SERVICE SCHEDULE WEEKDAYS: MONDAY–FRIDAY 9:00AM or 7:00PM TBA SATURDAY: 9:00AM; 4:00PM (Vigil Sunday-Eng) SUNDAY: 8:30 AM; 10:30 AM (Ukrainian) CONFESSIONS are heard before each Divine Liturgy by req. Baptism – Arrangement for baptism to be made Personally at the Parish Office. Please call rectory for an appointment. Marriage – Arrangements for marriage are to be made at least 6 months prior to the Wedding date. Please call rectory for an appointment. Sick Calls – To arrange for Sacraments for the elderly and sick at home, please call Parish Office. Please advise the rectory of any hospitalization. Bulletin Notices – Notices for the bulletin must be e-mailed or in writing by Wednesday @8PM to be included in that week’s bulletin. Stewardship – Remember St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in your will. Office hours – by Appointment Only! Please Call 860-525-7823 Special Share in the Eucharist *– bread & wine offered for a day, week, month, or year. Donations: one week - $20. Donors/intentions will be listed. Eternal Light *– offered to light for a week $10.00. Altar Candles *- offering to light for a week $10.00. Bulletin Sponsorship* - $5 per week 0.Ukra=ns;ka Katolyc;ka Cerkva Sv. Arxystratyha Myxa=la St. Michael The Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church 125-135 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, CT 06114 Rectory (860)-525-7823; School (860)-547-0858; E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] Online Bulletins: www.smucc.us Very Rev. Pawlo Martyniuk o. Pavlo Martynqk Trustees : Julie Nesteruk and Adrian Mishtal XRYSTOS VOSKRES! VOISTYNU VOSKRES! CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED HE IS RISEN! April 3, 2016 NEDIL| PRO TOMU THOMAS SUNDAY Festal Tone Ap./Ep. Di\./Acts. 5:12-20 Wv./Gospel Iv./Jn. – 20:19-31

0.Ukra=ns;ka Katolyc;ka Cerkva Sv. Arxystratyha Myxa=laВеликдень – це час радості з воскреслим Ісусом, тому Свята Церква поучає

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Page 1: 0.Ukra=ns;ka Katolyc;ka Cerkva Sv. Arxystratyha Myxa=laВеликдень – це час радості з воскреслим Ісусом, тому Свята Церква поучає


WEEKDAYS: MONDAY–FRIDAY 9:00AM or 7:00PM TBASATURDAY: 9:00AM; 4:00PM (Vigil Sunday-Eng)SUNDAY: 8:30 AM; 10:30 AM (Ukrainian)CONFESSIONS are heard before each Divine Liturgy by req.Baptism – Arrangement for baptism to be made Personally atthe Parish Office. Please call rectory for an appointment.Marriage – Arrangements for marriage are to be made at least6 months prior to the Wedding date.Please call rectory for an appointment.Sick Calls – To arrange for Sacraments for the elderly andsick at home, please call Parish Office.Please advise the rectory of any hospitalization.Bulletin Notices – Notices for the bulletin must be e-mailed orin writing by Wednesday @8PM to be included in that week’sbulletin.Stewardship – Remember St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Churchin your will.Office hours – by Appointment Only! Please Call 860-525-7823Special Share in the Eucharist *– bread & wine offered for a day,week, month, or year. Donations: one week - $20. Donors/intentionswill be listed.Eternal Light *– offered to light for a week $10.00.Altar Candles *- offering to light for a week $10.00.Bulletin Sponsorship* - $5 per week

0.Ukra=ns;ka Katolyc;ka CerkvaSv. Arxystratyha Myxa=laSt. Michael The ArchangelUkrainian Catholic Church

125-135 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, CT 06114Rectory (860)-525-7823; School (860)-547-0858;

E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] Bulletins: www.smucc.us

Very Rev. Pawlo Martyniuk o. Pavlo MartynqkTrustees : Julie Nesteruk and Adrian Mishtal


April 3, 2016NEDIL| PRO TOMU

THOMAS SUNDAYFestal Tone Ap./Ep. Di\./Acts. 5:12-20 Wv./Gospel Iv./Jn. – 20:19-31

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Festal Tone Ap./Ep. Di\./Acts. 5:12-20 Wv./Gospel Iv./Jn. – 20:19-31Sat. 04/02 4:00PM Anna RUDKO – req. by The Ukrainian American

VeteransAnointing and the distribution of ARTOS.



