1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final

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  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    2012 StatUp Cup LLC. All gts svd.

    You may ot us ts wok fo commcal puposs; You may ot alt, tasfom,o uld upo ts wok. Fo mo fomato o to qust addtoal cops,cotact StatUp Cup LLC | 417 Wst 7t Stt, Sut 103 | Tulsa, Oklaoma 74119 |+1 918-409-2246 | [email protected] | www.statupcup.com

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final



    This StartUp Cup Guide is dedicated to the dreamers and

    doers of our world: the people who consciously take on the

    entrepreneurial journey. In the process they transform their

    lives, and the lives of those who benet from their creations.

    You are the true heroes of our communities.

    Never doubt thata small groupof thoughtful,

    committed citizenscan change the world;indeed, its the onlything that ever has.Magat Mad


  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    On behal o the many collaborators and people who have helped

    contribute to the creation o the StartUp Cup we give our heartelt


    To begin with, we thank the hundreds o entrepreneurs who have

    shared their ideas and pitched the business models that have

    inspired our work. In particular, we thank Adrienne and David

    Kallweit, Gerald Buckley, Jeremy Green, Carey and Brett Baker, Mike

    and Phyllis Peabody, Ned Bruha, Mike Calloway and Kristen Ross or

    allowing us to share in their entrepreneurial journeys. Supporting

    entrepreneurs is one o the greatest career paths on earth. We look

    orward to collaborating with teams all over the world to expand

    an entrepreneurial network and circle o riends.

    The StartUp Cup Guide would not have been possible without

    the support and inspiration o ormer Tulsa Mayor Kathy Taylor. In

    2006 she saw the game-changing potential o creating a business

    model competition and challenged us to develop and grow the

    Tulsa Entrepreneurial Spirit Award that has ultimately evolved into

    the StartUp Cup.

    Two catalysts behind the StartUp Cup Business Model Competition

    are the motivational entrepreneurial champions o Global

    Entrepreneurship Week and the Kauman Foundation. By

    harnessing the power behind Global Entrepreneurship Week and

    tying it with this StartUp Cup Business Model Competition, we

    have experienced the creation o a proven model to grow jobs

    through startups.

    Entrepreneurial bankers Albert Kell Kelly and Ted Cundi, with

    Oklahomas SpiritBank, have provided consistent and generous

    support. We thank them or having the vision to imagine and

    harness the power o a big idea, and their willingness to step up

    and become ounding sponsors o Tulsas rst business mode


    Our entrepreneurial development partner, Tulsa Community

    College, has shown unwavering commitment to growing game

    changing entrepreneurial programming. We thank Dr. Tom

    McKeon, Carol Messer, Mary Philpott, and Je Nevins or thei

    leadership and belie in our entrepreneurial vision or changing the

    way communities grow entrepreneurs and startups.

    We have had a number o key team members along the way to

    whom we owe a debt o gratitude: Bill Handy o H3 Strategic

    Communications has been invaluable in his guidance, mentorship

    and riendship along the way. Lou Ann Lissonnet has been on ou

    team or nearly her entire career and we couldnt imagine a better

    partner. Brad Vernon or bringing us his technological know howMichelle Allen or her public relations skills; Dean VanTrease or his

    constant support and wisdom; and the many other team members

    who have helped bring the StartUp Cup to lie.

    The StartUp Cup is improving communities, lives, and the globa

    economy one startup company at a time.


  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final




    SeCTiOn 1

    GeTTinG STArTeD:PAGeS 8 - 18


    What is the StartUp Cup Business Model Competition?

    StartUp Cup Vision & Objectives

    StartUp Cup Process

    StartUp Cup Business Model Competition Timeline

    StartUp Cup Project Management Action Plan

    Plugging into Global Entrepreneurship Week

    Business Model Design: A Transformational Shift inthe Way Startups Launch

    Business Model Scorecard - Self-Guided VisualThinking Tool

    The Bootstrap Startup: Go to Market and Launch Faster

    StartUp Cup Know-How: Requirements to Build AStartUp Cup

    How to Get Perfect Results from the StartUp Cup Guide

    SeCTiOn 2

    PhASe i: Pre-COMPeTiTiOn LAUnCh:PAGeS 19 - 41

    Building Your StartUp Cup Team

    Your Core Team

    Champions /Judges / Coaches

    Creating Your StartUp Cup Game Plan

    Project Management Tool

    Developing Your StartUp Cup Budget

    Sponsorship Campaign

    Sponsor Package Sample

    Your StartUp Cup Website

    Ocial Rules

    SeCTiOn 3

    PhASe ii: COMPeTiTiOn KiCK-OFF:PAGeS 42 - 46

    StartUp Cup Competition Kick-O Event

    Kick-O Event Logistics


    Networking at the Event

    Agenda / Program

    Tal of Contnts

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    Tal of Contnts

    SeCTiOn 4

    PhASe iii: COMPeTiTiOn PrOCeSS:PAGeS 47 - 60

    StartUp Cup Submission Process

    Top 10 Reasons to Enter Email Campaign

    Closing the Submission Process

    Participant Survey Distribution

    Submission Collection / Filtering / Distribution

    Judging Guidelines to Determine Top 25

    Top 25 Selection

    Top 25 Email Notication / Directions

    Press Release Announcing Top 25

    Email Announcement of Top 25 Sample

    Top 25 Pitch Schedule and PowerPoint SubmissionEmail Sample

    Business Model Submission (Long Form) Sample

    Top 25 Press Release Sample

    Model Release Form Sample

    SeCTiOn 5

    PhASe iV: JUDGinG / COAChinG:PAGeS 61 - 79

    The Judging Process

    Top 25 Judging Guidelines / Rules

    Judges Email Sample

    Top 25 Judging Event Logistics

    Judges Packet

    Business Model Scorecard Judging Process

    Choosing the Top 12 SemiFinalists

    Top 12 Selection / Notication / Directions

    The Coaching Perspective

    Top 12 Coaching Event Logistics

    Coaching Schedule Sample

    Top 12 Judging Event Logistics

    Top 7 Finalist Coaching / Judging Event Logistics

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    Tal of Contnts

    SeCTiOn 6

    PhASe V: COMPeTiTiOn CeLebrATiOn:PAGeS 80 - 90

    StartUp Cup Competition Celebration

    Celebration Event Logistics

    Agenda / Program

    Program Sample

    StartUp Cup Award

    Coaches / Judges Thank You Memento

    Press Outreach / Handling

    Post-Mortem / Pre-Planning for the Upcoming Year /

    Lessons Learned

    Impact Report Survey

    About the StartUp Cup Team


    The Entrepreneurs Credo

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final



    The world needsdreamers andthe world needs

    doers. But aboveall the world needsdreamers who do.Saa ba batac

    You hold in your hands a guidebook like no other.

    The StartUp Cup Guide is step-by-step manual for

    communities to create a localized business model

    competition to increase the quality and quantity

    of entrepreneurs and grow their entrepreneurial


    StartUp Cup is designed with a powerful businessmodel coaching methodology at its heart to foster

    entrepreneurs and startups. Our team works with

    local StartUp Cup competition organizers to assist in

    the production of each community-based business

    model competition. Simply put, any community that

    wishes to organize their own StartUp Cup is provided

    with the structure, tools, and support required to

    produce a successful business model competition.

    Entrepreneurs who participate in a local StartUp

    Cup will develop a solid business model taking

    into consideration their specic needs, including

    accelerated go-to-market strategies and bootstrapping

    techniques. This competitive process compresses the

    time it takes for a new company to secure customers

    and, most importantly, to start generating revenue.

    Using our nely tuned processes local StartUp Cups

    will deliver:

    Business Model judging and coaching

    from local business leaders and seasoned


    StartUp Cup competition kick-off event

    A community-wide media campaign

    An entrepreneurial competition celebration

    open to the public and distinguished guests

    We provide all the tools, materials, and StartUp Cup

    coaching you need to set up, operate and engage

    entrepreneurs to launch new startups in your

    community. Get started today!


  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final




    StartUp Cup is a locally driven business model competitionopen to any idea. This innovative community-based approach is

    designed to increase the quality and quantity of entrepreneurs

    in the community. The fundamentals of this program were

    developed in Silicon Valley during the dot com era and

    transplanted to Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 2007, by visual thinking

    pioneer and serial entrepreneurs Sean Grifn, with the launch

    of a program called the Tulsa Entrepreneurial Spirit Award.

