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以下聲明未經美國食品及藥物管理局評估。 Isagenix® 產品不作任何醫療、治療、治癒或預防任何疾病。如果你懷孕、授乳、患有糖尿病、正在服用藥物、接受藥物治療中,或正開始體重管理計劃,請在使用 Isagenix® 產品或進行任何膳食改變前,徵詢醫生的意見,如果有過敏反應發生,請停止使用。減重成效因人而異。 在一項最近研究顯示,參加者在使用一次 Isagenix ® 的 9 天計劃後平均成功減重 7 磅。

聲明 Disclaimer

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Note: If you are pregnant, nursing, diabetic, on medication, have a medical condition, or are beginning a weight control program, consult your physician before using Isagenix products or making any other dietary changes. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs.

Weight-loss results may vary. In a recent study, participants averaged a weight loss of 7 pounds at the completion of their first Isagenix 9 Day Program.

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歡迎各位來臨愛身健麗Welcome to Isagenix ®


3World Leader in Nutritional Cleansing

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John Anderson創辦人及產品研發者

Founder and Formulator

Jim Coover總裁暨首席執行長

President and CEO

Isagenix 創辦人

Kathy Coover銷售及市場部行政副總裁

Executive Vice President

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請將你的願景與我們的願景聯繫在一起,我們將可創造奇蹟By personally connecting your vision to ours,

we can create miracles.

在提高人類健康的同時,讓人們從身體及經濟上的痛苦中解脫出來,並在此過程中創造世界上最大的健康保健公司。To impact world health and free people

from physical and financial pain, and in the process create the largest health and

wellness company in the world.

與我們的願景聯繫Connect With Our Vision

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International Branch Offices 國際分部辦公室

Taiwan 台灣

Hong Kong 香港

Australia 澳洲

USA 美國

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專業醫生,主流媒體極力推薦Isagenix In The News

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健康危機 Health Crisis2009 年香港衛生署統計數據 : Hong Kong Health Department statistical data 2009:

• 頭號殺手 - 癌症 ; 12,839 人死亡 (31.2%) No. 1 – Cancer; 12,839 deaths (31.2%)

• 超過 2,300 名女性患有乳癌 ! Over 2,300 female have breast cancer

• 15.6% - 6,414 人死於心臟病 ( 致命疾病中高居第二位 ) No. 2 – Heart Disease; 6,414 deaths (15.6%)

• 現時全香港約有超過 70 萬糖尿病患者 ; 死亡人數 492 ( 致命疾病中第十位 )

No.10 – Diabetics; Over 700,000 people suffering and 492 deaths

• 40% 以上的香港人過重和肥胖 ! 造成每年 38,683 人死亡 ! Over 40% of HK citizen are overweight & suffering from obesity; Causing 38,683 deaths yearly.

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食水中含有的污染物、細菌及化學元素多達 700 多種According to the World Book Encyclopedia, a study was done which

found 188 million pounds of chemicals were discharged into our lakes, streams and rivers.

食物中的化學成份,飲品中的添加劑,禽畜未及時消化的生長激素等等,防腐劑、農藥、化肥、藥物殘留物、重金屬、動物體中注滿了各種各樣的荷爾蒙、激素、抗生素 In the book ‘What You Don’t Know May Be Killing

You,’author Don Colbert, M.D., discovered there are over 3000 chemicals and 10,000 solvents, emulsifiers

and preservatives in our food.

空氣中的一氧化碳、灰塵及其他有害氣體、 70 萬噸的污染物飄浮於空氣中 According to the World Book Encyclopedia,more than 2.4 billion pounds of air pollution went into the air in the U.S alone.It has only gotten worse.


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Source: What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You by Dr. Don Colbert, MD

The result of all these chemical impurities has been that the filters of the body get filled and cannot function.

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全球性的污染及健康問題必須得到正視。但當沒有一種方法可以解決所有問題的時候,絕對有必要以行動來改進及維持自己的健康。我們希望你可聆聽有關愛身健麗的健康系統。當這套健康系統能配以均衡的飲食和運動,對你纖型及整體健康都會有著奇妙的作用。You've just heard about a range of problems facing global health today.

While no one product can single-handedly remedythese problems, it is imperative that you dosomething to improve and support your own health.

