中国,世界上最大的国家之一,也是世界上第二大经济体已将聚光 灯投射到了以色列。通过过去三年在以色列几十亿美元的投资,中 国已向世界展示其锁定了以色列并计划未来进行长期投资。 中国和以色列在跨境贸易上已合作多年并有良好的外交关系,但是 直到近几年,商务关系才开始占据重要比例。以一桩小而重要的投 资作为开端,两国间的商业关系正已从所未有的速度发展。今天, 投资额已超过了几十亿美元,前景也很光明。 这一成功的发展是如何开始的?2010 年左右,中国政府减少了一些 境外投资的限制。政府鼓励投资高科技、生物技术和农业技术领域, 而以色列在所有这些领域中拥杰出的技术。除了放宽限制之外,上 海还主办了 2010 年世博会,这也是迄今为止在资金投资和参与国 家数量中规模最大的。世博会是对国际贸易博览会的致敬,有超过 190 个国家参与,并且有 70 个展馆以城市发展的主题建造。 1 这是 以色列第一次在世博会上拥有自己的展馆,这使得以色列可以推广 其作为科技和创新国家的品牌。融合了鼓励投资高科技国家的社交 可能对于中国和以色列在 2010 年实施的商业关系有很大的重要作 用。 以色列馆 中国馆 1 http://www.shanghaiworldsfair.com/ *Amit 拥有加利福尼亚州和以色列的法律职业资格,并且拥有北京清华大学中国法法律硕士学位。Amit 是以色列中国商会和以色 列上海商会的联合创始人,并且是两会分别的董事会成员。Amit 目前在大成律师事务所担任高级顾问。大成律师事务所被《亚洲 法律周刊》评选为亚洲最大的律师事务所,其在中国的 40 家分所以及美国、新加坡、英国和俄罗斯的办事处拥有超过 3000 的律师和职员。Amit 同时还担任美国律师协会国际法分会的副主席,并且是中国法律电子简讯的首席编辑,该电子简讯是美国律 师协会的期刊。您可以通过 [email protected] 或手机+86 13761360176 联系到 Amit* Clara 拥有瑞典的法律职业资格,并且拥有瑞典哥德堡大学的法学硕士学位。Clara 目前正在大成律师事务所进行实习。 秘密泄露——中国正投资几十亿 于以色列 作者: Amit Ben-Yehoshua* Clara Eriksson* 以色列是除美国之外 “最具潜力的投资中 心” 1 ——沃伦.巴菲特 “我们的使命是投资那些 释放天赋并且可以持续实 现人类潜能的教育改 革。。。” ——李嘉诚

11-07-2013 Secret is Out (original) (4)

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17th October 2013



国已向世界展示其锁定了以色列并计划未来进行长期投资。 中国和以色列在跨境贸易上已合作多年并有良好的外交关系,但是




这一成功的发展是如何开始的?2010 年左右,中国政府减少了一些



海还主办了 2010 年世博会,这也是迄今为止在资金投资和参与国


190 个国家参与,并且有 70 个展馆以城市发展的主题建造。1 这是



可能对于中国和以色列在 2010 年实施的商业关系有很大的重要作


以色列馆 中国馆

1 http://www.shanghaiworldsfair.com/ *Amit 拥有加利福尼亚州和以色列的法律职业资格,并且拥有北京清华大学中国法法律硕士学位。Amit 是以色列中国商会和以色

列上海商会的联合创始人,并且是两会分别的董事会成员。Amit 目前在大成律师事务所担任高级顾问。大成律师事务所被《亚洲

法律周刊》评选为亚洲最大的律师事务所,其在中国的 40 家分所以及美国、新加坡、英国和俄罗斯的办事处拥有超过 3,000 名

的律师和职员。Amit 同时还担任美国律师协会国际法分会的副主席,并且是中国法律电子简讯的首席编辑,该电子简讯是美国律

师协会的期刊。您可以通过 [email protected] 或手机+86 13761360176 联系到 Amit。 *Clara 拥有瑞典的法律职业资格,并且拥有瑞典哥德堡大学的法学硕士学位。Clara 目前正在大成律师事务所进行实习。


于以色列 作者: Amit Ben-Yehoshua* 和 Clara Eriksson*



心”1 ——沃伦.巴菲特



现 人 类 潜 能 的 教 育 改

革。。。” ——李嘉诚

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列 Heliofocus公司 1,000万美元的投资旨在