    Since that time every aspect of the competition has been ne-

    tuned based upon feedback from participating entrepreneurs,

    judges, coaches, entrepreneurial service providers, and

    community leaders. In 2011 a team of veteran StartUp Cuporganizers came together for the sole purpose of formalizing

    the process and offering to other communities that which has

    been so successful in Tulsa.

    A solid business model is at the heart of any successful

    business endeavor. The way startups are being built is rapidly

    changing. What entrepreneurs were rewarded for in the past is

    not what they are rewarded for today and into the future.

    Historically entrepreneurs had the luxury of time and were

    expected to produce a well-written business plan that included

    detailed nancials, graphs, and future projections showcasing

    a path to starting and growing a new company, with the main

    purpose of raising money.

    Today, entrepreneurs are rewarded for going to market,

    securing customers, and generating revenue as quickly as

    possible. The goal for an entrepreneur with a new business

    concept is to identify a business model, test their assumptions,

    secure customers, and evolve their model as they grow market


    StartUp Cup Entrepreneurs are rewarded for:

    Going to market and generating revenue

    Sharing their compelling business model story

    Showcasing how their product/service is lling a need or

    solving a problem

    Dening a clear target market and identiying the

    potential size o the market

    Dening the target customer and gaining eedback

    Applying bootstrapping startup practices

    Developing a solid nancial model that works in tandem

    with the business model, thus driving the business to


    Being exible and listening to coaching eedback in order

    to modiy and adjust business model assumptions


    First and foremost, StartUp Cup is helping to start companies

    in the here and now!

    The StartUp Cup process is designed specically to support

    entrepreneurs armed with an idea who may be sitting on the

    fence to move forward. The process urges these visionaries to

    jump off the fence and into the marketplace. The number one

    goal for StartUp Cup judges and coaches is to encourage and

    support entrepreneurs to get going and rapidly start testing

    their assumptions, identify their customers, and work towards

    generating revenue.

    StartUp Cup challenges communities and entrepreneurs to

    throw traditional thinking out the door, and presents a process

    that changes the way startup companies launch themselves

    into the marketplace.

    The StartUp Cup business model process is focused on

    fail early, fail often, and adjust. A valid business model is

    generated by learning from failed assumptions and making the

    appropriate changes to ensure success. Entrepreneurship is

    a journey, not a destination, and the ability to make course

    corrections along the journey is paramount to creating long

    term viability.

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    StatUp Cup Vson & Ojctvs

    The vision of the StartUp Cup founders is to empower

    a culture of startups in communities around theworld through the implementation of business model

    based competitions and coaching. To that end ...

    We will generate a global network of business

    model competitions that acts as a catalyst to

    bring together community services providers,

    investors, coaches and mentors in an effort to

    accelerate the growth of viable and sustainable


    We will facilitate an increased connection to

    Global Entrepreneurship Week to organicallygrow localized entrepreneurial ecosystems

    We will signicantly impact the number of jobs

    created through startups

    We will motivate as many people as we can to

    start a startup no matter what their background,

    level of education, or previous business


    The Objectives of StartUp Cup are:

    To inspire an increase in entrepreneurial and

    startup activity around the world

    To increase the quality and quantity of startups

    on a local level

    To grow local jobs through startups and new

    business endeavors

    To inspire collaboration and sharing among local


    To increase collaboration among local service


    To inspire new and innovative coaching and

    mentorship programming

    To generate a culture of entrepreneurship in local

    and global communities

    The best way to predict the future is to invent it.Ala Kay

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    Each StartUp Cup is produced by a dedicated team

    of local organizers and volunteers passionate

    about growing entrepreneurs and startups in their

    community.While StartUp Cup was originally designed to take

    place over a seven-month period, with seven main

    events, each community is encouraged to customize

    and tailor the competition to t the specic culture

    and needs of the local community.

    StartUp Cup is designed to support entrepreneurial

    growth, expand business and community

    connections, and maximize promotional

    opportunities both locally and nationally.Utilize and customize the StartUp Cup Guide to t

    your community. You may want to be more exible in

    timing (we recommend no shorter than two to three

    months), you may choose to offer larger or smaller

    cash prizes, or you may alter your events. This is

    YOUR StartUp Cup!

    StatUp Cup Pocss

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    StatUp Cupbusnss Modl Comptton Tmln

    ThiS iS An exAMPLe OF The TiMeLine FOr A SeVen-MOnTh STArTUP CUPCOMPeTiTiOn. FeeL Free TO COnDenSe AnD CUSTOMize TO SUiT YOUr neeDS,bUT DO nOT ShOrTen TO LeSS ThAn TWO Or Three MOnThS.

    All Entries Week One Tuesday Kick-Off StartUp Cup Workshop / Submissions Open

    Week Five Friday, 11:59PM Submissions Close

    Week Five Saturday Judges Review of Initial Submissions

    Top 25 Week Nine Monday Review Concludes / Top 25 Selection Notication / Submission

    of Long Form Business Models

    Week Eleven Wednesday,


    Deadline for Submission of Long Form Business Models

    Week Thirteen Wednesday Day One - Top 25 Pitches (7 minutes)

    Week Thirteen Thursday Day Two - Top 25 Pitches (7 minutes)

    Top 12 Week Fourteen Thursday Top 12 Notication of Advancement to Semi Finals

    Week Sixteen Wednesday Coaching Session for Top 12 Business Models / Pitches

    Week Sixteen Thursday Begin Submission of Top 12 Revised Business Models

    Week Nineteen Thursday, 11:59PM Deadline for Submission of Top 12 Revised Business Models

    Week Nineteen Friday Judges Review of Top 12 Revised Business Models

    Week Twenty-


    Thursday Review Concludes / Top 12 Pitches (5 minutes)

    Top 7 Week Twenty-Four Monday Top 7 Notication of Advancement to Finals

    Week Twenty-Five Wednesday Coaching Session for Top 7 Business Models / Pitches

    Week Twenty-Five Thursday Begin Submission of Top 7 Revised Business Models

    Week Twenty-


    Thursday, 11:59PM Deadline for Submission of Top 7 Revised Business Models

    Week Twenty-


    Friday Judges Review of Top 7 Revised Business Models

    Week Thirty Thursday Review Concludes, Top 7 Pitches (2 minutes)

    Winners Week Thirty-Two Tuesday StartUp Cup Business Model Competition Award Celebration

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    The following StartUp Cup Project Management Action Plan

    Template will provide your team with a roadmap for successful

    implementation of the tasks and activities required to create a

    StartUp Cup in your community.

    You will nd the entire spreadsheet and associated task

    templates in the StartUp Cup Dropbox account.

    StatUp Cup Pojct Managmnt ActonPlan

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    Pluggng nto

    Gloal entpnusp Wk

    Global Entrepreneurship Week, a Kauffman Foundation

    Program designed to inspire an increase in entrepreneurialactivity around the world, is a powerful tool for local


    AbOUT GLObAL enTrePreneUrShiPWeeK

    For one week each year millions around the world join a

    growing movement of individuals and organizations: inspiriring,

    connecting and equipping entrepreneurs whil showcasing the

    support that is available all year round. Countries across six

    continents come together to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship

    Week each November. Global Entrepreneurship Week connects

    people everywhere through local, national, and global activities

    designed to help them explore their potential as self-starters

    and innovators. Students, educators, entrepreneurs, business

    leaders, employees, non-prot leaders, government ofcials,

    and many others participated in a range of activities, from

    online to face-to-face, and from large-scale competitions and

    events to intimate networking gatherings.

    Through this initiative, the next generation of entrepreneurs is

    inspired and can emerge. In doing so, they will begin to acquire

    the knowledge, skills and networks needed to grow innovative,

    sustainable enterprises that have a positive impact on their

    lives, their families, and their communities.

    Learn More http://www.unleashingideas.org



    It was announced during Global Entrepreneurship Week

    2012 that StartUp Cup will be a featured event of GlobaEntrepreneurship Week beginning in 2013. StartUp Cup is an

    ideal program to integrate into Global Entrepreneurship Week

    activities in your local community. Think about positioning

    your StartUp Cup Award Celebration as an anchor event

    during Global Entrepreneurship Week, or hold coaching and

    mentoring sessions with StartUp Cup coaches and judges that

    are open to the public.

