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Page 3: ˘ˇhomepage.ntu.edu.tw/~tsaiyt/pdf/c-hfu-91-1-2.pdf · 2018. 11. 16. · day to view the Dalai Lamas as his incarnations, in China he became a she -Kuan-yin, the "Goddess of Mercy"


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* ` � � 6N* +�t��� � T6U)d m �X� 2�� 1 *1999� 4�,6+ 339 345. * � H �@ � 6N* +U � Ù r � × � X)d K   U x y T6¡ ¢ I �6U, á £ X� 27��5 *1979� 4�,6+ 25-29.

* Lokesh Chandra, "The Origin of Avalokita-svara/Avalokit-esvara," Indologica Taurinensia 13 (1985-86): 187-201. * ¤ ¥ Z +6N* u +, - �¦ ¦ T6U× � �m ����X� 12�� 11*1964�,6+ 182-185. * § ] � ¨ 6Nx y * +U ¦ © T6ª « } �6U, á £ X� 38�� 10 *1990� 10�,6+ 20-21.

=�>� (9/28)#B* +, - . / ¬ ­ ® U ¯ � � ° ± *æ�,G * ` a *b c ,6N)d * +U x y XP Q T6ef JU* +g � X*hi#d M j k l ç m 62000�,6+ 10-39. * ² ³ ´ 6U* +¬ ­ ® #��H µ ¶ * +U � X*hi#· £ ¸ �t62001�,8 �� 5 � � �# * ¸ ¹ º 6N* +Q T6U. ð X� 55 *1994� 4�,6� 2_8 * Um , - U P Q V A *>,#, - »* + »& b X6S m 0o I 06*hi#S m �tW p 61999�,8 * ¼ 9K ½ 6U* u +, - P Q n o *�¾>� ,X*hi#¿ À Á R _x 61998�,8 * U * +# � Q �  d * The Art of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara: Its Cult-images and

Narrative-portrayals,X6 d à § � � w � �� Ä �A � �w Ä Å £ � ¡ * International Symposium on Art Historical Studies 5,6*�Æ #�Æ ���� � w � ��� Ç 61986�,8

=�@ � (10/5)#B* +, - . / ¬ ­ ® U ¯ � � ° ± *æ>,G * ² ³ ´ 6U* +¬ ­ ® #��H µ ¶ * +U � X*hi#· £ ¸ �t62001�,8 �� 5 � � �#

* Galen Amstutz, Interpreting Amida: History and Orientalism in the Study of Pure Land Buddhism, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997. * John Blofeld, Bodhisattva of Compassion: The Mystical Tradition of Kuan Yin, Boston:

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Shambhala Publications, 1988. * John H. Chamberlayne, "The Development of Kuan Yin: Chinese Goddess of Mercy," International Review for the History of Religions 9/1 (1962): 45-52. =�È � (10/12)#B* +, - . / U Ë � � É ¯ *æ�,G * Ê Ë �6NË T * +#)d U * +x y *9,T6UÌ ð Í Î X� 59 *1999� 9�,6+ 4-79. * Ê Ë �6N�Ï * +#)d U * +x y *),T6UÌ ð Í Î X� 60 *1999 � 12 �,6+

4-68. �� 5 � � �#

* Chun-fang Yu, "Kuan-Yin: The Chinese Transformation of Avalokitesvara," Latter Days of the

Law: Images of Chinese Buddhism 850-1850, edited by Marsha Weidner, Lawrence: Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, 19094, pp. 151-181. * Chun-fang Yu, Kuan-Yin: The Chinese Transformation of Avalokitesvara, New York: Columbia University Press, 2001.


Yu presents a groundbreaking, comprehensive study of one of the most popular and important

"deities" in the Buddhist pantheon -one who changed gender as he/she was imported into China from

India. Yu explores this dramatic transformation of the (male) Indian bodhisattva Avalokitesvara into

the (female) Chinese Kuan-yin.

