886r sNtgou 'd 'r A8 sJele1!\ u€rlerlsnv lse^\ qlroN ur fulsnpul eunl e Jo lueIudole^ec eql roJ Ierluelod 'Belr€qrB rol r.l6rurl4 .iroH eqt lo /quoqlE €ql Jepun iqp.d troU€qql to ror.slo .lll Iq paqBrqnd vl-rvursnv NHrlsS/n HIHSd YtlF{i.FflY F{ql+Frdt 886f ilttl6 z 08 'oN ruodfu

08 'oN ruodfu · 2006. 9. 21. · SNItIOE iI f I'g sEsJvM NVTTnI&SnV ,lSSl.{ t{,ruoN NI LUfSnqNMn,r v ,{o ,lNsnalors^scl Eo,r rurrNsroal 'oN .luodsti H,rugd acerfs& epTeTapv 807,LNIII^LlEViIgc

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  • 886r

    sNtgou 'd 'rA8


    u€rlerlsnv lse^\ qlroNur fulsnpul eunl e Jo

    lueIudole^ec eql roJ Ierluelod

    'Belr€qrB rol r.l6rurl4 .iroH eqt lo /quoqlE €ql Jepun iqp.d troU€qql

    to ror.slo .lll Iq paqBrqnd

    vl-rvursnv NHrlsS/nHIHSd

    YtlF{i.FflY F{ql+Frdt

    886f ilttl6 z

    08 'oN ruodfu

  • SNItIOE iI f


    sEsJvM NVTTnI&SnV ,lSSl.{ t{,ruoN

    NI LUfSnqNMn,r

    v ,{o ,lNsnalors^scl Eo,r rurrNsroal

    'oN .luodsti


    acerfs& epTeTapv 807


    vllvulsnv N83ls3MlNif\]gVNVn oNV'l !

    NorvAu3st roc ro ilitiiilil


  • . , r , i i , . ,






    Desired sPecies

    Fishing methods

    Weather (wind) conditions





    TABTES .




    l _ b

    1 7

    1 8

    1 9

    1 9

    2 0

    2 L

    2 2


  • 'sTooqcs Buntr,

    ;o s6ur1q61g TEnsTn roJ afqPlTns are suoTlTpuoC 1Pq+ qluow -rad s,{eg

    'Ipg If,eqS uT sJaTr\€.rJ Iq (6)) uoT+cnpo;d eunJ 'Z

    'sasTnIc ,,.rpls uJelseM!, 'A'J buT.rnq

    6uTTTorL ^q ua{EJ seT3ads punf, € Jo e6uEE 1I{6TaM pu€ (6)I) fq6reM ueew (c) T

    '(eL6I raqirecag pue raque^oN 6uTpnf3xg) tl6f 1sn6nv -

    Er6T 1sn6nv t,rEls u.:alsal{,, 'A'J 'earv Ig - slTnsau qclEc Jo IlPunllns (q)I

    '(e/6I reqularac puE racFraAoN 6urpnTrxg) 7461 1sn6ng -

    €161 1sn6nv rrpls ufelsamr 'A'd 'r{luow llg - sllnsau L{31PJ Jo ^:euuns (P)T


  • T


    J F Robins

    Fisheries Department, 108 Adelaitle TerracePerth, western Australia


    fnfornation auaiLable on the abundanee of tuna off north uest AustTalia,

    gatheyed on surueA s by both ship otd aircraft, is presented in ordev to

    identifg opportzmi.ties foz, the eouz,cing of Tan nate?ial for the ,lestern

    Auetralian tuna eanning industry. Id.entifieation of the const?aints and

    potential for industzy detseLopnent of these ?esources is nade foeus'i'ng on

    the area considered most fauouz'able, tApes of oeseels used' fdshing

    methods arzd stz,ategies requit'ed for the d.eteLopnent of such resources in

    the euent that there i,s sone identi'fied p"ospect of uiable cornnercdal


    4 .

  • eTTer4snv 4sea r{frou 33o 1e11ua1od Eunl oq1 Jo suoTssaJdulT sTq Jo xJoda'r

    p lnq peqsTTqnd a:an s6ur1I{6Ts Jo sTs.{TeuP poTTPlap ou ,{TalPunlrotun

    's1r{6TT} aoupTTTalrns uo saueTd J v V }I paTueduocce aq uaqa erTpJlsnli

    ufalsam fo q1.rou .:ef aql uT aseg rTv llocsnJJ' 01 rapf,oq upTTef,lsnv

    qlnos/ueTTP:lsnv u:g4sam aq1 uo:l: ParP eq1 uT stra^'rns 6uT11ods TeTrae

    T{oo1r3pun saTfaqsTg Jo uoTsT^Tq E I S 3

    Jo JTer4 -ralET aqf uT pup '€t6T deti 01

    or{1 Jo .:oT/'roJ IeTuPls aw ' 9t6l

    e?6T raquacac poTrad aq1 6u'Frnq

    buTlfods TeTrav

    : d11ec16o1ouoJq3 pelsTT are saTxEulums ,(aa:ns 6ultrolToJ aq,l

    't:oro3fun eprEoffiD) eunl q1oo16op pue lEJElJfr snufiq{s)

    punl lara{cpur ' tE@im snuo,.rnslPx) (eunl padTrls) {ce[dT)ts ' 1E=E5e(fi

    snuunr{r) ulgirrrollaI'tTo66Eoe snuun6) uTtanTq u.ral{1rou'tffio55EE

    snutnqr,I uTlenTq ursq?nos :.:nJco saT3ads Punl 6u1atro11oy er{1 1Eq1

    Aoqs uoTlptapTsuoo .:apun Eor€ aql fo s^e^-rns sno.raumu uoff slTnsar aqtr

    'slassa^ pue sueld qloq .&q lno PaTr.rec uaaq e^eq

    sla^rns asoqtr, 'saTueduoc a1ea1:d PuP slueuluJaAo6 ale1s u€TIPJ?snv ura?9a04

    pup rllTEeauoluuroc l{q ap€ur uaaq oAeq (.rapJoq .{.rolT;Jaf, u.:aq1:oN - upTTPJlsnv

    u:ralsal aq1 o1 Ieg lrer{s uo.:J 'aT) lseoc lsaa q1.rou aq? fJo s1cols Punl Jo

    IITITqeITp^e eql auTunalap of sllo^rns ]o sad.dl snoTrPA z?6T Jaclu€3aq aouTs

    rsvoc Jssl.4uoN sHr ,{ao vNn,l aoJ sxs^uos

    ' ale1s

    aq1 g:o uo16a: lsat'r qlJou aq1 u'p iklsnpuT 6urqsTJ Punl e Jo ?uaudoTalap

    IuE 01 sluorIelap se palcP aAEq 'q?tad 01 sfsoJ ?Jodsu€Jl q6Tq ,{Te^TleTar

    aq1 pu€ saTlTITreJ 6uTzoarJ pue 6u1peo1un aTqelTns qlT..l slrod 01 6uT?eTox

    suralqo:d fpcTlsT6oT sP TTaa sE PalP aql uT Eunl Jo saTcads pa-zTs€p

    Jo acuppunqP uo uoTfEllltoJu'p ;o /{11cnecl 3o uralqo:d aq,tr 'rncco saTcads eunl