    Global Entrepreneurship Week is a catalyst for growing

    entrepreneurial ecosystems on a local, national and globa

    level. If your community has not started producing an annuaGlobal Entrepreneurship Week, then there is no time like the

    present. If your community is already involved in producing a

    Global Entrepreneurship Week, make sure to nd ways to plug

    StartUp Cup into the week of activities.

    All of us have enormous self-interest in supporting promising individualswho have the creativity, talent and ambition to make a dierence. They

    bring to the world great ideas, many of which translate into jobs, wealth,economic growth and opportunity for countless generations to follow.

    Joata Otmas, Psdt, Gloal etpusp Wk

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    A business model describes the rationale of how an organization

    creates, delivers, and captures value.


    busnss Modl Dsgn:A Tansfomatonal Sft n t Way Statups Launc

    The way in which startups are being built is rapidly changing.

    The activities and processes entrepreneurs were rewarded forin the past are not what they are rewarded for today.

    Historically, entrepreneurs had the luxury of time and were

    expected to produce a well-written business plan with the main

    purpose being to raise money. The business plan included

    detailed nancials, graphs, and future projections showcasing

    a path to starting and growing the new company. These

    projections were typically based on conjecture and not rooted

    in the reality of the existing marketplace.

    Today, entrepreneurs are rewarded for going to market,

    securing customers, and generating revenue as quickly as

    possible. The goal for an entrepreneur with a new business

    concept is to develop a business model, test assumptions,

    secure customers, and evolve their model as they grow market


    StartUp Cup is designed with a powerful business model

    judging, coaching, and mentoring approach at its heart. This

    approach supports entrepreneurs to accelerate building and

    testing their business models with customers. The resulting

    interactions improve the likelihood of generating revenue and

    building a viable business in weeks, not months.

    bUSineSS MODeL DeSiGn DeFineD

    A business model describes the rationale of how an

    organization creates, delivers, and captures value. Wikipedia

    To produce a potentially viable company, the business mode

    must address the following:

    The product or service the company provides lls a

    need, solves a problem, and creates value

    The company has a large enough market to support

    the product / service

    The company has a customer base that is willing topay for the product / service

    The company has the ability to generate enough

    revenue to drive towards protability

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    busnss Modl Scocad - Slf-GuddVsual Tnkng Tool

    The Business Model Scorecard has been designed

    specically for startups in an effort to compress the time ittakes to go to market and test assumptions. This self-guided

    visual thinking tool is designed for entrepreneurs at any level of

    business experience. The Business Model Scorecard facilitates

    the entrepreneur through the universal steps required to build

    a viable business model and take immediate action on their

    business idea.

    Entrepreneurs, judges, and coaches are encouraged to utilize

    the Business Model Scorecard during and after the competitive

    process as a way to more clearly identify what is working, areas

    for improvement, and actionable steps to take.

    The barriers holding back an entrepreneur from starting a new

    company have been broken down. Companies that used

    to require hundreds of thousands of dollars to start up can

    now launch with signicantly less cash. Methodologies suchas bootstrapping, business model development, and scenario

    planning, which were initially developed in the tech industry

    can now be replicated and applied to any business idea by

    anyone who desires to start their own business. Reducing

    the time to launch a new company is critical to increasing the

    opportunity for success.

    Download a copy of the Business Model Scorecard from the

    StartUp Cup Dropbox account. On pages 69-70 you will nd

    directions for use by the Judges.

    The impact on your community will be the realization of

    producing a culture of startups teamed with developing a

    powerful job creation system.

    value proposition

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    T bootstap Statup:Go to Makt and Launc Fast

    One of the goals of StartUp Cup is to support driving

    entrepreneurs to compress the time it takes to take theirstartup to market. Historically entrepreneurs have been trained

    to write a business plan that describes the path a company is

    going to take to raise funds or reach a desired outcome. It is

    time to think different and think fast. Times have changed and

    it is critical to go to market, reduce costs, leverage all possible

    resources and generate revenue as quickly as possible.

    The key is to encourage entrepreneurs to test their assumptions

    by learning from the marketplace. Talk with customers,

    experiment, and learn which path is the best to reach a viable

    business model. Taking action and doing is the underlyingfoundation of the bootstrapping process.

    Encourage entrepreneurs to be creative about how they build

    their business. By focusing on how little money a company

    needs to raise to go to market is one of the quickest ways to

    put pressure on a company to focus on creating revenue and

    test the assumptions of the business model. An entrepreneur

    invariably thinks the startup needs $250,000. Challenge that

    assumption. Explore how they can get the company started

    and into the market for $2,500. The key is to focus on cost to

    create revenue and the time required to go to market and start

    learning from customers and the marketplace.

    Bootstrapping is pursuing the validity of a business model

    with a focus on securing customers as a rst step, not raising

    a large amount of money. Very few investors today are going

    to invest in any company without the business model having

    proven some level of viability and that a customer really does

    exist to drive revenue.

    Bootstrapping is a way to do something about the problems you have

    without letting someone else give you permission to do them.

    Tom Psto-W

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    To effectively and efciently run a StartUp Cup you ideally will

    identify and engage a small, dedicated team consisting of:


    Project Manager

    Public Relations / Marketing Manager

    Event Manager

    Website Manager



    9-11 Judges12 Coaches (and an optional oater)

    Fundraising Chair


    Prize Money $30,000 1st Place; $5,000 2nd

    Place; $2,500 3rd Place

    In-Kind - catering, loaned executives, venues, etc.

    Read and follow the directions carefully

    Work as a Team

    Stay on top of the deadlines - utilize the Project

    Management Tool

    Be pro-active

    Stay focused on the needs of the Entrepreneurs

    Communicate with Entrepreneurs strictly through


    Create memorable events

    Have Fun!

    StatUp Cup Know-how: rqumntsTo buld A Succssful StatUp Cup

    how To Gt Pfct rsults Fom TStatUp Cup Gud . . .

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    Teamwork is the ability

    to work together toward

    a common vision, the

    ability to direct individualaccomplishment toward

    organizational objectives.

    It is the fuel that allows

    common people to attain

    uncommon results.Adw Cag

    Building Your StartUp Cup Team

    StartUp Cup has the potential to become one of the most

    rewarding and memorable experiences a team can have

    both individually and collectively. StartUp Cup is a lot of

    work to produce, however, the potential rewards for your

    community are great! Generating a transformational

    shift in the way a community views entrepreneurs andstartups takes a team. This is why it is so important to

    form a dedicated and quality team right from the start.

    You will want to make sure that team members are truly

    passionate about entrepreneurs and supporting people

    as they develop the startup of their dreams.

    Research from the Kauffman Foundation is validating that

    grassroots-based entrepreneurial development is having

    a signicant impact on growing entrepreneurialism and

    startups in communities around the world. Grand central

    planning is antithetical to organic entrepreneurial growth.

    StartUp Cup supports the organic growth of a meaningful

    entrepreneurial ecosystem through a bottom up approach

    that works to inspire new startups as a way to stimulate

    new economic activity.

    Pas i:P-Comptton Launc

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final



    When forming your team it is important to include as

    many entrepreneurial-minded people as possible. Think of

    StartUp Cup as a startup itself. It requires the same level of

    entrepreneurial spirit to build as any other new meaningful

    endeavor that generates tremendous value.

    Ultimately, your StartUp Cup needs to be a unique

    representation of your community, and a fun, energizing

    experience for everyone involved. When you are able to create

    this type of experience, great things happen and the creation

    of a culture of startups will become a reality.

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    The Core Team is at the heart and soul of StartUp Cup. Your

    Core Team is responsible for delivering the quality programthat the entrepreneurs and community experience. Ideal Core

    Team Members are made up of passionate professionals with

    experience in the required roles listed below.

    Core Team Members may include:


    Project Manager (May be a Co-Organizer)

    Website Manager

    Public Relations / Marketing Manager



    Event Manager

    rOLeS OF COre TeAM MeMberS:

    The following is an overview of the role each of these critical

    team members play and what attributes should be kept in

    mind as team members are selected:


    The role of StartUp Cup Organizer is to be the face and

    voice of the competition to the community and media

    The Organizer ideally has a network of entrepreneurial

    and business leadership connections

    The responsibility of the Organizer includes engaging

    and communicating with the Judges and Coaches,and making nal decisions on any rule infringements,

    adjustments, and timing

    The Organizer is the nal decision maker and program

    manager on any issue that needs to be addressed

    Project Manager

    The Project Manager keeps the team on track and

    presides over the regularly scheduled meetings

    The Project Manager maintains the Project

    Management Tool and oversees that all milestonesare being met

    The Project Manager is continually looking towards the

    future, making sure that team members are preparing

    for upcoming milestones and deadlines

    Love your Project Manager! :-)

    You Co Tam

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    YOUr COre TeAM

    Website Manager

    The Website Manager facilitates communication

    between the entrepreneurs and the teamThe Website Manager is in charge of setting up and

    managing the submission process and preparing

    submission data for dissemination to Judges and


    The Website Manager is responsible for posting news

    and updates to the site as required

    All communications run through the StartUp Cup

    Website. There is no other way to communicate with

    the team than through the Website.

