005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT

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  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    ! ! ! ATENCI ON ! ! !

    El t i em po de en t r ega es de 30 a 35 d as hb i les en cua lqu ie r com p ra , ya quelos p roduc t os son env iados desde l a m i sm a FBRI CA y dependen de l f l u j o de

    paque t es a n i ve l i n t e rnac iona l.


    ------------------------005 Hogar y Oficina Accesorios de Oficina

    ----------------------------- Lap icer as y Lp ices

    Descr ipc in resum ida de l con t en ido de l cat a logo :

    - Varios modelos de lapiceras y lpices con distintascaractersticas para uso en el hogar u oficina.

    Pedimos disculpas por los ttulos en Ingles en los productos, en futuras

    versiones de los catlogos estar todo en espaol.

  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Actualizado al, 15 de Junio de 2012

    Trm inos y cond iciones pa ra ca t logos de U l t raBara to .comVersin de D ocum en t o : 1 . 0

    Trm ino s solo val idos p ara TODOS LOS PA SES.



    HACER UN PEDI DO_______________________________________________

    Muchas gracias por bajar este catalogo de productos, estamos ms que seguros queencontrara muchas cosas de su inters.

    Los catlogos contemplan todos los productos disponibles hasta el momento, desdenuestros proveedores y fbricas en China, Asia y Parte de Europa, segn la categora a la que

    un producto corresponda podr encontrar muchas mas opciones en colores, tamaos y precios,de esa manera podr hacer una mejor comparacin y eleccin del producto que deseacomprar.

    Pero recuerde que no es todo lo que podemos ofrecerle, la cantidad de productos es tanalta que constantemente estaremos actualizando nuestros catlogos con nuevos productos yofertas que no debe perder, en algunas ocasiones el numero de tems nuevos es limitado ysolo se fabrican un cierto numero de unidades, luego salen de stock as que reviseregularmente nuestras actualizaciones.

  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    En caso de verse interesado en realizar un pedido, por favor debe tomar en cuenta lassiguientes observaciones:

    1. Todo producto en el catalogo, esta sujeto a previa revisin de existencia con nuestrosproveedores, por lo que cualquier pedido deber tener nuestra confirmacin ycotizacin final, la misma que tendr una vigencia de 7 d as ca lendar io y no implicaNI NGUN COMPROMI SO de su parte, de esta manera evitamos que haya errores almomento de la compra.

    2. Los precios de cada producto estn expresados en DOLARES AMERI CANOS, y PORU N I D AD, en algunos casos por grupo o Kit de objetos, pero recuerde que la variacinde precios es constante en China, as que por favor no se alarme si nuestraconfirmacin final llega con una correccin del precio que no ser significativa.

    3. Toda compra que usted realice es TOTALMENTE SEGURA Y PRI VAD A, puedecomprar el producto que guste, en la cantidad que desee, de cualquier categora, sinpreguntas de nuestra parte, le aseguramos que sus datos personales y la de suscompras estn fuertemente resguardadas y JAMAS se revelaran a personas ajenas aUltrabarato.

    4. Nuestros clientes asiduos tendrn derecho a un descuento del 5% en el precio final,esto es a partir de la primera compra.

    5. Si usted desea hacer un pedido al por mayor, segn el numero de tems a comprar sele asignara un descuento (as sea su primera compra con nosotros):

    D e 10 a 49 u n idades el descuen t o se r de l 10% sob re e l t o t a l . D e 50 a 99 u n idades el descuen t o se r de l 15% sob re e l t o t a l . D e 100 a 500 un idades e l descuen t o ser de l 20% a l 25% depend iendo

    de l t em y de l c l i en t e sob re e l t o t a l .6. En toda compra (sin importar el numero de tems), usted deber otorgar un plazo de

    30 a 3 5 d as hb i les que ta r dara e l paqu ete en l legar a su pas, desde Ch ina ;algunos pedidos llegaran en menos tiempo segn la poca del ao, esto debidonetamente al flujo de paquetes a nivel internacional, en todo caso le informaremosoportunamente de algn retraso o problema que haya con su pedido.

    7. Si el pedido supera los 30 Dlares se le asignara automticamente un NUMERO DERASTREO AEREO y el paquete llegara con el tenor de CERTI FI CADO a destino; encaso de que el pedido sea menor a 30 Dlares, el cliente tiene la opcin de PAGARUN EXTRA por la asignacin MANUAL de un NU MERO DE RASTREO AEREO, para sucontrol y comodidad.

    8. El pago puede ser realizado por los siguientes medios: PayPal (de preferencia),deposito en cuenta de banco internacional autorizada, pago electrnico medianteInternet y Tarjeta de Crdito, giro de dinero por medio de Western Union o MoneyGram, etc. Ning n ped i do ser env iado has ta CONFI RMAR el pago to ta l .

    9. Podr realizar cambios en su pedido dentro las 2 4 h o r a s siguientes a la confirmacinde su pago, de lo contrario, se proceder a encargar y enviar a su pas los temscomprados.

    10. En caso de que en un pedido, todos o un tem no llegaran a destino, hasta un mximode 65 das hbiles desde la fecha oficial de envo, segn el acuerdo de la compra,U l t r aBara t o devo lve r e l mon t o de d ine ro co r respond ien t e a l numero de t ems f a l t an t es , en f o rma de c rd i t o en nues t r a pg ina w eb , PR EVI A

    con f i rmac in de pa r t e de nu es t r o p roveedor y ve r i f i cac in con las comp a asde Cor r eos de cada pas , de que su paquet e es ta perd ido . 11. Cualquier falla de fbrica en los productos deber ser reportada I NMEDI ATAMENTE

    a la Gerenc ia de U l t raBara to con f o togra f as y descr ipc in deta l lada delproblema, en un lapso de 2 4 h o r a s dependiendo del producto para que le sea enviadauna respuesta y posible solucin al caso.

    12. Los clientes que tengan cierta antigedad con UltraBarato podrn realizar sus pedidoscon el deposito de solo el 50% de l pago y paga r el saldo a a l en t r ega de lp roduc t o .

    13. Una vez que el pedido del cliente este confirmado con el proveedor y la orden ya esteen camino al destino acordado con el comprador, U l t r aBara t o no esta en laobligacin de devolver ningn monto de dinero sobre la compra en caso de que el

  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    comprador se retracte de la misma, ya que el pedido esta en transito y ya espropiedad del Cliente.