We'd like you to hear about a program – The Isagenix System- that, when consumed inconjunction with a balanced diet and as part of anoverall fitness program, can have a marvelous effecton your own overall health.

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• 兩天或更多的預先調整日 / 奶昔日• 一星期一天淨化日• 每天飲用兩份奶昔及一份健康正餐• 每天使用生之源及益生舒腸素

淨化及燃脂系統 - 30 天計劃 Cleansing & Fat Burning System - 30 Day Supply

• 2 or more Pre Cleanse days or longer• Cleanse one day a week or 9 Day

Cleanse• Two shakes a day and one healthy

meal• Ionix and FiberPro every day

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淨化及燃脂系統 - 9 天計劃 Cleansing & Fat Burning System 9 Day Supply

• 兩天或更多的預先調整日 / 奶昔日• 第一至第二天 , 第八至第九天 為淨化日• 每天飲用兩份奶昔及一份健康正餐• 每天使用生之源及 2 粒燃脂修身膠囊 , 以促進新陳代謝• 2 or more Pre Cleanse days or longer• Days 1-2, Days 8-9, 4 Day Cleanse• Two shakes a day and one healthy meal• Ionix every day & take 2 Natural Accelerator capsules to jumpstart your


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修身營養素 ( 粉劑 )Cleanse For Life Powder

採用優質蘆薈Highest quality Aloe Vera 多種有機離子礦物質More than 70 Organic Ionic Minerals 70

含豐富的多種維他命 B Rich in Vitamin B 多種獨特有機淨化草本茶混合物Special organic herbal tea blends

淨化身體促進自然燃脂Cleanse to Burn Fat Naturally

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適量的有機乳清蛋白質 , 纖維素 , 碳水化合物和 脂肪有助保持沒有脂肪的肌肉Balanced amount of high-quality whey protein, fiber, low-glycemic carbonhydrates & fat that helps to maintain and support lean muscle

提供過百種的營養補充Over 100 nutrients that replenish the system全面均衡的氨基酸Complete source of balanced amino acids

提供良好的消化酵素﹐維他命和礦物質 Good source of digestive enzymes, vitamins and minerals

完善的膳食替代品 The Perfect Meal Alternative

IsaLean ® 奶昔 IsaLean® Shake

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代餐點心 Snacks!

解饞的低卡路里零食Satisfying Low-Calorie Snacks

蛋白質﹑碳水化合物及脂肪的完美平衡混合Perfectly balanced blend of protein, carbohydrates and essential fats 有助滿足口腹之慾Helps satisfy your cravings 提供每日所需的足夠營養Provides nutrition throughout the day

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結合多種益生源、活效複合益生菌、離子紫花苜蓿與柑橘生物類黃酮Combination of prebisol multiple-fiber complex™Active6 complex™, Ionic Alfalfa™ and citrus bioflavonoid.

改善消化機能與支援體重管理計劃Improved Digestive Health and Weight Management Support

水溶性纖維可支持心血管健康The soluble fiber supports cardiovascular health.

纖維質可減緩飲食中醣類的吸收速度The fiber helps regulate blood sugar by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates for diabetes support.

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愛身健儷至尊乳清蛋白 IsaPro®

蛋白質可促進支持瘦肌肉組織和滿足您的飢餓感Protein helps support lean body mass and help to satisfy hunger. 蛋白質有助克服體重停滯期 Supplemental protein may help you get past stubborn weight loss plateaus.

提供全面均衡胺基酸、良好的維他命和礦物質Complete source of balanced amino acids, and good source of vitamins and minerals. 愛身健麗至尊乳清蛋白粉是運動員建立瘦肌肉組織的最佳來源IsaPro® is also ideal for athletes who want to build lean body mass.