    Love your Website Manager! :-)

    Public Relations / Marketing Manager

    Entrepreneurs are like candy to the press. StartUp Cup has

    been designed as a Public Relations machine that has many

    opportunities to secure and partner with the press.

    Your Public Relations / Marketing Manager is

    responsible for securing press at key points along the

    StartUp Cup process

    Your Public Relations / Marketing Manager

    is responsible for setting up any promotional

    presentations, press releases, the distribution of

    marketing materials, and the social media elements

    that make up the ongoing StartUp Cup campaign


    Your Technologist is critical in supporting the set up

    and management of PowerPoint presentations during

    the judging process

    Your Technologist supports the technology needs of

    the coaching sessions

    Your Technologist will be on hand for all judging

    and coaching sessions to support any technological

    challenges that may arise

    Your Technologist works closely with the Project



    Your Videographer is critical for lming the interviews

    of the Entrepreneurs during the judging processYour Videographer is responsible for editing the clips

    of the Entrepreneurs during their presentations for

    showing at the StartUp Cup Award Celebration

    Your Videographer is instrumental in editing the

    pitches from the judging rounds for showing during the

    pitch coaching sessions

    Event Manager

    Your Event Manager is responsible for supporting the

    design and implementation of the Kick-Off Event and

    the StartUp Cup Award Celebration

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    In addition to the Core Team there are three categories of

    interactive players who are integral to the effectiveness of theentire StartUp Cup process and experience. These individuals

    are your front line, your players. They are your Champions,

    Judges and Coaches.

    ChAMPiOnSCommunity leaders are an important component in bringing

    about a successful StartUp Cup.

    You will want to engage and enroll community leaders as you

    build your StartUp Cup competition. Remember, not everyone

    will buy into your vision at rst. Sometimes people need to see

    what is possible before they become champions. Be patien

    and demonstrate what is possible through action over time.

    Potential Champions to target include:

    Mayor / City CouncilorsEconomic Development Groups

    Entrepreneurial Service Providers

    Community Inuencers

    High Prole Entrepreneurs

    Grassroots Entrepreneurs

    Local Arts Community

    Local Sustainability Community

    Higher Education

    Campons / Judgs / Coacs

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    ChAMPiOnS / JUDGeS / COACheS


    Your Judges are critical to creating a positive experience with

    the entrepreneurs participating in the StartUp Cup competition.

    We have identied the following skills and qualications

    necessary to be an effective StartUp Cup Judge.

    Judges should have extensive business and, ideally, startup

    experience. Ideally, a Judge should have a combination of

    business experience as well as an investor perspective as he

    asks himself, Would I invest in this company?

    Judges will also need a coaching mindset to be the most

    valuable to entrepreneurs. A coaching mindset allows the

    judge to help the entrepreneur to better understand how toimprove their business model.

    Your Judges are not part of the competition to beat-

    up on the entrepreneurs as much as to encourage

    them to work towards developing a better business

    model. At the same time, entrepreneurs occasionally

    need tough love and a whack upside the head to

    awaken them to the realities of their business models

    potential for success.

    Your Judges will work to inspire community members

    to take the entrepreneurial plunge and launcha startup. Sometimes that means embracing

    entrepreneurs who do not have all the pieces put

    together, or have the know how. It is through the

    StartUp Cup experience that the Entrepreneur

    can gain the self-esteem to advance along their

    entrepreneurial journey.

    Ultimately the Judges vote for the best business model

    based on the startup having the greatest possible

    chance of short and long term success.

    Potential Successful Judges to Target:

    You will want to target between nine (9) and eleven (11) Judges

    that include a combination of the following:

    High Prole Entrepreneurs in the Community

    Successful Business Leaders

    Financial Managers

    Franchising Specialists



    High Prole Small Business LeadersSuccessful Technology-focused Business Leaders

    Marketing and Public Relations Professionals

    Business Model Specialists

    Business Lawyers

    Guidelines for Judges

    Judges are expected to show up to and actively

    participate in the judging sessions

    Judges may be called upon to engage with the media

    for interviews

    Judges will be promoted as part of the StartUp Cup

    promotional process

    Guidelines for Judge and Entrepreneur Interactions

    Judges are not allowed to engage with the competing

    Entrepreneurs as it relates to the competitive process

    during the StartUp Cup competition

    Entrepreneurs are not allowed to engage with the

    Judges as it relates to the competitive process during

    the StartUp Cup competition

    Interactions that relate to the StartUp Cup will be

    grounds for removal from the competition for either

    Judge and/or Entrepreneur

    Judges will communicate any conicts of interest

    at the time of the conict being realized. It is

    commonplace for Judges to know Entrepreneurs

    who are part of the competition. In the event of a

    potential conict, Judges who are in potential conict

    will remove themselves from contributing input during

    discussions and will be precluded from voting for thatparticular Entrepreneur.

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    ChAMPiOnS / JUDGeS / COACheS

    COACheS / MenTOrS

    We use the term Coach and Mentor interchangeably. For

    the purposes of the StartUp Cup Guide we use the termsCoach and Coaching.

    Your Coaches will guide the entrepreneurs in understanding

    how they can improve their business model and their pitch.

    StartUp Cup Coaches are a critical factor in the success of the

    competition. You will want to work diligently to identify business

    professionals with a strong coaching mindset.

    Choose your Coaches wisely.

    The role of Coach is not to tell an entrepreneur what they need

    to do as much as it is to help guide them to improve their pitchand business model.

    Ideally, your Coaches will be benevolent in their coaching

    approach and focused on what they can do to support the

    entrepreneurs to reach their full startup potential.

    Recruiting Coaches

    When outreaching for Coaches it is important to nd

    professionals who have skill sets in pitching business ideas

    and developing business models.

    Coaches to target include:

    Successful Entrepreneurs

    Business Development Professionals

    Merger and Acquisition Specialists

    Business Model Development Professionals


    Marketing and Public Relations Professionals

    Project Management Specialists

    Business Lawyers

    Entrepreneurial Service Providers

    Coach Guidelines:

    Coaches are able to interact with the Entrepreneurs

    during the StartUp Cup competition and aftercoaching sessions as long as it relates to supporting

    the efforts of the Entrepreneur to improve their pitch

    and/or business model

    Coaches may serve as a StartUp Cup Judge. However,

    Judges who are Coaches are only allowed to interact

    with the competing Entrepreneurs during the judging

    and coaching sessions

    Coaches are not allowed to become clients of

    or receive payment for services provided to

    Entrepreneurs during the competition

    Coaches are not authorized to represent any ofcial

    capacity with StartUp Cup beyond the role of Coach

    Coaches may be called upon for media interviews

    and will be promoted as part of the StartUp Cup

    promotional process

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    Getting your StartUp Cup Team on the same page is critical to

    running a smooth award competition. Make sure to schedule

    the Kick-Off Meeting at a time when all team members can be

    present. Actively reviewing the Manymoon Project Management

    Tool, along with the phases and roles involved in executing a

    StartUp Cup, will be critical to helping everyone understand the

    scope, roles, and timelines involved in producing a successful


    Prior to holding the Kick-Off Meeting, you will want to have your

    Chair and Project Manager in place so as to expedite assigning

    roles and responsibilities among the Team Members.

    WOrKinG AS A TeAM

    Every element of the StartUp Cup Process is interconnected;

    therefore, a team approach to running the competition is vital.

    It is critical to have clear and ongoing communications as the

    competition starts to unfold.

    Your Chair and Project Manager will need to support a strong

    team approach to StartUp Cup by helping team membersunderstand that they are part of something bigger than


    As a starting point at your Kick-Off Meeting, you need to share

    the StartUp Cup Vision and Objectives. This will enable the

    Team to understand the purpose and reason for creating a

    StartUp Cup in your community.