    14. En caso de que el cliente desee devolver un producto por X o Z motivo y obtener elreembolso parcial o completo, la Gerencia de UltraBarato dar una respuesta alrequerimiento de devolucin, segn la razn que el cliente plantee, si esta tiene fuerzay merece una devolucin, se proceder a la AUTORI ZACI ON DE LA DEVOLUCI ONDEL PRODUCTO, con la consideracin de que e l c l ien te cor rer con los gas tos dereenv o de l p r oduc t o has t a e l p r oveedor en C h ina , una vez que el producto llegueal proveedor y este CONFI RME su recepcin, se esperara a que el proveedor haga elreembolso monetario correspondiente sobre los tems recibidos, siendo este despusdevuelto al comprador segn los trminos en los que se quedaron al momento de laautorizacin por parte de UltraBarato, debe tomar en cuenta que este procesogeneralmente toma hasta m as de 6 m eses en concretarse.

    La Gerencia de Ultrabarato le pide considerar los puntos anteriores y lo invita a disfrutarde nuestros catlogos y convertirse muy pronto en uno de nuestros clientes.

    Si decide hacer un pedido por algn o varios tems de nuestros catlogos, realice elmismo a nuestra cuenta de correo: gerenc ia@ul t rabara to .com con los siguientes datoscomo M I N I M O :

    - CODI GO de l o los p rodu c tos .- El num ero de t em s a com pra r .- Direcc in y da tos persona les .- Lugar de des t i no .

    Para su comodidad a continuacin de este documento, encontrara un ejemplo de HOJADE PEDI DO, donde podr realizar un requerimiento de cotizacin sobre productos de suinters, sintase libre de modificarlo de ser necesario, pero tome como referencia los datosque solicitamos como M I N I M O.

    Ultrabarato al momento de responder a su pedido, har una confirmacin de stock, losmedios de pago sugeridos, descuentos que se apliquen, etc. segn cada caso

    Nuestra compaa tambin podr ayudarlo con la importacin todo tipo de materiales,

    repuestos, electrnicos, maquinarias, etc. desde las fbricas en China, por lo que si noencuentra lo que necesita en nuestros catlogos, envenos su requerimiento o consulta anuestra direccin de e-mail: gerenc ia@ul t rabara to .com

    Los catlogos sern actualizados regularmente con nuevos productos y precios, lo mismoque este (documento de ser necesario). Le recomendamos LEERLO CON ATENCI ON antesde proceder con su compra.

    Nuevamente muchas gracias por su tiempo, confianza e inters en nuestra tienda enlnea.

    Gerenc ia Adm in i s t r a t i va - U l t r aBara t oh t t p :/ / w w w .u lt r ab ar at o .co m---------------------------La mejor tienda de gadgets en espaol.

  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT







    FECH A DE PED I D O: __ / __ / __

  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP001AF Mini 4 Ports USB Hub with Spea ke r Pen Holder Blue LED Night Light $14.32

    LP002AFMini USB/ Battery Powered Auto matic Penc il Sharpener w LED Flash

    Light & USB Power Cable$14.26

    LP003AF3 in 1 Convenient Stainless Steel Nail Clippers Manicure Pedicure Set

    Kit w ith Brow Penc il-Sharpener Ear Pick$5.38

    LP004AFConvinc ing Shoc k-Your-Friend Elec trostatic Marker Pen Shoc k Tric k

    Gag Toy Prac tica l Joke Prank Gift$3.64

    LP005AFConvinc ing Shoc k-Your-Friend Elec trostatic Marker Pen Shoc k Tric k

    Gag Toy Prac tica l Joke Prank Gift$3.64

    LP006AF3 x White Watercolo r Paint Professiona l Brush w ith Synthetic Fibe r Hair

    & Wooden Handle$2.20

    LP007AF 3 x Red Watercolor Paint Professional Brush With Synthetic Fiber Hair &Wood en Handle $1.46

    LP008AF3 x White Watercolo r Paint Professiona l Brush With Synthetic Fibe r Hair

    & Wooden Handle$2.09



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP009AFDelicious Vivid Ice Cream Shap ed Ball-p oint Pen Ball-p en with

    Mag netic Fridg e Hanger$2.73

    LP010AF Lovely Goose Feather Shaped Ball-point Pen Ball-pen with Butterfly $2.81

    LP011AFFunny Vivid Croissant Shap ed Ball-p oint Pen Ball-pe n with Mag netic

    Fridg e Hang er$2.73

    LP012AFFunny Vivid Purple Egg plant Shap ed Ball-p oint Pen Ball-p en with

    Mag netic Fridge Hanger$2.68

    LP013AFFunny Vivid Turnip Shap ed Ball-p oint Pen Ball-p en with Ma gne tic

    Fridg e Hang er$2.68

    LP014AFLifelike Corn Ma ize Shape d Style Ball Point Pen w ith Blue Ink+

    Mag netic Fridge Hanger$2.73

    LP015AF Realistic Green Pea Shaped Ball Point Pen with Blue Ink+ MagneticFridg e Hang er $2.93

    LP016AFLifelike Pineapple Shaped Style Ball Point Pen with Black Ink+

    Mag netic Fridge Hanger$2.68



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP017AFRealistic Piece-of-Watermelon Shaped Ball Point Pen with Blue Ink+

    Mag netic Fridge Hanger$2.93

    LP018AFCute Blac k Ink Ball Point Pen Frog Shape d with Rota te Eyes+

    Adsorbent Cove r$4.03

    LP019AFCute Bobby Doll Shap ed Ball Point Pen w ith Blac k Ink + Adsorbent


    LP020AFLifelike Pizza Slice Shaped Style Ball Point Pen with Blac k Ink+

    Mag netic Fridg e Hanger$3.35

    LP021AFLifelike Banana Shaped Style Ball Point Pen with Black Ink+ Magnetic

    Fridg e Hang er$2.91

    LP022AFLifelike Strawberry Shape d Style Ball Point Pen w ith Blac k Ink+

    Mag netic Fridge Hanger$3.02

    LP023AF Lifelike Twists Bread Shape d Style Ball Point Pen with Blac k Ink+Mag netic Fridge Hanger $2.73

    LP024AFCute Blac k Ink Ball Point Pen w ith Bob by Doll Head + Adsorbent




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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP025AFRea listic Lotus Lea f Shaped Ball Point Pen with Blac k Ink+ Butterfly


    LP026AFLifelike Green Cucumb er Gourd Shap ed Style Ball Point Pen with

    Blac k Ink+ Magnetic Fridge Hanger$2.91

    LP027AFMagne tic Wooden Numb ers Math Set for Children Kids Preschoo l

    Home School Daycare Educational Fun$3.83

    LP028AF Funny Lovely Purple Fist Style Plastic Ball- point Pen Ball- pe n $3.16

    LP029AF Funny Lovely Blac k Fist Style Plastic Ball- point Pen Ball- pe n $3.16

    LP030AF26-Pcs Wooden Inte lligent Toy Magnetic English Lette rs Co lorful Bloc k

    with Smile Fac e Pattern Gift for Bab y Kid$8.42

    LP031AF 17CM Funny Pencil with Lovely Ant Figure and Mini Windmill Style forChild ren Kids Students $2.50

