σ* resonances in electron impactinduced vibrational excitation of npropane, cyclopropane, ethylene oxide, cyclopentane, and cyclohexane Michael Allan and Lidija Andric Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 105, 3559 (1996); doi: 10.1063/1.472819 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.472819 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/105/9?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Resonant vibrational excitation of furan by low energy electron impact J. Chem. Phys. 105, 7448 (1996); 10.1063/1.472572 Electronimpact excitation of lowlying preionizationedge n→σ* and Rydberg transitions of CHF2Cl and CHFCl2: Absolute generalized oscillator strength measurement J. Chem. Phys. 105, 2188 (1996); 10.1063/1.472092 Electron impact vibrational excitation cross sections of SiF4 Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 2189 (1996); 10.1063/1.116008 Auger electron–ion coincidence experiment on nitric oxide molecule excited by electron impact J. Chem. Phys. 104, 3227 (1996); 10.1063/1.471088 Vibrational and electronic excitation of hexatriacontane thin films by low energy electron impact J. Chem. Phys. 92, 5722 (1990); 10.1063/1.458503 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:03:08

σ∗ resonances in electron impact-induced vibrational excitation of n-propane, cyclopropane, ethylene oxide, cyclopentane, and cyclohexane

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σ* resonances in electron impactinduced vibrational excitation of npropane,cyclopropane, ethylene oxide, cyclopentane, and cyclohexaneMichael Allan and Lidija Andric Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 105, 3559 (1996); doi: 10.1063/1.472819 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.472819 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/105/9?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Resonant vibrational excitation of furan by low energy electron impact J. Chem. Phys. 105, 7448 (1996); 10.1063/1.472572 Electronimpact excitation of lowlying preionizationedge n→σ* and Rydberg transitions of CHF2Cl and CHFCl2:Absolute generalized oscillator strength measurement J. Chem. Phys. 105, 2188 (1996); 10.1063/1.472092 Electron impact vibrational excitation cross sections of SiF4 Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 2189 (1996); 10.1063/1.116008 Auger electron–ion coincidence experiment on nitric oxide molecule excited by electron impact J. Chem. Phys. 104, 3227 (1996); 10.1063/1.471088 Vibrational and electronic excitation of hexatriacontane thin films by low energy electron impact J. Chem. Phys. 92, 5722 (1990); 10.1063/1.458503

This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:03:08

s* resonances in electron impact-induced vibrational excitation ofn -propane, cyclopropane, ethylene oxide, cyclopentane, and cyclohexane

Michael AllanInstitut de Chimie Physique, Universite´ de Fribourg, Pe´rolles, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland

Lidija AndricLaboratoire de Dynamique Moleculaire et Atomique, T12-E5, Universite´ Pierre et Marie Curie, 4, placeJussieu, F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France

~Received 12 March 1996; accepted 10 May 1996!

Electron-energy-loss spectra in the range of vibrational excitation, and excitation functions forselected vibrational peaks, were measured for the title compounds. Angular distributions of thevibrationally inelastic peaks were measured forn-propane and cyclopropane. The results inn-propane are similar to the published results in ethane, only one very broad band is observed in allchannels, with gradual onset at about 3 eV and a maximum around 8 eV. In contrast, narrowerresonances emerge in all cyclic compounds. The effect is most pronounced in cyclopropane, wheretwo resonances appear, at 2.6 and 5.5 eV. The latter is exceptional in several respects. It is narrowand thus relatively long lived for a shape resonance of this energy. It causes ring stretch excitationwith very high selectivity and pronounced angular distribution, which is reproduced very well by thetheory of Read and Andrick, revealing dominance of a partial wave with an unusually high angularmomentum,l53, m53, and unambiguously identifying the resonance asa28 . The resonances inethylene oxide are similar, but somewhat broader and shifted to 3 and 4.8 eV, respectively.Resonances in cyclopentane and cyclohexane resemble loosely the cyclopropane case. It isconcluded that the major cause of the dramatic differences in spectral appearance between linear andcyclic alkanes are not major changes of resonant energies, but decrease of their~lifetime-determined! width, caused by higher symmetry, rigidity, and consequently largercontribution of partial waves with highl to the scattering. This implies that the vertical electronaffinity of linear alkanes is not around28 eV, as could be assumed from the position of the peakin the attachment spectra, but higher, around23 eV. © 1996 American Institute of Physics.@S0021-9606~96!03131-5#


Experimental information ons* valence orbitals in al-kanes and related saturated organic compounds may begained by the study ofs* -shape resonances in electron scat-tering, that is of transient negative ions where thes* orbitalsare temporarily occupied. Such investigations ofs* reso-nances have traditionally been somewhat neglected in com-parison to thep* resonances.1 The reason is primarily thelarge energy width of thes* resonances caused by their veryshort lifetime, often accompanied by large Franck–Condonwidths of the dissociatives* resonances.

