2017 级 A 级级级级级级级 使 (级级级级级) 级级 1 级级级 17 级 50 级级级级级级级 级级级级级级级级级级级 。,, 1 4 级级级级级级级级级级级级级级级级级 Unit 6 Unit 7 级级 81115 级级级级级级级级级级级级级级级级级 Unit 3Unit 5Unit 8 级 级级级级级 ()。,,。 使1使 1. ironic [aiˈrɔnik] a. 级级级 级级级级 It is ironic that so many women are anti-feminist (级级 级级级级 ). 2. mechanical [miˈkænikəl] a. 级级(级级)级 级级级级级级级级 ;, Mechanical problems in Toyota vehicles are suspected of links to dozens of deaths. 3. convert [kənˈvə:t, ˈkɔnvə:t] v. (级)级级(级)(级)级级级级级 The challenge is to convert some of it into commercial enterprises 级级级 () and entrepreneurial start-ups 级级级级级 () . He was a major influence in converting Godwin to political radicalism (级级级级). 4. distinguish [diˈstiŋgwiʃ] vt. 级 Research suggests that babies learn to see by distinguishing between areas of light and dark. 5. mechanic [miˈkænik] n. 级 [-s] 级级 级级级 If you smell something unusual, take the car to your mechanic . 6. decent [ˈdi:sənt] a. 级级级 级级级级级级级级 ,;体 Unlike many, she's seen decent growth in her pay over the past few years. They chose to work hard and made a decent living in careers that interested them. 7. can’ t help doing 级级级级级级级级 () One can't help noticing that when Mr. Obama mocks himself, he mocks himself for being super-human. 8. at a disadvantage 级级级级级级 1

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2017 级 A 班第二学期词汇


从第 1 周到第 17 周,每周要求学生记 50 个单词或者短语。其中,需要说明的是,第 1、4

周的单词任务里分别包含了课本第二册 Unit 6, Unit 7 单词表中的四级高频或常考词汇,第 8、11、15 周的单词任务里分别包含了课本第三册 Unit 3,Unit 5,Unit 8 单词表中的四级高频或常考词汇(这样编排主要是参照了教学进度安排表中的授课进度)。此外,有些单元个别四级高频或常考词上学期已给出,因此未列入本期单词任务表中。

第 1 周1. ironic [aiˈrɔnik] a. 讽刺的,令人啼笑皆非的 It is ironic that so many women are anti-feminist (反对女权主义者).

2. mechanical [miˈkænikəl] a. 机械(方面)的;机械般的,呆板的 Mechanical problems in Toyota vehicles are suspected of links to dozens of deaths.

3. convert [kənˈvə:t, ˈkɔnvə:t] v. (使)转变(化);(使)改变信仰等 The challenge is to convert some of it into commercial enterprises ( 企 业 ) and

entrepreneurial start-ups(新创公司).

He was a major influence in converting Godwin to political radicalism (激进主义).

4. distinguish [diˈstiŋgwiʃ] vt. 辨认出;分辨 Research suggests that babies learn to see by distinguishing between areas of light and dark.

5. mechanic [miˈkænik] n. 技工,机修工 [-s] 力学,机械学 If you smell something unusual, take the car to your mechanic.

6. decent [ˈdi:sənt] a. 像样的,相当好的;得体的 Unlike many, she's seen decent growth in her pay over the past few years.

They chose to work hard and made a decent living in careers that interested them.

7. can’ t help doing 忍不住要做(某事) One can't help noticing that when Mr. Obama mocks himself, he mocks himself for being


8. at a disadvantage 处于不利地位 Their poor English language skills also place them at a disadvantage in this country.

9. when it comes to 一谈到,就…...而言1

2017 级 A 班第二学期词汇

When it comes to shopping, Qatar is the most happening place in the Middle East.

10. abnormal [æbˈnɔ:məl] a. 不正常的 If you have heart disease or abnormal blood pressure, saunas (桑拿浴) can potentially be


11. indication [ˌindiˈkeiʃən] n. 表示;迹象 indicate [ˈindikeit] vt. 指示,指出;表明 He gave no indication at all of his own feelings.

Declining commodity prices (商品价格) usually indicate demand for goods is dropping and the economy is in trouble.

The Russians have already indicated their willingness to cooperate.

12. panic [ˈpænik] n. 恐(惊)慌 v. (使)恐慌,(使)惊慌失措 She got into a panic when she couldn’t find the tickets.

Guests panicked and screamed when the bomb exploded.

The unexpected and sudden memory briefly panicked her.

13. faulty [ˈfɔ:lti] a. 有缺陷的;错误的 In these conditions, faulty connections between brain and muscle cause parts of the body to

spasm (痉挛).

Their interpretation(翻译,解释) was faulty – they had misinterpreted things.

14. cultural [ˈkʌltʃərəl] a. 文化(上)的 It is important to look at the political and cultural context in which the novel was written.

15. infant [ˈinfənt] n. 婴儿,幼儿 a. 婴儿的,初期的 Some people suggest that protecting an infant industry with tariffs(关税) is a special


16. incredible [inˈkredəbəl] a. 极好的;难以置信的 It is the must-see state of India, brimming with (充满着) varied, startling and incredible


It’s incredible that he survived the fall.

17. flexible [ˈfleksəbəl] a. 灵活的;有弹性的 Team members may like flexible hours, full weekends and time off for family situations.

18. crisis [ˈkraisis] n. 危机;紧要关头 The Prime Minister was criticized for the way in which he handled the crisis.

19. positive [ˈpɔzətiv] a. 确信的;积极的2

2017 级 A 班第二学期词汇

There was no positive evidence that any birth defects had arisen as a result of Vitamin A intake.

The rural environment was having a positive effect on the children’s health.

20. expense [ikˈspens] n. 花费,费用 He borrowed £150,000 and used the money for legal expenses.

But are we protecting corporate information assets at the expense of missed business opportunities?

21. crucial [ˈkru:ʃiəl] a. 至关重要的,决定性的 The bottom line is that cash dividends (现金股利) have become more crucial to investors

than ever before.

That case was crucial in determining that feeding tubes (饲管)could be regarded as medical treatment.

22. oblige [əˈblaidʒ] vt. 迫使;帮…的忙;使感激 Circumstances had obliged him to sell the business.

If you need a ride home, I’d be happy to oblige.

I’d be obliged if you’d treat this matter as strictly confidential.

23. obligation [ˌɔbliˈgeiʃən] n.义务,责任 Parents are under a legal obligation to educate their children.

24. debate [diˈbeit] n. / v.辩论,争论 Whether that would have made any difference is open to debate.

The issue will be debated on Tuesday.

25. contest [ˈkɔntest] n. 比赛,竞赛; Vt. 提出质疑;参加竞赛,角逐 It is clear that the election will be a close contest.

His brothers are contesting the will.

He is the first Mormon(摩门教徒) from a major party to contest the presidential election.

26. context [ˈkɔntekst] n. 背景,环境;上下文,语境 To appreciate what these changes mean, it is necessary to look at them in context.

Without a context, I would have assumed it was written by a man.

27. decisive [diˈsaisiv] a. 决定性的 The popular vote, which is politically important but not decisive in the race, remains very



2017 级 A 班第二学期词汇

28. decrease [diˈkri:s, ˈdi:kri:s] v. 减少 n. 减少(量)

They want to decrease their reliance on oil.

Only 22% of them expect a decrease in hiring, down from 86% a year ago.

29. obscure [əbˈskjuə] a. 模糊的,朦胧的;费解的 vt. 使模糊不清,遮掩 The contracts are written in obscure language.

Recent successes have obscured the fact that the company is still in trouble.

30. highlight [ˈhailait] vt. 强调,突出,使显著 n. 最精彩的部分 Your résumé should highlight your skills and achievements.

Working with Peter Dench was a truly memorable experience and a definite highlight of my career so far.

31. observe [əbˈzə:v] vt. 注意到;观察;评论;遵守,奉行 Observe how the people in the group interact.

It is interesting to observe the varying motivations for luxury consumer purchases in contemporary China

32. observation [ˌɔbzəˈveiʃən] n. 观察;评论 Detailed observations were carried out on the behavior of the students.

33. format [ˈfɔ:mæt] n. 设计,安排;格式,样式 vt. 使格式化 I had met with him to explain the format of the programme and what we had in mind.

Anything you do in a text format should also be done in a video format.

34. dedicate [ˈdedikeit] vt. 题词;(to)把(一生等)献给(用于)

The actress now dedicates herself to children’s charity work.

35. foresee [fɔ:ˈsi:] vt. 预见,预知 Few analysts foresaw that oil prices would rise so steeply.

36. delay [diˈlei] n. 耽搁,延迟 vt. 耽搁;推迟 Why was there a delay in warning the public?

Big companies often delay paying their bills.

37. hinder [ˈhində, ˈhaində] vt. 阻碍,妨碍 Further investigation was hindered by the loss of all documentation on the case.

38. denial  [diˈnaiəl] n. 否认;拒绝,拒绝给予 The government issued an official denial of the rumor.


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39. deny [diˈnai] vt. 否认,拒绝 The government denied the existence of poverty among 16- and 17-year-olds. 

40. facilitate [fəˈsiliteit] vt. 使变得(更)容易,使便利 The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism.

41. fake [feik] n. 假货;骗子 a. 假的 vt. 伪造;伪装 She was speaking with a fake German accent.

42. objective [ɔbˈdʒektiv] n. 目标,目的 a. 客观的,不带偏见的 It also attempts to develop valid and objective systems of evaluation of the implementation

(实现,履行)of human rights worldwide.

43. deliver [diˈlivə] vt. 投递交;发表(演说等);接生 The morning mail has just been delivered.

The king delivered a televised speech to the nation on November 5.

44. fantastic [fænˈtæstik] a. 极好的;难以相信的;不实际的 There are plenty of places to enjoy a fantastic, fresh meal at a variety of price points.

45. fiction [ˈfikʃən] n. 小说,虚构 The truth or fiction of this story has never been truly determined.

46. delete [diˈli:t] vt. 删除 He deleted all the files from the computer system.

47. flaw [flɔ:] n. 缺点,瑕疵,缺陷 There is a fundamental flaw in Walton’s argument.

The only flaw in his character seems to be a short temper.

48. fragile [ˈfrædʒail] a. 易碎的,脆的;虚弱的,脆弱的 That hurts an already fragile housing market.

49. defend [diˈfend] vt. 保卫,保护;为…辩护 We need to defend against military aggression(侵犯,进攻).

He has hired a lawyer to defend him against the allegation (指控).

50. fraud [frɔ:d] n. 欺诈,诈骗;骗子 He was jailed for two years for fraud and deception(欺骗).

(1-17来自 Book 2 Unit 6 Text A)5

2017 级 A 班第二学期词汇

第 2 周1. range [reindʒ] n. 范围,幅度;一系列 Even the cheapest property was out of our price range.

A fairly narrow range of people are responsible for key decisions.

2. electronic [iˌlekˈtrɔnik] a. 电子的 n. [-s]电子学;电子设备 And in this electronic world, who needs the International Monetary Fund, the sister

bureaucracy (官僚机构) to the World Bank?

3. exceed [ikˈsi:d] vt. 超过,越出 Not only did she exceed our expectations, but she added tremendous value to the team.

4. economics [i:kəˈnɔmiks] n. 经济学 Economics studies how man interacts with the environment transforming scarce resources

into products that enrich life.

5. management [ˈmænidʒmənt] n. 管理,经营;管理层 The dispute is about wages, working conditions, and the management of the mining


We need to get more women into top management.

6. entertainment [ˌentəˈteinmənt] n. 娱乐,文娱节目 We're also talking TED - not Baxter, not Lange, but technology, entertainment and design.

7. crude [kru:d] a. 未加工的;粗鲁(俗)的;粗略的 India is one of the world's largest importers of crude oil and its derivatives (派生物).

Standard measurements of blood pressure are an important but crude way of assessing the risk of heart disease or strokes (中风).

8. physicist [ˈfizisist] n. 物理学家 If convicted (证明有罪), the physicist can be sentenced to life imprisonment for the most

serious offences.

9. commerce [ˈkɔmə:s] n. 商业,贸易 They have made their fortunes from industry and commerce.

10. integrate [ˈintigreit] vt. / vi. 融合;使成一整体 Many children with learning difficulties are integrated into ordinary schools.

He didn't integrate successfully into the Italian way of life.


2017 级 A 班第二学期词汇

11. dialect [ˈdaiəlekt] n. 方言,土语 It is often appropriate to use the local dialect to communicate your message.

12. overall [ˈəuvərɔ:l] a. 包括一切的,全部的 adv.总体上的 Overall police numbers hit a nine-year low in 2012, due to tighter budget constraints (预算约束) slowing recruitment.

Overall , women-owned firms have done better than their male counterparts over the past 14 years.

13. compress [kəmˈpres] vt. 压紧,压缩 The company had to come up with its own mastering technology to digitize (数字化) the

film, compress it and add security.

14. transform [trænsˈfɔ:m] vt. 改变,改造 The move could radically transform the way we exchange money with friends, family and

even businesses.

15. give way to 对……让步,让位于 Industries rise and fall, jobs are won and lost, recessions give way to booms.

16. unique [ju:ˈni:k] a. 唯一的;独特的;独有的 Experts tell us this is a unique virus with the potential to have a great impact.

The issues being discussed here are not unique to the US.

17. to name a few 仅举几例 You can find my stories on NBC News, Google Finance and Morning Star, just to name a


18. predict  [priˈdikt] vt. 预言,预测 Unemployment is predicted to increase to 700,000 by the end of the year.

19. transition [trænˈziʃən, -ˈsi-] n.过渡,转变 in transition 在转变过程中 The transition from a dictatorship (专制) to a multi-party democracy(民主) is proving to

be difficult. 

20. rid oneself of 使自己摆脱 It is not easy to rid oneself of a bad habit.

21. association [əˌsəusiˈeiʃən] n. 关系,联系;协会,联盟,社团 He has a shelf full of things, each of which has associations for him.

Today, 79% of American households own digital cameras, according to the Consumer Electronics Association.


2017 级 A 班第二学期词汇

22. region [ˈri:dʒən] n. 地区,区域;部位 Of course, with less aid as leverage(手段,影响力), the United States could lose

influence in the region.

23. substantial [səbˈstænʃəl] a. 可观的,有分量的 A substantial number of mothers with young children are deterred from (阻止) undertaking

paid work because they lack access to childcare.

24. medium [ˈmi:diəm] n. 媒介;手段,工具 a. 中等的 The two giants see their fastest growth coming from small and medium-size businesses in

the years ahead.

In Sierra Leone, English is used as the medium of instruction for all primary education.

25. dominate [ˈdɔmineit] vt.支配,统治;耸立于,俯视 dominance [ˈdɔmɪnəns] n. 优势,统治地位

The book is expected to dominate the best-seller lists.

It's one of the biggest buildings in this area, and it really dominates this whole place.

