1 ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ - ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑ ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΗΣ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑΣ ΝΟΜΑΡΧΙΑ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ - ΔΗΜΟΣ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑΣ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΩΝ Πρόγραμμα Κοινοτικής Πρωτοβουλίας INTERREG III ΕΛΛΑΔΑ ΠΡΩΗΝ ΓΙΟΥΓΚΟΣΛΑΒΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑΣ ΜΕΤΡΟ 3.4. «ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΕΡΕΥΝΗΤΙΚΩΝ ΙΔΡΥΜΑΤΩΝ» Κατηγορία πράξεων : «Ανάπτυξη Κοινών Εκπαιδευτικών Δραστηριοτήτων». ΕΡΓΟ: «ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΜΕΤΑΠΤΥΧΙΑΚΩΝ ΣΠΟΥΔΩΝ ΣΤΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΑΚΑ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΡΩΗΝ ΓΙΟΥΓΚΟΣΛΑΒΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑΣ: ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗ ΚΟΙΝΩΝ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΩΝ ΔΡΑΣΤΗΡΙΟΤΗΤΩΝ ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΑ ΤΕΧΝΟΓΝΩΣΙΑΣ» ΔΡΑΣΗ 1 η : Έρευνα της αγοράς σε σχέση με την προσφορά ενός Μεταπτυχιακού Διπλώματος Εξειδίκευσης στα Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα (MIS) που να καλύπτει κυρίως τις ανάγκες των Ελλήνων φοιτητών και φοιτητών από την Πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας Τίτλος Παραδοτέου: Αποτελέσματα έρευνας αγοράς Θεσσαλονίκη – 2006

ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑ ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΗΣ ...islab.uom.gr/interregIIIMIS/images/deliv/IntIIIMIS_1... · 2010-09-13 · ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ

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Page 1: ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑ ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΗΣ ...islab.uom.gr/interregIIIMIS/images/deliv/IntIIIMIS_1... · 2010-09-13 · ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ





ΜΕΤΡΟ 3.4. «ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΕΡΕΥΝΗΤΙΚΩΝ ΙΔΡΥΜΑΤΩΝ» Κατηγορία πράξεων : «Ανάπτυξη Κοινών Εκπαιδευτικών Δραστηριοτήτων».


ΔΡΑΣΗ 1η :

Έρευνα της αγοράς σε σχέση με την προσφορά ενός Μεταπτυχιακού

Διπλώματος Εξειδίκευσης στα Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα (MIS) που να

καλύπτει κυρίως τις ανάγκες των Ελλήνων φοιτητών και φοιτητών από την

Πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας

Τίτλος Παραδοτέου:

Αποτελέσματα έρευνας αγοράς

Θεσσαλονίκη – 2006

Page 2: ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑ ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΗΣ ...islab.uom.gr/interregIIIMIS/images/deliv/IntIIIMIS_1... · 2010-09-13 · ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ



ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ..................................................................................................... 4

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... 4

1. ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ.................................................................................................. 5

2. ΜΕΘΟΔΟΛΟΓΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΡΕΥΝΑΣ............................................................... 7


3.1 Ευρώπη...................................................................................................................................... 8 Δεξιότητες- Προσόντα .................................................................................................................. 8 Εργατικό δυναμικό ΙΤ ................................................................................................................. 11 Η αγορά εργασίας ICT στην Ευρώπη .......................................................................................... 13 Η εκπαίδευση και το επίπεδο δεξιοτήτων .................................................................................... 18 Οι γυναίκες στην αγορά εργασίας ICT ........................................................................................ 22 Προβλέψεις ................................................................................................................................ 23

3.2 Βαλκάνια ................................................................................................................................. 25 eSEEurope.................................................................................................................................. 25 Υπάρχουσα κατάσταση του τομέα ICT στα Βαλκάνια ................................................................. 27 Βιομηχανία ICT .......................................................................................................................... 28 Δεξιότητες ICT ........................................................................................................................... 29 Προοπτικές περαιτέρω ανάπτυξης ............................................................................................... 31

3.3 Ελλάδα ..................................................................................................................................... 34 Κατάσταση του ICT τομέα στην Ελλάδα ..................................................................................... 34 Προσφορά- Χάσμα Δεξιοτήτων .................................................................................................. 38 Ευκαιρίες Ανάπτυξης στο Ελληνικό Περιβάλλον ........................................................................ 38 Εμπόδια Ανάπτυξης στο Ελληνικό Περιβάλλον........................................................................... 40

3.4 F.Y.R.O.M. .............................................................................................................................. 44 Εθνική πολιτική .......................................................................................................................... 44 Η Αγορά ICT στη F.Y.R.O.M. .................................................................................................... 46

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ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ ................................................................................................ 49

4.1 Πρότυπα προγράμματα ........................................................................................................... 49 Πρότυπο MSIS 2006................................................................................................................... 49 4.2.1 Δομή των προγραμμάτων ................................................................................................... 55 4.2.2 Μαθήματα ........................................................................................................................ 56 4.2.3 Το μεταπτυχιακό πρόγραμμα MISM του πανεπιστημίου Carnegie Mellon.......................... 59

4.3 Μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα στα Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα στην Ελλάδα. ....................... 70

4.4 Μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα στα Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα στη FYROM ........................ 76

5. ΣΥΜΠΕΡΑΣΜΑΤΑ ................................................................................... 77

ΑΝΑΦΟΡΕΣ ................................................................................................. 80

ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ Ι: ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΕΣ ΜΑΘΗΜΑΤΩΝ .......................................... 81

ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ ΙΙ: ΚΑΤΑΛΟΓΟΣ ΜΕΤΑΠΤΥΧΙΑΚΩΝ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΩΝ ΠΟΥ ΚΑΤΑΓΡΑΦΗΚΑΝ .............................................................................. 91


ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ .............................................................................................. 107

Page 4: ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑ ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΗΣ ...islab.uom.gr/interregIIIMIS/images/deliv/IntIIIMIS_1... · 2010-09-13 · ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ



Με την παρούσα μελέτη παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας αγοράς

σε σχέση με την προσφορά ενός Μεταπτυχιακού Διπλώματος Εξειδίκευσης στα

Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα (MIS) που να καλύπτει κυρίως τις ανάγκες των Ελλήνων

φοιτητών και φοιτητών από την Πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία της

Μακεδονίας. Στα πλαίσια της έρευνας καταγράφηκαν οι ανάγκες της αγοράς, τόσο

σε ευρωπαϊκό όσο και σε τοπικό επίπεδο, σε στελέχη Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορίας &

Επικοινωνιών (ICT), τα απαιτούμενα προσόντα και δεξιότητες καθώς και οι

μελλοντικές δυνατότητες και περιορισμοί. Επίσης επιλέχθηκε ένα σύνολο

μεταπτυχιακών προγραμμάτων και μελετήθηκε τόσο η δομή τους όσο και τα

προσφερόμενα μαθήματα. Σε εθνικό επίπεδο, έγινε καταγραφή των μεταπτυχιακών

προγραμμάτων στον τομέα της πληροφορικής που λειτουργούν στην Ελλάδα και

στη FYROM.


The aim of this study is to present the results of the market research regarding

the offer of a Master of Science in Information Systems, which will mostly

correspond to the needs of the Greek students and the students of the Former

Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia. During this research, there have been noted the

market needs, in a European as well as in local level, in stuff for Information

Techonologies and Communications (ICT), also the required qualifications and skills,

as well as the future possibilities and limitations. A set of postgraduate programmes

has also been chosen and the structure as well as the offered courses has been

studied. In a national level, the postgraduate programmes in the field of information

science which function in Greece and FYROM have been also noted.

Page 5: ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑ ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΗΣ ...islab.uom.gr/interregIIIMIS/images/deliv/IntIIIMIS_1... · 2010-09-13 · ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ


1. Εισαγωγή

Η παρούσα μελέτη αποτελεί το παραδοτέο της 1ης δράσης με τίτλο «Έρευνα

της αγοράς σε σχέση με την προσφορά ενός Μεταπτυχιακού Διπλώματος

Εξειδίκευσης στα Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα (MIS) που να καλύπτει κυρίως τις

ανάγκες των Ελλήνων φοιτητών και φοιτητών από την Πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική

Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας» στα πλαίσια του έργου «Πρόγραμμα μεταπτυχιακών

σπουδών στα πληροφοριακά συστήματα για την Πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία

της Μακεδονίας: Ανάπτυξη κοινών εκπαιδευτικών δραστηριοτήτων – μεταφορά

τεχνογνωσίας». Το έργο υλοποιείται στα πλαίσια της κοινοτικής πρωτοβουλίας

«Interreg III: Ελλάδα - Πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας» και

ειδικότερα στην κατηγορία πράξεων «Ανάπτυξη κοινών Εκπαιδευτικών

Δραστηριοτήτων» του μέτρου 3.4 με τίτλο « Συνεργασία εκπαιδευτικών και

ερευνητικών ιδρυμάτων».

Κεντρική ιδέα του έργου είναι η ανάπτυξη δομών συνεργασίας μεταξύ του

Πανεπιστημίου Μακεδονίας και του εκπαιδευτικού ιδρύματος της Πρώην

Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας στο πλαίσιο ενός κοινά αποδεκτού

Μεταπτυχιακού Προγράμματος Σπουδών στο επιστημονικό πεδίο των

πληροφοριακών συστημάτων. Συγκεκριμένα, προβλέπεται η δημιουργία δικτύου

επικοινωνίας με την υποστήριξη των δύο εκπαιδευτικών ιδρυμάτων, ενός δικτύου

γνώσης και διάχυσης της πληροφόρησης και ανταλλαγής πληροφοριών μεταξύ των

όμορων χωρών, με σκοπό τη μεταφορά τεχνογνωσίας σε θέματα οργάνωσης και

λειτουργίας κοινών προγραμμάτων σπουδών. Συγκεκριμένα η παρούσα πρόταση

αποσκοπεί στη δημιουργία και λειτουργία δικτύου συνεργασίας μεταξύ του

Πανεπιστημίου Μακεδονίας και του Πανεπιστημίου St.Clement of Ohrid, με στόχο τη

μεταφορά τεχνογνωσίας για την οργάνωση και λειτουργία ενός Μεταπτυχιακού

Προγράμματος Σπουδών στα Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα. Τα αποτελέσματα από μία

τέτοια ενέργεια θα είναι πολλαπλασιαστικά και θα μπορέσουν να χρησιμοποιηθούν

στην οργάνωση και άλλων μεταπτυχιακών προγραμμάτων σε διαφορετικές

επιστημονικές περιοχές

Στόχος της πρώτης δράσης είναι αφενός η διερεύνηση της παρούσας

κατάστασης στους τομείς εφαρμογής του έργου. Οι ανάγκες της αγοράς εργασίας

εντοπίζονται, σύμφωνα με τα σύγχρονα δεδομένα, στη βελτίωση των προσόντων

των εργαζομένων, με την απόκτηση εξειδικευμένης τεχνογνωσίας από μέρους τους,

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η οποία θα επέλθει όχι μόνο από θεωρητική εκπαίδευση, αλλά και από πρακτική

εξάσκηση σε σύγχρονα θέματα. Η έλλειψη εξειδικευμένου προσωπικού στις

γειτονικές χώρες, που διαφαίνεται από την συνεχώς αυξανόμενη ζήτηση στελεχών

Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων από μέρους Ελληνικών επιχειρήσεων που

δραστηριοποιούνται στην ΠΓΔΜ σε συνδυασμό με τη μεταβολή του καταναλωτικού

μοντέλου και των συνθηκών οικονομίας τους, καθιστά επιτακτική την ανάγκη

εκπαίδευσης των φοιτητών, οι οποίο θα αποτελέσουν το ανθρώπινο δυναμικό που

θα στελεχώσει το κοινωνικοοικονομικό πλαίσιο στήριξης των Βαλκανικών χωρών. Για

το λόγο αυτό, κρίνεται αναγκαία η επαφή και η εκπαίδευσή τους σε θέματα νέων

τεχνολογιών. Θα πρέπει επιπλέον να ληφθεί υπόψη το γεγονός ότι η μετακίνηση και

διαμονή στελεχών επιχειρήσεων ή επιστημόνων από τις χώρες αυτές στην Ελλάδα

για την κατάρτισή τους, είναι δύσκολη έως και αδύνατη και όταν επιτυγχάνεται,

αφορά μικρό αριθμό συμμετεχόντων, χωρίς ιδιαίτερα πολλαπλασιαστικά


Στο πρώτο μέρος της παρούσας μελέτης γίνεται καταγραφή και ανάλυση της

κατάστασης της αγοράς στελεχών Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορίας & Επικοινωνιών (ΤΠΕ)

καταρχήν σε ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο και στη συνέχεια για την περιοχή των Βαλκανίων με

ειδικότερη αναφορά στην Ελλάδα και τη FYROM. Εξετάζονται ποσοτικά και ποιοτικά

χαρακτηριστικά της αγοράς, αναλύονται τα προσόντα και οι δεξιότητες που

απαιτούνται από τα στελέχη και αναφέρονται οι μελλοντικές προοπτικές και

περιορισμοί στον συγκεκριμένο τομέα.

Στο δεύτερο μέρος παρουσιάζονται ορισμένα πρότυπα προγράμματα σπουδών

και καταγράφεται ένα σύνολο μεταπτυχιακών προγραμμάτων. Για το σύνολο αυτό

αναλύεται η δομή των προγραμμάτων και ομαδοποιούνται τα προσφερόμενα

μαθήματα. Ως μελέτη περίπτωσης, γίνεται αναλυτική αναφορά στο μεταπτυχιακό

πρόγραμμα σπουδών στη Διοίκηση Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων του πανεπιστημίου

Carnegie Mellon. Επίσης αναφέρονται τα μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα που

λειτουργούν στην Ελλάδα και στη FYROM.

Στο τελευταίο μέρος της μελέτης παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας

ενώ στο παράρτημα επισυνάπτεται κατάλογος με τα πιο δημοφιλή μαθήματα καθώς

και οι περιγραφές αυτών, κατάλογος με τα καταγεγραμμένα προγράμματα και

σύντομη περιγραφή τους καθώς και κατάλογος με την αναλυτική περιγραφή 15

μεταπτυχιακών προγραμμάτων.

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2. Μεθοδολογία της έρευνας

Η ανάλυση της αγοράς εργασίας στελεχών Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορίας &

Επικοινωνιών έγινε με αναζήτηση και μελέτη σχετικών ερευνών που διεξήχθησαν

κυρίως από διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένους οργανισμούς. Επίσης αξιολογήθηκαν

ανακοινώσεις και αγγελίες προσφοράς και ζήτησης εργασίας.

Για τον καθορισμό του συνόλου των μεταπτυχιακών προγραμμάτων που

καταγράφηκαν προηγήθηκε καταγραφή και συνοπτική αξιολόγηση των υφιστάμενων

προγραμμάτων παγκοσμίως. Ως κριτήρια επιλογής θεωρήθηκαν η σχετικότητα με το

προτεινόμενο πρόγραμμα, η φήμη του πανεπιστημίου, οι τυχόν ιδιαιτερότητες και


Για την εξεύρεση των δημοφιλέστερων προγραμμάτων χρησιμοποιηθήκαν

διάφορες κατατάξεις που έχουν δημοσιευθεί σε περιοδικά οι και σε άρθρα


Η αναζήτηση των προγραμμάτων έγινε μέσω του διαδικτύου και η καταχώρηση των

δεδομένων έγινε σε σχεσιακή βάση δεδομένων έτσι ώστε να είναι δυνατή η εξαγωγή

ποσοτικών δεικτών, στατιστικών μεγεθών και άλλων πληροφοριών.

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3. Η αγορά εργασίας στελεχών Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορίας

& Επικοινωνιών και απαιτούμενες δεξιότητες

3.1 Ευρώπη

Οι σύγχρονες επιχειρήσεις βρίσκονται ολοένα και περισσότερο αντιμέτωπες με

προκλήσεις που δεν υπήρχαν στις προηγούμενες δύο δεκαετίες. Τόσο η

παγκοσμιοποίηση, όσο και ο αυξανόμενος ανταγωνισμός έχουν οδηγήσει τις χώρες

της Ευρώπης στην προώθηση μίας φιλόδοξης στρατηγικής, πού έχει ως σκοπό να

κάνει την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση την πιο ανταγωνιστική και δυναμική οικονομία στον

κόσμο, ικανή να επιτύχει μία συνεχή, βιώσιμη οικονομική ανάπτυξη με περισσότερες

και καλύτερες θέσεις εργασίας, αλλά και μεγαλύτερη κοινωνική συνοχή.

Ένας από τους βασικούς παράγοντες για την εφαρμογή αυτής της στρατηγικής

θεωρείται η χρήση Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορίας & Επικοινωνιών (Information and

Communication Technology). Η χρήση Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορίας & Επικοινωνιών

(ICT) βοηθά τις επιχειρήσεις όχι μόνο στην συγκριτική υπεροχή τους, αλλά συχνά

συνεισφέρει και στην ίδια την επιβίωση τους, καθώς θεωρείται ότι έχει έντονη

επίδραση στο σύγχρονο επιχειρησιακό περιβάλλον. Κατά συνέπεια, σχεδόν όλοι οι

οργανισμοί, είτε ιδιωτικοί, είτε δημόσιοι, στον πρωτογενή, δευτερογενή ή τριτογενή

τομέα χρησιμοποιούν τις διάφορες μορφές των ICT για να υποστηρίξουν

αποτελεσματικά τις διαδικασίες τους.

Η εκθετική τάση της τεχνολογικής ανάπτυξης μαζί με την αυξανόμενη

αλληλεξάρτηση μεταξύ της στρατηγικής, των κανονισμών, των διαδικασιών των

επιχειρήσεων, αφ' ενός, και του λογισμικού των Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων, των

δεδομένων και των τηλεπικοινωνιών αφ' ετέρου προδίδουν το γεγονός ότι τόσο ο

ρόλος, όσο και η σημασία των ICT δεν παραμένουν σταθεροί. Αν και η οργανωτική

δομή και το μοντέλο λειτουργίας των επιχειρήσεων είναι ιδιαίτερα μεταβλητά και

απαιτούν τακτικές αναθεωρήσεις, υπάρχει μία αισθητά σαφής τάση ανόδου του

τομέα των ICT προς υψηλότερα οργανωτικά επίπεδα.

Δεξιότητες- Προσόντα

Δεδομένου ότι οι δεξιότητες είναι μία έννοια η οποία δε μπορεί να οριστεί και να

μετρηθεί εύκολα, ένας αποτελεσματικός τρόπος για να έχουμε μία πιο περιγραφική

εικόνα των δεξιοτήτων, είναι η χρήση των παραγόντων οι οποίοι συνεισφέρουν στη

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δημιουργία των δεξιοτήτων, όπως η βασική εκπαίδευση, η επαγγελματική εμπειρία,

η κατάρτιση, τα φυσικά προσόντα και άλλα.

Εικόνα 1: Τρόποι απόκτησης δεξιοτήτων

Η ταξινόμηση των δεξιοτήτων θα μπορούσε να γίνει στις παρακάτω γενικές


(α) συμπεριφορικές και προσωπικές δεξιότητες: ευελιξία, αυτοδιδασκαλία, κίνητρο

και δέσμευση, αντοχή σε πίεση και συγκίνηση, ευθύνη, διαχείριση κίνδυνου,

δυνατότητα λήψης αποφάσεων, διαπραγμάτευση, πρωτοβουλία, προτροπή,

επαγγελματική στάση (επιχειρηματικός ή τεχνικός προσανατολισμός και


(β) διατμηματικός τομέας - βασικές δεξιότητες εργασίας: αντίληψη ποιότητας,

εμπορική και αγοραστική αντίληψη, επιχειρηματικό πνεύμα, πελατειακές σχέσεις,

επιχειρηματική οργάνωση, εργασιακός προγραμματισμός, επιχειρηματική γνώση,









Αλλά (π.χ.




(κατά την εργασία

ή μη)

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εργασιακή ασφάλεια και προστασία της υγείας, εργατικό δίκαιο και ιδιωτικά

δεδομένα, περιβαλλοντολογική συνείδηση,

(γ) δεξιότητες μεθόδων: επικοινωνία, γλώσσες και πολιτισμός, συνεργασία και

αλληλεπίδραση, ομαδική εργασία, σύγκρουση και συναίνεση, δημιουργικότητα και

καινοτομία, αναλυτική και δομημένη σκέψη, επίλυση και ανάλυση προβλημάτων,

στρατηγική, αντίληψη και προγραμματισμός, πλαισιωμένη και αιτιωδώς συνδεδεμένη

σκέψη, χειρισμός πληροφοριών, τεκμηρίωση και παρουσίαση.

Η ύπαρξη δεξιοτήτων ιδιαίτερα στα άτομα που αποτελούν το εργατικό

δυναμικό, έχει πολλαπλές θετικές επιπτώσεις οι οποίες δεν παρατηρούνται μόνο σε

ατομικό επίπεδο (χρηματική ανταμοιβή κατά την εργασία, καταλληλότητα για

απασχόληση και προσωπική ανάπτυξη), αλλά επηρεάζουν και τα ευρύτερα σύνολα

στα οποία ανήκει το άτομο. Σε επίπεδο επιχείρησης, οι δεξιότητες προκαλούν

αύξηση της παραγωγικότητας, της ανταγωνιστικότητας αλλά και της

προσαρμοστικότητας της. Εξάλλου, τόσο σε τοπικό όσο και εθνικό επίπεδο, οι

δεξιότητες αποτελούν καθοριστικό παράγοντα για τη συντήρηση της κοινωνικής

συνοχής και την αύξηση της οικονομικής ανάπτυξης.

Ειδικότερα, οι δεξιότητες ICT περιγράφουν τις ουσιαστικές και επιθυμητές

ικανότητες και τη γνώση, που απαιτούνται για να εκπληρωθεί ο κύριος σκοπός, οι

ευθύνες και τα καθήκοντα που περιγράφονται σε ένα προφίλ εργασίας ICT.

Απαραίτητη κρίνεται η διάκριση των χαρακτηριστικών των διαφορετικών συνόλων

των δεξιοτήτων ICT. Μια απλή κατηγοριοποίηση είναι:

Ø Επαγγελματικές δεξιότητες ΙΤ:

Δυνατότητα χρήσης, δημιουργίας, ανάπτυξης και συντήρησης προηγμένων

εργαλείων ΙΤ.

Ø Εφαρμοσμένες δεξιότητες ΙΤ:

Δυνατότητα να χρησιμοποιηθούν τα απλά εργαλεία ΙΤ σε γενικές θέσεις

εργασίας (σε εργασίες που δεν έχουν να κάνουν αποκλειστικά με ΙΤ).

Ø Βασικές δεξιότητες ΙΤ ή "βασική εκπαίδευση σε ΙΤ":

Δυνατότητα χρήσης ΙΤ για βασικούς στόχους και ως εργαλείο μάθησης.

Εντούτοις, αναγνωρίζεται ότι οι δεξιότητες ορίζονται από την πλευρά ζήτησης

της αγοράς εργασίας επαγγελματιών ICT, ενώ η πλευρά της προσφοράς της αγοράς

αφορά τα προσόντα ICT.

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Ένας προσόν ICT ή ένα σύνολο προσόντων ICT ορίζεται ως μια επίσημη

αναγνώριση προτύπων ή ένα σύνολο προτύπων που εκφράζονται από μια βεβαίωση,

ένα δίπλωμα ή άλλα στοιχεία, τα οποία παραδίδονται όταν καταστεί σαφές, μέσω

μιας διαδικασίας αξιολόγησης, ότι έχουν επιτευχθεί ορισμένες προϋποθέσεις. Ένα

προσόν δείχνει ότι ένα πρόσωπο απόκτησε μία πιστοποίηση, είτε μέσω της

επαγγελματικής εμπειρίας, είτε μετά από την επιτυχή συμπλήρωση μιας σειράς

μαθημάτων είτε ενός προγράμματος, που εξουσιοδοτεί αυτό το πρόσωπο για να

λάβει ένα δίπλωμα, είτε κάποια άλλη μορφή επίσημης αναγνώρισης της αξίας του

στην αγορά εργασίας, είτε σε περαιτέρω εκπαίδευση.

Δεξιότητες ICT Αντιστοιχία Προσόντα ICT


Απασχόλησης ICT


σε αντιστοιχία με


Εκπαιδευτικό και


Σύστημα ICT

Εικόνα 2: Αντιστοιχία δεξιοτήτων προσόντων

Εργατικό δυναμικό ΙΤ

Ο συνδυασμός διαφορετικών δεξιοτήτων και προσόντων χαρακτηρίζουν το

εργατικό δυναμικό ΙΤ. Οι πολυάριθμοι και συχνά αντιφατικοί ορισμοί που

χρησιμοποιούνται για να προσδιορίσουν το εργατικό δυναμικό ΙΤ, το οποίο

αποτελείται από τους επαγγελματίες ΙΤ, τους επιστήμονες υπολογιστών, τους

υπεύθυνους για την ανάπτυξη λογισμικού, τους εργαζόμενους σε επιχειρήσεις, οι

οποίοι έχουν εκπαιδευθεί στο MIS (Management of Information Systems), καθώς

επίσης και τις διάφορες επαγγελματικές υποκατηγορίες συμπεριλαμβανομένου του

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προγραμματιστή, του αναλυτή, του ειδικού δικτύων, και του διευθυντή

προγράμματος. Ωστόσο, μερικοί ερευνητές, χρηματοδοτικές οργανώσεις, και

επαγγελματίες αναφέρονται στο "εργατικό δυναμικό ΙΤ" ως όρο που αντιπροσωπεύει

μια ομοιογενή ομάδα ατόμων που καθορίζεται σαφώς και γίνεται πλήρως κατανοητή.

Με βάση την κοινή αντίληψη για το συγκεκριμένο επάγγελμα από την

εκπαίδευση, τη βιομηχανία, και την πλευρά της έρευνας, το εργατικό δυναμικό ΙΤ

πρέπει να αντιμετωπιστεί ως "γενική επαγγελματική εργασία με διάφορες ειδικότητες

που απαιτούν συχνά την απόκτηση νέων δεξιοτήτων ΙΤ ή τη γνώση από ποικίλες

επίσημες, αλλά και λιγότερο επίσημες πηγές". Βέβαια, θα πρέπει να λαμβάνεται

υπόψη και η έντονη διασπορά αυτού του επαγγέλματος σε όλη τον οργανισμό και η

εμφάνιση πολύ καλά καταρτισμένων εργαζομένων ΙΤ έξω από το τμήμα ΙΤ του

οργανισμού. Τα συχνότερα γενικά προφίλ εργασίας που έχουν αναπτυχθεί μέχρι

σήμερα στους ακόλουθους τομείς είναι:

Τηλεπικοινωνίες (Telecommunications)

♦ Εφαρμοσμένη μηχανική ραδιοσυχνότητας (Radio Frequency (RF)


♦ Ψηφιακός σχεδιασμός (Digital Design)

♦ Εφαρμοσμένη μηχανική μεταδόσεων δεδομένων (Data Communications


♦ Σχεδιασμός εφαρμογών επεξεργασίας ψηφιακού σήματος (Digital Signal

Processing Applications Design)

♦ Σχεδιασμός δικτύων επικοινωνιών (Communications Network Design)

Λογισμικό & υπηρεσίες (Software & Services)

♦ Ανάπτυξη Λογισμικού & εφαρμογών (Software & Applications Development)

♦ Αρχιτεκτονική και σχεδιασμός λογισμικού (Software Architecture and


♦ Σχεδιασμός πολυμέσων (Multimedia Design)

♦ Επιχειρησιακή γνωμοδότηση για ΙΤ (IT Business Consultancy)

♦ Τεχνική υποστήριξη (Technical Support)

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Προϊόντα & συστήματα (Products & Systems)

♦ Σχεδιασμός προϊόντων (Product Design)

♦ Μηχανική ολοκλήρωσης & δοκιμής / εφαρμογής & δοκιμής (Integration &

Test / Implementation & Test Engineering)

♦ Ειδικός συστημάτων (Systems Specialist)

Διατμηματικός τομέας (Cross Sector)

♦ Διαχείριση μάρκετινγκ ICT (ICT Marketing Management)

♦ Διαχείριση του προγράμματος ICT (ICT Project Management)

♦ Τεχνολογική Έρευνα και Ανάπτυξη (Research and Technology Development)

♦ Διαχείριση ICT (ICT Management)

♦ Διαχείριση πωλήσεων ICT (ICT Sales Management)

Η αγορά εργασίας ICT στην Ευρώπη

Οι επαγγελματίες ΙΤ ξέρουν ότι πρέπει να διατηρήσουν τις δεξιότητές τους

επικαιροποιημένες και να τις εμπλουτίζουν τακτικά ανάλογα με τις νέες συνθήκες

που δημιουργούνται στο έντονα δυναμικό περιβάλλον εργασίας, αλλά για να

επιτευχθεί αυτό πρέπει να ξέρουν ποιες δεξιότητες είναι σε ζήτηση.

Η ανάπτυξη, η ανταγωνιστικότητα και η απασχόληση στην ευρωπαϊκή οικονομία

γίνονται όλο και περισσότερο εξαρτώμενες από την ανάπτυξη των Τεχνολογιών

Πληροφορίας & Επικοινωνιών (ICT) και τα ισχύοντα συστήματα ICT σε όλους τους

τομείς. Η ισορροπία μεταξύ της ανάγκης για δεξιότητες και επαγγελματίες ICT και

της αντίστοιχης προσφοράς είναι ένας σημαντικός όρος για την αποτελεσματικότητα

των επιχειρήσεων στον τομέα των ICT, καθώς επίσης και στους περισσότερους από

τους υπόλοιπους τομείς που εμπλέκονται εφαρμογές ICT, οι οποίοι συνοψίζονται ως

τομείς «χρηστών ICT».

Οι ανάγκες της βιομηχανίας για δεξιότητες και επαγγελματίες ICT έχουν αυξηθεί

και έχουν αλλάξει ραγδαία, τόσο ποσοτικά όσο και ποιοτικά τα τελευταία χρόνια. Τα

δεδομένα και οι μελέτες στον τομέα των ICT και στους τομείς των χρηστών ICT,

δείχνουν ότι οι ποσοτικές ανάγκες για επαγγελματίες ICT εξαρτώνται ιδιαίτερα από

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την οικονομική κατάσταση συνολικά. Εντούτοις, σήμερα είναι πολύ σύνηθες σε όλες

τις βιομηχανίες που δραστηριοποιούνται στον τομέα των ICT, παραγωγής και

υπηρεσιών ICT να διαθέτουν έναν ικανοποιητικό αριθμό ανθρώπων ειδικευμένων

στη διαχείριση, τη διανομή και την ανάπτυξη λύσεων ICT. Επίσης, από ποιοτικής

απόψεως, όλες οι επιχειρήσεις χρειάζονται τους επαγγελματίες ICT σε ποικίλα

επίπεδα δεξιοτήτων και προσόντων ICT. Έτσι, λόγω της ανάγκης χρήσης ICT στις

βιομηχανίες και σε όλες τις επιχειρήσεις, η ζήτηση για επαγγελματίες σε ICT μπορεί

να διαφέρει και μεταξύ των διαφόρων οργανωσιακών επιπέδων.

Η κατάσταση στην αγορά εργασίας στην Ευρώπη απεικονίζεται με αριθμητικά

δεδομένα ως εξής: περίπου 3.700.000 επαγγελματίες ICT απασχολούνται σε όλους

τους τομείς και σε όλα τα επίπεδα δεξιοτήτων σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη. Το

ποσοστό επαγγελματιών ICT της συνολικής απασχόλησης στις ευρωπαϊκές χώρες

ποικίλει μεταξύ 1% και 5% και εξαρτάται από την οικονομική κατάσταση και την

υποδομή κάθε χώρας. Το μέσο ποσοστό στην Ευρώπη είναι περίπου 2,2% (συνολικό

εργατικό δυναμικό στην Ευρώπη των 15 περίπου 167 εκατομμύρια), το οποίο είναι

ελαφρώς χαμηλότερο από αυτό των ΗΠΑ με περίπου 2,8%, βασισμένο σε περίπου

3.900.000 επαγγελματίες ICT και σε συνολικό εργατικό δυναμικό περίπου 140


Πίνακας 1: Σημερινή απασχόληση και πιθανολογούμενες ανάγκες σε επαγγελματίες

ICT στην Ευρώπη 2000-2010


ICT 2000


ICT (Τομέας



ICT (τομέας



ICT (ζήτηση)

Γερμανία 800.000 2.1%) 300.000 500.000 50.000

Πορτογαλία 70.000 (1.5%) 26.000 44.000 4.500

… … … … …




(2.2%) 1.700.000 2.000.000 230.000

Η.Π.Α.[1] 3.900.000

(2.8%) 1.600.000 2.300.000 -

Στους 3.700.000 επαγγελματίες σε ICT στην Ευρώπη περιλαμβάνεται και το

ποσοστό των απασχολούμενων επαγγελματιών IT, που υπολογίζεται σε περίπου

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2.500.000, εξαιρουμένων των επιχειρήσεων ICT, του προσωπικού πωλήσεων

υπολογιστών, των ηλεκτρονικών, των μηχανικών επικοινωνιών, τηλεπικοινωνιών,

κλπ. Για αυτήν την ομάδα επαγγελματιών ICT ο αριθμός επαγγελματιών ΙΤ στον

τομέα ΙΤ (επιχειρήσεις προμηθειών) φτάνει τους 1.021.000 και στους τομείς των

χρηστών ΙΤ τα 1.422.000. Οι αναλογίες μεταξύ του τομέα των ICT και του τομέα

των χρηστών στην Ευρώπη έχει ως εξής:

(α) 45% των επαγγελματιών ICT απασχολούνται στη βιομηχανία ICT,

(β) 55% των επαγγελματιών ICT από τις βιομηχανίες χρήσης ICT.

Αυτό σημαίνει ότι ο αριθμός επαγγελματιών ICT στον τομέα των ICT

υπολογίζεται σε 1.700.000 και στους τομείς των χρηστών ICT σε 2.000.000. Εκτός

από τις εθνικές διαφορές στις ευρωπαϊκές χώρες, η γενική σύγκριση με το εργατικό

δυναμικό ICT των ΗΠΑ είναι ενδιαφέρουσα. Μια έκθεση της ITAA έδειξε ότι περίπου

το 60% των εργαζομένων ICT στις ΗΠΑ απασχολούνται στις εταιρίες που δεν έχουν

να κάνουν με ICT. Οι στατιστικές της Ευρώπης για το έτος 2000 παρουσιάζουν την

απασχόληση στον τομέα των υπηρεσιών ICT να κυμαίνεται περίπου στα 4,5

εκατομμύρια και στον τομέα της κατασκευής ICT στο 1,5 εκατομμύριο. Επομένως, οι

1.700.000 επαγγελματίες ICT στις υπηρεσίες και την κατασκευή ICT σε σχέση με τη

συνολική ευρωπαϊκή απασχόληση 6 εκατομμυρίων στον τομέα αυτό

αντιπροσωπεύουν περίπου το 30%. Το πραγματικό εργατικό δυναμικό των

επαγγελματιών ICT στον τομέα των υπηρεσιών υπολογίζεται περίπου 1.550.000, ή

35% του συνόλου. Εξαίρεση αποτελεί ο τομέας των κατασκευών με ποσοστό πολύ

μικρότερο, το οποίο αγγίζει το 10%. Η απόκλιση αυτή οφείλεται στο γεγονός ότι η

κατασκευή καλύπτει την παραγωγή των υπολογιστών, των καλωδίων, των

ηλεκτρονικών ειδών ευρείας κατανάλωσης, και απαιτεί έτσι ένα χαμηλότερο ποσοστό

επαγγελματιών ICT.

Ο διαχωρισμός των επαγγελματιών ICT που απασχολούνται στους

συγκεκριμένους τομείς των χρηστών ICT δείχνει ότι 360.000 απασχολούνται στην

βιομηχανία αυτοκινήτων, 200.000 στις τραπεζικές επιχειρήσεις και στα

χρηματοοικονομικά και 64.000 στα γραφιστικά και τα media. Αυτές οι τρεις

βιομηχανίες χρήσεων επομένως απασχολούν περίπου 30% των επαγγελματιών ICT

από όλες τις βιομηχανίες χρήσεων ICT. Το ποσοστό των επαγγελματιών ICT,

παραδείγματος χάριν, στην βιομηχανία αυτοκινήτων και τις τραπεζικές επιχειρήσεις

και τα χρηματοοικονομικά είναι περίπου 8% της συνολικής απασχόλησης σε αυτούς

τους τομείς. Εντούτοις, η μεγαλύτερη αύξηση των εργασιών ICT συναντάται στη

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βιομηχανία λογισμικού και υπηρεσιών. Μέρος αυτής της αύξησης αποδόθηκε στη

μεταφορά του προσωπικού από τελικούς χρήστες στη βιομηχανία προμηθειών, η

οποία μαζί με τους αναλυτές και τους μηχανικούς αναμένεται να παρουσιάσει τη

γρηγορότερη αύξηση. Οι μηχανικοί λογισμικού, ένα συγκριτικά νέο επάγγελμα,

αποτελούν περίπου 1,3 εκατομμύρια, ενώ οι αναλυτές και οι προγραμματιστές

σχεδόν 1,9 εκατομμύρια θέσεις εργασίας.

Πίνακας 2: Ευρωπαϊκή απασχόληση ανά χώρα και τομέα για το 2004, σε χιλιάδες

Χώρα Κατασκευές Τηλεπικοινωνίες Άλλες

Υπηρεσίες ICT

Τελικοί Χρήστες

Συνολική Απασχόληση

Αυστρία 41 75 90 3.388 3.594 Βέλγιο 24 38 108 3.869 4.039 Δανία 23 23 71 2.598 2.715

Φινλανδία 52 22 55 2.195 2.324 Γαλλία 270 266 416 24.605 25.557 Γερμανία 347 272 545 32.206 33.370 Ελλάδα 5 30 18 4.273 4.326 Ιρλανδία 57 17 19 1.718 1.811 Ιταλία 202 236 387 22.379 23.204 Ολλανδία 90 57 126 6.282 6.555 Νορβηγία 11 22 70 2.217 2.320 Πορτογαλία 24 28 58 4.941 5.051 Ισπανία 82 106 104 16.575 16.867 Σουηδία 67 47 115 4.207 4.436 Ελβετία 50 34 122 3662 3.868 Αγγλία 276 224 911 25.250 26.661

Ευρώπη 1.621 1.497 3.215 160.364 166.697 Πηγή: ERECO, IBM

Υπάρχουν, επίσης, μικρές διαφορές μεταξύ του τομέα των χρηστών ICT και,

επιπλέον, μεταξύ των τομέων των διάφορων ευρωπαϊκών χωρών. Παραδείγματος

χάριν, η κατάσταση της αγοράς εργασίας ICT για τις τραπεζικές επιχειρήσεις και τα

χρηματοοικονομικά στη Γαλλία είναι αυτήν την περίοδο καλύτερη από την Ιταλία.

Μόνο το 15% των γαλλικών τραπεζικών επιχειρήσεων και χρηματοοικονομικών

εταιρειών θεωρούν ότι υπάρχει μη ικανοποιητική ανάπτυξη της απασχόλησης σε ICT

στο χρονικό διάστημα 2000 ως 2010, η οποία υπολογίζεται μεταξύ 2 και 5%, με

ετήσιο μέσο όρο 3,5%. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι η συνολική ζήτηση για επαγγελματίες ICT

στην Ευρώπη - συμπεριλαμβανομένης της αναμενόμενης αύξησης μεγέθους 3,5%

και της ζήτησης για αντικατάσταση μεγέθους 2,5% - μπορεί να υπολογιστεί κατά

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προσέγγιση σε περίπου 230.000 επαγγελματίες ICT ετησίως. Ένας αντίστοιχος

υπολογισμός μέχρι το έτος 2010 κατ' εκτίμηση δείχνει τη συνολική απασχόληση

επαγγελματιών ICT για την Ευρώπη να φτάνει τα 5,1 εκατομμύρια.

Η ανάλυση της τρέχουσας κατάστασης της προσφοράς και της ζήτησης των

δεξιοτήτων των επαγγελματιών ΙΤ και ICT δείχνει ότι η αύξηση της απασχόλησης

στην αγορά εργασίας έχει πρόσφατα επιβραδυνθεί. Μια λογική εξήγηση για την

παρατηρούμενη επιβράδυνση στην αγορά εργασίας για τους επαγγελματίες ΙΤ και,

πιο συγκεκριμένα, ICT είναι η μείωση της οικονομικής δραστηριότητας της

βιομηχανίας ICT. Μια πιθανή εξήγηση στην επιβράδυνση θα μπορούσε να είναι η

ωρίμανση χρηστών. Οι επιχειρήσεις χρηστών ICT συνήθως περιλαμβάνουν

περισσότερους επαγγελματίες την πρώτη φορά που εφαρμόζουν και χρησιμοποιούν

μια εφαρμογή ICT σε σύγκριση με τη δεύτερη φορά. Εάν αυτό ισχύει, η

επιβράδυνση - όπως με την επιβράδυνση της βιομηχανίας ICT- οφείλεται στη

μειωμένη ζήτηση, η οποία μπορεί στη συνέχεια να εξηγηθεί από τη μειωμένη ανάγκη

για συμμετοχή επαγγελματιών δεδομένου ότι οι χρήστες αναπτύσσουν τις e-

δεξιότητες τους.

Η πρόσφατη στασιμότητα στο πλαίσιο του τομέα των ICT έχει παραγάγει επίσης

μια ορισμένη απώλεια εμπιστοσύνης στην ανάπτυξη υψηλής τεχνολογίας. Οι

προσωρινές απολύσεις των επαγγελματιών ICT έχουν προκαλέσει τη σηματοδότηση

από την αγορά εργασίας στους νέους που επιλέγουν τις μελλοντικές σταδιοδρομίες

τους. Περίπου τέσσερα χρόνια πριν οι αριθμοί των σπουδαστών στον τομέα των

Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων ήταν πάρα πολύ χαμηλοί για το μεγαλύτερο μέρος της

Ευρώπης. Έτσι, τα δεδομένα των προηγούμενων ετών, έρχονται σε αντίθεση με την

υπάρχουσα κατάσταση σήμερα, η οποία χαρακτηρίζεται από έντονη ζήτηση για

επαγγελματίες ICT τα τελευταία χρόνια, γεγονός που προκάλεσε αύξηση του

αριθμού σπουδαστών και εκπαιδευόμενων ICT στις περισσότερες ευρωπαϊκές χώρες.

Σε συνδυασμό με την επιβράδυνση της οικονομικής ανάπτυξης και την κατάσταση

της απασχόλησης, οι νέοι αριθμοί των σπουδαστών και εκπαιδευόμενων σε ICT είναι

πλέον επαρκείς για να ικανοποιήσουν την ζήτηση ή τουλάχιστον για να βελτιώσουν

την ισορροπία αγοράς εργασίας ICT. Μερικές χώρες έχουν επιτύχει ήδη μια αρκετά

καλή ισορροπία, αλλά είναι σημαντικό να αναφερθεί ότι τα αποτελέσματα σε ένα

τόσο δυναμικό περιβάλλον εξαρτώνται από διάφορους οικονομικούς, τεχνολογικούς

παράγοντες αλλά και τις εξελίξεις στην αγορά εργασίας. Για καλύτερες και πιο

αναλυτικές πληροφορίες πρέπει να βελτιωθούν η διαφάνεια και οι ορισμοί των όρων

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και των ταξινομήσεων καθώς επίσης και οι αντίστοιχες στατιστικές έρευνες στον

επιχειρησιακό τομέα των ICT, σε εθνικό και σε ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο.

Χωρίς αμφιβολία, η επιβράδυνση στην οικονομία των ICT έχει ασκήσει επίδραση

στην ανάπτυξη των αγορών εργασίας ICT στην Ευρώπη και σε όλο τον κόσμο. Η

κατάσταση της νέας οικονομίας παγκοσμίως έχει προκαλέσει μια ένταση στη

συζήτηση για το χάσμα ζήτησης / προσφοράς επαγγελματιών ICT. Εντούτοις, η

ζήτηση για επαγγελματίες ICT πρέπει να αξιολογηθεί ιδιαίτερα από μια ποιοτική

άποψη, δηλαδή ότι ο ανεφοδιασμός των προγραμμάτων ICT και των προφίλ

κατάρτισης μπορεί να μην ικανοποιήσει αρκετά τις ανάγκες των επαγγελματιών και

των δεξιοτήτων ICT που εκφράζονται από τις επιχειρήσεις. Και είναι πάντα αλήθεια

ότι οι γρήγορες αλλαγές στις απαιτήσεις εφαρμογών ICT και διαδικασιών των

επιχειρήσεων και εργασίας οδηγούν στις ουσιαστικές αλλαγές στις δεξιότητες

επαγγελματιών που απαιτούνται. Επομένως, οι επαρκώς ειδικευμένοι επαγγελματίες

ICT είναι συνεχώς σε ζήτηση σε όλες τις ευρωπαϊκές χώρες και είναι μια από τις

σημαντικότερες παρούσες και μελλοντικές προκλήσεις όχι μόνο να αντιδράσουν σε

αυτήν την ζήτηση, αλλά και να παρέχουν ένα προσαρμοσμένο πλαίσιο των

προγραμμάτων ICT και των προφίλ κατάρτισης σε διαφορετικά επίπεδα.

Η εκπαίδευση και το επίπεδο δεξιοτήτων

Τα συστήματα επαγγελματικής εκπαίδευσης σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη

προσφέρουν διαφορετικά πρότυπα και πλαίσια για κάθε επίπεδο προσόντων, τα

οποία είναι η βάση για τη μεγαλύτερη διαφάνεια και εναρμόνιση και την αμοιβαία

αναγνώριση. Υπάρχει μια προφανής αλληλεπίδραση μεταξύ της απασχόλησης και της

εκπαίδευσης, όμως αποδεικνύεται αδύνατο να εξασφαλιστεί ένας γενικά αποδεκτός

συντονισμός των πρότυπων επιπέδων δεξιοτήτων και των πλαισίων προσόντων

λόγω των διαφορετικών ευρωπαϊκών συστημάτων απασχόλησης και εκπαίδευσης.

Ξέρουμε ότι σε λίγες περιπτώσεις, ενδεχομένως, οι μη-τυπικά καταρτισμένοι

επαγγελματίες εκτελούν τα ίδια καθήκοντα με τους τυπικά καταρτισμένους

συναδέλφους τους και υπάρχει ένας υψηλός συσχετισμός μεταξύ των δεξιοτήτων

εργασίας και των προσόντων ή των επιπέδων κατάρτισης των επαγγελματιών.

Προς το παρόν, ωστόσο, η ανάλυση περιορίζεται στις ποσοτικές πτυχές. Η

ανάλυση παρουσιάζει αρχικά διάσπαση, με το 60% των απασχολημένων

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επαγγελματιών ICT που έχουν έναν τίτλο σπουδών ICT σε επίπεδο πτυχίου και 40%

έχοντας έναν τίτλο σπουδών σε επίπεδο μικρότερου του πτυχίου. Ο πραγματικός

αριθμός ποικίλλει ανάλογα με τη χώρα, τον τομέα και, ως ένα βαθμό, τη

συγκεκριμένες προσφορά και τη ζήτηση επαγγελματιών ICT Παραδείγματος χάριν, οι

αριθμοί για τη Γερμανία είναι 50% και 50%, για την Ολλανδία 60% και 40% και για

την Πορτογαλία 70% και 30%. Το ποσοστό των επαγγελματιών ICT που εργάζονται

σε επίπεδα πτυχίου ή μικρότερου του πτυχίου και δεν έχουν έναν επίσημο βαθμό

προσόντων ICT(σχεδιάγραμμα κατάρτισης ICT) είναι περίπου 5% έως 15 %. Παρόλα

αυτά, ως αποτέλεσμα ειδικών πρωτοβουλιών και των προγραμμάτων προσόντων

ICT, αυτός ο αριθμός έχει μειωθεί τα τελευταία χρόνια.

Όμως πέρα από τους τίτλους σπουδών, οι γνώσεις και οι δεξιότητες του

προσωπικού που απαρτίζει αυτόν τον τομέα πρέπει να καλύπτουν ένα ευρύ φάσμα

το οποίο δεν είναι αποκλειστικά τεχνικό. Δεδομένου ότι το προσωπικό IT

αλληλεπιδρά με τους πελάτες, τους χρήστες, και άλλα μέλη ομάδων σε τακτική βάση

και πρέπει να είναι σε θέση να επικοινωνήσει με κάθε ένα από τα συστατικά τους, η

ανάγκη για μια ολιστική προσέγγιση που συνδυάζει τις τεχνικές και μη τεχνικές

δεξιότητες μέσα στην οργάνωση είναι μεγαλύτερη από ποτέ.

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Πίνακας 3: Δεξιότητες ICT ανά ασχολία στη Δυτική Ευρώπη, σε χιλιάδες (2000)




τομέας Τηλεπικοινωνίες















51 59 331 441 578 1.019


engineers 24 35 4 63 140 203


engineers 45 13 4 62 134 196


engineers 61 28 707 796 510 1.306

Design and



55 19 13 87 312 399




7 10 42 59 378 437




92 65 588 745 1.140 1,885


operators 18 30 99 147 549 696


engineers 45 12 159 216 132 348


δεξιότητες ICT 398 271 1.947 2.616 3.873 6.489


απασχόληση 1.621 1.497 3.215 6.333 160.363 166.696

Πήγη IBM

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Πίνακας 4: Ετήσιος μέσος όρος ανάπτυξης στη Δυτική Ευρώπη [2000-2004]




τομέας Τηλεπικοινωνίες















4,0 1 9,7 8 1,8 4,1


engineers 2,7 0 5,9 1,4 -1,2 -0,5


engineers 0,9 3,4 3,2 1,6 3,3 3


engineers 0,7 1,5 9,1 8,3 13,8 10

Design &



1,9 0 7,6 2,4 -0,4 0,2


& business


3,1 2,1 10,1 8,1 3,1 3,7


analysts &


5,3 6,3 8,4 7,9 5,1 6,1


operators -5,6 2,9 9.,1 6,4 -1,7 -0,5


engineers 0,9 19,1 8 7,9 6,1 6,5




2,1 2,9 8,9 7,4 3,3 4,7


απασχόληση 0,7 3,8 4,7 3,5 0,7 0,8

Πηγή IBM

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Οι γυναίκες στην αγορά εργασίας ICT

Οι γυναίκες αποτελούν περίπου 43% του εργατικού δυναμικού της Ευρωπαϊκής

Ένωσης, ποσοστό που δε πλησιάζει καθόλου εκείνο των επαγγελματιών ICT: μόνο

18% των επαγγελματιών υπολογιστών είναι γυναίκες. Στην κατηγορία

επαγγελματιών που σχετίζονται με υπολογιστές, οι γυναίκες αποτελούν ακριβώς το

20% σε σύνολο του 10%. Αντίθετα, στις ΗΠΑ η αντίστοιχη συμμετοχή είναι σε πολύ

μεγαλύτερη έκταση στον τομέα των ICT (34% του εργατικού δυναμικού

επαγγελματιών) και σε χώρες όπως η Σιγκαπούρη φτάνει το 55%, όπου πλέον το

επάγγελμα του ειδικού σε ICT αποτελεί επιλογή σταδιοδρομίας για πολλές γυναίκες.

Από άποψη ικανότητας χρήσης των εργαλείων ICT, μία έρευνα της Eurobarometer

διαπίστωσε ότι οι γυναίκες στην Ευρώπη είναι πιθανότερο, σε σχέση με τους άνδρες,

να θεωρήσουν ότι δεν μπορούν να χρησιμοποιήσουν τους υπολογιστές (48%

γυναικών σε αντίθεση με 35% άντρων). Η διαφορά φύλου είναι χαρακτηριστική από

την άποψη της αυτοαξιολόγησης για έλλειψη ικανότητας στη χρήση των

επιστημονικών και τεχνολογικών εργαλείων και εξοπλισμού (72% σε αντίθεση με

47%). Επίσης, πολλές γυναίκες φέρονται να θεωρούν την εργασία στις ICT ως

"μονότονη" και "πάρα πολύ τεχνική" και έτσι η έλλειψη ισχυρών θηλυκών προτύπων

αποθαρρύνει πολλές νέες γυναίκες από την είσοδο στη βιομηχανία.

Εικόνα 3: Ανάπτυξη τις απασχόλησης στην Ευρώπη σε ειδικούς υπολογιστών [ISCO

213 και 312], Πηγή EULFS 1998-2004

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Τα στοιχεία για την τρέχουσα και μελλοντική ζήτηση επαγγελματιών ICT είναι

θεμελιώδους σπουδαιότητας για την αλληλεπίδραση της απασχόλησης και της

εκπαίδευσης. Τέτοια στοιχεία εξαρτώνται κυρίως από τις προβλέψεις ή τις υποθέσεις

για αύξηση της απασχόλησης ICT των επόμενων ετών στις ευρωπαϊκές επιχειρήσεις

και γενικά για τη μελλοντική οικονομική ανάπτυξη. Τα αποτελέσματα των ερευνών

δεν δείχνουν καμία άμεση ή μεσοπρόθεσμη αλλαγή στην απασχόληση σε ICT σε

ποσοστό περίπου 60% των βιομηχανιών και των επιχειρήσεων στους τομείς των ICT

και των χρηστών στην Ευρώπη. Ωστόσο, στον τομέα των ICT και τις μικρές

επιχειρήσεις ειδικότερα, πάνω από 30% αναμένουν υψηλότερη απασχόληση σε ICT

στο εγγύς μέλλον. Στην πρόβλεψη των αλλαγών απασχόλησης από το τμήμα

βιομηχανίας, προβλέπεται ότι η κατηγορία βιομηχανίας "πληροφοριών" θα έχει μια

αύξηση 18,9% κατά τη διάρκεια της ίδιας περιόδου, ενώ οι προμήθειες, οι αναλυτές

και οι μηχανικοί αναμένεται να παρουσιάσουν τη μεγαλύτερη αύξηση. Αρκετά

μεγάλη αύξηση θα παρουσιάσουν επίσης και οι τηλεπικοινωνίες καθώς και οι

υπηρεσίες, σε αντίθεση με τις κατασκευές που θα έχουν σχετικά μικρή αύξηση.

Εικόνα 4: Καταμερισμός συνολικής απασχόλησης ειδικών IT κατά ευρωπαϊκή χώρα

Αυτή η αναμενόμενη προσφορά και ζήτηση των επαγγελματιών ICT δείχνει ότι η

κατάσταση της αγοράς εργασίας ICT στην Ευρώπη δεν είναι αυτήν την περίοδο

πάρα πολύ κακή και ότι η προσφορά επαγγελματιών ICT θεωρείται συνήθως από τις

επιχειρήσεις ως ικανοποιητική. Φυσικά, υπάρχουν διαφορές μεταξύ των ευρωπαϊκών


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Η συνολική ζήτηση για επαγγελματίες ICT στην Ευρώπη - συμπεριλαμβανομένης

της ζήτησης αντικατάστασης - μπορεί να υπολογιστεί σε 230.000 ετησίως (biat,

2001; EUQuaSIT, 2004 and CEPIS, 2002) [2]. Με βάση την τρέχουσα απασχόληση,

η ζήτηση στη Γερμανία υπολογίζεται σε 50.000, στην Ολλανδία σε 15.000 και στην

Πορτογαλία σε 4.000 ετησίως. Σύμφωνα με μελέτη του Cedefop που δημοσιεύεται

το 2004, υποθέτοντας ότι θα υπάρξει μια σταθερή ανάπτυξη μέχρι το 2010, η

συνολική απασχόληση 5.100.000 επαγγελματιών ICT στην Ευρώπη φαίνεται να είναι

ένα ρεαλιστικό ενδεχόμενο.

Σε ανταπόκριση σε αυτήν την ζήτηση ο κατ' εκτίμηση αριθμός ευρωπαϊκών

σπουδαστών και εκπαιδευόμενων ICT μπορεί σήμερα να ικανοποιήσει τη ζήτηση

ποσοτικά. Αλλά ορισμένα κενά των επαγγελματιών ICT είναι αναγνωρίσιμα σε

συγκεκριμένα επίπεδα δεξιοτήτων, επειδή ο αριθμός σπουδαστών και

εκπαιδευόμενων ICT ειδικά στο πτυχίο πανεπιστημίου και στα πιο υψηλά

επαγγελματικά επίπεδα δεν είναι ικανοποιητικοί.

