Accuracy Based Surveys Anatomic Pathology Blood Gas, Critical Care, and Oximetry Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Coagulation Education Endocrinology Forensic Sciences Genetics and Molecular Pathology Hematology and Clinical Microscopy Histocompatibility Immunology and Flow Cytometry Instrumentation Validation Tools Microbiology Point of Care Testing Quality Management Tools Reproductive Medicine Toxicology Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing 2010 SURVEYS & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

2010 Surveys Catalog

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Accuracy Based Surveys

Anatomic Pathology

Blood Gas, Critical Care, and Oximetry

Chemistry and TherapeuticDrug Monitoring




Forensic Sciences

Genetics and Molecular Pathology

Hematology and Clinical Microscopy


Immunology and Flow Cytometry

Instrumentation Validation Tools


Point of Care Testing

Quality Management Tools

Reproductive Medicine


Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers,and Parentage Testing

2010SURVEYS& Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

Table of Contents22001100 SSuurrvveeyyss && AAnnaattoommiicc PPaatthhoollooggyy EEdduuccaattiioonn PPrrooggrraammss

11 NNeeww DDeevveellooppmmeennttss ............................................ 3–6

22 CCoonnttiinnuuiinngg EEdduuccaattiioonn ...................................... 9–14Continuing Education Program .............................. 9Competency Assessment Program...................... 13

33 QQuuaalliittyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt TToooollss .......................... 17–36Q-PROBES ................................................................ 19Q-TRACKS ................................................................ 24LMIP .......................................................................... 32CAP LINKS ................................................................ 34Quality Management Tools Pricing Overview .... 36

44 PPooiinntt ooff CCaarree TTeesstt iinngg ...................................... 39–42Point of Care Programs.......................................... 39

55 GGeenneerraall CChheemmiissttrryy aanndd TThheerraappeeuuttiicc DDrruugg MMoonnii ttoorriinngg .............................................. 45–60General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring .................................................. 45

Urine Chemistry ...................................................... 53Special Chemistry .................................................. 55

66 EEnnddooccrriinnoollooggyy .................................................... 63–68

77 BBlloooodd GGaass,, CCrr iitt iiccaall CCaarree,, aanndd OOxxiimmeettrryy.. 71–72

88 TTooxxiiccoollooggyy .......................................................... 75–82

99 AAccccuurraaccyy BBaasseedd SSuurrvveeyyss .............................. 85–88

1100 IInnssttrruummeennttaattiioonn VVaalliiddaattiioonn TToooollss .............. 91–106Calibration Verification/Linearity .......................... 91Reference Range Services .................................. 101Instrumentation Quality Management Programs .................................. 104

1111 HHeemmaattoollooggyy aanndd CClliinniiccaall MMiiccrroossccooppyy.. 109–118Hematology .......................................................... 109Clinical Microscopy .............................................. 114

1122 RReepprroodduuccttiivvee MMeeddiicciinnee ............................ 121–122Andrology and Embryology ................................ 121

1133 CCooaagguullaattiioonn ....................................................125–130

1144 MMiiccrroobbiioollooggyy .................................................. 133–150Bacteriology .......................................................... 133Mycobacteriology................................................ 139Mycology .............................................................. 140Parasitology .......................................................... 141Virology .................................................................. 144Molecular Microbiology ...................................... 146Infectious Disease Serology ................................ 149

1155 IImmmmuunnoollooggyy aanndd FFllooww CCyyttoommeettrryy .......... 153–160Immunology .......................................................... 153Flow Cytometry .................................................... 159

1166 TTrraannssffuussiioonn MMeeddiicciinnee,, VViirraall MMaarrkkeerrss,, aanndd PPaarreennttaaggee TTeesstt iinngg ............................ 163–172Transfusion Medicine ............................................ 163Viral Markers .......................................................... 168Parentage Testing ................................................ 171

1177 HHiissttooccoommppaattiibbii ll iittyy ........................................ 175–178

1188 GGeenneettiiccss aanndd MMoolleeccuullaarr PPaatthhoollooggyy ...... 181–190Cytogenetics ........................................................ 181Biochemical and Molecular Genetics .............. 183Molecular Oncology – Solid Tumors.................... 186Molecular Oncology – Hematological .............. 188

1199 AAnnaattoommiicc PPaatthhoollooggyy .................................. 193–202Surgical Pathology................................................ 193General Immunohistochemistry .......................... 196Predictive Markers ................................................ 197Cytopathology...................................................... 198Specialty Anatomic Pathology .......................... 202

2200 FFoorreennssiicc SScciieenncceess ........................................ 205–208

2211 AAnnaallyyttee//PPrroocceedduurree IInnddeexx.................................. 211

2222 SSuurrvveeyyss PPrroodduucctt SShhiippppiinngg aanndd PPrr iicciinngg ........ 247

2233 CCuussttoommeerr SSuuppppoorrtt aanndd OOrrddeerriinngg IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn .......................................................... 267Customer Support ................................................ 267Ordering Instructions, Terms, and Conditions .... 268Additional Information for International and Non-Continental US Customers .............. 272

Order Forms .......................................................... 279


Our catalog has been updated for your ease and convenience in locating information on the College of AmericanPathologists Survey products.

Table of Contents/Section TabsThe table of contents includes each section number and discipline. The corresponding tab includes the section number anddiscipline to simplify locating the section within the catalog. New for the 2010 catalog, the back page of the tab details thesection subdisciplines, along with new, reconfigured, or discontinued items for that discipline in 2010.

PagesPages have also been redesigned so Survey information can be easily located.

Welcome to the 2010 CAP Surveys Catalog

Hematology and Clinical Microscopy

Hematology ..................................................................................................................109Clinical Microscopy ......................................................................................................114

New Products

Bone Marrow Cell Differential (BMD) ......................................................................................113Lamellar Body Count (LBC)......................................................................................................118Ticks, Mites, and Other Arthropods (TMO) ..............................................................................118

Reconfigured 2009 Products

Amniotic Fluid Leakage – Nitrazine (AFL) ................................................................................115Challenges per shipment have changed

Discontinued 2009 Products

Basic Hematology (HEK)Blood Cell Identification (BCK)Clinical Microscopy (CM, CMM)Hematology Automated Differentials (FH8, FH1K-FH4K, FH6K, FH8K-FH10K)

Every number is a life.™




Hematology andClinical Microscopy11

Every number is a life.™



Molecular Microbiology

College of American Pathologists

146 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Molecular MicrobiologyAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


HCV viral load � 5

HCV genotyping � 1

HCV, qualitative � 1

HBV viral load � 1

Hepatitis Viral Load HCVN/HCV2, HBVL Product Information• HCVN - Five 0.5-mL

liquid plasma specimens

• HCV2 - Five 1.5-mL liquidplasma specimens

• HBVL - One 1.25-mL plasmaspecimen

• Three shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


HIV-RNA viral load � 5

HIV genotyping � 1

HIV Viral Load HIV/HV2, HIVG Product Information• HIV - Five 0.5-mL plasmaspecimens

• HV2 - Five 2.5-mL plasmaspecimens

• HIVG - One 1.0-mL plasmaspecimen

• Three shipments per year

Viral Load Survey VLS Product Information• Six 1.0-mL EDTA plasmaspecimens

• Two shipments per yearProcedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


CMV viral load � 2

EBV viral load � 2

BK viral load � 2

Molecular Microbiology

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 147

Nucleic Acid Amplification, Organisms IDO Product Information• Seven serum, plasma, orsimulated clinical isolatespecimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Bordetella pertussis/parapertussis � 1

Legionella pneumophila/Chlamydiophila pneumoniae � 1

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcusaureus � 1

Molecular typing (bacterial isolates) � 1

Mycobacterium tuberculosis � 1

Mycoplasma pneumoniae � 1

Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus � 1

Participation in Survey IDO alone will not meet CLIA requirements.

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Human papillomavirus � 2

Human papillomavirus HPV Product Information• Two simulated cervicalspecimens contained inDigene transport media

• For Digene Hybrid Captureonly

• Two shipments per yearAdditional Information• Participation in Survey HPV alone will not meet CLIA regulatory requirements.

• Laboratories using Digene, SurePath, and/or ThinPrep collection media, seepage 201.

Discipline or subdiscipline

Product name

Product code(s)

Product specific information

Icons to easily identify productfeatures including New Products,CME/CE, and Biohazard

Additional product information for allitems listed in the table.

Product details listing analytes,procedures, programs, etc. Analytesregulated by the Centers forMedicare and Medicaid Services(CMS) are indicated in bold typefor easy identification.











New Products

Bone Marrow Cell Differential (BMD) ......................................................................................113Lamellar Body Count (LBC)......................................................................................................118Ticks, Mites, and Other Arthropods (TMO) ..............................................................................118

Reconfigured 2009 Products

Amniotic Fluid Leakage – Nitrazine (AFL) ................................................................................115Challenges per shipment have changed











IndicesWhether you choose to locate products alphabetically by analyte or by product code, you will find the analyte and shippingindices at the back of the catalog. New for 2010, the Analyte/Procedure Index has been redesigned. The “X” in the LAP ENRcolumn denotes the CAP products that can be used to fulfill the proficiency testing (PT) enrollment requirements for CAP-accredited laboratories.

Ordering InformationSurveys ordering information and order forms have been combined into one section and can be found in Section 23.

Eco-Friendly CatalogThe 2010 Surveys catalog proudly carries the Forest Stewardship Council and Renewable Choice Energy logos.

The paper used to print this catalog is from mixed sources as approved by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Product isgrouped from well-managed forests, controlled sources, and recycled wood or fiber. In addition, the electricity used to print thiscatalog was 100 % offset with renewable energy credits (RECs) generated from wind power in the US.

Virtual CatalogCheck out our virtual catalog at www.cap.org! New for this year, prices have been added for each item on the product pages.

TThhee CCAAPP 22001100 SSuurrvveeyyss ccaattaalloogg ccoonnttaaiinnss oovveerr 555500 pprroodduuccttss aaccrroossss sseevveenntteeeenn ddiisscciipplliinneess ttoopprroovviiddee yyoouu wwiitthh tthhee ttoooollss ttoo bbee aa lleeaaddeerr iinn llaabboorraattoorryy mmeeddiicciinnee aanndd ttoo eennssuurree tthhee hhiigghheessttqquuaalliittyy ppaattiieenntt ccaarree bbeeccaauussee EEvveerryy nnuummbbeerr iiss aa lliiffee..

Analyte/Procedure Index

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 211

3-Methoxytyramines N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54Special

5-Hydroxyindoleacetic X N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54acid, qualitative Special5-Hydroxyindoleacetic N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54acid, quantitative Special6-Monoacetylmorphine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUT Urine Toxicology 75

7-Aminoflunitrazepam FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

11-Deoxycortisol X Y/YY Ligand Assay, 122Special

17-Hydroxycortico- N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54steroids Special17-Hydroxyprogesterone X Y/YY Ligand Assay, 122

Special17-Ketosteroids N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54

Special25-OH Vitamin D BGS Bone and Growth 6450:50 Mixing Study, CGE/CGEX Coagulation, 125APTT Extended

CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 12650:50 Mixing Study, PT CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Abnormal hemoglobin X HBF Fetal Red Cell 111identification Determination

X HG Hemoglobinopathy 111ABO grouping X ABO HLA Serologic Typing 176

X J, J1 Transfusion Medicine 163X JAT Transfusion Medicine, 163

AutomatedTMCA Transfusion Medicine, 164


Acetaminophen X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ2X, CZX, ZFTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94

Acetaminophen (cont.) X SDS Serum Drug Screen 79T Toxicology 75UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75

Acetone AL1 Whole Blood Alcohol/ 79Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles

AL2 Serum Alcohol/ 79Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles

SDS Serum Drug Screen 79T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Acid-fast smear X E Mycobacteriology 139X E1 Mycobacteriology, Ltd 139

Acid phosphatase X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ2, CZ2X,CZX

Activated clotting time X CT, CT1, CT2, ACT 127CT3

Activated partial X CGL Coagulation, Ltd 125thromboplastin time

CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 126CGS3 Coag Special, Series 3 126CGS4 Coag Special, Series 4 126

Activated protein C CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125resistance

CGS2 Coag Special, Series 2 126Acylcarnitine BGL Biochemical Genetics 183Adenovirus ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148

RespX VR1 Virology Culture 144X VR2 Viral Antigen by DFA 144X VR4 Viral Antigen by EIA 144

and LatexAdenovirus 40/41 SP Stool Pathogen 137Adjustable micropipette I Instrumentation 104Cal V/LAdrenocorticotropic X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 67hormone (ACTH)Alanine aminotrans- X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45ferase (ALT/SGPT) CZ, CZ2,

CZ2X, CZXIFS Interfering Substances 105

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Analyte/Procedure IndexAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte/Procedure Index

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 211

3-Methoxytyramines N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54Special

5-Hydroxyindoleacetic X N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54acid, qualitative Special5-Hydroxyindoleacetic N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54acid, quantitative Special6-Monoacetylmorphine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUT Urine Toxicology 75

7-Aminoflunitrazepam FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

11-Deoxycortisol X Y/YY Ligand Assay, 122Special

17-Hydroxycortico- N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54steroids Special17-Hydroxyprogesterone X Y/YY Ligand Assay, 122

Special17-Ketosteroids N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54

Special25-OH Vitamin D BGS Bone and Growth 6450:50 Mixing Study, CGE/CGEX Coagulation, 125APTT Extended

CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 12650:50 Mixing Study, PT CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Abnormal hemoglobin X HBF Fetal Red Cell 111identification Determination

X HG Hemoglobinopathy 111ABO grouping X ABO HLA Serologic Typing 176

X J, J1 Transfusion Medicine 163X JAT Transfusion Medicine, 163

AutomatedTMCA Transfusion Medicine, 164


Acetaminophen X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ2X, CZX, ZFTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94

Acetaminophen (cont.) X SDS Serum Drug Screen 79T Toxicology 75UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75

Acetone AL1 Whole Blood Alcohol/ 79Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles

AL2 Serum Alcohol/ 79Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles

SDS Serum Drug Screen 79T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Acid-fast smear X E Mycobacteriology 139X E1 Mycobacteriology, Ltd 139

Acid phosphatase X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ2, CZ2X,CZX

Activated clotting time X CT, CT1, CT2, ACT 127CT3

Activated partial X CGL Coagulation, Ltd 125thromboplastin time

CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 126CGS3 Coag Special, Series 3 126CGS4 Coag Special, Series 4 126

Activated protein C CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125resistance

CGS2 Coag Special, Series 2 126Acylcarnitine BGL Biochemical Genetics 183Adenovirus ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148

RespX VR1 Virology Culture 144X VR2 Viral Antigen by DFA 144X VR4 Viral Antigen by EIA 144

and LatexAdenovirus 40/41 SP Stool Pathogen 137Adjustable micropipette I Instrumentation 104Cal V/LAdrenocorticotropic X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 67hormone (ACTH)Alanine aminotrans- X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45ferase (ALT/SGPT) CZ, CZ2,

CZ2X, CZXIFS Interfering Substances 105

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Analyte/Procedure IndexAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

New Developments1

Every number is a life.™



Every number is a life.™



New Developments

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 3

New Developments

Subsection Name Product Code Page

Q-PROBESTM Technical Staffing Ratios QP101 20

Q-PROBES Utility of Repeat Testing of Critical Values QP102 21

Q-PROBES Patient Safety Practices for Monitoring PT/INR QP103 22

Q-PROBES Mammography Correlation with Pathology Reports QP104 23

Q-TRACKS® Specimen Acceptability in Blood Bank QT18 30

Quality Management Tools

Subsection Name Product Code Page

Urine Chemistry Urine Chemistry Special, Additional Volume NX 54

Special Chemistry Oligoclonal Bands OLI 56

Special Chemistry Lamellar Body Count LBC 58

Special Chemistry Procalcitonin PCT 60

Special Chemistry Testosterone and Estradiol Accuracy Survey ABS 60

General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Section Name Product Code Page

Accuracy Based Surveys Testosterone and Estradiol Accuracy Survey ABS 60

Accuracy Based Surveys

Subsection Name Product Code Page

Continuing Education Programs Clinical Pathology Improvement Program CPIP/CPIP1 10

Continuing Education

New Developments

College of American Pathologists

4 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Subsection Name Product Code Page

Bacteriology Vaginitis Screen, Virtual Gram Stain VS2 138

Parasitology Ticks, Mites, and Other Arthropods TMO 142


Subsection Name Product Code Page

Immunology Serum Free Light Chains SFLC 158

Immunology and Flow Cytometry

Subsection Name Product Code Page

Transfusion Medicine Bacterial Detection in Platelets, 5 Challenges BDP5 165

Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, andParentage Testing

Section Name Product Code Page

Coagulation Platelet Induced Aggregation PIA 129

Coagulation Platelet Mapping PLTM 129


Subsection Name Product Code Page

Hematology Bone Marrow Cell Differential BMD 113

Clinical Microscopy Lamellar Body Count LBC 118

Clinical Microscopy Ticks, Mites, and Other Arthropods TMO 118

Hematology and Clinical Microscopy

New Developments

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 5

Subsection Name Product Code Page

Biochemical and Molecular Genetics Carnitine BGL1 183

Biochemical and Molecular Genetics Post Analytical DNA Sequencing SEC 184

Molecular Oncology – Solid Tumors BRAF BRAF 186

Molecular Oncology – Solid Tumors EGFR EGFR 187

Molecular Oncology – Solid Tumors KIT/PDGFRA KIT 187

Molecular Oncology – Solid Tumors KRAS KRAS 187

Molecular – Hematological MHO, Lymphoma MHO 188

Molecular – Hematological MHO, Lymphoma, Additional Volume MHO1 188

Molecular – Hematological MHO, Leukemia MHO2 188

Molecular – Hematological MHO, Leukemia, Additional Volume MHO3 188

Molecular – Hematological MHO, Lymphoma, Formalin-fixed Tissue MHO4 188

Genetics and Molecular Pathology

Subsection Name Product Code Page

Surgical Pathology Online Performance Improvement Program PIPW/PIPW1in Surgical Pathology 193

Surgical Pathology HQIP, Biopsy Series HQIPBX 195

General Immunohistochemistry DNA Mismatch Repair MMR 196

Cytopathology Fine-Needle Aspiration Glass Slides FNAG/FNAG1 200

Anatomic Pathology

An Algorithmic Approach toHemostasis Testing

Item: PUB217Hardcover; 396 pages; 2008

Price: $225 Member price: $175

Histologic Preparations: CommonProblems and Their SolutionsItem: PUB123Softcover; 168 pages; 2009

Price: $50 Member price: $40

College of American Pathologists Practical Guide to Gynecologic Cytopathology: Morphology, Management, and Molecular Methods Item: PUB121

Softcover; 270 pages; 2008 Price: $130 Member price: $105

New From CAP Press

To order, call 800-323-4040 option 1. Visit www.cap.org/cappress to download an order form, as well as a table of contents and sample chapters for each of these books.

Continuing Education2

Every number is a life.™








Continuing Education

Continuing Education Programs ..........................................................................................9Competency Assessment Program ......................................................................................13

New Products

Clinical Pathology Improvement Program (CPIP) ........................................................................10Clinical Pathology Improvement Program, Additional Pathologist (CPIP1) ....................................10

Every number is a life.™








CME/CE Information

AccreditationThe College of American Pathologists (CAP) is accredited by the Accreditation Council forContinuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

CME Category 1The College of American Pathologists designates these educational activities for a maximum of thestated number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only credit commensuratewith the extent of their participation in the activity.

CE (Continuing Education for non-physicians)The College of American Pathologists designates these educational activities for a maximum ofthe stated number of credits/hours of continuing education. Participants should claim only thosecredits/hours they spent in the activity. These activities are acceptable to meet the continuingeducation requirements for the ASCP Board of Registry Certification Maintenance Program. Theseactivities are approved for continuing education credit in the states of California and Florida.

Cytotechnologists may apply the credits from the PAPCE1/PAPJE1/PAPKE1/PAPME1, PAP PT andNGC programs toward the required educational activities for the American Society forCytopathology (ASC) Continuing Education Credit Program (CECC) and the International Academyof Cytology (IAC).

Continuing Education Programs

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 9

Continuing Education Programs

Surveys Education ProgramsWhen your lab participates in Surveys, every member of your team can enroll in education activities and earn CE credit at noadditional charge. Each staff member simply establishes a free Web account, completes a reading provided in the ParticipantSummary or Final Critique, and answers online learning assessment questions. Surveys education activities are available for sixmonths. For information on current topics, visit www.cap.org, choose the Education Programs tab, and then select Surveys.

Quality Management ProgramsContinuing education credit is available with select quality management tools. Continuing education credit will be applied towardthe year in which the activity is completed. For more information on available continuing education credit for Q-PROBES™ andQ-TRACKS®, call the CAP Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040 option 1.

Multiple laboratory staff can earn continuing education credit (CME/CE):� For laboratories enrolled in Q-PROBES, read the Data Analysis and Critique and the Individual Report of Results. Thenanswer the online learning assessment questions.

� For laboratories enrolled in Q-TRACKS, read the User’s Guide and the report package. Then answer the online learningassessment questions.

For more information, visit www.cap.org, go to the Education tab, and select Q-PROBES and Q-TRACKS.

Program Name Product Code Maximum AMA PRA CME Maximum CE PagesCategory 1 Credits™ Credits/Hours

Q-PROBES QP101, 102, 103, 104 4 4 20-23Q-TRACKS QT1-5, QT7-8, QT10, QT15-18 48 48 25-30

Quality Management Programs

Clinical Pathology Education Program

The Clinical Pathology Improvement Program (CPIP) includes CME credit. This is an online case-based program and includesimages, clinical background, and reference information. Participants review the information and select the appropriate steps asprogressing through a case.

Continuing Education Programs

College of American Pathologists

10 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Program Product Code Cases/Course


Online cases in clinical pathology � 5

Clinical Pathology Improvement ProgramCPIP/CPIP1

Product Information• Five online clinical laboratorycases per course

• CPIP1 - Additionalpathologist (within thesame institution) reportingoption with CME-credit; mustbe ordered in conjunctionwith Survey CPIP

• Earn a maximum of 2.5 CMEcredits (AMA PRA Category1 Credits™) per course

• Two courses per year

PRICE (USD) $400/120

Additional InformationCPIP is an online educational program designed for pathologists and residents to assessand improve their skills in clinical pathology.

• Case topics are chosen from the American Board of Pathology general listingsuggested for Maintenance of Certification including laboratory administration andoperations, transfusion medicine, chemistry, coagulation, hematology, immunology,microbiology, and molecular genetic pathology.

• Cases may include patient history, case related static images, and whole slide images.

• CPIP is also available for purchase online at www.cap.org under the Education tab.


Continuing Education Programs

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 11

Program Name Product Code Maximum AMA PRA CME Maximum CE PageCategory 1 Credits™ Credits/Hours

Autopsy Pathology AUCD/AUCD1 12 NA 202

Clinical Pathology Improvement CPIP/CPIP1 5 NA 10Program*

Fine-Needle Aspiration FNAG/FNAG1 10 10 200Glass Slide

Forensic Pathology FR/FR1 12 NA 206

Gynecologic Cytopathology PAPCPT, PAPJPT, 10 10 198PT Program (including PAPKPT, PAPMPTeducational component)**

Gynecologic PAPCE1, PAPJE1,Cytopathology Education** PAPKE1, PAPME1 10 10 199

Non-Gynecologic NGC/NGC1 18 18 199Cytopathology Education**

Neuropathology Program NP/NP1 8 NA 202

Performance Improvement PIP/PIP1 40 NA 193Program in Surgical Pathology

Pathology Education Programs

*Also available for purchase at the CAP Web site—visit www.cap.org, under the Education tab.**The NGC and PAP programs contain online components using virtual microscopy. Two of the possible CME/CE credits in each programrelate to the online components.

Pathology Education ProgramsMany of the CAP’s Pathology Education Programs include CME/CE credit. These case-based programs may include glassslides and/or CD-ROMs. Participants review the slides, images, clinical background or reference information, and then selectan appropriate diagnosis and answer learning assessment questions. Target responses are included in the original mailing.

Cytotechnologists may apply credits/hours from the NGC and PAP Education Programs toward required educationalactivities for the American Society of Cytopathology (ASC) Continuing Education Credit (CECC) Program. Additionally,cytotechnologists may also apply credits/hours from the PAP Education component of PAP PT toward required educationalactivities for the ASC CECC Program and the International Academy of Cytology (IAC).

Continuing Education Programs

College of American Pathologists

12 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Online Virtual Microscopy Education ProgramsThe CAP offers online education programs that use advanced imaging technology to present images from actual glass slides for avariety of sites and specimen types. This technology simulates a microscope, allowing you to scan the image and use multiplemagnifications to view the material. From the images and clinical information provided, you select a diagnosis, answer learningassessment questions, and receive immediate feedback online.

The CAP’s online virtual microscopy education activities are compatible with the Windows operating system and require Internetaccess. The download speed and the appearance of the activity will vary depending on the type and speed of your Internetconnection, computer’s power, and browser. CAP Education courses are best viewed using the following browsers:

� Internet Explorer 6.x and higher – Windows XP

� Firefox 2.x – Windows XP

� Internet Explorer 7.x – Windows Vista

� The CAP does not recommend using a Macintosh to view Education courses regardless of browser version.

Program Name Product Code Maximum AMA PRACME Category 1 Credits™ Pages

Online Virtual Biopsy Program* VBP, VBP1 10 194

Online Digital Slide Program in Fine-Needle Aspiration* FNA, FNA1 5 200

Online Digital Slide Program in Dermatopathology* DPATH, DPATH1 5 194

Gynecologic Cytopathology PT and Education Programs** PAPC/J/K/M/PTPAPCE1/JE1/KE1/ME1 10 199

Non-Gynecologic Cytopathology Education** NGC 18 199

Online Performance Improvement Program PIPW, PIPW1 40 193in Surgical Pathology

Online Virtual Microscopy Education Programs

*Also available for purchase online at the CAP Web site – www.cap.org, under the Education tab.**The NGC and PAP Education Programs contain glass slide components. Eight of the possible 10 CME/CE credits in the PAP Programrelate to the glass slide components and 16 of the possible 18 CME/CE credits in the NGC program relate to the glass slide components.

Competency Assessment Program

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 13

Program InformationCompetency Assessment is an online program designed to help you meet the CAP's Laboratory Accreditation Program andCLIA-mandated competency assessment regulations.

The program includes:� Competency assessment courses with customized training and CE credit

� Reassessment courses

� A library of educational training courses (Pro Courses) with CE credit

� Instrument-specific observation checklists

� Course building and modifying tools

� Management tracking and reporting

� Individual transcripts

For additional information, visit www.cap.org/competency or call 800-323-4040 option 1.

Competency Assessment Program

Number of Users Product Code

1–50 CA0050

51–250 CA0250

Order Breakdown

Program orders are based on the number of individuals that will be using the program. For more than 250 users, call800-323-4040 option 1.

PRICE (USD) $595/1295

Competency Assessment Program

College of American Pathologists

14 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Discipline January–June 2010 July–December 2010

Blood Banking/Transfusion Investigation of the positive direct ABO typing discrepanciesMedicine antiglobulin test: Autoimmune

hemolytic anemia

Chemistry Medical toxicology Electrolytes

Hematology and Coagulation Erythrocyte inclusions White blood cells

Immunology Hepatitis testing Serology kit tests

Microbiology Gram stains and other common Medically important yeasts:microbiology staining procedures: Candida and Cryptococcus speciespreparation and interpretation

Phlebotomy/Specimen Processing Common pitfalls in specimen processing General specimen handlingand transportation

Point of Care Testing Whole blood glucose Blood gases

Safety Bloodborne pathogens General laboratory safe work practices

Urinalysis Physical and chemical urinalysis Microscopic analysis of urinesediment: part 1

Assessment Course Schedule

Discipline January–December 2010 July 2010–June 2011

Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Blood component preparation, Hemolytic disease of the fetusstorage, and selection – part 2 and newborn

Chemistry Cardiac biomarkers Therapeutic drug monitoring

Hematology and Coagulation Common coagulation tests Platelet counts, morphology, and disorders

Immunology Viral antigen and antibody detection Autoimmune disorders

Microbiology Fastidious and miscellaneous Facultative and obligate anaerobic bacteriagram-negative bacteria

Phlebotomy/Specimen Processing Challenges of phlebotomy: Specimen collection for forensic toxicologypediatric collection, alternate sites, and non-regulated workplace testing

and difficult draws

Point of Care Testing Point of care whole blood Point of care cardiac biomarkersprothrombin time

Safety Emergency management: fire Ergonomicsand electrical safety

Urinalysis Cerebrospinal fluid analysis Semen analysis

Pro Course Schedule

Quality Management Tools3

Every number is a life.™










Quality Management Tools

Q-PROBES™ ....................................................................................................................19Q-TRACKS® ....................................................................................................................24

Clinical Pathology Monitors ..........................................................................................25Anatomic Pathology Monitor ........................................................................................31

LMIP®..............................................................................................................................32CAP LINKS™ ....................................................................................................................34Quality Management Tools Pricing Overview ......................................................................36

New Products

Technical Staffing Ratios (QP101)..............................................................................................20Utility of Repeat Testing of Critical Values (QP102) ....................................................................21Patient Safety Practices for Monitoring PT/INR (QP103) ............................................................22Mammography Correlation with Pathology Reports (QP104) ......................................................23Specimen Acceptability in Blood Bank (QT18)............................................................................30

Discontinued 2009 Products

Utilization of STAT Test Priority (QP091)Monitoring of Outpatient Orders Requiring Clarification (QP092)Quality of Transfusion Documentation (QP093)Mislabeling Rate of Specimens, Blocks, and Slides in Surgical Pathology (QP094)Inpatient Test Availability (QT9)

Every number is a life.™











Quality Management Tools

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 17

Quality ManagementToolsThe CAP’s comprehensive collection of Quality Management Tools (QMT) strengthens yourknowledge of key laboratory processes, identifies quality improvement opportunities, andprovides the information you need for effective laboratory management:

Q-PROBES™ In-Depth Quality Assessment ProgramQ-TRACKS® Continuous Quality Monitoring ProgramLMIP® Laboratory Management Index ProgramCAP LINKS™ The Laboratory Integrated Knowledge Source

The CAP’s Quality Management Tools help you:Identify quality improvement opportunities and monitor progress over timeEstablish realistic goals for your laboratory using a set of customizedexternal benchmarksDemonstrate the ability to meet accreditation requirements

Integrate QMT into your daily activities to support your quality improvement initiatives!

Quality Management Tools

College of American Pathologists

18 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center


Technical Staffing Ratios (QP101) � � � � �

Utility of Repeat Testing of CriticalValues (QP102) � � � � � � �

Patient Safety Practices for MonitoringPT/INR (QP103) � � � � �

Mammography Correlation withPathology Reports (QP104) � � � �


Patient Identification Accuracy (QT1) � � � �

Blood Culture Contamination (QT2) � � � �

Laboratory Specimen Acceptability (QT3) � � �

In-Date Blood Product Wastage (QT4) � � �

Gynecologic Cytology Outcomes:Biopsy Correlation Performance (QT5) � � � � �

Satisfaction with Outpatient SpecimenCollection (QT7) � � �

Stat Test Turnaround Time Outliers (QT8) � � � � �

Critical Values Reporting (QT10) � � � �

Turnaround Time of Troponin (QT15) � � � � � �

Corrected Results (QT16) � � � � � � �

Outpatient Order Entry Errors (QT17) � � �

Specimen Acceptability in BloodBank (QT18) � � �



























Select Q-PROBES andQ-TRACKS studies tosupport your qualityimprovement initiatives.

*The CAP requires accredited laboratories to have a quality management plan that covers all areas of the laboratory and includesbenchmarking key measures of laboratory performance (GEN.13806, 20316). The Joint Commission requires accredited hospitals toregularly collect and analyze performance data (PI.01.01.01, PI.02.01.01). CLIA requires laboratories to monitor, assess, and correctproblems identified in preanalytic, analytic, and postanalytic systems (§493.1249, §493.1289, §493.1299).

Q-PROBES and Q-TRACKSoffers a comprehensive collection of tools tocomplement your quality management program needs.*


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

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A Program for In-depth Comprehensive Assessment

Evaluate quality improvements in your lab – With today’s focus on reducing medicalerrors, achieving and maintaining excellence is key to success. Using short-term studies,Q-PROBES provides a one-time comprehensive assessment of key processes in your laboratory.

Structure your data collection and analysis for success – Use Q-PROBES to help buildand improve data collection and analysis processes that contribute to quality of care, patientsafety, and outcomes.

Establish realistic laboratory benchmarks and performance goals – Q-PROBES is anexternal peer-comparison program that addresses process-, outcome-, and structure-oriented quality assurance issues. Establish benchmarks through external databasecomparisons and compare your performance to that of peer organizations to establishlaboratory goals and improve performance.

Examine the effectiveness of key processeswith Q-PROBES.

QQ--PPRROOBBEESS ooffffeerrss CCMMEE//CCEE ccrreeddiitt ttoo aallll llaabboorraattoorryy ssttaaffff ttoo hheellpp yyoouu bbuuiilldd aa ssoolliidd ffoouunnddaattiioonn ooff eedduuccaattiioonn aanndd kknnoowwlleeddggee wwiitthhiinn yyoouurr oorrggaanniizzaattiioonn..


20 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Staff accounts for two-thirds of direct clinical laboratory costs and management of staffing levels is central to managing overalllaboratory expenses. In this study, key staffing ratios are calculated for four different laboratory testing sections (anatomicpathology, chemistry/hematology/immunology, microbiology, and transfusion medicine) and participants are provided with information about staffing levels for all participating institutions.

Technical Staffing Ratios QP101

Objective Measure staffing in different areas of the laboratory, calculate key staffing ratios, and compare key staffing ratios with other institutions.

Data Collection Participants will use their laboratory or institution’s revenue and usage reports to obtain billable test counts and staffing figuresfor the most recently completed fiscal year for four key laboratory testing sections.

Performance Indicators • Anatomic pathology indicator: histology blocks/histotechnologist, cytology accessions/cytotechnologist

• Chemistry/hematology/immunology indicator: billable tests/non-management FTE

• Microbiology indicator: billable tests/non-management FTE

• Transfusion medicine indicator: crossmatches and type and screens/non-management FTE


Objective Determine the rate of repeated values changed from a critical to a non-critical value, the rate of repeated chemistry and hematology values that differed significantly from the original value as defined by the participating laboratory, the threshold differences defined by the laboratory as clinically significant, and the additional time required to analyze the repeated test.

Data Collection For potassium, glucose, WBC count, and platelet counts, identify 40 consecutive, repeated critical results and record the following:• Initial and repeated test results• If the repeated test result was significantly different as defined by your laboratory• If the repeated test result was still considered a critical value• Time the initial and repeated tests resulted from the analyzer • Time of critical result notification

Record the total number of critical results that were reviewed and provide a list of the analytes for which the laboratory defines a critical value. Point of care testing is excluded from this study.

Performance Indicators• Rate of repeated results that met the criteria for a critical result

• Rate of repeated results that were significantly different from the original value, according to institutional policy


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Both CAP’s Laboratory Accreditation Program and The Joint Commission require laboratories to have mechanisms in place to communicate critical values in a timely and accurate manner to clinical care providers. A common laboratory practice is to repeat critical values before reporting the test results to the clinical care provider. With today’s modern instrumentation, this may be an unnecessary step that delays the reporting of critical test results without adding value to the quality or accuracy of the test result.

Utility of Repeat Testing of Critical Values QP102New


College of American Pathologists

22 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

The 2009 Joint Commission Patient Safety Goal NPSG.03.05.01: “Reduce the likelihood of patient harm associated with the useof anticoagulant therapy [formerly Goal 3E]” requires systematic changes in patient care to reduce the likelihood of patientharm associated with the use of anticoagulation therapy. The CAP also closely reviews laboratory anticoagulation testing(HEM.23220-23575).

Errors in anticoagulation testing in the laboratory have directly contributed to patient harm in several well-documented instances. Laboratories play an important role in anticoagulation management and should routinely review their managementactivities.

Patient Safety Practices for Monitoring PT/INR QP103

Objective Determine how laboratories monitor INR calculations, patient values, and reference ranges (per HEM.23430) and determine the percentage of critical PT/INR results that are successfully provided to a licensed caregiver.

Data Collection Perform an audit of the laboratory’s most recent PT test validation to determine if the five required validation components for correct INR calculations were incorporated and documented. The five validation components are:

1. Change in (most recent) lot or type of PT reagent recorded and compared to prior lot2. Change of instrumentation recorded and compared to prior instrument (if applicable)3. Establishment of the most recent PT reference range4. INR calculation validation5. At defined intervals, PT/INR results and calculations are audited

In addition, prospectively review 40 critical PT/INR results occurring over a three-week period (or if less than 40 are received, the total number of critical PT/INR results) to determine the number that were successfully reported to a licensed caregiver withread-back.

A survey will also include questions related to the prevalence of PT/INR point of care testing, how inter- and intra-laboratorycomparisons are performed for PT/INR tests, the current critical values, turnaround times for PT/INR, and additional laboratoryanticoagulation practices.

Performance Indicators

Primary: • Percentage of successfully communicated PT/INR critical results to the responsible caregiver

Secondary: • Percentage of required validation components for correct INR calculations documented for the most recent PT test validation



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A benign diagnosis in a surgical specimen in the setting of a radiographically suspicious abnormality may be due to a non-representative sample, and lack of recognition of discordance by the clinical team may lead to a delay in diagnosis. This isof particular importance with breast lesions. Correlation of findings in the surgical pathology report with radiologic findings isimportant for quality patient care.

Mammography Correlation with Pathology Reports QP104

Objective Determine the rate that surgical pathology reports correlate histologic abnormalities with radiographic findings.

Data Collection Retrospectively review 40 surgical reports for correlation of the histologic findings with radiologic findings. Participants will beasked to tabulate the number of specimens for which radiologic findings were available and the number of cases that containedspecific histologic findings that correlated with the radiographic findings. Specific radiographic findings (ie, calcifications, multiple abnormalities) will also be assessed for notation in the final surgical pathology report.

Performance Indicators

Primary: • Rate of pathologic-radiologic correlation in surgical pathology reports of breast biopsies

Secondary: • Rate of pathologic-radiologic correlation of specific radiographic lesions (calcifications, mass, multiple lesions, etc.) in surgical pathology reports

• Rate of breast specimens received with specific radiographic abnormality noted on the requisition slip



College of American Pathologists

24 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center


A Program of Continuous Quality MonitoringObserve performance trends over time to identify and monitor opportunities for quality improvement through quantitative quality measures. Q-TRACKS offers continuous quality monitoring with longitudinal tracking of performance and key indicators for clinical and anatomic pathology.

Step 1:Establish realistic benchmarks by comparing yourlaboratory to others like yours.

Step 2:Identify improvement opportunities.

Step 3:Monitor improvement over time to ensure accurate diagnosis, patientsafety, and quality patient care.

Q-TRACKS 2010: QT3 - Laboratory Specimen AcceptabilityTrend Analysis Report: January-March

Q-TRACKS 2010: QT3 - Laboratory Specimen AcceptabilityExternal Comparison Report: January-March

(most like you)

Q-TRACKS offers CME/CE credit for all laboratory staff each quarter to help you builda solid foundation of education and knowledge within your organization.


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Objective Determine the rate of blood culture contamination using standardized criteria for classifying contaminants.

Data CollectionOn a monthly basis, participants will tabulate the total number of blood cultures processed and the total number of contaminated blood cultures. For the purposes of this study, participants will consider a blood culture to be contaminated if one or more of the following organisms are found in only one of a series of blood culture specimens:Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus; Micrococcus; Alpha-hemolytic (viridans) Streptococci; Propionibacterium acnes;Corynebacterium sp. (diptheroids); or Bacillus sp. Optional institution-specific subgroups may be used to track parameters that may affect contamination rates. Neonatal totals are tabulated separately from other blood cultures.

Performance Indicators • Overall Contamination Rate (%) • Neonatal Contamination Rate (%) • Other Contamination Rate (%)

Objective Assess the incidence of wristband errors within individual institutions, compare performance between participating institutions,and identify improvement opportunities.

Data CollectionOn six predetermined days per month, participants will monitor patient wristband identification for all phlebotomies performedat their institution. Phlebotomists will tally the total number of wristbands checked, the number of errors found, and the types ofwristband error. This monitor includes all routinely wristbanded patients. (Emergency department patients are included only if theemergency department routinely applies wristbands to these patients.)