From the Publisher:

By far one of the most important objects of worship in the Buddhist traditions, the bodhisattva

Avalokitesvara is regarded as the embodiment of compassion. He has been widely revered

throughout the Buddhist countries of Asia since the early centuries of the Common Era. While he

was closely identified with the royalty in South and Southeast Asia, and the Tibetans continue to this

day to view the Dalai Lamas as his incarnations, in China he became a she -Kuan-yin, the "Goddess

of Mercy" -and has a very different history. The causes and processes of this metamorphosis have

perplexed Buddhist scholars for centuries.In this groundbreaking, comprehensive study, Chun-fang

Yu discusses this dramatic transformation of the (male) Indian bodhisattva Avalokitesvara into the

(female) Chinese Kuan-yin -from a relatively minor figure in the Buddha� retinue to a universal

savior and one of the most popular deities in Chinese religion. Focusing on the various media

through which the feminine Kuan-yin became constructed and domesticated in China, Yu thoroughly

examines Buddhist scriptures, miracle stories, pilgrimages, popular literature, and monastic and local

gazetteers-as well as the changing iconography reflected in Kuan-yin� images and artistic

representations -to determine the role this material played in this amazing transformation. The book

eloquently depicts the domestication of Kuan-yin as a case study of the indigenization of Buddhism

in China and illuminates the ways this beloved deity has affected the lives of all Chinese people

down the ages.

From Booknews:

Yu's massive, closely printed volume on the Buddhist bodhisattva of Compassion and the history of

her transformation from an Indian identity as the Avalokite'svara, will be of interest to both

specialists and non-specialists interested in the history and practice of Buddhism, particularly in

Page 5: ˘ˇhomepage.ntu.edu.tw/~tsaiyt/pdf/c-hfu-91-1-2.pdf · 2018. 11. 16. · day to view the Dalai Lamas as his incarnations, in China he became a she -Kuan-yin, the "Goddess of Mercy"


China. Yu provides an account, based on lengthy research in China and the US, and including

discussion of Kuan-yin imagery, of the scriptural sources for the cult; indigenous Chinese scriptures;

domestication to China of Kuan- yin through miracle tales, monks, and indigenous iconographies;

the ritual of great compassion repentance; the story of Princess Miao-shan and the feminization of

Kuan yin; pilgrimage and the creation of the Chinese Potalaka; and aspects of Kuan-yin in Late

Imperial China.

Table of Contents:


Map 28

Map 29

Map 372

1 Introduction 1

2 Scriptural Sources for the Cult of Kuan-yin 31

3 Indigenous Chinese Scriptures and the Cult of Kuan-yin 93

4 Miracle Tales and the Domestication of Kuan-yin 151

5 Divine Monks and the Domestication of Kuan-yin 195

6 Indigenous Iconographies and the Domestication of Kuan-yin 223

7 The Ritual of Great Compassion Repentance and the Domestication of the Thousand-handed and

Thousand-eyed Kuan-yin in the Sung 263

8 Princess Miao-shan and the Feminization of Kuan-yin 293

9 P'u-t'o Shan: Pilgrimage and the Creation of the Chinese Potalaka 353

10 Feminine Forms of Kuan-yin in Late Imperial China 407

11 Venerable Mother: Kuan-yin and Sectarian Religions in Late Imperial China 449

12 Conclusion 487

App. A Stele Text of the "Life of the Great Compassionate One" 495

App. B Chinese Women Pilgrims' Songs Glorifying Kuan-yin 505

Notes 511

Bibliography 555

Index and Glossary 595

* Ê Ë �6NAmbiguity of Avalokitesvara and the Scriptural Sources for the Cult of Kuan yin in China ** +, - U n o Ð ì r 0 " 1ñ0   �Ñ i & Ò � ,T6U)�m ��X� 10 *1997�,6+ 409-464.

