aae*r. J-JU 0»AV«l,>»irt.

Page 5: :mmedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1881/TB_1881... · 2012-11-19 · ;kiMlaaai>mh. rri lwa akx^ tUWi nui lanMm MOiiinfsM nuk . or.iMk morn, ~ lAi. njDamcAi. lAssSflSS^

B B E V I T I E S .

-Th . mlBfcte- « l W n tte boamb^ ^ H j® '

^ a. oudwtB. • ' T m B u » Cw».-The Woe cnw J;'*;'

^ • t MB, not mfa- • Th- of the Ftetcbareh.thfarily.pn-

^ dirtaUD- ex«ri-« of the F l H t ^ ^

aiwtay^hool worto. « d of Bl« W ^ m M t o tor lha chUdren he hw gotten BP. thto an* t i t o precedence.

Waufcl to ri^ In U«a of hb lengthy

M m m of Bm. fioooe. lh«t "rt,"*® J^t S S t o d l d Bm. Coi«iiwi hare tor Bro. B^ bat

hTtodTiho^h ao thaalichtMit nUarian to him.

i3d three aibbathn of hfa

klaw UBenimted. and woold like to m a k e ^ n g ^ mviiii wUh •ome chorch or ehttrcbee w h i ^ y whole time eooid be employed. Any chunsh to

bta « a o a dedrta, the-rrtee of « abte « d

oiuM minMff. wooW do w«U to corcHipond with ^ B u k i d i d e . Addioe him id Memphis.

The utldce im The Inheritance, is eieettog

atnisor the rihle eterywhcte. I don'l think W en® h » iDoad the pu-ge yet."-/Z. T. J. ^ to what Ihey wen Intended for. U there I-

eM ,NOT*DO abetter thing than to g ^ T H B B A P

Twr taken by each family of the church.

The Naw Y « k BaplU WeeVi, «iiUjrial oo the a»ttrplng tendetwy of C o a n ^ u d AawcUtloas with the following remarks:

Wehavegivoaour vlow-»on the recent action «f » West VirglaU A^uclation In prawmlng to .IkUtetotherhurchcslnlhemaiterofMrdlnaUon L,^ ^ ^ , ^ » ,ppropri»t9 wotd*. w. wuicu

—^ « « luivi. »Uo Mortaaed our appre- .he, r«.couUeU. XUe mt-mlwr* of the Third f«;

b,«,e.U«dWthe«r.o<U»«Elb«rtoo ^ t 8a»dv-«»»ooI C<»v«U«a U to »» B«eU»lorU.t&ipU«t8u>UC<.nT,oU.fo. T^",'* Ui« Hght dUwUon. Md «jKWld ba lmlt»l«l by the brethren InevuTHUU.

•liM«)irl.-^The Iten-ptloo at llie home of i»r. LOTMHI, Tue«l«y «y«lii«of !MI W«. k U> Mr. ami Un, ^ b y

BUhortn«ollrlend» who came to wy «" ^

Ibey n-pouded. The mt-mlwr* of the Third f«el » deep u,ur«t in Mn B«,by, who « » b.pU«d l»to cborcl Mid ot which ktoeWMKOtne year* «iiiriubrr. Their pnserm K* w.lh hcr.--tViKroi Ibvtit. A nlort.u. meetlu* u being held lu Farwluzlou. conducled by Klde» A. W.

both t h . « «>arcee b n ^ i-^XTDr ' ^^^^^^^ How the flrat easompUon Is viewed by Dr. Grav®, ^^t i» uhruu»n».

_ fnl.l ,__gjj„ji,H,ptt„„i„u,,cc»pledtbec»reof Ue ohurcb at W«-on. Bro. Kreemaa hae acwpled call to the StarkTlUe church, and hae entered npon bU wurk. Bro. J. if. Deaprw, of ocoloca, wrtUn« to the Itaounl. under date of !>««. U. eaya!" Bro. l-ureer la »IU1 hero. Wel»a»«lapro«r«Baglodou«meeUng. Oor ebureh U yet »tthout a partor. but we have a aUary of WWfta the right man, to be paid qoarterly to wlvanoe." Wder B. N. CrawR>rU,«rfM«Comb City, after having oloarf a »u<x)W>irui year'* pamoTate of the Tangipahoa chureh, AralU county.

ediUon. this y« r . " ^ t U ^ 1

ooDoaitlon. bat its cold, inexorable logic ucatung ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ welcome Bro. ^ ^ V thnwah Mites of braas. If the SdigioUM Crawlbtd t«thU Oeld. ue wiu be a valoable acquUIUou to wJwrf has t a ^ or can, In the next thirty day«. the minwry of tau A-oeiaUon. Hatua IW k ^ , w .1. endorse Its 1 Bro. Uartaield accepta the eppolntment lo find a Baptist paper in ^ ^ « ^ ^ views of a i?crlptttral baptism, or that wUi assert I«» la the 6M« of Ihe statements of Drs. Hodj^aud Boblnsoo, antl scores of other leading PedoDap-

UICIMW "re '

eiittnclli«. and we have also exprtased our appre-l,.wloo of the muriilwE tendeucy of a «ovement In this city lu pnurticoily commit ordaining coun-cils to the action of committee. I he danger from

thew soorcee is ntrf imaginary, but real. How the flrat sasompUon Is viewed by Dr. Gravei of the T K S S B W K K BAPrtsr, appears In the fol lowing criticism on the action of the Forkenburg Association."

The secontl edition of Okl Landmarklam bit b ^ ordered to press. ThU Is a revised Md en-largtd edition of the work. The flrat edition was not oflimdlo the public onUl the labt of M»y. We expect the demand WlU exhaust three « edlUons this year. It has met a fierce and bitter

nodannror thedtanrion of them breaking up tbfTcmmaaa, and nipping the bod of unlflca-tion tlMV win heamtinned nntU all are «UaJk.4.

•• £ wWi to Mk Bio. Waller, of Kentucky, who nve wsBih asplcndid serrndD on the heaven of ^ wlDii. to explato S Kings IL 11, In accord •nee wUh hto theory. I «Kr t that Elijah was ^ up MO Mmm."~a B. L. We trust oar

tut mtobteB and edltora, that oor exchange of pulpits with them, or aflUlaUng wlth-th^ In our ^ U not onderatood by them as publWy ac-eredltlng them as ordained mlnlstas of Scriptural churches, we wUl make the correcU« and give I L l x w the preper credit for such a poslUon. We trust the Herald wUl hurry up, ai there Is no time to be lost-

go OQi in Mie « —. . . . . . Sid to rebuild. Th. Bapttau ought to h»lp repair the Al-tered walU of K««chl Cul.ege, and we believe they #111. -^^ut 3lrm,narr. KWer IX K. Ue«J ha. been cho«.. pwtur of tb« AtcadU .-Jiareh for anoUier year.

Aj-kaasM.-" rieate change my paper ftom iT««N>u to U.Ue Itoclr. Have now entered upon the 8unday-eeb<K>l wort of IheState, and purple poidilUB the work wtU. v Ig-.r _0. .V. I-Kra), tjnu Hoe*, iX*. 57.

n w B r » o « rum »TATE> I .

talcR UD Mo ktam."-~C. a. *»» | Eider J.U.C0chraB,of Dorant. UU*.. bw l ^n

much Hady Witt e o a ^ with the r«q«»t of Bro. I — Mt Anuoch. i. au.t. .act., , I WofT^aml worked down in arduoua^refwthew^

I . T^. h..n nWTeleit f^ a month. He IMM i—Igned - P IM» tod ladMore and send me a n o t ^ lot J J . 'S^J 'S^JhSebe^ and ' • . V ^ J ^ ^ r j f ^ S n r .

C. Ecl»oU, Itxa,. Bapthts when . udi«» and pro-i ^ i M d thta bonk are dellgbted, and almost I3LJ-UIW ailtirove. U wUl create conVlcUon I Rer. J. B. Moody win commence uu. S S r i l ' l u S S ^ wai not be able to o v ^ m e . ^ ^ - ^ - f ^ T t o ^ ^ ^ ^ r t n ^ ^

htaoingratis. . J T Bar L. A. Jennings, of Uve Oak, Fla., P-M ^ ^ ^ . I X S l ' C ^ n cued'u. thec«,of the L „ „ „ „ t to carry T j l

M mmA. Bro. Jennings has spent ^ chrt««»b«r« wc .u w. um.. ^gpe all those who made pledges at the A«o-


J. B. a.

Bey. O. M. I.utats has been appointed Suaday-achool Mi.««ionary for the Slate. He U a g o ^ tnan, anil we heartily commond him to the de-nomlnatlott wherever he goes. We hope ho will gather Ueuw for this where he travels.

Some one aoiul^ a minute of the lorty-flwt an-nual soisioa of the S-Ulne AssoclaUon. Wm. Uiulel. moderator, and C. O. Glenn, clerk - both Uymen. This b one of the oldeauJLsoclatlons In the SUte. It l3 fdinllUttly known as the " mothSls^xOatlon." WenoUcetheamount^nt

by the churches for home mlsuons Is 9ei)ja. Uev. U A. Jennloffi. of Uve Oak, Fla., has

spent some UmerecenUy. In our State. HevWted

s^eral country churches, and also the church at Pine Bluff. He made a good Impreasion upon tho

br«thf«n. llev. E. F. Appling, of WhUe Oak, sends us

, ilO Home Mteions. We are much obliged to ' Bro. E. II all our pastors would Just besUr them-

I.I ..w.n mt iin thn neceaaarv

^ , .^ril wert:. Bro. Jennings has spent m e n l weeks In Adcansas, and has hdd sever^

— — 1 . . . b in A ^ a M S . and has new several l T e — W . ha« had agood meeUng at Sew Salem

eammeod him to the ktad eondderaUon of our

»tto.r!^Oanlner baa enteral

and ParU U now wltb^t a important polnu and U

S^good man wlU «ccerd Br.K aardner.--iap(« O h ^ . iCmTuoa at IWek Chapel re«.,t»l to «.«n eddWon..

aarown. —Utedby EderN.O. W.^»r .o f

CQUmitnUi am* •*» — Mends who meet him In his evangdlstlc travels. Bro. J . b an sgent both tor Tu« B A P T I S T and Baptist &»k Hoaw.

EU a amUh, has been appointed colporteur for Ctatral A«odatkm, Atabama, and hewOl hav. a ItaU supply of Baptht books a ^ t r ^ ft«n t b « Book Hoose, aod the new and entorged .dUlonarOld Candmarttei-What b ItT more wiinatils than enar. I I cnntalf» Jesse Mercer's wiittaa statament ol oU Sssdmarkbm in I8U. Oiv« Bwv U« copy that yoo have read and pur-c h a s e t h e iKwedldoo that win be out in January.

roMwal lor the Old Banner. I

S c ab haw U» '

doetita awl a sate denomination polity tocol-eated. Our ehurcfe la out of debt and out a iMhviAn. Bfo,Kaily having gone to Looake." ^tnmn nr t Ark, Thanks ttr

It win ha the woret poller the church ooaW MtanttofMialB wlthoat a pertofi-Uke

^ ^ L ^ ^ T ^ u T b S d a—Ung w t t h ^ c b ^ b

M r«ult«l to twenty-flve ,<ofa«lo«a»d ^ upbuilding of the chureb in th. faith 04 the goepel.

SMih C««II«i»-BeT. W. B. BWn bee «coept«l toe ea^ nf MTSOOandCr— Roadschurehea, to Sewberry

^ ^ e d my Uat .ermoo for the yearat Cal»ary i V ^ e r county.and they h a T e paid me more

J ^ h U much nearer Lancarter. C . 1T«T will

S J I L r * ^ to employing a mlntater tor aU hhi time, and S ^ J a T r ^ UC. HtolS. It doe. a preacher good to pay Xbv want Beif. ^ ,,pert«tce.--0. W. Ourrt^. J- - umnm; Be». T. C. Utctewn baa accepted the t i S t h e Haat^ A—daOoo. and wlU occupy toelr mtodon fleida at Wedg Seld and providence.

O«,«l».-»ElderUH.0a-ih«a redgned toe ca« of the M ^ w ^ u r e h . to take eharge of toe churrh M Bowmin

the stoioiy by tha *mtow» ehureh. Be*. A. B

V* E NVI'*' -

daUonat Sardis will forward the amount es soon

iM possible. A N E W Y E A R ' S G » T . —Deacon D. D.Tucker,

of Tcli^lo, Ark., PRESENTS T U B B A P T I S T to each of hb five children ai a' New Year's gift. How praise-worthy the example. What a Judicious gift from a parent to absent chililren. Who else will actllkewbe?

With the New Year let at set out with new re-solves to live mor» consecrated to Christ and his cause than we ever have before. The errore and s h o r t comings of the past cannot be recaUed. But we may Improve upon the future by the mistakes of the pasU Let us Uve and labor this year as if we knew It was our last. 'And to all our reader, we wish a happy AVtc IVar.

A few days ago Bro. R<»bert Murry, of Mt. OUve church, Asley county, Ark., was driving -home with hb wagon. When near home hfa wife heard him sing one of the sweet songs of Zlon. Suddenly the singing hushed, and In a few mo-mentsthe oxen brought the wagon to the gate wsompanled by Bro. Murry's dog, which manl-faoted so much anxiety as to soon atlract the at-tenUoia of Sister Murry, who Immedialeiy w t in search of her husband. On nearlng the |dace w l ^ sbe heard him singing, shafound him lytag

deail in the road. He seenM tove b j ^ luB bahincl his wagon, and suOden^ fell d « a , IShap^yl th heart disease. We tender our sym-

w?h tb« stricken and her f ^ r m«le Ul-t^iUlr.,.. Mtyhe who

waiiU. . 1 K'V K. II. Llndiay has receuUy callcd

Hifiin t" tho church,

S l u l l r v i . l e A r k . f h l a t w e u t y ^ . i e

years f..r hi... at thb .hurch. Q>ilte a eompll-

iiiuiU. Holly Spring's chuttb. Bradley county, has

ntUe. L r l y money enough » build their «ew ho«« of »^r.hlp. We hope they will etic^h •to llnbh the building without Incurring a dtbt. for church dfbU are hard to pay.

llev J. F. Griffin hat rccentty bt<en tmllfdaKalu to the care of Wot^llawn church. Drew couatj-. Ark , which makes hU ffflh |»a.loral year with this church. They have been much heretofore, and may their prosperity coatlnuiu

Tho next DUtrict meeting for the DLstrlot will be held with Kbenrrer church, ttve miles wft-t of

Warrren. Ark. Th« Commutes to arratige hub

j S I have not yet reported. We hope they wiU

report soou. Bro. F. M. l^lUard, of Longvlcw. has n-ntod

l.roiM»rtyat Warren, and soou briuij bUfam-l l ^ t o the latter placo that bU chlldreu and bi ttulers mayatteii.1 tho C-ntenulal initUute.

llov. iltntan Allen wrU« us that ^Ul h u ^ to give up his mission work, because his servkw ire r cqu l ^ at home. We need a ttr.t.» la^ mis-sionary to enter tho field at oucc.


