第2第 Operation Manual - Configuration Guide 第3第 U-SYS SoftX3000 SoftSwitch System 第4第 Table of Contents 第5第 Table of Contents 第1第 Chapter 17 Configuring Network Management Data.............17-1 第2第 17.1 Background Knowledge...............................17-1 第3第 17.1.1 Overview to Network Management Instructions. .17-1 第4第 17.1.2 Purposes of Network Management Instructions. .17-1 第5第 17.2 Configuring NM Instructions........................17-6 第6第 17.2.1 Adding Originating Destination Code Control. .17-6 第7第 17.2.2 Adding Outgoing Destination Code Control.....17-8 第8第 17.2.3 Adding Call Gap Control......................17-9 第9第 17.2.4 Adding Circuit Orient Control...............17-11 第10第 17.2.5 Adding Circuit Reject Control.............17-12 第11第 17.2.6 Adding Direct Route Control...............17-13 第12第 17.2.7 Adding Alternative Route Cancellation Control ............................................................17-14 第13第 17.2.8 Adding Temporary Alternative Route Control 17-15 第14第 17.2.9 Adding Skip Sub-Route Control.............17-17 第15第 17.2.10 Adding Special Record Notification Control. 17- 18 第16第 17.2.11 Adding Trunk Reserved Control............17-20 第1第 i

17-Chapter 17 Configuring Network Management Data

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Configuring Network Management Data

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第2 章 Operation Manual - Configuration Guide

第3 章 U-SYS SoftX3000 SoftSwitch System 第4 章 Table of Contents

第5 章

Table of Contents

第1 章 Chapter 17 Configuring Network Management Data.........................................17-1

第2 章 17.1 Background Knowledge..........................................................................17-1

第3 章 17.1.1 Overview to Network Management Instructions...........................17-1

第4 章 17.1.2 Purposes of Network Management Instructions...........................17-1

第5 章 17.2 Configuring NM Instructions....................................................................17-6

第6 章 17.2.1 Adding Originating Destination Code Control...............................17-6

第7 章 17.2.2 Adding Outgoing Destination Code Control..................................17-8

第8 章 17.2.3 Adding Call Gap Control...............................................................17-9

第9 章 17.2.4 Adding Circuit Orient Control......................................................17-11

第10 章 17.2.5 Adding Circuit Reject Control..................................................17-12

第11 章 17.2.6 Adding Direct Route Control....................................................17-13

第12 章 17.2.7 Adding Alternative Route Cancellation Control.......................17-14

第13 章 17.2.8 Adding Temporary Alternative Route Control..........................17-15

第14 章 17.2.9 Adding Skip Sub-Route Control..............................................17-17

第15 章 17.2.10 Adding Special Record Notification Control..........................17-18

第16 章 17.2.11 Adding Trunk Reserved Control............................................17-20

第17 章 17.3 HTR Control Instructions...................................................................17-21

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第18 章 17.3.1 Adding HTR Description..........................................................17-21

第19 章 17.3.2 Setting HTR Switch.................................................................17-23

第20 章 17.3.3 Removing HTR Control Table Content....................................17-24

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Chapter 17 Configuring Network Management


17.1 Background Knowledge

17.1.1 Overview to Network Management Instructions

To ensure the quality of service (QoS) of the telecommunications networks, carriers

need to design the network capacity and inter-node routes reasonably and manage

the nodes in the network efficiently. In this way, traffic can be restricted in the case of

overload to reduce call loss and guarantee the reliable and efficient operation of the


Network Management (NM) is implemented by the Network Management Center

(NMC) to control, schedule, and measure the nodes, such as switching equipment

and transmission equipment, in the telecommunications network. Controlling outgoing

calls of nodes and scheduling routes is the core NM function.

To achieve NM, the nodes in the network should be able to receive and carry out the

instructions from the NMC. The SoftX3000 offers abundant NM instruction sets, which

facilitates the carriers to control and schedule the SoftX3000.

17.1.2 Purposes of Network Management Instructions

The NM instruction sets of the SoftX3000 include originating destination code control,

outgoing destination code control, call gap control, circuit orient control, circuit reject

control, direct route control, alternative route cancellation control, temporary

alternative route control, skip sub-route control, special record notification control,

trunk reserved control, and Hard To Reach (HTR) control.

The purposes of these NM instructions are described as follows.

I. Originating destination code control

It means that the switch prohibits the calls to designated destination codes from

designated incoming trunks or callers by a certain percentage.

Designated incoming trunks: Incoming trunk groups configured with a specific

NM source code.

Designated callers: Callers with specific caller category, country code, area

code, office number, or subscriber number.

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第10 章 Designated destination codes: Specific country code, area code, office number,

subscriber number, or special service number.

Generally, whether an outgoing call is barred depends on the caller category, and

whether an incoming or forwarded call is barred depends on the incoming circuit

group type. The system first prohibits the calls from some common callers or trunks.

After all common calls are barred, the system prohibits the calls from priority callers or

trunks. Hierarchical barring of common calls is adopted, and 25% of total common

calls are barred for each level. There is no hierarchical barring of priority calls.