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不含麻黃、安非他命及咖啡因等不良成份 No Ma Huang, Ephedrine and Caffeine added 採用有天然生熱效應的營養素Natural thermogenic nutrients含抗脂肪營養素 , 如 : Lipotropic blend of special nutrients such as

• 辣椒果 Cayenne Pepper• 綠茶 Green Tea• 肉桂 Cinnamon• 人蔘 Ginseng有助滿足食慾

Helps satisfy the appetite

燃脂修身膠囊 Natural Accelerator

點燃您的天然爐子﹐燃燒脂肪Kindle Your Natural Furnace For Burning Fat

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生之源 Ionix Supreme

奠定良好營養的基礎Serves as a foundation for good nutrition 含多種抗氧化劑及維他命 C保護身體Protect you body with Vitamin C and a wide range of antioxidants 包含強效適應原,促進身體系統的和諧Includes powerful adaptogens to help harmonize body systems促進身心表現Promotes mental and physical performance支援性健康Supports sexual health

達到最佳健康狀態的自然之道Nature’s Answer For Optimal Health

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至尊深海魚油IsaOmega Supreme ™

改善心臟血管健康 Improved cardiovascular health 支持健康膽固醇 Supports healthy cholesterol促進健康腦部發展 Promotes healthy brain development保護眼睛和關節健康 Protects eye and joint health增強免疫功能 Promotes healthy immune function頭髮 ,皮膚及指甲更健康 Healthier hair, skin and nails

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• 與 IsaLean 奶昔或 Want More Energy 能量飲料混合飲用 ﹣美味可口! Tastes great blended with IsaLean Shake or Want More Energy

• 快速方式攝取每日所需之水果分量 Fast way to receive fruits in the diet daily

• 高抗氧化 High in antioxidants• 只含 1克糖 Only 1 gram of sugar• 糖尿病人佳適用 Diabetics-friendly• 絕無人造香料 No artificial flavors• 絕無人造色素 No artificial colors• 絕無興奮劑 No stimulants

愛麗水果營養素 IsaFruits糖份飲料的健康代替品Healthy alternative for sugar drinks

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「想要更多精力 ? ™ 」 Want More Energy?

補充天然能量的電解質飲品The Superior Electrolyte Drink

含有豐富離子微量礦物質及維他命 B Rich in Ionic trace minerals & Vitamin B

美味和提神Delicious & Refreshing

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負離子鹼性濃縮液 IsaWATER™將食水調整為有益健康的弱鹼性 Neutralizing drinking water to an pH scale of optimal health

改變水分形態,讓好水有效進入體內 Breaking down water molecules and promoting better filtration

增加食水中負離子含量,增加水中還原電位 Increase the amount of negative ions and negatively charged Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) in drinking water

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我們的土壤缺乏營養素 Our soil is deficient in nutrients

水果和蔬菜缺乏礦物質 Fruits and vegetables are deficient in minerals

我們的飲食習慣太過錯誤 We eat the wrong kind of food

我們的健康接近破產而需要滋養生息 Our bodies are bankrupt and need nourishing

我們需要抗氧化劑的幫助,避免受到自由基的傷害 Antioxidants are needed to help combat free radical damage

我們沒有可能從日常的食物中獲取足夠的營養 We Can Not get enough nutrients from our food

我們身處於充滿化學元素及毒素的環境當中,有必要為我們的身體淨化,補給及滋養生息 With all the chemicals and toxins in our environment, we must Cleanse, Replenish and Revitalize for a lifetime

為何要定期淨化身體 ? Why Isagenix for Life?

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減重成效因人而異。 在一項最近研究顯示,參加者在使用一次 Isagenix ® 的 9 天計劃後平均成功減重 7磅

真人真事真見證 !! Real People….Real


Results may vary. The average weight loss in a recent study was 7 pounds. As with any health or fitness program, a sensible eating plan and regular exercise are required in order to achieve long-term weight loss results.

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淨化的間接得益是…The side effect of Cleansing


體重減輕之結果因人而異。在最近的一個研究中,參與者使用完第一個 Isagenix 9 日計劃平均減輕了 7 磅。請在進行計劃前,向醫生咨詢。

Results may vary. The average weight loss in a recent study was 7 pounds. As with any health or fitness program, a sensible eating plan and regular exercise are required in order to achieve long-term weight loss results.

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Amy Chan IsaBody 修身挑戰賽香港區第一名

IsaBody Challenge Winner

Lost 3.9 KG!

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May Li IsaBody 修身挑戰賽香港區第二名

IsaBody Challenge 1st Runner-up

Lost 3 KG!

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Alice Man IsaBody 修身挑戰賽香港區第三名IsaBody Challenge 2nd Runner-


Lost 0.9 KG!