Voskresinn\ Xrystove ba/yv'y, Poklonims\Hospodu Isusovi, wdynomu bezhri'nomu. Xrestu Tvowmu poklan\wmos; Xryste i

sv\te Voskresinn\ Tvow slavymo. Bo Ty Boh na' i in'oho my ne znawmo i im#\ Tvowmy pryzyvawmo.

It is the day of Resurrection! O people, let us be enlightened by it! It is Pascha, the Lord's ownPassover, since Christ our God has brought us from death to Life, and from earth to Heaven.

Therefore, we sing the hymn of victory!CHRIST IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD!


Tone 2 Ap./Ep. Di\./Acts. 6:1-7 Wv./Gospel Mk./Mk. – 15:43-16:8Sat. 04/09 4:00PM For Parishioners * Pro Populo

WELCOME to Our Visitors and GuestsWe, welcome you to our community. We are honored and pleased for yourparticipation at the Divine Liturgies. We invite you to raise your hearts, mind andbodies in praise to God. All Catholics may receive Holy Communion. Infants andchildren of the Eastern Churches(Canon 710) who have received Communion at thetime of their Baptism and Chrismation may receive Communion through the faith oftheir parent(s). Orthodox Faithful may also receive Holy Communion (Canon 671). If you have anyquestion or would like to be part of our community, please kindly see Fr. Pawlo Martyniuk.

SERDE?NO VITAWMO vsix naшyx parafi\n, `o sv\tkuvatymut; u kvitni mis\ci svo[imenyny, urodyny ta qvile[. ~yro ba]awmo usim Vam `edryx Bo]yx lask, `astt\,zdorov#\ ta blahopolu//\ na Mnohi[ ta Blahi[ Lita!OUR SINCERE PRAYERS AND WISHES To our parishioners who celebrate their Birthday, NameDay and Anniversary in the month of April. May Our Lord Jesus Christ bestow his blessings ofGood Health, Happiness, Peace and Grant You Many Blessed Years to Come!

VI?NA LAMPA ETERNAL LIGHT An offering has been made for the Eternal Light tobe lit for one (1) week, beginning Sunday, April 3rd 2016, through April 9th 2016, in Memory ofStefan Mokrycki, by Patricia Mokrycki.

04/04 Monday 10:00AM Jack Myron PANACHYD (Rite of Christian Burial)04/05 Tuesday 8:00AM Private Intention04/06 Wednesday 8:00AM Private Intention04/07 Thursday 8:00AM Private Intention04/08 Friday 8:00AM Private Intention04/09 Saturday 9:00AM Stefan MOKRYCKI – req. by Patricia Mokrycki

Sun. 04/10 8:30AM Orest HANCHAR – req. by Myron & Maria Kuzio10:30AM Daria STACHIW,(40th Day Memorial) – req. by Family

Page 3: 0.Ukra=ns;ka Katolyc;ka Cerkva Sv. Arxystratyha Myxa=laВеликдень – це час радості з воскреслим Ісусом, тому Свята Церква поучає

CEMETERY INFORMATION: A reminder to our parishioners and guests, who haveloved ones buried at our parish cemetery the trash bin was delivered on Friday April 1st.Please continue to utilize the bin for your cemetery clean up. Thank You for your Cooperation.

COFFEE HOUR: A gentle reminder concerning Coffee Hour aftereach Sunday Divine Liturgy: All Organizations and or Individuals whowould like to cover the weekly Coffee Hour to please provide notice atleast two weeks in advance. You may contact Lusia Galai (860) 529-8105 or you may write your commitment on the calendar locateddownstairs in the church hall.

Please take note that every parishioner appreciates this weekly social gathering.Remember all proceeds are given to our church.

A Hearty Thank You in Advance for everyones effort!NEDIL:NA KAVA. Xo/emo Vam pryhadaty pro va]lyvist; pryhotuvann\ kavypisl\ ko]no[ nedil;no[ liturhi[. Vsi orhanizaci[ a tako] okremi osoby, \kixotily b dopomohty i pidtrymaty cq va]lyvu tradyciq na'o[ parafi[ mo]ut;zapysatys; u kalendari, \kyj znaxodyt;s\ v cerkovnomu zali, abozkontaktuvatys; z p. Lqseq Halaj(860)529-8105. @Nedil;na kava@ daw zmohuna'ym parafianam zijtys\ do cerkovnoho zalu i pospilkuvatys;, za `o vonyVam budut; `yro vd\/ni.

