. ••'." r . P<X*»«lk|CCT* A*-riY««I Itomawmtm, /*•"» So»:k.xmpu>* and Bo..**.^ .i«l Gobv. ym$i«i Coho. Att^o. Coin \r ,*'^""* M* Cr*ei' Sf Leopold, Bsbette L w S l i ^S?« < ft<*^.Sota»ML j>*. Abbott, Csroita-Ah^f* W »G, a M^c^u. CK'gf *f? A. Bein»i«, C..0. B.XJ>, Was, St« 8ea. i * 0O * , « ifc htp / i a W , ,/i-ow f / a r « ^ « W CA^r^r*0»_.\r, ^il^reij^ m*Jd;T. falvo, H.**T. Caryo7lf " •^^^^^^<^fnif^*9BiMj^^iKK^\: , j.vi , j»'f^^^'' , \' t j\ CWwi, Mi** A. Cslvo, Miss' A.' Ty^~a&J? , i , « hro, J. Faure and servant J. T. S .^C » . H J ! g E- More©**, Jot* Borreen an* H*cU**w or .IRoi*,*. Mfro, G.J& Heese, J, ftadjtf^ * *t •*, A. dc Band* ey. J a Lyons, 6.' L. B 5 W ^ . Ir* W in G. H R. d* AsMLnaa, p. i"aaievMr*. 0. F*oke, Master X. F»ik*T , Slr*« ; ^t^ apt, u 1*,-and 15 In tier steerage. *r, /run''Mi****-*:. Job* Cock* w>.% -iyg \d-KC GUmor^/rom Calais—Joseph j__*[* •**•! fell PORT OF NXvV-YORK. -- .... JOLT 2§t «i ^ •itjfjjj - VINE- JOURNAL. VV-.-' - •': ..;' Cleaved. Sorth Star. Jon**, Havre^ fxf . p. Twranoe. .n. * _ Miulbat, London,> G<bfe«U. Jttxttraifc. c... •; Now-OrteaM.'Wm. NVIsoft fc Soue ; ^*§M Dunham Jrtmaos; Sir John FiiuiSaa, wiaJ^J" . Dow. ^ mj, Ctffford,C*d«x, Wakemen. Dtmon It Co.? 8<i. * myrse, G. MBragyk>d*fcDuelo* Ua,' VVaB»de,.St.JttVj'*. G*.. C 4K J. ?otw».* *^M rig, PhO«d*1Jl>JK. J«n*»« Hand * €to«aeh* {Syvx.£ 4 ** »», W. W. DofonaX k. Ca ; S*«la»w, CMS, ril «r*b Maris, "DndefblP. Bwb^oa*, H. Ktaa&fA *^ ^Mffl.), P«sz* Hatlwr Urac-, G«i«i, W*U*3ev4. , >•». Sitrwoa. 9rg«nx»h, McCrt»d7» Mdtt k Co. H E ***f dx, Sh«-pb«d w .N«w-HaT«n T J. B. JBdward*; 0r»» r6rtd»ce, Aa«trt. «*Ufi ftata. NtetooJ** rWtodolpWa. J. Jt N. Bri«»; «V^Bte--f§ ;, PhL:«deJphU;'Aaa Eifia, lobiown, ?ftthd^k T* Arrired. -.* 9fe^ -{azamonW (Qamb.. texew), SAxmtmme, HanM-i^jf auipton J BIJ 17, mdac. and |H* paaa. to K.ucaudt th«- BiclrSw lat. 48; »* r^ i«5. Hrf^ «r£>d» * * « p»*»»2f, irfeJa xaoderato w««th«b AnituHi oftft^ M«i P fla - - *. -« rm>Jp f«aVI, TlttJf*. Havana ~xh toat., and CharJesi*'- 5«J rltb p*M U> Spottoid, TiiexrCao U. Cy. Th* b«fc rM », *eJzod b/ tJio autiio.-idet of 11x7*6^ h^ ) t9w , ' < iricga lAghi/natw cargo on board—xai U a, lir rd _ ;^ Brezn.). Gtasravoa, Breicoi Jnno 57. n>dwL «»^r ' ^**l l«r. July 16. lat. (2 20. Joo. 4220, spoke Wfc <*?? d «a«t. 20th ioat, lat 4S 20, Ion.' W, txzi^and »-.Ferener, f/ozo N«-w-Ori«a^». bound «i>Krj^}j ^nt of Sandj Hook, t«ok a pilot from bo*i O.-w, [it Lower Quarantin«). Coffin. New-OrI**c» D*J| ' Fww Iltb, md»o. aad 2 pa»fc to W«.T Krwit. fcy "Weat, trpak* ship Areola,'rom Hew-OttoaSi tlweU, and pelted company with bor otTHvKerM, wind at the tiine from no*th "caafc. »er« (ofBatb, M Lo«r*s doaranthv.), Bs*nbolio. ; », sugar, ic'i -to xoa*t«r; May 25, Tbomaa A.-" Kr«den, a MSBMO, dlod In tho ho«oioal at H%Taa*r bristisnaore, Jnae 4, and Peter £etor*oo, Jaao 14. > oadloy, M*fn*? Antwerp jud Pia»bia« Jaa 8 jx «aa. V> ro»t, Smith t Co. A oook, Howe, Rotterdam iS d»y», achnappa w»d 124 Volfo. July 2a, lat. 33 <0, bm 84 40, *|MA»B«rk. 00*. Jttly 26. JaV3S 14,tea68 30. *pok» 8r. brie HfwT, and cxciianged «igaal*with bark BraaeUa, fnt (<sf Thomaator^; Bobfaaozr, Uroreool 51 day»v , On tho ontoiaiat W i * ; - , flhfa. W. Cba^aoorZ |_ sd. WWIe Ipit z at Xdrorpool, JarSM MCoDosaidL , v died. The V.F. experkneed very bea^y nreamC V i0; Whirled c«xgo: since, ligbc vV. wind*, 25th SI >, '# Shea!,' took a pilot from b o a t t d w l o jr^maaW^ v uereoij, »poao M-hr. W'uaalow, wrth 30J fi*b. « '' [ F*iifi*I<l), 0*born, Hamr* Tl»P<xrto»OTWh JwmJ:"<?*- lioan. Dixiu.n & Co. W * f » ncobk (of N«w-Orlean»), Coffin, Aotw«w» anl*'i*w m a * and 50 pea*, to Poat, Smith it C*. Joty ; ^ U 49. exobanged »ignab wi&b Sr. brig Margies, >...H lat 15 -12, ion. 2710, exohanged ainafa with rtBl'^ ilaena. bom Antwerp for New-York. Joly 28,:^* «* took a^iiot (rem boat Edwin Forest, No. M» 8?> *?^ rente (oiBockland), Spewr, SuodeiUod+> day*, - , tfae l>owna, ooal to Snow ife Bnrgeaa. Jo^rlTi A .rpokekblp American Eagle, hencefoxLlvwnooJC y J 3 light wlnda and ealeoa. ^* WK feoraba, Lrverpoot June .24, mdae. and* 14* paaaV* '>< % t Peel (Ham.), Jnrgaai. Haa>bn»g Jane JsC ? . »a.to h E. Amaiuck. July 25, lafc 40 58. tefc , **• ,burgbwkElbe,bonndE. liadonebtrtboathe 5 * mm MSfcS>3 Lawrence, Idrerpool Jane 13. mdae. and 20t» TileBton *. Co. July 2, lat.» 47 J8, k>o-£i eto ritb Dwii-h baJjU>Bua»tt. E.»5th. la--- 4535,. ig«-d »l(?Bttl» \umVakMT«ba fflftd-ni^ound W. 3fi?0„ »»* ^r^(fc«^rf»ftfwlavre, »tg-S. 3. 4o 50, .iaw rm^^h^e-TOfeenoo*, ctg. S. (of Boaton), 4Kou%ca,«P||lao April Id,riaV•- /A . v July 27, x"*uo to Lajficcnneual k Co. H*ds wind* aad galea from lat. 4aS. in th* Paalfie, 6» *f*a ntlc. ttnci which had il^hft tzadee and ; * day a from the parallel of 30 N. to ' < t 84 d pleaaant'-- w ii«jap«oa»> iy\i-«nf*.>,'-©BC«A«rii Boxtiednx 07 day», win**^t Soressren (Daniab r at Lower Qnwantme); J*~ - - P. R., lb <tay». aosrar to oraer. # * se«kn«m (of Colombia, at Lower 0,-iamnrtneL P R., 10 day a, tugax, it v. to Kopplach & Cook. . J "Weed of Greenock waa fo»t overboard. . C. GUmoie (at l^wer'.Qoaranttne), EldztdgS* 9 r «jg»r to master. t> b (of Baogor, B»;tletr» Fajardo, P. R., July U,.^ IS... Lanfoid. Left no American v»?«*el<* ».(Br.), King. Rocheater, N. B., July 19, atwe'to*^ - _ '"v ;hadbouine, New-Haven, in bxlkat. •...' g aa Eliae, Prcebee. Vuwie 90 day*, raga,fcc,»• (of HauiDg^or), Putnam, Gonjiivee July EM* •' taBrctf, Son it Co. ' * ' 4 ' jtrem, Homer, Newbern, N . C , 8 daya, wheatt»-;- ~i ale, Oaka-Mi, Alexandria 5 days, coal Jewi*. Vir^ioia i d m , wood- en, I.atcutette, Petenaburg 5 daya, Boar, M| ' ,'0. -" - •'•< -, inbridge, Newborn, N.C., 8 day*, naval •fc>w*' Wb^sistJ uiaaxii, Fyiwb, Virginia 3 daya, wood. ice, ChaaiSxiM, Georgetown, D. C, 5 daya, eOal ;• n Bfale, Hallelt, Boston 3 day*, mdso. to S.*W; . m >oxe (new), Nicieraon, Bridgeport for WasfcfflaT le. '' >.-t--~'--;> j . 3l(Br.), Higgs, Eluthera July 22, pttwaFpl(«Mk v -t Umdt, Pnxdy.\lrginia2 days. wood. , St. Johns,-Vurini* 2 daya, wood. Ixnan, Yottng, vlrgtnhi 2 day*,, wood. itsOB. Camp, Vlrjonfa 2 days, wood. urd, StUse, Vhrrifti»2 day*, wood. . illcr, Prajne, Baltimore 4 days, ooeX ale. Baker, Baltimore 4 dajs, coel. ytait, Rogers, Baltimore 4 day*, coal. jore, Premnore. Virginia 2 day*, wood- 3'lllman, Virgluia 2 UITS, wood, >7t> Lyon, V Irglnia. 2 daya, wood* w, Wood, Ylrsinia2'd*y*, wood. Irn, Bennett, Vbglrrfa 2 dsiya, wood. , Borkwr. Vlrjdnia>2daya, wood. M liner. ViTrinia 2 days, wood. elth, Bngbee, VixrinU 2 days* wood. or, Letz, Virginia^ daya, wood. „ _ liller, Vrayue, BaittxeOxe 6 day*, cosl to H. TL iVoodmanton, Virginia 3 day*, wood to J. W«tdbfcrt$ Jonse, Bray, Baltimore 4 days, ooal to W. BoaTw; oaterJ3Midwfek,Vintiaia3d*y»,w«od. > sne, Titton, VirRinia Odays, wood. - f I ?aUtenbQrr> Rogers, \Ylunmgton, N . C , 6 d*ysV*t. t. D. MontaO. 3ird^U, Woodmansee, Virjtoia 3 day*, oe, Campbell, Alexandria 4 daya, coal to aroline, Applegate, Alexandria 4 days, ooal t»T. Winters, Rlehmond 4 day*, tobaeeo to 43.-3.. «, Tarbell, \"bylnl* 2 days, wood. i P. Howe (at Lower Quarantine}, TOby, Havanav Ko gland. >gton. Kenny, New-London. - , my, Keuney, s.n Harbor, mdso. sad pas*. toS. Of bee, Hand, TUMnlpbi* and Cap* May, Perkins. ay, Xenney, Proridcnee, mdae. to L OdeaL ** *'| dp bllebael Ax xelo. Hardy, Sonderiand June H. a piiot on the 27tb, from boat G. W. BIojaslR'. ty Hook. Ship Bridgewsier. iiarstow, Lrretp«'* t>rig; hoik Lauretta from Cardenas; brig **£*; >.. I, from CsTihegena—Both by pilot-booat Ososjs*; .. /alter Lord, from Liverpool; HeBos—Both bj O.innall.No.l. I »o, N. E., meridian, Z. 8. E.; sunset, calm. ## a M •? By Tefegrapfc. | ly 30.-An. barka 8o*au W. Llnd, SwestsWV * iae. Xh>m*, New Orleans. "yjiSjZ —Bark* Jsme* Cook. Young. Cienfoett**-, M**** -«u-Prince ; schr. Orlando, Lang, Goasivo*. » ,»*.* . •. - M&'' wart, from Lrverpool for Baltimore, no dsto, k^»„ S VI U OriunelL I -J* **o, from Urerpool for Baltimore, no &**—*&* , Griane»L : . . , •%.--* -'» ; *- . <-- •—*•. ... •>,»;**-' IMsasterss dke. : ' A **|I '•:<j 29-The dl*«ter t4> the ship Jane ^ffT ' byswhiiiwtad »nd lightning., «riki«W i Wf «*4 - *e and mJ2aen-masts, and with ovecy^afL"*^ m lh and rigging; ai«o mainmast abwrw tho V>K *j& «sd acinjortdT '•- —-' . ; '. 4 ' **J-,\.d+ > Kilwood Walter.««»., Sec Bo*x&Vi**'&**V^ 30^,1-The Am- ship Hateyou w^ on tfe* Mg| *op the JKotth-West RaeC IW*** Sja^T^ r wrived at this port in tboJttcBodav . Wo M >nto the fcttthat the-N, W. B>ef »2S*Sk sS" urpci-d by »Ptala. fr^sntog T ^ «n5yj; Xbe psssent wr ck already aisawsthafcsSgqSL, s'G •JIEN.—The advertiser, whip it borne to«iwty-dir^«r;*---»ww*p*f*r'saT—* the es~abi:<hn>«nt of * city Jou-nsl, nn- h mast ra»ur« »uco«»». He aaaalMafiftj, 2g^AaTNJ5»;w«Wro«.^ lgn<!*+tc*j» ; m*o p^aciieaJ bcj I.tALJST, Tiibtam<>fios»I'-Jfnv?s#t ^ **** »*-*« •} s #E«sftr^ v iw^^ * > yy.WiYORK TRIBUNE rjTsSawi EVE&Y MGRXlNO**nZVEN2Na .7 «" v *! 90RACE GREELEY k C c »Cn.t>UtO*, COM**.* or K4S--.0 AAV »fVDC» .esaMrtScsry 9ub^b«* a* 1 ^ c-uU per w^*. Mall ZfSSZtil pw aw*-, injdvanee; S3 /or il. mentt* i s ^ & ^.»*^» fsTOKKX-T TKJWC7PB, ^ VERTl UUtGE PATE* 70* TEX WCNTEY 1 .ta-K^T 1^TRATCTID*V Momfi*«, at the ^ w prWesf »2 > »^*^ft2?*7?£iV Co*** for *6; JTive C o p t i c s J!^^o%^^*>^P^2»^X -20; Twrot, CopW. •^SifZ^L ^ 7 « U o * b » * .aid aey kv-ger nnro^r at the me 5 SSHrAtSsT K%Z™ • ^ a b g ^ . C f a b of t w e n t y or i S wffi Wti-fcled MrSeiasCepyrgobacriftions may oat» -tfcr£^£*m «* WM1 * ^^ «** C1D3 B0L1A * yXJl LWB f«» •*** baaertkra. j TUB iPB^ll-WBJ5»X.T T»lB17?ni t»*i B h»bedrTer 7 Tv*sr.*v and TRJOAV Moa*i*o. rrice, »3 ^ T antom. Two Op** J©r at5.Prre Copie. far *il 2«. JTHIB !f)KW-Y<HBJa*: TBOaT^tB, rttJt E0EOPEAN C1B.C0LAT1OII, j. »4bo-hrd oo.:oe d>par:trre of each Mail^Steamer to Liverpool, - 1 per au>s&, poatage iaclJ^ded. fimg*e Cop^a. Six Csots, TBOB rVaT^-YOM TBrBTXB, aAUTOJLWLa, OREGON. AN© TBDfl iANDWICH is peWSAod <4 **> d>r«»*ore. of etch Mali Bttamei fcr Aspinwall at *jl •» per annwno. Single Copies, 8ix C«;nU. sttf* FOR Qyznal Notice©. '-'- , ^.. Tw»-iiri«-in Ward Jteivunlican*.—The XXth Ward R^ffi^l^a^VjnlSS £ THURSDAY EVENING, Aajtl6 at 8 o'ikek, at Lamartirei Hall. 29:h-«t., cor. of 8yj-as., u, uOte farthei *cUon on the R«pcrt of ^>e C3Baai«« on Re- s:«Jn"g the Conktltutlcn and Roil of the Asrxrfation. Rep-jzbirsns laisg oftheWsrd 10 too Bute '.h* Kcli- JO*. GUI MA S, ? r, j W>». 8TK«KiT, •rcretanes. Twenty-First Wnnt Republican Association.— 4, ffjiM n>«*.tiD< «J tho A«»o^*iio-j will be held TtilS (Monday; KVEKING, at N- 1 <35 Ubar. fAJi-Repahlicaxs in the Waid wnoj wi'hjff- h vc »vc?:fclnthe relestloc jf Delegaxes ani Charter o/ficer* »w invited to ioin the At*ocittion THOMAS B. VAN BUREN, Present. G. F. CCACTJMA:*, *e-ar^*.ary. Anicricnnilnetitute Karmerx' Club w..l meec a; tee JLtyp-jt'.uTj Ni>.j;i6* B.oadway, on 51UNDAY, August 2, *: neon. Sobj^it: •• Mtd i f SalSsed of K/e»rj Water for Manure." and " F>'Uit 00 Fa/ins '' JL.«0ie* and stracsers are espe^nally icrited >r.<J vc- niw»j» ^-. '• ,ui«. Admi.sioc always free to a.:. Select ::»r> ;»:icts ard r>.:r*cts will be re»d- Secretary, rome''pfor 4«»»'' 0 r »bena«moer» are particuiarly r'q.ieetud to a»Mi?. JOHN GROSHDN, President < & H. Hwsta.1.. R«c. Stcrelary. l.\0\ O. lK.-TteR. W. GRAND ENCAMPMENT of BroiajemNewi^orkwi'l commetce S:* Aruinal Seision in the room, O. F. H*l, eor. Oracd and C*n:re-iu., on MONDAY 2.VTZi\13G, Abg. 2, at 8 o'clock. By order. JOHN J. DAV3ES, G. Becretary. P r o t e s t . — T h e C r i c k s Clr.b-» of Emtern Canada hereby pro- ^nited Stated !' aa all the arr*E<enneni» for tae Mutch weiemad-) wjtbk>ot their <fc>r.<-_urrence, and aa the Eleven cho«ec do not rep- r***i»t the strength of Canada, being solely compos*.* of Western Pleura. /Signed) W. t. PlCKERiNO, Secretary of Eastern Committee. itv.ag b^en CJricket ^Votire.— Some rnisapprohenrion hi rsnsed as to lbs probahi'ity of the match b^sveen CANADA andtne UNITED STATES being plajed, in con««;qeEC8 of a ^mlieit »1jn»d jW. P. Ptckering: the Canada Eleven 01 1W0 take thi»|r7poT* jnitw- of announcing 'la^ir urri-«*l in New-York to.con- tend sgainst fit* Uni>.d Statea Eleven on IMONDAY, Aug. 2, at 10 a.m. [By order THOS. D. PHtLUPS, 8e«r?t*ry Caoadiaa Csmmittee. Cbecrfuliie#w.-'rho»e who use WING'S FARINA CRAtKKKS regularly arv p!»as^.i wlti tho kind action of tbls f«od T»p«n lb* itonaaco, and it» Invigorating p o w « as a nouriah- roeat. -\ Tb« im^r^Vftr.^nt whioh n w s y havn reaJizeS from the nse of Wlng'» Cricket* Is appreciated more abtmdactiy in the feeling of 4eH B r.i prcdvo-J by tbai bi(ght«-r glow of htalth wbich p ire ex- cellence in fooij and a conseoneat cheerful ton«j of mind often »e- care. Ifce FHrhcrn— Second Edition.—The retu-n of warm wastber. sfteT a onol interral, bas Sndnced me to f.i\kc off a ie- <x.nd edition offtbc popular ICE PITCHERS, with toe hcest lm- yroVerrtnfi. Tbne are v'a'ran'od to keep wat^r oold %11 tho jear ronid. Per wde by LUCIUS HART, NCS. 4 and 6 Bnrllng- rilpC j OssarT, Dnytou dc Co.> Sole. Proprietors for the United ftatesof Dr. R. A»«C3 SMITH'S DiSlNFECTl^G FOW- vER. Sold te packages of twj po-nds at only 25 c^nts; also in Was of 100 pounds, or by the tun. Depot No. 1*7 Broadway. 4>*4e» bj mail filled, tor aale by Dreggiats- Keit) tynblicatiows: B Y THE? AUTHOR OF ••NOTHING TO WEAR" DC A P P L E T O N It Co. pijbliah this day a striking Society Poem of nbivarasl interest, entitled f'TWO MTX.JLIONS'." Py;WlLLIAM ALLEN BUTLER, ESQ , the pepcJbr author cf that most spirited and sncceiifuJ pro- duction, •• NOTHING TO WEAR,*' - w h i s o bad tOLextraordLaary a circaiatim en both tidas of the Atlantic, ar.d was everywhere quoted, applauded, and imitated. |° TWO MILLIONS" Is datingoi&bed by all the brilliant characteristics of the writer as to wit, force, a*d t«;.deraess, and will be found ic all respects eqaai, if not superior, to '•NOTHING TO WEAR." " Look £brough the world which aii about yon lies, TUm ntdsy town, its common, daily life, Fiushed with coarse pasrions, bet wkh selfiah strife, Ti« rowded street, the dens of vice and waxt, The gilded halis where pride and fashisn fl*unt, A od 4om their mingled thread?, the grave, the gay, Weave, if yoa will, the epic of tc-day." |" TWO MILLIONS." A SMALL, ATTRACTIVE 12m©., FANCY BOARDS, 50 cents. £1 D. APPLETON it Co , New-York. J cat PubCahed: " T>KIGHTLT S UNITED STATES DIGEST." X> Ac anslytlcal DIGEST of the LAWS of the UNTTFD BTAfCES, from &e adoption of the Constitution to the end of the XX^IVxh Coogresa—17t» to 1867. 1 vol. imp. svo., 1,142 pp. Piicooaly $6* F«em U>e Hon. R. B. Taney, Chief Jnsttee of the United S:ntes. " it la a wo.ik of much value and weQ executed. The heads under wbieh the •Ufferoot Acts of Conuvsa are arranged, are well ahootn and appropriaae; and what is sctH more important, the In. uex.lao fiur as i asV* been able to examine it, I* complete. The book b«s evidently been prepared with much oar* and judgment, and * uL I doubt not, be v«ry acceptable to the public." From the Hoc. James M. Wayne, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of tie United State*. " i have purposely postponed my ackn«w)cdg:ceat to you for Xr. Brightlv's Analytical Dig*st of the Laws of the United iWn». to enable me to teat tho fidelity of its execution and it* aeerulnes*. Mr. Brightly has succeeded in bringing the Laws of the tlnited States into a single volume, so that we may see not only what the! tsfjstatka of Congress has bees, but what tt i*; with such aasaynal reibresoe* to - the Statutes at Large that the test of t t e Digest zuay either be verified or disproved, if any in-. «tan>i« of the latter case b* don*. I have +*e& the Digest oon- atantly at that turm of the Supresas Court. It has saved me much iabox and trooble. Aa a whole it has been well dene by Mr. Brightly, and it doserves the spesaal patroatag* of lawyers and ' m*«,a*i*t—, and of aK peraesa «n«aged in pttblio life, a* well aa tho«0 who bsofe no profeaaknoal bu*in«*s, who are, severthelesa, xnder ton* obligations to have by them at all limes the readiest; aaeaas of )ear3*ng what has been the legislation of th* Congress of the Umtad Btates. I am ware I shall a'wajs use Mr. B:igbriy's JDrgcSt o«ici*Uy aad in my study." Recently PubBahed: WfHARTON*S AMERICAN CRIMINAL LAW, Fomrtk and Revised Edition. A Treatise ea the Crimisal Law of the United Stan a. 1 voLf8vo. L200 page*. Price *7 50. WtHARTOiPS PRECEDENTS OF INDICTMENTS AND PLKA 8, Seeond and Revtseu Edition. 