    LP032AF17CM Funny Pencil with Lovely Ant Figure and Mini Windmill Style for

    Child ren Kids Students$2.60



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP033AF Funny Blac k Ink Ball Point Pen with Bosom on Top $3.21

    LP034AF2 x Cuboid Plastic Pencil Erasers Stationary Cleaning Kit Cleaner


    LP035AF2 x Soft Large 4B School Artistic Drawing Pencil Erasers Stationary

    Cleansing Cleane r$1.67

    LP036AF2 x Soft Large 4B School Artistic Drawing Pencil Erasers Stationary

    Cleansing Cleane r$2.29

    LP037AF24 x Chung Hwa Colo red Penc ils Markers Art Educ ation A ccessory

    for Kids Students$8.40

    LP038AF24 x DIY Colo red Crayo ns Markers Photo Studio Ac cessory for Kids


    LP039AF Funny Lovely Orange Hand Style Long Flexible Ball-point Pen Ball-pen with Smile Fac e $3.07

    LP040AF2 x Cuboid Super Pencil Erasers Stationary Cleaning Kit Cleaner




  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP041AFCute Blac k Ink Ball Point Pen with Long Hair Doll Hea d + Adsorbent

    Sucker Cover- Red$4.48

    LP042AFCute Blac k Ink Ball Point Pen with Long Hair Doll Hea d + Adsorbent

    Sucker Cover- Blue$4.48

    LP043AFCute Blac k Ink Ball Point Pen with Long Hair Doll Hea d + Adsorbent

    Sucker Cover- Grey$4.48

    LP044AF2 x Natural Rubber Green Eraser with Beveled Edg e fo r Pen Ball Point

    Pen Penc il Statio nary$2.46

    LP045AFCigarette Cig ar Tob acco Shaped Style Short Writing Ball Point Pen

    Stationa ry with Blac k Ink$2.51

    LP046AFMagic Auto -Va nishing Ball Pens BLUE - Disap pe qaring within a Few

    Seconds (Assorted Color)$3.53

    LP047AF ON THE DESK SMA LL FROG Penc il Sha rpener Machine w ith RockingArm - GREEN $10.79

    LP048AFBrand ON THE DESK SMALL FROG Penc il Sha rpener Ma chine w ith

    Roc king Arm - PINK$10.79



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP049AFBig Size Charming Natural Quill Go ose Fea ther Antique Ink Pen with

    One Bottle of Ink Christmas Gift Set - Purple$8.62

    LP050AFBig Size Charming Natural Quill Go ose Fea ther Antique Ink Pen with

    One Bottle of Ink Christmas Gift Set - Brown$8.62

    LP051AFBig Size Charming Natural Quill Go ose Fea ther Antique Ink Pen with

    One Bottle of Ink Christmas Gift Set - Wine- red$8.62

    LP052AFBig Size Charming Natural Quill Go ose Fea ther Antique Ink Pen with

    One Bottle of Ink Christmas Gift Set - Blac k$8.62

    LP053AFEuro Style Charming Natural Goose Feather Quill Antique Ball Point

    Pen Gift with Gold en Me tal Lea f - Blac k Ink$6.79

    LP054AFNostalg ic Goose Quill Fea ther Ball Point Pen w/ Golden Meta l Lea f -

    Blac k Ink$6.79

    LP055AF Big Size Charming Natural Quill Go ose Fea ther Antique Ink Pen withOne Bottle of Ink Christmas Gift Set - Green $8.62

    LP056AFBig Size Charming Natural Go ose Quill Fea ther Antique Ink Pen with

    One Bottle of Ink Christmas Gift Set$8.62



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP057AFEuro Style Charming Natural Goose Feather Quill Antique Ball Point

    Pen Gift with Gold en Me tal Lea f - Blac k Ink$6.79

    LP058AFEuro Style Charming Natural Goose Feather Quill Antique Ball Point

    Pen Gift with Gold en Me tal Lea f - Blac k Ink$6.79

    LP059AFEuro Style Charming Natural Goose Feather Quill Antique Ball Point

    Pen Gift with Gold en Me tal Lea f - Blac k Ink$6.79

    LP060AFBeautiful Peacoc k Quill Lea ther Ball Point Pen Dec orative Ornament

    Gorgeous Writing Pen$3.30

    LP061AFCharming Quill Lea ther Ball Point Pen Dec orative Ornament

    Gorgeous Writing Pen- Black Ink$7.10

    LP062AFCharming Quill Lea ther Ball Point Pen Dec orative Ornament

    Gorgeous Writing Pen- Black Ink$4.43

    LP063AF DIY 12-color Children Creative Art Play Dough C lay Plastic ine Setwith 4 Moulds for Kids Aged 3 or Ab ove - Pink $11.89

    LP064AFMinnie Mo use 350M 12pc s Water Color Pen Perma nent Marker Art

    Painting Drawing Pen for Children$6.96



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP065AFMickey Mouse 350M 12pc s Water Color Pen Perma nent Ma rker Art

    Painting Drawing Pen for Children$6.96

    LP066AF6-in-1 Cute Too th-c lea ners Style Eraser Set Study Statione ry Series for


    LP067AF6-in-1 Funny Smiling Fac e Confident Eraser Set Study Stationery Series

    for Children$2.31

    LP068AF 6-in-1 Funny Letter Style Eraser Set Study Stationery Series for Children $2.42

    LP069AFDIY 12-color Children Creative Art Play Dough C lay Plastic ine Set

    with 4 Moulds for Kids Aged 3 or Ab ove - Blue$11.75

    LP070AFSchool Math Lea rning & Drafting Stud y Transformers Patterns Rule r Set

    Statio nary for Students$7.39

    LP071AF Cute Stylish Penc il Eraser in Lipstick d esign Cleansing Cleaner StudyStationery for Children- Blue $2.31

    LP072AFEduc atio n Study Stationery Series Set in Lovely Girl Patte rn Case- -

    Bow Compa ss with Ruler& Set Square& Protrac tor$5.77



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP073AFDisney Minnie Mouse Study Too l Stationery Set Book+ Penc il+ Ruler+