�� �����vU/'��l� #C���� �Br��u�v0/���l� #"W��Ï���w�L���t��������� �X��+�d��­����L�� (�� �*��-�� �¡�¢�£ �Ѥ������L��;Ý�Þ ��� �v�2�ÿ�C�X�D�¥�N�B�:�l+"ew�&�q�¦�Î�T� ���§�¨�©�L��@�A������� �ð�ªYC�X�����¼�!¬«I���������®­ ���§�t��� �¯�°Br±�o�L��9$'@�AU �����Ú���éBr���²�g���Å�³#C�ÿ���´�?�Ã� ���µ�¶� ��$¯�°�î�û�·�¸ "W¹�à�5$º�»¬�����¼� �¬�¾½���L�� $'æ�¿� ��T���²�À9$9,�Á�Â�Á� ���T����� �Ñ f�à @��� ���Ä�Ç�±� ���§�Å�\"

* Ê Ë �6NMiracle Tales and the Domestication of Kuan-yin** +Ó Ô j W ,T6U)�m ��X� 11 *1998�,6+ 425-481.

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* Ê Ë �6NÕ Ô * +#)d U * +x y *�,T6UÌ ð Í Î X� 61 *2000� 3�,6+ 6-113. * � Ö� 6N� m � � 9 × Ø £ U Û � Ù * u +, - �) d Ú Q � 9 × Û é Õ Q U �®T6U�� ��)d v w � ¡ ¥ X� 15 *1987�,6+ 157-225. �� 5 � � �# * Ê Ë �6NBÜ n FX* +x y T6U)�m ��X� 8 *1995�,6+ 97-135.

��� f�Æ $�ì'ÿ�à+r±�o�L��U �î�R�S� �Ç�È�ÿ�éB¨��)� Ç�&È�É®£ L���¶�Ñ�ë�ñ�ÿ�à�t�Ê�¼�N�B#" O$Ft�Ë���ÿ�Ì�Í��� �Ú���*0$d� IR�p�q�� f�Î �� ��9$�ì� HÚ���atI®�*�����Ï�©� �Ð�ÑY"-w�&�Ò$Ó@�A�Ô���î�Õ���X� �L�Ö� ×�-Ø�LÙ£ �¬�&É�LÙ£ �Ú��[Ñ f M�N�Û�µ�Ü�������Ý� �Þ�_àß�ï�@�A�áâ E0$;é�~�3� �È�É�L� ���§�ã� 4�\��FÄ�ÿU�:ä�~�3���*�å��$�ìFæ�I�L��ç£èºé��È�LÙ£�v��¾É�LÙ£��*�ê�át"�O�ë�@�A�Ô���Ï�©� ��� ¤�¾É�LÙ£ �7�ì�6� �5�°���n�o�²�í�R�î�S�L�ï�6$º:»4´Ñ f�à @��È�É�LÙ£ :ð�ñ�X�R�G�ò�X#"e¹�à����ñ�æ�I� �ó���ô�õ��� � ö�¾É�L®£÷�*�Õ��+´E�ø�ù��� ¬�&ÉL®£ ®�q�R�ú�û�ü�Ù� �ý�þ�,:ÿ Û�Ñ f ��A¤�¾É�LÙ£;$����� 0$�ìH&�±���M+"

* Ê Ë �6N* +Ý Þ ß �)d U Û � T6UÌ ð Í Î X� 43 *1996� 9�,6+ 7 9. * à á â 6Nã £ �ä v u å Õ U * u +x y #æ £ � � , - U Ô ç Ò � T6U)�m ��X� 15 *2002�,6+ 155-175. * è é ê 6U)d ��)U ë ì X* +X*i[ #í z �î R _x 61996�,8 * è é ê 6N= ï ¬ A )U * +x y T6Um ���Xv w �w � Ä £ �¡ X*hi#. ð �

t61998�,6+ 201-228.

=�= � (10/26)#B* +, - . / U ñ ò � p G * ó ô õ 6N¶ u )d U * +x y T6ö ÷ ú �6Uø ð m ��X� 3 *1999�,6+ 423-438.