1 vol. 8ve. <00 page* Price •&> WHARTON Jc FT1LL»S MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE A Treatise on Kedieal Joriaprudence. By Francis Wharton and JfoKton StilieL M. D. 1 vet Svo. 815 pan*. Price £6 SO. KAY k BROTHER, ; Law Bookseller*, Pubdahenrand Importers, bio. IS Sooth Sixth-it, Philadelphia. I ll POKfTANT NEW MEDICAL WORK.— UEDICAL ADVISER AND MARRIAGE GUIDE Nearly • 4W 42n»o. pages: lOO 1'bistratioaa. Cloth, * 1 . By a justly csle- watyd Psila ana London Physician and Surgeon, now of New- YcrkClty. This intnestlng book should be in the han4s o* *»aiy aduit psrsop, a* it impart* knowledge all have sought for :a vsinjkb aev fiber. S^>W an J mailed to any part of the country by j J.JW. JUPP. No. 322 Broadway, N e w York City. TLf AS0N1C BOOKS EXTRAORDINARY.—A I T,^ f^t**** vf&ook. on ftee Maaoury,j 0! %t r ubiuhed, 451 23; AU>s»a Ritnalt ~f drs, f 5 ; Jachia and Boas. *2 50; Olden Land- mwb». *3iO s Coctun's Laoon. *125; Plato on the S Jul *1. *J lemtUag.! the ho^k. W |U be f< ^» poa*. oald. JO anj addrtfi*. 1 j WILLIAM GOWANS, Nx 81 Centre-su l£5P^ J U8t Published by G. B. DEMA- K!-ij . I" J* 0 - U9 BROADWAY.—"PR not forget thee." ash-A Atherf.'mj "Pm thinking cf the*. W31!i«,» .ong and tfSV*"* -^i*"^ 00 : "Gentle Words," ballad, Wm. J. Mslone; HswiooaUPoas," Wesl; '«Algrave Ma-ch." Anus Burchard. a ryau nch. cr the fivr. mailed postage free:for*1J IiPr^ A P ;TLET -- ]aou ^ a 0 L D WAVER- *aU3a7& X WJ 10N - wi *- h TwoPlaU>s, engra'red by Joseph An- ^T»>t»pablbJ>ed to-day by TICENOR Jt FIELDS. m MUSIC- , , , •*' Kind Words can never Die/' *^?£ t ?? <lcl, ' yTIW »P rlc « 25 Dt * : ° The Angela told me s>." ^akfc*tt.'1??f , ^ 8: "Oh. give me back my Mouohdn Home." Mo4str'!v ' 9 r * Vl » of RoasheV .ong w i » choru*. 25; "A ST^Jr^L', * <>D «' 25: •'•Xytost Canie* Grave," ba'lal, biSolaSl *£8S£ or W*« Qn^drille*. S5; Les' Lancer* * eT 3 k n « ^ u L . B^«togSdbo«t»*oh.r with beanUfu! vigoett* * wbir^a^-JlE? to * » W W 35i "Theresa Polka." 25. AH of r WWC& ^^'te*»^^M^dfree. PnWt.heTby - . * L>^ T 3 ^^ WATERS, Agent, No. 333 Brcaiway. ^Nl^s^H^ 1 ^ 111100 ^ Schotti«cb t by F. H. 'WkJA^-fSi. 1 ^ **» fl&ilto*, Suanaa, 3-V ^ <L 8#a ' , 7** i ?;P r »tase'ree V\f y Plants a' •» A. ^OADO^s, K*<. Jeo k»i*a*iir»j, xtsat «n-si. d M«"iod«ons pab- l VOL. XVHL .... N 0 - 5,391. C HRISTIAN INQUIRER.—THE CHRISTiAN INQUIRER Is pebhshed weekly J3 the City of New-York. xnder the editorial charge of the Rev. A A. LIVERMORB, wsii<t*d by the most emin«x.t writer* of the Unitatixn denom'ca tine. It is deaipced to be treeb, fearteas and reverent, a Faro'ly Relfgions Newspaper of liberal though c, and the most advanced Chru'-iantoae- Terms—Delivered bv carrier, S2 5.">; by rovl, +2 p«rannnm. Address CHRISTIAN INQUIRER, No. 1.1 Broadway, Now-York. " The cenneoot and able organ of the Unitarian denomination in this cit.j." [New-York Tdbine. " A model psp»r." f Boston JonmaL " One o:' the ne»t rvligjona newt papers pabilahed in America " [ Bceton Transcript. " Cte of the ablest religiic?newipaperspnbli*hedin Amenoa.." [Yonkers Hera'd. " The ably condtcted organ cf our Unitarian feflow-Christime." i Montreal Hers'd. ie country." {New-y ork Daily News. ^ WORTH of MUSIC for 25 CENTS.— GENTLE ANNIE," "Willie we have misted toe," "Hazel DeU,-" "Jeannie with the light bTown hair," '• Some one to love," and the words and melody of 60 of the soott pepi:tar tongs in the English isngoage, suited for all occa- sions, ean be bonsht for 25 cenis. Ask for the " GENTLE ANNIE MELODIST." Copie* sent by maB, postage paid. FIRTH, POND A CO., No. 547 Broadway, New-York. #15 4 MERICAV' ENGLISH aod FRENCH A T \^yw TOTE and CAP PAPERS. -tJS- L±.XTER,^^. K BOOKS, GclC Pens, Porte monaies,Jtow^nh•$»**«•; ^,-jA c ' f* WILLMER &. RODO-ERS'8, N«- 42 Nassau-st. D IJPTJY'B NEW PERFTJMJ3 for the SEASON: KISS-ME-QUICK. Distilled frcm fragrant Tulips. t. PUPUY. Onemitt, No 609 Broadway. New-York. KISS-ME-QUICK POMADE, fcrtheHur. KISS-ME-QUICK 8AC. for tbe Bureao j KISS-ME-QUICK SOAP, for the Toilet. CAREY, HOWARD &" SANGER. New-York. SCKIEPKELIN, BROS. At Co.. New-York. JAMES P. MAXWELL, New-York. > F. C WELLS k Co , New-York. J. W. NORCROSS t Co., Boston and New-York. 8cId «v«rvwhere. Wf»a«mmgfr*i»a> .-^*»w*v*^***^<p w, ~ L,,, **v/>et»*»^«v**^i.* •'nssv^-^.^^^v. ' i ntmmmW*i>>&) (• A- ••' ;:• v.r •-. " v : .•* wibmiie 1VEW-YORK, MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1858. PRICE TWO CENTS. %rnnsemznis. Ti printing. AT EVERDELL's, his celebrated WEDDING CARDS, splendidly engraved, can only be bad at his great Card Depot, Broadway, cor. of Duane-at. Orders by mail solicited. B AKER <fc GODWIN—TRIBUNE BUILD- INGS, print everything, from the smallest CARD or LABEJs to the largest BILL or BOOK, at the Lowest-Cash Prices EAUTIFUL PRINTING at the lowest CASH PRICES— Cards, Circulars, Bili-heada, t o . , printed cheaper than »v*r. Call and see- P. ECKLER No. 27 Vnlton-st.. N Y. JPonts. \TATI0NAL TEACHERS' INSITUTE (La X^ Fi.r?« Building), No. iK9 Broadway. N. Y.—Poncijali, Trrut»*« and Pareuta can secure fully competent Teachers—grad- uates o! Yale, Htttvaid, Brown, Hamilton, Middlebury ai*d other Cc lieges; and LadyTt acheri—sraduatew of Mouat Holyoke, Troy, Patap»<:o. Elmira and other Female Seminaries and Colleges— without delay or e.xpeiite. Te«/ih»»r8 wanted for the North, South, E»at and Weat. Address all applications for Teachers or Situs.- tions to BICE & ANDREWS, Now-York. A MERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE, Apple- fen'a Building. No. 3-16 Brcadwiy.—Schools and Families -supplied with compet-nt TEACHERS and GOVERNESSES, Schools with PUPILS, Parents with School Circulars, and Teach- ers with po&itions. Wanted, 2 superior Frenib and German T«aah*-rs (lidles); two Munic Teachers; also, a Governess to teach French, German, Music and Dtawing. Salary libaraL . SMITH, WOODMAN it. Co. GENTS WANTED—For the sale of LEEDS'S 1 IJOT WATER and STEAM FURNACE, in Baltimore, U'u'biugton, Ro;h«s!er, Buffa'o. Cincinnati Louisville and "St. Lo.it. Apply to L W. LEEDS, Ny. l"o Broadway. N. B.— The abov«- is the most approved Apparatus now in the market, andlis selling very rapidly in New-York aad other large cities. C LERK WANTED—In a Broadway Thread, Needle and Trimming Store—a young Man bl* good address aud genteel appearance. None ueed apply who ore not familiar with the retail Broadway trade. The most unexceptionable references will be required as to integrity, ability, Sic. Address H OWARP, Tribune Qflice, stating full particulars. E NGLISH, Welsh, Scotch, German, Protestants and others. c%n be obtained THIS DAY, at. WESLEY'S SELECT FEMALE OFFICE, No. JkSOGth-av., near221-at, A Lady In a ttndance. Employers please notice the street aud t umber, S ERVANTS of the first-class in great abundance, and of several nations (including German and French), may be obtained at the rooms of the EMPLOYMENT SDCtETY, Noa. 13 and 14 Bible House, 8th-st, between Sd &nd4'-h-ava., where the business of an Intelligence Office is conducted on a new plan. Foreign Language* spoken. A Lady in attendance 0 - D A Y , MONDAY, FIRST DAY OF JONES'K WOOD MAMMOTH MUSICAL FESTIVAL AXD FETE CHAMTETRE, THE SECOND, THIRD AND rOUKTH OF AUGUST. THE ' FIRST DAY, ' AUGUST 2, .Grskd Concert comrpetces at 2 o'clock precisely. PROGRAMME—PART I. Fest-Overture H. Marscbner The Musical Telegraph H. Kfthner March and Chorus—'• Taunhauser" R Wagner Grand Pot-pourri ..C. Zuleansx An interval often minutes. PART IL :x tst*Uvertrrre ................................. o. v. AJA <ExpressIy composed for the FestrvaL) Weddini March Mendelssohn Grand M e d l e y .............................. C . Zulebner JMkrch—"LeProphete".... ... Meyerbeer CO.VDUCTORS: . CARL ANSCHUTZ. .MAX MARETZEK. THEO. THOMAS, ANGELO TORRIANI. •' E. GRILL, C PROX. A. J. ARX A GRAND ACROBATIC EXHIBITION GYMNASTIC FETES Will take place at 4 o'clock, by the well-known BROTHERS BACH, Aft>rwhi;htbe BAL CHAMPETRE Will commence, on the Lwge Platform The entire DOUBLE BAND OF THE 55TH REGIMENT, CONDUCTED BY Mr. HIRSCHMANN. In bther portions of the Park will be The WASHINGTON BAND Mr. ATKINS SHELTON'S BAND Sig. GRAFULLA SENIA BAND Sig. SENLA ^ 1 THE MUSIC FOR DANCING W>I! fcemmence at ,„„,-•* o'dlock- T *»>iing the JBal Champ* tre. aa aoon a* the evening cooomencel to'd.^ken, tne vT^? 1 ? ct w ocd.« ifill t>9 magnincestly aiami- nated by 1 PROFESSOR GRANT with !bi» 8UPERB CALCIUM LIGHT. IA MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS WIH W given a t . . -- 8 o'clock ' JOSEPH G. ANlT ISAAC EDGE- PROGRAMME OF THE FIREWORKS. True-Lovers' Knot. Date Tree of the Desert, polka Dance and Colored Battery. 1 nominated Yew Tree. Star of America. Fairies' Frolic. Shield of Our Union. Murio, exprjisly arranged and first produced upon this occasion. It ocmnences with a Beautiful wheel of crimson and green fires, changing to the various emblems of Muaio, an area rained above them, with the words "Musical Festival," which is succeeded by A GRA>D MOSAIC BATTBRY, filling the air with flights of Bed, Green acdBlue Sturs, Shell e,&c. ILLUMIXATKD BOMBS. ASCEN8IONS OF BALLOONS. Thje PROGRAMMES of the SECOND and THIRD DAYS will be published hereafter. The CONTEST BETWEEN the VARIOUS SANG-VE- REINS will take place upon WEDNESDAY, August 4. A amission 25 cents. Tickets of admission maybe purchased at the Academy of Music, at the various Music Stores, and at the different entrances of the Park. The railroad care on the 2d and Sd-avs., will run every minute. Steamboats will tun to convey p&siengera from the foot of Broome and lOth-sts. TVUBLO' 8 GARDEN—MONDAY, Aug. 2. A* ! Tickets £0 cents—No Reserved Seata. COMEDV NIGHT. THE TOOR GENTLEM,\N, with BLAJKE, l BROUGHAM, DAVIDGE, A. H. DAVENPORT, CANOLL, T. DUNCAN, C. WALTERS, Mrs. BLAKE. Miss ADA CLIFTON. Pibmenode Concert at 7, and during the internisaion. THE POOR GENTLEMAN. HJrg (Boohs. A SSIGNEE'S SALE of the ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, No. 289 G;and, comer of|E!drU2ge-it, . Lately beknging to AJ G. Colby, For Cash at Retail or Job Lots, Commencing MONDAY, Atig. 2, 1858. All the GccJe will be offered a: pri:es that wfl' insure a certain %tal Estate fox Qate. F OR SALE—A FARM uf 72 66-100 acree, situ- ated ov« mile from the Chape<rna Station, on the Harlem Rslhoad and ave mite* from the Sing Sing Depot. Hudaon River Rsi'Toad. containing 18 acres of woodland. 38 oo-ICO a,:re« of High- land, and 16 acre* of wet meadows, of which a part is in a drained state It has several sp: Jugs cfgood water, two ho - o«ea. Mid bam that will store 4C tuns of hay, stablea and carriage house, aj Ln fiiit-rate order, the buildings having been r»p*irvd <--r re-cou stmcted last Summer. For further infermarbn, apply to CH AS. FORNACHON. Chapeo.ua, Westchester Co.. New-York. la e. THE STOCK CQXSISTS OF 8HAWLS, BAREGES, CAS8LMERES, D R A W GC»OD3, HOSIERY, . HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES will be offered for 25 SILKS, LAWNS, CLOTHS, DAMASKS, EMBRO DERIES, GLOVES, Also, a large lot of light KID cents a pair, first quality. i Now js your time for bargains, as every a.tlcle mast be sold. No. 289 Grandst., corner; of Eldridge. T. STE^VART & Co.,| * in antictpation of the opening of their NEW STORE, bave decided to close out the balance of their importation of SPRING and SUMMER -»RE8S GOODS, LACES, LACE MANTILLAS. EMBROIDERIES, 4tc, comprising a complete as soitmest of the latest PARIS NOVELTIES, many of which have joat been received. Great bargains will be offered. Broadway, Chamber* andReade-sts. F OR SALE.—A COTTAGE, 30x30, NEW Barn, ic, and 14 acr«-s choice land, at A good-«ize Hsuse on two lots, with Stable, •-» Irquire on the jrremWe*, Palisade av.. West Hob-krn. N.J. " NEARLY West Bio >m- field, N. J., near the aepot, and only one hoar frjm Wall street No chills and fex*r. A. J. BLEECKER, SONfcCO., No. 7 Bread *:. F OR SALE, teims ea^y—A COUTRY RESI- DENCE. within twenty minute*' walk from Hob >kea Ferry. ' and Fruit Tree*, corner of Barclay-st, Stages every half hour. View spiccdid. IS ECK-TIES ONLY r i i f*|lO WESTERN JL portunity is anted prove a Farm. Address D. LAND OWNERS.—An op- by the adverriser to work on and i n- J., Tribune Offi-», for three days. W ANTED.—A Student, wishing a sea voyage for his health, desires a situation as TUTOR In some fam- ily go$Dg to Europe, or as CLERK on a SHIP. The beat of refer- ences given. Address Box No. 90 Yellow Springs,. Ohio. ANTED—Several SALESMEN for Trees and Plants. Address, with references, PARSONS it Co., Flushing, N. Y. W7ANTED—By a young Man, an American, 2*2 * T years of age. a situation as ASSISTANT BOOK- KEEPER or ENTRY CLERK. Refeis to last employers. Address D., Box No. 1S3, Tribune Office. ANTED—A Clerk for a steamer, a Time- keeper for a silver mine in Virciola. also one Governess, a Housekeeper, a ladv'a maid to go to Washing+on, and four girls to travel. Apply to LOUIS KAUFMAN. No. 766 Broadway. W W ANTED—100,000 AGENTS, of either sex, to sell GREELEI'S PATENT BRACE/SUSPENDER patented June 1, ISift. The sale unlimited, as it meets the wants of si!—Doctor*, Lawyers, Teachers, Scholar*, wc- As a Sus- pender, the laborer finds it the moat pleasant and convenient, and By shortening one strap, when from labor free, Can jatikv a gentle or powerful Biace. you see. The first Snspender ever invented universally approved by La- dles. A good article for 60 cent*. Circulars sent to those desiring them. Apply to or address B.J.GREELEY No. 5 Fincheon-st, Springfield, Mas*. ©rooms, proDisixma, &t~ *»w»m*ii0m*0*i**m D ANDELION COFFEE.—WRIGHT GIL- LIES JJ BRO., only manufacturers of the PURE DANDE- LION COFFEE. Nos. 235 and 237 Washimrton-st. ^ it)atr!jc0, JemelrB, &t. A T C B E S _^ GOLD and SILVER WATCHES. Gold and Silver English Patent Levers, Detschei Levers, Lepines, Duplex Watches, Pocket Chronometers, Independent seconds, for riming horses, Diamond and Enamel Watches for Laciea, and all other kincs of Watches, for sale at retail at less than usaal jricea. Watches taken in exchange Every watch is accompanied with a written guaranty. Watches cleaned and r»paired at less than usual prices. ' GEO. C. ALLEN. Importer of Watches and Jewelry, wholesale and retail, No. 11 Wail-sfc, second floor, near Broadway, l, * MM *' , *as" l "* l »sssssss"**Massi»»aaa»M«SM««aMMsaswsasaa**a»»»Msi^^ [ jBoarq anb Hooms. R OOMS WANTED—By a Gentleman and Wife, without b.^rd; the entire SECOND FLOOR unfurnished; of a modern bouse, located between 4th and 6th avs. and 10th and 37th- t* , in a ouiet neighborhood: reference exchanged. Ad- dress G T. C . 8< x No. 2 520. Post-©ffice. Sir Robert Broxnble.. OUapod ............................. «..*••**•** Humphrey Dobbins Frederick Bramble Mr. Mist]Lucretia MacTab. Emily Worthingtoii. ' Dolors open at 7; to «ommence at 8 o'clock. Ticket* .50 cents. Orchestra seats. TUESDAY —LAST MAN-COLUMBUS. WEDNESDAY-WEST END. ..Mr. Blake ..Mr. Brougham .Mr. W. Davldge A. H. DaveuD;tt Mrs Blake Miss Ada Cliftan .75 csnr. E R.~ and ALLAC K's TH EAT y ' -'FrFTHWEEK •• Of the popular young conple, Mr. and Mr*. W. J. FLORENCE, Dintogthe PAST FOUR WEEKL3 these talented young Americans have been performing to CROWDED HOUSES, attracted by tie | VERSATILITY AND CHARACTER of thje entext atoment. Mrs. Florence each night in her varied parfcrmance as ACTRESS, VOCALIST, DANSEUSE, 'elineatoT of THE YANKEE GAL. On MONDAY EVENING, August 2,1858, will be presented the comic drama by Samuel Lover, esfl-, called THE WHITE HORSE THE PEPPERS. Gerald Pepper .. ..... Mr. W . J. FLORENCE Majojr Bans Mansfield Mr. Whiting be followed by a pi^ce de oirconstance, entitled LOLA MONTEZ. (with a grand Spanish Dance *' La Mo- uola.'') ,.; .... Mra. W.J. FLORENCE conclude with Mr. Flarence's new farce, called . THE YANKEE GAL. Pe^ Ann Higgenfluttea (a Yankee gal with her new song of "Johnny was a Shoe- rhakei") Mrs. W. J. FLORENCE B.