Performance Indicator Performance Breakdown • Wristband Error Rate (%) • Breakdown of Wristband Error Types (%)

Q-TRACKS Clinical Pathology Monitors

The proper identification of a patient is vital to reporting accurate laboratory results and meeting The Joint Commission NationalPatient Safety Goal #1: “Improve the accuracy of patient identification.” Since the majority of testing is performed away fromthe patient, patient identification, labeling of specimens, and coordination with test requisitions must be conducted accuratelyand completely. By continuously monitoring for wristband errors, participants can promptly identify and correct problems thatmay interfere with patient care services.

Patient Identification Accuracy QT1

Despite advancements in blood culture practices and technology, false-positive blood culture results due to contaminants continue to be a critical problem. Blood culture contamination rate is associated with increased length of hospital stay, additionalexpense, and the administration of unnecessary antibiotics and is the primary indicator of preanalytical performance in microbiology. The CAP and other accrediting organizations require you to monitor and evaluate key indicators of quality for improvement opportunities. Use this monitor to help you meet this requirement.

Blood Culture Contamination QT2

Input forms for quarterly data collection will be sent to participants approximately three weeks prior to the quarter.


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26 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

A substantial amount of rework, diagnostic and therapeutic delay, and patient inconvenience can result from specimen rejection.Patient redraws may be due to issues including unlabeled, mislabeled, and incompletely labeled specimens; clotted and/or hemolyzed specimens; and insufficient specimen quantity. By continuously monitoring specimen acceptability, collection, andtransport, problems can be promptly identified and corrected, leading to improved patient care. Participation in this monitor canhelp satisfy the CAP’s checklist question GEN.20348, “Are preanalytic processes monitored?”

Objective Identify and characterize unacceptable blood specimens that are submitted to the chemistry and hematology sections of the clinical laboratory for testing.

Data CollectionThis monitor includes all blood specimens submitted for testing to the chemistry and hematology departments of the clinical laboratory. Weekly tallies of the total number of specimens received, the number of rejected specimens, and the primary reasoneach specimen was rejected will be recorded.

Performance Indicator Performance Breakdown• Specimen Rejection Rate (%) • Breakdown of Reasons for Rejection (%)

Laboratory Specimen Acceptability QT3

Blood for transfusion is a precious resource. At a minimum, wastage of blood that is not out-of-date represents a financial loss tothe health care system. More ominously, systemic wastage of blood may reflect an environment of care that is out of control andcould pose risks to patient safety.

In-Date Blood Product Wastage QT4

Objective Compare the rates of blood product wastage (ie, units discarded in-date) in participating hospitals and track rates of improvement over time.

Data Collection On a monthly basis, participants will use blood bank records to obtain information on the total number of units transfused foreach type of blood component. Participants will track the number and type of blood units that are wasted in-date and the circumstances of wastage. The following types of blood components will be included: whole blood (allogeneic); red blood cells(allogeneic); frozen plasma; platelet concentrates; single donor platelets; and cryoprecipitate.

Performance Indicators Performance Breakdown• Overall Blood Wastage Rate (%) • Breakdown of Circumstances of Wastage (%) • Wastage Rates by Blood Component Type (%)

Input forms for quarterly data collection will be sent to participants approximately three weeks prior to the quarter.


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Specimen collection is one of the few areas of laboratory medicine that involves direct outpatient contact. As a result, patient satisfaction with this service is a vital indicator of quality laboratory performance. By participating in this monitor, you can helpensure that patient satisfaction with laboratory services is being measured as required by accrediting agencies such as The JointCommission and the CAP (GEN.40050, 20348).

Satisfaction with Outpatient Specimen Collection QT7

Objective Assess patient satisfaction with outpatient phlebotomy services by measuring patients’ assessment of waiting time, discomfortlevel, courteous treatment, and overall satisfaction.

Data Collection On a monthly basis, participants will distribute copies of a questionnaire to a minimum of 25 outpatients (maximum of 99 outpatients), using predetermined data collection criteria. This monitor includes any outpatient undergoing venipuncture or forwhom assistance was required in specimen collection by your laboratory staff. This monitor excludes patients seen in the emergency department, ambulatory surgery area, urgent care facility, chest pain center, 23-hour short-stay facility, employeehealth department, outpatient health screening fair/promotion, dialysis center, nursing home, or extended care facility.

Performance Indicators • Overall Patient Satisfaction Score • Patients “More Than Satisfied” (%)

Measuring laboratory stat test turnaround time (TAT) is useful to the laboratory in evaluating the service delivery process. Thestat test TAT outlier rate, expressed as a percent of tests missing target reporting times, is a measure of outcomes that evaluateshow well the laboratory meets patient and clinician needs. This monitor helps meet CAP checklist question GEN.20316, “Doesthe QM program include monitoring key indicators of quality?”

Stat Test Turnaround Time Outliers QT8

ObjectiveMonitor the frequency with which stat test TAT intervals exceed institutional stat test TAT expectations.

Data CollectionBefore beginning data collection, participants will establish a specimen receipt-to-report deadline for emergency department(ED) stat potassium tests. On six predetermined days per month, participants will monitor the TAT of up to 10 randomly selected ED stat potassium tests on each of three eight-hour shifts (up to 180 tests per month) and track the number of ED statpotassium determinations reported later than the established reporting deadline. This monitor includes stat potassium tests ordered as part of a panel and excludes stat potassium levels that are requested on body fluids other than blood, as part oftimed or protocol studies, or after the specimen arrives in the laboratory.

Performance Indicator Performance Breakdowns • Stat Test TAT Outlier Rate (%) • Breakdown of Outliers by Shift (%)

• Breakdown of Outliers by Day of Week (%)

Input forms for quarterly data collection will be sent to participants approximately three weeks prior to the quarter.


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28 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Critical values in the laboratory are defined as results requiring immediate notification to the physician or caregiver for necessary patient evaluation or treatment. While critical value notification has been a routine practice in laboratory medicine formany years, recent regulations from agencies and accreditors such as CMS, The Joint Commission, and the CAP (GEN.20316,20365, 41320) have mandated that laboratories develop and implement an alert system for critical values. Use this monitor todocument compliance with your laboratory’s alert plan.

Critical Values Reporting QT10

Objective Evaluate the documentation of successful critical values reporting in the general laboratory for both inpatients and outpatientsaccording to the laboratory’s policy.

Data Collection On a monthly basis, participants will evaluate 120 inpatient and 120 outpatient critical values for the designated sections. Data collection will include general chemistry, hematology, and coagulation analytes on the critical values list. Retrospectively,participants will record the total number of critical values monitored and if there was documentation of notification. This monitorwill exclude critical values for microbiology, cardiac markers, drugs of abuse, therapeutic drug levels, urinalysis, blood gases,point of care tests, tests performed at reference laboratories, and critical values on discharged patients.

Performance Indicators • Total Critical Values Reporting Rate (%)• Inpatient Critical Values Reporting Rate (%)• Outpatient Critical Values Reporting Rate (%)

The swiftness with which physicians establish diagnoses of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) with chest pain may determine the type and predict the outcomes of therapy those patients will receive. Included in the total time consumed in establishing diagnoses of AMI are the component intervals required to measurebiochemical markers of myocardial injury, one of the most critical of which is troponin. Help meet CAP checklist questionGEN.20316 with this monitor.

Turnaround Time of Troponin QT15

Objective Determine the median order-to-report turnaround time (TAT) of troponin (I or T) and the percent of troponin results reported byeach institution’s established deadline.

Data Collection Participants will record the TATs (in minutes) for three randomly selected troponin specimens obtained from patients seen in EDson each of three traditional shifts (total of nine measurements) on six pre-determined days per month. TATs will be measuredfrom the times the tests are ordered to the times that results are made available to ED personnel. Participants will also have theoption of monitoring collection-to-receipt intervals.

Performance Indicators • Median Troponin Order-to-Report TAT (minutes)• Troponin TAT Compliance Rate (%)

Input forms for quarterly data collection will be sent to participants approximately three weeks prior to the quarter.

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This Q-TRACKS monitor was developed in recognition of the importance of timely detection and correction of erroneous laboratory results. Accuracy in laboratory results is critical to the effectiveness of a physician’s plan of care for a patient. An erroneous result can delay or alter patient treatment; therefore, detection of erroneous results should be a priority in every laboratory and should be monitored as a key quality indicator. Help measure your compliance with CLIA 493.1299, Postanalytic Systems Quality Assessment, with this monitor.

Corrected Results QT16

Objective Monitor the number of corrected test results within individual institutions and compare performance with that of all institutionsand those institutions similar to yours.

Data Collection On a monthly basis, participants will monitor the number of corrected test results and the total number of billable tests for thatmonth. Test results for all patients in all care settings will be included, with the following exclusions: anatomic pathology tests, narrative physician-interpreted tests (ie, bone marrow biopsies and peripheral smear reports), and point of care tests.

Performance Indicator • Test Result Correction Rate (per 10,000 billable tests)

Order accuracy bears an obvious relationship to the quality of laboratory testing. When the laboratory fails to complete a requested test, the diagnostic evaluation is delayed, potentially extending a patient’s hospital stay and prolonging therapy.When the laboratory completes a test that was not requested, the cost of care increases, patients may be subjected to unnecessary phlebotomy, and laboratory efficiency declines.

Outpatient Order Entry Errors QT17

Objective Measure the incidence of incorrectly interpreted and entered outpatient physician test orders into the laboratory computer, compare performance across institutions, and track performance over time.

Data Collection On six pre-selected weekdays per month, eight outpatient requisitions or order sheets will be compared to the orders enteredinto the laboratory’s information system to determine if any order entry errors occurred. Order entry error categories include requesting physician error, incorrect, missing, and extra test errors, test priority errors, and non-routine routing request errors.Tests performed in transfusion medicine/blood bank or anatomic pathology are excluded.

Performance Indicators Performance Breakdown• Outpatient Order Entry Error Rate (%) • Breakdown of Error Types (%)• Order Entry Error Rates by Type (%)


Input forms for quarterly data collection will be sent to participants approximately three weeks prior to the quarter.


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30 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Appropriate collection and labeling of patient specimens are essential for accurate specimen analysis and reporting of test results. Mislabeling of blood bank specimens can result in catastrophic outcomes when incompatible red blood cells are transfused. Accrediting agencies, such as AABB and the CAP (TRM.30550, 30575), require monitoring of key specimen quality issues and demonstration of a system for continual process improvement. This Q-TRACKS monitor will allow you to compare your performance to your peers.

Specimen Acceptability in Blood Bank QT18

Objective Identify and characterize incorrectly collected and labeled blood specimens submitted to the blood bank for testing.

Data CollectionParticipants will provide weekly tallies of the total number of specimens submitted to the blood bank and the number of rejectedspecimens. The primary reason for specimen rejection will be reported, based on the following categories:

Performance Indicators

• Specimen Rejection Rate (%)• Breakdown of Rejection Reasons (%)

• Wrong collection container• Unlabeled specimen• Incompletely labeled specimen• Mislabeled specimen

• Requisition does not match specimen• Specimen hemolyzed• Specimen clotted• Insufficient specimen volume

• Duplicate specimen• Specimen with any suitability concerns later reported by caregivers

• Other reason for rejection (ie, broken specimen)


Input forms for quarterly data collection will be sent to participants approximately three weeks prior to the quarter.


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Objective Quantify the correlation between the findings of cervicovaginal cytology and corresponding histologic material.

Data CollectionOn a monthly basis, participants will record information on true-positive, false-positive, and false-negative cytology-biopsy correlations. False-negative correlations will be separated into four error categories. Participants will record the biopsy diagnoses for Pap tests with an interpretation of atypical squamous cells (ASC-US and ASC-H) or atypical glandular cells(AGC). This monitor includes patients for whom a cervical biopsy specimen is submitted to the laboratory and for whom a satisfactory or satisfactory but limited Pap test has been submitted within three months previous to the biopsy or at the time of the biopsy.

Performance Indicators • Predictive Value of Positive Cytology (%) • Sensitivity (%)• Screening/Interpretation Sensitivity (%) • Sampling Sensitivity (%)• Percent Positive for ASC-US Interpretations • Percent Positive for AGC Interpretations• Percent Positive for ASC-H Interpretations

The correlation of cervicovaginal cytology (Pap test) findings with cervical biopsy results has been a staple in the cytopathologylaboratory’s quality assurance program. By monitoring this correlation, the laboratory can identify potential problems that require improvement, thereby ensuring better patient results.

Gynecologic Cytology Outcomes: Biopsy Correlation Performance QT5

Q-TRACKS Anatomic Pathology Monitor

Input forms for quarterly data collection will be sent to participants approximately three weeks prior to the quarter.


College of American Pathologists

32 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center


Laboratory Management Index Program

Manage your laboratory more effectively with LMIP – The Laboratory Management IndexProgram (LMIP) is an effective fiscal management tool that provides you with a valuable peer com-parison of your laboratory’s performance. LMIP can assist you with the annual budget process,contract negotiations, and daily operations management.

With over 10 years of experience and the largest laboratory participant database, LMIP is the bestmanagement resource for health care professionals charged with decision-making responsibilities.Using management ratios as performance indicators, LMIP extends beyond traditional analysis ofproductivity and staffing to focus on the most important factors affecting laboratory performance:

• PPrroodduuccttiivviittyy –– How effectively are you using your laboratory personnel?

• UUtt iill iizzaattiioonn –– How do your test-ordering patterns compare to those of your peers?

• CCoosstt--eeffffeecctt iivveenneessss –– How efficiently are you using your supplies, equipment, and labor?

With LMIP’s statistically valid method of peer grouping (fingerprint clustering), you receive the mostmeaningful comparisons. These comparisons allow you, your colleagues, and your administrationto make informed and realistic decisions about staffing, budgets, and other performance targets.

Achieving quality test results involves more than just ensuring that tests are conducted properly. Understanding financial factors that drive laboratory processes enhances your confidence in themanagement decisions you make. Ultimately, these decisions will guide your organization to deliver superior patient care.


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The input items you will collect include:

� • Blood Expense • Outpatient Visits

� • Consumable Expense • Referred SBTs

� • Equipment Depreciation Expense • Referred SBT Expense

� • Equipment Maintenance and Repair Expense • Testing Labor Expense

� • Hospital Inpatient Days • Testing Paid Hours

� • Hospital Inpatient Discharges • Total Labor Expense

� • Inpatient SBTs • Total Laboratory Paid Hours

� • Nonpatient SBTs • Total Laboratory Worked Hours

� • On-Site SBTs • Total SBTs

� • Outpatient SBTs

The Standardized Billable Test (SBT) is the primary unit of measure for LMIP. The SBT is a method of standardizing test countsand eliminates billing, accounting, and interpretation variations to ensure valid comparisons are created.

The Laboratory Management Index Program (LMIP) input items are collected and analyzed quarterly to provide a report of your laboratory’s overall operations. The data collected is used to generate relevant management ratios that provide analysis of the productivity of personnel, laboratory policies and procedures, salary and other expenses, physician test utilization, and organizational benefits.

Laboratory Management Index Program LMB


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34 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center


The Integrated Knowledge SourceConsolidate proficiency testing, accreditation, and quality improvementdata for your entire organization into concise and actionable reports.

CAP LINKS is designed for multihospital systems, academic medical centers with numerous testinglocations, and national commercial reference laboratories. CAP LINKS provides a high-leveloverview useful in identifying improvement opportunities and demonstrating good QI performance.CAP LINKS data is accessed directly from the CAP laboratory improvement database. Therefore,no additional data submission is required. CAP LINKS is available for all of your CAP laboratoryimprovement programs, including:

• Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs and EXCEL®

� • Laboratory Accreditation Program� • Q-TRACKS Program� • LMIP – Laboratory Management Index Program

CAP LINKS has been enhanced to provide you the ability to do the following:• Download data and manipulate reports to accommodate your specific institution’s needs• Use e-mail to forward one or all reports to appropriate individuals for viewing• Designate viewing options to select individuals via the CAP Web site directly

� • Receive CAP LINKS reports more promptly via the Web—your printed reports will continue to be forwarded via regular mail

• Respond to exceptions in a timelier manner

The report package allows you to quickly see good performance and identify sites that may requirespecial attention, both at the laboratory level and at the system or corporate level.

Reports are generated on a quarterly basis and distributed by mail and via the Internet to an indi-vidual whom you designate as your system’s primary contact. Annually, your primary contact willreceive an overview of the system’s full-year performance for proficiency testing. Online reports aresecure and viewable by those individuals with granted viewing privileges.


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Accreditation reports recap inspection findings for each laboratory.

Quarterly reports summarize PT systemwide average results by discipline to allow for interlaboratorycomparisons.

Inspection Performance Overview by LaboratoryLaboratory Accreditation Program

Northwest Hospital System

Note: Includes inspection deficiency information used in the most recent accreditation decision

College of American Pathologists325 Waukegan Road, Northfield, Illinois 60093-2750800-323-4040 l www.cap.org

23451-01 05/25/2001 Laboratory 1 Cambridge, MA

23455-01 05/25/2001 Laboratory 2 Johnston, RI

23478-01 08/16/2001 Laboratory 3 Pittsburg, PA

Quality Management Tools Pricing Overview

Modules/Package Product Codes Price

Individual Clinical Pathology (CP) Monitors QT1, QT2, QT3, QT4, QT7, QT8, QT10, QT15, QT16, QT17, QT18 $940 each

Individual Anatomic Pathology (AP) Monitor QT5 $940 each

Combined CP/AP Module – Includes all 12 QT Monitors QTP $9,700

Clinical Pathology Module – Includes all 11 CP Monitors QTC $9,380

Patient Safety Module – Includes QT1, QT2, QT10, QT15, QT16, QT17 QTS $4,988

Modules/Package Product Codes Price

Individual QP Studies QP101, QP102, QP103, QP104 $395 each

All Four QP Studies PRO $1,424



Module Product Code Price


2010 Laboratory Management Index Program

36 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

College of American Pathologists

Quality Management Tools Pricing Overview

Combination Program Options Product Codes Surveys/EXCEL LAP Q-TRACKS LMIP Price

Option 1 IMR1 � � � � $2,800

Option 2 IMR2 � � $2,000

Option 3 IMR3 � � � $2,200

Option 4 IMR4 � � � $1,500Individual Program Options

Surveys/EXCEL IMRPT � $1,500

Laboratory Accreditation Program IMRLP � $800




Point of Care Testing4

Every number is a life.™







Point Of Care Testing

Every number is a life.™








The CAP—Your Partner in Quality Point of Care Testing

Laboratory testing may be performed in various areas within the hospital,including:

• Emergency department

• Critical care unit

• Neonatal unit

• Surgical department

• Respiratory therapy

• Patient rooms

Under CLIA, all laboratories performing testing of human specimens, regardlessof location, size, or type, must perform proficiency testing on CLIA-regulatedanalytes. For analytes not regulated under CLIA, the laboratory must stillestablish the accuracy and reliability of its test procedures at least twice a year.

The Benefits of CAP’s Point of Care Program

• Designed to help ensure that your test results are accurate and your patient istreated appropriately

• Offers a single comprehensive source

• Approved by CMS, JCAHO, and the CAP

• Distributes the highest quality specimens that resemble patient samples asclosely as possible

• Provides a tool to demonstrate training and competency

• Allows for interlaboratory comparison among similar facilities

Point of Care Programs

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 39

Point of Care Programs

Survey Name Product Code Page Number

Critical Care Aqueous Blood Gas AQ, AQ2 71

Blood Oximetry SO 72

Critical Care Aqueous Blood Gas and Oximetry

In many hospitals today, laboratory testing has shifted from the central main laboratory to inpatient rooms,emergency departments, and intensive care units. With this shift and the increased use of point of care instrumentswithin the hospital setting, we have developed this section to focus on point of care testing. This section is specificallydesigned to assist you in selecting the most appropriate proficiency testing products for individuals performing nearpatient and bedside testing in the hospital setting. For additional information about selecting the right products foryour institution, contact the CAP at 800-323-4040 option 1.

Please reference the following charts for the most appropriate proficiency testing module to meet your testing needs.

Survey Name Product Code Page Number

B-type Natriuretic Peptides BNP 48

Glycohemoglobin GH2 50

Limited Chemistry, Waived LCW 51

Neonatal Bilirubin NB/NB2 51

Plasma Cardiac Markers PCARM 51

Whole Blood Glucose WBG/WB2 52


Survey Name Product Code Page Number

Activated Clotting Time CT, CT1, CT2, CT3 127

Platelet Function PF1 127

Platelet Induced Aggregation PIA 129

Thromboelastogram TEG 128

Whole Blood D-dimer WBDD 129

Whole Blood Prothrombin Time/INR WP3, WP4, WP6,WP7, WP8, WP9 128


Point of Care Programs

College of American Pathologists

40 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Survey Name Product Code Page Number

Amniotic Fluid Leakage (Nitrazine test) AFL 115

Blood Cell Counts HE, HEP, FH series 109-110

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate ESR/ESR1 109

Gastric Occult Blood GOCB 117

Occult Blood OCB 117

Reticulocytes RT, RT2, RT3, RT4 112

Rupture of Fetal Membranes ROM 117

Urinalysis/Urine hCG qualitative/Clinical Microscopy CMP, CMMP 114

Waived Combination HCC 112

Hematology and Clinical Microscopy

Survey Name Product Code Page Number

Anti-HIV-1, waived RHIVW 170

Anti-HIV-1/2, waived AHIVW 169

Infectious Mononucleosis, waived IMW 153


Survey Name Product Code Page Number

Rapid A Strep Antigen Detection D6, D9 135


Survey Name Product Code Page Number

Urine Drug Screen UDS6 77


Point of Care Programs

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 41

The following listing has been created to assist you in selecting the most appropriate CAP Survey products to meet yourtesting needs. It is not intended to be construed as approval or disapproval of any product or instrument. Please contact aCAP Customer Contact Representative at 800-323-4040 option 1 or your instrument manufacturer for other compatibilityquestions. Select the compatible Survey for your instrument and cartridge from the charts.

Recommended CAP Survey

i-STAT Cartridge Survey Name Product Code Page Number

Blood Gas+ G3+ AQ 71

CG4+ AQ 71

EG6+ AQ 71

EG7+ AQ 71

CG8+ AQ2 71

Chemistry+ G AQ2 71

Crea AQ2 71

E3+ AQ2 71

EC4+ AQ2 71

6+ AQ2 71

EC8+ AQ2 71

CHEM8+ AQ2 71

Coagulation Celite ACT CT1 127Kaolin ACT CT1 127

PT/INR Whole Blood Coagulation WP3 128

Cardiac Markers CKMB PCARM 51


cTnl PCARM 51

Abbott Point of Care i-STAT®

Blood Gas+ Critical Care AqueousBlood Gas

Activated Clotting Time

Plasma Cardiac Markers

Critical Care AqueousBlood Gas


Cardiac Markers


Recommended CAP Survey

Biosite Cartridge Survey Name Product Code Page Number

Triage® Cardiac Panel PCARM 51

Triage BNP BNP, PCARM 48, 51

Triage CardioProfilER® BNP, PCARM 48, 51

Triage Profiler Shortness of Breath BNP, PCARM 48, 51

Triage TOX Drug Screen UDS, UDS6 77

Triage Drugs of Abuse Panel UDS, UDS6 77

Biosite®, Inc.

Plasma Cardiac Markers

B-type NatriureticPeptides, Plasma Cardiac


Urine Drug Screen

College of AmericanPathologists (CAP)Programs andResources

AccreditationOffers the "gold standard" forlaboratory accreditation

Proficiency TestingEnsures precision and confidencefor your lab

CAP 15189SM

Recognizes a sustainable QualityManagement System

EducationServes as a leading resource forinformation and education in the lab

Efficiency/Quality ToolsAllows more time for patient care

AdvocacyRepresents the interests of pathologistsin the government and regulatoryarenas and in the private sector

MembershipProvides valuable benefits andleadership for all laboratoryprofessionals

SNOMED TerminologySolutions™

Provides clinical and technicalconsultation services, education,and health information technology

What you do is more than justa job—it’s a mission!

Every day your work in the laboratory contributes70 to 80% of the information needed for precisediagnosis and personalized treatment. What youdo is more than just a job. It’s a mission. We know,because it’s our mission too!

For more than 60 years, the College of AmericanPathologists (CAP) has been the leader in globallaboratory quality assurance and education.We’re at the forefront of pathology, shaping itsfuture and ensuring the best care for patients andthe community. We are your source for the toolsyou need to be a leader in laboratory medicineand to ensure the highest quality patient care.

Join us in advancing excellence through dailyefforts that are innovative, accurate, andcompassionate. Together, it is our responsibility toensure laboratory quality and patient safety,because Every number is a life™.

General Chemistry andTherapeutic Drug Monitoring5

Every number is a life.™
















General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ..........................................................45Urine Chemistry ..............................................................................................................53Special Chemistry ............................................................................................................55

New Products

Urine Chemistry, Special, Additional Volume (NX)......................................................................54Oligoclonal Bands (OLI) ..........................................................................................................56Lamellar Body Count (LBC)........................................................................................................58Procalcitonin (PCT) ..................................................................................................................60Testosterone and Estradiol Accuracy Survey (ABS)......................................................................60

New Analyte Additions

Body Fluid Chemistry (FLD) ......................................................................................................55CA 19-9CEA

Analytes Not Offered for 2010

Chemistry (CZ, CZX, CZ2, CZ2X) ........................................................................................45-47Flecainide

General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drugs (Z) ......................................................................45-47Flecainide

Every number is a life.™5G
















General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 45

Product Information• Five 5.0-mL liquid serum


• Conventional andInternational System ofUnits (SI) reporting provided

• Three shipments per year

General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug MonitoringAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Alanine aminotransferase(ALT/SGPT) � � � 5

Albumin � � � 5

Alkaline phosphatase � � � 5

Amylase � � � 5

Aspartate aminotransferase(AST/SGOT) � � � 5

Bilirubin, direct � � � 5

Bilirubin, total � � � 5

Calcium � � � 5

Chloride � � � 5

Cholesterol � � � 5

Cortisol � � � 5

Creatine kinase (CK) � � � 5

Creatinine � � � 5

Glucose � � � 5

HDL cholesterol � � � 5

Human chorionicgonadotropin (hCG),quantitative � � � 5

Iron � � � 5

Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) � � � 5

LDL cholesterol � � � 5

Lipoprotein (a) � � � 5

Magnesium � � � 5

Potassium � � � 5

Protein, total � � � 5

Sodium � � � 5

T3, free (triiodothyronine, free) � � � 5

T3, total (triiodothyronine,total) � � � 5

T3, uptake and related tests � � � 5

General Chemistry and Therapeutic DrugsC1,C3/C3X, CZ/CZX/CZ2/CZ2X, Z

General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drugs Surveys do not fulfill the CAP accreditationrequirements for neonatal bilirubin proficiency testing. See the NB/NB2 Surveys on page 51.

Additional volume optionsC3X - General Chemistry withten 5.0-mL specimens and singlereporting

CZX - General Chemistry andTDM with ten 5.0-mL specimensand single reporting

CZ2 - General Chemistry andTDM with ten 5.0-mL specimensand double reporting

CZ2X - General Chemistryand TDM with fifteen 5.0-mLspecimens and double reporting

Continued on the next page

General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

College of American Pathologists

46 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


T4, free (thyroxine, free) � � � 5

T4, total (thyroxine, total) � � � 5

Thyroid-stimulatinghormone (TSH) � � � 5

Triglycerides � � � 5

Urea nitrogen (BUN) � � � 5

Uric acid � � � 5

Acid phosphatase � � 2

Ammonia � � 2

Apolipoprotein A1 � � 2

Apolipoprotein B � � 2

Calcium, ionized � � 2

Carbon dioxide � � 2

Ferritin � � 2

Gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) � � 2

Iron binding capacity, total(measured) � � 5

Iron binding capacity,unsaturated (measured) � � 5

Iron saturation (%) � � 5

Lactate � � 2

Lipase � � 2

Osmolality � � 2

Pancreatic amylase � � 2

Phosphorus (inorganic) � � 2

Prealbumin � � 2

Transferrin � � 5

Lithium � � � � 5

Acetaminophen � � 2

Amikacin � � 2

Caffeine � � 2

Carbamazepine � � 5

Carbamazepine, free � � 2

Digoxin � � 5

General Chemistry and Therapeutic DrugsC1,C3/C3X, CZ/CZX/CZ2/CZ2X, Z continued

General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drugs Surveys do not fulfill the CAP accreditationrequirements for neonatal bilirubin proficiency testing. See the NB/NB2 Surveys on page 51.

Product Information• Five 5.0-mL liquid serum


• Conventional andInternational System ofUnits (SI) reporting provided

• Three shipments per year

Additional volume optionsC3X - General Chemistry withten 5.0-mL specimens and singlereporting

CZX - General Chemistry andTDM with ten 5.0-mL specimensand single reporting

CZ2 - General Chemistry andTDM with ten 5.0-mL specimensand double reporting

CZ2X - General Chemistryand TDM with fifteen 5.0-mLspecimens and double reporting

Continued on the next page

General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 47

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Digoxin, free � � 2

Disopyramide � � 2

Ethosuximide � � 5

Gentamicin � � 5

Lidocaine � � 2

Methotrexate � � 2

N-acetylprocainamide(NAPA) � � 5

Phenobarbital � � 5

Phenytoin � � 5

Phenytoin, free � � 2

Primidone � � 5

Procainamide � � 5

Quinidine � � 5

Salicylate � � 2

Theophylline � � 5

Tobramycin � � 5

Valproic acid � � 5

Valproic acid, free � � 2

Vancomycin � � 5

General Chemistry and Therapeutic DrugsC1,C3/C3X, CZ/CZX/CZ2/CZ2X, Z continued

General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drugs Surveys do not fulfill the CAP accreditationrequirements for neonatal bilirubin proficiency testing. See the NB/NB2 Surveys onpage 51.

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Cyclosporine � 3

Sirolimus (Rapamycin) � 3

Tacrolimus � 3

AACC/CAP Immunosuppressive Drugs CS Product Information• Three 5.0-mL whole blood


• Two shipments per year

Product Information• Five 5.0-mL liquid serum


• Conventional andInternational System ofUnits (SI) reporting provided

• Three shipments per year

Additional volume optionsC3X - General Chemistry withten 5.0-mL specimens and singlereporting

CZX - General Chemistry andTDM with ten 5.0-mL specimensand single reporting

CZ2 - General Chemistry andTDM with ten 5.0-mL specimensand double reporting

CZ2X - General Chemistryand TDM with fifteen 5.0-mLspecimens and double reporting


PRICE (USD) $330 $387/ $510/579/ $294441 594/660

General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

College of American Pathologists

48 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Mycophenolic acid � 3

Mycophenolic Acid MPA Product Information• Three 5.0-mL lyophilized

serum specimens

• Two shipments per year

Product Information• ZT - Two 5.0-mL lyophilized

serum specimens

• ZZT - Four 5.0-mL lyophilizedserum specimens

• Three shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Amitriptyline � 1

Desipramine � 1

Imipramine � 1

Nortriptyline � 1

Tricyclics, total (qualitiative/quantitative) � 2

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Special ZT/ZZT

Product Information• Three 1.0-mL human serum


• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Apolipoprotein A1 � 3

Apolipoprotein B � 3

Cholesterol* � 3

HDL cholesterol* � 3

LDL cholesterol � 3

Lipoprotein (a) � 3

Triglycerides* � 3

Accuracy Based Lipids ABL

*Evaluated against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reference method

Product Information• Two 1.0-mL liquid plasma


• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


BNP � 2

NT-pro BNP � 2

B-type Natriuretic Peptides BNP

PRICE (USD) $210

PRICE (USD) $564

PRICE (USD) $519/720

PRICE (USD) $426

General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 49

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Creatine kinase (CK) � � � � 5

CK-MB, immunochemical � � � � 5

CK isoenzymes (CK-BB,CK-MB, CK-MM), electrophoretic � � 5

Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) � � � � 5

LD1, LD2, LD3, LD4, LD5,electrophoretic � � 5

LD1/LD2 ratio, calculationand interpretation � � 5

Myoglobin � � � 2

Troponin I � � � 2

Troponin T � � � 2

Cardiac Markers CARM, TRP, CRT, CARMI, CRTI Product Information• CARM, CRT, CARMI - Five

2.0-mL liquid serumspecimens

• CRTI - Seven 2.0-mL liquidserum specimens

• TRP - Two 2.0- liquid serumspecimens

• Three shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Albumin � 1

Bilirubin � 1

Chloride � 1

Cortisol � 1

Creatinine � 1

Glucose � 1

Iron � 1

Magnesium � 1

Phosphorus � 1

Potassium � 1

Protein, total � 1

Sodium � 1

T4, total (thyroxine, total) � 1

Urea nitrogen (BUN) � 1

Uric acid � 1

Commutable Frozen Serum CFS Product Information• One 10.0-mL human serum


• A table of the referencemeasurement procedures andassigned values is provided toestablish traceability ofanalytical measurementsystems

• Order at any time during theyear (ships the firstMonday of each month)

PRICE (USD) $200

This material was prepared using a slightly modified CLSI C37-A preparation protocal. Valuesfor 15 measurements have been assigned using reference measurement procedures.

PRICE (USD) $219 $234 $282 $324 $381

General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

College of American Pathologists

50 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Glycohemoglobin (HbA1c) � 3

Glycohemoglobin GH2 Product Information• Three 0.8-mL liquid human

whole blood specimens

• Two shipments per year

Evaluated against the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP) referencemethod

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


High-sensitivity/Cardiac C-reactiveprotein � 3

High-Sensitivity/Cardiac C-reactive Protein hsCRP Product Information• Three 0.5-mL liquid serum


• Two shipments per year

Includes confimatory results based upon the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)reference method

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Homocysteine � 3

Homocysteine HMS Product Information• Three 1.0-mL serum


• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Beta-hydroxybutyrate � 2

Total ketones � 2

Ketones KET Product Information• Two 2.0-mL serum specimens

• For use with Acetest® andother qualitative/semi-quantitative methods usingthe nitroprusside reaction

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $212

PRICE (USD) $270

PRICE (USD) $274

PRICE (USD) $212

General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 51

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) � 3Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) � 3Cholesterol � 3Glucose � 3HDL cholesterol � 3LDL cholesterol � 3Triglycerides � 3

Limited Chemistry, Waived LCW Product Information• Three 2.0-mL liquid serum


• For use with waived methodssuch as the Cholestech LDX®

and Roche ACCU-CHEK®

Instant Plus

• The glucose specimens are notappropriate for use on otherwhole blood glucose meters

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Challenges/Shipment

Product Code


Bilirubin, direct 2 2

Bilirubin, total 5 2

Neonatal Bilirubin NB, NB2 Product Information• NB - Five 2.0-mL human

serum specimens; threeshipments per year

• NB2 - Two 2.0-mL humanserum specimens; must beordered in conjunctionwith a five-challenge totalbilirubin proficiency testingproduct in order to meetregulatory requirements;two shipments per year

One human-based serum specimen will be evaluated against the value assigned using thereference method procedure (Clin Chem.1985;31:1779-1789).

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


BNP � 2CK-MB � 5D-dimer � 2Myoglobin � 2Troponin I � 2

Plasma Cardiac Markers PCARM Product Information• Five 1.0-mL liquid EDTA

plasma specimens

• For use with the BioSiteTriage®, i-STAT®, andResponse Biomedical RAMP®

Cardiac Markers Systemonly

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $186

PRICE (USD) $204 $154

PRICE (USD) $255

General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

College of American Pathologists

52 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Glucose � 2

Hemoglobin � 2

Waived Combination HCC Product Information• Two 1.0-mL whole blood


• For use with the HemoCue®

and Stanbio HemoPoint® H2instruments

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Challenges/Shipment

Product Code


Glucose 5 3

Whole Blood Glucose WBG, WB2 Product Information• WBG - Five 2.5-mL whole

blood specimens; threeshipments per year

• WB2 - Three 2.5-mL wholeblood specimens; twoshipments per year

• Report up to 20 differentancillary testing sites orinstruments

PRICE (USD) $154

PRICE (USD) $285 $192

Improve the reliability of your patient results with CAP Survey Validated MaterialUse the same material that is sent in the Surveys Program to:

• Identify and troubleshoot instrument/method problems• Correlate results with other laboratories or instruments• Document correction of problems as identified in Surveys• Utilize as an alternative external quality control material with confirmed results• Identify potential proficiency testing failures

Results are readily available in the Survey Participant Summary that is included with each Survey Evaluation Report.

General Chemistry and TDM, Validated MaterialValidated Material Validated Material Code Corresponding Survey

Chemistry/TDM VM CZVM CZPRICE (USD) $420

Urine Chemistry

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 53

Urine ChemistryAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Amylase � 3

Calcium � 3Chloride � 3Creatinine � 3Glucose � 3

Magnesium � 3Nitrogen, total � 3Osmolality � 3Phosphorus � 3Potassium � 3Protein, total � 3Sodium � 3Urea nitrogen � 3Uric acid � 3Urine albumin (quantitative) � 3Urine albumin:creatinine ratio � 3

Urine Chemistry, General U Product Information• Six 15.0-mL urine specimens

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $298

Urine Chemistry

College of American Pathologists

54 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Myoglobin, urine (qualitative andquantitative) � 2

Myoglobin, Urine MYG Product Information• Two 1.0-mL urine specimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


3-Methoxytyramines � 35-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid � 317-Hydroxycorticosteroids � 317-Ketosteroids � 3Aldosterone � 3Coproporphyrins � 3Cortisol, urinary free � 3Dopamine � 3Epinephrine � 3Homovanillic acid � 3Metanephrine � 3Norepinephrine � 3Normetanephrine � 3Uroporphyrin � 3

Vanillylmandelic acid � 3

Urine Chemistry, Special N/NX Product Information• N - Six 10.0-mL lyophilized

urine specimens

• NX - All N Survey specimensin duplicate

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $580/610

PRICE (USD) $292

Urine Chemistry, Validated MaterialValidated Material Validated Material Code Corresponding Survey

Urine Chemistry (Special) VM NVM N/NX

Urine Chemistry (General) VM UVM U

Improve the reliability of your patient results with CAP Survey Validated MaterialUse the same material that is sent in the Surveys Program to:

• Identify and troubleshoot instrument/method problems• Correlate results with other laboratories or instruments• Document correction of problems as identified in Surveys• Utilize as an alternative external quality control material with confirmed results• Identify potential proficiency testing failures

Results are readily available in the Survey Participant Summary that is included with each Survey Evaluation Report.