    Eraser for Children Students$9.41

    LP074AFBow Stand ard Self-c entering Com pa ss Divider Drawing Set w ith

    Pencil Lead& Mickey Style Case Study Stationery Series$3.04

    LP075AFBow Stand ard Self-c entering Com pa ss Divider Drawing Set w ith

    Pencil Lead& Mickey Style Case Study Stationery Series$3.04

    LP076AFEducation Study Statio nery Series Drawing Rulers Set with Simp le PVC


    LP077AFBlack Funny Boxing Skull Head Ball Pen Ball-point Pen with LED Red

    Glow Eyes Study Statio nery Series$2.79

    LP078AFSilve r Funny Box ing Skull Hea d Ball Pen Ball-point Pen with LED Red

    Glow Eyes Study Statio nery Series$2.79

    LP079AF White Funny Boxing Skull Head Ball Pen Ball-point Pen with LED RedGlow Eyes Study Statio nery Series $2.79

    LP080AFFunny Boxing Skull Head Ball Pen Ball-point Pen with LED Red Glow

    Eyes Study Stationery Series$2.79



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP081AFFunny Boxing Skull Head Ball Pen Ball-point Pen with LED Red Glow

    Eyes Study Stationery Series$2.79

    LP082AF24- Piec e Wood Woody Cute Print Penc il Stick Round Rod Style Study

    Too l Statio nery for Students Child ren$7.18

    LP083AF2-Pieces Classical Barbapapa Style Eraser Set with Plastic Cover

    Study Statio nery Series for Child ren$2.37

    LP084AFEducation Study Stationery Series Drawing Rulers Set with Pink PVC

    Case with Cute Girl Pattern$3.72

    LP085AFDisney Mic key Mouse Statione ry Box Pac ka ge Set Water Colo r Pen

    Crayo n for Students Children$30.44

    LP086AF Stationery Box Package Set Color Pen Crayon for Students Children $16.21

    LP087AF Fashionable 5-Pcs Transformers Style Study Sta tionery Series Set w ithPenc il Ruler Eraser and Sharpener for Children $6.42

    LP088AFEducation Study Statio nery Series Set in Melon Boy Patte rn Case- -

    Bow Compa ss with Ruler& Set Square& Protrac tor$5.77



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP089AF12 x Water Co lor Ma rkers Pen Set Charts Poster Painting Drawing Art

    Educ ation Ac cessory for Kids Students$5.60

    LP090AF18 x Water Co lor Ma rkers Pen Set Charts Poster Painting Drawing Art

    Educ ation Ac cessory for Kids Students$7.83

    LP091AF24 x Water Co lor Ma rkers Pen Set Charts Poster Painting Drawing Art

    Educ ation Ac cessory for Kids Students$10.00

    LP092AF36 x Water Co lor Ma rkers Pen Set Charts Poster Painting Drawing Art

    Educ ation Ac cessory for Kids Students$14.04

    LP093AF12-Pcs Colorful Water Color Sketch Colored Pencil with Brush

    Drawing Statio nery Series Set for Child ren$9.22

    LP094AFProfessiona l Hea lthy 24 Colo rful Oil Pastel Co lors w/ Spe c ial

    Sharpener +3 Erasers + Ca rry Case fo r Children Student$16.29

    LP095AF 30 Art Sets in Ca rry Case w/ Transformers Pattern- 12 Crayons+ 12Markers+ Ruler+ Pape r Clip+ Glue+ Penc il+ 2 Erasers $24.21

    LP096AF6 pcs Durab le 2 4 6 8 10 12 Typ e Paintbrush Brush Drawing Pen for

    Gouac he Aquarelle Ac rylic Oil$13.30



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  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP105AFPortable Smoo th Ma gic Reused Water Erasab le Ink Pen for Writing

    and Drawing$6.59

    LP106AF6-in-1 Funny Bea r Pattern Eraser Set with Compass Study Stationery

    Series for Children$3.16

    LP107AF4-in-1 Funny Smiling Fac e Confident Eraser Set Study Stationery Series

    for Children$2.25

    LP108AF5-in-1 Funny Hand Style Eraser Set with Base Study Stationery Series

    for Children$2.67

    LP109AFYellow Trapezoidal Style Eraser with Plastic Handba g Cover Set Study

    Statione ry Series for Child ren$2.06

    LP110AF6 pcs Durab le 1 3 5 7 9 11 Typ e Paintbrush Brush Drawing Pen for

    Gouache Aquarelle Ac rylic Oil$12.11

    LP111AF 5 in 1 Recyclable Cute Eraser Study Stationery in Cloth Scarf GlovesHat Design for Child (Colo r Assorted) $3.21

    LP112AF7-in-1 Funny Kitchenware Style Eraser Set Study Stationery Series for

    Children(Assorted Colo r)$3.53



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP113AF8-in-1 Recyclable Cute Pencil Eraser Set Study Stationery Kitchen

    Ac cessory Design for Child (Colo r Assorted)$3.70

    LP114AFRecyclable Cute Pencil Eraser Study Stationery Golf Set Design for

    Child (Assorted Colo r)$2.90

    LP115AF4 in 1 Rec yc lab le Cute Eraser Study Statione ry in Motorcyc le Helmet

    Gloves Style for Child (Assorted Color)$3.55

    LP116AFRec yc lab le Cute Penc il Eraser Study Statione ry Military Equipme nt

    Arm Set Design for Child (Color Assorted)$4.17

    LP117AFRec yc lab le Cute Penc il Eraser Study Statio nery Baseb all Sports Set

    Design for Child (Colo r Assorted)$3.12

    LP118AFMini Plastic Ska teboa rd Boa rd Plate Shap ed Penc il Sharpener

    Sharpe r Penknife 8mm Diam eter$1.92

    LP119AF 5-Pieces 175MM Funny Pencil with Lovely Cartoon Figure andColorful Cover for Children Kids Students $5.12

    LP120AF2 3 5 6 7 5pcs Wea r-resisting Anti-corrosion Anti-c rack A nti-linting

    Anti- off Water Coloring Paint Brush Set$8.74



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP121AF 4 x Single Hole Pencil Sharpener Sharper Penknife 9mm Diameter $2.91

    LP122AF5 pc s Durab le 2 4 8 10 12 Typ e Paintbrush Brush Drawing Pen for

    Gouache Aquarelle Ac rylic Oil$12.57

    LP123AF2 4 6 8 10 12 6pc s Wea r-resisting Anti-corrosion A nti-c rack Anti-

    linting Anti- off Water Colo ring Paint Brush Set$13.14

    LP124AFBig Size Lovely Pink Bea r Style Eraser Stud y Sta tionery Series for


    LP125AF12 x Afrocat Body Cha nge Craft Rubb er Mounted Woode n Stam p

    Lovely DIY Stam p Set w ith Ink Pad Assorted Patte rns$5.78

    LP126AF2 6 8 10 12 5pc s Wea r-resisting Anti-corrosion A nti-c rack Anti-linting

    Anti- off Water Coloring Paint Brush Set$13.30

    LP127AF 3 in 1 Design Cute Mini Elephant Shap ed Telesco pe Blac k Ink BallPoint Pen Toy w/ Keychain $3.32

