课课课课课课课课M odule 4 Unit 3

课标人教实验版 高一 Module 4 Unit 3. Listening Listening on P23 1. Which is best title for this story? A. John and the jam B. How to make jam C. The chickens

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课标人教实验版高一 Module 4

Unit 3


Listening on P23

1. Which is best title for this story?

A. John and the jam

B. How to make jam

C. The chickens and the jam

D. The chickens were drunk

2. Why was Mary Smith frustrated?

A. Her chickens were ill.

B. John threw away her jam.

C. John stayed away five days.

D. The pan was broken.

3. What turned the jam into wine?

A. The cold weather.

B. The hot weather.

C. The chickens.

D. John.

1. Did you find this story funny? Why?

Yes. It is funny. Because we often

find people drunk, never find chickens

will be drunk.

Answer the following questions:

2. What do you think of John’s behavior?

His behavior showed that he had

wanted to do a good deed for his wife, but

because of his carelessness, he at last made

his chickens drunk, which made himself

embarrassed and his wife confused.

Listening text

Mary Smith looked at her basket of

fruit. They were beautiful, ripe plums.

There were far too many to eat but they

would make lovely jam. She looked for

her cookbook and began to take the

stones out of the fruit. When she had

finished the cooking, she filled all her

empty jam jars and left the rest of the ja

m in the pan. Then she began to make th

e lunch.

Five days later her husband, John, ca

me home from a visit to his parents. He

had been travelling a whole day and felt

like having a drink and a cake. As

he came into the kitchen he saw a pan

with what looked like dark red porridge

in it. What was it? As he picked it up he

smelled it and it seemed to him that it

was bad. Mary must have forgotten it.

The food she had left in the pan would

attract insects! He took the pan and

poured all the jam into the chicken

yard and cleaned it. Then, feeling

comfortable, he began to eat a piece of


Later when Mary came home she

noticed the chickens were behaving very

strangely. They were running around

their yard as if they were sick. What was

the matter? She went closer to find out.

She saw the dark red porridge on the

ground and several chickens asleep

beside it. As she looked closer at the food

she saw a plum stone. She stood up

quickly and went straight to the kitchen.

Her husband was sitting at the table and

the pan was hanging, clean and empty,

on the wall. Mary rushed at her

husband and pulled him hard. “What’s

the matter?” he asked. “It’s good thing

I threw away that porridge.” “But that

was my jam!” cried Mary. When they

went into the yard, they realized that

the hot weather had turned the jam into

wine and the chickens were drunk!

“Oh,” Mary cried out, “I forgot to put

the jam in the fridge. Now what shall we

do with the drunken chickens? Does

anyone know what to do with drunken


Listening on P55

1. Where did Peter get the potatoes?

Peter was given the potatoes by a friend.

2. Why didn’t Peter want to get up when

the thief was in his house?

He thought the thief might have a knife

and he did not want to make him angry.

3. Why couldn’t the thief take away the


He did not have a bag to carry the po

tatoes in.

4. How did Peter stop the man stealing t

he potatoes ? He removed the shirt that the thief ha

d planned to put the potatoes in.

5. Why was the thief angry?

He thought the husband had stolen his

shirt so he could no longer steal the


Listening text

Long ago, there lived a poor couple,

Peter and his wife. They had no money

to buy food and lived a very hard life.

One day they were given some potatoes

by a friend and put them on the floor.

When evening came, they went to bed.

At midnight, a thief stole into their

house. It was very dark. The wife

heard a noise and shouted: “Peter,

Peter. Wake up. There is a thief in

our house.”

Peter was a clever man. Thinking

that the thief might have a knife, he

did not want to make the thief angry.

He just wanted the thief to go away

with whatever he wanted. So he said,

“Be quiet. There is no thief. Go back

to sleep.” So his wife went back to


The thief found the potatoes on the

floor, but he could not carry them

because there was no bag to hold

them. He took off his shirt and spread

it on the floor. He wanted to pour the

potatoes onto his shirt, but just when

he turned back to get them, Peter

quietly took away his shirt and hid it

under the bed. The thief did not know

his shirt was gone. He put the

potatoes on what he thought was his

“shirt”. But when he tried to pick it

up he could not do so.

Just then Peter’s wife woke up and

shouted again, “Peter, Peter! Wake up.

There is a thief in our house.” Peter

became very angry. He shouted, “Be

quiet, please. There is no thief in our

house. Listen, if I say there is no thief,

then there is no thief.”

When he heard this, the thief

became very angry and shouted, “Who

said there is no thief? If there is no

thief in this house, then who has taken

my shirt?”

Listening task on P58 Listening task on P58 Choose the best picture that best

describes what happened.


Sample description:

1. The teacher sees some boys looking at a


2. The dog is thin and he feels sorry for it.

3. He asks what they intend to do with it.

4. He finds they all want to look after it

but only the person who tells the biggest

lie can have it as a pet.

5. The teacher is angry and lectures the

boys about telling lies and how honest he

was at their age.

6. The boys decide to give him the dog.

Choose the best answer to each question.

1. Why did the children decide to give the dog to the teacher?

A. Because none of them wanted to keep the dog. B. Because their teacher liked it. C. Because they could not decide which of them should own it. D. Because they thought the teacher had told them a lie.

2. What do you think of the children?

A. They all like dogs.

B. They all respect their teachers.

C. They all work hard at their lessons.

D. They are honest and lovely.

Answer the question.

How do you think the teacher felt

when he was offered the dog?

I think the teacher felt

embarrassed when he was offered the

dog because he did not want it and

had not expected to be offered it.


Discuss how you would solve

these problems and help the


Help the teacher Advice

to refuse to take the dog politely

Suggesting to the boys that you would love the dog but that it is impossible for you to take it for walks as you have so much work to do. Offer it back to them as you can now see how well they would care for it.

Help the teacher


to decide which boy should have the dog

Suggesting that the boys explain to you how they would care for the dog. Note where they would keep it, what they would feed it on, how often they would take it for walks, whether their parents are happy to have a new dog. Then choose accordingly.

Listening text

One day a teacher was walking along

the road. It was a lovely sunny day. The

sky was blue and the birds were singing

in the trees. The teacher felt very happy

until he saw five boys aged about 15

standing round an animal. As he went

up to them, he saw that the animal

was a thin and hungry dog. It looked

very frightened and the teacher felt

very sorry for it. So he asked the boys

what they were going to do with the


“Oh,” said one of the boys. “We were

just deciding who should take the dog

home and look after it. We all want to

look after the dog but only one of us

can have it as a pet.” The teacher

asked how they were going to choose

the owner of the dog. “Well,” said the

same boy, “We’ve decided that the one

who told the biggest lie should have

him.” At this the teacher became very

angry. He started to explain to the boys

about truth and honesty. He continued

for ten minutes while the boys listened

carefully .Then he ended by saying,

“And I never told a lie when I was your

age.” When he finished there was a long

silence. The boys looked at the teacher

and they seemed to agree with what he

had said. The teacher felt happy that

his words had impressed the boys.

Then the same boy spoke again. “After

what we heard, I think you should have

the dog!”


Please collect as many funny stories as

you can. They will be useful in the next

period. And try to find some interesting

words in these stories.