— This song has been copyrighted according to law, and •was written for Mrs. Florence expressly, by her hu«b<tj.d. Doors open at 7£; to commence at 8. IN PREPARATION, : lew local Musical Nonsensical Builesque, and a new» Pro- Farce, called ADVERTISING FOR A WIFE TUESDAY—Twenty-eighth night of the FLORENCES. To Lola l •So N. A tean SMITH & BROUWEB, IMPORTERS AND MAUVFACTCRIRS of ! NECK-TIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. . STo. 36 WAJftRTEISr-ST. E XTENSION SKIRTS of SUPERIOR MAKE. PECK BROTHERS, No. 81 Chambers, s t EAUTIFUL FRENCH SHOES.—JEFFERS has removed to No. 573 Broadway, where be has a mors spacious store and a basement and lefts affording Increased man- ufacturing .acuities, ln addition to hi* elegant assortment of Ladies'Shoes of every description, he in now enabled to offer to Gentlemen: Shoes, Gaiters and Bappera of superior workmau- stldjg. The latest Serf ifcifts ila Trimming* and Design* ire received monthly from Paris, au£ all that is rare in style or beauty is com- bined in the J^-few Shoe. The Branch of this establishment at Saratoga is now open for the Summer months. P ERSONS going to the country should provide themselves with INDIA-RUBBER GLOVES. THey keep the hands from exposure,'azd render them soft smooth and snowy white; are Impervious to water, and can be worn where other glovssare useless All lengths to protect t^e wrists ani arms. Sold by all Rubber Dealers, and at 36 Johnj-st, up etairs. (Erjanres for Bttsiitm iften. A N EXCELLENT INVESTMENT can he made in the PURCHASE of th« PATENT cf a new 8TEAM GAUGE. The Instrument is very correct in it* operation and costs less to manufacture than any other Gauge in the United States. One of the instruments can be seen in operation in the engine-room of The Tribune, arid aiso at The Ti<tiea. For full particular* and reference cell upon L. CHESNUTWOOD, Nos. 12 and 14 Warren-st TN SPRINGFIELD.—MANUFACTURING A PROPERTY for SALE. All the real snd peisjialprop-rty luttly belonging to the Ward Mauufuoiuitoir, Company, consisting of a brick Cotton Factory, containing machiuery for lH.SOo spin- dles of the newe* constmction ;tCOnriitog and Cloth Room, Boil- er-House, two blocks of brick Bosading-houses (more than nurfi- cient for the accommodation of the Mills), btick Manhlne-shop, Agent's House, six Overseers' Cottages, togeth-r with sundry other buildings. Also, a branch Railroad, ono mile in length, cenneeting with the Western Railroad; a Water-power adequate to 60,000 spinoles, with substantial stone dan and canal, and 600 acres of Land ly in^ on both aides jof the Chicopee River, In ,.' ...... , ,, ... _._ further infor- WALKER, BARSTOW and t'. H. DELANO. New-York. OFFICE OF THE GOVKRKORS OF THE ALMSHOUSE, > i NEW-YORK, Jaly 23, 1358. J P ROPOSALS—FLAGGING.—Sealed Proposals will be leceived by the Governors of the Almshouse, at their next, for rornishiog FLAGGINGToTtle^esrffnali^rV^ of the new wing of the Penitentiary on BlackweU's Island. The Specification for the above can be a^ren at their office, and blank form of proposits, with further infoimatlon, will be fur- nished. nro JL H OUSE on BROOKLYN HIGHTS for SALE or to LEASE for a TERM of YEARS.—A first class mod- ern brown-iCce tiopt 4-story and basement, In perfect repair; bas garden attached. A large portion of purchase money can re- main. Apply to DAVID RAIT, No 405 Broadway. OR SALE CHEAP—A nice HOME for a working man; house an two lots, flower and vegetable garden, w»U, 4c., on BarcJayst,' near the corner of Pa!i«ide-av., West Hoboken, N. J-, twenty minutes' walk from Hoboken Fetry. ALL PERSONS GOING.-WEST.—An ia- teresting srd illustrated PAMPHLET of 80 pages', contain- ine ful] desciiptiont of the Lands which the Illinois Central Rail- road Company >el)s to actual settlers, on long credits, and at low rat«s of interest, will be sent grati* to anv one going West, who will apply to the Company's Agency, No. 368 Broidway. ESTERN LANDS WANTED in exchange for property in New-Jersey, amounting to about 4325,C\X>. The whole or any portion ia effer^d, consisting of valuable lots in the city of Newark, a f»im of 2ii acres in Woodbridg*, 3 mBes from Rabway and near the New-Jersey Rai'riad. Al«o a fine tract of 7* acres in Iivinjtton, 1J^ mtlea from Newark, overlooking Bergen, htaten Island, and New-York—a beautiful pWce for a country seat. Inquire of cr addrers, H. C. FREEMAN, No. 367 Mulberry-it, Newark, N. J. O O l i n ACRES of TIMBERED LAND, in &)\)\J\J Pike County, Pa, for sale dog cheap for cash. It city property. Inquire of be exchanged for unencumbered H. GREELEY, Tribune Office. MnmnUxo-n. ARITHME- T HE 81,000 T •HE ELEVENTH ANNUAL BENEFIT of THE AMERICAN DRAMATIC FUND ASSOCIATION will take place THIS EVENING, Monday, Aug. 2, at the Acad- emy of Music. Atythe dramatic ta'ent in the city, not otherwise engaged, will combine to render this Festival worthy of its purpose. The first artistje* in each branch of the ait will have the honor of appearing, as the performances will combine Tragedy, Comedy, Spectacle, Farce,Melodrama, Singing, Dancing, and an entirely new Alle- gorical Sketch, written and arranged by its author expresily for ibis Occasion. For particulars see smal bills. . ••. . Tickets 50 cents. Amphitheater 25 cents. D:or»open K5\; commence at 6 J o'clock. F RENCH COMPANY—OPPOSITE NIBLO' 3 . TUESDAY, Aug. 3.1858. LE MARI ET L'AMANT. Comeoie da Theatre Fracciiee. Grmd Ballet, UN GARCON CHEZ VERY. i Vaudeville en un acte. Box Office open daily from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. |A R N U M ' s MUSEUM.— iDidyouever see a PERSON MADE INVISIBLE? Be- causej WYMAN THE WONDERFUL, Bachelor of the Black Art* (and Professor of Necromancy, performs this truly s'.artling feat with aatoniahtog ability, and beside a THOUSAND OTHER APPARENT MIRACLES, will present this one TO-DAY in the AFTERNOON at 3, and EVENING at 7} o'clock, inprea- ence ] of a crowd of spectators. The GREATEST NOVELTY IN THE WORLD, and the ONLY AQUARIA IN AMERICA of similar perfections and proportiona, are the OCEAN and RIVER GARDENS. The Happy Family, Panopticon Studio, icc, Aie all here y e t Admittance to all 25 cent*; children under SCHOOL 0FFICER3 of the Xllth Ward invite PROPOSALS for FURNISHING additional DESKS, 8ETTEES, CHAIRS,fcc,for Ward School No. C and Randall's Island in said Ward, according to plans and specifica- tions on file in th* Cletk's Office. 8<vid proposals will be received at the Clerk's Office until WEDNESDAY (Aug. 4) NEJCT, at 12 o'clock noon. The School Officers reterve to themselves tba right to reject any or all of the propOHais. j JAMES DAVIS, ) r . m ( u iML CHARLES BOICE, IC 0 " 0 ^"*"- , T O YOUNG MEN.—The I advertiser, who is thoroughly at home in every dury (of a newspaper manager, i* contemplating the establishment of a city Journal, under cir- cumstances which mast Insore success. He requires a young, active, enterprising PARTNER, with from $2,500 to $3,000 in cash, and a wihingness to go into practical business details, with a view of making money, and a good, brave h<!art Suab only will please adOTeaB JOURNALIST, Tribune Office, N. Y. TO i$1,200 j.will purchase the STOCK. FIXTURES and everything C">m- piete, ofafirstclass FANCY and MUSIC STORE, established 12 y ears, within a short distance of the city. Xo a person wish- ing a light, pleasant and profitable business, this is a chance sel dom offered. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Address S C, Box No. 501 Peterson, N. J. j «£ r U l A —WANTED, AN ASSISTANT.—A HPVVV/S gentleman having unre thaa he can attend to, will dispose of one half interest in one] of the most desirable Gro- cery Stores in the city. N.i B.—No Du»cu tippling crib. Apply at No. 81 Nasaau-st, room No. 4, second floor. i ' i * i i Sttmuter ULtixtate. ; L' 1 B OARD in the COUNTRY.—A lady occupying a neat dwelline within a few steps of this Railroad DeoJt, at Mount Veinon, Westchester County, 16 miles from tne City Hall, can accommodate a' family or a few stogie gentlemen witn FULL or PARTIAL BOARD. Term* reasonable. Call upon MRS. PEASE as ab ive, or D1NSMORE it Co , No. 9 Spruce- *t,New-York City. C OUNTRY BOARD can be had at Claverack, Columbia Co., N. Y., three miles from Hudson City. Boild- lnga aie large and pleasantly located, commanding one of the finest views In the world. Terms $4! to $6 per week- Address j R. C. FLACK. S URF HOTEL, FERE ISLAND BEACH, i& now receiving quite extensive Billiard and Bowling Saloocs. &c, all lighted wi h gas. The Fishing aud Yachting groundstothe Great South Bay are nnaurpassed. For restoring health to the In- valid, especially those afflicted with fever and ague and hay fever, the location la nsequaled in the United States. Communication twice daily by Long Island Railroad to Thompson, and by steam- er from Pcnstaqnit. DAVID 8. S. SAMMIS, Cttlljert),fyaxomaxzanb Iron. f S cents. 0 0 D * BUILDINGS I ®o &i)0m it i t t a Conrcm. INVENTORS— PATENTS —PATENTEES.— X Persons desiring to secure Patents hi the United States or Europe can reoeivt* ftill instructions, free of charge, by addressing MUNN fe Co.. Editor* of The Sdonano American, New-York City.' Bniibing Matcxials. NOTICE to LUMBER DEALERS.—FOX, I* WESTON k BRONSON, maasfa-rturer* and wholesale dealers in LUMBER, Painted Post, Steuben County, N. Y., keep constantly on hand a large assortment of all kinds of sawed Lumber. Lath. Pieksta, ShingJea, Fence Rail*, Dressed Fiooriog, C^iitog. ko. Dealer* who wish an assortment of SEASONED LUMBER will find here inducement* unequaled ln any other part of the State. AH kinds of PLANING and MATCHING done to order. L'unber shipped by New York and Erie Railroad, or delivered to Carta) Boat* at Coming, and shipped at lowest rates of freight to any place on the canal, or to New-England or New-Jersey. All orders by mail promptly attended to. 4$0BfiX0 tflr £*t. T OFTS to LET.—The fine LOFTS of marble- JLJ front store Nc, 27 Conrtlsndt-st TO LET, as a m-Tderaw rent. Po.tetsios immediate if desired. Apply on th« premises. O FFICES to XET in the" Bitile House*' Astor- t place.-T-Jr.qaixe in the Treesures.'* Office, entrance on 4*h-af •it TEMPLE OF ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY, ' Nos. 561 and 563 Broadway, near Prince-st WOOD'S MINSTRELS with :be at diticn cf the fallowing eminent talent: T. D. RICE, The Father of Ethiopian Mtostrelsv, EPH. HORN and E. BOWEES. PERFORM EVERY EVENING, . to a select and versatile entertainment of NEGRO MINSTRELSY. To conclude wita JUMBO JUM. fcmbo Jure- .... T. D. Rice. I NGOT COPTER, SPELTER. BANCA TH*, ANTIMONY, LEAD, SPELTER SOLDER fTHOMAS PIG IRON—Soft, free, strong, *** » JL warranted substitate for Scotch Pig. AMES sfe SON* SHOVELS and SPADES. Tt/fpTROPOLITAN GARDENS, 30th-st, 2d- 1»JL ^av —The HUTCHINSON BROTHERS appear THIS EVEjSING in their Gymnastic Feat*. Also BL LESLIE 'from Bryant's Minstrels in his Ethiopian Dsncea. Admission 12 cents. Ti E CELEBRATED ABBOTT COLLEC- 'lON of EGYPTIAN ANTIGmTIES is stQl on exhibition Noj. 659 Broadway, Day and Evening. Admission, 25 cents. o. M OUNT HOPE CUT NAILS—Very taperioi quality. Agent* for Moont Hope Iron Co. I JOHN W. UUINCI *I Co., No. M| Wunam-st. B OOKKEEPING, WRITING, TIC—Mr. DOLBEAR, No. 609 Broadway, will receive piivate pupils this day and evening on very lowterma, and qaali'y them precticolly for business by September J. Terms only $10 for the Course Regular terms $25. Ladies' writing class only $3. ' D ON BERNARD' 1 * INSTITUTE, No 1 West S4th tt., near 5th-av.. REOPENS on 15th September. This Fierch and English Boarding and Day School for young ladies is under the care of Mr. and Madame Don Bernard, associated with Miss Jane BulkJey, who, for the last ten years, has been the »ucce»sful Teacher of the senior classes of Rutgers Institute, For Circulars apply on the premises, E " DUCATTONAL.—A College Graduate, who has had ample experience as an Instructor In the higher Mathematics anatoCivil Engineering, and who ha* had the ad- vantage of several year*' service as a Practical Engineer, desires .a CONNECTION with some R«*peetable Institution, where he can dc vote himself to either or both of th« sabjocts named. A.d- dreas E. R, No. 48 y e eey-*t, N. Y. f Bex No. 714. A personal interview with parties preferred. F LUSHING INSTITUTE.—This SCHOOL for BOYS at Flushing. L. I . haa been long esablished. The next lession will begin SEPTEMBER 7. Foe Circulars, k c , ap- ply to ' E. A. FAIR CHI LP, Principal. YMNAST1CS, CALISTIIENIC"^ &c—A Gentleman thoroughly qualified to give Inatructiona lu the above, is prepared to mass arrangemeuta with Priuclpal* ol icbooln to this city and vicinity, and others who may wuh to avail themselves of bis services, upon very liberal terms Address C, Box Ho. 182 Tribune Office. Highest references givei*. I MPORTANT to SCHOOLS and ACADEMIES and all wi»hing to engage the services of competent Te-acb- eis and Professois for any depaitment, Literature, Science and Art.—Our Literary and Bu*itess References are: Faculty, Am- herst College ; the R t v M. Meigs, late President Delaware Col- lege: the Rev. Dr. .C. Van Norman, Allen MsLoan and Bulkley. Our Musical Beferences are: Dr. Lowtll Mason, Pref. G. F. Root, and Geo. J. Webb. Teachers wishing engagements should ap>ly. Teachers of Music and cf Frenah, Gerinan. and Piloting wanted. SMITH, WOODMAN & Co. T AW SCHOOL of the UNIVERSITY of AL- M ETROPOLITAN ACADEMY and GYMNA- SiUM, No*. 93 and 95 6 h-av. ! S. J. SEDGWICK, A. M., Professor of the Theory, and Piaotice of Gymnastics, and Lecturer on Anatomy and Psysi- olocy. E. C. JOHNSON, A. M , late Principal of the High School to Rutland Vt. Professor of Latin and Greek F. B. BRIGHAM, late Principal of the High SchooltoNor- waJk, Conn , Professor of Mathematics. JOEL BLACKMER, A M , Professor of Intellectual Philoso- phy acd Ensjlub Literature. R. L. WATERBURY, A. M., M. D , Lecturer on Cbemie^ry and Natuial History. This In»tituiion is cf sixteen years standing, six year* in its pieitnt amp'e eoifi;e. It is the pioneertorecognlzir g the necessity of Physical Educa- tion. It ii an acadt my Or both sexes. The Classical element, a* a basis of education, is here fully recognized and taught The Mathematical Department embraces the puro and mixed Mathematics, from the Element* to the Calculus included. The graduates of Its Commercial Depaitment are prepared for the counting-house. lh* Modem Language* are taught by native*. Dr. Waterbury's Ltctureson Natural History will include a course of Expeiirn«Btal Chemistry. Vocal Music, with piano. Ab'e teachers will assist id the above-mentioned cYpanm*nt>. REFERENCES. Wm. H. C. Bextlett, LL. D., Went Point. Charles D*vi«, LL..D., Columbia College. Taylor Lewis, LL. D., Union Colbge. . Eha* Loomia. LL. D , New-Ycrk University. C. W. Hackley. S. T. D , Colum»»ia OoUoge. Bichard B. Kimball, esq , No. 49 Wail st. Lsmbert Scydam esq.. No. 158 Waverley-pla:e.. Hon. JudgeHenry E, Davies. No. 33 Clinton'place. Hon. Judge J. J. .Roosevelt, No. 836 Broadway. Jchn T Botd, e»q , Boyd's Express, No. 70 Grove-st Samuel F. Battel worth, Supetmtendent of Assay Office, No. SOWaH-st ' . G J. F< n e * '•., of the firm of Frost it Forrest, No. 40 Broad *t H. H. Bhtterwortb. No. 49 William-st George R. Cholwtli, firm of Caolwell it Bros., No. 26 Maiden- lane. Rev. James Wo^lsey, Norwalk, Conn. Rev. W. B. Weed, Norwalk, Coon. Hon. Henry Barnard, LL. 0., Hartford, Conn. Bon. D. H. Camp, Superintendent of Common Schools, Coan. Rev. S. D. P. Stone, Nojkrich, Conn. Rev. Wm. R Williams, D. D.. No. 27 Grove'ai. Horace Green, M. D.. No. 2 Clinton-pUce. Rev. Aaa D. Smith, D. D., No. 142 East 13th-st Hon. S. Foot, LL D, Senator from Rotlan-i, Vt Rev. B. Labaree, D. D., President of Middlebnry College, Vt Rev. C Pease. D. D., President of Unlverrity of Vermoat J. S. Ac>m*. Secretary of Board of Education, New-York. Hon. XVm. Slade, ex-Govemor of Vermont, and Secretary of N. P. Education. * Hon. E. P. Walton, Representative to Congress frcm Montpe- lier. Vt. . Her. J. D. PhiTbrick, Superintendent of Public Schools, Bostcn, &c, fcc, fcc., and to 300 p estnt members of the Io«ti',otion. Communtca'ions addressed to either'of tne Facul'y wnl be promptly attended to. All members of the S jholastic ani Gymnastic Department* are- r»que»ttro to be present on tte 1st day of Semptember. First ExamtoaUon and Exhibition to November. piano -foxu* anb ainsic. A MAGS 1FICENT Hose .vood Scv«n-f>ctave PIANO. Sroland Cov,;, f»rS«.LS nyl* <i L.iti* XIV. Rich c».iv«d .'