W E are In receipt of a letter from Bru. UarrU ' ' p.«tor of Byhalia. Nl«. . with refereuce to the

. ^ . __ ,..1 ..t Ki.. i.t« nriU'lo in-this tittper. » » mstor 01 Byhaiia.iuiM".

tulsapprehensionof hk late article In-this i«per

I n m i S " Beason Why." He avera tlcularallu^tlontoanyiKjrsonor chunth. but for

aU whom tho cap titled. We thought the artlc e tlmely!u Is out of the question for our thurch« to " r y theUtorsofour young ministers who are a S l n a with stern want to prepare themselves ^ ^ t h e K t , and depend on their labor during v a c a t h m ^ & them along, andlforget to remun-^ t o them Bldite High church, n«u-us, paid

^ f f ' s e v e ^ dolUn. fbr one meeUng. and It may be this was all he received during the whole vacatkm. ar.d was unable to K« b a c k to Jact.s..n.

Our ministers are leaving UH for other 8tett>» and o t h e r secUons of this StaU'. and, W« t T e n n t ^ will be a missionary field. If tho starving outot our preacheis. young and old. keet« churches are not appn)clatlng the ser>- c « of their ministers as they ought. Will d ^ c o ^ talk

this matter over, and. If we Bro. H«rta are wrong, write us and set us straight. TWrty-fl>e ^ tave passed since we commenced to write r r h l s 8 u b j X t n d , J f thereby i f J ^ d improvement In supporting the m nls ry and w e e k l y services, we have not heard of It. e are Inclined to the coovlcllon that many, U not

most, of our churchw would not accept p^oh lng every Sabbath If U was gratuitously ofifered o them, and we fair not half of our mlnt-tcw -otild like to preach to the same church every Sabbath. If we are wrong, wo want to be rightcl.


m i l i i . l e v e l s t h e caption ofJ^eU^der !n l^e 1 R ^ for Dcc. 15.18S0. We r « d tjie ^ d e with a good degree of Interest. Jverythl^from the pen of Bro-Gatobrell. But J o confeL our surprise at the p-^Ulonof our esteemed brother on thU subject. .

H;. says." Without attempting to treat the ^b-i e i leSSdly. we may observe that there are two S S S J ^ n l n g l l a p t e d to t ^ ^ ^

Thereto the axiomatic suited to q u e s t ^

be « r e of a MX view. ^ r S » U » U y suited to mathematlc^

ttons of WhW» we eamioi be »8ra hf a perfect ana

complete view. IV.thlH class bdong mo»l and

religious questions."

By what authority or process, . t the conclusion that axiomaUc not be applied to mor^ and we cannot see. Does he pivsume to t w h ^ Z facu respecting montb and leas certain evidence than even matheawtical de-raoniit rations?

Are there no self-evident faoai in the domain of ^ i l u and rellgioa? If th«re ^ t h « t ^ -are axioms. Gal. vl. S.. I^.ul think himself to be something when he to nolh S g he decelveth himself," Thto Is an

we have dlr«t Scripture P ^ Bro. UAotbrell's poeltlon. Again Bm, Q. . ^ h e worvi of God is sure, but we Introduce an element uncertainty luto

iutroduce rvasoalug Into re l lg l^ Tftcr this he proceeds to Illustrate h t a ^ U t m by fo^SiucingsT^ral « »t.me of which ate f^laclous, and some logical. Ue then draws hU couda^ons, which he says are " m o n ^ and absurd." W e w o ^ d - ^ our bother how he found that ^ ^ ^ " monstrous and absurd ? " Does the Smi^uns s a y T ^ ^ ' nianywonb? -J^asonlng " InW this religious q ^ l o n , imd Jo hi^Twu admtelon he Introduced uncertainty. Hud we are forcc^ to look U,K« his -

,Uutrul. " I'robeble," reasoning Is ^ ta the

X l l o n of moral or "demonstratiN-e" reasoning ^ u«d I n ^ ^ t l ^ ^ matk-s iiut tho word probable is not lo be under-sT^Tu a doubtful sense

iit^ite's Lbgk-. says. It should be remakwl here, h ^ the eJthH pnOwble. a» applied by logicians

the evident of moral reasoning, ha, atechn.r^ m l h i i r . al.cn;ether different f ^ nldtallott lu c^immon discourses. It to <»PP"*^ r S ^ c v which do.« not command a full

may den\^rated after toe m a n n « ^ ^ h e .

^o In mind thU dlsUncUon between the ulsr Hud technical meaning of the len« L the negl«:t or mmppreheuslou of It has gl%on ori^u to a dLtru^a of moral r«tsonlng. « Inferio

ovldenoe to mathematical demonstration.'

baptlaed by Bev. Asa Chandler o T T f e w hoars before his death, B ^ ^ ^

SSted hb lamily to said the time for hfct report had coo^ H ^ S to r f a l oud , "Thy will, t>h ^ b e l -aud died a m« t triumphant and traoquU death.

o i let me die the desth of the r i g M W airJ

my last eud be Uke hi*.-

t r e - t ^ i ^ wUh Bro. G. WhUe U U trL that the methods of ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ and .oathematU-al q««tlons clt ifons from the former are not the latter. If we abandon " reasoning" on rellg-orque.t lons we n«y as well and dose our b.x,ks,for only to the «tent t ^ w wriUnes are "reasonable.'- are they profitable. i'h»t vSi'-h If unreasonable b cerUlnly false, b an ^lout. U we are oot allowed to place we

to U. the m« t reasonable ^ ^ mK.n Scripture texts, then we may as cease

S u n g a^d preaching. Bu t " oor o a. went in unto them, and three Haooain : ,a« r«- .n^wUhthem out ol the f l f u T v a . i ) He "reasoned with the Jew^^

xvl l 19 ) P-ul "P««ched unto them"

f i J ; ^ fact this was his style otdtocomse. He

our religion Wy rea«nlng with the J ew Sr ist filled the propheUc typ« M« iah . Bro. a . b evidently at sea on ^ S T We hope he wUl yet set Sm ie th r i and l agsa fe l y . W e r ^ t ^ ^ S e e t h e iJ««rd on the side of both'' ^ ftud revelation.".



. 1..I. t 21. -camea«« tb» 0»i»larfc>«

jKxaa. a»i tn irta: "

l ^KAB BRETIIRES : -You » Wh«i G-jd wants to convert the healMo

ho will do so Without any M P H , ^ is a ca«e in paint, uod wbbed to save «» •

iKm aent from eniven cxpreaaly to wak to u»e he does ut.t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

^ved. Why? Simply b «aa« Ood, l« to ^

S ^ r e aitd lnfl»Ue wisdom, had roitt«l thW work k. uion and not to a i ^ e ^ i t

to men Christ " Go ye Into nteach the g.»T>cl to every creature." to MW S u i m i L T u d f o r l - e t e r ^ t ^ m i g h ^ . ^ear the word, of salvaUoa Ifrom hto, man. (Ver«. 28.) fa a « « » n g j ^ ^ power here; why did not the a ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ p c l to ComelSu. without JoD» for Feler! I suppose because tJod fat»aw fhTt^me L n would lay hold n,-on thb c«e « d

"We mu-.t wait for some miraculous Intot-

podUou of God to aa\-e the heathen."

to ChrlitUnlty teach us? Why. dearly, that the wor d h to be coUTortt^ lhr.x.gh human

work ^God' . . but men

through whldi he p u r p ^ ^JLTJ!.


'iriunTAU CoN!A:Mmo.v-A diurrh that

ooJ^ Sods a son into the mlnbtry, «:d ^ - e r ™ o 7 L « ab^mt an iucr«-« la the uumbor o

Ume. either without a p.tstor ^ ministry is barren. A church U»t fa* ® ^

to worship Ool with its nTUular ly . contribute to cany on t ^ work of the in toe hoa.e -.vl foreign ex-L t that lU light, whlrf., Uke all other h g t ^ U ly shine as It « « « »m« . will go out In d a t t a ^ A church that negUfU d^^i^lne, s j l ^ ..fiances to gt. unrebuked. ^ J ^ ' f ^ ^ ^ ^ «„cer will anally cut away ts Wj. A d ^ that allows Its prayw-meetimt to go 5u officers and member, are averse to paying in public, may con«d.>r lt«ir In spiritual . (Ion, wlto Its right lung alre^y gu.^ A c h n ^ tl^t loses all ferver of dodre.-and c f ^ and ^ ^ - i H o l only for the Instructkm. but atoo far S S v S o T ^ her children. « .d of th-S l ^ o r a n t , and of th«e o u ^ f the way to to S i m p l e looaUty, m.>- expect to be found In toe next ganeVation fro»a» to deato.



dx years, five months and eight dayi. a e


Kr.B-M. r l i i ^ ^ ^ w. a - H -



yoangbrlde. ^


Page 6: :mmedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1881/TB_1881... · 2012-11-19 · ;kiMlaaai>mh. rri lwa akx^ tUWi nui lanMm MOiiinfsM nuk . or.iMk morn, ~ lAi. njDamcAi. lAssSflSS^

4=74: T j a j K g A g r r i s T . i ^ B J t o tiAi^riti^v

4 7 5

T h e Y o u n g S o u t h .

mam sou. a. oaLvn, soods. ^ wham aU «rn»mli»«inM «f» g«l»»taMnt a u g ba

r p U E amw yaur of 1981 i i « b c t n a , m y y a m g ^ Menifee and n o w t h e q o a t i o n i i , wfaatabaU « « d o &ir Um! " Y o o u g S o a t b " Ihta y m r T Y o u v e i B «fl t o c o c n n a d Id y m ChzWUDM fim w b o i

t b e l i i a l B A P n n e u B a t l i i t l k n o w 7 0 a hftve far> e o U o i e w T w a r d l a i i d a b o o t the c o i n i n g y t a r b y t h k t i m e , ao I b a d better t ^ ttaUova.

F i n t o f aU. I w i a t 7 0 a to M r i f y o o c s o n o t • w p p i y " T b e Y u o o f S o o t l i " w i t l i aU tlifl poziIeB,

BLbie enignuumna scrtMUci oeedad this ymz. L e t m e h a v e m m e t w o or m a n n i e s l e t t e n e a r i i weelc, g i v i n g U^) n e w s of T o o r aJg^bcvbood, o r t o w n , teUing cv«(ythiii3r ^bst i s t o o t o 700, etc . Y o a can, to ttaia wm7. lalic t o e M h other a i s o a f T l i e Y o a a g S m i t l i . ' * L e t m e k n o w i f t l m i s a n T t h i n g a b o a t U y o o i i k e o r d i a i i k e . Q l r e a n y s a g g c B t i o a 7 0 a wiaii. B e m e m b o r t h i i i > 7 o a r p a p e r ; I took the rh^ir " U a d e J a m e a " l e f t v a c a n t w i t h great t e i n c u n o e . I t w a s * n e w poeitioo t o m e , a n d I IterBd I euoid not m a n a g e 7Qar abeet to ptaaae j o a m w«0 as b « d i d ; b a t 7 0 a h a v e promiaed to i i d p m e . a n d a o n o w a a I b a v e t o i d T o a w h a t I w a n t T u a to do, I enter apon the n e w y v a w i t h e v e r y hope of flocflOB. L e t oa t r y to ao c r o w d this p a g e witta n e w * ( h a s t h e 7 0 i i n g people , a n d bits o l intereeti, that w e w i l l h a v e t o aak lbr another page for l iar atorl is u u i d i p p i n g ! befbre t h e Tear Is gnne.

B u t , bi IhU a l l w e can d o thia 7 e a r — t h e T c a r o f IHHl, t b i e e h u n d n d a a d a izt7- f lvB long daya . T h i c k h u w m a n 7 Imndred strong, y o u n g b e s t s a n d bands are cniiated i n » T h e Y o o n t S o o t h " In l iwre not s a m e good w e can d o ? '

aixlr noaoda a » l u • mloato. Bow masti l o a l tan I da in It r

aUxtr mlniUM s a k a u hoar, AUUwtDgatliMli t a m r p o w v .

TvaatT >»»<>» u d taor • dar, T I i v lor liMp and woik and plar-

Cajra UktM bimdnd and a i ^ - a n , l U a r a r«Br IB* >0 •tzlT*

Ugiit aiwl tian«i jaolt dar to do. Ttuu t Jrtaa m a r l n n r aad trae.

W e a h o u l d not (tafget. w h i l e w e are bteeaed w i t b e v e r y ctimfart o a r baarta could wM>, n ice lnter»«t-i n g books to read, a n d e v e n pret ty toys a n d trif les to ammRkoa, that t l w e a t e h i m d r e d s aroond as u l i i t a a T e a u n e i t f t i i e a e MaMingit, T h i n k of i t ; ' a m ycm not d o s o m e t h i n g tar t h e m f

I t oceuES tD me-that the t e a d m o f " T h e Y o o o s audita " c o u l d eonti lbote t h r o a g h tlila department d u r i n g tlie n e i t three m o a t h a a o a g h to pnjcure a l ibrary and oatOt for a S a n d a y - e c b o a l In s o m e dorti lotB place, w h e r e no l o c b sebooi has y e t been urganlsed. T h e r e are m a n y such tdacea, I a m •orry to M y , and tlL'a w o o l d be a n o U e w o t k . W h a t d o y o a s a y to i t , y o o n g M e n d a r D o y o o not k n o w w h a t large rams can b e raised b y e v e n nickel cuotrlbullmis 7 T e n or t w e l v e d o i l a n would aeeiiinpllah this w o r k , a n d , i f each o n e of y o u would w a i t 09 even a nickei o r t e a crata each w e e k Ihim now Ull A p r i l , w e could h a v e the sum o w e w a y l a hand m K l y tobtessawne chi ldren thia y « a r « i t b the b t x ^ a n d privi leges w e rojoy so mui-h. I<et m a b e a ^ i o m y « o al l i m m e d U t e l y on the aubleet. L o T l n g l y . A U 5 T N O I U .

e e y a n d J o h n ' s r e r d a t l o n UIiHtrative o f e a d i otb»«r?

10. U n d e r w l K m n a m < ! is t h e ad vent o f J o h n t h e Bapt ir t i i ropberted b y M a J i e b l ?

1 1 . ^ ^ S g b Priest o f t h e J e w s at t h e t i m e of o u r S a v i o ^ a t r i a l ; , ..

T h e init ial compose t h e n a m e of a H i g h P n e s t m e n t k m e d before t h e institaUoQ of t h e A a r o n i c order m a ** priest o f the meet h i g h G n d . "

C a i c a g o . l l k . • B . 8 . J .

T h e fo l towlng puzz le is rainn); at p r e s e n t : T a k e nybody 's a g e - s a y J o h n Pundlr'H, 85. Y o a mul-

t i p i y i t b y 2, w h i c h m a k e s 170. T h e n y o u add S t o i t , w h i c h brioKS i t a lmost o p t o T h u r l o w

W e e d ' s a g e , 828. T h e n h a l v e i t , w h i c h g i v e s ^ 4 1 i . Y o o r n e x t s t e p is to w i t h d r a w J o h n P o n d i r ' s a g e f h m i t h e Joint account, w h i c h K i v e B y o u 3 2 9 . ^ p ^ e c a n be w w k e d oat w i t h a n y b o d y ' s aj^e b y t h e s a m e p r o o w , and is cer ta in ly not a b o v e the ar i thmetical k c a i U e s of the a v e r a g e boy .

and I hope t h a t nei ther t h e y nor a n y o f m y l i t t le r e a d o b wiU g r o w u p t o b e tatUIng, gossiping m e n vt w o m e n . — J f o r f w n s Star.

