低低低低低低低 低低低低低 耿耿 2011.4.16

低碳经济科学观 大学城论坛

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低碳经济科学观 大学城论坛. 耿旭 2011.4.16. 首先碳有个环境问题. 威胁生态生命系统正常发展. 极端气候频发率提高. 气候变迁的影响. 环境与粮食. 水与资源. 疾病健康. 然后碳有个能源与经济问题. World Nominal Oil Price Chronology: 1970 - 2007. Million Tonnes Oil Equivalent. 终于成为政治问题. 各国在哥本哈根会议减排承诺. 中国 比 2005 减 40-50% 美国 比 2005 减 17% - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Refiner Acquisition Cost of Imported Crude Oil (IR...








Source: EIA

Iraq Invades Kuwait

Saudi Arabia Abandons Swing Producer Role

9/11 At-tacks

Asian Eco-nomic Crisis

PdVSA Worker's Strikein Venezuela and Iraq War WorriesOPEC Cuts Quotas;

Rising Demand

Hurri-cane Ivan in Gulf of Mex-ico

Hurricanes Dennis, Kat-rina and Rita in Gulf of Mexico

Nigerian Cut-Offs

Rising Demand; Low Spare Capac-ity ; Weak Dollear; Geopolitical Con-cerns


World Nominal Oil Price Chronology: 1970 - 2007

然后碳有个能源与经济问题Million Tonnes Oil Equivalent

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中国 比 2005 减 40-50%美国 比 2005 减 17%欧盟 比 1990 减 20%俄罗斯 比 1990 减 30%日本 比 1990 减 25%澳大利亚 比 2000 减 25%挪威 比 1990 减 40%印度 比 2005 减 20-25%墨西哥 比 2000 减 50%


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应对 北大环能学院就是在这个交叉口上成立的。注: 时间上和概念上

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碳循环:二氧化碳的吸收存储和排放植物吸收 CO2 行光合作用制造碳水化合物转化为能维持生长。 生物体直接或间接以植物为食物在消化呼吸作用过程中排放出 CO2 。当植物体腐败或燃烧时也排放 CO2 , 包括石油,煤炭燃烧。 另外,火山爆发, 温泉, 喷泉,等地热也会排放 CO2.

The combustion of all carbon containing fuels, such as methane (natural gas), petroleum distillates (gasoline, diesel, kerosene, propane), but also of coal and wood, will yield carbon dioxide and, in most cases, water. As an example the chemical reaction between methane and oxygen is given below.

CH4 + 2 O2 → CO2 + 2 H2O

Yeast metabolizes sugar to produce carbon dioxide and ethanol, also known as alcohol, in the production of wines, beers and other spirits, but also in the production of bioethanol:

C6H12O6 → 2 CO2 + 2 C2H5OH (+ 6O2 6H2O + 4CO2)

All aerobic organisms produce CO2 when they oxidize carbohydrates, fatty acids, and proteins in the mitochondria of cells.

碳循环是 生物地质化学循环系统里的碳在生物 , 土地 , 岩石 , 水文 , 及 大气层的交换过程 .


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能源丰富利用率低进入能 大气 反射 云层反射 地面反射 大气辐射 地面辐射

PW =10**15 watt.

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2010年 01月 16 日 07:49:11  来源:新华网综合


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创新时代工业革命化学革命信息时代低碳时代 (?)


知识(思路): 技术(实际):投入(合作)在各种关系上表现出来

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1928 : Scottish scientist and Nobel laureate Alexander Fleming discovered P that was a bread blue mould (it is presumed, penicillium) as a means of treating suppurating wounds was a staple of folk medicine in Europe since the Middle Ages. Charles Thom, an American specialist working at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, was the acknowledged expert, and Fleming referred the matter to him.

1939: Australian scientist Howard Florey (later Baron Florey) and a team of researchers at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford made significant progress in showing the in vivo bactericidal action of penicillin.

1942 : the first patient was treated for streptococcal septicemia with U.S.-made penicillin produced by Merck & Co. Half of the total supply produced at the time was used on that one patient. By June 1942, there was just enough U.S. penicillin available to treat ten patients.

1944 : The discovery of the cantaloupe, and the results of fermentation research on corn steep liquor at the Northern Regional Research Laboratory at Peoria, Illinois, allowed the United States to achieve Large-scale production.

1950s : The chemical structure of penicillin was determined by UK Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin. Penicillin has since become the most widely used antibiotic to date, and is still used for many Gram-positive bacterial infections. Chemist John C. Sheehan at MIT completed the first total synthesis of penicillin and some of its analogs in the early 1950s.