«g«; w o k ; r'eh tone ; beat u t y H.»A«.- ; f.,;ij w '•xf-int; *<id <">n account of reliaquialunc b :J.!5 :H»d. sui :» an elegant I'U»>J< n-o."n Titi»beO s.'Jtr ; far touad cOXfaets. Wt«»eeii i».t the origins! cc><t Apply. N't- ^ ? 2 >%th-*v.. ne*rS9;b *c. »e«n for thrte day*. . i ,''F«p.J ti_l*tke-d io "ie<*4.l d.-vj^ carved srranted; ii»,d »,i. w .i»sf k«ves4u*. C«» b« ri»ao ; t»Vnhi-V %ad Pi ice s>3*) \»bi<hUi a. m. acd 7 p. m , **. VVIU IK shipped if devired. T«> be A T No. iH> East '2Sth-st., near Lexington-sv., i# -A effervdan eUraat ROSEWOOD PIANO-FORTE, uea.lv -ew.fcthail'price—7-o^tave,. oi*y m«i»s fuUy «r«.:i»ute>4. o*rivcl ir extra aaanifieecce, axwi ticket Woe. Kai partlcuWa on.ap- pdeattoq as above. 4thav. ca^^ p*«s wi;hiu a blv«A. P1RJ5T- PRIZE PIANOS and MELODEONS A. for SALE or RENT at VERV LO .V RArES.-Aje^M^y * . T » CMeSering's Bo»t >n Piaocs, 8 0 it H. VV. S*«ith , .e,W- trattd Melod««aa and improreu New-York l^au^i. . A M. KANO'l'SE. No *35 Bro%l**y. (JOLD MEDAL GRAND aa3 SQUA3W SSJWMWL PIAINOS. srars awaked S ' ^ i ^ S J ^ ^ j^~!°* axenght their Piano-FoX. U sf^ £&Z $L S*e* *** yf Beaton, New-York, r ^ i l a d W p ^ a n ^ r T m t l ^ ^^ "***" Received Ox two «nl rdss M><^u u?KSL*^a-- »-». n-aahirjttOD 1855. «"iatr at Va.« HefropoHua Fai*, TbeFSrst Premium (a Gold Medal, fcr the b«* «-»o.r«r-- *» the Amerioan Institute, Crystal P n . ^ , New- , T ^»£lS6t' gn * *'< The First Premlom (a Gold Med*» for the • j a s t l h S ^ s v - . tk» Maryland Institute, Beitixrore, ! « « . *-»no-*ne«e at The First Prize Medal lor the best Piano-Porte aitk* i a . A , ^ Inatitute, Crystal Palace, New-\ ork, ia5«. - «•"•*» The Firrt Presnlum (a Gold Medal; for the beet Grand Plain a) |he Maryland Institute, Baltimore, 1857. The First Premium at the State FiJr, Detroit, 1MJ. The First Premium at the 8tat* Fair. Riuhnvoad, 1S67. Among the Judges were the first musical talenu of the oceaarr, such as \\. Mason. Gottschala, VVoUenhaupt, fcc Grand sad square Pianos conctructed witk the full wooden and Iron frame eombtaed. are warrantedforthree year*, and will now a* se*d st treaty reduced pricestosmith* tune*. L IGHTE, NEWTON & BRADBURYS, No. 481 Broome-at, near Broadway, have a splendid aasertmentof their CELEBRATED PIANO-FORTES, to all stakTaosh. structed with the patent Arch Wrert Plank. Purchaser*towant efasa erior tostrurnent wQlfindi: fbr their advantage tooelL . P IANO FORTES. BOEBBELER S OLE MEDAL SAL EXHIBITION OF k SCHMIDT, No. 42S Brocme-st^, One block east of Broadway, '. Marnl&ctQTer* cf GRAND and SQUARE PIANO-FORTES./ Purchaser* to want of a first-class article are invited to Inspect out instrument*. P IANOS and MELODEONS of superior mako at Great Bargain*.—Secand hand Pianes at the'following eX« tremely low prices: $25. $50, $110, $125 and $156. Pianos and Melcdeoaa to rent and rent allowed on purchase; for sale on monthly payment*. Pianos tus»d and repal>ed. HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. 3?3 Broadway. ' of HONOR at thelJNIVER' 18>5. DEfOT OF THE ALEXANDRE ORGANS, adapted to the use of Drawtog-Room*, Churches. Lodges and Schools. This magnificent instrument, Introduced by THALBERO to the United State*, baa been adopted by the most eoxtoeut ar- sist* of Europe and America: Mile, Wefii*, Llwt, Gottscha'k, VHantva,fcc,fcc. Piice. $1G0, $225, $250, $300, $375. A dew.»iptiv'e circular, sent to MIV address, on spplioaMon to , BERNARD fc FABREQUETrES, JR , No 51 Dey-st, " Importers of Baaaon's A 'o->rde«us, Violin 8'riun* fcc. , JUST PUBLISHED: A complete INSTRUCTOR for the Alexandre Orgaua INNER'« ; PRIMERS for PTTNO^KdRrE, GUITAR VIOLIN, FLUTE aud ACCORDBON, con- tain all the new Music of the day cvefuhy arranged for each In- stniment Any person can leatn to play. Price 50 <nut* each. Sent by xcaiL pottage paid. * FIRTH, POND fc Ca., No. 517 Brot^wsy, N. Y. W Jfinattcial. OCEAX BANK, NEW-YORK Julydi, 18M. SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of THREE and ONE-HALF (3j) PER CENT on the Capi 1 *! Stwk of this Bank has been declared, patabl« oa and after Atxgust IO text. The tran«f*r-book will be cW*d fr^m the 3d to the l«th lost. Inclusive. Byord<>r, PARKER HANDY, Cuhier. Ct.KVKt.AXD, COLUMBUS A.«U> CISCINXATI IX. R. Co., ) TRXASURKK'S OrrtCK. CLKYBUASO, O; July 15, IRfg. J D IVIDEND NOTICE.—A Dividend of FIVE (5) FSB. CENT has soon declared by this Company out of the earnings of the six months endhis, June 30. Stock holders registered to New-York will be paid at the Phenlx Bank oo aoA after Monday, August 2. The transfer books wlU be closed from 2l«t tout until AuRuat 2. (.filgusA) GEOROK H. RUSSELL, Tr<»as. pro. t«>m. Ct.lNTOX F»R» IKSURAKCK COMPANY, J (Office No. 52 WaU-st) Naw-rosK, July 1,185*. 5 D IVIDEND.—The Board of Director* have this day declartd a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of TEN PER CENT, payable on demand. By otd.-r. JAMES B.~ AMES, Jr., Secretary. . •i I I . ... ... .m COLUMBIA FIRE INSUKA.NCK COMPAAV, ) Office No. 10 Wall-st, New-Yotk, July 7, 1858. J D IVIDEND.—ITie Board of Director* haTe this day decUred a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of WX PER CENT, payable on and after the 10th Inst The Transfer Book* will be closed until that date. JOHN C. BERQH, Secretary. OFFICE OF TUX SIXTH AVEMUK RAILROAD CO., 1 Sixth-av. and 44th st, July 16, 1858. ) D IVIDEND.—The Directors of this Company have declartd a DIVIDEND of FIVE. PER CENT ou MM t»prtal out of tha taming* of the road for the current six mouths, payable at the Office of the Treasurer, GEO. G. WILLIAMS, esq. (Cashier), at the Chemical Bank, on the second day of Au- gust next The Transfer Book* will be closed from the 25th last, to that day. T. BAILEY MYERS, Secretary. HOME IXSURA.VCK COMPAXY, ) No*. 112 snd 114 Broadway, N« a--York, July 20, 1858. J D IVIDEND.—The Board of Directors «f this Company have this day declared a SEMI-ANNUAL Divi- dend of TWELVE PER CENT on th* original oaplul of five hundred thousand dollars, payable to the Stockholders on demand. J. MILTON SMITH, Secretary. E XCELSIOR FIRE INSURANCE CO., OFFICE No. 6 BROAD-ST. New-York, Jaly 13,1858, This Company has declared a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of SEVEN PER CENT, payable on and after the 20th iust HENRY UUACKENBOSS, Secretary. P EORIA AND BUREAU VALLEY RAIL- ROAD COMPANY.—A dividend of FOUR PER CE?ir oa the capital stock of this Company ba* been declared, payable on the 10th day of August next, at iheoffioe of the Company, No. 13 William- »t. The transfer books will be closed from toe 2d until the 10th day of August. The coupon* of the bonds of the Company due Ansust 1 will be paid at the Corn Exchange Sauk. ^ J ' C. W. DURANT, Treasurer. M R S HEARS' 8 FRENCH |)rofesBiprial Satire0. Ar Office for procuring •< SRICAN and FOREIGN PATENTS. jr. j?. PTJRSSON, NO. 5 WAJLIVST., N. A Fsxrmhlet of tofbTrnatton serS: free by msfl- E j>WARD H. DTXON, M. ©., Editor of TUt Scalpel, and author of '! A Practical Tjeatiaoma Smmad Dia. eases." .attends exclusively to'. OPERATIVE SURGERY sag COS SULTATIONS en the'more obscure diseases, at No, 425tb> sr. fJffioe-houTB from 8 ^ 9 , 1 to i ^ d * t o 9 evmdagst At si ethei hears he is at his private hospitaL She oxaoeof The Scal- pel i at No. i Ve*ey-«t, Astor Brassy where, sfl Hierary and basii ess ccmmrrtikfttlon* must/be sajty-sss no ootr|ig«wisary tiatip •nrtoelved. :Coh*ulQci:fe«' Wt£ "" ****** » ^'' '** | •assaa»saaw«aM«^i^w«^asMM»asaMsaa«sss»»ssaMsaiay«aMaaa«assasai*» F ARMERS' and GARDENERS' IMPLEMENTS r, zTtat vaxw*y, fox »««•> ay CEA*. «C LITTLE k Co., St*. 33 and 54 FpJtcsr*. I NGOT COPPER--In lota to imit purchasers— for sale by MINESOTA MINlNa COMPANY. No. II Greenwich-St L IGHTNING RODS—OTIS' 3 PATENT-—Also chespexRODS, with glaas ring insulator*, at half price. LYON MANUFACTURING CO., No- *S5 Broadway. P ATENT ORNAMENTAL MULTIGRADE FENCING —Tbi* fencing Umanufadured at the New-York Planing Mia; corner of Bank and West-rfa. Item br made very handsome, of various patternstosuit the taste; is very uesirsole. It wm follow any grade, and will not corf more than. a common picket fen :e. It S weh Worthy the attenrfm of all w i n n>jy want a cheap, but ornaments! fence. Addres* R R- J:iiaxj^Sf MORTON, Bank and West-st*,. New-york. S UPERIOR MACHINE HORSE SHOES.— WHEELER'S PATENT are baaflsome shape, mnch «up«B> lortohand made, and lower price. Depotat .,„.„,. _. i JOB^W.CtDINCrYfc^^y^^^ 131 "^*^ i Svfxnitxsxc. AND ' ENGLISH BOARDING ana DAY SCHOOL for Young La- dles, Nos. 32 and '3o West 15th-»t. belsw 5di-av., reopen* on THURSDAY. Sept 9. . Mn. M. will be at home to receive parent* and guardians who may w i n to confer with her, on and after Sept L \ I ISbES ROHR' 3 French and English Boarding ATA and Day SCHOOL, No 33 Wwt 33d *t, near 5^-av., will recrxo on MONDAY, Sept 13. M ONS. L. DE GRAND-VAL'« FRENCH BOABDtNG SCHOOL, a ColI*gIa»e and Commercial In- »tituticn, Hudson Terrace. Hoboken, N. J. for Y0TJNG horseback riding. For Catalogne, ad- MY8TIC- HALL SEMINARY A.TJL LADIES, sear BOSTON.—For health. swimming ia the Mystic River (sail), ate. drea* Mis. T. P. SMITH, Boston, Mas*. E NAMELED CHAMBER FUI5NTTTJRE, in att cokwa, of *Ofaix»3i^wmrzMXiX^^i^rau^^^^ » hmdscapefresoo, eruit and flowers,at ELF. FARRlNGTON't, Mcv36a Cansi-at, opposite Wooster. EstabttibedJ848. •,;•••-. I E NAMELED COrlAMBER SUITES of FUBN1 "1TOIBJ maneelomaa4styfe*i wixotostoand^wfidL.^, |: ^ f f l j # ! 'Atmfees from ^a^'upwsrd. **m | WAJWIWWARD; No. 277Canal-•*-(<*»»»-»«). . .i~--'H'-'...v. aftisg JTotgdoorseast o^Brgattwar;fNew^T<>i>4 E NAMELED FTJENTTTURE of a traT^rior qiiality ssasajtaetarest sad tot sale »y J. FiaHEJi* Co., J^ ^ Axnsaiwsy, swmariy « * • JfcfiMT* AftsaWaTfis. M RS. OKILL will be prepared to receive her Ptjpiiscn WEDNESD 1Y, Sept 15, and hopes for tUeir oirmpt attendance. Any eemmonicaiiona addressed to Mrs. O , at h*r r»sidtr,ce, No*. 8 aid .10 CUtton-plsce, N. Y., will receive immediate attentJoa. R EV. D. C. VAN NORMAN, A. M., (former Principe, of Rctger* Female Institute.) will <D. V.) re- open his INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADLES, at No. 79 East I4th-st. r.e»r Union-square, on MONDAY, the 13th September next Circular* may he obtained at IVISON fc FHINNEY'S Bcok-store, No. ZW_ Bfoedway, at RAYNOR. HOWE fc J?£Br RY'S, No. 76 Bowery, and by addressing the PRINCIPAL. R UTGERS FEMALE INSTITUTE.—The 77th TERM ol this ItsntatSon will commence Sept IS. Popil* from abroad ncelved into the family of the PtiaeipaL Instru- mental Music tsoght at the Insriiot*. Address * . H M PIERCE. A M. Pitocto*!. Wo 2,7 Mad«*on-st. J. M. KREBS D D, President, No- 141 Henry-st ;:, J- W . C. LEVERIDGE, Secretary, No. 5 Rtxt^ers^aoa ARRYTOWN INSTITUTE.—CircniMsTwitn » ^^f* «T*"5S?SS **»«"" be obtained at E. Goodeooogh's _ »!..,,. ll*»av.To*ir r orbyssV Boekatore, Ne. f I2J-_ 4/es*tog A. NEWltAW, t Nas*ao-»t, up stairs, ^•i> GIRLS, from- 6 to 12 Years old, w i U b e r j - A^.Sf* 5 " 4 '** ,k * Preeeptres* of 'he HUDSON RIVER IN- S'nTLTT!;. g*pt. n Tr-na for Board ana Tuition, s)150 a yea*. For psnwclaxa, adorea* Mrs. P . » . OWEN, Osveask, H. X, Orrica or THE PEOPLK'S FIRE ISSUXAXCK Co., 1 NEW-YORK, July 3,1&54. V T HE Board of Directors have declared a SEMI- ANNUAL DIVIDEND of 8IX PER CENP, pafebleoa and after the 7th July in*"., until which dm* the transfer Books- will be closed. By order, «-[—«—-»• «. _ W. F. UNDERBILL, BoerotoTy, OrFics or THE AKCTIC FIR« DJSURAKCK CO., ] No. 29 Wall-st, New-York, July 14, 1258. V T HE Directors have this day declared a SEMI- ANNUAL DIVIDEND of FIVE PER.CUNT, payable oa and aft^r the 19th tost RICHARD A OAKLEY, Secretary. OrncE oy THE BEKKMAS FIKK INSOEAXCE COMPAXY, ) NEW-YORK, July 2», 1«M. 5 T HE Board of Directors have declared a SEMI- ANNUAL DIVIDEND of SIX PER CENT, payable August 2, until which time the tracsfrr hook* wUl be ulX>t STEPHEN R CONCrER, Seexetary. . npHE LENOX FIRE INSURANCE C0M> X PANY. Office No. 54 WaB-st, have THIS DAY declared a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of five per c*nc, payable on and afterthe2dofAugurt,prox. DAVID DRAKE, Sec New-York, July 26, 1858. . , CKXTRAL RAILROAD Co.vrxNy or Nr.w-Jr.*sr.Y, i NEW- PORK, July 28 18M J I NTEREST.—The Interest Coupons of the First Mottgsge Roods, due on the jat day of AUGUST NEXT, will be paid at the office of the Company, No. 59 Waii-st, oa and after Monday, th« 2d. O. iC MILLtGAN. Treasurer. I NTEREST NOTICE.-The Interest due l«t prox on BONDS of the CITY OF DAYTON, OHIO, will be paid on snd after MONDAY next, Aug. 2, opoisjaneseatatktn of the proper coupon*, at our office, No 92 Broedway. ,> ATWOOPfcCO, "\[EW-YORK AND HARLEM RAILROAD X* COMPANY.—The Coepeos of the Second M«rtg«r» Rood* of the Company's Bonds of 1861, and Dover Extension, will'be paid at the office of the Company, comer of 28U>-*t and 4tb-a»., on and after August 2, tost W. H EMERSON, Treeaorer. —•'"••• —'• - • i -.——•• —SSI ******** i i i II II i - I I II i I mil* • i s « OrncE or THE MICHIGAN SOVTHKU)! ASO NORTH*** > ISDIANA RAILROAD COMPAS Y. No. 18 WUHsm-st, > New-York, July26, 185S. 5 T HE INTEREST COUPONS, due Aug. 1, pn the Detroit, Monroe and Tolado; the Nor hem Indiana, and Jackson and Co«hen Branch Bonds, will be paid at the CORN EXCHANGE BANK. WM. WALCOTr, Tmasorer. OFFICE or CLEVXLAXD, PAIXESVILCS AXD AS«T\BOLA > RAILROAD COMPAXY. J N OTICE.—Thft Annual Meeting of the CLEVE- LAND. PAINESVILLE and ASHTABULA RAILROAD COMPANY, will be beld at It* office to Cleveland, Oaio, oa TUESDAY, the 10th day of Aurast next, at 2 o'clock p m , for the Election cf Directors, and for the transaction of su<:h other business a* may come before them. The Transfer Books of the Company will be elated from July 31 to the 10th day of August, injlxuiv*. GEO. B ELY*. Sjsretsrj, - i i r i i, - . . - , . . , - . S TOCK in BANK of the STATE of MISSOURI. —The undersigned, CommhsieoeT*, appointed by the Bank of the State of Mb-ouri, St Lotus, hereby gf»« notice that books of lubscription for three hundred thonssuo dollar* o' increased capi- tal stock of said Bank will be opened st the Bank of Commerce, in N«w-Yoik,on MONDAY. Aognst 2, and kept open for a period of fifteen day*, anJess tie whole smoont shall bave been sooner subscribed. • •"" Tenpexcentwfflbexaqrjired to be paid at the tkaeofaub- sexibing - thirty per cent ou tfae 1st of September; thirty per cent < n the lit ©YOetoter, and thirty per cent on the 1st of Novetn- ber or payment way be made In fulL i DivJcends on »tocs »ub*<;nbed lor will be payable at tba Bank ef Commerce in New-York. -•: JOHN A BTEVENB, >. -s fc * *• .-i *v v . . HENRY F. VAIL, >C««s««x«tsaioai*ts. g_____b_Ajt__| «*,,>.-^ _Mi "'_-'>'• I ,A CROSSE AND MTLWAIXKEE BAJtL- J RpkD COMFiiNY-NOTlCB.^A; C<»mmi^Jb^|i*«. sppcxk teg by the'Bostf of Dfx>etors_^« LA;y3WSSR*J .MILWAUKEE RAILROAD COStFANY to s^jastkMs^m*, M: r Jk>.s against the Compaty. P<rs 3 n« Interested ta»a» Ftmt? vj 0.v« ,, T „rt<..<!Jt*TA» fcA. of *•*? Cflojp*ny are ro^assse** * ""i'.'X'*•'*" J^*"*j^ £ft;:. V'M i 1 i i * i. ~ i •- Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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P<X*»«lk|CCT* A*-r iY««I Itomawmtm, /*•"» So»:k.xmpu>* and Bo..**.^ .i«l Gobv. ym$i«i Coho. Att^o. Coin \r ,*' ""* M* Cr*ei' Sf Leopold, Bsbette L w S l i ^ S ? «