The large width of thes* -shape resonances hinders theirobservation in the electron transmission spectroscopy~ETS!which has been used for pioneering studies of resonances inhydrocarbons2 ~see also an example of ETS ofn-pentane3!.The experimentally more demanding method of recordingcross sections for vibrational excitation by electron impact ismore suitable for the observation of broad shape resonancessince it is a ‘‘zero background’’ method. It has the furtheradvantage of often giving additional evidence for the assign-ment of the resonances through the selectivity of the vibra-tional excitation and angular distribution of the scatteredelectrons. The latter method has been applied to alkaneslarger than methane only very rarely. Boestenet al.4 havestudied vibrational excitation of ethane by electron impactand has found an extremely broad band, extending from

about 4 eV to more than 15 eV, peaking at around 7 eV. Theband peaks at only slightly different energies in the excita-tion of the different vibrations. From this result it could beconcluded thats* resonances in alkanes have similar char-acteristics as thes* resonance in H2,

5 that is that they areexceedingly wide because of extremely short lifetime, tosuch a degree that it may not even be justified to view themin the chemically useful way as temporary occupation ofdistinct s* orbitals. There has been an early evidence fromETS, however, that narrower and more distinct resonancesare found in cyclic alkanes.6 Preliminary experiments fromthis laboratory have shown pronounced selectivity of vibra-tional excitation in cyclopropane.7–9 The present work deep-ens the cyclopropane study, and presents results from relatedcompounds, in an attempt to better characterize resonances,and indirectlys* orbitals, in alkanes and other saturated or-ganic compounds.

Another technique yielding information ons* orbitals isthe inner-shell excitation spectroscopy, which has also beenapplied to cyclic alkanes.10,11 The core is positively chargedin this technique, in contrast to the neutral core in the presentexperiments, permitting only an indirect comparison of theresults. Finally,s* orbitals are temporarily occupied also inthes* -valence excited states. Studies of these states are rare,however, such states being difficult to identify because ofgenerally large Franck–Condon widths and extensivevalence–Rydberg mixing.

3559J. Chem. Phys. 105 (9), 1 September 1996 0021-9606/96/105(9)/3559/10/$10.00 © 1996 American Institute of Physics This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:03:08


The instrument and the procedure of calibrating its re-sponse as a function of the incident and residual energies onhelium have already been described12,13and only a very briefdescription is given here. It is essentially a standard electron-energy-loss spectrometer using hemispherical electrostaticdeflectors for electron energy selection. The analyzer can berotated from23° to 135° with respect to the incident beam.Sample gas was introduced into the collision region as aneffusive beam through a nozzle with 250mm diameter, keptat about 70 °C. Instrumental response function for elasticscattering has been determined with help of the helium elas-tic signal, the analyzer response function has been deter-mined on the helium near threshold ionization continuum.The excitation functions and energy-loss spectra were cor-rected for the instrumental response function, under the as-sumption of the product rule of the analyzer and monochro-mator sensitivities.12 The present paper concentrates onexcitation at higher energies, the performance of the instru-ment was not optimized very close~few tenths of an elec-tronvolt! to threshold and this region is not shown in theexcitation functions. The angular distribution spectra weremeasured by repetitively scanning the analyzer position witha stepping motor. The response function of the instrumentwith respect to the scattering angle has been calibrated on thehelium elastic signal and the angular distribution spectrawere corrected accordingly.13 Absolute elastic cross sectionin cyclopropane has been determined using the relative flowtechnique. The error of the absolute value is within635%.The energy scale was calibrated on the 19.366 eV resonancein helium and is accurate within630 meV, the resolutionwas between 15 and 25 meV~fwhm, in energy-loss mode!.


The first part of the experimental results consists ofenergy-loss spectra in the range of vibrational excitation, re-corded at various incident energies. This work emphasizeson resonant scattering. Large scattering angles of 90° or 120°were therefore generally chosen to reduce the contribution ofdirect ~dipole! excitation of IR-active vibrations, which peakin the forward scattering~and at low incident energies!. Vi-brational excitation is generally dominated by the ‘‘shape’’resonances where the incident electron may be thought of asbeing temporarily trapped in a normally vacant MO, withoutelectronic excitation of the target molecule. Resonant vibra-tional excitation is induced by geometry relaxation duringthe short lifetime of the resonance, the intensities of vibra-tional peaks being indicative of along which normal modesdid the relaxation occur. The usefulness of the vibrationalintensities thus lies in the fact that they can be qualitativelyrelated to the bonding or antibonding properties of the tem-porarily occupied MOs.14