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3.2 Βαλκάνια

Οι Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορίας και Επικοινωνιών (ICT) είναι ένα ραγδαία

εξελισσόμενο σύνολο τεχνολογιών, το οποίο έχει αντίκτυπο σε πολλά επίπεδα της

σημερινής κοινωνίας. Συνήθως όμως, δεν υπάρχει η κατάλληλη γνώση και εμπειρία

στους κυβερνητικούς ιθύνοντες έτσι ώστε να οδηγηθούν στη λήψη σύγχρονων

αποφάσεων σχετικά με τις κατάλληλες πολιτικές και προτεραιότητες. Συγκεκριμένα,

στην περιοχή των Βαλκανίων, το μεγαλύτερο μέρος του πληθυσμού δεν έχει

εξοικειωθεί με τις νέες τεχνολογίες και το πώς μπορούν αυτές να επηρεάσουν την

καθημερινή τους ζωή. Επιπλέον, το χαμηλό επίπεδο εισοδήματος, σε συνδυασμό με

την ανεπαρκή υποδομή δεν επιτρέπει τη γρήγορη εξέλιξη της επιστήμης και της

τεχνολογίας και φαίνεται πιθανό ότι, προς το παρόν, το χάσμα γνώσης μεταξύ των

βαλκανικών χωρών και των υπόλοιπων ανεπτυγμένων ευρωπαϊκών χωρών



Για να αποφευχθεί η πλήρης περιθωριοποίηση των Βαλκανικών χωρών και η

αποκοπή τους από την κοινή ευρωπαϊκή αναπτυξιακή πορεία δημιουργήθηκε το

πρόγραμμα eSEEurope από τον ειδικό συντονιστή του σύμφωνου σταθερότητας της

νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης και υποστηρίχθηκε από το UNDP ως περιφερειακή

πρωτοβουλία [3]. Ο κύριος στόχος του eSEEurope είναι να ενσωματώσει τις χώρες

της νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης στη παγκόσμια, βασισμένη στη γνώση, οικονομία

υποστηρίζοντας περιφερειακά την ανάπτυξη της Κοινωνίας της Πληροφορίας.

Επιπλέον, επιδιώκει να προωθήσει τη δημιουργία ενός κατάλληλου θεσμικού

περιβάλλοντος, που μπορεί να διευκολύνει τη δημιουργία μιας Κοινωνίας της

Πληροφοριας για όλους, σύμφωνα με τις πολιτικές της ΕΕ και, πιο συγκεκριμένα, να

συντονιστεί και να διευκολυνθεί η εισαγωγή των προγραμμάτων ICT σε διάφορους

τομείς, όπως ο κυβερνητικός, ο επιχειρηματικός, ο εκπαιδευτικός και ο τομέας της


Η Πρωτοβουλία της eSEE προτάθηκε στην Κωνσταντινούπολη τον Οκτώβριο

του 2000 και συντάχθηκε τον Ιανουάριο του 2001 υπό την προεδρία της Σουηδίας,

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και την συμπροεδρία της Κροατίας και της FYROM. Στην προσπάθεια να ενισχυθεί η

περιφερειακή ιδιοκτησία και να εμπλουτιστεί η πρωτοβουλία αυτή με νέα δυναμική,

η προεδρία μεταφέρθηκε στη FYROM, ενώ η γραμματεία eSEE εδρεύει επίσημα στο

Σαράγιεβο από τον Φεβρουάριο του 2002.

Στις 29 Οκτωβρίου του 2002, οι χώρες μέλη του σύμφωνου σταθερότητας της

SEE: η Αλβανία, η Βοσνία-Ερζεγοβίνη, η Κροατία, η FYRΟΜ, η Μολδαβία, η Σερβία

και το Μαυροβούνιο, υπέγραψαν ένα βασικό έγγραφο για τις δραστηριότητες

ανάπτυξης ΙCΤ στην περιοχή τους. Επιπλέον, προκειμένου να εξεταστούν οι

προκλήσεις της ανάπτυξης της Κοινωνίας των Πληροφοριών, η διεθνής συμφωνία

"Ημερήσια διάταξη της eSEEurope για την ανάπτυξη της κοινωνίας των

πληροφοριών" (eSEE Agenda) έγινε αποδεκτή στη διάσκεψη ανάπτυξης

τηλεπικοινωνιών στο Βελιγράδι.

Συγκεκριμένα, η eSEE Agenda έθεσε τις παρακάτω δεσμεύσεις:

• Υιοθέτηση των εθνικών πολιτικών και των στρατηγικών για την Κοινωνία της


• Υιοθέτηση και εφαρμογή των ευρωπαϊκών και άλλων διεθνών


• Καθιέρωση της περιφερειακής συνεργασίας και κινητοποίηση των

μηχανισμών εφαρμογής των εθνικών σχεδίων.

• Προώθηση μιας ενεργά αναπτυξιακής Κοινωνίας της Πληροφορίας.

Ένα από τα πιο σημαντικά βήματα προς την εφαρμογή της ημερήσιας διάταξης

eSEE ήταν φυσικό να θεωρηθεί η καταγραφή της υπάρχουσας κατάστασης στον

τομέα των ICT, έτσι ώστε να υποστηριχθεί και να βασιστεί σε σωστά δεδομένα και

στην λεπτομερή ανάλυση κάθε τομέα των ICT η οποιαδήποτε λήψη αποφάσεων για

την χάραξη των κατάλληλων εθνικών πολιτικών και των στρατηγικών για τη

δημιουργία της Κοινωνίας της Πληροφορίας. Η έκθεση υπάρχουσας κατάστασης

τομέα των ICT αποτελείται από οκτώ επιμέρους εκθέσεις, οι οποίες παρουσιάζουν

την κατάσταση του τομέα των ICT σε κάθε μια από τις χώρες μέλη της

Πρωτοβουλίας της eSEE (υπάρχουν 6 χώρες, αλλά έχουν γίνει 3 χωριστές εκθέσεις

για τη Σερβία-Μαυροβούνιο - για το Κόσοβο, το Μαυροβούνιο και τη Σερβία). Η

έκθεση ολοκληρώθηκε τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2004 και εκδόθηκε τον Οκτώβριο του

ίδιου έτους με τον τίτλο “eSEEurope Regional Information and Communications

Technologies Sector Status and Usage Report: Building an Information society for


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Υπάρχουσα κατάσταση του τομέα ICT στα Βαλκάνια

Η νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη (SEE) αποτελεί μία περιοχή υψηλής δυναμικής για

αύξηση των Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορίας και Επικοινωνιών (ICT). Η απόκλιση από την

αναπτυξιακή πορεία προς την Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας μπορεί να μετατραπεί σε

πλεονέκτημα μέσω των κατάλληλων εθνικών πολιτικών, της διεθνούς συνεργασίας

και μέσω του συντονισμού διαφορετικών πρωτοβουλιών, προγραμμάτων, και έργων.

Όπως συμπεραίνεται και στην έκθεση της υπάρχουσας κατάστασης στη SEE [4],

παρά τη συνεχή διαρροή ανθρώπινου δυναμικού (brain drain), υπάρχει ακόμα η

κρίσιμη μάζα καλά εκπαιδευμένου εργατικού δυναμικού στον τομέα των ICT,

ιδιαίτερα σε μικρά επίπεδα ηλικίας. Παράδειγμα αποτελεί η Βουλγαρία, που

παρουσιάζει ιδιαίτερα εξειδικευμένο προσωπικό στο τομέα της εφαρμοσμένης

μηχανικής, αλλά και η Ρουμανία και η Σερβία, που παρουσιάζουν επαρκώς

εξειδικευμένο προσωπικό σε γενικό επίπεδο. Οι περισσότερες χώρες έχουν αναπτύξει

τις βασικές στρατηγικές και σταδιακά διατυπώνεται ένας αυξανόμενος αριθμός

σχετικών νόμων και κανονισμών. Μέσα στα επόμενα ένα ή δύο χρόνια αναμένεται

ότι όλη η βασική νομοθεσία προβλέπεται να έχει υιοθετηθεί.

Επίσης, οι επιχειρήσεις ΙCΤ στην SEE επεκτείνονται στο εσωτερικό αλλά και σε

ξένες αγορές μέσω της συνεχούς βελτίωσης των υπηρεσιών τους. Στο εγγύς μέλλον,

προβλέπεται ότι θα γίνουν σημαντικές επενδύσεις σε υποδομή ICT από τις

περισσότερες χώρες της νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης, ειδικά από τη Βουλγαρία και την

Ρουμανία οι οποίες είναι υποψήφιες προς ένταξη στην ΕΕ και, συνεπώς, θα εντείνουν

τις προσπάθειες εναρμόνισης τους με το μέσο όρο της EE σε υποδομές αλλά και σε

υπηρεσίες. Αργά αλλά σταθερά, ο τομέας των ICT γίνεται έναν σημαντικός

παράγοντας για τη βελτίωση της αύξησης της ανταγωνιστικότητας για κάθε μια από

τις χώρες της SEE.

Εντούτοις, οι προσπάθειες που έχουν γίνει θα μπορούσαν να είχαν πολύ πιο

εμφανή αποτελέσματα, αλλά το πρόβλημα της χαμηλής απορρόφησης κεφαλαίων

που παρουσιάζεται στις περισσότερες χώρες και ιδιαίτερα στην Βουλγαρία αποτελεί

μείζον εμπόδιο, γιατί ακόμα κι αν το νομικό πλαίσιο συμμορφώνεται γενικά με το

κοινοτικό κεκτημένο, η εφαρμογή του είναι ανεπαρκής σε πολλές χώρες της SEE.

Επιπλέον, η υποδομή θεωρείται ανεπαρκής για να παρέχει τα αποδεκτά ποσοστά

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διείσδυσης καθώς και τη φθηνή χρήση σύγχρονων ICT. Με εξαίρεση την Κροατία,

που η χρήση του διαδικτύου κυμαίνεται στο 30%, το αντίστοιχο ποσοστό στις

χώρες των Βαλκανίων φέρεται να είναι λιγότερο από 15%. Μειονεκτούσες ομάδες

εμφανίζονται να είναι οι αγροτικές κοινότητες και οι γυναίκες, ενώ οι ομάδες που

είναι πιο πιθανόν να έχουν πρόσβαση στο δίκτυο και σε άλλες υπηρεσίες νέων

τεχνολογιών είναι οι εργαζόμενοι με ηλικία κάτω των εικοσιπέντε ετών. Αυτό

οφείλεται όχι μόνο σε ανεπάρκειες υποδομής, όπως το πεπαλαιωμένο δίκτυο

επικοινωνιών ορισμένων χωρών, αλλά και στη φτωχή αγοραστική δύναμη των

οικογενειών και τα περιορισμένα μέσα των επιχειρήσεων. Είναι, επίσης, σαφές ότι ο

πόλεμος και οι ανεπάρκειες του εκπαιδευτικού συστήματος έχουν διαδραματίσει

σημαντικό ρόλο.

Τέλος, όλες αυτές οι δυσμενείς συνθήκες που επικρατούν στον κλάδο έχουν

οδηγήσει στην συνεχή διαρροή ανθρώπινου, επιστημονικά καταρτισμένου,

δυναμικού, που μαστίζει κυρίως της χώρες της Σερβίας, της Κροατίας και της

FYROM, ενώ στη Βουλγαρία περιοδικά εμφανίζεται κάποια τάση σταθεροποίησης η

οποία όμως δεν λύνει το πρόβλημα. Ακόμα και το θετικό γεγονός ότι σε ορισμένες

χώρες υπάρχει εξειδικευμένο προσωπικό, στιγματίζεται από τα υψηλά ποσοστά

ανεργίας, όπως στην περίπτωση και της FYROM και της Κροατίας.

Βιομηχανία ICT

Παρά τους απαισιόδοξους δείκτες σχετικά με την οικονομία της SEE, η

βιομηχανία ICT αναπτύσσεται πραγματικά και διαδίδεται μέσα σε αυτή την περιοχή -

είναι ένας από τους οδηγούς της οικονομικής ανάπτυξης. Ο λόγος βρίσκεται στο

γεγονός ότι οι ICT δεν περιορίζονται μόνο στις αναπτυγμένες χώρες, αλλά

αντιπροσωπεύουν γενικά συμφέροντα. Οι κυβερνήσεις σχεδόν όλων των χωρών

μέσα στην περιοχή προσπαθούν να σχεδιάσουν ή έχουν σχεδιάσει αποτελεσματικές

πολιτικές για να διευκολύνουν τη χρήση των ICT με στόχο την οικονομική ανάπτυξη.

Παραδείγματος χάριν, η αγορά ICΤ στη FYROM έχει αυξηθεί από 37 εκατομμύρια

δολάρια το 2000 σε 50 εκατομμύρια δολάρια το 2003. Στην Κροατία, αν και ο

αριθμός επιχειρήσεων ICT δεν έχει αυξηθεί σημαντικά μεταξύ 1994 και 2002

(15,76%), το ακαθάριστο εισόδημα αυτών των επιχειρήσεων έχει αυξηθεί κατά


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Επιπλέον, ο καταμερισμός των δραστηριοτήτων της βιομηχανίας έχει αλλάζει. Οι

πωλήσεις hardware κυριαρχούν ακόμα, αλλά το λογισμικό και οι υπηρεσίες

αποτελούν το μεγαλύτερο μερίδιο της αγοράς. Χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα αποτελεί

η FYROM, όπου το μερίδιο εφαρμογής λογισμικού αυξήθηκε από 15% το 2000 σε

36% το 2003. Εντούτοις, φαίνεται ότι οι κυβερνήσεις δεν αναγνωρίζουν αυτές τις

δυνατότητες ανάπτυξης. Υπάρχουν πόροι (εργοστάσια, επιχειρήσεις) που έχουν τη

δυναμική, αλλά χωρίς σοβαρή κυβερνητική υποκίνηση, αυτή η δυναμική δεν μπορεί

να αναπτυχθεί λόγω της συχνής έλλειψης διευθυντικών πόρων, διαθέσιμων και

ενημερωμένων στοιχείων. Επιπλέον, η βιομηχανία ICT όλων των χωρών της SEE

μπορούν μετά βίας να επιτύχουν σημαντική πρόοδο χωρίς επιπλέον οικονομικές

ενισχύσεις από το εξωτερικό και πρόσθετες προσπάθειες στην εσωτερική οικονομία.

Μέσα σε αυτό το πλαίσιο, η βιομηχανία ICT στις χώρες της SEE προσπαθεί να

αναπτυχθεί υποστηριζόμενη από την:

• δυνατότητα των εσωτερικών επιχειρήσεων (δημόσιων και ιδιωτικών) να

συμμετέχουν στην εγκατάσταση και τη συντήρηση του υλικού για τις

ανάγκες στο εσωτερικό κάθε χώρας,

• δυνατότητα των τοπικών επιχειρήσεων να συμμετέχουν στην παραγωγή και

την παράδοση του λογισμικού για τις ανάγκες στο εσωτερικό,

• δυνατότητα των εσωτερικών επιχειρήσεων να συμμετέχουν στην παραγωγή

και την παράδοση του υλικού και του λογισμικού για τις ανάγκες των


Δεξιότητες ICT

Μία εκ των μεγαλύτερων δυσκολιών που αντιμετωπίζουν τα Βαλκάνια, αλλά και

οι ανεπτυγμένες χώρες, αποτελεί η δυσαναλογία μεταξύ των διαθέσιμων δεξιοτήτων

και των απαιτήσεων που υπάρχουν από πλευράς επιχειρήσεων. Γενικά, με την

ανάπτυξη των εφαρμογών και των υπηρεσιών ICT και την αύξηση της γνώσης και

των δεξιοτήτων ICT του πληθυσμού, η ζήτηση για τους ειδικούς ICT θα αυξηθεί

γρηγορότερα. Επομένως, αναμένεται ότι οι ανάγκες σε δεξιότητες ICT θα αυξηθούν

αρκετά κατά τη διάρκεια των επόμενων ετών, όπως έχει συμβεί στην Ελλάδα, την

Πορτογαλία και την Ισπανία, ιδιαίτερα στις επιχειρήσεις του βιομηχανικού τομέα,

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όπου οι εργασίες ICT συσχετίζονται με τις λειτουργίες υποστήριξης και οι μισθοί δεν

είναι αρκετά ελκυστικοί.

Σύμφωνα με έρευνα της IDC για λογαριασμό της Cisco Systems που

δημοσιεύτηκε τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2005, η Δυτική και Ανατολική Ευρώπη χρειάζονται

περισσότερες ICT δεξιότητες. Η έλλειψη ενημέρωσης για τις ICT είναι μεγαλύτερη

στις χώρες της Κεντρικής και Ανατολικής Ευρώπης, όπου η ζήτηση για τις

προηγμένες τεχνολογίες δικτύωσης είναι η υψηλότερη, σημειώνεται στην έρευνα.

Σύμφωνα με τον Yvon Leroux, αντιπρόεδρο στο τμήμα δημοσίου τομέα για την

Cisco στην Ευρώπη και τις αναπτυσσόμενες αγορές, η έλλειψη στις χώρες αυτές,

στις δεξιότητες προηγμένης τεχνολογίας είναι ήδη 11,5%, σε σύγκριση με το μέσο

όρο της ΕΕ που είναι μόλις πάνω από 7%. Κατά τη διάρκεια, όμως, των επόμενων

ετών η ανάπτυξη υποδομών και ο επανασχεδιασμός των επιχειρησιακών

διαδικασιών, είναι πιθανό να είναι υψηλότεροι.

Η ανάλυση των προοπτικών για τη συντήρηση και την οικοδόμηση των

ικανοτήτων ICT και των δεξιοτήτων περιπλέκεται και από την κινητικότητα των

ειδικευμένων επαγγελματιών. Παρόλα αυτά, αν και η πολιτική μετανάστευσης

πολλών αναπτυγμένων χωρών διευκολύνει την κινητικότητα, υπάρχει η προσδοκία

ότι η πολιτική σταθεροποίησης, το οικονομικό περιβάλλον και αυξανόμενη ποιότητα

της ζωής, καθώς επίσης και οι ελκυστικές συνθήκες εργασίας στον τομέα των ICT θα

κρατήσουν τους ειδικούς στην χώρα τους περιορίζοντας το πρόβλημα.

Επιπλέον, οι επαγγελματίες ICT στις λιγότερο αναπτυγμένες χώρες

παρακινούνται ευκολότερα να περάσουν τις διαδικασίες πιστοποίησης ICT,

δεδομένου ότι αυτές μπορούν να βοηθήσουν στην εξέλιξη της εργασιακής τους

πορείας προς καλύτερες θέσεις εργασίας και συνεπώς στη βελτίωση της ποιότητας

ζωής τους. Αντιθέτως, οι ειδικοί ICT στις χώρες με υψηλότερο βιοτικό επίπεδο και

αναπτυγμένες βιομηχανίες και υπηρεσίες ICT δεν ενδιαφέρονται τόσο για τέτοιες

διαδικασίες, οι οποίες δεν τους προσφέρουν σημαντικά πλεονεκτήματα για τη

συνέχιση της καριέρας τους.

Η αύξηση του αριθμού εξειδικευμένων επαγγελματιών ICT και σε

οποιαδήποτε χώρα είναι ένα σημαντικό στοιχείο της ενίσχυσης της

ανταγωνιστικότητας της οικονομίας. Είναι πολύ σημαντικό, λοιπόν, να εξεταστεί το

χάσμα δεξιοτήτων στις Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορίας και Επικοινωνιών και να

αντιμετωπιστούν οι βαθύτερες αιτίες τους συνολικά μέσω της συνεργασίας όλων

των χωρών στα Βαλκάνια, με συνεργασίες Πανεπιστημίων και επιχειρήσεων από

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διαφορετικές χώρες, αλλά και μέσω μιας κοινής προσπάθειας να δημιουργηθούν

πρότυπα για τις επαγγελματικές δεξιότητες στον τομέα.

Προοπτικές περαιτέρω ανάπτυξης

Η μέχρι τώρα ανάλυση δείχνει ότι αν και έχουν γίνει σημαντικά βήματα για την

ανάπτυξη της περιοχής της νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης, υπάρχουν ακόμα πολλές

ενέργειες που πρέπει να γίνουν προκειμένου να φθάσουν στις παραμέτρους που

θέτει η ανεπτυγμένη Ευρώπη. Η πορεία προς τη ζητούμενη αναπτυξιακή πορεία

φαίνεται ότι μπορεί να επιτευχθεί στηριζόμενη στο παρακάτω τρίπτυχο:

α) Πολιτική δέσμευση

Πολιτική δέσμευση πρέπει να επέλθει καταρχάς από την πλευρά της Ευρώπης η

οποία έχει και το κεφάλαιο , αλλά και την τεχνογνωσία. Η ΕΕ πρέπει να προβλέψει

την εκχώρηση νέων κεφαλαίων κυρίως για την ενδυνάμωση της υποδομής των

Βαλκανικών χωρών, αλλά και να ασκήσει μεγαλύτερη πίεση στις επιμέρους

κυβερνήσεις προκειμένου να εφαρμόζονται τα προγράμματα αποτελεσματικά, ώστε

με την τακτική εκπλήρωση των στόχων που έχουν τεθεί να οδηγηθούν στον

μοναδικό σκοπό της ανάπτυξης.

Η διαδικασία της χάραξης στρατηγικής ICT απαιτεί μια ισχυρή πολιτική

δέσμευση, η απουσία της οποίας μπορεί να μειώσει ανεπανόρθωτα τις πιθανότητες

επιτυχίας. Είναι ουσιαστικό να αναλάβουν οι τοπικοί βασικοί ιθύνοντες έναν υψηλό

βαθμό ευθύνης μαζί με μια ενεργό συμμετοχή της ΕΕ προκειμένου να επιτευχθεί ένα

ευνοϊκό κοινωνικοοικονομικό περιβάλλον. Οι αναφορές και οι καλύτερες πρακτικές

από την ΕΕ μπορούν να χρησιμεύσουν ως ένας πρακτικός οδηγός για την περιοχή.

Ανεξαρτήτου συνεισφοράς της ΕΕ, η καθιέρωση και η εφαρμογή των κατάλληλων

εθνικών πολιτικών και στρατηγικών, βασίζεται στις τοπικές κυβερνήσεις. Οι

κανονισμοί πρέπει να απεικονίσουν την παγκόσμια πραγματικότητα, αλλά και τα

συγκεκριμένα χαρακτηριστικά γνωρίσματα της βαλκανικής πραγματικότητας, έτσι

ώστε να εξυπηρετούν τους ιδιαίτερους στόχους για μια γρηγορότερη μετάβαση

βασισμένη στη γνώση οικονομία στα Βαλκάνια. Σε πρακτικό επίπεδο, τα επιπλέον

φορολογικά κίνητρα και οι ειδικές χρηματοδοτήσεις, μειώνοντας τον επιχειρηματικό

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κίνδυνο, καθώς και η οικοδόμηση ενός θεσμικού συστήματος για την τεχνολογική

εξέλιξη καθώς και η πρόβλεψη των μελλοντικά ζητούμενων δεξιοτήτων θα

μπορούσε να επιδράσει καταλυτικά στην ανάπτυξη. Βέβαια, αυτό μπορεί να

επιτευχθεί μόνο μέσω στενής συνεργασίας της ΕΕ και των βαλκανικών


β) Ανοικτές, συμμετοχικές διαδικασίες

Εσωστρεφείς διαδικασίες που δεν συνοδεύονται από συμβουλευτικούς

μηχανισμούς παράγουν περιορισμένα και επομένως όχι πραγματικά στρατηγικά,

οράματα. Αντιθέτως, ανοικτές και συμμετοχικές διαδικασίες έχουν κινητοποιήσει

διαφορετικούς τομείς της κοινωνίας – δημόσιο, ιδιωτικό και ακαδημαϊκό τομέα –

των οποίων η δέσμευση έχει βοηθήσει να διευρυνθεί η προοπτική των σχεδίων και

να εξασφαλιστεί η εστίαση στις προτεραιότητες της εθνικής ανάπτυξης. Επίσης, με

αυτόν τον τρόπο, εξασφαλίζεται ευρεία κοινωνική υποστήριξη και κινητοποίηση, η

οποία είναι απαραίτητη για την πραγματοποίηση των σκληρών πολιτικών επιλογών.

Συμμετοχικές διαδικασίες πρέπει να υπάρχουν σε πρώτο επίπεδο μεταξύ της ΕΕ

και των βαλκανικών χωρών. Ο διάλογος, σε διεθνές επίπεδο, είναι ένα από τα βασικά

στοιχεία στα οποία θα βασιστεί η αύξηση της ανταγωνιστικότητας των Βαλκανίων. Η

ενδυνάμωση των πανευρωπαϊκών συνεργασιών, των εμπορικών ανταλλαγών και η

ανάπτυξη των δικτύων σε ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο είναι αυτά που μπορούν να

πραγματώσουν την σύγκλιση του αναπτυξιακού χάσματος που ακόμα μαστίζει την

περιοχή των Βαλκανίων.

Σε δεύτερο επίπεδο, πρέπει να εδραιωθεί η συνεργασία μεταξύ των επιμέρους

βαλκανικών χωρών. Αυτό θα επιτευχθεί, πρώτον, μέσω της διασύνδεσης των

βάσεων δεδομένων που θα επιτρέψει την διαρκή ροή της γνώσης. Δεύτερον, μέσω

της ανάπτυξης κοινών περιφερειακών στρατηγικών και ανταγωνιστικών

περιφερειακών προγραμμάτων που να στοχεύουν στην ταχεία περιφερειακή

ανάπτυξη, τη διασυνοριακή ανάπτυξη συνεργασιών και την περιφερειακή

ανταγωνιστικότητα. Έτσι, η ενδυνάμωση της συνεργασίας μεταξύ των βαλκανικών

κυβερνήσεων και των πολιτών θα οδηγήσει σε γρηγορότερη αύξηση της

περιφερειακής εναρμόνισης και στη δημιουργία περιφερειακών προγραμμάτων που

θα εστιάζουν στην καινοτομία.

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γ) Αύξηση συνειδητοποίησης

Ο υψηλός βαθμός συμμετοχής όλων των εμπλεκόμενων μερών, μπορεί να

αποτελεί σημαντικό μέρος της πορείας προς την ανάπτυξη και για τη μετάβαση στην

οικονομία γνώσης, αλλά χωρίς την καθιέρωση των όρων, του τρόπου σκέψης και τη

διάδοση των επιτυχημένων παραδειγμάτων, η υποστήριξη θα είναι μειούμενη και

συνεπώς κάποια στιγμή ανεπαρκής για να στηρίξει ένα τέτοιο όραμα. Έτσι, η

συνειδητοποίηση και η δέσμευση είναι κρίσιμη για να στηρίξει την πολιτική

δέσμευση, ειδικά όταν οι αποφάσεις που απαιτούνται ακολουθούνται από

ριζοσπαστικές και καινοτόμες αλλαγές. Σε πρακτικό επίπεδο, τόσο οι κυβερνητικές,

αλλά και οι επαγγελματικές ενώσεις καλούνται να συμβάλλουν στην μεταφορά της

τεχνογνωσίας και της κατανόησης των κεκτημένων σε όλους τους φορείς που

εμπλέκονται και συνεπώς και στο μεγαλύτερο μέρος του κοινωνικού συνόλου. Μόνο

έτσι θα ενισχυθεί η προσπάθεια να υιοθετηθεί μια πιο θετική εικόνα και να

δημιουργηθεί ένα νέο όραμα μέσω αμοιβαίας αύξησης εμπιστοσύνης, καλύτερης

κατανόησης των περιφερειακών ιδιομορφιών και μια ευκολότερη

προσαρμοστικότητα στα ευρωπαϊκά πρότυπα.

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3.3 Ελλάδα

Οι Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών (ICT) αγγίζουν σχεδόν όλους

τους τομείς της οικονομίας και συνεπώς την πλειοψηφία των εργαζομένων

προκαλώντας συνεχώς καθοριστικές αλλαγές στον τρόπο, αλλά και στις συνθήκες

εργασίας τους. Το γενικό πλαίσιο απασχόλησης στην Ελλάδα, όπως έχει

διαμορφωθεί σήμερα, συνδυάζει τις εξελίξεις τόσο στην τεχνολογία, όσο και στην

αγορά εργασίας. Χαρακτηρίζεται από σημαντικές και συνεχείς μεταρρυθμίσεις που

στοχεύουν στην επίτευξη μεγαλύτερης ευελιξίας στην αγορά εργασίας και στη

στροφή προς πολιτικές αγοράς εργασίας που θέτουν την αναβάθμιση του

ανθρώπινου δυναμικού και την ανάπτυξη της "καταλληλότητας για απασχόληση" του

εργατικού δυναμικού ως βασική προτεραιότητα, γεγονός που αποφέρει συνεχείς

μεταβολές στις δεξιότητες που απαιτούνται στο στίβο της απασχόλησης. Η εμπειρία

δείχνει ότι οι πολιτικές που εστιάζουν στην προστασία και στην συντήρηση της

υπάρχουσας παθητικής και στατικής κατάστασης σε τομείς εργασίας που είτε ήδη

αντιμετωπίζουν πρόβλημα, είτε είναι υγιείς, οδηγεί σε δυσμενείς συνέπειες. Για να

αντιμετωπιστεί ένα τέτοιο ενδεχόμενο θα πρέπει να στοιχειοθετηθεί και να

λειτουργήσει ένα δυναμικό και εύκαμπτο θεσμικό πλαίσιο το οποίο να ενθαρρύνει

την συνεχή και ταχεία αναδιάρθρωση της αγοράς εργασίας, που να συνοδεύεται από

πρωτοβουλίες για την κατάρτιση των εργαζομένων και την αναβάθμιση των


Κατάσταση του ICT τομέα στην Ελλάδα

Η συνεισφορά των ΤΠΕ στην αναπτυξιακή διαδικασία εξαρτάται από την εξέλιξη

των ίδιων των κλάδων της Πληροφορικής και των Τηλεπικοινωνιών. Δυστυχώς, η

ελληνική οικονομία δεν παρουσίαζε ικανοποιητική εικόνα στον τομέα αυτό τα

περασμένα χρόνια: χαμηλό ποσοστό διάχυσης νέων τεχνολογιών, μικρό μερίδιο

ειδικευμένων στο σύνολο των εργαζόμενων, υψηλό μη εργασιακό κόστος και

ελάχιστα παραδείγματα ανάπτυξης νέων μορφών εργασίας, όπως η τηλε-εργασία και

εξαγωγική εξειδίκευση σε προϊόντα ευάλωτα στον έντονο ανταγωνισμό. Το ποσοστό

απασχόλησης στον τομέα των ICT σε σχέση με τη συνολική απασχόληση ήταν

περίπου 2% το 1998 ενώ το 1999 ανήλθε σε περίπου 2,5% (ως μέσο όρο της

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απασχόλησης ICT στην κατασκευή και στις υπηρεσίες). Σε ημερίδα για τις

ηλεκτρονικές επικοινωνίες της Εθνικής Επιτροπής Τηλεπικοινωνιών και

Ταχυδρομείων (ΕΕΤΤ) επισημάνθηκε η καθυστέρηση της χώρας μας στην ανάπτυξη

στο χώρο της πληροφορικής. Χαρακτηριστικό είναι ότι η Ελλάδα κατατάσσεται στις

τελευταίες θέσεις της Ε.Ε., παρά τους υψηλούς ρυθμούς προσαρμογής.

Σήμερα, η ελληνική αγορά τηλεπικοινωνιών και πληροφορικής παρουσιάζει

ικανοποιητική ανάπτυξη σε σχέση με το παρελθόν, ενώ έχει αυξηθεί σημαντικά και

το ποσοστό απασχόλησης στον τομέα των ICT. Χαρακτηριστικό είναι ότι οι δαπάνες

ICT αποτελούν τώρα το 5,3% του ΑΕΠ, ενώ στην απασχόληση του 2001 στις ICT ο

τομέας αποτέλεσε 1,1% του συνολικού εργατικού δυναμικού, γεγονός που

καταδεικνύει τη σημασία του τομέα των ICT στην εθνική οικονομία μας. Ο τομέας

της βιομηχανίας, που πλέον αναπτύσσεται με ταχείς ρυθμούς, προσελκύει το

καλύτερα καταρτισμένο ανθρώπινο δυναμικό - 100.000 άτομα απασχολούνται ήδη

στις ICT, αριθμός ο οποίος θα αυξηθεί καθώς ο τομέας της βιομηχανίας

αναπτύσσεται. Πανεπιστήμια και ερευνητικά ιδρύματα εμπλέκονται όλο και

περισσότερο στο σχεδιασμό μαθημάτων ICT με αποτέλεσμα οι πτυχιούχοι της

τριτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης να είναι επαρκώς καταρτισμένοι και να διαθέτουν ποικιλία

δεξιοτήτων ICT και γνώσεων που είναι απαραίτητες για να στηρίξουν τη βιομηχανική

ανάπτυξη, αλλά και τους τομείς του management και των χρηματοοικονομικών.

Τέλος, πολλοί αξιόλογοι μελετητές και επιστήμονες έχουν παρουσιάσει έντονο

ενδιαφέρον για τον ερευνητικό τομέα των ICT (περίπου 1.500 προσωπικό

επιστημόνων απασχολείται στα τέσσερα κύρια κέντρα έρευνας και ανάπτυξης στην


Οι πτυχιούχοι ΑΕΙ και ΤΕΙ αποτελούν ισοδύναμα τις δύο κύριες πηγές

προσωπικού των επιχειρήσεων ΤΠΕ. Ακολουθούν οι απόφοιτοι ΙΕΚ και οι κάτοχοι

Μεταπτυχιακού ή διδακτορικού διπλώματος. Απόφοιτοι ΤΕΙ, ΑΕΙ, ΙΕΚ καθώς και

κάτοχοι μεταπτυχιακού τίτλου προσλαμβάνονται περισσότερο από μεγάλες και με

εκτεταμένο αριθμό περιοχών απασχόλησης επιχειρήσεις. Οι περιφερειακές

επιχειρήσεις στρέφονται περισσότερο προς την απασχόληση επιδοτούμενου

προσωπικού, σε αντίθεση με τις μητροπολιτικές που προτιμούν πτυχιούχους ΤΠΕ. Τα

γραφεία του ΟΑΕΔ αποτελούν πηγή πρόσληψης προσωπικού περισσότερο για τις

μικρές, τις περιφερειακές και με μικρότερη γεωγραφική εμβέλεια δράσης

επιχειρήσεις. Οι μεγαλύτερες και με μεγαλύτερη γεωγραφική εμβέλεια επιχειρήσεις

προτιμούν πτυχιούχους παρά επιδοτούμενο προσωπικό. Όσον αφορά τις πηγές

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άντλησης προσωπικού, οι μεγάλες επιχειρήσεις χρησιμοποιούν περισσότερο τις

αγγελίες στον Τύπο, στο Διαδίκτυο, τα ιδιωτικά γραφεία εύρεσης εργασίας και

λιγότερο τα γραφεία του ΟΑΕΔ.

Η ανάπτυξη που έχει παρουσιαστεί τα τελευταία χρόνια έχει διευρύνει το φάσμα

των εργασιών στον τομέα των ΤΠΕ και έχει προκαλέσει τη δημιουργία πληθώρας

ειδικοτήτων, λόγω της ανάγκης για εξειδικευμένες δεξιότητες, οι οποίες

προσφέρονται ήδη από την εκπαίδευση. Οι συχνότερες εξ αυτών είναι οι εξής:

♦ Ειδικός εφαρμογών ΙΤ (IT applications specialist)

♦ Εφαρμογές ΤΠ - ειδικός πολυμέσων (IT applications with multimedia


♦ Τεχνικός ιατρικών εφαρμογών ΤΠ (Medical IT applications technician)

♦ Τεχνικός υπολογιστών, επικοινωνίας και δικτύων (Computer, communication

and network technician)

♦ ΤΠ, δίκτυα & τεχνικός εφαρμογής αυτοματισμού γραφείου (IT, networks &

office automation application technician)

♦ Διοίκηση συστημάτων και τεχνικός υπηρεσιών Διαδικτύου (Systems

administration and intranet-internet service technician)

♦ Τεχνικός ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών (Computer Systems technician)

♦ Τεχνικός δικτύων υπολογιστών (Computer networks technician)

♦ Τεχνικός τεχνολογίας Διαδικτύου (Internet technology technician)

♦ Τεχνικός τηλεματικής - Επικοινωνίες (Telematics technician -


Το μερίδιο της απασχόλησης ICT στη συνολική απασχόληση στην Ελλάδα

παραμένει ακόμα μεταξύ των χαμηλότερων στην ΕΕ. Η απασχόληση ICT στην

Ελλάδα αποτελείται κυρίως από την απασχόληση στις τηλεπικοινωνίες και σε

περιορισμένους τομείς κατασκευαστικών και της ανάπτυξης λογισμικού, που

υποστηρίζει το δημόσιο τομέα, τις τραπεζικές εργασίες και τις κατασκευές. Μέχρι

τώρα, οι Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών έχουν δημιουργήσει θέσεις

εργασίας κυρίως στον τριτογενή τομέα και στους υψηλά καταρτισμένους

εργαζομένους. Οι εταιρίες και οι τομείς που χαρακτηρίζονται από καινοτομίες

παρουσιάζουν μια ανάπτυξη παραγωγικότητας πάνω από το μέσο όρο

παραγωγικότητας και απασχόλησης. Όπως οι εταιρίες με τη μεγαλύτερη

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τεχνογνωσία εκτοπίζουν τις άλλες, έτσι και τα άτομα που κατέχουν τεχνογνωσία και

δεξιότητες έχουν υψηλότερες αποδοχές. Η οποιαδήποτε αύξηση στην απασχόληση

ICT μπορεί να αποδοθεί εν μέρει στη δημιουργία διάφορων επιχειρήσεων ICT όπως

οι προμηθευτές Διαδικτύου και οι υπηρεσίες κινητής τηλεφωνίας.

Είναι φανερό, λοιπόν, ότι ο κύριος λόγος της μη αποτελεσματικής ανάπτυξης και

της σχεδόν ανύπαρκτης διεύρυνσης της απασχόλησης προς καινοτόμους τομείς

φέρεται να είναι η ανεπαρκής κατάρτιση των εργαζομένων. Η Ελλάδα όπως και η

υπόλοιπη Ευρώπη, αντιμετώπιζε πρόβλημα έλλειψης προσφοράς εργατικού

δυναμικού υψηλών δεξιοτήτων μέχρι πρόσφατα. Οι ανάγκες όμως της αγοράς έχουν

μειώσει το σύνολο των κενών θέσεων εργασίας στον τομέα. Οι εκτιμήσεις των

αναλυτών πλέον μιλούν για μεγάλη ύφεση στην αγορά της πληροφορικής , με

αποτέλεσμα οι αρχικές προβλέψεις για ανάγκη 50.000 θέσεων εργασίας να μην είναι

τόσο αισιόδοξες. Ενδεικτικό είναι ότι ετησίως αποφοιτούν από τα τμήματα ΑΕΙ & ΤΕΙ

της χώρας αλλά και από άλλες χώρες, περισσότεροι από 11.000 πτυχιούχοι σχολών

πληροφορικής, οδηγώντας πολλούς από αυτούς στην ανεργία. Η ανεπαρκής

κατάρτιση ICT προκαλεί μια δραματική έλλειψη όχι μόνο στους ειδικούς IT, αλλά και

σε απλούς χρήστες. Η έλλειψη ειδικευμένου προσωπικού σημαίνει ότι η δυνατότητα

να λειτουργήσουν και να αποδώσουν τα πληροφοριακά συστήματα είναι

περιορισμένη, προκαλώντας στασιμότητα στον τομέα των ICT. Οι δεξιότητες που

απαιτούνται είναι:

• Χρήση της τεχνολογίας πληροφοριών, εφαρμογές αυτοματισμού γραφείου

και εξειδικευμένες εφαρμογές (π.χ. εφαρμογές δικτύων) (Use of information

technology, applications of office automation and specialized applications)

• Μεθοδολογία εισαγωγής στοιχείων και διαχείρισης ιστοσελίδων (Data

entering methodology and management of web-pages)

• Ζητήματα ασφάλειας των Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων (Information

systems security issues)

• Δημιουργία και διαχείριση βάσεων δεδομένων (Creation and management of

data bases)

• Αρχιτεκτονική Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων (Information Systems


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Προσφορά- Χάσμα Δεξιοτήτων

H αλματώδης ανάπτυξη των Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών

(ΤΠΕ) τα τελευταία χρόνια και η διείσδυσή τους σε όλες σχεδόν τις παραδοσιακές

διαδικασίες παραγωγής αλλά και στις περισσότερες εκφάνσεις της καθημερινής ζωής,

οδήγησαν σε κατακόρυφη αύξηση των αναγκών σε εξειδικευμένο προσωπικό, σε

ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο και στην Ελλάδα. Επειδή η αύξηση αυτή είναι και ποσοτικά πολύ

μεγάλη, αλλά συνέβη και σε πολύ περιορισμένο χρονικό διάστημα, οι εκπαιδευτικές

δομές των χωρών δεν μπόρεσαν να ανταποκριθούν στη ζήτηση. Το αποτέλεσμα

είναι μία άνευ προηγουμένου διαταραχή του ισοζυγίου προσφοράς και ζήτησης

προσωπικού εξειδικευμένου στις νέες τεχνολογίες, φαινόμενο που συχνά αναφέρεται

ως «χάσμα δεξιοτήτων», φαινόμενο που ενισχύεται από την απόκλιση των

δεξιοτήτων που ζητούνται στα νέα επαγγέλματα με αυτές που διαθέτουν οι

εργαζόμενοι που διατίθενται στην αγορά εργασίας. Σύμφωνα με τον Σύνδεσμο

Επιχειρήσεων Πληροφορικής & Επικοινωνιών Ελλάδας (ΣΕΠΕ) «υπάρχει διαρκές

πρόβλημα στελεχών, καθώς στον χώρο της πληροφορικής υπολογίζονται σε περίπου

αρκετές χιλιάδες οι θέσεις εργασίας που παραμένουν κενές» [5].

Για την αντιμετώπιση αυτού του φαινόμενου και την κάλυψη του χάσματος και

της έλλειψης ειδικών στις ΤΠΕ, πολυάριθμες πρωτοβουλίες έχουν ξεκινήσει σε όλες

τις χώρες του κόσμου. Για την Ελλάδα οι πρώτες εκτιμήσεις υπολογίζουν τις ανάγκες

σε ειδικούς στις ΤΠΕ για τα επόμενα χρόνια σε περίπου 50.000. Οι λύσεις μπορούν

να είναι άμεσες και έμμεσες. Στο ζήτημα αυτό κύριοι συντελεστές είναι το

εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα, το σύστημα επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης, η βιομηχανία των

ΤΠΕ, οι επιστημονικοί και επαγγελματικοί φορείς, οι συνδικαλιστικές ενώσεις και

τελικά η πολιτεία. Τα μέσα που πρέπει να χρησιμοποιηθούν στον τομέα της

εκπαίδευσης και κατάρτισης πρέπει να συνδυάζουν τις κλασικές μορφές µε τις πιο

εξελιγμένες όπως την ηλεκτρονική μάθηση και την πρακτική εξάσκηση σε

επιχειρήσεις, ώστε να μπορούν να ανταποκριθούν στην ανάγκη της σημερινής

αγοράς εργασίας για άμεση εναρμόνιση με το σκληρό στίβο της εργασίας.

Ευκαιρίες Ανάπτυξης στο Ελληνικό Περιβάλλον

Η Ελλάδα βρίσκεται σε μια στρατηγική διασταύρωση και αποτελεί ένα άριστο

επιχειρησιακό μέσο για την επέκταση στη νοτιοανατολική ευρωπαϊκή αγορά,

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λαμβάνοντας υπόψη και την επικείμενη διεύρυνση της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Στον

τομέα των ICT στην Ελλάδα παρουσιάζονται επενδυτές με αξιόλογη δυναμική

ανάπτυξης και επενδύσεων. Η αύξηση της επένδυσης στην έρευνα και την

τεχνολογία είναι αυτήν την περίοδο περίπου 7%. Κάποιες από τις πιο σημαντικές,

παγκοσμίου επιπέδου επιχειρήσεις ΙΤ έχουν γραφεία ή παραρτήματα στην Ελλάδα,

συμπεριλαμβανομένων των Microsoft, HP, Oracle, SAP, Motorola, Bull, Siemens και


Η κυβέρνηση, αναγνωρίζοντας τις περαιτέρω προοπτικές ανάπτυξης της

ελληνικής αγοράς στον τομέα αυτόν, έχει θέσει ως προτεραιότητα την ανάπτυξη ICT

σε όλα τα επίπεδα της κοινωνίας και επενδύει έντονα στην αναβάθμιση της

τεχνολογικής δομής της χώρας στην εκπαίδευση, την κυβέρνηση, και την

επιχείρηση. Το ρυθμιστικό πλαίσιο που επιτηρείται από το Υπουργείο Οικονομίας και

Οικονομικών, το Υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης και το Υπουργείο Εθνικής Παιδείας είναι

ιδιαίτερα ενθαρρυντικό για τις αναδυόμενες προσπάθειες έρευνας και ανάπτυξης και

είναι ένα βασικό παράδειγμα της έμφασης που δίνει το κράτος στην προώθηση των

Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών (ICT), που διαχέονται πλέον και σε

άλλους αναπτυσσόμενους κλάδους της οικονομίας.

Επιτυχημένο παράδειγμα ραγδαίας ανάπτυξης αποτελεί ο τομέας της κινητής

τηλεφωνίας. Η άρση των ελέγχων της ελληνικής αγοράς τηλεπικοινωνιών έχει δώσει

ευκαιρίες στην ανάπτυξη σε δεκάδων νέων, μικρομεσαίων και μεγάλων επιχειρήσεων

ICT που ενεργοποιούνται στην ανάπτυξη και τη διεύρυνση των υπηρεσιών και των

προϊόντων. Η χρήση υπολογιστών και Διαδικτύου, εντούτοις, είναι ακόμα χαμηλή σε

σχέση με τα πρότυπα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Η χρήση υπολογιστών κυμαίνεται

στο επίπεδο του 23%, το οποίο αποτελεί παρόλα αυτά μια καλή ευκαιρία επένδυσης,

ειδικά στον τομέα της εκπαίδευσης. Η χρήση Διαδικτύου, το οποίο αυτή τη περίοδο

είναι στο επίπεδο του 13%, παρουσιάζει ικανοποιητική αυξητική τάση. Η κινητή

τηλεφωνία έχει προκαλέσει το ενδιαφέρον για 3G και για επόμενης γενεάς

ευρυζωνικές υπηρεσίες. Υπάρχουν τέσσερις προμηθευτές κινητών- Cosmote,

Vodafone, Stet και η νέα Q- telecom. O OTE παρουσιάζεται ως ο ισχυρότερος, πιο

ενεργός, και πιο επιθετικός χειριστής τηλεπικοινωνιών της νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης.

Στον τομέα της εκπαίδευσης, τα πράγματα φαίνεται να εξελίσσονται αρκετά

αισιόδοξα. Ένας σημαντικός αριθμός, πλέον των 1500, υψηλής μόρφωσης και

τεχνικά έμπειρων μηχανικών που αποφοιτούν κάθε έτος από τις ελληνικές σχολές

εφαρμοσμένης Πληροφορικής. Πολλοί από αυτούς συνεχίζουν με μεταπτυχιακές

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σπουδές, αλλά και με την απόκτηση διδακτορικού διπλώματος σε γνωστά

πανεπιστήμια των ΗΠΑ και της Αγγλίας, και ένα μεγάλο μέρος από αυτούς

επιστρέφει στην Ελλάδα για να ανατροφοδοτήσει το ήδη ανεπτυγμένο επίπεδο

επιστημόνων. Αλλά και στην Ελλάδα προσφέρεται πλέον ικανοποιητικό επίπεδο

ανώτατης, ανώτερης και τεχνικής εκπαίδευσης, προσφέροντας έτσι ποιοτικό

προσωπικό στην αγορά εργασίας των εταιρειών του κλάδου. Η υποδομή δε του

ακαδημαϊκού και ερευνητικού επιπέδου κινείται ήδη σε διευρυμένα πλαίσια,

αποτελώντας ένα σημαντικό στοιχείο της αύξησης των ICT και επιτρέποντας τη

χρήση του τοπικού ανθρώπινου δυναμικού από εταιρίες στο εξωτερικό.

Εμπόδια Ανάπτυξης στο Ελληνικό Περιβάλλον

Οι γνώσεις και δεξιότητες στον τομέα της πληροφορικής, οι οποίες αποκτούνται

μέσω μίας τυπικής ή άτυπης διαδικασίας, ενώ κατά το παρελθόν αποτελούσαν

προνόμιο για λίγους, σήμερα αποτελούν συστατικό στοιχείο σχεδόν κάθε εργασίας.

Αυτό συμβαίνει, διότι όπως τονίστηκε η τεχνολογία και οι δυνατότητες που

προσφέρει αποτελούν πλέον σημαντικό μέσο εργασίας, κι επομένως και η απόκτηση

ανάλογων γνώσεων και δεξιοτήτων αποτελεί προσόν για τους περισσότερους

εργαζόμενους ή αυτούς που επιθυμούν να ενταχθούν στην αγορά εργασίας.

Συνεπώς, προκύπτει η ανάγκη υιοθέτησης διαδικασιών αξιολόγησης και

πιστοποίησης των γνώσεων και δεξιοτήτων στον ευρύτερο τομέα της πληροφορικής,

ως μια διαδικασία η οποία θα δώσει περισσότερη διαφάνεια στα προσόντα των

εργαζομένων ή υποψηφίων για εργασία, ενώ συνεχώς αυξάνουν σε Ευρωπαϊκό

επίπεδο οι πρωτοβουλίες προσδιορισμού των προφίλ των επαγγελμάτων.

Ένα τέτοιο διαφανές σύστημα κατάρτισης και απόκτησης σχετικών προσόντων

δεν έχει ακόμα προβλεφθεί. Συνήθως, οι πρωτοβουλίες κατάρτισης εκ μέρους

ιδιωτικών ή δημόσιων οργανισμών στοχεύουν κυρίως στην κάλυψη των αναγκών

της αγοράς. Έτσι, οι αποκτηθείσες γνώσεις και δεξιότητες πληροφορικής έχουν

περιορισμένη αξία στην αγορά εργασίας λόγω της απουσίας μιας έγκυρης αρχής, η

οποία θα αναλαμβάνει τις διαδικασίες πιστοποίησης των αποκτηθέντων προσόντων,

μέσω καθορισμού προδιαγραφών κι επιπέδων γνώσεων & δεξιοτήτων. Είναι

αναγκαία, λοιπόν, η ανάπτυξη ενός συστήματος αξιολόγησης των προσόντων &

δεξιοτήτων στον τομέα της πληροφορικής, το οποίο θα παρέχει εγκεκριμένους

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τίτλους, μέσω κάποιου συστήματος πιστοποίησης των γνώσεων και δεξιοτήτων το

οποίο θα σέβεται τα προσόντα και τις γνώσεις που έχουν αποκτηθεί από

εκπαιδευτικές διαδικασίες τυπικής μάθησης αλλά και εκείνα που αποκτώνται με

γνώμονα τις απαιτήσεις της αγοράς μέσω διαδικασιών που ξεφεύγουν από τις

τυπικές μορφές μάθησης, όπως είναι η αυτομόρφωση, η μάθηση μέσω της ομαδικής

εργασίας, η κατάρτιση στο χώρο εργασίας, η εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση κλπ. Τέτοια

λύση ίσως να δοθεί από τον ΟΕΕΚ με την νέα δημιουργία ενός συστήματος κρατικής

πιστοποίησης γνώσης χειρισμού Η/Υ.

Ένα επίσης σημαντικό εμπόδιο το οποίο παρατείνει το δρόμο προς την

ανάπτυξη του τομέα των ICT είναι η έλλειψη δικαιωμάτων των εργαζομένων που

ανήκουν στο συγκεκριμένο χώρο εργασίας. Στην ιδιωτική αγορά εργασίας, η

ανυπαρξία κανόνων στην εκτέλεση έργων αποδυναμώνει τη θέση των εργαζομένων.

Για παράδειγμα, όταν μια εταιρία που αναλαμβάνει ένα έργο, δεν είναι υποχρεωμένη

να έχει κάποιον ή κάποιους απόφοιτους πληροφορικής να επιβλέψουν την μελέτη,

την εγκατάσταση την κατασκευή και να υπογράψουν την παράδοσή του, αυτό

αποδυναμώνει την διαπραγματευτική ικανότητα του συνόλου των πληροφορικών

καθώς και την σταδιακή εξέλιξή τους σε μια εταιρία. Παράλληλα, κρίνοντας

κοντόφθαλμα η εταιρεία αυτή θα προσλάβει πιθανόν και άλλες παρεμφερείς

ειδικότητες δίνοντας μικρότερο μισθό. Χωρίς την παρέμβαση συλλογικών οργάνων

των εργαζομένων στην πληροφορική οι συνθήκες εργασίας διαμορφώνονται

μονομερώς από τις επιχειρήσεις. Έτσι, ενώ οι ηλεκτρονικές υπηρεσίες δημιουργούν

προϋποθέσεις αύξησης της παραγωγικότητας που θα μπορούσαν να αξιοποιηθούν

για μείωση του χρόνου εργασίας, ο τρόπος με τον οποίο αναπτύσσονται οδηγεί σε

μεγαλύτερη εκμετάλλευση των εργαζομένων. Η καταστρατήγηση του ωραρίου, η

εργασία με συμβάσεις έργου και όχι εργασίας, η έλλειψη ασφάλισης είναι φαινόμενα

που συναντιούνται συχνά.

Ακόμα και από τη μορφή που έχει η δομή του συστήματος εκπαίδευσης, ο

τομέας των ICT βάλλεται προκαλώντας σοβαρό πλήγμα στους εργαζόμενους. Η

κατακόρυφη αύξηση των εισακτέων στα τμήματα Πληροφορικής ΑΕΙ και ΤΕΙ (πάνω

από 6000 ετησίως), αλλά και η προσπάθεια που κάνουν πολλοί άλλοι κλάδοι όπως

φυσικοί, μαθηματικοί κλπ, να πάρουν το «χρίσμα του πληροφορικού» μέσω

μεταπτυχιακών προγραμμάτων μετατροπής (conversion courses) και σεμιναρίων,

έχουν περιορίσει κατά πολύ τον αριθμό των θέσεων που προορίζονται για

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απόφοιτους τμημάτων Πληροφορικής στον ιδιωτικό τομέα, ενώ και οι αμοιβές έχουν

συρρικνωθεί κατά πολύ.

Τα παραπάνω ουσιαστικά έχουν στρέψει μεγάλο μερίδιο των πληροφορικών

στην Ελλάδα προς τη «σιγουριά» του Δημοσίου. Όσο αφορά το Δημόσιο τα

πράγματα μέχρι τώρα είναι σχεδόν ανεξέλεγκτα. Πιο εμφανή είναι τα στοιχεία που

σχετίζονται με την εκπαίδευση, όπου καθηγητές έχουν χριστεί απόφοιτοι ΑΕΙ και ΤΕΙ

με την παρακολούθηση σεμιναρίων 400 ωρών σε εφαρμογές αυτοματισμού

γραφείου. Αυτή τη στιγμή οι απόφοιτοι άλλων ειδικοτήτων που είναι μόνιμοι

διορισμένοι καθηγητές πληροφορικής είναι περίπου 50-60% και έχοντας μεγαλύτερη

προϋπηρεσία ουσιαστικά ασκούν και διοίκηση στον χώρο αναπαράγοντας την ήδη

στρεβλή κατάσταση. Αρκετοί τελειώνοντας τις σπουδές , και χωρίς εργασιακή

εμπειρία, και ενημέρωση, προσδοκούν σε μια αξιοπρεπή επαγγελματική

σταδιοδρομία, εργαζόμενοι σκληρά σε ένα δυναμικά αναπτυσσόμενο και αξιοκρατικό

ιδιωτικό τομέα. Για παράδειγμα, από όλους τους πρώτους απόφοιτους του τμήματος

Ηλεκτρονικής και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών του Πολυτεχνείου Κρήτης, από όσους δεν

βρίσκονται στην Αθήνα αλλά στην επαρχία, περίπου το 80% απασχολείται στην

δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση.

Όσο αφορά τις Δημόσιες προμήθειες και τα Δημόσια έργα και εκεί δυστυχώς δεν

υπάρχουν κανόνες που να εξασφαλίζουν τη συμμετοχή των ειδικών σε ΤΠΕ. Οι

επιτροπές που φτιάχνουν τις προδιαγραφές, που αξιολογούν τις προσφορές, που

ελέγχουν την πρόοδο των έργων και υπογράφουν την τελική παραλαβή τους δεν

υποχρεούνται να έχουν τουλάχιστον έναν Πληροφορικό ανάμεσα τους. Αν ο φορέας

που εκτελεί το έργο έχει τέτοιο υπάλληλο ίσως αυτός μπει σε μια επιτροπή, αλλιώς

το έργο αυτό θα το αναλάβουν υπάλληλοι από άλλες ειδικότητες. Εξάλλου, αν και

υφίσταται νομικό πλαίσιο για την ανάθεση μελετών πληροφορικής (Ν. 3316/04),

μέχρι στιγμής δεν εφαρμόζεται. Είναι χαρακτηριστικό ότι στους περισσότερους

δήμους που δημιουργήθηκαν με το πρόγραμμα Καποδίστριας δεν υπάρχουν

πτυχιούχοι πληροφορικής.