PRICE (USD) $464/240

Special Chemistry

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 55

Special ChemistryAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Aldolase � 2

Aldolase ADL Product Information• Two 1.5-mL liquid serum


• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Angiotensin converting enzyme(quantitative) � 2

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme ACE Product Information• Two 2.0-mL lyophilized serum


• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Albumin � 3Amylase � 3CA19-9 � 1CEA � 1Cholesterol � 3Creatinine � 3Glucose � 3Lactate � 3Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) � 3pH � 3Protein, total � 3Triglycerides � 3Urea � 1 per year

Body Fluid FLD Product Information• Three 3.0-mL simulated liquid

body fluid specimens

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $534

PRICE (USD) $284

PRICE (USD) $308

Special Chemistry

College of American Pathologists

56 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Beta-2-microglobulin, urine � 3Cadmium, urine � 3Cadmium, whole blood � 3Creatinine, urine � 3

Cadmium CD Product Information• Three 5.0-mL whole blood

specimens and three 15.0-mLurine specimens

• Six shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Albumin, quantitative � � 3Electrophoresis (albuminand gamma globulin) � � 3Glucose � � 3IgG, quantitative � � 3Lactate � � 3Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) � � 3Protein, total � � 3Oligoclonal bands � 3

Cerebrospinal Fluid Chemistry andOligoclonal Bands M, OLI

Product Information• M - Three 5.0-mL simulated

liquid spinal fluid specimens

• OLI - Three 5.0-mL simulatedliquid spinal fluid specimensand three paired serumspecimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Cystatin C � 2

Cystatin C CYS Product Information• Two 1.0-mL liquid serum


• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Fecal fat, qualitative � 2

Fecal Fat FCFS Product Information• Two 10.0-g simulated fecal

fat specimens

• For microscopic detection ofneutral fats (triglycerides)and/or split fats (total freefatty acids)

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $1572

PRICE (USD) $344

PRICE (USD) $264

Meets the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA) requirements for proficiencytesting [OSHA standard-29 CFR 1910.1027AppF]

PRICE (USD) $398 $498

Special Chemistry

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 57

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Fructosamine � 2

Fructosamine FT Product Information• Two 1.0-mL liquid serum


• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


G6PD (qualitative and quantitative) � 2

Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase G6PDS Product Information• Two 0.5-mL lyophilized

hemolysate samples

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase(Lp-PLA2) � 2

Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase PLA Product Information• Two 0.5-mL liquid specimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Lipoprotein electrophoresis � 2

IgA, quantitation � 2

IgG, quantitation � 2

IgM, quantitation � 2

M-Protein (Paraprotein)identification � 2

Protein, total � 2

Protein electrophoresis � 2

Protein electrophoresis patterninterpretation � 2

Urine Bence Jones proteins � 2

Lipoprotein and Protein ElectrophoresisLPE, SPE, UBJP

Product Information• LPE - Two 1.0-mL liquid serum


• SPE - Two 1.0-mL lyophilizedserum specimens

• UBJP - Two 10.0-mL urinespecimens

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $148

PRICE (USD) $276

PRICE (USD) $440

PRICE (USD) $188 $162 $260

Special Chemistry

College of American Pathologists

58 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Bilirubin (∆OD450) � 1Fluorescent polarization assay � � 3Lecithin:sphingomyelin (L:S) ratio � � 3Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) � � 3

Lung Maturity LM, LM1 Product Information• LM - Three 5.0-mL simulated

liquid aminotic fluidspecimens

• LM1 - Four 5.0-mL simulatedliquid amniotic fluidspecimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Plasma hemoglobin � 2

Plasma Hemoglobin PHG Product Information• Two 2.0-mL liquid specimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Pseudocholinesterase � 1

Pseudocholinesterase C7 Product Information• One 2.0-mL lyophilized

serum specimen

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $262 $310

PRICE (USD) $260

PRICE (USD) $177

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Lamellar body count � 3

Lamellar Body Count LBC

PRICE (USD) $330

Product Information• Three 2.0-mL simulated liquid

amniotic fluid specimens

• For use with LBC methodsperformed on all hematologyanalyzers

• Two shipments per year


Special Chemistry

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 59

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Aluminum � 3

Chromium � 3

Copper � 3

Manganese � 3

Selenium � 3

Zinc � 3

Trace Metals R Product Information• Three 5.0-mL liquid serum


• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Chloride � 3

Conductivity � 3

Osmolality � 3

Sodium � 3

Sweat Analysis Series SW1/SW2/SW3/SW4 Product Information• Three 5.0-mL simulated liquid

human sweat specimens

• Two shipments per year

For method compatibility, see chart below.

Method/Procedure Product Code Materials Included


Orion direct electrode �

Wescor macroduct &nanoduct �

CF indicator system �

All other methodologies �

Compatibility Matrix for Sweat Analysis Series

Precut 2-cm diameterWhatman filter papers

22-gauge blunt-tippedneedles

Polystyrene boats andchloride-free sponges

No additionalmaterials provided

PRICE (USD) $332

PRICE (USD) $296/296/296/296

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Viscosity � 2

Viscosity V Product Information• Two 10.0-mL serum


• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $232

Special Chemistry

College of American Pathologists

60 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Product Information• Four 1.0-mL human serum


• One shipment per yearAnalyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Calcium � 4

Cortisol � 4

Estradiol � 4

Testosterone � 4

Thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH) � 4

Testosterone and Estradiol Accuracy SurveyABS

PRICE (USD) $450

Additional Information• Reference method values for testosterone and estradiol will be established byreference measurements procedures at the Centers for Disease Control andPrevention.

• Calcium, cortisol, and TSH will be peer grouped to determine the degree ofharmonization in the field.

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Procalcitonin � 3

Product Information• Three 1.0-mL lyophilized

serum specimens

• For use with the Brahmsassay

• Two shipments per year


Improve the reliability of your patient results with CAP Survey Validated MaterialUse the same material that is sent in the Surveys Program to:

• Identify and troubleshoot instrument/method problems• Correlate results with other laboratories or instruments• Document correction of problems as identified in Surveys• Utilize as an alternative external quality control material with confirmed results• Identify potential proficiency testing failures

Results are readily available in the Survey Participant Summary that is included with each Survey Evaluation Report.

Special Chemistry, Validated MaterialValidated Material Validated Material Code Corresponding Survey

Cerebrospinal Fluid VM MVM M

PRICE (USD) $600

Procalcitonin PCTNew

PRICE (USD) $320


Every number is a life.™



Endocrinology ................................................................................................................63Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ..........................................................See page 45 in Section 5

Every number is a life.™



2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 63

Product Information• K - Five 5.0-mL liquid serumspecimens; two 5.0-mLlyophilized serum specimensfor PSA assays

• KK - All K Survey specimensin duplicate

• Conventional andInternational System ofUnits (SI) reporting available

• Three shipments per year

EndocrinologyAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) � 5

CEA � 3

Cortisol � 5

Ferritin � 3

Folate, serum � 3

hCG, quantitative � 5

IgE � 5

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) � 2

Prostate-specific antigen,complexed (cPSA) � 2

Prostate-specific antigen, free � 2

Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) � 3

T3, free (triiodothyronine, free) � 3

T3, total (triiodothyronine, total) � 5

T3 uptake and related tests � 5

T4, free (thyroxine, free) � 5

T4, total (thyroxine, total) � 5

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) � 5

Vitamin B12 � 3

Ligand Assay, General K/KK

PRICE (USD) $465/636


College of American Pathologists

64 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


11-Deoxycortisol � 3

17-Hydroxyprogesterone � 3

Androstenedione � 3

DHEA sulfate � 3

Estradiol � 3

Estriol, unconjugated (uE3) � 3

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) � 3

Growth hormone (GH) � 3

IGF-1 (Somatomedin C) � 3

Luteinizing hormone (LH) � 3

Progesterone � 3

Prolactin � 3

Testosterone � 3

Testosterone, bioavailable � 3

Testosterone, free � 3

Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) � 3

Ligand Assay, Special Y/YY, DY Product Information• Y - Six 5.0-mL liquid serumspecimens (two duplicate sets)

• YY - Nine 5.0-mL liquidserum specimens (threeduplicate sets)

• DY - Must be ordered inconjunction with SurveysY or YY

• Conventional andInternational System ofUnits (SI) reporting available

• Two shipments per year

Product Information• Two 1.0-mL liquid plasmaspecimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


BNP � 2

NT-pro BNP � 2

B-type Natriuretic Peptides BNP

Product Information• Two 5.0-mL liquid serumspecimens

• Conventional andInternational System ofUnits (SI) reporting available

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


25-OH Vitamin D � 2

IGF-1 (Somatomedin) � 2

Osteocalcin � 2

Bone and Growth BGS

PRICE (USD) $390/486 $86

PRICE (USD) $210

PRICE (USD) $512


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 65

Product Information• Two 2.0-mL lyophilizedhuman urine specimens

• Conventional andInternational System ofUnits (SI) reporting available

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


C-Telopeptide (CTx) � 2

Creatinine � 2

Deoxypyridinoline (DPD) � 2

N-Telopeptide (NTx) � 2

Pyridinoline (PYD) � 2

Bone and Mineral Metabolism, Urine BU

Product Information• Two 1.5-mL serum specimens

• Two shipments per yearAnalyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Erythropoietin � 2

Erythropoietin EPO

Product Information• Two 1.2-mL specimens

• Two shipments per yearAnalyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Fetal fibronectin � 2

Fetal Fibronectin FF

Product Information• Three 5.0-mL lyophilizedserum specimens

• Conventional andInternational System ofUnits (SI) reporting available

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


C-Peptide � 3

Gastrin � 3

Insulin � 3

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) � 3

Insulin, Gastrin, C-Peptide, and PTH Assays ING

PRICE (USD) $484

PRICE (USD) $326

PRICE (USD) $416

PRICE (USD) $176


College of American Pathologists

66 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Product Information• FP - Five 1.0-mL liquid serumspecimens; two 1.0-mLsimulated amniotic fluidspecimens

• FPX - All FP Survey serumspecimens in duplicate; two1.0-mL simulated amnioticfluid specimens

• Three shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), serum � 5

Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), amniotic fluid � 2

Dimeric inhibin A (DIA) � 5

Estriol, unconjugated (uE3) � 5

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG),quantitiative � 5

Maternal Screening FP/FPX

Designed for laboratories utilizing AFP and hCG for prenatal screening purposes only.For all other applications, refer to the Ligand Assay Survey, page 63.

Includes testing for CYP2C19, CYP2C9, CYP2D6, UGT1A1, and VKORC1 as well as interpretivechallenges for each allele

Product Information• Two 25.0-µg specimens ofextracted DNA

• Two shipments per year

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Allele detection � 2

Pharmacogenetics PGx

Product Information• Two 2.0-mL whole bloodspecimens

• Three shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


RBC folate � 2

RBC Folate FOL

Product Information• Three 2.0-mL lyophilizedplasma specimens

• Conventional andInternational System ofUnits (SI) reporting available

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Aldosterone � 3

Renin � 3

Renin and Aldosterone RAP

PRICE (USD) $702/801

PRICE (USD) $982

PRICE (USD) $228

PRICE (USD) $212


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 67

Product Information• TM - Three 3.0-mL liquidserum specimens

• TMX - All TM Surveyspecimens in duplicate

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) � 3

Beta-2-microglobulin � 3

CA 15-3 � 3

CA 19-9 � 3

CA 27.29 � 3

CA 72-4 � 3

CA 125 � 3

Calcitonin � 3

Interleukin-2 receptor (Soluble IL-2) � 3

Thyroglobulin � 3

Tumor Markers TM/TMX

PRICE (USD) $518/602

Improve the reliability of your patient results with CAP Survey Validated MaterialUse the same material that is sent in the Surveys Program to:

• Identify and troubleshoot instrument/method problems• Correlate results with other laboratories or instruments• Document correction of problems as identified in Surveys• Utilize as an alternative external quality control material with confirmed results• Identify potential proficiency testing failures

Results are readily available in the Survey Participant Summary that is included with each Survey Evaluation Report.

Endocrinology, Validated Material

Validated Material Validated Material Code Corresponding Survey

Ligands (General) VM KVM K

Ligands (Special) VM YVM YPRICE (USD) $453/344

Log in to e-LAB Solutions todiscover these benefits:

For Proficiency Testing:• Reduce clerical errors with pre-populated forms with drop-downinstrument, reagent, and method selections

• Correct clerical errors due to scanning or faxing prior to evaluationand avoid unnecessary PT failures

• E-mail notifications if the CAP has not received your data

• Receive your evaluation up to 10 days sooner online

• Access proficiency testing images online

• Take a quick look across your laboratory’s performance up to sixmailings

• Check out My PT Shipping Calendar, your customized shippingcalendar

For Laboratory Accreditation Program:• Electronically submit an application/reapplication to theaccreditation program

• Update activity menus when changes are made to ensure the mostcurrent and accurate information is communicated to CAP, CMS,and Inspectors

• Maintain demographic information on personnel, licensure, changein directorship or location, etc. throughout the accreditation cycle

• Download Master and Custom Checklists—your self-inspection,inspection, or CAP current/full set checklists

• Access the Laboratory Data Report, a comprehensive report showingdemographic information about your laboratory, test menu andpersonnel

• View deficiency reports from your current and previous inspections

• Create reports including the Laboratory Activity Menu withProficiency Testing Options, to aid in accurate proficiencytesting enrollment and options

To create an account or tolog in, go to www.cap.org.

e-LAB Solutionsprovides up-to-datelaboratoryinformation at yourfingertips.

Watch formore excitingenhancementsin 2010.




. . . . . . . . . . .









Blood Gas, Critical Care, andOximetry7

Every number is a life.™











Blood Gas, Critical Care, and Oximetry

Discontinued 2009 Products

Critical Care Aqueous and Fluorocarbon Blood Gas (O)Critical Care Aqueous and Fluorocarbon Blood Gas (Q)

Every number is a life.™














Blood Gas, Critical Care, and Oximetry

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 71

Product Information• Ten 2.5-mL aqueousspecimens (two duplicatesets)

• Ten 2.5-mL specimens forhematocrit testing (twoduplicate sets)

• Second instrument reportingavailable

• Three shipments per year

Blood Gas, Critical Care, and OximetryAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Calcium, ionized � � 2

Chloride � � 5

Hematocrit � � 5

Hemoglobin, estimated � � 5

Lactate � � 2

Magnesium, ionized � � 2

PCO2 � � 5

pH � � 5

PO2 � � 5

Potassium � � 5

Sodium � � 5

tCO2 � � 5

Creatinine � 5

Glucose � 5

Urea nitrogen (BUN) � 5

Critical Care Aqueous Blood Gas AQ, AQ2

PRICE (USD) $462 $534

Blood Gas, Critical Care, and Oximetry

College of American Pathologists

72 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Carboxyhemoglobin � 5

Hematocrit, estimated � 5

Hemoglobin, total � 5

Methemoglobin � 5

Oxyhemoglobin � 5

Blood Oximetry SO Product Information• Five 1.7-mL stabilizedhuman hemoglobin solutionspecimens

• Second instrument reportingavailable

• Three shipments per year

Not compatible with the Oxicom-2000, -2100, or -3000 whole blood oximeters

PRICE (USD) $393


Every number is a life.™



New Analyte Additions

Toxicology (T) ..........................................................................................................................75ButalbitalCarbamazepine-10,11-epoxideDesalkylflurazepamDuloxetineMethylphenidateMetoprololNorcyclobenzaprinePropranololNortrimipramineO-desmethyltramadol

Urine Toxicology (UT) ..............................................................................................................75DesalkylflurazepamDuloxetineMethylphenidateMetoprololPropramololTrimipramineNortrimipramineO-desmethyltramadol

AACC/CAP Alcohol/Volatiles (AL1, AL2) ..................................................................................79Ethylene Glycol

Every number is a life.™



2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 75

Product Information• A total of five specimensconsisting of 20.0-mLlyophilized serum and50.0-mL liquid urinespecimens

• For laboratories performingqualitative and quantitativedrug analysis withconfirmation testing

• Three shipments per year

ToxicologyAnalytes/procedures in bboolldd type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Toxicology T

PRICE (USD) $678

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


See drug listing on page 76 � 5

Urine Toxicology UT Product Information• Five 50.0-mL liquid urine specimens

• For laboratories performing qualitative drug analysis with confirmation testing

• Three shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $567

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


See drug listing on page 76 � 5


College of American Pathologists

76 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center





Alpha hydroxyalpra-







Amphetamine group


Barbiturate group

Benzodiazepine group






















Delta-9-THC (serum only)













Ecgonine methyl ester



Ethylene glycol















Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)




Methadone metabolite (EDDP)



Methylenedioxyam- phetamine (MDA)

Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA)





















Opiate group


























Tricyclic group


Valproic acid


T, UT Drug Listing

Product Information• UDS - Five 10.0-mL liquid urine specimens; three shipments per year

• UDS6 - Three 10.0-mL liquid urine specimens; two shipments per year

• For laboratories performing immunoassay or other non-confirmation methods

• Each shipment will include a copy of the AACC quarterly newsletter, Clinical & Forensic Toxicology News


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 77

Analyte Product Code



Acetaminophen 5 3

Amphetamine 5 3

Amphetamine/methamphetamine group 5 3

Barbiturate group 5 3

Benzodiazepine group 5 3

Benzoylecgonine/cocaine metabolites 5 3

Buprenorphine 5 3

Delta-9-THC-COOH 5 3

Ethanol 5 3

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) 5 3

Methadone 5 3

Methadone metabolite (EDDP) 5 3

Methaqualone 5 3

Methamphetamine 5 3

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) 5 3

Opiate group 5 3

Oxycodone 5 3

Phencyclidine 5 3

Propoxyphene 5 3

Tricyclic group 5 3

AACC/CAP Urine Drug Testing, Screening UDS, UDS6


PRICE (USD) $393 $270


College of American Pathologists

78 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


6-Monoacetylmorphine � 10

Alpha-hydroxyalprazolam � 10

Amphetamine � 10

Benzoylecgonine � 10

Buprenorphine � 10

Butalbital � 10

Codeine � 10

Creatinine � 10

Delta-9-THC-COOH � 10

Hydrocodone � 10

Hydromorphone � 10

Lorazepam � 10

Methadone � 10

Methadone metabolite (EDDP) � 10

Methamphetamine � 10

Methaqualone � 10

Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) � 10

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) � 10

Morphine � 10

Nordiazepam � 10

Norpropoxyphene � 10

Oxazepam � 10

Oxycodone � 10

Oxymorphone � 10

pH � 10

Phencyclidine � 10

Phenobarbital � 10

Propoxyphene � 10

Secobarbital � 10

Specific gravity � 10

Temazepam � 10

Product Information• Ten 50.0-mL liquid urine


• For laboratories performingdrug screening, confirmatoryand adulteration testingincluding quantitation

• Each shipment will include acopy of the AACC quarterlynewsletter, Clinical & ForensicToxicology News

• Participants successfullypassing three consecutivequarterly UDC Surveys areeligible to apply for the CAPForensic Drug TestingAccreditation Program

• Four shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $1196


AACC/CAP Forensic Urine Drug Testing,Confirmatory UDC


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 79

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Acetaminophen (quantitative and qualitative) � 3

Acetone (semi-quantitative and qualitative) � 3

Barbiturate Group (qualitative) � 3

Benzodiazepine Group (qualitative) � 3

Salicylate (quantitative and qualitative) � 3

Total tricyclic antidepressants (qualitative) � 3

Serum Drug Screening SDS Product Information• Three 2.0-mL serum specimens

• For laboratories performing immunoassay or other non-confirmatory methods

• Two shipments per year

Product Information• AL1 - Five 5.0-mL liquid whole blood specimens

• AL2 - Five 2.0-mL liquid serum specimens

• For quantitative methods only

• Three shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment

AL1* AL2Whole Blood Serum

Acetone � � 5

EEtthhaannooll � � 5

Ethylene glycol � � 5

Isopropanol � � 5

Methanol � � 5

*Survey AL1 is approved by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board/Proficiency Review Committee (ASCLD/LAB/PRC).

Meets the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for proficiencytesting [OSHA lead standards-29 CFR 1910.1025(j)(C)(iii)]

Product Information• Five 6.0-mL liquid non-human whole blood specimens

• Three shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


LLeeaadd � 5

AACC/CAP Blood Lead BL



PRICE (USD) $284

PRICE (USD) $324 $324

PRICE (USD) $633

AACC/CAP Alcohol/Ethylene Glycol/VolatilesAL1*, AL2


College of American Pathologists

80 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Beta-2-microglobulin, urine � 3

Cadmium, urine � 3

Cadmium, whole blood � 3

Creatinine, urine � 3

Cadmium CD Product Information• Three 5.0-mL whole blood specimens and three 15.0-mL urine specimens

• Six shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $1,572

Meets the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for proficiency testing [OSHA standard-29 CFR 1910.1027AppF]


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 81

Survey FTC is approved by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board/Proficiency Review Committee (ASCLD/LAB/PRC).

Product Information• Three 20.0-mL lyophilized whole blood specimens and one 50.0-mL lyophilized urinespecimen

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


See drug listing below � 4

Whole Blood Forensic Toxicology FTC

6-Monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM)




















Diphenylhydantoin (phenytoin)


Ecgonine methyl ester





Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB)






Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)




Methadone metabolite (EDDP)


Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA)

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)






















*and/or metabolite(s)

FTC Drug Listing

PRICE (USD) $1060


College of American Pathologists

82 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Toxicology, Validated MaterialValidated Material Validated Material Code Corresponding Survey

AACC/CAP Alcohol/Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles VM AL2M AL2

Blood Lead VM BLM BL

Urine Drug Testing (Screening) VM UDSM UDS

Improve the reliability of your patient results with CAP Survey Validated MaterialUse the same material that is sent in the Surveys Program to:

• Identify and troubleshoot instrument/method problems• Correlate results with other laboratories or instruments• Document correction of problems as identified in Surveys• Utilize as an alternative external quality control material with confirmed results• Identify potential proficiency testing failures

Results are readily available in the Survey Participant Summary that is included with each Survey Evaluation Report.

PRICE (USD) $261/510/318

Accuracy Based Surveys9

Every number is a life.™








Accuracy Based Surveys

New Products

Testosterone and Estradiol Accuracy Survey (ABS)......................................................................87

New Analyte Additions

Creatinine Accuracy Calibration Verification/Linearity (LN24) ....................................................85Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (e-GFR)

Every number is a life.™









Accuracy Based Surveys

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 85

Product Information• Three 1.0-mL human serumspecimens

• Two shipments per year

Accuracy Based SurveysAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Apolipoprotein A1 � 3

Apolipoprotein B � 3

Cholesterol* � 3

HDL cholesterol* � 3

LDL cholesterol � 3

Lipoprotein (a) � 3

Triglycerides* � 3

Accuracy Based Lipids ABL

Product Information• Six 1.0-mL human serumspecimens

• Creatinine value range:0.5 to 4.0-mg/dL

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code


Creatinine �

Estimated glomerular filtration rate (e-GFR) �

Creatinine Accuracy CalibrationVerification/Linearity LN24

*Evaluated against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reference method

Evaluated against the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP) referencemethod

Product Information• Three 0.8-mL liquid humanwhole blood specimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Glycohemoglobin (HbA1c) � 3

Glycohemoglobin GH2

Additional Information

The College of American Pathologists and the National Kidney Disease EducationProgram have an initiative to produce a gold standard to harmonize clinicallyreported creatinine values. This initiative is analogous to what the federal healthagencies and the clinical laboratory community did to improve the accuracy ofcholesterol and glycohemoglobin testing.

PRICE (USD) $426

PRICE (USD) $400

PRICE (USD) $212

Accuracy Based Surveys

College of American Pathologists

86 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Challenges/Shipment

Product Code


Bilirubin, direct 2 2

Bilirubin, total 5 2

Neonatal Bilirubin NB/NB2 Product Information• NB - Five 2.0-mL humanserum specimens; threeshipments per year

• NB2 - Two 2.0-mL humanserum specimens; must beordered in conjunctionwith a five-challenge totalbilirubin proficiency testingproduct in order to meetregulatory requirements;two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Albumin � 1

Bilirubin � 1

Chloride � 1

Cortisol � 1

Creatinine � 1

Glucose � 1

Iron � 1

Magnesium � 1

Phosphorus � 1

Potassium � 1

Protein, total � 1

Sodium � 1

T4, total (thyroxine, total) � 1

Urea nitrogen (BUN) � 1

Uric acid � 1

Commutable Frozen Serum CFS Product Information• One 10.0-mL human serumspecimen

• A table of the referencemeasurement procedures andassigned values is provided toestablish traceability ofanalytical measurementsystems

• Order at any time duringthe year (ships the firstMonday of each month)

This material was prepared using a slightly modified CLSI C37-A preparation protocol. Valuesfor 15 measurements have been assigned using reference measurement procedures.

One human serum specimen will be evaluated against the value assigned using the referencemethod procedure (Clin Chem. 1985;31:1779-1789).

PRICE (USD) $204 $154

PRICE (USD) $200

Accuracy Based Surveys

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 87

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Calcium � 4

Cortisol � 4

Estradiol � 4

Testosterone � 4

Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) � 4

Testosterone and Estradiol Accuracy Survey ABS Product Information• Four 1.0-mL human serumspecimens

• One shipment per year

Additional information

• Reference method values for testosterone and estradiol will be established by referencemeasurements procedures at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

• Calcium, cortisol, and TSH data will be provided by peer groups to determine thedegree of harmonization in the field.


PRICE (USD) $450

College of American Pathologists

88 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Validated Materials

Validated Material Validated Material Code Corresponding Survey

Chemistry/TDM VM CZVM CZ

Cerebrospinal Fluid VM MVM M

Urine Chemistry (Special) VM NVM N/NX

Urine Chemistry (General) VM UVM U

Chemistry, Validated Material

Validated Material Validated Material Code Corresponding Survey

Coagulation VM (Comprehensive) CGM CGL

Coagulation, Validated Material

Validated Material Validated Material Code Corresponding Survey

ACMG/CAP Cytogenetics VM CYM CY

Cytogenetics, Validated Material

Validated Material Validated Material Code Corresponding Survey

Ligands (General) VM KVM K

Ligands (Special) VM YVM Y

Endocrinology, Validated Material

Validated Material Validated Material Code Corresponding Survey

AACC/CAP Serum Alcohol/Volatiles VM AL2M AL2

Blood Lead VM BLM BL

Urine Drug Testing (Screening) VM UDSM UDS

Toxicology, Validated Material

Validated Material Validated Material Code Corresponding Survey

TDM Calibration Verification/Linearity VM LDM LN3

Ligand Assay Calibration Verification/Linearity VM LLM LN5

Chemistry/Lipid/Enzyme Calibration Verification/ LN2ERVM LN2ERLinearity Extended Range VM

Urine Chemistry Calibration/Verification Linearity VM LUM LN6

Calibration/Verification Linearity, Validated Material

Instrumentation Validation Tools10

Every number is a life.™










Instrumentation Validation Tools

Calibration Verification/Linearity ......................................................................................91Reference Range Services ..............................................................................................101Instrumentation Quality Management Programs ................................................................104

New Analyte Additions

Creatinine Accuracy Calibration Verification/Linearity................................................................99

Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (e-GFR)

Analytes Not Offered for 2010

Instrumentation (I) ..................................................................................................................104Autodilutor check

Every number is a life.™10In










Calibration Verification/Linearity

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 91

Advantages� Receive your Linearity results in two business days with LN Express.SM

� Receive human serum-based liquid specimens that cover broad analyte ranges to challenge assays from nearzero to the top of the analytical measurement range for most analytes and methods.

� Access a comprehensive selection of analytes and programs to encompass a broad testing menu.

� Satisfy the requirements for scheduled verification of the analytical measurement range of the CAP LaboratoryAccreditation Program and the CLIA calibration verification under 42 CFR493.1255(b)(3) for most analytes.

� Use a consistent analytical approach for the assessment of the method linearity and calibration agreement withyour peer group.

� Get a custom report with an Executive Summary for a quick overview of the performance, a comprehensiveevaluation report with specific analyte information, and calibration verification and linearity graphs.

� Receive a complimentary CVL User’s Guide to assist and educate you on how to interpret your results.

� Get a customized report that provides a summary of laboratory performance that includes peer group statisticsand enhanced diagnostic information for early insight into potential problems.

Note: The College of American Pathologists Laboratory Accreditation Program requires an additional calibrationverification process for methods calibrated less frequently than once every six months. Please review the inspectionchecklist for information about suitable verification material for any method that is calibrated less often than atsix-month intervals. The Calibration Verification/Linearity Surveys are designed to assess agreement of alaboratory with the method manufacturer’s calibration settings, but do not validate accuracy traceable toreference methods.

Improve the reliability of your patient results withCAP Survey Validated MaterialsUse the same material that is sent in the Surveys program to:

� Identify and troubleshoot instrument/method problems

� Correlate results with other laboratories or instruments

� Document correction of problems identified in Surveys

� Utilize as an alternative external quality control material with confirmed results

� Identify potential proficiency testing failures

Results are readily available in the Survey Participant Summary that is included with each Survey Evaluation Report.

Calibration Verification/Linearity

Calibration Verification/Linearity

College of American Pathologists

92 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

CalibrationVerification/Linearity Survey Page Corresponding Proficiency Page Validated Material PageNo. Testing Survey No. No.

LN1 - Chemistry CVL 93 45-47 LN2ERVM 88

LN1ER - Chemistry Extended Range CVL 93 C1/C3/C3X/CZ/CZX/CZ2/CZ2X 45-47 88

LN2 - Chemistry/Lipid/Enzyme CVL 93 45-47 88

LN2ER - Chemistry/Lipid/Enzyme 93 45-47Extended Range CVL 88

LN3 - TDM CVL 94 CZ/CZX/CZ2/CZ2X/Z 45-47 LDM 88

LN5 - Ligand Assay CVL 94 K/KK 63 LLM 88

LN6 - Urine Chemistry CVL 95 U 53 LUM 88

LN7 - Immunology CVL 95 IG/IGX 153

LN8 - Reproductive Endocrinology CVL 96 Y/YY 122

LN9 - Hematology CVL 96 FH Series, HE Series 110

LN9ER - Hematology Extended Range CVL 96 FH Series, HE Series 110

LN11 - Serum Ethanol CVL 96 AL2 79

LN11ER - Serum Ethanol Extended Range CVL 96 AL2 79

LN12 - C-reactive Protein CVL 96 CRP 153

LN13, LN13C - Blood Gas/Critical Care CVL 97 AQ, AQ2 71

LN14 - Whole Blood Ethanol CVL 97 AL1 79

LN15 - Glycohemoglobin CVL 97 GH2 50

LN16 - Homocysteine CVL 97 HMS 50

LN17 - Whole Blood Glucose CVL 98 WBG/WB2 52

LN18, LN19 - Reticulocyte CVL 98 RT, RT2, RT3, RT4 112

LN20 - Urine Albumin CVL 98 U 53

LN21 - High Sensitivity C-reactive Protein CVL 98 hsCRP 50

LN22 - Flow Cytometry CVL 99 FL 159

LN23 - Prostate-Specific Antigen CVL 99 K/KK 63

LN24 - Creatinine Accuracy CVL 99 C1, C3/C3X, CZ/CZX/ 45-47CZ2/CZ2X

LN25, LN27 - Troponin I and T CVL 99 TRP, CRT, CRTI 49

LN30 - B-type Natriuretic Peptides CVL 100 BNP 48

LN31 - Immunosuppressive Drugs CVL 100 CS 47

LN32 - Ammonia CVL 100 C1, C3/C3X, CZ/CZX/ 45-47CZ2/CZ2X

LN33 - Serum Myoglobin CVL 100 CARM, CRT, CRTI 49

LN34 - CA-125 CVL 100 TM/TMX 67

Your Total Calibration Verification/Linearity (CVL) Solution



FH Series, HE Series

All LN Surveys provide individual evaluation reports by analytes, executive summary report, and graphical plots for linearity and calibrationverification.


Calibration Verification/Linearity

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 93

Analyte Product Code


Albumin � �

Bilirubin, direct* � �

Bilirubin, total* � �

Calcium* � �

Chloride � �

CO2* � �

Creatinine � �

Glucose � �

Iron � �

Magnesium � �

Osmolality* � �

Phosphorus � �

Potassium � �

Protein, total � �

Sodium � �

Urea nitrogen (BUN) � �

Uric acid � �

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT) �

Alkaline phosphatase �

Amylase �

Aspartate aminotransferase (AST/SGOT) �

Cholesterol* �

CK2 (MB) �

Creatine kinase (CK) �

Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) �

HDL cholesterol* �

Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) �

Lipase �

Triglycerides* �

Chemistry/Lipid/Enzyme CalibrationVerification/Linearity LN1**, LN1ER, LN2**, LN2ER

Product Information• LN1 - Six 10.0-mL liquid

serum specimens and six3.0-mL liquid serumspecimens for direct and totalbilirubin

• LN1ER - All LN1 Surveyliquid serum specimens, andone additional high rangespecimen

• LN2 - Six 10.0-mL liquidserum specimens and six3.0-mL liquid serumspecimens for direct and totalbilirubin; seven 2.0-mL liquidlipid serum specimens

• LN2ER - All LN2 Surveyspecimens and one additionalhigh range specimen

• Two shipments per year

Linearity Surveys have linearity targets based on clinical relevance and general characteristics of currently availablemethods. These criteria may not be reflective of the specific characteristics of the currently available single dose unittechnology methods. For customers using single dose unit technology, it is the laboratory’s discretion to assess theappropriateness of the linearity targets when applied to this technology and to the clinical needs of their patients.For the listing of target analyte ranges, visit www. cap.org; under the Accreditation and Laboratory Improvement tab,select Calibration Verification/Linearity.

*Not available for extended range reporting **LN Express service available

PRICE (USD) $634/730 $780/862

Calibration Verification/Linearity

College of American Pathologists

94 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Product Code


Acetaminophen �

Amikacin �

Carbamazepine �

Digoxin �

Gentamicin �

Lidocaine �

Lithium �

N-acetylprocainamide (NAPA) �

Phenobarbital �

Phenytoin �

Primidone �

Procainamide �

Quinidine �

Salicylate �

Theophylline �

Tobramycin �

Valproic acid �

Vancomycin �

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring CalibrationVerification/Linearity LN3

Product Information• Six 4.0-mL liquid serum


• Two shipments per year

LN Express service available

Analyte Product Code



Cortisol �

Ferritin �

Folate �

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) �

T3, total (triiodothyronine, total) �

T4, total (thyroxine, total) �

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) �

Vitamin B12 �

Ligand Assay Calibration Verification/Linearity LN5 Product Information• Five 4.0-mL liquid serum


• Two shipments per year

LN Express service available

PRICE (USD) $346

PRICE (USD) $318

Calibration Verification/Linearity

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 95

Analyte Product Code


Amylase �

Calcium �

Chloride �

Creatinine �

Glucose �

Osmolality �

Phosphorus �

Potassium �

Protein, total �

Sodium �

Urea nitrogen �

Uric acid �

Urine Chemistry Calibration Verification/LinearityLN6

Product Information• Fifteen 4.0-mL liquid urine


• Two shipments per year

LN Express service available

Analyte Product Code


Alpha-1-antitrypsin �

Complement C3 �

Complement C4 �

IgA �

IgG �

IgM �

Transferrin �

Immunology Calibration Verification/Linearity LN7 Product Information• Five 2.0-mL liquid serum


• Two shipments per year

LN Express service available

PRICE (USD) $382

PRICE (USD) $398

For the listing of target analyte ranges, visit www.cap.org; under the Accreditation and Laboratory Improvement tab, selectCalibration Verification/Linearity.

Calibration Verification/Linearity

College of American Pathologists

96 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Product Code


Estradiol �

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) �

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) �

Luteinizing hormone (LH) �

Progesterone �

Prolactin �

Testosterone �

Reproductive Endocrinology CalibrationVerification/Linearity LN8

Product Information• Five 4.0-mL liquid serum


• Two shipments per year

LN Express service available

Analyte Product Code


Hemoglobin �

Platelet count � �

RBC count �

WBC count � �

Hematology Calibration Verification/LinearityLN9, LN9ER

Product Information• LN9 - Eighteen 3.0-mL liquid


• LN9ER - All LN9 Surveyspecimens and fouradditional high rangespecimens

• Two shipments per year

LN Express service available

Analyte Product Code


Serum ethanol �

Serum Ethanol Calibration Verification/LinearityLN11*/LN11ER

Product Information• LN11 - Six 3.0-mL liquid

serum specimens

• LN11ER - All LN11 Surveyspecimens and one additionalhigh range specimen

• Two shipments per year*LN Express service available

Analyte Product Code


C-reactive protein �

C-reactive Protein Calibration Verification/LinearityLN12

Product Information• Six 1.0-mL liquid serum


• Not appropriate for reportinghigh-sensitivity C-reactiveprotein (hsCRP)

• Two shipments per yearLN Express service available

PRICE (USD) $390

PRICE (USD) $632 $650

PRICE (USD) $342

PRICE (USD) $356/374

Calibration Verification/Linearity

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 97

Analyte Product Code

LN13 LN13C

PCO2 � �

pH � �

PO2 � �

Calcium, ionized �

Chloride �

Glucose �

Lactate �

Magnesium, ionized �

Potassium �

Sodium �

Blood Gas/Critical Care CalibrationVerification/Linearity LN13, LN13C

Product Information• Ten 2.5-mL ampules of

aqueous specimens

• Single instrument reportingonly

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code


Ethanol �

Whole Blood Ethanol CalibrationVerification/Linearity LN14

Product Information• Six 3.0-mL liquid whole blood


• Two shipments per year

LN Express service available

Analyte Product Code


Glycohemoglobin (HbA1c) �

Glycohemoglobin Calibration Verification/LinearityLN15

Product Information• Six 0.8-mL liquid human

whole blood specimens

• Two shipments per year

LN Express service availablePRICE (USD) $432

PRICE (USD) $430 $508

PRICE (USD) $408

Analyte Product Code


Homocysteine �

Homocysteine Calibration Verification/LinearityLN16

Product Information• Six 1.0-mL liquid serum


• Two shipments per year

LN Express service available

PRICE (USD) $564

Calibration Verification/Linearity

College of American Pathologists

98 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Product Code


Whole blood glucose �

Whole Blood Glucose CalibrationVerification/Linearity LN17

Product Information• Five 2.0-mL liquid whole

blood specimens

• Two shipments per year

LN Express service available

Instrument/Method Product Code

LN18 LN19

Coulter® GenS™ and LH700 series(with pierceable caps) �

All other instruments �

Reticulocyte Calibration Verification/LinearityLN18, LN19

Product Information• Five 1.0-mL liquid whole

blood cell specimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code


Urine albumin �

Urine creatinine �

Urine Albumin Calibration Verification/LinearityLN20

Product Information• Five 5.0-mL liquid urine


• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $280

PRICE (USD) $434 $434

PRICE (USD) $330

Analyte Product Code


High-sensitivity C-reactive protein �

High-Sensitivity C-reactive Protein CalibrationVerification/Linearity LN21

Product Information• Six 1.0-mL liquid serum


• For high-sensitivity methodsonly

• Two shipments per year

LN Express service available

PRICE (USD) $360

For the listing of target analyte ranges, visit www.cap.org; under the Accreditation and Laboratory Improvement tab, selectCalibration Verification/Linearity.

Calibration Verification/Linearity

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 99

Analyte Product Code


CD3+ �

CD3+/CD4+ �

CD3+/CD8+ �

Flow Cytometry Calibration Verification/LinearityLN22

Product Information• Seven 1.0-mL liquid whole

blood specimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code


Prostate-specific antigen �

Prostate-Specific Antigen CalibrationVerification/Linearity LN23

Product Information• Twelve 1.0-mL liquid serum


• PSA value ranges: 0.1 to4.0 ng/mL and 8.0 to90.0 ng/mL

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code

LN25 LN27

Troponin I �

Troponin T �

Troponin Calibration Verification/LinearityLN25, LN27

Product Information• LN25 - Seven 2.0-mL liquid

serum specimens

• LN27 - Six 2.0-mL liquidserum specimens

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $658

Analyte Product CodeLN24

Creatinine �

Estimated glomerular filtration rate (e-GFR) �

Creatinine Accuracy CalibrationVerification/Linearity LN24

Product Information• Six 1.0-mL human serum


• Creatinine value range:0.5 to 4.0 mg/dL

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $400

PRICE (USD) $676 $676

PRICE (USD) $842

Additional Information

The College of American Pathologists and the National Kidney Disease EducationProgram have an initiative to produce a gold standard to harmonize clinically reportedcreatinine values. This initiative is analagous to what the federal health agencies and theclinical laboratory community did to improve the accuracy of cholesterol andglycohemoglobin testing.

Calibration Verification/Linearity

College of American Pathologists

100 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Product Code



NT-pro BNP �

B-type Natriuretic Peptides CalibrationVerification/Linearity LN30

Product Information• Seven 1.0-mL liquid plasma


• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code


Cyclosporine �

Tacrolimus �

Immunosuppresive Drugs CalibrationVerification/Linearity LN31

Product Information• Seven 2.0-mL liquid whole

blood hemolysate specimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code


Ammonia �

Ammonia Calibration Verification/Linearity LN32 Product Information• Seven 2.0-mL liquid serum


• Two shipments per year

LN Express service available

Analyte Product Code


Myoglobin �

Serum Myoglobin Calibration Verification/LinearityLN33

Product Information• Seven 1.0-mL liquid serum


• Two shipments per year

LN Express service available

Analyte Product Code


CA-125 �

CA-125 Calibration Verification/Linearity LN34 Product Information• Seven 3.0-mL liquid serum


• Two shipments per year

LN Express service available

PRICE (USD) $440

PRICE (USD) $882

PRICE (USD) $380

PRICE (USD) $490

PRICE (USD) $552

Reference Range Services

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 101

Reference Range Services

Analyte Instrument Platform

Beckman Siemens Siemens SiemensAbbott Coulter Olympus Roche ADVIA Dimension Immulite Vitros

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT) � � � � � � �

Albumin � � � � � � �

Amylase � � � � � � �

Aspartate aminotransferase (AST/SGOT) � � � � � � �

Bilirubin, total � � � � � � �

Calcium � � � � � � �

CK-MB � � � � � �

Creatinine � � � � � � �

Ferritin � � � � � � �

Iron � � �* � � � �

Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) � � � � � � �

Magnesium � � � � � � �

Protein, total � � � � � � �

Total iron binding capacity � �* � � � �

T4, total (thyroxine, total) � � � � � � �

T4, free (thyroxine, free) � � � � � � �

Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) � � � � � � �

Reference Range Service RRS

The Reference Range Service is designed to help laboratories establish and/or verify reference intervals. Data collection andanalysis follows recommendations specified in the Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) document, Defining,Establishing, and Verifying Reference Intervals in the Clinical Laboratory Approved Guideline—Third Edition (C28-A3).Laboratories will be required to submit 20 results from “normal/healthy” individuals for each analyte with information on thesex, age, and race/ethnic background of each donor. Exclusionary criteria will be provided to facilitate identification ofappropriate donors.