The latest fighting appears to be an attempt by each group to establish dominance over the other.

26. supplement [ˈsʌplimənt] vt. 补充,增补 n. 补充(物);增刊,副刊 Here is his response along with a few of my nutrition suggestions to supplement his


The payments are a supplement to his usual salary.

27. boundary [ˈbaundəri] n. 分界线,边界,界限 The boundaries between history and storytelling are always being blurred (模糊不清) and

muddled (一团糟).

28. unity [ˈju:niti] n. 团结,统一(性) We have to act to preserve the unity of this nation.

29. aspect [ˈæspekt] n. 方面 He was interested in all aspects of the work here.

30. prior [ˈpraiə] a. 在前的,优先的 All the arrangements should be completed prior to your departure.

You do not need any prior knowledge of the subject.

31. preferable [ˈprefərəbl] a. 更好的,更适合的,更可取的


2017 级 A 班第二学期词汇

Professors of both sexes judged the male candidate to be more competent and a preferable


32. enthusiasm [inˈθju:ziæzəm] n. 热情,热心 He's seen this kind of thing before: thin capitalizations(资本弱化), frustrated short

sellers(卖空者), wild public enthusiasm.

33. equip [iˈkwip] vt. 配备,装备 They spent a lot of money equipping the school with new computers.

Relying on the four principles of values-based leadership will equip you with a fourth C--courage.

34. powerful [ˈpauəful] a. 强大的,强有力的 Without a computer, the most powerful mind would sink under the load of information.

35. depress [diˈpres] vt. 使沮丧,使消沉;使不景气 The thought of taking the exam again depressed him.

Moreover, the strong dollar—a factor that has helped depress import prices—need not be a permanent phenomenon.

36. dispute [disˈpju:t] n. 争端,争论 vt. 质疑,反驳 vi. 争论,争吵 The firm is involved in a legal dispute with a rival company.

He disputed the allegations(指控).

37. dramatic [drəˈmætik] a. 显著的;戏剧性的,激动人心的 Universities have suffered a dramatic drop in student numbers.

A fifth year of drought is expected to have dramatic effects on the California economy.

38. engine [ˈendʒin] n. 发动机,引擎 He got into the driving seat and started the engine.

39. expansion [iksˈpænʃən] n. 扩张,扩大 The industry underwent a period of rapid expansion.

40. fame [feim] n. 声誉,名望 At the height of his fame, his every word was valued.

41. federal [ˈfedərəl] a. 联邦(制)的;联邦政府的 The federal government controls just 6% of the education budget.

42. forbid [fəˈbid] vt. 不许,禁止9

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For starters, local laws forbid foreigners from owning the majority of a business in the Philippines.

43. fundamental [ˌfʌndəˈmentəl] a. 基本的,基础的 According to some analysts, the fundamental pillars of the Brazilian economy are being

eroded (损坏).

44. globe [ɡləub] n. 地球,世界;地球仪 We export our goods all over the globe.

45. guarantee [ˌɡærənˈti:] n./vt. 保证,担保 Surplus(剩余) resources alone do not guarantee growth.

I cannot give a guarantee that there will be no redundancies (冗余).

46. illegal [iˈli:ɡəl] a. 非法的,不合法的 According to figures from analyst firm Forrester, 14% of European internet users engage in

illegal file-sharing.

47. missing [ˈmisiŋ] a. 失掉的,失踪的,找不到的 Two crew members survived, but two are still missing.

48. pollute [pəˈlu:t] vt. 弄脏,污染 The island has been seriously polluted by a copper mine.

49. defect [ˈdi:fekt] n. 缺点,缺陷 All the cars are tested for defects before they leave the factory.

50. mostly [ˈməustli] ad. 大多地 ,主要地 I am working with mostly highly motivated people.

第 3 周1. harmony [ˈhɑ:məni] n. 和谐,融洽;和声 I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups (族群)to live together in harmony.

2. in harmony with 与……和谐 It was a beautiful, well-planned floating city built in harmony with its surroundings, in the

middle of a lake.

3. prosperous [ˈprɔspərəs] a. 繁荣的,昌盛的 New Orleans could once again become a vibrant (充满生气的), prosperous metropolis(大都市), something it hasn't been for decades.


2017 级 A 班第二学期词汇

4. bloom [blu:m] n. 花 vi. 开花;蓬勃发展 Not many economies bloomed in 1990, least of all gold exporters like Australia.

5. feed on 以……为食;从… 中获得力量 Indeed, such contests feed on two common but powerful human forces: regret and social


6. abundance [əˈbʌndəns] n. 大量,丰富,充足 Praising the business community, he urged them to make use of India's abundance of


7. evil [ˈi:vəl] n. 邪恶;恶行 a. 邪恶的;不愉快的 Poverty is one of the greatest social evils of our time.

Higher taxes may be a necessary evil.

8. puzzle [ˈpʌzl] v. 仔细琢磨 (over); (使)困惑 n. 谜;难题 What puzzles me is why his books are so popular.

Fewer people will puzzle over his meanings in this book and come away partially frustrated.

The rise in accidents remains a puzzle.

9. desert [diˈzə:t] v. 离弃 n. 沙漠 Poor farmers are deserting their parched (干涸的)farm fields and coming here looking

for jobs.

10. violently [ˈvaiələntli] ad. 剧烈地,猛烈地 violent a.暴力的,凶猛的 Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, and Bank of America did the same, while gold prices fluctuated


But on Friday, they turned violent in Pakistan's largest city, Karachi, and three people were killed.

11. blossom [ˈblɔsəm] n. 花 vi. (植物)开花;(out,into)长成 Rain begins to fall and peach trees blossom.

What began as a local festival has blossomed into an international event.

12. be lined with 两边排列成行 The route will be lined with military personnel as well as what are expected to be huge


13. silence [ˈsailəns] vt. 使安静,使沉默;制止 n. 寂静;沉默 She held up her hand to silence the children.

Like other tyrants(暴君), he tried to silence anyone who spoke out against him.


2017 级 A 班第二学期词汇

We, the audience, sat in nervous silence in a tiny dark room, and waited.

14. counterpart [ˈkauntəpɑ:t] n. 职能相当的人(或物)

His Colombian counterpart said she did not want to debate the issue through the media.

15. misfortune [misˈfɔ:tʃən] n. 不幸,厄运 These children—and the many adults who endure similar misfortune—are worthy of our

attention, and our charity.

16. tragedy [ˈtrædʒidi] n. 惨案,悲剧 They have suffered an enormous personal tragedy.

17. span [spæn] n. 一段时间;跨度 vt. 持续,贯穿;跨越 His ability to absorb information was astonishing, but his concentration span was short.

His professional career spanned 16 years.

18. slight [slait] a. 轻微的,少量的 vt. 轻蔑,怠慢 They felt slighted by not being adequately consulted.

Doctors say he has made a slight improvement.

19. significant [sigˈnifikənt] a. 相当数量的,显著的;重要的 Most 11-year-olds are not encouraged to develop reading skills; a small but significant

number are illiterate(不识字的).

His most significant political achievement was the abolition(废除) of the death penalty(死刑).

20. for the most part 基本上,通常 Although some elite(精英) designers in large organizations are specialists, for the most

part, designers are generalists.

21. initiate [iˈniʃieit] vt. 创始,发起;使初步了解; 传授 They have decided to initiate legal proceedings(诉讼) against the newspaper.

He initiated her into the study of other cultures.

22. universal [ˌju:niˈvə:səl] a. 普遍的;宇宙的,全世界的 The insurance industry has produced its own proposals for universal health care.

23. radiation [ˌreidiˈeiʃən] n. 辐射(物) They suffer from health problems and fear the long term effects of radiation.

24. take up 开始工作;接受,采用;占据


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He will take up his post as the head of the civil courts at the end of next month.

I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time.

25. spray [sprei] v. 喷,(使)溅散 n. 喷洒的液体,喷雾剂 Confine the use of insecticides(杀虫剂) to the evening and do not spray plants that are in


26. organism [ˈɔ:gənizəm] n. 生物,有机体 Not all chemicals normally present in living organisms are harmless.

27. poison [ˈpɔizən] n. 毒物(药) vt. 毒害;破坏 He swallowed some type of poison.

The rumors that she had poisoned him could never be proved.

The whole atmosphere has really been poisoned.

28. devil [ˈdevəl] n. 魔鬼,恶魔; It sounds like a simple idea, but, as always, the devil is in the details.

29. creation [kriˈeiʃən] n. 创造(物)

For our economy to thrive once again, we must remove these barriers to job creation.

30. diversify [daiˈvə:sifai] v. (使)不同,(使)变得多样化 We need to diversify the economy.

31. hostile [ˈhɔstail] a.反对的; 怀有敌意的,不友善的 Many people felt he would be hostile to the idea of foreign intervention(干涉).

Drinking may make a person feel relaxed and happy, or it may make her hostile, violent, or depressed.

32. give out 散发出;分发 There were people at the entrance giving out leaflets.

33. ingredient  [inˈgri:diənt] n.配料;要素 Investment in new product development is an essential ingredient of corporate success.

34. deliberate [diˈlibəreit] a. 不慌不忙的;故意的 Witnesses say the firing was deliberate and sustained(持久的).

He approached her with slow, deliberate steps.

35. atom [ˈætəm] n. 原子13

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It is comparable in its implications to the discovery of how to split the atom.

36. synthetic [sinˈθetik] a. 合成的;人造的; Boots made from synthetic materials can usually be washed in a machine.

37. implication [ˌimpliˈkeiʃən] n. 含意,暗示;可能的影响或结果 The implication was obvious: vote for us or it will be very embarrassing for you.

The Attorney General was aware of the political implications of his decision to prosecute(起诉).

38. deadly [ˈdedli] a. 致命的 ad. 非常,极度地 He was released on charges of assault with a deadly weapon.

Broadcast news was accurate and reliable but deadly dull.

39. target [ˈtɑ:git] n. (攻击)目标,对象,靶子 vt. 瞄准 The village lies beside a main road, making it an easy target for bandits(土匪).

The campaign will target American insurance companies.

40. be caught up in 卷入,牵扯 By then they may already be caught up in another domestic bind(窘境): looking after

their husband's old parents.

41. immune [iˈmju:n] a. (有)免疫(力)的;不受影响的 Once we’ve had the disease, we’re immune for life.

Higher education is no longer immune to state budget cuts.

42. destructive [diˈstrʌktiv] a. 破坏(性)的,毁灭(性)的 What is good for the individual can be destructive to the family.

43. substance [ˈsʌbstəns] n. 物质;要旨 The substance of his argument was that people on welfare should work.

44. deprive [diˈpraiv] vt. (of)剥夺,使丧失 Democrats are on the side of command-and-control mandates (指令)that deprive

individuals of choice.

45. symbol [ˈsimbəl] n. 符号,标志;象征 The symbol on the packet is a guarantee that the food has been produced organically.

In the dark days after September 11th he became a national symbol of American resolve.


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46. undergo [ˌʌndəˈgəu] vt. 经历,遭受 The country has undergone massive changes recently.

47. spoil [spɔil] vt. 损坏,破坏;溺爱,宠坏 It's important not to let mistakes spoil your life.

Grandparents are often tempted to spoil their grandchildren whenever they come to visit.

48. urgent [ˈə:dʒənt] a. 急迫的,紧要的 Finally, there is also an urgent need to step up support for democracy and elections.

49. widespread [ˈwaidspred] a. 分布广的,普遍的 Some trees were blown down and there was heavy rain, but no widespread damage.

50. withdraw [wiðˈdrɔ:] vt. 收回;退出;撤退 One of the minority parties had withdrawn its support for Chancellor Kohl.

A knee injury forced her to withdraw from the competition.

He stated that all foreign forces would withdraw as soon as the crisis ended.

第 4 周1. messy [ˈmesi] a. 肮脏的;混乱的 He’s just been through a particularly messy divorce.

2. massive [ˈmæsiv] a. 大量的;严重的 There was evidence of massive fraud.

He died six weeks later of a massive heart attack.

3. snack [snæk] n. 快餐,小吃,点心 We live in a world filled with instant gratification(及时满足), from video games to snack


4. parade [pəˈreid] n. 游行,检阅 v. (使)列队行进,(使)游行 A military parade marched slowly and solemnly down Pennsylvania Avenue.


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More than four thousand soldiers, sailors, and airmen paraded down the Champs Elysées.

5. corrupt [kəˈrʌpt] vt. 腐蚀,使堕落 a. 堕落的,腐败的 It is sad to see a man so corrupted by the desire for money and power.

Corrupt states become more powerful because revenues from natural resources flow straight

to them.

6. fascinating [ˈfæsineitiŋ] a. 迷人的,有极大吸引力的 It will be fascinating to see what new discoveries it makes in the coming year.

7. strictly speaking 严格地讲 Strictly speaking , only the designated (指定的)exams officers should have access to the


8. invent [inˈvent] vt. 发明,创造 invention [inˈvenʃən] n. 发明(物)

Take the creative minds they paid for, and allow them invent, not just copy.

The invention of the computer has revolutionized the business world.

9. manufacturer [ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərə] n. 制造商,制造厂 Read the manufacturer’s instructions before using your new dishwasher.

10. to a (very real, certain, etc.) extent 在(极大,某种)程度上 He possessed skill, integrity and courage to an extent not often found in today's journalism.

11. channel [ˈtʃænəl] n. 海峡;渠道; 频道 The U.S. is working through diplomatic channels to find a solution.

The kids are watching cartoons on the Disney Channel.

12. surrender [səˈrendə] v. 投降;放弃 General Martin Bonnet called on the rebels to surrender.

Nadja had to fill out forms surrendering all rights to her property.

13. for effect 为了增强效果,为了引起注意 It never really occurred to me before I saw Superman, and I understand that the film may

have overdramatized things for effect.

14. invade [inˈveid] v. 侵入;vt涌入 The Romans invaded Britain 2,000 years ago.

People invaded the streets in victory processions almost throughout the day.


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15. inhabit [inˈhæbit] vt. (人)居住于,(动物)栖居于 The social network has helped create the buzzing hive(蜂巢) of information that we all


16. theory [ˈθiəri] n. 理论,原理;学说,说法 Marx produced a new theory about historical change based upon conflict between competing


17. resemble [riˈzembəl] vt. 像,与……相似 Some of the commercially produced venison(鹿肉) resembles beef in flavor.

18. systematic [ˌsistiˈmætik] a. 有系统的,系统化的 They went about their business in a systematic way.

19. descend [diˈsend] vi. (from)起源于;下来,下降 The people here are descended from the Vikings.

Things are cooler and more damp as we descend to the cellar.

20. come up with 提出,想出 Engineers will likely have to come up with sophisticated software to bridge that gap.

21. scholar [ˈskɔlə, ˈskɑ-] n. 学者 The library attracts thousands of scholars and researchers.

22. establish [iˈstæbliʃ] vt. 建立,创办;确定,确立 The UN has established detailed criteria for who should be allowed to vote.

Hungary established diplomatic relations with Chile in 1990.