H O W T H E S T O R Y Q i l E W .

A 8 K i l t y Coleman and M a e t d e W t i r were g o i n g A to school one mcnrnint;, K i t t y s a i d , —

** I w a s o v e r to U n d e F r e d ' s last S a t a r d a y . and c a m e near s t a y i n g too late. W e f i a d so m u c h fun t h a t I d i d not notice h o w near (he ran w a s to oet-t i n g , a n d I w a s v e r y m u c h a f o i i d tiiat I m i g h t m t e t a t r a m p . " . , ,

" D i d y o a meet a n y o n e r ' inquired M a g g i e . " N o o n e Ixit J o h n n i e G a t e s ; he w a s c o m i n g

d o w n t h e b i l l w h i s t l i n g , a n d w i t h a g n a t big w a t e r m d o n under h i s a r o . ; I wad scarred at flrat, but w h e n I s a w w h o it v i s , I g o t o v e r i t . "

A t recess M a g g i e s a i d to Slnry F o r d , — " K i l t i e told m e that she s a w J o h n n i e Qatos

c a r r y i n g a great b ig watermolrm h o m e cm Satur-d a y e v e n i n g . W o o d e r when? h e gut it , and w h a t ^ i s g(dng to d o w i t h i t ? "

fieforeschoolMary w h i s r ^ ' e d to Sdl l ie Bales , " J o h n n i e O a t i s w a s seen c - i r r y a jfrtait b ig wster-i i e l o n S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g . 1 w o n d e r if he got it h o i M B t l y ? "

" M r . U a n ' s melon iiatch ytaa robbeii about that t i m e ; m a y b e that ' s w h e r e it cauie f r u i c , " an-swered

A t nooQ Sal i ie told Su^an a n d J r n n l e , — " I k n o w s o m e t h i n g , and I ' l l tt-il y o u If y o u

d o n ' t breathe it to a s o u l . " " O h , no, w e w o n ' t , " cried both gir ls in one

b r « » t h e : " w h a t l a i t ? ' ' " W h y , J o h n n i e Gates robbed M r . H a r t ' s melon

patch one night last w e e k . " " O h dear . Isn't that a w f u l ? " e z d a i m c d

Susie. " I a l w a y s t i iought that J o h n n i e w a s not so

muoh better ttian t h e rest of us, for all he m a d e bel ieve tie w a s , " said J e n n i e .

*• B e couldn' t l iave d o n e It a l o n e , " S a l U c ^ d . W h e r e u p o n J e n n i e iiastcned to a g r o u p of school

d i i l d r e n who w e r e in the housi>, a n d told t h e m , J o l u n i e Gatea a n d a lot of o ther boys b a d robbed M r . H a r t s melon patch, a n d destroyed all th'^y could not carry a w a y . , ^ .

J o i t a t t h a t m o m e n t J o h n n i e himself c a m e In whiat i ing, a n d l o o k i n g l i k e a n y t h i n g but a thief.

" O g i l l s I get together q u i c k ; I ' v e got s o m e t h i n g t»r y o u . and i t ' s most KchoolUme "

T h e g ir ls looked at each other, a n d w i t h a movo-'ment <2 disgust turned a w a y . '

" W h y , wtMt is t h e matter wi th y o u all ? hurry up, as t t o bel l w i l l ring," crii'd J o h n n i e .

W e k n o w w h a t y o u ' v e got , J n h n n i e G a t e s . " spoke a p S a l i i e , " a n d w e d o n ' t wnnt a n y of y o u r o l d stolen m e l o n , and I t h i n k y o u should be a s l i a m i d of y o u r s e l f . "

»• W h o s a y s I stole a melon ? " c r M J o h n n i e in an n c i t e d t o n e ; " I^guow hi»'.l h«'t»er not tell m e so. 1 w « o v e r at U n c l e Henry .x S u t u n l a y n i g h t , and h e g a v e m e a tiplendid (in»-, Hn<l i havt^l it on purpose to g i v e y o u all s u m e ; but If that Is the w a y ^ u are t a l k i n g about me, y o j m a y d o w i t h

w h s t 1

; B i B U A c a o e t n c .

1 . W h o w a s the last o f the Inspired prophet<<, under the old dispensation ?

2. W1m> t lw flrat ( b e i n g t h e s e v e n t h Jrom A d a m ) xpoken o f l n J o d e f

a. A w o m a n of Phillppi.cooT«rteL« u n d e r P a u l ' s m i n i s t r y ;

< T h e flirt Genti le converted under thepreach-i o g o f P e t e r ;

A w i c k e d k i n g wtaocaaied J a m e a tn be k i l l e d , a n d , b p c u a e U {deasnl t h e J e w a , impr isoaed Pe-t e r ;

T h e prophet, w h o b y w a y of e m i n e n c e , la e i i t e d t b f i e v a n M l k a l p r o n b ^ (an h i a u a m e i n d l -c a i e a ) , " T h « a u V a t l o a of J e h o v a h

7 - S . A p r i M t o f t h e b m i l y o f A U a , w i t h his wift>. w h o m it fai Mcorded, " H u j w e r e right* euos befiHTS G o d , w a l k i n g s In al l t h e c m n m a n d -m r a t s and o n i i t u s c e a o f t h a L o r d b l a m r i e s a . "

9. W b i e h o f t h e prophcMcal w r t t e n g i v w t h e moat o t r a o i d l n a r y a n d f o m p r e h e n s i v e pccdSe-tlona reiat lng to t h e last d a y s , m a k i n g his proph

o u t ' " ' W d l , " said one nf the girl^^, " iGkt is

heard, a n y w a y . " " W h o told y o u ? I 'd l i k e to k n o w . " T h e n aU b e m u to talk a t onre , uiid liecaine so

exci ted t l u t tney d i d w>i notic-J that their teaehcr w a s In t h e rooinf until she .-pcike to J o h n n i e , tt-ik' Ing h i m t o e x p l a i n the l b s caiwe of the cunfu^lon T h e n she c-irefully examinei l Into the matter unti l • h e fouird that it lOl cume f m w K i t t y t}oleiuan l a y l B g that she had uiet J o h n n i e « I t h a m d o n .

T h e ch i ldren w h o had u k e n i4irt In t h e s t o r y felt aomitwbat asl iamed of thwnat- ivos w h e n t h e y MW h o w . m u c h t h e s i o r y h a d g r o w n in the ir hands .

T h e teacher sa id , I hope c\ eiy one o f y o u w i l l l e u n a l e u o n froui Ihls Incident, and Just n o w , befbre t h e l u b i t becomes fixed, n-soive t b a t y o u w i l l tell n o t h i n g b u t w h a t y o u k n o w to be t r a c , a n d that w h a t y o u d o tel l , y o o w i l l t d l e x a c t l y as y o a heard i t : a n d not leU a n y t h i n g «o Ihlure an-other , e v r a i f it la true. I b o p e J o h n n i e wlU for-g i v « 7 0 a . a n d that 7011 w i l l n e v e r forget the i ^ u 7 0 a h » \ e learned t o n l a * "

• a V A U i BBOtliKINUa.

One aad then snoUiar Aad tlia loacMt waUc la ended.

On* Mteb and Uian another. And tha largest rent ta mended.

Oae brick npon another. And tha larceat waU ta made <

On* nalc* npon another. And tk* derpett mow U laid.

80 the tilUe coral vorketa, Br their alow bat constant motion.

B a r * hoUt Umb* pretty laiaoda In (b* diiunt dark-bin* ocean ;

And th* nobleat nnderaklnsh Uanli wUdom haih coneeiTed,

Br o(t-repeaUd eSbrta Hare bee« paUenUy achlevnl.

Then do not look dUheartened O'er the work son haTe to do.

And tmr that aaeh a mlchty taak Yoa nerer can set throoch;

But JoU andearor, dajr br day. Another point to aaln.

And toon the moantaln which yoo reared WIU prove to be a pUin.

" Borne was not bnUt In a day," The andant proverb teacbea:

And Natnre, by her trrcaand <8ow«». The same aweec sermon preacfaes.

Think not of Ihr-cff dnUes, But of dstlca which ar* sear;

And l>aTln(onc« betnn to work. Itaotve to penovera.

W H A T B O Y S S H O U L D L E A B N .

No t to tease boys or g ir ls smal ler thau (hem-s d vc0«

N o t t o U k e the easiest cha ir In the r o o m , put It in t h e pleasantest place, a n d forget to oflicr It to the m o t h e r w h e n she c o m e s In to sit d o w n .

T o treat their mother as p o l i t d y as if s b e w e r e s tranger l a d y w h o d i d not bpead b e t l i fe In

^ ^ h T k t a d a n d h d p f u l to the ir sisters a-s they, e x p e c t the ir t l s te is to be to t h e m .

T o m a k e their friends a m o n g g o o d tioys. T o t a k e pr ide in b d n g a gent lemnn a t h o m e . T o t a k e the ir EOQUiers into t b d r confidence if

t h e y d o a n y t h i n g w r o n g ; a n d a b o v e a l l , n e v e r l ie about a n y t h i n g t h e y h a v e done.

T o m a k e u p their m i n d s n o t t o Icsra to s m o k e , c h e w .or to l i r f o k ; r e m e m b e r i n g that these t h l n x s cannot be unlearnpd, a n d that t h e y a r e t ^ b > o d r a w b a c k s to good m e n , a n d n e c e s l t i e s t o bad

To ' r e m e m b e r that there n e v e r w a s a v a g a b o n d w i t h o u t these habits . . .

T o observe ail these rules, and t h e a r e sure to be g e n t l e m e n . —

B I T S O F F U N . S o m e careful a n d d e e p - t h l n k l n g student has

discovered that t h e word d - e b t te ««npoBed of t h e Initials ot " P u n e v e r y b o d y t w i c e . " C r e.<l l-t Is formed of t h e Initial letters of *• (Sail regnlariy e v e r y d a y ; I ' l l t r u s t . "

A y o u n g gent leman havIng_made8omei»rogrraB In aci iulr ing a k n o w l e d g e of I ta l ian, addressed a few w o r d to a n organ-grinder In his rareM accent , but w a s astonished at r e c e i v i n g the f o l l o w i n g response: " I no speak I n g l l s . "

A n old f k r m e r said to his sons, " B o y s , d o n ' t e v e r 8pe*kerlate, or w a i t for s o m e t h i n ' to

(urn up. Y o u m i g h t jnttt »s wel l g o and sit d o w n on a stone In t h e m i d d l e of a m e d d e r w i t h a pail t w i x t y o a r less , a n d w a i t for a c o w to beck u p to y o o to be m i U e « i . "

y p u

I a m riad tn s a j that J o h n n i e d i d f o r g i v e t h e m , a a d g a v e t h e m a piece of t h e m d o n all a r o t f n d ;

T h e r e are m a n y w h o say more t h a n t h e truth on s o m e occasloQi*. and balance t h e account w i t h their e n n s d e n c w , by s a y i n g leas than t h e truth to others. But t h e fact br, t h a t t h e y are in both i n s t a n c e as traudulent as he would b e that e x a c t n i more than h*H d u e from his debtori>,'and paid less than their d u e to the creditors. ,

Seek not to plewiw t h e wor ld , but y o u r o w n con-science. T h e m a n w h o has a f M I n g w i t h i n h i m t h a t h e has d o n e his d u t y upon e v e r y occasion. Is far hap|>ier than he w h o h a n g s upon the siiilles of t h e great , or the sti l l more fickle l a v o n nf t h e mult i tude.

O n e w h o is in jured o u g h t not t o return i o j u r y , as t h e m u l t i t u d e t h i n k , for on n o aceoont can i t 1 e r i g h t to d o i idustice. Therefore , i t Is not right to ( v t a m an i n j u r y , o r t o d o e v i l t o a n y m a n , how< e v e r w e m a y h a v e sufltefed tom h i m .

T h e h*t>pineBB of y o « r l i fe depends o p o n the q u a l i t y (8 y o a r t h o u g h t s ; theref<»e, g u a r d i coor4-i n g l y , a r t t a k e e w e t h a t y o a e n t n i d n n o not ! jna unsuitable t o v i r t u e a n d reascnable Datare .

. a l l S u f f e r e r s ftroni P r o -

l a p s e d O r g a n s . «

t h e ^ n . of ^ i ^ s , and

I 1 u k e Ibis method ol failiiog y o M at ItMiliou to the celebtatod & « l f aud l l l rare , wi'icb l . h s r r aoW Ptt the last leliAteeii y<«T«. « It • Ihenelit Ui -nr I'M" ' I'l it * tar l a r e a i r r > » i von.

! a l l hrieny p v e mr rMf«>n» Rn IrtfommenJine tliU in»«iuabW article to I ,Ml . Mtire thJiu eiehu-en y.'tra ago, 1 I was tharouithly btvikcn d<>»a in yolCT I from extt-wive i.nachiiig; I c w U spoak Ibut a little wWlo without p>ttlni h o a r * ; ImT throat was geueralW soie, a n l essily l lrriUted, and Its tone liecame hea^j w d I h i u k T : Khin a hackin^^congh set i i , that l toc»*i* i l , until at the fU»e ot a long i B e e U n r . my roice faBed entirely, undt;! I to eflfcU of a ehmmc larynnt w t h ^ I n o n iuperinduced bronchitw, winch aeri-louiar tTreatened b i t life. I was now loBjpel led t o d e d s t f r o m preachiug. and. I If p ^ b l e , OTercome thwe dif f icuUt^ l a t i t r T W T e r the lost trea.ourt.,—the iTolce, th»t to a minister or lawyer H

mere vslusble than pyld or j e w e l s , -| „ r be rilent forever. 1 a p i ' l ^ to the InKwt eminent physicisns, and was but i little helped; save the excimou of an I elongated uvula, they could do nothing I b u t advise rest; and Uiis I was com-

p i l e d to take. What co«»! K u e d that coiislant imUtK|n and hadring cuugh. they w u l d neither « -pUdn nor prevent. l'r.»vi.lence threw

' 'he leme-ly in mT way. My wife wm •oftfting from prolapsus uUrt. and the

a Iwavy, h u a k y ' v < ^ ; iti I — tpeak fciir hours a d a y w i t h o u t e z h a i » don or hoarseaesfc I now use i t only when .peaking, and thus p r w r v e W voice a S ^ f f l d physical e n w ^ » not believe that any one wooH e v w b s afflicted with V f m o , o r ^ or w e a k n e j o( the back ^ lohM. a w u M ho wear H ordinarily loo*, ami only Ught w ^ speaUng or putting forth o n i ^ eSwtfc It U a preserver ot a good v«ca sad o ^ sound physical condition. I t ihouW be worn h j every minister a ^ public speaker to carry the energy airf vigor ol b u youth bur into old age. aad by every old tuan la a»J«t him to support Uie gntwing weakncoi of age.

h i ^ ^ a L l W W B S C X .