Τέλος, εκτός των προβλημάτων που αντιμετωπίζει η ιδιαίτερη περίπτωση της

Ελλάδας, ο τομέας της Πληροφορικής αντιμετωπίζει κρίση σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο τα

τελευταία χρόνια λόγω της κάμψης των Εταιρειών Νέας Οικονομίας, η οποία πάγωσε

την έκρηξη στην ζήτηση αποφοίτων τμημάτων Πληροφορικής που συνέβη την

προηγούμενη πενταετία. Οι μετεγκαταστάσεις (φαινόμενο outsourcing), προς χώρες

(π.χ. Κίνα και Ινδία) με πληθυσμό πάνω από το ένα τρίτο του παγκόσμιου σε

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συνδυασμό με την κατάργηση των αποστάσεων χάρη στις νέες τεχνολογίες

πληροφορίας και επικοινωνίας διατηρούν την μεγάλη αξία της ειδικευμένης εργασίας

των πληροφορικών μειώνοντας όμως το κόστος της. Ουσιαστικά προδιαγράφεται μια

σχετική μείωση της αμοιβής της εξειδικευμένης εργασίας των πληροφορικών

παγκόσμια. Όλες οι κατηγορίες εργασίας της πληροφορικής ως εκ τούτου υπόκεινται

σταδιακά στον κίνδυνο της ανεργίας ή της απώλειας εισοδήματος λόγω μιας νέας

τροπής που φαίνεται να παίρνει η παγκοσμιοποίηση. Στο ήδη απαγορευτικά μικρό

για επενδύσεις μέγεθος της εγχώριας αγοράς της Ελλάδος ένα τέτοιο φαινόμενο θα

μπορούσε να προκαλέσει ολέθριες συνέπειες για το μέλλον του τομέα των ICT.

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3.4 F.Y.R.O.M.

Η πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας (F.Y.R.O.M.) ήταν κατά

πολύ εκτός της εντατικής διαδικασίας οικοδόμησης της Κοινωνίας της Πληροφορίας,

λόγω της πολιτικοοικονομικής αστάθειας στην οποία είχε περιέλθει την τελευταία

δεκαετία. Εντούτοις, η ευκαιρία για ανάπτυξη ισότιμη με τις υπόλοιπες Ευρωπαϊκές

χώρες δεν έχει χαθεί ακόμα εξολοκλήρου, καθώς η κύρια πρόκληση της ένταξης στις

ευρωπαϊκές δομές και τελικά στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση είναι ακόμα εφικτή. Η

διαμόρφωση και, το πιο σημαντικό, η συνεπής εφαρμογή των οραματιστικών, αλλά

ρεαλιστικών εθνικών πολιτικών για την δημιουργία της Κοινωνίας της Πληροφορίας

μπορούν να διευκολύνουν σημαντικά αυτήν την διαδικασία μέσω της υιοθέτησης

των ευρωπαϊκών προτύπων σχετικά με τις Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορίας & Επικοινωνιών


Στην Πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας, μέχρι πρότινος, δεν

υπήρχε κανένα επακριβώς καθορισμένο πλαίσιο για την ανάπτυξη της Κοινωνίας της

Πληροφορίας, ούτε ήταν καθορισμένες οι χρηματοδοτικές πηγές και τα αντίστοιχα

προγράμματα που θα μπορούσαν να συντελέσουν στην οικοδόμηση και στην

ανάπτυξη της Κοινωνίας της Πληροφορίας. Επιπλέον, δεν είχε γίνει πλήρως

αντιληπτή η ανάγκη και η σημασία της Κοινωνίας της Πληροφορίας, και τέλος, δεν

υπήρχε σχεδόν κανένας έλεγχος ή αξιολόγηση των μέχρι τώρα επιτευγμάτων. Ως εκ

τούτου, προκύπτει ένα σημαντικό συμπέρασμα: η δημιουργία των θεμελίων που θα

οδηγήσουν στην δυνατότητα υποστήριξης της ανάπτυξης της Κοινωνίας της

Πληροφορίας στην Πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας, είναι κάτι

που πρέπει να γίνει εξ αρχής.

Εθνική πολιτική

Μόλις τον Απρίλιο του 2005 αναπτύχθηκε επίσημα και έγινε αποδεκτή "η Εθνική

Στρατηγική για την Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας και το Σχέδιο Δράσης" (“National

Strategy for Information Society and Action Plan”). Πρόδρομοι αυτού του σχεδίου

υπήρξαν άλλες συμφωνίες στρατηγικού χαρακτήρα τις οποίες η F.Y.R.O.M. είχε

εγκρίνει, όπως:

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• Η Διακήρυξη που γίνεται αποδεκτή από τα κράτη μέλη του Σύμφωνου

Σταθερότητας για τη νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη, η οποία υπεγράφη στη

Λουμπλιάνα στις 4 Ιουνίου του 2002

• Η Ατζέντα για την ανάπτυξη της Κοινωνίας της Πληροφορίας για τις χώρες

της νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης, η οποία εγκρίθηκε στο Βελιγράδι στις 20

Οκτωβρίου του 2002

• Συμπεράσματα από την Υπουργικής Διάσκεψης για την ηλεκτρονική διοίκηση,

Αθήνα, 2003

• Διακήρυξη που υιοθετήθηκε από τη κυβέρνηση της F.Y.R.O.M. "E-

Declaration, Συστάσεις σχετικά με την επιταχυνόμενη ανάπτυξη της

Κοινωνίας της Πληροφορίας και της ψηφιακής οικονομίας στην Πρώην

Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας ως εθνική προτεραιότητα" (E-

Declaration, Recommendations on accelerated development of Information

Society and Digital Economy in the Republic of Macedonia as national


• Σχέδιο Δράσης της Επιτροπής για την Τεχνολογία της Πληροφορίας 2003 –


• Σχέδιο Δράσης και Διακήρυξη της Παγκόσμιας Συνόδου Κορυφής για την

Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας, Γενεύη, 2003

• Υιοθετημένες απόψεις για την ηλεκτρονική διακυβέρνηση από την κυβέρνηση

της F.Y.R.O.M., 2004.

Ο κύριος στόχος των ανωτέρω συμφωνιών ήταν να τονιστεί η σημασία, αλλά και

να υλοποιηθεί η ανάπτυξη της Κοινωνίας της Πληροφορίας στη F.Y.R.O.M.,

προκειμένου να επιτευχθεί εντατική και βιώσιμη αύξηση, γεγονός που θα τη

βοηθήσει να ακολουθήσει τις διεθνής τάσεις, αξιοποιώντας, βέβαια, και τα ήδη

υπάρχοντα πλεονεκτήματα της , όπως:

v Η στρατηγικά κεντρική θέση στην περιοχή,

v Η σύγχρονη υποδομή τηλεπικοινωνιών,

v Το σύγχρονο ηλεκτρονικό σύστημα των ληξιαρχείων και της

νομοθεσίας για τις ηλεκτρονικές πληρωμές,

v Το υπάρχον ενδιαφέρον από τις ανώτατες πολιτικές αρχές της χώρας

για την ανάπτυξη IT (Information Technologies)

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v H υπάρχουσα υποστήριξη από τη διεθνή κοινότητα για βιώσιμη

ανάπτυξη της F.Y.R.O.M.

Η Αγορά ICT στη F.Y.R.O.M.

Η υποδομή των ICT πρόκειται να στηριχτεί στα ακόλουθα τρία στοιχεία:

v Νομική υποδομή

v Τεχνολογία και εφαρμογές και

v Ανθρώπινο δυναμικό.

Εικόνα 5: Υποδομή ICT

Είναι φανερό ότι το ανθρώπινο δυναμικό αποτελεί έναν από τους τρεις

θεμέλιους λίθους που θα στηρίζουν το οικοδόμημα μίας αναπτυγμένης και

ανταγωνιστικής F.Y..O.M. Το ανθρώπινο δυναμικό αποτελείται κυρίως από

εργαζόμενους οι οποίοι έχουν ειδικευτεί στον συγκεκριμένο τομέα. Συγκεκριμένα, ο

χαρακτηρισμός ως ειδικού σε IT δόθηκε σε εκείνα τα άτομα που απασχολούνται

στους παρακάτω τομείς[6]:

• Σχεδιασμός, ανάπτυξη και διοίκηση βάσεων δεδομένων (Data base design,

development and administration)

• Ψηφιακά μέσα (Digital media specialist)

• Ανάλυση και ολοκλήρωση συστημάτων (Systems analysis and integration)

• Σχεδιασμός και διοίκηση δικτύων (Network design and administration)

• Προγραμματισμός λογισμικού (Programmer / software engineer)





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• Τεχνική υποστήριξη (συμπεριλαμβανομένου του χειρισμού των IT στα

κέντρα επαφών) (Technical support)

• Τεχνική καταγραφή / κατάρτιση (Technical writing / training)

• Πωλήσεις ΙΤ / marketing (IT sales / marketing)

• Χειρισμός του κέντρου επαφών (σχετικό με IT) (Operator in contact center)

• Κωδικοποίηση δεδομένων (Data encoding / transcribing)

• Άλλα

Programmers and

Software Engineers


Database Designers


Technical Support



Εικόνα 6: Δομή εργατικού δυναμικού IT, 2005

Η δομή του εργατικού δυναμικού IT το 2005 [6] δείχνει ότι 30% είναι

προγραμματιστές και μηχανικοί λογισμικού και 12% είναι σχεδιαστές βάσεων

δεδομένων, ενώ εκείνοι που εργάζονται ως τεχνική υποστήριξη αποτελούν το 17%

του εργατικού δυναμικού. Αναφορικά με τη δομή του εργατικού δυναμικού ΙΤ για

την περίοδο 2004-2006, αναμένεται να μη μεταβληθεί σχεδόν καθόλου. Εντούτοις, η

ζήτηση αυξάνεται για όλους τους τύπους ειδικευμένων σε ΙΤ, αλλά περισσότερο για

τους προγραμματιστές και τους μηχανικούς λογισμικού. Τα προβλεφθέντα ποσοστά

αύξησης ποικίλλουν μεταξύ των διάφορων τομέων ειδίκευσης σε ICT, και η ζήτηση

για εργαζόμενους σε τηλεφωνικά κέντρα (call centers representatives) και ειδικούς

σε πωλήσεις ΙΤ / marketing αναμένεται να αυξηθεί εντονότερα. Η ζήτηση για τους

ειδικευμένους σε ψηφιακά μέσα, τους εκπαιδευτές και τους μηχανικούς λογισμικού

αναμένεται να αυξηθεί περίπου κατά 36,5%.

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Η δομή του ζητούμενων εργαζομένων σε ICT για το 2006 δείχνει ότι το μισό

από το απαιτούμενο εργατικό δυναμικό πρέπει να έχει ειδικευμένες γνώσεις, είτε

στον προγραμματισμό λογισμικού, είτε στην ανάπτυξη σχεδίου βάσεων δεδομένων.

Αν και είναι δύσκολο να προβλεφθεί η ζήτηση συνολικά για το 2006, θα μπορούσαμε

να πούμε με ασφάλεια υπολογίζεται ότι οι νέοι εργαζόμενοι σε ICT θα είναι

τουλάχιστον 500. Ο καταμερισμός του εργατικού δυναμικού ICT ανάλογα με τον

τύπο επιχειρήσεων αλλάζει διαχρονικά, αλλά γενικά αναμένεται οι εταιρίες ΙΤ να

είναι κύριοι εργοδότες για τους νέους εργαζομένους ICT.

Ο αριθμός των υπαλλήλων στις επιχειρήσεις ΙΤ στη F.Y.R.O.M. κυμαίνεται από 2

έως 40 και είναι περίπου ο ίδιος στις επιχειρήσεις που ασχολούνται μόνο με την

ανάπτυξη λογισμικού. Οι υπάλληλοι σε αυτόν τον τομέα είναι ιδιαίτερα κατάλληλοι,

καλά εκπαιδευμένοι επαγγελματίες ΙΤ, εκπαιδευμένοι σε κάποιο από τα τρία

πανεπιστήμια στη F.Y.R.O.M., που προσφέρει εκπαίδευση σε όλους τους

σπουδαστές οποιασδήποτε ειδικότητας ICT. Υπάρχουν περίπου 60 υπάλληλοι ISP

στην Macedonia-on-line, στην MTNet-ISP που ανήκει στην Macedonian

Telecommunications υπάρχουν 74 υπάλληλοι και ο μέσος όρος αυτού του αριθμού

για ISPs είναι περίπου 20. Στις επιχειρήσεις που απασχολούν χειριστές τηλεφωνικών

υπηρεσιών ο αριθμός υπαλλήλων κυμαίνεται από 250 υπαλλήλους στην Cosmofon,

370 στην Mobimak και 3.192 υπαλλήλους στην Macedonian Telecommunications.

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4. Προγράμματα μεταπτυχιακών σπουδών στα

Πληροφοριακά συστήματα

4.1 Πρότυπα προγράμματα

Η ανάγκη για την εκπόνηση πρότυπων προγραμμάτων μεταπτυχιακών σπουδών

στα Πληροφοριακά συστήματα γεννήθηκε τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες λόγω του ρόλου

που παίζουν τα πληροφοριακά συστήματα στους οργανισμούς αλλά και λόγω της

δυσκολίας ικανοποίησης των αναγκών της αγοράς από τα μέχρι τότε προγράμματα.

Έτσι δημιουργήθηκε η απαίτηση για την ανάπτυξη μιας κοινής γλώσσας μεταξύ των

ακαδημαϊκών ιδρυμάτων και των επιχειρήσεων με τη μορφή προτύπων και οδηγιών

για την τροποποίηση ή την ίδρυση νέων προγραμμάτων σπουδών στα

πληροφοριακά συστήματα.

Τα υπάρχοντα πρότυπα και οδηγίες για το σχεδιασμό ενός προγράμματος στα

πληροφοριακά συστήματα είναι είτε γενικά όπως το πρότυπο IS’97 Model Curriculum

and Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in IS (Davis et al, 1997), που

αναπτύχθηκε από την ACM, την AIS και την AITP (ανανεώθηκε με το πρότυπο

IS2002), και το πρότυπο MSIS 2006 Model Curriculum and Guidelines for Graduate

Degree Programs in Information Systems (Gorgone et al, 2006), το οποίο

αναπτύχθηκε από την ACM και την AIS , είτε επικεντρώνονται σε συγκεκριμένους

τομείς όπως η διοίκηση (Organizational & End-user Information Systems Curriculum

Model (OEIS) (OSRA, 1996)), ή η διοίκηση πηγών πληροφορίας (IRMA/DAMA

Curriculum Model for undergraduate studies in Information Resource Management

(IRMA-DAMA, 2000)) [7].

Πρότυπο MSIS 2006

To συγκεκριμένο πρότυπο [8], αποτελεί την τελευταία αναφορά της ομάδας

εργασίας που συντονίζεται από την Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) και

ξεκίνησε στις αρχές του 1970, επικουρούμενη από άλλους οργανισμούς όπως ο AITP

και ο IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing. Το πρότυπο

βασίζεται στην τυπική δομή των προγραμμάτων των πανεπιστημίων των ΗΠΑ και

του Καναδά.

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Στόχος του προτύπου είναι να ορίσει ένα ελάχιστο όγκο γνώσεων που πρέπει να

κατέχουν οι απόφοιτοι μεταπτυχιακών προγραμμάτων στα Πληροφορικά

συστήματα. Επιπλέον αναγνωρίζεται η ανάγκη για μεγαλύτερη εμβάθυνση σε κάποιο

τομέα των ΠΣ. Το πρότυπο έχει σχεδιαστεί ως ένα σύνολο αλληλοσυσχετιζόμενων

δομικών στοιχείων:

Θεμέλια: στο επίπεδο των θεμελίων, το πρότυπο έχει σχεδιαστεί για να υποδεχτεί

φοιτητές με διαφορετικά υπόβαθρα. Συγκεκριμένα ορίζονται οι επιχειρησιακές και

πληροφοριακές δεξιότητες που είναι απαραίτητες για το υπόλοιπο του

προγράμματος σπουδών.

Πυρήνας: το επόμενο επίπεδο αποτελείται από τα βασικά μαθήματα. Όλοι οι

φοιτητές θα πρέπει να παρακολουθήσουν τον κοινό πυρήνα μαθημάτων.

Τα μαθήματα αυτά καλύπτουν τους παρακάτω τομείς:

• Τεχνικά Μαθήματα

o IT Infrastructure

o Analysis, modelling, and design

o Enterprise Models

o Emerging Technologies and Issues

• Διοικητικά Μαθήματα

o Project and change Management

o IS Policy and Strategy

o Implications of Digitization OR Human – Computer Interaction

o Integrated Capstone

Ολοκλήρωση: μια καινοτομία του εν λόγω προτύπου είναι στοιχείο της ολοκλήρωσης

που απαιτείται μετά από κάθε μάθημα του πυρήνα. Με αυτό τον τρόπο οι φοιτητές

είναι σε θέση να συνδυάσουν ένα ευρύ φάσμα τεχνολογιών, να συνθέσουν τις ιδέες

που παρουσιάστηκαν και να υλοποιήσουν πολυσύνθετα συστήμα εντός ενός


Τροχιά καριέρας: το πρότυπο είναι έτσι σχεδιασμένο ώστε να ικανοποιεί τις

ιδιαίτερες ακαδημαϊκές ανάγκες ενός μεταπτυχιακού στα ΠΣ. Η ελαστικότητα αυτή

υφίσταται τόσο στο επίπεδο εισαγωγής στο πρόγραμμα όσο και σε υψηλότερο

επίπεδα όπου τα ιδρύματα και οι φοιτητές μπορούν να επιλέξουν συγκεκριμένη

τροχιά καριέρας που θα αντιπροσωπεύει τις τρέχουσες οργανωσιακές ανάγκες.

Το πρότυπο είναι χρήσιμο για διαφορετικές ομάδες. Για τους διαχειριστές

πανεπιστημίων και κολλεγίων ορίζει τις απαραίτητες πηγές για ένα επιτυχημένο

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πρόγραμμα σπουδών. Οι επιμέρους σχολές έχουν στη διάθεση τους ένα μοντέλο για

την ανανέωση των προγραμμάτων τους. Οι επαγγελματίες και οι διαχειριστές ΠΣ

έχουν ένα πολύτιμο εργαλείο για καλύτερη κατανόηση των προσόντων που μπορούν

να περιμένουν από τους απόφοιτους προγραμμάτων που συμβαδίζουν με το


Το πρότυπο πρόγραμμα σπουδών έχει σχεδιαστεί για να χρησιμοποιηθεί από τα

ιδρύματα ως ένα σύνολο κανόνων στους οποίους μπορούν να βασίσουν τα δικά τους

προγράμματα. Οι απόφοιτοι των αντίστοιχων προγραμμάτων έχουν ένα σύνολο

γνώσεων και δεξιοτήτων, κατέχουν ένα συγκεκριμένο κομμάτι σε λεπτομέρεια λόγω

της ακολουθούμενης τροχιάς καριέρας ενώ έχουν εμπεδώσει μια σειρά από αξίες

απαραίτητες για την επιτυχία στον τομέα των Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων.

Μια συνοπτική παρουσίαση του προτύπου φαίνεται στο παρακάτω σχήμα:

Εικόνα 7: Σχηματική παρουσίαση του προτύπου MSIS 2006

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UK Hungary


Czech Rep.





4.2 Προσφερόμενα μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα στα Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα

Το μεταπτυχιακό πρόγραμμα σπουδών στα Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα αποτελεί

ένα από τα πιο διαδεδομένα προγράμματα παγκοσμίως. Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας

μελέτης έγινε προσπάθεια αναζήτησης και ονομαστικής καταγραφής όσων το δυνατό

περισσότερων προγραμμάτων έτσι ώστε να επιλεχθούν προς ανάλυση εκείνα που θα

πληρούσαν μια σειρά κριτηρίων όπως η σχετικότητα με το προτεινόμενο

πρόγραμμα, η φήμη του πανεπιστημίου, οι τυχόν ιδιαιτερότητες και καινοτομίες, η

εναρμόνιση με τα κοινώς αποδεκτά πρότυπα κ.α.

Μετά από την αξιολόγηση επιλέχθηκαν 40 προγράμματα, για τα οποία

καταγράφηκε τόσο η δομή όσο και τα προσφερόμενα μαθήματα. Τα πανεπιστήμια

που προσφέρουν τα συγκεκριμένα προγράμματα βρίσκονται στην Αμερική, την

Αυστραλία, την Ασία και την Ευρώπη, ενώ μια κατανομή ανά χώρα δίνεται στο

παρακάτω σχήμα:

Αυστραλία 3

Αυστρία 1

Βουλγαρία 1

Καναδάς 3

Κίνα 1

Τσεχία 1

Ουγγαρία 1

Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο 3

ΗΠΑ 26

Σύνολο 40

Εικόνα 8: Κατανομή των καταγεγραμμένων προγραμμάτων ανά χώρα.

Συνολικά καταγράφηκαν 1181 μαθήματα εκ των οποίων 356 απαιτούμενα και 825

επιλογής. Οι τίτλοι των προγραμμάτων που καταγράφηκαν παρουσιάζονται στον

παρακάτω πίνακα:

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Πίνακας 5: Τίτλοι καταγεγραμμένων προγραμμάτων

Information Systems Management 12

Information Technology Management 11

Information Systems 10

Technology 1

Analysis, Design and Management of IS 1

Computer Science 1

Information and Telecommunications Systems 1

Information Management 2

Internet Technology 1

Σύνολο 40

Αναλυτικά τα προγράμματα τα οποία καταγράφηκαν και αναλύθηκαν παρουσιάζονται

στον παρακάτω πίνακα:

Πίνακας 6: Προγράμματα Μεταπτυχιακών σπουδών στα ΠΣ που καταγράφηκαν

Πανεπιστήμιο Χώρα Τίτλος Προγράμματος Carnegie Mellon University USA Masters of Information Systems Management UC Berkeley School Of Information USA Master of Information Management and Systems

(MIMS) George Maison University - School of Management

USA M.S. in Technology Management

Johns Hopkins University - School of Professional Studies in Bussiness and Education

USA Master of Science in Information and Telecommunications Systems

London School of Economics UK MSc Analysis, Design and Management of Information Systems (ADMIS)

New Jersey's Science & Technology University

USA Master of Science in Information Systems

New York University - Leonard N. Stern School of Business

USA M.B.A. Programm in Information Systems

Prudue University USA Master of Science in Technology (TECH) State University of New York at Buffalo USA Master of Science in Management Information

Systems Temple University USA Master of Science Progamm in Computer Science Mays Business School at Texas A&M University

USA Master of Science in Management Information Systems

University of Pennsylvania USA Executive Master's in Technology Management at the University of Pennsylvania

University of Pittsburgh USA The Katz MBA/MS-MIS Dual Degree University of Toronto Canada Master of Information Studies

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Πανεπιστήμιο Χώρα Τίτλος Προγράμματος University of Washington - The Information School

USA Master of Science in Information Management

University of Pennsylvania - College of Information Sciences and Technology

USA M.S. in Information Sciences and Technology

University of Michigan USA Master of Science in Information (MSI) CEU Business School Hungary Master of Science (MSc) in Information Technology

Management - Hungary University of Hradec Králové Czech

Rep. Master's Degree in Information Management

Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration

Austria Master's Programm in Information Systems

Illinois Institute of Technology USA Master of Information Technology & Management (MITM)

Univesrsity of Texas at Dallas - The School of Management

USA Master of Science, Information Technology & Management

Golden Gate University USA Master of Science in Information Technology Marist College, School of computer Science and Mathematics

USA Master of Science in Information Technology Management (ITM)

Brandais University USA Master of Science in Information Technology Management

University of Arizona, Eller college of Management

USA Master's degree in Management Information Systems (MIS)

The University of Manchester UK Master of Science (MSc) in Management and Information Systems: Change and Development

The University of Sheffield UK MSc in Information Management Sauder schools of Business, University of British Columbia

Canada Master of Science (MSc) program in MIS

Athabasca University - Canada’s Open University

Canada Master of Science in Information Systems

University of Wollongong Australia Master of Information Technology Management University of Technology, Sydney Australia Master of Business in Information Technology

Management Monash University of Technology Australia Master of Information Management and Systems

Professional (MIMSPro) Hong Kong Baptist University China Master of Science in Information Technology

Management Stevens Institute of Technology, University SU "St . Kliment Ohridski"

Bulgaria Master of Science in Information Systems

University of California Irvine, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science

USA General M.S. Degree

Indiana University, Kelley School of Business Bloomington

USA MS in Information Systems

The University of Georgia, The Master of Internet Technology

USA The Master of Internet Technology

Arizona State University, W. P. Carey School of Business

USA Masters of Science in Information Management (MSIM)

University of Maryland - Master of Information Management

USA Master of Information Management

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4.2.1 Δομή των προγραμμάτων

Τα καταγεγραμμένα προγράμματα στο σύνολο τους παρουσιάζουν σχεδόν

παρόμοια δομή η οποία σχηματικά παρουσιάζεται στην παρακάτω εικόνα:

Εικόνα 9: Δομή των καταγεγραμμένων προγραμμάτων.

Τα μαθήματα κορμού ή απαιτούμενα μαθήματα (required courses – core

courses) καταρτίζονται τον κορμό του μεταπτυχιακού προγράμματος προσφέροντας

γνώσεις σε τομείς – κλειδιά για την κατανόηση και την εφαρμογή των

Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων και των Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορικής. Συνήθως

διδάσκονται στο 1ο και 2ο εξάμηνο και το πλήθος τους ποικίλει από 4 έως 8.

Τα μαθήματα επιλογής (electives) βοηθούν τους φοιτητές να εμβαθύνουν σε

ένα συγκεκριμένο τομέα χαράσσοντας έτσι τη δική τους τροχιά καριέρας όπως αυτή

αναφέρεται στο πρότυπο MSIS 2000 που προαναφέρθηκε. Συνήθως διδάσκοντα

μετά το 2ο εξάμηνο οπότε και έχουν αποκτηθεί οι βασικές γνώσεις από τα μαθήματα

κορμού. Σε ορισμένα μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα, όπως στο MSMIS του Carnegie

Mellon, η λήψη συγκεκριμένων μαθημάτων επιλογής οδηγεί στην απόκτηση

ειδικότητας (specialization) χωρίς όμως αυτό να σημαίνει ότι έτσι αποκτάται

ξεχωριστός τίτλος για κάθε ειδικότητα. Ο αριθμός των μαθημάτων επιλογής που

πρέπει να παρακολουθήσει ο μεταπτυχιακός φοιτητής ποικίλει από 4 εώς 8 ανάλογα

με τον αριθμό των διδασκομένων μαθημάτων κορμού.

Η διπλωματική διατριβή (master thesis – practicum) ποικίλει ανάλογα με το

μεταπτυχιακό πρόγραμμα. Συνήθως αποτελεί βασική έρευνα η μια πρακτική

Διπλωματική Διατριβή


Μαθήματα Κορμού

Μαθήματα Επιλογής

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εφαρμογή με σαφώς καθορισμένο χρονοδιάγραμμα. Σε κάποιες παραλλαγές η

διατριβή μπορεί να γίνει ομαδικά από 2- 4 φοιτητές, με αποτέλεσμα να

αναπτύσσονται οι δεξιότητες της διαλογικότητας, της σύνθεσης και της εφαρμογής

των μεθόδων δημιουργικότητας. Επίσης μπορεί να έχει τη μορφή πρακτικής

άσκησης σε κάποια επιχείρηση ή ακόμα και τη μορφή υλοποίησης ενός συστήματος

που θα συνδυάζει τις γνώσεις που αποκτήθηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια του

προγράμματος. Η διπλωματική διατριβή συντάσσεται συνήθως κατά το τελευταίο

εξάμηνο του προγράμματος και ισοδυναμεί με περισσότερα του ενός μαθήματα

(συνήθως 2 εώς 3).

Λόγω του μεγάλου εύρους του υποβάθρου που έχουν οι φοιτητές που

ενδιαφέρονται να παρακολουθήσουν ένα μεταπτυχιακό πρόγραμμα σπουδών,

πολλές φορές προηγείται μια σειρά εισαγωγικών μαθημάτων που έχουν ως σκοπό να

διδάξουν τις βασικές αρχές των πληροφοριακών μαθημάτων. Τα μαθήματα αυτά

μπορούν να ισοδυναμούν με 9 εώς 12 μονάδες και το περιεχόμενο τους είναι

παρεμφερές με αυτό που περιγράφεται στο πρότυπο IS ’97 [9].

Η διάρκεια των μεταπτυχιακών προγραμμάτων στα πληροφοριακά συστήματα

συνήθως είναι δύο χρόνια κατανεμημένα σε τέσσερα εξάμηνα. Δεν είναι όμως λίγες

οι φορές που τα προγράμματα έχουν εντατικό χαρακτήρα και διαρκούν ένα χρόνο ο

οποίος κατανέμεται σε τρεις περιόδους.

4.2.2 Μαθήματα

Τα διδασκόμενα μαθήματα στα μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα που καταγράφηκαν

ποικίλουν τόσο ως προς τον αριθμό όσο και ως προς το αντικείμενό τους. Μετά την

καταγραφή των μαθημάτων ακολούθησε ομαδοποίηση και ανάλυση έτσι ώστε να

προκύψουν εκείνα τα οποία συναντόνται συχνότερα ή σχεδόν πάντα στα

μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα. Βάσει της προαναφερθείσας ανάλυσης συντάχθηκαν

δύο λίστες με τα 20 πιο συχνά συναντούμενα μαθήματα κορμού καθώς και με τα 20

πιο συχνά συναντούμενα μαθήματα επιλογής.

Η μεγαλύτερη ομοιογένεια εμφανίζεται στα μαθήματα κορμού όπου η

πλειοψηφία των προγραμμάτων περιλαμβάνουν μαθήματα σχετικά με κλασσικά

αντικείμενα των πληροφοριακών συστημάτων όπως Βάσεις Δεδομένων, Ανάλυση και

σχεδιασμός συστημάτων, Δίκτυα και Τεχνολογίες πληροφορικής. Ως νέο μάθημα σε

σχέση με τα κλασσικά αντικείμενα θεωρείται η διαχείριση έργων πληροφορικής

(Project management) το οποίο περιλαμβάνεται ως μάθημα κορμού στο 1/3 των

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προγραμμάτων γεγονός που καταδεικνύει την ανάγκη για ορθή διαχείριση των

ανθρωπίνων πόρων και αξιοποίηση του διαθέσιμου χρόνου. Σε σχέση με τα

μαθήματα επιλογής είναι σαφές ότι δίνεται έμφαση στην ασφάλεια των

πληροφοριακών συστημάτων , στη μοντελοποίηση των επιχειρησιακών διεργασιών

και στις επιχειρηματικές δυνατότητες του διαδικτύου.

Οι λίστες των 20 πιο συχνά συναντούμενων μαθημάτων παρατίθενται στους

πίνακες που ακολουθούν:

Πίνακας 7: 20 πιο συχνά συναντούμενα μαθήματα κορμού

α/α Τίτλος Μαθήματος Συχνότητα


1 Management of IS 20

2 Databases 20

3 System design and analysis 17

4 Networks 16

5 Introduction to IT 15

6 Project management 13

7 Organizational theory / behavior 10

8 Programming 9

9 Finance 8

10 Accounting 7

11 Management 7

12 IT strategies 7

13 Research Methods 6

14 DSS 6

15 Internet technologies 6

16 Statistics 5

17 Information retrieval 5

18 Strategic Management 5

19 Business Process Modelling 3

20 Information Law 3

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Πίνακας 8: 20 πιο συχνά συναντούμενα μαθήματα επιλογής

α/α Τίτλος Μαθήματος Συχνότητα


1 Information System Security 17

2 Database Management 14

3 Project Management 13

4 Networks 13

5 Knowledge Management 12

6 Data Mining 10

7 Marketing 10

8 Programming 9

9 Electronic Commerce 7

10 Information Retrieval 7

11 Multimedia 7

12 Finance 7

13 Organizational Strategy 7

14 Supply Chain Management 7

15 Distributed Systems 6

16 Decision support systems 6

17 Business Process Modelling 6

18 E-business 5

19 Information Policy 5

20 Software Engineering 5

Οι περιγραφές των προαναφερθέντων μαθημάτων επισυνάπτονται στο


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4.2.3 Το μεταπτυχιακό πρόγραμμα MISM του πανεπιστημίου Carnegie


To «Masters of Information Systems Management» είναι ένα μεταπτυχιακό

πρόγραμμα τριών εξαμήνων, που συνδυάζει τις πρακτικές της Τεχνολογίας της

Πληροφορίας με τις επιχειρησιακές πρακτικές. Το πρόγραμμα στηρίζεται στη φήμη

του πανεπιστημίου Carnegie Mellon ως παγκόσμιος ηγέτης στην τεχνολογία και στη

διοίκηση. To Masters of Information Systems Management έχει σχεδιαστεί για άτομα

που έχουν καταδείξει δυνατότητα σύνθεσης ποσοτικών και ποιοτικών εννοιών [10].

Κυριότερα σημεία του προγράμματος

§ Ένα δυναμικό, ταχύρρυθμο πρόγραμμα τριών εξαμήνων. Το πρόγραμμα

είναι διάρκειας ενός ημερολογιακού έτους για τους σπουδαστές με πάνω από

τρία έτη επαγγελματικής εμπειρίας (έναρξη και λήξη το μήνα Μάιο). Οι

σπουδαστές με λιγότερη επαγγελματική εμπειρία παρακολουθούν αρχικά ένα

θερινό πρόγραμμα και ολοκληρώνουν το πρόγραμμα σε δεκαοχτώ μήνες

(τέλος Αυγούστου έως Δεκέμβριο).

§ Εξαιρετική σχολή - οι σπουδαστές διδάσκονται από ιδιαίτερα ικανούς

καθηγητές και ερευνητές στον τομέα τους. Το MISM αντλεί σειρές

μαθημάτων και από το Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science, το

Software Engineering Institute, το H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy

and Management, και το Tepper School of Management και την

επιχειρηματική και επαγγελματική κοινότητα.

§ Σημαντικές ευκαιρίες σταδιοδρομίας – Οι απόφοιτοι έχουν άμεσο

αντίκρισμα στην επιλογή τους. Καλύτερες θέσεις εργασίας, εταιρίες

καλύτερης ποιότητας, καλύτερους μισθούς και καλύτερες δυνατότητες

εξέλιξης. Οι κορυφαίες συμβουλευτικές εταιρίες, οι εταιρίες

χρηματοοικονομικών υπηρεσιών, και οι εταιρίες τεχνολογίας είναι οι

συχνότεροι εργοδότες των πτυχιούχων MISM.

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Εικόνα 1ο: Το τρίπτυχο στο οποίο βασίζεται το πρόγραμμα MISM.

Πρόγραμμα σπουδών

Το πρόγραμμα του MISM απευθύνεται σε επαγγελματίες που επιθυμούν να

αποκομίσουν τις απαιτούμενες δεξιότητες ξοδεύοντας το ελάχιστο χρονικό διάστημα

εκτός εργατικού δυναμικού. Τα μαθήματα ολοκληρώνονται σε τρία διαδοχικά

εξάμηνα. Οι σπουδαστές απαιτείται να παρακολουθήσουν 15 μαθήματα διάρκειας

ενός εξαμήνου, συμπεριλαμβανομένης μιας ομαδικής διπλωματικής εργασίας και να

επιδείξουν ικανότητα στους βασικούς τομείς. Το πρόγραμμα σπουδών εξαίρει τη

σημασία και τις αλληλεξαρτήσεις μεταξύ της τεχνολογίας, της διοίκησης και της

στρατηγικής για μία επιτυχή σταδιοδρομία.

Ενδεικτικό Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών

Πρώτο εξάμηνο

Database management*

Object-oriented Programming in Java*

Financial Analysis*

Professional Writing*

EC Technologies

Introduction to Information Security Management*

Δεύτερο εξάμηνο

Organizational Communication and Distributed Object Technologies*

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Telecommunications Management*

Object oriented Software Analysis and Design*

Statistics for IT Managers*

Decision-making under Uncertainty*

Electronic Commerce

Hacking Exposed

Τρίτο εξάμηνο

Organizational Management*

Economic Analysis*

Information Systems Project*

Incident Response

Global eBusiness Strategy

Managing in a Virtual Environment

*Απαιτούμενα μαθήματα

Προσφέρονται ειδικεύσεις στους παρακάτω τομείς:

♦ electronic commerce,

♦ strategic information processing,

♦ information security management,

♦ service management and

♦ medical informatics.

Τα μαθήματα επιλέγονται με βάση τα προσωπικά ενδιαφέροντα και τις

εμπειρίες κάθε σπουδαστή. Οι σπουδαστές που έχουν ήδη ένα ισχυρό υπόβαθρο σε

οποιαδήποτε από τα απαιτούμενα μαθήματα μπορούν να απαλλαγούν από το

συγκεκριμένο μάθημα με την άδεια του καθηγητή και να το αντικαταστήσουν με

κάποιο μάθημα επιλογής ή με πρόσθετη εργασία σε κάποια από τις ειδικότητες.

Το πτυχίο του MISM προϋποθέτει:

§ 15 μαθήματα διάρκειας ενός εξαμήνου, που ολοκληρώνονται σε τρία εξάμηνα

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§ ομαδική διπλωματική εργασία

§ επίδειξη ικανότητας στους βασικούς τομείς

§ παρακολούθηση ενός θερινού προγράμματος για τους σπουδαστές χωρίς

ικανοποιητική επαγγελματική εμπειρία

Συνολικά οι απαιτήσεις του κύκλου των μαθημάτων περιλαμβάνουν:

Ø Μαθήματα στον τομέα «Technology and technology management»

(αντιστοιχεί σε 5 μαθήματα)

Ø Μαθήματα στον τομέα «Organizational management and strategy»

(αντιστοιχεί σε 4 μαθήματα)

Ø Μαθήματα ομαδικών εργασιών (αντιστοιχεί σε 2 μαθήματα)

Ø Μαθήματα επιλογής ή ειδικότητες (4 μαθήματα)

Το πρόγραμμα του MISM αντλεί μαθήματα από ολόκληρο το πανεπιστήμιο και

μία πλούσια γκάμα μαθημάτων επιλογής. Εκτός από τις επιλογές που παρουσιάζονται

παρακάτω, οι σπουδαστές μπορούν να επιλέξουν επιπλέον μαθήματα επιλογής από

αυτά που προσφέρονται στο School of Computer Sciences, στο Software

Engineering Institute, στο H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management

και σε άλλες σχολές του Carnegie Mellon:

• Advanced Database Management

• Advanced Topics in Information Security

• Algorithms and Data Structures for Information Processing

• Building and Implementing Enterprise Wide Systems

• Computers and Organizations

• Data Warehouse

• Decision Support Systems

• EC Technologies

• Electronic Commerce

• Electronic Commerce Marketing

• Entrepreneurism

• Geographic Information Systems

• Global eBusiness Strategy

• Hacking Exposed

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• Health Care Information Systems

• High Tech Marketing

• Incident Response

• Information Security Risk Management

• Internet Security

• Internet Technologies

• Introduction to Information Security Management

• Managing in a Virtual Environment

• Negotiation

• Organizations and Strategic Information Processing

• Power and Influence

• Security Architecture and Analysis

• Software Project Organization and Management


Οι ειδικεύσεις περιλαμβάνουν τομείς όπως: Electronic Commerce, Strategic

Information Processing, Information Security Management, Service Management και

Medical Informatics. Οι ειδικεύσεις επιτρέπουν στους σπουδαστές για να αναπτύξουν

ένα ενισχυμένο επίπεδο εμπειρίας σε έναν ή περισσότερους τομείς. Ενσωματώνουν,

τέλος, την τρέχουσα έρευνα του Carnegie Mellon με τα πιο επίκαιρα ζητήματα της

επιχειρησιακής πρακτικής.

i. Electronic commerce

Το ηλεκτρονικό εμπόριο μέσω του Διαδικτύου προώθησε τα προϊόντα και τις

υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται μέσω των ηλεκτρονικών συναλλαγών. Οι περισσότερες

επιχειρήσεις σύντομα θα πρέπει να επιλέξουν μεταξύ του να πραγματοποιούν τις

συναλλαγές τους με εξωτερικούς πελάτες και τους προμηθευτές σε ηλεκτρονική

βάση "οποτεδήποτε-οπουδήποτε" ή να εγκαταλείψουν το επιχειρείν. Το επιτυχές

ηλεκτρονικό εμπόριο περιλαμβάνει το συνδυασμό τεχνολογικών και πρακτικών

marketing και management με τρόπο που είναι εξολοκλήρου καινούριος. Αυτός είναι

ο τομέας στον οποίον υπάγεται η ειδίκευση του Electronic commerce.

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Ενδεικτικός κύκλος μαθημάτων

Πρώτο εξάμηνο

§ Database Management

§ Object Oriented Programming in Java

§ Financial Accounting

§ Principles of Finance

§ Professional Writing

§ Professional Speaking

§ EC Technologies*

§ Introduction to Information Security Management*

Δεύτερο εξάμηνο

§ Org. Communication and Distributed Object Technologies

§ Telecommunications Management

§ Object Oriented Software Analysis and Design

§ Statistics for IT Managers

§ Decision Making Under Uncertainty

§ Electronic Commerce*

Τρίτο εξάμηνο

§ Organizational Management

§ Advanced Database Management*

§ Economic Analysis

§ Information Systems Project

§ Digital Transformation

§ Electronic Commerce Marketing*

§ Entrepreneurism*

* Μαθήματα ειδίκευσης σε Electronic Commerce

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ii. Security Information Processing

Οι μεγάλες επιχειρήσεις αντιμετωπίζουν σημαντικές τεχνικές και οργανωτικές

προκλήσεις που σχετίζονται με τη μεγιστοποίηση της αξίας των terabytes δεδομένων

και πληροφοριών που μπορούν να είναι στη διάθεση τους. Η συγκεκριμένη ειδίκευση

αντιμετωπίζει τα τεχνικά και τα ζητήματα διοίκησης που συνδέονται με τη λήψη, την

αναπαράσταση, την ανάκτηση, και την ανάλυση των εξαιρετικά μεγάλων συνόλων

δεδομένων. Τα μαθήματα σε αυτήν την ειδίκευση διδάσκονται από τη σχολή του

Carnegie Mellon of Computer Science.

Ενδεικτικός κύκλος μαθημάτων

Πρώτο εξάμηνο

§ Database Management

§ Object Oriented Programming in Java

§ Financial Accounting

§ Principles of Finance

§ Professional Writing

§ Professional Speaking

§ Algorithms and Data Structures for Information Processing*

Δεύτερο εξάμηνο

§ Org. Communication and Distributed Object Technologies

§ Telecommunications Management

§ Electronic Commerce

§ Statistics for IT Managers

§ Decision Making Under Uncertainty

§ Software Engineering for Information Technology I: Principles*

Τρίτο εξάμηνο

§ Organizational Management

§ Economic Analysis

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§ Digital Transformation

§ Data Mining I*

§ Data Mining II*

§ Organizations and Strategic Information Processing*

§ Software Engineering for Information Technology II: Practice*

* Μαθήματα της ειδίκευσης Strategic Information Processing

iii. Information Security Management

Η συγκεκριμένη ειδίκευση ενσωματώνει τα τεχνικά, διευθυντικά και τα ζητήματα

πολιτικής στην ασφάλεια των πληροφοριών. Τα μαθήματα σε αυτήν την ειδίκευση

διδάσκονται από γνωστούς ειδικούς στην ασφάλεια πληροφοριών από το Software

Engineering Institute's CERT(r) Coordination Centre και το H. John Heinz III School

of Public Policy and Management.

Ενδεικτικός κύκλος μαθημάτων

Πρώτο εξάμηνο

§ Database Management

§ Object Oriented Programming in Java

§ Telecommunications Management

§ Statistics for IT Managers

§ Professional Writing

§ Professional Speaking

§ Introduction to Information Security Management*

Δεύτερο εξάμηνο

§ Org. Communication and Distributed Object Technologies

§ Object Oriented Software Analysis and Design

§ Financial Accounting

§ Principles of Finance

§ Decision Making Under Uncertainty

§ Privacy in the Digital Age*

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§ Hacking Exposed*

§ Information Security Risk*

Τρίτο εξάμηνο

§ Organizational Management

§ Economic Analysis

§ Information Systems Project

§ Digital Transformation

§ Security Architecture and Analysis*

§ Incident Response*

* Μαθήματα της ειδίκευσης του Information Security Management

iv. Medical Informatics

Καθώς τα νοσοκομεία, οι ασφαλιστές και οι κυβερνήσεις πιέζουν για μία πιο

αποτελεσματική μεταχείριση, για πιο αποδοτικούς προμηθευτές και για πιο φθηνή

υγειονομική περίθαλψη, η σημασία της αποτελεσματικής συλλογής, διαχείρισης, και

ανάλυσης των πληροφοριών αυξάνονται. Οι προκλήσεις που σχετίζονται με το

συνδυασμό της ιατρικής γνώσης, του οργανωσιακού management, της στατιστικής

ανάλυσης, και της τεχνολογικής καινοτομίας για την αποτελεσματική, χαμηλού

κόστους υγειονομική περίθαλψη αποτελούν το αντικείμενο της ειδίκευσης Medical


Ενδεικτικός κύκλος μαθημάτων

Πρώτο εξάμηνο

§ Database Management

§ Organizational Management

§ Object Oriented Programming in Java

§ Financial Accounting

§ Principles of Finance

§ Professional Writing

§ Professional Speaking

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§ Algorithms and Data Structures for Information Processing*

Δεύτερο εξάμηνο

§ Org. Communication and Distributed Object Technologies

§ Telecommunications Management

§ Object Oriented Software Analysis and Design

§ Statistics for IT Managers

§ Decision Making Under Uncertainty

§ Advanced Database Management

Τρίτο εξάμηνο

§ Information Systems Project

§ Digital Transformation

§ Health Economics*

§ Data Linkage and Privacy Protection*

§ Health Care Information Systems*

* Μαθήματα της ειδικότητας Medical Informatics

v. Service Management

Αυτή η ειδίκευση εκπαιδεύει τους σπουδαστές στην παροχή και τη διαχείριση

των υπηρεσιών με έμφαση στον αντίκτυπο και τη χρήση των υπηρεσιών ΙΤ. Αυτή η

ειδίκευση ικανοποιεί μια βασική ανάγκη για τα άτομα μέσα στους οργανισμούς που

είναι σε θέση να διαχειριστούν αποτελεσματικά την ανάπτυξη, την παράδοση και την

υποστήριξη των υπηρεσιών και από την πλευρά των πελατών και των φορέων

παροχής υπηρεσιών. Αυτή η συγκέντρωση θα δώσει έμφαση σε θέματα όπως η

διαχείριση υπηρεσιών, η διαχείριση έργων και κινδύνου, οι συμφωνίες σε επίπεδο

υπηρεσιών, οι διαπραγματεύσεις, η διαχείριση ικανότητας, η μέτρηση απόδοσης, η

βελτίωση ποιότητας και απόδοσης, και τα πρότυπα ωριμότητας για τη διαχείριση


Ενδεικτικός κύκλος μαθημάτων

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Πρώτο εξάμηνο

§ Database Management

§ Object Oriented Programming in Java

§ Telecommunications Management

§ Statistics for IT Managers

§ Professional Writing

§ Professional Speaking

§ Managing Service Organizations*

§ Project Management *

Δεύτερο εξάμηνο

§ Org. Communication and Distributed Object Technologies

§ Financial Accounting

§ Principles of Finance

§ Decision Making Under Uncertainty

§ Negotiation*

§ Contracts*

§ Sourcing Management*

§ Capability Improvement for Service Organizations*

§ Managing IT Outsourcing*

Τρίτο εξάμηνο

§ Managing In A Virtual Environment*

§ Economic Analysis

§ Information Systems Project

§ Digital Transformation

§ Privacy in the Digital Age*

§ Service Design & Development*

* Μαθήματα της ειδικότητας Service Management

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4.3 Μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα στα Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα

στην Ελλάδα.

Στην Ελλάδα, τα Μεταπτυχιακά Προγράμματα Σπουδών οδηγούν στην

απόκτηση Μεταπτυχιακού Διπλώματος Ειδίκευσης (Μ.Δ.Ε.). Ο γενικός στόχος των

Προγραμμάτων Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Π.Μ.Σ.) είναι η διεύρυνση των σπουδών,

σε μεταπτυχιακό επίπεδο, με σκοπό την παροχή ειδίκευσης σε διάφορες γνωστικές

περιοχές. Στην Ελλάδα λειτουργούν διακόσια δέκα τρία (213) Π.Μ.Σ. στα

Πανεπιστήμια και δώδεκα (12) Π.Μ.Σ. στο Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο. Στα

μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα μπορούν να εγγραφούν απόφοιτοι των Πανεπιστημίων

και των Τ.Ε.Ι. Η εισαγωγή των υποψηφίων γίνεται με τη διαδικασία της επιλογής ή

των εξετάσεων (προφορικών ή/και γραπτών). Επίσης, απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση

αποτελεί η γνώση μιας τουλάχιστον ξένης γλώσσας. Η χρονική διάρκειά τους δεν

μπορεί να είναι μικρότερη από ένα ημερολογιακό έτος.

Συγκεκριμένα, στον ευρύ τομέα τον Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων διατίθεται μία

ευρεία γκάμα Μεταπτυχιακών Προγραμμάτων που δίνει την ευκαιρία σήμερα στους

απόφοιτους της τριτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης να εμβαθύνουν και να ειδικευτούν στον

τομέα που τους ενδιαφέρει με αποτέλεσμα να διαθέτουν ένα σημαντικό

ανταγωνιστικό πλεονέκτημα εισερχόμενοι στην αγορά εργασίας. Τα Εκπαιδευτικά

Ιδρύματα που προσφέρουν σήμερα Μεταπτυχιακά Διπλώματά Ειδίκευσης (Μ.Δ.Ε.)

είναι τα εξής:

1. Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης

Τμήμα Οικονομικών(συνεργαζόμενο με το Τμήμα Οικονομικών Επιστημών)

1.1 Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης με τίτλο: ''Πληροφορική και Διοίκηση''

1.2. Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης στην ''Πληροφορική'' με κατευθύνσεις:

α) Ψηφιακά Μέσα

β) Επικοινωνιακά Συστήματα και Τεχνολογίες

γ) Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα

δ) Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορίας και Επικοινωνιών στην Εκπαίδευση

2. Εθνικό & Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών

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Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης με τίτλο: ''Πληροφορική και Τηλεπικοινωνίες''

με ειδικεύσεις:

α) Υπολογιστικής Επιστήμης

β) Προηγμένων Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων

γ) Τεχνολογίας Συστημάτων Υπολογιστών

δ) Συστήματα Επικοινωνιών και Δικτύων

ε) Επεξεργασίας Σήματος για Επικοινωνίες και Πολυμέσα

στ) Νέων Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών

Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης στη ''Διοίκηση και Οικονομική των

Τηλεπικοινωνιακών Δικτύων'' (διατμηματικό Π.Μ.Σ. συνεργαζόμενο με το Τμήμα

Οικονομικών Επιστημών)

3. Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών

Τμήμα Πληροφορικής

3.1 Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης στον Τομέα των Πληροφοριακών


3.2 Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης με τίτλο: ''Επιστήμη των Υπολογιστών''

Τμήμα Διοικητικής Επιστήμης και Τεχνολογίας

3.3 Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης στις ''Διοικητική των Επιχειρήσεων'' με


α) Διοικητική των Επιχειρήσεων (Business Administration)

β) Χρηματοοικονομική Μηχανική (Financial Engineering)

γ) Εφοδιαστική Διαχείριση και Μεταφορές (Logistics and Transport)

δ) Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο (Electronic Business)

ε) Επιχειρηματικότητα και Ανάπτυξη Νέων Επιχειρήσεων (Entrepreneurship and

New Business Development)

στ) Διαχείριση Τεχνολογίας (Technology Management)

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ζ) Διοίκηση Συστημάτων Υγείας (Health Management)

4. Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου

Τμήμα Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων

4.1 Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης στη ''Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων'' με ειδικεύσεις:

α) Διοίκησης Επιχειρησιακών Λειτουργιών (Παραγωγής)

β) Χρηματοοικονομικής-Λογιστικής

γ) Λογιστικής - Ελεγκτικής

δ) Marketing

ε) Συστήματα Πληροφοριών

στ) Διοίκηση Ανθρωπίνων Πόρων

Τμήμα Μηχανικών Πληροφοριακών και Επικοινωνιακών

4.2 Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης στις ''Τεχνολογίες και Διοίκηση

Πληροφοριακών και Επικοινωνιακών Συστημάτων'' με κατευθύνσεις:

α) Ασφάλεια Πληροφοριακών και Επικοινωνιακών Συστημάτων (Information and

Communication Systems Security)

β) Διοίκηση και Διαχείριση Πληροφοριακών και Επικοινωνιακών Συστημάτων

(Management of Information and Communication Systems )

γ) Διαχείριση Πληροφορίας (Information Management)

δ) Τεχνολογίες Δικτύων Επικοινωνιών και Υπολογιστών (Communication and

Computer Networking Technologies)

5. Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας

Τμήμα Μηχανικών Η/Υ Τηλεπικοινωνιών και Δικτύων

5.1 Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης στην ''Επιστήμη και Τεχνολογία Υπολογιστών,

Τηλεπικοινωνιών και Δικτύων'' με κατευθύνσεις:

α) Τεχνολογίες Λογισμικού και Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων

β) Τηλεπικοινωνίες, Σήματα και Δίκτυα

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γ) Τεχνολογίες Υλικού και Αρχιτεκτονικής των Υπολογιστών

6. Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων

Τμήμα Πληροφορικής

6.1 Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης στην Πληροφορική με κατευθύνσεις:

α) Υπολογιστικά Συστήματα

β) Θεωρία Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών

γ) Λογισμικό

δ) Επιστημονικοί Υπολογισμοί

ε) Τεχνολογίες – Εφαρμογές

Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών

6.2 Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης Μηχανικού του Τμήματος Ηλεκτρολόγων

Μηχ/κών και Μηχ/κών Υπολογιστών στους τομείς:

α) Τεχνολογίες Συστημάτων Μικροηλεκτρονικής και Πληροφορικής

β) Τεχνολογίες Συστημάτων Επικοινωνιών και Δορυφορικών Τηλεπικοινωνιών

γ) Τεχνολογίες Συστημάτων Ενέργειας και Εκμετάλλευσης Ανανεώσιμων

Ενεργειακών Πηγών

7. Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης

Τμήμα Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών

7.1 Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης στην ''Επιστήμη των Υπολογιστών''

α) Αρχιτεκτονική Μικροηλεκτρονικών Συστημάτων

β) Δίκτυα Υπολογιστών και Τηλεπικοινωνίες

γ) Παράλληλα και Κατανεμημένα Συστήματα

δ) Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα

ε) Υπολογιστική και Γνωσιακή Όραση και Ρομποτική

στ) Αλγοριθμική και Ανάλυση Συστημάτων

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ε) Ιατρική Πληροφορική και Βιοϊατρική Τεχνολογία

ζ) Τεχνολογίες Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου

η) Τεχνολογία Πολυμέσων

8. Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας

Τμήμα Οικονομικών Επιστημών

8.1 Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης στα Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα (διατμηματικό

Π.Μ.Σ. συνεργαζόμενο με τα Τμήματα Οργάνωσης και Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων,

Λογιστικής και Χρηματοοικονομικής)

Τμήμα Εφαρμοσμένης Πληροφορικής

8.2 Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης (σε σύμπραξη με τα Τμήματα Διοίκησης

Επιχειρήσεων, Λογιστικής και Ηλεκτρολογίας του Τ.Ε.Ι. Δυτ. Μακεδονίας) στις

εξής κατευθύνσεις:

α) Συστημάτων Υπολογιστών

β) Επιχειρηματικής Πληροφορικής

9. Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών

Τμήμα Μαθηματικών

9.1 Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης με τίτλο: ''Μαθηματικά των Υπολογιστών και

των Αποφάσεων'' (διατμηματικό Π.Μ.Σ. συνεργαζ/νο με το Τμήμα Μηχανικών

Ηλεκτρονικών Υπολογιστών και Πληροφορικής)

Τμήμα Μηχανικών Η/Υ και Πληροφορικής

9.2 Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης στην ''Επιστήμη και Τεχνολογία των


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9.3 Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης στα ''Ολοκληρωμένα Συστήματα Υλικού και

Λογισμικού'' (συμμετέχουν τα Ινστιτούτα Μικροηλεκτρονικής και Πληροφορικής

και Τηλεπικοινωνιών ''ΕΚΕΦΕ'' Δημόκριτος)

9.4. Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης σε ''Συστήματα Επεξεργασίας Σημάτων και

Εικόνων: Θεωρία, Υλοποιήσεις, Εφαρμογές'' (διατμηματικό - διαπανεπιστημιακό

Π.Μ.Σ. συνεργαζόμενο με τα Τμήματα Φυσικής Πατρών και Πληροφορικής


10. Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς

Τμήμα Πληροφορικής

10.1 Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης με τίτλο: ''Προηγμένα Συστήματα

Πληροφορικής'' στις παρακάτω κατευθύνσεις:

α) Τεχνολογία Ενσωματωμένων Υπολογιστικών Συστημάτων

β) Δικτυοκεντρικά Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα

γ) Ευφυείς Τεχνολογίες Επικοινωνίας Ανθρώπου - Υπολογιστή

δ) Συστήματα Υποστήριξης Αποφάσεων

11. Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο

Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών και Τεχνολογίας

11.1 Μεταπτυχιακή Εξειδίκευση στα Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα

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4.4 Μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα στα Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα στη


Σε γενικές γραμμές το επίπεδο βασικής εκπαίδευσης σε ICT στη FYROM είναι

ιδιαίτερα χαμηλό. Συγκεκριμένα υπάρχουν τρία πανεπιστήμια: το πανεπιστήμιο των

Αγίων Κύριλλου και Μεθόδιου στα Σκόπια με 24 τμήματα και 10 επιστημονικά

ιδρύματα, το πανεπιστήμιο SEE (South Eastern Europe) στο Τέτοβο με 5 σχολές και

δύο άλλες ακαδημαϊκές μονάδες και το πανεπιστήμιο "ST Kliment Ohridski" στην

Μπίτολα με 5 τμήματα, ένα λύκειο και 3 ιδρύματα. Συνολικά, 40.000 σπουδαστές

διδάσκονται μαθήματα για τις βάσεις της επιστήμης της Πληροφορίας στην αρχή του

εκπαιδευτικού προγράμματος.