II. Outgoing destination code control

It means that the switch prohibits the calls to designated destination codes from

occupying designated outgoing trunks by a certain percentage.

Designated destination codes: Specific country code, area code, office number,

subscriber number, or special service number.

Designated outgoing trunks: Outgoing trunk groups configured with a specific

NM source code.

III. Call gap control

It means that the switch restricts the maximum number of call attempts to designated

destination codes from designated callers during a certain interval.

That is, if the call attempts of designated callers to designated destination codes

during the designated interval exceed the number of call attempts defined here, the

system automatically starts the call barring function to prohibit these callers from

dialing the destination codes. The call barring will not end until the system cancels it

automatically or you cancel it with DEA NM.

Designated callers: Callers with specific caller category.

Designated destination codes: Specific country code, area code, office number,

subscriber number, or special service number.

IV. Circuit orient control

It means that the switch changes bi-directional trunk circuits to incoming trunk circuits

according to the designated quantity or by a certain percentage.

V. Circuit reject control

It means that the switch suspends bi-directional and/or unidirectional trunk circuits

according to the designated quantity or by a certain percentage.

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第10 章VI. Direct route control

It means that the switch restricts the direct traffic of the designated sub-route by a

certain percentage. It has two control modes:

Incoming prohibited (DRT): The switch prohibits the direct traffic to the

designated sub-route by a certain percentage. The overflown traffic is routed to

the other sub-routes.

Overflow prohibited(DRF): The switch prohibits the direct traffic overflown from

the designated sub-route by a certain percentage. The overflown traffic is

canceled directly.

VII. Alternative route cancellation control

It means that the switch restricts the alternative traffic of the designated sub-route by

a certain percentage.

Incoming prohibited (ART): The switch prohibits the alternative traffic to the

designated sub-route by a certain percentage. The overflown traffic is routed to

the other sub-routes. For example, a local network is networked as shown in

Figure 17-1. For Office A, Sub-route A to B is an alternative sub-route for C to B,

D to B, and E to B. If the direct traffic on Sub-route A to B is too heavy during a

period of time, you can prohibit the alternative traffic of C to B, D to B, and E to B

from entering Sub-route A to B with this NM instruction in order to ensure the

direct traffic on A to B.

第21章 Figure 17-1 Restricting alternative traffic (ART)

Overflow prohibited (ARF): The switch prohibits the alternative traffic overflown

from the designated sub-route by a certain percentage. The overflown traffic is

canceled directly. For example, a local network is networked as shown in Figure

17-2For Office A, Sub-route A to B is an alternative sub-route for C to B. If both

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第10 章the direct and alternative traffic on Sub-route A to B is too heavy during a period

of time, you can prohibit the overflown alternative traffic of C to B from entering

Sub-route A to B again with this NM instruction in order to ensure the direct

traffic on A to B.

第22章 Figure 17-2 Restricting alternative traffic overflow (ARF)

VIII. Temporary alternative route control

It means that the switch allows the calls from designated callers or incoming trunks to

designated destination codes to use the designated alternative sub-routes temporarily

by a certain percentage.

Designated incoming trunks: Incoming trunk groups configured with a specific

NM source code.

Designated callers: Callers with specific caller category, country code, area

code, office number, or subscriber number.

Designated destination codes: Specific country code, area code, office number,

subscriber number, or special service number.

IX. Skip sub-route control

It means that the switch allows the calls from designated callers or incoming trunks to

designated destination codes to skip the designated sub-route by a certain

percentage. The designated sub-route to be skipped can carry either direct traffic or

alternative traffic.

For example, a local network is networked as shown in Figure 17-3. For Office A,

Sub-routes A to B and A to D are alternative sub-routes for C to E. In normal cases,

Office A first selects Sub-route A to B (direct sub-route) and selects Sub-route A to D

(alternative sub-route) in the case of traffic overflow when transferring the calls

originated by Office C to Office E. If the direct traffic from Office A on Sub-route A to B

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第10 章is too heavy during a period of time, you can prohibit the direct transfer traffic from

entering Sub-route A to B with this NM instruction in order to ensure the direct

outgoing traffic on A to B. That is, Office A can skip Sub-route A to B and directly

selects Sub-route A to D when transferring the calls originated by Office C to Office E.

Figure 17-3 Skip sub-route control

X. Special record notification control

It means that the switch can play the special announcement for the calls from

designated callers or incoming trunks to designated destination codes to notify the

callers or operators of delaying the calls.

Designated incoming trunks: Incoming trunk groups configured with a specific

NM source code.

Designated callers: Callers with specific caller category, country code, area

code, office number, or subscriber number.

Designated destination codes: Specific country code, area code, office number,

subscriber number, or special service number.

XI. Trunk reserved control

It means that the switch dynamically adjusts the traffic of outgoing trunks according to

the availability of the designated outgoing trunk group. This NM instruction needs the

cooperation of the parameters “Idle circuits for weak call restriction” and “Idle circuits

for forced call restriction” of trunk groups. The options are

No call restriction: If the actual number of idle circuits of the designated trunk

group = “Idle circuits for weak call restriction”, this NM instruction is invalid.