O a w f o r d v i D e , SOas.

t b s t u i m ? f r v w K » r « A « w w

H u n d r e d s of o ld m e n j « i r l y ^ us ing t l w Brace for t w o * bacM w i t h ihTjariable satisiai-tlon.

I d o not Claim that t h e and L t m g Brace wUl cure e v e r v d b e ^ that fl«Bh la heir t o ; but i f w i U r f r l ievo, w h e r e i t does not ftiUy »1J t l w t gr«»t a r m y of Ufa a n d a c h w l b a t s o o n - b r e a k d o w n the b ^ consU-tutlons, w h i c h aro c a u ! ^ b y p r ^ lauttu of the w u j r f w lefach *uf>poH

Uieinttmaloryan*. T h i s la the o o l y tuocbanlotl contr ivance evvr dis-eovereti that upl l l ts tho a b d o m e o rather tlian compnwi'.'H II, " s «U tni.'*«s do. . ,

T h i s l3 w h a t it does, r s thousands Who h a v e a * d It are P W I ^ ' d ^ t e s t i f y : i t s u p w r t s t h e T i a c k , a b « i ^ men, .stomacli. lungs and w o m ^ I t , therWore, pnvent . t laiwltwlfc hoawe-

T h e S d t o w i n g eerttficate f ^ G ^ Porter , w h o t b e t o u g h l v t h e meritB o l o o r I m p r o v e d B w w , «houkl b e read b y al l suiferMs. H e l^Mjely, M n o t a l together , o w « to S S ^ ^ i c t i o a t o t h e B m r e . Not ice w ^ t h e s a y s : —

J - K . e * m « e a - l > « a r 8 l r : • w a e d U » « B r a c e a w a t b y y o i u r -

i • e W T a r l B S B a y tate c a « v « a a « l ( K a t t a t e . M w m a o r v e r y g r « t a * r r l c « t « a a e , mmA 1 v e r y w c U B > U U a * d U u s t H 1 n c a c e d l U b m a wtoc' l t c a r i l c r t l u t t my » • ! € • w ® a l « n o t b c e a e f l ^ c d a t l . T f c e a r r t t i m e 1 a w * U • a d 4 l r e « « 4 a l a r g e c r * w « • p e a a t r , a a d I M a a d t u a t m i • S r « e w a a rmn a i a c a a t r e a ^ b -

a a d a t t h e c l M e e f a t w e ' a O r e e O - o m

: w e a r i a r s s

in a

* I K S Utke. Xtaa. May HtfiT.

KkL J It, Urarw^-Uo" I taiw^ u i«iioiw»w« rw » to

iKlZlSIjdowlOwnl. U.H.«tT»H>*.».X. Mna'lurclcs ATk.

I. UUkIt 1 !!«»•

l w i i r > a i p « e c k l « r a s & r e « I k o m M y a a a a l S M I i a s o r a a d e x h a a a t l e a .

V e r y H e a p e c t A i l t y . i K o . r o u r i i a

a u n T C B C T o m a e x T .

B B A a a a e . a a a T a a t - T M s

rmlk*r rt—fa HiNMIwr-kBSiN

a a w I I d « M t l a v " uilSee* t f w « » • • « • • • «

i S i f 'SMuaKe c c u i ' r K l u e t c x v « * ' , .""7 W U n ^ an4 especially after preaching. U o ^ r r e d to mo if it wm g o ^ tor one CMC ol "draff i ing down," why net tor another. WWiout coaiulting any otse, I procured one large enough tot niyseit and put It on, the first time doubtless itwasever worn by a man for «iich a reason, and the result was. the Ir-riUUon of my throat aoon quieted, ami the hacHng ere^ W ceased, and the voice commeawd ^ M d i n t un, unt^l I eonld arUeuUU, which I lisd not done tor twelve owutha. and v ^ e o o n ICOB^ menced to ptt*ch again. iTiat Brace I wore nearly ten years without oommnai-

I eating lU wonderful advautage* to any i one. b c « u » 1 thought I w w using an

article that was Invented for the u»e ol ftmales only. IMvately, to a few swcial hiends who weie suffering as i suftered, I explained the use ot the Brace, snd ti,rough me they obtained it. and were relieved as I was. 1 now msde known the K,wer of the Brace to restore, strcoglh

and pr«»rve the voice in_ public

It r e l i e v w chronic o w t l v t u o s s sind j>llw w h e n all other uiwita* n a v e

11 I n v a r U W y r^-llevw all ol protapmu ulert i n f o t t u t l e s . a d i s e a s e that no m w i i c i n e can reach, berause, I ' k c a broken Joab, it nooOs mi><duini-

^^^'irreHevw piles and p r o f . i p ^ imi, by wpll f t ing t h e lower l».mel» from t l ioreefum.

I t Is be ing u.' eil m o r e and m o r e i - w r i y , as Ita value la k n o w n , by nutrilc sneakers a n d s inseis , a n d b y those h a v i n g w«»k lungs and b a c k s ; and b y those h a v i n g stooping shoul-

d w p v t w i a aud l iver i i - i i p l a l n t w h o h a d iKvn ctia-ddercd In the last stage of c«nsuini>tlon.

U t H l a i ' K U T C n HB.tCB. T h e orlBliial B r m * . m a d e only few

lsa i t» , w a s to!> w e a k for t h e sterner sex. I rome»ll«l It b y an Important

' a.1 the f<»tlowHng wi l l

CL A. Mjmwwmt a , D . raatorTtUnl Bsrtlst CSwreh. ttt. LcHila

T E i m a o x T e r f a u i i

V^^rni drtrtUty. t y *

r w ••tw-4-M-it k m i b s .

CWiKlmi. Mt* . J»ti»»ry ».««- \ A WKOmtitA KVAXtiiXBST,

Hatinjr c i v r t the Banning Brare a lalt irial, I ®y

viJne. 1 can j ^ - r t . ^ f j fiftv » r crnt mon- cane aud n w l o r t tluu. br{»4- 1 wuuiU it .1 be without it i™ w ' ^ i ' l M ' r i ' ^ T S I f

.«^ua<i£T-« t.ransnlist. 4. Un!*. U»-

«-hrai>tr IHmrb**. 1 . Wlvv^ Olytwr BnOJ

„ „ . ii- »lsll BBmP voar 1»

U»e «ffl!rtP.>. ivoM- ri*.

speakers, m i then oominencwl ofli-rini'lt Improvement sTa premium to minisUm for sub«nb- s h o w : - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •ra. •^Thc c a n » of taryngiti^ and finally bronchitb In oubUc . i m t " " T V ^ l i ^ ' i S ! ® ! ^ S & d all t h e i s y m p t o m s o f " d ^ -^ g down," gonenem, eihanslKmsfter ^ i n s p r w w w i i i i w v ^ fpcSkinjr. and W n . ^ of the l ^ k and | - . t i le J - J f f . W . v / S i r f L t i r r lolna, piU«. aiHl nemia, if the tltght rt teuofion of the abd/Mniiuil mtuctex.

aUme* the Uwfrla to *itU\ a n d hmvM ^ tiutrM hollow* owr the

tip* ot tm htp*. Now all know t i « t the liuicfis ol the stomach w r connected with tboM of the tbn>at mhI eSrct ihe vocal orgsns. and wiien the stomach sinks a straining btonglit to b w upon the throa^ and (jpeaktag or talk-ing will irriUte i t and prodnce b o a r * xtSk. and If cootlnma sore thn»al, and aUtiie train of evils tiu.i p u U i c s w k e n t i e wont to osmpli inof . and which has carried hundreds to their m v e a , and whlth T w i r a r e Uying aside as uselew hnDdredt trf sthes*

Now. alter a personal experience ol

ler |Hir«7 • m r k M . W* artl m

MSHTB ttoBn.. l iar 1

«t»1 •<v

" «

Offloe o MshTb t>»l»n.. May 1 UJt. N o .)th«>T party in this d t y or the

Strtilh •^•lls n iy I m p r o \ T d Brace , un-U w ho cHii s h o w a written c«im tnl:«<ioii from m e .

T K N T i a e X l A l A . I could pro<luce the le«tlmi)oy ot

huntirodsoSreminent phy-HlcUnsand imntoons of the NorUi . but r re fbr to g l w a lew Southern p r a ^ t i o n e r s , w h o are k n o w n or m a y he w r i t t m t a

T h e late D r . Stone, t h e great tar-I g c o n of N e w Orieans. p r o n o u m s d it

f b c perfection of m c c W i c a l Inven-Uon for t h e purnoee i n t ^ i d c d : I. ^ the y p l i m n g of t h e bowels , and r e l i d

T h e Brace ' 1 recelve«i from y o u I find Is o f great benefit to me. I w a s afraid It w a s not w ^ t It w w recom-mended to b e ; but I w a s l a d ^ b y m y phyidrian to get one. Short ly

t h e church that 1 w w a m e m b e r of oallcd ii.i' tn sr-rve thetn as pastor; a n d I a c c e p t f l on the con-dit ion that t h e y should ^ m c a Brace. 1 w a s « i t l r c l y broken ^ w n from ovCT s p e a k l M . I c o u M not speak Innget t h a n fiftoen n i i n a U * - a -tn I b c c a m e v e r y hoejne: tat, w i t h the B r a c e on, 1 can s p e a f c w i t h per-fect ease o n e h o a r : a n d , i ^ s p i k -ing . I d o n o t feel that u n p k y a a n t i r a a t ^ stomach t h a t I d W beJOT ^ n g I h e B m c e . I can s a y that ^ e Brsoe is a l l that is d a i m e d for i t : a n d I would advise al l B p t a k m w h o ft<ei fttUeue a n d lassitude after s p ^ i u g b y al l m a m s to get t h a n a Braoc, b i t o r e t h e y h a v e to J ^ P

- • t o d o . I w o o l d not be without

of m causM of pntfapma of t h e in-ternal organs.

0OW. a iwi a •..-I.J-"; — oearly twenty year^ and the sdded e x t ^ S S S i of « o » - S S o n s thousand n ^ I one of y o u r B r a c a to tMs and- pnbUc y a k e r . upon w h ^ h M ^ U e n t of m i n e W W L S h e have fitted the Brace with l a r a r i a t o | ^ hn^dred moccss. 1 am prepaririyto - w V i M ^ s ^ ^ i S r f l SoGars for It, if she c t ^ n o t g e t an-should have I w Uid W d e ^ o ^ ^ J ^

a ^ am U a ^ with ooe ol uncommon p ^ and eadniaBce. WithcAt it , two

t k r w f c r a o M aaha«st aad give s m

. Twa a ^ • t r e w i v t s i the Brar^ l>f

Ml"!, i i a r t i n . S h e spcJled I t j ^ w .1 re l iev^l her hack i m i s e d w ^ . I

is the only s u r p u n r r that I ^ ^ tt-Hxi In m y ext . o f l v e prarttce that T can n ly np..n w i t h o n t aity a p n ^ -i n w o f e C i l from its usH. 1 shal l W aft i^ intr«lm*> U into m y prartl««. and charge M . D .

llott^>t<>n}a, Mo. n u r K e r B K a t r s .

TIm- prit-e of thi« K w c e Ursore tisc w h e n ttltci by

the mi-dical i-ntH^i-w. . The patent havlnE

Kcukt l thfe nucmfoeture of I S W of the Improved Brat** ujion s a A thM 1 offl tanUh th -w at the nai^.w-Ing p r i c e s : —

I had It tor a n y c o o s t d e r a t t o ^

t W e m a n . M o . D A V I D OTT. I have riven the B r ^ a ^ U i ^

find It afi that la d a i a e d for it. would not take tiOO for the r i A t to use it. 1 hope that aU my aiitdsteting hrethrea will procure one. orewBi^ , J ^ n r r w o u *

Fnltoo, UlM.. 1874. 1 can preach day aad

BKmthi irith my Brace on a n d ^ U « S ^ a s I w<»ld to one week witheut It: e w y ahilrter. siro«5g er weak, ihottldhavaoaa.

Ualoo Depot. East

— » A . E o d t h .

I liav* ordwsd tnm j j a aU tlv

8 . T i m i ( n , U . D . H a y n e v l U e , L a . , A p r i l 18, I S H . A U t h e Braces w h i c h I tow or-

dm^d g i v e t h e g n a t e r t . a a t h t e ^ ^ . F o r «U Ktoda of w o m b d l e a w e i , w t a k

""Toflermy lmp»».t«I as a pmrnlum tor l«» w w subwnlnws to T m ' E A r o s T at t S TO indading p < ^ mA «i i t f v s y -"-Uicribflryoti Saifu-

^ one W n w l l o r B r a n * wi th , e a s h , t l O e a c h .

D t a s m a u rom ««juwnaun».

I ^ ' . T l I S l l S ^ w l b .

a ^ a e t a avsss •«»«»•—^ sms he

t ^ T o m w t h e cash must a m s m -

S E J , « a r e s e n t ^ o o ^ to b e returned. W o s w ^ « « w S M o b y m a l l . B a t « p e r f c ^ « •

A a u g e d r "


d m g e s " ' a

v s a r s u k i u a . . M M i p h m M i *

Page 7: :mmedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1881/TB_1881... · 2012-11-19 · ;kiMlaaai>mh. rri lwa akx^ tUWi nui lanMm MOiiinfsM nuk . or.iMk morn, ~ lAi. njDamcAi. lAssSflSS^


Mai twenty-fcar hoan. ^ „ _ Ttoegoinnaa ia Soneo^ S .

tfeSSionf^ . KBB per OMt-KduetioB u> tSeir vafSB.

Cbaunodoxe O t f r i n J f , ? " ^

Uie Knaii* fiddB (rfPeni.

S ^ S ® R N W York,

thia mamiiw tnooanged ti^t t ^

to be in U»e nrighbor-lioodof»l,Qa),000.

Ba M opsMd ap tn HM MW lian^ S j ^ i i S ^ » b, jDond 1» W eltr IB th. BoBtC •ad k* In-rttCT Um- whoeooJmpK^ — t o Blva him. • cmU mad mmt^

Out mnmt baxgaiif ^ n d . Itr13»7«rta« numafxtJOta* J«w«U«r. M«d •eewiue^eeui > d n prampUy.and mt S n t t ^ eocd. lb. Iwt «i«ut, »d

a / j ^ M b m V a m U - . Hlio>4«tUW give —oatkotloa u li]* esMoinacs. and b« (danii-M.t.dotl>3>l>aft to lUMUtr of low p»»o» Oaauabet ft. pU<»M6I^ J S J r ^ B«»B»i »t«>d). Coaxt ]

at nmrtr "

TU. IBBW* tto Urt. 6B-.W « br d.WlU»«to«

.ad UBpariU- c* lb.«o«B«b. Xb. haiittBai a»«>k V. p«m«a«aly eand by E b ^ 1)IT« afr«i«««: »-tHf. wWeb tooBly » •j™>p«oiii Ot

da-u ABd tatiOI whonUttr ttom r,BWiiU»r Utat ib.y cm b. pnwmUd by ranwmtMr utai lamr — — i.i:lu>IS3«diiwaf ft. B»«nl«t«r ^ - — •1 Muommptiaiu ladleat. Ui. e«anli»« »o


"i tttat» bi»tt:« ot HlauxMUu UT«r Ufo-IMnrwbM u«iW«l«vtoa»»TwlftH-d«sb. «ua«ibyCoi»UpMtao- Upnidiifi.dmfcT«-idU* nmtt wlftont blwtarli* my r«iilar aanaltKin ha«inr—•

T S K C C m A T l T * c c r .