Υπάρχουν εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα για ειδικευμένους σε IT μόνο για δύο

πανεπιστήμια – το πανεπιστήμιο των Σκοπίων και το πανεπιστήμιο του Τετόβου. Η

σχολή των Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών στα Σκόπια έχει ένα τμήμα πληροφορικής, ένα

τεχνολογίας πληροφοριών και ένα αυτοματοποίησης. Περίπου, 100 ηλεκτρολόγοι

μηχανικοί αποφοιτούν μετά από φοίτηση εννέα εξαμήνων σε ετήσια βάση. Ένας

άλλος τομέας στην ίδια σχολή είναι το τμήμα ηλεκτρονικής και τηλεπικοινωνιών. Από

αυτόν τον τομέα αποφοιτούν περίπου 70 ηλεκτρολόγοι μηχανικοί ετησίως μετά από

εννέα εξάμηνα. Το Ινστιτούτο Τεχνολογίας της Πληροφορίας στο πανεπιστήμιο των

Αγίων Κύριλλου και Μεθόδιου λειτουργεί ως μέρος της σχολής της Επιστήμης και

των Μαθηματικών. Υπάρχουν δύο τομείς σε αυτό το ινστιτούτο: ένας για την

τεχνολογία λογισμικού, και ο άλλος για τη θεωρητική βάση σε IT. Πενήντα

σπουδαστές αποφοιτούν μετά από οκτώ εξάμηνα. Στο πανεπιστήμιο SEE, υπάρχει

ένα τμήμα για την Επιστήμη των Υπολογιστών.

Η κακή οικονομική κατάσταση στη χώρα και οι μικρές πιθανότητες απασχόλησης

αναγκάζουν ένα μεγάλο μέρος αυτών των πτυχιούχων (σύμφωνα με κάποια

προσέγγιση περίπου 50-100 ετησίως) να αφήσουν τη χώρα σε αναζήτηση κάποιας

προοπτικής τους στο εξωτερικό.

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5. Συμπεράσματα

Η μελέτη της αγοράς εργασίας τόσο σε ευρωπαϊκό όσο και σε παγκόσμιο

επίπεδο κατέδειξε ότι η χρήση Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορίας & Επικοινωνιών θα γίνεται

εντατικότερη με την πάροδο του χρόνου ενώ ο ρόλος των πληροφοριακών

συστημάτων στη δομή και στη λειτουργία ενός οργανισμού θα γίνεται ολοένα και

σημαντικότερος. Δημιουργείται λοιπόν ένα έντονα δυναμικό περιβάλλον εργασίας

που απαιτεί από τους επαγγελματίες του κλάδου να έχουν ένα σύνολο προσόντων

και δεξιοτήτων το οποίο θα πρέπει συνεχώς να επικαιροποιούν. Η παρατηρούμενη

επιβράδυνση της αύξησης της απασχόλησης στον τομέα των πληροφοριακών

συστημάτων δεν πρόκειται ουδέποτε να αποτελέσει πρόβλημα για τον επαρκώς

ειδικευμένο επαγγελματία του κλάδου. Άλλωστε, αν και οι μελλοντικές προβλέψεις

δείχνουν ότι ο αριθμός των σπουδαστών και των εκπαιδευομένων στον τομέα των

ICT θα καλύπτει επαρκώς τη ζήτηση ποσοτικά, αναμένεται να παρουσιαστεί ποιοτικό

έλλειμμα σε στελέχη με ιδιαίτερες δεξιότητες. Για το λόγο αυτό τόσο τα υφιστάμενα

όσο και τα νέα μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα στα πληροφοριακά συστήματα οφείλουν

να αφουγκραστούν τις ανάγκες της αγοράς και να παράσχουν στους φοιτητές

σύγχρονες γνώσεις γύρω από τις νέες τεχνολογικές και διοικητικές προκλήσεις.

Η κατάσταση στις Βαλκανικές χώρες εμφανίζεται διαφοροποιημένη σε σχέση με

τον Ευρωπαϊκό μέσο όρο. Αν και υπάρχει αύξηση της δραστηριότητας στον τομέα

ICT με αποτέλεσμα να αναμένεται αύξηση της ζήτησης σε αντίστοιχα στελέχη,

παρόλα αυτά παρατηρείται συνεχής διαρροή ανθρωπίνου δυναμικού. Επίσης η

αύξηση της δραστηριότητας θα μπορούσε να ήταν κατά πολύ μεγαλύτερη αν δεν

υπήρχαν τα προβλήματα της μη απορρόφησης κεφαλαίων, της ανεπαρκούς

εφαρμογής του θεσμικού πλαισίου και της ελλιπούς υποδομής. Ωστόσο είναι

ενθαρρυντικά τα αποτελέσματα της πρωτοβουλίας eSEEurope η οποία προβλέπει

υψηλή δυναμική και ανάπτυξη στην βιομηχανία ICT. Η Ελλάδα και ακόμα

περισσότερο η FYROM αντιμετωπίζουν τα προαναφερθέντα προβλήματα με

αποτέλεσμα να υφίσταται ύφεση η αγορά εργασίας στελεχών πληροφορικής. Παρά

την ύφεση όμως παρατηρείται δυσκολία από τις επιχειρήσεις για την εύρεση

εξειδικευμένων στελεχών σε τομείς όπως η ανάλυση συστημάτων, ο σχεδιασμός

βάσεων δεδομένων κλπ. Έτσι κρίνεται επιτακτική η ανάγκη για παροχή

εκπαιδευτικών προϊόντων υψηλού επιπέδου και η δημιουργία στελεχών τα οποία να

χαρακτηρίζονται από ένα ιδιαίτερο σύνολο δεξιοτήτων και προσόντων.

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Οι συγκεκριμένες τάσεις της αγοράς εργασίας αντικατοπτρίζονται τόσο στα

πρότυπα όσο και στα προγράμματα μεταπτυχιακών που λειτουργούν παγκοσμίως.

Τα υφιστάμενα πρότυπα, όπως το MSIS 2006, αναθεωρούν την παραδοσιακή δομή

των μεταπτυχιακών προγραμμάτων στα πληροφοριακά συστήματα και προτείνουν

πιο ευέλικτες μορφές με δυνατότητα προσαρμογής σύμφωνα με τις ανάγκες

διαφορετικών συνόλων φοιτητών. Επίσης επιχειρούν τη σύνδεση των φοιτητών με

την αγορά καθώς και την ανάπτυξη μη τεχνικών δεξιοτήτων.

Στο σύνολο των καταγεγραμμένων μεταπτυχιακών προγραμμάτων παρατηρείται

ένας πυρήνας απαιτούμενων μαθημάτων, με βασικά αντικείμενα των

πληροφοριακών συστημάτων, ο οποίος περιβάλλεται από ένα σύνολο μαθημάτων

επιλογής τα οποία συνήθως οδηγούν σε κάποια ειδίκευση. Με τον τρόπο αυτό, ο

φοιτητής αποκτά ένα αξιόλογο υπόβαθρο γνώσεων για την κατανόηση των ΠΣ ενώ

ταυτόχρονα του δίνεται η δυνατότητα να εμβαθύνει σε ένα συγκεκριμένο τομέα

χαράζοντας έτσι εκ των προτέρων τη δική του καριέρα. Επίσης, μέσα από τη

διπλωματική εργασία, δίνεται η δυνατότητα για την αξιοποίηση και σύνθεση των

γνώσεων που αποκτήθηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια των προγραμμάτων, ενώ πολλές φορές

το θέμα της εργασίας σχετίζεται με σύνθετα και υπαρκτά προβλήματα των

οργανισμών, επιτυγχάνοντας έτσι τη σύνδεση με την αγορά.

Σε σχέση με τα υφιστάμενα μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα στα πληροφοριακά

συστήματα στην Ελλάδα παρατηρήθηκε ότι καλύπτουν τις ανάγκες της αγοράς σε

ικανοποιητικό βαθμό. Η δομή τους και το πρόγραμμα μαθημάτων τους

ανταποκρίνεται, σε γενικές γραμμές, στις σύγχρονες τάσεις που επικρατούν

παγκοσμίως. Ωστόσο, η αναμόρφωση τους σύμφωνα με τα κοινώς αποδεκτά

πρότυπα θα συνέβαλλε στην ικανοποίηση της αγοράς με στελέχη ιδιαίτερων


Η προσπάθεια καταγραφής των εκπαιδευτικών ιδρυμάτων στην FYROM

κατέδειξε ότι υπάρχει σοβαρότατο έλλειμμα κυρίως σε μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές

γενικότερα και ειδικότερα στα πληροφοριακά συστήματα. Η ύπαρξη αυτού του

κενού αναδεικνύει την αξία του προτεινόμενου έργου. Μέσα από την παρούσα

μελέτη κατέστη σαφές ότι η αγορά της FYROM έχει αυξημένες ανάγκες σε

εξειδικευμένα στελέχη πληροφορικής. Η υπάρχουσα όμως εκπαιδευτική δομή δεν

έχει τη δυνατότητα να καταρτίσει τα στελέχη αυτά. ‘Έτσι, ένα μεταπτυχιακό

πρόγραμμα στα πληροφοριακά συστήματα, το οποίο θα έχει τις βάσεις του στο

μεταπτυχιακό που λειτουργεί στο Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας και θα συμβαδίσει με τις

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σύγχρονες τάσεις και τα ισχύοντα πρότυπα, αναμένεται να καλύψει τη ζήτηση σε

στελέχη πληροφορικής με ιδιαίτερες δεξιότητες. Η ίδρυση του μεταπτυχιακού

προγράμματος θα συμβάλλει επίσης στην οικονομική και κοινωνική ανάπτυξη της

FYROM. Εκτός των άλλων, σημαντικά αναμένεται να είναι τα οφέλη του

Πανεπιστημίου Μακεδονίας αφού θα εκσυγχρονιστεί το υφιστάμενο πρόγραμμα

μεταπτυχιακών σπουδών ενώ οι απόφοιτοι θα μπορούν εύκολα να προσαρμοστούν

στις ιδιαίτερες ανάγκες τις γειτονικής χώρας.

Ανακεφαλαιώνοντας, η παρούσα μελέτη, μέσα από την καταγραφή και ανάλυση

της υφιστάμενης κατάστασης της αγοράς εργασίας στελεχών πληροφοριακών

συστημάτων καθώς και την καταγραφή και ανάλυση των προσφερόμενων

μεταπτυχιακών προγραμμάτων και προτύπων στον συγκεκριμένο τομέα,

επιβεβαίωσε την ανάγκη ίδρυσης ενός Μεταπτυχιακού Διπλώματος Εξειδίκευσης στα

Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα (MIS) που να καλύπτει κυρίως τις ανάγκες των Ελλήνων

φοιτητών και φοιτητών από την Πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία της


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1. NSSB 2002 and U.S. Department of Laybor – Bureau of Labor Statistics,


2. A. Willi Petersen, Peter Revill, Tony Ward, Carsten Wehmeyer,(2005) “ ICT

and e-business skills and training in Europe”

3. Electronic South Eastern Europe (2003), “eSEEurope Initiative Common

Guidelines”, UNDP Regional Service Centre, Bratislava, Slovakia

4. eSEEurope Regional Information and Communications Technologies, (2004)

“Sector Status and Usage Report: Building an Information Society for All”

5. ΣΕΠΕ (2001), Οδηγός e- Business Cyberce Ltd

6. TEMPUS PROJECT CD JEP 18046-2003, (2006) “Management and

(e)Business Education in Computer Studies”

7. Theodoropoulos V., Koutsabasis P., Darzentas J., Spyrou T.,(2001)

“Designing a postgraduate curriculum in information systems: A greek case”

8. Gorgone J., Gray P., (1999) “Model Curriculum and Guidelines for Graduate

Degree Programs in Information Systems”

9. Davis et al., (1997), “IS’97 Model Curriculum Guidelines”

10. Carnegie Mellon University, Masters of Information Systems Management,

(2006), http://www.mism.cmu.edu/default.asp

11. (2007) “Americas Best Gradaute Schools 2007”, U.S. News and world Report

12. Allen S. Lee (2001) “What are the best MIS Programs in U.S. business

Schools”, MIS Quarterly Vol. 25 No.3, pp. ii-vii.

13. (2007) “Americas Best Gradaute Schools 2005, Business specialties:

Information Systems”, U.S. News and world Report

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Περιγραφές των 20 πιο συχνά συναντούμενων μαθημάτων κορμού

1 Management of IS

In today's ever changing technology environment, it is critical that organizations understand how

to identify, acquire and implement new technology applications to sustain competitive

advantage. This course will be divided into three modules to address each of these stages, even

though some of the discussion on these may overlap the entire semester, depending on the

availability of the resources (external speakers, research material, etc.).

2 Databases

This course is designed to cover both the theoretical and practical aspects of database

management systems. In order to provide an understanding of the evolution of data

management, the traditional file organization is compared with network, hierarchical and

relational models of data. The theory and practice of languages and design approaches for the

relational model are stressed. Specific topics covered will include data modeling, database design

using normalization theory and relational query languages, and issues of database security,

privacy and integrity. Students in the course will be expected to design and implement a

database application using ORACLE.

3 System design and analysis

Comprehensive introduction to information systems development. Topics include the systems

analyst, the systems development life cycle, methodologies, development technology, systems

planning, project management, systems analysis, systems design, systems implementation, and

systems support. Introduction to tools and techniques for systems development.

4 Networks

This course covers current and evolving data network technologies, protocols, network

components, and the networks that use them, focusing on the Internet and related LANs. The

state of worldwide networking and its evolution will be discussed. This course covers the Internet

architecture, organization, and protocols including Ethernet, 802.11, routing, the TCP/UDP/IP

suite, DNS, SNMP, DHCP, and more. Students will be presented with Internet-specific networking

tools for searching, testing, debugging, and configuring networks and network-connected host

computers. There will be opportunities for network configuration and hands-on use of tools.

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5 Introduction to IT

This course is concerned with understanding the different viewpoints found in the literature

about the role of IT in achieving development. This provides the basis for discussing a variety of

issues regarding policy and implementation of IT production and consumption in the context of

developing countries.

6 Project management

This course will provide the student with an understanding of the history, current practice, and

future directions of project management. Principles and concepts of project management will be

presented and discussed within the context of the knowledge areas and process groups defined

in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK).

This course will provide the student with an understanding of the principles and concepts of

project management, from project initiation through project closure. Pick up almost any business

magazine from the last five years and 9 times out of 10 there will be an article in it relating the

story of a failed project. While numerous factors contribute to these failures, many of them are

attributable to ineffective project management. In reaction to this history of failures, project

management has become recognized as a discipline to be studied, learned, and applied.

Project management principles consistent with the PMBOK will be covered through readings,

lectures, discussions, and group case study analyses. Students will apply several of the

techniques covered in the course through the development of a Project Charter document and

the creation of a detailed Project Schedule to realize given time and cost constraints. Two exams

will supplement the discussions, projects, and case study activities.

7 Organizational theory / behavior

Individuals in organizations; including personality perceptions, learning, and motivation; group

processes, including work groups, leadership, communication, decision making, and the

management of organizational change. Organizational theory, research and design; including

overview of theories such as bureaucracy, open systems, organizational ecology. Issues of

departmentation, differentiation, integration, power and politics; governance structures including

agency and stakeholder theories. Interorganizational networks and organizational sets.

8 Finance

This course is designed to provide students with a base level of sophistication in finance. It

equips students with the basic tools necessary to analyze how corporations make investment and

financing decisions, and how different securities are priced in modern financial markets.

9 Programming

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This unit aims to provide students with the basic concepts involved in the development of well

structured software using a programming language. It concentrates on the development of

problem solving skills applicable to all stages of the development process. Students gain

experience with the translation of an informal problem specification into a program design, and

the implementation of that design into a programming language. The subject introduces

software engineering topics such as maintainability, readability, testing, documentation,

modularisation, and reasoning about correctness of programs. Students are expected to read

and understand existing code as well as develop new code. The language used to illustrate and

implement the programming princilples taught in this unit is C++.

10 Accounting

Introduces engineering and technical managers to financial and managerial accounting, enabling

them to understand, critique, and direct project evaluation. Financial accounting covers

accounting concepts, basic accounting principles, and the structure of the three main financial

statements, with detail on a few of the more important transactions. Managerial accounting

includes basic cost concepts, product costing systems, and the use of managerial accounting

data for decision-making and control.

11 Management

Leadership, motivation, career development, performance evaluation, and team design,

composition and facilitation in professional service environments. Helps participants understand

both themselves and those they manage. The roles of the CIO and the IT manager are explored.

12 IT strategies

The course is designed to help current and prospective Information Technology (IT) managers

(and others who deal directly with IT investment) to learn how to tie technology investment and

implementation directly to business results.

13 Research Methods

We expect that few students will continue on to Ph.D. studies, and the term "research" is here

used in its broadest meaning. COMP 695 provides an update and consolidation of methods and

tools used in CIS for finding and collecting information, assessing information sources, and

presenting information in various ways, including technical reports and presentations. It also

introduces or reviews and applies some project management tools that students are then

recommended to use for the final "integrative" phase of their program, and some optimization

techniques and tools for increasing their cost/time-effectiveness. Overshadowing and

encompassing this is more information about, and practice in use of, various general problem

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domains and problem-solving strategies.

14 Statistics

This introductory course in data analysis and statistical inference requires no background in

statistics. Its objective is to provide individuals who aspire to enter management positions in

firms that use the internet to market and serve its clients with the basic statistical tools for

analyzing and interpreting internet data. The course is divided into three distinct components:

descriptive statistics, fundamentals of statistical inference, and regression analysis. The emphasis

of the classes on descriptive statistics is the calculation and interpretation of summary statistical

measures for describing raw data. The sessions on fundamentals of statistical inferences are

designed to provide you with the background for executing and interpreting hypothesis tests and

confidence intervals. The latter half of the course focuses on regression analysis, a widely used

statistical methodology. Throughout the course you will regularly analyze internet data using the

statistical software package Minitab.

15 Information retrieval

Focuses on the principles and methods of information retrieval through interactive database

searching. Problems of database organization and structure, question negotiation, strategy

formulation, multidatabase searching and online search service management are investigated.

Critical examination and evaluation of major vendors and their systems.

16 Strategic Management

Addresses managerial decision-making at both the formulation and implementation phases of

strategic planning. Integrates concepts from both traditional and non-traditional business

disciplines. Since managers usually must make strategic decisions without possessing all the

relevant information, the focus is on decision-making under uncertainty.

17 Business Process Modelling

The course builds the foundations for process analysis by focusing on key aspects of business

processes, including information, documents, people, roles and business rules. The main

objective is to provide an introduction to various techniques and tools of process analysis and

workflow management including UML methodology and simulation. Technology and systems

support for workflow configuration and management will also be discussed.

18 DSS

Introduces simple models and ideas that provide powerful, and oftentimes surprising, qualitative

insights about a large spectrum of managerial problems in diverse industries and functional

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areas, including operations, finance, accounting, and marketing. Provides insight into the kinds

of problems that can be tackled quantitatively, the methods and software available for doing so,

and the difficulties involved in gathering the relevant data. Major topics include linear and integer

programming, decision making under uncertainty, and simulation.

19 Information Law

Four hours of lecture per week (half a semester in duration; offered during the first half of the

semester). Law is one of a number of policies that mediates the tension between free flow and

restrictions on the flow of information. This course introduces students to copyright and other

forms of legal protection for databases, licensing of information, consumer protection, liability for

insecure systems and defective information, privacy, and national and international information


20 Internet technologies

This course will cover how the Internet is organized, addressing, routing, DNS, protocols,

TCP/IP, SMTP, the use of Internet applications, and the creation of Web pages using HTML and

graphical applications. Networked multimedia distribution technologies are also explored. The

design of effective Web site including page layout, user interface design, graphic design, content

flow and site structure as well as management of Web site resources including intranet

management and design considerations are addressed. Students design and create a major Web

site with multiple pages and cross-linked structures. (2-2-3) This course covers Web page

authoring techniques using both HTML and WYSIWYG authoring software; HTML 4.0 including

CSS and DHTML will be taught. Hands-on exercises include all aspects of using the Internet;

students study, create and refine Web pages online, and learn to create basic Web graphics.

Current technologies used in this course may include Apache, Macromedia Dreamweaver and

Nvu. Current material taught in this course includes the knowledge necessary to complete the

CompTIA i-Net+ or CIW Foundations examination.

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Πίνακας 8: 20 πιο συχνά συναντούμενα μαθήματα επιλογής

1 Information System Security

In-depth examination of topics in the management of information technology security including

access control systems & methodology, business continuity & disaster recovery planning, legal

issues in information system security, ethics, computer operations security, physical security

and security architecture & models using current standards and models.

2 Database Management

This course provides students with a thorough introduction to data modeling; relational, object-

oriented and object-relational database design concepts and issues. The design emphasis will

be explored through a combination of team and individual projects as well as exposure too

hands-on database implementations.

3 Knowledge Management

This course aims to present a coherent view on the role of knowledge and knowledge

management in organisations from a multidisciplinary perspective. Students will gain an

appreciation of the sources of unstructured and semi-structured knowledge and learn current

techniques which permit this knowledge to be applied to perform organisational activities. The

unit presents a comprehensive model of the knowledge management process from

organisational and technological perspectives. Students will have an opportunity to explore

current approaches to knowledge management in the context of a variety of case studies.

4 Project Management

Introduction to concepts of project management and techniques for planning and controlling of

resources to accomplish specific project goals. While the focus is on technically oriented

projects, the principles discussed are applicable to the management of any project. Topics

include time, cost considerations, cash flow forecasting, financial and performance control,


5 Networks

Computer networks, network technology, protocols, routing algorithms, reliability and design

issues. Data transmission and transmission media, data communications fundamentals,

transmission efficiency, wide-area networks, local area networks, wireless networks, TCP/IP

and other protocol architectures, client/server computing, network management, and network


6 Data Mining

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Covers the concepts and principles of advanced data mining systems design. Presents methods

for association and dependency analysis, classification and predication, and clustering analysis.

Optional topics may include Web and scientific data mining, knowledge discovery applications,

and current trends in data mining.

7 Marketing

Information Technology provides new opportunities for marketing departments to set prices,

target promotional campaigns, customize products, and reach customers in multiple channels.

It also provides opportunities to actively and passively gather information from customers and

modify and customize marketing programs in response to this information. This class will build

on material covered in 95-732 eCommerce Marketing, by analyzing in more detail the strategic

implications of these capabilities for marketing practice. Potential topics covered in the course

include auction pricing mechanisms, optimizing the marketing mix in B2B exchanges, channel

synergy, disintermediation and reintermediation in markets, customer privacy, the role of

intellectual property law in digital product exchanges, and anti-trust implications of price


8 Programming

Structured programming continues with advanced concepts including strings, arrays, pointers,

data structures, file manipulation, and dynamic memory management. Students create more

complex applications that work with user input, manipulate user supplied text or text obtained

from a file, apply standard library routines for working with literal text, use pointers to store

complex structures within arrays, and read and write data from files, the console, and the

terminal. The object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm is covered in depth including the

philosophy of OOP, classes and objects, inheritance, template classes, and making use of class


9 Electronic Commerce

The Internet affords great opportunities for conducting business transactions that do not

require physical proximity. This course describes the fundamental components and issues

involved with electronic commerce such as: Internet fundamentals, business process analysis,

electronic payment methods and systems, security, certificates, EDI, standards, and commerce


10 Information Retrieval

Covers the concepts and principles of information retrieval systems design. Techniques

essential for building text databases, document processing systems, office automation systems,

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and other advanced information management systems.

11 Multimedia

The goal of this course is to teach the fundamentals of interface design as well as basic tools

for Multi-Media authoring and production. Throughout the course students will become familiar

with the following software packages:

12 Finance

This course has a specific focus on international business problems that are financial in nature.

Topics include an examination of the international environment the firm operates in,

international investment, exchange rates and the management of risks arising from shifting

exchange rates, and the problems of short and long-term asset and liability management.

13 Organizational Strategy

One of the key decisions every organization must face is defining its "strategy towards itself," in

other words, designing the organization in order to achieve its strategic goals. In this course we

will consider the most important aspects of this strategy: aligning internal and external

strategies, the design (and limits) of performance incentives, investing in the workforce through

training, and designing the boundary of the organization (outsourcing, make vs. buy). We will

use insights from economics and organizational behavior to analyze the factors that lead to

successful organizational strategies. Instruction will consist of lectures combined with cases

from the for-profits, not-for-profit, and public sectors.

14 Distributed Systems

Examines digital communication architecture, technologies and strategies. Studies distributed

processing systems, distributed database systems and networking systems. Surveys current

architectures and future directions, design and operational considerations. Uses case studies.

15 Decision support systems

This unit is intended to provide students with a detailed introduction to the development and

use of information systems in supporting management and decision-making. Students will learn

of the nature of management work and how this affects the development of systems intended

to support management decision-making. A number of commonly used decision support

modelling techniques will be explored. Topics covered include: managers and management,

decision making, judgement heuristics and cognitive biases, DSS development methods,

personal decision support systems, influence diagrams, the role of modelling in Decision

Support, systems dynamics, data warehousing and business intelligence.

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16 Supply Chain Management

Strategies that enhance integration throughout the supply chain can lead to improved

performance (in terms of cost, quality, customer satisfaction, flexibility, etc.) and thereby

provide firms with a source of competitive advantage. This course focuses on improving the

performance of the firm and its supply chain through coordination among multiple sites,

functions, and economic actors (customers and suppliers). Students learn how to design and

implement strategies for structure and management, both cross-functionally, within the firm,

and across an industry value chain among interacting firms. The course equips students with

analytical tools to assess performance tradeoffs and support decision making, and students

become familiar with supply chain strategies that have been adopted by leading companies.

17 Data warehousing

This course focuses on the design, management, and implementation of IT-supported business

processes. The evolution of information technology and the near ubiquity of the Internet give

business firms the opportunity to completely redesign their business processes, to develop

systems faster, and to implement systems in entirely new ways. Topics covered include

business process analysis and design, implementation, change management, and performance

measurement systems. Relevant technologies include Web-based application service providers,

workflow management systems, knowledge management systems, and enterprise systems.

Students learn how to analyze a business problem, design new business processes, and

manage the implementation process. They also gain an understanding of the technology

support structure required for successful implementation of organizational and

interorganizational processes.

18 E-business

Survey of concepts of electronic business including technical, organizational, societal and legal

issues; relevance to modern business enterprises. Classification 6 students may not enroll in

this course.

19 Information Policy

Introduction to policymaking and the players and stakes involved in information creation,

access and use. Emphasis on the political, economic, legal and social issues affecting

information and its institutions, including relevant social theory and analytical methods. The

focal policy issues considered in depth will vary from year to year: e.g. government information,

intellectual property, intellectual freedom, (universal) access, cultural content, community

networking, and privacy.

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20 Software Engineering

Software Engineering studies modern methodology of the development of large programming

projects, including requirements analysis, specification, design, coding, debugging and testing,

maintenance, and thorough documentation as illustrated by examples and papers from current

literture. The course will prepare students for working in teams to build quality software.

This course focuses on the both traditional and emerging principles and knowledge of software

engineering and provides the necessary hands-on practice for those who wish to enhance their

knowledge base. This course is designed for people who work or are about to in any aspect of

software development. Also it is intended for people who have a managerial responsibility for

software development and anyone who is interested in how complex software sytems are

designed and built.

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Κατάλογος μεταπτυχιακών προγραμμάτων που καταγράφηκαν

Πανεπιστήμιο: Carnegie Mellon University

Πρόγραμμα: Masters of Information Systems Management

Χώρα: USA

The MISM program is a one-year, intensive, on-campus master’s program designed to meet the needs of

professionals who wish to gain the required skills while spending a minimum amount of time outside the workforce.

Coursework is completed in three consecutive semesters. Students are require taking the equivalent of 15

semester-length courses, including a team-based project course, and demonstrate competence in core areas. The

curriculum emphasizes the importance of and interrelationships among technology, management and strategy for

successful careers.

Πανεπιστήμιο: Golden Gate University

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science in Information Technology

Χώρα: USA

The convergence of these factors is the driving force in technology driven business today. In the 21st-century

marketplace, business and information technologies are increasingly interdependent in their support of operational

and strategic opportunities across the enterprise. To attain success for yourself and your company you must understand and implement these integrated business

and technology tools; a Golden Gate University degree can help you do that. The MSIT will give you: · A broad managerial focus on the full range of IT architecture, infrastructure, platforms and applications · The practical ability to apply technical solutions in dynamic, fast moving environments · A solid grounding in program management skills, including projects with diverse constituents, local and global

components · The ability to align IT resources with business goals and objectives The degree will advance your career by increasing your ability to: · Analyze, design, deploy and effectively use information technologies · Make and justify decisions involving technology that impact corporate return on investment · Communicate effectively with diverse groups of managers, users, clients, partners and stakeholders

Πανεπιστήμιο: Temple University

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science Program in Computer Science

Χώρα: USA

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The Master of Science in Computer Science emphasizes a general approach to the study of computing, including

courses in artificial intelligence, operating systems, computer architecture, networking and communications,

software engineering, graphics and image processing, data base systems, collaborative systems and theoretical

areas. The curriculum is not oriented toward any specific applications area of computing, but emphasizes general

graduate level studies in computing, preparing students for careers in systems analysis, teaching and research. The MS program in Computer Science is an advanced degree intended to provide students with the knowledge and

skills necessary to hold professional positions oriented toward the development and design of computer systems.

Graduates with this degree would be able to seek employment as systems programmers for research organizations,

computer centres, or for computer manufacturers. Alternatively, graduates could become involved in the design and implementation of new applications software or

the planning and evaluation of computer based systems. Prospective employers would include the government or

industrial firms that utilize computers for research and/or production purposes.

Πανεπιστήμιο: University of Pittsburgh

Πρόγραμμα: The Katz MBA/MS-MIS Dual Degree

Χώρα: USA

As part of the “Techno MBA” family of programs, which combine MBA and technology-driven graduate degrees, this

course of study combines the strategic management skills of the Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business’

rigorous MBA with IS expertise.

Πανεπιστήμιο: Indiana University, Kelley School of Business Bloomington

Πρόγραμμα: MS in Information Systems

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Bloomington

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS) students gain a knowledge of systems and business skills -

through course and experiential project work. These skills are what make our graduates well rounded business-

savvy IT professionals who have the managerial and technical skills needed to hit the ground running. MSIS is an 18-month 30 to 36 credit hour, full-time graduate degree program for qualified candidates with a

bachelor's degree (U.S. equivalent) in any academic discipline, preferably CS or CIS/MIS. Work experience is not

required. There are several prerequisites required. Students without sufficient business background can complete

the necessary prerequisites through IU's Independent Study Program. Students who lack technical background

(programming and database knowledge is expected) may complete the programming through IU's Independent

Study Program. However, SAGP will have to work with an applicant to determine the best way to secure the

database knowledge as IU does not offer a correspondence course in this area. The program emphasizes analysis, design, development, and implementation of information systems, data

management, project management as well as topics such as networking, e-business strategies, strategic

management of IT, and IS security all within the context of business practice. Through coursework and real world

corporate-sponsored projects, graduates develop and apply both technical and business skills.

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Πανεπιστήμιο: University of Arizona, Eller college of Management

Πρόγραμμα: Master's degree in Management Information Systems (MIS)

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Arizona

The Master's degree in Management Information Systems (MIS) is designed to prepare students for challenging

careers involving the design, analysis, implementation and operation of computer-based information systems. MIS

involves the use of computers in organizations and the integration of computer skills with the functional areas of

management. Education in management information systems enables students to pursue careers involving the use,

definition, analysis, design, implementation, and operation of computer-based information systems.

Πανεπιστήμιο: The University of Georgia, The Master of Internet Technology

Πρόγραμμα: The Master of Internet Technology

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Athens

The Master of Internet Technology (Master of IT) Program officially began in August 2001. It is one of a few

multidisciplinary masters degree programs offered by The University of Georgia. The vision is to bridge the gap

between management (business) and computing (technology) instruction. The program is administered by the

Department of Management Information Systems (MIS) in the Terry College of Business The Master of IT Program is delivered over five semesters, from August of the first academic year to May of the

second year. The courses are taught two evenings a week at the Georgia Gwinnett College campus, located about

35 miles from the University of Georgia campus. Students are required to complete 32 semester hours of

coursework. Eleven credit hours involve project management instruction and a project internship in which students

work as a team to develop an Internet-based solution for a client. Projects are done for actual businesses and

organizations to solve a current problem or leverage the Internet to expand business opportunities. These are large

projects that provide students with practical project management and development experience. Each team commits

a total of 950 to 1200 hours developing and managing their project. Students develop skills in Internet technology and software development while also learning the aesthetics of Web

media and the business considerations of electronic commerce. Graduates of the Master of IT Program are capable

of working and advancing in the rapidly growing fields of e-business and Internet development as designers,

software developers, and managers.

Πανεπιστήμιο: Johns Hopkins University - School of Professional Studies in Business and Education

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science in Information and Telecommunications Systems

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Baltimore

Our MS in Information and Telecommunications (MS/ITS) program offers a unique educational approach that

balances theory and practice, giving you the methodology and technology skills you need to plan, develop,

implement, and manage integrated information and telecommunication systems that meet organization needs in a

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highly competitive environment. This fully accredited master's program is designed for professionals who want to: 1. Move up to management or development roles within their organizations; 2. Leverage their knowledge in functional areas with IT to move to consultancy roles; 3. Update their skills and use the newest IT concepts and tools so that organizations can better compete in the

global market place.

Πανεπιστήμιο: UC Berkeley School Of Information

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Information Management and Systems (MIMS)

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Berkeley

The Master of Information Management and Systems (MIMS) program is a 48 unit, two-year full time program,

designed to train students in the skills needed to succeed as information professionals. Such professionals must be

familiar with the theory and practice of storing, organizing, retrieving and analyzing information in a variety of

settings in business, the public sector, and the academic world. Technical expertise alone is not sufficient for

success; iSchool graduates will be expected to perform and manage a multiplicity of information related tasks. In

order to function effectively they will need to: * understand how to organize information * analyze user information needs * be able to design or evaluate information systems that allow for efficient and effective user interaction * be able to provide and assure the quality and value of information to decision makers * understand the economic and social environment in which their organization functions * be familiar with relevant issues in law, economics, ethics, and management Such a profession is inherently interdisciplinary, requiring aspects of computer science, cognitive science,

psychology and sociology, economics, business, law, library/information studies, and communications.

Πανεπιστήμιο: Brandais University

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science in Information Technology Management

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Boston

Today’s information managers require specialized knowledge and skills to direct the development and deployment

of information systems. They are not only expected to manage technology people, but they must be capable of

assuring the quality of information and its value to those who will ultimately use it for decision making. This program is designed to prepare professionals to meet the requirements for managing the information

technology and systems of organizations. It combines technological and managerial components to develop

graduates who can deal effectively with the complexity and variety of issues involved in applying information

technology successfully within organizations. This focus is intended to develop student’s expertise in building, managing and deploying enterprise-wide

Information Technology. Graduates of the program will be prepared for positions that involve providing enterprise-

wide IT solutions, including the roles of information technology manager, project manager, technology/information

architect, and process/business analyst.

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Πανεπιστήμιο: State University of New York at Buffalo

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science in Management Information Systems

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Buffalo

Management Information Systems (MIS) is the name given to the application of computer related technology to

managerial programs. There is of course a heavy technical component in the course work, but the program also

provides students with the broad perspective needed to advance in their managerial careers. The business analyst

of the future must be able to identify how technology can be applied to solving existing and new problems, but also

how to leverage technology to realize strategic opportunities. Students will explore the application of computerized information systems, including Web technologies, to run a

modern technology-based business. The Web, via e-commerce, has created a revolution in consumer-to-business

and business-to-business transactions. The business analyst of the future must be able to identify how Web-based

technologies can be applied to solving existing and new problems and how to leverage technology to realize

strategic opportunities. Students will receive exposure to networking and data communications, database management systems, distributed

computing, and to the various systems analysis and design development strategies.

Πανεπιστήμιο: University of California Irvine, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science

Πρόγραμμα: General M.S. Degree

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: California

The ICS general M.S. degree program is designed for students who do not wish to specialize in any specific area.

Students can explore many of the advanced fields in computer science. These areas include: embedded systems,

networking, databases, computational geometry, neural networks, data mining, machine learning, graph algorithms,

VLSI, parallel architectures, user interfaces, bioinformatics, graphics and visualization, security and cryptography,

HCI/CSCW, software engineering, data structures, and ubiquitous computing.

Πανεπιστήμιο: Illinois Institute of Technology

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Information Technology & Management (MITM)

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Chicago

The Master of Information Technology & Management (MITM) is a degree program designed primarily for working

professionals who seek a hands-on, laboratory based program to broaden and deepen their knowledge of new and

emerging information technologies, the application and integration of these technologies, and the administrative

practices used in the effective management of these technologies.

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Πανεπιστήμιο: University of Maryland - Master of Information Management

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Information Management

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Maryland

Not long ago, a lot of people had not even heard of a Master of Information Management (MIM) degree. But the

change has been sudden and exciting. Today, many professionals are finding their way to this degree because it

has everything that is needed to excel and lead in the information age. Every cutting-edge organization needs the

skills the MIM degree offers. MIM at the University of Maryland teaches students to blend the technology used in information management with

critical decision-making skills. It is quite possibly the most balanced advanced degree available, one that teaches

students how to control our most vital resource: information. MIM is about much more than knowing how to gather and store information. It's about learning to make information

useful, an expertise that will make a difference in every organization's future. A MIM degree is perfect for technology savvy innovators who recognize there is a new path to success. We invite you to get a feel for what it means to pursue a Master of Information Management (MIM) degree at the

University of Maryland. Maryland is now one of the country's leading research universities and ranks 18th in the

nation among public research universities. In just the last decade, the university has catapulted to the forefront of

many fields. Today, we have 79 academic programs within the top 25 rankings nationwide and 32 in the top 10.

Students have immediate access to the faculty and the superior resources of this university with its world-renowned

faculty and a diverse student body that brings varied experience and points of view. The University of Maryland MIM program teaches students to blend the technology used in information

management with critical decision-making skills. It is quite possibly the most balanced advanced degree available,

one that teaches students how to control our most vital resource, information. The Master of Information

Management degree is a management degree that focuses on connecting information consumers and creators with

the information content that they need. It looks upon technology as the conduit for providing information content at

the time and in the format that is most effective and efficient to meet the organization's needs. The course of study that the College of Information Studies has designed is a highly practical and applied learning

educational experience. It enables students to learn from each other, to solve real problems, and to engage in a

degree plan that meets their own particular needs and interests. The geographic region in which the MIM degree is situated affords opportunities to learn about state of the art

developments in information management

Πανεπιστήμιο: University of Michigan

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science in Information (MSI)

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Michigan

Our program prepares you to: - Work as an information professional in a variety of environments - Become a leader and change agent in preparing organizations for a constantly evolving information society

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- Synthesize human-centered and technological perspectives by balancing the opportunities and constraints

imposed by people, information, and technology - Promote a user-centered approach to information and reflect the knowledge, values, ethics, and principles that

derive from that approach

Πανεπιστήμιο: New Jersey's Science & Technology University

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science in Information Systems

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: New Jersey

The MSIS program provides solid grounding in systems analysis and software engineering, information and

communication technologies, and management of information systems. The program emphasizes the planning,

investigation, design, development, application, management and evaluation of Information Systems. The program

trains students to be integral members of application design and development teams.

Πανεπιστήμιο: Marist College, School of computer Science and Mathematics

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science in Information Technology Management (ITM)

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: New York

The primary goal of the master's program in Information Systems is to help meet the increasing demand for

knowledgeable personnel who possess a balanced combination of technical and managerial skills. In keeping with

this goal, the program offers two tracks. ISM has a business administration component. ITM has an information

technology component. The essential focus of both tracks is preparing students to identify, analyze and solve

business problems using the systems approach - a proactive approach to problem solving, planning and managing.

Throughout the program, faculty encourage students to develop and exercise critical thinking skills. Students are

called upon to identify and state important points, and their supporting arguments; recognize assumptions and

biases, and their implications; detect contradictory or irrelevant information; and analyze and articulate relationships.

Primary areas of study include information systems technology, systems concepts, and processes and management

functions. Through repeated exposure, students also become well versed in the principles of quality management -

principles that are an integral component of modern systems analysis and design. Information students are not only

gaining new skills, they are preparing for one of the nation's best and fastest growing careers - systems analyst.

National, state and local labor department statistics rank the occupation of systems analyst among the top growth

fields through the year 2005. In addition, Bureau of Labor statistics place systems analysts among the top 25% of

the nation's work force in terms of compensation.

Πανεπιστήμιο: New York University - Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Πρόγραμμα: M.B.A. Program in Information Systems

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: New York

The central question that Information Systems (IS) courses address is the following: Why do some organizations

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get value from their information technology investments while others do not? One set of courses answers this

question primarily by examining how fundamental changes in market structure inducted by new technologies impact

business models. The second set emphasizes the enabling potential of information technologies through increased

efficiency or business intelligence. The third set focuses on the effective management of the information assets of

organizations, be they internal, outsourced, or joint ventures. The IS area provides a crucial part of business education necessary for students seeking careers in a variety of

industries, from finance to management consulting.

Πανεπιστήμιο: University of Pennsylvania

Πρόγραμμα: Executive Master's in Technology Management at the University of Pennsylvania

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Pennsylvania

Led by Penn Engineering and co-sponsored by Wharton, the Executive Master's in Technology Management

(EMTM) develops leaders with the knowledge and insight to: - Anticipate emerging trends and opportunities - Lead within and across organizations - Transform innovation into success

Πανεπιστήμιο: University of Pennsylvania - College of Information Sciences and Technology

Πρόγραμμα: M.S. in Information Sciences and Technology

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Pennsylvania

The Master of Science degree in Information Sciences and Technology offers advanced graduate education for

students contemplating careers in academic teaching and research, or research in a non-academic setting. The

program is interdisciplinary in nature and expects scholarship at the highest levels exhibiting depth of competency in

at least one of the core areas of the Information Sciences and Technology and an understanding of the integration

of the critical constructs that drive the field: users, information, and technology.

Πανεπιστήμιο: University of Washington - The Information School

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science in Information Management

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Seattle

The MSIM program offered by the Information School of the University of Washington informs and inspires people

who believe that information and information systems are a key part of their careers. The program educates

students in the leadership, analysis, and technology of information-intensive organizations. Drawing from disciplines ranging from management, computer science, and information science to philosophy, law,

and design, the program gives students practical skills backed by solid intellectual concepts.

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Πανεπιστήμιο: Arizona State University, W. P. Carey School of Business

Πρόγραμμα: Masters of Science in Information Management (MSIM)

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Tempe

The Master of Science in Information Management (MSIM) is an evening degree program designed to enable

business people to master the art of managing in an IT-enabled environment. It is designed for working

professionals in the IT field who recognize the importance of information technology in the competitive, global

economy. This program takes students through a one-year experience with an intensive, lock-step curriculum that

focuses on managing IT relationships in the context of business processes. The MSIM program begins every May

and consists of ten courses, taken two evenings per week, for a total of 30 credit hours completed by the following

May. Courses are offered in the evenings through the Department of Information Systems in the W. P. Carey

School of Business at Arizona State University.

Πανεπιστήμιο: Mays Business School at Texas A&M University

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science in Management Information Systems

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Texas

The MS/MIS degree is designed to prepare students for careers as information system professionals. A rich variety

of career paths are open to MIS students including consulting, programming, systems analysis & design, network

administration, and database administration. The challenging and rewarding careers open to MIS students can also

lead to managerial positions in the information services area, including Chief Information Officer.

Πανεπιστήμιο: University of Texas at Dallas - The School of Management

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science, Information Technology & Management

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Texas

The Master of Science in Information Technology & Management is designed to bridge the gap between the

information technologist and the business professional. By providing a technology intensive program with a

business focus, the program will produce graduates who can play significant roles within organizations in helping

them apply information technology to business problems and create efficient and effective solutions. The degree is

obtained by completing the program course requirements of 36 credit hours beyond all prerequisites. Students must

maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on all graduate coursework and a 3.0 grade point average in the

basic business core to qualify for graduation and to remain in good standing.

Πανεπιστήμιο: George Maison University - School of Management

Πρόγραμμα: M.S. in Technology Management

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: Virginia

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Now more than ever, success in many businesses depends on the successful management of technology. The

success of companies such as Boeing, Freddie Mac, IBM, Intel, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, Northrop Grumman,

Sony, and Walmart depends on how well they manage technology internally, for customers, and in products. These

companies succeed with • Rapid innovation—bringing technology products quickly to the marketplace • Insightful technology integration—choosing the best set of technologies and standards for a particular project or

application • Creation of focused technology organizations—bringing the organization skill and flexibility • Successful management of complexity—implementing systems thinking in a global and networked marketplace For students to succeed in these areas, a focused program of study is truly beneficial—not a general management

degree such as an M.B.A. nor an engineering master’s degree in software development or systems engineering.

Professionals in a technology industry could not ask for a more focused, more practical master’s degree program

that is aligned with the specific challenges of technology businesses than the Technology Management Program at

George Mason. The program is geared toward students whose goal is to manage a company or division where

technology is a key factor of its success.

Πανεπιστήμιο: Purdue University

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science in Technology (TECH)

Χώρα: USA Πόλη: West Lafayette

Computer and Information Technology (formerly Computer Technology - CPT) prepares students for existing and

emerging jobs and careers in the application of information systems and technology to plan, analyze, design,

construct, maintain, and manage - software development - systems integration - data management - computer networks In addition, CIT is developing courses in the following signature areas: - cyberforensics - biomedical information - IT healthcare - information security - wireless networking

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Πανεπιστήμιο: London School of Economics

Πρόγραμμα: MSc Analysis, Design and Management of Information Systems (ADMIS)

Χώρα: UK Πόλη: London

ADMIS is an advanced course based around the issues, approaches and tools for information systems development

and operation within organisations. It presents a balance between the management and technical themes that have

an impact on the practice and theory of information systems. Students may come from a variety of backgrounds but

must have a basic knowledge of information technology.

Πανεπιστήμιο: The University of Manchester

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science (MSc) in Management and Information Systems: Change and


Χώρα: UK Πόλη: Manchester

At the end of the programme, participants will have been provided with: - conceptual frameworks to understand the role of management, of information and of information systems in

organisations - new knowledge and skills to help in the effective planning, development and implementation of information

systems - new knowledge and skills to help in the effective management and change of organisations. A range of optional modules provides an opportunity to satisfy specialist hybrid manager knowledge and skill


Πανεπιστήμιο: The University of Sheffield

Πρόγραμμα: MSc in Information Management

Χώρα: UK Πόλη: Sheffield

The effective management of information is vital to the success of both public and private sector organisations. In a

rapidly changing technological environment access to the right information in the right format, in the right place, at

the right time, depends on the information manager. The rise of computer networks, electronic publishing and the

Internet has made their skills indispensable for the creation, retrieval, organisation and dissemination of information

and data. The information manager's job is distinctive in that it focuses on the way in which information can be

managed to satisfy the needs of its users rather than on the technology itself. Information managers can be found in industry and commerce, finance companies, law firms, government

departments, the media, in universities - in organisations of all kinds. The MSc in Information Management

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Professional Preparation Programme equips students with the information literacy skills and technical background to

function effectively in such environments. As a consequence, graduates of the MSc programme are highly sought

after by employers and enjoy a very wide job market. A career in information management is open to students from a diversity of subject backgrounds, including

graduates with degrees ranging from science and engineering through to humanities or the arts.

Πανεπιστήμιο: CEU Business School

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science (MSc) in Information Technology Management - Hungary

Χώρα: Hungary Πόλη: Budapest

The MSc in IT Management Program is an American management degree that is much more specialized than a

general MBA. The program focuses on the relevant management issues in the IT discipline across various

industries, providing a unique blend of both technology and business management skills development. This program provides participants with the skills necessary to evaluate technological and managerial solutions, and

to identify which combination of these solutions would enhance the added value in their specific industry and type of

business. Particular emphasis will be given to developing entrepreneurial skills. Methods for transforming technological knowledge into profitable business applications is a core element throughout

this program. Strong industry involvement and executive participation guarantees the timeliness and relevance of

the technology entrepreneurial initiatives that are generated during the program. In addition, the program will address the large communication gap between so-called “techies” and managers.

Participants will focus on the fundamentals of both schools of thinking and learn how to mediate, interpret and

create a solid bridge between the two groups, thereby contributing to the organization’s competitive strength. Both the program content and the innovative teaching methods, such as: in-company internships, student managed

investment funds, senior industry executive round table meetings and presentations, venture capitalist monitoring

and inter-campus exchanges are pivotal to the success of the program

Πανεπιστήμιο: University of Hradec Králové

Πρόγραμμα: Master's Degree in Information Management

Χώρα: Czech Rep. Πόλη: Hradec Králové

The Master’s degree programme in Information Management develops necessary skills in the field of management

science, information and knowledge technologies, as well as in methods for collecting, structuring and evaluating

large quantities of data. It also provides a strong background in the associated disciplines of managerial psychology

and economics.

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Πανεπιστήμιο: Hong Kong Baptist University

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science in Information Technology Management

Χώρα: China Πόλη: Hong Kong

The course aims to educate IT managers and professionals who possess technical and management knowledge for

designing, developing and managing IT systems. It provides a transformational experience in integrating the

technological and managerial sides of IT. On completion of this course, students will acquire: - the current knowledge in three main areas of IT management (namely, IT enterprise management, knowledge and

information management, and Internet and Web technologies); - the technical and management knowledge in an integrated manner for designing, developing and managing IT

systems; - the sense and creativity of identifying business needs and the capability of transforming them into IT systems; - the learning capability and solid foundations for sustainable self-development in the rapidly changing IT field.

Πανεπιστήμιο: University of Toronto

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Information Studies

Χώρα: Canada

Information Systems combines the knowledge of computing and communication technology with an emphasis on

the content of information systems and on the needs and behavioural patterns of the users of information systems.

Students will approach computer-based information problems from the perspective of the information user.

Graduates will design and administer databases, design software for information retrieval, design and provide

training and customer support for users, market information services and products, and manage information

services and systems.

Πανεπιστήμιο: Athabasca University - Canada’s Open University

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science in Information Systems

Χώρα: Canada Πόλη: Athabasca

Athabasca University’s School of Computing and Information Systems (SCIS) offers the Master of Science in

Information Systems program. The program is based on the MSIS 2000 Model Curriculum, with the additional rigour

of a technology specialization. MSIS 2000: Model Curriculum and Guidelines for MS Degree Programs in

Information Systems is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery and the Association for Information

Systems. It is endorsed by the leading information systems organizations.

Πανεπιστήμιο: Sauder schools of Business, University of British Columbia

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Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science (MSc) program in MIS

Χώρα: Canada Πόλη: Vancouver

The Master of Science (MSc) program in MIS is intended for students who want to obtain specialized education in

Management Information Systems and the use of Information Technologies in business for the purpose of

continuing their studies towards a PhD degree in MIS. Purpose The MSc in MIS is a research oriented degree program. It is aimed at students who are interested in pursuing a

PhD degree after completing the MSc degree. Audience The MSc in MIS is aimed at students with undergraduate degrees in disciplines such as commerce, computer

science, economics, engineering, and the natural sciences. Students who do not have a background in business

and/or information technology will be required to complete prerequisite courses.

Πανεπιστήμιο: Stevens Institute of Technology, University SU "St . Kliment Ohridski"

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Science in Information Systems

Χώρα: Bulgaria Πόλη: Sofia

The MSIS Program is designed to provide participants with outstanding management, business, strategic, and

technical skills needed to help their companies apply information systems technology more efficiently and effectively

and become world-class leaders.

Πανεπιστήμιο: Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration

Πρόγραμμα: Master's Programm in Information Systems

Χώρα: Austria Πόλη: Vienna

The master's (Magister) program in Information Systems is intended to provide students with in-depth practical

competence focused on leadership and research skills. In this program, special emphasis is placed on gaining a

sound knowledge of management for enterprises in the IT sector as well as acquiring advanced research


Πανεπιστήμιο: Monash University of Technology

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Information Management and Systems Professional (MIMSPro)

Χώρα: Australia

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MIMS Professional is offered by the Caulfield School of Information Technology. The program aims to prepare

students for careers in information systems and information management. Graduates of the program are expected

to play leading professional roles in Australia and other countries. The course attracts students from a wide variety

of educational and professional backgrounds. Students are required to specialise in at least two areas of information

systems or information management. The course can be studied in full-time and part-time modes, and a number of

units are available by off-campus learning.

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Πανεπιστήμιο: University of Wollongong

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Information Technology Management

Χώρα: Australia

The organisational challenge of introducing and managing information technology is daunting. Today’s business

requires IT strategic planning to be an integral part of the organisation’s strategic plan. This degree is aimed

primarily at professionals who wish to progress upwards or broaden their career opportunities in the ICT industry,

and covers both IT strategic planning and implementation and organisational management.

Πανεπιστήμιο: University of Technology, Sydney

Πρόγραμμα: Master of Business in Information Technology Management

Χώρα: Australia Πόλη: Sydney

This course, jointly offered by the Faculty of Information Technology and the Faculty of Business, focuses on

organisational strategies and planning. It provides a well-balanced selection of subjects from both advanced

information technology and management, in an integrated program which is relevant to the current and future

demands of the IT industry. The subjects studied relate to organisational development and research for business,

state and third-sector organisations. IT managers and IT professionals who want to develop an IT management career at a senior level benefit from this

course. Graduates are able to understand how effective technology management can make a positive contribution

to their organisation. IT managers who already have significant levels of experience are challenged by this course

and gain new perspectives on their management behaviours and thinking.

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Προγράμματα σπουδών επιλεγμένων μεταπτυχιακών προγραμμάτων

στα Πληροφοριακά συστήματα

Arizona State University, W. P. Carey School of Business Masters of Science in Information Management (MSIM)

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Υποχρεωτικά Τίτλος Μαθήματος Applied Project

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Focuses on emerging issues in information technology. Students will be introduced to industry leaders and professionals. This

course incorporates insights from all courses within the program.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Technology Valuation

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The use of information systems (IS) and technology presents unique opportunities and challenges for managers of modern

enterprises. Understanding the costs, benefits, risks and accounting implications of information systems and technology for their

organizations would help managers effectively initiate, plan, control and evaluate IS and technology projects.

Many issues surrounding the management of information systems and technology can be effectively analyzed using a quantitative

approach. Traditional analytical tools such as

* cost-benefit analysis * quantitative risk assessment * scenario analysis * regression * cost-volume-profit analysis * cost allocation mechanisms * discounted cash flow analysis * real options analysis etc.

can be effectively adapted towards this purpose. This course is intended to help students apply these quantitative methods in the

evaluation of information systems and technology.