23. drift [drift] vi. 漂流(泊) n. 漂流(物)

You 've been drifting from job to job without any real commitment.

24. climate [ˈklaimit] n. 气候(区);风气,气氛 Small businesses are finding it hard to survive in the present economic climate.

25. phenomenon [fiˈnɔmənən] n. 现象,迹象 Bizarre(奇异的) as that phenomenon may seem in outer space, it's increasingly common

here on earth.

26. tribe [traib] n. 部落 The largest tribe, the Baganda, rallied in a vast throng in January to demand greater



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27. pass (sth.) on to (sth.) 将……传给 These are the messages they will live by and then pass on to their own children.

28. enrich [inˈritʃ] vt. 充实,使丰富;使富裕 It is important to enrich the soil prior to planting.

He will drain, rather than enrich, the country.

29. addition [əˈdiʃən] n. 增加的人(或物) in addition 除……之外(还)

The addition of networking facilities will greatly enhance the system.

The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely available.

30. conquer [ˈkɔŋkə] vt. 攻克,征服 I was certain that love was quite enough to conquer our differences.

31. royal [ˈrɔiəl] a. 王室的,皇家的 It is the first time since 1909 that a town has been granted a royal title.

32. modify [ˈmɔdifai] vt. 修改,更改 The club members did agree to modify their recruitment policy.

33. source [sɔ:s] n. 源(泉),发源地;来源,出处 For me, music is a great source of enjoyment.

The recent name change has been the source of some confusion.

34. out of control 失去控制,不受约束 The animal, described by police as being "out of control", was shot by armed officers.

35. academy [əˈkædəmi] n. 研究院,学会 He trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, and won a scholarship to Liverpool

Playhouse in 1956.

36. put into practice 将……付诸实践 They should be able to put into practice the knowledge, skills and experiences they have


37. liberty [ˈlibəti] n. 自由(权)

Why not say that three convictions before court for stealing cars means three months' loss of liberty.

38. nourish [ˈnʌriʃ] vt. 培育,滋养


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Our mission is to nourish and defend freedom and democracy, and to communicate these ideals everywhere we can.

39. shoot [ʃu:t] n. 嫩芽 Tender green shoots will appear in February.

40. spring up 涌现 The sheer variety of companies that spring up in Silicon Valley gives the place a better

chance of survival.

41. preserve [priˈzə:v] n. 独占的地区或范围;禁猎地 vt. 保护,维持;保存 The civil service became the preserve of the educated middle class.

Norma tried to preserve a normal family life in difficult circumstances.

41. statement [ˈsteitmənt] n. 陈述,声明 In an official statement, she formally announced her resignation.

42. rate [reit] n. 速度,比率 vt. 定级,评估 Immediately his heart rate increased.

Of all the men in the survey, they rate themselves the least fun-loving and the most


43. section [ˈsekʃən] n. 部分 He said it was wrong to single out any section of society for AIDS testing.

44. efficient [iˈfiʃənt] a. 效率高的, 有能力的 Such a rule is not likely to improve private investment decision-making or promote more

efficient markets.

45. outlook [ˈautluk] n. 观点;态度;展望,前景 Exercise will improve your looks and your outlook.

The economic outlook is one of rising unemployment.

46. provided [prəˈvaidid] conj. 假如,若是 There can be benefits to U.S. consumers provided that consumers have the financial

resources to buy the Chinese products.

47. relate [riˈleit] vi./vt. (把…)联系起来 19

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I don't think he understood the dynamics of how the police and the city administration relate.

The report seeks to relate the rise in crime to an increase in unemployment.

48. crime [kraim] n. 犯罪,罪行 He insisted that he had not committed any crime.

49. financial [faiˈnænʃəl] a. 财政的,金融的 It was a wonderful film, but not exactly a financial success.

50. grant [ɡrɑ:nt] vt. 准予;授予 n. 拨款,授予物 Single parents tend to grant more independence to their children than other parents do.

They 'd got a special grant to encourage research.

(1-40来自 Book 2 Unit 7 Text A ; P.S.:本单元 tolerance, necessity, core, arouse, mystery, influence, alternative 等之前出现过,故本周单词并未单独列出,但也要求学生重点掌握。)

第 5 周1. gap [gæp] n. 差异;缺口 Apple, like many companies in the PC industry, was seeking to create a product that filled

this gap.

2. rely on 依赖,依靠 We identified four key ingredients for successful collaboration, and they all rely on human


3. define [diˈfain] vt. 给…下定义 The Convention Against Torture defines torture as any act that inflicts(造成) severe pain

or suffering, physical or mental.

4. apart from 除……之外 Since then, apart from a slight upturn(情况好转) in the late 1990s, the fund has steadily


5. spur [spə:] vt. 激励,促进 ;使发生 n. 刺激(物),激励 Their attitude, rather than reining him back, only seemed to spur Philip on.

We would often decide what to play on the spur of the moment.

6. automobile [ˈɔ:təməubi:l] n. 汽车20

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More than any other product, the automobile has been conceived(构思) and named to evoke the future.

7. era [ˈiərə] n. 时代,纪元 It was the era of Wall Street, the "big bang" in the City and rocketing house prices.

8. distinctly [diˈstiŋktli] ad. 清楚地,明晰地 Italian architects gave St Petersburg its distinctive look, but its flavor is distinctly Russian.

9. popularity [ˌpɔpjuˈlæriti] n. 普及;流行;名望 And despite mounting popularity, Kalwill thinks the biking culture has yet to transition from

trendy to mainstream.

10. trend [trend] n. 趋向,趋势,倾向;时新款式,时尚 A disturbing trend is that victims of violence are getting younger.

11. impact [ˈimpækt] n. /v. 影响,作用;冲击 They say they expect the meeting to have a marked impact on the future of the country.

The Food Safety Act will progressively impact on the way food businesses operate.

The force of the impact knocked the breath out of her.

12. mobile [ˈməubail] a.可移动的;流动性的 Another 15% do have old-fashioned phones but still do most of their calling on mobile


We are a very mobile society and can't resist trying to take everything with us.

13. minus [ˈmainəs] n. 减号;缺点 prep. 减去 There are both pluses and minuses to living in a big city.

The payment will be refunded to you minus a small service charge.

14. zone [zəun] n. 地区,区域 Many people have stayed behind in the potential war zone.

15. gulf [gʌlf] n. 海湾;隔阂,鸿沟 Hurricane Andrew was last night heading into the Gulf of Mexico.

Within society, there is a growing gulf between rich and poor.

16. opportunity [ˌɔpəˈtju:niti] n. 机会,时机 We will record this information in our database and contact you if and when a suitable

opportunity arises.

17. dynamic [daiˈnæmik] a. 有活力的;动力的 n. 动态;动力,活力21

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South Asia continues to be the most dynamic economic region in the world.

What is needed is insight into the dynamics of the social system.

18. prompt [prɔmpt] vt. 推动;促使(某人做某事) a. 及时的 The decision prompted an outcry(强烈抗议) among prominent US campaigners.

Prompt action must be taken.

19. interview [ˈintəvju:] n. / vt. 面试;采访;面试 He also had the only one-on-one interview with President Clinton during his historic 2000

trip to Vietnam.

They paid him to interview elders and hunters about how this part of Alaska was changing.

20. version [ˈvə:ʃən, ˈvə:rʒən] n. 版本;译本;说法 Ludo is a version of an ancient Indian racing game.

Some former hostages contradicted the official version of events.

21. keep…at bay 不让……接近,防范 More recently, Acer has nurtured a relationship with Google to keep Microsoft at bay.

22. be aware of 知道,明白 Businesses need to be aware of how these models can fit into their strategies.

23. remark [riˈmɑ:k] v. 评论;发表意见 n. 评论 On several occasions she had remarked on the boy's improvement.

Unfortunately, a local journalist overheard the remark.

24. enforce [inˈfɔ:s] vt. 施行;强制执行 Boulder was one of the first cities in the nation to enforce a ban on smoking.

They struggled to limit the cost by enforcing a low-tech specification.

25. be up to 忙于,正在做 It would be up to Wales and Northern Ireland to decide whether to follow suit.

26. dumb [dʌm] a. 哑的,说不出话的;愚蠢的 We were all struck dumb for a minute.

The questions were set up to make her look dumb.

27. consist [kənˈsist] vi. 组成,构成 consist of 由……组成 Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own.

My diet consisted almost exclusively of chocolate-covered cookies and glasses of milk.


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28. typical [ˈtipikəl] a. 典型的,有代表性的;一贯的 Cheney is everyone's image of a typical cop: a big white guy, six feet, 220 pounds. She threw her hands into the air. "That is just typical of you, isn't it?"

29. fade [feid] vi. 褪色,变黯淡;逐渐消失 The sun had faded the curtains.

Hopes of a peace settlement are beginning to fade.

30. suspense [səˈspens] n. 悬念,悬而未决,不确定 She couldn’t bear the suspense a moment longer.

Keppler kept all his men in suspense until that morning before announcing which two would be going.

31. bet [bet] vt. 打赌;确信 n.打赌 A few of us had a bet on who’d get married first.

Jockeys are forbidden to bet on the outcome of races.

32. glorious [ˈglɔ:riəs] a. 极好的;光荣的;壮丽的 The win revived glorious memories of his championship-winning days.

She had missed the glorious blooms of the desert spring.

33. hand down 把……传下去 The idea of handing down his knowledge from generation to generation is important to


34. at any rate 无论如何,不管怎样 At any rate , Kashmiris have seen few benefits from the confidence-building process

between India and Pakistan.

35. welfare [ˈwelfeə] n. 福利;幸福 States such as Michigan are making deep cuts in welfare.

I do not think he is considering Emma's welfare.

36. narrow down 缩小……的范围 Fodor's 80 Degrees Beach Finder tool can help narrow down the options by location, type

and price point.

37. exhaust [igˈzɔ:st] vt. 使精疲力尽;耗尽,用完 He’d exhausted himself carrying all the boxes upstairs.

We have exhausted all our material resources.


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38. repeatedly [riˈpi:tidli] ad. 一再,再三,反复地 Iran has repeatedly accused Israel and the US of carrying out covert (隐秘的)intelligence


39. come over (某种感觉)突然影响(某人)

As I entered the hallway which led to my room, that weird feeling came over me.

40. scheme [ski:m] n. 计划,方案;阴谋 v. 密谋,策划 The pilot scheme proved to be a great success.

Everyone's always scheming and plotting.

41. frank [fræŋk] a. 坦白的,直率的 He was completely frank with her about what happened.

42. interference [ˌintəˈfiərəns] n. 干涉,介入;阻碍,干扰 Airlines will be able to set cheap fares without further interference from the government.

China's stance(立场) is consistent with its policy of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs.

43. constant [ˈkɔnstənt] a. 持续的,不变的 Amy lived in constant fear of being attacked.

44. patience [ˈpeiʃəns] n. 忍耐,耐心 He tended to stutter(结巴) whenever he spoke to her, which tried her patience.

45. proof [pru:f] n. 证据,证明 You have to have proof of residence in the state of Texas, such as a Texas ID card.

46. talent [ˈtælənt] n. 才能,天资;人才 To survive and succeed will require lots of talent, lots of acquisitions and lots more money.

Of the myriad disadvantages small companies face, retaining talent is one of the biggest.

47. twist [twist] v. 转动;扭曲;扭伤 Her hands began to twist the handles of the bag she carried.

Sophia's face twisted in confusion.

He fell and twisted his ankle.

48. over and over 一再地;多次 That has been proven over and over, in America and around the world, for decades.

49. junior [ˈdʒu:niə] a. 年少的;资历较浅的,地位较低的 n. 较年幼者24

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A handful of junior officers were made to bear responsibility for the incident.

She now lives with actor Denis Lawson, 10 years her junior.

50. angel [ˈeindʒəl] n. 天使;可爱的人 The artist usually painted his angels with multi-coloured wings.

第 6 周1. fascinate [ˈfæsineit] vt. 强烈地吸引,迷住 What began as a sense of curiosity, however, is now nothing short of mystery: My students

fascinate me.

2. furnish [ˈfə:niʃ] vt. 布置,配备家具;供应,装备 Many proprietors(业主) try to furnish their hotels with antiques.

They'll be able to furnish you with the rest of the details.

3. obey [əˈbei] v. 服从,听从 Officials, on the other hand, say they have to obey the law to ensure public safety.

4. obedient  [əˈbi:djənt] a. 服从的,顺从的 He was very respectful at home and obedient to his parents.

5. fault [fɔ:lt] n. 缺点;错误,过错;故障 vt. 挑剔,指责 There was no escaping the fact: it was all his fault.

It sounds as if there’s a fault in one of the loudspeakers.

You might not like O’Donnel’s pride, but it’s hard to fault what he does on the field.

6. tone [təun] n. 语气,强调 It was obvious from her tone of voice that she didn’t like me.

7. stretch [stretʃ] v. 伸展,拉长; vi. 延伸 Try stretching your legs and pulling your toes upwards.

The procession(队伍) stretched for several miles.

8. take in 接收,得到 Lesley explains possible treatments but you can tell she's not taking it in.

9. spit [spit] vt. 吐出 Billy stood up slowly, rubbed his jaw, and spat blood.


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10. critic [ˈkritik] n. 批评家,评论家 The newspaper has been one of the most consistent critics ever of the government.

11. heighten [ˈhaitn] v. (使)提高,加强 The case has heightened public awareness of the problem of sexual harassment.

12. feast [fi:st] n. 盛宴;节日 The king promised to hold a great feast for all his people.

13. historical [hisˈtɔrikəl] a. 历史(上)的,史学的 In the 23 years since he founded the company, he has bought and sold historical documents.

14. force [fɔ:s] n. [ pl.]军队;暴力 vt. 强迫 The police used force to overpower the demonstrators.

They were grabbed by three men who appeared to force them into a car.

15. fortune [ˈfɔːtʃən] n. (大量)财产,大笔的钱;运气,命运 He made a fortune selling property in Spain.

Sickness or ill fortune could reduce you to a needy situation.

16. unemployment [ˌʌnimˈplɔimənt] n. 失业;失业救济金 The state's unemployment rate rose slightly to 7.1 percent last month.

He worked most of the year. Now he's getting unemployment.

17. flee [fli:] vi. 逃走,逃离 Masaari spent six months in prison before fleeing the country.

18. gym [dʒim] n. 健身房,体育馆 I try and work out at the local gym once a week.

19. set apart 使分离,使分开 Your brand should be able to set you apart, as should your client experience.

20. appointment [əˈpɔintmənt] n. 约会,约定;委任 All consultations are by appointment only. 

His appointment to the cabinet would please the right wing.

21. tune [tju:n, tu:n] n. 曲子,曲调 She was humming(哼唱) a merry little tune.

22. nothing more than 仅仅,不多于,不强于26

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The case for class warfare boils down to(归结为) nothing more than envy and resentment.

23. dependable [diˈpendəbəl] a. 可依赖的 That being said, it is one of the more dependable, consistent breaks on the North Shore.