UraviMd wlft to«a f IM goblet, cfasinpscBe* I

axte. mt b—fl»ebe«. »od b««rueli«, " d VMUI0 dlatrtiH; 1

T3, Ih» BU.TZZS AMBixaT.a t»lm Mr the btmlB,

• eon lor ft. rrlto, prodnoed by ]


The Companion Aims to be practieaJ, yet entemimng -, bright. yC iuOrn.'" ^ ^ V ^ ^ ^ e / d u l l ; and b, the .arUty. ^ ^ ^ e ^ v e n e s . iu reading. « « al. c l ^ of reader,. I. «U1 give donng tl- — •

Illustrated Serial Stories. inustratta srtUi siorr wmUteBlacb . • • ^ StrHl story. J. T. Tnw^bridie. • • ^ ^ td»H>l-lJl«-

^ l^aUe Chandler Moolton. T»le.o« Barrirt Berber Steir«. j '

Travel and Adventure.

More than Two Hundred Stories Marion llarUad. Kuc Holm. H. H. JadMoa. (iusul CnolMW. Jolm luiojon^, t'r»i^U. r«af>l, ullv« Tboruc.

kIT^i. Stuart Pl»lp

SaniU Wliit Ke

1. T. Tn>«lTl4 -i'. Mart* M- WHlla- -R.r» Terry . JuUa Xarr A. l>t«t«'n. Ruth A. 11 Lr.Ji"»<»».

U trapm ft. Wood, fte elo«««? »T»»em

Cornrt ft. ft>»l «toin»cb.th«Uver eoatrol*. Sav Ufc'ttom tb. dzmnsht .very organ

And a ekjod tram Jte mtod ol fte of ftTaUd ToUa. '

Boeb ar> ft. eBfecUof Tanaart Ea*rre»-eent flaUur Aperlenl, fte jortable Jepre MnttT. ot tb. ramona Beltaar Bprin«sand th. moat acneabl. and efflclent of a l t e ^ OreT^ 80IJ> ST AU- PBCGOIHTO.

, O L D E R ' a s wfu. as the


^ a...! ••'

Can«w«S« from » to W P * ^ * E-od. lor 1.0. aiDKSCT * CO_ K

Ou.aftb.wta. m«nwbokao«.«»«Jfttn« dwOan. ftal IB a J»r» y—ia ««T Pbyjurt^ ^ S l ^ B y win P««erlh. Dr. Biyjb C b ^ Hyrap to Ua paUwl. . W. b.a.*. tt. V

A OnMl V aniet Kkdnqr aad U w Cbii> haa

jMudMdanpntatiiiatball. not UmUnl by Ut. cnnttn* of •octtoo or ooanlrr. TbMeta DO inlartooi M>baaii=R nor BUM and um-paiary utmnunu Ui ft. prrpuauon. It la pcndy ffiataW. aBd eunptMUHtad nnd w a termala tbat baa pmbp4 MBU aad wt utdorvmanUi frum noi. of ft. bl«bMi BMd'S lal.Bt In tb. eaaatij.—Siw fori WarU.

Hot vwLb'r prodnoa Inaptlm of tb. UW. laaoftm ol tb. Urw eanaea dlawad bhlciSa. and Udnaya andsnnlD. liw lUa quickar tban OBBaomptloB. All UMW tnrabtai out b. avoldMl by nalBc War-nn^ »««• KJdnry aad Ut« enr ft. pnreat .nd but remwly dlaeovc rid.

1881. ^

H A R P E R ' S B A Z A K


IhU poaolar pertodleJ l» pre-eminently a

to in

So man ean do a food Job m work, pr«cb m fcood wrmon. try a law relt wril. • pralMt,«« wr«« » r>"» artlal. »<««i b. MU ml-wabl-and doll, wlftalogntah brain and Boauady a«T«. and noB. aboold B»k. tb. tftampt la Mcb a condition wbut It oan b. m Mby and ebwpty tanorad by aUtU. Hap BitHia. "ItBtba- and -noratba." oUur anluntn.

E»»« tolly ft»» dMlraa to frorld. telta pmiDg p-pH »bo..w». and InatmeUT. !!^na matur. aboold aabd wr »paelm«> «,ptet«fft.r!mrt'iCb«|W»l«-. Itaeolnmna •l«a root, tbaa Mm hondml Mortaa yauly Zt ft. <«•« »»««« anibora. b.>id<« on. iimmmuI utlclM OB Uiplm of lalarMt, anM-dotM, abatebe. of trmral, ponaa. >naal»«, lneW»BlBii«in»o.-on«aad paebrtle. It m tnr «««b. la h—'tann. Tr lilnd

» » l** IMdIbreBtalovoe

xUl li UT U.

l k / w e e k i

p o p u l a r S k e t c h e s .

Games and Recreations. n. 1>n,r D. A. SnrCi-l-l. „.., u. sw. Cl.a.l« lluaaayUouMboUEaL-rtal r By O. U. i "

Valuable Articles-Illustrated.

l>otl« of vialton-^^ of F.,.,a,.... i

ieuU. Wa auDCUiiiw. r ciemiB«>r-K«nl»l«»B Wa<lil»ll>»<>

P o o m s . J.Jiu O. VrhKt>r, ills. T. nrlO Kdwanl Lw.

EMtOTna Bacav*. . or T « - i ^ s r p ^ . J ^ i ^ M

1 baT. be«.alllet«l -1ft a d i « . ol tb. «Wney« for fte pMt y ^ ^d barln. tried nnmeroo* ^TTtit^rt "lypwttal and temporary relief. ^ S d n r y and Uv« CMr. waa recom-^ n . ^ to^e,and«n.rt.bln. .nd dl«»«a left me. and I am to ^ ^ ^rmoandi^ 1 .m perlectly aatofled t ^

Sa'. Kidney .ndUrer C ^ »•«»•• „«,inn. n«^ed. and eaa ^..rftttoofter..

I Cure. ^ -r Cuttlnw Of many plants root fr^V

freely in bottles of rain water.

D e s c r i p t i Y e ' C i r c n l a r . "

l l a r p c r ' a Pcrlodlcala . BABfrS'S BAZ.VR. One Year J4 I H A B P E R ' B » I A O A Z I I » E , O o « Year « ( UABPKR^ WKEKI-V.Ooe Year. — « 1 Th. THRWr aboT. publications One Year "" Apy TWO abore named. One Year HAaPKBT' TOU-NO PSWPL&Oa. 1 M

Fiatagf! fn>« toaU Mib«rtb«» In Uie r nlted giati a or Canada.

TU. Volume" ol the Baaarbntlnwtlh ft. Soumela menUoned. ft will b« nnden^. STjfa.'b.r n«xt after uie reclpt of fta "SIS Uut ia.Ten Ananal Vnlamesof liar-

nealiitof noiawh. - . _ n^ittueM abmilii


/ Vll lTEHS (CONTRIBUTE \ ' TO rrs _ i

^ U M t ^

eirnlercf the

G r e a t O r a n g e B e l t -

' bTortd wUb a tempered

PnwBb tt am» ir-y—»

DYSPEPSIA. S e a B r e e z e ,

U I o r i - r u i m e g i ^ M ^ —


i .nd from !«« ''"""^o^JlSl'rt;

„ ^ ." .NII W'SIJ . AJTINSARPASSCD IN Fertility, - —


H yon will atop all your ^ wltb . doctor, or bumbusen^

i Xtb-tdobarmalwaja. and a« only n^ fJiirumpl. rem lle. for all your allm^ta | ^ n wUl be wUe. well an happy, and tare

TUe realeat remedy K.r thW STi^rwUe and r « l ' " l ^"J-^ Bt^beueve it. See -Provert«" In an-oth«r col am n.

TUB c i | i B c n


.1, poraia. Ifnaaw., y — £ - r-p«3Mtle. Iteomaa nuide by I*<>f OIBe*

^ or Urafl. to a«.il ebauc. f t)i.»T»pbaUaaiy»pap«»>rUwiwhoI.fcml!j. •»—

^ • r r

P r a c t i c a l Articles.



YOUTH'S COIiPAMIOII. «TcMr«P..A«. 8 o . t o n . H . . . .

t-olvbrmM Br. _ BalUmor. wrltM: "1 «oi»IW.Btly reeom-m«nd :» tb. raediml pra»iataa CMdw '

--9.__M«ar.BnttopabU»b ft<a adrer-mar* Brotbwa. i^idr-a KABfKB A BBOTH^^^j^

m«nd :» tb. raediml proOiaiaa uaoua uua.dwrM.lua.wMaBM.aBd tadlsaatbin." MHPZll f i f ra . . day atbr-m.. aampto wnrft , AdilraM Ikriim^ a 1 . cut It tlT !• '

a blank book, wttb prlnW Art^'" A Bul«- ol Decorum, ew ..ultahls lot BaptStchorcbea. ' L " r * S^Lmbera. ftowin, at a bmrt rtanrtiua: bow and when reeelvM,

^ wl en dWrnlsae-J-ln «p»ratecol-.:.am.. ..r rem.rb, ^ ^

^.A r».rw-r In back .uBlclent to recoM ^^Tucwim one fall po«e for Minute of Z ^ Z ^ i n ^ Which aeld.^ th«. oue-foortb ot a pay.-Mwr accurately ruled, and la the Bioat o ^

to the oburebM. ^ «>rreoonlln«th. Mlnulo. and baMn.« S ^ U o n . uf ftelr church-SXerfeet In every putlcnlar. The bind-

S l - T t a l l . poat-pald. for

BI Second .trwt, Mempbl. 1 | AW OKI.* D A r C H T E B

C C B E D o r COSSrSIPTIOH. When deaft w.a hourly expMted. all nm-

«nt. haTln* BtUed. and Dr. H. Jamea w S«rtmen.ln« wlft fte many herb, of ^

,h.-b cored hl« only child of M . ! HU child l. now in ftU -~ntry ^

the be.t of health. He baa proe^ .^.I'ely an,! pcrmanAUy cured TOe Kct^^w f l v tbU Beclp. iree. only

I^b alSlurea nfeht awrala. "an^ at the Ikoort. AiMretw •


S e h o o l B u i l d i n g , tOso for Uoloi 8ana.y.«:bool and

chureb wrvices.

> drug itfore, ma E i g l i t - P a g e W e e k l y P a p e r ,

uncommon nicely On

4 m

I B L O O D .


a i r n a n d

C u l t i v a t i n g O r a n g e


EaxvAtlnaue time. ate offering tbeae

C h o i c e L a n d s

J . Y . P A K C E , |>,t.ASP. V«l«-l« C—nty. llorldB.

11. A Del.AX*», rAI«P«"T. *.nroe «oOH^y,Ji. ^

C f f l C K E B I S e ,


& O A B l i :

PIAISOS. M A S O N & H A M L D i ,

B U R D E T T & N E W E S G L A S D

O R G A N S .



r > e L a i i d

GROVE HOUSE, Del. i :«D, r i-OBSOA.

^ ^ .he COmlBgof oor B : . ^ U-d-BCptaral and b, and »ble contrlbatora. gj^


Minated in vlth l>e<t Sin-utes Vhnreh. P<»t.<iffi<». and I S »alb nt I aniya. ^


TKI»«S I PKK toT'^i^n ol rnpnti: TB-^SSiStW "UD PKB D.Y

P . T E B U Y . nroprlctoj.^

CbarebaaoftM mala Ol ba/f a I a.moBa tb. Baptlat Memory of ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' S i ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ v i S S ^ t m ^ South S^^Sdl^wlta-a. [centnry wUlbedn-wTtoyan-j w n .


When 1 «^care. I d o ^ ^ ' ^ J J ^ J ^ Dl««..,_Ma

i mtMcMTma b» bad la erwy mMaur •

uSm, oamy CBaaty. Arfc. d u a a

Page 8: :mmedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1881/TB_1881... · 2012-11-19 · ;kiMlaaai>mh. rri lwa akx^ tUWi nui lanMm MOiiinfsM nuk . or.iMk morn, ~ lAi. njDamcAi. lAssSflSS^

T h e M c K e n z i e 3 8 « H t «

N a

)IUEK v m i » m B ^ I

t a ^ '

kattMtKwa Jt Uie 8«naiiMU«, |

uaun Uio pt^-He ifcmW* itall* ] tnUtm. wiU» Utniomi «»r mibbs*-

umtum, aBd fei Out

mmir t.bm» tunmlmm mtr^pimg Cwnt a»> j ^tmwmm BrntMrniUm mm* Xmpkte.



F A V O B I T E ,

A n d C H A M P I O N .

1 T ' \

-Jr—t' r


| H . W E T T E R & C O ,


H O P B I T T E B S , (A MeOdac, Mt • DttakJ


A s a T U PrauT^o Birr Mtocai. or AU> uTBxm lumui. K" C X J H - E !

All KsiaMM of the Etonivh. Bow^ Blood, liver Kiitoep «U! » l/nnnry Or-BaM.Ncm«(neflS 81wj>t. ><-in»Je Caniplainta and DiwULcacMi.

11000 IN COLD Will bo paid for a eaea Uicy w iU not cure or help, or for aaything Iniponi or injun-ots foimd in them. ,

Ask your fimsgist for Hop »ttcra K«I fret) b«x>kN aiMTtry th« Htu» before yoa sleep. Take no othet The Hon Cough Cure Juwj PiUn R»lief U

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!dMb' vA Cinaskb rf Tewsw AniuKmladuiaiKinMrtDthfitUiM.VKl eaui IM nactted in da} Ustt* <><»r via XeSuisi*.

r«rU«iiela audi Itutfaer lo'tmnaUcu applT to JjUUBi syyy.n. Heket A««Bt.

ar Main »ti»et. Of PvjMt mBra. tuiad uTMaln St. Xctnpbii. |

C, p . ATMORE, Jr., ri—iii|.» I A<«it.Hampbla-

Sunday-School Books A Mmw WUtT Tmlmmm U»rw7- W»ol« |

BiunlMrmwtnlJInarrda. JUrtila pap i iiaek.iSU».

BaptM QoiMtlaii Bnak- (b? A. a tla tno)

JlyrtJa {tnaalkio Bnok. fcJ. Wc««»«)

mmveod tuT »;aUlo«ue anJ

1 S 8 0 . E S T A B L I S H E D ,

For lat* by W.X. Wllkeison A Co, Meiu-I phla. Tetm.

I S C O . 1 E V E R l ' B i P T I S T C U r R C I l

BbonlU be nuppHed *ll»>

T h e S o c i a l M e e t i n g KdlUOD ol R . G . C R ^ I G & C O . ,

R e l i a b l e F a p m I i a ' p l e m e n t | Y | j j j j^emco of Song.