Weak call restriction: If “Idle circuits for forced call restriction = the actual number

of idle circuits of the designated trunk group < “Idle circuits for weak call

restriction”, the system restricts the calls by “Weak restriction percent”.

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第10 章 Forced call restriction: If the actual number of idle circuits of the designated trunk

group < “Idle circuits for forced call restriction”, that is, the trunk group is to be

congested, the system restricts the calls by “Forced restriction percent”.

XII. HTR control

It means that the switch can automatically prohibit the calls from designated callers or

incoming trunks to designated destination codes by a certain percentage if these

destination codes are not reachable to some extent. When a destination code is

judged as “reachable”, the system cancels call restriction automatically.

Designated incoming trunks: Incoming trunk groups configured with a specific

NM source code.

Designated callers: Callers with specific caller category, country code, area

code, office number, or subscriber number.

Designated destination codes: Specific country code, area code, office number,

subscriber number, or special service number.

For example, if an incoming trunk makes more then 100 call attempts to a prefix 369

within five minutes and the answer attempt ratio is less than 10%, it means that the

office 369 is unreachable, and the switch will automatically restrict the calls to the

prefix 369 by a certain percentage.

17.2 Configuring NM Instructions

17.2.1 Adding Originating Destination Code Control

I. Related commands

Command Function

ADD NMIDEST To add originating destination code control

MOD NMIDEST To modify originating destination code control

LST NMIDEST To list originating destination code control

RMV NM To remove NM instruction

II. Parameter description

[NM ID number]

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第10 章It identifies an “originating destination code control” NM instruction uniquely in the

SoftX3000, ranging from 0 to 65535. Generally, it is not set but allocated by the

system automatically.

IDs of NM instructions of the same type must be different, but those of different NM

instructions can be the same.

[Local DN set]

It specifies the local DN set to which the prohibited destination code belongs. This

parameter must be defined in the ADD LDNSET command before being referenced


[Destination code]

It specifies the destination code to be prohibited, which can be a country code, area

code, office number, subscriber number, or special service number. The value

“EEEEEEEE” is a wildcard character, indicating all destination codes.

[Restriction percentage]

It specifies the percentage based on which the system restricts the calls, ranging from

1 to 100 in unit of %.

[Execution mode]

It specifies the mode in which the system implements the NM instruction configured in

this command. By default, it is “Immediate”.

[Active state]

It specifies whether the system activates the NM instruction configured in this

command. By default, it is “Active”. In application, the NMC can set the IN instruction

data according to the NM control plan in advance. Once NM control is needed, you

can activate the corresponding NM instructions at the NMC using ACT NM.

[Call type]

It defines the type of calls to be prohibited by the system. Set this parameter by the

following principles:

To prohibit calls (including terminated calls or transferred calls) originated by

incoming trunks, select “Incoming/transferred call”.

To prohibit outgoing calls originated by local subscribers, select “Outgoing call”.

[Incoming trunk NM source code]

It is available only when “Call type” is set to “Incoming/transferred call”, specifying the

incoming trunk group whose calls are to be prohibited by the system. Its value ranges

from 0 to 65534. By default, it is “65534”, which is the wildcard character and

indicates all incoming trunk groups.

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第10 章[Caller number]

It is available only when “Call type” is set to “Outgoing call”, specifying the telephone

numbers of the callers whose calls are to be prohibited by the system. It can be a

country code, area code, office number, or subscriber number.

[Caller category]

It specifies the category of the callers whose calls are to be prohibited by the system.

It can be either the caller category sent by an incoming trunk through a signaling

message or the caller category of a local subscriber.

[Start time 1], [End time 1]

It is available only when “Execution mode” is set to “Timing”, defining the first time

segment during which the system implements the NM instruction configured in this

command. It is in the format of ”HH:MM” and ranges from 00:00 to 23:59.

[Start time 2], [End time 2]

It is available only when “Execution mode” is set to “Timing”, defining the second time

segment during which the system implements the NM instruction configured in this

command. It is in the format of “HH:MM” and ranges from 00:00 to 23:59.

[Start time 3], [End time 3]

It is available only when “Execution mode” is set to “Timing”, defining the third time

segment during which the system implements the NM instruction configured in this

command. It is in the format of “HH:MM” and ranges from 00:00 to 23:59.

[Start date]

It is available only when “Execution mode” is set to "Timing”, defining the date when

the system starts to implement the NM instruction configured in this command. Its

format is “YYYY&MM& DD”. “YYYY” stands for year, “MM” for month, and “DD” for


[Total days]

It is available only when “Execution mode” is set to "Timing”, defining the total number

of days during which the system implements the NM instruction configured in this

command. Its value ranges from 1 to 1024 in unit of days.

[Periodic mode]

It is available only when “Execution mode” is set to "Timing”, defining the periodic

mode in which the system implements the NM instruction configured in this

command. If you set it to “Daily”, the system implements the NM instruction during the

specified time segment every day.