    .raqlo to s)tco1s a:aqA o1e1s aq1 to sPaJP u.:aqlxou sJou aq? oluT lj[oJJa Jo

    uoTsuEdxa lsuTE6e palelTTTtlr 'pal3aJJa sen salcads fpql to qclPc uo elonb

    € uaqA 'tB6T TTlun loafJ leTc:autuloc er{1 Iq PTT€rlsnv uf alsall Jo lsBoc

    qlnos aql 6uoT€ punl uTJanIq uf,eqlnos to e.rnldPc aq1 uo uoTlerluacuoC


  • was made to a Western Australian Fisheries Inspectors neeting in 1-944.

    Fron this report the follo$'ing Points emelge:

    ( i i )

    nost of the tuna observed had been found broadl-y from North

    west Cape to a few niles north of Broome to a distance no

    more than 50 miles offshoret

    species of tuna identifiecl in this area were northern

    bluefin and rnackerel tuna and maybe a further species (not

    specified) i

    with the information available the peak of the tuna season

    occurred. during the winter months (his flights did not

    cover tbe area at all times of the year) t

    baitfish (herring and hardyheads) occurred in large schools

    during March and April;

    schools of tuna were seen under conditions which should

    render.possibte their capture by both purse seine and

    livebait and pole methods ' but Fowler rr'as inclined to

    favour the latter method.

    ( 1 1 1 '

    ( iv )

    M.v. r r lsobel" cru ise

    During the period .luly to Decerdcer 1945 the M.v. "Isobe1", chartered by

    C.S.I.R investigated the near shore area from !'remantle to King Sound and

    return to Geraldton. All tuna were trolled by line and species taken were

    yellowfin, northern btuefin. striped tuna and mackerel tuna. No yellowfin

    were taken between North west cape and King sound. only 54 tuna were

    taken for 240 hoursr trolling witb two lines; 25 in the area from just

    south of Shark Bay to North West cape (7 yellowfin, 12 northern bluefin, 2

    nackerel tuna' 4 striped tuna) - 102 hours' trollingi 29 trolled in the

    area from North west Cape to cape Leveque (16 northern bluefin and 13

    mackerel. tuna) - 138 hours' trolling.

    ( i )


    6 .

  • .L

    'a1ocl pue lTEqa^rT q+T!u eunl q3lec 01 appul sEI'r 1du:al1e oll 'pa1q6Ts arelt

    uTJAoTToI pue azTs Poo6 Jo eunf pedTlas Jo sTooqcs aral{A eaJe Jeau l1ocs

    ar{1 uT lclacxa eunl Tafa{ceut arer\ pall{6Ts sTooqcs puP 1q6n€3 qsTJ lsoiil

    ':ea,{ aql Jo eurTl sTt{l le uoTle:ado eTod pue ?TPqa^TT TnJssaccns e l:o

    4uaudolarrep :roJ 6uT6€:nocue xeadd€ lou pTnoa asTnrc sTtll uo sllnser qclec

    ar{& '(eun1 lara)toPru 6r 'eun? padT.rls 5 'uTtanlq urequou ?I 'uTJAoffaI

    E) paTlorl o:aa eunl 17 po1:ad Ia^lns ar{1 6uT:no 'sa1P1S uJolseg

    aq1 uT drsqsTt uTfanlq aq1 uT palef,ado qaTr{i'r lassaa alod pue 1T€qa^TT

    Tnlssa3cns p selr rJels aTTalsgu al{tr' 'Iaau llocs 01 edPC fsell qlroN ulorJ

    Eerp aq1 PalEbTlsa^uT 'aJTTpTTM pue saTroqsTd ;o 1uaul:edaq 01 raueqc

    xopun ,,,rP1s aTTolsg,, 'A',r aq1 L96t 1sn6nv 9T 01 rrnf 71 po1:ad aq1 6u1:nq

    asTruc ,,.rels aTTalsg,' 'A'd

    'D?lDalsnv u.rcTsa11 f,o

    +sDoo a4+ !!o s4ools rnm+ aq+ lo uovlolvoTd't:a lDloaauuoo to uo?+ualu?

    aq+ 4+?& slassaa ftq sfiaadns a+noaso.rd o+ uo?+?sod D uL aaaa fraprLpu?

    plp 4o.rDasa.r ua4a a+Dp aalDl D 4D pasn aq plnoo to?q& aouDpwlw

    aa?TD|aa pub uo?+nq?a+s?p uo uo?lpueo[u? punoa64cnq +oanoo o+

    _: SErrl

    VL/EL6I uT ^a^rns atn-/'rolloJ e pue ,{aalns sTLIl Jo a^T+ca[qo aq,I' 'eTTErlsnv

    uralsa^{ ,aJTIpTTm pue saTraI{sTJ luaurlrEdac 'rr lrodau uT poqsTTqad afaA

    .(aAJns aq1 Jo sllnsau 'urnlel puP uer{pur$l 01 alluPulard ulor5 Ba:P aql

    uT sdaA.rns 6uT11ods TeT.rap {oolrapun a}TTpTTM pue seTreqsTJ Jo 1uaur1:edao

    ueTTertsnv uralsol4 aq4 896T Iren:qag 01 996T .raqulaJec poTJed aq1 6uTrno

    6uT11ods TpTrav

    '(096I 'Ilua^ras)

    (punl Tare{Jeul 4I 'uTIanTq uraqlJou L) Eunl ?Z paTTorl asTnrc sTq& ':ollT'l

    Jo r{lnos 01 adEc 1sal.t rluoN uort Pare al{t palE6TlsaAuT (u r s J) r'uaaJE^lr

    .A.U.d aq1 6V6T raqolco alPT 04 lsn6nv 9 poTrad aqt ouTrnq

    asTruc ruasrrP r 'A'u'd

  • F.v. "Torbay" Cru ise

    During the period 18 January to 13 March l-971 the F.V. .Torbay", under

    charter to Department of Fisheries and wildlife investigated the area from

    50 miles west of North west Cape to Dampier Archipelago and offshore to

    the edge of the Continental Shelf. A total number of 42 days were worked

    during which time 298 schools of tuna were sighted (93 of rnackerel tuna,

    155 striped tuna, 9 mixed mackerel and striped tuna, 41 unidenti-fied).