The present study is concerned with relatively large mol-ecules with many vibrations of closely spaced frequencies,15

which cannot be all resolved with the electron-impact experi-ment. Useful information may be derived from the spectradespite this circumstance, however, because the unresolved

vibrations of similar frequencies are generally of the sametype, for example a number of C–H stretch vibrations arefound around 370–380 meV,H–C–H scissoring and defor-mations around 180 meV, C–C stretch vibrations around100–110 meV. The spectra thus indicate which type of mo-tion is excited by a given resonance, even in cases where theexact vibration, in particular its symmetry, cannot be deter-mined. The useful qualitative relation between antibondingproperties of the temporarily occupied MO and vibrationalexcitation intensity may thus be used even for the presentlarge molecules, without detailed assignment of the vibra-tions.

Symmetry arguments indicate that totally symmetricalvibrational modes will be excited for nondegenerate orbitalsand for an electron entering and leaving the molecule in thesame partial wave, and totally symmetrical vibrations are inpractice generally found to dominate resonant vibrational ex-citation. We therefore label a given peak in the energy-lossspectrum as a totally symmetrical vibration in cases whereclosely spaced vibrations cause ambiguity, since the totallysymmetrical vibration is likely to be responsible for a major-ity of the peak’s intensity even when contribution of othervibrations, of different symmetry~but generally of the sametype! cannot be excluded. In the case of degenerate orbitals,found in the present work in cyclopropane, vibrations withthe symmetry species equal to the direct product of the spe-cies of the MO with itself may also be excited.16 Excitationof other nontotally symmetrical vibrations were also ob-served in previous work, and may be attributed to vibroniccoupling between resonances17 or to the electron leaving inan s wave.16,18

The dependence of the intensity~i.e., the relative differ-ential cross section, DCS! of selected vibrational energy-losspeaks, previously identified in the energy-loss spectrum, isthen recorded as a function of incident electron energy in thenext stage of the experiment. A band in such an excitationfunction, indicating enhanced vibrational excitation at givenincident energies, can generally be associated with a shaperesonance. An attempt is then made to associate it with tem-porary occupation of orbitals with nodal structure and thusantibonding properties consistent with exciting the giventype of vibrational motion.

The dependence of the DCS on scattering angle is alsogiven in propane and cyclopropane, it may be indicative ofthe symmetry of the resonance causing the vibrational exci-tation.

Figure 1 shows energy-loss spectra of propane, recordedat two incident energies. Propane has 27 vibrational modesout of which nine~n12n9! are totally symmetrical.15 Theycannot all be resolved but the type of motion which is ex-cited can generally be determined without ambiguity, be-cause vibrations of similar type~similar local motion! tend tohave similar frequencies. For example, all C–H stretch vi-brations have transition energies of about 360 meV~repre-sentative symboln1 is used to label the peak!, H–C–H de-formation vibrations about 170 meV~representative labeln6!, torsion vibrations 27 meV. The symmetrical C–C stretchn8 at 107 meV has a unique transition energy even with the

3560 M. Allan and L. Andric: Electron impact-induced vibrational excitation

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 105, No. 9, 1 September 1996 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:03:08

present resolution and can be unambiguously identified inthe spectrum~the antisymmetrical C–C stretchn20 is at 131meV, an energy which is sufficiently different to be re-solved!. The intensities of the vibrationally inelastic peaks inFig. 1 thus indicate changes~nearly certainly lengthening! ofC–H bond lengths, changes ofH–C–H angles, and of theC–C bond length upon an attachment of 3 or 8 eV electrons.

The most intense inelastic peak in the top spectrum ofFig. 1 is at an energy loss of 363 meV. It is wider than theelastic peak~28 meV compared to 19 meV!, indicating si-multaneous excitation of several totally symmetrical vibra-tions, presumablyn1, n2, andn3, ~369, 367, and 358 meV!,all of which are C–H stretch vibrations.~A less probablecause is high degree of rotational excitation.! This peak thuspoints, despite the ambiguity of the assignment, to lengthen-ing of the C–H bond in the negative ion, that is to a tempo-rary occupation of an orbital with nodes across the C–Hbond. The second highest peak is at 173 meV. It is evenwider than the C–H peak, and is presumably dominated bythe excitation ofn4, n5, andn6, ~183, 181, and 169 meV!, allof which areH–C–Hdeformation vibrations. Other, nonto-tally symmetrical, vibrations in the 170–190 meV range aren11, n17, n18, and n24.

