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第 5 章 国际商务单证实用英语. 5.1 实用单证英语表达 5.2 国际商务单证英语应用 5.1 实用单证英语表达 5.1.1 Time and date (时间与日期) 1

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Page 1: 第 5 章 国际商务单证实用英语. 5.1 实用单证英语表达 5.2 国际商务单证英语应用 5.1 实用单证英语表达 5.1.1 Time and date (时间与日期) 1

第 5 章 国际商务单证实用英语

Page 2: 第 5 章 国际商务单证实用英语. 5.1 实用单证英语表达 5.2 国际商务单证英语应用 5.1 实用单证英语表达 5.1.1 Time and date (时间与日期) 1

5.1 实用单证英语表达 5.2 国际商务单证英语应用

Page 3: 第 5 章 国际商务单证实用英语. 5.1 实用单证英语表达 5.2 国际商务单证英语应用 5.1 实用单证英语表达 5.1.1 Time and date (时间与日期) 1

5.1 实用单证英语表达

5.1.1 Time and date (时间与日期) 1. Expressions for time and date (时间与日期的

表述) ( 1 ) hours of the day 时间表达法 ① 整点表达法:基数词 +o’clock, o’clock 可省略。 eg : nine o’clock 9 点整 ② 几点过几分(在 30 分钟以内,包括 30 分钟) 分钟数 +past+ 小时数 eg : 8 : 05 five past eight; 12 : 30 half past tw


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2.Key letter of credit dates (信用证中的关键日期)

Key letter of credit dates include : ( 1 ) Opening Date : Shipping documents ge

nerally may predate the opening date of the letter of credit unless specifically prohibited in the letter of credit.

( 2 ) Latest Ship Date : Shipping documents must be dated on or before this date. It specifies the latest date by which a seller must ship the goods. If the goods are not shipped before the specified date then a discrepancy will occur and the seller may not get paid from the letter of credit.

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( 3 ) Latest Date to Present Documents : Shipping documents must arrive at the bank before this date, if stated. If not specifically stated the documents must arrive at the negotiating bank at most 21 days after the latest ship date but before the expiration date of the letter of credit.

( 4 ) Expiration Date : Usually the last day to present documents in strict compliance with the terms of the letter of credit ( UCP, Article 42a ) . The letter of credit essentially ceases to exist on this date.

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3. Ways of contracting date of shipment (装船日期的拟定)

There are several ways of specifying the date of shipment in the contract.

( 1 ) Shipment on or about July 30, 2006 ( 2 ) Shipment not later than Aug.18, 20

06 or Latest shipment date : Aug.18, 2006

( 3 ) Shipment to be effected during May/June, 2006

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4. Other Expressions (其它有关时间的表述)

ETD----Estimated time of departure ETA---- Estimated time of Arrival Time of loading/unloading 装 / 卸货时

(间) Time of delivery 发运时间 Sailing date 开航时间 date of is

sue (证书 / 单证的)签发日期 date of inspection 检验日期 date o

f completion of discharge 卸毕日期

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5.1.2 Numbers and packages(数字与包装) 1. Numeral numbers ( 1 ) Cardinal and Ordinal numbers (基数词和

序数词) ①one------first; two------second; three-----third. ②five 和 twelve 变序数词时将 ve 变成 f+th. ③eight 只加 h; nine 去 e 加 th. ④ 表示“几十”的基数词变序数词时,将 y 变成 i+et

h. 如 twentieth. ⑤ 表示“几十几”的基数词变序数词时,只变个位。

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( 2 ) Numbers of the copies of documents in duplicate 一式两份 in triplicate 一式三份 in quadruplicate 一式四份 in quintuplicate 一式五份 in sextuplicate 一式六份 in septuplicate 一式七份 in octuplicate 一式八份 in nonuplicate 一式九份 in decuplicate 一式十份

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( 3 ) Ways of indicating the amount in Bills of Exchange

There are many ways to express the amount in words, let’s take the amount USD5,008.30 as an example.


② Say U.S Dollars Five Thousand And Eight And 30/100 Only.


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2. Kinds of packages bound with rope externally 外捆麻绳; block covered with poly bag 块装外加塑料袋; each piece wrapped in a poly bag 每件外套一塑

料袋; packed in strong carton 用牢固的纸箱装运; full with rolled on tube 全幅卷筒; press packed in iron hooped bale 机器榨包以铁

皮捆扎 ; with assorted colors sizes 混色混码 ;

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5.1.3 Relevant parties involved(有关各方) 1. Concerning parties in international transactio

ns (国际贸易中的有关当事人) ( 1 ) L/C Parties Concerned and its expressio

ns ( L/C 有关当事及有关表述) ①opener 开证人 ----applicant 开证人(申请开证人) ----principal 开证人(委托开证人) ---- accountee 开证人 ----accreditor 开证人(委托开证人) ---- for account of Messrs 付(某人)帐