* John C. Holt, Buddha in the Crown: Avalokitesvara in the Buddhist Traditions of Sri Lanka, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. * Gananath Obeyesekere, “Avalokitesvara's Aliases and Guises: Review of Buddha in the Crown: Avalokitesvara in the Buddhist Traditions of Sri Lanka, by John C. Holt, 1991,” History of

Religions (1993): 368-373. �� 5 � � �#

* Margriet Blom “Lokesvaras in Nepal: A Living Tradition?,” Function and Meaning in Buddhist

Art: Proceedings of a Seminar held at Leiden University, 21-24 October 1991, edited by K. R. v. Kooij and H. v. d. Veere, Groningen: Egbert Forsten, 1995, pp. 139-148. * Odile Divakaran, "Avalokitesvara: from the North-West to the Western Caves," East and West

39/1-4 (1989): 145-178. * John C. Huntington, “Avalokitesvara and the Namaskaramudra in Gandhara,” Studies in

Indo-Asian Art and Culture: Commemoration Volume of the 69th Birthday of Acharya Raghu Vira, vol. I, edited by Perala Ratnam, 1972, pp. 91-99. * J. K. Sahu, "Avalokitesvara in the Art of the Bhauma-karas," Krsna Pratibha: Studies in Indology, vol. I, edited by H. C. Das and et al., Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan, 1994, pp. 89-92. * ù ? ¸ 6N£ úè U * +û ü T6Uu ý s ���X� 49 *1992� 9�,6+ 76 83. * þ ë �*I 0,6UÈ � Ý � * +� � �X*� � � # i� w R _x 62001�,8 * �� 6N� v w � )U U* +� / �  XñU* +n  XT6U� ��X� 12 *1987�,6+ 96-119.

Page 7: ˘ˇhomepage.ntu.edu.tw/~tsaiyt/pdf/c-hfu-91-1-2.pdf · 2018. 11. 16. · day to view the Dalai Lamas as his incarnations, in China he became a she -Kuan-yin, the "Goddess of Mercy"


* y � � 6N� H U * +� Ô � XX� * +x y T6ef JU� �� £ ¡ #� D � On ò Û � �­ � �d à �w � Ä £ �¡ X6� � ú I 06*� � #� � �c R _x 62001�,6+ 290-308. * ö ô Ì 6N* +, - U Þ Q ��T6U�¥ m ��X� 3 *1973�,6+ 57-78. w�&���Ñ���Â�Õ��� � � ���� ´\$��O�é�B� �D�g�R�å�� H��� �����¨�©�î�<�=�Ô��B�

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5­ ó�V�ÿ�à������� � 4�

E�F�����:�W��+¨O�¬�X C ��7�«H¬+r<�Y�B�N0$�ìHe�)�Z��B-2�ã������ f Õ��:[�À¢$�ì�&�±�\�nS�]�p�^�)�¥t"

* ö ô Ì 6N& � � � ô : U h� * + Q T6Uj k �ç �¥ X� 211 *2000� 10�,6+ 110-119. * ù ! " 6N�Ï * +x y �)d T6U# $ % ¥ X� 30 *2000� 12�,6+ 11-19, 29. * ù ! " 6N& � ' U * +Ú Q T6U# $ % ¥ X� 24 *1998� 9�,6+ 15-25. * ¸ � D 6Nh� U B( ) FX* +x y T6Uh� m ��w � Ä £ �¡ X*1999� 12�,6+ 177-193. * � *& 6Nh� * +x y U � ß 7 + T6Us �, �% ¥ X� 2�� 1 *1996� 1�,6+

133-144. * ¡ & - 6N¼ O m �U * +x y T6U. ð X� 55 *1994� 4�,6� 3_8 * À . / � 0 *Û 1 ,6U¼ O U * u +X62 � 3 �6*4 5 #6 7 �c R _x 62001�,8