Pam#\tajmo `o ves; zarobitok jde na potreby na'o[ cerkvy.Napered `yro vd\/ni za Va`u ]ertvennist; ta pidtrymku.

COOPERATIVE SUMA Cooperative SUMA Ukrainian Gift Shop961 Wethersfield Avenue Hartford CT will sell Pysanky-Ukrainian EasterEggs, Supplies, Posters, Easter greeting cards etc. on Mondays andFridays from 6:00PM-8:00PM and Wednesday & Saturdays from11:00AM-1:00PM. Call recorded message for weekly updates of storeHours (860) 296-6955

VIDVIDUVANN| NEDU}YX Dl\ udilenn\ Sv\tyx Tajn nedu]ym ta nemi/nymparafi\nam, pro'u povidomyty paroxa. Obov’\zok velykodno[ spovidimo]na vykonaty do praznyka Voznesenn\ H.N.I.X.VISITING OF SICK. To arrange for Sacraments for elderly and sick at home,Please call the Parish Office at (860)-525-7823.

Easter Duty may be fulfilled until Ascension of our Lord

Ти, коли промовляєш “Христос воскрес!”, що ти маєш на увазі?Воскресіння Христа святкуємо кожного року. Це свято, багате на традиції та звичаї, рівнож має бути багате у духовістю і душі кожного. Ісус умер і воскрес, щоб ми разом з ним“умерли і воскресли”. (Так каже апослол Павло) Це пасхальне таїнство ми можемопережити кожного разу, коли приходимо до св.Сповіді. Умираємо у нашому покаяннівідносно гріха і воскрешаєм у прощенні Люблячого Батька-Бога.Важливо знати, що згідно літургічної традиції ми причащаємось воскреслим Христом. Цестається тоді, коли священик з’єднує освячений євхаристійний хліб із освяченим вином всв.Чаші. Ця частина Божественної літургії нам пригадує про славне Його воскресіння.Не дивно, що кожен, хто приступає до причастя, той єднається із живим Богом. Богом,який воскрес і воскрешає кожного грішника. Не дивно, що кожен, хто прийняв живогоБога, той з радістю воскрикує: Христос воскрес! Воскрикує, бо ділиться не тільки із

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історичною подією 2000-річної давності, а звіщає найновішу подію власного життя!Звіщає про особисте воскресіння.

Чи стаємо на коліна під час Великодної літургії ?Радість Воскресіння – в традиції нашої Церкви клякання символізує покуту тапокаяння. Тому-то в часі посту ми багато клякали та били поклони. Великдень – цечас радості з воскреслим Ісусом, тому Свята Церква поучає нас не клякати у дні відВоскресіння до Зіслання Святого Духа.Ні Церковний Устав, ні сам Чин Літургії ніде не згадують про стояння на колінах в часіБожественної Служби. А постанови Вселенських соборів (20 правило Першого і 90правило Шостого соборів) забороняють колінопреклонення від неділі Пасхи аж донеділі П'ятидесятниці - на знак того, що Христос своїм Воскресінням підняв нас ізтління.

ТОМИНА НЕДІЛЯНаступна неділя після Христового Воскресення має різні назви:

Неділя Томина — від події у святому Євангелії, де говориться про зустріч апостола Томи звоскреслим Христом.Неділя Антипасхи, що з грецької означає "замість Пасхи", бо дляперших християн вона була наче повторенням празника Пасхи. УЩоденнику паломництва Сильвії Аквітанської (IV ст. ) читаємо, щовосьмого дня після Христового Воскресення в Єрусалимі були окреміторжества та, що того дня читали святе Євангеліє про наверненняапостола Томи.

Неділя Нова, або Оновлення, бо вона перша після Пасхи і в ній начеоновлялося празнування Пасхи. Цього дня Ісус Христос своєю появоюобновив для апостолів радість свого Воскресення. "У цей день, — кажесинаксар Томиної неділі, — в другу неділю по Пасці, празнуємо

оновлення Христового Воскресення і святого апостола Томи діткнення".

Неділя Біла, або "в білому". Колись давно новохрещенці, прийнявши хрещення у Великусуботу, упродовж цілого Світлого тижня ходили в білих одежах, а в неділю Томину приосібній церемонії ці одежі скидали. Західна Церква до сьогодні називає цю неділю "неділяв білому".