24. exceptionally [ikˈsepʃənəli] ad. 罕见地,非凡地 exceptional a. 罕见的,非法的 This trend is likely to continue because the number of exceptionally wealthy individuals is

increasing arithmetically.

The prize is awarded for "exceptional achievements in the creation and advancement of music".

25. cherish [ˈtʃeriʃ] vt. 珍爱;爱护 The president will cherish the memory of this visit to Ohio.

He genuinely loved and cherished her.

26. poetry [ˈpəuitri] n. (总称)诗,诗歌;诗意,诗情 The way she moves on the court is sheer poetry.

27. fabricate [ˈfæbrikeit] vt. 捏造,虚构 The police were accused of fabricating evidence.

28. well-off 富裕的,有钱的 All they do is to allow folks who are already well-off and well-connected game the system.

29. pursuit [pəˈsju:t] n. 追求,寻求 Here is a guide to determining the right spending rate in pursuit of growth.

30. out of place 不自在,格格不入 He wore a ski mask and a black T-shirt, but the blue hiking shorts seemed out of place.

31. nightmare [ˈnaitmeə] n. 恶梦 With the market value dropping sharply, he argued, mark-to-market accounting turned AIG's

balance sheet into a nightmare.

32. crawl [krɔ:l] vi. 爬行,缓慢移动 n. 缓慢行动 But at times, instead of moving at warp speeds(快速), cyberspace still slows to a crawl.

But their growth has slowed to a crawl in the wake of the recession.

33. conversely [ˈkɔnvə:sli] ad. 相反(地)

Conversely , lower tax rates can result in lower revenues, but can also lead to increased revenues.


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34. jar [dʒɑ:] v. (使)感到不快,使震惊 n. 罐子 The screaming was starting to jar on my nerves.

35. suck [sʌk] v. 吸,吮 be sucked in/into(身不由己地)卷入 Your aging parent(s) have the potential to  suck  you into a financial hole but you avoid

having an open, non-confrontational discussion to address these issues. 

36. angle [ˈæŋgəl] n. 角,角度;观点,立场 We’re approaching the issue from many different angles.

37. in sight 可看到的;临近 Worst of all, there is little hope in sight to deal with this tragic situation.

38. temper [ˈtempə] n. 脾气,情绪,心情 bad-tempered 脾气坏的,易怒的 It’s no use talking to him when he’s in a temper.

The project looks less like a marriage and more like a bad-tempered game of chess.

39. sensitive [ˈsensitiv] a. 敏感的; 能理解的 Young people are very sensitive about their appearance.

It’s made me much more sensitive to the needs of the disabled.

40. cue [kju:] n. 暗示,提示 Perhaps they should have taken a cue from Greenwood and given CEO Waksal a time-out.

41. dated [ˈdeitid] a. 过时的 Many of his ideas have value, but some are dated and others are plain wrong.

42. shortly after ……之后不久 The offer came shortly after the Islamists group's sweeping victory in Palestinian

Parliamentary Polls last January.

43. seemingly [ˈsi:miŋli] ad. 表面上,看上去 The sunlight is stitching in and out of clouds, seemingly determined to hold its own.

44. memorable [ˈmemərəbəl] a. 难忘的,值得纪念的 Each had a unique smell, sound or visual impact that was genuine and memorable.

45. focus [ˈfəukəs] v. (on)集中注意力于 n. 重点,焦点 The research effort has focused on tracing the effects of growing levels of five compounds.

He said his sudden focus on foreign policy was not motivated by presidential politics.

46. duplicate [ˈdju:plikit] n. 复制品 a. 复制的 vt. 复制28

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The tight race is almost a duplicate of the elections in Georgia and South Dakota last month..

He let himself in with a duplicate key.

His task will be to duplicate his success overseas here at home.

47. linger [ˈliŋgə] vi. 逗留;磨蹭,拖延;长时间持续 They lingered over coffee and missed the last bus.

He was ashamed. That feeling lingered, and he was never comfortable in church after that.

48. countless [ˈkauntlis] a. 无数的 She brought joy to countless people through her music.

49. thankful [ˈθæŋkfəl] a. 感激的;庆幸的 I’ll be thankful for a good night’s sleep after the week I’ve had.

50. tangible [ˈtændʒəbəl] a. 可触摸的,有形的;清晰明确的 The silence of the countryside was almost tangible.

There should be some tangible evidence that the economy is starting to recover.

第 7 周1. arise [əˈraiz] vi. 产生,发生 More problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to arise.

Can we begin by discussing matters arising from the last meeting?

2. attraction [əˈtrækʃən] n. 吸引力, 诱惑力 Our level of attraction to the opposite sex has more to do with our inner confidence than

how we look.

3. awfully [ˈɔ:flɪ] ad. 非常,十分 It seems awfully sudden, even a misfortune, to realize that it's time to leave.

4. congress [ˈkɔŋgres] n. 国会,议会 Day by day, Congress is asking more questions about the bailout(紧急财政救助) of the

financial industry.

5. constitution [ˌkɔnstiˈtju:ʃən] n. 宪法,章程 European leaders could do worse than study our Constitution, particularly the provision(条款) for the Senate.

6. consumption [kənˈsʌmpʃən] n. 消耗,消费 consume vt.消耗;吃完,喝光 29

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The laws have led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the U.S.

They were prepared to put people out of work and reduce consumption by strangling(抑制) the whole economy.

Some of the most efficient refrigerators consume 70 percent less electricity than traditional models.

Martha would consume nearly a pound of cheese per day.

7. contract [ˈkɔntrækt] n. 合同 The firm operates schools under contract to state education authorities.

8. definite [ˈdefinit] a. 明确的;一定的;肯定的 It's too soon to give a definite answer.

Mary is very definite about this.

9. depart [diˈpɑ:t] vi. 离开;背离 departure [diˈpɑ:tʃə] n. 离开;背离,违背 Flight 43 will depart from Denver at 11:45 a.m. and arrive in Honolulu at 4:12 p.m.

Why is it in this country that we have departed from good educational sense?

They hoped this would lead to the departure of all foreign forces from the country.

Such a move would have been a startling departure from tradition.

10. deposit [diˈpɔzit] n. 定金,押金;存款;沉积物 The initial deposit required to open an account is a minimum 100 dollars. 

She told me I should make a deposit every week.

11. disguise [disˈgaiz] vt . 假扮,化装;掩盖,掩饰 He escaped across the border disguised as a priest.

Try as he might, Dan couldn’t disguise his feelings for Katie.

12. distinct [disˈtiŋkt] a. 清楚的,显著的,不同的 Engineering and technology are disciplines distinct from one another and from science.

13. disturb [disˈtə:b] vt. 打扰,妨碍;使不安,使烦恼 Sorry to disturb you, but I have an urgent message.

I dream about him, dreams so vivid that they disturb me for days.

14. divorce [diˈvɔ:s] n. 离婚 v. 离婚 One in three marriages ends in divorce.

I am absolutely angry that he divorced me to marry her.


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15. domestic [dəˈmestik] a. 国内的;家庭的 Out of those 70% were domestic visitors and 30% were from overseas, the report said.

It was a scene of such domestic bliss (幸福).

16. doubtful [ˈdautful] a.不确定的, 怀疑的 It was doubtful whether the patient would survive the operation.

17. elaborate [iˈlæbəreit] a. 详尽的,精心计划的;华丽的,精美的 Specifically, Leader McConnell has laid out an elaborate plan to raise the debt limit.

All of this makes the area much more elaborate and glamorous(富有魅力的) than it used to be.

18. enthusiastic [inˌθju:ziˈæstik] a. 满腔热情的;极感兴趣的 The local Cantonese are perhaps the most enthusiastic consumers of fish anywhere in the


19. evolution [ˌi:vəˈlu:ʃən] n. 进化;发展,演变 For him, the process of evolution involved new species gaining ground and others losing out.

The evolution of ideas began soon after Spanish colonizers arrived in the 16th Century.

20. experimental [iksˌperiˈmentəl] a. 实验(性)的,试验(性)的 So far, researchers have developed about 60 experimental wheat varieties with multiple low-

resistance genes.

21. generate [ˈdʒenəreit] vt. 生成,产生 The labor secretary said the reforms would generate new jobs.

22. generous [ˈdʒenərəs] a. 慷慨的, 大方的; 大量的 Dietler is generous with his time and money.

He should be able to keep his room tidy with the generous amount of storage space.

23. gesture [ˈdʒestʃə] n. 手势;姿势 Sarah made a menacing(威胁的) gesture with her fist.

He questioned the government's commitment to peace and called on it to make a gesture of good will.

24. guideline [ˈgaidlain] n. 指导方针,准则 The government should issue clear guidelines on the content of religious education.

25. endure [inˈdjuə] vt. 忍受,容忍;持续存在 The company endured heavy financial losses.


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Somehow the language endures and continues to survive.

26. liquid [ˈlikwid] n. 液体;a. 液体的,液态的 Boil for 20 minutes until the liquid has reduced by half.

27. maintenance [ˈmeintinəns] n. 维修,保养;维持,保持 The theatres were closed on Saturday and Sunday for routine maintenance.

The maintenance of a firm currency plays an important part in the battle against inflation.

28. mask [mɑ:sk] n. 面具,口罩;vt. 掩饰,遮盖 He was attacked and robbed by two people wearing masks.

Men often mask their true feelings with humor. 

29. modest [ˈmɔdist] a. 谦虚的;适中的,适度的;较小的 He was always modest about his role in the Qomolangma expedition(探险).

But a modest transformation of the way you look at your enterprise or organization offers extraordinary advantages.

There are several dozen colonial houses to choose from, ranging from modest to lavish(奢华的).

30. normally [ˈnɔ:məli] ad. 通常,正常地 When disruption(破坏) happens, they deserve clear information and a quick response to

get trains running normally.

31. occasional [əˈkeiʒənəl] a. 偶尔的,间或发生的 I've had occasional mild headaches all my life.

32. occupation [ˌɔkjuˈpeiʃən] n. 工作,职业;占领 I suppose I was looking for an occupation which was going to be an adventure.

The area is under occupation.

33. output [ˈautput] n. 产量;输出 Government statistics show the largest drop in industrial output for ten years.

34. painful [ˈpeinful] a. 痛苦的 Change is sudden and painful, and the fixes take far longer than did the breakdown.

35. perceive [pəˈsi:v] vt. 感知,察觉;认识到,意识到 Often what is perceived to be invasion is simply fear.

He perceived that there was no other way out of the crisis.


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36. penalty [ˈpenəlti] n. 处罚,惩罚;罚金 Withdrawing the money early will result in a 10% penalty.

37. philosophy [fiˈlɔsəfi] n. 哲学,哲理 The best philosophy is to change your food habits to a low-sugar diet.

38. possess [pəˈzes] vt. 占有,拥有 Campbell was found guilty of possessing heroin.

39. prevail [priˈveil] vi. 流行,盛行;占上风 I admired the creativity which prevailed among the young writers.

He considered lying, but then common sense prevailed.

40. psychological [ˌsaikəˈlɔdʒikəl] a. 心理(学)的 Although donation is generally safe and painless, the chief barriers are psychological and


41. permission  [pəˈmiʃən] n. 允许,许可 They cannot leave the country without permission.

42. quote [kwəut] vt. 引用,援引;引文 He quoted Mr. Polay as saying that peace negotiations were already underway.

The paper starts its editorial comment with a quote from an unnamed member of the House.

43. recreation [ˌrekriˈeiʃn] n. 娱乐活动,消遣 Saturday afternoon is for recreation and outings.

44. profit [ˈprɔfit] n. 利润,益处 vt. 有益于,有利于 vi. 得益 She sold the business and bought a farm with the profits.

He has profited by selling his holdings (所持股份)to other investors.

Jennifer wasn't yet totally convinced that she'd profit from a more relaxed lifestyle.

45. reaction [riˈækʃən] n. 反应,反作用 Ozone is produced by the reaction between oxygen and ultraviolet(紫外线) light.

All new fashion starts out as a reaction against existing convention.

46. reality [riˈæliti] n. 现实,实际;真实 TV is used as an escape from reality.

Fiction and reality were increasingly blurred(使模糊不清). 


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47. remarkable [riˈmɑ:kəbl] a. 异常的;引人注目的,不寻常的 It is remarkable that women did not have the vote until that time.

48. remote [riˈməut] a. 遥远的,偏僻的;疏远的,微少的 Landslides have cut off many villages in remote areas.

There’s a remote chance that you can catch him before he leaves.

49. reverse [riˈvə:s] v. (使)反转;(使)翻转 a. 相反的,颠倒的 They have made it clear they will not reverse the decision to increase prices.

The wrong attitude will have exactly the reverse effect.

50. specialize [ˈspeʃəlaiz] vi. 专门研究,专攻 It may also mean that you hire freelance people who specialize in specific tasks.

第 8 周1. on the latch 门关着但没上锁 You can walk in because the door is on the latch.

2. allowance [əˈlauəns] n. 津贴,补贴,零用钱 Sales staffs get a generous mileage allowance (以里程计算的差旅费)or a company car.

His father gives him a monthly allowance of £200.

3. close up (尤指暂时)关闭 That's a strange metaphor - their eyes would glaze over and their ears would close up.

4. rural [ˈruərəl] a. 农村的 These plants have a tendency to grow in the more rural areas.

5. unlock [ʌnˈlɔk] vt. 开锁;揭开 He unlocked the car and threw the coat on to the back seat.

The point of the competition is to encourage all people to unlock their hidden potential.

6. suburb [ˈsʌbə:b] n. 市郊,郊区 His family lived in the suburbs.

7. vulnerable [ˈvʌlnərəbəl] a. 易受攻击的;脆弱的 People with high blood pressure are especially vulnerable to diabetes.

We work mainly with the elderly and other vulnerable groups.


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8. urban [ˈə:bən] a. 城市的 We help people understand how we still maintain our cultural rituals living in urban society.

9. statistics [stəˈtistiks] n. 统计,统计资料;统计学 The science of statistics tells us that positive correlations(正相关性) range from 0.0 to


10. dramatically [drəˈmætikli] a. 戏剧性地;显著地 The cheap natural gas has pulled the price of coal down, though less dramatically.

11. system [ˈsistəm] n. 系统;体系,体制;制度 Viruses tend to be good at surviving when a computer system crashes.

The present system of funding for higher education is unsatisfactory.

12. hook up to 连接到 The phone can hook up to a 3-D TV with a cable to display media on the big screen.

13. elegant [ˈeligənt] a. 优雅的,高雅的 Patricia looked beautiful and elegant as always.

14. build in 使成为…一部分 Is there a way to build in good career habits in 5 minutes a day?

15. paste [peist] n. 糊,浆糊 vt. 粘,贴 Mix the powder with enough water to make a smooth paste.

Type or cut and paste in the URLs of your favorite blogs and news sites.

16. premise [ˈpremis] n.[pl.] 房屋和地基,经营场址;前提 Schools may earn extra money by renting out their premises.