< ft<*^.Sota»ML j>*. Abbott, C s r o i t a - A h ^ f * W

»G, c»a M^c^u. C K ' g f *f? A. Bein»i«, C . .0 . B.XJ>, Was, St« 8ea. i*0O* ,« i f c htp / i aW, ,/i-ow f / a r « ^ « W CA^r^r*0»_.\r, ^ i l ^ r e i j ^ m*Jd;T. fa lvo , H.**T. Caryo7lf "

•^^^^^^<^fnif^*9BiMj^^iKK^\:,j.vi,j»'f^^^'',\'t j \

CWwi, Mi** A . Cslvo, Miss' A.' T y ^ ~ a & J ? , i , « hro, J. Faure and servant J. T. S . ^ C » . H J ! g E- More©**, Jot* Borreen a n * H*cU**w o r . I R o i * , * . Mfro, G.J& Heese, J , f t a d j t f ^ * *t •*, A. dc Band* ey. J a Lyons, 6.' L. B 5 W ^ . Ir* W

i n G. H R. d* AsMLnaa, p . i"aaievMr*. 0 . F*oke, Master X. F » i k * T , S l r * « ; ^ t ^

apt, u 1*,-and 15 In tier steerage. *r, /run''Mi****-*:. Job* Cock* w>.% - i y g

\d-KC GUmor^/rom Cala is—Joseph j__*[* •**•! fell

PORT OF NXvV-YORK. - - . . . . J O L T 2§t «i ^

• i t j f j j j

- •

VINE- JOURNAL. V V - . - ' - •':

..;' Cleaved. Sorth Star. Jon**, Havre^ fxf . p . Twranoe. .n. * _ Miulbat, London,> G<bfe«U. Jttxttraifc. c . . . •; Now-OrteaM.'Wm. NVIsoft fc S o u e ; ^ * § M Dunham Jrtmaos; Sir John FiiuiSaa, wiaJ^J" . Dow. ^ mj, Ctffford,C*d«x, Wakemen. Dtmon It Co.? 8<i . * myrse, G. MBragyk>d* fc Duelo* Ua,' VVaB»de,.St.JttVj'*. G*.. C 4 K J. ?otw».* *^M rig, PhO«d*1Jl>JK. J«n*»« Hand * €to«aeh* {Syvx.£ 4 ** »», W . W. DofonaX k. Ca ; S*«la»w, C M S , r i l

«r*b Maris, "DndefblP. Bwb^oa*, H . Ktaa&fA * ^ ^Mffl.), P«sz* Hatlwr Urac-, G « i « i , W*U*3ev4. , >•». Sitrwoa. 9rg«nx»h, McCrt»d7» Mdtt k Co. H E ***f

dx, Sh«-pb«dw.N«w-HaT«nT J . B. JBdward*; 0r»» r6rtd»ce, Aa«trt. «*Ufi ftata. NtetooJ** rWtodolpWa. J. Jt N. Br i«» ; «V^Bte--f§ ;, PhL:«deJphU;'Aaa Eifia, l o b i o w n , ?ftthd^k T*

• A r r i r e d . -.* 9 f e ^ -{azamonW (Qamb.. texew), SAxmtmme, HanM-i^jf auipton J BIJ 17, mdac. and |H* paaa. to K.ucaudt th«- BiclrSw lat. 48; » * r^ i«5. H r f ^ «r£>d» * * « p»*»»2f, irfeJa xaoderato w««th«b AnituHi oft f t^ M«i P fla- - *. -« rm>Jp f«aVI, TlttJf*. Havana ~xh toat., and CharJesi*'- 5«J rltb p*M U> Spottoid, TiiexrCao U. Cy. Th* b«fc rM », *eJzod b / tJio autiio.-idet of 11x7*6^ h^ ) t 9 w , ' < iricga lAghi/natw cargo on board—xai U a , l i r rd_ ; ^

Brezn.). Gtasravoa, Breicoi Jnno 57. n>dwL «»^r ' ^**l l«r. July 16. lat. (2 20. Joo. 4220, spoke Wfc <*?? d «a«t. 20th ioat , lat 4S 20, Ion.' W, txzi^and »-.Ferener, f/ozo N«-w-Ori«a^». bound «i>Krj^}j ^nt of Sandj Hook, t«ok a pilot from bo*i O. -w,

[it Lower Quarantin«). Coffin. New-OrI**c» D*J| ' Fww Iltb, md»o. aad 2 pa»fc to W « . T Krwit.

fcy "Weat, trpak* ship Areola,'rom Hew-OttoaSi tlweU, and pelted company with bor otTHvKerM, wind at the tiine from no*th "caafc. »er« (ofBatb, M Lo«r*s doaranthv.), Bs*nbolio. ;

», sugar, i c ' i -to xoa*t«r; May 25, Tbomaa A.-" Kr«den, a MSBMO, dlod In tho ho«oioal a t H%Taa*r bristisnaore, Jnae 4, and Peter £etor*oo, Jaao 14. > oadloy, M*fn*? Antwerp jud Pia»bia« Jaa 8 jx «aa. V> ro»t, Smith t Co. A oook, Howe, Rotterdam iS d»y», achnappa w»d 124 Volfo. July 2a, lat. 33 <0, bm 84 40, *|MA»B«rk. 00*. Jttly 26. JaV3S 14, tea 68 30. *pok» 8r . brie HfwT, and cxciianged «igaal*with bark BraaeUa,

fnt (<sf Thomaator^; Bobfaaozr, Uroreool 51 day»v , On tho ontoiaiat W i * ; - , flhfa. W . Cba^aoorZ |_ sd. WWIe Ipit z at Xdrorpool, JarSM MCoDosaidL , v

died. The V.F. experkneed very bea^y nreamC V i0; Whirled c«xgo: since, ligbc vV. wind*, 25th SI > , '# Shea!,' took a pilot from b o a t t d w l o jr^maaW^ v uereoij, »poao M-hr. W'uaalow, wrth 30J fi*b. « '' [ F*iifi*I<l), 0*born, Hamr* Tl»P<xrto»OTWh JwmJ:"<?*-lioan. Dixiu.n & Co. W *f » ncobk (of N«w-Orlean»), Coffin, Aotw«w» anl*'i*w m a * and 50 pea*, to Poat, Smith it C*. Joty ; ^

U 49. exobanged »ignab wi&b Sr. brig Margies , >...H lat 15 -12, ion. 2710, exohanged ainafa with rtBl'^ ilaena. b o m Antwerp for New-York. Joly 28,:^* «* took a^iiot (rem boat Edwin Forest, No. M» 8?> *?^ rente (oiBockland), Spewr, SuodeiUod+> day*, - , tfae l>owna, ooal to Snow ife Bnrgeaa. Jo^rlTi A .rpokekblp American Eagle, hence fox LlvwnooJC y J 3 light wlnda and ealeoa. ^* WK feoraba, Lrverpoot June .24, mdae. and* 14* paaaV* '><%

t Peel (Ham.), Jnrgaai. Haa>bn»g Jane J s C ?. »a.to h E. Amaiuck. July 25, lafc 40 58. tefc , **• ,burgbwkElbe ,bonndE. l iadonebtr tboathe 5 *


MSfcS>3 Lawrence, Idrerpool Jane 13. mdae. and 20t» TileBton *. Co. July 2, lat.» 47 J8, k>o-£i e to ritb Dwii-h b a J j U > B u a » t t . E.»5th. la--- 4535,. ig«-d »l(?Bttl» \umVakMT«ba fflftd-ni^ound W .

3fi?0„ »»* ^ r ^ ( f c « ^ r f » f t f w l a v r e , »tg-S. 3. 4o 50, .iaw rm^^h^e-TOfeenoo* , ctg. S .

(of Boaton), 4Kou%ca,«P||lao April Id, riaV•-/A. v July 27, x"*uo to Lajficcnneual k Co. H * d s wind* aad galea from lat. 4 a S . in th* Paalfie, 6» *f*a ntlc. ttnci which had il hft tzadee and ; *

day a from the parallel of 30 N . to ' < t


d pleaaant'-- w ii«jap«oa»>

iy\i-«nf*.>,'-©BC«A«rii Boxtiednx 07 day», win**^t

Soressren (Daniabr at Lower Qnwantme); J*~ - -P. R., lb <tay». aosrar to oraer. # * se«kn«m (of Colombia, at Lower 0,-iamnrtneL P R., 10 day a, tugax, it v . to Kopplach & Cook. . J "Weed of Greenock waa fo»t overboard. . C. GUmoie (at l^wer'.Qoaranttne), EldztdgS* • 9r«jg»r to master. • t> b (of Baogor, B»;tletr» Fajardo, P . R., July U , . ^ IS... Lanfoid. Left no American v»?«*el<* ».(Br.), King. Rocheater, N. B. , July 19, atwe'to*^

• - _ ' " v ;hadbouine, New-Haven, in bxlkat. •...' g aa Eliae, Prcebee. Vuwie 90 day*, raga, fcc, h» »• (of HauiDg^or), Putnam, Gonjiivee July EM* •' taBrctf, Son it Co. ' * ' 4 ' jtrem, Homer, Newbern, N . C , 8 daya, wheatt»-;-~i

ale, Oaka-Mi, Alexandria 5 days, coal Jewi*. Vir^ioia i d m , wood­e n , I.atcutette, Petenaburg 5 daya, Boar, M | ' , ' 0 . - " - •'•< - ,

inbridge, Newborn, N.C., 8 day*, naval •fc>w*' Wb sistJ

uiaaxii, Fyiwb, Virginia 3 daya, wood.

ice, ChaaiSxiM, Georgetown, D . C , 5 daya, eOal ;•

n Bfale, Hallelt, Boston 3 day*, mdso. to S.*W; . m

>oxe (new), Nicieraon, Bridgeport for WasfcfflaT le. '' • >.-t--~'--;>j. 3l(Br.), Higgs, Eluthera July 22, pttwaFpl(«Mk v - t Umdt, Pnxdy.\ lrginia2 days. wood. , St. Johns,-Vurini* 2 daya, wood. Ixnan, Yottng, vlrgtnhi 2 day*,, wood. itsOB. Camp, Vlrjonfa 2 days, wood. urd, StUse, Vhrrifti»2 day*, wood. . illcr, Prajne, Baltimore 4 days, ooeX ale. Baker, Baltimore 4 dajs, coel. ytait, Rogers, Baltimore 4 day*, coal. jore, Premnore. Virginia 2 day*, wood-3'lllman, Virgluia 2 UITS, wood, >7t> Lyon, V Irglnia. 2 daya, wood* w, Wood, Ylrsinia2'd*y*, wood. Irn, Bennett, Vbglrrfa 2 dsiya, wood. , Borkwr. Vlrjdnia>2daya, wood. M liner. ViTrinia 2 days, wood.

elth, Bngbee, VixrinU 2 days* wood. or, Letz, Virginia^ daya, wood. „ _ liller, Vrayue, BaittxeOxe 6 day*, cosl to H. TL

iVoodmanton, Virginia 3 day*, wood to J . W«tdbfcrt$

Jonse, Bray, Baltimore 4 days, ooal to W . BoaTw;

oaterJ3Midwfek,Vintiaia3d*y»,w«od. > sne, Titton, VirRinia Odays, wood. - f • • I ?aUtenbQrr> Rogers, \Ylunmgton, N . C , 6 d*ysV*t. t. D. MontaO. 3ird^U, Woodmansee, Virjtoia 3 day*, „ oe, Campbell, Alexandria 4 daya, coal to

aroline, Applegate, Alexandria 4 days, ooal t » T .

Winters, Rlehmond 4 day*, tobaeeo to 43.-3..

« , Tarbell, \"bylnl* 2 days, wood. i P. Howe (at Lower Quarantine}, TOby, Havanav Ko gland. >gton. Kenny, New-London. - , my, Keuney, s .n Harbor, mdso. sad pas*. t o S . Of bee, Hand, TUMnlpbi* and Cap* May, Perkins. ay, Xenney, Proridcnee, mdae. to L OdeaL ** * ' | dp bllebael Ax xelo. Hardy, Sonderiand June H. a piiot on the 27tb, from boat G. W . BIojaslR'.

ty Hook. Ship Bridgewsier. iiarstow, Lrretp«'* t>rig; hoik Lauretta from Cardenas; brig **£*; >..

I, from CsTihegena—Both by pilot-booat Ososjs*; . . /alter Lord, from Liverpool; HeBos—Both b j O.innall .No.l . I

»o, N. E . , meridian, Z. 8. E . ; sunset, calm. • # # a — M •?

B y Tefegrapfc. | ly 3 0 . - A n . barka 8o*au W . Llnd, SwestsWV * iae. Xh>m*, New Orleans. "yjiSjZ —Bark* Jsme* Cook. Young. Cienfoett**-, M * * * * -«u-Prince ; schr. Orlando, Lang, Goasivo*. » ,»*.*

. •. - M& ' '

wart, from Lrverpool for Baltimore, n o dsto, k^»„ S VI U OriunelL I -J* **o, from Urerpool for Baltimore, n o &**—*&* , Griane»L:. . , •%.--* -'»;*-

. <-- • — * • . . . . •> ,» ; * * - ' I M s a s t e r s s d k e . : ' A * * | I

'•:<j 2 9 - T h e dl*«ter t4> the ship Jane ^ f f T ' byswhi i iwtad »nd lightning., «riki«WiWf « * 4 -*e and mJ2aen-masts, and with ovecy^afL"*^m lh and rigging; ai«o mainmast abwrw tho V>K *j& «sd acinjortdT '•- —-' . ; ' . 4' **J-,\.d+ > Kilwood Walter.««»., S e c Bo*x&Vi**'&**V^ 3 0 ^ , 1 - T h e Am- ship Hateyou w ^ on tfe* M g | *op the JKotth-West RaeC IW*** S j a ^ T ^ r wrived at this port in tboJttcBodav . W o M >nto the fcttthat t h e - N , W . B>ef » 2 S * S k sS" urpci-d by »Pta la . fr^sntog T ^ « n 5 y j ;

Xbe psssent wr ck already a i s a w s t h a f c s S g q S L ,

s'G •JIEN.—The advertiser, whip it borne to«iwty-dir^«r;*---»ww*p*f*r'saT—* the es~abi:<hn>«nt o f * city Jou-nsl, nn-h mast ra»ur« »uco«»». He aaaalMafiftj, 2 g ^ A a T N J 5 » ; w « W r o « . ^ lgn<!*+tc*j»;m*o p^aciieaJ bcj

I . t A L J S T , Tiibtam<>fios»I'-Jfnv?s#t

^ * * * * » * - *« •} s#E«sftr^ v i w ^ ^

* >

yy.WiYORK TRIBUNE r j T s S a w i EVE&Y M G R X l N O * * n Z V E N 2 N a

. 7 r » « " v * !

9 0 R A C E G R E E L E Y k C c »Cn.t>UtO*, COM**.* o r K4S--.0 AAV »fVDC»

. e s a M r t S c s r y 9 u b ^ b « * a* 1 ^ c-uU per w ^ * . Mall ZfSSZtil pw a w * - , injdvanee; S 3 /or i l . ment t*

i s ^ & ^ . » * ^ » fsTOKKX-T TKJWC7PB, ^ VERTl U U t G E P A T E * 7 0 * TEX W C N T E Y 1 .ta-K^T 1 ^ T R A T C T I D * V Momfi*«, at the ^ w prWesf » 2

> » ^ * ^ f t 2 ? * 7 ? £ i V Co*** for * 6 ; JTive C o p t i c s

J ! ^ ^ o % ^ ^ * > ^ P ^ 2 » ^ X - 2 0 ; T w r o t , CopW. • ^ S i f Z ^ L ^ 7 « U o * b » * .aid aey kv-ger nnro^r at the m e 5 S S H r A t S s T K%Z™ • ^ a b g ^ . C f a b of twenty or

i S wffi Wti - fc led M r S e i a s C e p y r g o b a c r i f t i o n s may oat»

-tfcr£^£*m «* WM1* ^ ^ «** C1D3 B0L1A* yXJl L W B f«» •*** baaertkra.

j T U B i P B ^ l l - W B J 5 » X . T T » l B 1 7 ? n i t»*iBh»bedrTer7Tv*sr.*v and TRJOAV Moa*i*o. rrice, » 3 ^ T antom. Two O p * * J©r at5.Prre Copie. far * i l 2«.

JTHIB !f)KW-Y<HBJa*: T B O a T ^ t B , r t t J t E 0 E O P E A N C 1 B . C 0 L A T 1 O I I ,

j . »4bo-hrd oo.:oe d>par:trre of each Mail^Steamer to Liverpool, - 1 per au>s&, poatage iaclJ^ded. fimg*e Cop^a. Six Csots,

T B O B r V a T ^ - Y O M T B r B T X B , aAUTOJLWLa, OREGON. AN© TBDfl i A N D W I C H

is peWSAod <4 **> d>r«»*ore. of etch Mali Bttamei fcr Aspinwall at *jl •» per annwno. Single Copies, 8ix C«;nU.



Qyznal Notice©.

' - ' - , ^ . .

Tw»-iiri«-in W a r d Jte ivunl ican* .—The XXth Ward R ^ f f i ^ l ^ a ^ V j n l S S £ THURSDAY EVENING, Aajtl6 at 8 o'ikek, at Lamartirei Hall. 29:h-«t., cor. of 8yj-as., u, uOte farthei *cUon on the R«pcrt of ^>e C3Baai«« on Re-s:«Jn"g the Conktltutlcn and Roil of the Asrxrfation. Rep-jzbirsns laisg oftheWsrd 10 too Bute '.h* Kcli-

JO*. GUI MA S, ? r, j W>». 8TK«KiT, •rcretanes.

T w e n t y - F i r s t Wnnt R e p u b l i c a n A s s o c i a t i o n . — 4, f f j iM n>«*.tiD< «J tho A«»o^*iio-j will be held Tt i lS (Monday; KVEKING, at N-1 <35 Ubar. fAJi-Repahlicaxs in the Waid wnoj wi'hjff- h vc »vc?:fclnthe relestloc jf Delegaxes an i Charter o/ficer* »w invited to ioin the At*ocittion

THOMAS B. VAN BUREN, P r e s e n t . G. F . CCACTJMA:*, *e-ar^*.ary.