Неділя Провідна. Деякі автори виводять цю назву від того, що ця неділя проводить іпродовжує празник Пасхи. У нашого народу був звичай у Томину неділю організовуватипроводи, тобто поминання померлих, осібною трапезою та молінням за душі померлих нацвинтарі.

Святкування восьмого дня після Пасхи, як завершення торжеств світлої седмиці, з давніх-давен вважалося окремим празником. Темою богослужень цього празника, як і седмиці,що наступає після нього, є євангельська подія, що описує появу Ісуса Христа восьмогодня після Воскресення та зворушливе навернення і визнання віри святого апостола Томи.

Про значення святкування цього празника святий Григорій Богослов († 389) у своємуслові в Томину неділю так каже: "Давній і в добрій цілі установлений закон шанує деньоновлення, або радше кажучи, з днем оновлення шанує нові добродійства. Чи ж не бувднем оновлення і перший воскреслий день, що наступив по священній і світлоноснійночі? Чому даємо цю назву сьогоднішньому дневі? Той (тобто Великдень) був днемспасення, а цей — днем згадки про спасення. Той день розділяє собою погребання івоскресення, а цей — є днем зовсім нового народження... Справжню онову ми сьогодніпразнуємо, переходячи від смерти до життя. Тож скиньте зі себе старого чоловіка йоновіться та жийте в обнові життя"..

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АртосАртос (з грецької Áρτος — «квасний хліб») — особливий освячений хліб, спільний для усіхчленів церкви, інакше — «просфора всеціла». Використовується у Православній і Греко-католицькій церкві.За своєю рецептурою, артос — прісний хліб, такої ж рецептури, як і просфора.На артосі зображений хрест, на якому видно лише терновий вінець, але немає Розп'ятого —як ознака перемоги Христової над смертю, або зображення Воскресіння Христового.Освячується артос особливою молитвою, окропленням святою водою й кадінням у першийдень Святого Великодня на Літургії після заамвонної молитви.Артос покладається на солеї, навпроти Царських Воріт, на приготовленому столі чи аналої.Після освячення, аналой з артосом ставлять на солеї перед образом ВоскресінняГосподнього, де артос перебуває протягом всієї Святої седмиці (першого тижня післяВеликодня).В усі дні святкового тижня після закінчення Літургії з артосом урочисто відбувається хреснийхід навколо храму. У Світлу суботу після заамвонної молитви читається молитва нароздроблення артоса, артос роздрібнюється, і наприкінці Літургії при цілуванні Хрестароздається народові як святиня.Частки артоса, отримані в храмі, благоговійно зберігаються віруючими протягом року. Артосвживається в особливих випадках, наприклад, під час хвороб і тяжких переживань та іншихжиттєвих іспитів, часто з Богоявленською водою, і завжди зі словами «Христос воскрес!».З артосом поєднане і прадавнє церковне передання, яке стверджує, що апостоли залишализа столом частину хліба — долю Пречистої Матері Господа на спомин постійного спілкуванняз Нею і після трапези благоговійно ділили цю частину між собою. В монастирях насьогоднішній день цей звичай носить назву Чин про Панагію, тобто спомин про ВсесвятійшуМатір Божу. В парафіяльних храмах цей хліб Богоматері згадується раз у рік в зв'язку зроздрібленням артоса.Артос можна уподібнити старозавітним опріснокам, які древній Ізраїль, звільнений відЄгипетського рабства, споживав у дні пасхальної седмиці (Вих. 12, 15-20). Святий Кирило,єпископ Туровський, який жив в XII столітті, в Слові на Неділю нову говорить:«Як євреї із Єгипту по пустині несли, на своїх головах опрісноки (Вих. 12, 34), доки неперейшли Червоного моря, і тоді, посвятивши хліб Богу, розділили його між всіма, і всі, хто ївбули здорові і страшні для ворогів, так і ми, спасені Воскреслим Владикою від рабствауявному фараону-дияволу, виносим з дня Воскресення Христового священний хліб — артосна протязі цілого тижня і, накінець, посвятивши цей хліб Богу, споживаємо від нього ізберігаємо його на здоров'я тілам і душам нашим»


For the Forty Days from the Feast of Feasts Holy and Glorious Pascha to theGreat Feast of the Ascension, we celebrate the Holy and Glorious Resurrectionof our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ from the dead. By His death He hastrampled upon death and given life to the world. By breaking down the gates ofHades, He has opened Heaven to all.We greet each other by saying "Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen! (He is trulyrisen!)" Also, we say "Glory to His Resurrection on the Third Day! We glorifyHis Resurrection on the Third Day!".Finally, we sing the Tropar of Pascha repeatedly in the Divine Liturgy ("Christ isrisen from the dead and by His death He has trampled upon death, and has

given life to those who are in the tombs!"),We feast for Forty Days! We do not fast, not even on Fridays. Fasting is forbidden.During Bright Week the Holy Doors and Deacon Doors remain open. This action is to symbolize howChrist's Resurrection has opened Heaven.