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②beneficiary 受益人 ---- in favour of 以(某人)为受益人 ---- in one's favour 以……为受益人 ---- favouring yourselves 以你本人为受益人 ③drawee 付款人(或称受票人,指汇票) ---- to drawn on ( or : upon ) 以(某

人)为付款人 ---- to value on 以(某人)为付款人 ---- to issued on 以(某人)为付款人

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④drawer 出票人 drawee 受票人 ⑤advising bank 通知行 ---- the notifying bank 通知行 ---- advised through…bank 通过……银行通知 ----advised by airmail/cable through…bank 通过

……银行航空信 / 电通知 ⑥opening bank 开证行 ---- issuing bank 开证行 ---- establishing bank 开证行

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⑦negotiation bank 议付行 ---- negotiation bank 议付行 ⑧paying bank 付款行 ⑨reimbursing bank 偿付行 ⑩the confirming bank 保兑行

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2.Other Parties in the business transactions (贸易中其他有关当事人)

payer 付款人 payee 收款人 importer 进口人 exporter 出口人 freight forwarder 货运代理 carrier 承运人

shipper 托运人 consignee 受货人 consignor 发货人 insurer 保险人

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the insured 被保险人 inspector 检验员

remitter 寄款人 remittee 收款人 collecting bank 托收行 remitting bank 汇付

行 principal 委托人 truster 信托人 acceptor 承兑人 trustee 被信托人 endorser 背书人 endorsee 被背书人

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5.1.4 Words for quality quantity , price , Shipment and payment (质量、数量、价格、运输与支付) 1. Words for Quality (质量用语) fair average quality 大路货(良好平均品质); representative sample 代表性样品 counter sample 对等样品; sealed sample 封样; duplicate sample 复样 tolerance 公差; specifications 规格; assortment 花色(搭配);

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2. Words for Quantity (数量用语) weight 重量 actual weight 实际重量 short weight 短重 a short weight of 5 kilos 短重 50 公斤 actual tare 实际皮重 average tare 平均皮重 customary tare 习惯皮重 computed tare 约定皮重 conditioned weight 公量 about Circa, Approximate “ 约”量

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3. Words for Price (价格用语) freight 运费 unit price 单价 total value ( amount ) 总值 landing charges 卸货费 net price 净价 price including commission 含佣价 p

ort dues 港口税

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4. Words for Shipment (装运词语) over-shipment 多装 short-shipment 少装 prompt shipment 即期装运 shipme

nt as soon as possible 尽速装运 late shipment 迟交 prompt delivery 即期交货 to speed up 加速 to effect shipment 交货,装运

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5. Words for Payment (支付用语) dishonour 拒付 deferred payment 延期付款 payment by installment 分期付款 pay

ment on terms 定期付款 payment agreement 支付协定 pay order 支付凭证 payment order 付款通知 payment by banker 银行支付

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5.1.5 Titles of the frequently used documents (常用单证英语名称) 英文名称 中文名称Combined Transport Document

s ( CTD)联合运输单据

Male's Receipt 大副收据Bill Of Lading ( B/L) 提单On Board B/L 已装船提单Received For Shipment B/L 备运提单Direct B/L 直达提单Through B/L 联运提单Straight B/L 记名提单

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Contract 合同

Proforma Invoice 形式发票

Shipper's Letter Of Instructions( Air )


Ready For Despatch Advice 待运通知

Despatch Order 发运单

Despatch Advice 发运通知

Shipping Advice 装船通知

Loading List 装货清单

Insurance Policy 保险单

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5.2 国际商务单证英语应用

5.2.1 CONTRACT (合同) 1 . Brief Introduction on Business Contra

ct 2. Sample of a Contract : (合同样本)

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5.2.2 Methods of payment for international transactions (国际贸易支付方式)

1. Cash in advance 2. Letter of credit 3. Documentary collection 4. Open account or credit

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5.2.3 Trade documentation (贸易单证) 1. Commercial invoice The commercial invoice is an invoice/bill for the

goods from the seller to the buyer. It is a document that gives a complete description of the trade transaction, i.e. invoice number, full listing of the goods, quantities, shipping date, mode of transport, address of the shipper and buyer and the delivery and payment terms. The buyer requires the invoice to certify ownership and to initiate payment. Some governments use the commercial invoice to determine the true value of the goods when assessing customs duties.

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2. Bill of lading ( B/L )

B/Ls are contracts between the owner of the goods ( shipper ) and the transportation company. It is considered to be a receipt for the goods shipped ( given to the seller by the carrier ) , a contract for delivery ( i.e. a contract to deliver the goods as freight to the consignee ) , and, most importantly, a document of title to the goods.

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3. Certificate of origin Some countries ( particularly those subj

ect to lower tariffs and free trade treaties ) may require, for entry purposes, a signed statement certifying the origin of the goods being traded. If the buyer requires this document, he should so stipulate in his letter of credit.