[Cyclic mode]

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第10 章It is available only when “Periodic mode” is set to "Weekly” or “Monthly”, defining the

interval between which the system implements the NM instruction configured in this

command. If “Periodic mode” is set to “Weekly”, this parameter ranges from 0 to 6. If

“Periodic mode” is set to “Monthly”, this parameter ranges from 1 to 31.

17.2.2 Adding Outgoing Destination Code Control

I. Related commands

Command Function

ADD NMODEST To add outgoing destination code control

MOD NMODEST To modify outgoing destination code control

LST NMODEST To list outgoing destination code control

RMV NM To remove NM instruction

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第10 章II. Parameter description


Most of the parameters in ADD NMODEST are the same as those in ADD NMIDEST, so this section

only describes the dedicated parameters in ADD NMODEST. For the other parameters, refer to section

17.2.1, “Adding Originating Destination Code Control”.

[NM ID number]

It identifies an “outgoing destination code control” NM instruction uniquely in the

SoftX3000, ranging from 0 to 65535. Generally, it is not set but allocated by the

system automatically.

IDs of NM instructions of the same type must be different, but those of different NM

instructions can be the same.

[Local DN set]

It specifies the local DN set to which the prohibited destination code belongs. This

parameter must be defined in the ADD LDNSET command before being referenced


[Destination code]

It specifies the destination code to be prohibited, which can be a country code, area

code, office number, subscriber number, or special service number. The value

“EEEEEEEE” is a wildcard character, indicating all destination codes.

[Outgoing trunk NM source code]

It specifies the outgoing trunk group occupied by the to-be-prohibited calls to the

designated destination code. Its value ranges from 0 to 65534. By default, it is

“65534”, which is the wildcard character and indicates all outgoing trunk groups.

17.2.3 Adding Call Gap Control

I. Related commands

Command Function

ADD NMGAP To add call gap control

MOD NMGAP To modify call gap control

LST NMGAP To list call gap control

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RMV NM To remove NM instruction

II. Parameter description


Most of the parameters in ADD NMGAP are the same as those in ADD NMIDEST, so this section only

describes the dedicated parameters in ADD NMGAP. For the other parameters, refer to section 17.2.1,

“Adding Originating Destination Code Control”.

[NM ID number]

It identifies a “call gap control” NM instruction uniquely in the SoftX3000, ranging from

0 to 65535. Generally, it is not set but allocated by the system automatically.

IDs of NM instructions of the same type must be different, but those of different NM

instructions can be the same.

[FCCU/FCSU module number]

It specifies the module number of the FCCU/FCSU managing incoming trunk groups

or local subscribers whose calls are to be prohibited. Its value ranges from 22 to 101.

It must be defined in ADD BRD before being referenced here.

[Caller category]

It specifies the category of the callers whose calls are to be prohibited by the system.

It can be either the caller category sent by an incoming trunk through a signaling

message or the caller category of a local subscriber.

[Local DN set]

It specifies the local DN set to which the prohibited destination code belongs. This

parameter must be defined in the ADD LDNSET command before being referenced


[Destination code]

It specifies the destination code to be prohibited, which can be a country code, area

code, office number, subscriber number, or special service number. The value

“EEEEEEEE” is a wildcard character, indicating all destination codes.

[Interval in seconds], [Call attempts]

They define the interval for activating “call gap control” and the maximum call

restriction times. “Interval in seconds” ranges from 0 to 65534.

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第10 章These two parameters must be used cooperatively. That is, if the call attempts of

designated callers to designated destination codes during the designated interval

exceed the number of call attempts defined here, the system automatically starts the

call gap control function to prohibit these callers from dialing the destination codes.

The call barring will not end until the system cancels it automatically or you cancel it

with DEA NM.

17.2.4 Adding Circuit Orient Control

I. Related commands

Command Function

ADD NMCICD To add circuit orient control

MOD NMCICD To modify circuit orient control

LST NMCICD To list circuit orient control

RMV NM To remove NM instruction

II. Parameter description


Most of the parameters in ADD NMCICD are the same as those in ADD NMIDEST, so this section only

describes the dedicated parameters in ADD NMCICD. For the other parameters, refer to section 17.2.1,

“Adding Originating Destination Code Control”.

[NM ID number]

It identifies a “circuit orient control” NM instruction uniquely in the SoftX3000, ranging

from 0 to 65535. Generally, it is not set but allocated by the system automatically.

IDs of NM instructions of the same type must be different, but those of different NM

instructions can be the same.

[Trunk group number]

It specifies the number of the bi-directional trunk group for which circuit orient control

is needed. This parameter must be defined in ADD N7TG, ADD N1TG, and ADD

PRATG before being referenced here.

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第10 章After you set this NM instruction and activate it, the system changes some or all the

circuits of the bi-directional trunk group defined here to incoming trunk circuits.

[Control type]

It specifies whether the system implements circuit orient control by a certain

percentage or number of circuits.