J ^ i i d S E E D I ^ e a l e r s ,

3 6 1 M a i n S t r ^ t »

Tbl» book KM h«-n ivrpared Mpecl ly tot Prayer meeting »nd Soctal-meeUng n»e. I It la a Mmml ml Ch«i»«efi» ma* Be«>ty

IKS?-M E M P H I S . T E N N .

CbiblH Odaehlwn lu BbT oa (Xn A. U Uan«a»<Ml>.3lesa.

Bnaf Cataeliisia on Blhia Unetxliw U)r. J. r. Boxra} per daaan. <B

lBiaiilCUal4aa«ioaBai)kU- K- )«>w:k) oBk

UUia t*m>«. I'art U (H. Uattjj. Jr.l ii»r

AOiTb wLm» waekiaeeTer Invented. WUI knit a pair of •to'klncs. with HEEI. and TOE e«MM>l>te. m 30 mlantea. It wlU aim knit a gmt vnriety ol I»ncy-w»rk tar whieb there !» always a ready markel. Bend for drcnlar and tjpia w

i WMblnxtoa itreet. KoaUm, Mas.. sUx

UutmU . Part tU IB. Maaly. Jr.» pm

OtUdVClaaatlan llnuJr, tWu.. tai. Stauljr

Otikfk Qiwaflon Book, tw- lU ta Manly jr4per<laaen,IUa.

HoBtUij-nElwol data Bouk», per d<>« 75 ea 8ini<IaT-wi»o< Pn •»>«». i* f^^

30*«r. par ilaara, t] JIB. Bios uut BiMl Tteke*!'- p<r iiwk ItJM. Any of tha ali«»»» hooka »BCt by mall. mst

pKid, unraeripl<ii price. Adilruia THE aMjrrurr m o k umcmc.

m m


WiBB.lSTED, • f _ VMiOUZH-l * TWT. Oaonali. O. Hxite »iu a

O I J E " D 0 L L A R

la tliv Yearly

S U H S V ' B I P T 1 0 > P i U C E

/ FOB T U r

H Y M N BOOKS/ Hyaaaa. (WonJ. only). A

oul«tton of liOof th« bsatand •weetea'.ol old time-hrmaa. TWa book haa been

compiled to meat a want tom lelt In oar eoontrr ehurehea. and tha prayar and aodal meeUnja Jf Uu charebea n dUia and town*. Ibr a .maU and cheap Hymn Boo* ocslaln-ln« me oert approrad and moat poimlar bTmna. boUi old and naw. Prlca, In paper eove-a. l" eta per copy.» per doa; In flexible rtolh,l5<3».il.ail«rdoa«n- BantbymaUon

I receipt of price.

T»« timm^t By U»WTy * Doane. Hymna and MoMc.old and naw.»» n»a In p™y«.m».un«. family elrela and ehmcl.

!t coobdn. «6 Hymna tolll«W all Chrtauana, and »o UOToa«!jiy olaaalfled tbat lha paatoror lender wOl ba abia to per-

1 cat e almoat at a tlansa taa dorter of hymM m,mwhl«btomak»«ilaaeleetlon. In hand-«ina rtoUi blcdln* and blaek aUmp. red «!«M,prlee6aetaF««»py.«n«" QoanUUaa. Five cMita'axtjs when ordered by mall Ad.inM BAPrnrr BOOH HOVIIS.


MjerStAi_c».TAmmM. nomx THMAT. STMSgipMlM. <b. tslomtiMi m thK B«k • S SS^lSRm: Ml >« »«». til O" <-• £ k U WStn. t4< aaUk M, CWu

xiu 2< 4S

Harper's Weekly. ll,I.rSTRATEI>.

ordcrvd; and at 38 ««nu p«r oipy fiT les»hau i '' ipleeopieaeeni by luall Urciotnlnalloii, on recclpi oi 35renin.

TblK book, wtth T b e l'oaii>l<'tP i:dilloii

or .SEBVICC o r

i I'untalnliiK about ViD of the iiiort p.>i>ol«r "ana mnea. aud mantly and «tr.m«ly

I hmnd In bait lomilier, and Ttie Centennial Edition


S^rtice or Song, WiUi about TW of the nic«tcham»ln« hyimiB

I Jnd tnnea, t»nnd In h^t •>,<;: MiKned Rn^aller cbnicbea a^lso fwra^ c&ichrt as preter a lanaH byk taafc^ thlabynirtliri^l P ^ l T ' •"•fc^TK •wr pdMlateed for llMptKt rturrliM.

Srnd for complete drcolat*. Addre.-« SHELDO.I! IL CUM P I X Y ,

H U n m j .Slrrrf. Sfcw Vark. xlll 2? »

Thla penodlcml, by ll» able and «ctolarly , dtoca oaa of the qoe«t«otw ol Uje day. «»

t S S T O P O R G A N S

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i The ClncInmiU ireeHlr T i m e * I -Ik, teawrr weelUy mt tk* Weat, an

WEEKLY APPEAL ' oztiiatw

ipm the pnblle mind. Ttm w &ht of ti« InOaeoce will alwara tie

ibnnd on the aide of morality, enlighten-ment and rellneraent.

narp«r'« Periodicals. UABPEBB WKEKLY Ooo Year « HARPER'S MAOAZISE, one Year « W BARPFRIi SAZAR. One Y'ear I W) Tb9 THRKIT above publication*. Une Year — — • • lo Apy TWO above named. One Year 7 UK HARPKKSTOCIIG PEOPLE, One 1 3u

P»ia«e (tee toaUsnbarrlben in thv United 8Utra or Canada.

KIT uiMnunvfu*. e>pnMi wi <Kln<T» tollahe ritct trath. MM Of iMa pHeea caa I

cw* t-rr—d CmMt. JS OtI.. imrgtjItKt. aad InehKled.

ia«e. Savaaaak. Ga.

trrrn* OiM. . ii Tl4<UT»t«ttrUI. W» pay fr.l»tit II

_ , B L E E nOClSTAia It l a r f — • * — LMM TaleHKrMUi. j

FEMALE COLLEGE I fiicBLif^issittcittiiiittiijl ,

Itaad — .

Toa can wnd monay to (kla aOier. vttm nw !«•» Sir TM BArrar, and wa win t»l» plMWia ts bawttiui U «B (ba vabUahan.

The Volttmra ol tbe Weekly begin witti Una Ontnambwlbr Jannary ^ a M y«r. When noUmeltmantlaBed,itwtU be ondaatoo-tbmi tba anlMerlber wlabaa toeormmenco with UM Kambar next after tna rewlpt of tka

lA>WBiY * BSBBT, Piorrtaior* Btse XoanUlB. Tippah eooBly. Mia.


Tba laiA B3even Annoal Volnmea of Bar-naTvaaklT.lDBeateloUi binding, will be Sat br maU, poiage Mid. or by exprMia. »«• of aaMaaa ( proTtSl the fratgbt d.M» sot ex-v S o n a d o ^ per'tolsma .te ttm «w;h.

oUhCMM toretwh «iinnu>.aoll«blaiiw bIndlBg wUlbaarat by mall. pnatpaM. oa " iMilMiTOcaSMid ba mada by rast-Offlc* Moov Urdear or Draft, to aririd ebanoaof '"Newavapata ar« not to pabUah thia adrer-tmmMt irtthoai th« aspraaa order of Uar pw* BnMhan. Addraa HABPEB * BROTHERS I orK.

Soathera Oo


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For" 8ala by DmggMa and aU Dealcia at •L3S per bolUa. Laigart i»tU.e In tha mar-ket Try It.

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ForMlabyW Tann.

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Photograph Albums I T H e o r r w d P r a c t i c e Jfi^^i^JPi;^*^ ^ ^

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We can lend Albama by maU, poat-pald, to •nit all In prleca.

Bend the amount yoo wish to pay for an Album, and we wlU gnaiantea eatlitecUon. Ad Ire* BAPTIST BOOK HOUSE,

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lilblis k MASK mi U l U l i C m

Km. SM a*w9m*,

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yonrth Seriea. amlalnlng » Sennona. ISmo, cloth ' ^

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ea. loeWdlnt t ^ floeat Benpt typae loc

VniTwa CAJUW, W«DDiro Oormg, |

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I Morning by Morning; or. Dally Read-IDBL 1 VOL amo ,

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The Saint and hla Savior. 1 voL IJmo„ 1) Uleanlngt Amoog tha Sheavaa. ITOL

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vloe fbr Plain People. 1 vol- Itmo • Keitheia for Arrows. I«(Ll»mo TypcaandEmblema. Bdng a tWlaetMn

of Betmooa rreadwd on Boaday and Thnnday evenings atthe Me»iopoUI»n Xnbomiide. 1 voL amotosoth-. t •

bectnrea to my Stadeatfc A IWaetlon tmm AddRMS deUvmd to tha Bta-denu of the PaatorH OolU«e. MatiopoJ-ltaaTWjemad«.bythapr«Bldaat.Brr C H Spnrgeon. 1 vol tt»o 1 »

commenting and ooaamontarna, Imo-tmwaddrwad to the Stadcbta ol tba p«rtor-» college, tagether wia« a U« ol tba bi«t Biblleal Uamaentaiiaa and Expoaltlons. Thl* volsana ate MstdBS gporgwnls lieetwo oa -Eeeentrte

of SpoigeoaH Bwrnona -pobUAad l> thli ooontiy, with tha Beriptsn lata QWd.

The Malchlo- Mystery and othic Bqpe; with iBdaxas of Scriy*™* Tsxta, aodsuhiactatoth«Mvote.ofthaAiBEd 1 •

I 8 . 0 0 0 I U


By>eT.l.T.HISOOX.I>.l>. New.TevtaAgwlfeUrgedediljeii. <«%»«

mmA JiptuJtniL) From aa oitlrrfy new wit o f i ^ pRlbBKEDrCEOl «S.OOprr hudreli, 8iiNPl*C*ple«8 Ce»U.

S i r i T ItcoeialBaAitlclw ef Fakh. w#k tailnr« SiSSTaSSortia, l ^ f i ^ . Sdet ot Oita, Fanas aa4 Waakv , caaClaiefar aamlsriiai

STAB BOOS 0» CHklSTlAX EAPTISSl. W I» Ekos. St*.* far W ^ ^ ;

STAXMOK FofclHSMTSBS, 1>» Dr. Th* ckimm-s aad« aacaak 1 VoL. as 1 on ' • II-— Stztk TkoanmL

DKAS CTAJOXT OS BAPTlSSf—Tbe am* «<ii>4effal ateMoa ef the mb Cnatar. Ewy B xlstfaitkaMsbaaMhaTeaadslimJatt. trio, g w per «»; lia^ copy, VK. «

Aay ef tbe s*e« seat by eaSL *a* g * te»«w MpiW OrtCT tw MytblaE ta,^ >afcBa«s.l« to fco^ctj aad •sfstaBy aaeadot ta.

-tto Bspdst Boe*Beeanar XearTa*^


HOPEiDEAF ffanaorv's ArtakktBo' Oramt

g,Xl — ~ —

x m i S m l l S l a m


m (OnaCHLe A B.IV port.p.ld,oa ««lpt Of pnco. ^ ^ ^ ^ H o C T « . » ~ l * f . T . — .

OCR STATIOIIERT I-ottbahaata^ltymad«.and W2sa«ila>|

B R I F P O M M B Azuaxiue

D . W . H U U H E S ,

OW raattlMaa te 7Ha<

M l , hatUtti. Are ampleh end eer tlioee


W A T C H E S , C L O C K S , J e w e l r y , S i l v e r a n d P l a t e d

W a r e .

Short-Hand Writing TiKH i w m s . n R l i l L

Caeiaaiasdi — ? mSSSS

Aattv m'Ug" y a j ^ ' tan tawat kt HALT jnUOB.


l A c n r r s w a b W

T h e G r » t C l m r c l i l i g h t irBlsa» eAISKT AlBMCrMB


zUAzmaeew ?

Page 9: :mmedia2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1881/TB_1881... · 2012-11-19 · ;kiMlaaai>mh. rri lwa akx^ tUWi nui lanMm MOiiinfsM nuk . or.iMk morn, ~ lAi. njDamcAi. lAssSflSS^

4.80 ' T B L B B A l J r m S T jsibcuwor. awunohmr TMK

BaptMBobk l l o v m »

teCMUl U„ M«BpliJ%

.BrWJUteUea. t1>«»m« WCT »>i» t>»jiB— — UrnSmmmrn Mid TfrtUrfOMi Bav TkMBaaMttalianb. iCiM Vritaraaal tmhtt ttW Mrwrmt

jme SSei'TSrk ItttHMBm Fdeele«lutt»IU4. .. Sr M. MwUtt. briLP.Lraivr.oJx nialitl Mwy. U U-_ jtoetWr Uwdaetrmai amtfimb: and •Ml* la tli« kai at Uw mmMmmtMATtosAM^

i-ir«»Tisirf I Uiik wiuk. tteanitwr •its «anl Ute-_ _ Ijui«ttuukii at t mut prtnOUM aliarelws uul ^ __ I wl bM iMnn liu» BBBtfail •nrtlw or m* ohandMB at Clam. In aolK SSSaamm. Ttil»»»iKrfiScrtptnial MM Itmarvml ta*ntUEtMni.aiul m tkjmpbtU «a4 «>—wwbM* TttminWHW of UW iMttd-— pod timdeaiter HKMtid I ta»M poatbi* «lRau> nioneta • Tateiblanuta«<i«K,uHlka« ti>«i to !»• mamrmatt m m lt«n rnnar m am •uiMftUl>.aiid«mistliciuid mnlUimlMlD tt.'npp. fW«OB OBBSCH MAMVAMm flrMUnBdMoa. lUi. niBtaanm»i«M<«*«wttMni7amo( •U tba nuuqr «atto> as UW m laof. tlw •toouir dlTlztcn of nOHnwi into fkciKinal wTumaml tm mr jnMabla to Um bwiu

aaa •BnawawBHi Tunu mazkMB.'Srnr saod tobnria^'W tt aw tan

CkmkMmtMT- BrUwaM - - daiDtiMif OliUXCiUWb vox, A Knid«laUM<iaettl»oani4 at BapiM ob X. c s r -

• 'iii—J MU rompniuUHm QfiUflmMBWbislt dla <illHfrtftii>fiTT**Tm** **. ^ m urmMmbL tu Ui« and b Uw maf loeU rj-K tor SuSriiio inaii w Kwtv. aatf-akahrwhairtili laMndimrvtm. PtIcb, 'Atm. n

vurw of t&OM boliilB ataSma UB|pil»l> IMiirfiW tnm atttm and to {wSab Um boM w

tflia w . lanlntM laaMnaimiail - fiThwm

• aUl t ftaua Hoftkot mm antt mil. an Iwr • harto." LtUataok aKo tontrcr iKtUcB Um of AUm UnoMaHou and CioMr •ad. IK mti tD bWntical niattcr. tkat tlw bapttuaa a4 uw lO-lUalaiiatM and Um Knd alt, iBuaa rruid IbpM. tXtkalMiDtHHaa of BMIUMH aMi — TBtlgrMMqr aw itttCagUaxI, ana u mud.