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4. Inspection certificate To add security, some purchasers and

countries may require a certificate of inspection attesting to the specifications of the goods shipped, usually performed by a third party.

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5. Packing list A document that lists and itemizes the me

rchandise contained in each package ( box, crate, drum, carton, or container ) , and indicates the type, number of packages, dimensions, and weight of the container. The packing list is used by customs and transportation companies.

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6. Insurance certificate A document certifying that goods are insured an

d stating the type and amount of insurance coverage provided on the goods being shipped. The insurance document is normally issued in a “negotiable form” which means that the party in whose favour the document has been issued ( usually the seller but it may be the seller’s agent ) must endorse it “in blank”.

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7. Shipper's export declaration The Shipper’s Export Declaration is a form

prepared by a shipper/exporter indicating the value, weight, destination, and other information about an export shipment. It is basically used to collect trade statistics and to control exports.

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8. Phytosanitary ( plant health ) Inspection Certificate

A document certifies that goods have passed inspection ( i.e. free from pests and harmful plant diseases ) and comply with the foreign quarantine import regulation.

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9. Export license A document, issued by a government

agency in the exporting country, gives authorization to export certain commodities to specified countries.

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10. Import License A document, issued by a government

agency in the importing country, gives to import certain commodities.

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5.2.4 Checklist for reviewing a letter of credit (信用证核对清单) Here are some of the details that you are s

uggested to check : 1. Is your company’s name spelled correct

ly and is the address correct? 2. Does the L/C state it is irrevocable? 3. Was it necessary for the LC to be confir

med and, if so, is the confirming bank acceptable?

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4. Is the amount and currency of the L/C correct?

5. Is the tenor of the draft acceptable? 6. Is the merchandise described correctly?

7. Does the Incoterm match your sales co

ntract? 8. Are the transportation details correct? 9. Can the shipping date be met?

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10. Are the insurance instructions clear and correct?

11.Is the expiration date acceptable, and does it expire in the your country?

12. Are the document requirements clear and understandable?

13. Is the L/C requesting any documents that you weren’t expecting? Will this add any additional expense?

14. Does the L/C contain reimbursement instructions?

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15. Are the banking fees being paid by the correct parties?

16. Is the L/C subject to the UCP600?

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5.2.5 The common discrepancies in letters of credit (信用证常见不符点) 1. In relation to time Credit expired ; Late shipment ; Late presentati

on 2. In relation to the documents, in general ( 1 ) Original documents not marked “original”. ( 2 ) Document ( s ) unsigned. ( 3 ) Documents submitted late to the bank.

( Banks will not accept documents presented to them later than 21 days after date of shipment, unless otherwise stipulated ) .

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3. Related to the invoice ( 1 ) Terms of shipping not clear. ( 2 ) Issued for wrong amount, or for an amou

nt greater than the credit value. ( 3 ) Issued with terms of payment and curren

cy not clearly stated. ( 4 ) Not signed/certified/legalized ( when cr

edit calls for signed invoices ) . ( 5 ) Omits the goods description, as detailed

in the credit ( different description ) . ( 6 ) Shipping marks differ from transport doc


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4. Related to the bill of lading ( 1 ) Does not indicate the name of the carrier. ( 2 ) Does not clearly define consignee, shipp

er, or notifying party. ( 3 ) Weights and measurements differ from ot

her documents. ( 4 ) Not signed in accordance with the requir

ements of UCP 500. ( 5 ) B/L claused (“ foul” B/L ) showing d

efective goods or packaging, ( e.g. “rusty”, “leaking drums”, etc. ) .

( 6 ) Goods shipped on deck.

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5. Related to insurance ( 1 ) Certificate presented in lieu of a policy. ( 2 ) Dated after date of shipment ( coverage ef

fective after the transport date ) . ( 3 ) Omission ( on its face ) of risks covered. ( 4 ) Insured value insufficient. ( 5 ) Absence of endorsement. ( 6 ) Certificate issued under an expired policy. ( 7 ) Not issued in negotiable form.

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6. Related to certificates ( 1 ) Incorrectly titled ( 2 ) Content not as called for ( 3 ) Not signed. 7. Telex Advices ( 1 ) Not sent within the time scales laid

down in the credit. ( 2 ) Incomplete or incorrect informatio

n provided.

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8. Miscellaneous documents ( 1 ) Omit to present certificate of origin as required by th

e letter of credit. ( 2 ) Omit to sign ( or seal by a Chamber of Commerc

e ) certificate of origin. ( 3 ) Packing list not conform to the importing country’s r

equirement. 9. Other common discrepancies ( 1 ) Goods shipped by sea instead of by air ( or vice ver

sa ) . ( 2 ) Amount claimed exceeds the credit value. ( 3 ) Partial shipment or transshipment effected when not


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