[Restriction percentage]

It is available only when “Control type” is set to “Percent”, specifying the percentage

of the bi-directional trunk circuits to be changed to incoming trunk circuits. Its value

ranges from 0 to 100 in unit of %.

[Circuit number]

It is available only when “Control type” is set to “Circuit number”, specifying the

number of bi-directional trunk circuits to be changed to incoming trunk circuits. Its

value ranges from 1 to 65535.

17.2.5 Adding Circuit Reject Control

I. Related commands

Command Function

ADD NMCICR To add circuit reject control

MOD NMCICR To modify circuit reject control

LST NMCICR To list circuit reject control

RMV NM To remove NM instruction

II. Parameter description


Most of the parameters in ADD NMCICR are the same as those in ADD NMIDEST, so this section only

describes the dedicated parameters in ADD NMCICR. For the other parameters, refer to section 17.2.1,

“Adding Originating Destination Code Control”.

[NM ID number]

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第10 章It identifies a “circuit reject control” NM instruction uniquely in the SoftX3000, ranging

from 0 to 65535. Generally, it is not set but allocated by the system automatically.

IDs of NM instructions of the same type must be different, but those of different NM

instructions can be the same.

[Trunk group number]

It specifies the number of the trunk group for which circuit reject control is needed.

This parameter must be defined in ADD N7TG, ADD N1TG, and ADD PRATG before

being referenced here.

After you set this NM instruction and activate it, the system suspends some or all the

circuits of the trunk group defined here.

[Control type]

It specifies whether the system implements circuit reject control by a certain

percentage or number of circuits.

[Restriction percentage]

It is available only when “Control type” is set to “Percent”, specifying the percentage

of the trunk circuits to be suspended by the system. Its value ranges from 0 to 100 in

unit of %.

[Circuit number]

It is available only when “Control type” is set to “Circuit number”, specifying the

quantity of the trunk circuits to be suspended by the system. Its value ranges from 1

to 65535.

17.2.6 Adding Direct Route Control

I. Related commands

Command Function

ADD NMDRT To add direct route control

MOD NMDRT To modify direct route control

LST NMDRT To list direct route control

RMV NM To remove NM instruction

II. Parameter description

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第10 章 Note:

Most of the parameters in ADD NMDRT are the same as those in ADD NMIDEST, so this section only

describes the dedicated parameters in ADD NMDRT. For the other parameters, refer to section 17.2.1,

“Adding Originating Destination Code Control”.

[NM ID number]

It identifies a “direct route control” NM instruction uniquely in the SoftX3000, ranging

from 0 to 65535. Generally, it is not set but allocated by the system automatically.

IDs of NM instructions of the same type must be different, but those of different NM

instructions can be the same.

[Sub-route number]

It specifies the sub-route on which the direct traffic is to be restricted by the system. It

must be defined in ADD SRT before being referenced here.

[Restriction percentage]

It specifies the percentage based on which the system restricts the direct traffic on the

designated sub-route. Its value ranges from 1 to 100 in unit of %.

[Active state]

It specifies whether the system activates the NM instruction configured in this

command. By default, it is “Active”. In application, the NMC can set the IN instruction

data according to the NM control plan in advance. Once NM control is needed, you

can activate the corresponding NM instructions at the NMC using ACT NM.

[Control type]

It specifies the control mode in which the system restricts the direct traffic on the

designated sub-route. The options are

Incoming prohibited (DRT): The switch prohibits the direct traffic to the

designated sub-route by a certain percentage. The overflown traffic is routed to

the other sub-routes.

Overflow prohibited (DRF): The switch prohibits the direct traffic overflown from

the designated sub-route by a certain percentage. The overflown traffic is

canceled directly.

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第10 章17.2.7 Adding Alternative Route Cancellation Control

I. Related commands

Command Function

ADD NMCRT To add alternative route cancellation control

MOD NMCRT To modify alternative route cancellation control

LST NMCRT To list alternative route cancellation control

RMV NM To remove NM instruction

II. Parameter description


Most of the parameters in ADD NMCRT are the same as those in ADD NMIDEST, so this section only

describes the dedicated parameters in ADD NMCRT. For the other parameters, refer to section 17.2.1,

“Adding Originating Destination Code Control”.

[NM ID number]

It identifies an “alternative route cancellation control” NM instruction uniquely in the

SoftX3000, ranging from 0 to 65535. Generally, it is not set but allocated by the

system automatically.

IDs of NM instructions of the same type must be different, but those of different NM

instructions can be the same.

[Sub-route number]

It specifies the sub-route on which the alternative traffic is to be restricted by the

system. It must be defined in ADD SRT before being referenced here.

[Control type]

It specifies the control mode in which the system restricts the alternative traffic on the

designated sub-route. The options are

Incoming prohibited (ART): The switch prohibits the alternative traffic to the

designated sub-route by a certain percentage. The overflown traffic is routed to

the other sub-routes.

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Management Data

第10 章 Overflow prohibited (ARF): The switch prohibits the alternative traffic overflown

from the designated sub-route by a certain percentage. The overflown traffic is

canceled directly.