    Other areas to focus team building on include, but are not

    limited to, the following:

    Setting clear expectations of goals and deadlines

    associated with the competition process

    Securing commitment from team members to

    accomplish the team mission of running a StartUp


    Making sure each team member is playing to their

    strengths and is not taking on a role that does not t

    for them

    Creating clear lines of communication and the methodof communication that will be used

    FOCUSinG On One PhASe AT A TiMe

    StartUp Cup is set up in ve phases. It is important for the

    team not get overwhelmed by all the action steps required, and

    instead take each phase one at a time. Not all phases of the

    award process are created equal and there will be times where

    there is not much to do, and times where many steps need to

    be completed in a short period of time.

    Phases I & II require the most effort and energy of the team to

    produce. Within phases III & IV you have periods of limited effor

    leading to the coordination of Judging and Coaching sessions

    then back to periods of limited effort. Phase V requires more

    signicant effort in order to prepare and produce the StartUp

    Cup Award Celebration.

    Catng You StatUp Cup Gam Plan

    Coming together is a beginning.

    Keeping together is progress.Working together is success.

    hy Fod

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    By focusing on each phase one at a time, a rhythm will emerge

    that makes the award process unfold with relative ease and


    UTiLizinG The PrOJeCT MAnAGeMenTACTiOn PLAn

    We have developed a StartUp Cup Project Management Action

    Plan that breaks down each step of the business model

    competition process in the individual phases, along with

    suggested timing to better understand what is required to run

    a successful StartUp Cup.

    It is strongly recommended that you refer to the Project

    Management Action Plan during each of your weekly or bi-

    weekly meetings as a method to stay on track and on top ofeach od the required steps.


    You will want to make sure that team members are attuned

    to the steps and timing of the StartUp Cup as it relates to the

    Project Management Action Plan. It is important to assign roles

    and clarify timing with each team member as it relates to the

    action steps.

    An ideal StartUp Cup Team will be made up of the Core Team

    and the following:

    9-11 Judges

    12 Coaches + one oater coach to ll in as an

    alternate, if needed (Note: a limited number of Judges

    can also serve as Coaches)

    Tip: Team members can play more than one role. The

    composition of your team is dependent on the availability of

    community resources and the quality of talent you are able toengage in your StartUp Cup.

    SeTTinG COre TeAM MeeTinGS

    We have found it important to schedule weekly, bi-weekly or

    monthly meetings to stay on top of the Project Management

    Action Plan. Not all of the team members will be able to attend

    all the meetings and, in some cases, it may be determined tha

    a meeting is not necessary. The key is that having a consistent

    meeting schedule set in advance to allow everyone to be more

    prepared to meet the demands of the competition process.

    Sponsorship meetings will more than likely take place outside

    the Core Team meeting and additional team meetings may

    take place from time to time as necessary.

    Keeping meetings regularly scheduled throughout the process

    will be invaluable to your team and, in particular, to the Projec


    hAVe FUn AnD CeLebrATe ALOnGThe WAY

    As with most things in life you get out of it what you put into it

    With StartUp Cup, you will be able to engage, interact with, and

    support entrepreneurs to move their businesses to the next


    We have found it to be valuable to celebrate the achievemen

    of milestones during the award process. Have lunch togethe

    and celebrate when you complete the rst Judging session

    or receive positive press attention. It takes a village to build

    an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Your StartUp Cup Team is amajor part of this village. Make sure to have fun and celebrate

    along the journey.

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    We should betaught not to waitfor inspiration to

    start a thing. Actionalways generatesinspiration.Inspiration seldomgenerates action.

    Fak Tolt

    As part of your StartUp Cup license, we have provided you

    with a Project Management Action Plan spreadsheet and

    StartUp Cup Dropbox account access. Your StartUp Cup

    Organizer will be provided access the Dropbox account to

    download documents and templates.

    Within the Dropbox account you will nd the StartUp Cup

    Project Management Action Plan along with many critical

    documents and templates that will support the management

    of the award process. These documents and templates


    Sponsorship package

    Email templates

    Sample marketing materials

    Example press releases

    Example event agendas / programs


    You will nd the Project Management Action Plan to be

    invaluable in supporting the team to communicate and

    manage the steps of your StartUp Cup.

    We have included sample pages from many of the Document

    Templates within the StartUp Cup Guide. The complete

    document can be found attached to the specic task

    outlined in the StartUp Cup Dropbox account. Documents

    and templates are noted througout the Guide with an

    asterisk * symbol.

    Pojct Managmnt ActonPlan

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    Understanding and developing your StartUp Cup Budget is the

    rst step in setting up your fundraising goals. Your team willwant to account for all the foreseeable expenses that will be

    incurred during the StartUp Cup Competition.

    We have provided a sample budget that you can use to help

    brainstorm your projected expenses.

    Note: Many of the expenses in your Budget can covered by

    donations, such as printing, venues, food, and certain talent,

    such as photographer, technologist, videographer, etc. It is

    important to account for these donations and place a dollar

    value on them. These in-kind donations will go a long way to

    reducing the hard costs and act as leverage when outreaching

    to your target Sponsors.

    Once you have a Budget set you will want to include it in

    the Sponsorship Package so that prospective sponsors will

    understand where their money is going and how much money

    your team will be spending.

    Some people like to have all the money in place before they

    launch their StartUp Cup, while others are prepared to launch

    once they have the award money secured. The choice of when

    to launch is up to your team.

    Tip: Flexibility in how your money and donations are leveraged

    is critical to a successful StartUp Cup. There are times during

    the process you may be able to save money unexpectedly and

    migrate those saved funds in another direction. Look for every

    opportunity to stretch your money.

    Dvlopng You StatUp Cup budgt*

    Budget: a mathematical conrmation of your suspicions.

    A.A. Latm

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final


    Developing a strong Sponsorship Campaign that secures

    sponsorship money and in-kind donations early in the StartUpCup Process will be one of the keys to the success of your

    competition. Through Sponsorships, your StartUp Cup will

    generate prize money, marketing materials, trophies, and

    public relations, website management and development and

    project management support.

    The sponsorships you generate for your StartUp Cup will

    generate prize money as well as funds to cover your budgetary

    expenses, i.e. marketing, advertising, public relations, website

    management and development, project management support,

    and pre- and post-award events.

    In-kind Sponsors will allow you to expand the opportunities

    to reduce costs and increase the value of the competition.

    Examples of the type of in-kind donations you can target

    include venues, food/beverages, printing, coaching, ofce

    space, project management, public relations, and website


    COre TeAM

    As with all successful endeavors, a team is required for

    fundraising. In the case of a Sponsorship Campaign werecommend that your team be as small as possible. Between

    three and four core team members, including the StartUp Cup

    Fundraising Chair, are ideal to accelerating the process to

    secure StartUp Cup Sponsorships.

    Your Core Team will want to enroll other team members and

    leadership in the community to support Sponsorship OutreachIt is the role of the Core Sponsorship Team to:

    Manage Sponsor outreach

    Develop and distribute sponsorship packages

    Conduct follow-up with prospective Sponsors

    Since Sponsorships are more likely to be secured by people

    with strong relationships with prospective Sponsors, you wil

    want to make sure to enroll key people who have the best

    opportunity to successfully close the deal and to make the

    initial ask.

    Keeping your team small and mighty will be vital to reaching

    your Sponsorship Targets.

    iDenTiFYinG AnD enrOLLinG YOUrFUnDrAiSinG ChAir

    In every community there is someone who has all the right

    connections, loves entrepreneurs, and wants to make a

    difference. Finding this person to support your fundraising

    efforts will make your job that much easier. The ideaFundraising Chair is high prole, is willing to make the ask

    and has the time required to efciently and effectively outreach

    for funds.

    What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it existsand it becomes available only when you are in that state of

    mind in which you know exactly what you wantand are fully

    determined not to quit until you get it.

    Alad Gaam bl

    Sponsosp Campagn

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final



    It is important that the Fundraising Chairs letter is the rst

    page of your Sponsorship Package. Make sure to include a

    photo and digital signature from the Fundraising Chair to give

    the credibility that gets the Sponsorship closed.


    As part of your StartUp Cup license we have provided a

    Sponsorship Package template (created in InDesign) found

    in the StartUp Cup Dropbox accountthat can be modied and

    enhanced. Please feel free to adjust and tailor this template to

    the needs of your local community.