A n i c r i c n n i l n e t i t u t e K a r m e r x ' C l u b w..l meec a; tee JLtyp-jt'.uTj Ni>.j;i6* B.oadway, on 51UNDAY, August 2, *: neon. Sobj^it : •• Mtd i f SalSsed of K/e»rj Water for Manure." and " F>'Uit 00 Fa/ins '' JL.«0ie* and stracsers are espe^nally icrited >r.<J vc- niw»j» ^-. '• ,ui«. Admi.sioc always free to a.:. Select ::»r> ;»:icts ard r>.:r*cts will be re»d-


rome''pfor 4«»»''0r »bena«moer» are particuiarly r'q.ieetud to a»Mi?. JOHN GROSHDN, President

< &

H. Hwsta.1. . R«c. Stcrelary.

l.\0\ O. l K . - T t e R . W. GRAND ENCAMPMENT of BroiajemNewi^orkwi'l commetce S:* Aruinal Seision in the room, O. F. H*l, eor. Oracd and C*n:re-iu., on MONDAY 2.VTZi\13G, Abg. 2, at 8 o'clock. By order. •

JOHN J. DAV3ES, G. Becretary. P r o t e s t . — T h e Cricks Clr.b-» of Emtern Canada hereby pro-

^nited Stated !' aa all the arr*E<enneni» for tae Mutch weiemad-) wjtbk>ot their <fc>r.<-_urrence, and aa the Eleven cho«ec do not rep-r***i»t the strength of Canada, being solely compos*.* of Western Pleura. /Signed) W. t. P lCKERiNO,

Secretary of Eastern Committee.

itv.ag b^en C J r i c k e t ^ V o t i r e . — Some rnisapprohenrion hi rsnsed as to lbs probahi'ity of the match b^sveen CANADA andtne UNITED STATES being plajed, in con««;qeEC8 of a ^mlieit »1jn»d jW. P. Ptckering: the Canada Eleven 01 1W0 take thi»|r7poT* jnitw- of announcing 'la^ir urri-«*l in New-York to.con-tend sgainst fit* Uni>.d Statea Eleven on IMONDAY, Aug. 2, at 10 a.m. [By order THOS. D. P H t L U P S ,

8e«r?t*ry Caoadiaa Csmmittee.

C b e c r f u l i i e # w . - ' r h o » e who use WING'S FARINA CRAtKKKS regularly arv p!»as^.i wlt i tho kind action of tbls f«od T»p«n lb* itonaaco, and it» Invigorating p o w « as a nouriah-roeat. -\

Tb« im^r^Vftr.^nt whioh nwsy havn reaJizeS from the nse of Wlng'» Cricket* Is appreciated more abtmdactiy in the feeling of 4eHBr.i prcdvo-J by tbai bi(ght«-r glow of htalth wbich p ire ex­cellence in fooij and a conseoneat cheerful ton«j of mind often »e-care.

Ifce F H r h c r n — S e c o n d E d i t i o n . — T h e retu-n of warm wastber. sfteT a onol interral, bas Sndnced me to f.i\kc off a ie-<x.nd edition offtbc popular ICE PITCHERS, with toe hcest lm-yroVerrtnfi. T b n e are v'a'ran'od to keep wat^r oold %11 tho jear ronid. Per wde by LUCIUS HART, NCS. 4 and 6 Bnrllng-rilpC j •

O s s a r T , D n y t o u dc Co.> Sole. Proprietors for the United f tatesof Dr. R. A » « C 3 SMITH'S DiS lNFECTl^G FOW-v E R . Sold te packages of t w j po-nds at only 25 c^nts; also in Was of 100 pounds, or by the tun. Depot No. 1*7 Broadway. 4>*4e» b j mail filled, tor aale by Dreggiats-

Keit) tynblicatiows:


DC APPLETON It Co. pijbliah this day a striking Society Poem of nbivarasl interest, entitled


the pepcJbr author cf that most spirited and sncceiifuJ pro­duction,

•• NOTHING TO WEAR,*' -whiso bad tOLextraordLaary a circaiatim en both tidas of the Atlantic, ar.d was everywhere quoted, applauded, and imitated.

| ° TWO M I L L I O N S " Is datingoi&bed by all the brilliant characteristics of the writer as to wit, force, a*d t«;.deraess, and will be found ic all respects eqaai, if not superior, to

'•NOTHING TO WEAR." " Look £brough the world which aii about yon lies,

TUm ntdsy town, its common, daily life, Fiushed with coarse pasrions, bet wkh selfiah strife, Ti« rowded street, the dens of vice and waxt, The gilded halis where pride and fashisn fl*unt, A od 4om their mingled thread?, the grave, the gay, Weave, if yoa will, the epic of tc-day."


i» FANCY BOARDS, 50 cents. £1 D. APPLETON it Co ,


J cat PubCahed:


BTAfCES, from &e adoption of the Constitution to the end of the XX^IVxh Coogresa—17t» to 1867. 1 vol. imp. svo., 1,142 pp. Pi icooaly $6* F«em U>e Hon. R. B. Taney, Chief Jnsttee of the United S:ntes.

" i t la a wo.ik of much value and weQ executed. The heads under wbieh the •Ufferoot Acts of Conuvsa are arranged, are well ahootn and appropriaae; and what is sctH more important, the In. uex.lao fiur as i asV* been able to examine it, I* complete. The book b«s evidently been prepared with much oar* and judgment, and * uL I doubt not, be v«ry acceptable to the public." From the Hoc. James M. Wayne, Associate Justice of the

Supreme Court of t i e United State*. " i have purposely postponed my ackn«w)cdg:ceat to you for

Xr. Brightlv's Analytical Dig*st of the Laws of the United iWn». to enable me to teat tho fidelity of its execution and it* aeerulnes*. Mr. Brightly has succeeded in bringing the Laws of the tlnited States into a single volume, so that we may see not only what the! tsfjstatka of Congress has bees, but what tt i*; with such aasaynal reibresoe* to - the Statutes at Large that the test of t t e Digest zuay either be verified or disproved, if any in-. «tan>i« of the latter case b* don*. I have +*e& the Digest oon-atantly at that turm of the Supresas Court. It has saved me much iabox and trooble. Aa a whole it has been well dene by Mr. Brightly, and it doserves the spesaal patroatag* of lawyers and

' m*«,a*i*t—, and of aK peraesa «n«aged in pttblio life, a* well aa tho«0 who bsofe no profeaaknoal bu*in«*s, who are, severthelesa, xnder t o n * obligations to have by them at all limes the readiest; aaeaas of )ear3*ng what has been the legislation of th* Congress of the Umtad Btates. I am ware I shall a'wajs use Mr. B:igbriy's JDrgcSt o«ici*Uy aad in my study."

Recently PubBahed: WfHARTON*S AMERICAN CRIMINAL LAW, Fomrtk and

Revised Edition. A Treatise ea the Crimisal Law of the United Stan a. 1 voLf8vo. L200 page*. Price * 7 50.

• WtHARTOiPS PRECEDENTS OF INDICTMENTS AND PLKA 8, Seeond and Revtseu Edition. 1 vol. 8ve. <00 page* Price •&>

WHARTON Jc F T 1 L L » S MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE A Treatise on Kedieal Joriapruden ce. By Francis Wharton and JfoKton StilieL M. D. 1 v e t Svo. 815 pan*. Price £ 6 SO.

KAY k BROTHER, ; Law Bookseller*, Pubdahenrand Importers,

bio. IS Sooth Sixth-it, Philadelphia.


• 4W 42n»o. pages: lOO 1'bistratioaa. Cloth, * 1 . By a justly csle-watyd Psila ana London Physician and Surgeon, now of New-YcrkClty. This intnestlng book should be in the han4s o* *»aiy aduit psrsop, a* it impart* knowledge all have sought for :a vsinjkb aev fiber. S >W an J mailed to any part of the country by

j J.JW. J U P P . No. 322 Broadway, N e w York City.

TLf AS0N1C BOOKS EXTRAORDINARY.—A I T,^ f^t**** vf&ook. on ftee Maaoury,j0!%t rubiuhed, 451 23;

AU>s»a Ritnalt ~f drs, f 5 ; Jachia and Boas. * 2 50; Olden Land-mwb». *3iO sCoctun's Laoon. * 1 2 5 ; Plato on the S Jul * 1 . * J lemtUag.! the ho^k. W|U be f<^» poa*. oald. JO anj addrtfi*.

1 j WILLIAM GOWANS, N x 81 Centre-su

l £ 5 P ^ JU8t Published by G. B. DEMA-K ! - i j . I" J* 0 - U9 BROADWAY.—"PR not forget thee." ash-A Atherf.'mj " P m thinking cf the*. W31!i«,» .ong and tfSV*"* -^i*"^ 0 0 : "Gentle Words," ballad, Wm. J. Mslone;

HswiooaUPoas ," Wes l ; '«Algrave Ma-ch." Anus Burchard. a ryau nch . cr the fivr. mailed postage free: for * 1 J

I iPr^ A P ; T L E T - - ] a o u ^a0LD WAVER-*aU3a7&X W J 1 0 N - wi*-h TwoPlaU>s, engra'red by Joseph An-^T»>t»pablbJ>ed to-day by TICENOR Jt FIELDS.

m MUSIC-, , , •*' Kind Words can never Die/ ' * ^ ? £ t ? ? < l c l , ' y T I W » P r l c « 2 5 - » D t * : ° The Angela told me s>." ^akfc*tt.'1??f ,^8 : "Oh. give me back my Mouohdn Home." Mo4str'!v ' 9r*Vl» of RoasheV .ong w i » choru*. 25; " A S T ^ J r ^ L ' , *< > D«' 2 5 : • ' • X y t o s t Can ie* Grave," ba'lal,

biSolaSl *£8S£ o r W * « Qn^drille*. S5; Les' Lancer* * eT 3 k n « ^ u L . B^«togSdbo«t»*oh.r with beanUfu! vigoett* * w b i r ^ a ^ - J l E ? to * » W W 35i "Theresa Polka." 25. AH of r W W C & ^ ^ ' t e * » ^ ^ M ^ d f r e e . PnWt.heTby - . * L > ^ T 3 ^ ^ WATERS, Agent, No. 333 Brcaiway.

^ N l ^ s ^ H ^ 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 0 0 ^ Schotti«cbt by F. H.

' W k J A ^ - f S i . 1 ^ * * » fl&ilto*, Suanaa, 3-V ^ < L 8 # a ' , 7 * * i ? ; P r » t a s e ' r e e V\f y Plants a'

•» A. ^OADO^s, K*<. Jeo k»i*a*iir»j, xtsat «n-si . d M«"iod«ons



VOL. XVHL... .N0- 5,391.

CHRISTIAN INQUIRER.—THE CHRISTiAN INQUIRER Is pebhshed weekly J3 the City of New-York.

xnder the editorial charge of the Rev. A A. LIVERMORB, wsii<t*d by the most emin«x.t writer* of the Unitatixn denom'ca tine. It is deaipced to be treeb, fearteas and reverent, a Faro'ly Relfgions Newspaper of liberal though c, and the most advanced Chru'-iantoae- Terms—Delivered bv carrier, S 2 5.">; by rovl, + 2 p«rannnm. Address CHRISTIAN INQUIRER, No. 1.1 Broadway, Now-York.

" The cenneoot and able organ of the Unitarian denomination in this cit.j." [New-York Tdbine.

" A model psp»r." f Boston JonmaL " One o:' the ne»t rvligjona newt papers pabilahed in America "

[ Bceton Transcript. " C t e of the ablest religiic?newipaperspnbli*hedin Amenoa.."

[Yonkers Hera'd. " The ably condtcted organ cf our Unitarian feflow-Christime."

iMontreal Hers'd. ie country."

{New-y ork Daily News.

^ WORTH of MUSIC for 25 CENTS.— GENTLE ANNIE," "Will ie w e have misted

toe," "Hazel DeU,-" "Jeannie with the light bTown hair," '• Some one to love," and the words and melody of 60 of the soott pepi:tar tongs in the English isngoage, suited for all occa­sions, ean be bonsht for 25 cenis.

Ask for the " GENTLE A N N I E MELODIST." Copie* sent by maB, postage paid.

FIRTH, POND A CO., No. 547 Broadway, New-York.



-tJS- L ± . X T E R , ^ ^ . K BOOKS, GclC Pens, Porte monaies,Jtow^nh•$»**«•; ^ , - j A c ' f*

WILLMER &. RODO-ERS'8, N«- 42 Nassau-st.


Distilled frcm fragrant Tulips. t . P U P U Y . Onemitt, No 609 Broadway. New-York.

KISS-ME-QUICK POMADE, fcrtheHur. KISS-ME-QUICK 8AC. for tbe Bureao j KISS-ME-QUICK S O A P , for the Toilet.


> F. C WELLS k Co , New-York. J. W. NORCROSS t Co., Boston and New-York.

8cId «v«rvwhere.

Wf»a«mmgfr*i»a> .-^*»w*v*^***^<pw,~L, , ,**v/>et»*»^«v**^i.* •'nssv^-^.^^^v. ' i ntmmmW*i>>&)

(• • A - ••' ;:• v . r •-. " v : .•*




printing. A T EVERDELL's, his celebrated WEDDING

CARDS, splendidly engraved, can only be bad at his great Card Depot, Broadway, cor. of Duane-at. Orders by mail solicited.

BA K E R <fc G O D W I N — T R I B U N E B U I L D ­INGS, print everything, from the smallest CARD or LABEJs

to the largest BILL or BOOK, at the Lowest-Cash Prices

EAUTIFUL PRINTING at the lowest CASH PRICES— Cards, Circulars, Bili-heada, t o . , printed cheaper

than »v*r. Call and see- P. E C K L E R No. 27 Vnlton-st.. N Y.

JPonts. \TATI0NAL TEACHERS' INSITUTE (La X ^ Fi.r?« Building), No. iK9 Broadway. N. Y.—Poncijali, Trrut»*« and Pareuta can secure fully competent Teachers—grad­uates o! Yale, Htttvaid, Brown, Hamilton, Middlebury ai*d other Cc lieges; and LadyTt acheri—sraduatew of Mouat Holyoke, Troy, Patap»<:o. Elmira and other Female Seminaries and Colleges— without delay or e.xpeiite. Te«/ih»»r8 wanted for the North, South, E»at and Weat. Address all applications for Teachers or Situs.-tions to BICE & ANDREWS, Now-York.

AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE, Apple-fen'a Building. No. 3-16 Brcadwiy.—Schools and Families

-supplied with compet-nt TEACHERS and GOVERNESSES, Schools with PUPILS, Parents with School Circulars, and Teach­ers with po&itions. Wanted, 2 superior Frenib and German T«aah*-rs (lidles); two Munic Teachers; also, a Governess to teach French, German, Music and Dtawing. Salary libaraL


GENTS WANTED—For the sale of LEEDS'S 1 IJOT WATER and STEAM FURNACE, in Baltimore,

U'u'biugton, Ro;h«s!er, Buffa'o. Cincinnati Louisville and "St. Lo.it . Apply to L W. LEEDS, Ny. l"o Broadway. N. B.— The abov«- is the most approved Apparatus now in the market, andlis selling very rapidly in New-York aad other large cities.

CLERK WANTED—In a Broadway Thread, Needle and Trimming Store—a young Man bl* good address

aud genteel appearance. None ueed apply who ore not familiar with the retail Broadway trade. The most unexceptionable references will be required as to integrity, ability, Sic. Address H OWARP, Tribune Qflice, stating full particulars.

ENGLISH, Welsh, Scotch, German, Protestants and others. c%n be obtained THIS DAY, at. WESLEY'S

SELECT FEMALE OFFICE, No. JkSOGth-av., near221-at, A Lady In a ttndance. Employers please notice the street aud t umber,

SERVANTS of the first-class in great abundance, and of several nations (including German and French), may

be obtained at the rooms of the EMPLOYMENT SDCtETY, Noa. 13 and 14 Bible House, 8th-st, between Sd &nd4'-h-ava., where the business of an Intelligence Office is conducted on a new plan. Foreign Language* spoken. A Lady in attendance

0 - D A Y , M O N D A Y , FIRST DAY OF




' AUGUST 2, .Grskd Concert comrpetces at 2 o'clock precisely.

PROGRAMME—PART I. Fest-Overture H. Marscbner The Musical Telegraph H. Kfthner March and Chorus—'• Taunhauser" R Wagner Grand Pot-pourri . . C . Zuleansx

An interval often minutes. P A R T IL

:x t s t * U v e r t r r r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . v. AJA <ExpressIy composed for the FestrvaL)

Weddini March Mendelssohn Grand M e d l e y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C . Zulebner JMkrch—"LeProphete".... . . .Meyerbeer




Will take place at 4 o'clock, by the well-known BROTHERS D £ BACH,

Aft>rwhi;htbe BAL CHAMPETRE

Will commence, on the Lwge Platform The entire DOUBLE BAND OF THE 55TH REGIMENT,


In bther portions of the Park will be The WASHINGTON BAND Mr. ATKINS


^ 1 THE MUSIC FOR DANCING W>I! fcemmence at , „ „ , - • * o'dlock-

T*»>iing the JBal Champ* tre. aa aoon a* the evening cooomencel to'd.^ken, tne vT^?1? ct*« wocd.« ifill t>9 magnincestly aiami-nated by



WIH W given a t . . -- 8 o'clock ' JOSEPH G. ANlT ISAAC EDGE-


Date Tree of the Desert, polka Dance and Colored Battery.

1 nominated Yew Tree. Star of America. Fairies' Frolic.

Shield of Our Union. Murio,

exprjisly arranged and first produced upon this occasion. It ocmnences with a Beautiful wheel of crimson and green fires, changing to the various emblems of Muaio, an area rained above them, with the words "Musical Festival," which is succeeded by A GRA>D MOSAIC BATTBRY, filling the air with flights of Bed, Green acdBlue Sturs, Shell e,&c.


Thje PROGRAMMES of the SECOND and THIRD DAYS will be published hereafter.

The CONTEST B E T W E E N the VARIOUS SANG-VE-REINS will take place upon WEDNESDAY, August 4.

A amission 25 cents. Tickets of admission maybe purchased at the Academy of Music, at the various Music Stores, and at the different entrances of the Park.

The railroad care on the 2d and Sd-avs., will run every minute. Steamboats will tun to convey p&siengera from the foot of Broome and lOth-sts.

TVUBLO'8 GARDEN—MONDAY, Aug. 2. A * ! Tickets £0 cents—No Reserved Seata.


with BLAJKE, l




Pibmenode Concert at 7, and during the internisaion. THE POOR GENTLEMAN.

HJrg (Boohs.


DRY GOODS, No. 289 G;and, comer of|E!drU2ge-it, .

Lately beknging to AJ G. Colby,

For Cash at Retail or Job Lots,

Commencing MONDAY, Atig. 2, 1858.

All the GccJe will be offered a: pri:es that wfl' insure a certain

%tal Estate fox Qate.

FOR SALE—A FARM uf 72 66-100 acree, situ-ated ov« mile from the Chape<rna Station, on the Harlem

Rslhoad and ave mite* from the Sing Sing Depot. Hudaon River Rsi'Toad. containing 18 acres of woodland. 38 oo-ICO a,:re« of High­land, and 16 acre* of wet meadows, of which a part is in a drained state It has several sp: Jugs cfgood water, two ho-o«ea. Mid bam that will store 4C tuns of hay, stablea and carriage house, a j Ln fiiit-rate order, the buildings having been r»p*irvd <--r re-cou stmcted last Summer. For further infermarbn, apply to CH AS. FORNACHON. Chapeo.ua, Westchester Co.. New-York.



. HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES will be offered for 25


Also, a large lot of light KID cents a pair, first quality. i

Now js your time for bargains, as every a.tlcle mast be sold. No. 289 Grandst., corner; of Eldridge.

T. STE^VART & Co.,| * in antictpation of the opening of their N E W STORE,

bave decided to close out the balance of their importation of SPRING and SUMMER -»RE8S GOODS, LACES, LACE

MANTILLAS. EMBROIDERIES, 4tc, comprising a complete as soitmest of the latest

PARIS NOVELTIES, many of which have joat been received. Great bargains will be offered. Broadway, Chamber* andReade-sts.

FOR SALE.—A COTTAGE, 30x30, N E W Barn, i c , and 14 acr«-s choice land, at

A good-«ize Hsuse on two lots, with Stable, •-» Irquire on the jrremWe*, Palisade av.. West Hob-krn. N.J. "

NEARLY West Bio >m-

field, N. J., near the aepot, and only one hoar frjm Wall street No chills and fex*r.

A. J. BLEECKER, SON fc CO., No. 7 Bread *:.

FOR SALE, teims ea^y—A COUTRY RESI-DENCE. within twenty minute*' walk from Hob >kea Ferry.

' and Fruit Tree*, corner of Barclay-st,

Stages every half hour. View spiccdid.


f*|lO WESTERN JL portunity is v» anted

prove a Farm. Address D.

LAND OWNERS.—An op-by the adverriser to work on and i n-J., Tribune Offi-», for three days.

WANTED.—A Student, wishing a sea voyage for his health, desires a situation as TUTOR In some fam­

ily go$Dg to Europe, or as CLERK on a SHIP. The beat of refer­ences given. Address Box No. 90 Yellow Springs,. Ohio.

ANTED—Several SALESMEN for Trees and Plants. Address, with references, PARSONS it Co.,

Flushing, N. Y.