[Restriction percentage]

It specifies the percentage based on which the system restricts the alternative traffic

on the designated sub-route. Its value ranges from 1 to 100 in unit of %.

17.2.8 Adding Temporary Alternative Route Control

I. Related commands

Command Function

ADD NMTMP To add temporary alternative route control

MOD NMTMP To modify temporary alternative route control

LST NMTMP To list temporary alternative route control

RMV NM To remove NM instruction

II. Parameter description


Most of the parameters in ADD NMTMP are the same as those in ADD NMIDEST, so this section only

describes the dedicated parameters in ADD NMTMP. For the other parameters, refer to section 17.2.1,

“Adding Originating Destination Code Control”.

[NM ID number]

It identifies a “temporary alternative route control” NM instruction uniquely in the

SoftX3000, ranging from 0 to 65535. Generally, it is not set but allocated by the

system automatically.

IDs of NM instructions of the same type must be different, but those of different NM

instructions can be the same.

[Local DN set]

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第10 章It specifies the local DN set to which the destination code using a temporary

alternative route belongs. This parameter must be defined in the ADD LDNSET

command before being referenced here.

[Destination code]

It specifies the destination code for which a temporary alternative route is needed,

which can be a country code, area code, office number, subscriber number, or special

service number. The value “EEEEEEEE” is a wildcard character, indicating all

destination codes.

[Sub-route number]

It specifies the sub-route that can act as a temporary alternative route. It must be

defined in ADD SRT before being referenced here.

[Restriction percentage]

It specifies the percentage of the calls to the designated destination codes that can

use a temporary alternative route. Its value ranges from 1 to 100 in unit of %.

[Call type]

It defines the type of calls that can use a temporary alternative route. Set this

parameter by the following principles:

To allow the calls (including terminated calls or transferred calls) originated by

incoming trunks to use a temporary alternative route, select

“Incoming/transferred call”.

To allow the outgoing calls originated by local subscribers to use a temporary

alternative route, select “Outgoing call”.

[Incoming trunk NM source code]

It is available only when “Call type” is set to “Incoming/transferred call”, specifying the

incoming trunk whose calls can use a temporary alternative route. Its value ranges

from 0 to 65534. By default, it is “65534”, which is the wildcard character and

indicates all incoming trunk groups.

[Caller number]

It is available only when “Call type” is set to “Outgoing call”, specifying the telephone

numbers of the callers whose outgoing calls can use a temporary alternative route. It

can be a country code, area code, office number, or subscriber number.

[Caller category]

It specifies the category of the callers whose outgoing calls can use a temporary

alternative route. It can be either the caller category sent by an incoming trunk

through a signaling message or the caller category of a local subscriber.

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第10 章[Temporary route priority]

It defines the priority of a temporary sub-route to a common sub-route in route

selection. A temporary sub-route can be set in the beginning, middle, or end of a route

table. When it is set in the beginning of a route table, the temporary sub-route is

actually a temporary direct sub-route.

17.2.9 Adding Skip Sub-Route Control

I. Related commands

Command Function

ADD NMSRT To add skip sub-route control

MOD NMSRT To modify skip sub-route control

LST NMSRT To list skip sub-route control

RMV NM To remove NM instruction

II. Parameter description


Most of the parameters in ADD NMSRT are the same as those in ADD NMIDEST, so this section only

describes the dedicated parameters in ADD NMSRT. For the other parameters, refer to section 17.2.1,

“Adding Originating Destination Code Control”.

[NM ID number]

It identifies a “skip sub-route control” NM instruction uniquely in the SoftX3000,

ranging from 0 to 65535. Generally, it is not set but allocated by the system


IDs of NM instructions of the same type must be different, but those of different NM

instructions can be the same.

[Sub-route number]

It specifies the sub-route to be skipped during call routing. It must be defined in ADD

SRT before being referenced here.

[Service type]

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第10 章It specifies the type of the routing service for which skip sub-route control is needed.

The options are alternative service, direct service, and direct and alternative service.

[Skip percentage]

It specifies the traffic percentage for skipping a specific sub-route. If this parameter is

set to 60%, 60% of the calls from designated callers or incoming trunks to designated

destination codes need to skip the designated sub-route, and 40% of the calls are

routed normally.

[Incoming trunk NM source code]

It is available only when “Call type” is set to “Incoming/transferred call”, specifying the

incoming trunk whose calls can use a temporary alternative route. Its value ranges

from 0 to 65534. By default, it is “65534”, which is the wildcard character and

indicates all incoming trunk groups.

[Caller number]

It is available only when “Call type” is set to “Outgoing call”, specifying the telephone

numbers of the callers whose outgoing calls can use a temporary alternative route. It

can be a country code, area code, office number, or subscriber number.

[Caller category]

It specifies the category of the callers whose outgoing calls can use a temporary

alternative route. It can be either the caller category sent by an incoming trunk

through a signaling message or the caller category of a local subscriber.