15 They could also contribute to theenergy-loss peak at 173 meV, but are alsoH–C–Hdeforma-tion vibrations, so that the conclusion that attachment of anelectron changes theH–C–H angle is not affected by theambiguity of the vibrational assignment. Excitation ofn8~C–C stretch, 107 meV15! is clearly visible as a shoulder at110 meV. The gap between the 110 meV shoulder and the173 meV peak is ‘‘filled’’ with signal, indicating probablythe excitation ofn7 ~CH3 rock, 144 meV!. There is a clearindication of the excitation of the 2n1 ~and other C–Hstretch! overtone and then11n2 andn11n8 combination vi-brations. Finally, the asymmetrical appearance of the elasticpeak, with a tail on the right side, indicates excitation of

low-frequency vibrations at 8 eV, eitherC–C–Cdeforma-tion ~n9! or torsion~n14 or n27!.

Revealing is the excitation of overtones and of combina-tion vibrationsn11n6 and n11n8, since it further supportsthe conclusion that the observed excitation is resonant~caused by geometry relaxation during the lifetime of thetemporary anion! and not direct excitation of infrared activemodes.

Figures 2 and 3 show the energy dependence of the vi-brational excitation cross sections. The data is relative andthe individual curves are not on the same vertical scale. The

FIG. 1. Energy loss spectra of propane.~The top spectrum is a sum ofspectra recorded at 7.6 and at 8 eV.!

FIG. 2. Relative elastic~bottom! and vibrationally inelastic cross sectionsfor propane, recorded as a function of the incident electron energy. Thevibrational labels are only representative, other unresolved vibrations mayalso be excited as explained in the text.

FIG. 3. Vibrationally inelastic cross sections for propane, continued fromFig. 2.

3561M. Allan and L. Andric: Electron impact-induced vibrational excitation

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 105, No. 9, 1 September 1996 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:03:08

elastic cross section is included for completeness in the bot-tom of Fig. 2. The signal does not drop to zero at low ener-gies, but the signal remaining to the left of the broad reso-nance peak is probably due to direct excitation ofoverlapping IR-active modes, as is evidenced by the fact thatthe signal approaches zero much more for the excitation ofthe overtone 2n1 than for the excitation of the IR allowedfundamentaln1.

All the inelastic DCSs in Figs. 2 and 3 exhibit only asingle extremely broad band with an onset at around 3 eV,and this result resembles the observation in ethane.4 Thepeak is at a slightly higher energy~8.8 eV! for the C–Cexcitation than for the C–H excitation~7.4 eV!, and the bandis broader.

Figure 4 shows the angular dependence of selectedenergy-loss peaks, recorded at 8 eV, near the cross sectionmaxima~see Figs. 2 and 3!. Angular dependence of the elas-tic cross section at 6 eV is also shown—it is not directlyrelevant for the present discussion, but may be a useful ref-erence for theoretical studies. The angular distributions arenot far from isotropic, without indication of the dominanceof any partial wave, indicating mixture of partial waves andpossibly overlapping resonances.

No distinct resonances are thus observed apart from thevery broad band, and not many conclusions can be drawnfrom the data with respect to resonance assignment. Note-worthy is, however, that the CH2 scissoring peak in Fig. 1 ismore prominent at 3 eV than at 8 eV. This observation hasan analogy for all the compound studied here as will bediscussed below.

Figure 5 shows energy-loss spectra of cyclopropane. Thegeneral features resemble the propane spectra: C–H stretch,H–C–Hdeformation~scissoring!, and C–C~ring! stretch areprominent, overtone and combination vibrations are excited.Note that the elastic peak has now symmetrical shape, cyclo-

propane is rigid and does not have very low frequency de-formation and torsion vibrations15 which caused a tail on theelastic peak in propane. Important for the following discus-sion is that the excitation of both the first and the secondovertones of then3 ring stretch vibration can be discernednearly unobscured in the 5.5 eV spectrum. Cyclopropanedoes not have any totally symmetrical vibration which couldbe responsible for the peak at 108 meV, the possible assign-ments of this peak appear to ben7, a29 CH2 rock or n11, e8ring deformation. The large width of the peak at 146 meVindicates excitation of another overlapping vibration, prob-ably thee8 CH2 wagging vibrationn10 ~128 meV15!.

An interesting detail is that then1 peak is only slightlywider than the elastic peak in the upper curve of Fig. 5~22.5meV compared to 16.5 meV!. This is probably a conse-quence of the fact that there is only one totally symmetricalC–H stretch vibration in cyclopropane, while there are three,spaced by 11 meV, inn-propane. The CH2 scissoring peak ismore prominent at the lower incident energy, as inn-propane.