=�8 � (11/2)#B, - � / @�Ï . / ð & æu G * U9 . : § n »* u +, - � / � X68 �@�8 �6; < »= ì > *Kumarajiva,J 405Ê 406��6�ÖO �� � *T. 262, vol. 9, pp. 56c-58b,8 * U�� ¯ m � Î n *(Buddha)Avatamsaka-sutra,»� . ý � �@ � È æ? X6= � �@�A� ��6�@ »m A B A *Buddhabhadra,J 418-422��6�ÖO �� � *T. 278, vol. 9, pp. 718a-719a,8 �� 5 � � �# * � H C �#U�� m �Î n *(Buddha)Avatamsaka-sutra,»� . ý � �@ � � æ� X6? ��@�= � ? �6ú»< ¨ D A *Siksanada,J 695-699��6�ÖO �� � *T. 279, vol. 10, pp. 366c-367c,8

Page 8: ˘ˇhomepage.ntu.edu.tw/~tsaiyt/pdf/c-hfu-91-1-2.pdf · 2018. 11. 16. · day to view the Dalai Lamas as his incarnations, in China he became a she -Kuan-yin, the "Goddess of Mercy"


* � H C �#U�� m �Î n *Gandavyua-sutra,»� i Å V E F ý � G u H � X6È � �@�� = �6ú»¹ I *Prajna,J 798��6�ÖO �� � *T. 293, vol. 10, pp. 733a-736a,8 * J K L 6N* u +n � T6Uø ð m ��X� 2 *1997�,6+ 19-27. * J K L 6NM N * u +n #UÝ * u +n X�H � T6Uø ð m ��X� 3 *1999 �,6+ 133-139. * � d ô 6NU* u +, - � / � X#O P U V � #Q �H K � ó U Ò � T6Uø ð m ��X� 5 *2000�,6+ 141-152. * ö 2 R 6NU* +S Ù XÔ T Ò � æÉ ¯ T6U)�m ��X� 5 *1992�,6+ 173-191. á�Õ�_�`�1�a�5�°� �~�3�b�b���*�X�c�\�*�1�a�5�°�)�Z��B f îUG �IX�c�\Ù£ ���d+-¨�©�N�� �I�

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~�3�6�b�b�ÿ���*�l��+¨��k�X�c�\�*�1�a�5�°�)�Z��B-t�� �IX�c�£ )�Ø:î�l��[��m� �¨�n�X�c�*1�a�5�°�)%o��"qp�î�~�3�r�X�s�Ê�E�\���X�c�\4¨��*�X�c�t���X�û�w�st"

Ï���u�3���e�)�_�`­m�B×�I�� �â��¼� $d)�X�c�\+­��r�v�,�o�,Ha�E�\� twgd�� �Ö�c���)�x�y�cz�{�i�n f Ý�|U ��!}C~��F �v���,�{�� Ã����!��� ~��!�!���������������!�������������:������������� �¡£¢¥¤ ����¦�§���¦�¨�©�ªe«¬�®­�¯���°�±�²�³�´�µ�¶�·�¸���¹�º�©���¨��#~4°�±�²�³�´�»

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� ��·��!����è�ÿ���¦�§�¨�© ù ¶ ú�� ­�À Ù�Ú ��çèNé!ê�ë�Ç�Ø���¨áì.íÏ�

* U V � 6N� W �Ï * X � �--m O B� / � F* +�É �T6Uj k �ç �¥ X� 112 *1992� 7�,6+ 26-47. * Y ± Z [ 6NÀ \ A m X* +, - T6Z ] �6U, á £ X� 39�� 5 *1991� 5�,6+ 20-22. * � Ö� 6N� ^ � _ ` b � � U U�Î n XA ¦ # � r ^ | U U�Î n Xm b p P X  �

* +m b p P T6Um ���)ª �X� 5 *2000�,6+ 159-201. ��´���¹�áè������������ �!#"%$ ��&�'�( ¦!ª��� �!) �+*,�-£¢ ú/.0 ��� ��$�12!��3�4�¸��

�!5"�µ�6���­�É��H� ��� ��$�12 ú Ô�Ð�ö7�8%9 ��� ��$�1�2 ú �;: ���%�!�%<5=�>�³?��5@�AB

C�D�µEF���� � ��·��� �!) �+*�,�-£¢ ��6���ò�G ú ��´;HJI�KL ¾ ��M�A�B�N �O*�,�-£¢QP����

��$�12 0 è�" P ��R�� î�S ñ 1TÏ�

=�? � (11/9)#BÏ �n G * UÏ �n *Karuna-pundarika-sutra,XN�a � �@ TñNb , - H �c � �È æ�T6� �@�>� �@ �6id »e � f *Dharmaksema,J 414-421��6�ÖO �@ � *T. 157, vol. 3, pp. 174b-188c,8 �� 5 � � �# * g h H #Karunapundarika: The White Lotus of Compassion, 2 vols., edited and translated by

Isshi Yamada, London: School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, 1968. * i H j k 6Nl Ñ n o N m * u +U Ú u n #UÏ �n XU* +�c n X U�H Í Î n b n XT6

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. o �6U, á £ X� 39�� 4 *1991� 4�,6+ 17-20.

=�� � (11/16)#B )� Gpq ± û � U � � ?E F X� � ���� r É � � �s t ®U À � é ¶ 6 r u ° v w t �x U y ­ } z x º { 8

=�� � (11/23)#B* u +, - �c n G * Um A } | @ ì } � ~ × . / n *Mayopama-samadhi-sutra,X6>�6i�»a � *Danapala,J 1009��6�ÖO �� >� *T. 372, vol. 12, pp. 357c-364b,8 �� 5 � � �# * � H C �#U* u +, - �c n *Mayopama-samadhi-sutra,X6��6ª �»e � � J 420��6�ÖO �� >� *T. 371, vol. 12, pp. 353b-357c,8

=�� �� (11/30)#B�H Í Î n b n *æ�,G * Um A �H Í Î n b n *(Avalokitesvara-guna)karanda-vyuha-sutra,X6È �6�»� � � J 983 ��*T. 1050, vol. 20, pp. 47a-64a,8 �� 5 � � �# * g h H #Constantin Regamey, “Randbemerkung zur Sprache und Textuberlieferung des

Karandavyuha,” Asiatica: Festschrift Friedrich Weller, Leipzig: Harrassowitz, 1954, pp. 514 527. * g h H # P. L. Vaidya (ed.), “Chapter 18: Avalokitesvara-guna-karanda-vyuhah,”

Mahayana-sutra-samgraha, part I, Buddhist Sanskrit Texts, no. 17, Darbhanga: The Mithila Institute, 1961, pp. 258-308. * Prabhas Chandra Majumder, “The Karandavyuha: Its Metrical Version,” The Indian Historical

Quarterly 24 (1948): 293-299. * Constantin Regamey, “Motifs vichnouites et sivaites dans le Karandavyuha,” Etudes tibetaines, Paris, 1971, pp. 411-432. * Braj M. Sinha, “Metamorphosis of Avalokitesvara: From the Saddharmapundarika to the Karandavyuha,” Buddhist Studies Present and Future: Tenth International Conference of the

International Association of Buddhist Studies, July 1911, Paris, 1992, pp. 168-180. * i H j k z *0,6U�� m o ���*�,#  �n o ( X*[ � #ú ] � � � 61989�,6+ 142-145.