17.2.10 Adding Special Record Notification Control

I. Related commands

Command Function

ADD NMTONE To add special record notification control

MOD NMTONE To modify special record notification control

LST NMTONE To list special record notification control

RMV NM To remove NM instruction

II. Parameter description

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第10 章 Note:

Most of the parameters in ADD NMTONE are the same as those in ADD NMIDEST, so this section only

describes the dedicated parameters in ADD NMTONE. For the other parameters, refer to section 17.2.1,

“Adding Originating Destination Code Control”.

[NM ID number]

It identifies a “special record notification control” NM instruction uniquely in the

SoftX3000, ranging from 0 to 65535. Generally, it is not set but allocated by the

system automatically.

IDs of NM instructions of the same type must be different, but those of different NM

instructions can be the same.

[Local DN set]

It specifies the local DN set of the destination code for which the special record

notification control is needed. This parameter must be defined in the ADD LDNSET

command before being referenced here.

[Destination code]

It specifies the destination code for which the special record notification control is

needed, which can be a country code, area code, office number, subscriber number,

or special service number. The value “EEEEEEEE” is a wildcard character, indicating

all destination codes.

To modify the type of the record notification played to callers or operators, execute the

command ADD CFPRO.

[Call type]

It defines the type of calls for which the special record notification control is started.

Set this parameter by the following principles:

To start the special record notification control to the calls (including terminated

calls or transferred calls) originated by incoming trunks, select

“Incoming/transferred call”.

To start the special record notification control to the outgoing calls originated by

local subscribers, select “Outgoing call”.

[Incoming trunk NM source code]

It is available only when “Call type” is set to “Incoming/transferred call”, specifying the

incoming trunk group for whose calls the special record notification control is started.

Its value ranges from 0 to 65534. By default, it is “65534”, which is the wildcard

character and indicates all incoming trunk groups.

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第10 章[Caller number]

It is available only when “Call type” is set to “Outgoing call”, specifying the telephone

numbers of the callers for whose calls the system starts the special record notification

control. It can be a country code, area code, office number, or subscriber number.

[Caller category]

It specifies the category of the callers for whose calls the system starts the special

record notification control. It can be either the caller category sent by an incoming

trunk through a signaling message or the caller category of a local subscriber.

17.2.11 Adding Trunk Reserved Control

I. Related commands

Command Function

ADD NMRES To add trunk reserved control

MOD NMRES To modify trunk reserved control

LST NMRES To list trunk reserved control

RMV NM To remove NM instruction

II. Parameter description

[NM ID number]

It identifies a “trunk reserved control” NM instruction uniquely in the SoftX3000,

ranging from 0 to 65535. Generally, it is not set but allocated by the system


IDs of NM instructions of the same type must be different, but those of different NM

instructions can be the same.

[Weak restriction percent], [Forced restriction percent]

They define the call restriction percentage when the system starts the trunk reserved

control in order to dynamically adjust outgoing traffic. This NM instruction needs the

cooperation of the parameters “Idle circuits for weak call restriction” and “Idle circuits

for forced call restriction” of trunk groups. The options are

No call restriction: If the actual number of idle circuits of the designated trunk

group = “Idle circuits for weak call restriction”, this NM instruction is invalid.

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第10 章 Weak call restriction: When “Idle circuits for forced call restriction = the actual

number of idle circuits of the designated trunk group < “Idle circuits for weak call

restriction”, the system restricts the calls by “Weak restriction percent”.

Forced call restriction: If the actual number of idle circuits of the designated trunk

group < “Idle circuits for forced call restriction”, that is, the trunk group is to be

congested, the system restricts the calls by “Forced restriction percent”.

[Call type]

It defines the type of calls to be restricted by the NMS. Set this parameter by the

following principles:

To prohibit calls (including terminated calls or transferred calls) originated by

incoming trunks, select “Incoming/transferred call”.

To prohibit outgoing calls originated by local subscribers, select “Outgoing call”.

[Incoming trunk NM source code]

It is available only when “Call type” is set to “Incoming/transferred call”, specifying the

incoming trunk group whose calls are to be prohibited by the system. Its value ranges

from 0 to 65534. By default, it is “65534”, which is the wildcard character and

indicates all incoming trunk groups.

[Caller category]

It specifies the category of the callers whose calls are to be prohibited by the system.

It can be either the caller category sent by an incoming trunk through a signaling

message or the caller category of a local subscriber.

[Service type]

It specifies the type of the routing service for which call restriction is to be

implemented. The options are alternative service, direct service, and direct and

alternative service.

[Outgoing trunk NM source code]

It specifies the outgoing trunk group occupied by the to-be-prohibited calls to the

designated destination code. Its value ranges from 0 to 65534. By default, it is

“65534”, which is the wildcard character and indicates all outgoing trunk groups.

[Control type]

It specifies the control mode used by the system to prohibit the calls to the designated

destination codes to occupy the outgoing trunk groups. The options are

Cancel: The system prohibits the alternative traffic overflown from the designated

sub-route by a certain percentage. The overflown traffic is cancelled directly.

Skip: The system restricts the alternative traffic to the designated sub-route by a

certain percentage. The overflown traffic is routed to the other sub-routes.

