1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart 6.self-assessment self-determination 7.do fine 8.take it/things easy 9.keep up 10.blame oneself for sth. 11.be cast away on a desert isl and 12.satisfy/meet the basic needs for survival 13.a pair of scissors 相相相相 1. 相相相相 2. 相相相相相相相 3. 相相 相相 相相相相 相相 4... 相相相相 5. 相相相相相 6./ 相相相 7. 相相相 8. 相相相 相相 9., 相相相相相相 10. 相相相相相相 相 11.一 相相相 相相相相相相相相相 12 相相相 13.一 相相相相相相 14.一

1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

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Page 1: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

1. believe in fate2. stand for what sb say3.adapt sb to new circumstances4. apply...to..5.lose heart6.self-assessment self-determination7.do fine8.take it/things easy9.keep up10.blame oneself for sth.11.be cast away on a desert island12.satisfy/meet the basic needs for survival13.a pair of scissors14.a dozen good knives and forks

1.相信命运2.说到做到3.使某人适应新的 环境4.把.运用到.之中5.灰心丧气6.自我评价/7.干得好8.别担心9.保持,维持10.因某事而自责11.被迫漂流到一个   荒岛上12满足生存的基本需要13.一把剪刀14.一打优质的刀叉

Page 2: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…
Page 3: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…
Page 4: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

1. We traveled alone. 2. We traveled day and night. 3. During walking through the desert, we couldn't ride the wagons. 4. For many weeks we had suffered from heat, thirst and starvation. 5. During the long journey, we could help each other. 6. When a young man in our group suggested that I stay behind with the children and wait for help, I agreed. 7. When the animals smelt the water, they all ran.

True or False Statements:






Page 5: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

Reading Comprehensions1.The reason why my father wanted to go to California is th

at______. (细节题) A. California was in desert B. California was far away

C. California was a wonderful land described in a book

D. California was the largest state in the USA

2.”the promised land ” in the last paragraph possibly means _______ . (词义猜测题) A. a place where a person can make a promise

B. a wonderful place where a person can live happily

and peacefully

C.a place that a person succeeded in reaching



Page 6: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

3.Why didn't the author stay behind with the children and wait for help? (细节题) A. Because that meant he/she would die. B. Because he/she knew that children were tiresome. C. Because he/she knew that there was a wagon waiting for him/her. D. Because he/she felt he/she could get a prize by his/her father. 4.How long did the author spend finishing the journey?( 推断) A. More than 14 months. B. About 2 months. C. About a year. D. About a year and a month.5.From the passage, we can learn that ________.( 主旨题 ) A. Misfortunes never come singly. B. Practice makes perfect. C.Victory belongs to the most persevering. D. More haste, less speed




Page 7: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

Para.1 phrases

  1. 在 1845 的春天 2. 使某人萌生了……的想法 3. 不足,少于 4. 忘带 , 留下 , 落后 5. 起程做横跨大陆的旅行 6. 一辆牛拉的四轮车

in the spring of 1845

give sb. the idea to do sth.

less than

leave behind

set off for a journey across

the continent

a wagon drawn by oxen

Page 8: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

Para2 Phrases7. 继续某人向西的 旅行8. 一个汇集地9. 被选为

continue one’s journey westward

a meeting place fro sb.

be chosen as

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Para.3 Phrases 10. 在白天11. 围绕营火形成一个圆圈12. 最困难 , 难熬的13. 使劲拉,拖14. 干枯而荒凉15. 可以饮用的16. 对……苛刻 , 刻薄17. 拖着疲惫的步子18. ( 舌头 ) 伸出

by dayform a circle all around the camp firethe most tryingpull updry and barrendrinkablebe hard ondrag one’s leggshang out

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19. 太弱 , 无力承担重负20. 急需要喝水 21. 把 B 装如 A22. 站着 ,站起来 ,病后恢复23. 还有 500 英里要走

too weak to pull the burden

in desperate need of water

pack A with B

on one’s feet

with another 500 miles to go

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Para 4 phrases24. 习惯与做某事25. 忍受炎热 ,干渴和饥饿26. 事情更糟了27. 排列着28. 被褥 ,衣物和其他物品

be accustomed to doing

suffer from heat, thirst and starvation

things get worse

be lines with

bedding, clothing and many other articles

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29. 急于赶到一个 安全的地方30. 令人绝望的情 况 ,境地31. 在多数情况下

in anxiety of reaching a place of safety

a desperate situation

in most cases

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Para5 Phrases

32. 跪下33. 四肢着地34. 在脑海里

get onto one’s knees

on all fours

in one’s mind

Page 14: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

Para6 Phrases

35. ……的边缘36. 一条流动的小溪37. 盯着 ,凝视38. 行尸走肉39. 期望中的乐土40. 告终,结束

the edge of

a running stream

stare at

walking skeletons

the promised land

come to an end

Page 15: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

Sentences 1. This account of the wonderful land beyond the

Rocky Mountains gave him the idea to move there.

1) 地点 What lies beyond the mountain?

2) 时间 Don’t stay there beyond midnight.

• account n. 描述She gave the police a full account of the incident.

• beyond 的用法: prep.& adv.

3) 为…所不能及;多于;超出beyond my capacity( 能力 ) / beyond my reach

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be beyond sb. 对于某人来说,难以想象 ( 表示范围、限度 ) 超出;为……所不及。 1) It’s quite beyond me why she married such a heavy

smoker. 2) If the work is beyond Tom, it is certainly beyond me.