跨时间(三十年):跨空间(三大洲):跨组织(学企政)救命千千万; 赚钱亿亿圆

Merck 锁定目标管理风险模式。 投资前三年量产技术还不存在。

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近世纪电脑信息发展世代 年 核心技术First 1940-50s 真空管 Second 1950-60s 晶体管Third 1960-70s 集成电路Fourth 1970s 微处理器

历时 30年全面市场化

而在 1997年史蒂夫 ·乔布斯( Steve Jobs)重返苹果时,该公司已濒临破产。在乔布斯的带领下的苹果公司,在推出 Mac 、 iPod 、 iPhone和 iPad 等产品后,公司股价一直处于上涨之中, 2010年 5月份超越微软成为全球市值最高的科技公司,按照本周三的收盘价计算,苹果公司市值达到 3063.8亿美元,已超过中国石油的 3027亿美元,成为了全球第二大市值公司。 有超过 5家的分析机构将苹果公司在未来 12 个月内的平均目标股票价格提升了 32% 达到 467 美元,也就是说苹果公司的市值将会达到 4337亿美元并超过埃克森美孚成为全球最具价值的公司。超凡入圣的‘创新技术应用’的‘创新商业模式’

VLSI; GUI; to ‘user friendly’ home computer –Apple II

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In 1952, IBM began working with MIT to finalize the design of an air defense computer. The merger of academic and business engineering cultures proved troublesome, but the two organizations finally hammered out a design by the summer of 1953, and IBM was awarded the contract to build two prototypes in September. In 1954, IBM was named as the primary computer hardware contractor for developing SAGE for the United States Air Force. IBM gained access to pioneering research being done at MIT on the first real-time, digital computer. IBM built fifty-six SAGE computers at the price of US$30 million each, and at the peak of the project devoted more than 7,000 employees (20% of its then workforce about 30,000 ) to the project. SAGE had the largest computer footprint ever, and continued in service until 1984.

IBM 创新商业模式是‘ 与大学合作’技术市场开发模式

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Solar cells, wind turbines and biofuels are poised to become major energy sources. New policies could dramatically accelerate that evolution BY DANIEL M. KAMMEN



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风能• 从 1997年到 2009年,从 146Mw 到 25853Mw增长 200多倍,(图 1)增长率逐年上升(图 2)。 2007年,我国风电发电量为 53.6亿千瓦时,占全国发电总量的 0.16%。








146 200 262 352 406 473 571 769126425885875



中国风能消耗量变化( Mw )

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目前太阳能研究重心主要包括太阳能光伏发电、太阳能光热发电两个主要部分。国际太阳能学会 (ISES) 的统计数据显示,仅 2009年一年,全球光伏发电的装机容量就突破 600万千瓦,全球已并网的光热电站装机容量约 70万千瓦2009年太阳能利用量达到305MW ,占中国能源消耗总量的 1.3% ,比起 2000年的消耗量增加了一倍多 .

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炭捕捉储存Carbon capture and storage (CCS) - also known as 清洁煤炭‘ – 新一代煤发电站 可以捕捉储存CO2 (By Andrew Charlesworth. )

目前 CCS 有 273 项目。 64家的规模 已经达到市场要求。 7家可以从头到尾的操作, 但是还没有 产点 . 扑捉方式: 燃烧前脱碳 pre-combustion;富氧燃烧 Oxy Combustion; 燃烧后扑捉 post-combustion 。

绿色能源中美新能源协议 : 清洁汽车 ;绿色建筑 ; 清洁煤碳技术(北大,加州大学合作)

燃烧后扑捉法例子:排放的废气输入到一个废气冷 装置中,同时清除微粒及硫; 将废气注入巨大容器中,溶剂吸取 CO2;将溶剂注入一个独立罐中加热,释放 CO2 ,扑捉后存储CO2 。 溶剂还原再利用。 (NH4)CO3 + CO2 + H2O 2NH4HCO3

今年天津也设立了一个厂, 投资额 10亿美元。 是个中美合资公司。 ( Alstom Strongwish (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd)