    LP128AFLove ly Pand a Style Keyc hain Key Ring w ith Portab le Hidde n

    Retrac tab le Ball Point Pen for Keys Hand ba g Decoration$3.32



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP129AFFunny Writing Ball- point Pen Ball-p en w ith Sunflower Style Clothes

    Study Stationery Series$2.87

    LP130AFFunny Writing Ball- point Pen Ball-p en w ith Sunflower Style Clothes

    Study Stationery Series$2.87

    LP131AFFunny Cow Style Keychain Key Ring w ith Portab le Hidde n

    Retrac tab le Ball Point Pen for Keys Hand ba g Decoration$3.32

    LP132AF3 in 1 Design Cute M ini Bunny Rab bit Shap ed Telescope Blac k Ink

    Ball Point Pen Toy w/ Keychain$3.32

    LP133AFFunny Donkey Style Keychain Key Ring w ith Portab le Hidde n

    Retrac tab le Ball Point Pen for Keys Hand ba g Decoration$3.32

    LP134AF Cute Mini Girl Shape d Blue Ink Ball Point Pen Toy w/ Keycha in $2.84

    LP135AF Funny Writing Ball- point Pen Ball-p en w ith Sunflower Style ClothesStudy Stationery Series $2.87

    LP136AFFunny Lovely Green Hand OK Sign Style Long Flex ible Ball- po int Pen

    Ball-p en with Smile Fac e$2.59



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP137AF2 x Beautiful Fluff Rose Design Blue Ink Writing Ball Pen Ballpoint Pen

    Stationery- Pink + Orange$4.20

    LP138AF2 x Beautiful Fluff Rose Design Blue Ink Writing Ball Pen Ballpoint Pen

    Stationery- Pink + Yellow$4.20

    LP139AF2 x Beautiful Fluff Rose Design Blue Ink Writing Ball Pen Ballpoint Pen

    Stationery- Light Pink + Purple$4.20

    LP140AF2 x Beautiful Fluff Rose Design Blue Ink Writing Ball Pen Ballpoint Pen

    Statione ry- Dark Red + Blue$4.62

    LP141AF2 x Beautiful Fluff Rose Design Blue Ink Writing Ball Pen Ballpoint Pen

    Stationery- Red + Light Blue$4.62

    LP142AFPlastic Mini Environm ent- Friendly Stapless Stap le-Free Stap ler

    Com pa c t Pap erclip Assorted Color$4.00

    LP143AF Plastic Mini Environm ent- Friendly Stapless Stap le-Free Stap lerCom pa c t Pap erclip Assorted Color $4.00

    LP144AF 33CM Super-Size Giant Penc il with Eraser Toy Gift for Children Kids $7.21



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP145AFFunny Writing Ball-point Pen Ball-p en w ith Tige r Pattern Head and

    Flexible Nec k Study Statione ry Series - Pink$3.44

    LP146AF Magic Auto-Vanishing Ball Point Pen Invisible Disap pear Ink $5.10

    LP147AFMidd le Size Charming Natural Quill Fea ther Antique Ink Pen w ith One

    Bottle of Ink Christmas Gift Set - Brown$26.16

    LP148AFFunny Writing Ball-point Pen Ball-p en w ith Tige r Pattern Head and

    Flex ible Nec k Study Statione ry Series - Blue$3.44

    LP149AFFunny Writing Ball-point Pen Ball-p en w ith Tige r Pattern Head and

    Flexible Neck Study Stationery Series - Green$3.44

    LP150AFCute Palm Shaped Ball Point Pen Ballpe n with Fea ther + Blue Ink -


    LP151AF Cute Palm Shaped Ball Point Pen Ballpe n with Fea ther + Blue Ink -Claret $2.02

    LP152AFSuper Cute Two-Braid Girl Doll Style Ball Point Pen Ballpen with Suc ke r

    Cover Study Too l Statio nery$4.87



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP153AFSuper Cute Bevel-Braid Girl Doll Style Ball Point Pen Ballpen with

    Suc ke r Cover Study Too l Statione ry$4.54

    LP154AFSuper Cute Rab bit Doll Style Ball Point Pen Ballpen Study Too l

    Statio nary - Pink$2.81

    LP155AF Slim Blue Ink Ball Point Pen with Cute Bear Pattern & Fluff - Blue $2.15

    LP156AF Slim Blue Ink Ball Point Pen with Cute Face Pattern & Fluff - Blue $2.15

    LP157AFSlim Blue Ink Ball Point Pen with Cute Stuff Bea r Patte rn& Bowkno t-


    LP158AFSuper Cute Rab bit Doll Style Ball Point Pen Ballpen Study Too l

    Statione ry - Blue$2.81

    LP159AF Super Cute Shee p Doll Style Ball Point Pen Ballpen with Hidden PenPoint Study Too l Sta tionery - Pink $3.67

    LP160AFSuper Cute Short Hair Girl Doll Style Ball Point Pen Ballp en with Suc ke r

    Cover Study Too l Statione ry$4.48



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP161AFSuper Cute Shee p Doll Style Ball Point Pen Ballpen with Hidden Pen

    Point Study Too l Sta tionery - White$3.67

    LP162AF Slim Blue Ink Ball Point Pen with Cute Star Pattern & Fluff - Red $2.15

    LP163AF Slim Blue Ink Ball Point Pen with Cute Star Pattern & Fluff - White $2.15

    LP164AFSuper Cute Rab bit Doll Style Ball Point Pen Ballpen Study Too l

    Statione ry - White$2.81

    LP165AF Slim Blue Ink Ball Point Pen with Cute Flower Pattern & Fluff - Pink $2.15

    LP166AF Slim Blue Ink Ball Point Pen with Cute Bear Pattern & Fluff - Yellow $2.15

    LP167AF Slim Blue Ink Ball Point Pen with Cute Bear Pattern & Fluff - Red $2.15

    LP168AFFunny Writing Cool Car Style Ball-point Pen Ball-p en w ith Running

    Wheel Toy Study Stationery Series - Blue$4.98



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP169AFFunny Writing Cool Car Style Ball-point Pen Ball-p en w ith Running

    Whee l Toy Study Statione ry Series - Orange$4.98

    LP170AFFunny Writing Cool Car Style Ball-point Pen Ball-p en w ith Running

    Wheel Toy Study Stationery Series - Red$4.98

    LP171AFFunny Writing Cool Car Style Ball-point Pen Ball-p en Study Statione ry

    Series - Black$3.44

    LP172AFFunny Writing Cool Car Style Ball-point Pen Ball-p en Study Statione ry

    Series - Blue$3.44

    LP173AFFunny Writing Cool Car Style Ball-point Pen Ball-p en Study Statione ry

    Series - Red$3.44

    LP174AFLarge Sized Dec orative Ball Point Pen Ball-p en w ith Blue Ink Fea ther

    Style Flower Displa y Stationery - Red$3.63

    LP175AF Funny Large Size Ball-point Pen Ball- pen with Fea ther Style FlowerDisplay Study Statio nery Series - Orange $3.63