    If you have a design member as part of your team, he or she

    can instead create a custom Sponsorship Package for you. If

    you do create your own Sponsorship Package please follow the

    guidelines for StartUp Cup logo usage and share your design

    with the StartUp Cup team.

    We recommend that you have a number of packages printed

    and placed within a folder that can easily be distributed and

    shared with prospective Sponsors.

    MeSSAGinG AnD iMPACTGetting everyone involved with the StartUp Cup on the same

    message is vital to a successful campaign, and is critical when

    engaging the media. The latest research from the Kauffman

    Foundation shows that all new net job growth comes from

    companies ve years and younger (Entrepreneurship and

    the Economy, March 14, 2011). The purpose of StartUp Cup

    is to grow jobs through startups in an effort to develop an

    entrepreneurial economy. Below are some of the message

    points we use when talking about StartUp Cup:

    StartUp Cup is a proven model to grow jobs through startups.

    The result is acceleration in building and growing a localized

    entrepreneurial economy. Annual statistics include:

    100 startups inspired to apply to StartUp Cup

    12 new operating startups

    51 new jobs created with an average salary of


    $2,255,373 in annual payroll

    *Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Nationa

    Compensation Survey, 2010

    Additional messaging and talking points include:

    Support and expand a local Entrepreneurial

    Ecosystem: increase the supply and quality of

    entrepreneurs; build entrepreneurial networks; and

    reward entrepreneurial behavior

    Growing a locally-driven culture of startups

    Growing new jobs through startupsStrengthening the local economy through startups and


    Maximizing local synergies and increasing

    collaboration among entrepreneurs and service


    Accelerating business success using business model

    based coaching and mentoring

    Recognizing and rewarding entrepreneurial and

    startup behaviors

    Each year you will be able to highlight your impact by

    showcasing the jobs and successes that have grown from

    startups that have won and participated in the StartUp Cup

    These entrepreneurial heroes will start doing the talking for

    you and promote the power and inuence StartUp Cup has had

    on their business success. Supporting entrepreneurs and thei

    success is the reward of successfully executing a StartUp Cup

    Business Model Competition.

    iDenTiFYinG TArGeT SPOnSOrS

    Working with StartUp Cup Core Team members and the

    Fundraising Chair you will want to develop a target list of

    potential Sponsors. The list should include the contact name

    for each Sponsor along with the name of the person with the

    strongest relationship to make the ask. Each target Sponso

    will require a Sponsorship Package. If possible you will want

  • 7/27/2019 1.00.00 StartUp Cup Guide V2 Final



    the Fundraising Chairs letter to be tailored to each potential


    Over the years we have found that the best funding targetsare those that benet the most from supporting entrepreneurs

    and the development of new companies.This includes but is

    not limited to the following:


    City Economic Development Commissions

    Chambers of Commerce

    Entrepreneurial Service Providers

    Universities and Community Colleges


    After you have developed and organized your Sponsorship

    Targets you will want to consider each Sponsor and their value

    potential. For larger Sponsor Targets who will provide prize

    money you may want to consider naming rights such as The

    Saratoga StartUp Cup Sponsored by Bank of America.

    You will want to outreach to a majority of your Target Sponsors

    in a short time period, within a two week time period is ideal.

    You will want to have the person who will make the ask to

    start following up with potential Sponsors within a week in

    order to gauge their receptiveness and to close the funding



    We have found that sponsors oftentimes want to manage

    payment of expenses for StartUp Cup directly, such as printing

    costs, venue rent, catering, etc. If for some reason you need

    to set up a bank account to manage expenses may want to

    work with a local community foundation or Not-For-Prot

    Organization (NPO) to act as your umbrella to collect andmanage the money you raise.

    Tip: If you serve as a board member of an NPO ask if they

    would be willing to administer the funds for your StartUp Cup.

    You will be held to the specic rules of money distribution and

    management as prescribed by the NPO.


    As part of your strategy to create value for your Sponsors you

    need to make sure that they are promoted at every opportunitythroughout the StartUp Cup process. Your strategy should be

    based upon their level of Sponsorship. Consistently promoting

    and thanking Sponsors is vital to keeping a strong relationship

    making fundraising in future years much easier.

    Areas to give thanks and to highlight Sponsors include, but are

    not limited to:


    Event Banners

    Press Releases

    Speaking Engagements


    As talking points when being interviewed by the press

    Promotional and Marketing Materials

    Tweets and other Social Media outlets

    DeLiVerinG UPOn SPOnSOrShiPAGreeMenTS

    In the end, your Sponsors are going to want to understand

    the tangible and intangible results being generated from you

    StartUp Cup. You should be prepared to author an Impact

    Report and a Thank You Letter to your Sponsors. These

    documents should include the following:

    Number of Entrepreneurs and startups who

    participated (gather demographic information

    regarding age and gender, if possible)

    Number of Coaches and Judges who participated

    Number of startups operating at the end of the award


    Number of times their company was mentioned in the

    press and social media

    Entrepreneur testimonials about StartUp Cup

    Expectations for the next StartUp Cup

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    The StartUp Cup Sponsor Package has been designed

    specically for easy customization for your specic community.

    The Sponsor Package provides an overview of StartUp Cup,

    benets to the community, and job creation statistics.

    You may customize the Sponsor Package to the specic needs

    of your StartUp Cup - and we highly recommend that you utilize

    photographs of local entrepreneurs from your community.

    The amount of funding you need to raise is dependent on the

    amount of in-kind donations you receive and the budget you

    create for the Competition. We have provided guidelines for the

    timing of the Competition, the funding required to successfully

    host StartUp Cup, and areas in which to seek out in-kind

    donations. You are free to customize your StartUp Cup - jus

    let us know what you decide to do so we can pass along you

    suggestions to others.

    You will nd the StartUp Cup Sponsor Package Sample in the

    StartUp Cup Dropbox account. We have provide a PDF le and

    an InDesign le for your use.

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    The StartUp Cup has been designed as public relations

    machine. Each step of the StartUp Cup competition process is

    set up to secure media attention and enhance the promotion

    of local entrepreneurs and startups. You will want to take full

    advantage of this powerful opportunity to expand awareness of

    your unique startup culture and local entrepreneurial economy

    being enhanced through your StartUp Cup.

    Entrepreneurs and startups are like candy to the media. Your

    goal is to build meaningful relationships with local media

    outlets and feed them stories of interest. Always be working to

    identify a story: which of the entrepreneurs might be of special

    interest to the media? What is it that makes them special?

    What problem are they solving with their product or service

    that makes them unique?

    The rst step, and most critical part, in the promotional process

    is to get the word out about your StartUp Cup in a way that

    engages and motivates the desire to apply for the competition

    within your entrepreneurial community. Entrepreneurs are

    special and not easy to identify as they tend to hide in the

    nooks and crannies. Your job is to entice them by providing a

    vehicle to take their idea and turn it into an operating business

    or expand and grow an existing startup.

    Tip: You will want to allow for a four-to-ve-week window of

    promotion for entrepreneurs to submit their business models

    to your local StartUp Cup. This means that all promotional

    materials and campaign strategies need to be ready at the

    time of your StartUp Cup kick-off event. This is when the

    competition process launches.

    You need to strike a chord that gets the entrepreneurs in

    your community excited and talking about your StartUp Cupcompetition.

    TArGeT AUDienCe

    Entrepreneurs and anyone with a big idea that has been sitting

    on the fence about starting a business is your primary targe

    audience. Your secondary audience is entrepreneurs that

    have already started a new business but lack all the tools

    experience, or funding necessary to move their startup to the

    next level.

    Tip: Stay focused on your primary StartUp Cup target audienceAvoid the tendency to want to extend into existing businesses

    Your job is to help grow jobs through startups. According to a

    2009 survey by the Kauffman Foundation from 1980-2005

    rms less than ve years old accounted for all net job growth in

    the United States.


    Staying on message is critical. There are key words that attrac

    entrepreneurs and startups that others will recognize but wil

    not resonate with in the same way. Since many people who are

    entrepreneurs do not always see themselves as entrepreneurs

    it is important to communicate at a level to which someone

    who has the potential to unleash their entrepreneurial spiri

    can relate.

    The following is messaging we have found to work very wel

    when it comes to attracting and getting entrepreneurs to apply

    for the StartUp Cup:

    StatUp Cup Pulc rlatonsand Maktng Campagn

    In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash

    and experience. Take the experience rst; the cash will comelater.