Participants may submit donor results between February and November. The final deadline to return donor results to theCAP will be December 1, 2010. Participant reports will be generated in June and December.

The following tables display the current platforms available for establishing or verifying reference intervals.

*Comparative platform data available for females onlyPRICE (USD) $274

Reference Range Services

College of American Pathologists

102 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Instrument Platform

Beckman Diagnostica Siemens Siemens SiemensAbbott Coulter Biosite Stago Olympus Roche ADVIA Dimension Immulite Vitros

B-type natriuretic peptides (BNP) � � � �

Pro B-type natriuretic peptides(NT-pro BNP) � �

Chloride � � � � � � �

CO2 � � � � � � �

C-reactive protein (CRP) � � � � � �

Folate � � � � �

Gamma glutamyl transferase(GGT) �* � � �** � �

Potassium � � � � � � �

Sodium � � � � � � �

Testosterone � � �

Thrombin time (TT) �

Uric acid � � � � � � �

Urea nitrogen (BUN) � � � � � � �

Vitamin B12 � � � � � �

Reference Range Service Series 2 RRS2

*Comparative platform data available for males only**Comparative platform data available for females only

PRICE (USD) $324

Reference Range Services

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 103

Analyte Instrument Platform

SiemensBeckman Coulter Roche Siemens ADVIA Dimension/Stratus Vitros

Alkaline phosphatase � � � � �

Immunoglobulin A � �

Immunoglobulin G � �

Immunoglobulin M � �

Lipase, serum � � � � �

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) � � �

Troponin I � � �

Troponin T �

Reference Range Service Series 3 RRS3

Analyte Instrument Platform

Abbott Beckman Coulter Siemens ADVIA Sysmex

Hemoglobin � � � �

Hematocrit � � � �

Platelet count � � � �

Red blood cell count � � � �

White blood cell count � � � �

Reference Range Service Series 4 RRS4

PRICE (USD) $306

PRICE (USD) $306

Instrumentation Quality Management Programs

College of American Pathologists

104 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Instrumentation Quality Management Programs

Challenges Product Code


A Shipment B Shipment C Shipment

Spectrophotometer (stray light check) � �

Microtiter plate linearity � �

Analytical balance check � �

Gravimetric pipette calibration � �

Adjustable micropipette calibrationverification/linearity � �

Refractometer calibration � �

Ocular micrometer calibration �

Absorbance check – UV wavelength �

Photometric calibration –visible wavelength �

Peak absorbance measurement �

Fluorescent intensity check –fluorescent microscopes �

pH meter check �

Osmometer study �

Instrumentation I Product Information• Designed to assess

instruments not routinelychallenged during theproficiency testing process

• Includes appropriatematerials to assess importantfunctional parameters,including accuracy andlinearity

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $498

WARNING: The Instrumentation (I) Survey specimens contain substances that may becorrosive, toxic, environmental hazards, and irritants.

Instrumentation Quality Management Programs

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 105

Analyte Product Code


Bilirubin Interferent Hemoglobin Interferent

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT) � �

Albumin � �

Alkaline phosphatase � �

Amylase � �

Aspartate aminotransferase (AST/SGOT) � �

Bilirubin, total �

Calcium � �

Chloride � �

CK2 (MB) � �

CO2 � �

Creatine kinase (CK) � �

Creatinine � �

Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) � �

Glucose � �

Iron � �

Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) � �

Lipase � �

Magnesium � �

Osmolality � �

Phosphorus � �

Potassium � �

Protein, total � �

Sodium � �

Urea nitrogen (BUN) � �

Uric acid � �

Interfering Substance Survey IFS Product Information• Twelve 10.0-mL liquid

serum specimens

• Designed for verifiyingmanufacturing interferencespecifications andinvestigating discrepantresults caused by interferingsubstances

• Results may be submitted atany time prior to the materialexpiration date

• One shipment per year

PRICE (USD) $397

Material expires December 1, 2010.

Instrumentation Quality Management Programs

College of American Pathologists

106 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Product Code


Creatinine �

hCG �

Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) �

Phenytoin �

Serum Carryover SCO Product Information• One 10.0-mL liquid serum

specimen (low level) and one5.0-mL liquid serum specimen(high level)

• Designed to prove ordisprove instrument sampleprobe carryover

• One shipment per year

Material expires May 1, 2011.

Analyte Product Code


Benzoylecgonine �

Delta-9-THC-COOH �

Opiates �

Propoxyphene �

Urine Toxicology Carryover UTCO Product Information• Two 40.0-mL liquid urine

specimens (low and highlevels)

• Designed to prove ordisprove instrument sampleprobe carryover

• One shipment per year

Material expires May 1, 2011.

PRICE (USD) $315

PRICE (USD) $368

Hematology andClinical Microscopy11

Every number is a life.™













Hematology and Clinical Microscopy

Hematology ..................................................................................................................109Clinical Microscopy ......................................................................................................114

New Products

Bone Marrow Cell Differential (BMD) ......................................................................................113Lamellar Body Count (LBC)......................................................................................................118Ticks, Mites, and Other Arthropods (TMO) ..............................................................................118

Reconfigured 2009 Products

Amniotic Fluid Leakage – Nitrazine (AFL) ................................................................................115Challenges per shipment have changed

Discontinued 2009 Products

Basic Hematology (HEK)Blood Cell Identification (BCK)Clinical Microscopy (CM, CMM)Hematology Automated Differentials (FH8, FH1K-FH4K, FH6K, FH8K-FH10K, FH8P)

Every number is a life.™














2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 109

Product Information• Five 3.0-mL whole bloodspecimens

• HEP - Ten images, eachavailable as color photo-graphs, digital images onCD-ROM, and digitalimages online throughe-LAB Solutions

• Second instrument reportingavailable

• Three shipments per year

HematologyAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Blood cell identification � 10

Hematocrit � � 5

Hemoglobin � � 5

Platelet count � � 5

Red blood cell count � � 5

White blood cell count � � 5

Basic Hematology HE, HEP

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Blood cell identification � 10

Blood Cell Identification BCP Product Information• Ten images, each available ascolor photographs, digitalimages on CD-ROM,and digital images onlinethrough e-LAB Solutions

• Three shipments per year

Product Information• Three 6.0-mL whole bloodspecimens

• Two shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


All methods except the Sedimat® 15 � 3

Sedimat® 15 � 3

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate ESR, ESR1

PRICE (USD) $225 $243


PRICE (USD) $198 $198


College of American Pathologists

110 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Product Information• Five whole blood specimenswith pierceable caps

• FHP series - Ten images, eachavailable as colorphotographs, digital imageson CD-ROM, and digitalimages online through e-LABSolutions

• Second instrument reportingavailable

• Three shipments per year

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Blood cell identification � 10

Hematocrit � � 5

Hemoglobin � � 5

Immature granulocyte parameter � � 5 (FH9 only)

Nucleated red blood cell count (nRBC) � � 5 (FH3 and FH9)

Platelet count � � 5

Red blood cell count � � 5

White blood cell count � � 5

WBC differential � � 5

Hematology Automated Differentials FH SeriesFH1-FH10, FH1P-FH10P

Instrument FH Series

FH1 FH2 FH3 FH4 FH6 FH9 FH10

Horiba ABX 9000+, 9018+, 9020+ �

Sysmex K-series, KCP-1, KX-21/21N, poc H-100i �

Abbott Cell-Dyn® 1200, 1600, 1700, 1800 �

Horiba ABX Micros �

Siemens ADVIA® 60 �

Coulter® AcT™, MD, Onyx, ST, STKR, T-series �

Danam DC-18, I-1800, EXCELL 10/16/18 �

Abbott Cell-Dyn® 3000, 3200, 3500, 3700, 4000, Sapphire, Ruby �

Siemens ADVIA® 70 �

Danam EXCELL 22 �

Siemens ADVIA® 120, 2120 �

Coulter® Gen-S, HmX, LH500, LH700 series, MAXM, STKS, VCS �

Sysmex XE-2100, XE-2100D, XE-2100L, XE-2100C, XE-2100DC, XE-5000,XT-1800i, XT-2000i, XS-800i, XS-1000i, XS-1000iC, XS-1000iAL �

ABX Pentra 60, 80, 120 �

Coulter® AcT 5 diff �

Hematology Automated Differentials, Instrument Matrix

PRICE (USD) $300 ea. $333 ea.

For instrument specific modules see below.


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 111

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Thin/Thick blood film sets* � 5

Blood Parasite BP Product Information• Five Giesma-stained bloodfilm sets and/or colorphotographs

• A variety of blood parasitesincluding Plasmodium,Babesia, Trypanosoma, andfilarial worms

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $471

* Corresponding thick films provided when available.

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Kleihauer-Betke, flow cytometry � 2

Rosette fetal screen � 2

Fetal Red Cell Determination HBF Product Information• Two 1.2-mL stabilized redblood cell specimens

• Not designed for F cellquantitation

• Two shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $330

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Abnormal hemoglobin(s) identification � 4

"Dry lab" educational challenges � 2

Hemoglobin A2 quantitation � 4

Hemoglobin F quantitation � 1

Sickling test � 4

Hemoglobinopathy HG Product Information• Four 0.5-mL stabilized redblood cell specimens

• Two "dry lab" challenges(case histories, electro-phoresis patterns, and clinicalinterpretation questions)

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $496


College of American Pathologists

112 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Instrument/Method Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Abbott Cell-Dyn® 3200, 3500, 3700,Ruby � 3

Coulter® STKS, MAXM, GenS, HmX,LH500, LH700 series � 3

Sysmex XE-2100, XE-5000, andXT2000i � 3

All other automated and manualmethods � 3

Pierceable caps � 3

Reticulocyte RT, RT2, RT3, RT4 Product Information• Three 1.0-mL, stabilized redblood cell specimens

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $276 $276 $280 $280

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Sickling test � 3

Sickle Cell Screening SCS Product Information• Three 0.6-mL stabilizedhuman erythrocyte specimens

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $226

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Platelet count (platelet-rich plasma) � 5

WBC count � 4

Transfusion-Related Cell Count TRC Product Information• Five 1.2-mL suspensions ofstabilized mammalianplatelets

• Two 1.0-mL vials leukocytereduced platelet material

• Two 1.0-mL vials leukocytereduced red blood cells

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $534

WBC counts must be performed using a Nageotte chamber or by flow cytometry.

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Glucose � 2

Hemoglobin � 2

Waived Combination HCC Product Information• Two 1.0-mL whole bloodspecimens

• For use with the HemoCue®

and Stanbio HemoPoint® H2instruments

• Two shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $154


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 113

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Bone marrow differential, includingmyeloid:erythroid ratio � 1

Bone marrow cell identification � 5

Bone marrow interpretation questions � 2-3

Bone Marrow Cell Differential BMD Product Information• One online digital bonemarrow aspirate slidethat includes five annotatedcells for identification

• Two shipments per year

Additional Information• Designed as a collaborative exercise for medical technologists and pathologists.Participants will be able to manipulate the digital slide by scanning throughout theslide field and changing magnification.

• For online viewing requirements, see Online Virtual Microscopy Education Programson page 12.


PRICE (USD) $350

Clinical Microscopy

College of American Pathologists

114 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Clinical MicroscopyAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Product Information• Three 10.0-mL liquid urinespecimens

• Ten images, each available ascolor photographs,digital images on CD-ROM,and digital images onlinethrough e-LAB Solutions

• Two shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Bilirubin � 3

Glucose � 3

hCG (qualitative) � 3

Blood or hemoglobin � 3

Ketones � 3

Leukocyte esterase � 3

Nitrite � 3

Osmolality � 3

pH � 3

Protein (qualitative) � 3

Reducing substances � 3

Specific gravity � 3

Urobilinogen � 3

Urine sediment color photographs � 4

Body fluid color photographs � 6

Clinical Microscopy CMP

PRICE (USD) $184

PRICE (USD) $110

Product Information• Six images, each available ascolor photographs,digital images on CD-ROM,and digital images onlinethrough e-LAB Solutions forevaluating provider-performed microscopy

• Two shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Fern test � 1

KOH preparations � 1

Nasal smears � 1

Pinworm preparations � 1

Stool for leukocytes � 1

Vaginal wet preparations � 1

Clinical Microscopy Miscellaneous CMMP

Clinical Microscopy

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 115

For instrument specific modules see below.

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Red blood cell count � � � 2

White blood cell count � � � 2

Automated Body Fluid ABF1, ABF2, ABF3 Product Information• Two 3.0-mL simulated bodyfluid specimens

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $282 $282 $282

Instrument ABF Series


Siemens ADVIA® 120/2120 �

Beckman Coulter® LH 700 Series �

Sysmex XE-2100, XT-1800i,XT-2000i, XE-5000 �

Iris iQ™ 200 �

Iris Diagnostics 500 �

Automated Body Fluid, Instrument Matrix

Product Information• Two liquid urine specimens

• UAA - For use with Irisinstruments

• UAA1 - For use with Sysmexinstruments

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Bacteria, semi-quantitative � � 2

Casts, semi-quantitative � � 2

Crystals, semi-quantitative � 2

Epithelial cells, semi-quantitative � 2

Red blood cells, quantitative � � 2

White blood cells, quantitative � � 2

Automated Urinalysis UAA, UAA1

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


pH interpretation � 3

Amniotic Fluid Leakage AFL Product Information• Three 2.0-mL liquidspecimens

• For use with nitrazine paperand the Amniotest™

• Two shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $218

PRICE (USD) $236 $236

Clinical Microscopy

College of American Pathologists

116 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Bilirubin � 2

Sulfosalicylic acid (SSA) � 2

Dipstick Confirmatory DSC Product Information• Two 12.0-mL liquid urinespecimens

• For use with methods used toconfirm positive bilirubin andprotein dipstick results

• Two shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $200

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Fecal fat, qualitative � 2

Fecal Fat FCFS Product Information• Two 10.0-g simulated fecalfat specimens

• For microscopic detection ofneutral fats (triglycerides)and/or split fats (total freefatty acids)

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $264

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Fetal hemoglobin � 2

Fetal Hemoglobin APT Product Information• Two 1.2-mL simulated gastricfluid specimens

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $242

Product Information• BFC - Two 1.5-mL simulatedbody fluid specimens(eg, synovial fluid)

• URC - Two 1.5-mL urinespecimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Body fluid crystal identification � 2

Red blood cells � 2

White blood cells � 2

Urine crystal identification � 2

Crystals BFC, URC

PRICE (USD) $356 $302

Clinical Microscopy

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 117

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Gastric occult blood � 3

Gastric pH � 3

Gastric Occult Blood GOCB Product Information• Three 2.0-mL simulatedgastric specimens

• Two shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Cytopreparation differential � 3

Red blood cell count � 3

White blood cell count � 3

Hemocytometer Fluid Count HFC Product Information• Three 1.0-mL simulated bodyfluid specimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Occult blood � 3

Occult Blood OCB Product Information• Three 2.0-mL simulated fecalspecimens

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $130

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


G6PD, qualitative and quantitative � 2

Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase G6PDS Product Information• Two 0.5-mL lyophilizedhemolysate samples

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Placental alpha microglobulin-1(PAMG-1) � 2

Rupture of Fetal Membranes Testing ROM Product Information• Two 0.5-mL simulated vaginalspecimens

• For use with the AmniSure™

test method

• Two shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $298

PRICE (USD) $252

PRICE (USD) $276

PRICE (USD) $268

For quantitative reporting, refer to Survey U, page 53.

Clinical Microscopy

College of American Pathologists

118 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Product Information• Two images, each availableas color photographs anddigital images online throughe-LAB Solutions

• Two shipments per year

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Urine hemosiderin, Prussian blue � 2

Urine eosinophils, Wright stain � 2

Special Clinical Microscopy SCM1, SCM2

PRICE (USD) $186 $186

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Creatinine � 2

Urine albumin (microalbumin):creatinine ratio � 2

Urine albumin (microalbumin),semi-quantitative � 2

Urine Albumin (Microalbumin)/Creatinine UMC Product Information• Two 5.0-mL liquid urinespecimens

• For use with dipstick andsemi-quantitative methodsonly

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $204

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Lamellar body count � 3

Lamellar Body Count LBC Product Information• Three 2.0-mL simulated liquidamniotic fluid specimens

• For use with LBC methodsperformed on all hematologyanalyzers

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $330


Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Tick, mite, andarthropod identification � 3

Ticks, Mites, and Other Arthropods TMO Product Information• Three color photographchallenges

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $372


Reproductive Medicine12

Every number is a life.™









Reproductive Medicine

Andrology and Embryology ............................................................................................121

Every number is a life.™









Andrology and Embryology

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 121

Product Information• SC - Two 0.3-mL stabilizedhuman sperm specimens

• SC1- Two 1.0-mL stabilizedhuman sperm specimens

• SM - Two prepared slidesfor staining

• SV - Two eosin-negrosin-stained slides

• ASA - Two 0.3-mL serumspecimens

• Two shipments per year

Product Information• SMCD - One CD-ROM withvideo clips

• SM1CD - One CD-ROM withimages

• Two shipments per year

Andrology and EmbryologyAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Sperm count & presence/absence*(manual methods and CASA systems) � 2

Sperm count & presence/absence*(automated methods) � 2

Sperm morphology � 2

Sperm viability � 2

Antisperm antibody IgG � 2

Semen Analysis SC, SC1, SM, SV, ASA

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Sperm count � 2

Sperm motility � 2

Sperm morphology � 2

Sperm Motility and Morphology SMCD, SM1CD

*Appropriate for post-vasectomy testing

Product Information• One CD-ROM with videoclips

• Two shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Embryo transfer (three- and five-day-oldembryos) � 4

Embryology EMB

PRICE (USD) $254 $304 $244 $238 $240

PRICE (USD) $336 $238

PRICE (USD) $390

Andrology and Embryology

College of American Pathologists

122 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


11-Deoxycortisol � 3

17-Hydroxyprogesterone � 3

Androstenedione � 3

DHEA sulfate � 3

Estradiol � 3

Estriol, unconjugated (uE3) � 3

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) � 3

Growth hormone (GH) � 3

IGF-1 (Somatomedin C) � 3

Luteinizing hormone (LH) � 3

Progesterone � 3

Prolactin � 3

Testosterone � 3

Testosterone, bioavailable � 3

Testosterone, free � 3

Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) � 3

Ligand Assay, Special Y/YY, DY Product Information• Y - Six 5.0-mL liquid serumspecimens (two duplicate sets)

• YY - Nine 5.0-mL liquidserum specimens (threeduplicate sets)

• DY - Must be ordered inconjunction with Surveys Yor YY

• Conventional and Interna-tional System of Units (SI)reporting available

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $390/486 $86


Every number is a life.™



New Products

Platelet-Induced Aggregation (PIA) ..........................................................................................129Platelet Mapping (PLTM) ........................................................................................................129

Every number is a life.™



2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 125

Product Information• CGL - Five 1.0-mL lyophilized

plasma specimens; threeshipments per year; one1.0-mL lyophilized plasmaspecimen; one 1.0-mL serumspecimen; two shipments peryear

• CGDF - One 1.0-mL serumspecimen; one 1.0-mLlyophilized plasma specimen;two shipments per year

CoagulationAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Activated partial thromboplastin time � 5

Fibrinogen � 5

International Normalized Ratio (INR)* � 5

Prothrombin time � 5

D-dimer � � 2 per year

Fibrin(ogen) degradation products,plasma � � 2 per year

Fibrin(ogen) degradation products,serum � � 2 per year

Coagulation, Limited CGL, CGDF

PRICE (USD) $219 $150

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


See analyte listing below � 2

Coagulation, Extended CGE/CGEX Product Information• CGE - Six 1.0-mL

lyophilized plasma specimens(three duplicate sets)

• CGEX - Ten 1.0-mLlyophilized plasma specimens(five duplicate sets)

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $468/758

50:50 mixing study, PT and APTT

Activated Protein C resistance



Antiphospholipid antibody

Antithrombin III

Dilute prothrombin time

Dilute Russell's viper venom time

Euglobulin test

Factors II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI,XII, and XIII

Factor VIII inhibitor

Fibrin monomer

Fibrinogen antigen

Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia(HIT)

High molecular weight kininogen

Kaolin-activated APTT

Kaolin-activated clotting time

Lupus anticoagulant

Plasminogen antigen

Plasminogen activator inhibitor


Protein C

Protein S

Prothrombin fragment 1.2

Reptilase time


Thrombin time

Tissue plasminogen activator

von Willebrand factor activity:- Collagen binding- Glycoprotein I binding- Ristocetin cofactor

von Willebrand factor analysis

von Willebrand factor antigen

von Willebrand multimer analysis

Analyte Listing

*Participants reporting INR results will receive a special evaluation to assess the INR calculation.


College of American Pathologists

126 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Module/Analyte Challenges/Shipment

Product Code


Activated partial 2 2 3thromboplastin time*

International normalized 2 3ratio (INR)

Prothrombin time* 2 3

Lupus Anticoagulant Module

Lupus anticoagulant(confirmation and screen) 2

Mixing studies, APTT 2

Thrombophilia Module

Activated Protein Cresistance 2

Antithrombin (activity,antigen) 2

Protein C (activity, antigen) 2

Protein S (activity, freeantigen, total antigen) 2

von Willebrand Factor Antigen Module

Factor VIII, activity 2

von Willebrand factor(antigen, activity, multimers) 2

Heparin Module

Heparin activity 3(unfractionated and lowmolecular weight)

Thrombin time 3

Hepa rin Inducedombocytopenia Module

GTI Diagnostics PF4 2Enhanced® assay only

Coagulation Special Testing SeriesCGS1, CGS2, CGS3, CGS4, CGS5

Product Information• CGS1, CGS2, CGS3 - A total

of 2.0-mL lyophilized plasmaspecimens

• CGS4 - Three 1.0-mLlyophilized plasma specimens

• CGS5 - Two 60.0-µL serumspecimens

• Two shipments per year

*Not appropriate for meeting regulatory requirements, see page 125.PRICE (USD) $390 $636 $370 $232 $438

von Willebrand Factor Antigen Module

Heparin Module

Heparin-InducedThrombocytopenia Module


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 127

Instrument/Cartridge Product Code Challenges/Shipment


CVDI TAS HMT/Bayer � 3

Helena Actalyke® � 3



ITC Hemochron® CA510/FTCA510 � 3

ITC Hemochron P214/P215 � 3

ITC Hemochron FTK-ACT � 3

ITC Hemochron Jr. ACT+ � 3

ITC Hemochron Jr. ACT-LR � 3

i-STAT® Celite® and Kaolin ACT* � 3

Medtronic HemoTec ACT/ACTII/ACTPlus HR ACT � 3

Medtronic HemoTec ACT/ACTII/ACTPlus LR ACT � 3

Medtronic HemoTec ACT/ACTII/ACTPlus R ACT � 3

Medtronic HemoTec Hepcon HMS,HMS Plus � 3

Sienco Sonoclot® � 3

Product Information• CT - Three 3.0-mL lyophilized

whole blood specimens

• CT1 - Three 2.0-mLlyophilized whole bloodspecimens

• CT2, CT3 - Three 0.5-mLlyophilized whole bloodspecimens

• Two shipments per year

*Requires 0.025M CaCl2 (Trinity Biotech #50355 or equivalent) to complete testing, which isnot included in Survey CT1

*Requires the draw of a normal donor sample

PRICE (USD) $294 $302 $270 $270

Activated Clotting Time Series CT, CT1, CT2, CT3

Product Information• PF - Four 3.2% sodium citrate

vacuum tubes; two 10.0-mLplastic tubes; two vials ofspecified agonists

• PF1 - Two 3.2% sodium citratevacuum tubes; two 10.0-mLplastic tubes

• Second instrument/methodreporting requires thepurchase of an additional kit

• Two shipments per year

Instrument/Method Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Platelet aggregation � 2

PFA-100 � 2

Plateletworks® � 2

Platelet Function* PF, PF1

PRICE (USD) $260 $242


College of American Pathologists

128 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Instrument/Method Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Thromboelastogram � 2

Thromboelastogram TEG Product Information• Two 1.0-mL lyophilized whole

blood specimens

• For use with the Haemscope™


Hemostasis analyzer

• Two shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $204

PRICE (USD) $234 $285 $321 $309 $214 $363

Analyte Challenges/Shipment

Product Code


International Normalized 5 5 5 5 3 5Ratio (INR)

Prothrombin Time 5 5 5 5 3 5

Whole Blood CoagulationWP3, WP4, WP6, WP7, WP8, WP9

Product Information• WP3, WP9 - Five 1.0-mL

lyophilized plasma specimens

• WP4, WP6 - Five 0.5-mLlyophilized whole bloodspecimens

• WP7 - Five 300.0-µLlyophilized plasma specimens

• Three shipments per year

• WP8 (waived) - Three300.0-µL lyophilized plasmaspecimens; two shipmentsper year

For method compatibility, see instrument matrix below.

Instrument Product Code


ITC Hemochron® Jr. Signature/Signature +, SignatureElite and Jr. II – Citrated cuvette �

ITC Hemochron Jr. Signature/Signature +, Signature

Elite and Jr. II – Non-citrated cuvette �

IL GEM® PCL, PCL Plus – Citrated �

IL GEMPCL, PCL Plus – Non-citrated �

i-STAT® �

Roche CoaguChek®, CoaguChek® S �

Roche CoaguChek, waived; CoaguChek S, waived �

Roche CoaguChek XS Plus �

Whole Blood Coagulation, Instrument Matrix


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 129

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


D-dimer, qualitative � 2

Whole Blood D-dimer WBDD Product Information• Two 0.5-mL whole blood


• For use with the SimpliRED™

and Clearview® SimplifyD-dimer methods

• Two shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $254

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Platelet mapping � 3

Platelet Mapping* PLTM

PRICE (USD) $278

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Aspirin assay � 3

P2Y12 assay � 3

llb/llla assay � 3

Platelet-Induced Aggregation PIA

PRICE (USD) $320

Product Information• Three liquid and lyophilized


• For use with the AccumetricsVerifyNow® System

• Kit includes sufficient materialto perform one assay; multipleassay reporting requires thepurchase of additional kits

• Two shipments per year

Product Information• One 3.2% sodium citrate and

four 14.5 IU heparin vacuumtubes; two 10.0-mL plastictubes; one vial of 0.2MCaCl2

• For use with the HaemoscopePlatelet Mapping® assay

• Two shipments per year

*Requires the draw of a normal donor sample




College of American Pathologists

130 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Improve the reliability of your patient results with CAP Survey Validated MaterialUse the same material that is sent in the Surveys Program to:

• Identify and troubleshoot instrument/method problems• Correlate results with other laboratories or instruments• Document correction of problems as identified in Surveys• Utilize as an alternative external quality control material with confirmed results• Identify potential proficiency testing failures

Results are readily available in the Survey Participant Summary that is included with each Survey Evaluation Report.

Coagulation, Validated MaterialValidated Material Validated Material Code Corresponding Survey

Coagulation VM CGM CGLPRICE (USD) $204


Every number is a life.™



Bacteriology..................................................................................................................133Mycobacteriology ..........................................................................................................139Mycology ....................................................................................................................140Parasitology ..................................................................................................................141Virology........................................................................................................................144Molecular Microbiology ................................................................................................146Infectious Disease Serology ............................................................................................149

New Products

Vaginitis Screen, Virtual Gram Stain (VS2) ..............................................................................138Ticks, Mites, and Other Arthropods (TMO) ..............................................................................142

Name Changes

Infectious Disease Serology (VR3)............................................................................................149Formerly Virology Antibody Detection

Reconfigured 2009 Products

Laboratory Preparedness Exercise (LPX) ..................................................................................136Challenges per shipment have changed

HIV Viral Load (HIV)Suggested Surveys for 2010HIV Viral Load (HIV)HIV Genotyping (HIVG) ..................................................................................................146

HIV Viral Load, Additional Volume (HV2)Suggested Surveys for 2010HIV Viral Load, Additional Volume (HV2)HIV Genotyping (HIVG) ..................................................................................................146

Every number is a life.™


BacteriologyAnalytes/procedures in bboolldd type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


AAnnttiimmiiccrroobbiiaall ssuusscceeppttiibbiilliittyy tteessttiinngg � 1-graded, 1-ungraded

BBaacctteerriiaall aannttiiggeenn ddeetteeccttiioonn � 2

BBaacctteerriiaall iiddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn � 5

GGrraamm ssttaaiinn � 1

Bacteriology D Product Information• Five swabs (in duplicate) for culture

• Two specimens for bacterial antigen detection from the following:

One swab for Group A Streptococcus

One 1.0-mL lyophilized specimen for spinal fluid meningitis testing

One 0.5-mL lyophilized specimen for Clostridium difficile

• Three shipments per year

Additional InformationAntigen detection challenges will be included in the following shipments:

• Shipment A: C. difficile antigen/toxin and spinal fluid meningitis panel• Shipment B: C. difficile antigen/toxin and Group A Streptococcus• Shipment C: Group A Streptococcus and spinal fluid meningitis panel

www.cap.org 133

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs


Guide for Ordering Appropriate Bacteriology Surveys Procedure Product Code

D D4 D2 D7 D3 D1

BBaacctteerriiaall iiddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn � � � � � �

GGrraamm ssttaaiinn � � � � �

AAnnttiimmiiccrroobbiiaall ssuusscceeppttiibbiilliittyy tteessttiinngg � � � �

BBaacctteerriiaall aannttiiggeenn ddeetteeccttiioonn � �

In order to meet CLIA requirements for the subspecialty of bacteriology, five specimens must be reported for each mailing. See the following pages for more detailed information about each Survey.

PRICE (USD) $318

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment

D1 D2 D3 D7

AAnnttiimmiiccrroobbiiaall ssuusscceeppttiibbiilliittyy tteessttiinngg � � 1

BBaacctteerriiaall iiddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn � � � � 5

GGrraamm ssttaaiinn � � � 1

Culture source: Throat Urine Various Throat/ sources urine

GC, Throat, and Urine Cultures D1, D2, D3, D7 Product Information• Five loop specimens (in duplicate)

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $252 $270 $264 $276

Presence or absence ofGroup AStreptococ-cus deter-mination

Organismsidentified tothe extent of your


Presence orabsence ofNeisseriagonor-rhoeae


Combina-tion of twothroat andthree urineculture


Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


AAnnttiimmiiccrroobbiiaall ssuusscceeppttiibbiilliittyy tteessttiinngg � 1

BBaacctteerriiaall aannttiiggeenn ddeetteeccttiioonn � 1

BBaacctteerriiaall iiddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn � 5

GGrraamm ssttaaiinn � 1Culture source: Microbiologic level:

GC culture Presence or absence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae


Throat culture Presence or absence of Group A Streptococcus


Urine culture Organisms identified to the extent of your laboratory's protocol

Bacteriology Limited D4 Product Information• Five loop specimens (in duplicate) and one swab specimen

• Two throat culture specimens, two urine culture specimens, one susceptibility specimen, one GC culture specimen, and one bacterial antigen detection specimen for Group A Streptococcus

• Three shipments per year

Microbiologic level:

134 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

College of American Pathologists


PRICE (USD) $297

Product Information• Five air-dried, methanol-fixed unstained glass slides

• Three shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


GGrraamm ssttaaiinn � 5

Gram Stain D5

PRICE (USD) $204

Product Information• Five swab specimens

• Three shipments per yearProcedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


GGrroouupp AA SSttrreeppttooccooccccuuss aannttiiggeenn ddeetteeccttiioonn � 5

Rapid Strep A Antigen Detection D6

PRICE (USD) $201

Product Information• Two swab specimens

• Two shipments per yearProcedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Group A Streptococcus antigen detection � 2

Rapid Strep A Antigen Detection, Waived D9

PRICE (USD) $138

Product Information• Two liquid, lyophilized, or simulated clinical specimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


LLeeggiioonneellllaa –– bbrroonncchhooaallvveeoollaarr llaavvaaggee � 1

SSttrreeppttooccooccccuuss ppnneeuummoonniiaaee –– uurriinnee � 1

Bacterial Antigen Detection BAS

Product Information• Five swab specimens

• Compatible with culture and molecular methods

• Three shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


GGrroouupp BB SSttrreeppttooccooccccuuss ddeetteeccttiioonn � 5

Group B Strep Detection D8

PRICE (USD) $261

www.cap.org 135

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs


PRICE (USD) $176

Participation in Survey BAS alone will not meet CLIA regulatory requirements.

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Blood culture bacterial detection � 2

Blood Culture BCS Product Information• Two challenges for inoculation of blood culture bottles

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $300

Participation in Survey BCS alone will not meet CLIA regulatory requirements.

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Helicobacter pylori antigen detection � 2

Helicobacter pylori Antigen, Stool HPS Product Information• Two 0.5-mL fecal suspensions

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $254

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


LLeeggiioonneellllaa ppnneeuummoopphhiillaa � 2

Legionella Antigen, Urine LAS Product Information• Two 0.5-mL liquid urine specimens

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $188

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Live organisms � 3

Laboratory Preparedness Exercise LPX Product Information• Three specimens

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $298

Additional InformationThe Laboratory Preparedness Exercise (LPX) was developed as a collaborative effort between the College of American Pathologists, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Association of Public Heath Laboratories (APHL). Laboratorieswill be sent live organisms that either exhibit characteristics of bioterrorism agents ordemonstrate epidemiologic importance and will be expected to respond following Laboratory Response Network Sentinel Laboratory Guidelines if a bioterrorism agent issuspected. All agents provided are excluded from the CDC’s select agent list. These mayinclude strains of Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis, Francisella tularensis, and Brucellaabortus that have been modified and are safe for testing in a laboratory that contains acertified Class II Biological Safety Cabinet and is capable of handling Category A and Bagents.

136 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

College of American Pathologists


Participation in Survey HPS alone will not meet CLIA regulatory requirements.

Participation in Survey LAS alone will not meet CLIA regulatory requirements.

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


MRSA detection � 2

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureusScreen MRS

Product Information• Two swab specimens

• For use with molecular methods and culture-based testing

• Two shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $196

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


MMRRSSAA ddeetteeccttiioonn � 5

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureusScreen MRS5

Product Information• Five swab specimens

• For use with molecular methods and culture-based testing

• Three shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $300

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Urease � 2

Rapid Urease RUR Product Information• Two simulated gastric biopsy specimens

• For use with methods such as CLOTEST®

• Two shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $120

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Adenovirus 40/41 � 2

C. difficile � 2

Rotavirus � 2

Shiga toxin � 2

Norovirus � 1

Stool Pathogen SP, SP1 Product Information• SP - Two 1.0-mL liquid specimens

• SP1 - One 1.0-mL liquid specimen

• For use with rapid or molecular testing methods

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $346 $320

www.cap.org 137

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs


Participation in Survey MRS alone will not meet CLIA regulatory requirements.

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Shiga toxin � 2

Shiga Toxin ST Product Information• Two 0.5-mL liquid specimens

• For use with direct shiga toxintesting only; not compatible with culture methods or cytotoxicity assays

• Two shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $312

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


GGaarrddnneerreellllaa vvaaggiinnaalliiss � 5

Candida sp. � 5

Trichomonas vaginalis � � 5

Vaginitis Screen VS, VS1 Product Information• Five swabs for DNA probe technology

• VS - BD Affirm™ VP III antigen detection method; three shipments per year

• VS1 - Genzyme OSOM®

Trichomonas Rapid Test method; two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $360 $274

138 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

College of American Pathologists


Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Interpretation of Gram-stained vaginal smears � 3

Vaginitis Screen, Virtual Gram Stain VS2 Product Information• Three online virtual slides

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $284


Additional Information• Participants will be able to manipulate the digital slide by scanning throughout the slide field and changing magnification.

• For online viewing requirements, see Online Virtual Microscopy Education Programs on page 12.

MycobacteriologyAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


AAcciidd--ffaasstt ssmmeeaarr � 1

AAnnttiimmyyccoobbaacctteerriiaall ssuusscceeppttiibbiilliittyy tteessttiinngg � 1

MMyyccoobbaacctteerriiaall iiddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn � 5

Mycobacteriology E Product Information• Five simulated clinical isolates and one specimen for performing an acid-fast bacillus smear

• Identification may be performed by culture or molecular methods

• Two shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $420

Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis required

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


AAcciidd--ffaasstt ssmmeeaarr � 5

MMyyccoobbaacctteerriiaall ccuullttuurree � 5

Mycobacteriology, Limited E1 Product Information• Five simulated specimens for acid-fast smears and/or for the determination of the presence or absence of acid-fast bacillus by culture

• Two shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $372

www.cap.org 139

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs



College of American Pathologists

140 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

MycologyAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Antifungal susceptibility testing � 1

Cryptococcal antigen detection � 2 per year

MMoolldd aanndd yyeeaasstt iiddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn � 5

Mycology F Product Information• Five loops for culture (two duplicate sets) and one 1.0-mL simulated cere-brospinal fluid specimen (A and B shipments only)

• Identification of yeast and mold may be performed by culture or molecular methods

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $459

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Antifungal susceptibility testing � 1

Cryptococcal antigen detection � 2 per year

YYeeaasstt iiddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn � 5

Yeast F1 Product Information• Five loops for culture (two duplicate sets) and one 1.0-mL simulated cere-brospinal fluid specimen (A and B shipments only)

• Identification of yeast may be performed by culture or molecular methods

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $357

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


India Ink � 2

India Ink IND Product Information• Two liquid specimens

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $174


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 141

ParasitologyAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Procedure Product Code

P P3 P4 P5

FFeeccaall ssuussppeennssiioonn ((wweett mmoouunntt)) � � �

FFeeccaall ssuussppeennssiioonn ((GGiiaarrddiiaa aanndd//oorr CCrryyppttoossppoorriiddiiuumm iimmmmuunnooaassssaayy and modified acid-fast stain) � � � �

GGiieemmssaa--ssttaaiinneedd bblloooodd ssmmeeaarr �

PPrreesseerrvveedd sslliiddee ((ffoorr ppeerrmmaanneenntt ssttaaiinn)) � �

Parasitology P, P3, P4, P5 Product Information• P - Five specimens consisting of thin and thick film for blood and tissue parasite identification; preserved slides for permanent stain; 0.75-mL fecal suspensions for direct wet mount examination or color photographs; two 0.75-mL fecal suspensions for Giardia and/or Cryp-tosporidium immunoassay testing and modified acid-fast stain

• P3 - Five 0.75-mL fecal suspension for direct wet mount examination or color photographs; one 0.75-mL fecal suspension for Giardiaand/or Cryptosporidium immunoassay testing and modified acid-fast stain

• P4 - Five specimens consisting of 0.75-mL fecal suspensions for direct wet mount examination, preserved slides for perma-nent stain, and/or color photographs; one 0.75-mL fecal suspension for Giardiaand/or Cryptosporidiumimmunoassay testing and modified acid-fast stain

• P5 - Five 0.75-mL fecal suspensions for Giardiaand/or Cryptosporidiumimmunoassay testing and modified acid-fast stain

• Three shipments per year

Additional Information• The proficiency testing materials used for the Parasitology Surveys contain formalin as a preservative.

• Modified acid-fast stain results do not meet CLIA requirements for parasite identification.

PRICE (USD) $348 $348 $342 $330


College of American Pathologists

142 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

* Corresponding thick films provided when available.

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


TThhiinn//tthhiicckk bblloooodd ffiillmm sseettss** � 5

Blood Parasite BP

PRICE (USD) $471

Product Information• Five Giesma-stained blood film sets and/or color photographs

• A variety of blood parasites including Plasmodium, Babesia, Trypanosoma, and filarial worms

• Three shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Tick, mite, and arthropod identification � 3

Ticks, Mites, and Other Arthropods TMO Product Information• Three color photograph challenges

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $372



2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 143

Virology and Molecular Microbiology Testing

Do you perform molecular testing on Chlamydiaor GC only?

Do youperform nucleic acid amplification other than GC?

Do you performviral load testing only?