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The Paschal Candle, the first one lit by the New Light of Pascha, burns brightly on the Holy Table.Standing from the Feast of Feasts Holy and Glorious Pascha until the Great Feast of PentecostSymbolically, we stand erect in the Presence of our Lord. This is a visible sign of the Happiness weexperience due to Jesus' Resurrection.The Council of Nicea (325 AD) provided the following wording: "Since there are some who kneel on theday of the Lord and during the season of Pentecost, for the sake of uniformity in all eparchies, the Councildecrees that during that time prayers be offered up to God while standing". The 6th Ecumenical Council(681 AD) issued a similar decree.We stand! We do not kneel. Kneeling is forbidden until the beginning of the Vespers of the Great Feast ofPentecost.These prayers ask the Lord Jesus Christ to send the Holy Spirit also upon us, to empower us to do His willin all aspects of our lives. They are called the "Kneeling Prayers" because they mark the first time we kneelafter the 50-day celebration of the Resurrection.

The Gift of the Risen ChristActs 1:1-8,: "...John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with

the Holy Spirit....you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come uponyou, and you shall be witnesses to Me...to the end of the earth."When St. John the Forerunner began his ministry "in the wilderness of Judea"(Mt. 3:1), he preached repentance (vss. 2-3,7-12), he baptized those who cameto him (vs. 6), and he heard their confessions of sin (vs. 6). But "...the baptismof John did not have the power to forgive sins; for John was only preachingrepentance and bringing them towards the forgiveness of sins, that is, he wasguiding them to the baptism of Christ, in which there is remission of sins." Johntruly baptized with water, pointing toward that blessed and Holy Baptism of theLord which was to come, by which men may be forgiven (vs. 11). Early in thecourse of His teaching, the Lord said plainly, "...unless one is born of water andthe Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God" (Jn. 3:5). Repentance isnecessary for entrance into the Kingdom, but equally necessary are forgivenessof sins and the regeneration which Baptism into Christ effects through the Spiritof God. This is the teaching of the Risen Lord given "to the Apostles whom He had chosen, to whom Healso presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs" (Acts 1:2,3). In turn, as theApostles proclaimed the Lord's Resurrection and His gift of the Spirit, God prompted many to repent andbelieve. These were baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins, and they receivedforgiveness and the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). This gift of the Spirit from the Risen Lord received inBaptism is what causes the Church to set aside the singing of the Trisagion Hymn each year at Paschaand to offer up instead the Baptismal Hymn. "As many of you as have been Baptized in to Christ have puton Christ. Alleluia." (See Gal. 3:27).Christ is Risen! Therefore, Beloved who have put on Christ, "If then you have been raised with Christ, seekthose things which are above where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God" (Col. 3:1). If you did not fullyuse the Divinely provided time of Great Lent to purify yourself, do not fret. Accept the reassurance of St.John Chrysostom, "He gives rest to him that cometh at the eleventh hour, as well as to him that hath toiledfrom the first." The Spirit of God remains our birthright in Christ. Let that same life-giving Holy Spirit Whocame upon you in your Baptism support you now in realizing the power of Christ's Resurrection in your life.While we are alive, the Spirit will help us achieve repentance, remission of sins, the regeneration of newbirth in Christ, the renewing of our minds and hearts and wills in Him and the active counsel and presenceof the Holy Spirit. "...if a man is stirred by the Wisdom of God which seeks our salvation and embraceseverything, and he is resolved for its sake to devote the early hours to God and to watch in order to findHis eternal salvation (Wis 7:27; 6:14-20), then, in obedience to its voice, he must hasten to offer truerepentance for all his sins and must practice the virtues which are opposite to the sins committed.Then...he will acquire the Holy Spirit Who acts within us and establishes in us the Kingdom of God."The Risen Christ has given His Spirit to us. The Spirit waits for us to force ourselves to despise the fettersof our sins and repent, washing their stains away with tears of thankfulness to the Risen Lord. The Spirit "iseverywhere present and fills all things." Beloved, He even dwells mystically in the dank and dismalrecesses of our soiled hearts, ready to extend God's forgiveness again and again, and to nurture that seedof life planted within us at Baptism. Christ is risen!