Two aspects of the course that will be particularly emphasized to enhance the learning experience include:

1. case study approach, which presents many real-world settings involving information systems and technology in different

industries; and 2. numerical assignments, which provide ample opportunities for detailed discussions and quantitatively-oriented exercises. The

purpose of such a two-tiered course structure is to help students develop both broadened perspectives and specialized hands-on

knowledge and skills

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Systems Integration

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Given the range of enterprise systems available today, organizations are evaluating the costs and benefits of single source versus

best of breed implementations. This course explores the technical and strategic issues surrounding best of breed implementations

including the integration of systems within and between organizations. Technical concepts are illustrated through hands-on activities

using a commercially-available systems integration toolkit. Strategic issues such as the effect of systems integration on mergers and

acquisitions, project management and opportunities for revenue generation through integration are brought forth through case

discussion and guest speakers.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Technology Project Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Project management principles and processes are essential for today's projects and managers. Many information technology/system

projects tend to go over budget, not be on time and don't meet the end user's needs. This leads to customer dissatisfaction. Most

often the root cause of these troubled projects can be traced to simply not following sound project management principles. In this

course, students will learn the concept of a project in business settings, and practice some of the project management tools and

techniques for successfully managing IT/IS project life cycles, from concept to closure (the software/system development lifecycle).

Brief review of modern SDLC approaches will be addressed. After this course, students should be able to understand some of the

key project management tools and techniques -

* The "toolbox" e.g., project planning, scope, risk, change and issue management * Cost and quality control * Service level agreements (SLAs) * In-house vs. outsourced project management

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Security and Controls

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course provides a broad introductory survey to fundamental security concepts and issues including access controls, firewalls,

cryptographic systems and intrusion detection/prevention. The theme of the course is that security is primarily a management issue,

not a technology issue. Accordingly, projects are designed to not only provide an introduction to various tools and to illustrate

concepts, but also to understand the managerial issues involved.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Managing Enterprise Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Managing Enterprise Systems This course explores the range of systems that are available to today’s organizations. Beginning with Enterprise Resource Planning

(ERP) systems and going through customer-related and supplier-related tools, students will be exposed to the factors driving

software adoption and the keys for successful implementation. Special attention is paid to those technologies enabling key

functionality in managerial accounting, supply chain, and marketing software.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Business Process and Workflow Analysis

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The course builds the foundations for process analysis by focusing on key aspects of business processes, including information,

documents, people, roles and business rules. The main objective is to provide an introduction to various techniques and tools of

process analysis and workflow management including UML methodology and simulation. Technology and systems support for

workflow configuration and management will also be discussed.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Knowledge Management

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Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course aims to provide knowledge of the value added by Knowledge Management to the business proposition, including return

on investment, performance measures, and the ability to develop a business case involving strategy alignment.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Intelligent Decision Systems (Business Intelligence)

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

CIS 512 - Intelligent Decision Systems (Business Intelligence) The course will focus on deriving decisional value by using new orientations to data that are afforded by state-of-the-art Online

Analytical Processing Systems (OLAP) and Data Warehousing technology. The emphasis will be on retrieval and dissemination of decision supporting data by applying Relational-OLAP, Multidimensional-

OLAP and Web based-OLAP to Enterprise wide data. These concepts will then be further enhanced by applications of Data Mining

tools and techniques to further enhance the utility of the organizational information for strategic and tactical decision making.

Students will also be given exposure to collaborative computing environments and experience its implications for managerial

decision making.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Data & Information Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Data & Information Management Databases are fundamental to the successful operation of all businesses. CIS 506 covers database theory, design and

implementation in the context of adding value to business enterprises. Specific topics covered include:

* Data modeling using entity-relationship (ER) * Query languages * The use of indices and aggregates to improve processing speeds

Several small databases are used for homework assignments, while a class project is used to familiarize students with the entire

process of designing and implementing a database. By the end of the course, students are expected to be familiar with database

use, design and implementation.

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Carnegie Mellon University Masters of Information Systems Management

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Υποχρεωτικά Τίτλος Μαθήματος Database Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Technology and Technology Management

This course is designed to cover both the theoretical and practical aspects of database management systems. In order to provide an

understanding of the evolution of data management, the traditional file organization is compared with network, hierarchical and

relational models of data. The theory and practice of languages and design approaches for the relational model are stressed.

Specific topics covered will include data modeling, database design using normalization theory and relational query languages, and

issues of database security, privacy and integrity.

Students in the course will be expected to design and implement a database application using ORACLE.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Telecommunications Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Technology and Technology Management

This course will help students to understand the technical, business, and industry fundamentals necessary for the effective

management of organizations that develop, operate, and/or use telecommunications. These issues will be explored in the context of

the decisions they influence in areas of strategic telecommunications planning, developing and deploying business applications,

procuring and delivering services, and managing technical personnel and processes. Topics will include the underlying technical

fundamentals of voice and data networks, the protocols and services built from those fundamentals, industry and regulatory

structures and practices, and practical questions that arise from these issues.

The goals are for students to understand the telecommunications technology and industry well enough to make intelligent short-term

and long-term business and technical decisions, and to manage technical people wisely and effectively.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Object Oriented Programming in Java

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Technology and Technology Management

This course is an in-depth look at the popular programming language Java. It is not intended for first time programmers. An

exemption exam is given to MISM and MSIT students during orientation.

After some preliminaries devoted to basic syntax and program structure, classes, composition, inheritance and polymorphism are

examined. The Java collection classes are studied in some detail, as is the rather complex set of I/O classes. Additional topics

include exception handling, building GUIs with Swing, database connectivity with JDBC, and multi-threading. Throughout the second

half of the course, a series of homework problems develops a non-toy application, illustrating by example how larger object-oriented

programs are organized.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Object Oriented Software Analysis and Design

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Technology and Technology Management

Large-scale software development has been described as one of the most difficult of human undertakings. This course examines the

reasons for the inherent complexity of software construction, and presents structured methods to deal effectively with it. The course

will focus on the object-oriented approach for analysis and design. Students will gain an appreciation of the difference between

writing programs and doing analysis and design. Problem formulation and decomposition (analysis) and solution building (design)

will be covered. Students will work in small groups, each group having the responsibility for analysis, design and implementation of a

software system. Case tools will be used in several stages of the development process.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Digital Transformation

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Technology and Technology Management

The objective of this core course is to serve as a capstone course integrating technological and managerial aspects of information

technology. Information and communication technologies play multiple roles within an organizational context. From a technological perspective, they define the information and communication

infrastructure and the associated architecture of applications deployed using the infrastructure and enable new ways to realize

business process digitization. From a managerial perspective, they facilitate new coordination mechanisms within and across

entities, enable new organizational forms, change the information environment within which work gets done, and permit the

implementation of new incentive structures. Successful efforts at digitization thus have to keep both technological and managerial perspectives in mind. Using a collection of cases, this course will study both intra-organizational and

inter-organizational deployment of information technology in a few important sectors (e.g., logistics, health care, information

technology and services). Each case analysis will require students to engage in both technical and managerial problem solving. The

technical component of the analysis will require students to propose IT architectures for the problems highlighted in the case. The

managerial component of the analysis will require students to analyze the business value of the proposed solution (examples: Does

the proposed solution confer competitive advantage? Do the monitoring costs of contracting with third party service providers

outweigh the benefits?) and address the change management issues that arise in implementing any digital transformation initiative.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Org. Communication and Distributed Object Technologies

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Technology and Technology Management

Objective: With the emergence of the Net as a computing platform, distributed applications are being widely deployed by

organizations. Understanding the principles/theory and the technologies underlying distributed computing and systems design is

increasingly important. Examples of technologies supporting such deployment include J2EE architecture, the .Net architecture and

Web services.

This course has three major objectives. First, it is designed to introduce students to the principles underlying distributed computing

and the design of distributed systems. Second, it aims to provide students with the opportunity to exercise these principles in the

context of real applications by having the students use technologies such as XML, SOAP, Web services, and J2EE/.Net-based

application servers. Finally, it seeks to endow students with the capacity to analyze, design, evaluate and recommend distributed

computing solutions skills in response to business problems.

Distributed Computing Principles

Distributed computing architectures: P2P, client server Inter-process communication Distributed objects and remote invocation Naming and Name services Time and Global State Management Transactions and Concurrency control Distributed Transactions

Material on principles of distributed systems will be taught from the Coulouris et al. book on Distributed Systems. Internet-enabled Distributed Computing Technologies Application Server architectures: J2EE and .Net Extensions of the Java Distributed Object model and the DCOM component-based

architectures Web Services: WSDL, UDDI, SOAP, XML http-based RPC combined with standards for interface definition and naming. Discussion and application of select APIs from the API layer of the J2EE architecture to illustrate distributed transactions,

middleware access protocols (MQ Series API), and Messaging services (JMS). Project oriented teaching with implementation components to get students hands on skills with J2EE/.Net frameworks.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Systems Project

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Project Cource

The IS project course provides students an exciting opportunity to apply skills they develop in the classroom to a problem from a real

world context. In doing so, studen```ts begin to make the transition from their academic world to the environments in which they will

work once they graduate. In these environments, the challenges of team building, resource development, client relations, limited

information and pressing deadlines are as real and important as the technical and managerial components of any task. The project is a semester long, intensive team-based experience focusing on one of the specialization areas available in the MISM

program. A typical project course includes design and development of an information system for an external client - often a

corporation or public agency. Each project results in a final report/document as well a demonstration, a prototype, a significant

portion of a larger system, or a finished system.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Decision Making Under Uncertainty

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Organizational Management and Strategy

Managers in general, including information systems managers, constantly make decisions. Rarely are they lucky enough to have “full

information”. Decision making under uncertainty is the norm. This class teaches a range of quantitative methods for making practical

decisions under uncertainty, and in doing so gives an intense introduction into the art of mathematical modeling of business and

social systems. The methods covered include forecasting, decision analysis, queuing theory, Monte Carlo simulation, and project management.

Some deterministic optimization methods will also be covered. The emphasis will be on “end user modeling” that equips the students

to use these methods to inform his or her own future decision making, but where appropriate will be extended to consider

construction of decision support systems generally.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Professional Speaking

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Organizational Management and Strategy

As IT specialists and managers, you will explain new procedures and advocate specific policies and strategies to a variety of

audiences. This class helps refine your ability to verbally present and visually display specialized knowledge so that its significance

for listeners is clear.

Assignments in Professional Speaking focus on organizational skills, argumentation, extemporaneous delivery, and use of computer

graphics. Each presentation is an exercise in "thinking aloud". Presenters are asked to identify the outcomes they want to achieve, cite sources of information they use, and design visual aids that

reinforce major points of their presentations. Presentations are based on material related to participants' experience and/or training

in some aspect of information systems management.

You will give four formal speeches and a variety of informal presentations in this class. Formal speeches include:

- Speech to Inform (extemporaneous; 8-10 minutes; written analysis, outline, and visuals.): Examples might include the relationship

between encryption standards and international marketing, the future of traditional comprehensive Enterprise Resource Planning

Systems, or an explanation of Object Oriented Programming. - Speech to Persuade (extemporaneous; 8-10 minutes; written analysis, outline, and visuals). Examples might include why functional

decomposition should be mastered, why an organization should switch from Windows NT to Linux, or why venture capitalists should

fund my business plan. - Speech to Evoke or Ceremonial Speech (extemporaneous or manuscript; 5 minutes; written analysis and outline, visuals optional).

Examples might include talking to start-up employees about Killer Apps, accepting the "Best Software Engineering Award," or

celebrating the birth of the PS90718 Microprocessor. - Revision (extemporaneous; 8-10 minutes; written analysis and outline; visuals). An edited version of the informative or persuasive

speech. The revision is the final speech. Every speech you give will be videotaped. You will review and evaluate your tape during required weekly meetings with a

Professional Speaking Teaching Assistant.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Statistics for IT Managers

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Organizational Management and Strategy

This introductory course in data analysis and statistical inference requires no background in statistics. Its objective is to provide

individuals who aspire to enter management positions in firms that use the internet to market and serve its clients with the basic

statistical tools for analyzing and interpreting internet data. The course is divided into three distinct components: descriptive

statistics, fundamentals of statistical inference, and regression analysis. The emphasis of the classes on descriptive statistics is the

calculation and interpretation of summary statistical measures for describing raw data. The sessions on fundamentals of statistical

inferences are designed to provide you with the background for executing and interpreting hypothesis tests and confidence intervals.

The latter half of the course focuses on regression analysis, a widely used statistical methodology. Throughout the course you will regularly analyze internet data

using the statistical software package Minitab.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Principles of Finance

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Organizational Management and Strategy

This course is designed to provide students with a base level of sophistication in finance. It equips students with the basic tools

necessary to analyze how corporations make investment and financing decisions, and how different securities are priced in modern

financial markets.

The syllabus includes:

- methods for valuing cash flows - the capital budgeting decision - the risk and return for different investments - corporate finance policy and strategy - credit risk Time permitting, other topical issues will also be covered, such as: derivatives securities and mergers and acquisitions.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Financial Accounting

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Organizational Management and Strategy

This course is designed to teach students to understand the underlying principles used in compiling financial statements. Students

are taught the techniques necessary to conduct financial statement analysis and evaluate the operations of their own as well as

other organizations.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Economic Analysis

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Organizational Management and Strategy

Economic analysis is critical to successful management of technology, including information technology. Whether you are interested

in managing the information resources and technology inside an organization or in formulating a strategy for electronic commerce,

the set of tools and analytical perspectives that economics provides play a vital role. The key unifying theme is the analysis of trade-

offs in allocating scarce resources, how markets affect these trade-offs and allocate resources and rewards, and the implications of


After a quick review of the theory of consumer choice and the theory of production, where we will develop the analytical tools, we

shall proceed to apply them. We shall study a variety of topics including the pricing of information goods and price discrimination,

investment decision making, competition and competitive strategy, markets for information goods and the structure of such markets.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Organizational Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Organizational Management and Strategy

This dynamic course focuses on the theory and application of organizational management. The overall course objectives are to

identify, apply, and evaluate techniques for structuring and resolving managerial problems in technology organizations. The course

will draw upon the collective experience of the students as well as various management theories, technology company examples,

and schools of thought. Substantial reading, writing, and analysis are required.

Topics include management schools and thought, planning, organizing, quantitative analysis, decision making, control methods, and

social responsibility.

Examination, written assignments, homework, and a group project and presentation are required.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Professional Writing

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Organizational Management and Strategy

Successful policy and management professionals constantly use writing to inform, persuade and motivate other professionals and,

specifically, to gain acceptance of ideas and decisions, many that lead to contracts, grants, and promotions. This course develops a

student's ability to write effectively for professional audiences.

The course is rhetorical in its approach: It is taught in the context of problem solving and critical thinking and it analyzes

organizational problems based on the interrelationships of audience, purpose, form, social/organizational context and strategic


Course Objectives

The course provides students with strategic thinking models for analyzing audiences and their expectations and for matching the

writer's purposes to the audiences needs.

Specifically the course develops a student's ability to:

- Design a text at all levels to meet audiences -- needs and advance the writer's goals - Write in a variety of professional genres - Communicate specialized information to non-expert audiences - Adopt and hone an appropriate professional writing skill - Collaborate with other writers Assignments include memos, e-mail messages, letters, reports and proposals. At least one assignment requires collaboration.

A former marketing executive, accustomed to writing in the workplace, teaches the course.

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Επιλογής

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Health Care Information Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

In this new era of managed care, with its emphasis on improving cost efficiency without risking quality of care, information

technology has emerged as a powerful force in helping to achieve multiple goals within health care organizations. The explosive

advances in information technology combined with the current climate for health care reform has created the need for skilled

individuals who can develop, understand, manage and integrate medical information systems in organizations. This course will

explore the concepts and application of major information systems methodologies and approaches in the delivery of modern health

care systems. Imaging applications, electronic data interchange, integrated delivery systems, computerized patient records, artificial

intelligence and expert medical systems, decision support systems and internet based applications are some of the areas that will be covered. A semester-long group project

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that synthesizes different topics will be a required component of the course.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Building and Implementing Enterprise Wide Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The course has three objectives, and it is split into three modules to achieve these objectives. The first module is the technology

module. The objective is to learn how to set up database systems that are accessible on the world wide web. The module will consist

of a series of labs and lectures on Java Servlet technology, and on Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). The module will have an

assignment and a project.

The second module is the modeling module. The objective is to learn enterprise-wide modeling, which is a necessary prerequisite to

building enterprise-wide systems. The module will consist of a series of labs and lectures, utilizing the ERA Computer Aided

Software Engineering (CASE) tool developed at Carnegie Mellon. The module will have an assignment.

The third module is the "off-the-shelf" Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems module. The objective is to get a firm

understanding of the issues that organizations face when dealing with implementing prepackaged ERP systems. The module will

consist of at least one lab which will involve looking at a feature of a commercially available ERP system, and several case study

discussion lectures. These case studies will be detailed studies of organizations that actually implemented ERP systems.

A project will combine modules two and three. This project will be presented in class by each team.

Grading will be based on assignments, projects and case study discussions.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Data Warehouse

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course will introduce you to the major activities involved in a data warehousing project. We'll begin by learning what data

warehousing is and how it differs from other database systems. We'll move into creating a database model that is specifically

optimized for data warehousing. From there, we'll look at what is involved in moving data from a source database into a warehouse.

We'll then learn about the different tools an end user can use to access the data in a warehouse and spend one class as a hands-on

lab with one such tool. We'll discuss organizational and management issues to be considered when approaching a data warehouse

project and we'll look at the common applications in which warehousing is being used today. Finally, we'll take a specific look at the

kinds of support the Oracle DBMS provides for data warehousing.

Please note that students who take this course must have a laptop with Personal Oracle 9i and Oracle Discoverer installed on it.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Hacking Exposed

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Network and host information security is dynamic and constantly evolving. Traditional, static security countermeasures have

continually proven insufficient. Network assessments are widely used as a dynamic security measure for government and

commercial organizations to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities.

This course teaches the theory and principle of network assessments, as well as the practical steps necessary to perform a network

assessment. Newly updated for Fall 2005, the course provides hands-on instruction related to the most recent emerging threats.

The course is hands-on in all respects. Students are provided all of the tools necessary to complete the course such as bootable

cdroms and current toolsets of assessment utilities. Classroom and homework practical labs allow all students to perform the hands-

on steps. In addition to multiple servers and workstations used for in-class labs and demonstrations, an entire real-world network is

set up on the Internet for students to use as a laboratory environment.

Students will learn how to “footprint” networks, identifying hosts, services, and vulnerabilities with traditional TCP/IP utilities.

Advanced topics and labs include finding rogue wireless access points, application security testing, DNS spoofing, man-in-the-

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middle attacks for cleartext protocols and SSL, network monitoring, ARP spoofing, and session hijacking.

The course consists of daily labs and two projects. The first project is a group exercise performing a vulnerability scan against a live,

remote network and documenting the results. The second project involves either creating a tool to automate part of the assessment

process or writing a paper on an approved topic. Final projects are presented in class.

This course is rigorously practical. Students are expected to have an interest in security, a curiosity in hacking, and the technical

skills to complete the assignment. Students taking the class must have a sound understanding of TCP/IP and network architecture,

in addition to some programming experience necessary for writing automated scanning scripts.

The course will be comprised of five days spread over several weekends during the semester, of five hours each day. Attendance is

mandatory at every session.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Incident Response

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Computer intrusions and security incidents are a part of life. Responding to these incidents is complex due to the technologies and

disciplines involved. Effective response requires an understanding of technology, investigative sciences, legal requirements, and

political considerations.

System and security administrators as well as managers are often asked to respond to and resolve incidents, but rarely have the

requisite knowledge to do so. This course teaches the theory and principles of incident response through a hands-on and practical


Students will see common network attacks first hand, and then learn the specific steps and methodology necessary to resolve the

incident. They will learn how a particular attack leaves a signature, and will be given the tools to identify those signatures. Students

will then use those tools to identify unknown attacks, both in lab settings and projects.

The entire lifecycle of incident response is covered, from pre-incident preparation through notification, initial response, and recovery.

Real world case studies will provide insight into the computer crime cases that corporations and government are currently facing.

Guest speakers with computer forensics and law enforcement backgrounds may be invited to speak.


- Learn a methodology for identifying and resolving computer security incidents - Gain hands-on experience using the tools and techniques currently used by government and private industry to respond to

incidents - Introduce the forensic process and legal requirements of response - Learn unique critical thinking skills

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Managing In A Virtual Environment

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The shape of organizations is changing. Telecommuting, long-distance work groups, and virtual organizations are becoming more

common in today's workplace. This course examines the modes of work that exist and methods leaders and team members can use

to coordinate with and manage such teams. The course will focus on strategies for creating an efficient virtual workplace that

achieves its work goals while providing workers opportunities for learning and a sense of belonging. The course will cover such

topics as: Forms of virtual organizations and groups (e.g., exogeneous teams, cellular organizations, telework); Reasons for creating

virtual arrangements; Managing, motivating and rewarding distributed teams; Dealing with conflict; Technology virtual organizations

employ to get their work done; and High tech firms and the special role that technology plays in creating flexible work arrangements,

partnerships, and colloborations.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Negotiation

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Negotiation is a process in which two or more parties make decisions to resolve conflicting interests. Decision makers use

negotiation in a variety of circumstances - collective bargaining, negotiating out of court settlements, resolving conflicting interests

within or across firms, agreeing on a purchase price for a good, and many other instances.

The objective of this course is to understand the process of negotiations and how the structure of the negotiations process affects

the outcomes achieved. Students will learn to establish a framework for analyzing various types of negotiations. For example,

differences between distributed vs. integrative negotiations and "one shot" vs. repeated negotiations will be examined. Some

examples of the topics to be discussed are described below:

1. Negotiation is typically conducted under uncertainty about the other side's bargaining position. Here, strategic aspects of the

negotiations process will be important and reputation effects may occur if the bargainers are involved in repeated negotiations over


2. Bargainers frequently fail to reach agreements that are Pareto optimal, even when such options exist. For example, parties

bargaining over the price of a house may fail to reach an agreement even when the lowest price the seller will accept is less than the

highest price the buyer will pay for the house. These inefficiencies in the negotiation outcomes can lead to an inefficient allocation of

society's resources.

3. Negotiation outcomes are the product of the bargainers' strategies and the

structure of the "no agreement" outcome. For example, a manager may bargain with a supplier over the purchase price of a

shipment of inputs. The strategy the manager adopts will be a function of the price she could receive from another supplier.

4. Cognitive psychology examines how individuals deviate from rationality in making decisions. Economic theory describes how

rational individuals should make decisions. We will examine the implications of these two approaches for negotiation.

5. Whether or not individuals can form coalitions will be important in negotiations. In multi-party negotiations, the strategies employed

and the outcome will depend on whether or not a subset of the bargainers can agree to negotiate jointly against the remaining


6. Negotiations are often conducted on behalf of others. These are called principal-agent problems. For example, lawyers (the

agents) may bargain with each other on behalf of their clients (the principals) over an out-of-court settlement. This type of negotiation

will differ from negotiation between the principals themselves. To the extent that the incentives of the agents are different from those

of the principals, the outcome will differ as well.

Throughout the course, students will participate in negotiation exercises, either individually or in teams. The purpose of these

exercises is to demonstrate the concepts which are discussed in class on a more theoretical or abstract level.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Power and Influence

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course addresses issues of power, influence and political behavior within organizations. While the readings will cover much of

the theory and research on power inside organizations, the class sessions will be devoted to demonstrations and applications of the

theory. Included will be experiential exercises and case discussions. We will explore the answers to the following questions: * What is power? * Who has it? How do they get it (and keep it)? * How is it used? What effect does it have on others? * How does power affect the performance of the organization as a whole?

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Financial Analysis

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The first part of this course is designed to teach students to understand the underlying principles used in compiling financial

statements. Students are taught the techniques necessary to conduct financial statement analysis and evaluate the operations of

their own as well as other organizations.

The second part of this course builds on the financial statement analysis and is designed to teach students techniques used in

project management. Through lectures and case analysis, students are taught to understand and implement capital budgeting

techniques. The results are interpreted and used in evaluating, selecting and selling projects as well as supporting recommendations

for improving operations.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Intermediate Java

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Overview: The focus of this mini is on problem solving using the Java programming language. We will study such topics as Java's

object model, inheritance, polymorphism, error handling, event handling, the Java I/O system, graphical user interfaces, the JDK2

collection classes, multiple threads of control, interfaces, inner classes, JDBC, network programming using sockets and RMI.

Evaluation is based on homework problems assigned approximately every two weeks. There will also be a closed book final exam.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Strategic Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course is an advanced course in strategic business management and will cover a broad array of business issues including

strategy, planning, tactics, marketing, and competitive positioning, as applied to both start-up and large technology companies. The

format of the course will be largely case studies as well as discussions/lectures to provide background for and analysis of the cases.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Security Risk Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Insecure or vulnerable systems are at risk of being breached. No system will ever be 100% secure. For a manager, information

security is therefore a risk to be managed. Managing this risks implies being able to quantify the risk, and understand and quantify

the returns to alternative means of reducing this risk.

Successful risk management also requires understanding the bigger picture - information systems are parts of organizations (or

entire economies). Their security depends not only on technical solutions but also on organizational procedures and public policies.

The first objective of the class is to provide a set of analytical tools for quantifying risk, and quantifying the costs and benefits of

mitigation methods and technologies. The second objective of this course to help students understand the broader environment

within which technical solutions to information security will (or will not) work. In particular, it will consider what sorts of policies and

procedures will complement technical solutions to provide cost effective and highly secure systems.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Cyber Security Policy – Global, National, and Institutional Developments

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Over the past decade important new institutional frameworks at the global, national, and corporate level have altered the landscape

for shaping cyber security policy. A dynamic set of issues, shaped by changes in perceived threats, technologies, and opportunities,

continues to drive rapid changes at all levels. These include, for example, the rise of economically driven computer crime, concerns

about homeland security, and the increasing engagement of global institutions (e.g., EU and UN actions).

This seminar is intended to be a master’s level research seminar, focusing on how policies and new institutions are developing to

meet these challenges. While the specifics of implementing cyber security policy at an organizational level will be addressed, an

accompanying spring seminar “Implementing Cyber Security Policy” will focus much more directly on the challenges facing CIO’s in

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addressing and implementing policies within their own organizations. “Cyber Security Policy – Global, National, and Institutional

Developments” will focus on the legal, policy, and economic environments that successful CIO’s and CTO’s need to understand as

the factors that both shape the choices available, and explore likely developments in the future.

While not an engineering seminar, the course will require familiarity with the structure and functionality of both TC/IP and

telecommunications systems. It is particularly suited for those who anticipate careers as CIO’s (or its equivalent).

Professor Hunker was the founding director of the Federal Government’s Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office (CIAO), and Senior

Director for Critical Infrastructure at the White House National Security Council, and remains active as an advisor in this field.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Software Project Organization and Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course studies the managerial aspects of software development. In-depth study of a modern framework for managing the

software development process will enable students to address the causes behind the recurring problems typical of conventional

development techniques. Students learn an evolutionary approach to development that incorporates strategies for avoiding the

difficulties that plague most large software development efforts.

Techniques for project assessment and control and for process improvement (such as the SEI CMM) are discussed. Becoming

familiar with workflow models, risk analysis, team organization and roles, and process automation and instrumentation (metrics) will

enhance a student's ability to make critical management decisions.

Students study the parameters of software cost and learn a general equation for software economics. Students critique real project

management artifacts and learn how to adapt existing documentation and standards for use on their own projects. Principles

concerning leadership, liability, the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, and management of customer relationships are

possible topics for case studies.

Exercises include creating various management artifacts: a modern work breakdown structure, planning and control documents

(including a project plan in MS Project), PERT and resource charts, and an effort and schedule estimate using COCOMO. Some

exercises include analyzing the effect of process parameters on several aspects of project performance.

Completing the course exercises in small teams of 3-4 students is encouraged, and students may submit their own project (from

another course or from their job) as the subject for a series of exercises, as deemed suitable by the instructor.

This course assumes students have previous significant software development experience (working with customers and users,

writing specifications, modeling designs, coding, and testing/preparing test plans) preferably on a moderate-sized (20 or more

people) project.

Students must have completed a course that requires a significant semester-long team project (4 or more people) and must possess

strong written communication skills.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Privacy and Confidentiality: Models and Implementations

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Information organizations, such as national statistical agencies, research data repositories and medical records clearinghouses,

collect data on individuals and firms. Often, at least a portion of this information is considered private or confidential, and is collected

with promises that it will only be used for statistical purposes, and if it is disseminated, the privacy of the respondents will be


This course looks at practical methods for disclosure limitation for microdata (raw data about individuals or firms) and tables

(aggregations of microdata). Methods such as data swapping, data shuffling, noise addition and synthetic data, among others, are

considered. We also look at some analogues of these methods for geographical data. Finally, privacy preserving data mining is

briefly surveyed.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Introduction to Information Security Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course is the overview course to the certificate and information systems security concentration in the I.S. graduate curriculum.

The course covers a variety of topics that will prepare those students who wish to develop a skill set in data security administration

or who wish to enhance their current information systems expertise by gaining additional knowledge in the field of computer security.

The topics to be covered during the semester will range from access control and data classification to cryptography and risk

management. Students will also be instructed in how to design and create disaster recovery plans, computer policies and standards,

system security architectures and physical security controls. Legal aspects of computer security will also be covered as will auditing

in a secured environment and managing as a day-to-day security administrator. In-class projects will focus upon critical thinking for

security managers in mainframe, midrange and network environments as well as research assignments and basic policy creation.

Guest speakers will also provide additional insight to selected topics during the semester

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Privacy in the Digital Age

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The reduction of the cost of storing and manipulating information has led organizations to capture increasing amounts of information

about individual behavior. New trade-offs have emerged for parties involved with privacy-enhancing or intrusive technologies:

individuals want to avoid the misuse of the information they pass along to others, but they also want to share enough information to

achieve satisfactory interactions; organizations want to know more about the parties with which they interact, but they do not want to

alienate them with policies deemed as intrusive. Is there a "sweet" spot that satisfies the interests of all parties? Is there a

combination of technological solutions, economic incentives, and legal safeguards that is acceptable for the individual and beneficial

to society?

Privacy is a complex and multi-faceted concept. This course combines technical, economic, legal, and policy perspectives to present

a holistic view of its role and value in the digital age. It begins by comparing early definitions of privacy to the current information-

focused debate. It then focuses on:

- technological aspects of privacy (privacy concerns raised by new IT such as the Internet, wireless communications, and computer

matching; tracking techniques and data mining; privacy enhancing technologies and anonymous protocols;.) - economic aspects (economic models of the market for privacy; financial risks caused by privacy violations; the value of customer

information; .); - legal aspects (laissez-faire versus regulated approaches; US versus EU legal safeguards; .) - managerial implications (the emerging role of Chief Privacy Officers; compulsory directives and self-regulative efforts;.) - policy aspects (trade-offs between individual privacy rights and societal needs; .) The course will consist of a combination of readings, assignments, and class discussions. Assignments will include essays and

technical projects.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Text Data Mining

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Large warehouses of textual data (sometimes called digital libraries) are a common feature of modern organizations. Organizations

also often create large text databases to address specific short-term needs, for example, for competitive analysis. This course

provides students with an understanding of common and emerging methods of organizing, summarizing, and analyzing large

collections of unstructured and lightly-structured text. Both knowledge-free and knowledge-based text mining are covered. Special

attention is paid to implementation issues and efficiency, as well as methods of tuning algorithms to improve accuracy. Examples are

drawn from domains such as government and financial services (e.g., the SEC Edgar repository).

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Advanced Database Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course will have a technology component and an advanced topics component. With the technology component, the student will

learn and use several Oracle products: Designer/2000 for database modeling, PL/SQL for creating program units in SQL to manage

certain aspects of database table usage, and Developer/2000 to design forms. The assignment requirements for this component will

be the design and implementation of a working database: a set of tables, procedures, and forms.

Within the advanced topics component, we will follow a seminar format to review and discuss readings in topics such as object

relational databases, data mining and warehousing, databases and the web, security in databases, and workflow systems. The

assignment requirement for this component will be a fairly in-depth research analysis and synthesis paper.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Geographic Information Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a system of hardware, software, and procedures designed to support the capture,

management, manipulation, analysis, modeling and display of spatially-referenced data for solving complex planning and

management problems. GIS applications use both spatial information (maps) and databases to perform analytical studies.

This course covers underlying geographic concepts (world coordinate system and projections, vector map topology, tiled and layered

maps, standard computer map file formats, urban applications, etc.) and provides computer lab tutorials and case studies on the

leading GIS software, ArcView 3.2 from Environmental Systems Research Institute.

By the end of the course, students will have sufficient background so that with on-the-job experience they can become expert users

of GIS in organizations - building, managing, and using GIS maps and data.

Some topics covered include City and Regional Planning, Community and Economic Planning and Development, Housing Studies,

Transit and Transportation Issues, Land Use, Historic and Archeological Studies, Crime Analysis and Policing, Emergency

Management and Public Works Utilities, Census and Demographic Studies, Public Health - Epidemiological Studies and Business

Uses including Marketing and Advertising.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Decision Support Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course will explore and discuss the design, development, and implementation of decision support systems (DSS), and how

these systems can be applied to solve current business problems. The course will emphasize data management for DSS, and

therefore will cover several fundamental data management building blocks in areas such as data warehousing and data mining. The

role of these building blocks in a variety of modern enterprise business contexts, such as web personalization and customer

relationship management (CRM), will also be explored.

The format of the course will be a combination of lectures and hands-on sessions. The lectures will be interactive and will cover

topics such as data modeling for DSS, extraction/transformation/load (ETL), business intelligence (BI), and data mining techniques

(e.g., classification, association). The hands-on sessions will expose students to a variety of enabling technologies for DSS,

including data warehousing tools, data mining tools, and application server platforms. An important component of the course is the

group project, in which students are expected to design, develop, and implement a DSS.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος EC Technologies

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Because of its ubiquitous nature, the Internet has become a successful medium for facilitating businesses. Understanding of the

technology is essential to build interesting business models. In this mini-course, students will learn technologies to implement e-

commerce solutions and will analyze some interesting business models from the technology perspective.

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Major focus will be given to Active Server Pages (ASP) and basics of Extensible Mark Up Language (XML). This course assumes a

decent knowledge of HTML. Following a quick overview of HTML, students will deal with writing ASP scripts to create dynamic

HTML and database connectivity. Next, XML structures and syntax will be introduced. The course will also cover integration of XML

and ASP.

The classes will be tutorial-based where students will be given hands- on exercises during the class. For this class, will require

laptops with Windows 2000 Professional (as required by the MISM Program). Grading will be based on five assignments and a final


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Electronic Commerce

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The Internet, in general, and the World Wide Web, in particular, have had a dramatic impact on how individuals and organizations

transact goods and services. It has given rise to new organizational forms (e.g., virtual organizations) and markets which feature

electronic transactions models in new categories of goods and services (e.g., order placement and fulfillment for digital products on

information networks). These developments have potentially profound implications for society and raise several legal and policy

issues that are yet largely unresolved (e.g., copyright, taxation).

The purpose of this course is to provide students with an overview of the following topics which pertain to electronic commerce on

the Internet.

Technology infrastructure: Introduction to WWW technology, recent extensions, and an analytic review of WWW technology trends.

Electronic payments systems and related issues pertaining to authentication, security and privacy. The objective is to provide an

overview of the key technologies enabling electronic commerce on the Internet. Organizational applications: Overview of electronic commerce applications in the retail, government and health sectors. These

applications will illustrate consumer-business, business-business and intra-organizational electronic commerce in physical as well as

digital products. The different business models underlying these electronic commerce applications will be highlighted and discussed

from both an operational and strategic perspective. Policy Issues: Overview of the key legal and policy issues underlying electronic commerce. Issues such as privacy, content selection

and rating, and intellectual property rights will be discussed.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Electronic Commerce Marketing

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The course will be centered on classroom discussions of readings of very current materials including the textbook, periodical

literature, and material printed on the Web. There may be guest lecturers selected from the Internet marketing community. Short

analysis papers and a term paper will be required throughout the course. The short analysis papers will develop a critique,

hypothesis, or position on subjects from assigned readings or on class discussion questions.

The term paper would cover subjects like:

the impact of eCommerce on principles or concepts of classical marketing analysis and/or criticism of particular electronic marketing techniques proposals for electronic marketing campaigns for real or hypothetical products or services proposals for applying technology to the improvement of particular marketing functions that we cover feasibility and credibility analyses of case studies in the textbook, with examples, if any, from current practice The emphasis is on insightful analysis of pertinent source materials and effective presentation of one's analyses and conclusions.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Internet Technologies

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

In this course students will write several Java programs that illustrate how Java and XML work together on the internet. We will study

the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and write programs using the Extensible Stylesheet Language: Transformations (XSLT).

Students will program with Sun's Java API for XMLProcessing (JAXP) using the Simple API for XML (SAX) and the XML Document

Object Model(DOM). On the server we will be writing servlets that use the JDBC API under Apache's Tomcat. We will study and

write Document Type Definitions(DTDs) and XML schemas and review the schemas of the Financial Product Markup Language

(FpML) and the Wireless Markup Language(WML). We will also study the Web Services Definition Language (WSDL), the Universal

Description, Discovery and Integration framework (UDDI) and the Simple Object Access Protoco (SOAP).

The final exam will be held during the last class. The final is open book but the only books that are allowed are the required texts for

the class.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Advanced Topics in Information Security

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course will examine a wide variety of recent developments in the field of information security, both practical and theoretical, with

an emphasis on research that is being done at the CERT Research Center. Topics to be covered include:

- Trends in Exploits. The technology employed by network intruders continues to become more sophisticated. We will examine some

of the most recent developments, both actual and hypothetical, including Burneye, Shiva, and Curious Yellow. - Trends in CSIRTs. The Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) remains our first line of defense against cyber-

attacks, and the methodology is maturing. We will review the basics of CSIRT management, the history of CSIRTs, and the current

state of the art. - Security and Web Services. Security is an obvious requirement for e-business. We will look at the recent standards that have been

emerging in this, including XML Signature, XML Encryption, WS-Security, and SAML. - Network Topology and Survivability. The last few years have seen a rethinking of network topology. We will examine the work of

Barab‡si and others and its relevance to network survivability. - Emergent Approaches to Network Security. Network attacks exploit the unbounded nature of the internet, and successful defense

strategies will also. We will examine computer immunology, which attempts to incorporate insights from the human immune system

into computer security, as well as related approaches. - Insider Threats. By some accounts, the majority of security incidents come from insiders. We will look at an ongoing survey of

insider threats that is being done at CERT. - Malicious Code Detection. Defending against network attacks would be a lot simpler if there were an easy way to identify malicious

code. Unfortunately, that's a hard problem. We will look at function extraction and other techniques that are being explored. - Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection. The exponential growth in cyber attacks dictates an automated approach to detecting

intrusions. We will examine some of the approaches presented at the RAID 2003 held in Pittsburgh last September. - Security and Anonymity. Anonymity arguably makes network security more difficult because it impedes tracking and tracing, but it

is necessary for privacy. We will look at some recent suggestions that say what is needed is a more flexible and nuanced approach

to dilemma.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Security Architecture and Analysis

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Growing societal dependence on large-scale, highly-distributed network systems amplifies the consequences of intrusion and

compromise. Such systems face security threats that continue to grow in sophistication and scope. System architectures must

incorporate security capabilities to deal with these threats. These capabilities include such techniques as boundary control, security

protocols, encryption, authentication, intrusion detection, multi-level security and network partitioning.

This course provides you with analytical methods to assess and improve system security and survivability. Topics covered include

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architecture fundamentals, security and survivability methods, and development of secure and survivable systems. Architecture

analysis and trade-offs can assess the relative merits of security strategies for particular environments of system use. In addition,

systems must be analyzed and designed for survivability of critical mission functions. The Survivable Network Analysis method is

used to evaluate and improve survivability.

Development of secure and survivable architectures likewise requires rigorous software engineering methods to ensure reliable

implementation of security strategies. Relevant topics include fundamentals of system architecture representation, definition, and

analysis, system survivability analysis, security threats and architecture strategies, and security architecture implementation and

lifecycle management.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Entrepreneurism

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course provides an overview of the entrepreneurial process, from evaluating the opportunity/idea through development. It also

examines issues of importance including startup strategies, raising funds, assessing risks, legal aspects, marketing ideas, and

managing resources and growth. This course allows students to foster a spirit of entrepreneurship and provides a background for

startup ventures.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Internet Security

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The course examines Internet security from the perspective of information system managers and administrators. The course focuses

on high level technical details of the Internet, its operations, and security issues. Class projects will focus upon critical thinking for

managers and administrators responsible for providing Internet security services.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Digital Libraries

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Digital libraries are large warehouses of data, usually unstructured data. During the last two decades they have become a common

feature of businesses, governments, and other organizations. This course provides students with an understanding of common and

emerging methods organizing, searching, using, and archiving large digital libraries. The course will also address digital archiving

and preservation architectures that maintain access to authentic digital records over many decades. The emphasis will be on digital

libraries of text documents, because these are the most common, but other media types will also be covered. Examples will be

drawn from commerical and government domains (e.g., the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, the U.S. Library of


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Security Risk Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Today's information systems professionals will be called upon to secure the information assets of the organization and protect the

organization from cyber threats and vulnerabilities. Managing risk to the organization requires a process that balances business

requirements against information security options. This course is based upon the OCTAVEsm methodology developed at Carnegie

Mellon University by CERT within the Software Engineering Institute. (OCTAVE is an acronym for Operationally Critical Threat,

Asset, Vulnerability Evaluation.) Soon to become the standard for information security risk assessment, the OCTAVEsm

methodology provides a framework for an organization to assess its own threat profiles and infrastructure vulnerabilities and to

develop a comprehensive security strategy.

This course provides the student with a formal process for performing an information security risk assessment in an organization.

The course presents an exciting opportunity to learn the skills students will need in actual working environments including workshop

skills and critical thinking about security as well as the OCTAVEsm methodology itself. A case study will be presented on which the

students will exercise their newly learned skills in class workshops around a healthcare information system.

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Distinguished speakers will lecture from the Software Engineering Institute, a Big Five consulting company, an insurance company, a

healthcare organization, a national law enforcement agency, and a company developing information security technology. The

lectures will combine the formal training developed by SEI/CERT for OCTAVEsm with additional materials on such topics as threat

profiles, infrastructure vulnerabilities, risk management, and information assurance policy issues.

Students will be required to submit a class project on a key subject related to cybersecurity threats, vulnerabilities, or protection

strategies. Class projects may be individual papers or team projects depending on the complexity of the topic chosen.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Algorithms and Data Structures for Information Processing

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Algorithms and Data Structures for Information Processing is a one-semester, 12-unit course which covers the fundamental data

structures and algorithms for information processing. The course uses the Java programming language to illustrate the concepts

covered; students are expected to code their assignments in Java. Students enrolled in the course must have a prior background in

programming (course work or practical experience). Students with an adequate grasp of programming should have little difficulty

learning the Java constructs required to do their assignments.

It should be emphatically noted that this is not a Java programming course. With the exception of some initial background

information, the course does not focus on the Java language itself, and students who have not studied Java are responsible for

acquiring any additional required skills outside of class. Students without adequate programming preparation should consider taking

an additional programming course as a pre-requisite or co-requisite to this course.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Computers and Organizations

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Computers have been used in organizations since World War II. Their use has both intensified and changed in character in recent

decades. For a typical firm, fully 50 percent of its capital investment goes into computers and telecommunications equipment. While

early computers were primarily used for mathematical functions and accounting, they are now used for a much wider array of

functions, including process control, development of new products, various forms of organizational communication and electronic


This course examines the introduction, diffusion, and use of computers and telecommunications in organizations from a social

perspective. Information technology is assessed in terms of its interaction with human behavior, organizational characteristics, and

organizational procedures. Both historical and contemporary examples will be used. By the end of the course, students should have

a better understanding of the range of uses to which information technologies are put in organizations, the controversies surrounding

their use, and the complexities involved in predicting their effects.

The course is appropriate for students: 1) who expect to work in fields in which they create or manage computing systems 2) with a research interest in organizational processes 3) who want to be able to participate knowledgeably in current debates on computing and information systems.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Global eBusiness Strategy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course will explore the impact of national and international policy on IT business strategy. Public policy in many cases can be

thought of as the "rules of the game." For purposes of this course, IT includes an array of technologies and emerging markets such

as telecommunications hardware and services, computers, and software to name a few. Well thought out and sophisticated strategy

is a means some IT businesses use to exploit the rules of the game, take advantage of the new technologies and capture a clear

advantage over their competition. However, public policy "rules" around the world are not static. Policy is constantly changing and

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executives therefore need a solid grounding in strategy and strategic analysis combined with IT public policy to gain an

understanding of these changes can impact every IT businesses most important decisions.

Our course will proceed in three stages. First, students will learn several established strategic analysis tools with a special emphasis

on the work of Dr. Michael Porter of the Harvard Business School. We will then explore some of the latest technical advances in IT

and determine the implications for these advances for corporate strategy. Once we have some grounding in strategy and IT

technology we will then explore the implications of national and international IT policies -- trade policy, standards, domestic

regulatory policy and international and national regulatory regimes -- on corporate ebusiness strategy.

This course relies heavily on case studies and independent research. The cases will allow students to get a better understanding of

the policy implications for strategic planners and decision-makers in information and communication technology based organizations.

This course will be highly interactive with students encouraged to participate actively in the presentations and discussions. Guest

lectures will participate as well.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Organizations and Strategic Information Processing

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Organizations and Strategic Information Processing introduces students to information technologies that have particular strategic

importance for many modern organizations. The course addresses the need to make information from diverse, distributed, and

heterogeneous information sources available throughout an organization and its close business partners. Topics include knowledge

management, information retrieval, and the advantages and disadvantages of large, integrated information systems.

The course also addresses techniques for analyzing the information that an organization collects. Topics include datamining from

text and relational databases, Web traffic analysis, and collaborative filtering.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος High Tech Marketing

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This class is an in-depth study and implementation of all aspects of marketing a high technology service, software or product

business. Topics will include product definition, product positioning, pricing, product launch, distribution, advertising, public relations,

Internet marketing, direct marketing, and product management. Each student will implement a marketing plan for a business idea of

their own, or work with an existing local company. Classes will include lectures, examples, case studies, and outside speakers.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Multimedia

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The goal of this course is to teach the fundamentals of interface design as well as basic tools for Multi-Media authoring and

production. Throughout the course students will become familiar with the following software packages:

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Premiere MacroMedia Director MacroMedia Sound Edit 16

By the end of class students will be able to create their own interactive presentations using these software packages. Also, students

will understand the concepts and process interface designers use in their work.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Capability Improvement for Service Organizations

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course provides knowledge and skills that are critical for effective control over planning and execution of strategies and

processes. The course begins with a discussion of best practice frameworks, including the Baldrige Award, ISO 9001, CMMI, and

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the eSCM-SP, that provide a foundation for organizations that aim to consistently provide high quality services in a cost-effective


The course continues with a discussion of measurement-driven approach to process and quality improvement, including Six Sigma

and statistical process control. Covers fundamental issues such as measurement of service quality, effectiveness of service level

attributes, control of service processes, and analysis of process variation. Relying on the students knowledge of statistics and

decision analysis, this course teaches them how to apply statistical techniques in a service provider context.

The contents of this course reflect best practices in the application of systems and industrial engineering techniques, which are

characteristic of superior service organizations.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Assurance Policy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course is a seminar on the formulation of effective and implementable security policy. The course is designed to acquaint

students with many of the issues involved in security policy and with the alternatives in meeting many of these issues. The course

will be highly interactive, and student presentations will be involved, as will case study analysis. A term paper is expected.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Advanced Topics in Interactive Marketing

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Information Technology provides new opportunities for marketing departments to set prices, target promotional campaigns,

customize products, and reach customers in multiple channels. It also provides opportunities to actively and passively gather

information from customers and modify and customize marketing programs in response to this information. This class will build on

material covered in 95-732 eCommerce Marketing, by analyzing in more detail the strategic implications of these capabilities for

marketing practice. Potential topics covered in the course include auction pricing mechanisms, optimizing the marketing mix in B2B

exchanges, channel synergy, disintermediation and reintermediation in markets, customer privacy, the role of intellectual property

law in digital product exchanges, and anti-trust implications of price transparency.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Projects in Finance

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course is a special topics course, focusing on selected topical issues in finance in greater detail. It provides students an

opportunity to develop skills in collecting and analyzing financial data from original data sources and commercial databases used in

the financial services sector.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Women and Public Policy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course will examine many of the cutting-edge social and professional issues surrounding women in public policy and IT. Its

purpose is to analyze and discuss women's participation in a number political and policy related activities and to give students

practice in analyzing a variety of public policy issues that affect women today.

Through a series of readings, class discussions, and guest presenters, students will have an opportunity to explore, analyze and

discuss some of the most relevant issues affecting women today. We will also examine and evaluate various public policy initiatives

designed to address these issues. Some of the topics included in the class are: Women in politics, both at the national and

international levels; gender inequality in the work place and women in large organizations; women and technology; women

reshaping human rights; women in the professions and the arts; and women and health related issues. Students will be able to do research on topics not covered in this description.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Intermediate Economic Analysis

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Economic analysis is critical to successful management of technology, including information technology. Whether you are interested

in managing the information resources and technology inside an organization or in formulating a strategy for electronic commerce,

the set of tools and analytical perspectives that economics provides play a vital role. The key unifying theme is the analysis of trade-

offs in allocating scarce resources, how markets affect these trade-offs and allocate resources and rewards, and the implications of


After a quick review of the theory of consumer choice and the theory of production, where we will develop the analytical tools, we

shall proceed to apply them. We shall study a variety of topics including the pricing of information goods and price discrimination,

investment decision making, competition and competitive strategy, markets for information goods and the structure of such markets.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Technology and Social Accountability

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The rapid development of information technology will have a substantial impact on the whole of society. It will change the

relationship between individuals and machines, shift the basis of political power, open new economic markets, and challenge

personal privacy. The course examines factors that influence the social dynamics of an information society. It will address such

questions as "Does IT empower us through access to information or cripple us through sophisticated surveillance?", "Is privacy

possible today?", "How much can I learn in a virtual school?", "How do we reconcile 'community values' with the 'Global Village'?",

and "Will all boats rise on the information ocean?". Specific topics include privacy and data access issues; distance learning;

electronic commerce; political processes and telecommunications; medical informatics; and computer law in cyberspace. Students

will learn to construct their own web pages and engage in collaborative group work through electronic means. The course is

conducted through web-based instructional units and involves no lectures.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Analysis and Design of Information Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course will teach the student to use the Systems Development Life Cycle method to perform an information systems analysis

and design project. In the analysis phase, the student will learn how to perform feasibility analyses, collect data, use structured

techniques such as data flow diagrams to logically describe and develop systems, and prepare a systems proposal.

In the design portion, a major objective will be to learn to use the material gathered and developed in the analysis phase to design

the system. This includes normalizing and defining a data base file structure as well as designing related forms, reports user

interfaces, and data entry procedures. Covered also in this portion will be issues concerning testing and deploying a system.

Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed on the use of structured tools and techniques to support each phase of the Systems

Development Life Cycle. To this end, the student will learn to use a Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) software

package that provides an on-line approach to using these tools.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Advanced Negotiation in Complex Environments

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Negotiation is more than haggling over the price of a car or the completion of a simple transaction. Negotiation is about reaching

mutual agreements when the parties involved have conflicting goals and preferences. Negotiations in business settings are typically

very complex, often involving multiple parties concerned about multiple issues with external constituents to satisfy. This course will

extend the skills and knowledge gained from the introductory negotiation courses at GSIA and the Heinz School by examining

negotiation in complex environments. Through the use of negotiation role-plays, students from both GSIA and the Heinz School will

explore multi-party negotiation, team negotiation, repeated negotiations, getting past "no," the role of the Internet in negotiations, and

cross-cultural negotiation.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Organizational Strategy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

One of the key decisions every organization must face is defining its "strategy towards itself," in other words, designing the

organization in order to achieve its strategic goals. In this course we will consider the most important aspects of this strategy:

aligning internal and external strategies, the design (and limits) of performance incentives, investing in the workforce through

training, and designing the boundary of the organization (outsourcing, make vs. buy). We will use insights from economics and

organizational behavior to analyze the factors that lead to successful organizational strategies. Instruction will consist of lectures combined with cases from the for-profits, not-for-profit, and public sectors.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Retrieval

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course studies the theory, design, and implementation of text-based information systems. The IR core components of the

course include statistical characteristics of text, representation of information needs and documents, several important retrieval

models (Boolean, vector space, probabilistic, inference net, language modeling), clustering algorithms, automatic text categorization,

and experimental evaluation. The software architecture components include design and implementation of high-capacity text

retrieval and text filtering systems. A variety of current research topics are also covered, including cross-lingual retrieval, document

summarization, machine learning, topic detection and tracking, and multi-media retrieval.

This course involves written assignments, and programming assignments such as search engine implementation and automatic text

classification. Good programming skills are a prerequisite.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Knowledge Management and Infrastructure Planning

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course demonstrates the integration and use of software in infrastructure management to streamline operations, boost

productivity and develop and achieve strategic planning goals. As we enter the information age, an increasing number of organizations are finding that their facilities are obstacles in efforts to

maintain high quality and stay competitive. Many are learning to rely on computers to better organize and expand the wealth of

information involved in infrastructure management.

For complex, and asset-intensive organizations, it is often necessary to centralize and integrate knowledge into a single,

comprehensive EIS (Executive Information System) solution. An EIS system includes the merger of Business and Technology

Applications which are easily accessible by all levels in an organization. This information is used for marketing, space planning,

human resources, asset tracking, and operations and maintenance.

An effective approach to asset optimization involves both strategic and operational planning. It is designed to meet goals to maintain

facility function and integrity, allocate and use space resources fairly and optimally, and integrate the management of space assets

with the management of other assets. The intent of this course is to show the use of CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAFM

(Computer Aided Facilities Management), EIS (Executive Information Systems), and KM (Knowledge Management) in order to

integrate these and other infrastructure management functions in new and emerging technologies. Employing these technologies on

the WWW will also be explored.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος IT Global Sourcing

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course provides a full perspective on why and how IT services are sourced. You will gain an understanding of how the global IT

delivery model works and what controls and practices need to be in place to make it successful. Topics covered include best

practices in workload selection, vendor relations, risk management, and governance. We will explore the unique business drivers in

the offshore sourcing of application support, software development, and IT enabled services. Discussions with industry experts from

IBM Global Services, Cognizant Technologies, Mellon Financial, and Deloitte Consulting will be a key course component. The goal

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of the course is to better prepare you to work on the client side, consulting side, or service provider side of a multi-sourced IT


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Public Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Effective management in any organization usually requires that you, as a manager, supervise or lead your organization through an

exercise where a certain basic set of principles are applied to analyze and identify a problem or task, define a clear goal or objective

in order to solve the problem or task, and finally, outline a reasonable plan that can be executed to achieve that goal or objective.

However, what do you do when that "management template" doe not quite fit? When none of the stakeholders involved necessarily

agree that there is a problem to solve to begin with, let alone agree on a desired outcome or plan to achieve that outcome? This

course will explore public management at the most senior staff level in the legislative branch of our federal government - focusing on

the challenges a congressional Chief of Staff or Staff Director faces on a daily basis simply keeping a large office functioning, let alone orchestrating any type of

changes in public policy. The course will explore the inherent tensions, challenges and rewards of managing issues, staff,

constituents, the media, lobbyists and your elected official as they all attempt to shape the form of the ever changing "management


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Organizational Change: Transition and Transformation

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Organizational change occurs in many forms from minor transitions to transformations and upheavals. Effectively managing change

involves different activities depending on the scope of change and the organization's readiness for it. Special attention will be given

to managing disruptions from transitions and inevitable losses that change brings. Cases will be used from public administration and

for-profit organizations with emphasis on those with extensive involvement of multiple stakeholders (e.g. employees, general public,

boards, clients and customers.)


1. Strategies for Accommodation (minor changes) versus strategies for Transformation (major upheavals) -Keeping or changing the script; New wine in old bottles versus a whole new bottle - Practical first steps - Timing and phases

2. Change processes to create support or overcome resistance - Diagnosing readiness for change - Building support and legitimacy - Top/down and bottom/up facilitation of change

3. Creating permanent change (making it last)

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Leadership: Innovation and Organizational Change

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course seeks to develop the students' understanding of the range and complexity of behavior required in leaders, in both public

or private sector settings.

Using a combination of theoretical readings, case studies and focused writing and reflection on personal experience, we will attempt

to sharpen our awareness of our own potential as leaders and to improve our leadership performance.