    LP176AFFunny Large Size Ball-point Pen Ball- pen with Fea ther Style Flower

    Display Study Statio nery Series - Blac k$3.63



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP177AFLifelike Grape Shaped Style Ball Point Pen with Blue Ink+ Magnetic

    Fridg e Hang er$3.33

    LP178AFLarge Sized Dec orative Ball Point Pen Ball-p en w ith Blue Ink Fea ther

    Style Flower Displa y Statio nery - Blue$3.63

    LP179AFCharming Quill Fea ther Antique Ink Pen w ith Blac k Ink Set Christma s

    Gift - Blac k with White$28.81

    LP180AFCharming Wild Duck Quill Fea ther Antique Ink Pen w ith Blac k Ink Set

    Christmas Gift - Grey with White$26.20

    LP181AFCharming Go ose Quill Fea ther Antique Ink Pen w ith Blac k Ink Set

    Christmas Gift - Black$26.13

    LP182AFMidd le Size Charming Natural Quill Fea ther Antique Ink Pen w ith One

    Bottle of Ink Christmas Gift Set - White$26.16

    LP183AF Midd le Size Charming Natural Quill Fea ther Antique Ink Pen w ith OneBottle of Ink Christmas Gift Set - Green $26.33

    LP184AFMidd le Size Charming Natural Quill Fea ther Antique Ink Pen w ith One

    Bottle of Ink Christmas Gift Set - Yellow$26.16



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP185AFMidd le Size Charming Natural Quill Fea ther Antique Ink Pen w ith One

    Bottle of Ink Christmas Gift Set - Red$26.16

    LP186AFLarge Sized Dec orative Ball Point Pen Ball-p en w ith Blue Ink Fea ther

    Style Flower Disp lay Statio nery - White$3.63

    LP187AFCha rming Turkey Fea ther Antiq ue Ink Pen with Purple Ink & Different

    Pen Nibs in Gift Box- Purple$30.67

    LP188AFCha rming Turkey Fea ther Antiq ue Ink Pen with Pink Ink & Different

    Pen Nibs in Gift Box- Pink$30.67

    LP189AFCha rming Turkey Fea ther Antiq ue Ink Pen with Red Ink & Different

    Pen Nibs in Gift Box- Red$30.67

    LP190AFCharming Turkey Fea ther Antique Ink Pen w ith Yellow Ink & Different

    Pen Nibs in Gift Box- Yellow$30.67

    LP191AF Charming Pheasant Quill Fea ther Antique Ink Pen w ith Blac k Ink SetChristma s Gift - Brown $28.80

    LP192AFFunny Ma tchstic k Style Ball- point Pen Ball-p en Toy Study Statione ry

    Series - (A ssorted Co lor)$2.11



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP193AFFunny Writing Ball- point Pen Ball-p en w ith Sunflower Style Clothes

    Study Stationery Series - Red with Yellow$2.51

    LP194AFFunny Writing Ball- point Pen Ball-p en w ith Sunflower Style Clothes

    Study Statione ry Series - Orang e with Yellow$2.53

    LP195AFHeaddress&Flowe r Tie Fea ther Soft Swinging Hairs Lady Ostrich Pen

    for Wedding Dec oration$3.05

    LP196AF6 x Ma gic Pop -Up Colo r Pen Cute DIY Wall Me tal C loth Painting Too l

    w/ Particle Effect$9.56

    LP197AF Twist Typ e Ball Point Roller Pen Ballp en with Blac k Ink Gift - Blac k $6.49

    LP198AFTwist Typ e World Ma p Patterned Ball Point Roller Pen Ballp en with

    Blac k Ink Gift - Orange$6.49

    LP199AF Twist Typ e World Ma p Patterned Ball Point Roller Pen Ballp en withBlac k Ink Gift - White $6.49

    LP200AFWorld Ma p Patterned Roller Ink Pen w ith Cove r + Blac k Ink Gift -




  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP201AFMingd a 8-color Roll to Selec t Selec tive Me tallic Glitter Blink Pen w ith

    Caps for Kid Writing Drawing Assorted Color$4.06

    LP202AFDual Fists Funny Ca rtoon Toy Box ing LED Light Ball-Point Writing Pen -

    Blue Hare$3.29

    LP203AFDual Fists Funny Ca rtoon Toy Box ing LED Light Ball-Point Writing Pen -

    Red Hare$3.29

    LP204AFDual Fists Funny Ca rtoon Toy Box ing LED Light Ball-Point Writing Pen -

    Yellow Leopa rd$3.29

    LP205AFDual Fists Funny Ca rtoon Toy Box ing LED Light Ball-Point Writing Pen -

    Pink PoohBear$3.29

    LP206AFDual Fists Funny Ca rtoon Toy Box ing LED Light Ball-Point Writing Pen -

    Pink Monkey$3.01

    LP207AF Elegant&Grac eful Swing ing Soft Fea ther Ca lyx Ribbon Wrapp edBlooming Rose Ball-Point Pen fo r Dec oration $2.59

    LP208AFTop Hat&Bow Tie Fea ther Soft Swing ing Hairs Gentlem an Ostrich Pen

    for Wedding Dec oration$3.05



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP209AFMingd a 8-c olor Roll to Selec t Selec tive Wax Crayon Pen with Caps

    for Kid Writing Drawing Assorted Color$4.09

    LP210AFMagic Invisible Ink Pen with Spe c ial Flashlight& Memo Pad s Fun

    Gadg et for Sec ret Writing Assorted Colo r$1.81

    LP211AFInteresting Plastic Astrob oy Ball-Point Toy Pen w ith A Hidea ble Lower

    Half Body for Children Kids$3.86

    LP212AFInteresting Plastic Pop eye Ball-Point Toy Pen w ith A Hidea ble Lower

    Half Body for Children Kids$3.86

    LP213AFMini Hello Kitty Cove red & Shap ed 45-sheet Writing Mem opad Mem o

    Book No tebook with 2pc s Hello Kitty Ball Pen - Red$4.93

    LP214AFInteresting Plastic Winne the Pooh Ball-Point Toy Pen with A Hide able

    Lower Half Body for Children Kids$3.86

    LP215AF Mini Hello Kitty Cove red & Shap ed 45-sheet Writing Mem opad Mem oBook Noteb ook w ith 2pc s Hello Kitty Ball Pen - Pink $4.57