标公司的价值增长到了 4,500 万美元。 2 Heliofocus 被认为是该领域燃起的新星,而


先国家。 3 以色列在上海的前总领事—— Jackie Eldan 报告说:“这是中国公司对以



持续合作与投资。5 同年二月,继三花集团投资仅一个月后,

中国公司易方数码以 6,000 万美元收购了

以色列 Pegasus 科技公司。易方- Pegasus的交易是以色列公司第一次被中国公司收


智慧的国家而闻名。Pegasus 科技是数字笔






—减少签证审批程序 2010 年还有另外一件重要的事件需要载入

以色列和中国的关系之中。2010 年以前,


长达一个月之久。2010 年 9 月,以色列和




列。 中国游客选择以色列作为旅游目的地




2 http://www.tashtiot.co.il/2010/01/05/heliofocus-sanhua/ 3http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aw6OI_i5sBs0 4 http://www.tashtiot.co.il/2010/01/05/heliofocus-sanhua/ 5 http://www.tashtiot.co.il/2010/01/05/heliofocus-sanhua/ 6http://www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/docview.asp?did=1000536167 7 http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4425342,00.html

在 2010 年间,中国商务考察团前往以色列




中国化工集团在以色列投资 24 亿美元




然,这一现状将会改变。24 亿美元,这一

惊人的数字设定了 2011 年的新基准。中国



团收购了以色列马克西姆阿甘公司 60%的

股权,其中 53%的股权由马克西姆的流通

股股东所持有,剩余的 7%来自于马克西姆

的控股股东。在 2011 年,这场收购被认为





易前已经拥有 300 亿美元的资产。9毫无疑




署贸易协议 在 2013 年,项目和投资开始显著扩张。以

色列和中国签署了一份 4亿美元的贸易协


超过 20 亿美元,期待两国之间的年贸易额

8 http://www.ca-llp.com/news/chemchinamakhteshim-agan-agreement 9 http://www.ca-llp.com/news/chemchinamakhteshim-agan-agreement

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能达到 80 亿美元。 10以色列总理本杰明.内塔亚胡率领了一个五天的考察团前往中国

与中国总理李克强会面并签署了该协议。 内塔亚胡说希望该协议能引领两国之间双

边贸易的增长,使其超过 80 亿美元的预







有该以色列公司 95.2%的股权。12飞顿激光


业 13,然而复星(医药)股份有限公司在



中国寻求与以色列的教育合作项目 四个涉及学术和科学合作的主要项目于

2013 年启动,其允许中国和以色列的大学



并且为双方的商业谅解建立基础。 最大的教育项目是一笔对以色列研究性大

学 Technion 超过一亿三千万美元的中国捐


洲 2013 年最富裕的人,并且被认为是亚洲

10 http://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-and-china-ink-400-million-trade-agreement/ 11 http://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-and-china-ink-400-million-trade-agreement/ 12 http://www.almalasers.com/node/59408 13 http://www.fosun.com/En.php/News/View/ID/352

最具影响力的人物之一。 14李嘉诚基金会

在全球范围内搜索研究了 64 所顶级大学,

并 最 终 决 定 选 择 以 色 列 Technion 。

Technion 在科学和技术领域被认为是全球


4 次诺贝尔奖。捐赠资金的一部分将被用

来在中国南方设立 Technion 广东学院,对








李嘉诚 在访问 Technion 的期间,李主席发现了另

一家即将到来的以色列公司——Waze 有限

公司的潜能。Waze 提供免费的汽车应用软



元。Waze 的用户在 10 个月内从 2 百万上

升至 7 百万,其提供的服务广为人知。 Waze 在 2013 年六月被谷歌收购,现在拥

有至少 10 亿美元的市值。16正如亿万富翁,




是除美国之外“最具投资潜力的中心” 17。

14 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Ka-shing 15 http://www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/docview.asp?did=1000881455 16http://www.forbes.com/sites/markrogowsky/2013/06/24/google-waze-delays-ahead/ 17 http://www.thetower.org/buffett-buys-remaining-shares-of-israeli-toolmaker-im-a-big-believer-in-israels-economy/

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沃伦.巴菲特 继 Technion 和 Wazer 这两个成功项目之后