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第10 章17.3 HTR Control Instructions

17.3.1 Adding HTR Description

I. Related commands

Command Function

ADD HTRDESC To add HTR description

RMV HTRDESC To remove HTR description

MOD HTRDESC To modify HTR description

LST HTRDESC To list HTR description

II. Notes of configuration

HTR control means that the switch can automatically prohibit the calls from

designated callers or incoming trunks to designated destination codes by a certain

percentage if these destination codes are not reachable to some extent. When a

destination code is judged as “reachable”, the system cancels call restriction


When you add HTR control description, the system creates automatically a traffic

measurement task of HTR control for analyzing the measurement results reported by

all FCCUs/FCSUs every five minutes.

If the measurement results meet the conditions for starting HTR control

automatically, that is, “Call attempts to prohibited destination codes” is equal to

“Call attempts in HTR description table” and “Percentage of answered attempts

to prohibited destination codes” is less than “Percentage of answered attempts in

HTR description table—Percentage of delayed attempts”, the BAM sends to the

host the originating destination code control instruction automatically.

If the measurement results meet the conditions for stopping HTR control

automatically, that is, ”Call attempts to prohibited destination codes” is less than

“Call attempts in HTR description table” and “Percentage of answered attempts

to prohibited destination codes” is bigger than or equal to “Percentage of

answered attempts in HTR description table—Percentage of delayed attempts”,

the BAM stops HTR control and deletes the originating destination code control

instruction automatically.

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第10 章After setting HTR description, use LST NM to query whether HTR control is started. If

the originating destination code control instruction is set due to “HTR generation”, it

indicates that HTR control has been started.

III. Parameter description

[Local DN set]

It specifies the local DN set of the destination code for which HTR control is needed.

This parameter must be defined in the ADD LDNSET command before being

referenced here.

[Destination code]

It specifies the destination code for which HTR control is needed, which can be a

country code, area code, office number, subscriber number, or special service

number. The system analyzes the destination code according to maximum matching


[Call attempts in 5 minutes]

As one of the conditions for starting HTR control, this parameter specifies the number

of call attempts within five minutes in the HTR description table.

After you set the HTR description, the system starts to count the number of call

attempts within the next five minutes. Five minutes later, the system judges whether

HTR control needs be started. For example, if you set HTR description at 12:22 in a

certain day, the system starts traffic measurement at 12:25. At 12:30, the system

judges whether HTR control needs be started according to the traffic measurement

result within the five minutes.

[Percentage of answered attempts]

As one of the conditions for starting HTR control, this parameter specifies the ratio of

answer attempts to call attempts in the HTR description table. Its value ranges from 1

to 100 in unit of %.

[Percentage of delayed attempts]

As one of the conditions for starting HTR control, this parameter specifies the delay

percentage of automatically starting or stopping HTR control in the HTR description

table. Its value ranges from 1 to 100 in unit of %.

[Percentage of restricted calls]

It specifies the percentage based on which the system restricts the calls, ranging from

1 to 100 in unit of %.

[Call type]

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第10 章It defines the type of calls to be restricted by the NMS. Set this parameter by the

following principles:

To prohibit calls (including terminated calls or transferred calls) originated by

incoming trunks, select “Incoming/transferred call”.

To prohibit outgoing calls originated by local subscribers, select “Outgoing call”.

[Network management code of incoming relay]

It is available only when “Call type” is set to “Incoming/transferred call”, specifying the

incoming trunk group whose calls are to be prohibited by the system. Its value ranges

from 0 to 65534. By default, it is “65534”, which is the wildcard character and

indicates all incoming trunk groups.

[Calling number]

It is available only when “Call type” is set to “Outgoing call”, specifying the telephone

numbers of the callers whose calls are to be prohibited by the system. It can be a

country code, area code, office number, or subscriber number.

[Caller type]

It specifies the category of the callers whose calls are to be prohibited by the system.

It can be either the caller category sent by an incoming trunk through a signaling

message or the caller category of a local subscriber.

17.3.2 Setting HTR Switch

I. Related commands

Command Function

SET HTRSW To set HTR switch

LST HTRSW To list HTR switch

II. Notes of configuration

When you add HTR description, the system automatically creates and starts a traffic

measurement task of HTR control by default. To suspend the traffic measurement

task, use SET HTRSW to set the HTR switch to “OFF”.

III. Parameter description


When HTR control is started, this parameter is used to control the system to start or

stop a traffic measurement task of HTR control. By default, it is “On”.

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第10 章17.3.3 Removing HTR Control Table Content

I. Related commands

Command Function

RMV HTRCTRL To remove HTR control table content

LST HTRCTRL To list HTR control table content

II. Notes of configuration

During HTR analysis, the system analyzes a destination code according to the

maximum matching principle. To remove a destination code in the HTR control table,

execute the command RMV HTRCTRL.

III. Parameter description

[Local DN set]

It specifies the local DN set of the destination code to be deleted. This parameter

must be defined in the ADD LDNSET command before being referenced here.

[Destination code]

It specifies the destination code to be deleted.

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