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之前在報紙有看到先勁科技入圍美國新能源大賽的新聞,看了他們的網站之後覺得滿特別的,因為他們不是一般的電動車,”電動車反而會造成更大的汙染”,這個觀念反而衝擊了我。他們的網站裡有說:『現實生活中應用蓄電池,就有如擁有了一只好看 LV包包,有錢包,但裡頭沒有錢,所以你要想辦法努力賺錢,然後政府要到處蓋很多銀行(充電站)讓你方便提錢。當蓄電池滿街跑,同時意謂我們需要買更多的媒、更多的石油來蓋電廠,以提供電動車使用,所以並未真正達到減碳排放的目標,而是花了更多的經費製造更多、更大的工業污染。現行電動車,只是讓政府花大錢鼓勵企業使用或建造節能減碳的設備等… .,工』然後也提到太陽能的問題:『太陽能面板是入不敷出的能源應用,傳統的太陽能面板的光電轉換效率只能達到 25%的效能,世界目前號稱最高效能的太陽能電池轉換率也才到 50%,在此太陽能面板轉換效能普遍偏低。製作一片高良率的太陽能面板,其所耗費的能源成本、耗費的電能,是在太陽能面板保養情況良好、陽光長時間垂直照射下,其所產生的「免費能源」連續使用 20-25年,也都無法再供給製作另一片新的太陽能面板。如此「入不敷出」的設備、要先付昂貴代價所使用的「免費能源」根本就是個大幌子,而這又那裡會是最佳的能源解決方案呢。』

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废电池中的化学物质大多呈固态,只有在电池包壳因机械和化学腐蚀破损后才会通过挥发 化学腐蚀、浸出等方式进入环境。除焚烧过程中金属的挥发较快外,其它情况下电池中的化学物质由电池内部迁移到环境中是一个缓慢的过程。从电池中化学物质释放进入环境,再从释放地经迁移到达被污染介质、动植物体或人体。 废电池对环境和人体健康的危害与其收集处理处置方式有密切关系。针对废电池的各种处理、处置方式可能对于环境引起的污染风险进行研究后表明: (1) 在电池组成中的几种主要金属中,镉和汞是可能引起重金属污染的两种重金属。 (2)填埋过程中,电池中的金属进入渗滤液的量很小,很难从具有天然粘土衬层的填埋场中渗入到环境中。如果填埋过程符合安全标准,其中重金属不会对环境造成大的危害。 (3)焚烧过程中,部分重金属在高温时易挥发,焚烧后部分成为底灰、部分则受热气化挥发而被烟气带走,遇冷空气后凝结成为均匀小粒状物汞、镉和铅更易于富集在飞灰中。 (4) 在废电池回收利用工艺中,如果技术不成熟或落后,仍然会产生严重的环境污染,如目前小型和土法冶炼厂回收铅蓄电池时产生严重的环境污染。据了解,铅酸电池的寿命一般为 2-5年,如此的使用周期必定会产生大量的废弃电池。这些电池若处置不当,极易造成环境污染。


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煤炭化石油Petroleum, or oil, forms from the remains of plants and animals that lived in the ocean between 10 to 160 million years ago. When organisms died and sank to the bottom, they were covered in mud, sand, and other mineral deposits ….

Coal comes from the massive accumulation of dead land-based plant life, mainly trees. This organic matter was deposited in sedimentary basins on land (of continental origin), where the water was shallow for 60 – 300 million years ago.

New technologies can fully utilize bio-material generating energy and derivative products that can be made of fossil fuel. In essence, it is using fossil fuel and coal but shortening the C-cycle time span by 1 to 6 hundred million years.

生物能源的核心挑战技术在于能否把 2-6 亿年的石油碳循环系统压缩到以年,月,日为单位的碳循环的能源利用系统

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蒸气液气化法转化生物质为化学合成油 Steam Hydrogasification Process to Convert Biomass Materials into Synthetic Fuels

SHR – Steam Hydrogasification Reactor, SMR – Steam Methane Reformer

GTL – Liquid Fuel Production. Ex. Fischer-Tropsch Reactor



UCR Joseph Norbeck


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Cesar Torres and Bruce Rittman (ASU)

电子微生物学 Electromicrobiology

Yuri Gorby,J. Craig Venter Institute, San Diego, CA

Sewage sludge utilization

The study of components and fundamental processes of extracellular electron transfer in microbial systems


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非发酵途径合成生物油法Non-fermentative pathway for synthesis of higher alcohols as biofuel

James Liao Lab, UCLA


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algae biofuels

Venice to use algae for 50% of its electricity within 2 years


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You really can drive across country on algae and a 700-pound battery pack, or so proved the crew behind the documentary Fuel . Embarking on September 8 and pulling into New York City today, just in time for the film's premiere, the Algaeus covered 3,750 miles."It got 147 miles-per-gallon in the city," says Fuel director Josh Tickell of the converted to plug-in Prius hybrid that he drove on a mix of battery power and algae fuel blended with conventional gasoline. The Algae us did less well on the highway: 52 mpg, because of the lack of regenerative braking that recharges the battery, among other


CLEARED FOR TAKEOFF?: The U.S. Navy has ordered more than 60,000 gallons of alternative fuels derived from weeds and algae--and hopes to power planes and ships with them in the near future.