步公司提供种子资金而创设的 Elevator。 Elevator 项目从中国投资者和中国投资机构


在一年内通过对 20 家公司的投资来实现,

这将帮助新设公司在市场上立足。 第三个教育项目涉及了以色列最大的大学



殊的合作中心,命名为 XIN 中心,其将作






Joseph Klafter 教授(特拉维夫大学校长)与陈


场。 在 XIN 项目的框架里,投资资金将被设立

用于播种由 XIN 项目研究员发起的合资企


18 http://www.jpost.com/National-News/Tel-Aviv-University-and-Tsinghua-University-in-China-sign-collaboration-agreement-326177



友。19 第四个教育项目是设立第一个在中国的以




习等等。 20交通大学正与以色列特拉维夫




19 http://www.jpost.com/National-News/Tel-Aviv-University-and-Tsinghua-University-in-China-sign-collaboration-agreement-326177 20 http://www.china-israelcenter.org/israelcenter/intro.htm

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中国投资以色列最大的基础设施项目 在 2013 年 10 月,以色列交通部长 Yisrael Katz 和中国交通部长李盛霖签署了关于铁路的谅解










年在合作与投资上的增长标志着未来两国(中国和以色列)之间的希望和繁荣。 Amit Ben- Yehoshua 和 Clara Eriksson

21 http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/1.550777

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17th October 2013

China, one of the world’s largest countries and the second biggest economy in the world has hit its spotlight on Israel. By investing billions of dollars in Israel in the last three years, China has shown the world that it has targeted Israel and has plans for future investments as well. China and Israel have been collaborating for years in cross border trade and has had good diplomatic relations in the past, but it is just recent that the business relations started to take significant proportions. Starting with a rather small but yet important investment, the business relations between the two countries took off at a speed no one has ever seen before. Today the investments exceed billions of dollars, and the future is looking bright.

How did this successful development start? Around the year of 2010 the Chinese government reduced some of its restrictions on outbound investment. The government encouraged investments in high tech, biotech and agritech, all fields in which Israel has outstanding technology. In addition to the loosened restrictions, Shanghai hosted the World Expo 2010, which was the largest one so far in terms of money spent and countries participating. The World Expo was a tribute to international fairs and expositions, with over 190 countries participating and 70 pavilions being built on the theme urban development.1 This was the first time Israel had its own pavilion in the World Expo, which allowed Israel to brand itself as a country leading in technology and innovations. The networking in combination with the encouragement of investments in high tech countries may have been of importance to the businesses that were carried out during 2010 between China and Israel.

Israeli Pavilion Chinese Pavilion

1 http://www.shanghaiworldsfair.com/ *Amit is licensed to practice law in California and Israel and holds a Master Degree in Chinese law from Tsinghua University of Beijing. Amit is a co- founder of the Israeli Chamber of Commerce in China and the Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai and served as a member of their respective Board of Directors. Amit serves as a senior councel at Da Cheng Law Offices, recognized by the Asia Law Business Journal as the largest law firm in Asia employing more than 3,000 attorneys and staff members in forty branches across China, including branches in the US, Singapore, England and Russia. Amit also serves as the Vice Chair of the American Bar Association, Section of International Law and is the Chief Editor of the China Law eBulletin, a periodical publiciation of the American Bar Association. Amit can be reached at [email protected] or via his mobile at +86 13761360176. *Clara is licensed to practice law in Sweden and holds a Master of Laws degree from Gothenburg University, Sweden. Clara is undergoing an internship at Da Cheng Law Offices.

The secret is out-Chinese are investing in Israel in billions. By: Amit Ben-Yehoshua* and Clara Eriksson*

Israel is the “most promising investment Hub”1 outside U.S.

- Warren Buffet

“Our responsibility is to invest in reforms in education that unlock that genius and enable the continuing realization of human potential…”

- Li Kay Shing

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During the year of the Expo, a first investment in Israel by the Chinese company Sanhua Zhejiang was made. The investment of $10 million in Israeli company Heliofocus, increased the value of the targeting company to $45 million2 and aimed to lower the costs of the development of solar technology. Heliofocus was considered an uprising star in the field and Israel as among the leading nations in the field of solar industry.3 Israel’s former Counsel General in Shanghai, Jackie Eldan, reports, “This is the first investment of a Chinese company in an Israeli company.” 4He continued by saying that this first investment would lead the way to a continued collaboration and investment of Chinese companies in Israel.5 In February, only one month after Sanhua’s investment, Chinese owned Yifang Digital acquired Israeli Pegasus Technologies for the amount of $60 million. The Yifang- Pegasus deal was the first time an Israeli company was acquired by a Chinese company and it put Israel on the map in terms of being a country that has a lot to offer businesswise. Pegasus Technologies was the leading provider of digital pen technologies and solutions and produces lines of digital pens that translate handwriting into digital formats, and together with Yifang digital they had now joined forces in combating the world market.6