We will focus our collective efforts on the following objectives:

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1. Developing and exercising theoretical models of leadership and change in public and private institutions; 2. Understanding the role of the leader in defining and communicating a vision for the institution, and developing some generalized

rules and "best practices" for constructing the vision; 3. Examining the impact of leadership and various types of power in shaping the normative environment of public and private

institutions; 4. Exploring the challenges and opportunities associated with leadership transitions, and gaining practice with tools designed to

facilitate this transitions; 5. Understanding the differences between direct and indirect leadership, and examining the challenges faced by successful junior

leaders making the transition to senior leadership roles; and, 6. Studying the unique problems faced by leaders attempting major institutional change, and building a set of guidelines to improve

the effectiveness of leaders in these situations.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Strategic Marketing/Communications

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course prepares those specifically interested in middle or upper management careers in the marketing/communications field,

either in nonprofit or profit-oriented sectors. The focal point of the course is the understanding of the entire spectrum of the

marketing/communications planning and implementation processes and the synergism with component strategies and tactics with

specific international applications. The course isolates the strategic disciplines involved through the entire marketing/communications

and creative development functions. There is no formal prerequisite for this course, but a general familiarity of basic business

management practices is highly recommended. This is a dialogue and interactive communications course among students and

lecturer. The lecturer will present working concepts and formulae regarding techniques, and interpretation of data that affect the creative communication process.

Weekly case study assignments will be used for class discussion and preparation for the final examination.

In addition to the textbook, there is a course workbook containing class session key points and reference for the course. The

material presented each week during the session is highly valuable vis-a-vis the required mid-term project (an independent research

review of an existing marketing/communications plan), and the final exam (case study analysis and interpretation).

The student will receive a final grade for the course based upon an analysis of and interpretation of an organization's marketing

program for the mid-term project and the final examination. There will be several guest lecturers during the semester who will

discuss real-world marketing/communications cases and current trends of the marketing/communications industry.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Strategic Planning

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The objectives of this course are:

1. To present a theoretical basis for the application of strategic planning in for-profit and not-for-profit organizations;

2. To build an understanding of the process, tools and techniques appropriate to strategic planning via readings and case studies;

3. To provide an opportunity for personal skill development by students' partici-pation in the preparation of the strategic plan; and

4. To develop techniques for communicating effectively in group settings.

The content of the course includes definition of the basic terms used in strategic planning; concepts, practices, trends and

discussions of operational planning versus strategic planning; analysis of factors external to the organization and the organization's

internal strengths and weaknesses; setting an organization's mission and objectives; development of alternatives, reviewing options

and selecting strategies; strategic plan implementation, strategy evaluation and contingency plans.

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Student will work in committees of not more than five to develop strategic plans for local not-for-profit organizations. The workshop

segment of the class will be structured to help students progress through their project work. Students will be expected to turn in a

written strategic plan and give oral presentations at the end of the semester.

Benefits: Increased competition for not-for-profit funding and services makes strategic planning more necessary than ever. No

organization can hope to compete without a solid well planned strategy. In many cases, the very survival of an organization can

hinge on whether it is following a strategic plan. In essence, strategic management allows an organization to be more proactive than

reactive in shaping its own future; it allows an organization to initiate and influence (rather than just respond to) its environment, and

thus exert control over its own destiny. Upon successful completion of this course, students would have gained a thorough

understanding and hands on experience to develop and implement strategic plans.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Advanced Topics in Leadership

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Building upon the foundation of 91-810, Advanced Topics in Leadership focuses on the emerging requirements facing public and

private-sector leaders in the changing world economy. Course readings and case studies focus on the challenges of promoting innovation and creativity in government settings. At the end of the course,

students should be able to:

1. Explain how the requirements for leadership are changing as organizations become more flexible and information-based;

2. Anticipate and move to correct common causes of leadership failure;

3. Apply sound principles for leading employees and organizations which place a high premium on creative thought and action;

4. Design and implement effective programs of innovation and organizational change.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Financial Modeling and Analysis

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

While some business owners who appear on the cover of business magazines claim they make decisions purely on instinct, most

managers go through a methodical process of assessing their options. This course offers the participants a series of frameworks and financial modeling techniques to assist in making and supporting

business decisions.

The format of the course provides a brief review of financial management topics prior to the analysis using spreadsheets. Flexible

financial models are built using Excel which allows students to perform in-depth analysis and quickly evaluate options and make

informed recommendations. The class sessions will include exercises and implementation of the techniques. Out of class

assignments will ask students to evaluate a business situation and make and support their decision based on their analysis. Upon

completion of the course students will have an understanding of basic spread-sheeting using formulas and functions. They will have

gained experience in using the advanced tools in Excel like solver, goal seek and data tables. Students will have developed skill in

performing sensitivity analysis and conveying the results and making their recommendations in written reports. Because of the

hands-on nature of the course, many sessions will be held in the computer lab. It is assumed that participants have a general

knowledge of finance and accounting as well as a basic knowledge of Excel.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Spreadsheet Modeling and Analysis for Management Decision Making

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course is an extension of 91-857. Although 91-857 is not a prerequisite, this session assumes that you have a basic

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understanding of how to use the advanced tools in Excel such as Goal Seek, Data Table and Solver.

Upon completion of this course students will have experience in evaluating product attributes, analyzing pricing policies and

forecasting sales as well as other components of pro forma financial statements. Students will build flexible financial models and

perform sensitivity analysis to quickly evaluate the options available to them in a business scenario. Because of the hands-on nature

of the course, many sessions will be held in the computer lab. The class sessions is generally divided into two parts, lecture and then

a lab in which students implement the techniques on their own. Out of class assignments will ask students to evaluate a business situation and make and support their decision based on their analysis.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Management Of Computer And Information Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The purpose of this course is to provide knowledge, skills, and exposure to issues for managing information as an asset and

information technology. Students completing this course will be better equipped to be staff members in an Information Systems

department, or managers of a functional area(s) engaged in defining and implementing information systems opportunities and


Coursework: A high volume of reading will be required. Besides an essay type midterm and final exam, 4-5 short papers will be

assigned. Class participation is solicited and expected.

Major topics to be covered include: Information asset management, strategic information systems planning, information services

organization issues - critical success factors, personnel selection and management, systems development techniques, a study of

competitive advantage systems, computer systems related fraud - security and confidentiality issues, request for proposal

development, vendor selection methods, systems implementation and training issues, telecommunications management, and

artificial intelligence system development, with pragmatic uses along with management issues, and a review of disaster recovery management in conjunction with governing laws.

Case studies will be studied and discussed in order to reinforce the solutions using various forms of information technology.

Guest speakers will address their area of specialty and allows students to receive multiple perspectives of information and computer


Students will have sufficient knowledge after this course to contribute to system planning, selection, implementation, benefits

realization, and protection requirements. Many valuable tools and techniques will be learned which will provide a more sophisticated

approach to leveraging organization information providing increased revenue, decreased expenses and increased productivity. The

course is valuable for every middle and upper management person due to their reliance on information processing for decision

making and operations management.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Software Engineering for Information Technology I: Principles

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Software Engineering for Information Technology I: Principles is a one-semester, 12-unit course which covers the fundamental

principles of software engineering for information technology. The focus includes both project management (estimation, planning,

tracking, risk) and software methodology (analysis, design, implementation, testing).

A basic understanding of programming is required. During the second half of the course, students will exercise the principles they

have learned by analyzing, designing, and planning a specific software project. There are no programming assignments in Software

Engineering for Information Technology I: Principles, but students who elect to take Software Engineering for Information

Technology II: Practice will implement the system they designed in Software Engineering for Information Technology I: Principles.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Competitive Strategy

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Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

All organizations are faced with the task of achieving their goals in the face of external obstacles and pressures. An organization's

approach to these challenges constitutes their competitive strategy. In this course we will use the tools of game theory to develop

ways of thinking strategically about these challenges. This will include defining an organization's "value net" of customers,

competitors, complementors, regulators and suppliers, analyzing an organization's added value, how that depends on competitors

and complementors, and designing strategies taking account of these factors. Instruction will consist of lectures combined with cases from the for-profit, not-for-profit, and public sectors.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Managing Service Organizations

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course introduces students to a body of knowledge on service management. It provides a conceptual framework for problem-

solving, innovation, and effective management within the context of service organizations. The course covers the organizational

capabilities, decisions, processes, and methods that are essential to effectively manage services. The discussion of the current and

potential impact of digital technologies on service industries, underpins all other topics.

Students get a firm understanding of the nature and characteristics of services and the peculiar challenges and opportunities they

present in service delivery and support systems. Students also learn how to describe and define the service concept in a given

segment of the industry and identify organizational designs and patterns for effectively managing interactions with customers and

delivering such services. Classification and decomposition of services into components is also taught as a basis for identifying

potential problems and constraints from applying a particular service model.

The course lays the foundation for other courses on service management with topics such as specification of service quality, service

metrics, structure of service level agreements, capacity management, problem management, service availability, customer

satisfaction, performance, and utilization. From these topics, students would be able to understand and appreciate the fundamental

principles, processes, and practices of outsourced or managed services.

Case studies are used to illustrate how organizations can grow "profitably" by leveraging their core capabilities and resources,

particularly digital technologies. Discussions include how traditional "product"-based functional hierarchies can transform into

service-based organizations focused on delivering value to customers.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Privacy and Anonymity in Data

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course introduces students to the identifiability of data, record linkage, data profiling, data fusion, data anonymity and privacy

protection. This knowledge is timely because society is experiencing exponential growth in the number and variety of person-specific

data collected and shared. Students learn to identify and control inferences that can be drawn from such data. In the first part of this

course, students learn to be data detectives and exploit information that is publicly available in order to build sensitive profiles and

identify individuals from seemingly anonymous data. In the second part of the course, students learn new privacy protocols and

anonymity protection schemes and then assume the responsibility of producing public-use files for data holders. Students then

attempt to compromise each other's releases. Examples are drawn from criminal data, financial data, web use, declassification

efforts, medical information, and bio-terrorism and counter-terrorism efforts. The course ends with students attempting to bridge the

technical challenges and solutions with effective policies (examinations include medical privacy legislation, HIPAA, video

surveillance laws and bio-terrorism and counter-terrorism laws).

Related topics are drawn from: data mining, information retrieval, web technology, computer security, cryptography, relational

databases, statistics and political philosophy.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Web GIS Programming Using Visual Basic.NET

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

You can view this course as either

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- GIS course that uses Visual Basic programming or - Visual Basic course that uses GIS as an application area. In either event, you learn a good amount on both topics. This course provides a thorough introduction to Microsoft’s .NET

programming environment, including Visual Basic.NET and ASP.NET, and ESRI’s pre-built components for Web-based GIS included

it its ArcIMS package. Students will learn how to build GIS applications for the Web using these components and tools.

Another way to describe the course is to start by saying that there is a new kind of programming for non-programmers out there;

namely, component programming. It uses pre-built program components, glued together by a user interface and database access,

and written using object-oriented languages like Visual Basic.NET. Most of the intense programming is already done by the

commercial companies that build the components. Thus it is possible to build very powerful programs for organizations with only a

few hundred lines of relatively easy code, instead of a few hundred thousand lines of really hard code. In this course, you use

several .NET tools to build Web-based interfaces to implement ArcIMS components.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Planning for an Information Technology Start - Up

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

A business plan is a document that articulates the critical aspects, basic assumptions, and financial projections regarding a business

venture. The process of writing a business plan is an invaluable experience, and it will force the entrepreneur to think through his or

her business concept in a systematic way.

Business plans developed through this course will include:

- Description of the company, product, and market - Competitive Overview - Sales and Marketing Plan - Operations - Financials - Executive Summary

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Negotiation

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Negotiation is a process in which two or more parties make decisions to resolve conflicting interests. Decision makers use

negotiation in a variety of circumstances - collective bargaining, negotiating out of court settlements, resolving conflicting interests

within or across firms, agreeing on a purchase price for a good, and many other instances.

The objective of this course is to understand the process of negotiations and how the structure of the negotiations process affects

the outcomes achieved. Students will learn to establish a framework for analyzing various types of negotiations. For example,

differences between distributed vs. integrative negotiations and "one shot" vs. repeated negotiations will be examined. Some

examples of the topics to be discussed are described below:

1. Negotiation is typically conducted under uncertainty about the other side's bargaining position. Here, strategic aspects of the

negotiations process will be important and reputation effects may occur if the bargainers are involved in repeated negotiations over


2. Bargainers frequently fail to reach agreements that are Pareto optimal, even when such options exist. For example, parties

bargaining over the price of a house may fail to reach an agreement even when the lowest price the seller will accept is less than the

highest price the buyer will pay for the house. These inefficiencies in the negotiation outcomes can lead to an inefficient allocation of

society's resources. 3. Negotiation outcomes are the product of the bargainers' strategies and the structure of the "no agreement" outcome. For example,

a manager may bargain with a supplier over the purchase price of a shipment of inputs. The strategy the manager adopts will be a

function of the price she could receive from another supplier. Cognitive psychology examines how individuals deviate from rationality

in making decisions. Economic theory describes how rational individuals should make decisions. We will examine the implications of

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these two approaches for negotiation.

4. Whether or not individuals can form coalitions will be important in negotiations. In multi-party negotiations, the strategies employed

and the outcome will depend on whether or not a subset of the bargainers can agree to negotiate jointly against the remaining


5. Negotiations are often conducted on behalf of others. These are called principal-agent problems. For example, lawyers (the

agents) may bargain with each other on behalf of their clients (the principals) over an out-of-court settlement. This type of negotiation

will differ from negotiation between the principals themselves. To the extent that the incentives of the agents are different from those

of the principals, the outcome will differ as well.

Throughout the course, students will participate in negotiation exercises, either individually or in teams. The purpose of these

exercises is to demonstrate the concepts which are discussed in class on a more theoretical or abstract level.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Data Mining I

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Data mining, or intelligent analysis of information stored in data sets, has recently gained a substantial interest among practitioners

in a variety of fields and industries. This course will provide the students with understanding of the industry standard data mining

methodologies, and with the ability of formulating and solving problems with it. The particular attention will be paid to practical,

efficient and statistically sound techniques, capable of providing not only the requested discoveries, but also the estimates of their

utility. The lectures will be complemented with hands-on experience of using advanced data mining software to solve realistic

problems based on real-world data.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Financial Modeling for IT

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

While some business owners who appear on the cover of business magazines claim they make decisions purely on instinct, most

managers go through a methodical process of assessing their options. This course offers the participants a series of modeling

techniques and frameworks to assist in making and supporting business decisions.

The format of the course is to introduce or review financial issues such as valuation, pricing, product and service attribute planning,

capital budgeting and forecasting. The next step is to use spreadsheet techniques to build flexible models. The flexibility of the

models allows managers to perform sensitivity analysis and quickly evaluate their options. The class sessions will include exercises

and implementation of the techniques. Out of class assignments will ask students to evaluate a business situation and make and

support their decision based on their analysis.

Because of the hands-on nature of the course, many sessions will be held in the computer lab. It is assumed that participants have a

general knowledge of finance and accounting as well as a basic knowledge of Excel. The course will cover implementing some of

the advanced tools available in Excel.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Entrepreneurship and Business Planning

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This hands-on course provides an broad overview of the entrepreneurial process. Each student will go through all the steps

necessary to start a new company including idea generation, building a management team, raising funds, marketing and sales, and

legal issues. Working in a team or as an individual, the students will create a complete business plan and company presentation.

This course is of value to both students who want to be an entrepreneur, or just learn about being one.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Linux

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course covers the Linux operating system and its related applications. The focus of the course is two-fold.

One component is hands-on technical experience with installing, configuring, and administering Linux systems. This will be done

partly through in-class lectures and labs, but a significant amount of the hands-on work will be done by the students outside of class


The other component of the course is to develop an understanding of how Linux fits into enterprise IT environments, its strengths

and weaknesses, and the economic, social, political, and legal forces acting on it. This will be done partly through in-class discussion

and partly through outside reading.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Regulating the Cyberspace: A Comparison of American & European Policies

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

A decade ago the founder of Electronic Frontier argued that we have to approach cyberspace with a settler's determination to civilize

it as rapidly as possible. In this course we will look at one aspect of the efforts to regulate cyberspace which have emerged in the

last several decades in the US and the EU and its member states: The use of criminal law and administrative sanctions in order to

outlaw harmful or illicit uses of cyberspace. First we will compare the different regulatory approaches of the US and the EU member

states. Second, we will analyze the effectiveness of criminal and administrative sanctions in an area in which the national legislature faces a tremendous loss of (boundary) control. Third, we will discuss the efforts of the US

and the EU to police cyberspace through transnational cooperation.

Τίτλος ΜαθήματοςInformation Warfare

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This minicourse will provide the student with a basic understanding of information warfare. This course will build from a strategic

understanding of warfare as reflected in the information realm. It will discuss both theoretical and practical aspects of dealing with

information warfare. Included will be a discussion of how Information Warfare differs from cybercrime, cyberterrorism and other

forms of on-line conflict.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Internship

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The internship option, unique to the MISM program, offers MISM students the opportunity to supplement their regular academic

program with valuable practical experience. Students may intern with a company that: (1) corresponds to a field of interest or

specialization area pre- existing within the MISM program and (2) represents a variety of industry sectors including consulting,

software companies, finance, and other types. Positions may also vary from IT managers to security consultants, to business

analysts, to applications engineers, and others.

As the line between old economy and the new economy becomes less defined, the integration of strong information technology

skills, communications skills and training in organizational management and strategy issues is becoming very important. Getting

involved with important projects and real issues is the ultimate learning experience. By working in a professional environment,

students will solidify their knowledge gained in MISM coursework. This working knowledge of technology will help students to

capitalize on trends that can impact business, regardless of industry.

For the academic component of the course, students must clearly define their internship goals and requirements and work out the

details with the faculty advisor assigned to the internship course. These goals must satisfy those requirements as defined and

agreed upon by the faculty advisor. The requirements may vary from case to case. It may be useful to be in contact with the faculty

advisor to discuss the internship and related professional issues before/during/after the internship.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Applied Cryptography

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

In this course we will study the mathematics and programming associated with selected topics from public key cryptography.

The course will include:

* A discussion of the general principles of public key encryption and digital signatures;

* The mathematical underpinnings of the basic algorithms;

* Implementation projects using some of the popular public key algorithms.

Mathematical topics will include primes and unique factorization, GCD's and the Euclidean Algorithm, basic modular arithmetic,

inversion using the Extended Euclidean Algorithm, efficient calculation of large powers in modular arithmetic, Fermat's Little

Theorem (ap-1 mod p = 1), The Rabin-Miller Test, and discrete logarithms. With this background, public key methods based on

factorization and discrete logarithms will be discussed.

We will also study topics in cryptography from a Java programming perspective. We will include both "bare hands" implementation of

basic cryptographic algorithms using Java's primitive types, Java's BigInteger class, and projects involving high-level tools such as

the Java Cryptographic Extension API(JCE) and the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA).

Prerequisite: It will be assumed that the student has basic Java programming skills and is enthusiastic about mathematics and


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Sourcing Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The nature of this course teaches students the knowledge and skills required by organizations to analyze sourcing options and

decisions within the framework of business opportunities and strategies. The course provides students an analytical framework with

which they can evaluate business needs, sourcing options, economic benefits, and associated risks.

Students learn how to develop the business case either for shared services (insourcing) or managed services (outsourcing), or a

combination of both. Leveraging on knowledge gained from other courses in the SMC, such as negotiations and contracts, students

are taught the critical skills of preparing RFIs and RFPs, managing business expectations, and defining criteria for the selection of

partners and service providers. Other topics include design of sourcing functions and processes, contract administration, portfolio

management, enterprise governance, and risk management.

The distinct feature of the course is the case study based discussions of risks associated with sourcing decisions due to complexity

and uncertainty in transitions and transformations, and the role played by economic, geo-political, and cultural factors.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Managing in a Virtual Environment

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The shape of organizations is changing. Telecommuting, long-distance work groups, and virtual organizations are becoming more

common in today's workplace. This course examines the modes of work that exist and methods leaders and team members can use

to coordinate with and manage such teams. The course will focus on strategies for creating an efficient virtual workplace that

achieves its work goals while providing workers opportunities for learning and a sense of belonging. The course will cover such

topics as: Forms of virtual organizations and groups (e.g., exogeneous teams, cellular organizations, telework); Reasons for creating

virtual arrangements; Managing, motivating and rewarding distributed teams; Dealing with conflict; Technology virtual organizations

employ to get their work done; and High tech firms and the special role that technology plays in creating flexible work arrangements, partnerships, and


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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Cybercrime

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Do you want Microsoft to be able to hack into your computer to search for pirated software? Of course you don't. However, that is

one of the scenarios being considered in Congress to address software piracy.

Along with advent of near universal computer usage has come a wave of crimes and privacy issues involving computers and digital

data. Attorney General John Ashcroft has recently stated that: "Although there are no exact figures on the costs of cybercrime in

America, estimates run into the billions of dollars each year. And unlike more traditional crimes, cybercrime is especially difficult to


Naturally, this has become a very large concern for both the private and public sectors.

Cybercrime Law & Policy is new course that will cover the laws and policies behind all these issues. Primarily, the course will instruct

in mainstream cybercrime matters present in today's economy, including: identity theft, piracy, computer intrusions, spam, illegal

access to electronic communications, international cybercrime, as well as prosecution and preventative measures. The course will

also discuss, however, several areas more traditionally thought of as privacy issues. Students who complete this course will be able

to address cutting edge issues in information technology, allowing them specialized knowledge to take with them into the workplace.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Special Topics Technology Innovation Policy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Science and Technology have been critical factors in creating long-term economic growth and societal well-being. They have also

been a source of great risks and a theme of wide disarray between interested parties. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy

aims at identifying and leveraging opportunities for effective and efficient use of science and technology, aiming to achieve common

goals such as health, environmental quality, economic growth, safety and security, among others. It also tries to minimize their

potential adverse impacts, as well as balancing different views, perspectives and interests in society.

This course provides an understanding of some of the fundamental models, processes, resources and institutions associated to the

relationship between science, technology, innovation and policy (STIP). The question over balancing market failure and government failure, managing tradeoffs across uncertainty, efficiency and ethics,

assessing and using scientific information, as well as the role of STIP for development will be part of the discussion. Cases will be

both historical and contemporary and include intellectual property rights, health policy, strategic trade, R&D promotion, standards &

coordination issues, among others, with comparisons of practices across countries and focus in diverse industries. At the end of the

course, students will have acquired substantive knowledge of this critical field and enhanced their capacities as future practitioners

and leaders in the area.

The course comprises five cycles: an introduction and brief history; an assessment of the critical STIP issues in the context of

advanced economies; an evaluation of the role of policy in the absence of established markets, focusing on ethics, values and

security; a discussion of the STIP in the broader international environment, including developmental issues; finally a debate over

policy assessment and improvement.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος IT Delivery in Complex Organizations

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This mini-course prepares students for delivering software applications in a complex business environment. Case studies of major

public and private sector software failures will be analyzed for lessons learned. One third of the course time will be focused on

understanding and surviving the growing trend of offshore IT outsourcing. Project initiation, governance, scope management, risk

management, and inter-group coordination will be covered. Upon completion, the student will gain a practical understanding and

appreciation for the drivers behind project success and failure.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Strategic Management and Implementation

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Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This case-based course is designed to assist the student to understand the basics of strategic planning and to investigate how to

translate a strategy into information processes, systems and deliverables.

The goals will be, first, to understand the basics of strategic planning as it applies to a business, to a business function (e.g. IT,

Marketing, Operations, etc.) or to product management. The next two goals will be to assess strategic management and

implementation from two perspectives: from implementing the IS/IT needs of a business based on its overall strategy, and from

developing an IS/IT product -- from concept to business case. The format of this course will be based largely on case study analysis

and discussion, with text material and lectures to provide background for the analyses.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Product Management in IT

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This case-based course is designed for the students who have an interest in combining their technical knowledge and skills with

business interests to transition into a product management role with an IS/IT vendor. The basics of Product Management, and its

relation to the overall Marketing function and Strategic Planning, will be covered. Note that Course 95-821: Strategic Planning and

Implementation is a prerequisite for this course. Product Management throughout the product life cycle, from product strategy, to

conceptualization, development, launch, growth, maturity and decline, will be covered. The format of this course will be based largely

on case study analysis and discussion, with text material and lectures to provide background for the analyses.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Technology Consulting in the Community

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

In this course, the student develops consulting and management skills while collaborating on site with a community leader of a non-

profit community organization. The student learns process consulting, project management, communication, relationship

management, problem identification, and analysis.

The class meets twice a week for instruction and discussion. In addition, each student is partnered with a leader in a community

organization who they will work with one-on-one 3 hours a week on-site.

The goals of the consulting partnership are:

- to expand the capacity of the community organization to use, plan for, and manage technology - in a way that is sustainable - and leads to a new vision for how technology can support the organizations mission. This class is different from the MISM project course in that it is one-on-one consulting and will not include substantial information

systems development. The focus is on capacity building within the organization, not building systems, though some very small

database development may be involved depending on the needs of the organization. One potential outcome of the student's

consulting work may be a proposal for a follow-up MISM project course project.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Mobile & Pervasive Computing

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

With over 1.6 billion mobile phone users worldwide and over 150 million mobile Internet users, new wireless and pervasive

computing applications and services are set to change the way enterprises interact with both their customers and their employees.

The explosion in mobile phone and PDA ownership along with the growing popularity of WLAN technologies and the deployment of

2.5G and 3G networks is leading to a slew of new Internet applications and services. They range from mobile commerce services to

wireless enterprise applications all the way to more futuristic pervasive computing scenarios. This growing trend is not just about

technologies and new business models. It is also about new usage scenarios that overcome the limitations of mobile devices to

support users in the context of a broad range of time critical activities as well as related privacy challenges.

The objective of course is to introduce participants to the technologies, applications, services and business models associated with

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Mobile Commerce and more generally with wireless and pervasive services and applications. The course also provides an overview

of future trends and ongoing research in this new and fast growing area.

The course is based on the instructor's book, "m-Commerce: Technologies, Services and Business Models" (Wiley, April 2002).

Course material is updated annually to reflect the latest technological developments as well as trends in industry and research labs.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Corporate Finance

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Principles of corporate finance is a mini-semester course being offered at the Heinz School during the first half of the Spring 2005

semester. It is being offered at the Master's level, with the target audience being MS students in the various professional graduate

programs offered by the Heinz School.

This course is designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of how firms finance, invest and manage themselves in the

`real world'. In Finance 101, we typically assume that financial markets are perfect. In practice, firms face a variety of market

imperfections. For Example:

- flotation costs for equity is considerably higher than for debt - firms sometimes face significant costs in raising capital - shareholders cannot constantly supervise managers - certain expenses can be claimed as tax deductions whereas others cannot After completing this course, you will better understand how shareholders tryo to maximize their stake in the firm given such market


Time permitting, I will also introduce the real options valuation used to value risky investments, as it has several advantages over

traditional NPV method.

If you plan a career in consulting or finance, this course should be useful to you. If your interests are in public service, you too might

want to take this course as governmental agencies increasingly are relying on advanced valuation methods to perform cost-benefit


Τίτλος Μαθήματος The Broadband Revolution: Regulation and Strategy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This master’s level research seminar will focus on the critical issues facing future policy makers, CIO’s, and CTO’s in the emerging

broadband landscape. The creation of a broadband world includes factors such as disruptive technologies, new business models,

compelling applications, infrastructure challenges, next generation wireless deployment, security obstacles, and regulatory

impediments. For example,

- The ongoing construction of the next generation network, Internet2; - The explosion of third generation wireless services challenges decision makers, both public and private, to evaluate business and

competitive opportunities, as well as new public policy challenges; - The broadband world represents a challenge for national policy makers as well as global firms positioning themselves in the face of

these exciting but disruptive technologies; - The emergence of new threats worms, viruses, computer attacks raises issues that could dampen the economic and social benefits

of new broadband applications; - Regulatory impediments and incentives need to be reexamined in light of the convergence of old and new systems, and the rise of

new business and organizational models. Seminar participants will be expected to research and report on these and other facets of the emerging broadband world that will

shape the types and nature of decisions that they, as future senior public and private decision makers in roles like CIO’s, will be

facing. While not a technical course, strong familiarity with the underlying technologies and their likely future evolution will be


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Software Engineering for Information Technology II: Practice

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Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Software Engineering for Information Technology II: Practice is a one-semester, 12-unit project course. Normally, Software

Engineering for Information Technology I: Principles is a prerequisite for Software Engineering for Information Technology II: Practice. Students follow the system design and project plan they created in

Software Engineering for Information Technology I: Principles to complete their system in Software Engineering for Information Technology II: Practice.

Qualified students who have requisite programming skills may petition the instructor to register for Software Engineering for

Information Technology II: Practice without taking Software Engineering for Information Technology I: Principles first. In cases where existing project teams require additional members, and there is a match of

interest, new students may be added for Software Engineering for Information Technology II: Practice.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Project Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Course Objectives Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: - Identify the key elements involved in managing a project; - Organize the project into manageable parts and components; - Understand techniques and methodologies necessary to create and manage project teams; - Use effective tools to oversee and report upon projects; - Formulate and control project schedules and budgets; and, - Bring complex projects to a successful conclusion. Course Description Organizations are no longer at a point where Information Technology is considered an embellishment but rather it is now an absolute

necessity. From the smallest to the largest organization the electronic storage and flow of information is critical to the successful

achievement of goals, objectives and the provision of products and services. Variables contributing to the difficulty for the Information

Technology professional in delivering those products and services include: - The advent of Internet applications; - The expanded use of offshore development, - The increase of project complexity; and - The need for deliverable perfection. To manage that delivery process typically we now find the construct mechanism for the delivery of those products and services to be

the Project rather than a series of non-integrated tasks. The increased dependence upon projects necessitates the need for both

improved project management and oversight. The purpose of this course is to assist the I/T professional in understanding the

components of complex projects, manage those project components, form and lead a project team. Project Management tools and

techniques will be introduced and discussed.

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Indiana University, Kelley School of Business Bloomington MS in Information Systems

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Υποχρεωτικά Τίτλος Μαθήματος Capstone Project

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The capstone project is a key component of the MSIS degree program. The project consists of a one-semester team project to plan,

design and build a system to address a problem presented by a corporate client. Students will participate in activities that encompass the typical system

development life cycle. Hence, they are likely to interview client personnel and potential system users, conduct market research, transform client

needs into a requirements document, develop a system design that includes a human interface component, and build a working

prototype suitable for implementation and testing

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Object-Oriented Business Programming

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course is designed to introduce students to the use of object-oriented programming techniques to address business problems.

We will use the programming language Java to illustrate object-oriented programming concepts. The Unified Modeling Language

(UML) will be used to demonstrate object-oriented design concepts. Students will learn how to use Java to create both stand-alone

applications and web applications (servlets). The focus will be on the use of Java and UML to create business applications program

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Business Systems Analysis

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση This course examines structured approaches to analyze business information problems. It introduces methodologies, tools, and

techniques that allow ananalyst to understand information systems in business and to identify opportunities to improve business


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Business System Design

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course examines structured approaches to solving business information problems. It considers how to design and implement

information systems with attention to topics such as change management that are critical to realizing desired organizational, project,

and professional outcomes.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Applied Leadership

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

week long Applied Leadership Learning Laboratory

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Executive Leadership of IT Strategy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course examines effective IT leadership at the executive level. It focuses on the CIO and how she or he works with other

executives, leads an effective information systems organization, and makes technology choices in the context of sometimes)

conflicting business imperatives

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Mobile Business: Tech & Strategies

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

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This course explores the new world of mobile business, examining current and future trends with regard to the roles of financial

institutions, operators, content providers and other key players in the mobile value chain. The course provides students with the

technical and business skills and knowledge necessary to integrate mobile and wireless technologies into a business organization to

enhance business processes, reduce operating expenses, or produce additional revenue streams.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Web Applications Development

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course is intended to provide students' with an understanding of the technology infrastructure that is used to create web-based

applications in modern organizations. The course provides in depth experience in implementing all aspects of a web-based

application as well as the principles used to design such applications. Students will be exposed to a variety of Java-based web

applications development techniques including JSP, Java Servlets, Struts, Web Services etc. From a design point of view, students

will also be exposed to the Rational Unified Process (RUP) and the use of Unified Modeling Language (UML).

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Designing & Managing Organizational Data Assets

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Despite of large quantity of data collected by organizations, managers often struggle to obtain information that would help them in

decision-making. This course focuses on the business advantage and business potential of data assets in supporting managerial

decision-making. It examines the corporate information factory including the concepts of data warehousing and data marts, the

issues that affect the success and failure of data warehouses, the importance of data quality and metadata management, the

significance of software tools in developing and using the data assets, and emerging trends in data warehousing.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Project Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course will introduce students to the state of the art techniques used in project management. We will introduce students to

concepts regarding Project organizations, Project selection techniques, Project planning, Project scheduling, Resource allocation, and Project control.

Project management software Microsoft Project and Primavera will be used as tools to illustrate the concepts. Optimization and Risk

Management associated with project management will be modeled using Excel Solver and Risk software

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Business & Systems Planning & Integration

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Student teams from either Financial & Industry Analysis or Systems Analysis Groups will integrate in planning a new e-commerce related project. Students will

use “real” business situations to develop: an understanding of planning required for e-commerce ventures; the ability to integrate

systems and financial planning; knowledge of how to create good business plans; knowledge of sources of capital required to fund e-

commerce ventures; and further develop team, project management, analytical and communication skills.

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Επιλογής Τίτλος Μαθήματος Organizational Info Systems Security

Τίτλος Μαθήματος SAP

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Workflow Design

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Managing Info Security & Policy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Information security – the assurance of system availability, data confidentiality, and integrity – has become a serious concern in

today’s more open and interconnected business environment. Sound security reduces risk for individuals and organizations. In this

course, our objective is to gain a fundamental understanding of three inter-related areas of security: managerial policies,

technologies, and legal/ethical issues. Taking a broad perspective, we will examine (a) what security is and why it is important, (b)

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legislation and standards, (c) computer and network vulnerabilities, (d) viruses and other malicious code, and (e) how policies and

awareness can thwart security breaches, (f) risk management, incident response, and contingency planning

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Special Topics: IT Audit

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course will provide an advanced coverage of the process used by external auditors to conduct audits. It encompasses the audit

process, audit planning, the use of analytic review, control reviews, and the collection and verification of audit evidence for

transaction and other systems. The use of statistical sampling procedures and the options available for the issuance of audit

opinions will be covered. Special emphasis in this course will be on auditing computer information systems.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Ethics & Negotiation

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Business Process Design

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Description: Every organization, whether it provides a tangible manufactured good or an intangible service (or some combination of

the two) must manage a variety of processes. These processes transform inputs (such as raw materials, parts, human capital) to

provide outputs (a tangible good or service) which are valued by customers. Organizations that effectively design these processes to

minimize wasted time, motion and materials develop an advantage over their rivals. Most organizations have numerous processes,

some of which are primary components of the chain of production, some of which are secondary functions, which play a supporting

role. The true power of an effective process design is to eliminate functions that do not directly add value or directly support the

organization's products/services. This course examines the key methods used to analyze, develop and improve transformation

processes in both the manufacturing and service sectors. The objective is to develop an understanding of trade-offs and limitations

involved in process design as well as to develop an understanding of many of the basic tools used to analyze and improve


In addition to the development of an understanding of how to conceptually improve a business process, the student will learn a

powerful modeling technique, Process Model. Process Model is one of the hot items in the marketplace for assisting in the analysis

and improvement of business processes. Approximately one-half of the classroom time will be devoted to the learning and use of

Process Model

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Supply Chain Management & Technologies

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Description: This course focuses on supply chain design and management, especially as it relates to inter-firm, coordination efforts

in a global setting. The objectives of this course are to build a basic understanding of supply chain issues and learn to model some

of the problems encountered in supply chain management. The course is comprised of a number of case studies which provide a

rich context for discussions. Additionally, a series of modeling classes connected to these cases are designed to help future

managers back their improvement alternatives with some quantitative analysis. The focus of the modeling is not on optimality, but on

finding good solutions by using sound reasoning and numbers. We also use a simulation and quest speakers to round out the

classroom material.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Network Design & Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This hands-on course focuses on the foundation concepts necessary to gain an understanding of modern network management and

security. In this course, students: (a) develop a solid conceptual foundation of the terminology of modern networks, (b) develop key

OSI Model networking, management, and security skills, and (c) discuss important security issues associated with the successful

implementation of modern networks.

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London School of Economics MSc Analysis, Design and Management of Information Systems (ADMIS)

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Υποχρεωτικά Τίτλος Μαθήματος Dissertation

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The aim of the dissertation is for students to pursue an independent piece of research within the field of information systems. The dissertation is a quantitative or qualitative investigation in the field. It may be either a theoretical or empirical piece of research.

Students must obtain the approval of their advisor before embarking on any research. The course Information Technology: issues

and skills provides background material on undertaking dissertation work.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Systems Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course examines management and organisational issues involved in the introduction and operation of computer-based

information systems in business. The course discusses the proposals for the use of information technology for competitive advantage in business. It examines issues

involved in managing the technology, including policies for strategic planning, knowledge management and implementing computer-

based systems. It addresses organisational problems, including end-user computing, IS governance and evaluating computer-based

information systems. The course uses case studies to demonstrate the key issues.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Systems Development

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

A critical review of the processes by which organisational problems are analysed, and information systems are developed to address

these problems. An appreciation of the tools used in systems development. The course considers the framing, resourcing and execution of systems development projects within organisational contexts. It gives

particular attention to problem structuring and problem design issues. We critically review contemporary analysis and design approaches, and issues related to mobile information and communication

technology (ICT), information filtering, infrastructure constraints, knowledge management, and groupware applications.

We consider issues of designing and constructing systems, as well as implementing new systems into organisational contexts. The

course considers systems development activities both within a life cycle model, as well as contrasting contemporary approaches

such as rapid application development.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Technology: issues and skills

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course provides students with the technological context of information systems. It provides the opportunity to learn (or revise)

essential skills in the use of particular software packages as well as research skills relevant to the study of information systems. It

also provides a forum for seminars by visiting speakers. A critical overview of the changing nature of information technology. Practical laboratory-based instruction in relevant software

packages. Weekly seminars given by various visiting speakers from academia and industry who will discuss a wide range of issues

relevant to contemporary information system

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The course addresses theoretical and conceptual foundations for the study of information systems within organisational settings. The course provides an introduction to information systems in terms of themes studied and major theoretical perspectives. The

course focuses closer on some of the theoretical perspectives used currently in the social study of information and communication

technologies: transaction cost economics, institutionalist theory, and the sociology of technology.

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Επιλογής Τίτλος Μαθήματος Aspects of Information

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The course explores the socio-philosophical foundations of information and information systems. It introduces students to the key

theoretical principles underlying information systems and applies them to practical issues of information systems development and


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Innovation and Technology Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The course examines technology management and innovation studies in order to understand the emergence, success and failure of

technological systems, and explore the relevance to information systems implementation and management. The course introduces different theoretical perspectives on innovation studies and technology management. Topics include: - systems and management approaches to technology development; - sociology of technology; and - science and technology studies. Technology case studies will be examined, including software and information systems failures, IT expertise, decision-making,

project escalation in information systems projects, and technology.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Inter-organisational Information Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The organisational, managerial, technological and theoretical aspects of computer-based inter-organisational information systems. 1. Underlying technologies: inter-organisational 2. Practical and management aspects of the diverse technologies 3. Electronic commerce and the impact on inter-organisational relationships 4. Theoretical perspectives of inter-organisational information systems 5. New organisational forms, such as networked organisations and electronic markets

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Interpretations of Information

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The course explores the socio-philosophical foundations of information and information systems. It introduces students to the key

theoretical principles underlying information systems and applies them to practical issues of information systems development and

management. It is structured around a number of themes. Each of the themes is introduced and explored in relation to the

appropriate critical literature which is then applied to information systems issues.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος IT and Development

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course is concerned with understanding the different viewpoints found in the literature about the role of IT in achieving

development. This provides the basis for discussing a variety of issues regarding IT-based socio-economic activity in the context of

developing countries.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Systems Design in Context

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The course aims to give students a theoretical and practical introduction to the key issues in designing and building contemporary

information and communication technologies (ICT).

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Aspects of Inter-organisational Information Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The organisational, managerial, technological and theoretical aspects of computer-based inter-organisational information systems.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Aspects of IT and Development

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course is concerned with understanding the different viewpoints found in the literature about the role of IT in achieving

development. This provides the basis for discussing a variety of issues regarding policy and implementation of IT production and

consumption in the context of developing countries.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Aspects of Security in Information Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The study of IS security from a social perspective, analysing the role of technical, formal and informal elements in the security of


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Aspects of Systems Design in Context

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The course aims to give the students a theoretical and practical introduction to the key issues in designing and building

contemporary information and communication technologies (ICT).

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Aspects of Innovation and Technology Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The course examines technology management and innovation studies in order to understand the emergence, success and failure of

technological systems, and explore the relevance to information systems implementation and management.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Principles of Privacy and Data Protection

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The course provides a detailed overview of the key elements of privacy and data protection. Its content is international in nature, and

discusses technical, social, legal and political dimensions of key issues including visual surveillance, national security, policing,

internet and medical privacy.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Topics in Information Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση a: Global Consequences of Information Technology b: Knowledge, Organisations and Technologies c: E-Government d: Information and Communication Technology Policy: theory and practice e: Techno-Legal Aspects of Information Systems: policy, regulation and business perspectives

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Security in Information Systems for Organizations

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The study of IS security from a social perspective, analysing the role of technical, formal and informal elements in the security of


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Mays Business School at Texas A&M University Master of Science in Management Information Systems

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Υποχρεωτικά Τίτλος Μαθήματος Corporate Information Planning

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση MIS Core

Concepts regarding the design and use of computer-based management information and decision support systems; combinations of

computing hardware and software and design concepts evaluated to meet managers' information needs.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Business Database Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση MIS Core

Information processing and management involving applications and user orientation in a business environment using commercially

available database management systems.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Systems Analysis and Design

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση MIS Core

Methodologies, techniques, and tools for information systems analysis and design; the analysis and logical design of business

processes and management information systems focusing on the systems development life cycle; techniques for logical system


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Business Data Communications

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Mis Core

Concepts and technology of on-line and network-based systems in business; analysis of data communication requirements, design,

selection and application of network technologies including wide and local area networks, distributed processing, network

architecture, and systems management and control; software simulation projects emphasized.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος MIS Project Mgmt and Implementation

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση MIS

Advanced coverage of systems development topics with emphasis on the management and implementation of business computing

systems; group project orientation to include feasibility analysis, alternative evaluation and selection, and management approval; use

of software engineering tools where appropriate.

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Επιλογής Τίτλος Μαθήματος Groupware and Collaborative Technology

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Management of IT

Theory, application, and human and organizational issues of groupware and collaborative technologies as they apply to collocated

and dispersed team members working together. Introduction to groupware, virtual teams, and collaboration technology.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Global Information Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Management of IT

Impact and the central role of information systems (IS) on globalization of business; issues of deployment of information systems

and technology in international commerce, global IS environmental variables such as technology, legal, political, economic, social

and cultural.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος E-Services

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Management of IT

Examines the deployment and utilization of information technologies by businesses, governments, and not-for-profit organizations to

deliver services with applications in banking and financial advisory services, healthcare, and federal, state and local governments.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Business Information Security

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση E-Security Consultant

Explores the business, managerial , and technological aspects of information security; analysis, design, and implementation issues

surrounding effective information security; authentication, authorization, availability, business continuity planning, confidentiality,

disaster recovery, encryption, firewalls, fraud protection, security policy development, integrity, risk management, virus protection,

VPNs and wireless security.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Business Component Design and Development

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Enterprise Infrastucture

Analysis and design of large application systems using component technologies; code and design reuse emphasized; issues of

metadata, software repositories, DCOM and CORBA discussed.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Advanced Software Development Environments

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Enterprice Infrastructure

Design and development of business information systems in a modern software development environment; integration of database,

systems analysis and design, programming and project management concepts; project-orientation with heavy emphasis on

teamwork and individual initiative. Classification 6 students may not enroll in this course.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος E-Commerce Technologies

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση E-Commerce Infrastucture

Theory and application of constructing e-commerce sites, including n-tier architecture and technologies, web servers, server

interactions with databases, and transaction managers.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος E-Business

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση E-Commerce Infrastrucure

Survey of concepts of electronic business including technical, organizational, societal and legal issues; relevance to modern

business enterprises. Classification 6 students may not enroll in this course.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος E-Commerce: Auctions, Contracts and Exchanges.

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση E-Commerce Infrastructure

Design and implementation of contract mechanisms, auctions, and internet exchanges for business-to-business transactions; tools

for dealing with these issues developed as well as an understanding of what issues are critical to the successful implementation of

virtual vertical integration. Prerequisite: G7 classification or approval of instructor.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Customer Relationship Mgmt and Technologies

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Customer Relationship Management

Theory and application of information technology in customer relationship management, construction of CRM infrastructures in


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Data Warehousing

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Business Intelligence

Provides an understanding of the process by which a data warehouse system is designed and developed along with the underlying

concepts and software systems; includes OLAP models and their differences with standard OLTP models.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Business Computing Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση -Enterprise Infrastructure - and - E-Security Consultant -

Survey discussion of different hardware, file systems, data structures and actual use of computer operating systems such as

Windows, Linux/Unix environments.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Business Data Mining

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση - Business Intelligence - and - Data Analytics -

Rationale for business data mining through case studies of business applications; process of data mining by using commercial data

mining software on very large data sets; half of the course devoted to lab training in the use of data mining software including SAS

Enterprise Miner and SPSS Clementine.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Fundamentals of Business Programming

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Business application development using both procedural and object-oriented programming techniques. Use of component based

software design and development for distributed business software systems.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Professional Internship

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

A directed internship in an organization to provide students with on-the-job training with professionals in organizational settings

appropriate to the student's professional objectives. May be repeated for credit.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Directed Studies

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Directed study on selected problems using recent developments in business research methods. Classification 6 students may not

enroll in this course.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Special Topics in...

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Selected topics in identified area of information systems, operations management or management science.

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New York University - Leonard N. Stern School of Business M.B.A. Program in Information Systems

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Υποχρεωτικά Τίτλος Μαθήματος Competitive Advantage From Operations

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course serves as an introduction to Operations Management. We approach the discipline from the perspective of the general

manager, rather then from that of the operations specialist. The coverage is very selective: We concentrate on a small number of

powerful themes that have emerged recently as the central building blocks of world-class operations. We also present a sample of

operations management tools and techniques that have been proved extremely useful over the years. The topics discussed are

equally relevant in the manufacturing and service sectors.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Foundations of Finance

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course is about financial markets: financial assets (securities) and how they are valued and traded. Financial markets constitute

the financial environment in which the firm operates. Although much of what we cover is relevant to personal finance and corporate

finance (that is, financial decisions within the firm), these areas are not the primary focus of the course. For the most part, we take

the viewpoint of a user of the financial market: an investor, investment advisor, or someone using the market to hedge risk.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Marketing

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course introduces you to the concepts and skills you need to create and critique effective marketingstrategy. This course is

designed for all Stern students, regardless of their majors. Businesspeople in allareas need a solid understanding of marketing

strategy to succeed. Simply put - Effective marketing strategy satisfies consumer needs and creates consumer value while allowing thefirm to achieve its objectives. Usually the firm's ultimate objective is profit, but not-for-profit and government organizations are alsomajor economic forces. Firms

need customers who believe the firm satisfies their needs better thancompetitors - otherwise it will go out of business and the rest of

business strategy is pointless. Forsimplicity this syllabus refers to a firm's offering as a "product," but this can refer to a tangible

product ora service. Marketing strategy covers several kinds of activities, each of which affects the others. Firms must resistthe temptation to focus on

one of these at the expense of the others. This creates an ineffective,unbalanced marketing strategy. Firms need to create a

balanced, coordinated marketing mix, where allelements of its marketing strategy work together. Marketing strategy also requires

combining qualitativeand quantitative analysis. This course will give you experience in coordinating the marketing mix andcombining

quantitative and qualitative analysis.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Firms and Markets

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course will employ the marginal analysis and the consumers-firms-markets perspectives provided by economics principles to

enhance your understanding of the business environments in which you will be working and the important strategic issues that arise

in those environments. Issues of when and how markets work, when and how market failures can arise, and the consequences and

opportunities for enterprises in those environments will be prominent.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Financial Accounting and Reporting

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Describes financial reporting objectives and methods used by corporations. Focuses on the analysis of the information in corporate

financial statements, including the impact of alternative accounting procedures and assumptions. Offers ways to adjust for selected

reporting differences. Discusses applications using cross-sectional and time series analysis. Case studies (including firms with

international operations), computer databases, and computer-based assignments may be used. An understanding of basic financial

concepts is recommended

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Statistics & Data Analysis

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The course is designed to achieve an understanding of fundamental notions of data presentation and analysis and to use statistical

thinking in the context of business problems. The course deals with modern methods of data exploration (designed to reveal

unusual or problematic aspects of data bases), the uses and abuses of the basic techniques of inference, and the use of regression

as a tool for management and for financial analysis

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Global Economy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course is about the economic performance of countries. Why are some countries are rich, and others poor? Why do poor

countries sometimes catch up, and rich countries sometimes fall behind? Why do all countries experience variation in their growth

rates? Why do countries occasionally experience financial panics or crises? These questions form the core of the field of

macroeconomics. As we work our way through them, we will consider the impact on performance of saving and investment,

productivity, capital and labor markets, legal and political institutions, monetary and fiscal policies, and international lows of goods

and capital.

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Επιλογής Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information and Internet Technologies

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course introduces the technology concepts underlying current and future information systems, with an emphasis on Internet-

related technologies. It begins with the fundamentals of computer systems, databases, and networking. Special emphasis is given

to technologies that underlie the World Wide Web and e-commerce, including HTML, XML, emerging interoperability standards,

security, search, information retrieval, agent technologies, data warehousing, and data mining. It provides both a refresher to basic

concepts as well as coverage of cutting-edge technologies. It assumes no prior knowledge of technology or programming, beyond

experience with personal computers. Course requirements include homework assignments and a term paper.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Online Privacy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Privacy issues have been getting increasing attention from lawmaker, regulators, and the media. As a result, businesses are under

increasing pressure to draft privacy policies and post them on their Web sites. Chief privacy officers are becoming essential

members of many enterprises, and companies are taking proactive steps to avoid the potential reputation damage of a privacy

mistake. This course provides an overview of online privacy issue, privacy laws, and privacy-related technologies and self-

regulatory efforts. Students study the approaches that companies are taking to address their customers online privacy concerns, as

well as review recent privacy blunders. Students also gain an understanding of both privacy-invading and privacy-enhancing

technologies. Students are prepared to assess the privacy practices of organizations in order to document these practices in privacy

policies (including P3P policies) and to evaluate the implications of these practices for the organization.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Global Outsourcing Strategy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Exporting of white-collar jobs is receiving increasing attention both at business and political levels. Whether you are a proponent or

an opponent of this trend, you need to know how to make sound decisions about your global sourcing strategy. This course focuses

on Information Technology (IT) outsourcing, currently the largest area of global professional services outsourcing. It will draw

comparisons between IT, business processing outsourcing (BPO), and infrastructure outsourcing. The course covers two broad

areas: (1) global sourcing models and (2) the design and implementation of a sourcing strategy. It draws on economics and

management theories as well as real-world examples from management practice. The goal is to help identify the challenges of

global sourcing as well as the costs, risks, rewards, and strategies involved in making sourcing decisions. Students are given an

opportunity to research a topic of their choice in the area of global sourcing.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Digital Markets and E-Commerce

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The goal of this course is to help business students: 1. Understand the fundamental principles of digital markets and digital goods 2. Understand current and future developments in digital markets 3. Identify the key decisions they need to make as managers about e-commerce 4. Plan and implement corporate e-commerce strategies The course will focus on changes in firms, industries, markets, and social behavior which are related to the growth of the Internet

and e-commerce. Where appropriate, we will seek to extrapolate are findings to the next five years. What will the economy and

society be like in 2010?

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Electronic Communities

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Substantial increase in household Internet connections has led to a dramatic rise in the number of people participating in large,

Internet-enabled groups outside the work context. Many are organized around recreation and entertainment; some are organized

around civic and political issues; some around personal needs for support or advice; and some around technical topics. With the

publication of Net Gain in 1997 and the growth in Linux and other open-course technologies came the realization that these groups

could be shaped into a source of business value. The goals of this course are to introduce students to varieties of electronic

communities; to provide frameworks for evaluating their usability and sociability; and to evaluate alternative business and technology

models for electronic communities. Students complete individual assignments based on the readings and complete a group

assignment based on an a-nalysis of electronic communities.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Computer and Network Security

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

As enterprises become increasingly reliant on electronic media and communication, the protection of data and electronic

infrastructure becomes critical important. Incidences of security failures in commercial and noncommercial environments are

increasing in number and severity. Hence, it is essential that enterprises continually develop and refine security strategies that

reflect the changing uses of information technology. This course introduces basic concepts of computer and network security, with

an emphasis on the threats and countermeasures relevant to Internet and Web services. Students are prepared to evaluate the

security needs of organizations and to develop strategies to address these needs. The requirements and design of security

technologies are reviewed, and case studies are presented.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Technology and Strategy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The course explores the role of information technology (IT) in corporate strategy with specific attention paid to the Internet. Different

Internet business models are identified and are used to explain competitive practices. Cases and lectures illustrate how technology

is used to gain and sustain a competitive advantage. The course also describes different Internet technology infrastructures and

identifies issues in managing a firm's technology as a strategic asset.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Risk Management Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

In today’s world of complex financial engineering, rising volatility, and regulatory oversight, prudent management increasingly

requires understanding, measuring, and managing risk. Banks, securities dealers, asset managers, insurance companies, and firms

with significant financing operations all require real-time, enterprise-wide risk management systems for handling market, credit, and

operational risk. Such systems establish standards for aggregating disparate information, including positions and market data and

operational risk, calculating consistent risk measures, and creating timely reporting tools. This course is directed toward both finance

and technology oriented students who are interested in understanding how large-scale risk systems need to be evaluated, acquired,

architected, and managed. It identifies the business and technical issues, regulatory requirements, and techniques to measure and

report risk across an organization or market.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Customer Relationship Management Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Managing customer relationships is increasingly about having the right systems that provide the right electronic and human touch

points to customers. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems encompass both software applications and business

strategies that anticipate, interpret, and respond to the needs of current and prospective customers. They allow organizations to

identify, acquire, serve, and retain profitable customers in interacting with the right customers and providing to them the right offers,

through the right channel and at the right time. To achieve such functionality, it is important to have the right mixture of people,

processes, and technologies. Modern CRM systems are becoming increasingly more dependent on the right mixtures of

technologies and systems that deliver the functionality described above. This course focuses in depth on such technologies and

systems. In particular, it covers the systems supporting operational CRM, e.g., the systems that automate front-office customer

interactions in sales, marketing, and customer service as well as systems supporting analytical CRM, i.e., the systems that analyze

customer activities captured by operational CRM and that provide actionable knowledge about the customers. These technologies

include databases, customer-centric warehouses, business intelligence, personalization, data mining, decision support, customer

tracking, and profiling technologies. The course also examines how all thee CRM technologies enable the functionalities and

business strategies described above.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Design and Development of Web-Based Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The World Wide Web and the new technologies and standards surrounding it have dramatically changed the way systems are

developed and used in organizations and markets. This course covers the issues and concepts in developing data-driven Web sites.