=�� >� (12/7)#B�H Í Î n b n *æ>,G * Um A �H Í Î n b n *(Avalokitesvara-guna)karanda-vyuha-sutra,X6È �6�»� � � J 983 ��*T. 1050, vol. 20, pp. 47a-64a,8

=�� @ � (12/14)#BÝ * +n G * U Ý * u +, - � � � � A � � n *Sad-aksara-vidya-mantra-sutra,X6��6 � @ »�D á *Nandi,J 419��6�ÖO �>� � *T. 1043, vol. 20, pp. 34b-38a,8 �� 5 � � �# * � H C �#Um A = � � b n *Sad-aksara-vidya-mantra-sutra,X6��6 �@ *317-420,» � �6�ÖO �>� � *T. 1044, vol. 20, pp. 38a-39c,8

Page 10: ˘ˇhomepage.ntu.edu.tw/~tsaiyt/pdf/c-hfu-91-1-2.pdf · 2018. 11. 16. · day to view the Dalai Lamas as his incarnations, in China he became a she -Kuan-yin, the "Goddess of Mercy"


* � H C �# Um A = � s � b n *Sad-aksara-vidya-mantra-sutra,X6��6 �*502-557,» � �6�ÖO �>� � *T. 1045, vol. 20, pp. 39c-43b,8

=�� È � (12/21)#B� �T * u +s � *æ�,G *U� �T s � ª n *Avalokitesvaraikadasa-mukha-dharani-sutra,X6��6ú»S � J 656 ��*T. 1071, vol. 20, pp. 152a-154c,8 *U � �T * � �, - ª   å D � � � n X6@ �6ú»i � *Amoghavajra,J 720-774 ��*T. 1069, vol. 20, pp. 139c-149a,8

* Eric Grinstead (tr.), “The Sutra of the Eleven-headed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,” The Esoteric

Buddhist Tradition: Selected Papers from the 1989 SBS Conference, edited by Henrik H. Sorensen, Copenhagen: The Seminar for Buddhist Studies, 1993, pp. 97-125. �� 5 � � �# * g h H #Nalinaksha Dutt (ed.), Gilgit Manuscripts, vol. I, 1939, pp. 33-41. * � H C �#Um A � �T * u +s � n X6��6i� »� � � Ë *Yasogupta,J 564-572 ��*T. 1070, vol. 20, pp. 149a-152a,8 * � H C �#Um A A � ¡ n *Dharani-samuccaya-sutra,X6N� �T * u +s � n T6� >

�@�È �6ú»À } � Ë *Atigupta,J 654 ��*T. 901, vol. 18, pp. 812b-825c,8 * ´ � . �6N� �T * +æÉ �T6ef JUm �K �£ �¡ #�8 � m �£ �� � Û / Ä� 0X*í \ #[ � � 61999�,6+ 72-97.

* Martha Boyer, “An Essay on the Eleven-Headed Avalokitesvara,” Analecta Hafniensia: 25 Years

of East Asian Studies in Copenhagen, edited by L. Littrup, London: Curzon Press, 1988, pp. 19-28. * ] � � >6N� �T * +, - �é M T6U�| m �X� 211*1976�,6+ 13-31. * ó ñ� �6N� �T * +�/ � �9� � T6U  ���X� 841*1943�,6+ 57-79. * i H j k z *0,6U�� m o ���*�,#  �n o ( X*[ � #ú ] � � � 61989�,6+ 128-129.

=�� A � (12/28)#B� �T * u +s � *æ>,G *U� �T * � �, - ª   å D � � � n X6@ �6ú»i � *Amoghavajra,J 720 774 ��*T. 1069, vol. 20, pp. 139c-149a,8

* Eric Grinstead (tr.), “The Sutra of the Eleven-headed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,” The Esoteric

Buddhist Tradition: Selected Papers from the 1989 SBS Conference, edited by Henrik H. Sorensen, Copenhagen: The Seminar for Buddhist Studies, 1993, pp. 97-125. =�� = � (1/4)# B  f   ï * u +, - �Ï ª A � n G * U  f   ï * u +, - ¯ �ø ¡ � ¢ �Ï ª A � n *Nilakanta(ka)-sutra,X6��6ú»