China and Israel Execute a New Tourist Agreement – Reducing the Visa Approval

Process 2010 had yet one more important matter to bring into the relations between Israel and China. Before 2010 it had been difficult for Chinese to receive a visa into Israel, the procedure taken over one month. In September 2010 Israel and China signed a tourism agreement to simplify the procedures for a

2 http://www.tashtiot.co.il/2010/01/05/heliofocus-sanhua/ 3http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aw6OI_i5sBs0 4 http://www.tashtiot.co.il/2010/01/05/heliofocus-sanhua/ 5 http://www.tashtiot.co.il/2010/01/05/heliofocus-sanhua/ 6http://www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/docview.asp?did=1000536167

Chinese to obtain a visa into Israel. The new simplified process encouraged more Chinese business people to come to Israel. Chinese tourists are in fact choosing Israel as a destination at a higher rate than before the tourism agreement and the business delegations increased after the agreement.7 During the period of 2010, Chinese business delegations increased in Israel. China started to invest in Israel and saw investment opportunities and interchange in business as well as in development possibilities.

ChemChina invests in Israel $2.4 billion – one of the largest investment by a

Chinese state owned enterprise in the last five years

The previous investments in Israel had been on a relatively small scale. Well, this was about to change. A startling sum of $2.4 billion sat the new bar in 2011. China’s second largest chemical enterprise, ChemChina, chose Israel as one of its first investment countries, acquired 60 % interest in Israeli Makhteshim Agan, whereof 53 % held by Makhteshim’s public shareholders and 7 % from Makhteshim’s controlling shareholders. In 2011 this was seen as the largest cross border acquisition of an Israeli company as well as one of the largest cross border acquisitions of a Chinese state owned enterprise in the last five years.8 The acquisition allowed ChemChina to be the world’s biggest generic agrochemicals company, already being a $30 billion company before the acquisition.9 There is no doubt that China was making big plans for investments

7 http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4425342,00.html 8 http://www.ca-llp.com/news/chemchinamakhteshim-agan-agreement 9 http://www.ca-llp.com/news/chemchinamakhteshim-agan-agreement

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in Israel at this point, investing billions of dollars.

Prime Minister Li Keqiang and Prime Minister Netanyahu sign trade

agreement in China In 2013, projects and investments started to expand dramatically. Israel and China signed a $400 million trade agreement, which expanded the existing financial protocol between the two countries to more than $2 billion, looking at an $8 billion trade amount annually between the two countries. 10 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu led a five day delegation to China to meet Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang, and signed the agreement. The agreement will hopefully lead to an increased bilaterial trade between the countries where the amount of 8 billion dollars will be exceeded, says Netanyahu.11

The same month, Chinese company FosunPharma, a leading healthcare company in PRC, and global leading Israeli company Alma Lasers, announced a joint acquisition. FosunPharma invested $240 million in Alma Lasers and now holds 95.2 % of the Israeli company.12 Alma Lasers is considered a world leading enterprise in the field of medical laser13, and FosunPharma does not hold back the praise and expectations of the future with the Israeli company.

The Chinese seeking educational collaboration programs with Israel

10 http://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-and-china-ink-400-million-trade-agreement/ 11 http://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-and-china-ink-400-million-trade-agreement/ 12 http://www.almalasers.com/node/59408 13 http://www.fosun.com/En.php/News/View/ID/352

Four major projects concerning academic and scientific collaboration started in 2013, allowing universities in both China and Israel to collaborate in the scientific sphere. The projects were introduced as to invest in reforms of education, provide optimal conditions for creativity and create a base for mutual understanding in the business industry. The biggest educational project was a Chinese donation from the Li Kay Shing Foundation, exceeding $130 million to Israeli research University Technion. Chairman Li is ranked as the wealthiest man in Asia 2013 and is considered one of the most powerful figures in Asia.14 The Li Kay Shing Foundation searched among 64 of the top universities around the world and decided upon Israeli Technion. Technion is considered to be the world’s top ten institutes for research in science and technology, with 4 Nobel prizes in the last decade. The funding will partly be used to establish the Technion Guangdong Institute in Southern China, and the collaboration between the two Institutes sees both potential and responsibilities in the task ahead. According to Chairman Li, “Our responsibility is to invest in reforms in education that unlock that genius and enable the continuing realization of human potential, building a knowledge rich society and securing a sustainable quality of life for all. Failing to do so amounts to a crime against the future."15