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ArtosAn artos (Greek: Ἄρτος, "leavened loaf", "bread") is a loaf of leavened bread that is blessed duringservices in the Eastern Orthodox[1] and Byzantine rite catholic churches. A large Artos is bakedwith a seal depicting the resurrection for use at Pascha (Easter).Near the end of the Paschal Vigil, after the Prayer Before the Ambo, a single large loaf of bread,the Artos, is brought to the priest. Depicted on the top of the Artos are either the symbol of Christ'svictory over death—the Cross, surmounted by a crown of thorns—or the Resurrection of Christ.The Artos symbolizes the physical presence of the resurrected Christ among the disciples. Thepriest blesses the Artos with a special prayer and sprinkles it with Holy Water. The Artos is thenplaced on a small table before the Iconostasis where it remains throughout Bright Week. It iscustomary, whenever the faithful enter the Temple, for them to kiss the Artos as a way of greetingthe Risen Christ. On every day of Bright Week, after the Paschal Divine Liturgy (or, alternatively,after Paschal Matins), the Artos is carried in a solemn procession around the outside of the church.In monasteries, the Artos is carried to the Trapeza every day of Bright Week, where at the end ofthe festive meal, it is lifted in a ceremony called the Lifting of the Artos. The one performing theceremony will lift up the Artos (symbolizing Christ's Resurrection) and say, "Christ is Risen!" All willrespond, "He is truly Risen!" The celebrant will then make the sign of the Cross with the Artos as hesays, "We worship His Resurrection on the third day!" Then two Paschal hymns are sung andeveryone comes forward to kiss the Artos and receive the Superior's blessing, as all sing thePaschal troparion many times.On Bright Saturday, after the Divine Liturgy, the priest says another prayer over the Artos and it isthen broken and distributed among the whole congregation along with the Prosphora.The significance of the artos is that it serves to remind all Christians of the events connected withthe Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. While still living on earth, the Lord called Himself theBread of Life, saying: I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger, and He whobelieves in Me shall never thirst (John 6:35). After His Resurrection, more than once Jesusappeared to His disciples, ate before them and blessed their own food. For example, as eveningfell on the first day of His Resurrection, He was recognized in Emmaus by two of His disciples asHe blessed and broke bread (Luke 24:13-35).On the 40th day after His Resurrection, the Lord ascended into heaven, and His disciples andfollowers found comfort in their memories of the Lord: they recalled His every word, His every stepand His every action. When they met for common prayer, they would partake of the Body andBlood of Christ, remembering the Last Supper. When they sat down to an ordinary meal, theywould leave a place at the head of the table empty for the invisibly present Lord and would laybread on that place.Remembering this custom of the Apostles, the Fathers of the Church made it their custom to putout the Artos at the Paschal Feast in memory of the appearances of the Risen Lord to Hisdisciples, and also in memory of the fact that the Lord Who suffered and was resurrected for ourjustification has made Himself the true Bread of Life and is invisibly present in His church always,to the close of the age (Mattew 28:20).The Artos may also be compared to the unleavened bread of the Old Testament, of which ancientIsrael, delivered from their captivity in the land of Egypt, ate during the week of the Passover (Ex.12:15-20).Even as the Jews bore the unleavened bread upon their heads out of Egypt through the desert(Exodus 12:34) until they had crossed the Red Sea, after which they dedicated the bread to God,divided it amongst all their host, and having all eaten thereof, became...terrible to their enemies,even so do we, saved by our Resurrected Lord from the captivity of that Pharaoh of the mind, theDevil, bear forth the blessed bread the Artos from the day of the Resurrection of Christ and, finally,having dedicated this bread to God, we eat of it and preserve it to the health of body and soul.