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每個人都需要 愛身健麗Everyone need


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健康產品Wellness Products

財富產品Financial Products


Who wish to earn more money? 誰想賺取更多的錢 ?

How You Can Benefit From Isagenix……

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有誰想多賺取一些現金或增加收入 ?

Our Health and Wellness Products are Sweeping the Nation

It is because of these life changing products that we have an unprecedented financial opportunity

Who Wants to Make Some Money?

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• 家庭需要 2 份收入才能維持生計• 未償還貸款金額 = 平均港幣

44,000• 退休考慮• 高漲的醫療保健費用


您的生命中是否有財務危機 ?在您生活中需要財政上的幫助嗎 ?

Financial Crisis

• Families need 2 incomes to survive

• Average credit card debt = $44,000

• Retirement concerns

• Rising health care costs

Is There a Financial Need in Your Life?We Have the Solution …

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Creating Wealth


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“你不需要勞動工作,卻依然能繼續擁有正常的生活水平” 羅伯清崎“The number of days you can survive without physically working and still maintain your standard

of living” Robert Kiyosaki

– 每天 2 餐約花費 = $60– 每月最少消費約為 = $1,800 – 3個月約儲蓄 = $4,800– 財富= 3個月或 90日

• 假設你從明天開始就停止工作或失業,你將如何生存及可生存多久 ??

• 你的目標應該是拓展能帶來比你每月花費更高更多的持續收入。

Expenses = $1,800 per monthSavings = $4,800Wealth = 3 months or 90 days

• If you had to stop work tomorrow or lost your job. how long could YOU survive?

• Your Goal should be to develop a Residual Income that is greater than your monthly expenses

何謂財富 ? What Is Wealth?

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• 你需要擁有 $48,000 的本金,才能每月賺取 $200 的利息收入(5%)

• To earn $200 per month from savings at 5% interest, you would need $48,000 to be invested

• 需要多久才存有 $48,000 的本金呢 ?• How long would it take to save $48,000?

儲蓄 * 每月收入 *

$12,000 $50

$24,000 $100

$48,000 $200

$150,000 $625

$300,000 $1,250

$600,000 $2,500

$1,200,000 $5,000

$2,400,000 $10,000

每月收入的 5%

何謂持續收入 ? Residual Income – What Is

It?持續收入 Residual Income

無論你是否有『起床工作』仍能於每週都獲取到的收入When you get paid each and every week

whether you get out of bed or not

* 以美金計算 *in US Dollars

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找一份工作 Get yourself a job

擁有自己的事業 Own your own business

網絡行銷 Network Marketing

“……我建議大家參考網絡行銷,我們需要投資數百萬元才能擁有某些知名公司的特許經營權,而網絡行銷卻可說是選購你個人的特許經營” - 暢銷書作者羅伯清崎 “….I recommend people consider network marketing. Many

famous franchises cost a million dollars or more to buy. Network Marketing is like buying a personal franchise…”

- R. Kiyosaki “The CASHFLOW Quadrant”

在創造財富方面 , 你有那些選擇 ?What Options Do You Have To Create


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領域 / 市場 Industry/


• 全球成長最快速的領域• 全球 1000億的營業額• 網絡行銷比其他領域創造出更多擁有 6 位到 7 位數收入的女士• 多項收入來源• 自由企業 / 持續收入

為何選擇網絡行銷 ?Why Network Marketing?

• The fastest-growing segment in our global economy

• 100 billion worldwide sales

• Direct sales has created more 6 and 7 figure earners for women than any other industry

• Multiple streams of income

• Free enterprise/ Residual Income

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為何選擇網絡行銷 ?Who Recommends Network Marketing?