    The nunber of tuna trolled was 17 (12 mackerel tuna, 2 striped tuna, 2

    yellor.rfin and l- northern bluefin).

    Aeria1 spotting

    Durj.ng the period August l-973 to August 1974 the Department of Fj-sheries

    and Wildlife undertook aerial spotting surveys mainly in continental shelf

    waters in the area fron Fremantle to Admiralty culf. The xesults of this

    survey were cor[cined with the survey undertaken from 1966 to 1969 and

    presented by Robins (1975a) .

    A total of 3,636 schools of tuna were sighted during these two surveys.

    For the purpose of analysis of data the coastline was divided into five

    areas, viz., wyndham to Broome (Area A), Broome to Port Hedland (Area B),

    Port Hedland to Onslow (Area C), Onslow to carnarvon (Area D), Carnarvon

    to I'renantle (Area E). The nuy0ler of schools sighted per "effective hour"

    f lown in each area for the year was 7.45 ( in A ' ) , 5 .47 ( in B) , 11.62 ( in

    c ) , 6 . 1 9 ( i n D ) a n d 1 . 2 4 ( i n E ) .

    Further, the scbools were categorised by size and fish size vrithin the

    school. The divisions within each category were smal1, medium and large.

    A small school contained less than 5 tonnes of fish, a medium school

    contained between 5 and 1O tonnes, and a large school contained greater

    than 10 tonnes. A small fish weighed less than 7kg, a mediun fish between

    7kg anal 18kg and a large fish weighed greater than 18k9. The sizes of the

    schools j-n each category expressed as a percentage $'ere: small (67.88),

    meal ium (22-6t ) , large (9.6t ) . F ish s izes wi th in the schools were: smal l

    (451) , net l ium (51- t ) , larqe (4t ) .

    The critical question of species composition of the schools could not be

    given with any precision. Horrever, a subjective assessment based mainly

    on fish size composition of the schools and a knowledge of the biology of

    8 .

  • 'pasn lou sel'r ?au as-rnd oql '(tlsTJ TTeurs Jo sfoor{cs

    pazTs unTpaut I 'LISTJ lfPus tro sTooqcs TfPus LZ) palq6Ts eraA sTooqcs

    9€ 1nq ,paITof,1 a.:ajir eunl oN '.rauTas as.:nd B sE4r uesTnT ET.rPWr 'puPTpaH

    aJod pue uolpTErag uee/,rlaq €e-:e eql pa1E6T1sa^uT 'IIalE^Tld 6uT1Ef,ado

    ,,,€sTnr pTr€t{,. 'A',{ aq1 9t6T 1sn6nv eT 04 1sn6nv 1 po1':ad aq1 6uTrno

    ,resTnT PTfPWT 'A'J

    '-rTedar .ro] 1au eq+ buTTPuPq Jo

    poqlau aq1 puP f,aqfear{ peq palcadxaun 01 enp 1au Jo ssol TPlo1 uT palTnsa'r

    lau aq? puau 01 1durallP luanbesqns v 'o6euep 1au PUP dn 1no1 ur 6uTlTnsaJ

    appu e.raa slas oa4 .raqlfnJ g 'sp:eqc11d ooz +o I{34€3 P uT 6uTlTnsaf

    spf,eqcTTd uo oal pu€ 'r{srJ 89 Jo rlrlec P uT buTlTnsar Bunl padTrls

    Jo s1ooqJs TT€llts uo apPur 3.:a1'r aatqtr, 'epeu a.aea slas euTas asrnd uaAas

    'tlsTJ TTPurs Jo sTooqcs a6rET

    oal pup qsTJ pazTs ulnTpaur qlTl"r Tooqcs TIPuls E auo 'tIsTJ: ft€uls fo sTooqcs

    TTaus a.raa 89 r{cTqA fo palq6rs a:aA €un1 Jo sTool{3s T9 I (eun1 Ta'ra1cPur

    9 pu€ eunl padTJls IZ 'uTlaolTa^ 6I) poTToi? ala^r eunl 9t asTnf,c aql

    Jo asrnoc aql 6uTfnq 'auTas asrnd lara1c€llr e ser'r tra^:ns aql uT pasn 13u

    aqJ '€'Fu€uIsEJ, ]Jo Ta;a{cPur lcef qclec 01 ,{TTPuT6T':o 111nq :au1as as:nd

    e sEo ,,c faueCr '6uTuteals slep &92 luads tasso^ eq1 poTf,3d sTr{1 6uTJnd

    .edec lsaM ql-roN pue aTlu€ureJd uaal{laq Paf,e aq1 pelp6Tfsa^uT '^Tale^Trd

    6u11erado ',,o 1aupf' 'n 'J aq1 946T aun| 9z 01 rTrdv 71 po1.:ad aql 6uTrnc

    esTll;c rq lauPf ,l

    '(q9t6T) suTqoE ,{q TTElap uT ua^T6

    a.raA pu€ (c)T Pue (q)T '(€)T SaTqptr, uT pasTleuruns af,€ JaTtq uT slTnssx

    aqJ 'aurooJg pu€ alsTletn?eg ade3 uaaal3q PaJ€ aq? pa?P6Tlse^uT :31.1pqo

    qlTeer'ruounloJ/ale1s luTo[ e ropun 'rre1s u:a1sa!,l" 'A'J aln (€45T Jaqula3ac

    pup laqueAoN roJ ldaoxa) tt6T lsn6nv puP €L6I lsnbnv poTJad aq1 6uTf,ng

    asTuJ ,,Ie1s uJalseM[

    'salcads -:noJ 3r{1 to l(ue aJal.t qsTJ

    pazTs TTEurs eqt pue punl Ta.ro{c€lll pu€ )t3ptdT:(s auos qlTA uTtanTq u.raq?fou

    ,uTlaoTTe.& Ilqeqord eJert gs-tJ ulnTpaul eq1 '(uTJanfq ulal{?Jou aal p sdeqtad)

    ulgaaolled ^Tlsou ^Tq€qof,d a.:3l'r I{sT} a6-rPT aq1 leql se/"r saTJads snoT.re^ oql

  • During the period l-1 July to 27 JuLy L9'17 an observer from the Department

    of Fisheries antl wildlife accompanied the w A Museum on whale spotting

    flights in the shark Bay and offshore area. During this period a total of

    356+ schools of tuna, and 627+ bait schools hrere sighted. It was

    estimated that a fairly large proportion of these schools were either

    small or rnediurn sized schools and the size of the fish rrithin the schools'ranged between 11 and 13 kg and that they rrere composed of both yetlor{fin

    .and northern bluefin tuna.