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April 3, 2016 SUNDAY OF ST. THOMAS

(The following is sung three times at the beginning of all worship, three times insteadof "Let our mouth be filled" and "Blessed be the name .." once instead of "Blessed ishe who comes", "We have seen the true light", and "Glory be to the Father", followedby the usual "Lord have mercy", etc. At the end of all worship, it is also sung threetimes adding "and He gave us eternal life, we bow down to His third day Resurrection")

Christ is risen from the dead, conquering death by death, and to those in thetombs, giving life. (3)

The First Antiphon Psalm of the Typica:Bless the Lord, O my soul,* Blessed are You, O Lord.Bless the Lord, O my soul,* and all that is within me bless His holy Name.Bless the Lord, O my soul,* and forget not all His benefits:Who forgives all of your sins,* Who heals all your afflictions;Who redeems your life from destruction,* who crowns you with mercy and compassion.The Lord, is compassionate and merciful,* long-suffering and of great mercy.Bless the Lord, O my soul,* and all that is within me bless his holy Name.*Blessed are You, O Lord.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,* now and always, and foreverand ever. Amen. Only-Begotten Son and Word of God …

The Third Antiphon The Beatitudes:Remember us, O Lord,* when you come into Your Kingdom.Blessed are the poor in spirit,* for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.Blessed are those who mourn,* for they will be comforted.Blessed are the meek,* for they shall inherit the earth.Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,* for they will be satisfied.Blessed are the merciful,* for they will obtain mercy.Blessed are the poor in heart,* for they will see God.Blessed are the peacemakers,* for they shall be called the children of God.Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,* for theirs is the Kingdom ofHeaven.Blessed are you when men reproach you,* and persecute you,* and say all manner of evil againstyou falsely on my account.Rejoice and be exceedingly glad,* for great is your reward in Heaven.Entrance:Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ.Son of God, risen from the dead, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.

TROPAR (Tone 7): Though the tomb was sealed, O Christ our God, You shone forth as Life Itself;and through locked doors, You came into the presence of the apostles. O Resurrection of all, bythese events You renewed us in the spirit of holiness, according to Your great mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen:

KONDAK (Tone 8): Thomas probed Your life giving side with his eager right hand, O Christ ourGod; and since You entered through locked doors, he cried out with the other apostles: "You are myLord and my God!"

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PROKIMEN (Tone 3): Great is our God and great is His strength; His knowledge is withoutmeasure.Verse: Give praise to the Lord for singing psalms is good; let giving praise be a delight to our God.

A Reading from the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 5:12-20)

ALLELUIA (Tone 8): Come, let us rejoice in the Lord, let us make a joyful noise to God, ourSavior. Alleluia!(3)Verse: For God is a great Lord, and a great King over all the earth. Alleluia! (3)

IN PLACE OF "It is truly right...":The angel greeted you, O full of grace: "Purest Virgin, Rejoice! And again I say, Rejoice! For after

three days your Son has risen from the dead, and then raised the dead with Himself." Peopleeverywhere, Rejoice! Shine forth in splendor, New Jerusalem! For the glory of the Lord is risen onyou. Sing and rejoice, O Sion; and you - purest Mother of God - rejoice in the resurrection of yourSon.COMMUNION HYMN: Give praise to the Lord, Jerusalem; praise your God, O Sion. Alleluia!(3)

IN PLACE OF:Blessed is He Who Comes:

Christ is risen from the dead, conquering death by death, and to those in the tombs, giving life.

We have seen the true light:Christ is risen from the dead, conquering death by death, and to those in the tombs, giving life.

May our mouths be filled:Christ is risen from the dead, conquering death by death, and to those in the tombs, giving life. (3)

Blessed be the name of the Lord:Christ is risen from the dead, conquering death by death, and to those in the tombs, giving life. (3)

Glory and Now:Christ is risen from the dead, conquering death by death, and to those in the tombs, giving life.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Give the blessing.





Note: We do not kneel during the Paschal season, i.e., from Easter to Pentecostwe remain standing upright during all our liturgical services as witnesses of Christ’s

glorious Resurrection!

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Ukrainian Easter Egg Exhibit by Tanya Osadca & Zirka Rudykwill be held at the Wethersfield Public Library

515 Silas Deane Highway Wethersfield, CT 06109in March & April 2016.

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Please join us on Saturday April 9th 2016

St. Michael's Ukrainian School Ice SkatingFundraiser

Event information:Newington Arena (Ice Skating Rink )300 Alumni Rd, Newington, CT 06111


Cost $10.00 per person includes skate rental**Bring your own ice skates highly encouraged**

Please wear Blue and Yellow!!!

Come and support our Ukrainian School and havefun with your Ukrainian Community!!

If you are interested RSVP:[email protected] Lida Nascimento @ [email protected] Christine Melnyk @860-673-0833

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St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church March 3, 2016

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