The premise is that schools will work harder to improve if they must compete.

17. feature [ˈfi:tʃə] vt. 给……以显著地位,突出;由…..主演 n. 特征 The exhibition features paintings by Picasso.

It's a great film and it features a Spanish actor who is going to be a world star within a year.

Patriotic songs have long been a feature of Kuwaiti life.

18. chart [tʃɑ:t] n. 图,表 As the chart below shows, dividend income(股利收益) is alive and well in emerging


19. atmosphere [ˈætməsfiə] n. 大气,大气层;气氛35

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The shuttle Columbia will re-enter Earth's atmosphere tomorrow morning.

There's still an atmosphere of great hostility and tension in the city.

20. transformation [ˌtrænsfəˈmeiʃən] n. 转化;转变 In recent years, the movie industry has undergone a dramatic transformation.

21. put up 建造,设置 Protesters have been putting up barricades(路障) across a number of major intersections. 

22. wander [ˈwɔndə] vi. 漫游,闲逛 He was found wandering the streets of New York.

23. threaten [ˈθretn] vt. 威胁;恐吓 He said army officers had threatened to destroy the town.

The incident threatens to ruin his chances in the election.

24. sophisticated [səˈfistikeitid] a. 世故的,老练的;精密的,复杂的 Honeybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect.

British voters have become much more sophisticated.

25. terrorist [ˈterərist] n. 恐怖分子 One American was killed and three were wounded in terrorist attacks

26. terror [ˈterə] n. 恐怖,恐惧;恐怖的事 People fled in terror as fire tore through the building.

As a boy, he had a real terror of facing people.

27. without so much as 甚至连……都没…… Often without so much as a farewell phone call to his family, he is then hanged.

28. sideways [ˈsaidweiz] ad./a. 斜着(的);斜向一边(的) If the valuation judgments are right, you should make money whether the market goes up,

down or sideways.

The Spyder Trust ( SPY) moved sideways for the following three weeks before it dropped sharply.

29. stand for 代表;表示,象征 The party is trying to give the impression that it alone stands for democracy.

Tea Party Patriots stand for three things: fiscal (财务的)responsibility, free markets, and constitutional integrity.


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30. be bathed in 沉浸于,沐浴于 The whole place tends to be bathed in red, yellow or blue color filters, which can get a little


31. analyze [ˈænəlaiz] vt. 分析;解析;研究 The service also includes a variety of tools to help users analyze the data.

It is difficult to analyze at this point the exact impact of those cuts.

32. with/ by a small/ large margin 小/大幅度地 The machines are supposed to tell the businessman, with a small margin of error, whether

his friend or client is telling lies.

33. error [ˈerə] n. 错误,差错 The plane was shot down in error by a NATO missile.

I wanted an opportunity to talk some sense into him and try to make him see the error of his ways.

34. client [ˈklaiənt] n. 委托人,当事人,顾客 Goldman insists it can avoid client conflicts by working with financial sponsors instead of

bidding against them.

They will also arrange free drinks for the bar if a client is visiting.

35. secure [siˈkjuə] a. 安全的;牢固的; vt. 得到 We want a secure future for our children.

In the last year, only three children under the age of 14 have had to be placed in secure accommodation(膳宿).

Negotiators are still working to secure the hostages’ release.

36. civilize [ˈsivilaiz] vt. 使文明,使开化 The missionaries(传教士) went out to civilize other places.

37. reflection [riˈflekʃən] n.思考;反映 After days of reflection she decided to write back.

Inhibition(压抑) in adulthood seems to be a reflection of a person's experiences as a child.

38. outsmart [autˈsmɑːt] vt. 比……精明;智胜 Troy was very wise for his age and had already figured out ways to outsmart her.

39. legacy [ˈlegəsi] n. 遗产;遗留问题 You could make a real difference to someone's life by leaving them a generous legacy.


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The invasion left a legacy of hatred and fear.

40. look back on 回顾 As I look back on these initiatives, I note that at least half have failed.

41. perception [pəˈsepʃən] n. 感知(能力);觉察(力);认识,观念 He is interested in our perceptions of how death affects the way we live.

It did not require a lot of perception to realize the interview was over.

42. coach [kəutʃ] n. 教练 Tony Woodcock has joined the team as coach.

43. grace [ˈgreis] n. 优美(雅)

He moved with the grace of a trained boxer.

44. excitement [ikˈsaitmənt] n. 刺激,激动 Everyone is in a state of great excitement.

45. coincide [ˌkəuinˈsaid] vi. 同时发生;一致 coincide with 与……一致,与…..同时发生 His entry to the party coincided with his marriage.

The interests of the US and those of the islanders may not coincide. 

46. alternate [ɔ:lˈtə:nət, ˈɔ:ltə:neit] a. 交替的,轮流 vt. (使)轮流 Arrange the leeks and noodles in alternate layers.

She alternated between anger and sympathy.

47. persist [pəˈsist] vi. 坚持,固执;继续存在 He urged the United States to persist with its efforts to bring about peace.

Contact your doctor if the cough persists.

48. interaction [ˌintəˈrækʃən] n. 相互作用,相互影响,互动 Price is determined through the interaction of demand and supply.

49. vain [vein] a. 自负的,虚荣的;徒劳的,无效的 He wasn't so vain as to think he was smarter than his boss.

The drafting committee worked through the night in a vain attempt to finish on schedule.

50. motion [ˈməuʃən] n. (物体)运动;动作 One group of muscles sets the next group in motion.

(1-40 来自 Book 3 Unit 3 Text A)


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第 9 周1. salary [ˈsæləri] n. 薪金,薪水 The lawyer was paid a huge salary.

2. satisfactory [ˌsætisˈfæktəri] a. 令人满意的 satisfy vt. 满足,(使)满意 There seems to be no satisfactory explanation.

The executive committee recommends that the procedures should satisfy certain basic requirements.

Nothing I did would ever satisfy my father.

3. extinct [ikˈstiŋkt] a. 灭绝的;熄灭的,不再活跃的 At the current rate of decline, many of the rain forest animals could become extinct in less

than 10 years.

Herbalism(草药学) had become an all but extinct skill in the Western world.

4. personality [ˌpə:səˈnæliti] n. 人格,个性;人物,名人 The contest was as much about personalities as it was about politics.

5. extinguish [ikˈstiŋgwiʃ] vt. 熄灭,扑灭;使消亡,使破灭 It took about 50 minutes to extinguish the fire.

All hope was almost extinguished.

6. take … into consideration/account 将……考虑在内 This seems to be a logical but unforeseen(无法预料的) solution that every lender should

take into consideration.

7. proportion [prəˈpɔ:ʃən] n. 比例;部分 A large proportion of the dolphins in that area will eventually die.

The proportion of women in the profession had risen to 17.3%.

8. look forward to 期望 We look forward to working together with the Rixty team to capitalize(利用) on this

tremendous opportunity.

9. protective [prəˈtektiv] a. 保护的,防护的 Protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin.

He is very protective toward his mother.


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10. radiate [ˈreidieit] v. 发出(光或热),辐射;散发,流露 Many kinds of woodland can be seen on the various walks which radiate from the Heritage


She radiates happiness and health.

11. random[ˈrændəm] a. 任意的,随机的 The survey used a random sample of two thousand people across the Midwest.

We received several answers, and we picked one at random .

12. triumph [ˈtraiəmf] n. 胜利,成功;喜悦 vi. 获胜,成功 Some wag(说笑打趣的人) once said that a second marriage is the triumph of hope over


The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games were recognized around the world as a sporting triumph.

Not surprisingly, the famously competitive Jordan believes his team would triumph over the

2012 one.

13. turbulent [ˈtə:bjulənt] a. 动荡的,混乱的 Especially in these turbulent economic times, exploitation involving wills, trusts and estates

is all too common.

14. provision [prəˈviʒən] n. 供应,提供 The department is responsible for the provision of residential care services.

15. scar [skɑ:] n. 伤疤(痕);创伤 v. 留下伤痕(或创伤)

He had a long, curved scar on his right cheek.

She was scarred by her father’s suicide.

16. scene [si:n] n. (戏剧的)一场,(电影/视的)一个镜头;场面;景色 The film contains some violent scenes.

There were emotional scenes as the refugees enjoyed their first breath of freedom.

17. explanation [ˌekspləˈneiʃən] n. 解释,说明,阐述 She told the court she would give a full explanation of the prosecution's decision on


18. exploit  [ˈeksplɔit] vt. 剥削;利用,开发 Critics claim he exploited black musicians for personal gain.

The government and its opponents compete to exploit the troubles to their advantage.


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19. draw one’s attention 吸引某人的注意 Some wages are so low that workers are committing suicide to draw attention to their


20. reduction [riˈdʌkʃən] n. 减少,缩小;下降,降低 The company promised they would make no staff reductions for at least two years.

21. selection [siˈlekʃən] n. 选择,挑选 Dr. Sullivan's selection to head the Department of Health was greeted with satisfaction.

22. preliminary [priˈliminəri] a. 预备的,初步的 Preliminary results show the Republican Party with 11 percent of the vote.

23. entitle [inˈtaitl] vt. 给…权利,给…资格;给(书等)题名 Violation of your privacy in the form of data breach(数据外泄) alone does not entitle you

to reimbursement(赔偿).

A performance entitled "United States" will be on tonight.

24. setting [ˈsetiŋ] n. 环境;场景,背景 Rome is the perfect setting for romance.

London was used by Dickens as the setting for 'Oliver Twist'.

25. receipt [riˈsi:t] n. 发票,收据 If at all possible, getting a written record of the transaction or receipt is encouraged

26. recession [riˈseʃən] n. (经济的)衰退,衰退期 The recession has caused thousands of bankruptcy.

27. shrink [ʃriŋk] vt.& vi. 收缩;退缩 Will this woolen sweater shrink when washed?

He is decisive and won't shrink from a fight.

28. sightseeing [ˈsaitˌsi:ɪŋ] n. 观光,游览 I spent most of my time in sightseeing.

29. engage [inˈgeidʒ] vt. 使忙碌,使从事于;使订婚 vi. (in)从事于 engagement n.

I have never engaged in drug trafficking(贩毒).

They have been engaged for a year.

30. learn ... by heart 记住41

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I want you to learn the lesson by heart.

31. ponder [ˈpɔndə] v. 思索,沉思 You should pause and ponder now.

32. so-called [ˈsəʊˈkɔ:ld] a. 所谓的,号称...的 There is no so-called "recipe(处方) for success".

33. economic [ˌi:kəˈnɔmik] a. 经济(上,学)的 n. [-s]经济学(状况等)

They had led the country into economic disaster.

34. treasure [ˈtreʒə] n. 财富;珍品 vt. 珍爱(视)

He has accumulated great treasure.

This museum has many art treasures.

He treasures the watch his father gave him.

35. treatment [ˈtri:tmənt] n. 治疗,疗法;对待,待遇 I tried every treatment the doctor suggested.

I will not submit to such treatment.

36. edge [edʒ] n. 边(缘);刃;优势 Look out! You could fall off the edge here!

The blade has lost its edge.

They have lost the edge.

37. specialist [ˈspeʃəlist] n. 专家 We profit from the work of the specialist.

38. prescribe [priˈskraib] vt. 开药方;命令 What medicine did the doctor prescribe for your illness?

Patients should do as doctors prescribe.

39. spelling [ˈspeliŋ] n. 拼写,拼法 Don't make a mistake in your spelling.

40. keep pace with 与……同步 One should keep pace with the times.

41. stock [stɔk] n. 库存;股票 We have a large stock of tinned fruit.


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She invested most of her savings in stocks and shares.

42. recipe [ˈresipi] n. 食谱;方法,诀窍 He knows the recipe for this dish.

What's your recipe for success?

43. refrain [riˈfrein] vi. (from)抑制,戒除 I carefully refrained from looking at him.

44. transmission [trænzˈmiʃən] n. 播送,发射 He changed the transmission frequency.

45. scale [skeil] n. 规模;等级;刻度 He's in business on a small scale.

For every year you've worked here, you go up another step on the salary scale.

How much does it read on the scale?

46. scandal [ˈskændl] n. 丑事,丑闻;流言蜚语 It's a scandal for a city official to take tax money for his own use.

I heard a bit of scandal about your friend.

47. troublesome [ˈtrʌblsəm] a. 令人烦恼的,麻烦的 You must learn to rid yourself of such troublesome thoughts.

It is a troublesome question.

48. fail to do sth. 未能做成某事 He failed to pass the final exam.

49. empirical [imˈpirikəl] a.经验(主义)的 His science was generally empirical.

50. endeavor [inˈdevə] vt. / n. 努力,尝试 Please make every endeavor to be early.

第 10 周1. derive [diˈraiv] vt. 取得;追溯起源 We shall derive much benefit from reading good novels.

The word derives from French.


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2. devote [diˈvəut] vt. (to)将…奉献给 After he graduated, he continued to devote himself to the research.

3. accelerate [ækˈseləreit] vi./vt.(使)加快,(使)增速 Our present task is to accelerate economic growth.

4. pessimistic [ˌpesiˈmistik] a. 悲观的 There is no reason to be pessimistic about the future.

5. assumption [əˈsʌmpʃən] n. 假定,臆断 Don't rely on the information she gave you; it is pure assumption.

6. automatic [ˌɔ:təˈmætik] a. 自动的 This heating system has an automatic temperature control.

7. brief [bri:f] a. 简短的,简洁的 n. 概要,摘要 She had time to give a brief report.

I'd like to tell in brief the importance of the work.

8. candidate [ˈkændidit] n. 申请求职者,候选人 There are three candidates for the vacancy(空缺).

9. conform [kənˈfɔ:m] vi. 遵守;符合 You must conform to the rules, or leave school.

His ideas do not conform to mine.

10. considerably [kənˈsidərəbli] ad. 相当地 Attendance at my lectures has fallen off considerably.

11. nuclear [ˈnju:kliə] a. 核能的,核子的;核心的 Nuclear weapon is very destructive.

The children stay in the nuclear family until they grow up and marry.

12. origin [ˈɔridʒin] n. 起源,来源 What's the origin of your anxiety?

13. particularly [pəˈtikjuləli] ad. 尤其,特别 particular a.

He isn't particularly smart.

14. opposite [ˈɔpəzit] a. 相反的 She hurried away in the opposite direction.


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15. peculiar [piˈkju:ljə] a. 奇怪的,异常的;独特的 Did you notice anything peculiar?

The book has a peculiar value.

16. presence [ˈprezəns] n. 出席,到场,存在 We shall be very glad to have your presence.

She was so quiet that her presence was hardly noticed.

17. fatal [ˈfeitəl] a. 致命的,毁灭性的;决定性的 We gave the enemy a fatal blow.

It is the fatal day to me.

18. fierce [fiəs] a. 激烈的;凶猛的;残酷的 What he said met with fierce opposition.

They launched a fierce attack against the enemy position.

Competition was fierce.