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现在技术已经可以用植物完全取代石油制造塑料产品。 但是生产过程是耗能的,而且该朔料在生物降解过程中会排放 CO 2 或甲烷。

Scientific American August 2000

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微藻生物柴油 (BPM) 年产量 30-60 吨 / 公顷 中国水域面积 5 亿公顷

中国一年能消耗量 (TECC) in2007 30 亿吨 标准煤 中国水域 BPM 总产量 150-300 亿吨 coal equivalent (tce);

6-10 倍 2007 年的消耗量微藻在沿海地带,河流,湖泊产量 8-15 亿 tce;

29-58% 2007 年的消耗量 BPM 在 30% 盐碱地 100% TECC in 2007

微藻类在烧煤炭塔 60 ×104 kw可 扑捉 CO2 量

200×104 t; 75 % of total CO2 emission in the plant

中国微藻能源及扑捉 CO2潜力

Biodiesel production of microalgae (BPM)张清涛计算

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生物能源 Biomass leads in renewable energy 2010

By Anna Austinhttp://www.biomassmagazine.com/article.jsp?article_id=3809Posted June 4, 2010, at 10:23 a.m. CST

Audit, tax and advisory firm KPMG has released its annual review of merger and acquisition activity within the renewable energy industry, results of which indicate that biomass is now the most attractive sector to potential investors and corporations this year, rising above both wind and solar.

Based on a survey of more than 250 senior executives active in the renewable energy industry worldwide. Looking at which renewable energy industry sectors are most attractive, 37 percent of respondents chose biomass, compared with solar (36 percent) and onshore wind (35 percent).

The report recognizes that while wind is still recording significant deal activity, research shows that dealmakers, particularly large companies such as the utilities, are looking for the next global trend and biomass appears to be positioned as one of the most active sectors. Andy Cox, energy partner at KPMG in the U.K., said biomass looks set to be the “new wind.”

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中国纤维素乙醇产业化进入快车道Posted May 27, 2010, at 8:53 a.m. CST

Novoenzymes + COFCO + Sinopec commercialization of cellulosic biofuel in China.

The new plant comes on line in the third quarter of 2011 and will produce 3 MMgy of bioethanol made from corn stover. In February, Novozymes launched new Cellic CTec2, an enzyme product enabling the biofuel industry to produce cellulosic ethanol at a price competitive with gasoline and conventional ethanol.

China has an adequate supply of biomass, and agricultural residues alone exceed 700 million metric tons (772 million tons) annually. By converting agricultural residues into fuel ethanol, China can reduce its gasoline consumption by 31 million tons in 2020, thereby reducing its dependence on imported petroleum by 10 percent and abating 90 million tons of CO2 emissions. By doing so, this industry will create 6 million direct jobs, resulting in an RMB 32 billion (Chinese currency)—around $4.7 billion—income increase annually.


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概念一: 生物质是太阳能储存器;概念二: 生物能可以以液体固体或气体多形式储存方式,便于储存,运输,利用;概念三: 生物质的能源储存和释放的碳循环是短期行为,不造成大气中 CO2 的累积,因此是‘碳中性’或‘零碳排’的能源。

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1. 含碳比数少或不含碳的能源?大部分低碳说法,都是指的能源里的含碳数。 比方说风能,太阳能等不含碳,酒精含碳比例低于石油,所以这些都属于低碳能源,而石油是高碳能源。这个定义是‘质’的定义,低碳能源与高碳能源是截然不同的品种。2. 是不排放碳或是不增加大气碳含量的能源?我认为, 低碳或高碳是应该从大气的角度来分辨。如果最终排放到大气的碳是不增加大气的原有平衡状态的碳含量就是低碳。这个分发就不谨是个品种问题,也是个技术问题。是个质加技术的问题。 比方说,清洁碳技术,碳扑捉存储等技术可以让煤炭使用过程不排放 CO2 到大气中。这套技术的应用使得煤炭对大气的影响减少或消失。如果技术成熟,煤炭在这种技术应用下就合乎‘低碳能源’的意义,因为没有碳排放的问题。当然煤炭和石油还有其他问题,那就是‘有限资源’。但是那是另一个问题,不是低碳高碳问题。