W7ANTED—By a young Man, an American, 2*2 * T years of age. a situation as ASSISTANT BOOK­

K E E P E R or ENTRY CLERK. Refeis to last employers. Address D., Box No. 1S3, Tribune Office.

ANTED—A Clerk for a steamer, a Time-keeper for a silver mine in Virciola. also one Governess,

a Housekeeper, a ladv'a maid to go to Washing+on, and four girls to travel. Apply to LOUIS KAUFMAN. No. 766 Broadway.


WANTED—100,000 AGENTS, of either sex, to sell G R E E L E I ' S PATENT B R A C E / S U S P E N D E R

patented June 1, ISift. The sale unlimited, as it meets the wants of si!—Doctor*, Lawyers, Teachers, Scholar*, wc- As a Sus­pender, the laborer finds it the moat pleasant and convenient, and

By shortening one strap, when from labor free, Can jatikv a gentle or powerful Biace. you see.

The first Snspender ever invented universally approved by La­dles. A good article for 60 cent*. Circulars sent to those desiring them. Apply to or address B . J . G R E E L E Y

No. 5 Fincheon-st, Springfield, Mas*.

©rooms, proDisixma, &t~ *»w»m*ii0m*0*i**m

DANDELION COFFEE.—WRIGHT GIL-LIES JJ BRO., only manufacturers of the PURE D A N D E ­

LION COFFEE. Nos. 235 and 237 Washimrton-st. — — ^ — — — — — — — — — •

it)atr!jc0, JemelrB, &t. A T C B E S _ ^

GOLD and SILVER WATCHES. Gold and Silver English Patent Levers, Detschei Levers,

Lepines, Duplex Watches, Pocket Chronometers, Independent seconds, for riming horses, Diamond and Enamel Watches for Laciea, and all other kincs of Watches, for sale at retail at less than usaal jricea. Watches taken in exchange Every watch is accompanied with a written guaranty. Watches cleaned and r»paired at less than usual prices. ' GEO. C. ALLEN.

Importer of Watches and Jewelry, wholesale and retail, No. 11 Wail-sfc, second floor, near Broadway, l,*MM*',*as"l"*l»sssssss"**Massi»»aaa»M«SM««aMMsaswsasaa**a»»»Msi ^

[ jBoarq anb Hooms.

ROOMS WANTED—By a Gentleman and Wife, without b.^rd; the entire SECOND FLOOR unfurnished;

of a modern bouse, located between 4th and 6th avs. and 10th and 37th- t* , in a ouiet neighborhood: reference exchanged. Ad­dress G T. C . 8< x No. 2 520. Post-©ffice.

Sir Robert Broxnble.. O U a p o d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . « . . * • • * * • * * Humphrey Dobbins Frederick Bramble Mr. Mist]Lucretia MacTab. Emily Worthingtoii. '

Dolors open at 7; to «ommence at 8 o'clock. Ticket* .50 cents. Orchestra seats.


. .Mr. Blake ..Mr. Brougham .Mr. W. Davldge A. H. DaveuD;tt

Mrs Blake Miss Ada Cliftan

.75 c s n r .

E R . ~


A L L A C K ' s T H E A T y ' - ' F r F T H W E E K ••

Of the popular young conple, Mr. and Mr*. W. J. FLORENCE,

Din tog the PAST FOUR WEEKL3

these talented young Americans have been performing to CROWDED HOUSES,

attracted by t i e | VERSATILITY AND CHARACTER

of thje entext atoment. Mrs. Florence each night in her varied parfcrmance as


DANSEUSE, 'elineatoT of


will be presented the comic drama by Samuel Lover, esfl-, called T H E W H I T E HORSE

THE PEPPERS. Gerald Pepper.. . . . . . M r . W . J. FLORENCE Majojr Bans Mansfield Mr. Whiting

be followed by a pi^ce de oirconstance, entitled LOLA MONTEZ.

(with a grand Spanish Dance *' La Mo-uola.'') , . ; . . . . M r a . W . J . FLORENCE

conclude with Mr. Flarence's new farce, called . THE Y A N K E E GAL.

Pe^ Ann Higgenfluttea (a Yankee gal with her new song of "Johnny was a Shoe-rhakei") Mrs. W. J. FLORENCE

B.— This song has been copyrighted according to law, and •was written for Mrs. Florence expressly, by her hu«b<tj.d.

Doors open at 7£; to commence at 8. IN PREPARATION,

: lew local Musical Nonsensical Builesque, and a new» Pro-Farce, called

ADVERTISING FOR A W I F E TUESDAY—Twenty-eighth night of the



Lola l



A tean


• o f !


. STo. 3 6 WAJftRTEISr-ST.


No. 81 Chambers, s t

EAUTIFUL FRENCH SHOES.—JEFFERS has removed to No. 573 Broadway, where be has a mors

spacious store and a basement and lefts affording Increased man­ufacturing .acuities, l n addition to hi* elegant assortment of Ladies'Shoes of every description, he in now enabled to offer to Gentlemen: Shoes, Gaiters and Bappera of superior workmau-stldjg.

The latest Serf ifcifts ila Trimming* and Design* ire received monthly from Paris, au£ all that is rare in style or beauty is com­bined in the J^-few Shoe.

The Branch of this establishment at Saratoga is now open for the Summer months.

PERSONS going to the country should provide themselves with INDIA-RUBBER GLOVES. THey keep

the hands from exposure,'azd render them soft smooth and snowy white; are Impervious to water, and can be worn where other glovssare useless All lengths to protect t^e wrists ani arms. Sold by all Rubber Dealers, and at 36 Johnj-st, up etairs.

(Erjanres for Bttsiitm iften.

AN EXCELLENT INVESTMENT can he made in the PURCHASE of th« PATENT cf a new 8TEAM

GAUGE. The Instrument is very correct in it* operation and costs less to manufacture than any other Gauge in the United States. One of the instruments can be seen in operation in the engine-room of The Tribune, arid aiso at The Ti<tiea. For full particular* and reference cell upon L. CHESNUTWOOD, Nos. 12 and 14 Warren-st

TN SPRINGFIELD.—MANUFACTURING A PROPERTY for SALE. All the real snd peisjialprop-rty luttly belonging to the Ward Mauufuoiuitoir, Company, consisting of a brick Cotton Factory, containing machiuery for lH.SOo spin­dles of the newe* • constmction ;tCOnriitog and Cloth Room, Boil­er-House, two blocks of brick Bosading-houses (more than nurfi-cient for the accommodation of the Mills), btick Manhlne-shop, Agent's House, six Overseers' Cottages, togeth-r with sundry other buildings. Also, a branch Railroad, ono mile in length, cenneeting with the Western Railroad; a Water-power adequate to 60,000 spinoles, with substantial stone dan and canal, and 600 acres of Land ly in^ on both aides jof the Chicopee River, In

,.' . . . . . . , ,, ... _._ further infor-WALKER,

BARSTOW and t'. H. DELANO. New-York.


PROPOSALS—FLAGGING.—Sealed Proposals will be leceived by the Governors of the Almshouse, at their

next, for rornishiog F L A G G I N G T o T t l e ^ e s r f f n a l i ^ r V ^ of the new wing of the Penitentiary on BlackweU's Island.

The Specification for the above can be a ren at their office, and blank form of proposits, with further infoimatlon, will be fur­nished.

nro JL t«

HOUSE on BROOKLYN HIGHTS for SALE or to LEASE for a TERM of YEARS.—A first class mod­

ern brown-iCce tiopt 4-story and basement, In perfect repair; bas garden attached. A large portion of purchase money can re­main. Apply to DAVID RAIT, No 405 Broadway.

OR SALE CHEAP—A nice HOME for a working man; house an two lots, flower and vegetable garden,

w»U, 4c. , on BarcJayst,' near the corner of Pa!i«ide-av., West Hoboken, N. J-, twenty minutes' walk from Hoboken Fetry.

ALL PERSONS GOING.-WEST.—An ia-teresting srd illustrated PAMPHLET of 80 pages', contain-

ine ful] desciiptiont of the Lands which the Illinois Central Rail­road Company >el)s to actual settlers, on long credits, and at low rat«s of interest, will be sent grati* to anv one going West, who will apply to the Company's Agency, No. 368 Broidway.

ESTERN LANDS WANTED in exchange for property in New-Jersey, amounting to about 4325,C\X>.

The whole or any portion ia effer^d, consisting of valuable lots in the city of Newark, a f»im of 2 i i acres in Woodbridg*, 3 mBes from Rabway and near the New-Jersey Rai'riad. Al«o a fine tract of 7* acres in Iivinjtton, 1J mtlea from Newark, overlooking Bergen, htaten Island, and New-York—a beautiful pWce for a country seat. Inquire of cr addrers, H. C. FREEMAN,

No. 367 Mulberry-it, Newark, N. J.

O O l i n ACRES of TIMBERED LAND, in &)\)\J\J Pike County, Pa , for sale dog cheap for cash. It

city property. Inquire of be exchanged for unencumbered H. GREELEY, Tribune Office.

MnmnUxo-n. ARITHME-




will take place THIS EVENING, Monday, Aug. 2, at the Acad­emy of Music.

Atythe dramatic ta'ent in the city, not otherwise engaged, will combine to render this Festival worthy of its purpose. The first artistje* in each branch of the ait will have the honor of appearing, as the performances will combine Tragedy, Comedy, Spectacle, Farce,Melodrama, Singing, Dancing, and an entirely new Alle­gorical Sketch, written and arranged by its author expresily for ibis Occasion. For particulars see smal bills. . ••. .

Tickets 50 cents. Amphitheater 25 cents. D:or»open K5\; commence at 6 J o'clock.


L E MARI E T L'AMANT. Comeoie da Theatre Fracciiee.


i Vaudeville en un acte. Box Office open daily from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.

|A R N U M ' s M U S E U M . — iDidyouever see a PERSON MADE INVISIBLE? Be-

causej WYMAN THE WONDERFUL, Bachelor of the Black Art* (and Professor of Necromancy, performs this truly s'.artling feat with aatoniahtog ability, and beside a THOUSAND OTHER APPARENT MIRACLES, will present this one TO-DAY in the AFTERNOON at 3, and EVENING at 7} o'clock, inprea-ence ] of a crowd of spectators. The GREATEST NOVELTY IN T H E WORLD, and the ONLY AQUARIA IN AMERICA of similar perfections and proportiona, are the OCEAN and RIVER GARDENS. The Happy Family, Panopticon Studio, icc , Aie all here y e t Admittance to all 25 cent*; children under

SCHOOL 0FFICER3 of the Xllth Ward invite PROPOSALS for FURNISHING additional

DESKS, 8ETTEES, CHAIRS, fcc, for Ward School No. C and Randall's Island in said Ward, according to plans and specifica­tions on file in th* Cletk's Office. 8<vid proposals will be received at the Clerk's Office until WEDNESDAY (Aug. 4) NEJCT, at 12 o'clock noon.

The School Officers reterve to themselves tba right to reject any or all of the propOHais. j

JAMES DAVIS, ) r . m „ ( u i M L CHARLES BOICE, IC0"0^"*"- ,

TO YOUNG MEN.—The I advertiser, who is thoroughly at home in every dury (of a newspaper manager,

i* contemplating the establishment of a city Journal, under cir­cumstances which mast Insore success. He requires a young, active, enterprising PARTNER, with from $2,500 to $3,000 in cash, and a wihingness to go into practical business details, with a view of making money, and a good, brave h<!art Suab only will please adOTeaB JOURNALIST, Tribune Office, N. Y.

TO i$1,200 j.will purchase the STOCK. FIXTURES and everything C">m-

piete, ofafirstclass FANCY and MUSIC STORE, established 12 y ears, within a short distance of the city. Xo a person wish­ing a light, pleasant and profitable business, this is a chance sel dom offered. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Address S C , Box No. 501 Peterson, N. J. j

«£ r U l A —WANTED, AN ASSISTANT.—A H P V V V / S gentleman having unre thaa he can attend to, will dispose of one half interest in one] of the most desirable Gro­cery Stores in the city. N.i B.—No Du»cu tippling crib. Apply at No. 81 Nasaau-st, room No. 4, second floor.

i • ' i * • i i

Sttmuter ULtixtate. ; L' 1

BOARD in the COUNTRY.—A lady occupying a neat dwelline within a few steps of this Railroad DeoJt,

at Mount Veinon, Westchester County, 16 miles from tne City Hall, can accommodate a' family or a few stogie gentlemen witn FULL or PARTIAL BOARD. Term* reasonable. Call upon MRS. PEASE as ab ive, or D1NSMORE it Co , No. 9 Spruce-*t,New-York City.

COUNTRY BOARD can be had at Claverack, Columbia Co., N. Y., three miles from Hudson City. Boild-

lnga aie large and pleasantly located, commanding one of the finest views In the world. Terms $4! to $ 6 per week- Address

j R. C. FLACK.

SURF HOTEL, FERE ISLAND BEACH, i& now receiving quite extensive Billiard and Bowling Saloocs. &c,

all lighted wi h gas. The Fishing aud Yachting grounds to the Great South Bay are nnaurpassed. For restoring health to the In­valid, especially those afflicted with fever and ague and hay fever, the location la nsequaled in the United States. Communication twice daily by Long Island Railroad to Thompson, and by steam­er from Pcnstaqnit. DAVID 8. S. SAMMIS,

Cttlljert), fyaxomaxz anb Iron.

f S cents.

0 0 D * B U I L D I N G S


®o &i)0m it i t t a Conrcm. INVENTORS— PATENTS —PATENTEES.— X Persons desiring to secure Patents hi the United States or Europe can reoeivt* ftill instructions, free of charge, by addressing MUNN fe Co.. Editor* of The Sdonano American, New-York City.'

Bniibing Matcxials. N O T I C E to LUMBER DEALERS.—FOX, I * WESTON k BRONSON, maasfa-rturer* and wholesale dealers in LUMBER, Painted Post, Steuben County, N. Y., keep constantly on hand a large assortment of all kinds of sawed Lumber. Lath. Pieksta, ShingJea, Fence Rail*, Dressed Fiooriog, C^iitog. ko. Dealer* who wish an assortment of SEASONED LUMBER will find here inducement* unequaled ln any other part of the State.

AH kinds of PLANING and MATCHING done to order. L'unber shipped by New York and Erie Railroad, or delivered

to Carta) Boat* at Coming, and shipped at lowest rates of freight to any place o n the canal, or to New-England or New-Jersey.

All orders by mail promptly attended to.

4 $ 0 B f i X 0 tflr £ * t .

T OFTS to LET.—The fine LOFTS of marble-JLJ front store Nc, 27 Conrtlsndt-st TO LET, as a m-Tderaw rent. Po.tetsios immediate if desired. Apply on th« premises.

OFFICES to X E T in the" Bitile House*' Astor-tplace.-T-Jr.qaixe in the Treesures.'* Office, entrance on 4*h-af


TEMPLE OF ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY, ' Nos. 561 and 563 Broadway, near Prince-st

WOOD'S MINSTRELS with :be at diticn cf the fallowing eminent talent:

T. D. RICE, The Father of Ethiopian Mtostrelsv,


to a select and versatile entertainment of N E G R O M I N S T R E L S Y .

To conclude wita JUMBO JUM.

fcmbo Jure- . . . . T . D. Rice.


fTHOMAS PIG IRON—Soft, free, strong, *** » JL warranted substitate for Scotch Pig.


Tt/fpTROPOLITAN GARDENS, 30th-st, 2d-1»JL ^av —The HUTCHINSON BROTHERS appear THIS EVEjSING in their Gymnastic Feat*. Also BL LESLIE 'from Bryant's Minstrels in his Ethiopian Dsncea. Admission 12 cents.

Ti E CELEBRATED ABBOTT COLLEC-'lON of EGYPTIAN A N T I G m T I E S is stQl on exhibition

Noj. 659 Broadway, Day and Evening. Admission, 25 cents.

o. MOUNT HOPE CUT NAILS—Very taperioi

quality. Agent* for Moont Hope Iron Co. I JOHN W . U U I N C I *ICo. , No. M| Wunam-st.

BOOKKEEPING, WRITING, TIC—Mr. DOLBEAR, No. 609 Broadway, will receive

piivate pupils this day and evening on very lowterma, and qaali'y them precticolly for business by September J. Terms only $10 for the Course Regular terms $25. Ladies' writing class only $ 3 . '

DON BERNARD'1* INSTITUTE, No 1 West S4th tt., near 5th-av.. REOPENS on 15th September. This

Fierch and English Boarding and Day School for young ladies is under the care of Mr. and Madame Don Bernard, associated with Miss Jane BulkJey, who, for the last ten years, has been the »ucce»sful Teacher of the senior classes of Rutgers Institute, For Circulars apply on the premises,

E" DUCATTONAL.— A College Graduate, who has had ample experience as an Instructor In the higher

Mathematics ana to Civil Engineering, and who ha* had the ad­vantage of several year*' service as a Practical Engineer, desires

.a CONNECTION with some R«*peetable Institution, where he can dc vote himself to either or both of th« sabjocts named. A.d-dreas E. R , No. 48 y e eey-*t , N. Y.f Bex No. 714. A personal interview with parties preferred.

FLUSHING INSTITUTE.—This SCHOOL for BOYS at Flushing. L. I . haa been long esablished. The

next lession will begin SEPTEMBER 7. Foe Circulars, k c , ap­ply to ' E. A. FAIR CHI LP, Principal.

YMNAST1CS, CALISTIIENIC"^ &c—A Gentleman thoroughly qualified to give Inatructiona lu the

above, is prepared to mass arrangemeuta with Priuclpal* ol icbooln to this city and vicinity, and others who may wuh to avail themselves of bis services, upon very liberal terms Address C , Box Ho. 182 Tribune Office. Highest references givei*.

IMPORTANT to SCHOOLS and ACADEMIES and all wi»hing to engage the services of competent Te-acb-

eis and Professois for any depaitment, Literature, Science and Art.—Our Literary and Bu*itess References are: Faculty, Am­herst College ; the R t v M. Meigs, late President Delaware Col­lege: the Rev. Dr. .C. Van Norman, Allen MsLoan and Bulkley. Our Musical Beferences are: Dr. Lowtll Mason, Pref. G. F. Root, and Geo. J. Webb. Teachers wishing engagements should ap>ly. Teachers of Music and cf Frenah, Gerinan. and Piloting wanted.



METROPOLITAN ACADEMY and GYMNA-SiUM, No*. 93 and 95 6 h-av. !

S. J. SEDGWICK, A. M., Professor of the Theory, and Piaotice of Gymnastics, and Lecturer on Anatomy and Psysi-olocy.

E . C. JOHNSON, A. M , late Principal of the High School to Rutland Vt. Professor of Latin and Greek

F. B. BRIGHAM, late Principal of the High School to Nor-waJk, Conn , Professor of Mathematics.

JOEL BLACKMER, A M , Professor of Intellectual Philoso­phy acd Ensjlub Literature.

R. L. WATERBURY, A. M., M. D , Lecturer on Cbemie^ry and Natuial History.

This In»tituiion is cf sixteen years standing, six year* in its pieitnt amp'e eoifi;e.

It is the pioneer to recognlzir g the necessity of Physical Educa­tion. It i i an acadt my Or both sexes.

The Classical element, a* a basis of education, is here fully recognized and taught

The Mathematical Department embraces the puro and mixed Mathematics, from the Element* to the Calculus included.

The graduates of Its Commercial Depaitment are prepared for the counting-house.

l h * Modem Language* are taught by native*. Dr. Waterbury's Ltctureson Natural History will include a

course of Expeiirn«Btal Chemistry. Vocal Music, with piano. Ab'e teachers will assist id the above-mentioned cYpanm*nt>.

REFERENCES. Wm. H. C. Bextlett, LL. D., Went Point. Charles D*vi«, LL..D., Columbia College. Taylor Lewis, LL. D., Union Colbge. . Eha* Loomia. LL. D , New-Ycrk University. C. W. Hackley. S. T. D , Colum»»ia OoUoge. Bichard B. Kimball, esq , No. 49 Wail st. Lsmbert Scydam esq.. No. 158 Waverley-pla:e.. Hon. JudgeHenry E, Davies. No. 33 Clinton'place. Hon. Judge J. J. .Roosevelt, No. 836 Broadway. Jchn T Botd, e»q , Boyd's Express, No. 70 Grove-st Samuel F. Battel worth, Supetmtendent of Assay Office, No.