華倫畢菲特 Warren Buffet• 收購 3間網絡行銷公司• Bought 3 Network Marketing companies

唐納川普 Donald Trump• 行政人員 /企業家• 備受尊崇的創富權威• Business Executive / Entrepreneur• Respected leader in wealth creation

羅伯清崎 Robert Kiyosaki• 全球暢銷書『窮爸爸,富爸爸』的作者• #1 Best Selling Author

– Rich Dad, Poor Dad and The Cashflow Quadrant

保羅辛尼皮爾澤 Paul Zane Pilzer• 2届美國總統的經濟顧問• 暢銷書『未來行業魅力』的作者• Economic Advisor to 2 Presidential Administrations• Best Selling Author and Trend Forecaster

羅伯艾倫 Robert Allen• 5 本有關如何成功致富的暢銷書的作者及• 暢銷書『 10 種財源,一生財富』的作者• Author of 5 books on how to achieve financial success

– Multiple Streams of Income

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網絡行銷的優勢Business Advantages Of Network Marketing居家事業沒有員工、不用裁員、不需舟車勞頓開始成本低、低營運費用口碑相傳行銷稅務旅遊優勢槓桿作用 (借力 )時間自由• No layoffs, downsizing or missed promotions• Low overhead and low start-up • No employees • High touch and high tech• Time and money freedom• Unlimited income• Leverage• No special degrees• Tax advantages

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健康革命The Wellness Revolution

在短短 5 年內產業從 2000億倍增至 4000億嬰兒出生潮主導市場消費群佔我們的經濟體系的 50%每天有 10,000 名新生嬰兒往後 10 年的市場,家庭財富將倍增至 100兆這代表將有 1000 萬個新的百萬富翁• Industry doubled from $200 billion to $400 billion in 5 yrs• Baby boomers control the market

• They’re spending accounts for 50% of our economy• 10,000 new baby boomers a day

• Over the next 10 years, household wealth will double to $100 trillion

• That represents 10 million NEW millionaires

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收入聲明Isagenix 獨立聯營商的收入並不代表 Isagenix事業的固定或標準收入。 Isagenix 獨立聯營商達成的收入程度不表示其他聯營商也可以達到相同的收入程度。所達成的收入程度根據獨立聯營商的商業技能、個人期望、時間、承諾、活動和人口等因素而有所不同。

聲明 Disclaimers

What You Should Know About Income Claims

Isagenix Independent Associate earning claims should not be construed as representative of a fixed, or standard earnings from any Isagenix business. The income levels achieved by Isagenix Independent Associates are not intended to imply that another Associate will achieve the same level of income.

The income levels achieved will be dependent upon the individual Associate’s business skills, personal ambition, time, commitment, activity and demographic factors.

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團隊概念Teamwork Concept

愛身健麗的獎勵計劃獎勵團隊概念The Isagenix

Compensation Plan rewards the teamwork


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1. 零售利潤 Retail Profits

2. 產品介紹獎金(PIBs) Product Introduction Bonus

5 種賺錢的方法 !5 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY

3. 團隊獎金 Team Bonus

4. 團隊配對獎金 Matching Team Bonus

5. 特別獎金 Special Incentives

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獎金計劃Compensation Plan團隊獎金概要

Team Comp Plan Summary

2 的倍增能力1.建立 2個銷售團隊2.其中有一條銷售團隊有 600BV, 而另一條銷售團隊有 300 BV = 1個循環3. 分數以每天計算4.獎金以每周計算5. 合格經理可得其所有直屬顧問的6.團隊獎金的總和的 10% 配對獎金The Power of 2• Build 2 Sales Teams• Earn Cycles on your entire Group• Calculates Daily• Pays Weekly• 10% Matching Team Bonus

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想像… .Just Imagine ….

生活會有無限的可能… .So Many Possibilities….

你有什麼夢想 ?What is Your


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• 宏厚的資金及完善的管理• 重覆使用的產品• 鼓勵發揮團結及群策群力的獎金制度• 突破性及先進的輔銷工具• 最佳時機• Well-capitalized & managed company• Products that are visual, emotional & consumable• Team-building compensation plan• Cutting-edge business building tools• Timing is perfect

Isagenix™ 優勝之處Advantage

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試想一想…您每日勞碌奔波為什麼呢 ?How do you define insanity?

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現在就開始 Get Started Now…

It doesn’t matter how you get started...Just get started

Isagenix™ 優勝之處Advantage

成為我們的客戶Become a Customer成為我們的聯營商

Become an Associate

提供黃金套裝 ,總統套裝及多款套裝Gold Program and other choices

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幫助他人改善生活Making a difference

每次 1個人One person at a time

誰是第 1 位 ?Who’s First?