    F.v. "Al t rev"

    The F.V. "Altrev", under charter to Department of Fisheries and Wildlife,

    undertook three cruises to investigate the tuna potential in Shark Bay.

    The dates of the cruises were from:-

    17 May to 6 July L9?8;

    18 July to 31 .July 1-978; and

    3 August to 7 septenber 1978.

    Results from cruises r -

    (a) Investigations throughout shark Bay yielded 266 yellowfin

    (av.wt . 17.3k9) and 677 nor thern b luef in (av.wt . 11.3k9) f ron 32 days

    (b) Areas investigated were:

    ( i i )

    western Ground for three d.ays resulting in a catch of 13

    northern bluefin, 1 yello!'/fin and 1 striped tuna. Six

    small schools of striped tuna were sightedt

    west Peron area for one day from cape Peron to

    Dampie! Reef. No fish were taken but 1 small school of

    striped tuna was sighted i

    Denham Sound area for three days resulting in a

    ( a )


    ( c )

    ( i )

    ( i i i )


  • Z x T 'Pun1 Tafo){cPrll Jo 6)t009 x

    slas Jo xaqulnu aq& 'pasoTc aq

    paTcrTJua I{sTt ?.solll lTnsaf, e sP

    rof TTeuIs ool TITIS seA 'qf6uar


    '(pueTsf liro.rleg ]:o q1.rou lcetdrls Jo sauuol

    r) slogs e^Tlcnpo:d ol1r1 l{1-tl!l 9 sPJir apPur

    plnoc ,,a1e6,, aql eroJaq 1au aq1 p3d€3sa

    pue ,,JeTluofJ,r a91 fo aTc.rTc 6uTuf,n1 aq1

    uT pasearcuT uaqa ue^a '1au s1q1 ' reAaJ'/\oH

    01 pabupr azTs looqcs fo safEulTlsg

    ser'r qcfEc oN 'PerP APg {Jeqs

    ',.6uaqc aa'Ii 'A'J aql 6z6f 1sn6nv

    apeur (,.C

    Jo 6)108I

    puP uo.:ad


    'sauuol 0€

    'palq6Ts araA sToollJs 11 1nq pa1:oda:

    aq1 pa1e611sarr.u"5'.{Iale^Trd 6u11e:ado

    oT 01 aunr €T urorf poTxsd aq1 6uTJnq

    ;6uar{c aar" 1\'d

    'poTJad sTqtr 6uT.:np sal{3lec le1TurTs

    epueurvr 'A'J) Tassa^ reqaouv 'sdPp gI uT (qsTJ E) UTJAoTTaI

    pue uTIanlq uJoq+:ou Jo 6{000'0z sPr'r qclEJ aqfi 'punos uPqueq

    XsaM rEau zlluleur '-deg )t.rPqs pale6TlsaAuT 'ITaleATxd buTlPrado

    'A'g oqtr BL6T :aqualdas € 01 ^Tnf TE uro:3 po1':ad aq1 6uT'rno

    ;ffinds" '^'r

    .u13aro11ar( se paTfTluapT afaltt o1q1 qcTqa 'o

    palqbTs a.raA slooqcs auo-IluaaJ, '(618'9 '1lt!'AP) Eunl Taf,a{cEul E pu€

    (61€'€ '1lit'^e) eunl podT-:ls Z '(6{8'8T '14'^E) urJAoTIaA Ir ',(6{9'ZI

    .1l"r.Ae) uTJanTq uraq?Jou T9T Jo t{c1ec e u1 6u111nsa: pUBTSI s{o)I

    .r€au pup punos upquac pup uorad ade3 1sa14 arar'r pa1e6T?sa^uT searB ar{.l (c)


    a.reA srooqss oN '(spleqcTTd) lTeq peap 6uTsn ',sf,noq

    t9 ui peTod (bW'zI '1l.r 'Ae) uTJenTq uroqltou t6€ l:o qcleo

  • F \ t t rF r^n f i a r t r

    During the period 22 APril to 19 June 1979, the F.v. "Frontier", operating

    privately with assistance from the Department of Fisheries and wilallife

    investigated the area from Albany to Broome. The "Frontier" was a large

    (6Om) American super purse seiner and used a net with a 98 fathoms fishing

    alepth. This net ra'as unsatisfactory for use in continenta] shelf waters

    and ,the Department lent its purse seine (with a specified depth of 23.5

    fathoms ' but which actually fished deeper) to the seiner'

    During the period 31 May 1980 to 5 Decenber 1980 the F'V' "Helen tr!" was

    chartered by the Department of Fisheries and wildlife to investigate

    livebait potential along the west coast. one test fishing exercise using

    tivebait (anchovies and small herring) resulted in a catch of 3.5 tonnes

    of striped tuna in three hours by two polers near Darnpier Reef, Shark Bay'

    F.V. "Kerr isma"

    In JuIy 1985 the F.v. "Kerrisma", operating privately, investigated an

    area near the northern entrance to Shark Bay. Large schools of 4-6kg

    northern bluefin were rePorted off guobba Point on July 14' estimated at

    many hundreds of tonnes. on 24 July an estimated 8oo tonnes were recorded

    in a feeding frenzy near Darwin Reef. The fish taken by jig averagetl

    5.4kg in weight. Because of his apparent ina-bi-tity to capture a large

    quantity of these fish by poling (with dead bait) and trolling' the

    skipper suggested that either gillnetting or a shallow-fishing purse seine

    net be t r ied.

    of all the surveys carried out in w.A. waters the aerial surveys come

    closest to a "xesource appraisal" survey. However aerial surveys lack the

    critical information on species composition of schools sighted' In an

    atternpt to overcome this problem dual surveys by air and sea \r'ere carried

    o u t i n 1 9 6 7 b y F . v . ' ' E s t e l l e s t a r ' ' a n d i n 1 9 7 3 - 7 4 b y F . v . ' . w e s t e r n s t a r ' ' .