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在汽车业界率先使用零排放这个词的是,在美国环境法规制定最严格的加利福尼亚州在 1990年颁布实施的“ ZEV( zero-emission vehicle=无公害车)法”。 ZEV法规定加利福尼亚州的汽车制造商必须生产一定比例的 ZEV( 1998年为2% , 2003年为 10%)。为此, GM 将电动汽车“ EV1”商品化,这是该法规颁布后首批符合规定上市的车型。现在零排放的想法不仅是单纯的抑制排放,也有充分利用资源以及促进循环再利用的意思。


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企业投入新能源的时机是否成熟?从历史的时间表看 30年好像是个关键时间。化学( 20 到 50 年代),信息( 40 到 70 年代)的企业大批企业投入是在技术研发了大约30年的时候。 新能源从 80年到现在也有 30年了。



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低碳是过程时上半场, 零立方是目的,是最终目标。

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到 2020年 , 整个加州所有建筑都要采用最先进的综合管理技术和节能产品,将可减少 60-80% 照明用电量,并将彻底改变美国加州的照明市场。

美国加州照明战略计划书 Strategic Lighting Plan

美国照明消耗 40% 能源, 71% 的电。

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Zero Net Energy Buildings (2020)

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混合垃圾 有机垃圾(餐厨、园林)可回收垃圾 (塑料、纸板、金属)










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The nanowires this deep-sea bacterium grows to search for food can carry electrons too, making it a candidate for applications in biotechnology.

Microbial Fuel Cells convert bacteria to electricity

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远东环生方舟( FE EcoARK),它是由超过 152万支回收的废弃宝特瓶所盖成,不但质轻而坚固,而且通过了地震及台风的测试,是全球第一栋由宝特瓶 PET所搭建的绿建筑。运用了传统「金土水火土」五行的多媒体装置,以及强调「视听嗅触味」五感体验的互动装置,诠释远东集团对于「未来低碳新生活」的蓝图 . 所有用水都是用雨水加上循环净水技术可以达到零废水功能。


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Masdar 是正在建设的全球首家环保城 ,占地 6 平方公里,将建在阿布扎比的中心。其地处沙漠,充分利用当地的太阳能资源,发展太阳能光伏电厂以及太阳能海水淡化技术等。此外, Masdar同时利用风能、氢能等可再生能源打造低碳城市 ,实现自给自足 . Masdar城内无汽车通行,鼓励步行和自行车 预计每日全城电力仅需 200百万瓦,为现有同等规模城市的 1/4 。预计全城每日仅需8000吨的饮用水,为现有同等规模城市的 2/5 。

零碳城 : Masdar

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Z3 前海:绿色零立方

零水耗零能耗(零排放) 零水耗



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日本地震海啸的震惊经济 - 短期与长期风险环能 – 与自然合作的能源

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环境 + 能源 + 经济日本是大核民族中国是盐慌子孙


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A 30-foot (9-meter) tsunami wave following the March 11 earthquake destroyed the village of Minamisanriku, where up to 10,000 people—60 percent of its population—are now missing, according to the Telegraph.

in 2002 and After 2011 Tsunami

the whole town being pushed into a valley by rising waters, according to the Telegraph.

The term "meltdown" raises associations with two nuclear accidents in living memory: Three Mile Island in the US in 1979, and Chernobyl in Ukraine in 1986.

Japan's worst previous earthquake was of 8.3 magnitude and killed 143,000 people in Kanto in 1923. A magnitude 7.2 quake in Kobe killed 6,400 people in 1995

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Aerial view Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko

Estimated costs about USD 300 bm VOA News April 10, 2011

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低碳经济科学观概念一: 凡是可能发生的事,一定会发生;概念二: 人类的发展必须附和自然规律,不然就是‘不可持续发展’;概念三: 自然生态的运行是有序的,逻辑的,是知识性的。生态机理, 是解决环境能源问题基本原理。概念四: 经济是人类行为的产物,是一个行为的指标,有生物的特征。 对经济的了解是要对人行为的了解。企业家需要有对行为学, 生态学有所了解,才能培养出长期投资的系统远见。概念五: 低碳时代是个尊重自然的文明时代;概念六: 新能源开发是更有效的利用自然规律来解决环能问题;概念七: 低碳企业的品牌是环保使命和胸怀。

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April 21, 22-24; 本月 21号, 22-24 号, 大学城图书馆