Figure 6 shows the absolute elastic DCS, which repre-sents an important reference for theoretical calculations.~An-gular dependence of the absolute elastic DCS have alreadybeen shown and compared to existing calculations in Ref. 9!.Relevant for the present discussion is that the broad 6 eVpeak in the elastic DCS in propane~Fig. 2! is split into twopeaks in cyclopropane, at 5.5 and 7.9 eV.

Figures 7 and 8 show the dependence of the vibra-tionally inelastic DCSs on the incident electron energy.These spectra are dramatically different from those of pro-pane~in Figs. 2 and 3! in that at least two narrower reso-nances can be discerned at about 2.6 and at 5.5 eV, apartfrom the very broad band peaking between 8 and 10 eV.

The resonance at 5.5 eV has truly remarkable properties.It is, to the best of our knowledge, the narrowest resonancereported for an alkane. This points to a high centrifugal bar-

FIG. 4. Relative DCSs in propane recorded in function of the scatteringangle.

FIG. 5. Energy loss spectra of cyclopropane.

3562 M. Allan and L. Andric: Electron impact-induced vibrational excitation

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rier, that is a partial wave with highl , with no contribution oflow l values. Remarkable is further the very high degree ofselectivity in the vibrational excitation caused by the 5.5 eVresonance—it is dominant in then3 ring stretch excitationand its two overtones~Fig. 7!, and it is not discernible at allin the C–H stretch excitation and the CH2 scissoring excita-tion ~Figs. 7 and 8!. It appears only very weakly in then11n2combination vibration and then11 ring deformation DCSs.This high degree of selectivity indicates a temporary occu-pation of an orbital localized on the carbon ring, with nocoefficients on the hydrogen atoms.

We use the Koopmans’ theorem19 ~applicable to anionsonly with an empirical linear scaling relation20 AE5~e22.33!/1.31 relating HF 6-31 G* virtual orbital energiese,obtained from the Gaussian21 program, to an estimated at-tachment energy AE, both in eV! in an initial attempt toassign this resonance.7–9We feel that this attempt is justifiedby the success of this approach to rationalize experimentalenergies of shape resonances in a wide range of situationsand for unrelated kinds of orbitals~propellane,3 allene,22

ozone23!, despite possible objections to the use of this crudeapproach for very short-lived resonances. Figure 9 summa-rizes the calculated results of Ref. 9 for propane and cyclo-propane. As already pointed out in the preliminaryreports,7–9 a shape resonance corresponding to a temporaryoccupation of the 1a28 orbital explains very well the observedenergy and vibrational excitation selectivity of the 5.5 eVresonance. The calculated energy is 5.1 eV, a very satisfac-tory agreement in view of the crude theoretical treatment.The 1a28 orbital has nodes across the C–C bonds, which willbe appreciably lengthened by a temporary capture of an elec-

FIG. 6. Absolute elastic DCS in cyclopropane.

FIG. 7. Relative vibrationally inelastic cross sections for cyclopropane, re-corded as a function of the incident electron energy.

FIG. 8. Vibrationally inelastic cross sections for cyclopropane, continuedfrom Fig. 7.

FIG. 9. Energies of HF/6-31G* virtual orbitals~scale on the left! and ver-tical attachment energies for propane and cyclopropane, estimated from theorbital energies using Koopmans’ theorem and an empirical scaling relationas explained in the text. Schematic diagrams of the orbitals were drawn withMOPLOT ~Ref. 28!.

3563M. Allan and L. Andric: Electron impact-induced vibrational excitation

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tron, and has no coefficients on the H atoms, predicting thatthe C–H bond lengths will not be significantly changed.

A stringent test of this assumption is provided by theangular distributions, shown for selected vibrational peaksand electron energies in Figs. 10 and 11. Most of the curvesresemble qualitatively the propane results~Fig. 4!, beingnearly isotropic. The variations with angle are not pro-nounced, and it is not possible to rationalize them in terms ofa single partial wave. This result indicates the action of sev-eral overlapping resonances or resonances where two ormore partial waves contribute significantly. An exception isthe ring stretch excitation~n3 and its overtones! via the 5.5eV resonance, with pronounced angular behavior.

We analyzed this angular distributions using the angularcorrelation theory developed by Read24 and Andrick andRead.25 This theory had been developed under the assump-tion that the angular distribution of the scattered electronsdepends only on the symmetries of the states involved in theresonant process, it can be used for all types of moleculesbelonging to all symmetry groups, and allows the treatmentof vibronic ~vibrational and electronic! states, essential whendealing with polyatomic molecules. Since the angular mo-mentum in the theoretical treatment appears as a parameter,the comparison of the measured and calculated angular be-haviors of resonantly scattered electrons can give clear infor-mation about the symmetry of the resonant state in the casewhen only the first partial wave with the lowest angular mo-mentum participates, or at least is strongly dominant in theformation and decay of the resonance. The cyclopropanemolecule belongs to theD3h symmetry group and the reso-nance at 5.5 eV is observed to lead to dominant excitation ofthe totally symmetrical (a18) C–C ring breathing mode. Onlyone symmetry of the resonant state, namelya29 , resulted in asatisfactory agreement of experiment and theory. The firstallowed partial wave in the entrance and exit channels is thenl53, m53. In this particular case the expected angular de-pendence is:


97cos2 q2


97cos4 q1


97cos6 q.