19. strengthen [ˈstreŋθn] vt. 加强,巩固 He has been brought in to strengthen the defence.

20. forecast [ˈfɔ:kɑ:st] n./vt. 预测,预报 They forecast the election results.

21. guidance [ˈɡaidəns] n. 指引,指导 Under his guidance, we finished the work smoothly.

22. signal [ˈsiɡnəl] n. 信号,标志 A red lamp is often a danger signal.

23. differ [ˈdifə] vi. 不同,相异 differ from ... 与……不同 differ in ... 在……方面不同 He was very different from the evil Edward.

They differ widely in their opinions.

24. sympathy [ˈsimpəθi] n. 同情(心)

I felt much sympathy for the blind.

25. overcome [ˌəuvəˈkʌm] vt. 战胜,克服45

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I realized that there is no way I can overcome it.

26. stimulate [ˈstimjuleit] vt. 刺激,激励 Light stimulates plant growth.

27. strain [strein] n. 绷紧;过劳,过度紧张 The rope finally broke under the strain.

He cannot bear the strain any more.

28. subjective [sʌbˈdʒektiv] a. 主观的 His arguments were never subjective.

29. trace [treis] n. 痕迹 vt. 追溯,探索 Traces of blood were found in the bathroom.

He traces his descent back to an old Norman family.

30. latter [ˈlætə] a. 后者的 I prefer the former design to the latter.

31. originate [əˈridʒineit] vi. 发起,首创;起源于 He originated a new style of dancing.

All theories originate from practice and in turn serve practice.

32. demonstrate [ˈdemənstreit] vt. 证明;演示 How can you demonstrate to us that your story is true?

Can you demonstrate to us how it works?

33. oppress [əˈpres] vt. 压迫 Many troubles oppressed my father.

34. prohibit [prəˈhibit] vt. 禁止 Smoking is prohibited here.

35. pursue [pəˈsju:] vt. 追求,追逐 Everyone has the freedom to pursue their dreams.

36. regulate [ˈreɡjuleit] vt. 控制,管理;调节46

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The policeman regulated traffic at the intersection.

This system can regulate the temperature of the room.

37. resistant [riˈzistənt] a. 抵抗的,反抗的 A healthy diet creates a body resistant to disease.

38. overwhelm [ˌəuvəˈwelm] vt. 使受不了,使不知所措;征服,制服 No difficulty can overwhelm us.

He was overwhelmed by a longing for times past.

39. respond [riˈspɔnd] vi. 回复;做出反应,响应 I invited her to dinner but she did not respond.

When Mr. Green insulted Tom, he responded with a kick.

40. dispose [disˈpəuz] vi. (of)去掉;处理 I want to dispose of these old books.

41. accustomed [əˈkʌstəmd] a. 习惯的 You will soon get accustomed to the climate here.

42. administration [ədˌminisˈtreiʃən] n. 管理,经营 He works in hospital administration.

43. affection [əˈfekʃən] n. 喜欢,喜爱,感情 He has a deep affection for his old friend.

44. extensive [iksˈtensiv] a. 广泛的,大量的 I have benefited a lot from extensive reading.

45. discard [disˈkɑ:d] vt. 丢弃,抛弃 He discarded his winter clothing.

46. dilemma [diˈlemə] n. (进退两难的)窘境,困境 She was in a dilemma whether to stay at school or get a job.

47. offensive [əˈfensiv] a. 冒犯的 n. 进攻,攻势 His remarks were rather offensive.

Our army made a fierce offensive against the enemy.

48. omit [əuˈmit] vt. 省略;遗漏 In writing this report I have omitted all unnecessary details.


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I omitted to take pen when I went to school.

49. acknowledge [əkˈnɔlidʒ] vt. 承认,供认 We acknowledged the need for reform.

50. distinction [diˈstiŋkʃən] n. 差别;区分 I can't see any distinction between these two cases.

The law makes fine distinctions.

第 11 周1. under way 航行中;工作中,进行中 Work on the new bridge is now under way.

2. traditional [trəˈdiʃənəl] a. 传统的,习惯的 The traditional breakfast in this area includes bacon and eggs.

3. put away 把…....收起放好 Put your toys away in the cupboard, when you've finished playing.

4. get down to sth./doing sth. 开始认真思考(或做)某事 With the election out of the way, the government can get down to business.

5. quest [kwest] n. 搜索,追求 in quest of 寻求,探求 Man will suffer many disappointments in his quest for truth.

6. verbal [ˈvə:bəl] a. 口头的;文字的 They had made a verbal agreement to sell.

He has an excellent verbal skill.

7. turn over 考虑,思考 She began to turn the new idea over in her mind.

8. brighten [ˈbraitn] v. (使)明亮;(使)愉快 The paint will brighten the room.

Seeing him, she seemed to brighten a little.

9. repay [ri:ˈpei] vt. 归还(款项);报答 He didn't have the money to repay the loan.

I will repay you my debt of gratitude.


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10. take… for granted 认为……是理所当然 The English have always taken water for granted.

11. sincere [sinˈsiə] a. 诚挚的,诚恳的 How can I persuade you that I am sincere?

12. gratitude [ˈgrætitju:d] n. 感激,感谢 His heart overflowed (充满)with gratitude.

13. proficient [prəˈfiʃənt] a. 熟练的,精通的 He is proficient in English with customer.

14. heartfelt [ˈhɑːt.felt] a. 衷心的,由衷的 Please allow me to show our heartfelt welcome to you.

15. appreciation [əˌpri:ʃiˈeiʃən] n. 感谢,欣赏 Please accept this as a token of my appreciation.

She shows little appreciation of good music.

16. agricultural [ægriˈkʌltʃər(ə)l] a. 农业的 Farmers struggling for survival strip the forests for agricultural land.

17. at sea 在海上航行 But when he was at sea he could seem distant.

18. specific [spiˈsifik] a. 明确的;具体的,特定的 She declined to be more specific about the reasons for the separation.

There are several specific problems to be dealt with.

19. on sb’s behalf/on the behalf of sb.

I extend a warm welcome to you on the behalf of my colleagues.

20. instance [ˈinstəns] n. 例子,实例 Can you quote a recent instance?

21. uppermost [ˈʌpəməust] a. 最高的,突出的 The children's future is always uppermost in my mind.

22. diminish [diˈminiʃ] v. (使)变小,(使) 减少 We should try to diminish the cost of production.

23. expose [ikˈspəuz] vt. 使暴露,使接触 be exposed to 暴露于;与……接触49

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You shouldn't expose the soldiers to unnecessary risks.

24. immerse [iˈmə:s] vt. 使浸没;使沉迷 be immersed in 沉浸在;沉迷于 He immersed himself totally in his work.

25. marvelous [ˈmɑ:viləs] a. 不可思议的,美妙的 These dogs have a marvelous sense of smell.

26. in part 在某种程度上;部分地 This may account in part for the personality of men like him.

27. unload [ʌnˈləud] v. 卸(货),下(客)

You can have a rest after you unload the car.

28. cargo [ˈkɑ:gəu] n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物 The ship is discharging(卸载) the cargo.

29. accord [əˈkɔ:d] vt. 使符合;给予 vi. (with)相一致 n. 一致;协议 We accorded the boy due praise.

Our information does not accord with his reports.

The two countries reached an accord.

30. successive [səkˈsesiv] a. 接连不断的,连续的 We have had three successive years of good harvest.

31. in turn 挨个地,轮流地 She asked the same question of everyone in turn.

32. amid [əˈmid] prep. 在…中间 I stood amid a sea of corn.

33. swift [swift] a. 迅速的,及时的 Our task is to challenge the U.N. to make a swift decision.

34. bring back 回想起 The scene brought back to me the memory of my first job interview.

35. in a flash 一瞬间 The career I had worked so hard for was over in a flash.

36. weep [wi:p] v. (为…)哭泣,流(泪)

The weeping family hugged and comforted each other.


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37. go about 表现;忙于;着手 I want him back, but I just don't know how to go about it.

38. long for (sth.)/ to (do sth.) 渴望 They long for a chance to visit Shanghai.

39. in secret 秘密地,暗自 She wept in secret.

40. suppress [səˈpres] vt. 压制,镇压;阻止 The new government quickly suppressed the rebellion.

She was struggling to suppress her sobs.

41. argument [ˈɑ:ɡju:mənt] n. 争论,辩论;理由,论点 The children had an argument about what game to play.

His strong arguments persuaded me to accept his conclusions.

42. crash [kræʃ] vi. 碰撞,倒下,坠落 He crashed his car into a wall.

The plane crashed, its bombs exploding as it hit the ground.

43. in advance 提前 Before visiting him, I called him up in advance.

44. advocate [ˈædvəkeit] vt. 提倡,主张 Many educators advocate a liberal education.

45. pastime [ˈpæstaim,ˈpɑ:staim] n. 消遣,娱乐 Dancing is Mary's favorite pastime.

46. be replaced by 被……所取代 Jack will be replaced by Tom as monitor of our class.

47. enlarge  [inˈlɑ:dʒ] v. 扩大,扩充;放大 I have to enlarge my vocabulary.

I planned to enlarge this photograph.

48. call for 要求,提倡51

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The situation calls for prompt action.

49. skeptical [ˈskeptikəl] a. 怀疑的 He is skeptical about everything.

50. diploma  [diˈpləumə] n. 毕业文凭,资格证书 He obtained a diploma in architecture.

(1-40来自 Book 3 Unit 5 Text A)

第 12 周1. surgeon [ˈsə:dʒən] n. 外科医生 The surgeon has performed the operation.

2. feel like sth./ doing sth. 想要(做)某事 What do you feel like doing?

3. echo [ˈekəu] n. 回音 v. 回响,回荡 She shouted “hello” and listened for the echo.

The sound of the cannon echoed around.

4. incapable [inˈkeipəbəl] a. 无能力的,不能的 She seemed incapable of making the decision.

5. independently [indiˈpendəntli] ad. 独立地 So before I try and run my program, I test each part of it independently.

6. dignity [ˈdigniti] n. 尊严 They have to be treated well, with dignity.

7. gain on 逼近 It is impossible for a small company to gain on the big firms while business is so inactive.

8. lean [li:n] v. (使)倾斜,(使)倚靠 a. 瘦的;收益少的 They were leaning forward, facing each other.

He was lean, tall, and muscular.

9. brochure [ˈbrəuʃə] n. 有插图的(宣传)小册子 The computer's characteristics are fully detailed in the brochure.

10. delivery [diˈlivəri] n. 投递;分娩52

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Please allow 5 days for delivery.

In the end, it was an easy delivery: a fine baby boy.

11. crush [krʌʃ] vt. 压碎,压坏 Andrew crushed his empty can.

12. section [ˈsekʃ(ə)n] n. 部分 He said it was wrong to single out any section of society for AIDS testing.

13. disorder [disˈɔ:də] n. 混乱,凌乱;(机能)失调 The meeting ended in disorder.

14. transfer [trænsˈfə:] v. 迁(移);调动 [ˈtrænsfə:] n.

She has been transferred to another department.

15. disabled [disˈeibl] a. 身体(或智力)上有残障的 He was disabled from walking by the accident.

16. impatient [imˈpeiʃənt] a. 不耐烦的;焦躁的 The impatient teacher slapped the student.

17. limitation [ˌlimiˈteiʃən] n. 缺陷,局限 It's a good car, but it has its limitations.

18. apply for 申请 To apply for a job, you must fill out a form.

19. pension [ˈpenʃən] n. 养老金,退休金 He's got nothing beyond his state pension.

20. pledge [pledʒ] n. 保证,誓言 vt. 保证,许诺 The government should fulfill its pledge.

He pledged never to come back until he had found her.

21. retail  [ˈri:teil] n. 零售 [riˈteil]  v./ ad.

He does wholesale business, while his brother is engaged in retail business.

22. off balance 不平衡 They knock each other off balance just a little bit.

23. drop (sb./ sth.) off 让…..下车;中途把…..送交某处 I will drop you off at the cinema.


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24. territory  [ˈteritəri] n. 领土,版图;活动范围 The government denies that any of its territory is under rebel control.

This area is a salesman's territory.

25. on the phone 在打电话 I was talking on the phone and suddenly got disconnected.

26. garden [ˈgɑ:dn] n. 花(菜)园 vi. 从事园艺 Mary talked with me across the garden fence.

She's outdoors gardening every afternoon.

27. pause [pɔ:z] vi./ n. 暂停,中止 A speaker should pause when coming to the end of a sentence.

There will be a brief pause in the program.

28. tail [teil] n. 尾巴 v. 跟踪 Lizards have four legs and a long tail.

I have notified them to watch and tail him.

29. register [ˈredʒistə] v. 登记;注意到 You must register if you intend to vote.

I registered that she was late.

30. laundry [ˈlɔ:ndri] n. 洗衣店(房);洗好的衣服,待洗的衣服 Send these clothed over to the laundry.

Please hang out the laundry.

There's a lot of laundry in the basket.

31. profitable [ˈprɔfitəbl] a. 有利可图的,有益的 That business became profitable last year.

Betty believed yoga was a very profitable exercise.

32. off one’s feet 躺着,坐着 Right now Tom was off his feet and relaxed himself.

33. solitary [ˈsɔlitəri] a. 独自的;孤独的 His evenings were spent in solitary drinking.

His childhood was repressed and solitary.


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34. number [ˈnʌmbə] vt. 给……排号 He cut his paper up into tiny squares, and he numbered each one.

35. commission [kəˈmiʃən] n. 委员会;佣金,回扣 The government has set up a commission to look into those crimes.

The salespeople work on commission only.

36. surgery [ˈsə:dʒəri] n. 外科,外科手术 His father has just recovered from heart surgery.

37. be laid up (with) (因……)卧床修养;无法工作 I am glad to know that you will not be laid up for too long.

38. signature [ˈsignətʃə] n. 签名,署名 I was writing my signature at the bottom of the page.

39. lash [læʃ] v.猛烈打击 n. 鞭打 The villagers sentenced one man to five lashes for stealing.

The captain lashed the soldier.

40. go off 停止,熄灭 As the water came in the windows, all the lights went off.

41. essence [ˈesəns] n. 本质,要素;精髓 Though complicated in detail, local taxes are in essence simple.

Simplicity is the essence of good taste.

42. remedy [ˈremidi] n. 补救办法;治疗法 vt. 补救;治疗 The remedy lies in the hands of the government.

There are many different kinds of natural remedies to help overcome winter infections.

A great deal has been done internally to remedy the situation.

43. perpetual [pəˈpetʃuəl] a. 永久的,长期的;无休止的 I thought her perpetual complaints were going to prove too much for me.

44. insist on 坚持,强调,坚决要求 If you insist on doing something, do it every day.

45. persist in 坚持不懈,执着


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If you persist in doing that you will end up in trouble.

46. prevalent [ˈprevələnt] a. 流行的,普遍的 Eye diseases are prevalent in some tropical countries.