    on both occasions species composition and abundance could not be


    ! 2 -

  • . ET

    po1:ad 1:oqs € uT f.q6nec aq upc rueul dlae:3 a1lq qs-FJ aq? fI 'uaql

    r{31ec ue3 uauuaqsTJ aTOaI ar{1 A.r3r{^r Tasss^ aql 01 rooq3s e ,,6ururunqf,,,

    uaql puE 6uTpunos-oqco Iq fo 6uTTTorl 'oJeJ.:ns aq1 1E 6uT1q6Ts ^q

    Tooqcs e 6urpuTf uo spuadop poqlau aqJ 'sr0t61 alPT aq1 uT pacuauuoJ

    6uTuTas as:nd 111un sta1.eltr ueTrp.rlsnv uT uTJanTq uraq?nos 6uTqclEc

    fo poqlau TeTc.rauruoc reTndod aql uaaq peq 6urt{sT} auTT pue aTod

    'eTTef,lsnv uraJs3.l,l pue pTIP.IfsnV qfnos 'saTeM

    q?nos neN uT pasn sT ')tcE[dT:ts lua?xa pafTuITT P 01 pue eunl uTJonTq

    u.:aqlnos qclpc oa '1TEq p€ap .:o aATT qlTA bUrqsTJ auTl pue aToa

    auTr puP eTod(z)

    'rEe6 pu€ TessaA

    Jo acueTradxa pue a6paTAouI 6uTltroa poo6 B qlTlr ueulaqsTJ spaau

    ITTnJssacans alpf,ado o1 puE saTlTlupnb a6Jef uT Punx gclec 01 sEq

    :au1as as.:nd aql ocJnosaf, anTeA lTun arof € uo ,{TTPTJlauroJ ale:ado oJ,

    'auPTd 6uT11ods e

    ,^TTeJaua6 ,puE sa6EA s,Aa.r3 'TanJ 'Jea6 6uTI{sT} /fassaA }o su!:a1 uT

    lnduT TEITdIEJ q61q sa:1nba: 1nq se1111uenb a6JPT uT €un1 Jo sTooqcs

    acEfrns 6uTqclec fo poqleu IueTJTJJ:a lsou aql sT buTuTas asf,nd

    'PTre.IlSnV qlnos

    pup saTeM qlnos r'raN uT pasn ^luouuoc sT poqlau aq[, '€unf {3e[dT{s

    fo saq31e3 lPuoTspcco puP Eunl uTfanlq utaqlnos ro] pasn sT (Tooqcs

    aql punorp loqs sT 1au asJnd or{1 ?sTTqr'r uoTlTsod uT sTool{cs Eunl aql

    daa{ 01 sTassa^ afod pue lTEqa^TT I{1Tlr uoTleTcossP uT) 6uTuTas as.and

    'auTas as.rnd (T)

    'PTTe.TISnV puno.re SJaler'r aql uT

    sraqlo uer{1 aroul qonur I:aa euros 'eun1 qclEc 01 pasn uaeq aAeq spoqlaul

    aser{1 Jo TfV '6ut41au1116 pue 6u111o:1 '6uTuTf6uoT '6uTr{s'Fl auTf

    pue elod '6uTuTas asrnd a.r€ €un? .:ot 6utqsTJ +o spoqlau 1ed-gcu1-zd eql'

    vNn,r ao,{ 9NTHSr,4 JO SqOH,lgl^I

  • of time, but on rnany occasions fish become "dodlge" and move ailray from

    the ves sel .

    The use of water sprays can frequentl-y induce the tuna to bl-te more

    freely. This nethod of fishing, depending on vessel size and

    sophistication, is relatively cheap, when cotnpared to the

    capitalisation and running costs of a purse seinj-ng operation.

    Live bait studies by the Fisheries Department (unpublished data) shovt

    that there are live bait resources along the north west coast,

    especially good in the shark Bay region, which can be used in the

    live bait and pole nethod of ftshing. Both small herrings and

    anchovy are available.

    Deaal bait and pole fj-shing for tuna in Shark Bay has been carried out

    successfully on yellowfin and northern bluefin, and the livebait and

    pole nethod has also been successfully demonstxated in the capture of

    skipj ack.

    (3) Gi l lnet t ing

    Gillnet test fishing for skipjack has occurred off the south east

    victorian coast and gillnetting for northern bluefin by Taiwanese off

    northern Australia was a common method until recently.

    Successful- captule of skipjack by gillnets was demonstrated off the

    s.E. coast of v ic tor ia in the ear ly 1950rs (Temple, 1963(a) (b)) ' but

    for various reasons was not develoPed further. The Taiwanese

    gillnetters operating within the Australian Fishing zone off northetn

    Australia captured northern bluefin as a significant part of their

    total catch. This fishing has now ceased off Austtalia.

    The annual tonnages taken ranged between 410 tonnes in 1975 to about

    4,770 tonnes Ln !977. The average length of net used by the

    Taiwanese increased from about 8.2kttl (1980) to 13.5krn (1984) and sone

    vessels used up to 18km of net (Lyle & Read, 1985).

    These nets nere made of nultifilanent nylon with mesh sizes

  • '(l(E€ {:eqs 01 adPC lsal quoN Jo qlrou

    uort 'aT) sogz-.oz sapnlTleT Pue EogTT-ooTI sapn+T6uol .,{q Peraproq

    pa.rp aq1 uT .reaI ar{+ lnoq6norql aTqeTT€^e sT saTcads sTql 1eq1 paAoqs

    urJAoTTa{ uo eleP qclec asauedef Jo sTsITeu€ al{l Jo sfTnsax eq1

    lpqt uoTluou of lda3xa 'uodar sTqt uT uoTssnosTp .ro1 a1e1.rilo:clileul

    sT 1T pue eun? Jo &Tlueib ltoT € lnq ,{131enb q6Tr{ sot{cl€c rea6 aq[

    'fa{:eu TuTqsEs asauedeg eq1

    .roJ ,eTTerasnv ulolsatt 'o 1seo3 oq1 JJo .{Tluacar orou puP ETT€:lsnV

    Jo lseoc lsea aq1 JJo paJJncco sEq Punl pazTs ra6J€I toJ 6uTuTI6uoT

    '6uFTT6-uor (9)