This calculated curve is symmetrical about 90°, with aminimum at 90° and a weak maxima at 60° and 120°, inagreement with the behavior of then3, 2n3, and 3n3 energyloss peaks in Fig. 11.

In an attempt to compare the theoretical and experimen-tal angular dependencies more precisely, we note~see Fig. 7!that not only the ‘‘5.5 eV resonance,’’ but also the low en-ergy wing of the extremely broad ‘‘10 eV resonance’’ con-tribute to the excitationn3 and its overtones at 5.5 eV. An-gular distribution for 3n3 excitation just below and just abovethe ‘‘5.5 eV resonance’’ are nearly isotropic~top of Fig. 11!.An approximation of the signal due to the ‘‘5.5 eV reso-nance’’ alone was consequently obtained by subtracting anisotropic background~corresponding to 25% and 18% of thetotal signal at 120° for 2n3 and 3n3, respectively! from theraw data in Fig. 11 to obtain the data shown as dots in Fig.12.

The very satisfactory agreement of experiment andtheory in Fig. 12 identifies the ‘‘5.5 eV resonance’’ unam-biguously asa29 . It is worth emphasizing that although theoriginal proposition of this assignment came from the appli-cation of the Koopmans’ theorem, the assignment is nowbased on angular distribution of the scattered electrons anddoes not depend on the validity of the Koopmans’ theorem!

There is a less dominant, but clear indication of anotherresonance peak at around 2.6 eV in Figs. 7 and 8. It appearsas a shoulder in the DCS for CH2 scissoring, its overtone,and combination with C–H stretch. It can also be discernedas a weak shoulder in the C–H stretch excitation DCS. Thereis no indication of this resonance in the ring stretch excita-

FIG. 10. Relative DCSs in cyclopropane recorded in function of the scat-tering angle.

FIG. 11. Relative DCSs in cyclopropane recorded in function of the scat-tering angle, continued from Fig. 10.

3564 M. Allan and L. Andric: Electron impact-induced vibrational excitation

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tion. This selectivity indicates temporary occupation of anorbital with nodes between the H atoms on the same carbon,but not affecting the C–C bond. Inspection of the nodalproperties of the virtual orbitals in Fig. 9 reveals the 2a29 MOas a possible candidate for this resonance, since it has a nodebetween the H atoms on each C atom, its temporary occupa-tion should lead to an increase of theH–C–H angle. It isnominally weakly bonding along the C–C bonds, but thiseffect is likely to be compensates by the general ‘‘inflation’’of the molecule following the increase of repulsive interac-tions in the presence of an extra electron. This assignment isless certain than the assignment of the ‘‘5 eV resonance,’’however. Our attempts to describe the observed angular dis-tribution in terms of a single partial wave failed for the 2.6eV resonance, indicating that several partial waves contrib-ute.

Virtual orbitals of propane are also included in Fig. 9 toillustrate the situation encountered when trying to apply theKoopmans’ theorem to linear alkanes. Six relatively closelyspaced virtual orbitals are obtained, which are not very use-ful for the assignment of the very broad observed peak. Thesituation could be somewhat clarified by applying a form ofthe stabilization method, i.e., testing the sensitivity of thevirtual orbital energies on the size of the basis set, in anattempt to identify some of the virtual orbitals as ‘‘dis-cretized continuum states.’’ We do not apply this methodhere in the belief that a more elaborate scattering calculationis required in the propane case. Noteworthy in Fig. 9 is per-haps that the 3b1 orbital of propane is a ‘‘p’’ orbital closelyrelated to the 2a29 orbital of cyclopropane, and a possiblecandidate for the explanation of the enhanced excitation ofthe CH2 deformation vibration at 3 eV~Fig. 1!.

The excitation function for the superelastic peak2n11~electron-energy gain of 107 meV, see also Fig. 5! is alsogiven in Fig. 8. As expected, its shape is identical to that ofthe inelasticn11 peak.

The energy-loss spectra of ethylene oxide in Fig. 13 re-semble closely the cyclopropane spectra in Fig. 5, bearingout the similarity of vibrational structure and of the scatter-

ing mechanism in the two compounds. In particular note thatthe CH2 scissoring vibration is relatively more intense in the3 eV spectrum than it is in the 4.8 eV spectrum, indicating aresonant excitation analogous to the ‘‘2.6 eV resonance’’ ofcyclopropane.