Li Kay Shing While visiting the Technion, Chairman Li saw potential in yet another upcoming Israeli company, Waze Ltd. Waze , which provide free car-app services, was about to expand in Asia, whereas Mr. Shing saw the opportunity and invested around $30 million into the project. Waze went from 2 million to 7 million

14 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Ka-shing 15 http://www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/docview.asp?did=1000881455

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users under 10 months and is widely known for its services. Waze was acquired by Google in June 2013 and has now got a market value of at least $1 billion.16 Chairman Li, like billionaire investor Warren Buffet, saw the ongoing trend of American companies investing in Israeli companies and hoped on the train. Warren Buffet recently stated that Israel is the “most promising investment Hub”17 outside U.S.

Warren Buffett Following the successful project of Technion and Wazer was a project concerning Israeli accelerator program Elevator, which was created for seed- funding startups. The Elevator program raised $10 million from Chinese investors and institutions in china. The amount will be spent through investments in 20 companies over the course of a year and will help new companies to establish in the market. A third education project involved Israel’s biggest university, the Tel- Aviv University and Chinese top university Tsinghua. The two universities intended to co-establish a unique joint center, named the XIN center, as an international hub for scientific and technical innovation. XIN (“new” in Chinese) will advance interdisciplinary research, provide optimal conditions for creativity, and promote activity in fields that can truly impact society in both countries and the entire world.18

16http://www.forbes.com/sites/markrogowsky/2013/06/24/google-waze-delays-ahead/ 17 http://www.thetower.org/buffett-buys-remaining-shares-of-israeli-toolmaker-im-a-big-believer-in-israels-economy/ 18 http://www.jpost.com/National-News/Tel-Aviv-University-and-Tsinghua-University-in-China-sign-collaboration-agreement-326177

Professor Joseph Klafter, President of Tel Aviv University, and Professor Chen Jining, President of Tsinghua University signing a MOU. In the framework of the XIN project, an investment fund will be established to seed ventures initiated by XIN Fellows. The fund of 100 million yuan (about $ 16 million) will be set up by Infinity Group. Investors in the fund will include the Beijing government and alumni of Tsinghua University.19 The forth education project was the establishment of the first Israeli Studies Center in China, at Jiaotong university in Shanghai. The aim with the project was for students to learn about Sino- Israeli relations, including topics such as business strategies, comparative studies in politics and technology and so on.20 Jiaotong University is working together with Israeli University Tel- Aviv and the project is seen as of great importance for the future collaboration between China and Israel.

Tel- Aviv University

19 http://www.jpost.com/National-News/Tel-Aviv-University-and-Tsinghua-University-in-China-sign-collaboration-agreement-326177 20 http://www.china-israelcenter.org/israelcenter/intro.htm

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China invests in Israel’s greatest infrastructure project In October 2013 Israeli transport Minister Yisrael Katz and China’s Minister of transport Li Shenglin signed a memorandum of understanding concerning a railway that will allow goods to be transported to and through the Suez Canal. The short distance to Asia from the Suez Canal makes the MOU important in terms of trade and business. Instead of going around Africa or seeking the permission of Egypt to pass, trade can, by the railway, reach the Suez Canal and be transported directly into Asia. (See images below.) The link between Eilat and Ashdod will allow inland transport through an inland passage, linking the Indian Ocean, through the Gulf of Aden, directly to the Mediterranean Sea. The memorandum of understanding establishes that Israel is in charge of the operations of building a railway in Eilat Israel, while China development industrial bank will handle part of the funding. The railway will link Israel’s Mediterranean ports in Ashdod and Haifa with the Eilat Port. The railway is considered important both for strategic and policy purposes.21

This brief summary shows how the Chinese discovered the start- up nation Israel and started to invest billions of dollars in Israeli technology. It also shows the importance of collaboration in different fields of interest and the outstanding result it can bring. We believe that the last three years increasing collaboration and investments, is a sign of a promising and prosperous future between the two nations, China and Israel. Amit Ben- Yehoshua and Clara Eriksson

21 http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/1.550777