提案に役につ情報 Proposal Guide APMP Accreditation Edition から MKTインターナショナル株式会社 代表取締役 社 井誠 © MKT インターナショナル株式会社

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9月に開催された teian-lab 勉強会の資料です。

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  • 1. Proposal Guide APMP Accreditation Edition MKT MKT

2. } } APMP Accreditation Program} APMP Proposal Guide} APMP Proposal Guide 3. MBA R&D MKT (HP2011428) Oracle Partner of the Year VMWare The OEM Partner Award Microsoft Windows Server No.1 Linux1 HPLinux OS )() 20 4. APMP Accreditation ProgramNPO Association of Proposal Management Professional (APMP) Foundation 3Practitioner ()Professional 5. Foundation APMP2751 400 7:00am-5:30pm APMP325 1x4 APMP Accreditation Proposal 119 GuideI 6. APMP Proposal Guide:the Foundation Accreditation Study Guide} APMP Foundation Accreditation} } } } } } } } () 7. APMP Proposal Guide } } } 8. 9. } Abbreviations : } Action Caption: } Active/Passive Voice: } Color: 10. Abbreviation : (1) : CD-ROM, DVD, USA: HP (Hewlett-Packard,Home Page, Hit Point, Horse Power) 2 The Royal Navy (RN) left here. The RN (Royal Navy) left here.2525 11. Abbreviation : (2) Mr. Makoto Akai Prof. Ryuichi Sakamoto Nancy Rosen, M.D: ? A e.g. for example et al. and others; and elsewhere(ma) etc. and so on: and the rest 12. Abbreviation : (3) Holidays: Charismas (not Xmas) Days and months: Japan -> Jap ( ma Monday (not Mon)December (not Dec) The nal decition maker is John Brennan, Ph.D. (ma) 13. Abbreviation : (ma)} } IT BYOD, SaaS, DasS, KVM} } } } ex, PS 14. Action Caption: (1) Figure 1. Easy to Use Minimum Training.Queries are constructed by simply pointing and clicking on objects representing data tables and raw elements. Graphical Query Language (GQL) allows users to ask questions and receive valid answers after only 8 hours of training. 15. Action Caption: (2) 3 1-1. : 1-1. 1-1. 16. Action Caption: (3) 1-1. 1-1. 17. Action Caption: (4) 1-1. 1-1. 20% 18. Action Caption: (5) : ABC 13 :13ABC 19. Action Caption: (5) : 3Body Text is here Figure 1. Easy to Use Minimum Training.Queries are constructed by simply pointing and clicking on objects representing data tables and raw elements. 1-1. 20% 20. Action Caption: (6) } } 21. Active/Passive Voice: (1) 22. Active/Passive Voice: (2) 2 CEO 23. Active/Passive Voice: (3) } } } 20} 24. Color: (1) 1 OHP 25. Color: (2) : 26. Color: (3) } : } : } 27. Color: (4) } PowerPoint(2010} } } } } } ?} } } 28. } } MS} HG } } } Bold B (bold) BoldBold 29. } PMP Proposal Guide } } } http://kumishiki.wordpress.com/