Students evaluate a variety of different Web development approaches and architectures, including the common gateway interface

model, Java, Active Server Pages, Dot Net, and Web Services. A variety of alternative development approaches are compared,

looking at issues such as the development environment and the security, performance, scalability, and maintainability of systems

developed with the different approaches. The class is divided into student teams. Each team implements a small system using one

of the supported technologies and evaluates their experience. Students should have the ability to build a simple Web page and be

proficient with common Microsoft office business applications, especially ACCESS. There is light programming, which is used as an

example of how to build dynamic Web pages for B2C and B2B sites. Assignments include both Active Server Pages as well as

J2EE. Unix, Windows 2000, and Linux platforms are available to host projects.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Data Mining and Business Intelligence

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Businesses, governments, and society leave behind massive trails of data as a by-product of their activity. Increasingly, decision

makers rely on intelligent systems to analyze these data systematically and assist them in their decision making. In many cases,

automating the decision-making process is necessary because of the speed with which new data are generated. This course

connects real-world data to decision making. Cases from finance, marketing, and operations are used to illustrate applications of a

number of data visualization, statistical, and machine learning methods. The latter include induction, neural networks, genetic

algorithms, clustering, nearest neighbor algorithms, case-based reasoning, and Bayesian learning. The use of real-world cases is

designed to teach students how to avoid the common pitfalls of data mining, emphasizing that proper applications of data mining

techniques is as much an art as it a science. In addition to the cases, the course features Excelbased exercises and the use of data

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mining software. Real-world datasets are included as an optional data mining exercise for students interested in hands-on

experimentation. The course is suitable for those interested in working with and getting the most out of data as well as those

interested in understanding data mining from a strategic business perspective. It will change the way you think about data in


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Managing the Digital Firm

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The central question addressed in this course is "How can managers maximize the business value of IT investments?" Investment

in information technology in the United States--and other industrialized countries--has risen to 35 percent of all business capital

investment (50 percent of various complimentary investments are included). These investments in IT are changing the way we

manage people and organize business in a global environment. Managers of digital firms need to identify the challenges facing their

firms; discover the technologies that will help them meet these challenges; design business processes to take advantage of the

technology; and create management procedures and policies to implement the required changes. This course prepares you to make

these important decisions and to manage effectively in a digital environment. Cases are drawn from financial service, consumer

products, retail and wholesale distribution, and manufacturing firms. Speakers from Microsoft, IBM, SAP, Siebel, Oracle,

PeopleSoft, AsMe.com, Google, and other firms are an integral part of the course.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Financial Information Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

As financial markets become more electronic and more liquid, a higher degree of knowledge about systems and analytics is required

in order to compete. This course teaches students how modern financial markets function as a network of systems and information

flows, and how to use information technology for decision making in trading and managing customer relationships. Information

systems serve two purposes in the financial industry. First, they facilitate markets and their supporting services such as payment,

settlement, authentication, and representation. Second, they facilitate or engage in making decisions such as when and how much to

invest in various instruments and markets. The first part of the course describes how systems facilitate various kinds of payment and

settlement mechanisms, enable financial markets such as exchanges and ECNs, and support inter-institution communication. The

second part of the course describes how traders, analysts, and risk managers use systems to cope with the vast amounts of data on

the economy, markets, and customers that flow into their systems each day. It covers automated trading systems and other types of

customer-oriented analytic systems that are becoming increasingly intelligent in how they make or support decisions. The course

features a mix of case studies, Excel-based illustrations and assignments, and the latest industry tools. It is particularly suited for

finance and marketing students interested in understanding information technologies in financial services from a practical career


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Business Process Design and Implementation

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course focuses on the design, management, and implementation of IT-supported business processes. The evolution of

information technology and the near ubiquity of the Internet give business firms the opportunity to completely redesign their business

processes, to develop systems faster, and to implement systems in entirely new ways. Topics covered include business process

analysis and design, implementation, change management, and performance measurement systems. Relevant technologies include

Web-based application service providers, workflow management systems, knowledge management systems, and enterprise

systems. Students learn how to analyze a business problem, design new business processes, and manage the implementation

process. They also gain an understanding of the technology support structure required for successful implementation of

organizational and interorganizational processes.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Data Governance

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

How much is your data worth? What are the probabilities of risk? How much should you spend to protect your data from theft,

fraud, abuse, and regulatory fines? Who is using your data, inside your company, with business partners, outsourcers, offshore,

why, and when? What policies do you need? How do you govern them? These are key questions that every business executive

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needs to answer today because data is the raw material of economic growth, and Data Governance is a strategic imperative. There are a lot of myths about Governance. It is not a technology, not something new, not very hard to do, but hard to do very well.

Effective Data Governance is a culture of organizational behavior that mitigates risk. It is as much about self-control as it is about

quality control, the rule of law and the architecture of regulation. It is the process of balancing appropriate access to information to maximize value creation with control and discipline to manage risk.

How an organization strikes that balance impacts employees, customers, business partners, citizens, political institutions, and global

networks. Governing data well is a critical challenge for businesses today.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Advanced Technologies for Business Applications

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course provides a thorough examination of several key technologies that enable major advances in e-business and other high-

tech industries, and explores the new business opportunities that these technologies create. For each of these technologies, it

provides an overview of the "space" corresponding to this class, examines who the major players are, and how they use these

technologies. Students then study the underlying technologies; examine the business problems to which they can be applied; and

discuss how these problems are solved. Key companies in the "spaces" created by these technologies are also studied: what these

companies do; which technologies they use; how these technologies support their critical applications; and how these companies

compete and collaborate among themselves. Moreover, the course examines possible future directions and trends for the

technologies being studied; novel applications that they enable; and how high-tech companies can leverage applications of these

technologies. This is an advanced course, and it is intended for the students who have already acquired basic knowledge of

technical concepts and who want to advance their knowledge of technologies beyond the basics and to further develop an

understanding of the dynamics of the "spaces" associated with these technologies.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Managing Financial Businesses

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

For second-year students. May be counted as a finance or nonfinance elective. This course looks at the management of financial service organizations during periods of rapid regulatory, cultural, and technical

change. The focus is on issues as perceived by top executives. Particular industries and firms are selected for case study

exploration. Three main themes are examined: strategy and its execution, managing culture, and managing technology. Classes

are a combination of lectures, case studies, and outside speakers.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Electronic Commerce: Management in Digital Markets

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Digital markets have profound differences from traditional markets. For instance, copies of digital goods can be produced at almost

zero cost, and online markets enable buyers to easily compare the offerings of many different sellers. The goal of this course is to

provide students with a fundamental understanding of digital markets and to equip them with the concepts and principles necessary

to understand current and future developments in digital markets; to separate the value from the hype; and to function in and take

advantage of these markets. The first half of the course focuses on the markets for digital goods such as software, news, music, or

movies, which can be delivered through the Internet, and covers their delivery infrastructure, pricing, digital rights management, and

economics. The second half of the course focuses on online marketplaces, covering consumer search, advertising, product

differentiation and customization, competitive dynamics, and the impact of the Internet on industry structure, organizations, markets,

and business-to-business commerce.

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Purdue University Master of Science in Technology (TECH)

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Υποχρεωτικά Τίτλος Μαθήματος Local Area Networking And Systems Administration

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Telecommunication and Networking

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Local Area Networks (LANs). Topics include the study of LAN communication

protocols, the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) model, client/server operating system architectures, basic security services, and

introductory systems administration concepts.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Data Communications

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Telecommunication and Networking

This course provides an introduction to both Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs). Modem technology,

standards, and practices are explored. Three architectural models are used to illustrate protocol relationships and operational

characteristics of both packet and circuit switched networks. Business issues from both provider and user perspectives are

discussed. Current technology and trends in each architectural element are reviewed.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Introduction To C++ Language Programming

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Telecommunication and Networking

This course is an introduction to C++ language programming for persons with prior programming experience. Course topics include

data types, control flow, operators and expressions, and an introduction to class construction including other object-oriented

concepts and constructs. Applications are designed for business, manufacturing, or technology, depending on audience.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Programming II

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Telecommunication and Networking

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Internetwork Design And Implementation

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Telecommunication and Networking

This is an advanced course in network architecture. Students learn to design and implement wide area network systems capable of

simultaneously transporting packet-switched and circuit-switched, voice, multi-protocol data, and video. An emphasis is placed on

the integration of diverse communications technologies, while considering the effect of engineering decisions on business

performance. These learning outcomes are reinforced in the laboratory setting.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Programming I

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Telecommunication and Networking

Introduction to computers and software, primitive types, strings, input, output, flow of control, classes, objects, methods, arrays,

inheritance, exception handling, recursion, abstract data types, collections framework, streams and file I/O, reusable software, and

event-driven programming. The programming language used is Java. Intended primarily for students majoring in computer sciences.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Measurement and Evaluation in Industry and Technology

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Technology

An introduction to measurement strategies in industrial, technical, and human resource development environments. The evaluation

of measurement outcomes will be the primary focus of the course.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Analysis of Research in Industry and Technology

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Technology

Analysis of research and evaluation of research reports. Emphasis on understanding the application of fundamental statistical

methods in design and interpretation of research findings in industrial, technical, and human resource development environments.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Quality and Productivity in Industry and Technology

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Technology

Examines the contemporary issues of continuous improvement in quality and productivity in manufacturing and service industries.

Includes a close examination of the evolving philosophies bearing on the scope, improvement, and costs of quality assurance

programs in industry and technology.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Technology Architecture

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Systems / IS-Tecnology Management / IS-Education and Training /

Telecommunications and Networking

A conceptual and technological survey of information technology architectures inclusive of operating systems, network operating

systems, distributed systems architectures, and distributed application architectures. Interoperability between these architectural

components is explored. Current technology and trends in each architectural element are reviewed.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Systems Analysis and Design Methods

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Systems / IS-Tecnology Management / IS-Education and Training

Comprehensive introduction to information systems development. Topics include the systems analyst, the systems development life

cycle, methodologies, development technology, systems planning, project management, systems analysis, systems design, systems

implementation, and systems support. Introduction to tools and techniques for systems development.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Database Fundamentals

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Systems / IS-Tecnology Management / IS-Education and Training

A study of relational database concepts. These concepts include data design, modeling, and normalization; the use of Structured

Query Language (SQL) to define, manipulate, and test the database; programmatic access to a database and practical issues that

database developers must handle.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Programming with Data Structures

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Systems / IS-Tecnology Management / IS-Education and Training

This course introduces programming techniques used to develop dynamic Internet and intranet applications. Topics include client-

side scripting, server-side scripting, and their appropriate use. The students will gain practical experience using contemporary

scripting technologies in laboratory-based assignments

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Programming with Objects

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Systems / IS-Tecnology Management / IS-Education and Training

This course introduces visual, object-oriented application development and programming. Topics include software engineering

methods; problem solving and algorithm development; control structures; objects and events; user interface construction;

programming correctness verification and validation and data structures and processing. Student projects involve user interface

construction, simple file/database/object searches and updates, and report generation.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Introduction to Systems Development

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Systems / IS-Tecnology Management / IS-Education and Training

This course introduces information systems development. Topics include types of information systems, system development,

database management systems, and problem solving. Students will read/create UML, ERD, and data flow diagrams to model

information system objects, data, processes, and logic. Labs emphasize modeling and SQL/QBE querying to prepare students for

later systems, programming, and database classes. Given user requirements students will design, construct, and test a personal

computer information system.

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Επιλογής Τίτλος Μαθήματος Workshop In Computer Technology

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Telecommunications and Networking Technology

Advanced study of technical and professional topics. Emphasis is on new developments relating to technical, operational, and

training aspects of industry and technology education.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Technology Economics

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Technology / Information Systems / Information Systems and Technology Management/

Telecommunications and Networking Technology

Examines the economics of information systems and information technology as it relates to business performance. Topics include

strategic information technology planning, alignment with business planning, value assessment, and performance measurement.

Special emphasis is placed on issues relevant to strategic information technology infrastructure management, both for the

information technology unit as well as the business as a whole.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Developing Instructional Programs for Industry and Technology

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Technology

Emphasis on content priority and sequence, sources and assessment of instructional materials, instructional methods, and pertinent


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Technology from a Global Perspective

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Technology

Introduction to the challenges faced by the practicing technologist when working and interacting with international technical

personnel, both here and abroad, including history, standards, education, and practice of technology outside the United States.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Developing Courses for Industry and Technology

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Technology

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Principles and procedures in planning, organizing, and developing instructional content for industrial, technical, and human resource

development courses.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Management of Information Technology Resources

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Systems / Information Systems and Technology Management /

Telecommunications and Networking Technology

Focuses on the management of information technology (IT) as an organizational asset. Investigates the problems, challenges, and

issues facing IT managers in a rapidly changing, competitive environment. A "best practices" approach to solutions is developed.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Quality Management in Information Technology

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Systems / Information Systems and Technology Management /

Telecommunications and Networking Technology

This course explores quality and productivity models used to ensure quality in information technology systems development

processes. Special emphasis is on learning and understanding process metrics and measurement, as well as initiatives such as

Total Quality Management, Continuous Process Improvement, Six Sigma, and the Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Technology Project Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Systems / Information Systems and Technology Management /

Telecommunications and Networking Technology

Explores the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully initiate, plan, manage, control, and report on information technology

projects. Special emphasis is placed on learning the PMBOK and its practices concerning integration management, scope

management, time management, cost management, quality management, human resource management, communications

management, risk management, and procurement management. Practical examples are used to demonstrate the concepts and

techniques, plus hands-on experience is received by working on a case study.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Organizational Impact of Information Technology

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Systems / Information Systems and Technology Management /

Telecommunications and Networking Technology

Concepts and methods that integrate previous training in functional areas of management. The perspective is that of the general

manager charged with directing the total enterprise. Emphasis is given to formulation and implementation of strategy.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Financial Accounting

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Business Area

The two-course accounting sequence employs a user's perspective on the firm's database. First, the standard accounting model is

developed into a working tool, as no prior study of accounting is assumed. Then illustrative business cases are discussed to show how external reports conform to financial contracts and public regulation.

Public reports primarily directed to investors and creditors are analyzed to reconstruct the economic events and managerial

decisions underlying generally accepted accounting standards.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Managerial Accounting

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Business Area

Oriented to managers, the second course of the accounting core examines the firm's internal systems for costing products or

services and their interpretation. A variety of manufacturing and service industries are studied to demonstrate design of flexible cost

systems to match the firm's technological, competitive and/or multinational environments. Applications to budgeting, variance

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analysis, pricing models, performance evaluation and incentives are demonstrated. Case discussion and analytical "what if" modes

of instruction are used to enhance managerial skills of students. Design and use of accounting data are linked to other subjects in

the program core and to ethical aspects of accounting policy issues.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Financial Management I

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Business Area

Analysis of short-term working capital needs. Cash budgeting procedures, pro forma statements, major types of short-term loan

arrangements, and short-term asset management.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Financial Management II

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Business Area

Long-term capital structure planning, capital budgeting, treatment of uncertainty in investment decisions, security underwriting,

dividend policies, and mergers.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Marketing Management I

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

An integrated analysis of major marketing decisions, including product pricing, advertising, distribution, and sales force policies.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Strategic Management I

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Concepts and methods that integrate previous training in functional areas of management. The perspective is that of the general

manager charged with directing the total enterprise. Emphasis is given to formulation and implementation of strategy.

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The University of Georgia The Master of Internet Technology

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Υποχρεωτικά Τίτλος Μαθήματος MIT Project II

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Continuation of MIST 7590. Software development and implementation for the MIT project. Continuing consultation with the client.

Testing and deployment of software. Presentation to client, faculty, students and public.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος MIT Project I

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Consultation with a client to determine the software need. Planning and design for an enterprise application satisfy client needs.

Initial stages of software development and testing. Project planning and management. Interim reporting. Instruction on cutting edge

topics in Web design and Web software development. The project concludes with a working e-commerce Web application developed

by the team and a presentation of this application to the sponsor, faculty, other students and the public.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Internet Programming II

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Multitier enterprise applications using J2EE technology with enterprise javabeans (EJBs), Java messaging service (JMS) and other

J2EE technologies. Applications that provide or use web services. Architecting enterprise applications using J2EE and other


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Internet Programming I

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Introduction to Java Web applications using servlets and JavaServer pages (JSP). Basic servlet programming, accessing form data,

database access using JDBC, Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL), security and authentication. Deployment and administration of an

application server such as Apache Jakarta Tomcat. Use of an IDE to develop and deploy applications.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Electronic Commerce

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The general notion of electronic commerce and the management and marketing concepts and procedures that apply to electronic

commerce. Principles of electronic commerce, attracting visitors, promotion, distribution, service, pricing, branding, advertising,

consumer behavior, measuring effectiveness, societal effects, disintermediation, reintermediation, and strategy implementation.

Electronic commerce case studies and projects

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Web Design and Usability

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Basic principles of design, information architecture, page layout, color principles and the use of color. Technology and design

principles of Web page construction. HTML, XHTML cascading style sheets (CSS) and JavaScript. Detailed examination of the

document object model

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Object Oriented Systems Analysis

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course covers the principles and application of object oriented design and systems analysis for enterprise applications. The

emphasis is on the use of modeling tools such as UML to design and architect solutions to information technology problems

involving a multitier architecture and distributed processing.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Project Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Fundamentals and practical aspects of project management, especially with regards to managing software development in an e-

commerce environment.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Database Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Database Management Data storage and management principles, data modeling, database management, XML.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Internet Technology

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Introduction to the technologies, protocols and standards of the Internet. Networking basics, tcp/ip, network topologies, the domain

name system, search engines, network security principles, firewalls, encryption, VPNs, multitier architecture, HTTP, FTP and other

network protocols, wireless networks and mobile computing, IP telephony, network administration, basic Linux/UNIX administration

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UC Berkeley School Of Information Master of Information Management and Systems (MIMS)

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Υποχρεωτικά

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Distributed Computing Applications and infrastructure

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Three hours of lecture, one hour of programming laboratory per week. Prerequisites: An introductory programming course in a high-

level language (such as Java, C, or C++) and consent of instructor. Technological foundations for computing and communications: computer architecture, operating system, networking, middleware,

security. Programming paradigms: object-oriented design, design and analysis of algorithms, data structures, formal languages.

Distributed system architectures and models, interprocess communications, concurrency, system performance.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Law and Policy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Four hours of lecture per week (half a semester in duration; offered during the first half of the semester). Law is one of a number of

policies that mediates the tension between free flow and restrictions on the flow of information. This course introduces students to

copyright and other forms of legal protection for databases, licensing of information, consumer protection, liability for insecure

systems and defective information, privacy, and national and international information policy.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Professional Skills Workshop

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

One hour of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. As information and information systems projects have become increasingly

strategic, information workers at all levels and in all environments must demonstrate higher levels of professionalism, not only to

perform their duties competently, but to remain competitive in the job market. This course, in conjunction with the SIMS final project,

gives students insight into the source and best practice of professionalism, and gives students the chance to refine the essential

skills in a simulated but realistic working environment.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Organization and Retrieval

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Three hours of lecture per week. This course introduces the intellectual foundations of information organization and retrieval:

conceptual modeling, semantic representation, vocabulary and metadata design, classification, and standardization, as well as

information organization and retrieval practices, technology, and applications, including computational processes for analyzing

information in both textual and non-textual formats. Students will learn how information organization and retrieval is carried out by

professionals, authors, and users; by individuals in association with other individuals, and as part of the business processes in an

enterprise and across enterprises. This is a required introductory course for SIMS Master's students, integrating perspectives and best practices from a wide range of


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Social and Organizational Issues of Information and Society

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Three hours of lecture per week. The relationship between information and information systems, technology, practices, and artifacts

on how people organize their work, interact, and understand experience. Individual, group, organizational, and societal issues in information production and use, information systems design and

management, and information and communication technologies. Social science research methods for understanding information


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Είδος Μαθημάτων: Επιλογής Τίτλος Μαθήματος Qualitative Research Methods for Information Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Sociology of Information

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Policy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics and Policy

This course will introduce students to policy issues and analytical methods in the areas of information systems, communications,

computing, and media. Economic, political, social, and legal perspectives will be introduced. The specific topics will vary from year to

year and will reflect the current interests of the students and the instructor, but the following list should suggest the range of areas

likely to be covered.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Economic Methods for Decision Making

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics and Policy

Three hours of lecture per week. Using economic methods for management decisions. Understanding costs and pricing.

Microeconomics of information and information organizations. Financial management.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Economics of Information

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics and Policy

Three hours of lecture per week. The measurement and analysis of the role information plays in the economy and of the resources

devoted to production, distribution, and consumption of information. Economic analysis of the information industry. Macroeconomics of information. Enrollment is limited.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Legal Issues in Information Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics and Policy

Three hours of lecture per week. The emergence of global digital networks, such as the Internet, and digital technologies that

enhance human abilities to access, store, manipulate, and transmit vast amounts of information has brought with it a host of new

legal issues that lawyers preparing to practice in the 21st century will need to understand and address. Although many are trying to

"map" existing legal concepts onto problems arising in cyberspace, it is becoming increasingly evident that this strategy sometimes

doesn't work. In some cases, it is necessary to go back to first principles to understand how to accomplish the purposes of existing

law in digital networked environments. The course will explore specific problems in applying law to cyberspace in areas such as

intellectual property, privacy, content control, and the bounds of jurisdiction. Students with familiarity with the Internet and its

resources or with backgrounds in some of the substantive fields explored in this course are especially welcome, but there are no

formal prerequisites. Grades for the course will be based either on a series of short papers or on a supervised term paper.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Intellectual Property Law for the Information Industries

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics and Policy

Three hours of lecture per week. This course will provide an overview of the intellectual property laws with which information

managers need to be familiar. It will start with a consideration of trade secrecy law that information technology and other firms

routinely use to protect commercially valuable information. It will then consider the role that copyright law plays in the legal protection

of information products and services. Although patents for many years rarely were available to protect information innovations,

patents on such innovations are becoming increasingly common. As a consequence, it is necessary to consider standards of

patentability and the scope of protection that patent affords to innovators. Trademark law allows firms to protect words or symbols

used to identify their goods or services and to distinguish them from the goods and services of other producers. It offers significant

protection to producers of information products and services. Because so many firms license intellectual property rights, some

coverage of licensing issues is also important. Much of the course will concern the legal protection of computer software and

databases, but it will also explore some intellectual property issues arising in cyberspace.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Multimedia Information

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Design and Architecture

The course will be divided into three parts: (1) Past. This part is concerned with the history and theory of digital multimedia production. Brief excursions into semiotics, film and

media theory, the history and theory of computation, and computational media theory will provide the underlying basis for the

discussion and evaluation of state-of-the-art systems and concepts, while introductions to video and audio production practice will

give insight into theoretical concepts as well as current production processes. Students will apply their theoretical knowledge in two

hands-on assignments. (2) Present. This part surveys current commercial and academic research systems for media production, editing, annotation,

retrieval, and reuse. Among other things, we will investigate automated media analysis and media asset management as well as

current media standards. Students will write an analysis and critique of an exiting multimedia information system. (3) Future. We will look into the future of digital multimedia information systems including systems that automate and integrate many

aspects of digital media production and reuse. We will discuss and design new concepts as well as next-generation multimedia

information systems and prototypes. Students will work on and present final projects improving an existing system or designing a

new component for a digital multimedia information system.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Principles of Information Retrieval

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Design and Architecture

Three hours of lecture per week. Theories and methods for searching and retrieval of text and bibliographic information. Analysis of

relevance and utility. Statistical and linguistic methods for automatic indexing and classification. Boolean and probabilistic

approaches to indexing, query formulation, and output ranking. Filtering methods. Measures of retrieval effectiveness and retrieval

experimentation methodology. This course is intended to prepare you to understand the underlying theories and algorithms of advanced information retrieval

systems and to introduce the methodology for the design and evaluation of information retrieval systems. The course will introduce

you to the major types of information retrieval systems, the different theoretical foundations underlying these systems, and the

methods and measures that can be used to evaluate them. The course will focus on the both the theoretical aspects of information

retrieval design and evaluation, and will also consider the practical aspects of how these theories have been implemented in actual

systems. These topics will be examined through readings, discussion, hands-on experience using various information retrieval

systems, and through participation in evaluation of different retrieval algorithms on various test collections. The prerequisite for the

course is INFOSYS 202, though this may be waived with the consent of instructor. A good familiarity with computers and

programming is highly desirable.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος User Interface Design and Development

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

Three hours of lecture per week. User interface design and human-computer interaction. Examination of alternative design. Tools

and methods for design and development. Human- computer interaction. Methods for measuring and evaluating interface quality. This course covers the design, prototyping, and evaluation of user interfaces to computers which is often called Human-Computer

Interaction (HCI). It is loosely based on course CS1 described in the ACM SIGCHI Curricula for Human-Computer Interaction

(Association for Computing Machinery, 1992). HCI covers many topics including: 1.Human capabilities (e.g., visual and auditory perception, memory, mental models, and interface metaphors); 2.Interface technology (e.g., input and output devices, interaction styles, and common interface paradigms); and, 3.Interface design methods (e.g., user-centered design, prototyping, and design principles and rules), and interface evaluation (e.g.,

software logging, user observation, benchmarks and experiments). This material is covered through lectures, reading, discussions, homework assignments, and a course project. This course differs

from CS 160 primarily in two ways: 1.There is an emphasis on interfaces for information technology applications; and, 2.There is less emphasis on programming and system development, although some simple prototyping (for example, in visual basic

or using JAVA GUI development tools) may be required. (CS 160 has a big programming project.)

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Visualization and Presentation

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

The design and presentation of digital information. Use of graphics, animation, sound, visualization software, and hypermedia in

presenting information to the user. Methods of presenting complex information to enhance comprehension and analysis.

Incorporation of visualization techniques into human-computer interfaces.Computer visualization is used widely in scientific and

engineering disciplines to help people understand the systems they study, but has only recently begun to be applied to general

information. This course will focus on the use of visualization to enhance comprehension and analysis of structured information such

as text collections, networked systems like the Web, work processes, etc. For examples of what computerized visualization is see:

http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/casa/martin/atlas/atlas.html Much of the relevant work is new and still being researched. For this reason, many of the lectures will be given by guest speakers

with expertise in specialized subareas. Readings and lectures will cover basic visualization principles and tools, and relevant work in the new field of information

visualization. Students will gain hands-on experience with existing tools. All students are expected to participate in class discussion, write a short survey paper or design a graphical presentation, and do a

project. The project will consist either of creating or enhancing a visualization system or technique, or conducting a user study to

evaluate a system or technique. This course is targeted to both SIMS and computer science students. Students must be willing to read papers that contain some

advanced math and must be willing to augment existing programs (using either a scripting language or a standard programming


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information in Society

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση - Information Economics and Policy - and - Sociology of Information -

This semester, this course will be a kind of follow-on the first part of IS204. We will address in more detail some of the topics

introduced in 204, and add others. Topics will include: social/cultural approaches to knowledge and knowledge communities,

emphasizing the collaborative nature of knowledge; computer-mediated knowledge work, including computer-mediated

communication (CMC) and computer supported cooperative work (CSCW); culture and the internet; issues of self and the internet,

including the construction of alternative ‘selves’; and the culture of technology design (with attention to the tensions between

technologists and social scientists). Other possible topics include: gender and technology; technology and the body; and the digital

divide. This class will have a seminar format, with topics determined in part by the interests of the participants. The major product will

be a term paper exploring one or more topics in depth. Recommended for MIMS students, and for graduate students in other departments with an interest in social issues in knowledge

work and information technology. Students with specific interests that you would like to see addressed in the class are encouraged

to email the instructor.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Computer-Based Communications Systems and Networks

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση - Information Assurance- and -Information Design and Architecture -

This is an introductory networking course intended to provide students with a detailed understanding of computer-based

communications and networking technologies and how they are used in distributed information systems. Topics include:

communications fundamentals, transmission media, networking technologies (e.g., LAN and WAN), network protocols (e.g., TCP/IP,

HTTP), routing, socket programming, Internet economics and policy-making. The course will include lectures, readings and

discussions, student projects and presentations, and examinations.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Strategic Computing and Communications Technology

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση - Information Assurance - and - Information Economics and Policy -

Factors strongly impacting the success of new computing and communications products and services (based on underlying

technologies such as electronics and software) in commercial applications. Technology trends and limits, economics,

standardization, intellectual property, government policy, and industrial organizations. Strategies to manage the design and

marketing of successful products and services.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Database Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση - Information Assurance - and - Information Design and Architecture -

Three hours of lecture per week. This course is concerned with the use of Database Management Systems (DBMS) to solve a wide

range of information storage, management and retrieval problems, in organizations ranging from large corporations to personal

applications, such as research data management. The course combines the practical aspects of DBMS use with more theoretical

discussions of database design methodologies and the "internals" of database systems. A significant part of the course will require students to design their own database and implement it on different DBMS that run on

different computer systems. We will use both ACCESS and ORACLE. In the theoretical portion of the course, we will examine the major types or data models of DBMS (hierarchical, network, relational,

and object-oriented). We will discuss the principles and problems of database design, operation, and maintenance for each data


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Document Engineering

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση - Information Assurance - and - Information Design and Architecture -

Three hours of lecture per week. This course introduces the discipline of Document Engineering: specifying, designing, and

deploying electronic documents and information repositories that enable document-centric applications. These applications include

web services, virtual enterprises, information supply chains, single-source publishing, and syndication. Course topics include developing requirements, analyzing existing documents and information sources, conceptual modeling,

identifying reusable components, modeling business processes and user interactions, applying patterns to make models more

robust, representing models using XML schemas, and using XML models to implement and drive applications. Document Engineering has much in common with the field of Information Architecture, but extends its scope beyond web site and

web application design. It is complementary to User Interface Design and Development (IS 213), taking an "inside out" or

"information driven" perspective on many of the same design issues addressed from the "outside in" by the latter.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Privacy, Security, and Cryptography

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση - Information Assurance - and - Information Design and Architecture -

This course will survey results in computer security, cryptography, and privacy, with an emphasis on work done in the last 3 years.

Student projects (creative work, demonstrations, or literature reviews) will form a substantial portion of the course work. Prerequisite:

IS 206 (Distributed Systems) or a strong background in distributed systems.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Group and Organizational Approaches to Information System Use

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση - Human-Computer Interaction - and - Sociology of Information -

This course explores the relationship between organizations and the development and use of information technology and systems. It

presumes that organizational models reflect the opportunities created by information technology and the changing institutional

context. We will compare the implications of different organizational models for knowledge and information flows, learning within and

between organizations, and learning between organizations and their environment. Case materials will draw from private and public

sector organizations as well as professional, educational and other non-profit organizations. We will devote special attention to

organizational transformations associated with new models of innovation and the “network” or knowledge economy. The course is recommended for MIMS students, SIMS Ph.D. students, and graduate students in other departments with an interest

in the relationship between information technology and the transformation of organizations.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Needs Assessment and Evaluation of Information Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση - Human-Computer Interaction - and - Information Design and Archtecture -

This course addresses concepts and methods of needs and usability assessment. The emphasis will be on understanding users'

needs and practices and translating them into design decisions. Topics to be covered include: methods of identifying and describing

user needs and requirements; user centered design; and evaluation of information systems. We will practice a number of major

usability assessment methods, including heuristic evaluation, surveys and focus groups, and naturalistic/ethnographic methods.

Finally, we will discuss methods of bringing needs and usability assessment into the design process. This course is appropriate for both 1st and 2nd-year MIMS students, and for students from other departments with a strong interest

in user-based design and assessment, with the instructor's permission. Students will complete at least one major group project

related to needs assessment and evaluation. Second-year MIMS students may use this project to meet their capping project


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University of Arizona, Eller college of Management Master's degree in Management Information Systems (MIS)

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Υποχρεωτικά

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Introduction to Information Systems Analysis and Design

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course introduces the basic steps in engineering an Information System. An overview of techniques for analysis, design and

overall software lifecycle management is presented. Structured Analysis, basic object oriented analysis and development of large-

scale Systems Architectures are presented in the context of business process reengineering of enterprise information systems.

Recent advances in managerial practices and software technologies are discussed. Students are expected to do a semester-long

project to learn the application of these basic methodologies in real-world settings

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Business Communication

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course is an overview of the methods, processes, and functions necessary for effective communication in today's high tech,

global marketplace. The goals for this course are to develop an understanding of the need for and the requisite skills of competent

communication in both the physical and electronic environments

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Data Base Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The course introduces the student to fundamentals of database analysis, design and implementation. Emphasis is on practical

aspects of design and development. Topics covered include: conceptual design of databases using the entity relationship model,

relational design and normalization. SQL and PL/SQL, web based database design, and implementation using Oracle or some other

modern Database Management System. Students are required to work with a local client organization in designing and implementing

a web based database application. Additional technology related to data warehouses, knowledge discovery and distributed

databases is covered as well. Students will acquire hands-on-experience with a state-of-the-art database management system and

web-based development tools as well as Java/C/C++.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Business Foundations for Information Technology

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course will many business foundations in support of MIS students in the MS program. In today's environment, IT solutions have

to support the competitive needs of organizations and recognize the inter-organizational nature of business processes. In addition,

the IT solutions have to support the financial well-being of a firm as well as its responsibility to various stakeholders.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Web Computing and Mining

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course introduces data structures and algorithms that are suited for developing Internet-based information systems in business

intelligence, search engines, digital libraries, knowledge management systems, web/data/text mining, national security, and

biomedical informatics. The course contains lectures, readings, programming assignments, lab sessions, and a large-scale hands-on

system development project. The course will begin with select fundamental yet useful data structures (e.g., stacks, queues, lists,

trees, and graphs) and sorting and searching algorithms. Newer and more robust web/data/text mining algorithms (e.g., neural

networks, decision trees, genetic algorithms, spreading activation, information retrieval, natural language processing) are then

introduced in the context of modern and emerging information systems in business, engineering, and bioinformatics.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Organizations, Privacy and Security

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

In this course, we will explore how data is captured and used, security techniques for protecting data, and the managerial and

governance policy implications for both the private and public sector.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος IT Strategy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course is intended to provide students exposure to the issues and challenges that both users and systems professionals face

within the IT management arena as part of a firm.s business and IT strategy. The goals are for students to learn how to plan IT

options to address competitive needs, analyze business systems using reengineering methods, investigate IT options for acquisition,

design, and implementation, and develop change management strategies using innovation and learning based theories.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Problem Definition and Project Plan

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Defining a problem for an MS Project requires an understanding of the context within which the problem is articulated, stake

holders involved in and impacted by the problem scope and its potential resolution, and getting their buy-in to put the

resources needed to solve the problem. This course investigates the technologies used to document and scope the

problem, identify the financial, people and time resources needed to solve the problem, and develop a project plan using

Microsoft Project. Specific attention will be paid to understanding potential pitfalls or risks that will delay the project and

contingency plans to address these risks.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Software Design

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

In this course, you will learn to model problems, and then implement those models as object-oriented systems. The course will begin

with a discussion of techniques and notations for object-oriented modeling. Building on the modeling techniques we develop, we will

then discuss strategies for implementing reusable and extensible systems. Although topics will vary in response to new technologies,

you will learn a core set of skills including polymorphic code construction, the use of inheritance and composition and design


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Introduction to Enterprise Computing Environments

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems represent an integrated strategy for the management of information among an

organization, its suppliers and its customers. Topics discussed will include the enabling information architecture, functional

characteristics of ERP environments, alternatives to integrated ERP environments, and the impact of ERP implementations on

business processes.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Workflow Technologies and E-Commerce Applications

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The fundamental objective of workflow technologies is to automate the routing, monitoring, and control of business processes. A

workflow system provides software tools that enable the specification and maintenance of the organizational model, the process

map, the process constraints, and the process monitoring and control rules. E-commerce embeds many business processes that are

transforming company relationships. Workflow technologies provide the right concepts and tools for e-commerce automation. This

course will enable the students to develop a prototype workflow system in a particular application domain

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Project Execution and Presentation

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Successful execution of a project not only starts with a clear articulation of the problem and the development of a project plan, but a

careful execution of each step, monitoring the status for potential deviations and putting resources needed to bring the project on

track, if there are delays. In addition, the project execution, depending on the nature of the project may require extensive research,

prototype system development, and/or in-depth case analysis. The course uses class lectures to reinforces various methods in

conducting research, prototype application development and case analysis, and ensures that the students stay focused on the

project execution through status reports, intermediate and final presentations (both oral and written) and engage in knowledge

sharing for lessons learned.

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University of California Irvine,

Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science

General M.S. Degree

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Υποχρεωτικά Τίτλος Μαθήματος Data Structures

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Theory

Introduction; binary and leftist heaps Binomial and Fibonacci heaps Binary search trees Splay trees; persistence suffix trees hashing lowest common ancestors; augmenting data structures cutting and linking trees Study problems on LCAs and cutting and linking trees geometric searching Study problems on segment and interval treesunion find

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Analysis of Algorithms

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Theory

1. Recursion 2. Evaluation of relations 3. Dynamic programming 4. Greedy algorithms 5. Trees 6. Pattern matching 7. NP-

completeness 8. Approximation algorithms 9. Randomization, probabilistic algorithms

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Fundamentals of the Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Theory

Review of O-notation and algorithm analysis. Graphs, graph representation, and traversal. See also Guido van Rossum's essay on

graph representation in Python. Shortest paths.Network flow.Matching.Dynamic programming.

Longest common subsequences, change-making problem, optimal triangulation. Greedy algorithms. Huffman coding, minimum spanning trees, approximate traveling salesman and set cover. Linear programming.NP-completeness: definitions. NP-completeness: Cook's theorem and satisfiability. Thanksgiving day. NP-completeness: Example reductions. Case study: truck scheduling algorithms. Branch and bound.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Principles of Data Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Software and Systems

This course provides students with an introduction to the design of databases and the use of database management systems for

applications. We will cover the entity relationship (E/R) approach to database design. We will cover the relational data model,

mapping E/R designs to relations, relational design theory, abstract query language such as relational algebra, and programming in

SQL. Students will get exposure to how relational database management systems are used to implement a database. Time

permitting, we will also consider advanced database management features such as object-oriented and object-relational database

systems. This course is aimed at database design and use of database management systems in implementing database


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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Software Engineering

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Software and Systems

This class is a graduate survey of software engineering topics. The instructors assume basic background in software engineering as

well as some experience in developing software systems. For example, the course assumes knowledge the following basic ideas:

software engineering principles (such as abstraction and information hiding), software development phases (e.g., requirements

analysis, design, implementation), software development processes (such as the waterfall and spiral models), software design

methodologies (such as object-oriented design), software testing and analysis strategies, and project management issues (e.g., chief

programmer teams). Students unfamiliar with this area are advised to take ICS 121, as this course will not repeat basic material, but

rather will focus on issues at the frontier of software engineering. At the end of the class, students should be knowledgeable about

what key problems are currently being pursued by software researchers and what key approaches are being proposed and

investigated, as well as be familiar with the work of many of the leading software researchers.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Human-Computer Interaction

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Software and Systems

This course gives an introduction to human-computer interaction with an emphasis on user interface and interaction design.

Students learn about HCI theory, guidelines for good interface and interaction design, user needs and task analysis, and selected

HCI research topics

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Advanced Compiler Construction

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Software and Systems

This is a graduate course on advanced compiler construction. Two developments are driving the need for new techniques of programming language implementation: New hardware architectures (such as RISC and VLIW) require more complex optimizations than their predecessors. We discuss

essential optimization techniques such as redundancy elimination, register allocation, and instruction scheduling. New programming languages (such as Java) provide novel features that need to be implemented efficiently. We examine advanced

language-implementation topics such as type-directed dispatch, garbage collection, dynamic linking, and just-in-time code

generation. These topics will be introduced in class alongside a programming project, in which students have the opportunity of applying their

new knowledge in practice.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Distributed Computer Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Software and Systems

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Introduction to Embedded & Ubiquitous Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Architecture/CAD/Hardware

Increasing integration of communications, multimedia and processing and relentless digitization of data (including even RF data)

continues to expand the scope and complexity of embedded systems. To appreciate these advances, and to productively contribute

to future advances of these systems, a critical appreciation of the underlying technology underpinning is a must. The goal of this

course is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the technologies behind the embedded systems, particularly, those using

computing elements (processor, DSP, or ASSPs). The students develop an appreciation of the technology capabilities and

limitations of the hardware, software components for building embedded systems, and methods to evaluate design tradeoffs

between different technology choices.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Computer Systems Architectures

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Architecture/CAD/Hardware

Design of computer elements: ALU, control unit, and arithmetic circuits. Memory hierarchy and organization. Caches. Function unit

sharing and pipelining. I/O and interrupt processing. RTL and behavioral modeling using hardware description languages.

Microprocessor organization and implementation techniques

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Internet

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Architecture/CAD/Hardware

Assumes that students are familiar with networks and their protocols Introductory graduate course on the Internet and its architecture and protocols This course will provide students with a broad overview of the basic principles of the Internet and its architecture and protocols. Topics covered include Internet architecture, addressing, routing (OSPF, BGP), IP (IPv4, IPv6, mobile IP), TCP (flow and congestion

control, TCP variants), multicast, quality of service (IntServ, DiffServe, policy servers), streaming protocols (RTP, RTCP), Internet applications (P2P and distributed discovery), and other advanced Internet topics

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Introduction to Computer Design

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Architecture/CAD/Hardware

Introduction to modern digital system design, design automation paradigms, review of graph theory and basic algorithms Design/hardware description, system representation and modeling (HDL, finite-states, data flow, sequencing graphs and other

extended models) Behavioral modeling and optimization (architectural synthesis, compilation, and optimization techniques) High level synthesis and optimization (scheduling, binding, timing constraints, resource constraints) Logic-level synthesis and optimization (state encoding, two/multi-level logic optimization) Technology mapping Physical design (floorplanning, partitioning, placement, and routing)

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Επιλογής Τίτλος Μαθήματος Project in Software System Design

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Introduction to Expert Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

To introduce students to the history of and motivation behind knowledge-based expert systems. Students will complete a project that

involves creating an expert system in CYC Τίτλος Μαθήματος Comprehensive Project in Software System Evolution

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The goal of this course is to provide students with an industrial-like experience in software development. Students will undergo the

vicissitudes of developing a large-scale software system from the point of view of all involved personnel - customer, developer, and

manager. This course is a two-quarter project course in which the students specify, design, construct, test, document, and evolve a

complete software system using concepts learned in ICS 52, 121, and 141. Special emphasis is placed on the need for and use of

teamwork, management, planning, and other tools for developing and maintaining large-scale software systems. Using techniques

for formal specification and analysis at multiple levels of abstraction are also emphasized, as well as those for usability evaluation

and evolution. A central focus of this course is the application of the software engineering concepts studied in ICS 121 in a significantly sized

software development project worked on in teams. This course will will emphasize well-understood requirements, logical object-

oriented design, effective oral and written communication of concepts, and group cooperation.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Advanced Project in Software Engineering

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Introduction to the theory of programming language processors covering lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis,

intermediate representations, code generation, optimization, interpretation, and run-time support.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Project in the Social and Organizational Impacts of Computing

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Language Processor Construction

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Project in Operating System Organization

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

# There will be a set of projects to complete, each dealing with a different part of the operating system. These will be discussed in

class. On the due date, you have to turn in your deliverables (design documentation, commented code, report, depending on

project). The functionality of some projects must also be demonstrated by running them with a given set of test data. # You may work individually or in teams of two students (for some projects). Individuals and teams will carry out the same projects

but the assigned workload is increased for teams.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Logic Design Laboratory

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The goal of this course is to learn the basic principles of digital design. The course aims at enabling a student to design small digital

systems for different applications starting from abstract specifications or behavioral/structural descriptions.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Computer Design Laboratory

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Students will learn hardware design and simulation using the Verilog hardware description language. The use of hardware

simulators and debugging tools will be explored. The culmination of the course is the design and simulation of a MIPS processor

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Advanced Computer Networks

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This primary goals of this class are to understand the limitations of the existing Internet protocols and to learn how to design better

protocols that overcome these limitations. The prerequisite of this course is ICS 243A. Students are supposed to have learned the basics of the Internet protocols. We will

revisit a number of network protocols, examine the challenges they face in today's Internet, learn the state-of-art proposals to

address the challenges, and discuss our own solutions. The core components of the course are class discussions and a class project. You are required to organize into groups of two or

three to prepare for class discussions and to work on the class project.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Project in Algorithms and Data Structures

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

* Design, implementation, execution, and analysis of algorithms * Based on material from ICS 23 and ICS 161, plus some more advanced topics * The programming language will be C/C++ (each student's choice) * There are 3 required projects, no homeworks and no examinations

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Project in Artificial Intelligence

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The main goal of this class is to have each student implement a working artificial intelligence system. For this quarter we will be

primarily focusing on building a system which can analyze and recognize faces in digital images. This is something which humans

can easily do, but which is difficult for computers. The project will involve the implementation of a variety of learning algorithms and

image analysis functions. The overall goals of the class are to: * Learn how to use the MATLAB scientific programming environment * Understand the general principles of how computers can perform simple learning, recognition and classification tasks * Learn about automated image analysis and why it is a difficult problem, but how in some cases we can use learning algorithms

to build reasonably accurate and useful image analysis systems * Design, implement, and test a system (composed of component algorithms) which can learn to classify face images * Learn how to experimentally evaluate and test your system.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Project in Human Computer Interaction & User Interfaces

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

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University of Maryland - Master of Information Management Master of Information Management

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Υποχρεωτικά Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Technology and Organizational Context

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Application of communication and information technologies to support work processes, including technology-enhanced

communication networks, computer-supported collaborative work, decision-support systems, interactive systems, and systems

analysis. Acquisition of information systems and their integration into the organization

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Users and Use Context

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Use of information by individuals. Nature of information. Information behavior and mental models. Characteristics of problems, task

analysis, problem solving, and decision making. Methods for determining informat ion behavior and user needs. Information access.

Information technolog y as a tool in information use.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Management of Information Programs and Services

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Administration of information programs, services, and projects, including the role of leadership in management; developing mission,

vision, and goals; providing effective management for results; managing professionals; financial management; and professional

conduct and ethical issues.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Selected Topics in Information Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Selected Topics in Information Management

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Introduction to Strategic Information Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Defining and identifying strategic information in an organization. Char acteristics of strategic information management, including the

principle s, practices, issues, and programs involved with the strategic managemen t and protection of information in organizations

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Management Team Experience

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Information issues within organizational frameworks. Integrated, team-ba sed, experiential learning opportunity. This is a group

independent stud y.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Environments

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Role and function of information in organizations. Organizational envir onment and its influence on internal and external

communication, organiz ational structure and management, organizational culture, information fl ow, organizational identity. Shared

mental models and group decision ma king. Differences among types of organizations. Information policy.

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Είδος Μαθημάτων: Επιλογής Τίτλος Μαθήματος User Interaction with Information Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Interactive user interfaces for information systems, including models of human information processing and decision making.

techniques of usability evaluation.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Solving Problems in Information Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

In-depth problem analysis and resolution derived from and contributing to Information Management Team Experience. Independent


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Systems Analysis and Planning

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Formal process for planning and designing an information technology system, including identifying users and other stakeholders,

analyzing work processes, preparing system specifications, conducting feasibility and usability studies, and preparing for

implementation. Approaches to analyzing system components and functions. Measurement and evaluation of system performance.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Environmental Scanning for Information Managers

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Methods and techniques to monitor the environment to identify opportunities and threats and relate them to the strengths and

weaknesses of the organization. Develop and implement plans to identify and track external events that impact strategic information

management within an organization and prepare reports.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Project Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Management of projects through planning and execution of lifecycle phases. Includes estimating costs, managing risks, scheduling,

staff and resource allocation, team building, communication, tracking, control and other aspects of successful project completion.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Writing RFPs and Evaluating Proposals

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Evaluation of project needs and characteristics of successful RFPs; Writing technical, administrative, management and pricing

requirements; Guidelines for evaluating proposals and selecting vendors.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Seminar in Strategic Information Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Issues, problems, and processes in the strategic management of information and the management of information programs in

institutional settings.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Professional Opportunities for Information Managers

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Roles and responsibilities of information managers, including information officers and others in charge of programs, to play,

coordinate, direct, or foster the systematic creation of information systems and services within an organization.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Audits

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Processes for determining the existing information environment by identifying the information required to meet the needs of the

organization; determining the information currently available: and identifying gaps and other needs.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Principles of Competitive Intelligence

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Focuses on how to build business advantage by the collection and analysis of the capabilities, vulnerabilities, market positioning,

and strategic planning of competitors, using open source information.

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University of Michigan Master of Science in Information (MSI)

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Υποχρεωτικά Τίτλος Μαθήματος Understanding Networked Computing

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

The networking of computers has transformed them from devices for computation and individual productivity into devices for

communication and coordination. We are beginning to see profound effects of this transformation in organizations and in the public

life of our society, most visibly in the amazing growth of the Internet. An understanding of networked computing equips you to

participate in and help guide society's transformation.

After mastering the material in Understanding Networked Computing, students should be able to quickly understand the

opportunities created by networked application software they haven't seen before and explain them to people who have less

technical background; participate with engineers in design discussions about new networked application software or variants of

existing ones; read the information technology trade press and recognize application opportunities and strategic business

implications; and contribute a technologically informed voice to information policy discussions.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Fundamentals of Human Behavior

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

Surveys basic principles of cognitive and social psychology relevant to the design and use of information systems. Focuses on

important findings in psychological science and their implications for the design and use of information systems. Topics include the

basics of human perception, memory capacity and organization, the development of skill and expertise, and the characteristics of

everyday reasoning and decision making. For example, a central problem in information science is how to label information stored

for later recall. By examining how human memory operates, we can gain some insight into possible schemes that may be compatible

with human users. This survey of what we know about the human mind offers ideas about how to exploit mental capacities in the

design and use of information systems.

Each week in the course, students read original articles and discuss their content. For each session, students should come prepared

with questions regarding the readings (~40 pages per week). Since no background in psychology is assumed, it is important that

students actively identify unfamiliar concepts and raise questions in class. The instructor's goal is to provide assistance and support

as students learn to draw upon and integrate new scientific findings into their thinking about information use. Students are expected

to actively participate in discussions, and through interactions in class, learn to draw connections from the research literature.

Because class discussions are the core activity in the course, it is expected that students attend class regularly, contribute to the

interactions, and complete assignments on time.

Each student writes a one-page reaction paper each week to help identify the relevance of the ideas from the readings. This paper

describes a concrete illustration of a psychological principle and its implications for information systems. There is also a final project

requiring the evaluation of a single existing information system using multiple principles of psychology discussed throughout the

term. This project can be conducted individually or in small groups (two to four students working together) and the report should

contain no more than 10 pages. Final grades for the course are a weighted average of participation (one third), short papers (one

third), and the final project (one third). Students should feel free to discuss their progress in the course, along with any suggestions,

with the instructor at any time.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος User-Interface Design

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

Provides an introduction to user-interface design from a design principles perspective. The course covers such topics as

accessibility, design ethics, psychological principles, interaction principles, requirements analysis, project management, I/O devices,

standards and style guides, and visual design principles. The perspective is a pragmatic, applied view of design, with frequent

practical design exercises. The format of most classes is roughly half lecture and discussion and half in-class exercises.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Evaluation of Systems and Services

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

Covers the key concepts of evaluation and a variety of methods used to determine the goals of a system or service, performs

organizational analysis, assesses task/technology or service fit, determines ease of learning of new or existing services or systems,

determines ease of use, assesses aspects of performance (including information retrieval), and evaluates the success in

accomplishing the user/organizational goals. Methods include observation, survey, interviews, performance analysis, evaluation in

the design/iteration cycle, usability tests, and assessment of systems in use.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Understanding Records and Archives: Principles and Practices

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Archives and Records Management

Provides an understanding of why societies, cultures, organizations, and individuals create and keep records. Presents cornerstone

terminology, concepts, and practices used in records management and archival administration. Examines the evolution of methods

and technologies used to create, store, organize, and preserve records and the ways in which organizations and individuals use

archives and records for ongoing operations, accountability, research, litigation, and organizational memory. Participants become

familiar with the legal, policy, and ethical issues surrounding records and archives administration and become conversant with the

structure, organization, and literatures of the archival and records management professions.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Use of Information

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Engages students in the central professional and academic commitment of the School of Information: that better academic

knowledge and better professional practice both rest on understanding the actual use of information in real-world environments. This

course introduces students to frameworks, methods, and issues on information use in various levels of aggregation (individual,

group, organization, and profession) and various contexts (work environments, community, and society). Students learn fundamental

notions of information need, information behavior, knowledge construction associated with designing information systems, and


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Social Systems and Collections

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Considers collections of information resources in the broadest sense of the term. Includes libraries and archives, business records,

research data, personal files, art collections, and other sets of information items held by individuals or groups for later use. Deepens

understanding of fundamental social processes within which such collections are embedded, and the processes that shape their

creation, use, and meaning. Fosters the synthesis of collections and social systems by showing how collected information

simultaneously results from ongoing social processes and affects them.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Search and Retrieval

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Looks at search and retrieval in information systems as a continuous process, ranging from concepts and procedures integral to

human-mediated search to the data structures and algorithms necessary to automate the search and retrieval process. Course is

divided into three parts: What a searcher must know about an information retrieval system, data structures, and algorithms, and

basic automatic techniques for search and retrieval.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Choice and Learning

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Course is about problem-solving. All cognitive activities are fundamentally problem solving in nature. Even non-problem activities

(watching a movie) require problem solutions. For example, should you spend time at a movie or with girl/boyfriend? Should you rent

or buy a house? We study decision-making about problems given current information and resources. In particular, how do humans

make choices? How do human factors affect choices?

What is the role of information? We also study learning; that is, how can we prepare to make better future choices? What information

should we acquire?

In studying these problems, we combine two different disciplines: cognitive psychology, which is descriptive, perceptual and

heuristic; and economics, which uses normative, deliberate reasoning to solve well-defined problems without cognitive limitations.

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Επιλογής Τίτλος Μαθήματος Organization of Information Resources

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services

Provides a conceptual understanding and skills in the organization, access, and representation of information in a variety of formats.

Students learn basic concepts and principles of cataloging and metadata, organization and classification, and standards that have

been developed for the ways in which information is organized and described. Students work with tools that have been accepted as national standards and evaluate emerging methods that provide alternative

means for providing surrogate descriptions and organization. The focus is on cataloging and classification standards and tools

developed in library environments, with a view toward evaluating the effectiveness of these models in both libraries and other

information environments.

Examples of standards include the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, Dublin Core, Library of Congress Subject Headings, Library of

Congress Classification, and Dewey Decimal Classification. The class also looks at emerging metadata standards developed for

digital record control. An emphasis is given to evaluating the extent to which current and emerging standards are developed with the

needs of users in mind.

Cataloging and metadata standards are examined in the larger social context in which they were developed and are being applied,

including evaluating subject access schemes and the way in which they reflect social biases and constructs.

Class format includes lecture, guest presentations from practitioners from a variety of information environments, hands-on small

group exercises, weekly assignments to apply specific skills, and a major group project which explores in depth some specific theme

of the course. The emphasis in skills is on understanding the nature of the standards with the understanding that specific expertise

will require practice in an internship or the workplace.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Visual Persuasion

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services

What is the distinctive contribution that visual images make to persuasive communication? What are the fundamental characteristics that distinguish visual images from other modes of communication? Students examine the nature of visual persuasion in everyday life, learn how to manipulate the formal elements of visual imagery to

deliver a persuasive message, discover how visual imagery influences behavior, develop strategies to protect themselves from the

unwanted messages images convey, and learn how to use persuasive imagery wisely in their own creations.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Retrieval

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services

Information is everywhere. We encounter it in our everyday lives in the form of E-mail, newspapers, television, the Web, and even in

conversations with each other. Information is hidden in a variety of media: text, images, sounds, videos. While casual information

consumers can simply enjoy its abundance and appreciate the existence of search engines that can help them find what they want,

information professionals are responsible for building the underlying technology that search engines use.

Building a search engine involves a lot more than indexing some documents -- information retrieval is the study of the interaction

between users and large information environments. It covers concepts such as information need, documents and queries, indexing

and searching, retrieval evaluation, multimedia and hypertext search, Web search, as well as bibliographical databases.

In this course, students go over some classic concepts of information retrieval and then quickly jump to the current state of the art in

the field, where crawlers, spiders, and hard-of-hearing personal butlers roam.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Database Application Design

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services

Covers both theoretical and practical aspects of DBMS, such as database design, use, and implementation. An essential part of the course is the final programming project through which students design and develop a practical database system for library access,

electronic commerce, information retrieval, or a similar application. The final project involves the use of the database language SQL

and (optionally) a language used in Web applications, such as WebL, Java, or Perl.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Online Searching and Databases

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services

Introduces students to searching databases available through commercial online retrieval systems. Such systems typically feature a

terse command language that requires knowledge of Boolean searching and selection of a search vocabulary from specialized

thesauri. Students who take this course will be prepared to assume positions as intermediary searchers in libraries, research

departments, and for-profit document search and delivery services where they will conduct searches for clients in commercial

retrieval systems. Despite the online, interactive nature of these systems and databases, intermediary searchers make every effort

to minimize time spent online due to high connect-time charges and database royalties. Students who are not interested in becoming

online searchers can benefit from this course in terms of being able to differentiate between searches that should be delegated to intermediary searchers and those that

they can do on their own in the system's simplified, Web-based version or through Web search engines and browsing services that

access World Wide Web and other royalty-free content. Students interested in the design of digital libraries benefit from this course

in that it helps them devise methods of automatically identifying end-user searches that require delegation and building such

delegation into future systems.

Focuses on the presearch interview, database selection, search strategy development, and evaluation of search results. In-class

online searches and lectures cover basic and intermediate levels of systems command languages that students enlist in weekly lab

assignments. Learn how to choose vocabulary for online searches using printed and online thesauri, subject headings lists, and

other controlled vocabularies, and determine when to enlist such vocabularies prior to or during online searches.

Group projects require students to explore on their own capabilities of intermediate-level system capabilities and to make

comparisons between searching databases available through commercial online retrieval systems and Web search engines and

browsing services. In-class discussions conclude with managerial aspects of in-house online searching services and the status of

and future trends in the online industry.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Architecture

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services

The term "Information Architecture" has become popular in the past few years as people have realized that there is a whole set of

principles, concepts, techniques, and tools that are required to build and maintain effective information spaces in distributed

systems, particularly those accessible through the World Wide Web. The scope of the field of information architecture encompasses

the myriad technologies, techniques, and principles associated with producing these.