    LP216AF12 pcs 12-color Color Pencils + Hello Kitty Pattern Pencil Vase with




  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP217AF12 pc s 12-color Co lor Penc ils + Sponge Bob Spo ngeBob Pattern

    Penc il Vase with Keychain$7.30

    LP218AF1 Set o f Study Stationery Mec hanical Penc il Refill Gel Ink Pen Ball-

    point Pen Ruler Eraser$8.88

    LP219AF1 Set o f Sponge Bob Sponge Bob Style Study Statione ry Mechanic al

    Pencil Refill Gel Ink Pen Ball-point Pen Ruler Eraser$9.16

    LP220AFPerfec t Silver Golf Set Zn -Ni Alloy Golf Club Style Ballpen Ball Pen

    Holder with Golfball Gift Display Decoration$40.98

    LP221AF2 in 1 LED White Light Torc h & Ball Point Pen with Cartoon Ben 10

    Pattern - Green$4.91

    LP222AF2 in 1 LED White Light Torc h & Ball Point Pen with Dora the Exp lorer

    Patte rn - Yellow$4.91

    LP223AF 2 in 1 LED White Light Torc h & Ball Point Pen w ith Thomas Train PatternBlue $4.91

    LP224AF2 in 1 LED White Light Torc h & Ball Point Pen with Hello Kitty Pattern -




  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP225AF2 in 1 LED White Light Torc h & Ball Point Pen with Cartoon Cars Lighting

    Mc Quee n Pattern - Red$5.25

    LP226AFthe Simpsons Style Mechanical Pencils with Cartridge + Eraser Study

    Too l Stationary - Assorted Style$3.94

    LP227AF3.5mm 12x GILIFA GL-1873 Smoo th Ge l Ink Pen with Anim al Patte rn

    Gift Statio nery Study Too l Set - Blac k$7.78

    LP228AF3.5mm 12x GILIFA GL-1887 Smoo th Ge l Ink Pen with Anim al Patte rn

    Gift Statio nery Study Too l Set - Blac k$7.78

    LP229AF3.5mm 12x GILIFA GL-1877 Smo oth Gel Ink Pen with Baby Face

    Pattern Gift Stationery Study Too l Set - Blac k$7.78

    LP230AFYellow Hair Barbie Head Ball Pen with Blue Ink Replaceable Refill Gift

    Statione ry Study Too l$1.88

    LP231AF Blue Hair Barbie Hea d Ball Pen w ith Blue Ink Rep lac ea ble Refill GiftStatione ry Study Too l $1.88

    LP232AFBrown Hair Barb ie Head Ball Pen w ith Blue Ink Rep lac ea ble Refill Gift

    Sta tionery Study Too l$1.88



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP233AFNovel Guitar Style Gel Ink Pen with Black Ink Gift Stationery Study

    Too l - Co ffee$2.42

    LP234AFNovel Guitar Style Gel Ink Pen with Black Ink Gift Stationery Study

    Tool - Red$2.42

    LP235AFNovel Guitar Style Gel Ink Pen with Black Ink Gift Stationery Study

    Tool - Pink$2.42

    LP236AFNovel Guitar Style Gel Ink Pen with Black Ink Gift Stationery Study

    Tool - Blue$2.42

    LP237AF3.5mm 12x GILIFA GL-1885 Smoo th Ge l Ink Pen with Ca rtoon Pattern

    Gift Statio nery Study Too l Set - Blac k$7.46

    LP238AF3.8mm 12x GILIFA GL-1871 Smoo th Ge l Ink Pen with Ca rtoon Pattern

    Gift Statio nery Study Too l Set - Blac k$7.55

    LP239AF 3.5mm 12x GILIFA GL-1785 Smoo th Ge l Ink Pen with Lovely Ca t GiftStatione ry Study Too l Set - Blac k $7.78

    LP240AF3.8mm 12x GILIFA GL-1855 Smoo th Ge l Ink Pen with One Piec e

    Pattern Gift Stationery Study Too l Set - Blac k$8.46



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP241AFDelic ious Pizza Design Penc il Eraser for Kids Handwriting Cleaning Kit

    Statio nary Schoo l Supplies 6Pcs Assorted Co lor$3.70

    LP242AFWate r-Based Fluorescent Ink Medium Chisel Tip Lightfa st Pigm ent Pen

    For Pap er Fax Co pies (Assorted Color)$3.49

    LP243AF Cute Design Penc il Eraser Study Stationery Set for Child ren Kids $3.84

    LP244AFCute Pea nut Design Penc il Eraser Study Statione ry Set fo r Children


    LP245AF Cute Design Penc il Eraser Study Stationery Set for Child ren Kids $4.45

    LP246AFSweet Smell Metal Flashlight Blink Pen Kit - 1 Pen + 6 Colorful Refills

    (Assorted Colo r)$2.48

    LP247AF Sweet Smell Metal Flashlight Blink Pen Kit - 2 Pens + 10 Colorful Refills(Assorted Colo r) $4.09

    LP248AF7 x Colo rful Gouache Pen Water Color Painting & Draw ing Ma rker

    Pen with Faint Fragrance Assorted Color$5.05



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP249AF4 x Dual-End Colorful Fluorescent Pen Highlight Liquid Chalk Glass

    Marker Set fo r Children Assorted Colo r$4.50

    LP250AF6 x Mini Co lorful Fluorescent Pen Highlight Liquid Cha lk G lass Marker

    Set for Children Assorted Color$4.82

    LP251AFRainball Dolls Patterned Manual Penc il Sharpener Machine with

    Roc king Arm a nd Shav ing Closet (Assorted Color)$10.31

    LP252AFYog urt Pot Allotyp ic Shap ed Manual Penc il Sharpener Mac hine with

    Roc king Arm a nd Shav ing Closet (Assorted Color)$11.19

    LP253AFLemon Cup Allotypic Shape d Manua l Penc il Sharpener Mac hine with

    Roc king Arm a nd Shav ing Closet (Assorted Color)$11.50

    LP254AF4 x Flex ible Finger Style Gesture Ball Point Pen Am using Statione ry for

    School Writing Assorted Color$7.81

    LP255AF 2 Drawers House Allotyp ic Shap ed Manual Penc il SharpenerMachine with Roc king Arm and Shav ing Closet (Assorted Co lor) $24.68

    LP256AFNaughty Dog Allotypic Shaped Manua l Penc il Sharpener Mac hine

    with Roc king Arm a nd Shav ing Closet (Assorted Color)$13.72



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP257AFLove Kid Patterned Manual Penc il Sharpener Mac hine with Roc king