Do you perform any of the following Virology testing?� Virology Culture� Virology Antigen Testing

Select from the following Surveys:

� HC5Chlamydia/GC DNA Probe or

� HC6/HC6XChlamydia/GC Nucleic AcidAmplification

Select IDO, ID1, ID1T,ID2Nucleic AcidAmplificationSurveys

Select from the following Surveys:� HIV,

HV2HIV Viral Load

� HCVN, HCV2, HBVL Hepatitis Viral Load

� VLS CMV, BK, and EBV Viral LoadSurvey






For Comprehensive Virology Culture Testing

For Virology Antigen Testing by Immunofluorescence

For Virology Antigen by EIA or Latex Agglutination

For Herpes Simplex Virus Antigen Detection by DFA

For Herpes Simplex Virus Culture Testing

YesYes Yes Yes

Virology Molecular Microbiology

Surveys VR3 and VR3M can now be found under Infectious Disease Serology on page 149.

This flowchart is provided as a guide for ordering the appropriate Virology and Molecular Microbiology Surveys for yourlaboratory’s testing menu. In order to meet CLIA requirements for the subspecialty of Virology, you must test five specimensper mailing. If you have any questions, please contact the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040 option 1.

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


AAddeennoovviirruuss ((NNoott 4400//4411)) aannttiiggeenn � 5

IInnfflluueennzzaa AA aannttiiggeenn � 5

IInnfflluueennzzaa BB aannttiiggeenn � 5

RReessppiirraattoorryy ssyynnccyyttiiaall vviirruuss ((RRSSVV)) aannttiiggeenn � 5

RRoottaavviirruuss aannttiiggeenn � 5

Virology Antigen Detection VR4 Product Information• Five 1.5-mL specimens

• For use with enzyme immunoassay and/or latex agglutination methods

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $366

VirologyAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Chlamydia trachomatis culture � 1

VViirraall iissoollaattiioonn//iiddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn � 5

Educational challenge � 1 per year

Virology Culture VR1 Product Information• Five 0.5-mL specimens for viral culture and one 0.5-mL specimen for Chlamydiatrachomatis culture

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $696

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


AAddeennoovviirruuss aannttiiggeenn � 1 1

CCyyttoommeeggaalloovviirruuss aannttiiggeenn � 1 1

HHeerrppeess ssiimmpplleexx vviirruuss ((HHSSVV)) aannttiiggeenn � 1 1

IInnfflluueennzzaa AA aannttiiggeenn � 1 1

IInnfflluueennzzaa BB aannttiiggeenn � 1

PPaarraaiinnfflluueennzzaa aannttiiggeenn � 1 1

RReessppiirraattoorryy ssyynnccyyttiiaall vviirruuss ((RRSSVV)) aannttiiggeenn � 1 1

VVaarriicceellllaa--zzoosstteerr aannttiiggeenn � 1 1

Educational challenge � 1

Virology Antigen Detection (DFA) VR2 Product Information• Five 5-well slide specimens

• Three shipments per year

144 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

College of American Pathologists


PRICE (USD) $513


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 145

C. trachomatis, Herpes, N. gonorrhoeae HC1, HC2, HC3, HC4*, HC5*, HC6*/HC6X*

Product Information• HC1 and HC2 - Five 5-well slide specimens

• HC3 - Five 2.0-mL liquid specimens

• HC4 - Five 2.0-mL viral suspension specimens

• HC5 - Five swab specimens

• HC6 - Three swab specimens and two simulated urine specimens

• HC6X - Three swab specimens and two simulated urine specimens (two duplicate sets)

• For Surveys HC5, HC6, and HC6X, each swab is used to perform both C. trachomatisand N. gonorrhoeae testing

• Three shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Chlamydia trachomatis

AAnnttiiggeenn ddeetteeccttiioonn ((DDFFAA)) � 5

EEnnzzyymmee iimmmmuunnooaassssaayy ((EEIIAA)) � 5

DDNNAA pprroobbee � 5

Nucleic acid amplification (NAA) � 5

Herpes simplex virus (HSV)

AAnnttiiggeenn ddeetteeccttiioonn ((DDFFAA)) � 5

CCuullttuurree � 5

Neisseria gonorrhoeae

DDNNAA pprroobbee � 5

Nucleic acid amplification (NAA) � 5

PRICE (USD) $342 $351 $354 $378 $444 $408/621

* The biohazard warning applies to Surveys HC4, HC5, HC6, and HC6X.

Molecular Microbiology

College of American Pathologists

146 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Molecular MicrobiologyAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


HCV viral load � 5

HCV genotyping � 1

HCV, qualitative � 1

HBV viral load � 1

Hepatitis Viral Load HCVN/HCV2, HBVL Product Information• HCVN - Five 0.5-mL liquid plasma specimens

• HCV2 - Five 1.5-mL liquid plasma specimens

• HBVL - One 1.25-mL plasma specimen

• Three shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $957/1455 $474

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


HIV-RNA viral load � 5

HIV genotyping � 1

HIV Viral Load HIV/HV2, HIVG Product Information• HIV - Five 0.5-mL plasma specimens

• HV2 - Five 2.5-mL plasma specimens

• HIVG - One 1.0-mL plasma specimen

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $624/729 $570

Viral Load Survey VLS Product Information• Six 1.0-mL EDTA plasma specimens

• Two shipments per yearProcedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


CMV viral load � 2

EBV viral load � 2

BK viral load � 2PRICE (USD) $570

Molecular Microbiology

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 147

Nucleic Acid Amplification, Organisms IDO Product Information• Seven serum, plasma, or simulated clinical isolate specimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Bordetella pertussis/parapertussis � 1

Legionella pneumophila/Chlamydiophila pneumoniae � 1

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus � 1

Molecular typing (bacterial isolates) � 1

Mycobacterium tuberculosis � 1

Mycoplasma pneumoniae � 1

Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus � 1PRICE (USD) $520

Participation in Survey IDO alone will not meet CLIA requirements.

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Human papillomavirus � 2

Human papillomavirus HPV Product Information• Two simulated cervical specimens contained in Digene transport media

• For Digene Hybrid Capture only

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $258

Additional Information• Participation in Survey HPV alone will not meet CLIA regulatory requirements.

• Laboratories using Digene, SurePath, and/or ThinPrep collection media, see page 201.

Molecular Microbiology

College of American Pathologists

148 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Nucleic Acid Amplification, Respiratory ID2 Product Information• Six serum, plasma, or simulated clinical isolate specimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Adenovirus � 1

Coronavirus/Rhinovirus � 1

Human metapneumovirus � 1

Influenza virus � 1

Parainfluenza virus � 1

Respiratory syncytial virus � 1PRICE (USD) $550

Participation in Survey ID1 alone will not meet CLIA requirements.

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Enterovirus � 1

Epstein-Barr virus � 1

Cytomegalovirus � 1

Herpes simplex virus � 1

Human herpesvirus 6 � 1

Human herpesvirus 8 � 1

Parvovirus B19 � 1

Varicella-zoster virus � 1

BK virus � 1

JC virus � 1

Nucleic Acid Amplification, Viruses ID1, ID1T

PRICE (USD) $620 $320

Product Information• ID1- Eight serum, plasma, or simulated clinical isolate specimens

• ID1T - Two 1.0-mL liquid specimens

• Two shipments per year

Infectious Disease Serology

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 149

Infectious Disease SerologyAnalytes/procedures in bboolldd type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Cytomegalovirus (CMV) – IgG, IgM, and total antibodies � 1

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) –VCA – IgG, IgMEBNA – IgG, IgM, and total antibodiesEA – IgG � 1

Helicobacter pylori – IgG, IgA, and total antibodies � 1

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) – IgG antibody � 1

Mycoplasma pneumoniae – IgG, IgM, and total antibodies � 1

Mumps – IgG � 1

Rubeola virus – IgG antibody � 1

Toxoplasma gondii – IgG, IgM, and total antibodies � 1

Varicella-zoster virus – IgG and total antibodies � 1

Infectious Disease Serology VR3, VR3M Product Information• VR3 - Eight 0.5-mL lyophilized plasma specimens

• VR3M - One 0.5-mL lyophilized plasma specimen

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $496 $224

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Antibody to tick-transmitted disease organisms � 3

Tick-Transmitted Diseases TTD Product Information• Three 0.4-mL liquid specimens

• Designed for the detection of antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi, Babesia microti, and Anaplasma phagocytophilum

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $538

The CAP’s Registry Service for Genetic Testing

The College of American Pathologists (CAP) announces an Internet-based registry service designed to connect laboratories doing molecular genetics testing.

To access this service: Go to www.cap.org Choose the Reference Resources and

Publications tab Click on the Sample Exchange Registry icon

under Hot Topics Fill out a contact information form

the same genetic disorder, the CAP will facilitate contact among them so a sample exchange may be negotiated.

For more information, e-mail your questions directly to [email protected] or call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040 option 1.

Immunology and Flow Cytometry15

Every number is a life.™











Immunology and Flow Cytometry

Immunology ..................................................................................................................153Flow Cytometry ............................................................................................................159

New Products

Serum Free Light Chains (SFLC) ..............................................................................................158

New Analyte Additions

Immunology, Special; Immunology, Special, Limited; H. pylori IgG Antibody (S2) ......................154Anti-centromere antibody

Every number is a life.™15Im












2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 153

Product Information• ANA and RUB - Five 0.5-mLliquid serum specimens

• ASO, HCG, and RF - Five1.0-mL liquid serumspecimens

• CRP - Two 0.5-mL liquidserum specimens; notappropriate for high-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP)methods

• IM - Five 0.6-mL liquid serumspecimens

• RFX - All RF Survey specimensin duplicate

• RUBX - All RUB Surveyspecimens in duplicate

• IL - All Immunology specimensexcept Survey IMW

• Three shipments per year

• IMW - Three 0.6-mL liquidserum specimens; twoshipments per year

ImmunologyAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Antinuclear antibody(ANA)* � � 5

Anti-streptolysin O (ASO)** � � 5

C-reactive protein(qualitative/quantitative) � � 2

hCG, serum (qualitative/quantitative) � � 5

Infectious mononucleosis � � 5

Infectious mononucleosis,waived � 3

Rheumatoid factor** � � 5



PRICE (USD) $150 $150 $150 $153 $150 $98 $150/ $156/ $957249 246

*Antinuclear antibody is regulated and graded for qualitative methods only. Quantitativemethods are graded but do not meet regulatory requirements. Titer and pattern results areungraded/educational in this Survey and do not meet regulatory requirements.**Anti-streptolysin O, Rheumatoid factor, and Rubella are regulated analytes and are gradedfor both qualitative and quantitative methods. Semi-quantitative and/or titer results for theseanalytes are ungraded/educational in this Survey and do not meet regulatory requirements.

Product Information• IG - Ten 1.0-mL liquid serumspecimens

• IGX - All IG Survey specimensin duplicate

• Three shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Alpha-1-antitrypsin � 5

Complement C3 � 5

Complement C4 � 5

Haptoglobin � 5

IgA � 5

IgE � 5

IgG � 5

IgM � 5

Kappa/lambda ratio � 5

Immunology, General IG/IGX

PRICE (USD) $261/390


College of American Pathologists

154 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Product Information• S2 - A minimum of seven(0.5 to 1.0-mL/vial) liquidserum specimens

• S4 - A minimum of three(0.5 to 1.0-mL/vial) serumspecimens

• Three shipments per year

• S5 - Two 1.0-mL serumspecimens; two shipmentsper year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment

S2 S4 S5 A B C

Anti-centromere antibody � 1 1

Anti-DNA antibody (ds) � � 1 1 1

Anti-glomerular basementmembrane (GBM) antibody � 1 1

Anti-mitochondrial antibody � 1 1 1

Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody(ANCA, anti-MPO, anti-PR3) � 1 1

Anti-RNP antibody � 1 1 1

Anti-Sm antibody � 1 1 1

Anti-Sm/RNP antibody � 1 1 1

Anti-smooth muscle antibody � 1 1 1

Anti-SSA antibody � 1 1

Anti-SSB antibody � 1 1

Anti-SSA/SSB antibody � 1 1

Anti-thyroglobulin antibody � � 1 1 1

Anti-thyroid microsomal antibody � � 1 1 1

Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody � � 1 1 1

Ceruloplasmin � � 1 1

Haptoglobin � � 1 1

Helicobacter pylori, IgG antibody � � 1 1� 2 2

IgD � � 1 1 1

IgG � � 1 1

IgG subclass proteins � � 1 1

Kappa/lambda ratio � � 1 1

Prealbumin (transthyretin) � � 1 1

Transferrin � � 1 1

Immunology, Special; Immunology Special, Limited;and H. pylori IgG Antibody S2, S4, S5

PRICE (USD) $492 $327 $150


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 155

Product Information• Three 0.5-mL lyophilizedserum specimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Anticardiolipin antibody (polyclonal,lgG, lgM, and lgA) � 3

Beta-2-glycoprotein I (polyclonal,lgG, lgM, and lgA) � 3

Antiphospholipid Antibody ACL

Product Information• Two 1.0-mL serum specimens

• Two shipments per yearAnalyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Antimitochondrial M2antibody (AMA-M2) � 2

Antimitochondrial M2 Antibody H

Product Information• Two 1.0-mL serum specimens

• Two shipments per yearAnalyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Anti-parietal cell antibody � 2

Anti-Parietal Cell Antibody APC

Product Information• Two 1.0-mL serum specimens

• Two shipments per yearAnalyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody,lgG and lgA � 2

Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae Antibody ASC

PRICE (USD) $388

PRICE (USD) $374

PRICE (USD) $396

PRICE (USD) $238


College of American Pathologists

156 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Product Information• Each shipment will contain theappropriate number of0.3-mL serum specimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Anti-endomysial, IgA and lgG � 2 3

Anti-endomysial screen, lgA and lgG � 2 3

Anti-gliadin, lgA and lgG � 2 3

Anti-deamidated gliadin peptide,lgA and lgG � 2 3

Anti-deamidated gliadin peptidescreen, IgA and IgG � 2 3

Anti-tissue transglutaminase, lgA and lgG � 2 3

Anti-deamidated gliadin peptide,IgA/IgG andAnti-tissue transglutaminase,IgA/IgG screen � 2 3

Celiac Serology CES

Product Information• Two 1.0-mL serum specimens

• Two shipments per yearAnalyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Anti-CCP � 2

Cyclic Citrullinated PeptideAntibody (Anti-CCP) CCP

Product Information• Five 2.0-mL serum specimens

• Includes common allergensfrom North America as wellas less frequently testedallergens

• Three shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


IgE, total � 5

IgE, multi-allergen screen (qualitative) � 5

Specific allergens � 25

Educational challenges � 2 per year

Diagnostic Allergy SE

PRICE (USD) $482

PRICE (USD) $392

PRICE (USD) $564


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 157

Product Information• Three 0.5-mL liquid serumspecimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


High-sensitivity/cardiac C-reactive protein � 3

High-Sensitivity/Cardiac C-reactive Protein hsCRP

Product Information• Two 1.0-mL serum specimens

• Two shipments per yearAnalyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Anti-LKM � 2

Liver-Kidney Microsomal Antibody (Anti-LKM) LKM

Product Information• Two 1.0-mL lyophilizedspecimens

• For use with theQuantiFERON®-TB methodonly

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


M. tuberculosis � 2

M. tuberculosis Stimulated Infection Detection QF

Product Information• Two 1.0-mL serum specimens

• Two shipments per yearAnalyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Anti-Jo-1 (anti-histidyl t-RNA synthetase) � 1

Anti-Scl-70 (anti-DNA topoisomerase) � 1

Rheumatic Disease Special Serologies RDS

Product Information• Five 1.5-mL serum specimens

• Three shipments per yearAnalyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Syphilis � 5

Syphilis Serology G

For use with VDRL, RPR, MHA-TP/TP-PA/PK-TP, EIA, CMIA, multiplex flow immunoassay,FTA-ABS, and USR methods. Also available for laboratories performing syphilis serology onCSF specimens.

PRICE (USD) $270

PRICE (USD) $356

PRICE (USD) $350

PRICE (USD) $340

PRICE (USD) $240


College of American Pathologists

158 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Product Information• Two 0.5-mL lyophilizedserum specimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Total hemolytic complement � 2

Total Hemolytic Complement CH50

Product Information• Two 10.0-mL serumspecimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Viscosity � 2

Viscosity V

Product Information• Three 1.0-mL serumspecimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Kappa serum free light chain � 3

Lambda serum free light chain � 3

Kappa/Lambda serum free lightchain ratio � 3

Serum Free Light Chains SFLC

PRICE (USD) $384

PRICE (USD) $232


PRICE (USD) $400

Flow Cytometry

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 159

Flow CytometryAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Product Information• FL1 - Three 1.5-mL wholeblood specimens

• FL2 - Three 1.1-mLspecimens; two fixedcell-line specimens and onecalibrator for DNA contentand cell cycle analysis

• FL - All FL1 and FL2 Surveyspecimens

• Three shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


DNA content and cell cycle analysis � � 3

Lymphocyte immunophenotyping � � 3

Flow Cytometry FL, FL1, FL2

Product Information• FL3 - Two 4.5-mL wholeblood specimens and/or celllines simulating leukemia/lymphoma; color photo-graphs of tissue sections,bone marrow, and/orperipheral blood smears withclinical histories

• FL3CD - CD-ROM containingtwo cases of leukemia/lymphoma with clinicalhistories, digital images,and ungated list mode files;allows users to examinegating strategies and interpretantibody staining patterns.The files are in standardFCS 2.0 format and workwell with CellQuest™,FACSCanto/Diva™, Expo 32,R(C)XP, and other softwarecapable of reading the FCS2.0 files (with the exception ofSystem II and Paint-A-Gatesoftware)

• Two shipments per year

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Leukemia/lymphoma � 2

Leukemia/lymphoma list modechallenge (CD-ROM) � 2

Flow Cytometry—ImmunophenotypicCharacterization of Leukemia/Lymphoma


Not appropriate for hematology analyzers with monoclonal antibody analysisPRICE (USD) $1476 $792 $849

PRICE (USD) $670 $260

Flow Cytometry

College of American Pathologists

160 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Product Information• Two 1.5-mL stabilized humanCD34+ specimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


CD34+ � 2

Flow Cytometry, CD34+ FL4

Product Information• Two cases consisting of gateddot plots, clinical histories,and pertinent laboratorydata, as well as colorphotographs of tissuesections, bone marrow,and/or peripheral bloodsmears

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Flow cytometry, interpretation only � 2

Flow Cytometry, Interpretation Only FL5

Product Information• PNH - Two 1.0-mL red bloodcell specimens

• PNHW - Two 3.5-mL cell linespecimens

• Two shipments per year

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


PNH RBC analysis (CD55/CD59) � 2

PNH WBC analysis (CD55/CD59,FLAER) � 2

Flow Cytometry—ImmunophenotypicCharacterization of Paroxysmal Nocturnal

Hemoglobinuria PNH, PNHW

Other CD markers/proteins have not been validated and are not recommended for use withthese Surveys.

Product Information• Two 1.2-mL liquid stabilizedred blood cell specimens

• Not designed for F cellquantitation

• Two shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Kleihauer-Betke, flow cytometry � 2

Rosette fetal screen � 2

Fetal Red Cell Determination HBF

PRICE (USD) $544

PRICE (USD) $236

PRICE (USD) $330

PRICE (USD) $488 $536

Designed for laboratories that receive flow cytometry analyses from referring laboratories toperform the interpretation of patient results

Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers,and Parentage Testing16

Every number is a life.™
















Transfusion Medicine, Viral Markers, and Parentage Testing

Transfusion Medicine......................................................................................................163Viral Markers ................................................................................................................168Parentage Testing ..........................................................................................................171

New Products

Bacterial Detection in Platelets, 5 Challenges (BDP5) ................................................................165

Every number is a life.™



















Transfusion Medicine

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 163

Product Information• J - Five 2.0-mL 3% red blood

cell suspensions; five 3.0-mLcorresponding serumspecimens; one 2.0-mL donorred blood cell suspension

• J1 - Five 2.0-mL 3% redblood cell suspensions; five3.0-mL corresponding serumspecimens

• Three shipments per year

Transfusion MedicineAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment

J J1

ABO grouping � � 5

Rh typing � � 5

Antibody detection � 5

Antibody identification � 5

Compatibility testing � 5

Red blood cell antigen detection � 1

Transfusion Medicine, Comprehensive/Limited J, J1

PRICE (USD) $378 $300

Analyte/Program Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Educational challenge � 1

Transfusion Medicine Educational Challenges JE1 Product Information• One educational challenge

which may consist of a paperchallenge, serum specimenfor antibody detection andidentification, and/or redblood cell suspension forABO grouping, Rh typing,and/or direct antiglobulintesting

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $204

Must be purchased in conjunction with the J Survey

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


ABO grouping � 5

Antibody detection � 5

Rh typing � 5

Transfusion Medicine Automated Testing JAT Product Information• Five 4.0-mL whole blood


• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $570

Transfusion Medicine

College of American Pathologists

164 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Product Information• Two 2.0-mL 3% red blood cellsuspensions

• Two 3.0-mL correspondingserum specimens

• One 3.0-mL donor 3% redblood cell suspension

• Three shipments per year;shipments may be orderedindividually or for an entireyear

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


ABO grouping � 2

Antibody detection � 2

Antibody identification � 2

Compatibility testing � 2

Rh typing � 2

Transfusion Medicine Competency Assessment—Comprehensive Transfusion Medicine TMCA

PRICE (USD) $411

Product Information• Two 2.0-mL 3 to 4% redblood cell suspensions

• Two shipments per year;shipments may be orderedindividually or for an entireyear

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Direct antiglobulin testing � 2

Transfusion Medicine Competency Assessment—Direct Antiglobulin Test TMCAD

PRICE (USD) $206

Product Information• Two 1.2-mL liquid stabilizedred blood cell specimens

• Two shipments per year;shipments may be orderedindividually or for an entireyear

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Kleihauer-Betke, flow cytometry � 2

Rosette fetal screen � 2

Transfusion Medicine Competency Assessment—Fetal Red Cell Quantitation TMCAF

PRICE (USD) $336

Transfusion Medicine

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 165

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Anti-A titer � � 1

Anti-D titer � � 1

Product Information• ABT - One 2.0-mL plasmaspecimen for anti-D titer withone corresponding titercell (3% red blood cellsuspension); one 2.0-mLplasma specimen for anti-Atiter with one correspondingtiter cell (3% red blood cellsuspension)

• ABT1 - One 2.0-mL plasmaspecimen for anti-A titer withone corresponding titercell (3% red blood cellsuspension)

• ABT2 - One 2.0-mL plasmaspecimen for anti-D titer withone corresponding titercell (3% red blood cellsuspension)

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $392 $294 $294

Antibody Titer ABT, ABT1, ABT2

Product Information• BDP - Two liquid andlyophilized specimens tosimulate a platelet sample;designed for donor centers/laboratories associated with aCMS certified microbiologylaboratory with the sameCLIA number and areparticipating in an approvedproficiency testing programfor bacterial detection; twoshipments per year

• BDP5 - Five liquid andlyophilized specimens tosimulate a platelet sample;designed for donor centers/laboratories performingbacterial detection for thepurposes of platelet unitscreening not associated witha CMS certified microbiologylaboratory with the sameCLIA number; threeshipments per year

Procedure Challenges/Shipment

Product Code


Bacterial culture and detection systems 2 5

Glucose 2 5

Staining methods 2 5

pH 2 5

Rapid immunoassay (Platelet PanGenera Detection) 2 5

Bacterial Detection in Platelets BDP, BDP5

PRICE (USD) $564 $852

Additional information• Proficiency testing for bacterial detection in platelets is now required by the Centersfor Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

• Does not meet CLIA regulatory requirements for Gram stain

Transfusion Medicine

College of American Pathologists

166 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Product Information• CBT - Two 2.5-mL bloodspecimens; designed for theproficiency testing of assaysrequired for the production ofumbilical cord blood stem cellproducts

• SCP - Two 3.0-mL peripheralblood specimens; designedfor laboratories that processand assess the suitability ofstem cells

• Two shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Direct antiglobulin testing � 3

Direct Antiglobulin Testing DAT Product Information• Three 2.0-mL 3 to 4% redblood cell suspensions

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $186

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Absolute CD3 � � 2

Absolute CD34 � � 2

Absolute CD45 � 2

Bacterial culture � � 2

%CD3+ � � 2

%CD34+ � � 2

%CD45+ � � 2

BFU-E � � 2

CFU-E � � 2

CFU-GEMM � � 2

CFU-GM � � 2

Total CFC � � 2

Fungal culture � � 2

Hematocrit � � 2

Hemoglobin � � 2

Mononuclear cell count � � 2

Total nucleated cells � � 2

Total nucleated red cells � � 2

Viability � � 2

WBC count � � 2

Cord Blood and Stem Cell Processing CBT, SCP

PRICE (USD) $698 $1472

Additional information• Because these materials are human donor-based, the ship date is subject to change.If this should occur, notification will be provided prior to the scheduled date. In someinstances, the product may ship in two installments.

• Due to material stability, no replacements will be available.

Transfusion Medicine

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 167

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Antibody elution � 2

Eluate Survey ELU Product Information• Two 2.0-mL 50% red bloodcell suspensions

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $968

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Kleihauer-Betke, flow cytometry � 2

Rosette fetal screen � 2

Fetal Red Cell Determination HBF Product Information• Two 1.2-mL liquid stabilizedred blood cell specimens

• Not designed for F cellquantitation

• Two shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $330

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Antibody detection � 3

Platelet crossmatch � 3

Platelet Serology PS Product Information• Three 3.0-mL plasmaspecimens

• For use with solid-phasered cell adherence, flowcytometry, EIA/ELISA, andRIA methods

• Two shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $506

A low concentration of sodium azide may be present in the specimens and may affectlymphocytotoxicity methods.

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Platelet count (platelet-rich plasma) � 5

WBC count � 4

Transfusion-Related Cell Count TRC Product Information• Five 1.2-mL suspensions ofstabilized mammalianplatelets

• Two 1.0-mL vials leukocyte-reduced platelet material

• Two 1.0-mL vials leukocyte-reduced red blood cells

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $534

WBC counts must be performed using a Nageotte chamber or by flow cytometry.

Viral Markers

College of American Pathologists

168 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Viral MarkersAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Anti-HAV, total � 5

Anti-HBc, total � 5

Anti-HBs � 5

Anti-HCV � 5

Anti-HIV-1 � 5

Anti-HIV-1/2 � 5

Anti-HIV-2 � 5

HBsAg � 5

AABB/CAP Viral Markers—Series 1 VM1 Product Information• Five 3.5-mL plasma specimens

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $354

Not for use with rapid anti-HIV-1 or anti-HIV-1/2 kits—see page 169 for rapid kits.

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Anti-HBe � 5

HBeAg � 5

AABB/CAP Viral Markers—Series 2 VM2 Product Information• Five 3.5-mL plasma specimens

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $495

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Anti-CMV � 3

Anti-HTLV-I/II � 3

HIV-1 p24 antigen � 3

AABB/CAP Viral Markers—Series 3 VM3 Product Information• Three 3.5-mL plasmaspecimens

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $450

Viral Markers

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 169

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Anti-Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas disease) � 2

Viral Markers—Series 4 VM4 Product Information• Two 1.0-mL plasmaspecimens

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $768

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Anti-HAV, IgM � 5

Anti-HBc, IgM � 5

AABB/CAP Viral Markers—Series 5 VM5 Product Information• Five 1.5-mL plasmaspecimens

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $105

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Alanine aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT) � 5

Cholesterol � 5

Protein, total � 5

Viral Marker Chemistry VMC Product Information• Five 5.0-mL liquid plasmaspecimens

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $231

Product Information• AHIV - Five 0.5-mLspecimens; second methodreporting available; threeshipments per year

• AHIVW - Two 0.5-mLspecimens; report up to fivedifferent locations within yourinstitution; two shipmentsper year

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Anti-HIV-1/2 � 5

Anti-HIV-1/2, waived methods only � 2

Anti-HIV-1/2, Rapid Methods AHIV, AHIVW

PRICE (USD) $396 $214

Viral Markers

College of American Pathologists

170 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Product Information• RHIV - Five 0.5-mL plasmaspecimens; second methodreporting available; threeshipments per year

• RHIVW - Two 0.5-mL plasmaspecimens; report up to fivedifferent locations within yourinstitution; two shipmentsper year

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Anti-HIV-1 � 5

Anti-HIV-1, waived methods only � 2

Anti-HIV-1, Rapid Methods RHIV, RHIVW

PRICE (USD) $384 $156

Product Information• Five 6.0-mL plasma specimens

• Designed for blood donorcenters performing nucleicacid testing on donor units

• Three shipments per year

Nucleic Acid Testing NATAnalyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


HBV � 5

HIV � 5

HCV � 5

West Nile Virus � 5PRICE (USD) $2370

Both Surveys, RHIV and RHIVW, are compatible with the OraQuick® Rapid HIV-1 Antibody Testkit by OraSure Technologies and the Uni-GoldTM Recombigen® HIV kit by Trinity Biotech.Survey RHIV is also compatible with the MedMira RevealTM HIV-1 Antibody Test kit.

Parentage Testing

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 171

Parentage TestingAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Product Information• PAR - Three 3.0-mL liquidwhole blood paternity triospecimens; two buccal swabsfor a second alleged fatherchallenge

• PARF - Three blood-stainedfilter paper paternity triospecimens; two buccal swabsfor a second alleged fatherchallenge

• Reporting for short tandemrepeats (STRs), Y-STRs, as wellas the conclusions provided

• Three shipments per year

AABB/CAP Parentage/Relationship TestingPAR/PARF

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Calculation challenge (paper challenge) � 1

DNA testing (PCR) � 4PRICE (USD) $1089/1005

The CAP is committed to the success of pathologists and the laboratorycommunity, both for today and tomorrow. We’ve recently launched a multiyeartransformation effort to create an enhanced and evolved role for pathologistsover the next generation—yielding a greater recognition as physicians activelyinvolved on the patient care team.

Learn more at cap.org/transformation

Primary role onthe clinical team…

Use of innovativetechnology…

Do you see yourself inthe center of patient care?

Central position in themedical team…

Involved inhealth care reform…


Every number is a life.™







Every number is a life.™







CAP Accreditation Receives UNOS ApprovalThe United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) has recognized the CAP LaboratoryAccreditation Program as an approved accreditor for UNOS laboratories. Considerusing the CAP to meet all of your UNOS accreditation requirements.


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 175

Product Information• MX1B - Four 0.25-mL plasmaspecimens; two(approximately 1.0 x 106)purified peripheral bloodlymphocyte specimens

• MX1C - Four 0.50-mL plasmaspecimens; two(approximately 4.0 x 106)purified peripheral bloodlymphocyte specimens

• MX1E - Four 0.30-mL plasmaspecimens; must be orderedin conjunction with SurveyMX1B or MX1C

• Multiple method reportingprovided

• Three shipments per year

HistocompatibilityAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Crossmatching � � 8

Antibody screen � � � 4

Antibody identification � � � 4

HLA Crossmatching, Antibody Screen, and AntibodyIdentification (Class I) MX1B, MX1C, MX1E

Product Information• MX2B - Two 0.25-mL plasmaspecimens; two(approximately 7.2 x 106)purified peripheral bloodlymphocyte specimens

• MX2C - Two 0.50-mL plasmaspecimens; two(approximately 9.6 x 106)purified peripheral bloodlymphocyte specimens

• MX2E - Two 0.30-mL plasmaspecimens; must be orderedin conjunction with SurveyMX2B or MX2C

• Multiple method reportingprovided

• Three shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Crossmatching � � 4

Antibody screen � � � 2

Antibody identification � � � 2

HLA Crossmatching, Antibody Screen, and AntibodyIdentification (Class II) MX2B, MX2C, MX2E

PRICE (USD) $720 $726 $306

PRICE (USD) $690 $1038 $402

For laboratories conducting BOTH Class I and Class II HLA testing, see next page.


College of American Pathologists

176 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Product Information• MXB - Four 0.25-mL plasmaspecimens, two purifiedperipheral blood lymphocytespecimens, two 0.25-mLplasma specimens, and twopurified peripheral bloodlymphocyte specimens

• MXC - Four 0.50-mL plasmaspecimens, two purifiedperipheral blood lymphocytespecimens, two 0.50-mLplasma specimens, and twopurified peripheral bloodlymphocyte specimens

• Three shipments per year

Analyte/Procedure Corresponding Survey Product Code


Crossmatching, antibody screen, andantibody identification, Class I MX1B* �

Crossmatching, antibody screen, andantibody identification, Class II MX2B* �

Crossmatching, antibody screen, andantibody identification, Class I MX1C* �

Crossmatching, antibody screen, andantibody identification, Class II MX2C* �

HLA Crossmatching, Antibody Screen, and AntibodyIdentification (Class I/II) Combinations MXB, MXC

Product Information• ABO - Five 2.0-mL 3% redblood cell suspensions andfive 3.0-mL correspondingserum specimens; must beordered in conjuction witheither HLAS or HLAS1Surveys

• HLAS - Three 3.0-mLsuspensions of purifiedperipheral blood lymphocytes

• HLAS1 - Three 1.0-mLsuspensions of purifiedperipheral blood lymphocytes

• Three shipments per year

HLA Serologic Typing (Class I/II)ABO, HLAS, HLAS1

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


ABO grouping (includes A subtyping) � 5

HLA serologic typing (Class I and Class II) � 3

HLA serologic typing (Class I only) � 3

Product Information• Five 1.5-mL whole bloodspecimens in CPD-A

• Serologic equivalentsreporting available

• Three shipments per year

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Molecular HLA-A, B, and C typing (Class I) � � 5

Molecular HLA-DR, DQ, and DPtyping (Class II) � � 5

* See page 175 for specimen and analyte information.

PRICE (USD) $249 $777 $696

PRICE (USD) $1272 $1590

PRICE (USD) $690 $645 $1197

HLA Molecular Typing ML, DL, DML


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 177

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


HLA-B27 typing � 5

HLA-B27 Typing B27 Product Information• Five 2.0 to 4.0-mL wholeblood specimens in CPD-A

• Two shipments per year

Product Information• ABT - One 2.0-mL plasmaspecimen for anti-D titer withone corresponding titer cell(3% suspension); one 2.0-mLplasma specimen for anti-Atiter with one correspondingtiter cell (3% red blood cellsuspension)

• ABT1 - One 2.0-mL plasmaspecimen for anti-A titer withone corresponding titer cell(3% red blood cellsuspension)

• ABT2 - One 2.0-mL plasmaspecimen for anti-D titer withone corresponding titer cell(3% red blood cellsuspension)

• Two shipments per year

Antibody Titer ABT, ABT1, ABT2Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Anti-A titer � � 1

Anti-D titer � � 1

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Stem cell monitoring engraftment � 3

Monitoring Engraftment ME Product Information• Five 1.5-mL whole bloodspecimens

• Designed for laboratoriessupporting stem cell trans-plant and laboratoriesmonitoring chimerism afterorgan transplantation

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $392 $294 $294

PRICE (USD) $450

PRICE (USD) $561

The CAP’s Registry Service for Genetic Testing

The College of American Pathologists (CAP) announces an Internet-based registry service designed to connect laboratories doing molecular genetics testing.

To access this service: Go to www.cap.orgChoose the Reference Resources and

Publications tabClick on the Sample Exchange Registry icon

under Hot TopicsFill out a contact information form

the same genetic disorder, the CAP will facilitate contact among them so a sample exchange may be negotiated.

For more information, e-mail your questions directly to [email protected] or call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040 option 1.

Genetics and Molecular Pathology18

Every number is a life.™












Genetics and Molecular Pathology

Cytogenetics ................................................................................................................181Biochemical and Molecular Genetics ..............................................................................183Molecular Oncology – Solid Tumors ................................................................................186Molecular Oncology – Hematological ..............................................................................188

New Products

Carnitine (BGL1) ....................................................................................................................183Post Analytical DNA Sequencing (SEC)....................................................................................184BRAF (BRAF)..........................................................................................................................186EGFR (EGFR) ........................................................................................................................187KIT/PDGFRA (KIT) ..................................................................................................................187KRAS (KRAS) ........................................................................................................................187MHO, Lymphoma (MHO) ......................................................................................................188MHO, Lymphoma, Additional Volume (MHO1) ........................................................................188MHO, Leukemia (MHO2) ......................................................................................................188MHO, Leukemia, Additional Volume (MHO3) ..........................................................................188MHO, Lymphoma, Formalin-Fixed Tissue (MHO4)....................................................................188

Name Changes

FISH Brain/Glioma Tissue (CYJ) ..............................................................................................182Formerly FISH-Glioma Tissue

Reconfigured 2009 Products

ACMG/CAP Cytogenetics (CY)ACMG/CAP Cytogenetics (CY)ACMG/CAP Cytogenetics – Booklet (CYBK) ................................................................181

Discontinued 2009 Products

Molecular Oncology (MO, MO2, MO3)

Every number is a life.™














2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 181

Product Information• CY - Five online images of

metaphase cells availablethrough e-LAB Solutions

• CYBK - Five prints ofmetaphase cells

• Three shipments per year

CytogeneticsAnalytes/procedures in bboolldd type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Chromosome abnormality � � 5

Karyotype � � 5

Educational challenge, ungraded � � 1 per year

ACMG/CAP Cytogenetics CY, CYBK

Additional InformationFor each challenge provided, a case history and two copies each of at least threemetaphase cells that are representative of each case will be included. Challenges willvary and may include a constitutional chromosome disorder, a neoplastic disorder, andan image of G-banded partial karyotypes from different cases.

Disease/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Constitutional and Hematologic Disorders

FISH for neoplastic disorder � 1 2

FISH for constitutional abnormality � 2 1

Urothelial Carcinoma

FISH for urothelial carcinoma � 2 2

Breast Cancer

HER2 gene amplification � 10 10

ACMG/CAP Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization CYF, CYI, CYH

Product Information• CYF - Four slides and one

color photograph

• CYI - Two 1.5-mL cell samples suspended in ethanolfrom two different specimens; participants use FISH to detect chromosome abnor-malities using probes for thecentromeres for chromo-somes 3, 7, 17, and a locus-specific probe for 9p21

• CYH - Two five-core tissue microarray slides equivalent to 10 paraffin-embedded breast tissue specimens; a duplicate set of H&E stained tissue microarray slides will also be provided

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $570 $624

PRICE (USD) $482 $522 $542

Additional Information• CYF 2010-A:

Hematologic disorder – MYC(c-MYC), (two slides)Constitutional abnormality – Prader-Willi critical region (two slides)Constitutional abnormality – (color photograph)

• CYF 2010-B: Hematologic disorder – 20q deletion (two slides)Constitutional abnormality – Wolf-Hirschhorn critical region (two slides)Neoplastic disorder – (color photograph)

• CYI and CYF: All specimens are prepared from cell suspension samples. For FISH in paraffin-embedded tissue, see page 182.


College of American Pathologists

182 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Tissue/Gene/Region of Interest Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Brain/Glioma tissue

1p/19q � 1 1

Sarcoma tissue or pediatric neoplasm



Lymphoma Tissue

ALK � 1

MYC(c-MYC) � 1

ACMG/CAP Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for Paraffin Embedded Tissue CYJ, CYK, CYL

Product Information• CYJ - Four unstained slides;

one H&E stained slide

• CYK, CYL - Two unstained slides; one H&E stained slide

• All specimens will be four-micron tissue sections mounted on positively charged glass slides

• Two shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Microarray-genomic copy number assay for constitutional abnormality � 2

ACMG/CAP Microarray-Genomic Copy Number Assay CYCGH

Product Information• Two 5.0-µg DNA specimens

• Two shipments per year

Additional informationParticipants will be asked to identify and characterize gains or losses and the cytogeneticlocation of any abnormalities detected.

PRICE (USD) $572 $624 $698

PRICE (USD) $580

Improve the reliability of your patient results with CAP Survey Validated MaterialUse the same material that is sent in the Surveys Program to:

• Identify and troubleshoot instrument/method problems• Correlate results with other laboratories or instruments• Document correction of problems as identified in Surveys• Utilize as an alternative external quality control material with confirmed results• Identify potential proficiency testing failures

Results are readily available in the Survey Participant Summary that is included with each Survey Evaluation Report.