SOWaH-st ' . G J. F< ne* '•., of the firm of Frost it Forrest, No. 40 Broad *t H. H. Bhtterwortb. No. 49 William-st George R. Cholwtli, firm of Caolwell it Bros., No. 26 Maiden-

lane. Rev. James Wo^lsey, Norwalk, Conn. Rev. W. B. Weed, Norwalk, Coon. Hon. Henry Barnard, LL. 0 . , Hartford, Conn. Bon. D. H. Camp, Superintendent of Common Schools, Coan. Rev. S. D. P. Stone, Nojkrich, Conn. Rev. Wm. R Williams, D. D.. No. 27 Grove'ai. Horace Green, M. D.. No. 2 Clinton-pUce. Rev. Aaa D. Smith, D. D., No. 142 East 13th-st Hon. S. Foot, LL D , Senator from Rotlan-i, V t Rev. B. Labaree, D. D., President of Middlebnry College, V t Rev. C Pease. D. D., President of Unlverrity of Vermoat J. S. Ac>m*. Secretary of Board of Education, New-York. Hon. XVm. Slade, ex-Govemor of Vermont, and Secretary of

N. P. Education. * Hon. E . P. Walton, Representative to Congress frcm Montpe-

lier. Vt. . Her. J. D. PhiTbrick, Superintendent of Public Schools,

Bostcn, &c, fcc, fcc.,

and to 300 p estnt members of the Io«ti',otion. Communtca'ions addressed to either'of tne Facul'y wnl be

promptly attended to. All members of the S jholastic ani Gymnastic Department* are-

r»que»ttro to be present on t te 1st day of Semptember. First ExamtoaUon and Exhibition to November.

piano-foxu* anb ainsic.

A MAGS 1FICENT Hose .vood Scv«n-f>ctave PIANO. Sro land Cov,;, f»rS«.LS

nyl* <i L.iti* XIV. Rich c».iv«d .'«g«; w o k ; r'eh tone ; beat u ty H.»A«.- ; f.,;ij w '•xf-int; *<id <">n account of reliaquialunc b :J. !5 :H»d. su i :» an elegant I ' U » > J < n-o."n

Titi»beO s.'Jtr ; f a r touad cOXfaets. Wt«»eeii i».t the origins! cc><t Apply.

N't- ^?2 >%th-*v.. ne*rS9;b *c. »e«n for thrte day*.

.i,''F«p.J ti_l*tke-d io "ie<*4.l d.-vj carved srranted; ii»,d » , i . w .i»sf k«ves4u*. C«» b« r i»ao ; t»Vnhi-V %ad Pi ice s>3*) \»bi<hUi a. m. acd 7 p. m , **.

VVIU IK shipped if devired. T«> be

A T No. iH> East '2Sth-st., near Lexington-sv., i# - A effervdan eUraat ROSEWOOD PIANO-FORTE, uea.lv - e w . fct hail'price—7-o^tave,. oi*y m«i»s fuUy «r«.:i»ute>4. o*rivcl ir extra aaanifieecce, axwi t icket Woe. Kai partlcuWa on.ap-pdeattoq as above. 4thav. ca^^ p*«s wi;hiu a blv«A.

P1RJ5T- PRIZE PIANOS and MELODEONS A . for SALE or RENT at VERV LO .V RArES.-Aje^M^y • * .T» CMeSering's Bo»t >n Piaocs, 8 0 it H. VV. S*«ith,.e,W-trattd Melod««aa and improreu New-York l^au^i.

. A M. KANO'l'SE. No *35 Bro%l**y.


srars awaked S ' ^ i ^ S J ^ ^ j ^ ~ ! ° * • axenght their Piano-FoX. U s f ^ £ & Z $L S * e * *** yf Beaton, New-York, r ^ i l a d W p ^ a n ^ r T m t l ^ ^ ^ " * * * "

Received Ox two « n l rdss M > < ^ u u ? K S L * ^ a - - »-». n-aahirjttOD 1855. «"iatr at Va.« HefropoHua Fai*,

TbeFSrst Premium (a Gold Medal, fcr the b«* « - » o . r « r - - *» the Amerioan Institute, Crystal P n . ^ , N e w - ,

T ^ » £ l S 6 t ' g n * *'< The First Premlom (a Gold Med*» for the • j a s t l h S ^ s v - . -»

tk» Maryland Institute, Beitixrore, ! « « . *-»no-*ne«e at The First Prize Medal lor the best Piano-Porte aitk* i a . A , ^

Inatitute, Crystal Palace, New- \ ork, ia5«. - «•"•*» The Firrt Presnlum (a Gold Medal; for the beet Grand Plain a)

|he Maryland Institute, Baltimore, 1857. The First Premium at the State FiJr, Detroit, 1MJ. The First Premium at the 8tat* Fair. Riuhnvoad, 1S67. Among the Judges were the first musical talenu of the oceaarr,

such as \ \ . Mason. Gottschala, VVoUenhaupt, fcc Grand sad square Pianos conctructed witk the full wooden and Iron frame eombtaed. are warranted for three year*, and will now a* se*d st treaty reduced prices to smith* tune*.

LIGHTE, NEWTON & BRADBURYS, No. 481 Broome-at, near Broadway, have a splendid aasertmentof

their CELEBRATED PIANO-FORTES, to all s takTaosh. structed with the patent Arch Wrert Plank. Purchaser* to want e f a s a erior tostrurnent wQl find i: fbr their advantage tooelL .



k SCHMIDT, No. 42S Brocme-st^,

One block east of Broadway, '. Marnl&ctQTer* cf GRAND and SQUARE PIANO-FORTES./

Purchaser* to want of a first-class article are invited to Inspect out instrument*.

PIANOS and MELODEONS of superior mako at Great Bargain*.— Secand hand Pianes at the'following eX«

tremely low prices: $25. $50, $110, $125 and $156. Pianos and Melcdeoaa to rent and rent allowed on purchase; for sale on monthly payment*. Pianos tus»d and repal>ed.

HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. 3?3 Broadway. '

of HONOR at thelJNIVER' 18>5.

DEfOT OF THE ALEXANDRE ORGANS, adapted to the use of Drawtog-Room*, Churches. Lodges and Schools.

This magnificent instrument, Introduced by T H A L B E R O

to the United State*, baa been adopted by the most eoxtoeut ar-sist* of Europe and America: Mile, Wefii*, Llwt, Gottscha'k, VHantva, fcc, fcc.

Piice. $1G0, $225, $250, $300, $375. A dew.»iptiv'e circular, sent to MIV address, on spplioaMon to

, BERNARD fc FABREQUETrES, JR , No 51 Dey-st, " Importers of Baaaon's A 'o->rde«us, Violin 8'riun* fcc.

, JUST PUBLISHED: A complete INSTRUCTOR for the Alexandre Orgaua


tain all the new Music of the day cvefuhy arranged for each In-stniment Any person can leatn to play. Price 50 <nut* each. Sent by xcaiL pottage paid.

* FIRTH, POND fc Ca., No. 517 Brot^wsy, N. Y.


Jfinattcial. OCEAX BANK, NEW-YORK Julydi , 18M.


of this Bank has been declared, patabl« oa and after Atxgust IO text . The tran«f*r-book will be cW*d fr^m the 3d to the l«th lost. Inclusive. Byord<>r, PARKER HANDY, Cuhier.


DIVIDEND NOTICE.—A Dividend of FIVE (5) FSB. CENT has soon declared by this Company out of

the earnings of the six months endhis, June 30. Stock holders registered to New-York will be paid at the Phenlx Bank oo aoA after Monday, August 2. The transfer books wlU be closed from 2l«t tout until AuRuat 2.

(.filgusA) GEOROK H. RUSSELL, Tr<»as. pro. t«>m.

Ct.lNTOX F»R» IKSURAKCK COMPANY, J (Office No. 52 WaU-st) Naw-rosK, July 1,185*. 5

DIVIDEND.—The Board of Director* have this day declartd a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of TEN

PER CENT, payable on demand. By otd.-r. JAMES B.~ AMES, Jr., Secretary. .

•i I I . — • . . . . . . .m

COLUMBIA F I R E INSUKA.NCK COMPAAV, ) Office No. 10 Wall-st, New-Yotk, July 7, 1858. J

DIVIDEND.—ITie Board of Director* haTe this day decUred a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of WX PER

CENT, payable on and after the 10th Inst The Transfer Book* will be closed until that date. JOHN C. BERQH, Secretary.

OFFICE OF TUX SIXTH AVEMUK RAILROAD CO., 1 Sixth-av. and 44th s t , July 16, 1858. )

DIVIDEND.—The Directors of this Company have declartd a DIVIDEND of FIVE. PER CENT ou MM

t»prtal out of tha taming* of the road for the current six mouths, payable at the Office of the Treasurer, GEO. G. WILLIAMS, esq. (Cashier), at the Chemical Bank, on the second day of Au­gust n e x t The Transfer Book* will be closed from the 25th last, to that day. T. BAILEY MYERS, Secretary.

HOME IXSURA.VCK COMPAXY, ) No*. 112 snd 114 Broadway, N« a--York, July 20, 1858. J

DIVIDEND.—The Board of Directors «f this Company have this day declared a SEMI-ANNUAL Divi­

dend of TWELVE PER CENT on th* original oaplul of five hundred thousand dollars, payable to the Stockholders on demand.

J. MILTON SMITH, Secretary.


New-York, Jaly 13,1858, This Company has declared a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND

of SEVEN PER CENT, payable on and after the 20th iust HENRY UUACKENBOSS, Secretary.

PE O R I A A N D B U R E A U V A L L E Y R A I L ­ROAD COMPANY.—A dividend of FOUR PER CE?ir

oa the capital stock of this Company ba* been declared, payable on the 10th day of August next, at iheoffioe of the Company, No. 13 William- »t. The transfer books will be closed from toe 2d until the 10th day of August. The coupon* of the bonds of the Company due Ansust 1 will be paid at the Corn Exchange Sauk.

^ J ' C. W. DURANT, Treasurer.

M R S H E A R S ' 8 F R E N C H

|)rofesBiprial Satire0.

Ar Office for procuring •<


A Fsxrmhlet of tofbTrnatton serS: free by msfl-

Ej>WARD H. DTXON, M. ©., Editor of TUt Scalpel, and author of '! A Practical Tjeatiaoma Smmad Dia.

eases." .attends exclusively to'. OPERATIVE SURGERY sag COS SULTATIONS en the'more obscure diseases, at No, 425tb> sr . fJffioe-houTB from 8 ^ 9 , 1 to i ^ d * t o 9 evmdagst At s i ethei hears he is at his private hospitaL S h e oxaoeof The Scal­pel i at No. i Ve*ey-«t, Astor Brassy where, s f l Hierary and basii ess ccmmrrtikfttlon* must/be sajty-sss no ootr|ig«wisary tiatip •nr toe lved . :Coh*ulQci : fe« 'Wt£"" ****** » ^'' '** |

•assaa»saaw«aM« i w«^asMM»asaMsaa«sss»»ssaMsaiay«aMaaa«assasai*»

FARMERS' and GARDENERS' IMPLEMENTS r, zTtat vaxw*y, fox »««•> ay

CEA*. «C LITTLE k Co., S t* . 33 and 54 FpJtcsr*.

INGOT COPPER--In lota to imit purchasers— for sale by MINESOTA M I N l N a COMPANY. No. II


LIGHTNING RODS—OTIS'3 PATENT-—Also chespexRODS, with glaas ring insulator*, at half price.


PATENT ORNAMENTAL MULTIGRADE FENCING —Tbi* fencing Umanufadured at the New-York

Planing Mia; corner of Bank and West-rfa. I t em br made very handsome, of various patterns to suit the taste; is very uesirsole. It wm follow any grade, and will not corf more than. a common picket fen :e. It S weh Worthy the attenrfm of all w in n>jy want a cheap, but ornaments! fence. Addres* R R- J:iiaxj^Sf MORTON, Bank and West-st*,. New-york.

SUPERIOR MACHINE HORSE SHOES.— W H E E L E R ' S PATENT are baaflsome shape, mnch «up«B>

lor to hand made, and lower price. Depotat . , „ . „ , . _. i J O B ^ W . C t D I N C r Y f c ^ ^ y ^ ^ ^ 1 3 1 " ^ * ^

i Svfxnitxsxc.

AND ' ENGLISH BOARDING ana DAY SCHOOL for Young La­dles, Nos. 32 and '3o West 15th-»t. belsw 5di-av., reopen* on THURSDAY. Sept 9. .

Mn. M. will be at home to receive parent* and guardians who may w i n to confer with her, on and after Sept L

\ I ISbES ROHR'3 French and English Boarding ATA and Day SCHOOL, No 33 Wwt 33d * t , near 5^-av., will recrxo on MONDAY, Sept 13.

MONS. L. DE GRAND-VAL'« FRENCH BOABDtNG SCHOOL, a ColI*gIa»e and Commercial In-

»tituticn, Hudson Terrace. Hoboken, N. J.

for Y 0 T J N G

horseback riding. For Catalogne, ad-

M Y 8 T I C - HALL SEMINARY A.TJL LADIES, sear BOSTON.—For health. swimming ia the Mystic River (sail), ate. drea* Mis. T. P. SMITH, Boston, Mas*.

ENAMELED CHAMBER FUI5NTTTJRE, in att cokwa,of *Ofaix»3i^wmrzMXiX^^i^rau^^^^

» hmdscapefresoo, eruit and flowers,at ELF. FARRlNGTON't, Mcv36a Cansi-at, opposite Wooster. EstabttibedJ848. •,;•••-. I

ENAMELED COrlAMBER SUITES of FUBN1 "1TOIBJ maneelomaa4styfe*i wixotostoand^wfidL.^, |:

^ f f l j # ! 'Atmfees from ^ a ^ ' u p w s r d . **m | W A J W I W W A R D ; No. 277Canal-•*-(<*»»»-»«).

. .i~--'H'-'...v. aftisg JTotgdoorseast o^Brgattwar;fNew^T<>i>4

ENAMELED FTJENTTTURE of a traT^rior qiiality ssasajtaetarest sad tot sale »y J. ™ F i a H E J i * Co., J ^ ^

Axnsaiwsy, swmariy « * • JfcfiMT* AftsaWaTfis.

MRS. OKILL will be prepared to receive her Ptjpiiscn WEDNESD 1Y, Sept 15, and hopes for tUeir

oirmpt attendance. Any eemmonicaiiona addressed to Mrs. O , at h*r r»sidtr,ce, No*. 8 a id .10 CUtton-plsce, N. Y., will receive immediate attentJoa.

REV. D. C. VAN NORMAN, A. M., (former Principe, of Rctger* Female Institute.) will <D. V.) re­

open his INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADLES, at No. 79 East I4th-st. r.e»r Union-square, on MONDAY, the 13th September n e x t Circular* may he obtained at IVISON fc FHINNEY'S Bcok-store, No. ZW_ Bfoedway, at R A Y N O R . H O W E fc J?£Br RY'S, No. 76 Bowery, and by addressing the PRINCIPAL.

RUTGERS FEMALE INSTITUTE.—The 77th TERM ol this ItsntatSon will commence Sept IS. Popil*

from abroad ncelved into the family of the PtiaeipaL Instru­mental Music tsoght at the Insriiot*. Address * .

H M PIERCE. A M . Pitocto*!. Wo 2,7 Mad«*on-st. J. M. KREBS D D , President, No- 141 Henry-st ;:, J- W. C. LEVERIDGE, Secretary, No. 5 Rtxt^ers^aoa

ARRYTOWN INSTITUTE.—CircniMsTwitn » ^^f* «T*"5S?SS * * » « " " be obtained at E . Goodeooogh's

_ » ! . . , , . ll*»av.To*irrorbyssV Boekatore, Ne. fI2J-_ 4/es*tog A . NEWltAW,

t Nas*ao-»t, up stairs,

^• i> GIRLS, from- 6 to 12 Years old, w iUber j -A ^ . S f * 5 " 4 ' * * , k * Preeeptres* of 'he HUDSON RIVER IN-S'nTLTT!;. g*pt. n Tr-na for Board ana Tuition, s)150 a yea*. For psnwclaxa, adorea*

Mrs. P . » . OWEN, Osveask, H. X,

Orrica or THE PEOPLK'S FIRE ISSUXAXCK Co., 1 N E W - Y O R K , July 3,1&54. V

THE Board of Directors have declared a SEMI­ANNUAL DIVIDEND of 8IX PER CENP, pafebleoa

and after the 7th July in*"., until which dm* the transfer Books-will be closed. By order, «-[—«—-»• «. _


No. 29 Wall-st, New-York, July 14, 1258. V

THE Directors have this day declared a SEMI­ANNUAL DIVIDEND of FIVE PER.CUNT, payable oa

and aft^r the 19th tost RICHARD A OAKLEY, Secretary.


THE Board of Directors have declared a SEMI­ANNUAL DIVIDEND of SIX PER CENT, payable

August 2, until which time the tracsfrr hook* wUl be ulX>t^£ STEPHEN R CONCrER, Seexetary. .

n p H E LENOX FIRE INSURANCE C0M> X PANY. Office No. 54 WaB-st, have THIS DAY declared

a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of five per c*nc, payable on and afterthe2dofAugurt,prox. DAVID DRAKE, S e c

New-York, July 26, 1858. . ,

CKXTRAL RAILROAD Co.vrxNy or Nr.w-Jr.*sr.Y, i N E W - PORK, July 28 18M J

INTEREST.—The Interest Coupons of the First Mottgsge Roods, due on the jat day of AUGUST NEXT, will

be paid at the office of the Company, No. 59 Waii-st, oa and after Monday, th« 2d. O. iC MILLtGAN. Treasurer.

INTEREST NOTICE.-The Interest due l«t prox on BONDS of the CITY OF DAYTON, OHIO, will be

paid on snd after MONDAY next, Aug. 2, opoisjaneseatatktn of the proper coupon*, at our office, No 92 Broedway. ,>


"\[EW-YORK AND HARLEM RAILROAD X * COMPANY.—The Coepeos of the Second M«rtg«r» Rood* of the Company's Bonds of 1861, and Dover Extension, will'be paid at the office of the Company, comer of 28U>-*t and 4tb-a»., on and after August 2, tost

W. H EMERSON, Treeaorer. — • ' " • • • • —'• • - • i - . — — • • —SSI ******** i i i II I I i - I I II i I m i l * • i s «


New-York, July26, 185S. 5

THE INTEREST COUPONS, due Aug. 1, pn the Detroit, Monroe and Tolado; the Nor hem Indiana,

and Jackson and Co«hen Branch Bonds, will be paid at the CORN EXCHANGE BANK. WM. WALCOTr, Tmasorer.



COMPANY, will be beld at It* office to Cleveland, Oaio, oa TUESDAY, the 10th day of Aurast next, at 2 o'clock p m , for the Election cf Directors, and for the transaction of su<:h other business a* may come before them.

The Transfer Books of the Company will be elated from July 31 to the 10th day of August, injlxuiv*.

GEO. B ELY*. Sjsretsrj, - • i i r i • i , - • . . - • • • , . . , - .

STOCK in BANK of the STATE of MISSOURI. —The undersigned, CommhsieoeT*, appointed by the Bank of

the State of Mb-ouri, S t Lotus, hereby gf»« notice that books of lubscription for three hundred thonssuo dollar* o' increased capi­tal stock of said Bank will be opened st the Bank of Commerce, in N«w-Yoik,on MONDAY. Aognst 2, and kept open for a period of fifteen day*, anJess t i e whole smoont shall bave been sooner subscribed. • • •""

Tenpexcentwfflbexaqrjired to be paid at the tkaeofaub-sexibing - thirty per cent ou tfae 1st of September; thirty per cent < n the l i t ©YOetoter, and thirty per cent on the 1st of Novetn-ber or payment way be made In fulL i

DivJcends on »tocs »ub*<;nbed lor will be payable at tba Bank ef Commerce in New-York. -•: •

JOHN A BTEVENB, >. -s fc * *• .-i *v v . . HENRY F . VAIL, >C««s««x«tsaioai*ts.

g _ _ _ _ _ b _ A j t _ _ | «*,,>.- _Mi "'_-'>'•

I,A CROSSE AND MTLWAIXKEE BAJtL-J R p k D COMFiiNY-NOTlCB.^A; C < » m m i ^ J b ^ | i * « .

sppcxk teg by the 'Bos t f of D f x > e t o r s _ ^ « LA;y3WSSR*J .MILWAUKEE RAILROAD COStFANY to s^jastkMs^m*, M: r Jk>.s against the Compaty. P<rs3n« Interested ta»a» Ftmt? v j 0.v« ,,T„rt<..<!Jt*TA» fcA. of *•*? Cflojp*ny are ro^assse**

• *

""i ' . 'X'*• '*" J ^ * " * j ^ £ft;:.



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