    'acueoTJTu6Ts cTlllouoce Jo saqclec

    acnpord lou seop lnq ParE ue uT acuorlncco seTceds 6uTuTurrelap

    roJ Tnfosn sT poqlaur sTqL 'sa?P1s IIE uT pasn sT 6uTTTorJ'

    'EuTITorr (v')

    ' 6uTqsTJ

    auTT pup alod o1 por{leur lcuncpp TnJasn P sT 1T lEql aoqs ^€ur ea.rP

    ,{B€ {.:pqs aq4 uT +auTTT6 azTs r{sau .:o6tpT P rpln 6urqsrg TEluaulT:adxtr

    'apeur aJe Eunl Jo saqclPc trroT cTpE:ods .{Tuo 1eql

    lfoalor 'uoog'T 01 OO9 uor} q16ual uT 6uT6uP.: slau rf+TA uT$leq Io 1no

    6uT{ro^r s:a41au1116 uETTpr?snV 'u1}en1q uJaqlrou Jo sauuo? a^TJ }o

    ssacxa uT auo pup auuol euo Jo ssacxa uT sar{c?Ec fef,oAes rol: ldacxg

    '6:t99 ot 6:{0Z uorJ p36uel '1asluDtl6:t sP passeralxe

    ueqA .:o ,6:tt9l o+ 6)t94T uo.zJ pa6upr ?3sluTJanfq ujraqltou Jo 1r{6Taa

    qclec aql puE aATsualuT rnoqeT sT 6uT1lauITT6 Jo poqlau aseuBATe[ oq,tr,

    'uoTXJulsuoc 1au aql uT pasn o:alrr leoTli e puP auTT lEoTt

    e tr1sno1aa.rd sparaq.tr lau aql l:o auTlpPaq aq1 01 llTlca.rTp paqcelle

    slpoTJ r{1T!r pallTJ puP '("e'9) uuol. T pue (,,9) tlruogr uaal|?aq 6uT6uer


  • Handlining has also been tried, for example in Shark Bay and wide off

    the Queensland north coast by the Japanese.

    This is generally considered a sonrewhat crude method of tuna capture

    but operates quite well in shark Bay, mainly because of the northern

    bluefin's feedj-ng behaviour. The tuna follow the trawlers, feeding

    on fish which escape through the meshes of the trawl net and trash

    fish which is discarded over the ship's si-de by the trah'ler's crew

    when sorting a catch of prawns from a trawl-

    In sunnary. but bearing in mind that one of the objectives of this report

    is to identify opportunities for the sourcing of raw material for the

    western Australia canning industry which requires large vohme of product '

    it is clear that the only two fi.shing methods lthich could sati-sfy this

    volurne requirement are purse seininq and,/or pole and line fishing using

    live and dead bait.


    Desired species

    From the evidence gathered by both exploratory survey r/essels and

    observations of schools of tuna frotn the air. it apPears that the area

    from North l,lest cape to the north is dominated by skipjack (small size) '

    yellowfin (small size) and mackerel tuna (not a marketable tuna) ' on the

    other hand it has been shown that there is a resource wi'thin shark Bay' of

    both ),el1o\,rfin and. northern bluefin, of i-deal size, which could be

    exploited for the canning market- StriPed tuna of a size accePtable for

    canning (ie. 4kg) also occur in this area and it has been demonstrated

    that they can be caught by the l ivebait and pole method of f ishing

    The sizes of the northern bluefin caught in Shark Bay range from 72cm ta

    ll"Bcn vrith a modal value of 93cm. weights range from 6kg to 25'5kg with a

    moda l va lue o f 12 .5k9 .

    T h e s i z e s o f t h e y e l i o w f i n r a n g e f r o m S 6 c m t o l 4 l c m w i t h a m o d a ] - v a l u e o f

    95cm. Weights range from 72kq ta 59kg with a modal value of 1Bk9'

    1 6 .

  • .LT

    .peTTTJInJ arP (TTT) pue (T) leqf arns buTaq

    se TTa^r sP (s)u6Tsap (s)1ou Jo a3Toq3 aI{1 o1 uea16 Aq lsnur uo"t+PfapTsuos

    TnJa.rEc 'adeC 1sal4 l{lroN puP ,{Pg lrEqs uaalltlaq earP aq1 uT pesn aq

    of aJnldec Jo poqlau er{1 aq 01 parapTsuoc sT 6uTuTas as:nd 3:1 pue r{?eqosT

    saf,laur OOT aql uTqlTI'r po.:Jnc3o aAPI{ tTE el{l urof,J palq6Ts sTooq3s qsTJ lsow

    '(TTT) pue (TT) t{1oq

    rtJsTlps ,(Tradoral ?ou pTp ,,o lauPf,' 'A'J ! (rr) ,{JsTlPs lou pTp ,':eTluo'rd,'

    'A',E ! (TrT) puP (T) l{JsTles lou pTp r-:P1S u.relsel{,, 'A',{ lqbTspuTt{ uI

    'uoT?P:ado auTas as:nd e lno 6uT,{-r:ec

    uT pacuaTradxa d11n; aq lsnut l"|ero pue radalT)ts 6u1qsr4 agl

    3paqsTJ aq 01 f,alPllr Jo

    srpdap ar{1 1'tns 01 pou6Tsap aq lsnu pasn eq 01 (s)1au eq1


    (TT )

    ,qoc aqt :oJ lTTnq Tessa^

    p 'aT TassaA auTas esrnd aTqelTns e eq lsnu TesseA arll

    :aJp suraTqord asar{J

    'palduralle aJ€ buTuTos

    asrnd lp s1duel1p raqlrnJ oJoJaq pa^fos aq ernlnJ uT lsnul qcrqat suelqo:d

    T€ra^as araa afeq+ ?Eql I"3T3 sT 1T ?Seoc UPTTPJISnV ura1s3!,! aq1 'Jo Eunl

    roJ auTas es.rnd 01 s1dua11e aq1 Jo suoTfe^rasqo uof,.{ '6uTuTos oslnd (p)

    spoqlaw buTr{sT.{

    '(z arqp,r)

    sTassal 6I 01 dn uoff 6uTurTpueq 6q 1q6nEc araa seuuol t€T 'suosPas t86,7

    pup €86I aql qloq uT 1nq 'aIqeTTPA€ are sa.rn6Tt uofla ou ^Ta1eun1.:oJun

    'aATsnIcuT :aqualdag ol ,tew uIof,J poTJad aq1 uT ua{€1 aJal,r sar{c1Ec 1so1Eaf,6

    aq,! 'Joqolco 01 qcrpw uro:J spualxa q3Tt{l!t uosPas 6uTuaerd ar{? 6uTfnp uatel

    ,{TTpeoJ ate (Ipg {reqs uTqlTra sTassal 6u1une:d utoJJ scTlsTlels qc1P3 eq?