The vibrationally inelastic DCSs, shown as a function ofthe incident electron energy in Fig. 14, are also reminiscentof those in cyclopropane. The ‘‘5.5 eV resonance’’ of cyclo-propane is lowered to 4.8 eV in ethylene oxide. Like the 5.5eV resonance of cyclopropane, the 4.8 eV resonance of eth-ylene oxide is most pronounced in the C–C stretch excita-tion. The degree of selectivity of excitation which it causes ismore difficult to judge than it is in cyclopropane, however,

FIG. 12. Comparison of the shapes of the experimental angular distribution~dots! and the theoretical distribution given by Eq.~1! ~line!, for the excita-tion of n3 overtones by thea29 resonance at 5.5 eV. A constant~isotropic!background~amounting to 25% of the signal intensity at 120° for 2n3 and18% for 3n3! was subtracted from the experimental spectra, as explained inthe text.

FIG. 13. Energy loss spectra of ethylene oxide.

FIG. 14. Relative DCSs in ethylene oxide recorded in function of the inci-dent electron energy.

3565M. Allan and L. Andric: Electron impact-induced vibrational excitation

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 105, No. 9, 1 September 1996 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:03:08

because the C–C stretch and the CH2 scissoring vibrationsare less well separated in ethylene oxide than they are incyclopropane, and an overlap of the energy-loss bands~Fig.13! may affect the spectra in Fig. 14. The weak appearanceof the 4.8 eV resonance in the CH2 scissoring may be due tothis overlap, rather than to weaker selectivity. A broad weakshoulder may just be discerned at around 3 eV in the CH2scissoring and the C–H stretch excitation curves in Fig. 14,indicating a resonance analogous to the 2.6 eV resonance incyclopropane. Its visibility is less clear than in cyclopropanebecause the 4.8 eV resonance and the shoulder at 3 eV areless separated than the corresponding features in cyclopro-pane and consequently overlap more.

Cyclopentane has a large number of vibrational modes,26

but related types are again grouped around certain frequen-cies, permitting the~somewhat tentative! assignment of thepeaks observed in the energy-loss spectra to certain types ofvibrations, indicated in Fig. 15. The spectra resemble quali-tatively those of the previous compounds: A prominentgroup of three peaks~probably comprising more than threevibrations! is found in the 0.10–0.20 eV energy-loss range,comprising the C–C stretch, the CH2 rocking, and the CH2scissoring vibrations. Note that, as in the previous com-pounds, the CH2 scissoring mode is more prominent at 3 thanat 7 eV. A weaker group of unresolved signal is found in the0.2–0.35 eV range, comprising the overtones and combina-tions of the vibrations in the 0.1–0.2 eV range. Finally, aprominent C–H stretch band follows, peaking at 365 meV~itis wider than the elastic peak and thus consists of severalvibrations!. Overtones of the C–H group and combinationsof C–H with the vibrations in the 0.1–0.2 eV range can bediscerned at higher energy losses. Low frequency vibrations,at around 40 and 70 meV, are also excited.

The excitation functions in Fig. 16 also bear some remi-niscence of the results in cyclopropane, but less than theethylene oxide results. A relatively narrow band is found at

6.6 eV, possibly related to the 5.5 eV resonance of cyclopro-pane. The selectivity is similar but less strict than incyclopropane—the 6.6 eV band is more prominent in theC–C stretch excitation functions, but can be discerned tosome degree even in the remaining excitation functions inFig. 16. The reduced selectivity may be interpreted as a con-sequence of the smaller symmetry of cyclopentane:27 In con-trast to cyclopropane there are no orbitals located exclusivelyon the carbon ring, having zero coefficients on the hydrogenatoms.

The onset of the resonant signal in the upper three curvesin Fig. 16 is at somewhat lower energy than in the lowerthree curves, indicating a resonant process in the 2–4 eVregion, exciting preferentially the CH2 scissoring and theC–H stretch vibrations. This finding resembles that in cyclo-propane, although it is less pronounced.

The energy-loss spectra of cyclohexane, Fig. 17, are alsoreminiscent of those of the previous compounds, with aprominent band in the 0.1–0.2 eV range, which can be ratio-nalized well as excitation of the totally symmetrical vibra-tions n3 ~CH2 scissoring!, n4 ~CH2 rocking!, and n5 ~C–Cstretch!, a prominent C–H stretch band, and the overtone andcombination bands~vibrational frequencies are taken fromRef. 15!. Excitation of low frequency vibrations may be dis-cerned below 0.08 eV, as in both previous ‘‘floppy’’ com-pounds, propane, and cyclopentane.