This definition implies a vast array of computer hardware and software; principles and techniques for graphical design; and concepts

and tools for organizing content effectively. Furthermore, all of this must be considered within the framework of the needs of the

various audiences who will use these resources. Thorough preparation in the field of information architecture -- that is, becoming an

information architect -- requires knowledge which comes from a multiplicity of fields and perspectives, including computer science,

human computer interaction, graphic design, and library and information science.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Media for Children and Young Adults

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services Recorded knowledge: content and collections

Course reflects "children's culture," including television, movies, games, toys, etc.. As well as being a survey course covering the

media and culture of children and young adults, this course serves as an "introductory" course to give students information and skills

that they can use in other SI courses in which they might be working on or with materials for children and young adults.

Content includes resources for the study of media for children and young adults (bibliographies, journals, review publications, critical

writings, Internet sites, organizations, awards and best books lists, etc.); characteristics and interests of the age groups; history and

development, including current publishing trends of media for children and young adults; evaluative criteria for media; illustrations in

children's media; potential use and value of this media in a variety of settings (libraries, schools, museums, zoos, hospitals, homes,

Internet, etc.); and, of course, the media itself (materials for babies and pre-schoolers, picture books, chapter books, fiction, young adult novels, informational and reference materials, films and videos,

filmstrips, audio/sound recordings, computer applications, multimedia CD-ROMs, Internet/Web sites, movies, television and radio

programs, games, toys, etc.).

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Seminar in Practical Engagement

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services Recorded knowledge: content and collections

For students who have performed at least 360 hours of work in a Directed Field Experience or summer internship approved for

Practical Engagement Program points. Students prepare and present a poster session of a reflective nature about their summer

work experience. This poster session is presented for the entire SI community, DFE mentors, and SI alumni during homecoming

week. Students attend two preparatory class sessions before the poster sessions are held. Students create a professional quality

display of their work and show and discuss their work with small groups of people.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Instructional Design for Information Skills

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services Recorded knowledge: content and collections

Of interest to students who plan to work in K-12 environments or in positions that may focus on K-12 interests. Examples include

school media centers, classrooms, school media administration, youth services in public libraries, museum outreach services,

community services, product design, and Internet services. Students work individually or in teams to design and execute a teaching

unit in cooperation with K-12 professionals or a K-12 outreach program. Students select from a wide range of possible associations,

from individual teachers or librarians to existing outreach groups, such as CHICO (Cultural Heritage Initiative for Community

Outreach), the University of Michigan Digital Library Middle Years project, or the Internet Public Library.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Government Information: Issues, Resources, and Policy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services Recorded knowledge: content and collections

Federal government publications as products of government activity and sources of information. Access issues and problems;

methods of increasing access. Includes print, computer-based, and other formats.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Collection Development and Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services Recorded knowledge: content and collections

Introduces principles and issues of collection development and management. Considers evaluation criteria, resources and

procedures for selecting and acquiring information products in all formats (print, audiovisual, electronic, etc.). Includes collection

policies; collection description, evaluation, maintenance and preservation; document delivery, vendor plans, fund allocation,

intellectual property and resource sharing.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Special Topics: Digital Libraries

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services Recorded knowledge: content and collections

Provides students with an integrated understanding of the research frontiers of the evolving environment called "digital libraries." The

course explores the evolving definition of a digital library and technical, managerial, economic, and legal issues associated with

them. The topic is treated from an international perspective and includes consideration of digital library research and development

underway in Europe and Asia as well as the U.S.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Practical Engagement Workshop: Digital Librarianship

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services Recorded knowledge: content and collections

Provides an opportunity for students to work and learn together on the reference and collection development/maintenance functions

of a digital public library. Involves the practical work of answering reference questions, building and maintaining collections and

working on youth services, and includes discussions on larger conceptual and theoretical issues. Students interact with and learn

from students in the advanced course (SI 696) via direct instruction and management of their activities. Students gain experience

and insight into technology and librarianship, and their intersection.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Music Bibliography

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services Recorded knowledge: content and collections

Uses and evaluates sources of information in music, including research methods, theory and practice in modern editions of music,

and bibliographic descriptions of scores and recordings.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Preserving Information

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services Recorded knowledge: content and collections

Preservation is commonly defined as the acquisition, organization, and distribution of resources (human, physical, monetary) to

ensure adequate protection of information with continuing value for access by present and future generations. Preservation

encompasses planning and implementing policies, procedures, and processes that together prevent further deterioration or renew

the usability of selected groups of materials. Preservation management is most effective when planning precedes implementation

and when prevention activities have priority over renewal activities. This course teaches the basic principles, policies, and procedures for protecting information resources from loss, damage,

deterioration, destruction, and obsolescence. The course introduces current methods and best practices for extending the useful life

of information in a wide variety of media. Considerable emphasis is on management and decision-making and current preservation

issues, particularly preservation of digital information and the use of digital technologies for preservation reformatting. Course features lectures and discussion with some visits to campus preservation facilities and occasional guest lectures. This

course is an introductory overview. Students wishing to specialize in preservation management acquire the basis for seeking

additional training through Directed Field Experiences, internships, apprenticeships, workshops, and other practical engagement


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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Multimedia Production

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services Recorded knowledge: content and collections

Teaches students how to express themselves in terms of integrated media, develops skill and expertise in nonlinear writing, teaches

how to engage audiences in the ongoing action, and embodies their creations in rich visual imagery that entertains as well as


Learn the foundations and theory of the various image systems that together form integrated media. Create basic, integrated media

presentations using current off-the-shelf commercial software for desktop machines. Librarians, archivists, school media specialists,

aspiring writers, collectors, and anyone else who owns the rights to or who is affiliated with an organization that owns and publishes

content -- especially content with unique visual and/or auditory characteristics -- want to bring this content to life using integrated

media, one of the newest and most exciting forms of human communication.

A first step for students who want to become a player in the fledgling business of integrated media publishing as a creative director,

interface designer, editor, content expert, writer, animator, or evaluator of new products. Follow-on courses might include an

intermediate integrated media course that includes additional techniques, such as three-dimensional animation and Quicktime VR;

one that is connected with SI practical engagement activities; and those in virtual reality and video communications that are currently

taught in the College of Engineering.

Integrated media productions and techniques for processing digital artifacts (e.g., audio, video, animation) are extensible to the

World-Wide Web. Students who enroll in this course are not expected to have outstanding artistic skills or prior knowledge of

integrated media tools. Although students will be expected to create simple animations, illustrations, or collages, and capture stills,

video or audio shorts, they will be members of teams on which students will pool their talents to create a unique integrated media


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Resources and Services

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services Recorded knowledge: content and collections

Acquaints students with representative sources of information in all formats as well as with delivery methods for services and

systems in a variety of information environments. Emphasizes the dynamic nature of contemporary provision of information service

and the importance of understanding users' information needs and behaviors. Resources considered include all formats and delivery

methods: print-based, vended online services, Web-based resources, Internet search engines, CDs/integrated media, large data

files, digital libraries, community networks, GIS, knowledge management systems, etc. Students study a representative sample of

resources and services and their applications.

Covers understanding users' information-seeking needs and behaviors and meeting those needs through both human-based/face-

to-face and technology-based services, through direct or intermediated provision of information, as well as through education and

training activities; evaluation of such resources and services; preparation of information resources; management issues; current

developments, trends, and future research. Format is lecture and discussion, with students using actual reference questions for

searching practice and to demonstrate mastery of the material. Students may work with a single partner to develop Web-based or

other information resource or service plans.

Learn about the information needs, information resources and delivery mechanisms available in both human and technology-based

systems Study a representative sample of same and apply these sources to real-life situations Consider the on-going management and

evaluation of systems and services designed to meet information needs Learn about likely developments and future research in this


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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Professional Practice in Libraries and Information Centers

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services Information needs, uses, and environments

Builds on the conceptual framework of information needs and the use of information provided in "Use of Information". In that course

the focus is on techniques that information professionals use to understand the needs of people who employ a wide variety of

information systems.

Emphasis is on professional practice. Professional practice occurs both in institutional settings (including public, academic, special,

and school libraries and information centers) and directly between information professionals and clients (such as information


Prepares students for need-based, client-centered professional practice in a variety of information environments (including public,

academic, special libraries and school media centers) in a period of major change. Professional practice consists of a variety of

functions and practices which increase client access to information and knowledge. It is based both on an understanding of user

information constructs and on knowledge of information systems and services. Course addresses concepts related to public libraries,

academic libraries, special libraries, medical libraries, school libraries, and information centers, strategy and strategies, competency,

and competencies.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information-Seeking Behavior

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services Information needs, uses, and environments

Information-seeking is a complex information and communication activity requiring access to diverse information systems and

resources in order to deal with work-related, personal, and social information problems. This course provides students an

introduction to the human aspects of systems and technology in various information contexts, including work place, schools, health

care, and everyday life. This course critically examines concepts, models and frameworks relevant to human information behavior.

Understanding human information seeking behavior tends to be qualitative and inductive in nature. Therefore, students have opportunities to learn various ethnographic techniques step-by-step, including how to conduct

ethnographic interview and nonparticipant observation and how to take field notes. Students will also practice qualitative data

analysis using QSR N6 software.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Special Topics: Current Issues in School Media

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services Information needs, uses, and environments

School media programs are unique in that they are integrated with curricular, technological, and societal interests as manifested in

school/educational environments. These programs serve all members of an educational community. This course focuses on

theoretical and practical issues in the organization and administration of school media programs and/or comparable district and state

media service programs. Special attention is given to Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning, the most recent

publication of guidelines for school media programs. Reading assignments identify the professional literature that supports and

defines media programs as they exist in educational environments. Topics also include the historical development of national and

international media programs and their relationship to education in different cultures. Projects focus on policies and procedures for managing the general program as

well as specific aspects such as budget/finance, facilities design, personnel, technology, public and organization relations, and


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Outcome-based Evaluation of Programs and Services

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services Information needs, uses, and environments

Course provides an overview of the purposes and uses of outcome-based evaluation approaches and methods, and provides an

opportunity to conduct a focused outcome evaluation of a user-focused service in a library, a nonprofit organization, an archive, a

museum or other service-focused organization.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Management of Specialized Information Services

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Library and Information Services Information needs, uses, and environments

Various professions, including archivists, entrepreneurs, information specialists, and librarians, devise and manage information

services. Once considered primarily the responsibility of library and archives organizations, the functions of information service

management have enlarged, merged, or been subsumed within management information services and systems. This course surveys

the highly diverse organization and management of information services with a special emphasis on corporate information provision.

Because more than half of the services are staffed by a single professional, solo practice demands a knowledge of all aspects of

management and service delivery. At the same time, rapidly-advancing information technology applications require attention so that

efficient and cost-effective use timely access to information critical in highly competitive and highly specialized venues.

As work environments become increasingly information intensive, complex, multi-layered services have grown in large organizations.

In these venues, technical competency in narrowly focused areas may be decentralized yet team-driven. These generally

technologically sophisticated and networked environments require skills and knowledge quite different from those of the solo


Information professionals find that no matter whether they choose a career as a single entrepreneur, solo librarian, archivist, or

whether they join a large organization, they become managers -- of themselves, of clients or staff, and sometimes of substantial

systems and services.

Through classroom instruction, eight one-hour mini-workshops on specific management skill, assignments, readings and discussion,

tours and guest lecturers, this course studies types of practice, considers the users' information needs and seeking behavior, and

examines highly dynamic, current issues in systems and services.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Management of Specialized Information Services

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

Various professions, including archivists, entrepreneurs, information specialists, and librarians, devise and manage information

services. Once considered primarily the responsibility of library and archives organizations, the functions of information service

management have enlarged, merged, or been subsumed within management information services and systems. This course surveys

the highly diverse organization and management of information services with a special emphasis on corporate information provision.

Because more than half of the services are staffed by a single professional, solo practice demands a knowledge of all aspects of

management and service delivery. At the same time, rapidly-advancing information technology applications require attention so that

efficient and cost-effective use timely access to information critical in highly competitive and highly specialized venues.

As work environments become increasingly information intensive, complex, multi-layered services have grown in large organizations.

In these venues, technical competency in narrowly focused areas may be decentralized yet team-driven. These generally

technologically sophisticated and networked environments require skills and knowledge quite different from those of the solo


Information professionals find that no matter whether they choose a career as a single entrepreneur, solo librarian, archivist, or

whether they join a large organization, they become managers -- of themselves, of clients or staff, and sometimes of substantial

systems and services.

Through classroom instruction, eight one-hour mini-workshops on specific management skill, assignments, readings and discussion,

tours and guest lecturers, this course studies types of practice, considers the users' information needs and seeking behavior, and

examines highly dynamic, current issues in systems and services.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Special Topics: Intellectual Property and Information Law

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

Explores related and sometimes competing legal and policy frameworks for the development and dissemination of ideas and

expression in the Information Age. The ways in which principles of free speech and expression compare and contrast with

intellectual property rights are explored in relation to the advancement of knowledge and innovation, with particular focus on the

impact of the Internet and new technology. The impact of other legal considerations and values on the development and

dissemination of ideas and information (such as security, privacy, local control vs. national and international considerations,

competition, and the protection of minors) are also examined. The course draws upon the contexts of education, business, and


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Systems, Networks, and Webs

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

Course offers historical, comparative, and theoretical perspectives on the evolution of major infrastructures from the 19th century to

the present. Students explore three main types of infrastructures: transportation, electric power, and communications/information


The course draws out structural similarities and differences among the historical trajectories of major sociotechnical systems that

underlie the industrialized world and its offspring, the information society. For example, transportation infrastructures face their most difficult challenges at the interface between different transport modes, as

in ports (where shipping connects with trucking and rail) and airports (where air transit connects with automobile, truck, bus, subway,

train, and pedestrian modes). These intermodal problems in transport systems find significant parallels in information infrastructures,

where data conversion (from analog to digital, or from one digital format to another) creates difficult problems for system designers

and users.

Students examine how infrastructures form, how they change, and how they shape (and are shaped by) social systems. A major

focus is the role of standards (e.g., railroad track gauge, alternating current voltages, and TCP/IP) and standard-setting bodies in

creating "ground rules" for infrastructure development. Concepts such as "technological momentum" (the tendency of large technical

systems to become increasingly resistant to change), "load factor" (maximizing the use of available system capacity), and

"interdependence" (among components and between connected infrastructures) are explored. Students learn to articulate the differences between systems, networks, and webs (or internetworks) as both technological and social


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Public Goods

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

This half-semester course deals with the theory and practice of incentive-centered design, with applications to matching markets.

Upon completion of this course, students should have a broad understanding of situations where it may be valuable to explicitly

consider individual incentives when engineering systems; be able to recognize the class of mechanism that would be appropriate to

particular real-world settings; and be able to identify the key design consideration in adapting such mechanisms to particular

settings. In addition, doctoral students should be able to prove the game theoretic properties of existing or new institutions.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Ethics, Values, and Information Dilemmas

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

The "information" revolution and the expanding use of information technology within all organizations, profit and non-profit, public

and private, has created an environment in which access to massive quantities of information, at startling speeds, is now possible

through electronic means. Within this environment, policy makers, managers, indeed all individual users of the technology must

make decisions about how they want to use new technological capabilities and in some cases, even if they use technology in

particular ways. The changing environment requires that all individuals clarify their values, understand ethical and unethical responses, and actively process information making informed decisions.

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This discussion and lecture course provides in-depth study of the development of moral and ethical reasoning. It focuses on the

ethical issues and value dilemmas that arise within then new information environment. It explores some of the information and

technology-related incidents faced by individuals and institutions as they become familiar with, and adjust to, the impact of

technology on work, recreation, and education.

Participants have an opportunity to do investigation and data gathering on specific issues relating to the handling of electronic

information in various settings and the ethical issues involved. They analyze technology-related incidents. Incidents are discussed in

relation to ethical, moral, impulse-related, and social cognitive human development, conflicting values, existing literature, and law.

Discussion topics include, among others, copyright, security, freedom of speech, personal boundaries, ownership, anonymity, and

civil liberties. Students examine, in-depth, the development and dynamics of impulsive behavior, lying, secrets, and access to pornography, looking specifically at ways in which information technology is bringing these

processes into play. Participants learn methods of issue analysis and practice solving dilemmas by understanding the values and

ethical issues surrounding the dilemmas.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Management of Electronic Records

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

Records are the corporate and cultural memory that provide proof of actions and decisions, build a knowledge-base for reflection

and learning, and form a perspective on today's society that we will pass on to future generations. As organizations create and

maintain more of their records electronically, they are struggling to develop effective policies, systems, and practices to capture,

maintain, and preserve electronic records.

Course examines the ways in which new information technologies challenge organizations' capacities to define, identify, control,

manage, and preserve electronic records. Students learn how different organizational, technological, regulatory, and cultural factors

affect the strategies, practices, and tools that organizations can employ to manage electronic records. Problems of long-term

preservation and continuing access to electronic records are analyzed and addressed.

Addresses electronic records management issues in a wide variety of settings, including archives and manuscript repositories.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Entrepreneurship in the Information Industry

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

Prepares students to start businesses in the information industry or to work effectively in new start-up businesses. Discusses

aspects of creating a business and expects students to develop an idea into a business plan that could be used to either guide the

creation of the business or secure funding for a new business.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Law and Management of the Information Corporation

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

Examines the legal and managerial issues facing an IP or information-based organization from its startup phase through either an

initial public offering (IPO) or an acquisition by another firm. Course covers a range of topics, including forming the initial venture and

structuring its ownership, obtaining financing, operating the venture, maintaining corporate records and databases, and developing

and pursuing an exit strategy, such as an IPO or an acquisition. These topics are explored in the context of organizations whose

primary assets are intangible, and thus the course comparatively examines the various forms intellectual property protection is

available for the informational assets of an organization. Course also focuses on transactions in intellectual property, such as

licensing and technology transfer, using a series of case studies.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Seminar in Information Policy: Regulation and Politics

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

Course explores key issues at the intersection of information, governance, and public policy. In the first part of the course, students

are introduced to some of the key regulatory paradigms, principles, and forces (speech rights, universal service/access, intellectual

property, national research, development, procurement policies, competition, and anti-trust policies, etc.) that have both shaped and

driven developments in the information field.

Specific topics to be covered include regulatory and technical convergences across the traditional print, broadcast,

telecommunication, and computer industries; the strategic role of public science, research, and development policy; the public and

strategic implications of market consolidation, anti-trust, and competition policy in the information field; the evolution of intellectual

property policy and its sometimes painful accommodation to the changing information landscape; and the privacy and access

implications of new forms of government and commercial surveillance.

The second part of the course explores the impact of new informational forms and technologies on the practice of democratic

governance itself, and includes discussions of "digital" or "E-government" (roughly, the transformation of public administration,

decision-making, and service delivery via IT-enabled forms); and nascent examples of what is sometimes (optimistically?) called "E-

democracy," marked by new forms of political organization and communication enabled by blogs, sites, boards, lists, and other sorts

of political machinery. The final section of the course adopts an explicitly transnational focus, and considers such themes as transnational competition in the information industries; the globalization of informational work; and the

strategic adoption and promotion of information technology in international development settings.

The course is geared to the interests of two primary SI groups: students pursuing policy or policy-relevant careers in the public,

private, or nonprofit sectors; and current and future information professionals seeking to understand the broader policy forces and

principles governing work in the information field.

Reading assignments are drawn from a wide range of primary and secondary sources, including relevant legislation (Freedom of

Information Act, 1996 Telecommunications Act, Digital Millennium Copyright Act, USA PATRIOT Act, etc.), legal cases (U.S. v.

Microsoft, RIAA v. Napster), and a variety of popular, trade, and academic sources. Written assignments introduce students to some

of the key skill-sets associated with work in the policy field and include legal case summaries, policy briefs, legislative analyses, and position

papers. Students may also opt to pursue a more substantial research project in an information policy field of their choice, in

consultation with the instructor. In light of the seminar nature of the course, students are expected to participate actively in weekly

seminar activities, and are called upon at least once during the semester to assume a leadership role, in conjunction with the

instructor, in guiding seminar activities.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Matching Mechanisms

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

This half-semester course deals with the theory and practice of incentive-centered design, with applications to matching markets.

Upon completion of this course, students should have a broad understanding of situations where it may be valuable to explicitly

consider individual incentives when engineering systems; be able to recognize the class of mechanism that would be appropriate to

particular real-world settings; and be able to identify the key design consideration in adapting such mechanisms to particular

settings. In addition, doctoral students should be able to prove the game theoretic properties of existing or new institutions.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Seminar in Organizational Studies (ICOS)

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

Meets weekly for presentations and discussions of new work by leading researchers studying human organization and related

subjects. Students attend all seminars and read weekly assignments. Students may write independent papers when enrolled for

larger numbers of credit hours. Prior course work in organizations is recommended. ICOS is the Interdisciplinary Committee on

Organizational Studies.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Advanced Information Economics

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

An advanced doctoral seminar on recent research in several topics within the broad rubric of information economics. Goals are to

introduce you to important research ideas, methods, and results that you can use in your own research, and to prepare you to teach

your own course in information economics.

Students study economics of various types of information content and of some information technologies. You also spend a

somewhat smaller share of time on the design of information technologies to assist in economic allocations.

Questions about the economics of information are not new, but most of the research you will read is recent. The course design is

motivated by the vast number of new problems, or new combinations of old problems, that have followed from two major trends.

These trends are the exponentially falling costs of digital computation and communications. As a consequence, organizing,

searching, retrieving, and delivering information has become astonishingly inexpensive. As a crude shorthand, we sometimes say

that digital information can be duplicated at zero marginal cost, with perfect fidelity (no quality loss), and distributed at zero cost.

When something even approximating these conditions occurs, unusual economic phenomena arise.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Electronic Commerce

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

The Internet is rapidly changing the way we trade with one another, conduct businesses, and organize financial institutions. This

course covers a range of important principles -- drawn from computer science, economics, and other disciplines -- that influence the

design and analysis of Internet commerce systems. The goal is to develop a mastery of the fundamental concepts and approaches

through examples, rather than an exhaustive survey of the field. The course is loosely organized as two half-semester modules --

"Foundations of E-commerce" and "Online Auctions and Pricing." For winter 2006, this is a 3-credit, full-semester course (in subsequent years, the two modules may be offered independently).

The general outline of material breaks trading into three topics -- locating buyers and sellers (search), setting terms of trade

(negotiation), and verifying and consummating the deal (exchange). The first half-semester will cover search and exchange systems

and introduce students to design and analysis methods to make online commerce robust against failures, malicious attackers, and

strategic manipulation. The second half-semester will cover negotiation through an in-depth study of online auctions, exchanges, and

pricing schemes. Students study the theory and practice of incentive engineering for business or social goals in this rapidly growing


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Economics

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

Consists of two half-semester modules, "Information Economics" and "Incentive-Centered Design: Contracting and Signaling." This

year the course is offered for three credits, full semester; in the 2006-07 academic year, the course may be offered as two separate

1.5 credit courses.

Module 1: Information Economics: Students receive a strong grounding in the economics of information goods and services. You

analyze strategic issues faced by for-profit and not-for-profit organizations: pricing, bundling, versioning, network externalities, and

rights management.

Module 2: Incentive-Centered Design: Contracting and Signaling. Students are prepared to advise clients or their own organization

on the design of contracts and screening policies when one of the parties has an information advantage over the other. For example,

you study the design of patent licenses (the licensor knows more about the market) and the design of social systems to reduce spam

(the spam sender knows more about the content before the recipient decides whether to read).

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Technology, Emerging Law, and Applied Policy

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

Focuses on technology, emerging law, and applied policy. It provides an opportunity to examine the ethical and policy issues arising

within the new information environments of colleges, corporations, and nonprofit organizations. Participants review currently

proposed laws and their implications for individual citizens and for public and private organizations. They have the opportunity to

research and analyze pieces of proposed legislation and practice formulating and defending drafted policies, thus applying their

analysis to practice.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Managing the Information Technology Organization

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Information Economics, Management and Policy

Most professionals are deeply involved with information technology throughout their careers. Many professionals elect to lead, or are

asked to lead, an IT unit. This cross-disciplinary course introduces students to the skills needed to manage the modern IT

organization. Students develop skills and techniques in the areas of technology assessment, strategic planning, budgeting and

financing, human resources administration, IT operations, and leadership. This course is designed to be cross-disciplinary, with examples and activities drawn from higher education, information services,

manufacturing, health care, public administration and other areas. A variety of instructional methods are used to engage students and help identify similarities and differences between IT applications in various

professional fields.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information in Organizations

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction / Information Management, Economics, and Policy

Focuses on information and knowledge management in organizations. Course adds to the material in Social Systems and

Collections, but aims the intellectual apparatus students built in Social Systems and Collections toward a specific problem: how organizations can handle their information more effectively. For the past several

years, this problem has gone by the name "knowledge management," or KM. KM's bubble has burst, but there is an enduring problem. To the extent that organizations have repetitive activities and the people in

them come to understand and learn, then we will augment and facilitate that understanding and learning. The intellectual goal of the

course is for students to make sense of it. Students leave the course with a better understanding of how information is handled in an

organizational setting; some new(er) technologies for handling information and knowledge; and an understanding of how hard this

can be, and an intellectual framework for understanding future activities in this area.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος eCommunities: Analysis and Design of Online Interaction Environments

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction / Information Management, Economics, and Policy

Gives students a background in theory and practice surrounding online interaction environments. For the purpose of this course, a

community is defined as a group of people who sustain interaction over time. The group may be held together by a common identity,

a collective purpose, or merely by the individual utility gained from the interactions. An online interaction environment is an electronic

forum, accessed through computers or other electronic devices, in which community members can conduct some or all of their

interactions. The term eCommunity is used as shorthand, both for communities that conduct all of their interactions online and for

communities that use online interaction to supplement face-to-face interactions.

Two main threads weave through the course, based on the two main texts. One thread is concerned with the practical issues of

design and use of online tools to support communities, and how choices that must be made in design can impact the function and

style of the resulting community. The second thread focuses on the sociological theory that provides a frame to better understand

communities in general. These theoretical pieces provide a lens for better understanding the implications of choices made on the

more practical level.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Special Topics: User-Interface Design Studio

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

This is an advanced design course in a workshop format that explores interface design in rich detail and complexity. Four extended

projects and one semester-long group project examine the design process from beginning to end, wth instructor and peer feedback

to iteratively refine designs between weeks. Classes are in workshop format, involving peer design reviews and collaborative design

exercises tackling challenging problems from a variety of industries and types of software.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος

Information-Seeking Behavior

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

Information-seeking is a complex information and communication activity requiring access to diverse information systems and

resources in order to deal with work-related, personal, and social information problems. This course provides students an

introduction to the human aspects of systems and technology in various information contexts, including work place, schools, health

care, and everyday life. This course critically examines concepts, models and frameworks relevant to human information behavior.

Understanding human information seeking behavior tends to be qualitative and inductive in nature. Therefore, students have

opportunities to learn various ethnographic techniques step-by-step, including how to conduct ethnographic interview and

nonparticipant observation and how to take field notes. Students will also practice qualitative data analysis using QSR N6 software.

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

Teaches students how to express themselves in terms of integrated media, develops skill and expertise in nonlinear writing, teaches

how to engage audiences in the ongoing action, and embodies their creations in rich visual imagery that entertains as well as


Learn the foundations and theory of the various image systems that together form integrated media. Create basic, integrated media

presentations using current off-the-shelf commercial software for desktop machines. Librarians, archivists, school media specialists,

aspiring writers, collectors, and anyone else who owns the rights to or who is affiliated with an organization that owns and publishes

content -- especially content with unique visual and/or auditory characteristics -- want to bring this content to life using integrated

media, one of the newest and most exciting forms of human communication.

A first step for students who want to become a player in the fledgling business of integrated media publishing as a creative director,

interface designer, editor, content expert, writer, animator, or evaluator of new products. Follow-on courses might include an

intermediate integrated media course that includes additional techniques, such as three-dimensional animation and Quicktime VR;

one that is connected with SI practical engagement activities; and those in virtual reality and video communications that are currently

taught in the College of Engineering.

Integrated media productions and techniques for processing digital artifacts (e.g., audio, video, animation) are extensible to the

World-Wide Web. Students who enroll in this course are not expected to have outstanding artistic skills or prior knowledge of

integrated media tools. Although students will be expected to create simple animations, illustrations, or collages, and capture stills,

video or audio shorts, they will be members of teams on which students will pool their talents to create a unique integrated media


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Visualization

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

The rise of the Information Age and the ascendancy of computer graphics come together in the area of information visualization,

where interactive graphical interfaces reveal structure, extract meaning, and navigate large and complex information worlds.

Provides an in-depth introduction to the state-of-the-art in information visualization. Through a series of readings, videotapes, and

discussions, students look at various strategies that have been developed, including their static, dynamic, and interactive aspects,

and understand when, where, and why they work. In addition, there is an effort to place Information Visualization in the more general

contexts of visualization (e.g., as used in statistics and physics) and information work.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Database Application Design

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

Course is an introduction to database management systems (DBMS). Covers both theoretical and practical aspects of DBMS, such

as database design, use, and implementation. An essential part of the course is the final programming project through which

students design and develop a practical database system for library access, electronic commerce, information retrieval, or a similar

application. The final project involves the use of the database language SQL and (optionally) a language used in Web applications,

such as WebL, Java, or Perl.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Architecture

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

The term "Information Architecture" has become popular in the past few years as people have realized that there is a whole set of

principles, concepts, techniques, and tools that are required to build and maintain effective information spaces in distributed

systems, particularly those accessible through the World Wide Web. The scope of the field of information architecture encompasses

the myriad technologies, techniques, and principles associated with producing these.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Natural Language Processing

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

This introduction to computational linguistics stresses the processing of written language with supplementary discussion of topics

related to spoken language. The course is based on the textbook, Speech and Natural Language Processing (Daniel Jurafsky and

James H. Martin, Prentice Hall, 1999). Course covers finite state automata and finite state techniques for processing words,

language models, tagging corpora for part-of-speech, context-free grammars, parsing techniques, unification grammars and

unification-based parsing, probabilistic parsing, semantics, discourse modeling, word sense disambiguation and information retrieval,

natural language generation, and machine translation.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Computer-Supported Cooperative Work

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

An advanced course that explores the social, organizational, and technical issues involved in designing, developing, and deploying

computational and communication tools to support the activities of groups and organizations. Students review a variety of research

methods and conceptual frameworks that have guided CSCW work. Both classic and contemporary material is read and discussed.

Students gain first-hand experience with a variety of tools through class demos and through a semester-long group project that

evaluates an instance of a tool.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

This course teaches the fundamentals of statistics, that is, the ability to describe data samples and draw inferences about the

populations from which they were drawn. It should also sharpen individual intuition about how to read data, interpret data, and judge

others' claims about data.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Special Topics: Learning to Teach the Strategic Use of Complex Computer Applications

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

Provides students the theoretical basis and practical experience to design and deliver a course to teach the effective use of complex

computer applications. Focus is on designing courses that teach commands in combination with general strategies for computer

applications, such as CAD, spreadsheet, and information retrieval systems. Students have the opportunity to apply their skills in

teaching "Computing Skills and Concepts," that is based on the above goals.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Programming II

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Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

Builds on the fundamentals of object-oriented programming and GUI primitives taught in SI 543: "Programming I." At the end of this

class, students will:

Write recursive programs Choose appropriate data structures for programming tasks Understand threads and techniques for coping with synchronization problems Understand network programming and distributed objects and be able to use software libraries that offer those functions Understand database interfaces and be able to use software libraries that offer those functions Quickly learn how to use unfamiliar software libraries Quickly assimilate code written by someone else in order to use or modify it Design and document interfaces to software modules so as to assist others in reusing or modifying those modules Quickly learn to use unfamiliar programming languages that have the same basic features as Java Course uses Java as its programming language and teaches the underlying concepts. Uses many Java-specific examples and

employs Java software libraries. All assignments are written in Java.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Visual Persuasion

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

The purpose of "Visual Persuasion" is to answer two key questions:

What is the distinctive contribution that visual images make to persuasive communication? What are the fundamental characteristics that distinguish visual images from other modes of communication? Students examine the nature of visual persuasion in everyday life, learn how to manipulate the formal elements of visual imagery to

deliver a persuasive message, discover how visual imagery influences behaviour, develop strategies to protect themselves from the

unwanted messages images convey, and learn how to use persuasive imagery wisely in their own creations.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Programming I (Java)

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

An introduction to programming using Java, with special emphasis on graphical user-interface design and implementation.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Design of Complex Web Sites

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Human-Computer Interaction

Covers the application of database technology to the service of Web sites. Students discuss Web site design, implementation, and

evaluation. More importantly, students focus on the use of data gathering, storage, retrieval, processing, and formatting, in the

context of a Web site. Course covers gathering data from users through online forms and PhP scripts; effectively storing that data in

a database on the server (using MySql); Web-based administrative interfaces to the database; and the effective formatting and

display of the data at the Web site. Practical application are studied; this is a project-based course.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Management of Electronic Records

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Archives and Records Management / Information Management, Economics, and


Records are the corporate and cultural memory that provide proof of actions and decisions, build a knowledge-base for reflection

and learning, and form a perspective on today's society that we will pass on to future generations. As organizations create and

maintain more of their records electronically, they are struggling to develop effective policies, systems, and practices to capture,

maintain, and preserve electronic records.

Course examines the ways in which new information technologies challenge organizations' capacities to define, identify, control,

manage, and preserve electronic records. Students learn how different organizational, technological, regulatory, and cultural factors

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affect the strategies, practices, and tools that organizations can employ to manage electronic records. Problems of long-term

preservation and continuing access to electronic records are analyzed and addressed.

Addresses electronic records management issues in a wide variety of settings, including archives and manuscript repositories.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Preserving Information

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Archives and Records Management

Preservation is commonly defined as the acquisition, organization, and distribution of resources (human, physical, monetary) to

ensure adequate protection of information with continuing value for access by present and future generations. Preservation

encompasses planning and implementing policies, procedures, and processes that together prevent further deterioration or renew

the usability of selected groups of materials. Preservation management is most effective when planning precedes implementation

and when prevention activities have priority over renewal activities.

This course teaches the basic principles, policies, and procedures for protecting information resources from loss, damage,

deterioration, destruction, and obsolescence. The course introduces current methods and best practices for extending the useful life

of information in a wide variety of media. Considerable emphasis is on management and decision-making and current preservation

issues, particularly preservation of digital information and the use of digital technologies for preservation reformatting.

Course features lectures and discussion with some visits to campus preservation facilities and occasional guest lectures. This

course is an introductory overview. Students wishing to specialize in preservation management acquire the basis for seeking

additional training through Directed Field Experiences, internships, apprenticeships, workshops, and other practical engagement


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Access Systems for Archival Materials

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Archives and Records Management

Examines the interactions of people, content, and technological tools and their relation to access to archival programs and archival

materials. The course outlines and critiques assumptions about uses and use, the management of descriptive programs and the

practices surrounding the provision of access to and representation of archival materials, the history and theory behind these

practices, the tools and technologies that enable access, and a vision for how these basic elements can work together in access

systems to better provide information to users. The course also looks at access tools and representations as part of an entire descriptive program that has economic, political, and cultural ramifications. Students examine

and analyze issues of effectiveness, economics, technological implementation, and audiences for different types of surrogates for

primary sources including: national and subject guides, calendars, finding aids (in paper form and online), bibliographic records

(MARC), hypertext mark-up language (HTML), encoded archival description (SGML/XML/EAD), other automated systems, as well as

images of the records themselves. Issues of content and context, appropriate levels of control, selection, and interpretation are

studied. Doctoral students also read, critique, and participate in research in this area.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Research Seminar on Archives and Institutions of Social Memory

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Archives and Records Management

Thematic focus of this research seminar is collective memory and the role of archives as "memory institutions." Students examine

the role of archives and archivists in shaping memory through appraisal and selection, creation and collection of oral history, and

interpretation and display of documentary evidence. Most of the readings place archives in the context of a broader literature on

memory and interpretation of the past, including comparisons between archives and other memory institutions, such as museums.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Practical Engagement Workshop in Archives and Records

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Archives and Records Management

Focuses on developing applied archival skills. Student experiences are reinforced by regular meetings with skilled practitioners in a

variety of areas who share their knowledge in a structured environment.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Appraisal of Archives

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση Archives and Records Management

Examines the archivist's "first responsibility," the appraisal of records in all media for long-term preservation. The responsibility is

"first" because appraisal comes first in the sequence of archival functions and thus influences all subsequent archival activities, and

it is "first" in importance because appraisal determines what tiny sliver of the total human documentary production will actually

become "archives" and thus part of society's collective memory. The archivist is thereby actively shaping the future's history of our

own times.

Begins with the theoretical foundations of appraisal and the controversial responsibility of assigning cultural value to some

documentary artifacts and not others, within a broader content of history and memory. Sessions on the evolution of appraisal

thinking, and different appraisal experiences, In Europe, the United States, Canada, and Australia, follow. With this background, the

course focuses on examples from the real world of appraisal strategy and methodology, including electronic records. Attention will be

paid to personal and private records as well as government and institutional ones. The class will end by trying to apply the theories

and methodologies through group projects to various recording media and functional areas of records creation, these reflecting

student interests.

The goal of the course is to provide students -- through readings and discussion -- a thorough knowledge of the basic theories,

strategies, and professional practices concerning appraisal and an orientation to doing this job well as working archivists.

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University of Pennsylvania - College of Information Sciences and

Technology M.S. in Information Sciences and Technology


Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The objecThe theoretical perspectives covered in IST 522 can be organized roughly by their level of analysis: human perception and

performance, mental models and cognition, social behavior, and organizational and cultural impacts. For each general topic area,

core readings are used to define standard vocabulary, concepts and relations, methods and criteria for evaluation, and implications

for the design of interactive systems. The students and professor select complementary readings from the research literature that

question, extend, or otherwise refine these basic models and theories. Students participate in class discussions that hone the

students’ analytical skills and deepen their understandingof specific theories. Students also complete a research project motivated

by one or more theoretical frameworks covered in the course.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Management: Information and Technology

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Introduction to theoretical, computational, and practical issues involved in managing textual, spatial, temporal, and multimedia

information in a computerized system. Information Management: Information and Technology is designed to introduce you to theoretical and computational methods for

information generation, modeling, transmission, processing, storage, and analysis. These methods, mostly algorithmic in nature,

explore the links between the critical constructs of information science and technology.

They have applications in all areas of information and computational, cognitive, and social sciences, from intelligent information

processing to human-computer interfaces to social networks. Among the topics that may be covered in this course are information

theory, representation and transmission, sampling, data representation and storage, formal grammars and languages, compression

and encryption, computational complexity, graphs and networks, knowledge representation, data mining, inference, and information


Τίτλος Μαθήματος Information Processing Architecture and Technology

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course introduces the core theories, concepts, and methods regarding information and technology from an information

processing point of view. The course introduces the theories of how to archive, exchange, and base decisions on information.

Students study information retrieval, the Internet, and search engines as well as database and networking concepts. Middleware-

layer concepts covered include data mining tools and Web services. Quality-of-service issues are discussed, including scalability,

efficiency, security, and recovery of systems.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Human-Computer Ineraction: The User and Technology

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Users, models of users, developing the models, technology for creating interfaces; examples of good research and implications for

HCI design. This course offers you a broad, interdisciplinary approach to user sciences focused on how humans, or teams, interact with

information, technologies, and environments. Mutual impacts of collaboration, cognition, computation, and context are explored and

modeled as a basis for understanding systems dynamics in human-computer interaction and computer-supported cooperative work.

Theories, models, methods, measures, and simulations—developed for real-world problems—highlight the roles of understanding,

usefulness, and usability in engineering user-centered designs. The course uses experimental studies, ethnography, cognitive task

analysis, scaled world simulation, and reconfigurable prototypes within student design projects.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Models and Theories of Human-Computer Interaction

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course covers the theoretical foundations of human–computer interaction that prepares students for planning and conducting

research in HCI. The theoretical perspectives covered in IST 522 can be organized roughly by their level of analysis: human perception and

performance, mental models and cognition, social behavior, and organizational and cultural impacts. For each general topic area,

core readings are used to define standard vocabulary, concepts and relations, methods and criteria for evaluation, and implications

for the design of interactive systems. The students and professor select complementary readings from the research literature that

question, extend, or otherwise refine these basic models and theories. Students participate in class discussions that hone the

students’ analytical skills and deepen their understanding of specific theories. Students also complete a research project motivated

by one or more theoretical frameworks covered in the course.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Human Information Behavior: Information and the User

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Introduction to research into the nature of human information and communication processes at the individual, social, and

organizational levels. In this course, you will explore the human context within which information and information technology exists. You will analyze the

interactions among individuals, groups, and IT as well as the research issues arising from these interactions. The influence of the

human context on IT will be considered, as will the impact of IT on human behavior. Through readings and research projects, you

will examine the human context at the individual, organizational, industry, societal, and global levels.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Integrative Theories and Methods if the Information Sciences and Technology

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

An integrative treatment of research and theories on how technologies are used to meet information needs at multiple levels of

analysis. In this course, you will explore the fundamental assumptions, theories, and constructs shared by the multiple fields which make up

information sciences and technology. The emphasis of this course is on defining and developing conceptual links between human

behaviors, people’s information needs, and their uses of information technologies. You will study those through critical analysis of

contemporary and classic readings, ongoing debate and discussion, and individual reflection and synthesis of how people use

information and communication technologies to meet their information needs. Readings span individual, group, and other units of

social analysis within a range of research domains. The course also provides students with a basis for formulating researchable

topics and questions.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Colloquium

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Continuing seminars that consist of a series of individual lectures by faculty, students, or outside speakers. During the program of study, you will be required to participate in a two, 1-credit colloquiums. These courses will offer you

opportunities to discuss your research with your peers as well as receive advice from members of the faculty on academic and skill

development issues. The colloquiums also are opportunities for you to explore a broad range of theories, interests, and methods that

define the IT field. Taught by a different faculty member each semester and team-taught when feasible, colloquium also involves faculty guests from

other related academic departments who provide exposure to different ideas, applications, and theoretical perspectives.

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Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course offers you a broad, interdisciplinary approach to user sciences focused on how humans, or teams, interact with

information, technologies, and environments. Mutual impacts of collaboration, cognition, computation, and context are explored and

modeled as a basis for understanding systems dynamics in human-computer interaction and computer-supported cooperative work.

Theories, models, methods, measures, and simulations—developed for real-world problems—highlight the roles of understanding,

usefulness, and usability in engineering user-centered designs. The course uses experimental studies, ethnography, cognitive task

analysis, scaled world simulation, and reconfigurable prototypes within student design projects.



Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

An integrative treatment of research and theories on how technologies are used to meet information needs at multiple levels of


In this course, you will explore the fundamental assumptions, theories, and constructs shared by the multiple fields which make up

information sciences and technology. The emphasis of this course is on defining and developing conceptual links between human

behaviors, people’s information needs, and their uses of information technologies. You will study those through critical analysis of

contemporary and classic readings, ongoing debate and discussion, and individual reflection and synthesis of how people use

information and communication technologies to meet their information needs. Readings span individual, group, and other units of

social analysis within a range of research domains. The course also provides students with a basis for formulating researchable

topics and questions.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Organizational Informatics

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Researching information and information systems in organizations. This course presents a foundation module that studies information systems in organizations using various levels of analysis:

individuals, groups, firms, and industries. This module introduces a range of organizational, institutional, managerial, economic,

psychological, and social theories that assist in the analyses. A second module covers information systems development, global

information systems, information and communications technologies (ICT) governance in organizations, and enterprise systems. The

last module discusses the impact of ICT on organizations, including cross-organizational alliances and networks.

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Επιλογής Τίτλος Μαθήματος Regression Methods

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Analysis of research data through simple and multiple regression and correlation; polynomial models; indicator variables; step-wise,

piece-wise, and logistic regression

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Qualitative Research

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

s information and communication technologies (ICTs) have evolved, so too has our understanding of the role of the human contexts

within which information technologies are situated. This has led to the need for appropriate methods of studying information systems

and technologies in their context of use. There is a growing consensus that qualitative methods offer important research

opportunities for this type of study. Therefore, researchers in such fields as the information sciences and technologies,

communication technologies and information systems should have an understanding of the various types of qualitative methods so

that they can determine ones that are most appropriate for addressing their particular research problems. The course is

complementary to quantitative methods courses, in that it addresses problems that are not amenable to those approaches. For

example, studies involving very small groups, individuals, societal level concepts and others often lend themselves to qualitative research techniques.

This course begins by considering research topics that lend themselves to the choice of qualitative research methods. It then

proceeds to examine the steps involved in conducting qualitative research. These include: developing the research question(s); choosing a particular research method (such as ethnography, case study or

action research); making decisions about approaches to data collection (such as interview or focus group) and analysis (such as

coding technique); and producing and publishing the results.

This course explores concrete issues that researchers have encountered in their use of qualitative methods. It does this by drawing

upon the collective expertise of distinguished scholars who employ qualitative methods in their own research. The course will

examine published work that focuses on research findings as well as that which discusses methodological issues.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Advanced Statistics

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Correlation theory and methods, discriminant analysis, and factor analysis; applications to mental test theory

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Observational Methods

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Design and application of observational methods in developmental research

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Applied Statistics

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, power, estimation, confidence intervals, regression, one- and 2-way ANOVA, Chi-square

tests, diagnostics

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University of Pittsburgh The Katz MBA/MS-MIS Dual Degree

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Υποχρεωτικό Τίτλος Μαθήματος Management of Information Systems Practicum II

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

The Practicum II class will meet weekly during the Fall term. The class will be used for the presentation of practicum projects. Each

intern is required to give a 15-minute presentation of his or her practicum project, followed by a 10- to 15-minute question and

answer period. The Practicum advisor will participate in the evaluation of every student’s presentation. In addition to this, the student

will submit a practicum research paper by the end of the term which will be graded by the respective advisor.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Structured Business Programming

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course introduces students to fundamentals of structured programming, with an emphasis on the development of the broad

perspective that IT managers require. Covered topics include basic programming such as syntax, control flow, and loops, structured

programming principles such as functions and the decomposition of programs into modules, as well as data structures such as

pointers, arrays, stacks, and file processing. A modern and widely supported programming language such as C++ will be used.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Database Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

As information systems are integrated into business operations, the data within these systems becomes an increasingly valuable

corporate asset. This course develops students’ knowledge of the technologies and techniques for collecting, disseminating, and

managing data. The objective of the course is to develop immediately useful skills, such as SQL query construction and data

modeling, while providing exposure to a range of data management technologies, strategies, and issues. Hands-on exercises with

database management systems are provided to develop students’ SQL and database design skills. Discussions, assignments, and

projects focus on the challenges of developing and using database systems in dynamic organizations.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Systems Analysis and Design

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course examines the role of information systems development projects in generating value for the firm. Beginning with an

understanding of the strategic impacts of new information technologies, we explore the question of what it takes to generate bottom-

line value by satisfying organizational needs that range from simply automation to radical innovation. Business systems must be

designed and deployed to meet real business needs, satisfy budgetary and schedule constraints, and make effective use of

information technology all while taking into account the existing processes, structures, and people. Completing successful systems

development projects require a wide range of technical, communication, and managerial skills. Focusing more on managerial than

technical implications, we develop students’ knowledge of structured analysis and design techniques, such as data and process

modeling, client communication skills, and project management expertise.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Telecommunications Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course focuses on the management of corporate telecommunications networks, including voice and data communications, text

and image. The objective of the course is to provide students with a technical introduction of telecommunications as well as the

current management issues and how they influence the business setting.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Management of Information Systems Practicum I

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

First-year students are required to attend Practicum I Fall sessions. Class participation will be factored into their practicum research

paper. In this course, they will attend second-year students’ practicum presentations and gain familiarity with current MIS issues as

well as practicum opportunities. First-year students should identify an area of interest where they would like to work during their

summer internship. Practicum begins with the students turning in their internship information sheet to the placement office

(Internship Coordinator) and a copy of the company offer letter specifying the nature of the internship as well as its duration to the

MIS program director who will then assign an advisor to each student. Students must contact their respective advisors as soon as

possible to discuss in more detail the nature of their internships. It is advisable that, if possible, students deliver a brief practicum

proposal outline to their respective advisor at the beginning of the internship. Status reports may be sent regularly to insure the

internship satisfies the program requirements as well as the advisor’s criteria. (Note: This is the only practicum course that part-time

students take).

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Object-Oriented Business Programming and Design

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of object-oriented software construction, with an emphasis on the development

of the broad perspective that IT managers require. Programming topics emphasize the fundamentals of class/object building—

including constructors, access control, information hiding, encapsulation and inheritance. Windows programming topics include the

use of single and multiple document interfaces, dialog boxes, and the use of Integrated Development Environments. A modern and

widely supported programming language such as C++ will be used. The design portion of the course examines the use of object-

oriented principles in design software using the Universal Modeling language (UML) and addresses such topics as US-Case,

Sequence & Collaboration Diagramming and State-Transition.

Είδος Μαθημάτων: Επιλογής Τίτλος Μαθήματος Project Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση IT Management

This course focuses on the management of projects, with a special emphasis on the management of information systems (IS)

projects. Planning, organizing, staffing, and controlling projects require traditional management skills and an understanding of quality

assurance techniques. Managing IS projects also requires an appreciation of the creative and volatile world of information

technology. This course starts with an overview of project management concepts, and then focuses on project planning, monitoring,

and controlling. It also covers the politics of projects, project staff and teamwork issues, and project organizations. In this course, our

focus will be on the management of IS projects, although many of the concepts we examine are applicable to the management of

other types of projects.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Human-Computer Interaction

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση IT Development

This course provides both technical and conceptual tools in the quest to provide usable systems in today’s organizations. The first

half is technical, covering a graphical user interface design tool such as Visual Basic. While coverage is not intended to make

students into programmers, topics covered include form design, variable declaration, integration of programs into forms, error-

handling, file management, and database linking. The second half is more conceptual, and reviews the current literature concerning

user interfaces. Topics include cognitive models of users, design and testing approaches and guidelines, physical ergonomics, and

design implication of systems based on menus, command languages, and direct-manipulation objects.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Managing Software Design

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση IT Development

Managing Software Design is a two-part course sequence that focuses on the management of projects that have been described in

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the literature as "programming-in-the-large". It is expected that all students in this course will have had some course work in

programming. This course will expose students to the tools and techniques used on commercial systems, and will present the

development experience, foundations of the area, cognitive models of users, and software state of the art in how best to manage

these projects. The course sequence will emphasize two themes: (1) measurement tools for effective managerial planning and

control, and (2) strategies for managing risk and organizational change. This course is intended for students who anticipate careers

with significant information technology interaction, whether from a developer or user perspective.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Enterprise-Wide Computing Solutions

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση IT Business Solutions

Today's advanced information technology has the capability to enable and transform business processes. For example, enterprise-

wide application software such as SAP R/3 or Oracle Financial allows organizations to link disparate business units along the supply

chain with shared and integrated information. Moreover, today's organizations are increasingly expected to operate globally.

Advanced information technology often becomes the basis for the development of global IT solutions, which can dramatically impact

a firm's ability to define and support global business processes. Thus, there is a growing demand for advanced information

technology to transform and enable domestic and global processes, and more and more organizations are implementing enterprise-

wide application software to meet this need. This course has several purposes: (i) to examine the business drivers for domestic

enterprise-wide applications and for global IT solutions; (ii) to survey the IT solutions themselves; and (iii) to consider the

implementation strategies for enterprise-wide applications and global IT solutions.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Data Mining I and II

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση IT Business Solutions

Data mining, the process of extracting managerially useful knowledge from a set of data, involves applying techniques from statistics

and artificial intelligence/expert systems to multivariate numerical and categorical information. Data mining is used extensively in

marketing, for analysis of scanner and consumer data from traditional transactions and over the web, and in finance. In this course,

we will discuss methods and software for several of the more popular approaches (discriminate analysis, logistic regression,

clustering, neural nets, tree/rule induction, and case-based reasoning). Commercial data mining software is used in this course, so a

laptop is required.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Electronic Commerce

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση - IT Management - IT Development - IT Business Solutions -

Organizations of all kinds have found that electronic commerce technologies offer many opportunities. Examples abound that

illustrate the possibilities. Firms can launch new businesses, provide greater customer support, market products and services in a

new way, achieve competitive advantage, win leverage over suppliers, and afford substantial cost savings. Business models include

applications that integrate customers, businesses, and internal operations, in all possible combinations. This course covers five main

areas in electronic commerce: (1) technologies, (2) opportunities, (3) cautions, (4) strategies, and (5) tactics. Lectures, guest

speakers, case discussions, issue discussions, and two group projects will be used as teaching tools. The group projects will require

creating an E-business plan and building a corresponding web site to be presented to the class. Students who took BMIS 2578

(Commerce on the Information Highway) will not be permitted to take this course for credit.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Current Topics in MIS

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση - IT Management - IT Development - IT Business Solutions -

The objective of this seminar-based, summer elective course is to expose the MBA student to a specific cutting-edge current topic in

MIS. The specific topic to be discussed in the course will, most likely, change from year to year; however, the student will benefit in

two ways. First, the student will have the unique opportunity to be exposed to what is currently discussed in MIS and which will

probably become common currency a few years down the road. Secondly, students will gain insight into the cutting edge of the field.

Due to the changing nature of the specific topic, it is expected that different faculty members or PhD students will teach this seminar

every year; however, the topic and course plan will be approved by the MIS coordinator prior to its inclusion in the annual academic


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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Enterprise Networking

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση - IT Management - and - IT Development -

This course examines fundamental cutting-edge networking technologies providing the business process foundation of today’s

Internet-enhanced organization. This course adopts the perspective of a contemporary organizational IT manager and attempts to

understand the cost/benefit tradeoffs involved in making new technological investments in enterprise network architecture.

Procedures involved in outsourcing network solutions, including technological, financial and strategic due-diligence research are

examined. Additionally reporting on the research results, making well-founded predictions, and writing a request for proposal (RFP)

for a particular new networking technology are also undertaken. Salient analysis and design considerations in the following areas are

discovered and examined : client hardware, software and operating systems,server hardware, software and operating systems,

network operating systems, middleware, wireless networking, wireless/wired networking security, and the integration of internet,

intranet and web-based technologies. We also get some hands-on experience with LINUX and one or more varieties of middleware

(i.e. Coldfusion and/or PHP).

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Business Continuity Management

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση - IT Management - and - IT Business Solutions -

Information technology is an important part of any modern firm's operations. When an organization's information systems (IS) fail to

work properly, organizations often must cease operations until the problems are addressed. At the same time, systems are

increasingly complex, dynamic, and imperfect. Hence, it is difficult (if not impossible) to develop and maintain reliable operations. Yet

this is exactly what mangers must do. This course examines the challenges associated with developing and managing systems and

processes in support of reliable operations. Specifically, this course investigates: (i) the types of business continuity problems that

managers face; (ii) techniques and strategies that organizations can use to address these problems; and (iii) the challenges

managers face when attempting to support ongoing business continuity management programs.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Impact Analysis

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση - IT Management - and - IT Business Solutions -

This course focuses on the evaluation of systems in terms of organizational goals, systems goals, resources utilized, and the

relevant operational, functional, process and strategic impacts. Basic measurement theory and techniques, as well as specialized

systems evaluation measures and techniques are addressed. A term project involving the evaluation of a real-world system is

required. Particular attention is paid to organizational contexts in which significant transformations, such as globalization, new

commitments to knowledge management, or outsourcing, are taking place.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Knowledge Management Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course is designed to help students develop an appreciation of Knowledge Management (KM) as a way to improve

organizational performance through a set of processes, tools and incentives designed to help people to create, share, source and

integrate knowledge. Specific topics include building an organizational memory, improving ad-hoc access to employees’ knowledge,

fostering on-line communities, supporting virtual teams and implementing systems to improve collaboration. Technologies that

support KM are not unique, but their purpose and content differ markedly from other information systems. Through case studies,

lectures, and readings, this course builds a foundation of understanding KMS by first establishing an awareness of the core

underlying issues that must be addressed in any KM implementation.

Τίτλος Μαθήματος Independent Study in Mgmt of Information Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

Under very special circumstances and prior MIS faculty and Director's approval, an independent course of study in management of

information systems may be arranged with a faculty member acting as an advisor.

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Τίτλος Μαθήματος Management Information Systems

Τομέας / Ειδίκευση

This course provides an overview of Information Technology and its application in business. By simultaneously examining business

cases and the capabilities of relevant technologies, students will develop an understanding of how Information Technology is the

primary enabler for improved business processes. Systems and technologies that are examined from this dual business and

technology perspective include relational Databases, the Internet and Networks, Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer

Relationship Management, and Supply Chain systems.