47. primitive [ˈprimitiv] a. 原始的;简单的 Primitive man hunted wild animals with crude stone tools

He made a primitive boat out of some pieces of wood..

48. segment [ˈsegmənt] n. 部分;断片,切片 The company dominates this segment of the market.

Peel all the fruit and separate into segments.

49. sentiment [ˈsentimənt] n. 意见,观点;感情,情绪 We share your sentiments on this problem.

He could feel the sentiment stirring within him.

50. set about 开始,着手 He set about learning Chinese at age ten.

第 13 周1. precious [ˈpreʃəs] a. 珍贵的,贵重的 Pandas are precious creatures.

2. scatter [ˈskætə] vt. 撒(播);使散开,驱散 The farmers were scattering seed on the fields.

The police scattered the crowd.

3. underestimate [ˌʌndərˈestimeit] vt. 低估 Never underestimate the power of a woman.

4. upper [ˈʌpə] a. 上面的,上部的 There is a good restaurant on the upper floor.

5. in addition 除……之外(还) In addition , you can elect to share your files with others.

6. exclude [ikˈsklu:d] vt. 把…排斥在外,不包括 At this stage we cannot entirely exclude the possibility of staff cuts.


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7. reckon [ˈrekən] vt. 认为,估计;(on)指望;测算 I reckon that he will come soon.

I didn't reckon on having to pay that bill this week.

8. exclusive [ikˈsklu:siv] a. 高级的;独有的;排他的 exclusively ad.

He often goes to the exclusive restaurants.

The interview is exclusive to this magazine.

These two statements are mutually exclusive.

9. sacrifice [ˈsækrifais] vt. 牺牲;献祭,供奉 n. 牺牲 You must not sacrifice studies for pleasure.

The priest sacrificed a chicken.

There will be more struggle and sacrifice.

10. safety [ˈseifti] n. 安全平安 The safety of the ship is the captain's responsibility.

11. virtue [ˈvɜ:tʃu:] n. 美德,德行 My neighbor is a man of highest virtue.

12. tragic [ˈtrædʒik] a. 悲惨的,可悲的;悲剧(性)的 It was just a tragic accident.

I don't like the tragic ending of the film.

13. transaction [trænˈzækʃən] n. 交易,业务 They derived a benefit from that transaction.

14. volunteer [ˌvɔlənˈtiə] n. 志愿者;vt.& vi. 自愿(做) She now helps in a local school as a volunteer three days a week.

Aunt Mary volunteered to clean up the kitchen.

15. on the basis of 根据,在……的基础上 Statement should be made on the basis of fact.

16. respective [riˈspektiv] a. 各自的,分别的 respectively 分别地,各自地 The three men were given work according to their respective abilities.

17. restrain [riˈstrein] vt. 控制;抑制,遏制 restraint n.

If you can't restrain your dog, you must lock it up.


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She was unable to restrain her desperate anger.

18. architect [ˈɑ:kitekt] n. 建筑师,设计师 The building was constructed from the design of that architect.

19. persuasion [pəˈsweiʒən] n. 说服(力),劝说;信念,信仰 persuade vt.

He decided to leave only after much persuasion.

It is a national movement and has within it people of all political persuasions.

20. examination [igˈzæmiˈneiʃən] n. 考试;检查,调查 Don't relax your efforts because the examinations are over.

The issue needs further examination.

21. retrospect [ˈretrəspekt] n. 回顾 In retrospect , it's easy to see why we were wrong.

22. revenge [riˈvendʒ] n. 报复,报仇 vt. 报仇 She said she would take her revenge on Tom.

The knight swore he would revenge his father's death.

23. cut back削减,缩减 They are cutting back further on public spending.

24. cut off 切断,阻碍 A storm that cut off power to the whole region.

25. bacteria [bækˈtiəriə] n. 细菌 Bacteria are too small to see with the naked eye.

26. smooth [smu:ð] a. 光滑的,平整的;流畅的 Her skin is as smooth as silk.

There is a smooth style of writing in this novel.

27. spacious [ˈspeiʃəs] a. 宽广的,宽敞的 The hotel is neither spacious nor comfortable.

28. bound [baund] a. 一定的,必然的 It is bound to rain soon.

29. in case 假使,以防(万一) Write the telephone number down in case you forget.


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30. brand [brænd] n. 商标,品牌 What is your favorite brand of cigarettes?

31. burden [ˈbə:dən] n. 负担 The burden on his back seemed to be crushing him to the earth.

32. persistent [pəˈsistənt] a. 坚持不懈的,执意的;持续的 His great success cannot depart from his persistent effort.

There was a persistent sound of running water.

33. code [kəud] n. 准则;密码,代码 The punishments for robbery and murder are prescribed in the penal code.

I can break the code of this box.

34. revenue [ˈrevinju:] n. (大宗的)收入(益);税收 National tax revenue grew by a large margin every year.

The government was short of money because of falling oil revenues.

35. rival [ˈraivəl] n. 竞争对手 vt. 竞争;与…匹敌 He lost out to his rival.

Nothing can rival cotton for durability

36. in charge (of) 负责,管理 He is the vice-president in charge of sales.

37. stagger [ˈstægə] vt. 使吃惊 n./ vi. 摇晃,蹒跚 I was staggered when I heard of his death.

The drunk man staggered across the room.

38. subject [ˈsʌbdʒikt] n. 主题;学科 vt. 使服从 The author illuminates(阐释) the subject with many examples.

Surprisingly, math was voted their favorite subject.

These people have been subjected by another tribe.

39. drop out 退出,退学 He'd dropped out of high school at the age of 16.

40. joint [dʒɔint] a. 共同的,联合的 She and Frank had never got around to opening a joint account.


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41. entrepreneur [ˌɔntrəprəˈnə:] n. 企业家 The entrepreneur has become a news figure.

42. intrude [inˈtru:d] vi. 侵入;打扰 He had no wish to intrude on their privacy.

I don't want to intrude on you if you are very busy.

43. fatigue [fəˈti:g] n. 疲劳,劳累 v. (使)疲劳 She hoped to sleep off her fatigue.

The exercises fatigued her.

44. by accident 偶然 We met together by accident.

45. responsible [riˈspɔnsəbl] a. 负责的,需承担责任的 Who is responsible for the terrible mess?

46. shrewd [ʃru:d] a. 敏锐的,精明的 His shrewd eyes looked across at his wife.

Her brother is a shrewd businessman.

47. signify [ˈsignifai] vt. 表示…的意思;意味,预示 She signifies her disagreement.

A red sunset signifies fine weather.

48. comprehension [ˌkɔmpriˈhenʃən] n. 理解(力) It's quite past my comprehension.

49. take the place of 代替,取代 We had no one to take the place of John.

50. liberal [ˈlibərəl] a. 开明的 Her parents are very liberal and allow her a lot of freedom.

第 14 周1. exemplify [igˈzemplifai] vt. 是(作为)典型;举例证明 This painting exemplifies the artist's early style.

I will exemplify my point with a story.


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2. resolve [riˈzɔlv] vt. 解决(答);决定 vi./ n.决心,决意 We must find a way to resolve these problems before it's too late.

She resolved to report the matter to the hospital's nursing supervisor.

This did not shake his resolve.

3. respectable [riˈspektəbəl] a. 可敬的;有身价的 He came from a perfectly respectable middle-class family.

4. emphasize [ˈemfəsaiz] vt. 强调,着重,加强…的语气 I must emphasize the fact that she is only a little girl.

5. emphasis [ˈemfəsis] n. 强调,重点 Too much emphasis is placed on research.

6. get by 通过;过得去,(勉强)过活 Your work will get by, but try to improve it.

I'm a survivor. I'll get by.

7. get over 克服,解决(问题等)

He has get over the language barrier.

8. expel [ikˈspel] vt. 把…开除;驱逐,放逐 He was expelled from the school.

Russia has lately decided to expel a US diplomat from its land.

9. creativity [ˌkri:eiˈtivəti] n. 创造力,创造 This toy will help children with their creativity.

10. shock [ʃɔk] n. 震惊;休克 v. (使)震惊 It gave me quite a shock to be told I was seriously ill.

We must take steps to prevent shock in the patient.

After forty years in the police force nothing much shocks me.

11. costly [ˈkɔstli] a. 昂贵的,代价高的 We need some costly materials.

12. exact [igˈzækt] a. 精确的,确切的 exactly ad.


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What is the exact size of the room?

13. keep an eye on 留神,照看,密切注意 He asked his neighbour to keep an eye on his house.

14. concrete [ˈkɔŋkri:t] a. 具体的 There were no concrete proposals on the table.

15. hold back阻止,抑制 Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery.

16. hold on 坚持住;(打电话时)不挂断 They managed to hold on until help arrived.

Hold on , please. I'll see if he's in his office.

17. committee [kəˈmiti] n. 委员会 Some members of the committee expressed reservations about the proposal.

18. restrict [riˈstrikt] vt. 限制,约束,限定 I restrict myself to smoking two cigarettes a day.

19. resume [rɪˈzjuːm] v. (中断后)继续,恢复 [ˈrezju:mei] n. 简历 We resumed our work after a rest.

I enclosed my resume in my letter.

20. take one’s time 不着急,不慌忙 One should take his time in finding a job.

21. commercial [kəˈmə:ʃəl] a. 商务的 n. 商业广告 The downtown area is zoned for commercial use.

Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen.

22. ambitious [æmˈbiʃəs] a. 有抱负的,有野心的 I ought to do something a bit more ambitious.

23. let down 放下,降低;使失望 Let down a rope so that I can climb up.

He won't let you down; he's reliable.


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24. eternal [iˈtə:nəl] a. 无休止的;永恒的 The bad man will suffer eternal damnation.

25. separation [ˌsepəˈreiʃən] n. 分离;分开;分居 Separation from her children was a terrible wrench.

He reminded me of the separation of church and state.

Friends managed to reconcile him with his wife after years of separation.

26. give off 发出(光、声音等),散发出(气味)

The sun gives off heat and light.

Rotten eggs give off a bad smell.

27. setback [ˈsetbæk] n. 挫折,倒退,失败 He met with many a setback in his lifetime.

28. execute [ˈeksikju:t] vt. 实施,执行 We then execute the code that we want to test.

29. proposal [prəˈpəuzəl] n. 提议,建议 The manager made a proposal for uniting the two companies.

30. profession [prəˈfeʃən] n. 职业 He is a doctor by profession.

31. make the best of 充分利用 We should make the best of our time.

32. subsidiary [səbˈsidiəri] a. 辅助的,附设的 n. 子公司,附属机构 Public transportation plays a subsidiary role.

WM Financial Services is a subsidiary of Washington Mutual.

33. subsidy [ˈsʌbsidi] n. 津贴,补助金 She qualifies for the unemployment subsidy .

34. primarily [ˈpraimərili] ad. 主要地 Public order is primarily an urban problem.

35. extract [ikˈstrækt] vt. 取出;摘录 [ˈekstrækt] n. 摘录;提出物 She extracted passages for the students to translate.

She extracted a small notebook from her handbag.


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I would like to quote two extracts from the book.

36. exaggerate [igˈzædʒəreit] v. 夸大,夸张 The seriousness of the situation has been much exaggerated by the press.

37. presentation [ˌprezənˈteiʃən] n. 报告,介绍 I was asked to give a short presentation on the aims of the plan.

38. testify [ˈtestifai] v. 作证,证明 He testified that he had not seen the accident.

39. possibility [ˌpɔsəˈbiliti] n. 可能(性) We must accept the possibility that we might be wrong.

40. reservation [ˌrezəˈveiʃən] n. 预订;保留意见 I'll arrive late, but please keep my reservation.

They accepted the proposal without reservation.

41. pose [pəuz] n. 样子,姿势 vi. 摆姿势 She rearranged herself in another pose.

Please sit still while you pose for your photo.

42. break out爆发 He was 29 when war broke out.

43. break through 突破;取得突破性成就 There is still scope for new writers to break through.

44. shift [ʃift] v. 移动;转变 n. 转变;轮班 Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.

Someone has shifted my bicycle and I can't find it.

They were taking turns to be on the night shift.

45. shortage [ˈʃɔ:tidʒ] n. 不足,缺少 Continuance of the war will mean shortage of the food.

46. novel [ˈnɔvəl] a. 新颖的 n.(长篇)小说 It's a novel idea.

I like reading novels in my spare time.

47. transmit [trænzˈmit] vt. 发射,播送;传染64

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Please transmit my best regards to your lovely wife.

This infection is transmitted by mosquitoes.

48. retain [riˈtein] vt. 保留,保持 His speech could not retain the interest of his audience.

49. in (the) light of 鉴于,由于 I'm sure that we can sell more this year in light of the market conditions.

50. subordinate [səˈbɔ:dinət] a.下级的;从属的,(to)次要的 He is a subordinate officer.

She works in the subordinate hospital of our university.

All the other issues are subordinate to this one.

第 15 周1. clone [kləun] n. 无性繁殖,克隆;复制品 v. 克隆 Clone is the nonsexual-produced descendants(后代) of a single plant or animals.

Tom was in some ways a younger clone of his handsome father.

There are two ways to clone people.

2. brilliant [ˈbriliənt] a. 极聪明的;才华横溢的;非凡的 She had a brilliant mind.

He has got brilliant achievements in the field of physics.

3. complication [ˌkɔmpliˈkeiʃən] n. 复杂情况;并发症 There are too many complications to explain now.

Blindness is a common complication of diabetes.

4. horrify [ˈhɔrifai] vt. 使震惊,使恐惧 horrifying a.

We were horrified by what we saw.

5. focus on 集中于 Our meeting focuses on the question of women's right.

6. standpoint [ˈstændpɔint] n. 立场,观点 He believes that from a military standpoint, the situation is under control.

7. tremendous [triˈmendəs] a. 巨大的,极大的65

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I felt a tremendous pressure on my chest.

8. potential [pəˈtenʃəl] a. 潜在的,可能的 n. 潜力,潜能 The company has identified 60 potential customers.

Teachers should help students achieve their full potential.

9. in some ways 在某种程度上 That young man could have been me. In some ways, he could be any of us.

10. make the most of 充分利用,尽量利用 He carefully planned his research to make the most of his time.

11. legislation [ˌledʒisˈleiʃən] n. 法律(规);立法 legislate [ˈledʒisleit] v. 制定法律 It is a letter calling for legislation to protect women's rights.

12. in place 适当的,恰当的;在合适的位置 I like to have everything in place.

13. disapproval [ˌdisəˈpru:vəl] n. 不赞成 I noticed a slight frown of disapproval on his face.

14. result from 是……的结果,由于…….而发生 Success results from hard work.

15. dissuade [diˈsweid] v. 劝阻,阻止 My teacher dissuades me from accepting the job.

16. come forward 涌现;自愿作证 Many activists have come forward.

Police wanted alleged victims to come forward to help with investigations.

17. consent [kənˈsent] n./ vi. (to)准许,同意 He finally consented to go.

18. donate [dəuˈneit] v. 捐赠,献出 He frequently donates large sums of money to charity.