£ �X ì *Bhagavaddharma,�¤ J 650-661 ��6�ÖO �>� � *T. 1060, vol. 20, pp. 106a-111c,8

* Maria Reis-Habito, “The Great Compassion Dharani,” The Esoteric Buddhist Tradition: Selected

Papers from the 1989 SBS Conference, edited by Henrik H. Sorensen, Copenhagen: The Seminar for Buddhist Studies, 1993, pp. 31-49. �� 5 � � �#

Page 11: ˘ˇhomepage.ntu.edu.tw/~tsaiyt/pdf/c-hfu-91-1-2.pdf · 2018. 11. 16. · day to view the Dalai Lamas as his incarnations, in China he became a she -Kuan-yin, the "Goddess of Mercy"


* g h H # Lokesh Chandra, The Thousand-armed Avalokitesvara, New Delhi: Abhinav

Publications, 1988. * � H C �#U  ï   ¥ * u +, - A � s � n *Nilakanta(ka)-sutra,X6>�6ú»¦ � J

627-649��6�ÖO �>� � *T. 1057, vol. 20, pp. 83c-90a,8 * � H C �#U  f   ï * u +, - § A � Ø n *Nilakanta(ka)-sutra,X6��6ú», á �

**Bodhiruci,J 709��6�ÖO �>� � *T. 1058, vol. 20, pp. 96b-103c,8 * � H C �#U   f   ï * u +, - � Ï ª A � *Nilakanta(ka)-sutra,X6��6ú» i �

*Amoghavajra,�6�ÖO �>� � *T. 1064, vol. 20, pp. 115b-119b,8 * N ¨ © 6U* u +X�Ï � X*hi#S m �tW p 61999�,8 * ö ô Ì 6N  f * +Q Ú Þ ��T6U���*d M � )��,X� 2 *1993�,6+ 51-70.

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* ª �ñ6NÈ � X� � « )U B  f   ï �Ï Â d FU ¬ R ��T6Um ���)ª �X� 3 *1998�,6+ 291-330.

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* � Ö� 6N� �T   f   ï * +#Ý º ­ ® ¸ � Ý L * +þ ¯ Q ° � T6U ¢ m �X� 296 *1993� 12�,6+ 11-15.

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Page 12: ˘ˇhomepage.ntu.edu.tw/~tsaiyt/pdf/c-hfu-91-1-2.pdf · 2018. 11. 16. · day to view the Dalai Lamas as his incarnations, in China he became a she -Kuan-yin, the "Goddess of Mercy"


=�� ? � (1/18)#B û � Û / X £ G

B�� G#| } B~ � � � F � 8 * ² ³ ´ 6U* +¬ ­ ® #��H µ ¶ * +U � X*hi#· £ ¸ �t62001�,8

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* Dharmachari Purna, “Tara: Her Origins and Development” Western Buddhist Review 2: (http://www.westernbuddhistreview.com/vol2/tara_origins_and_development.html). º» � * +*Hayagriva-vidya / Avalokitesvara-hayagriva-dharani,¼ # * U m A A � ¡ n *Dharni-samuccaya-sutra,X6N » � * u +, - � � �� �T?N » � ç

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Page 13: ˘ˇhomepage.ntu.edu.tw/~tsaiyt/pdf/c-hfu-91-1-2.pdf · 2018. 11. 16. · day to view the Dalai Lamas as his incarnations, in China he became a she -Kuan-yin, the "Goddess of Mercy"


* ¸ ¿ À 6N£ * +¾ © j W Á W  . Å Ö tU ¦ Æ T6Uø ð m ��X� 6 *2001�,6+ 175-201. * Glen Dudbridge, Legend of Miaoshan, �é U* +, - W ¦ � #9 R p A X6 �Ç z �6*h

i#È � R _x 61980�,8 * � É C ÖZ 6N� � � Ê H »Ë * +n d © Ì#* +n �e � "avadana"T6U�¢ �X� 58�� 1-21*1976�,6+ 1-37.