    Harold Geneen

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    What is Your Big Idea? Let it Fly!

    Win coaching, prizes and connections

    StartUp Cup is a Business Model Competition not aBusiness Plan Competition

    It is easy to apply. You only have to answer a few

    questions about your business model

    We are looking for anyone with a big idea and who

    wants to start their own business

    Start your startup today

    Create your own career and job

    The coaching and mentoring provided will give you

    insights into how to improve your business model and

    increase the chances for long term business success

    Learn from experienced local business leaders and

    startup specialists

    We are looking for any business idea. StartUp Cup is

    not limited to any one industry or business niche

    If you know of a friend, family member, or associate

    who has said, Ive got this great idea, but has not

    done anything with it the StartUp Cup is for them.

    We encourage you to develop your own messaging. One key

    is to talk with entrepreneurs you know and see what type ofmessaging will get them excited. Bottom line, your job is to help

    startups grow viable companies.

    Note: If you develop new messaging and you nd it works

    well (or fails) please share this information with StartUp Cup

    representative so that we can better understand how to reach


    PUbLiC SerViCe AnnOUnCeMenTS*

    Public Service Announcements (PSAs) are a great way to get

    the word out about your StartUp Cup. Getting high prole peoplein your community to record a PSA will increase awareness

    and exposure. The key is to partner with your City or local

    educational institutions to work with local television outlets

    that will help you secure commercial time slots to broadcast

    the StartUp Cup PSAs. A good target would be to see a PSA

    broadcast 300 or more times over a one-month campaign.

    Tip: Try to get your Mayor or another popular elected ofcia

    to record a :15 or :30 second promotional spot to spread

    your message. Make sure they follow the messaging you give

    them. They need to understand the target audience is the

    entrepreneur and person with an idea who wants to start a


    PrOMOTiOnAL PArTnerShiPS

    One of the most effective methods to get the word out

    about the application process being opened is to partne

    with local organizations who can send out pre-written emai

    announcements. Brainstorm a list of organizations and

    institutions in your community who would be willing to

    share your StarUp Cup with their community. Here are some

    examples of organizations we would recommend seeing if they

    will promote your StartUp Cup:

    Community Colleges

    Chambers of Commerce



    Sustainability groups

    Entrepreneurial service providers

    Startup Weekend organizers

    Economic development groups

    Local mobile or web development groups

    Dont be afraid to think outside the box. Red Hat groups and

    quilters could be a great place to harvest entrepreneurs to

    become part of your StartUp Cup. Anything is possible!

    MeDiA PArTnerShiPS

    One of the most powerful ways we have found to promote the

    StartUp Cup is through local media partnerships. If you have a

    Business Journal in your town or a local paper let them know

    what you are doing and propose a partnership that allows them

    special access (Not Exclusive) to the StartUp Cup process and

    introductions to Entrepreneurs, Judges and Coaches.

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    The value that your media partner can receive includes an

    increase in advertisers, special stories of entrepreneurialism

    and startups, and increasing their brand as a media source

    that supports promoting an emerging localized entrepreneurial


    Here are some ideas on what you can offer and support your

    potential media partner to create:

    Coaches Corner: Advice from StartUp Cup Coaches

    and Judges on best practices for starting a startup

    StartUp Cup Entrepreneur and business proles

    Special stories of unique startups that are competing

    in StartUp Cup

    Special insert for the StartUp Cup Competition

    Celebration that includes:

    Entrepreneurial Resource Guide

    Proles of the Finalists

    Proles of the Judges and Coaches

    You have nothing to lose by pitching the idea. If turned down by

    one media outlet nd another to pitch. If it does not work the

    rst year then try again the second year. Never ever give up!

    MOrninG AnD eVeninG neWS ShOWS

    Schedule your Chair to go on live morning and evening

    news shows. Make sure the messaging is tight. Follow

    the guidelines provided earlier in this section.

    Tip: Plan ahead and have these interviews staggered

    throughout the StartUp Cup application campaign.

    Capture video of all interviews and post on all of your

    social media outlets.

    SOCiAL MeDiA

    Social media is an inexpensive and effective method to get

    the word out and create awareness within your community.

    We recommend the following methods for getting the word out

    through the Internet:

    Facebook Create a StartUp Cup Facebook page to

    keep people informed on the competition activities

    and highlighting key messaging and a call to action.

    Have friends invite friends to the kick-off event where

    a lot of excitement will be generated.

    LinkedIn Create your own local StartUp Cup LinkedIn

    Group. Share the same information you share on

    Twitter and Facebook. Create a call to action during

    the application process.

    Twitter Create a StartUp Cup Twitter account and

    tweet updates about your StartUp Cup. Make sure to

    share quality information on resources and tips on

    starting startups. Include tweets about entrepreneurs

    participating in your StartUp Cup.

    These are just three examples of social media outlets that can

    be leveraged to get entrepreneurs and your local community

    excited about starting startups. There is no limit to the options

    that you can experiment with, so try new approaches.

    eMAiL bLASTS

    Your marketing team will want to create a pre-written emai

    and/or PDF emails that can be distributed through your StartUp

    Cup teams personal networks and to share with promotiona

    partners for distribution.

    Tip: The key is to have your emails pre-written, including the

    subject line and call to action messaging. The easier you can

    make it for people to send and promote the more people and

    organizations that will send your StartUp Cup email out.

    ViMeO / YOUTUbe ViDeOS

    Create your own StartUp Cup Vimeo or YouTube channel. The rst

    year interview local entrepreneurs and capture their stories. Ask

    what advice they would share for aspiring entrepreneurs. What

    were some of their biggest challenges and how did they overcome

    them? Why would they recommend entering StartUp Cup? Make

    sure to end the video with a call to action message such as

    Whats Your Big Idea? Let it Fly!, Submit Your Business Idea

    at http://www.citystartupcup.com, Deadline for entry is ...

    Tweet the video, post it on your Facebook page and share withyour LinkedIn Group. Share interviews about the StartUp Cup

    that are conducted on early morning and evening television

    news shows. Get creative and create your unique Interne

    video campaign. Share you successes with your StartUp Cup


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    MArKeTinG MATeriALS

    As part of your StartUp Cup license we have provided you

    with examples of the type of marketing materials that can begenerated to support promoting the application campaign.

    Examples of the types of marketing materials we have found

    success with include but are not limited to the following:

    Postcards with call to action and Website address on

    the front and StartUp Cup competition timeline on the


    Banners with the call to action and Website address.

    We do not put a date or year on the banners so that

    they can be utilized the second year to reduce costs

    Posters to place at local restaurants, coffee houses,

    pubs and other locations that entrepreneurs frequent

    FinAL ThOUGhTS

    The campaign that you develop and promote for business

    model submissions is the most critical element in the

    StartUp Cup process. Without submissions you will not

    have a successful StartUp Cup, and once the application

    deadline is reached no additional submissions can be


    Your main focus for the initial promotions outreach of StartUp

    Cup needs to be on creating a call to action that inspires the

    entrepreneurs of your community to submit their business

    model for the StartUp Cup Business Model Competition.

    Tip: It is not the quantity of submissions received as much as

    the quality of submissions that really matters to the success

    of your StartUp Cup. Securing 25 really good business model

    ideas is much better than dealing with 100 really bad ideas!

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    The STArTUP CUP WebSiTe iS YOUr


    Over the years we have learned that the most effective and

    practical way to engage entrepreneurs, collect submissions,

    and communicate with participants and potential participants

    of the StartUp Cup is exclusively through the Website and use

    of email communications. This, however, is not always possible

    and in areas of limited Internet access accommodations will

    need to be made. Some entrepreneurs will want to talk with

    team members, Judges and Coaches via telephone. This

    has the potential to lead to miscommunications and other

    potential challenges. Your team will want to stay aligned withall communications being conducted through formal channels

    found exclusively on the Website or through direct email

    communications as much as possible.

    Tip: Avoid or limit the use of phone numbers on the Website or

    in email communications, unless Internet access is not readily

    available in your community. You will want to direct anyone

    interested in your StarUp Cup to the proper email channels.

    This will give you a record of your communications and will

    allow you to engage more team members in the responses as

    required. The Website is your friend and should be utilized as

    much as possible.

    Your Website is also the home of all information regarding time-

    lines, rules, submissions, resources, and frequently asked

    questions. The campaign to enroll entrepreneurs to submit

    their idea for inclusion in your business model competition will

    ideally be managed through your StartUp Cup Website.