19. procedure [prəˈsi:dʒə] n. 程序,步骤 The next procedure is to insert the battery.

20. no more than 至多,不超过,仅仅 The writer wrote no more than two novels.


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21. transplant [trænsˈplɑ:nt] n/ vt. 移植 It is now possible to transplant organs from animals into people.

22. in reality 事实上;实际上 In reality , humans are very limited.

23. misconception [mɪskənˈsepʃən] n. 错误观念;误解 That a doctor shall be able to cure any disease is a misconception.

What is the most common misconception about your work?

24. analysis [əˈnæləsis] n. 分析,分析报告 His analysis of the problem showed great perception.

25. by necessity 由于客观情况的需要;为情势所迫 She was driven by necessity to steal food for her starving children.

26. opponent [əˈpəunənt] n. 敌手,对手 He was attacked by his political opponent.

27. condemn [kənˈdem] vt. 谴责;责备 We must not condemn her on pure supposition.

28. in a sense 在某种意义上 What you say is true in a sense.

29. contentious [kənˈtenʃəs] a. 引起争论的;有争议性的 There is a contentious clause in the contract.

30. logical [ˈlɔdʒikəl] a. 合乎逻辑的 You must learn how to construct a logical argument.

31. implant [imˈplɑ:nt] vt. 移植,植入 Teachers implant sound principles in the mind of children.

32. attractive [əˈtræktiv] a. 有吸引力的, 引人注目的 It's a very attractive offer, and I'm tempted to accept.

33. criminal [ˈkriminəl] n. 罪犯 a. 犯罪的 The criminal was sentenced to prison for theft.

Murder and stealing are criminal acts.


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34. take advantage of 占……的便宜,利用 You should take advantage of this opportunity.

35. soar [sɔ:] vi. 猛增;高飞,升腾 Food prices soar during the cold weather.

The eagle can soar without flapping their wings.

36. solemn [ˈsɔləm] a. 严肃的;庄严的,隆重的 He looked at her with a solemn expression.

The ceremony proceeded in a solemn atmosphere.

37. drawback [ˈdrɔ:bæk] n. 缺点,不利条件 The great drawback to living near a main road is noise.

38. sorrow [ˈsɔrəu] n. 悲痛;不幸的事 Life has many joys and sorrows.

The remembrance of past sorrow is joyful.

39. have/gain access to 可以获得 All students have free access to the library.

40. equivalent  [iˈkwivələnt] a. 相等的,相当的 n.等价物,意义相同的词 Changing her job like that is equivalent to firing her.

Mr. Li's pay is the equivalent of about $80 a month.

41. prescription [priˈskripʃən] n. 处(药)方 The doctor is writing a prescription.

42. be in favor of支持,赞成 I am in favor of Amy’s proposal.

43. scope [skəup] n. 范围,领域 This subject is outside the scope of our inquiry.

44. enable sb. to do ... 使某人能够做某事 Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.

45. scorn [skɔ:n] n./ vt. 轻蔑,鄙视 You've no right to scorn a poor girl.


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46. rational [ˈræʃənl] a. 理性的,合理的 Man is a rational being.

47. paradox [ˈpærədɔks] n. 似乎矛盾却正确的说法;自相矛盾的人(物)

This paradox cannot be explained, you have to experience it.

It is a paradox that such a rich country should have so many poor people living in it.

48. at the cost of 以……代价 He saved his daughter at the cost of his life.

49. be likely to 倾向于,很有可能 He is likely to fail the exam if he does not work hard.

50. commit vt. 犯罪,做错事 Women commit fewer crimes than men.

(1-33来自 Book 3 Unit 8 Text A)

第 16 周1. trap [træp] n. 陷阱;困境 vt. 使中圈套,使陷于困境 My dog got caught in a trap.

The government has found that it's caught in a trap of its own making.

The police knew they had to trap the killer.

2. in one’s favor 对某人有利 The current situation is in his favor.

3. break in/into 强行进入 Someone broke into their house when they were on holiday.

4. in/under the/no circumstances 在这种情况下/ 在任何情况下 Under no circumstances should we do anything against the will of others.

5. count on 依靠;指望 That was the only thing they could count on.

6. recommend [ˌrekəˈmend] vt. 推荐 Can you recommend me some new books on this subject?

7. agile [ˈædʒail] a. 灵活的69

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He was quick and agile and he didn't mind losing.

8. wrap [ræp] vt. 包,裹 n. 披肩,围巾 You should wrap up the gift in a paper.

Over her shoulders was thrown a much-mended wrap.

9. favorable [ˈfeivərəbəl] a. 赞同的;有利的,顺利的 Most people were favorable to the idea.

Our expedition(探险) made a favorable beginning.

10. consistency [kənˈsistənsi] n. 前后一致;一贯 His action lacks consistency.

11. afford [əˈfɔ:d] vt. 买得起,担负得起 Not many young people can afford an apartment in Guangzhou.

12. on average 按平均值;通常 We received 20 calls a day on average.

13. take on 呈现,具有;决定从事,承担 Then your company must take on a new look now.

He is unwilling to take on heavy responsibilities.

14. institution [ˌinstiˈtju:ʃən] 机构,学校 A bank is a financial institution.

15. advertise [ˈædvətaiz] v. 做广告, 宣传 The company is spending heavily to advertise its strongest brands.

16. trivial [ˈtriviəl] a. 琐碎的,不重要的 They always quarrel over trivial matters.

17. scratch [skrætʃ] v. 刮,抓 Be careful not to scratch the furniture.

18. put through 使经受(考验)

The task must be put through before dark.

19. blunt [blʌnt] a. 钝的;直言不讳的 vt. 使迟钝;使钝 Blunt scissors don't cut cleanly.


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He's very blunt and will tell you what he thinks about anything.

His mind was blunted by boredom.

20. subscribe  [səbˈskraib] vi. (to)订阅,订购;同意 subscribe to 同意,赞成 I subscribe to" Reader's Digest" magazine.

He did not subscribe to my proposal.

21. objection [əbˈdʒekʃən] n. 反对,异议 I have no objection to their plan.

22. come to terms with 顺从;与……达成协议 But in the end, he wonders if people will ever come to terms with this.

23. be bound to 一定会 You are bound to feel tired after a long walk.

24. in essence 实质上 This, in essence, is what companies most value from vendors.

25. by virtue of 由于 She defeated the bad guy by virtue of her courage.

26. grave [greiv] n. 坟墓 a. 严重的;严肃的,庄重的 They used to visit her grave twice a year. He said that the situation in his country is very grave.

27. label [ˈleibəl] n. 标签(记);称号 vt. 贴标签于;把……归类 He stared at the label on the bottle. The produce was labeled "Made in China."

28. rest on 依赖 All those useful information rest on some projection about the future.

29. reinforce [ˌri:inˈfɔ:s] vt. 增强,加强,增援 Both sides have been reinforcing their positions after yesterday's fierce fighting.

30. defy [diˈfai] vt. (公然)藐视,违抗 This was the first time that I dared to defy my mother.

31. versatile [ˈvə:sətail] a. 多才多艺的;多功能的 Versatile actors can play all kinds of roles.


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32. patriotic [ˌpætriˈɔtik] a. 爱国的,有爱国心的 He led them in launching a patriotic movement.

33. passionate [ˈpæʃənit] a. 充满激情的,热情的 I simply pursued it because I was passionate about it.

34. speed up (使)加快速度 I sped up my car as soon as I left her house.

35. stick to 坚持;忠于 Perhaps he should have stuck to writing.

We should stick to the facts.

36. virtually [ˈvə:tʃuəli] ad. 实际上,事实上 It is virtually impossible to predict the future accurately.

37. tend to do 趋向于 I tend to think that she is right.

38. privacy [ˈpraivəsi] n. 隐私,私事 Everyone has his own privacy.

39. provoke [prəˈvəuk] vt. 对…挑衅,激怒;激起,引起 If you provoke the dog, he may bite you.

Such a questionable assertion is sure to provoke criticism.

40. look into 调查,观察 A special team has been set up to look into the problem.

41. adolescent  [ædəˈlesənt] n. 青少年 a.青春期的,青少年的 Overgrowth is common in adolescents. The adolescent period is one's best time.

42. anonymous  [əˈnɔniməs] a. 匿名的 It is unpleasant to receive anonymous letters.

43. turn in 上交 You must turn in your pass when you leave the building.


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44. catastrophe [kəˈtæstrəfi] n. 大灾难 The earthquake was a terrible catastrophe.

45. patrol [pəˈtrəul] v. 巡逻,巡查 n. 巡逻,巡查 The plane will patrol Australia's coastline.

Terrorists attacked two soldiers on patrol.

46. pattern [ˈpætən] n. 型,模式;图案 The two buildings are modeled after the same pattern. This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares.

47. caution [ˈkɔ:ʃən] n. 谨慎;注意(事项),警告 vt. 劝…小心,警告 He told us to proceed with caution.

The teacher gave Tom a caution and told him never to do it again. I must caution you against the danger.

48. consensus [kənˈsensəs] n. (意见等)一致,一致同意 The two parties have reached a consensus.

49. refer to 参考,查阅;涉及,提到;指的是 If you don't know the spelling of a word, you should refer to a dictionary.

The rule refers only to special cases.

I was not referring to her when I said so.

50. run into 偶然碰见;遭遇(困难等)

I ran into my professor in the lounge.

This company has run into financial problems last year.

第 17 周1. make sense 讲得通,有意义,言之有理 She doesn't talk much, but what she says makes sense.

2. appeal to 呼吁,恳求 The police appealed to the crowd not to panic.


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3. eliminate [iˈlimineit] vt. 排除,消除 Their team was eliminated in the first round.

This policy aims to eliminate poverty.

4. border [ˈbɔ:də] n. 边界,边境 The refugee fled across the border.

5. theme [θi:m] n. 主题,题目 Peace was the dominant theme of the conference.

6. account for 说明……的原因,是……的原因 He has been asked to account for his conduct.

7. thread  [θred] n. 线(索)

You sew with thread.

I return to a thread of my story.

8. endow  [inˈdau] vt. 资助,捐赠;(with)给予,赋予 I can only endow 100 dollars at most.

She is endowed with great musical ability.

9. energetic  [ˌenəˈdʒetik] a. 精力充沛的,充满活力的 I don't feel energetic enough to rush about , so I'll sit down.

10. campaign [kæmˈpein] n. 战役;竞选运动 The campaign to seize the city was a failure.

The presidential campaign was in full swing.

11. conclude [kənˈklu:d] vt. 推断出,得出结论 From what he says I conclude that he has not much interest in it.

12. take effect 生效,起作用 Most changes will take effect instantly.

13. consult [kənˈsʌlt] vt. 找...商议,请教;查阅,查看 I need to consult with my colleagues on the proposals.

I will have to consult the plane time table first.

14. resistance [riˈzistəns] n. 反抗,抵制74

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There has been a lot of resistance to this new law.

15. rough [rʌf] a. 粗糙的;艰难的 The rough road made the car vibrate.

We had rather a rough time.

16. check in (在旅馆、机场等)登记,报到 You can check in at the reception desk.

17. check out 结帐后离开,办妥手续离去 The hotel insists that guests check out of their rooms before 11 o'clock in the morning.

18. contribution [ˌkɔntriˈbju:ʃən] n. 捐助物,贡献 He has made an important contribution to the company's success.

19. subsequent [ˈsʌbsikwənt] a. 随后的,后来的 Subsequent events confirmed our doubts.

20. combine ... with ... ……与……结合 Some films combine education with recreation(娱乐).

21. replace ... with ... 用……代替…… I want to replace the white tablecloth with a green one.

22. subtle [ˈsʌtl] a. 微妙的,不可思议的,敏感的 There were subtle hints in his letter.

23. foundation [faunˈdeiʃən] n. 基础,根据 He laid the foundation of his success by study and hard work.

24. expenditure  [ikˈspenditʃə] n. 经费,费用,支出 My expenditure is conditioned by my income.

25. expire [ikˈspaiə] vi. 期满,(期限)终止;断气,死亡 My passport is due to expire in two months.

The old woman expired in agony.

26. in detail 详细地 I will explain it to you in detail.

27. fulfil(l) [fulˈfil] vt. 履行,实现;满足75

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I have to fulfill the promise I had made.

This diet will fulfil your needs in food.

28. spontaneous [spɔnˈteiniəs] a. 自发的 It is a spontaneous cheer from the crowd.

29. stability [stəˈbiliti] n. 稳定,稳固 stable a.

The government has taken a measure to maintain the stability of prices.

30. bring up养育 The couple managed to bring up their children on a small income.

31. carry out 实行,执行 He hasn't the funds to carry out his plan.

32. guilty [ˈɡilti] a. 内疚的,有罪的 He had no sense of shame and never felt guilty.

The man was proved guilty of murder.

33. permanent [ˈpə:mənənt] a. 永久(性)的,固定的 I am looking for a permanent position.

34. make up one’s mind 下定决心,打定主意 He has made up his mind to pursue his dream.

35. prejudice [ˈpredʒudis] n. 偏见,成见 A judge must be free from prejudice.

36. primary [ˈpraiməri] a. 首要的,主要的,基本的 The primary reason for traffic jam is that there are too many cars.

37. resort [riˈzɔ:t] n./ vi.求助;诉诸 resort to 求助于,采取 They will resort to the law.

38. enroll [inˈrəul] vi. (in,on)入学,加入 vt. 招收,吸收 You must enroll in our three-month training program to get this job.

This school plan to enroll 100 students every year.

39. terminate  [ˈtə:mineit] v. 停止,(使)终止 We have to terminate this contract.

40. in the long run 从长远来看,最后76

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They will win out in the long run.

41. be curious about ... 对……感到好奇 The boy was curious about everything he saw.

42. enhance [inˈhɑ:ns] vt. 提高,增加,加强 He made many efforts to enhance his reputation.

43. threat [θret] n. 威胁,恐吓 His presence is a threat to our success.

44. settle [ˈsetl] vt. 安家,安顿;决定 (日期等);解决 (问题、争议、纠纷等)

He is of an age when he ought to settle down.

Have you settled when to start off?

You'd better step back and let them settle their own disputes.

45. shield [ʃi:ld] n. 防护物,护罩,盾 vt. 保护,防护 The shield protected him from the blows of his enemy.

She held her hand above her eyes to shield them from the sun.

46. in particular 尤其 The goals, in particular, show you the direction to move.

47. in conclusion 综上所述 In conclusion , we should be afraid of globalization.

48. participant [pɑ:ˈtisipənt] n. 参加者,参与者 She is an active participant in this activity.

49. application [ˌæpliˈkeiʃən] n. 申请,申请书;应用,实施 The manager received twenty applications for the post.

The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial processes benefits most jobs.

50. term [tə:m] n.术语;(任,学)期;条款,条件 I am not familiar with chemical terms.

Are there any exams at the end of this term?

The company has fulfilled all the terms of the agreement.


2017 级 A 班第二学期词汇