paid; Uirw paalBt«aa,(IJIL HUTWHICAL.

mm»mAJW% MMmnmr. _ Jniumi orVrMtluBA- VaLI.Iaa mreteB BapUaOk Vot. U. la a hMon at Um>

•BVltat llwwiaBalap _ar. Bmr. aotmr of Tim-Mok at> Ouapbdllas. A haml bookot BaatMhiatacy. Thjawotkb a vatnabla eoaMfiuMoa *a Bapltet UMratorv, bdSR a oanoatL-Mi of UMorieal wlUi eoptooa ji •oBtcaU and atd»-aOtaa. tnrpii«aa.a.m ^^ mml Bantlat BiatM . I JMCWnp, SIX A enmptru hl»lorT Sioro tha MndaMm of lbs Cnnildo ojicuiA toltaatanarUMaMitaMib eaqtwor- FkteeS Tliaila|»U>(ik i(rTa oa«a,I>0. Balaf a«<niM«<« lu»UHT»<UMlracltfB,«oiiU]inltr, pTtBel|>lca,apUll, poUtj, jwallloc aiKl taflu-•on. • Fllea,»»et«. •WMK oKiciiM or BAranB. my a. H. I D Toa OQCbt U> be mlllaT villi llMHlalaitT afjoax oayitywumnaMao. atlMKI&aamUaaar It. Tad lum bo tuna tonadiTlarBabMKc. m Uils mtto bpo Uipagatroab»*ei.c!!liiaaat4heU. Tbe aatSorooBiiurarai and tzMM back tha Bw-vludasoMtlnatloa Ikm tba pf ant oaatnry to d»»« of tlu« ApoaUoa. « wlllilMW yoo hat BaptUO didnot aUctaat vttt Bomt WUUaiuk nor Id KDtfaiMl, Bor vUb tiM mad awnof MaBater.aaoarnwmlat eliaice, bat an oJdar lliaii Uw rrotaatania or tba CaUiaUamaBdanUi tbet tba only nUstooa ooaunnalir that ha»i*Dodamwth«apoeO«, and la tba ualy tJbanli deaerrtnc tobAeaUad Tba Choxeh of UtroL Tbla laa luw and craaUraclaiSnl odlUaB. PtloaWeta. Mranlva aadTriaaiiika af KOUSIMB Ubvrty. Br K B CodvtuU. Ab Uaturlral niiTrjr of tha aoatnmialai pertal c to U»o riafata at eoiMeisnca, from tba Ew.iati Ita-«nnaaoniauao. PTlee,>U • •raaMSiHpliat lUBtofT. Wro

awimana,t>tf. ft1ce.fLn Tlw CrwUCeeaieS-OoBeemlns BaptiaU aodtvU ooaUli nj. By 0«oCIiDitn»r.IiD. Piloa,Cti)0 Uh«rtr •rtmaciMM an* tka Mmp-UaOk bS Bar. W. A. JamL Tbtetaa >•« crtac Cimvclk lir Hot. W. n ^ >9 eta. In

rmtj^-tf.&DnBeaa. nukr

•rnKUsios. Byw. _ Bock. Aaabta work, and oovtbataaaba Md wttb pioflt br auidinita aul n Ulen tnHTMtm <m tHjatalJ-ct. Is elatll,nJO. CmTBeH-mUEBEBIP HAXB>aMB tar TTI>1.0«T. Br Konrell Bt artaon. Tbla la aa able treariw tm tba will, on •iMtiaa, aalvrnthn b; (raer. atonaoMt,— on ttM wtKriapiu of •alvatloa. Foreliareb-metabeia, or Toqbc »tiid«aU of UWOKW, tbla work w una nnrTatlialile. IMseSlSo. nut mtrnut socnunc t>r mk uv-iSttjn. AXD EJUMMmM or MOOm WmiTMMk. Br J. fc to»y«a. fXJk Too want lo lonn a klaa ofyonrMatcanardMlhaiid be«M« tte amttkmTroawmattDanttxXrw^B^ acalnat t-a paraletooa bacb of Hptrt wSmZ Gat bla book, lead It, aad nt lai rourlhmtlTtanadU. U ti tba ouartlsur-•aUntUttJe book yooaTfa-read, and irtU puia a lais* amabvr of Uu mort difficult pMaCM of aetlpUtrr. Yoo iboold U vttbootlUl. F>lecb7n>aU,1Seta. Chriatlaa l»wtriara. A Coiwml tn ofTboolofTtir J. H. IVndtetoo, D-D. Ttil» l« an ucS t work of pacot. Unc* 1*1108,10 cloth 11.W. •HJCBVttODV HttTEM ON THB9KW TWTABBXT. TUtawork.by tne Yan«« Ida Adldt Hherwood, VJ)., au able dltlno aad ripe leludar. U uw boat work we know of Ibr IJon<UXH>ch>-<jte aad bniid«y-«cliool taaeban. i"wo Tolnmnh each 11.74. Satca OB Bark, Lalte aad aalia-Kzplanatuiyi>nd piactisal. A !>op-olar eomnuDiary npuo a olUinl t«aw,ea-peelatljr dCKlsned inr pnKton and diai<U)-ieboS£ By to W Oark. D D, author of A IfewUa.-nw><urortheQaHieI*,ei«. Th«»a»r« 'nUiiabiaeoflUu>ntnrtea,a>.d ibe antlior la a BaptUt Kholar who dnU* fkttbroliy with Uoa'4W ~ —

tba Yooac. .Har Cliaa fvaUr. •ndaasor of UM a«Ulor, IthMbMa , la worfc.taBaaasobdai aMaci _ _ ofMp(e *tauaa(*hll* bo» nnymiayl w dupMataf to m- raesltund ailiida) iaivBiaibta to eaiWran and nnadaealad aaBlt«,wtUiotttii>rtlMraxplanatlon. rnoai w cmr «WT or uoht. Br»n«uis<» (I Duochtftr. TWdtiUla book WtlDira th« alwiSS of tba CMcMlal Utjr; Uw way lo U: uwcodof tlMloeiBM,ct<s. A d'tljibifbl eblUl book. ladot pacaa,»eta. •UWaBMABBOB*.

BT. mr Kbaneaar fnople. TbU hook ftmUalMSaabait and aharply Misled tfiie on aoma taxt ofSenpuir* •ytr day in Uw year. Thcra are three buiiUred auS kUty fTaahaitaetmoaalDil. TtoaminUwr who Dcada naeaUoiM vid annl Ueal belp. tbla ddlspeuail Itnuy

>w«d. ' Price, iwr voU, tt JO BOBAXItUf. •(KCI.t-HETAI.t or tne Aria af B» mnal— By Mn. A. C. Unvou In UiK hook la pottrayM the aria and wll«<a of the Homan Caiboui! ebareta In moulding and i]tap| lb*miBi:iiuf tberlalnc spneraUon.

Price. In doth. ttM. TOE WOBAS lit rtlKriJEAXDM'AB-MTt obTtue oowsrAio. or VA. TOOUrmB. By Wblte. In tbU book, by a maxlorly itsnU, the curtain U linra, ud Uie untold mt«-rtiH>ornHinUe«a Tleuma am rercoteil. Hwe tbs decepUons tbe lntrt(iu««. thf croolties, the manlenioii dnlxna of the Humnn CxlbuUo church are ucpSm . Y«a.lhlnt ibr Wood, for the blood of Uie aajtnla at U<id. utAnd* ont a* one of the niomiuuat ehanetfttxliai - of the Soman lermrcbT. IneloUitiJO. Deeds mt Darkaeaa Blaelj ed-BetatlTa to AancnlarCBnfi<«dnn.iuid lu rflauoaa lo •anrdotal eelibaey< eotivenia. mooiiaterica. morality.aud rwTand rcligloua I'berty. to J U WbtU tU pp. Prloe, UTBB BOOHM. TMK KTW MAjntm HTBLV ABB nnS BaSaL-Tbi ixmld ta a.Ha Uynin and Tnne Book in e*ery temlly. Thla

SHwaSUovvMtflnaMtoTivaiaadttaBdar-wide: and tb« mn»lorn ' and an ba uwid by, tboaa tbe rountl noteaaa wAL MrtM mSm ^ t iSamSHymn and Tone Bo kwUie Ym mSm S eetT penoB who d«alrr> » Uy Btbto, and one eh!I<L ^ de-SSb?SjitSS ft« wa'tSdi : lotaketta plawol toe d

ataobaotmitvalne la Uia vtallf t««dtn«a o f ibe ChflaUan:-U may become bla twa«»-ry. FricetiJa. TMB CHCBCM BIKOBB-BOOK la a blank tiook wltb minted ArUclaa of IfVUtb, IbiM of Decorum, ew., raUtble tor BaptUt ehureb Cbpioaa Index lor aamfla of metn. ben. Fine hcaTy paper, aotvrately ml , la Uie moat eoavanteit attd tuaftii evw oObred to the cborchea. I3erka who bare oaMl tbla Book tor reoordlns tba minutea and btulnca imoiactlona tP tHeir cbarcbe* pronooee tlwu perfret lu every parUcoUr. Tba blndlns li perb. Price, mo. TIM IMaeo ar Death. By WUIIiuii Hrr. man. A book -hat la unliiae. In t>lain, torclble.and elecust lanc«ia». It depict* tlie evllaof themoileni dauoe, lu pobltcaU n Ite a teiMatloii. It te commended and by leadinc mlttl«t«n of all oa everywhere. Pnce, tlA OSBOBBPa UHTVBKB. tsuUiccU: MUaion of the Young Bea of the Montli: Tbe Sphere aad Blialon o< Woman; Tbe Uentua oTMawiniT. Ut pac *. OeU. Tbe JPwtar. tly Rev H Harvey. O O. A book every BnpUat ptcactaer, who dcaircti to know bow to be a good and iiaelal paator, aboold bavo. It U ao cheap every oue can Uuylt. I'noe.Wcta. The Aaaolated faiwraiih Blhle.-PublisliAl by Ute London Tract elociviy. TliU l« the biwt aldtoUtbleKludy yetpniilUbed. Ita noUia are brief and fall enoucb, wlUioal Ita betug rambennme. It la reeotnniended by all ludtng inlniitlen. No Ubi ary u cuoipietR wlUiouttt. Price. In abeep, (MM BIMIeal Thinsa »•( Ueaenlly Knewa.—A coiupilntiou of t»e uncial Ihliiifit diwoveml by mature lnv««UgaUan anu crtt-Ictam. It Ik o Irl, bai comptji'lug thlogn uee-ceaary toarlahtUDdvntaDUiiiz of Uie Bible, and wbtash have never bet.re been put beJre Uie pubUe In uwli cunvcuient au cwap • form. Price, Sl.w

Cmden Oomi ttnabui of Alezaader (Vnden. JCA., ^u^A^s^ESm

largar maa> of tietlpuual --taudBtadeau inHmuation «<Stter n: ihnold have tht£ Itax.

of Uw niaaByBall,«etB.

awdb b lita rMaoMUrt world, aaawenag UMia wk m aaliny, aad In a Bumnet an lawlailiin. >a to enUtla ta* autnur lu u» gtmnmlmataU BititlUa teeloUiW UM rBaeeh If raUUr aaa OnU-a an I in mr*"" r '" Tbiamoft. m m ym UByya laafctter, givaiUw nanlia at br; ttawyV —dMa at auutrywa, ineaaMoMaadUalaatBiaalath* Tbr~'~-iraietMaMatBaaiUlaa,:! Y. It l%a _ - totUwaaiiiAnMa a and fotatad eiaiaiiiMif , ^ kiLp£liiMadpauiv A will bakraii , antai f aunialafB who waat u havaat baaa a eoavaalaet boaK laaitlitng oar views oi WMnaliaq laAiaaaBdpaUcr Pttee.lUa mArma r x m v*. BCTHoonrr rEnMI. BrA-aUayiaa. Tl»*«rrbai«

sssssssa^sf ^ — -THE MOnBn.'B COBlBWIIWBt OB, TUB r w u tnr dnuBTiAB VBMHM. BrB.T.t>VMr. TtwaawweaialMmiBa WUT ikR&fii manneT tha grca* uapormea itf «3ulaltan uuna, iwir K aiigtit bo tomgM aboot «tthaa» aajr matOm or eoaaelaoee, and that tba waat of tt tai not tha Mtt Of t»« Hap IBM Prtfla In irVHb t> Ml TBa «raa* Jialtlidiiarl A lMhTT.S.iaaai tlL|]t. PMaa, la daUft. <Ui The BjiMaaila Btta at BajpWait Jta

WmHu la rapifr aaeOwilolteliapwtleBI. By IhaBataat'Siwa,,' .,


Cbia la tlw abk-* aadnoitlaarBeditisear-danottlMase. I'tf eodi ealoabto book oa tbv deaoaUmUiPttiU dlUknaeea b«tV4«o Bj>pil»Waod E<>tf<41MB haa ever baea «uttd lo (beA rrtcapmblM. UMpagea. •Dt><l nu line faper. PiFmin tactk.WUa. lit, BMrt a p>ttntwr damM UM aboTa book beOivldxt Intaitz votamea, tliaa: Im-•MnUoB,IEUH: lnlaa}BK!Uin,UM;CB<ucb -tCCbTM. tif. tha Uicd'a MpperiW ea.-, uaievani MtpHMm. »• esi.: Plaal fnmraf •BO of Uie nclata-M eta. The UMf^mtmrn Bekata Oa Oraptall-km. JTte.. itoa ranaa an BaptlaM nUa taoaeof ableat woeka oa aaldest extaat. Ho Btiniuar eaa wall oatml M ba wlUuat Ik Uetavoot everWpeeea. Pnee.|UB. rAJtrBBlXiaK KXrOBBD. By A. p. WlUlaaWtlUX OaaQrUMablaatwAaevar pndaeed la rrtataUcn of the peiaielaaa Ticwa beid aad taoght by tba aiMalled Cbrlatlaa chorea. Prwe la doth. gUB. TMB UirtDWB BAPWMTBB. ThU aouk ay taa priaea 9t wtitara, Ur. A. U OBTbia, h oiw that avair- ftailly ahoaVd bave. ItaotylalaehanBlBs. nupaBI. TMKOB—lA KBBBn ar. The tienetaa arratth. By A. C. Daykw. 11-lOMUated. Tba aahtaet of bapttan la Uwr ggghty aiti-wiaert la a aopalaraad attractive

- of Dn. Walter, PiUler, tad olhen. A valaabia ba gaiMrally read. In eliitl>,I»lFa«ai « eta. • Bvr toChaihhoUlaib By D B Boy. „ raloi&ia work lOr aU wbb wlata to andei •laad Campbeinaai. Ptie tue

vHfaKK Ua •haAQKU r \ . 1 —, v aaM a' p v w v ~ ~ • m i — • • -Prttw in ctoUi, »ur twenty yeaia ago. Examine It belbra >"00 pmrcbaae. THB XEW HAPTTfrr BYBS BtMtU, wlSMmt Boate tBcla. ^ •aathwa raalmiat. A u«w, improved and r«vlaed rdlUon. In whlrh wUi be fticnd. Bi Bt the old lodes, one ei large. bol<i

BOCTBCI At., A^ EXEtUmCAL. rattav Warfca. m Vtn»arf oeUvo volBataa-<rwr_«f BigMi, nM valnaUe

la of the old Index, one oi large, tyjw: and alw> numy new and &»oril« iMmiui. tailing tbe am or oUi«n which wmn wanUng tn merl<. The airuigement ZtA naiahertug have uol been Intermpt . Mmiumna ^^ ISSSS SSSisrxSraa ^ ^ is? TH£ UTTUC HKBArU la the tUOg> a^ yon want Ibr jruor i«aBday.aeteooL It

Bwrtf ear swiwt wipe Uiat haa ever baen oAndtoonrBonday-eeboula. Thedoctrlne taeoond. Tbenocaaare UienawMr«ea.aha.p> It IS tha very Ikiok tor Onantry In the Seraph yoo will OM JWaot By iuKHqr," with acorca afoihan imawaetksmenUoB. Prlne by nuulSeia The Chrlattaa Mai aaeay. Conning a ebolce coUectloa «I Uymua aad Pialma, Tunea. Odu aad Antbema ftom the beet ao-UK>» tn Korope ant Anwlea. tognber with a large nnmber of N«w Tunea Oom eminent

.gr vaMcQ-of M-trea j tod » Dearty _ UM Betna coataised In tbe vmrl.Kia Uymn iSi nalm Bookjia*ed by the dlllWent d« nomlnatiooB. i>iatgned alao for the aaew MBgtngl»ebaola,Chalni,#n>tal and Priv. 'e aincM Parttea. In the iHV«a.ayiabol «>•> Sat moaieal annotattoa. with aevaa-enaraster aotea. Aiaoaeopivaa elocldauoa Vocal finale and Plain BolealbrBeglnncM. ttfvlaed rtiUon gr^ SrurxeO. wlli tha editloa of moay Mew ^^^^ Walkar. of Boata Carolina. IIJH. Bedncttoa whaia oae doaan or ocdendat •BBBOSB.