    uT pauTq.[oc ) u1}tto11ed pue uT]anTq u.raqlrou r{10q 'Eun1 leq1 ,lot{s sTasso^

    6uTuAefd ulorJ auTTpueq l(q ua{81 saqcfec 1nq Ieg )tJeqs uT apeu uaaq aAeq

    suoT?.p6T1saAuT €unf .:aqlrnJ ou 8t6I uT asTnJc ,rAeJlTv,, aq4 o1 luanbasqng

  • A purse seiner is

    spotter plane.

    vessels .

    helped immeasurably to

    This observatlon also

    f ind fish by

    . F h l i a c + ^

    the assistance of a

    livebait and pole

    (b ) The only docurnented accounts of

    dead bait and pole fishing in the northern area are those of F.v. "Altrev"

    (under charter to investigate live or dead bait and poling for tuna in

    Shark Bay in 19?8) and F.V. "Spunky" (rock lobster boat) in 1978' During

    56 days of investigation ' F.V. "Altrev" caught 20 tonnes of northern

    bluefin and yellowfin, whilst F.V. "Spunky" caught 20 tonnes of northern

    bluef in , us ing dead bai t and pole, in 15 daysr f ish ing.

    Livebait schools are abundant in shark Bay and are available for at least

    6 months of the year (from February to August). The oily herring is the

    most abundant species but another species present, the southern anchovy,

    is a bet ter l ivebai t .

    The th'o main constraints related to the fishing operation would be:-

    Even thouqh it has been stated quite

    is extremely shy of hook and lure,

    bluefin frequenting shark BaY can

    successfu l ly .

    f i \

    ( i i )

    frequently that the northern bluefin

    the older age groups of northern

    be cauqht by this method quite

    speed data for Broome, Port

    Geraldton and bY apPl!' ing a

    Rob ins , 1975a) was ab le to

    days" per month for each of

    the irregular procurement of livebait due to wind anC tide

    conditi"ons (dead bait could be readily substituted if needed in

    a small-sized operation) i and

    the somern'hat crude technique of dead bait fishing-

    Refinement of f j-shing technique I which would include the use of overside

    sprays, vtould. probably improve the catches significantly'

    white (1978) analysecl all 9am and 3pm wind

    Hedland, Karratha. LeaLmonth, Carnarvon and

    "sighting efficiency" factor (derived frorn

    calculat-e the number of "effective sighting

    1 8 .

  • '(E eTqP& aas) qc.:€l^l 01 Jaqol3o poT.rad aq1 6u1:np ,{1ea11cal:Ja par{sTf

    eq pTnoJ (zI 01 6) t{luoul rad slep .raaa!: 1Pq4 ?ua1xa eq1 01 a?etoTralap

    suoTlTpuoo raqleal"r ejtol:aq raqnaldas 01 TTf,dv uo.rJ pualxa pTnos uos€as aI{J

    'aoTToJ ^fajrns TTrA Ieg :{rPqs apTslno sf,alen o? saTlTATlsP

    6uTqsfJ Jo uoTsualxg ',{eg aq1 uTqlTl| urof,} ,{TalPTpeu$T pauTelqo aq pfnoc

    acupcTJTubTs auros Jo uoTlJnpofd Punf uaql 6utqsTtr +o poq?aur feTlTuT f,e11aq

    or{f aq 01 pauTulralep sr 6urI{sTJ alod pue lTeq peap/eATT JT I ,{Ta^Tleu:elTv

    ':ood sT a3ua:.rn33o qsTJ uo uoTleuIJoJuT aI{1 eraqr sJalElt

    aJor{sJtro :adaep uT aleJodo 01 e^eq ITTA 1T uaql 'parTnbar TTTIS sT .:ouTas

    as:nd e 1Eql 1nq 'sr{1dap ralPlr laoTTpqs qcns uT pasn eq 1ou pTnoc 1au e

    qJns 1eq1 pauTuualsp sT 1T JI 's.ral€n aoTteqs r{3ns uT LISTJ of, fau 6uT'r lo

    asJnd luaTcTJla uE 6uflculsuoc Jo IlTTTqlseal aq1 euTuf,alap 01 pa'rTnbe':

    aq TTTA acTAp€ l.Iadxg 'I:oI .lo oTlel qldap paqc1a.lls : auTlpPsq e q?T/'r

    1au p 'oT lau auTas osJnd €unl uoTlJn.Ilsuoc pf,€pue1s € asn 01 qsTqr uT

    aoTTeqs oo1 of,P ( suor{fel: zt o+ dn) sqldap f,e1ell aql f€Lt1 pa:apTsuoc sT 1I

    arnlde3 Jo poqlaur lseq aql

    uo aq ITTA apeu aq 01 uoTsTcap lxau aq? '^eg 1:Bqs uT eunl fo suoTlBTndod

    afqprlclpJ unou>t aql lToTdxa 01 paasord of epeu sT uoTST3ap P l:I

    ssr9sfivu,ls 9NlHSrJ

    'qlnoutxg ueql uoTlenlTs cIlsT6oT .ro?1aq

    e uT sT uo^.:eurp] !€a-re IPg {t€qs aq1 ueql taqlo Paf,e IUE uT asT-rd-rolue

    6uTqsrf Eunl P e1er.1TuT 01 asTAun aq pTnor'r 1T f,aplsuo3 T '1sal'r ql.rou

    aq? uT eunl Jo .dfrTTqPTTEae 1ua:edde aql uo paluasa.:d uoTlEunoJuT oql ql16

    's1so3 1q6T3:J pue a6p.rols lcnpo.:d

    , (6uTlTanJ 'buTppoTun 'sa^f,Eqlv\) seTITTTcEJ l.Iod 01 alETar asaqJ 'PaAoua.r

    are uoTlefado Io sJTlsT6OT uo s?ureJlsuoc aq+ to euos ueql '{:aqs11

    eun? € doTalap cl ldual+p 01 IIcTLIA uT ea.f,e IeTfTuT 3q1 aq plnoqs ade3

    lsa!{ r{1-roN o1 ,{eg {:eqs ulorJ 6ulpualxa Pate aql leql apPul sT uoTsTcap B fI


    'sIep 6u1qs13 qlTl'r alerqTTTnba plnon ,,s^ep 6uTlq6TS a^TlcaJlai

    aq1 uoluldo ,(ur u1 '(€ aTqe,T,) /{1ea11cedse: E pue c rC 'g 'V sPale aq1

  • ( 3 )

    ( 4 )

    From analysis of data, heltl by the Fisheries Department, it j-s shown tbat

    the southern section of shark Bay is dominated by schools of large

    northern bluefin tuna ' the nj-ddle ground has about equal quantities of

    both northern bluefin and yellowfin whilst the area between Koks Island

    and Point Quobba is dominated by yellowfin; targeting on one particular

    species is not an important factor.