Cytogenetics, Validated MaterialValidated Material Validated Material Code Corresponding Survey

ACMG/CAP Cytogenetics VM CYM CYPRICE (USD) $399

Biochemical and Molecular Genetics

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 183

Biochemical and Molecular GeneticsAnalytes/procedures in bboolldd type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Acylcarnitines, qualitative and quantitative � 1

Amino acids, qualitative and quantitative � 1

Carnitine, quantitative � 3

Glycosaminoglycans(mucopolysaccharides), qualitativeand quantitative � 1

Organic acids, qualitative and quantitative � 1

Educational challenge � 1

ACMG/CAP Biochemical Genetics BGL, BGL1 Product Information• BGL -

Acylcarnitines: One(up to 100.0 lambda) plasma specimen

Amino acids: One (up to 1.0-mL) plasma or (5.0 to10.0-mL) urinespecimen

Glycosaminoglycans (mucopolysaccharides): One (2.0 to 10.0-mL) urine specimen

Organic acids: One (5.0 to 10.0-mL) urine specimen

• BGL1 - Three (up to 0.1mL) serum specimens

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $670 $420

Product Information• MGL1, MGL2, MGL3,

MGL4 - Three 50.0-µg extracted DNA specimens

• MGL5 - Two 50.0-µg extracted DNA specimens

• Two shipments per year

Biochemical and Molecular Genetics

College of American Pathologists

184 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Disease/Gene Product Code Challenges/MGL1 MGL2 MGL3 MGL4 MGL5 Shipment

BRCA1/2 � 3

Canavan � 3

Connexin-26 � 3

Cystic fibrosis � � 3/2(MGL5)

DMD/Becker � 3

Factor V Leiden � 3

Familial dysautonomia � 3

Fragile X � 3

Friedreich’s ataxia � 3

Hemochromatosis � 3

Hemoglobin S/C � 3

Huntington disease � 3

Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) � 3

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) � 3

Myotonic dystrophy � 3

Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome � 3

Prothrombin � 3

RhD � 3

Spinal muscular atrophy � 3

Spinocerebellar ataxia � 3

Tay-Sachs � 3

ACMG/CAP Molecular Genetics MGL1, MGL2, MGL3, MGL4, MGL5

PRICE (USD) $1028 $1270 $1056 $2228 $602

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


DNA sequence interpretation � 3

ACMG/CAP Molecular Genetics Post AnalyticalDNA Sequencing SEC

Product Information• One CD-ROM containing

DNA sequence electrophero-gram files, suitable for base-calling and analysis using a range of commercial or public domain software programs; also included will be a range of variants including normal DNA reference sequences and gene descriptions

• Two shipments per year

Additional information• For laboratories to test their skill at interpretation and reporting of DNA sequence

variants for inherited disease using standard nomenclature.

• Receive a summary and discussion of responses including comments on the mutation nomenclature, known or expected outcomes from identified variants, and teaching points about genes/disorders represented.

PRICE (USD) $570


Biochemical and Molecular Genetics

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 185

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Allele detection � 2

Pharmacogenetics PGx Product Information• Two 25.0-µg of extracted


• Includes testing for CYP2C19,CYP2C9, CYP2D6, UGT1A1,and VKORC1, as well asinterpretive challenges

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $982

Molecular Oncology - Solid Tumors

College of American Pathologists

186 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Molecular Oncology – Solid TumorsAnalytes/procedures in bboolldd type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Product Information• BRAF - Three 10.0-micron

unstained paraffin section slides and one stained H&E slide

• MSI - Two 10.0-micron unstained paraffin section slides and one stained H&E slide

• Two shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Mutation testing in HNPCC (RT-PCR) � 1

Microsatellite instability testing (DNA amplification) � 1

Defective DNA Mismatch Repair/HereditaryNonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPCC)


Product Information• ISH -

EBV, HPV: Three tissue microarray slides, and onestained H&E slide (each)

Kappa/Lambda: Four unstained paraffin section slides and one stained H&E slide

• ISH2 - Two sets of five-core tissue microarray slides

• Laboratories performing FISH for interphase chromosomal targets in paraffin sections should refer to the Cyto-genetics Surveys, page 182

• Two shipments per year

Analyte/Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) � 4

Human papillomavirus (HPV) � 4

Kappa/Lambda (IGK/IGL) � 1

HER2 (ERBB2) gene amplification (brightfield) � 10

In Situ Hybridization ISH, ISH2

PRICE (USD) $1050 $352

PRICE (USD) $770 $760

For laboratories performing DNA mismatch repair by immunohistochemistry methods, see Survey MMR on page 196.

Molecular Oncology - Solid Tumors

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 187

Gene Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Sarcoma translocation* (RT-PCR) � 1

Sarcoma Translocation SARC Product Information• One snap frozen cell pellet

from which approximately5.0-micrograms of RNA can be extracted

•Laboratories performing FISH for sarcoma translocation should refer to the Cyto-genetics Surveys, page 182

• Two shipments per year

*See translocation listing below.

COL1A1/PDGFB, t(17;22) EWSR1/WT1, t(11;22) PAX3/FOXO1 or PAX7/FOXO1

EWSR1/ERG, t(21;22) FUS/DDIT3, t(12;16) SYT/SSX1, t(X;18)

EWSR1/FLI1, t(11;22) PAX3/FOXO1, t(2;13) SYT/SSX2, t(X;18)


Disease Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Non-small cell lung adenocarcinoma � 1

Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) � 1

Metastatic colorectal carcinoma � 1

Solid Tumors–Other EGFR, KIT/PDGFRA, KRAS Product Information• EGFR and KRAS - Three

10.0-micron unstained paraffin section slides and one stained H&E slide

• KIT - Four unstained paraffin section slides and one stainedH&E slide

• For laboratories performing mutation testing using PCR

• Two shipments per year


Sarcoma Translocation Listing

PRICE (USD) $396

PRICE (USD) $570 $1400 $420

Molecular Oncology - Hematological

College of American Pathologists

188 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Molecular Oncology – HematologicalAnalytes/procedures in bboolldd type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Lymphoid malignancygenotyping * � 1

Myeloid leukemiagenotyping* � 1

Lymphoma molecular analysis-paraffin sections* � 2

Molecular Hematological Oncology MHO/MHO1, MHO2/MHO3, MHO4

Product Information• MHO - One sample vial

containing a frozen tissue specimen from which approximately 100.0-µg of DNA can be extracted

• MHO1 - MHO specimenin duplicate for additional DNA and RNA testing

• MHO2 - One sample vial containing a cell pellet, whichwill hold 50 to 100 million cells for DNA and RNA testing

• MHO3 - MHO2 specimen in duplicate for additional DNA and RNA testing

• MHO4 - Four 10.0-micron paraffin sections per specimen

• Two shipments per year, shipson dry ice

*See gene listing below.

Gene Corresponding Survey



BCL2/IGHJ major > IGH/BCL2 major � �

BCL2/IGHJ minor > IGH/BCL2 minor � �

BCR/ABL1 p190 � �

BCR/ABL1 p210 � �

IGH � �

IGK � �



TRB � �

TRG � �

JAK2 V617F �





NPM1 �

Molecular Hematological Gene Listing

PRICE (USD) $570/750 $570/750 $750


Molecular Oncology - Hematological

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 189

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Minimal residual disease � 3

Minimal Residual Disease MRD Product Information• Three RNA specimens in


• For laboratories diagnosing and monitoring leukemia tumor burden by measuring the quantity of BCR/ABL1fusion transcripts

• Two shipments per year; ships on dry ice

PRICE (USD) $770

Log in to e-LAB Solutions todiscover these benefits:

For Proficiency Testing:• Reduce clerical errors with pre-populated forms with drop-down

instrument, reagent, and method selections

• Correct clerical errors due to scanning or faxing prior to evaluation and avoid unnecessary PT failures

• E-mail notifications if the CAP has not received your data

• Receive your evaluation up to 10 days sooner online

• Access proficiency testing images online

• Take a quick look across your laboratory’s performance up to six mailings

• Check out My PT Shipping Calendar, your customized shipping calendar

For Laboratory Accreditation Program:• Electronically submit an application/reapplication to the

accreditation program

• Update activity menus when changes are made to ensure the most current and accurate information is communicated to CAP, CMS, and Inspectors

• Maintain demographic information on personnel, licensure, change in directorship or location, etc. throughout the accreditation cycle

• Download Master and Custom Checklists—your self-inspection, inspection, or CAP current/full set checklists

• Access the Laboratory Data Report, a comprehensive report showingdemographic information about your laboratory, test menu and personnel

• View deficiency reports from your current and previous inspections

• Create reports including the Laboratory Activity Menu with Proficiency Testing Options, to aid in accurate proficiency testing enrollment and options

To create an account or to log in, go to www.cap.org.

e-LAB Solutions provides up-to-datelaboratoryinformation at yourfingertips.

Watch for more exciting enhancements in 2010.






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Anatomic Pathology19

Every number is a life.™








Anatomic Pathology

Surgical Pathology ........................................................................................................193General Immunohistochemistry ........................................................................................196Predictive Markers ........................................................................................................197Cytopathology ..............................................................................................................198Specialty Anatomic Pathology ........................................................................................202

New Products

Performance Improvement Program in Surgical Pathology Online (PIPW) ..................................193Performance Improvement Program in Surgical Pathology Online,Additional Pathologist (PIPW1) ............................................................................................193NSH/CAP HQIP, Biopsy Series (HQIPBX) ................................................................................195DNA Mismatch Repair (MMR) ................................................................................................196Fine-Needle Aspiration Glass Slide Education Program (FNAG)................................................200Fine-Needle Aspiration Glass Slide Education Program, Additional Pathologist (FNAG1) ..........200

Discontinued 2009 Products

Autopsy Pathology (AU, AU1)

Every number is a life.™








Surgical Pathology

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 193

Product Information• PIP - Ten diagnosticchallenges/H&E stainedglass slides with clinicalhistory

• PIP1 - Additional pathologist(within the same institution)reporting option with CMEcredit; must be ordered inconjunction with Survey PIP

• Earn a maximum of 40 CMEcredits (AMA PRA Category1 Credits™) per pathologistfor completion of an entireyear

• Four shipments per year

Surgical PathologyAnalytes/procedures in bboolldd type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Program Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Surgical pathology case review � 10

Performance Improvement Program in Surgical Pathology PIP/PIP1

PRICE (USD) $640/120

Additional InformationPIP is designed for the education of pathologists in general surgical pathology. This program:• Provides a practical approach to continuing education• Gives pathologists a method to assess their diagnostic skills and compare their performance with that of their peers

• Features PIP case selections that include:

� A variety of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions� Inflammatory and infectious disease� Various sites, encompassing essentially all organ sites

Additional InformationPIPW is designed for the education of pathologists in general surgical pathology. This program:• Uses digital image technology to simulate the use of a microscope• Allows participants to manipulate the digital slide images by scanning the slide and changing the magnification

• Gives pathologists a method to assess their diagnostic skills and compare their performance with that of their peers

• Features PIP case selections that include:

� A variety of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions� Inflammatory and infectious disease� Various sites, encompassing essentially all organ sites

• For online viewing requirements, see Online Virtual Microscopy Education Programs on page 12.

Product Information• PIPW - Ten diagnostic challenges/digital H&E images with clinical history

• PIPW1 - Additional pathologist (within the same institution) reporting option with CME credit; must be ordered in conjunction with Survey PIPW

• Earn a maximum of 40 CME credits (AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™) per pathologist for completion of an entire year

• Four online activities per year

Program Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Surgical pathology case review � 10

Performance Improvement Program in Surgical Pathology Online PIPW/PIPW1

PRICE (USD) $524/120


Surgical Pathology

College of American Pathologists

194 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Product Information• DPATH - Five diagnostic challenges/digital images with clinical history

• DPATH1 - Additional participant (within the same institution) reporting option with CME credit; must be ordered in conjunction with Survey DPATH

• Earn a maximum of five CME credits (AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™) per participant forcompletion of an entire year

• Two online activities per year

Program Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Online digital slide dermatopathology case review � 5

Online Digital Slide Program in DermatopathologyDPATH/DPATH1

PRICE (USD) $420/120

Additional InformationDPATH is an educational program for pathologists/dermatopathologists/dermatologiststo assess and improve their diagnostic skills in dermatopathology.• Digital image technology is used to simulate the use of a microscope.• Allows participants to manipulate the digital slide images by scanning the slide and changing magnification.

• Cases may include clinical images.• Participants will be notified by mail when each online activity is available.• For online viewing requirements, see Online Virtual Microscopy Education Programs on page 12.

Product Information• VBP - Five diagnostic challenges/digital images with clinical history

• VBP1 - Additional pathologist(within the same institution) reporting option with CME credit; must be ordered in conjunction with Survey VBP

• Earn a maximum of 10 CME credits (AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™) per pathologist for completion of an entire year

• Four online activities per year

Program Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Online virtual biopsy case review � 5

Online Virtual Biopsy Program VBP/VBP1

PRICE (USD) $404/96

Additional InformationVBP is an educational program for pathologists to assess and improve their diagnostic skills in surgical pathology.• Digital image technology is used to simulate the use of a microscope.• Allows participants to manipulate the digital slide images by scanning the slide and changing the magnification.

• Cases may also include gross, radiographic, or endoscopic images.• Cases are from selected organ systems and may include a variety of specimen types (eg, core biopsies, endoscopic biopsies, curettings, aspirate smears). Activities with their corresponding topics are:

� 2010-A Prostate biopsy� 2010-B Gynecologic biopsy� 2010-C Liver biopsy� 2010-D Surgical pathology biopsy

• Pathologists will be notified by mail when each online activity is available.• For online viewing requirements, see Online Virtual Microscopy Education Programs on page 12.

Surgical Pathology

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 195

Stain/Tissue Product Code Challenges/Shipment


H&E – Bone marrow biopsy � 1

H&E – Small intestine biopsy � 1

IHC – H. pylori, stomach biopsy � 1

IHC – Synaptophysin,neuroendocrine carcinoma � 1

Special stain – Toluidine blue, misc. tissue � 1

H&E – Appendix resection � 1

H&E – Cervical core biopsy � 1

IHC – CD30, Hodgkin lymphoma � 1

IHC – Progesterone receptor (PR),breast carcinoma � 1

Special stain – Trichrome appendix � 1

NSH/CAP HistoQIP HQIP Product Information• Participant laboratories may

submit one stained and cover-slipped glass slide from fivedifferent cases including H&Eslides, special stains, andimmunohistochemical stains

• Includes color photographsand online learningassessment questions

• Two shipments per year

Additional InformationThe HistoQIP Program is an educational program to improve the preparation of histologicslides. Participants will receive an evaluation specific to their laboratory, an educationcritique, and a participant summary report that includes peer comparison data, evaluators’comments, and performance benchmarking data. Submitted slides will be evaluated forhistologic technique by an expert panel of histotechnologists, histotechnicians, andpathologists, using uniform grading criteria.

Stain/Tissue Product Code Challenges/Shipment


H&E – Bladder biopsy � 1

H&E – Cervical biopsy � 1

H&E – Skin punch biopsy � 1

H&E – Stomach biopsy � 1

H&E – Colon biopsy � 1

H&E – Endometrial biopsy/curettage � 1

H&E – Prostate biopsy � 1

H&E – Skin excisional biopsy � 1

NSH/CAP HistoQIP Biopsy Series HQIPBX Product Information• Participant laboratories may

submit four H&E stained andcoverslipped glass slides (onefrom each category)

• Two shipments per year

Additional InformationThe HistoQIP Biopsy Series is an additional program to improve the preparation ofhistologic slides. Participants will receive an evaluation specific to their laboratory and aparticipant summary report. Submitted slides will be evaluated for histologic technique byan expert panel of histotechnologists, histotechnicians, and pathologists, using uniformgrading criteria.


PRICE (USD) $588

PRICE (USD) $498

General Immunohistochemistry

College of American Pathologists

196 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Immunohistochemistry � 16

Immunohistochemistry MK Product Information• Glass slides with unstained

tissue sections from fourseparate cases; additionalslides provided for an H&Estain and negative control

• Two shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $614

Additional information• The MK program has been reconfigured to allow laboratories to compare

their assay methodology and results with all participating laboratories.

• CME credits are no longer available for this program.

General ImmunohistochemistryAnalytes/procedures in bboolldd type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


DNA mismatch repair by immunohistochemistry � 1

DNA Mismatch Repair MMR Product Information• Two 4.0-micron unstained

paraffin section slides and one stained H&E slide for the immunohistochemical analysisof DNA mismatch repair proteins MLH1 and MSH2

• Two shipments per yearPRICE (USD) $450

For laboratories performing DNA mismatch repair by molecular methods, see Survey MSI onpage 186.


Predictive Markers

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 197

Predictive MarkersAnalytes/procedures in bboolldd type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


HER2 � 20

HER2 Immunohistochemistry HER2 Product Information• Two 10-core tissue micro-array slides

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $772

Additional informationThe HER2 program is designed to fulfill the proficiency testing requirement as stated inthe ASCO/CAP HER2 Testing Guidelines. Due to the unique nature of these materials thatare human donor based, the shipping date is subject to change. If this should occur, notification will be provided prior to the originally scheduled shipping date.

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


CD117 � 10

Estrogen receptor (ER) � 10

Progesterone receptor (PR) � 10

CD20 � 10

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) � 10

CD117, CD20, ER/PR, EGFR ImmunohistochemistryTissue Microarray PM1, PM2, PM3, PM4

Product Information• PM1, PM3, PM4 - One 10-core tissue microarray slide per predictive marker; one shipment per year

• PM2 - Two 10-core micro-array slides, one for ER and one for PR; two shipments peryear

PRICE (USD) $495 $496 $495 $495


College of American Pathologists

198 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

CytopathologyAnalytes/procedures in bboolldd type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Procedure Product Code Challenges Per Year


Conventional � � 10 9

SurePath™ � � 10 9

ThinPrep® � � 10 9

PAP PT laboratory enrollment �

Gynecologic Cytopathology PT Program (with PAP Education) PAP PT

Product Information• PAP PT - Ten glass slides for proficiency testing; ten glass slides for education (two shipments of five slides) and four online virtual cases

• PAPJPT - Ten slides consisting of conventional, ThinPrep, and SurePath

• APAPCPT, APAPKPT, APAPMPT, APAPJPT - Additional pathologist/cytotechnologist for the same date (within the same institution) reporting option with CME/CE credit; must be ordered in conjunction with Surveys PAPCPT, PAPKPT, PAPMPT or PAPJPT

• PPTENR - For laboratories that possess a CLIA license to perform gynecologic cytologybut all personnel are testing at another location

• Earn a maximum of 10 CME credits (AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™) per pathologist and a maximum of 10 CE credits/hours per cytotech-nologist for completing the PAP Education glass slides and online cases

• Three shipments per year: one for proficiency testing and two for educational purposes


Additional information• Laboratories will choose one of 22 test sessions for PT and Series 1 or 2 for PAP Education. The CAP will schedule according to slideset availability and laboratory preference. PAP PT satisfies an individual’s 2010 gynecologic cytology PT requirement per CLIA ’88.

• The PAP Education component meets the CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program requirement for participation in a peer educational program.

• Laboratory reference interpretations and performance for the PAP Education slides are available within 20 minutes by fax providing rapid educational feedback, peer comparison, and additional review time. Interpretation selection, follow-up recommendations, and case-related educational questions are available with immediate feedback for the online cases, which consist of virtual slides and static images using Bethesda terminology.

• For online viewing requirements, see Online Virtual Microscopy Education Programs on page 12.

10 slides10slides

4 onlinecases


2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 199

Procedure Product Code Challenges Per Year


Conventional � �

SurePath™ � �

ThinPrep® � �

Gynecologic Cytopathology PAP EducationProgram PAPCE1, PAPKE1, PAPME1, PAPJE1

Product Information• Ten glass slides; four online virtual cases

• APAPCE1, APAPKE1, APAPME1, APAPJE1 - Additional pathologist/cytotechnologist (within the same institution) reporting option with CME/CE credit; must be ordered in conjunc-tion with Surveys PAPCE1, PAPKE1, PAPME1, or PAPJE1

• Earn a maximum of 10 CME credits (AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™) per pathologist and a maximum of 10 CE credits/hours per cytotech-nologist for completing the glass slides and online cases

• Two shipments per year


Additional information• PAP Education meets the CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program requirement for participation in a peer educational program for international laboratories, non-CLIA laboratories, and laboratories not participating in PAP PT.

• Laboratory reference interpretations and performance for the PAP Education slides are available within 20 minutes by fax providing rapid educational feedback, peer comparison, and additional review time. Interpretation selection, follow-up recommendations, and case-related educational questions are available with immediate feedback for the online cases, which consist of virtual slides and static images using Bethesda terminology.

• For online viewing requirements, see Online Virtual Microscopy Education Programs on page 12.

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Non-gynecologic cytopathology case review – glass slides � 5

Non-gynecologic cytopathology case review – online � 4 per year

Non-Gynecologic Cytopathology EducationNGC/NGC1

Product Information• NGC - Five glass slides per shipment and four online cases per year; one labora-tory response form and two individual response forms

• NGC1 - Additional patholo-gist/cytotechnologist (within the same institution) reporting option with CME/CE credit; must be ordered in conjunction with Surveys NGC

• Earn a maximum of 18 CME credits (AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™) per pathologist and a maximum of 18 CE credits/hours per cytotech-nologist for completing the glass slides and online cases

• Four shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $720/120

Additional information• The Non-Gynecologic Cytopathology Education program is an interlaboratory educational opportunity for participants to assess their screening and interpretive skills. The NGC Program is unsuitable for proficiency testing as these cases are chosen for their educational value. Static online images incorporating radiology and multiple aspects of pathology are available to enhance the interpretation for select glass slides.

• Laboratory reference interpretations and performance for the glass slides are available within 20 minutes by fax providing rapid educational feedback, peer comparison, and additional review time. Interpretation selection, follow-up recommendations, and case-related educational questions are available with immediate feedback for the online cases, which consist of virtual slides and static images.

• For online viewing requirements, see Online Virtual Microscopy Education Programs on page 12.

10 slides4 OnlineCases


College of American Pathologists

200 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Online digital slide program in fine-needle aspiration case review � 5

Online Digital Slide Program in Fine-Needle Aspiration FNA/FNA1

Product Information• Five online virtual diagnostic challenges with clinical history

• FNA1 - Additional patholo-gist, resident, or experienced cytotechnologist (within the same institution) reporting option with CME/CE credit;must be ordered in conjunc-tion with Survey FNA

• Earn a maximum of five CME credits (AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™) per pathologist and a maximum of five CE credits/hours per experienced cytotechnologist

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $310/98

Additional information• This program will focus on FNA diagnostic dilemmas in practice. Interpretation selection, ancillary studies selection, and case-related educational questions are available with immediate feedback for the virtual slides and static images.

• Topics for 2010 will cover soft tissue FNAs including retroperitoneal deep soft tissue.

• For online viewing requirements, see Online Virtual Microscopy Education Programs on page 12.

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Fine-needle aspiration glass slide case review � 5

Fine-Needle Aspiration Glass Slide EducationProgram FNAG/FNAG1

Product Information• FNAG - Five cases consisting of glass slides and selected online images, representing avariety of conditions; one laboratory response form andtwo individual response forms

• FNAG1 - Additional pathologist, resident, or experienced cytotechnologist (within the same institution) reporting option with CME/CE credit; must be ordered in conjunction with Survey FNAG

• Earn a maximum of 10 CME credits (AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™) per pathologist/resident and a maximum of 10 CE credits per experi-enced cytotechnologist

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $420/150

Additional information• The Fine-Needle Aspiration Glass Slide Educational Program is an interlaboratoryeducational opportunity for participants to assess their screening and interpretive skills. FNAG offers cases that may include more than one slide of varying stains and/or preparations used on fine-needle aspirations.

• Static online images incorporating radiology and multiple aspects of pathology are available to enhance the interpretation for select cases.

• Laboratory reference interpretations and performance for the glass slides are available within 20 minutes by fax providing rapid educational feedback, peer comparison, and additional review time.



2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 201

Additional informationEach laboratory should choose the module that best reflects the transport media receivedin its facility. Participants ordering Survey CHPVJ must provide results for all three mediatypes. If only two types of media are received, order the Surveys that are most appropri-ate for your specific laboratory (CHPVD, CMPVM, and/or CHPVK).

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


HHPPVV � � � � 5

Human Papillomavirus (High Risk) for CytologyCHPVD, CHPVM, CHPVK, CHPVJ

Product Information• Five simulated cervical specimens

• CHPVD - Digene® Specimen Transport Medium™ (STM)

• CHPVM - ThinPrep®PreservCyt® Transport Medium

• CHPVK - SurePath™Preservative Fluid Transport Medium

• CHPVJ - Combination of Digene®, ThinPrep®PreservCyt®, and SurePath™transport mediums

• Three shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $549 $549 $549 $549

Specialty Anatomic Pathology

College of American Pathologists

202 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Specialty Anatomic PathologyAnalytes/procedures in bboolldd type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Autopsy case analysis � 6

Autopsy Pathology AUCD/AUCD1 Product Information• One CD-ROM with sixautopsy cases

• AUCD1 - For each additional pathologist (within the same institution) reporting option with CME credit; must be ordered in conjunction with Survey AUCD

• Earn a maximum of 12 CME credits (AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™) per pathologist

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $340/98

Additional informationThe Neuropathology Program is designed as an educational program for anatomicpathologists, neuropathologists, and trainees to assess and improve their diagnosticskills and to learn of new developments in neuropathology. Each shipment containseight cases that cover the spectrum of neoplastic and non-neoplastic disorders affecting the central and peripheral nervous systems, including infectious, degenerative, developmental, demyelinating, traumatic, toxic-metabolic, vascular, and neuromuscular diseases. In addition, four of the eight cases will be included in a mini-symposium that focuses on a specific problem area in neuropathology.

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Neuropathology case review � 8

Neuropathology Program NP/NP1 Product Information• One CD-ROM with eight cases and a mini-symposium

• NP1 - For each additional pathologist (within the same institution) reporting option with CME credit; must be ordered in conjunction with Survey NP

• Earn a maximum of eight CME credits (AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™) perpathologist

• Two shipments per year

PRICE (USD) $354/98

Additional informationEach CD-ROM includes case description, gross and/or microscopic images, andcase discussion with sample death certificate, key teaching points, and current references.

Forensic Sciences20

Every number is a life.™







Every number is a life.™

Basic Competencies in Forensic Pathology:A Forensic Pathology Primer

Joseph A. Prahlow, MD, FCAP, editor

Basic Competencies in Forensic Pathology outlines the concepts and techniques used in forensicpathology. Prepared by the Forensic Pathology Committee of the College of American Pathologistsin conjunction with the National Association of Medical Examiners, the primer is intended to be aquick reference for pathologists-in-training and those who do occasional forensic autopsies.

Partial Contents:

• Guidelines for AP Residency Training in Forensic Pathology

• Hospital Versus Medicolegal (Forensic) Autopsies

• Death Investigation Systems

• Death Certification

• Overview of Medicolegal Autopsies

• Postmortem Changes and Identification ofRemains

• Sudden Natural Death in Adults

• Postmortem Chemistry

• Drugs and Toxins

• Blunt Force Injuries

• Penetrating and Sharp Edged Injuries

• Gunshot Wounds

• Death Due to Asphyxia

• Deaths Due to Electricity

• Deaths Due to Extremes in Temperature

• Pediatric Deaths

• Miscellaneous and Special Topics in Forensic Pathology

• Overview of Other (Non-pathology) Forensic Sciences

To order PUB120, Basic Competencies in Forensic Pathology, call 800-323-4040 option 1or visit www.cap.org/cappress to download an order form.

Item number: PUB120

Softcover; 225 pages

Price: $45

CAP Members: $35







Forensic Sciences

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 205

Product Information• DNA - Three 500.0-µL wholeblood specimens

• DNAF - Three blood-stainedfilter paper challenges

• Short tandem repeats (au-STRand Y-STR), mitochondrialDNA results (mtDNA), andother loci reporting provided

• Two shipments per year

Forensic SciencesAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Database analysis (whole blood) � 3

Database analysis (filter paper) � 3

Mitochondrial DNA database analysis � � 3

DNA Database DNA, DNAF

PRICE (USD) $888 $838

Surveys DNA and DNAF are approved by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board Proficiency Review Committee (ASCLD/LAB PRC).

Product Information• FID - Simulated forensic casework that includes referencestandards for all suspects andvictims along with evidentiarymaterial such as vaginalswabs, semen stains, andcrime scene blood stains

• FIDM - One referencechallenge (blood stain) andone challenge for mitochon-drial DNA analysis (hair ornails)

• Two shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Calculation challenge � 1

Forensic nuclear DNA analysis � 3

Forensic mitochondrial DNA analysis � 2

Forensic Identity—Nuclear and Mitochondrial DNAAnalysis FID, FIDM

PRICE (USD) $918 $808

Surveys FID and FIDM are approved by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board Proficiency Review Committee (ASCLD/LAB PRC).

Forensic Sciences

College of American Pathologists

206 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Product Information

• FR - One CD-ROM containingsix case studies illustratinggross and/or microscopicslides and questions related tomedicolegal decision-making

• FR1 - Additional pathologist(within the same institution)reporting option with CMEcredit; must be ordered inconjunction with Survey FR

• Pathologists can earn amaximum of 12 CME credits(AMA PRA Category 1Credits™) for completion of anentire year.

•Two shipments per year

Procedure Product Code Challenges/Shipment


Forensic pathology cases � 6

Forensic Pathology FR/FR1

PRICE (USD) $412/98

Additional Information

Cases may include or reflect anthropologic materials, ballistics, dental identification,DNA identification, environmental pathology, forensic evidence, injury pattern, naturaldeath, medicolegal issues, toxicology, and trace evidence designed for hospital-basedpathologists, forensic pathologists, residents, fellows, and medical examiners/coroners.

Forensic Sciences

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 207

Product Information

• Three 20.0-mL lyophilizedwhole blood specimensand one 50.0-mL lyophilizedurine specimen

• Two shipments per year

Analyte Product Code Challenges/Shipment


See drug listing below � 4

Whole Blood Forensic Toxicology FTC

PRICE (USD) $1060

Survey FTC is approved by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/LaboratoryAccreditation Board/Proficiency Review Committee (ASCLD/LAB/PRC).

6-Monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM)




















Diphenylhydantoin (phenytoin)


Ecgonine methyl ester





Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB)






Lysergic acid diethylamide





Methadone metabolite (EDDP)

























*and/or metabolite(s)

Drug Listing

For a more comprehensive selection of Toxicology offerings, refer to Section 8, Toxicology.

Alcohol/Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles(AL1) is intended for quantitative methods onlyand beginning in 2010 includes EthyleneGlycol. Specimens consist of liquid wholeblood.

Alcohol/Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles (AL2)is intended for quantitative methods onlyand beginning in 2010 includes EthyleneGlycol. Specimens consist of liquid serum.

Blood Lead (BL) meets the OccupationalSafety and Health Administration (OSHA)requirements for proficiency testing [OSHAlead standards-29 CFR 1910.1025 (j)(C)(iii)].

Cadmium (CD) meets the OccupationalSafety and Health Administration (OSHA)requirements for proficiency testing [OSHAstandards-29 CFR 1910.1027 AppF].

Forensic Urine Drug Testing, Confirmatory(UDC) is designed for laboratories thatperform both screening and confirmatorytesting, including quantitation, for drugs ofabuse in urine specimens.

Serum Drug Screening (SDS) is designed forlaboratories performing qualitative drugs-of-abuse testing on serum specimens, usingimmunoassay or other screening techniques.

Toxicology (T) is designed for laboratoriesperforming qualitative and quantitativeanalysis of drugs on serum and qualitativeanalysis on urine specimens, withconfirmation testing.

Urine Drug Testing, Screening (UDS, UDS6)is designed for laboratories performingdrugs-of-abuse testing on urine specimens,using immunoassay or other screening(non-confirmation) techniques only.

Urine Toxicology (UT) is designed forlaboratories performing qualitative urinedrug analysis with confirmation testing.

Whole Blood Forensic Toxicology(FTC) is designed for crime laboratories andhospital laboratories that have forensictoxicology divisions performing qualitativeand quantitative analysis of drugs in wholeblood specimens.

Check Out CAP’s Full Array ofToxicology Surveys

For a more comprehensive look at our Toxicology offerings, refer to Section 8, Toxicology.



Analyte/Procedure Index21

Every number is a life.™









Analyte/Procedure Index

Every number is a life.™

The CAP Laboratory Accreditation ProgramEnrollment Guide has been incorporatedinto this catalog for your convenience.

No more paging through multiple reference documents! Select the proficiencytesting (PT) that your CAP accredited laboratory needs…Now you can refer toone easy-to-understand table!

The CAP’s Accreditation Program shares your commitment in striving for and achieving the highest qualitypossible when it comes to patient testing. Through proficiency testing, the CAP holds its accredited laboratoriesto the highest standards, the gold standard. Accredited laboratories can rely on the CAP to help them achievecontinuous compliance through enrollment, participation, and performance in proficiency testing.

How Does the CAP Monitor PT? How Can the CAP Help Accredited Laboratories Achieve Continuous Compliance?

Enrollment Verify that you are enrolled in the PT required for your laboratory by reviewingenrollment verification/missing enrollment reports now available through e-LAB Solutions.

Tips:-One subscription for any analyte is required for each CAP accredited laboratory.

-Proficiency testing performed using the laboratory’s primary method can be rotatedamong instruments using primary methodologies.

-Enrollment is often required for different matrices.

(More tips available online!)

Participation The CAP can help your laboratory ensure participation in the right PT products matchedaccording to your CAP Activity Menu.

Performance CAP accredited laboratories can be confident that their laboratory is reporting accurateand reliable patient results, while adhering to standards set by CMS and the CAP.

21Analyte/ProcedureIndex New


The following Analyte/Procedure Index is a comprehensive listing of analytes and corresponding CAP productoptions.

The “X” in the LAP ENR column denotes the CAP products that can be used to fulfill the proficiency testing (PT)enrollment requirements for CAP accredited laboratories. Refer to the product descriptions in this catalog todetermine compatibility with your specific methodologies.

For analytes that are regulated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), a laboratory isrequired to perform five challenges three times per year (as noted by bolding).

Analyte/Procedure Index

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 211

3-Methoxytyramines N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54Special

5-Hydroxyindoleacetic N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54acid, qualitative Special5-Hydroxyindoleacetic X N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54acid, quantitative Special6-Monoacetylmorphine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUT Urine Toxicology 75

7-Aminoflunitrazepam FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

11-Deoxycortisol X Y/YY Ligand Assay, 122Special

17-Hydroxycortico- N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54steroids Special17-Hydroxyprogesterone X Y/YY Ligand Assay, 122

Special17-Ketosteroids N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54

Special25-OH Vitamin D BGS Bone and Growth 6450:50 Mixing Study, CGE/CGEX Coagulation, 125APTT Extended

CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 12650:50 Mixing Study, PT CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Abnormal hemoglobin X HBF Fetal Red Cell 111identification Determination

X HG Hemoglobinopathy 111ABO grouping X ABO HLA Serologic Typing 176

X J, J1 Transfusion Medicine 163X JAT Transfusion Medicine, 163

AutomatedTMCA Transfusion Medicine, 164


Acetaminophen X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ2X, CZX, ZFTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94

Acetaminophen (cont.) X SDS Serum Drug Screen 79T Toxicology 75UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75

Acetone AL1 Whole Blood Alcohol/ 79Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles

AL2 Serum Alcohol/ 79Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles

SDS Serum Drug Screen 79T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Acid-fast smear X E Mycobacteriology 139X E1 Mycobacteriology, Ltd 139

Acid phosphatase X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ2, CZ2X,CZX

Activated clotting time X CT, CT1, CT2, ACT 127CT3

Activated partial X CGL Coagulation, Ltd 125thromboplastin time

CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 126CGS3 Coag Special, Series 3 126CGS4 Coag Special, Series 4 126

Activated protein C CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125resistance

CGS2 Coag Special, Series 2 126Acylcarnitine BGL Biochemical Genetics 183Adenovirus ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148

RespiratoryX VR1 Virology Culture 144X VR2 Viral Antigen by DFA 144X VR4 Viral Antigen by EIA 144

and LatexAdenovirus 40/41 SP Stool Pathogen 137Adjustable micropipette I Instrumentation 104Cal V/LAdrenocorticotropic X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 67hormone (ACTH)Alanine aminotrans- X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45ferase (ALT/SGPT) CZ, CZ2,

CZ2X, CZXIFS Interfering Substances 105

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Analyte/Procedure IndexAnalytes/procedures in bold type are regulated for proficiency testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Alanine aminotrans-ferase (ALT/SGPT) (cont.) X LCW Ltd Chem, Waived 51

LN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93Enzyme, Cal Ver/Lin

LN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93Enzyme, Cal Ver/Lin Ext Range

RRS Reference Range 101Service

X VMC Viral Marker Chemistry 169Albumin X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45

CZ, CZ2,CZ2X, CZXCFS Commutable Frozen 86

SerumFLD Body Fluid 55IFS Interfering Substances 105LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/ 93

LinLN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/ 93

Lin Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Ext Range

SPE Protein Electrophoresis 57RRS Reference Range 101

ServiceAlbumin, CSF X M, OLI CSF Chemistry and 56

Oligoclonal BandsAlbumin, urine X U Urine Chemistry, 53

GeneralLN20 Urine Albumin 98

Albumin (microalbumin): U Urine Chemistry, 53creatinine ratio General

UMC Urine Albumin 118(Microalbumin)/Creatinine

Alcohol, serum X AL2 Serum Alcohol/ 79Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles

LN11 Serum Ethanol Cal 96Ver/Lin

LN11ER Serum Ethanol Cal 96Ver/Lin Ext Range

Alcohol, whole blood X AL1 Whole Blood 79Alcohol/EthyleneGlycol/Volatiles

LN14 Whole Blood Ethanol 97Cal Ver/Lin

Aldolase ADL Aldolase 55Aldosterone, serum X RAP Renin and Aldosterone 66Aldosterone, urine X N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54

SpecialAlkaline phosphatase X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45(ALP) CZ, CZ2,

CZ2X, CZXIFS Interfering Substances 105LN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

RRS3 Reference Range 103Service

Allele detection PGX Pharmacogenetics 66Allergens (specific) SE Diagnostic Allergy 156Alpha-1-antitrypsin X IG/IGX Immunology, General 153

LN7 Immunology Cal Ver/ 95Lin

Alpha1 globulin SPE Protein electrophoresis 57Alpha2 globulin SPE Protein electrophoresis 57Alpha-2-antiplasmin CGE/CGEX Coagulation,Extended 125Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), X FP/FPX Maternal Screen 66amniotic fluidAlpha-fetoprotein X FP/FPX Maternal Screen 66(AFP), serum

X K/KK Ligand Assay, 63General

Alpha-hydroxyalpra- T Toxicology 75zolam

UT Urine Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryAlprazolam FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75U Urine Toxicology 75

Aluminum X R Trace Metals 59Amikacin X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 46

CZ2X, CZX, ZLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94

Amino acids, qualitative X BGL Biochemical Genetics 183

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Analyte/Procedure Index

College of American Pathologists

212 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Amino acids, BGL Biochemical Genetics 183quantitativeAminoclonazepam FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Aminoflunitrazepam T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Amitriptyline FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

X ZT, ZZT TDM, Special 48Ammonia C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46

CZ2, CZ2X,CZXLN32 Ammonia Cal Ver/Lin 100

Amniotic Fluid AFL Amniotic Fluid 115Leakage (Nitrazine) LeakageAmphetamine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUT Urine Toxicology 75UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77

Amphetamine group T Toxicology 75UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75

Amylase X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45CZ, CZ2,CZ2X, CZXFLD Body Fluid 55IFS Interfering Substances 105LN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

RRS Reference Range 101Service

Amylase, urine LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 95Ver/Lin

X U Urine Chemistry, 53General

Analytical balance I Instrumentation 104Anaplasma phagocyto- TTD Antibody Detection- 149philum Tick-Transmitted


Androstenedione X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 122Angiotensin ACE Angiotensin 55Converting Enzyme Converting EnzymeAnti-A Titer ABT, ABT1 Antibody Titer 165Anti-beta-2- CGE/CGEX Coagulation, 125glycoprotein ExrendedAntibody detection X J Transfusion Medicine 163

X JAT Transfusion Medicine, 163Automated

X PS Platelet Serology 167TMCA Transfusion Medicine, 164


Antibody detection/ X MX1B, MX1C, HLA Analysis, Class I 175identification (HLA) MX1E, MXB,

MXCX MX2B, MX2C, HLA Analysis, Class II 175


Antibody identification X J Transfusion Medicine 163TMCA Transfusion Medicine, 164


Antibody screen (HLA) MX1B, MX1C, HLA Analysis, Class I 175MX1E, MXB,MXCMX2B, MX2C, HLA Analysis, Class II 175MX2E, MXB,MXC

Anticardiolipin ACL Antiphospholipid 155IgA, qualitative AntibodyAnticardiolipin ACL Antiphospholipid 155IgA, quantitative AntibodyAnticardiolipin X ACL Antiphospholipid 155IgG, IgM, polyclonal; AntibodyqualitativeAnticardiolipin ACL Antiphospholipid 155IgG, IgM, polyclonal; AntibodyquantitativeAnti-CCP CCP Cyclic Citrullinated 156