Page 17: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

Phrase: beyond control beyond hope beyond praise beyond reason the beyond, the great beyond

beyond description   beyond belief    beyond compare   beyond words    

无法控制绝望的;无望的夸不胜夸不合理 来世 ;死后的世界 无法形容 难以置信 无以伦比 无法用言语表达

Page 18: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

beyond 的用法:[ 例 ]I’m sorry it’s ____ my power to make a

final decision on the project. ( 上海 2004 春 )A. over B. above C. off D. beyond


Page 19: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

2. It was not easy to decide what to take and what to leave behind.

leave 的短语: leave alone 别动,让独自呆着 leave for 动身到(某处) leave off 停止,中断,脱掉 leave out 漏掉,忘掉,省略e.g. The new settlers killed the bison, cut off the

skins and left the bodies behind to rot. (SB2, P47.)

leave behind 忘带,留下


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Wh- + to do 结构

[ 例 ] I’ve worked with children before, so I know what ___

in my new job. (NMET2000 年, 19) A. expected B. to expect

C. to be expected D. expect

1. How to finish the work in time is a problem.

2. My question is what to to do with it.

3. We don’t know when and where to go.

4. We need to have factual knowledge upon which to base our thinking.



( Subject )(Predicative)

( Object)(attributive)

Page 21: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

3. By the middle of October we set off for our journey across the continent.

set 相关的短语 :set aside / about / down / off / up / out

1. He had failed in what he had _______ to do.

2. She a bit of money every month.

3. Be careful when __________ fireworks

4. A new government was _________ after the

civil war.

set out

set aside

setting offset up

Page 22: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

sentences 1. The journey through the mountains and desert

in the central part of the continent was the most trying part.

trying a. 难受的;难堪的;费劲的 ; 恼人的 1) a trying situation 尴尬的局面;难处的境况 2) The child is very trying.

3) Do you think it is trying to study in Senior 3?

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Para.32. Passing through the desert, we came out into the Salt Lake Valley, which looked beautiful to us.

【例 1 】 ____ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late

to clean up the river. (NMET2001, 35) A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered

【例 2 】 Finding her car stolen, ____________. (2001 年上海,28)

A. a policeman was asked to help

B. the area was searching thoroughly

C. it was looked for everywhere

D. she hurried to a policeman for help



Page 24: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

Para.32. Passing through the desert, we came out into the Salt Lake Valley, which looked beautiful to us.

非限制性定语从句 【例】 York, ______ last year, is a nice old city.

(NMET2003 年北京, 24) A. that I visited B. which I visited

C. where I visited D. in which I visited


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Para.33. ... and the long walk through the sand was hard on the oxen.

be hard on : 1 )够…受,使…难以忍受。 2 )对…过于严厉,苛刻;紧跟等。 1) These rough roads are hard on your shoes.

2) 不要对你的儿子过于苛刻。3) When I arrived there, I found that he was

hard on me.  

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These rough roads are hard on your shoes. 这些崎岖的道路把鞋磨得厉害。 Don’t be too hard on your little so

n. 不要对你的儿子过于苛刻。When I arrived there, I found that he w

as hard on me.  我到那儿时,发现他紧跟在我的后面。

Page 27: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

desperate adj. 感到绝望而不顾一切的;极需要的 ; 极严重的 ; 极危险的① a desperate criminal  亡命之徒② be desperate for sth /to do sth  极需要的 They’ re desperate for money. I’ m desperate to see her.

③ a desperate situation/ shortage/ illness  危局/奇缺/重病 on one’s feet 站立着 ; 站起来 ; 恢复健康

Page 28: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

.Yet, our water supply was so low that we dared not share it with the beast. (p49.pa.3)

(1)share sth. with sb. As we are close friends, we should share trouble as well as joy with each other. The teacher let me share the desk with the new comer.

与某人分担… .


(2) share in 分担;分享 Let me share in the work. They should share in the cost of travel.

Page 29: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

(3) share out We should share out the work.The apples were shared out among us.


Computers can help those who don’t ___ a common language talking to each other. A.spare B.share C.require D.care


Page 30: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

Para.4 1. For many weeks we had been accustomed to seeing horses and oxen suffering from heat, thirst, and starvation.

1) I’m not accustomed to getting up so early.

2) You will soon get accustomed to the job.

be accustomed to + n. / doingget/become accustomed to

look forward to / pay attention to / turn to / make contributions to / devote… to / the key to / lead to / get used to / object to / be opposed to

【扩展】 to 为介词:

Page 31: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…


in this / that /any /no case

in case /in case of

1) I don’t think I will need money but I will take some in case.

2) Take your umbrella in case it rains.

2) In case of fire,ring the alarm bell.

3) He got to the station early, _____missing the train.

(04’ 江苏, 24)A.in case of B.instead of C. for fear of D. in search of


2. In fact, the situation was so desperate that, in most cases, no one could help another.

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Para.51. I knew that giving up meant a shallow grave in the sand.

动名词做主语 【例】 _____ the meeting himself gave them a

great deal of encouragement. (03’ 春季上海, 36)A. The president will attend

B. The president to attend

C. The president attended

D. The president’s attending


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Reading skills

1. Get the topic sentences in the passage

2. Pay attention to the key words in each paragraph

Page 34: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…

Perseverance is a kind of quality and it is what it takes to doanything well!

No pains, no gains! Don’t step away from a challenge, but gofor it!


Page 35: 1. believe in fate 2. stand for what sb say 3.adapt sb to new circumstances 4. apply...to.. 5.lose heart…


1.Review the language points in this passage.

2.Finish the Ex.1,2,&3 on Page 51.3.Preview the next passage.