    Arm a nd Shav ing Closet (Assorted Color)$10.49

    LP258AFCute Ca r Allotyp ic Shaped Manual Penc il Sharpener Mac hine with

    Roc king Arm a nd Shav ing Closet (Assorted Color)$17.59

    LP259AFWise Cat Allotyp ic Shap ed Manua l Penc il Sharpener Mac hine with

    Roc king Arm a nd Shav ing Closet (Assorted Color)$17.14

    LP260AFLove ly Rab bit Allotyp ic Shap ed Manua l Penc il Sharpener Mac hine

    with Roc king Arm a nd Shav ing Closet (Assorted Color)$13.38

    LP261AF6-Pack Creative Blow Colour Pens with Beautiful Stencil Set for

    Draw ing Assorted Color$4.23

    LP262AF3x Funny Frog Style Wooden Ball-point Pen Ball-pen Toy Study Too l

    Statio nery Series -Green$4.01

    LP263AF Ma cDona ld Set Mea l Them e Penc il Eraser for Kid Hand writingCleaning Kit Stationary School Supplies 7Pcs $4.17

    LP264AFInsec ts Design Penc il Eraser for Kids Handwriting Cleaning Kit

    Stationary Schoo l Supplies 5Pcs$2.81



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP265AFInjec tor Them e Penc il Eraser for Kids Handw riting Clea ning Kit

    Stationary Schoo l Supplies 4Pcs$3.70

    LP266AFQuality Nanotec hnolog y Fluorescent Pen Kit - 1 Pen + 7 Co lorful

    Refills (Assorted Color)$2.57

    LP267AF60 x Ca rtoon Dora Wooden Penc il Set w ith Pen Holde r Schoo l

    Supplies Stationery Series Pupil Gift$16.51

    LP268AF60 x Strawberry Shortcake Wooden Pencil Set with Pen Holder School

    Supplies Stationery Series Pupil Gift$13.89

    LP269AF60 x Sanrio Hello Kitty Wood en Penc il Set w ith Pen Holder Schoo l

    Supplies Stationery Series Pupil Gift$14.62

    LP270AF4 Colo r Red Green Blue Black Rep lac ea ble Refill Ball-Point Ball Pen

    for Children Kids$4.65

    LP271AF Ball Point Pen with Light Flashlight Pen Statio nery Schoo l Supply GiftChoic e for Kids - Hello Kitty Assorted Colo r $2.09

    LP272AF6 x Mini Co lorful Fluorescent Pen Highlight Liquid Cha lk G lass Marker

    Set w/ Key String for Children Assorted Color$5.83



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP273AF Novel Need le Tube Tubing Shape d Ball Point Pen Ballpen - Red $1.44

    LP274AF Novel Need le Tube Tubing Shape d Ball Point Pen Ballpen - Gree n $1.44

    LP275AF6 x Mini Co lorful Fluorescent Pen Highlight Liquid Cha lk G lass Marker

    Set- Bea r Patte rn for Child ren$4.40

    LP276AF2x Funny Peanut Style Plastic Ball-point Pen Ball-pen with Chain


    LP277AF2 x Innova tive Dog Bone Design 0.5mm Erasab le Ge l Ink Pen Gel Pen

    Stationery School Supplies Assorted Color$2.20

    LP278AF3 x Korean Painted Woode n Cartoon Anima l Design Penc il with

    Eraser Schoo l Supplies Stationery Series Assorted Co lor$4.74

    LP279AF Funny Aluminium Shell Ball-point Pen Ball-pen with Retractable String& Clip - Assorted Co lor $3.50

    LP280AFNovelty Injec tor Syringe Design Ball Point Pen Writing Pen w ith Bea d

    Stationery School Supplies Assorted Color$1.83



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP281AF 5 x Cute Ca rtoon Pattern Blac k Sign Pen Roller Pen - Hello Kitty Figure $4.50

    LP282AF5 x Cute Ca rtoon Pattern Blac k Sign Pen Rolle r Pen - Spo ngeBob


    LP283AF4pc s QQ Dialog Box Mag netic Boa rd Stick ers with Pen & Clea nser for

    Gorgeous Messag e Lea ving$13.55

    LP284AFCute Ca rtoon Anima l Style Sma ll Woode n Carry-on Blac k Ball-p en

    Ball-point pen with String$1.63

    LP285AF3.8mm 12x Smoo th Gel Ink Pen Gift Stationery Study Too l Set - Fork

    and Scoop (Assorted Pen Ink)$8.63

    LP286AF3.8mm Smoo th Ge l Ink Pen Gift Stationery Stud y Too l Set - Cross Fire

    CF Gun (Assorted Color)$1.69

    LP287AF 3.8mm 10x TOILET Style Smoo th Gel Ink Pen Gift Sta tionery Study Too lSet - Assorted Pen Ink $8.46

    LP288AFStatione ry Too l Geom etry Series Drawing Rulers Compasses Penc il

    Eraser Set with Box$10.29



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP289AFMeta l Bow Stand ard Self-c entering Com pa ss Divide r Drawing Set w ith

    Ca se Study Statione ry$3.84

    LP290AF24pc s 24 Colors Wate r Colo r Pen Art Painting Draw ing Pen Stationery

    for Children Kids$14.17

    LP291AF18pc s 18 Colors Wate r Colo r Pen Art Painting Draw ing Pen Stationery

    for Children Kids$11.28

    LP292AF12pc s 12 Colors Wate r Colo r Pen Art Painting Draw ing Pen Stationery

    for Children Kids$8.32

    LP293AF12pcs 12 Colors Cute Dora Style Crayon Art Painting Drawing Pen

    Stationery for Children Kids$7.72

    LP294AF12pc s 12 Colors Cute Ben10 Style Crayon Art Painting Drawing Pen

    Stationery for Children Kids$7.72

    LP295AF 12pcs 12 Colors Cute Hello Kitty Style Crayon Art Painting DrawingPen Statione ry for Children Kids $7.72

    LP296AF12pc s 12 Colo rs Cute Disney Princess Style Crayon A rt Painting

    Drawing Pen Stationery for Children Kids$7.72



  • 7/31/2019 005 - Accesorios de Oficina - Lapiceras y Lapices - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    LP297AF12pc s 12 Colo rs Cute Spo ngeBob Style Crayo n Art Painting Draw ing

    Pen Statio nery fo r Children Kids$7.72

    LP298AF12pcs 12 Colors Cute Cars Style Crayon Art Painting Drawing Pen

    Stationery for Children Kids$7.72

    LP299AF12pc s 12 Colors Cute Thom as & Friends Style Crayon Art Painting

    Drawing Pen Stationery for Children Kids$7.72

    LP300AFColorful Facial Makeup Design Pencil Rubber Eraser for Kids Children

    7 PCs$3.88

    LP301AFUnique Wood Woody Cute Penc il Stic k Study Too l Statio nery

    Decoration w Flower Deco r - Pattern Asssorted$3.29