Peptide AntibodyAnti-centromere S2 Immunology 154antibody SpecialAnti-CMV, total X VM3 Viral Markers– 168

Series 3X VR3 Infectious Disease 149

SerologyAnti-CMV, IgG, IgM X VR3 Infectious Disease 149

SerologyAnti-D titer ABT, ABT2 Antibody Titer 165

Analyte/Procedure Index

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 213

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Anti-DNA (ds) X S2, S4 Immunology, Special 154antibody, qualitativeAnti-DNA (ds) S2, S4 Immunology, Special 154antibody, quantitativeAnti-DNA topoisom- RDS Rheumatic Disease 157erase (Scl-70) Special SerologiesAnti-endomysial anti- CES Celiac Serology 156body IgA, qualitativeAnti-endomysial CES Celiac Serology 156antibody, IgAquantitativeAnti-endomysial X CES Celiac Serology 156antibody IgG,qualitativeAnti-endomysial CES Celiac Serology 156antibody IgG,quantitativeAntifungal susceptibility X F Mycology 140testing

X F1 Yeast 140Antigen detection, X BAS Bacterial Antigen 135bacterial Detection

X D Bacteriology 133X D4 Bacteriology, Ltd 134X D6 Rapid Group A Strep 135X D8 Group B Strep 135X D9 Rapid Group A Strep, 135

WaivedX HC1 C. trachomatis by DFA 145X HC3 C. trachomatis by EIA 145X HC5 C. trachomatis/GC 145

by DNA probeX VS Vaginitis Screen 138

Antigen detection, viral X VR2 Viral Antigen 144Detection by DFA

X VR4 Viral Antigen Detection 144by EIA and Latex

X HC2 HSV by DFA 145Anti-gliadin antibody X CES Celiac Serology 156IgA, IgG, qualitativeAnti-gliadin CES Celiac Serology 156antibody IgA, IgG,quantitativeAnti-deaminated CES Celiac Serology 156gliadin peptideantibody, IgA, IgGAnti-deamidated CES Celiac Serology 156gliadin peptide anti-body screen, IgA, IgG

Anti-deamidated CES Celiac Serology 156gliadin peptide/tissuetransglutaminase anti-body screen, IgA, IgGAnti-glomerular X S2 Immunology, Special 154basement membrane,qualitativeAnti-glomerular S2 Immunology, Special 154basement membrane,quantitativeAnti-HAV, IgM X VM5 Viral Markers–Series 5 169Anti-HAV, total X VM1 Viral Markers–Series 1 168Anti-HBc, IgM X VM5 Viral Markers–Series 5 169Anti-HBc, total X VM1 Viral Markers–Series 1 168Anti-HBe X VM2 Viral Markers–Series 2 168Anti-HBs X VM1 Viral Markers–Series 1 168Anti-HCV X VM1 Viral Markers–Series 1 168Anti-histidyl t-RNA RDS Rheumatic Disease 157synthetase(Jo-1) Special SerologiesAnti-HIV-1 X AHIV Anti-HIV-1 169

X AHIVW Anti-HIV-1/2,Waived 169X RHIV Anti-HIV-1 170X RHIVW Anti-HIV-1, Waived 170X VM1 Viral Markers–Series 1 168

Anti-HIV-2 X VM1 Viral Markers–Series 1 168Anti-HIV-1/2 X VM1 Viral Markers–Series 1 168

X AHIV Anti-HIV-1/2 169X AHIVW Anti-HIV-1/2, Waived 169

Anti-HTLV-I/II X VM3 Viral Markers–Series 3 168Anti-Jo-1(anti-histidyl RDS Rheumatic Disease 157t-RNA synthetase) Special SerologiesAnti-LKM LKM Liver-Kidney 157

Microsomal AntibodyAntimicrobial X D Bacteriology 133susceptibility testing

X D2 Throat, Urine, GC 134Cultures

X D4 Bacteriology, Ltd 134X D7 Throat, Urine, GC 134

CulturesAntimitochondrial X S2 Immunology, Special 154antibody, qualitativeAntimitochondrial H Antimitochondrial 155M2 antibody M2 AntibodyAnti-MPO S2 Immunology, Special 154Antimycobacterial X E Mycobacteriology 139susceptibility testingAnti-neutrophil S2 Immunology, Special 154cytoplasmic antibody(ANCA)

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Analyte/Procedure Index

College of American Pathologists

214 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Antinuclear antibody X ANA, IL Immunology 153(ANA)Anti-Parietal Cell APC Anti-Parietal Cell 155Antibody AntibodyAntiphospholipid ACL Antiphospholipid 155antibody Antibody

CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Anti-PR3 S2 Immunology, Special 154Anti-RNP antibody, X S2 Immunology, Special 154qualitativeAnti-RNP antibody, S2 Immunology, Special 154quantitativeAnti-Saccharomyces ASC Anti-Saccharomyces 155cerevisiae antibody cerevisiae AntibodyAnti-Scl-70 (anti-DNA RDS Rheumatic Disease 157topoisomerase) Special SerologiesAnti-Sm antibody, X S2 Immunology, Special 154qualitativeAnti-Sm antibody, S2 Immunology, Special 154quantitativeAnti-Sm/RNP X S2 Immunology, Special 154antibody, qualitativeAnti-Sm/RNP antibody, S2 Immunology, Special 154quantitativeAnti-smooth muscle X S2 Immunology, Special 154antibodyAntisperm antibody IgG X ASA Semen Analysis 121Anti-SSA antibody, X S2 Immunology, Special 154qualitativeAnti-SSA antibody, S2 Immunology, Special 154quantitativeAnti-SSB antibody, X S2 Immunology, Special 154qualitativeAnti-SSB antibody, S2 Immunology, Special 154quantitativeAnti-SSA/SSB antibody, X S2 Immunology, Special 154qualitativeAnti-SSA/SSB antibody, S2 Immunology, Special 154quantitativeAnti-streptolysin O X ASO, IL Immunology 153(ASO)Antithrombin CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125(Activity, Ag)

CGS2 Coag Special, Series 2 126Anti-thyroglobulin X S2, S4 Immunology, Special 154antibody, qualitativeAnti-thyroglobulin S2, S4 Immunology, Special 154antibody, quantitativeAnti-thyroid microsomal, X S2, S4 Immunology, Special 154qualitative

Anti-thyroidmicrosomal, S2, S4 Immunology, Special 154quantitativeAnti-thyroidperoxidase, X S2, S4 Immunology, Special 154qualitativeAnti-thyroidperoxidase, S2, S4 Immunology, Special 154quantitativeAnti-tissue transgluta- X CES Celiac Serology 156minase antibody IgA,qualitativeAnti-tissue transgluta- CES Celiac Serology 156minase antibody IgA,quantitativeAnti-tissue transgluta- CES Celiac Serology 156minase antibody IgGqualitativeAnti-tissue transgluta- CES Celiac Serology 156minase antibody IgGquantitativeAnti-Trypanosoma cruzi VM4 Viral Markers–Series 4 169Apolipoprotein A1 ABL Accuracy Based Lipid 85

X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ2, CZ2X,CZX

Apolipoprotein B ABL Accuracy Based Lipid 85X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46


Arthropod Identification TMO Ticks, Mites, and 118Other Arthropods

Aspartate aminotrans- X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45ferase (AST/SGOT) CZ, CZ2,

CZ2X, CZXIFS Interfering Substances 105

X LCW Ltd Chem, Waived 51LN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

RRS Reference Range 101Service

Atropine T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Automated WBC X FH1-FH4,FH6, Hematology, Auto Diff 110differential FH9, FH10,


Autopsy Pathology AUCD, Autopsy Pathology, 202AUCD1 CD-ROM

Analyte/Procedure Index

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 215

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

B-type natriuretic X BNP B-type Natriuretic 48peptides Peptides

LN30 B-type Natriuretic 100Peptides Cal Ver/Lin

X PCARM Plasma Cardiac 51Markers

RRS2 Reference Range 102Service

Babesia microti TTD Antibody Detection- 149Tick-TransmittedDiseases

Bacteria, urine UAA, UAA1 Automated Urinalysis 115Bacterial detection in X BDP5 Bacterial detection, 165platelets plateletsBacterial detection in BDP Bacterial detection, 165platelets plateletsBacterial antigen X BAS Bacterial Antigen 135detection Detection

X D Bacteriology 133X D4 Bacteriology, Ltd 134X D6 Rapid Group A Strep 135X HC1 C. trachomatis by DFA 145X HC3 C. trachomatis by EIA 145X HC5 C. trachomatis by 145

DNA probeX VS Vagintis Screen 138

Bacterial identification X D Bacteriology 133X D1, D2, D3, Throat, Urine, GC 134

D7 CulturesX D4 Bacteriology, Ltd 134X MRS Methicillin-Resistant

Staphylococcus aureus 137Screen

X MRS5 Methicillin-Resistant 137Staphylococcusaureus Screen

DNA fingerprinting IDO Nucelic Acid Amp, 147Organisms

Barbital T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Barbiturate group SDS Serum Drug Screen 79T Toxicology 75UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75

Bence Jones protein UBJP Urinary Bence Jones 57Protein

Benzodiazepine group SDS Serum Drug Screen 79T Toxicology 75UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75

Benzoylecgonine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75UTCO Urine Toxicology 106

CarryoverBeta-2-glycoprotein I ACL Antiphospholipid 155

AntibodyBeta-2-microglobulin, X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 67serumBeta-2-microglobulin, CD Cadmium 56urineBeta-hydroxybutyrate X KET Ketones 50Beta globulin SPE Serum Electrophoresis 57Bilirubin, confirmatory DSC Dipstick Confirmatory 116urineBilirubin, direct X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 45

CZ2, CZ2X,CZXLN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93

Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

X NB, NB2 Neonatal Bilirubin 51Bilirubin, total X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45

CZ, CZ2,CZ2X, CZXCFS Commutable 86

Frozen SerumIFS Interfering Substances 105LM1 Lung Maturity 58LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93

Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

X NB, NB2 Neonatal Bilirubin 51

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Analyte/Procedure Index

College of American Pathologists

216 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Bilirubin, total RRS Reference Range 101(cont.) ServiceBilirubin, urine X CMP Clinical Microscopy 114

DSC Dipstick Confirmatory 116Bioavailable testosterone DY Ligand Assay, Special 64Biochemical genetics BGL, BGL1 Biochemical Genetics 183Bioterrorism agents LPX Laboratory 136

Preparedness ExerciseBK virus ID1T Nucleic Acid Amp, 148

JC and BKVLS Viral Load 146

Blood cell identification X BCP Blood Cell Identification 109X FH1P-FH4P, Hematology, Auto Diff 110


X HEP Basic Hematology 109Blood culture BCS Blood Culture 136Blood parasite X BP Blood Parasite 142

X P Parasitology 141Body fluid (cell count) X HFC Hemocytometer Fluid 117

CountABF1, ABF2, Automated Body Fluid 115ABF3

Body fluid (chemistry) FLD Body Fluid 55Body fluid (crystals) BFC Crystals 116Body fluid color CMP Clinical Microscopy 114photographsBone marrow cell BMD Bone Marrow Cell 113differential DifferentialBordetella X IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 147parapertussis OrganismsBordetella X IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 147pertussis OrganismsBorrelia burgdorferi TTD Antibody Detection– 149


BRAF BRAF Mutation testing 186BRCA1/2 X MGL3 Molecular Genetics 184Brain tissue by FISH CYJ Fluorescence In Situ 182

Hybrid, Brain/GliomaTissue

Brightfield in situ ISH In situ Hybridization 186hybridizationBrompheniramine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Buprenorphine T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Buprenorphine UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78(cont.) Testing, Confirmatory

UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77Bupropion T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75Butalbital FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUT Urine Toxicology 75

C. difficile X D Bacteriology–Antigen 133Detection

SP Stool Pathogens– 137Rapid and Molecular

Chlamydiophila IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 147pneumoniae OrganismsChlamydia trachomatis X HC1 C. trachomatis byDFA 145

X HC3 C. trachomatis by EIA 145X HC5 C. trachomatis/GC by 145

DNA ProbeX HC6/HC6X C. trachomatis/GC 145

by Nucleic Acid AmpVR1 Virology Culture 144

CA 15-3 X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 67CA 19-9 FLD Body Fluid 55

X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 67CA 27.29 X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 67CA 72-4 X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 67CA 125 LN34 CA-125 Cal Ver/Lin 100

X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 67Cadmium, urine X CD Cadmium 56Cadmium, whole blood X CD Cadmium 56Caffeine X CZ2, CZ2X, Chemistry and TDM— 46

CZX, Z Not included in C3Calcitonin X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 67Calcium ABS Accuracy Based 87

X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45CZ, CZ2,CZ2X, CZXIFS Interfering Substances 105LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/ 93

Lin Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

Analyte/Procedure Index

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Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Calcium (cont.) RRS Reference Range 101Service

Calcium, urine LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 95Ver/Lin

X U Urine Chemistry, 53General

Calcium, ionized X AQ, AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 71X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46

CZ2, CZ2X,CZXLN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 97

Canavan MGL4 Molecular Genetics 184Candida sp.,DNA probe X VS Vaginitis Screen 138Cannabinoids see T Toxicology 75Delta-9-THC-COOH

UT Urine Toxicology 75Carbamazepine X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 46

CZ2X, CZX, ZLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Carbamazepine-10, T Toxicology 7511-epoxide

UT Urine Toxicology 75Carbamazepine, free X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 46

CZ2X, CZX, ZCarboxyhemoglobin X SO Blood Oximetry 72Carisoprodol FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Carnitine BGL1 Biochemical Genetics 183Casts, urine UAA, UAA1 Automated Urinalysis 115CD3 CBT Cord Blood Testing 166

X FL, FL1 Lymphocyte subset 159immunophenotyping

LN22 Flow Cytometry Cal 99Ver/Lin

SCP Stem Cell Processing 166CD4 X FL, FL1 Lymphocyte subset 159

immunophenotypingLN22 Flow Cytometry Cal 99

Ver/LinCD8 X FL, FL1 Lymphocyte subset 159

immunophenotypingLN22 Flow Cytometry Cal 99

Ver/LinCD20 PM3 Immunohistochemistry 197

CD34 CBT Cord Blood Testing 166X FL4 Flow Cytometry CD34+ 160

SCP Stem Cell Processing 166CD45 CBT Cord Blood Testing 166

SCP Stem Cell Processing 166FL4 Flow Cytometry CD34+ 160FL, FL1 Lymphocyte subset 159

immunophenotypingCD117 (c-kit) PM1 Immunohistochemistry 197CEA X K/KK Ligand Assay, General 63

FLD Body Fluid 55LN5 Ligand Assay 94

Cal Ver/LinCeruloplasmin X S2, S4 Immunology, Special 154CFU-GM SCP Stem Cell Processing 166CH50 CH50 Total Hemolytic 158

complementChlordiazepoxide T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75Chloride X AQ, AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 71

X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45CZ, CZ2,CZ2X, CZXCFS Commutable Frozen 86

SerumIFS Interfering Substances 105LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93

Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Ext Range

LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 97RRS2 Reference Range 102

ServiceChloride, sweat X SW1, SW2, Sweat Analysis Series 59

SW3, SW4Chloride, urine LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 95

Ver/LinX U Urine Chemistry, 53

GeneralChlorpheniramine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Chlorpromazine UT Urine Toxicology 75T Toxicology 75

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Analyte/Procedure Index

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218 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Cholesterol ABL Accuracy Based Lipid 85X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45

CZ, CZ2,CZ2X, CZXFLD Body Fluid 55

X LCW Ltd Chem, Waived 51LN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

X VMC Viral Marker Chemistry 169Chromium X R Trace Metals 59Chromosomal X CY, CYBK Cytogenetics 181abnormalitiesCitalopram T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75CK isoenzymes X CARMI, CRTI Cardiac Markers 49CK-MB X CARM, CRT, Cardiac Markers 49(immunochemical) CRTI, CARMI

IFS Interfering Substances 105LN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

X PCARM Plasma Cardiac 51Markers

RRS Reference Range 101Service

CK2 (MB) IFS Interfering Substances 105LN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

Clinical Pathology CPIP, CPIP1 Quality Management 10Improvement Program (Education)Clomipramine T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75Clonazepam FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyUT Urine Toxicology 75T Toxicology 75

Clostridium difficile X D Bacteriology–Antigen 133Detection

SP Stool Pathogens– 137Rapid and Molecular

Clozapine UT Urine Toxicology 75T Toxicology 75

CMV ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148Viruses

VLS Viral Load 146X VM3 Viral Markers— 168

Series 3X VR1 Virology Culture 144X VR2 Viral Antigen 144

Detection by DFAX VR3 Infectious Disease 149

SerologyCO2 X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46

CZ2, CZ2X,CZXIFS Interfering Substances 105LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93

Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Ext Range

RRS2 Reference Range 102Service

Cocaethylene FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Cocaine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75

Codeine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryComparative genomic CYCGH Microarray-Genomic 182hybridization Copy Number AssayCompatibility testing X J Transfusion Medicine 163

TMCA Transfusion Medicine, 164CompetencyAssessment

Complement C3 X IG/IGX Immunology, General 153LN7 Immunology Cal Ver/ 95


Analyte/Procedure Index

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Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Complement C4 X IG/IGX Immunology, General 153LN7 Immunology Cal Ver/ 95

LinComplexed PSA X K/KK Ligand Assay, 63

GeneralConductivity, sweat X SW1, SW2, Sweat Analysis Series 59

SW3, SW4Connexin-26 MGL3 Molecular Genetics 184Copper X R Trace Metals 59Coproporphyrins X N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54

SpecialCoronavirus ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148

RespiratoryCortisol X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45

CZ, CZ2,CZ2X, CZXCFS Commutable Frozen 86

SerumLN5 Ligand Assay 94

Cal Ver/LinX K/KK Ligand Assay, 63

GeneralABS Accuracy Based 87

Cortisol, urinary free X N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54Special

Cotinine T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

C-peptide X ING Insulin, Gastrin, 65C-Peptide, PTH

C-reactive protein (CRP) X CRP, IL Immunology 153LN12 C-reactive Protein 96

Cal Ver/LinRRS2 Reference Range 102

ServiceC-reactive protein, X hsCRP High-Sensitivity 50high-sensitivity (hsCRP) C-reactive Protein

LN21 High-Sensitivity 98C-reactive ProteinCal Ver/Lin

C-telopeptide (CTX) BU Bone and Mineral, 65Urine

Creatine kinase (CK) X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45CZ, CZ2X,CZ2, CZX

X CARM, CARMI Cardiac Markers 49CRT, CRTIIFS Interfering Substances 105LN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin

Creatine kinase (CK) LN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93(cont.) Enzyme Cal Ver/

Lin Ext RangeCreatinine X AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 71

X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45CZ, CZ2,CZ2X, CZXCFS Commutable Frozen 86

SerumFLD Body Fluid 55IFS Interfering Substances 105LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/ 93

Lin Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

LN24 Creatinine Accuracy 99Cal Ver/Lin

RRS Reference Range 101Service

SCO Serum Carryover 106Creatinine, urine X BU Bone and Mineral, 65

UrineX CD Cadmium 80

LN6 Urine Chemistry Cal 95Ver/Lin

LN20 Urine Albumin Cal 98Ver/Lin

X U Urine Chemistry, 53General

UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78Testing, Confirmatory

X UMC Urine Albumin 118(Microalbumin)/Creatinine

Crossmatching X J Transfusion Medicine 163X MX1B, MX1C, HLA Analysis, Class I 175

MXB, MXCX MX2B, MX2C, HLA Analysis Class II 175

MXB, MXCTMCA Transfusion Medicine, 164


Cryptococcal antigen X F Mycology 140detection

X F1 Yeast 140

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Analyte/Procedure Index

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220 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Cryptosporidium X P, P3, P4, P5 Parasitology 141immunoassay,preserved specimenCrystals BFC Body Fluid Crystals 116

UAA Automated Urinalysis 115URC Urine Crystals 116

CSF Antigen Detection X D Bacteriology 133Cyclic citrullinated CCP Anti-cyclic citrullinated 156peptide antibody peptide antibodyCyclobenzaprine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Cyclosporine X CS Immunosuppressive 47Drugs

LN31 Immunosuppressive 100Drugs Cal Ver/Lin

CYP2C9 PGX Pharmacogenetics 66CYP2C19 PGX Pharmacogenetics 66CYP2D6 PGX Pharmacogenetics 66Cystatin C CYS Cystatin C 56Cystic fibrosis X MGL2, MGL5 Molecular Genetics 184Cytology PT PAPCPT PAP PT, Conventional 198

PAPJPT PAP PT, All technologies 198PAPKPT PAP PT, SurePath 198PAPMPT PAP PT, ThinPrep 198

Cytomegalovirus ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148(CMV) Viruses

X VM3 Viral Markers— 168Series 3

X VR1 Virology Culture 144X VR2 Virology by DFA 144X VR3 Infectious Disease 149

SerologyVLS Viral Load 146

Cytopathology, PAPCE1 PAP Edu, 199gynecologic Conventional

PAPJE1 PAP Edu, All 199technologies

PAPKE1 PAP Edu, SurePath 199PAPME1 PAP Edu, ThinPrep 199

Cytopathology, NGC/NGC1 Non-Gynecologic 199non-gynecologic Cytopath Edu PrgmCytopreparation HFC Hemocytometer Fluid 117differential CountD-dimer, qualitative CGDF Coagulation, 125

D-dimer/FDPCGL Coagulation, Ltd 125WBDD Whole Blood D-dimer 129

D-dimer, quantitative X CGDF Coagulation, 125D-dimer/FDP

X CGL Coagulation, Ltd 125PCARM Plasma Cardiac 51

MarkersDelta-9-THC FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Delta-9-THC-COOH FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75UTCO Urine Toxicology 106

CarryoverDeoxypyridinoline BU Bone and Mineral, 65(DPD) UrineDermatopathology DPATH/ Online Digital Slide 194

DPATH1 ProgramDermatophyte X F Mycology 140identificationDesalkylflurazepam T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75Desipramine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

X ZT, ZZT TDM, Special 48Dextromethorphan T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75DHEA sulfate X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 122DIA (Dimeric inhibin A) X FP/FPX Maternal Screen 66Diazepam FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Differential, automated X FH1-FH4, FH6, Hematology, Auto Diff 110FH9, FH10,FH1P-FH4P,FH6P, FH9P,FH10P

Differential, manual BMD Bone Marrow Cell 113Differential

HFC Hemocytometer Fluid 117Count

Analyte/Procedure Index

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 221

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Digital slide program in FNA/FNA1 Online Digital Slide 200fine-needle aspiration, ProgramonlineDigoxin X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47

CZ2X, CZX, ZLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Digoxin, free X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ2X, CZX, Z

Dihydrocodeine T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Diltiazem T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Dilute prothrombin time CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Dilute Russell’s viper CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125venom timeDimeric inhibin A (DIA) X FP, FPX Maternal Screen 66Diphenhydramine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Diphenylhydantoin FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

Direct antiglobulin X DAT Direct Antiglobulin 166testing Testing

TMCAD Transfusion Medicine, 164CompetencyAssessment

Direct bilirubin X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45CZ, CZ2,CZ2X, CZXLN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93

Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

X NB, NB2 Neonatal Bilirubin 51Disopyramide X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47

CZ2X, CZX, ZDMD/Becker X MGL2 Molecular Genetics 184DNA analysis X DL, DML HLA Molecular Typing 176

DNA, DNAF DNA Database 205FID, FIDM Forensic Identity 205

X ML HLA Molecular Typing 176MHO Molecular Oncology 188

DNA analysis (cont.) X PAR, PARF Parentage/ 171Relationship

DNA content/cell FL, FL2 Flow Cytometry 159cycle analysisDNA database DNA, DNAF DNA Database 205DNA Mismatch Repair MMR DNA Mismatch 196

RepairDopamine X N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54

SpecialDoxepin FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Doxylamine UT Urine Toxicology 75T Toxicology 75

Duloxetine T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Ecgonine methyl ester FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

EGFR-Epidermal EGFR Mutation testing 187Growth Factor Receptor

PM4 EGFR by 197Immunohistochemistry

Electrophoresis X HG Hemoglobinopathy 111X LPE Lipoprotein 57

ElectrophoresisX M, OLI CSF Chemistry and 56

Oligoclonal BandsX SPE Protein Electrophoresis 57

UBJP Urinary Bence Jones 57Protein

Elution, antibody ELU Eluate 167Embryology EMB Embryology 121Enterovirus ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148

VirusesX VR1 Virology Culture 144

Eosinophils, urine SCM2 Special Clinical 118Microscopy

Ephedrine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Epidermal Growth PM4 EGFR by 197Factor Receptor (EGFR) Immunohistochemsitry

EGFR Mutation testing 187Epinephrine X N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54

SpecialEpithelial cells, urine UAA1 Automated Urinalysis 115

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Analyte/Procedure Index

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222 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Epstein-Barr virus VR3 Antibody Detection– 149(EBV) Infectious Disease

SerologyID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148

VirusesISH In situ Hybridization 186VLS Viral Load 146

Erythrocyte ESR, ESR1 Erythrocyte 109sedimentation rate Sedimentation RateErythropoietin EPO Erythropoietin 65Estradiol LN8 Reproductive 96

EndocrinologyCal Ver/Lin

X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 122ABS Accuracy Based 87

Estimated Glomerular LN24 Creatinine Accuracy 99Filtration Rate (e-GFR) Cal Ver/Lin

Estriol, unconjugated X FP/FPX Maternal Screen 66(uE3)

X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 122Estrogen receptors PM2 ER, PR by 197

ImmunohistochemistryEthanol X AL1 Whole Blood Alcohol/ 79

Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles

X AL2 Serum Alcohol/ 79Ehtylene Glycol/Volatiles

LN11 Serum Ethanol 96Cal Ver/Lin

LN11ER Serum Ethanol 96Cal Ver/Lin Ext Range

LN14 Whole Blood Ethanol 97Cal Ver/Lin

T Toxicology 75UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75

Ethosuximide X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47CZ2X, CZX, Z

Ethylene glycol AL1 Whole Blood 79Alcohol/EthyleneGlycol/Volatiles

AL2 Serum Alcohol/ 79Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Euglobin test CGE/CGEX Coagluation, Extended 125

Factor II CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Factor V CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Factor V Leiden X MGL1 Molecular Genetics 184Factor VII CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Factor VIII X CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125

X CGS3 Coag Special, Series 3 126Factor VIII Inhibitor CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Factor IX CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Factor X CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Factor XI CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Factor XII CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Factor XIII CGE/GGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Familial dysautonomia MGL4 Molecular Genetics 184Fecal Fat, qualitative FCFS Fecal Fat 56Fentanyl T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyFern test X CMMP Clinical Microscopy, 114

MiscFerritin X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46


X K/KK Ligand Assay, 63General

LN5 Ligand Assay 94Cal Ver/Lin

RRS Reference Range 101Service

Fetal fibronectin X FF Fetal Fibronectin 65Fetal hemoglobin APT Fetal Hemoglobin 116(gastric fluid)Fetal lung maturity X LM, LM1 Lung Maturity 58Fetal membrane ROM Rupture of Fetal 117rupture (PAMG-1) MembraneFetal red cell X HBF Fetal Red Cell 160quantitation

TMCAF Transfusion Medicine, 164CompetencyAssessment

Fetal screen (Rosette X HBF Fetal Red Cell 160testing)

TMCAF Transfusion Medicine, 164CompetencyAssessment

Fibrin monomer CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Fibrinogen X CGL Coagulation, Ltd 125Fibrinogen antigen CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125

Analyte/Procedure Index

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 223

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Fibrinogen degradation CGDF Coagulation, 125products, plasma D-dimer/FDP

CGL Coagulation, Ltd 125Fibrinogen degradation CGDF Coagulation, 125products, serum D-dimer/FDP

CGL Coagulation, Ltd 125Fine-Needle Aspiration, FNA/ Online Digital Slide 200digital slide Program FNA1 ProgramFine-Needle Aspiration, FNAG/ Fine-Needle 200glass slides FNAG1 AspirationFISH for breast X CYH Fluorescence In situ 181carcinoma Hybridization-Breasthybridization and Cancerinterpretation on-site(HER2 geneamplification)FISH for breast CYH Fluorescence In situ 181carcinoma on-site Hybridization–interpretation only Breast Cancer(HER2 geneamplification)FISH for Brain/Glioma CYJ Fluorescence In situ 182

Hybridization,Brain/Glioma Tissue

FISH for constitutional CYF Fluorescence In situ 181and hematologic HybridizationdisordersFISH for lymphoma CYL Fluorescence In situ 182


FISH for CYH Fluorescence In situ 181paraffin-embedded Hybridization–Breasttissue Cancer

CYJ Fluorescence In situ 182Hybridization,Brain/Glioma Tissue

CYK Fluorescence In situ 182Hybridization,Sarcoma tissue orPediatric neoplasm

CYL Fluorescence In situ 182Hybridization,Lymphoma

FISH for sarcoma CYK Fluorescence In situ 182Hybridization,Sarcoma tissue orPediatric neoplasm

FISH for urothelial X CYI Fluorescence In situ 181carcinoma hybridization Hybridization,and interpretation Urothelial Carcinomaon-site

FISH for urothelial CYI Fluorescence In situ 181carcinoma, Hybridization,interpretation only Urothelial CarcinomaFlunitrazepam T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75Fluorescent I Instrumentation 104microscope checkFluorescent X LM, LM1 Lung Maturity 58polarization assayFluoxetine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Flurazepam FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Folate, RBC X FOL RBC Folate 66Folate, serum X K/KK Ligand Assay, 63

GeneralLN5 Ligand Assay 94

Cal Ver/LinRRS2 Reference Range 102

ServiceFollicle-stimulating LN8 Reproductive 96hormone (FSH) Endocrinology

Cal Ver/LinX Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 122

Forensic identity (DNA) FID, FIDM Forensic Identity 205Forensic pathology FR, FR1 Forensic Pathology 206Forensic toxicology FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyFragile X X MGL1 Molecular Genetics 184Free testosterone X DY Ligand Assay, Special 64Friedreich ataxia X MGL2 Molecular Genetics 184Fructosamine FT Fructosamine 57Fungal culture CBT Cord Blood Testing 166

SCP Stem Cell Processing 166Fungus identification X F Mycology 140

X F1 Yeast 140Gamma globulin M CSF Chemistry 56

SPE Serum Electrophoresis 57Gamma glutamyl X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46transferase (GGT) CZ2, CZ2X,

CZXIFS Interfering Substances 105LN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin

Analyte/Procedure Index

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224 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Gamma glutamyl LN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93transferase (GCT) (cont.) Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin

Ext RangeRRS2 Reference Range 102

ServiceGamma FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81hydroxybutyrate ToxicologyGardnerella vaginalis, X VS Vaginitis Screen 138DNA ProbeGastric occult blood GOCB Gastric Occult Blood 117Gastric pH GOCB Gastric Occult Blood 117Gastrin X ING Insulin, Gastrin, 65

C-Peptide, PTHGenomic copy number CYCGH CYCGH Microarray 182arrayGentamicin X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47

CZ2X, CZX, ZLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94

Giardia immunoassay, X P, P3, P4, P5 Parasitology 141preserved specimenGiemsa stain X BP Blood Parasite 142

P Parasitology 141Glioma by FISH CYJ Fluorescence In situ 182

Hybridization, Brain/Glioma Tissue

Glucose X AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 71BDP, BDP5 Bacterial Detection in 165

PlateletsX C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45

CZ, CZ2,CZ2X, CZXCFS Commutable Frozen 86

SerumFLD Body Fluid 55IFS Interfering Substances 105LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/ 93

Lin Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 97Glucose, CSF X M, OLI CSF Chemistry and 56

Oligoclonal BandsGlucose, urine X CMP Clinical Microscopy 114

LN6 Urine Chemistry 95Cal Ver/Lin

Glucose, urine (cont.) X U Urine Chemistry, 53General

Glucose, whole blood HCC Waived Combination 52X LCW Ltd Chem, Waived 51

LN17 Whole Blood Glucose 98Cal Ver/Lin

X WB2 Whole Blood Glucose, 52Waived

X WBG Whole Blood Glucose 52Glucose-6-phosphate G6PDS Glucose-6-phosphate 57dehydrogenase dehydrogenaseGlycohemoglobin X GH2 Glycohemoglobin 50

LN15 Glycohemoglobin 97Cal Ver/Lin

Gram stain BDP Bacterial Detection in 165Platlets

BDP5 Bacterial Detection in 165Platlets

X D Bacteriology 133X D2, D3, D7 Throat, Urine, GC 134

CulturesX D4 Bacteriology, Ltd 134X D5 Gram Stain 135

VS2 Vaginitis Screen, 138virtual Gram stain

Group A Streptococcus X D Bacteriology 133antigen detection

X D4 Bacteriology, Ltd 134X D6 Rapid Group A Strep 135X D9 Rapid Group A Strep, 135

WaivedGroup B Streptococcus X D8 Group B Strep 135Growth hormone X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 122Gyn cytopathology PAPCPT PAP PT, Conventional 198

PAPJPT PAP PT, All 198technologies

PAPKPT PAP PT, SurePath 198PAPMPT PAP PT, ThinPrep 198

Gyn cytopathology PAPCE1 PAP Edu, 199education Conventional

PAPJE1 PAP Edu, All 199technologies

PAPKE1 PAP Edu, SurePath 199PAPME1 PAP Edu, ThinPrep 199

Haptoglobin X IG/IGX Immunology, General 153X S2/S4 Immunology, Special 154

HBeAg X VM2 Viral Markers–Series 2 168HBsAg X VM1 Viral Markers–Series 1 168

Analyte/Procedure Index

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

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Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

HBV HBVL Hepatitis Viral Load 146X NAT Nucleic Acid Testing 170

HCV X NAT Nucleic Acid Testing 170HCVN, HCV2 Hepatitis Viral Load, 146

Genotyping andQualitative

HDL cholesterol ABL Accuracy Based Lipid 85X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45


X LCW Ltd Chem, Waived 51LN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

Helicobacter pylori X S2, S4 H. pylori IgG 154Antibody

X S5 H. pylori IgG 154Antibody

VR3 H. pylori IgG 149Antibody

HPS H. pylori Antigen, 136stool

Hematocrit X AQ, AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 71CBT Cord Blood Testing 166

X FH1-FH4, FH6, Hematology, Auto Diff 110FH9, FH10,FH1P-FH4P,FH6P, FH9P,FH10P

X HE, HEP Basic Hematology 109RRS4 Reference Range 103

ServiceSCP Stem Cell Processing 166

X SO Blood Oximetry 72Hemochromatosis X MGL1 Molecular Genetics 184Hemocytometer fluid X HFC Hemocytometer Fluid 117count CountHemoglobin CBT Cord Blood Testing 166

X FH1-FH4, FH6, Hematology, Auto Diff 110FH9-FH10,FH1P-FH4P,FH6P, FH9P-FH10P

X HCC Waived Combination 52X HE, HEP Basic Hematology 109

LN9 Hematology 96Cal Ver/Lin

RRS4 Reference Range 103Service

Hemoglobin (cont.) X SO Blood Oximetry 72Hemoglobin X HG Hemoglobinopathy 111electrophoresisHemoglobin, estimated X AQ, AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 71Hemoglobin, plasma PHG Plasma Hemoglobin 58Hemoglobin, urine X CMP Clinical Microscopy 114Hemoglobin A1C X GH2 Glycohemoglobin 50

LN15 Glycohemoglobin 97Cal Ver/Lin

Hemoglobin A2 X HG Hemoglobinopathy 111Hemoglobin F X HG Hemoglobinopathy 111

SCS Sickle Cell Screen 112Hemoglobin S/C X MGL2 Molecular Genetics 184Hemolytic Complement, CH50 Total Hemolytic 158Total ComplementHemosiderin, urine SCM1 Special Clinical 118

MicroscopyHeparin Assay CGS4 Coag Special, 126

Series 4Heparin-induced CGS5 Coag, Special, HIT 126thrombocytopenia

CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Hepatitis C virus HCVN, HCV2 Hepatitis Viral Load, 146

Genotyping andQualitative

Hepatitis B virus HBVL Hepatitis Viral Load 146HER2 gene ISH2 In situ Hybridization 186amplification by ISHHER2 gene X CYH Fluorescence In situ 181amplification by FISH, Hybridization–hybridization and Breast Cancerinterpretation on-siteHER2 gene CYH Fluorescence In situ 181amplification by FISH, Hybridization–interpretation only Breast CancerHER2 by X HER2 HER2 by 197immunohistochemistry immunohistochemistryHerpes simplex virus X VR3 Antibody Detection– 149(HSV) Infectious Disease

SerologyX HC2 HSV by DFA 145X VR2 Viral Antigen by DFA 144X HC4 HSV Culture 145X VR1 Virology Culture 144

ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148Viruses

HHV6 ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148Viruses

HHV8 ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148Viruses

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Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

High molecular weight CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125kininogenHigh-sensitivity X hsCRP hsCRP 50C-reactive protein

LN21 High-Sensitivity 98C-reactive ProteinCal Ver/Lin

Histotechnology HQIP, HQIPBX HistoQIP 195quality improvementHIV X NAT Nucleic Acid Testing 170

X HIV, HV2 HIV Viral Load 146HIV genotyping HIVG HIV Viral genotyping 146HIV-1 p24 antigen X VM3 Viral Markers–Series 3 168HLA-A,B,C antibody X MX1B, MX1C, HLA Analysis, Class I 175identification MX1E, MXB,

MXCX MX2B, MX2C, HLA Analysis, Class II 175


HLA-(Class I/II) X MX1B, MX1C HLA Analysis, Class I 175crossmatching MX1E, MXB,

MXCX MX2B, MX2C, HLA Analysis, Class II 175


HLA-A,B,C typing X HLAS, HLAS1 HLA Serologic Typing 176(serologic)HLA-B27 typing X B27 HLA-B27 Typing 177HLA-DR, DQ typing X HLAS HLA Serologic Typing 176(serologic)HLA molecular typing X DL, DML, ML HLA Molecular Typing 176Homocysteine X HMS Homocysteine 50

LN16 Homocysteine 97Cal Ver/Lin

Homovanillic acid X N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54Special

Human chorionic X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45gonadotropin (hCG), CZ, CZ2,serum CZ2X, CZX

X FP/FPX Maternal Screen 66X HCG, IL Immunology 153X K/KK Ligand Assay, 63

GeneralLN5 Ligand Assay 94

Cal Ver/Lin

LN8 Reproductive 96EndocrinologyCal Ver/Lin

SCO Serum Carryover 106

Human chorionic X CMP Clinical Microscopy 114gonadotropin (hCG),urineHPV X CHPVD Digene Specimen 201

Transport MediumX CHPVJ Mixed Medium 201X CHPVK SurePath Preservative 201

Fluid TransportMedium

X CHPVM ThinPrep PreservCyt 201Transport Medium

X HPV Digene Hybrid Capture 147technology only

ISH In situ Hybridization 186HSV X HC2 HSV by DFA 145

X HC4 HSV Culture 145ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148

VirusesX VR1 Virology Culture 144X VR2 Viral Antigen by DFA 144X VR3 Antibody Detection– 149

Infectious DiseaseSerology

Human herpesvirus 6 ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148Viruses

Human herpesvirus 8 ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148Viruses

Human immuno- X HIV, HV2 HIV Viral Load 146deficiency virus (HIV)

HIVG HIV Genotyping 146Human ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148metapneumovirus RespiratoryHuman papillomavirus X CHPVD Digene Specimen 201

Transport MediumX CHPVM ThinPrep PreservCyt 201

Transport MediumX CHPVK SurePath Preservative 201

Fluid TransportMedium

X CHPVJ Mixed Medium 201X HPV Digene Hybrid 147

Capture technologyonly

ISH In situ Hybridization 186Huntington disease X MGL2 Molecular Genetics 184Hydrocodone FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, Confirmatory

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Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Hydrocodone (cont.) UT Urine Toxicology 75Hydromorphone FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUT Urine Toxicology 75

Hydroxyzine T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Ibuprofen T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

IgA X IG/IGX Immunology, General 153LN7 Immunology 95

Cal Ver/LinRRS3 Reference Range 103

ServiceX SPE Protein Electrophoresis 57

IgD S2, S4 Immunology, Special 154IgE X IG/IGX Immunology, General 153

X K/KK Ligand Assay, 63General

X SE Diagnostic Allergy 156IgE Allergen-Specific, SE Diagnostic Allergy 156quantitativeIgE multi-allergen X SE Diagnostic Allergy 156screenIGF-1 (somatomedin C) X BGS Bone and Growth 64