The features in the excitation curves of cyclohexane,Fig. 18, are even broader than in cyclopentane and the re-semblance with cyclopropane is even weaker. There is aband at 7.5 eV, which resembles somewhat the 5.5 eV cy-clopropane band in terms of energy, but not in terms of se-lectivity, it is not prominent in the C–C stretch excitation. Ashoulder at around 4.2 eV resembles somewhat the cyclopro-pane 2.6 eV resonance, also in that it can be discerned in the

FIG. 15. Energy loss spectra of cyclopentane. FIG. 16. Relative DCSs in cyclopentane recorded in function of the incidentelectron energy.

3566 M. Allan and L. Andric: Electron impact-induced vibrational excitation

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 105, No. 9, 1 September 1996 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:03:08

CH2 scissoring and the C–H modes, but not in the C–Cstretch mode.

HF virtual orbitals and Koopmans’ theorem are not veryhelpful in assigning the resonances in cyclopentane and cy-clohexane because too many orbitals result from the calcula-tions. They have many nodes and do not permit qualitativepredictions of selectivity of vibrational excitation, in agree-ment with the experimental observations in Figs. 16 and 18,where only weak selectivity is found.


Vibrational excitation functions in linear alkanes such asethane~Ref. 4! or propane~this work! exhibit only one ex-

tremely broad band, with a gradual onset around 3 eV, peak-ing in the 7–8 eV range, and extending to more than 15 eV.The energy and width of this band depend only little onwhich compound and which vibration is considered. Thisresult resembles the observation in H2, where a single ex-tremely short-lived and consequently broads* resonancecauses a band in the vibrational excitation function. Theseobservations may give rise to the impression that a single,uniform scattering process is responsible for the vibrationalexcitation in linear alkanes, with a ‘‘vertical’’ attachmentenergy of about 8 eV, far above the attachment energies ofalkenes, such as ethene~vertical attachment energy 1.8 eV2!.

Profound changes are encountered in the attachmentspectra, however, when going from the linear alkanes to oth-erwise closely related cyclic compounds: several distinguish-able resonances emerge from the extremely broad band inthe linear alkanes, the lowest being at much lower energiesthan the 8 eV peak of the linear alkanes. The second of theseresonances~at 5.5 eV! can be assigned unambiguously incyclopropane. For cyclopropane and ethylene oxide, the en-ergies of these narrower resonances, and the selectivity ofvibrational excitation which they cause can be rationalizedwell in the perceptually useful terms of a temporary captureof the incident electron in distinct virtual orbitals, just as iscustomary for thep* resonances of unsaturated compounds.

In view of this it is interesting that, despite the obviousdramatic differences, parallels are found in the vibrationalexcitation patterns ofn-propane and of the cyclic com-pounds, in particular the more prominent excitation of theCH2 scissoring vibration at lower energies, 2–4 eV. Thisindicates, that even the extremely broad band in alkanes maybe usefully viewed as several overlapping resonances, notdiscernible individually in the spectra because of the overlap.These resonances become distinguishable in the cyclic com-pounds primarily not because of large shifts in energy, butbecause the higher symmetry and the rigidity of the mol-ecules cause partial waves with higherl to dominate thescattering, resulting in higher centrifugal barriers, longerresonance lifetimes and narrower widths. This view has aconsequence relevant to chemistry, namely that the notion ofalkanes having a vertical electron attachment energy of 8 eV~i.e., vert. electron affinity of28 eV! is not appropriate, itappears much more appropriate to consider the lowest attach-ment energy of even linear alkanes to be around 3 eV, wherepronounced resonant vibrational excitation sets in~althoughthe term ‘‘vertical’’ is not applicable because no distinctband is observed!. This is still well above, but much closerto, the vertical attachment energies of small unsaturated hy-drocarbons like ethene~attachment energy of 1.8 eV2!.


We express our sincere appreciation to Professor E. Ha-selbach for his continuing support and encouragement in thepresent work. The spectrometer could not have been con-structed without the exceptional enthusiasm and ingenuity ofE. Brosi of the mechanical laboratory and P.-H. Chassot ofthe electronical laboratory. This work is part of project 2028-

FIG. 17. Energy loss spectra of cyclohexane.

FIG. 18. Relative DCSs in cyclohexane recorded in function of the incidentelectron energy.

3567M. Allan and L. Andric: Electron impact-induced vibrational excitation

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 105, No. 9, 1 September 1996 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:03:08

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3568 M. Allan and L. Andric: Electron impact-induced vibrational excitation

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 105, No. 9, 1 September 1996 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:03:08