UwafcKr.ud t* valaaUa bmod cuBBmAsrABABraoL Bgrsr.ar. M. Uiawkad. a koA «( great vatee lo itm I tooBiar.vImaaapaiplasM

puSta Sa'tlR MrSr ewsh ap la lis uan. aad, wteh.a hUelty mon to -verr IM wntiaa. beaa UraMnlaiBg tltav Me* la elatli, gi.

•'FraBIJBTOBTi»BBJIO»__ Bmoaa an tmportaat ^ j. Btehard raller i-nnd, aeeoad aad htrd aortM, with a fbw aieel eogiavlag. Prtot, per toL, lUO -nvola.

Fno«,par T njg Hc taUMPalrft. Ooth,iwn. rcM»U*haaw. a«Ut.«iJM. BWOBS roB OEB ClilLBBSS. 'Bh* Starjr mt tha BIMe From Oeneala a>B«veiaaoa. -ioUtB Simple I gtiage »ar

Uniui ta»enbi.wlth _ _—^ IbKvmaalon tor Bible Te than aver betnta booxd In oae vUums, makluga handmme auper-royiU nvo of over Mpagaa. Ineloth.lSM. ralaUUenaa. Plana Sir Burmuu by W W. Wythe. Umo, tinted paper. Prtca. lu cloth, tlJO. Thia la not a book <>1 tdtelew>o aemton* ft;T Uxy younx mlnlMete.mit a book cairuIataiQ so aid tn ibe prepuraUun ol aer-mona.' ItOWl liBOWl

•l edi rallgtoo

Fyelaaedls of IteltKto t<>raXlleUuuvr>'<H tbe Htiilc. IKculo jr ioaa BivVtMnny, Ucc.cuiuulcjJ tltiaory, aud Bimlooa. New mvlwd wliUun. Uv aH a oompicta book ol reJervi o j u:i looa nitdectH. 19diu-d by J. Koim. lUn&aknl by wimI-culi, raa|>a,A.t>i eiigmvtn«B on copper and atmu. l«j lu eepextmtgM. BABBOjrr Axa s;iPtH(nriuai t»r OVB i.OBD'N ilBKAT fttOfti Lff. tsy D. !>. Bock. Ode of tne L-n.i lauka i<Bbti.->li«i on a aut eel Uutt aiiuald tntamt every Chrtatian,—tbe coitUL« <if ClinM aipkiM ui Uieearth. ti;pagah Bend umt eatalogoe. Addree* aU ordera to the BAmirr Bt*oK HOL-NK, eaMMattela.

POWDER AbssMili Pun.

Made bom arm Cmnt Tartar. Niotbet mjKa fla»y hot o, New Yo k. ItxlvK

or laxuftoaa aeati f

SIO 4tli Areni

' I

a wklf iath* wy, nd w •ml acV tor tlie<ad pbU>% whioh.«ro thogwd wb b. BadwmlfcthBfrtri, hndyhan ttnfliirtfcrywir B d t e r a d a t U m ftat O B o a a ( B a w p k t ^ T e a a . , a a I l O a a B a t t e r .

014 8eric§-To]. XXXYH. l[EllFHIS,TEIOrnJANUABY15,1881. New Seiieft-Y^ XHL I* . SI.


»r BSV. J. H. DBVOIU, D. D. •• With tax U t e w U l I n t U a f y h U o , a a d glMW h i B a u w l v a -tloa.' ni.agl.ll.

Un yomf, woddly-mlBded, and unteSed* int. old irith Ito inamutlvM, may «ppwt

to b* blMk, Otemkm aad confortleH; but tta« vocd Cted,«BdczpRteooa,sliow that Ubaa its •ompeaMitioa la an almndaot supply of bleMlngs wbtefa am pceallar to that period of llfls.

In tbla taxt, tbe godly have the divine aasuranoe thai they ibaU be Mtisfled with long life, and aee tbaaalvatloaor tbelrGod. .

Long lift ia dealiable, and a great bleeaing whcm It is tbe bertowmeat of Eternal wisdom and love, for" the aeoomplishmeat of the divine parpose, and tbe exhibition of tbegnee of Ood in Chiitt JeBB. •tLength of days is in th? right hand of wisdom."

It does not mean that aU the godly Uve to old age, foe many the most worthy and pious are eaxiy aommoned to te flrom tneir labors, in heaven. In a f^ yean they do mue than many others whoealUe is greatly prolonged. It is ear-ydring'how mnen some sccompUsh in a very eboitUfe.

Bot'there la a part of God's pmplewbom he Mioaiatoi llto M e ^ for a k»g Uma. whose

rtea; QiH inaB, anaott imidy to the harvest. His ptomiwa, fclthfblness, graee and love, have a apedal appUoatkm to tham. in whieh none but tbe aged can share.

This good old sgo" and desirable **ftaineBS(rf days " knot second childhood «r bdpltas depend-coca npoo wearied relaiions and icinctant charity.

What ate these iBtisfBctionsr 1. They live nntU the desire to live is satisfied. The desire fbr long life is perhaps commim to Tbe most of our race would prefer to live

alwaya, beeann the dread of death la so great that thay pnfcr any kno^ evil, rather than talie the sboct Joomey tbrOtigb the vale of shadows, to be oaeatttano soon. ~ *

Theae righteous ones become sstisfled to lire no longn than tii«y caa be nsefuL They have lived' loeg moagh to leach the standpoint fhMn whence tbey caa aee human life as only pr arstory fbr th« eternal life, and the enioyment of the Chief Good.

Ftom the 8MantaIn*a top on which they stand, tha legloaa thfoogh whidi their toilsome' idl> grfaaaga baa been made, is open to their view, with tbe retrospecUoo of the good, and the evil, whtdi have ftUeo to thdr let Befbn them to the pfospeettve, which fsltb and hope sees not tu away; J^ betoe tbe mMy vali , the narrow itvsr: bat over and beyend the shining dlor tlle rmmlaed laad or test.

Job said, «*I wwUd not live always;*' snd Faalderired to demand be with Asus, which lor him was " fcr bsHer." Tbey had Uved loog eaan tobesaHsfedttat todleww gain. Tbe advaaead ia yean have axperlenced that vanity Is writtaappoa dl earthly good, and that tbesi Is CBftoa

nothiac which csn give perfecl astisfsetloa bat God aid heaven.

Th»y are not fweed away by death against their wiU, out gladly fidl asleep in Jesus. " Now, lettest thou thy servant depart in peace " ex-claimed the delighted Simeoo, when be beh the infant Bedeemer.

2. They have tried Ood, and have had full and satMying evidenos of hib UthfUness and truth in falfllUng aU his intunlses.

Ood invites thU test of LimsdL "O, taste and see that tba Lord is good." "Bring ye aU the ttftea into tlie storelioaae, that there may be meat in my house, and prove me now heiewith, saitb tbe Lord of bests, If 1 n e t open you the win dows of heaven, and pour you out a bleasiiig tlud there shall not be nxun enough to receive." As much as to say, venture to experiment by apply-ing his word.

Makesevcxerit teats of all he has said upon tl -prindplei by which you try everything else, in fffder to flad th'? true and detect the fklse. Be-lieve, and thou Shalt be saved, for " btossM Is tbe man who trusts In him."

m a k e k s t t r i a l Olbhkive: C s p e i t a a e * i b a U d a d d a

^ ' H e w W e a t a r * t h a y , a a d v a l y t h e y . W h o l a h i t t r a t h o o a S d a . *

Thesged have made thk trial, through a long Ute, to th!!ir per.ect aatlsflMUon Now they an trying pKMnlaa whIeh bm

aet to a ewtaa dizaetim ftom an wa laft ttiP i before, we wonder and anapaaadii aa weak 4 theaa transfbnaatloos aad ckaaga.

You bsfme a convect, a i sadtlenly, nneuLpected r w formaricedaaoceas: Ubi end abowa that tha tetf was there, tkat he waa Bwriag la a nyalatlaifc padktedway. "XwlUlaadthabUadlattaKilr thay know nrMt, aad ta paths which thsy hava asl knowa. I will aiaka dookad waya slali t, aad rough phees smooth, theae thiseiwm I do t^ , aad not fMsake them, aaith the liocd.**

•• l a o a e t i o e a a t « C B n h a v a h a r Thy n C taid I aaa." llM pcdse In every anaxpected change

decided by an tovirible Aimighiy haad. Opoa ao other grouad oaa yon aeeooat fcr theae dMuv**o which leferraoe has been BiMieb "ate I«d was ^ in thatpto, and we knsw U i^" snd the Giad of Jacob ordered tite way.

"At for God, hisway tarer(Nt.thawocdaf ths Lord la tried, he iaabaefclBrtoallthoM that (mat tn him." It is evkinot ttat, IsA to fiBtaalv«s.to* pannHoareherlaheaplami,aaeBlitalshlpwiaeki * must have followed. Oeee Jacob, heraaveil, ixelalmed, "Joe UnotaadSlmecniaaotaad y9 wUl take away BeiOtimta alaor Att thinga are too haid for one, Lwill go < thf grave

•• E v e t i a o w B l a e M ! « • a n a i j r p i Myaovar•isl alMBl.aaAaagM. A a d w h o B h c a i r fealn a h a U t h e i r t a a p l e a a d o n , U k a I a m b i t h e y a h a n aeta t n a v b e a o m b a b o r a a . "

Becaase tb<ty have found all his promiseB yea and amen in Oirist Jeina, never having foiled, gives asBBance that they nevnr foO. WbsB did an aged saint ever ehaige God with unfoith-fulness to his promisea ? Tb€y have lived to see God's mysterioos provi-

denoee made measurably dear and plain. It re-quires time fbr the results of such tranasctions to become manifost. At one tiise lUvid could not see why the wicked were prosperoiM, while righteous men were neglected and dqmsed. Long afterward he wrote, have se«i tbe wicked in great power, and spr>Siiog himself like a gieen bay tree, bat he pa^ away, and lo, be was not, yea I aought him, but be could not be fbund." Also that be had "never seen the righteous for-saken, nor his seed begging bread."

Tboogb doods and dArknen are round about him, to them tbey are sunset doods, aU radiant and aglow with the reflected beaaa of hk inSnite goodness and knre. Though not fUly axpialaed, enough la revealed to satl theao that goodness and mercy have (oUowsd them aU their days. They have redncad the aabieet to its hat aaalyata, andtl aresatiBfieiL.

Tbey see how God has led them along throtigh aU their pilgrimage. Now near tbe end. In review, tbey realise that ttie very hairs of tbdr'beada have ail been numberad, that their steps have been ndered by the Xo^ that tbey have notfoUen Into fatal snarea bMipe be has upheld them with hia hand. If wa cOa>H»r those strange. inexpU-cable eventa,in sHkldi often in lour careeriaaa instant t^ whole destiny life apfiearad to be chang and became ao dUKstent from aD oiv plans antldpatloBs; thecBrrentofouralfitits

--- ,— ' lia'aiSd'isaB 1 of eharseter aMiate aaiti|naiBit1

peritectloa. In the conflict wl i Ttotoiy'hialgh. TMc

sullen, powarfoi enemfas, prida,*a»bttHn, appa-tito and pasrion, with their Uadiad, an weak-eoed,bR>keaandlnfoUrsti«at fiit^eoatmi aad the cairittiaa gtacas, hamOUy, foith and Iota, have gained tbe mastaiy. Sin doaa aot hava domiakm over them. Thv know that " be who ndeth his own q4ritia better than he that takath a dty." They have grown In grace aad la tha knowledge of our Lnrd Jeaas CbrM. Tha r|d man ia crodfied, but the new man is mewed day by day, they aiw more likeOod aad e fcgr a doser comuanion with him.

They breathe a heavenly atOMMphera, aad ara near to their Badnemer. Their pa aa the Ala* ning light, has beouine brighter and brii^, aadlsBoaatobeiaeQ.-edinto the j orloaa fl^ of ttiepecfodday. Thrirdtataeter ta quite anfcali to aaota thaa

hnaiaB. almostdiviu. Thb ImsffaoT hha who oeatedtbambooBapieaoasly aaatftat, aad ttqr afecaned with thedlvlaa apfnhatfea, teanai «r God.

SudiwenEaot , Abram.MaaaB, E ah aad Samad,aadauMtailealaeveiy amor BMBBfrd woaMB, Biaay or triiom wan aot apedally at-toeowdbar the (*arehorthawadd,ora4BRathft wodd wiB aot worthy. Bat who, like CaaM. w«ragreat\y bdovadorOod.

How cxceUeat la thto ebaiader. BMolded to the finrnoT thegoq aad ande coapMeby fhi ladwtiUqg aad iavodd E of tha Holy Bpirtt.

CUBOyaMaciaBely thay watt thatauam IhMD oh high to Joia tha aocfa of Jast maa nada petfleet,aadaBitewtthlctadtad«lilto Mbntha Omoe. PicetaBiattoaMliaB ofthawCddUof Ood I gattoat tobtiiebrjitowd*i>«fdiMw»rf-»«-.