    I{hen fishing for tuna the following aicls to fishing are considered

    essential or desirable

    Aerial spotting. Aerial spotting for schools of tuna is

    considered to be mandatory in the initial stages of development'

    satelli-te ifiagery. satellite imagery information on sea surface

    temperatures antl eddy systems in the region will become more

    inportant as the fishery develops.

    suitable radar.

    sonar. A sonar system which helps to determine fish school size

    anal tlePth Position.


    Analysis of catch results fron all surveys indicates that shark

    Bay and environs is nost likely to produce tuna iNnediatel-y for

    use by the canning indlustry. This area holds poPulations of

    good sj,zed northern bluefin anal yellowfin tuna which are readily

    accessible and vulnerable to the pole and line method of


    It is very doubtful that purse seininq for tuna r'{ithin Shark Bay

    is feasible, but will Probably be used in deePer waters outside

    shark Bay as the fishery develoPs.

    The fishing season in shark Bay should extend, at least, from

    April to Septenber.

    ( 1 )

    ( 2 j

    ( 2 )

    ( 1 )

    2 0 .

  • 'tz

    ' (lrodajr palcTJlseu) 'aellTllluroc soTllsnpur parTTvpue 6u1qs1g aq;, 'auoz 6u-FqsTJ efTur ooz s'eTTPJlsnv 01 uoTlETefuT '^JtsnpuT 6urqsT] uPTT€f,1snv ulalsal't aql roJ seaf,P lueurdoTeAap

    TBTluAlod oluT suoTle6T?sa^uT uo l.zodaf urT-ralul '8161 'I' JoAaJtr' 'af Tq.l,l

    'TS^leN 'qsTd 'eunl'Es61 srr.t ' (LlzZ

    Jo 6uT113u lueureTrJouotu uo fsaleT '€96T '\1 ',aldulaJ


    'TsaoN 'qsTg '€un1 padTtls go 6ur11au lueurefTJouol^l

    aunr ' (9) Za'E96T 'v 'a1dural,

    '1Sraa5 'qs1g 'eTTP.rlsnv quou Jo ,(a^.Ins eun[

    '02-8T '(€)6'096T'T'c'.61ua^:as

    ';Aaq 'tr45,1 1sn6nyuETTerlsnv uf,alsa|,l aq1

    'dg8 '(BT) 'dag '1sns '1sal{ 'fpTTM

    ox eL6I 1sn6ng polrad aq1 6uTf,np ?spocJto sf,alpl:a uT IeA:ns eunJ 'q9Z6T 'd'f 'suTqou

    'lsnv'lsa 'TpTTI{'qsT,{

    ar{? uT Te-Ffuelod

    'd6e '1a11 'd5[']d5q- 'er1e:1snv ura1sal.1 ffo srele,'r cTueeooslr pue Punl Jo slcadse euos 'p9z6l 'd'f 'suTqou

    ' I-rolT-rJaJ u.raql.roN, saTror{sTJ pue sf.rod 'tdac 'tf 'CE-TraqsTJ 'TpsTPrddp d.reupn'g1ard

    V 'srelBlr ueTTp.rlsnv uraql:oN uT €unJ '986T 'CI'v 'pEaU pue 't'f'f 'at.{1

    s scNSIasJFd



    Purse se ine ne t sho t 12 t imes dur ing survey '

    2 trial shots! 7 foul shotsi 2 shots caught small

    ( i ) mackere l tuna, ( j i ) sk ip jack or s t r iped tuna i

    quantity of1 rrdryrr shot.


    Month/Yr Area Steamed/ Days School s Mackerel

    Trol I ed Sighted TunaSouthern Northern Yel I owfin Skipjack

    Bl uefi n Bl uefi n

    ffi 1 o 1 o o

    B 40.0122 .5

    4 . 5

    3 1 21 1 5 4

    1 0







    f f i o 2 o 1 o

    ffi o 16 o 1 4

    lr"ii'- e rri.so 13 -J3

    o 13 o o 3

    143.84 1r t

    ffil 't I 15 78

    2 0 . 5 22 1 3 . 8 4 2 4


    34.50 3 2215.25 2 25

    3 8 . 2 s 4 21 5 . 0 0 2 0


    . 2









    1 7 . 7 525.5896.0020.33



    1 7


    11 021







    TOTALS 1,5s7.34 162 443 103 36 8 118 250


    2 2 -

  • '€z

    '610't 04 6l/'0 uloJ, pa6ueJ

    pue 6l€Z'l Jo fq6te ueeu e peq eules esJnd fq uolet eunl padlJls 61,

    €r.61 130 ? AoN cNtqn'tf,x:lt/61 9nV - €261 90V IUVIS N8llS3 ,r


    (c) r 3't€vr

    9'€ 9'€ Z|-L'O SZ'n O'E-9'Z L'Z L'L-O'Z 6n'Z L't"n'z 69'Z

    9'€ 9't L'Z-,'L 6't t'I t'I

    n's-L'z n't tt-1.'0 tz'€ z'e-n't tE z 6'z-0'z st'z 9'€-9't Et'z

    (6t) (61) (6r) (61) (6r)e6ueu u a6ueu u o6ueu u e6ueu u a6ueu :



    u ! Jf,ro t lo^

    u !Jen tguJ9qxJoN

    eunlpeq !J1s

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  • TABLE 2

    Year1983 L984


    No. vessers No. vesselslandingkq landing kq











    6 , 4 O 5

    2 L , A 9 3

    L b . z ) )

    3A ,962

    4 0 , 2 4 i















    1 6


    L 7


    1 9

    1 3



    6 9 3

    1 n 1 r o

    2 t 7 7 7

    1 5 , 8 6 4


    63 ,069

    r '7 ,443

    4 , 2 9 r



    1 3 4 , 0 3 1 L 3 4 , 9 3 4

    Not AvailableNo Fishing

    2 4 .

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    8' 9T




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