    USe The STArTUP CUP WebSiTe


    We have provided you with a StartUp Cup Website Template

    that you can tailor to your needs. This template includes the


    Homepage with photo and sponsor sliders


    Resources (You will want to update with your local

    entrepreneurial service providers)

    Timeline (Including two (2) coaching sessions)

    About Page: Why StartUp Cup?

    Sponsors - include the logos

    On the remaining pages you will want to ll in with the tailored

    information for your communitys business model competition

    This includes:

    Judges (Photo and biography for each)

    News (Add as you secure news articles)

    Twitter Feed

    Contact Us (We recommend setting up a Gmail

    account, e.g. [email protected])

    The Website Template is designed to be exible, allowing you

    to add other pages and areas to the site as required by you

    communitys unique needs.

    You StatUp Cup Wst

    The two wordsInformation and Communicationare oftenused interchangeably, but they signify quite dierent things.Information is giving out; communication is getting through.

    Sydy J. has

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    Note: The Ofcial Rules are guidelines to be customized

    by each StartUp Cup organizer to be posted on the website.

    As with everything associated with StartUp Cup you are free

    to make updates and changes to t the needs of the local


    The StartUp Cup Business Model Competition is designed to

    stimulate entrepreneurial activity, grow jobs through startups,

    and increase awareness of the resources available to growentrepreneurs in . All winners will be

    selected on an objective basis as determined by the criteria

    set forth below. You must read and comply with these rules

    to enter the StartUp Cup Business Model Competition (the

    Competition). This competition is void where prohibited by


    Who can enter the Competition?

    The Competition is open to all participants who meet the

    following criteria:

    The model must be an original idea for a business

    from idea up to ve years in operation.

    Applicants need not be based in

    but they must agree to establish or expand business

    operations in the Metro area of

    if they win.

    Company ofcers/members are 18 years or older at

    the time of entry and are legal residents of the

    Company members cannot be directors, ofcers, or

    employees of, or .

    Immediate family members of any of the above

    are also disqualied. NOTE: students who are not

    employed by the College (if a college is associated)

    are allowed to compete.

    Not-For-Prot submissions will not be accepted.

    How do I enter?

    Fill out the ofcial Business Mode

    short form. Your submission must contain the following


    Your business idea

    Need and/or solution being lled

    Product and/or service

    Market size

    Target customer

    Revenue streams

    Management team

    Strategy to market

    Funding requirements, if any

    Submissions will be accepted between .

    Judges will review submitted Business Models andthose selected to enter the competition will be notied

    of their acceptance on or before .

    If selected for the competition a comprehensive

    Business Model and nancials will be required for

    submission by . Instructions and a link to an

    online Business Model long form will be sent to those

    invited to participate in the competition.

    All information will be kept condential. The judges may require

    verication of certain information during the review of the

    business model. Only complete online business model formswill be considered.

    Any questions regarding submission of business models should

    be addressed to the Representatives

    of the Competition will not respond to direct inquiries regarding

    the contest other than general administrative questions.


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    What can I win?

    The winners will be determined from all eligible entrants. The

    winners will be presented awards at the StartUp CupAward Celebration to be held . Winners must be present

    to accept awards. All nalists will be expected to participate

    in or attend the StartUp Cup Award Celebration and may be

    required to make a brief presentation about their companies

    during the celebration.

    The maximum award distribution for the winning business model

    shall not exceed $30,000 for First Place, $5,000 for Second

    Place and $2,500 for Third Place. In addition, the winning

    business model may receive entrepreneurial/

    Strategic Partner support, and introductions to additional

    funding sources. Additional prizes may be awarded to other

    entrants. Other entrants must be present to accept these


    Note: There is no guarantee, expressed or implied, that any

    business will receive an award. Should no entries into the

    competition meet the entry criteria, should no entry have

    a reasonable chance for success and should the selection

    committee determine no winner exists for that year of the

    competition, no award will be made for that year and the award

    money will be used for the following years competition. The

    odds of winning a prize depend on the skill of the entrants and

    the number of entries received. All taxes associated with the

    prize are the sole responsibility of the prizewinner. Prizes are

    not transferable.

    How will the Judges decide on a winner?

    Decisions will be made by a panel of judges consisting of

    representatives from the . The judging panel will evaluate business models on

    the basis of:

    Reasonable opportunity for success of the business


    Company meets an identiable need and actively tests

    market response

    Company has a strong execution strategy

    Company has identied and allocated resources to be


    Company utilizes resources effectively

    Company has a believable competitive advantage

    Company has a sound target market and customerbase

    Revenue and prot models that t

    Strong, coachable management team

    Contribution to uniqueness

    Realistic time-frame for company growth

    The entrants to the Competition will be judged on the merits

    of their business models with three presentations made to

    the panel of judges. The rst presentation will include the top

    twenty ve business models. The second presentation wil

    include the top twelve business models and the nal round o

    presentations will include the top seven business models.

    In the event of a tie, the judges will select the model that has

    the higher score under Reasonable opportunity for success

    of the company. All decisions regarding the criteria will be

    made solely by the organizers and sponsors. All decisions o

    the judges are nal. These Ofcial Rules and the decisions of

    the judging panel are nal and binding in all respects.

    How do I nd out if I won?

    The winners will be announced at the StartUp Cup

    Award Celebration on . In addition to complying with the

    conditions set forth, as a condition of receiving a prize, each

    winner must sign an afdavit of eligibility and publicity/liability

    release. Failure to sign and return all of these forms within 14

    days following notication will result in disqualication and

    an alternate winner may be selected. Non-compliance within

    this time period may result in disqualication and selection of

    an alternate winner. Return of any prize/prize notication as

    undeliverable may result in disqualication and selection of an

    alternate winner. The Winners list will be available after the

    ofcial awarding of prizes at the StartUp Cup Award


    What are the other conditions of the Competition?

    Other Funding or Competitions. Teams that have already

    secured funding from any source must disclose the amounts

    and sources at the time of entry, or as soon as they become

    OFFiCiAL rULeS

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    aware of any funding commitment during the duration of

    the competition. Teams that have entered a model into any

    other business plan competition must disclose this at the

    time of entry or as soon as they enter their model in another

    competition during the duration of the Competition.

    Original Work of Authorship. All entries must be original and

    free from any claim of copyright or other restriction relating to

    the Competition.

    Number of Entries. No individual may be included as a team

    member with more than one business model, and no business

    may enter more than one business model.

    Payment of Prizes. The cash awards paid by the sponsors/

    judges do not constitute an investment in the winning business

    model. Sponsors/judges will not receive equity in the winning

    companies in exchange for the prize money. Awards to the

    winners of the Competition will be issued in the name of the

    company as set forth in the plan and the sponsors/judges do

    not assume any liability for any subsequent distribution.

    Competition. No responsibility is assumed and entrants

    waive all claims for lost, late or misdirected entries, or for any

    problems of technical malfunction of any telephone or network

    lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer

    equipment, software, failure of any email or entry received bySponsors on account of technical problems or trafc congestion

    on the Internet, the website or any combination, thereof

    including, without limitation, any injury or damage to entrants

    or any other persons computer resulting from any causes,

    including without limitation downloading any materials in the

    promotion. Entrants who violate these Ofcial Rules, tamper

    with the operation of the Contest or engage in any conduct that

    is detrimental or unfair to Sponsors, the Competition, or any

    other entrant (in each case as determined in Sponsors sole

    discretion) are subject to disqualication from entry into the

    Competition. Sponsors reserve the right to lock out any entrantwhose eligibility is in question.

    Release and Waiver. By entering, participants, without

    limitation, release and hold harmless Sponsors, judges,

    coaches, and their respective directors, ofcers, employees,

    and agents from any and all liability for any injuries, loss, or

    damage of any kind in connection with the Competition. By

    entering this Competition, you agree to waive any right to claim

    ambiguity or error in these Ofcial Rules or in the Competition

    itself. If you have any questions about these Ofcial Rules o

    the Competition, please contact

    Who are the sponsors of this Contest?

    The sponsors of the StartUp Cup are .

    OFFiCiAL rULeS

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    Winners makea habit ofmanufacturing

    their own positiveexpectations inadvance of theevent.ba Tacy

    StartUp Cup Competition Kick-Off Event

    If you choose to host a StartUp Cup Kick-Off Event

    it will serve as an opportunity to celebrate the