X Y/YY Ligand Assay, 122Special

IgG X IG/IGX Immunology, General 153LN7 Immunology 95

Cal Ver/LinRRS3 Reference Range 103

ServiceS2, S4 Immunology, Special 154

X SPE Protein Electrophoresis 57IgG, CSF X M, OLI CSF Chemistry and 56

Oligoclonal BandsIgG subclass proteins S2, S4 Immunology, Special 154IgM X IG/IGX Immunology, General 153

LN7 Immunology 95Cal Ver/Lin

RRS3 Reference Range 103Service

X SPE Protein Electrophoresis 57Imipramine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75

Imapramine (cont.) UT Urine Toxicology 75ZT, ZZT TDM, Special 48

Immature granulocyte FH9, FH9P Hematology, Auto Diff 110parameterImmunohistochemistry X HER2 HER2 by 197

ImmunohistochemistryMK Immunohistochemistry 196PM1 CD117 by 197

ImmunohistochemistryPM2 ER, PR by 197

ImmunohistochemistryPM3 CD20 by 197

ImmunohistochemistryPM4 EGFR by 197

ImmunohistochemistryIndia ink IND India Ink 140Infectiousmononucleosis X IL, IM Immunology 153

X IMW Infectious 153Mononucleosis,Waived

Influenza virus ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148Resp

X VR1 Virology Culture 144X VR2 Viral Antigen 144

Detection by DFAX VR4 Viral Antigen 144

Detection by EIA andLatex

In situ hybridization ISH In situ hybridization 186ISH2 In situ hybridization 186

HER2Instrument function I Instrumentation 104Instrument linearity I Instrumentation 104

LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/ 93

Lin Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94LN5 Ligand Assay 94

Cal Ver/LinLN6 Urine Chemistry 95

Cal Ver/LinLN7 Immunology 95

Cal Ver/LinLN8 Reproductive 96

EndocrinologyCal Ver/Lin

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

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Instrument linearity (cont.) LN9 Hematology 96Cal Ver/Lin

LN9ER Hematology Cal Ver/ 96Lin Ext Range

LN11 Serum Ethanol 96Cal Ver/Lin

LN11ER Serum Ethanol 96Cal Ver/Lin Ext Range

LN12 C-reactive Protein 96Cal Ver/Lin

LN13 Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 97LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 97LN14 Whole Blood Ethanol 97

Cal Ver/LinLN15 Glycohemoglobin 97

Cal Ver/LinLN16 Homocysteine 97

Cal Ver/LinLN17 Whole Blood Glucose 98

Cal Ver/LinLN18, LN19 Reticulocyte 98

Cal Ver/LinLN20 Urine Albumin 98

Cal Ver/LinLN21 High-Sensitivity 98

C-reactive ProteinCal Ver/Lin

LN22 Flow Cytometry 99Cal Ver/Lin

LN23 PSA Cal Ver/Lin 99LN24 Creatinine Accuracy 99

Cal Ver/LinLN25 Troponin I 99

Cal Ver/LinLN27 Troponin T 99

Cal Ver/LinLN30 BNP Cal Ver/Lin 100LN31 Immunosuppressive 100

Drugs Cal Ver/LinLN32 Ammonia Cal Ver/Lin 100LN33 Serum Myoglobin 100

Cal Ver/LinLN34 CA-125 Cal Ver/Lin 100

Insulin X ING Insulin, Gastrin, 65C-Peptide, PTH

Interleukin-2 receptor X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 67(soluble IL-2)International X CGL Coagulation, Ltd 125Normalized Ratio (INR)

CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 126CGS4 Coag Special, Series4 126

International X WP3, WP4, Whole Blood 128Normalized Ratio (INR) WP6, WP7, Coagulation(cont.) WP9

X WP8 Coagulation, Waived 128Ionized calcium X AQ, AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 71

X C3, CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 46CZXLN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 97

Iron X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45CZ, CZ2,CZ2X, CZXCFS Commutable Frozen 86

SerumIFS Interfering Substances 105LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal 93

Ver/Lin Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Ext Range

RRS Reference Range 101Service

Isopropanol AL1 Whole Blood Alcohol/ 79Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles

AL2 Serum Alcohol/ 79Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

JC virus ID1T Nucleic Acid Amp, 148JC and BK

Jo-1 (anti-histidyl RDS Rheumatic Disease 157t-RNA synthetase) SpecialKaolin activated APTT CGE/CGEX Coagluation, Extended 125Kaolin activated CT CGE/CGEX Coagluation, Extended 125Kappa/lambda ISH In situ Hybridization 186Kappa/lambda ratio IG/IGX Immunology, General 153

S2, S4 Immunology, Special 154Free Kappa/ SFLC Serum Free Light 158lambda ratio ChainsKaryotype nomenclature X CY, CYBK Cytogenetics 181Ketamine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Ketones, serum KET Ketones 50Ketones, urine X CMP Clinical Microscopy 114

Analyte/Procedure Index

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Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

KIT/PDGFRA KIT KIT/PDGFRA 187KOH prep X CMMP Clinical Microscopy, 114

MiscKRAS KRAS Colorectal Cancer 187

MutationLaboratory LPX Laboratory 136Preparedness Exercise Preparedness ExerciseLaboratory LMB Quality Management 33Management Index ToolsProgramLactate X AQ, AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 71

X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ2, CZ2X,CZXFLD Body Fluid 55LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 97

Lactate, CSF X M, OLI CSF Chemistry and 56Oligoclonal Bands

Lactate dehydrogenase X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45(LD) CZ, CZ2,

CZ2X, CZXX CARM, CARMI, Cardiac Markers 49

CRTI, CRTFLD Body Fluid 55IFS Interfering Substances 105LN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

RRS Reference Range 101Service

SCO Serum Carryover 106Lactate dehydrogenase X M, OLI CSF Chemistry and 56(LD), CSF Oligclonal BandsLamellar Body Count LBC Lamellar Body Count 58Large unclassified FH4, FH4P Hematology, Auto Diff 110cells (LUC)LD isoenzymes X CARMI, CRTI Cardiac Markers 49LD1/LD2 ratio CARMI, CRTI Cardiac Markers 49LDL cholesterol ABL Accuracy Based Lipid 85LDL cholesterol, C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45calculated CZ, CZ2,

CZ2X, CZXLDL cholesterol, X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45measured CZ, CZ2,

CZ2X, CZXLDL cholesterol, waived X LCW Ltd Chem, Waived 51Lamotrigine T Toxicology 75

UT Urnine Toxicology 75Lead (blood) X BL Blood Lead 79

Lecithin:sphingomyelin LM, LM1 Lung Maturity 58(L:S) ratioLegionella IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 147pneumophila OrganismsLegionella X BAS Bacterial Antigen 135

DetectionX LAS Legionella Ag, Urine 136

Leukemia/lymphoma FL3, FL3CD Flow Cytometry 159immunophenotypeLeukemia/lymphoma FL5 Flow Cytometry 160interpretation only Interpretation OnlyLeukocyte esterase, X CMP Clinical Microscopy 114urineLeukocyte-reduced TRC Transfusion-Related 167platelets Cell CountLeukocyte-reduced RBC TRC Transfusion-Related 167

Cell CountLeukocyte, stool, X CMMP Clinical Microscopy, 114Wright-Giemsa MiscLidocaine X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47

CZ2X, CZX, ZLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Lipase X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ2X, CZXIFS Interfering Substances 105LN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Ext Range

RRS3 Reference Range 103Service

Lipids ABL Accuracy Based Lipid 85X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45

CZ, CZ2,CZ2X, CZXLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Ext Range

Lipoprotein (a) ABL Accuracy Based Lipid 85X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45


Lipoprotein-associated PLA Lp-PLA2 57phospholipaseLipoprotein LPE Lipoprotein 57electrophoresis Electrophoresis

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

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Lithium X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ, CZ2,CZ2X, CZX, ZLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94

Liver-kidney LKM Liver-Kidney 157microsomal antibody Microsomal AntibodyLorazepam FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUT Urine Toxicology 75

Lupus anticoagulant CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125(scrn, conf)

CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 126Luteinizing LN8 Reproductive 96hormone (LH) Endocrinology

Cal Ver/LinX Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 122

Lyme disease TTD Tick-Transmitted 149Disease

Lymphocyte X FL, FL1 Flow Cytometry 159immunophenotypingLymphoma by FISH CYL Fluorescence In situ 182


Lysergic acid FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81diethylamide (LSD) Toxicology

UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75T Toxicology 75

Magnesium X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45CZ, CZ2,CZ2X, CZXCFS Commutable Frozen 86

SerumIFS Interfering Substances 105LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/ 93

Lin/Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Ext Range

Magnesium, ionized X AQ, AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 71LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 97RRS Reference Range 101


Magnesium, urine X U Urine Chemistry, 53General

Manganese R Trace Metals 59MEN2 X MGL3 Molecular Genetics 184Meperidine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Meprobamate FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Metabolic disease testing BGL Biochemical Genetics 183Metabolites FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Metanephrine X N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54Special

Methadone FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75

Methadone metabolite FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81(EDDP) Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryMethamphetamine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75

Methanol AL1 Whole Blood Alcohol/ 79Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles

AL2 Serum Alcohol/ 79Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Analyte/Procedure Index

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Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Methaqualone UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78Testing, Confirmatory

UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77Methicillin-resistant IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 147Staphylococcus aureus Organisms

X MRS, MRS5 Methicillin-Resistant 137S. aureus

Methemoglobin X SO Blood Oximetry 72Methotrexate X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47

CZ2X, CZX, ZMethylenedioxy- FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81amphetamine (MDA) Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUT Urine Toxicology 75

Methylenedioxy- FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81methamphetamine Toxicology(MDMA)

T Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75

Methylenetetra- X MGL1 Molecular Genetics 184hydrofolate reductase(MTHFR)Methylphenidate T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75Metoprolol T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75Microalbumin, urine X U Urine Chemistry, 53

GeneralX UMC Urine Albumin 118


Microsatellite instability MSI Microsatellite Instability 186Microtiter plate reader I Instrumentation 104linearityMinimal residual MRD Minimal Residual 189disease DiseaseMirtazapine T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75Mite Identification TMO Ticks, Mites, and 142

Other ArthropodsMitochondrial DNA, DNA, DNAF DNA Database 205forensic

FIDM Forensic Identity 205Mixing Studies, PT CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Mixing Studies, APTT CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125

Mixing Studies, APTT CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 126(cont.)

Modified acid-fast stain X P, P3, P4, P5 Parasitology 141Mold identification X F Mycology 140Molecular genetics X MGL1, MGL2, Molecular Genetics 184

MGL3, MGL5MGL4 Molecular Genetics 184

Molecular HLA typing X DL, DML, ML HLA Molecular Typing 176Molecular MHO, MHO1, Molecular 188Hematological MHO2, HematologicalOncology MHO3, Oncology

MHO4Molecular typing IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 147

OrganismsMonitoring engraftment ME Monitoring 177

EngraftmentMononuclear cell count CBT Cord Blood Testing 166

SCP Stem Cell Processing 166Morphine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUT Urine Toxicology 75

M-protein (paraprotein) X SPE Protein 57identification ElectrophoresisMRSA X MRS, MRS5 Methicillin-Resistant 137

S. aureusIDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 147

OrganismsMucopolysaccharide X BGL Biochemical Genetics 183(Glycosaminoglycan)Multiple endocrine X MGL3 Molecular Genetics 184neoplasia type 2(MEN2)Mumps–IgG VR3M Virology 149Mycobacterial culture X E1 Mycobacteriology, Ltd 139Mycobacterial X E Mycobacteriology 139identificationMycobacterium IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 147tuberculosis OrganismsMycobacterium QF M. tuberculosis 157tuberculosis antibody Infection detectiondetectionMycophenolic acid X MPA Mycophenolic Acid 48Mycoplasma IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 147pneumoniae Organisms

VR3 Antibody Detection– 149Infectious DiseaseSerology

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

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Myoglobin X CARM, CRT, Cardiac Markers 49CRTI

X PCARM Plasma Cardiac 51Markers

LN33 Serum Myoglobin 100Cal Ver/Lin

Myoglobin, urine MYG Myoglobin, Urine 54Myotonic dystrophy X MGL2 Molecular Genetics 184N-acetylprocainamide X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47(NAPA) CZ2X, CZX, Z

LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94Naproxen T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75Nasal smears, X CMMP Clinical Microscopy, 114eosinophil MiscNeisseria gonorrhoeae X D3 Throat, Urine, GC 134

CulturesX D4 Bacteriology, Ltd 134X HC5 C. trachomatis/GC 145

by DNA ProbeX HC6/HC6X C. trachomatis/GC 145

by Nucleic Acid AmpNeoplastic disorder CYF Fluorescence In situ 181by FISH HybridizationNeuropathology NP/NP1 Neuropathology 202

ProgramNeutral fats FCFS Fecal Fat 56Nicotine T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75Nitrite X CMP Clinical Microscopy 114Nitrogen, total U Urine Chemistry, 53

GeneralNon-gynecologic NGC/NGC1 Non-Gynecologic 199cytopathology Cytopathology Edu

ProgramNorchlordiazepoxide T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75Norcyclobenzaprine T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75Norcodeine T Toxicology 75

UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78Testing, Confirmatory

UT Urine Toxicology 75Nordiazepam FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUT Urine Toxicology 75

Nordoxepin FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Norepinephrine X N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54Special

Norfentanyl T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Norfluoxetine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Normeperidine T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Normetanephrine X N/NX Urine Chemistry 54Special

Norovirus SP1 Norovirus by Rapid 137and Molecular

Norpropoxyphene FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUT Urine Toxicology 75

Norsertraline T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Nortriptyline FTC Whole Blood Forensic 75Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75ZT, ZZT TDM, Special 48

Norverapamil T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

nRBC FH3, FH3P, Hematology, Auto Diff 110FH9, FH9P

NT-pro B-type X BNP BNP 48natriuretic peptides

LN30 BNP Cal Ver/Lin 100RRS2 Reference Range 102

ServiceN-telopeptide (NTX) X BU Bone and Mineral, 65

UrineNucleated cells, total CBT Cord Blood Testing 166

SCP Stem Cell Processing 166Nucleated red cells, ABF3 Automated Body Fluid 115total

CBT Cord Blood Testing 166SCP Stem Cell Processing 166

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Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Nucleated red blood FH3, FH3P, Hematology, Auto Diff 110cell count FH9, FH9PNucleic acid X HC6/HC6X C. trachomatis/GC 145amplification by Nucleic Acid Amp

HBVL, HCVN, Hepatitis Viral Load 146HCV2

X HIV, HV2 HIV Viral Load 146IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 147

OrganismsID1, ID1T Nucleic Acid Amp, 148

VirusesID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148

RespiratoryX MRS, MRS5 Methicillin-Resistant 137

S. aureusSP, SP1 Stool Pathogens 137VLS Viral Load 146

Nucleic acid testing X NAT Nucleic Acid Testing 170Occult blood OCB Occult Blood 117Occult blood, gastric GOCB Gastric Occult Blood 117Ocular micrometer I Instrumentation 104checkOlanzapine T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75Oligoclonal bands X OLI Oligoclonal Bands 56Opiate group T Toxicology 75

UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75UTCO Urine Toxicology 106

CarryoverOrganic acids, urine X BGL Biochemical Genetics 183qualitativeOrganic acids, urine BGL Biochemical Genetics 183quantitativeOsmolality, measured X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46

CZ2, CZ2X,CZXIFS Interfering Substances 105LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/ 93

Lin Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

Osmolality, sweat X SW1, SW2, Sweat Analysis Series 59SW3, SW4

Osmolality, urine X CMP Clinical Microscopy 114LN6 Urine Chemistry 95

Cal Ver/LinX U Urine Chemistry, 53

GeneralOsmometer check I Instrumentation 104Osteocalcin BGS Bone and Growth 64Oxazepam FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUT Urine Toxicology 75

Oxycodone FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75

Oxyhemoglobin X SO Blood Oximetry 72Oxymorphone FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUT Urine Toxicology 75

Pancreatic amylase X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ2, CZ2X,CZX

Parainfluenza virus X VR2 Viral Antigen 144Detection by DFA

X VR1 Virology Culture 144ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148

RespiratoryParaprotein identification X SPE Protein Electrophoresis 57Parasite identification X BP Blood Parasite 142

X P, P3, P4, P5 Parasitology 141

Parathyroid hormone X ING Insulin, Gastrin, 65(PTH) C-Peptide, PTHParentage/relationship X PAR, PARF Parentage/ 171testing RelationshipParoxetine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

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Parvovirus B19 ID1 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148Viruses

PCO2 X AQ, AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 71LN13, LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 97

Performance PIP/PIP1, Performance 193Improvement Program PIPW/PIPW1 Improvementin Surgical Pathology Program in Surgical

PathologypH AFL Amniotic Fluid Leakage 115

X AQ, AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 71FLD Body Fluid 55GOCB Gastric Occult Blood 117LN13, LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 97

pH, urine X CMP Clinical Microscopy 114UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatorypH for bacterial BDP, BDP5 Bacterial Detection 165detection in platelets in PlateletspH meters I Instrumentation 104Phencyclidine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75

Phenethylamine UT Urine Toxicology 75T Toxicology 75

Pheniramines T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Phenobarbital X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47CZ2X, CZX, ZFTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94T Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUT Urine Toxicology 75

Phentermine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Phenylpropanolamine T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Phenytoin X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47CZ2X, CZX, ZFTC Whole Blood Forensic 81


Phenytoin (cont.) LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94SCO Serum Carryover 106T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Phenytoin, free X CZ, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47CZ2X, CZX, Z

Phosphatidylglycerol X LM, LM1 Lung Maturity 58(PG)Phosphorus X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46

CZX, CZ2,CZ2XCFS Commutable Frozen 86

SerumIFS Interfering Substances 105LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/ 93

Lin Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Ext Range

Phosphorus, urine LN6 Urine Chemistry 95Cal Ver/Lin

X U Urine Chemistry, 53General

Pinworm prep X CMMP Clinical Microscopy, 114Misc

Pipette calibration- I Instrumentation 104gravimetricPlacental Alpha ROM Rupture of Fetal 117Microglobulin-1 Membranes(PAMG-1)Plasma hemogloblin PHG Plasma Hemoglobin 58Plasminogen antigen CGE/CGEX Coagulation Extended 125Plasminogen activator CGE/CGEX Coagulation Extended 125inhibitorPlatelet aggregation PF Platelet Function 127Platelet induced PIA Platelet Function 129aggregationPlatelet antibody X PS Platelet Serology 167detectionPlatelet count X FH1-FH4, FH6, Hematology, Auto Diff 110


Analyte/Procedure Index

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Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Platelet count (cont.) X HE, HEP Basic Hematology 109LN9 Hematology 96

Cal Ver/LinLN9ER Hematology Cal Ver/ 96

Lin, Ext RangeRRS4 Reference Range 103

ServicePlatelet count X TRC Transfusion-Related 167(Platelet-rich plasma) Cell CountPlatelet crossmatch PS Platelet Serology 167Platelet dysfunction PF1 Platelet Function 127Platelet mapping PLTM Platelet Mapping 129PNH PNH Paroxysmal Nocturnal 160immunophenotype Hemoglobinuria, RBC

PNHW Paroxysmal Nocturnal 160Hemoglobinuria, WBC

PO2 X AQ, AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 71LN13, LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 97

Post Analytical DNA SEC DNA Sequencing 184SequencingPotassium X AQ, AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 71

X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45CZ, CZX, CZ2,CZ2XCFS Commutable Frozen 86

SerumIFS Interfering Substances 105LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/ 93

Lin Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 97RRS2 Reference Range 102

ServicePotassium, urine LN6 Urine Chemistry 95

Cal Ver/LinX U Urine Chemistry, 53

GeneralPRA MX1B, MX1C, HLA Analysis, Class I 175

MX1E, MXB,MXCMX2B, MX2C, HLA Analysis, Class II 175MX2E, MXB,MXC

Prader-Willi/Angelman X MGL1 Molecular Genetics 184Syndrome

Prealbumin X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46(transthyretin) CZX, CZ2,

CZ2XX S2, S4 Immunology, Special 154

Prekallikrein CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Predictive markers by PM1 CD117 by 197immunohistochemistry Immunohistochemistry

PM2 ER, PR by 197Immunohistochemistry

PM3 CD20 by 197Immunohistochemistry

PM4 EGFR by 197Immunohistochemistry

Primidone X CZ, CZX, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47CZ2X, ZLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94

Pro B-type natriuretic RRS2 Reference Range 102peptides Service

X BNP B-type natriuretic 48peptides

Procainamide X CZ, CZX, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47CZ2X, ZLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94

Procalcitonin PCT Procalcitonin 60Progesterone LN8 Reproductive 96

EndocrinologyCal Ver/Lin

X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 122Progesterone receptors PM2 ER, PR by 197

ImmunohistochemistryProlactin LN8 Reproductive 96

EndocrinologyCal Ver/Lin

X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 122Propoxyphene FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryUDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75UTCO Urine Toxicology 106

CarryoverPropranolol T Toxicology 75

UT Urine Toxicology 75Prostate-specific X K/KK Ligand Assay, 63antigen (PSA) General

LN23 PSA Cal Ver/Lin 99RRS3 Reference Range 103


Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Analyte/Procedure Index

College of American Pathologists

236 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Prostate-specific antigen, X K/KK Ligand Assay, 63complexed (cPSA) GeneralProstate-specific X K/KK Ligand Assay, 63antigen, free (PSA, free) GeneralProstatic acid X K/KK Ligand Assay, 63phosphatase (PAP) GeneralProtein electrophoresis, X SPE Protein Electrophoresis 57serumProtein C CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125

CGS2 Coag Special, Series 2 126Protein S CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125

CGS2 Coag Special, Series 2 126Protein, total X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45

CZ, CZX, CZ2,CZ2XCFS Commutable Frozen 86

SerumFLD Body Fluid 55IFS Interfering Substances 105LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/ 93

Lin Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Ext Range

RRS Reference Range 101Service

SPE Lipoprotein and 57Protein Electrophoresis

X VMC Viral Marker Chemistry 169Protein, CSF X M, OLI CSF Chemistry and 56

Oligoclonal BandsProtein, urine X CMP Clinical Microscopy 114

DSC Dipstick Confirmatory 116LN6 Urine Chemistry 95

Cal Ver/LinX U Urine Chemistry, 53

GeneralProthrombin X MGL1 Molecular Genetics 184Prothrombin CGE/CGEX Coagulation Extended 125fragment 1.2Prothrombin time X CGL Coagulation, Ltd 125

CGS1 Coag Special, Series 1 126CGS4 Coag Special, Series 4 126

X WP3, WP4, Whole Blood 128WP6, WP7, CoagulationWP9

Prothrombin time (cont.) X WP8 Whole Blood 128Coagulation, Waived

Prothrombin time,dilute CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Provider-performed X CMMP Clinical Microscopy, 114microscopy MiscPseudocholinesterase X C7 Pseudocholinesterase 58Pseudoephedrine FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Pyridinoline (PYD) BU Bone and Mineral, 65Urine

Q-PROBES QP101 Quality Management 20Tools

QP102 Quality Management 21Tools

QP103 Quality Management 22Tools

QP104 Quality Management 23Tools

Q-TRACKS QT1-4 Quality Management 25-26Tools

QT5 Quality Management 31Tools

QT7, 8, 10 Quality Management 27-28Tools

QT15-18 Quality Management 28-30Tools

Quetiapine T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Quinidine X CZ, CZX, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47CZ2X, ZLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Quinine T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Rapamycin (sirolimus) X CS Immunosuppressive 47Drugs

Rapid Group A Strep X D Bacteriology 133X D4 Bacteriology, Ltd 134X D6 Rapid Group A Strep 135X D9 Rapid Group A Strep, 135

WaivedRBC count ABF1, ABF2, Automated Body Fluid 115


Analyte/Procedure Index

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Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

RBC count (cont.) X FH1-FH4, FH6, Hematology, Auto Diff 110FH9, FH10,FH1P-FH4P,FH6P, FH9P,FH10P

X HE, HEP Basic Hematology 109X HFC Hemocytometer Fluid 117

CountLN9 Hematology 96

Cal Ver/LinRRS4 Reference Range 103

ServiceRBC count, urine UAA, UAA1 Automated Urinalysis 115RBC folate X FOL RBC Folate 66Red blood cell antigen J, J1 Transfusion Medicine 163detection

PAR Parentage/Relationship 171Reducing substance, X CMP Clinical Microscopy 114urineRefractometer check I Instrumentation 104Renin X RAP Renin and Aldosterone 66Reptilase time CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Respiratory syncytial ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148virus (RSV) Respiratory

X VR1 Virology Culture 144X VR4 Virology Antigen 144

Detection by EIA andLatex

X VR2 Viral Antigen 144Detection by DFA

Reticulocyte count X RT, RT2, RT3, Reticulocyte 112RT4LN18, LN19 Reticulocyte 98

Cal Ver/LinRhD X MGL2 Molecular Genetics 184RhD typing X J, J1 Transfusion Medicine 163

X JAT Transfusion Medicine, 163Automated

TMCA Transfusion Medicine, 164CompetencyAssessment

Rheumatoid factor X IL, RF/RFX Immunology 153Rhinovirus ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148

RespiratoryRotavirus SP Stool Pathogens– 137

Rapid and MolecularX VR4 Viral Antigen 144

Detection by EIA andLatex

RSV ID2 Nucleic Acid Amp, 148Respiratory

X VR1 Virology Culture 144X VR2 Viral Antigen 144

Detection by DFAX VR4 Viral Antigen 144

Detection by EIAand Latex

Rubella antibody X IL, RUB/RUBX Immunology 153Rubeola antibody X VR3 Antibody Detection– 149

Infectious DiseaseSerology

Russell’s viper CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125venom time, diluteSalicylate X CZ, CZX, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47

CZ2X, ZLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94

X SDS Serum Drug Screen 79T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Sarcoma by FISH CYK Fluorescence In situ 182Hybridization

Sarcoma translocation SARC Sarcoma Translocation 187Scl-70 (anti-DNA RDS Rheumatic Disease 157topoisomerase) SpecialSecobarbital FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyX UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatorySelenium X R Trace Metals 59Semen analysis X ASA, SC, SV Semen Analysis 121

SC1, SM Semen Analysis 121SMCD, Semen Analysis, 121SM1CD CD-ROM

Sertraline FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Serum free light SFLC Serum Free Light 158chains ChainsSex hormone-binding X DY Ligand Assay, Special 64globulin (SHBG)Shiga Toxin ST Shiga Toxin 138

SP Stool Pathogens–Rapid 137and Molecular

Sickle cell screen X HG Hemoglobinopathy 111X SCS Sickle Cell Screen 112

Sirolimus (Rapamycin) X CS Immunosuppressive 47Drugs

Sodium X AQ, AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 71

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Analyte/Procedure Index

College of American Pathologists

238 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Sodium (cont.) X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45CZ, CZ2,CZ2X, CZXCSF Commutable Frozen 86

SerumIFS Interfering Substances 105LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/ 93

Lin Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

LN13C Blood Gas Cal Ver/Lin 97RRS2 Reference Range 102

ServiceSodium, sweat X SW1, SW2, Sweat Analysis Series 59

SW3, SW4Sodium, urine LN6 Urine Chemistry 95

Cal Ver/LinX U Urine Chemistry, 53

GeneralSomatomedin C (IGF-1) X Y, YY Ligand Assay, Special 122Specific gravity X CMP Clinical Microscopy 114

UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78Testing, Confirmatory

Spectrophotometer I Instrumentation 104linearitySperm count SMCD Semen Analysis, 121

CD-ROMSperm count, automated SC1 Semen Analysis 121Sperm count, manual X SC Semen Analysis 121Sperm morphology SM Semen Analysis 121

SM1CD Semen Analysis, 121CD-ROM

Sperm motility SMCD Semen Analysis, 121CD-ROM

Sperm viability X SV Semen Analysis 121Spinal fluid meningitis X D Bacteriology 133panelSpinal muscular X MGL2 Molecular Genetics 184atrophySpinocerebellar ataxia X MGL2 Molecular Genetics 184Split fats FCFS Fecal Fat 56Streptococcus X D8 Group B Strep 135agalactiaeStreptococcus X BAS Bacterial Antigen 135pneumoniae Detection

Streptococcus X D Bacteriology 133pyogenes

X D4 Bacteriology, Ltd 134X D6 Rapid Group A Strep 135X D9 Rapid Group A Strep, 135

WaivedStrychnine UT Urine Toxicology 75

T Toxicology 75Sulfosalicylic acid (SSA) DSC Dipstick Confirmatory 116Surgical pathology PIP/PIP1, Performance Program 193

PIPW/PIPW1 Improvement inSurgical Pathology

VBP, VBP1 Online Virtual 194Biopsies Program

DPATH, Online Digital Slide 194DPATH1 Program

Syphilis X G Syphilis Serology 157T3, free X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45(triiodothyronine) CZ, CZX, CZ2,

CZ2XX K/KK Ligand Assay, 63

GeneralT3, total X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45(triiodothyronine) CZ, CZX, CZ2,

CZ2XX K/KK Ligand Assay, 63

GeneralLN5 Ligand Assay 94

Cal Ver/LinT3 uptake & X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45related tests CZ, CZX, CZ2,

CZ2XX K/KK Ligand Assay, 63

GeneralT4, free X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 46(thyroxine, free) CZ, CZX, CZ2,

CZ2XX K/KK Ligand Assay, 63

GeneralRRS Reference Range 101

ServiceT4, total X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 46(thyroxine, total) CZ, CZX, CZ2,

CZ2XCFS Commutable Frozen 86

SerumX K/KK Ligand Assay, 63


Analyte/Procedure Index

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

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Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

T4, total LN5 Ligand Assay 94(thyroxine, total) (cont.) Cal Ver/Lin

RRS Reference Range 101Service

Tacrolimus X CS Immunosuppressive 47Drugs

LN31 Immunosuppressive 100Drugs Cal Ver/Lin

Tay Sachs MGL4 Molecular Genetics 184tCO2 AQ, AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 71Temazepam FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81

ToxicologyUDC Forensic Urine Drug 78

Testing, ConfirmatoryT Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Testosterone LN8 Reproductive 96EndocrinologyCal Ver/Lin

RRS2 Reference Range 102Service

X Y/YY Ligand Assay, Special 122ABS Accuracy Based 87

Testosterone, DY Ligand Assay, Special 64bioavailableTestosterone, free X DY Ligand Assay, Special 64Theophylline X CZ, CZX, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47

CZ2X, ZLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Thioridazine T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Throat culture X D1, D7 Throat, Urine, GC 134Cultures

X D4 Bacteriology, Ltd 134Thrombin time CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125

CGS4 Coag Special, Series 4 126RRS2 Reference Range 102

ServiceThrombin-antithrombin CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125Thromboelastogram TEG Thromboelastogram 128Thyroglobulin X TM/TMX Tumor Markers 67Thyroid-stimulating ABS Accuracy Based 87hormone (TSH)

X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ, CZX, CZ2,CZ2X

X K/KK Ligand Assay, 63General

Thyroid-stimulating LN5 Ligand Assay 94hormone (TSH) (cont.) Cal Ver/Lin

RRS Reference Range 101Service

Thyroxine, free X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ, CZX, CZ2,CZ2X

X K/KK Ligand Assay, 63General

Thyroxine, total X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ, CZX, CZ2,CZ2XCFS Commutable Frozen 86

SerumX K/KK Ligand Assay, 63

GeneralLN5 Ligand Assay 94

Cal Ver/LinRRS Reference Range 101

ServiceTick identification TMO Ticks, Mites, and 142

Other ArthropodsTissue parasite X BP Blood Parasite 142identification

X P Parasitology 141Tissue plasminogen CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125activatorTobramycin X CZ, CZX, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47

CZ2X, ZLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94

Total bilirubin X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45CZ, CZX, CZ2,CZ2XIFS Interfering Substances 105LM1 Lung Maturity 58LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/ 93

Lin Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

X NB, NB2 Neonatal Bilirubin 51Total bilirubin, urine X CMP Clinical Microscopy 114

DSC Dipstick Confirmatory 116Total hemolytic CH50 Total Hemolytic 158complement Complement

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Analyte/Procedure Index

College of American Pathologists

240 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Total iron binding X C3, C3X, CZ Chemistry and TDM 46capacity, measured CZX, CZ2,and % saturation CZ2X

RRS Reference Range 101Service

Total nitrogen, urine U Urine Chemistry, 53General

Total nucleated cells CBT Cord Blood Testing 166SCP Stem Cell Processing 166

Total nucleated red cells CBT Cord Blood Testing 166SCP Stem Cell Processing 166

Total protein X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45CZ, CZX, CZ2,CZ2XCFS Commutable Frozen 49

SerumFLD Body Fluid 55IFS Interfering Substances 105LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/ 93

Lin Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Ext Range

RRS Reference Range 101Service

X SPE Protein Electrophoresis 57VMC Viral Marker Chemistry 169

Total protein, CSF X M, OLI CSF Chemistry and 56Oligoclonal Bands

Total protein, urine LN6 Urine Chemistry 95Cal Ver/Lin

X U Urine Chemistry, 53General

Total tricyclics X SDS Serum Drug Screen 79X ZT, ZZT TDM, Special 48

Toxicology, serum, X SDS Serum Drug Screen 79qualitative

X T Toxicology 75Toxicology, urine, X T Toxicology 75qualitative

X UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77X UT Urine Toxicology 75

Toxicology, urine, X UDC Forensic Urine Drug 78qualitative/quantitative Testing, Confirmatory

Toxoplasma gondii VR3 Antibody Detection– 149Infectious DiseaseSerology

Tramadol FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

X T Toxicology 75X UT Urine Toxicology 75

Transferrin X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46CZX, CZ2,CZ2XLN7 Immunology 95

Cal Ver/LinX S2, S4 Immunology, Special 154

Transfusion medicine X J, J1 Transfusion Medicine 163X JAT Transfusion Medicine, 163

AutomatedJE1 Transfusion Medicine, 163

EducationTMCA Transfusion Medicine, 164


TMCAD Transfusion Medicine, 164CompetencyAssessment

TMCAF Transfusion Medicine, 164CompetencyAssessment

X TRC Transfusion-Related 167Cell Count

Trazodone FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81Toxicology

T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Treponema pallidum X G Syphilis Serology 157Total free fatty acids FCFS Fecal Fat 56Trichomonas vaginalis X VS, VS1 Vaginitis Screen 138Tricyclic group T Toxicology 75

UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75

Tricyclics, total X SDS Serum Drug Screen 79X ZT, ZZT TDM, Special 48

Triglycerides ABL Accuracy Based Lipid 85X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 46

CZ, CZX,CZ2, CZ2XFCFS Fecal Fat 56FLD Body Fluid 55

X LCW Ltd Chem, Waived 51

Analyte/Procedure Index

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

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Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Triglycerides (cont.) LN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin

LN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93Enzyme Cal Ver/Lin Ext Range

Triiodothyronine (T3) X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 45CZ, CZX,CZ2, CZ2X

X K/KK Ligand Assay, 63General

LN5 Ligand Assay 94Cal Ver/Lin

Trimipramine T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Troponin I, plasma X PCARM Plasma Cardiac 51Markers

RRS3 Reference Range 103Service

Troponins I and T, serum X CRT, CRTI Cardiac Markers 49LN25 Troponin I Cal Ver/Lin 99LN27 Troponin T Cal Ver/Lin 99RRS3 Reference Range 103

ServiceX TRP Cardiac Markers 49

UGT1A1 PGX Pharmacogenetics 66Unsaturated iron X C3, C3X, CZ, Chemistry and TDM 46binding capacity, CZX, CZ2,measured CZ2XUrea nitrogen X AQ2 Aqueous Blood Gas 71

X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ, CZX, CZ2,CZ2XCFS Commutable Frozen 86

SerumIFS Interfering Substances 105LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/ 93

Lin Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

RRS2 Reference Range 102Service

Urea nitrogen, urine LN6 Urine Chemistry 95Cal Ver/Lin

X U Urine Chemistry, 53General

Urease RUR Rapid Urease 137

Uric acid X C1, C3, C3X, Chemistry and TDM 46CZ, CZX, CZ2,CZ2XCFS Commutable Frozen 86

SerumIFS Interfering Substances 105LN1 Chemistry Cal Ver/Lin 93LN1ER Chemistry Cal Ver/ 93

Lin Ext RangeLN2 Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinLN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/ 93

Enzyme Cal Ver/LinExt Range

RRS2 Reference Range 102Service

Uric acid, urine LN6 Urine Chemistry 95Cal Ver/Lin

X U Urine Chemistry, 53General

Urine albumin LN20 Urine albumin 98Cal Ver/Lin

X U Urine Chemistry, 53General

X UMC Urine Albumin 118(Microalbumin)/Creatinine

Urine albumin: U Urine Chemistry, 53creatinine ratio General

UMC Urine Albumin 118(Microalbumin)/Creatinine

Urine crystals URC Crystals 116UAA Automated Urinalysis 115

Urine culture X D2, D7 Throat, Urine, GC 134Cultures

X D4 Bacteriology, Ltd 134Urine drug screen X UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77Urine sediment, color X CMP Clinical Microscopy 114photographsUrobilinogen X CMP Clinical Microscopy 114Uroporphyrin X N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54

SpecialUrothelial carcinoma X CYI Fluorescence In situ 181by FISH, hybridization Hybridization,and interpretation Urothelial Carcinomaon-siteUrothelial carcinoma CYI Fluorescence In situ 181by FISH, interpretation Hybridization,only Urothelial Carcinoma

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Analyte/Procedure Index

College of American Pathologists

242 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Vaginal wet X CMMP Clinical Microscopy, 114preparations MiscVaginitis Screen X VS BD Affirm VP III 138

Antigen DetectionX VS1 Genzyme OSOM 138

TrichomonasVS2 Vaginitis Screen, 138

Virtual Gram stainValproic acid X CZ, CZX, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47

CZ2X, ZLN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Valproic acid, free X CZ, CZX, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47CZ2X, Z

Vancomycin LN3 TDM Cal Ver/Lin 94X CZ, CZX, CZ2, Chemistry and TDM 47

CZ2X, ZVancomycin-resistant IDO Nucleic Acid Amp, 147Enterococcus OrganismsVanillylmandelic acid X N/NX Urine Chemistry, 54

SpecialVaricella-zoster X ID1 Nucleic Acid 148virus (VZV) Amplification

X VR1 Virology Culture 144X VR2 Viral Antigen 144

Detection by DFAX VR3 Antibody Detection- 149

Infectious DiseaseSerology

Verapamil T Toxicology 75UT Urine Toxicology 75

Viability CBT Cord Blood Testing 166SCP Stem Cell Processing 166

Viral antigen detection X HC2 HSV by DFA 145X VR2 Viral Antigen 144

Detection by DFAX VR4 Viral Antigen 144

Detection by EIA andLatex

Viral isolation/ X HC4 HSV Culture 145identification

X VR1 Virology Culture 144Virtual biopsy program, VBP/VBP1 Online Virtual 194online Biopsies ProgramViscosity V Viscosity 59Vitamin B12 X K/KK Ligand Assay, 63

GeneralLN5 Ligand Assay 94

Cal Ver/Lin

Vitamin B12 (cont.) RRS2 Reference Range 102Service

VKORC1 PGX Pharmacogenetics 66Volatiles AL1 Whole Blood Alcohol/ 79

Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles

AL2 Serum Alcohol/ 79Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles

T Toxicology 75UDS, UDS6 Urine Drug Screen 77UT Urine Toxicology 75

von Willebrand factor CGE/CGEX Coagulation, Extended 125CGS3 Coag Special, Series 3 126

VZV X ID1 Nucleic Acid 148Amplification

X VR1 Virology Culture 144X VR2 Viral Antigen 144

Detection by DFAX VR3 Antibody Detection– 149

Infectious DiseaseSerology

Wavelength and I Instrumentation 104photometric calibrationWBC count ABF1, ABF2, Automated Body Fluid 115

ABF3CBT Cord Blood Testing 166

X FH1-FH4, FH6, Hematology, Auto Diff 110FH9, FH10,FH1P-FH4P,FH6P, FH9P,FH10P

X HE, HEP Basic Hematology 109LN9 Hematology 96

Cal Ver/LinLN9ER Hematology 96

Cal Ver/Lin Ext RangeRRS4 Reference Range 103

ServiceSCP Stem Cell Processing 166UAA, UAA1 Automated Urinalysis 115

X HFC Hemocytometer Fluid 117Count

FL4 Flow Cytometry CD34+ 160WBC count (leukocyte- TRC Transfusion-Related 167reduced platelets) Cell CountWBC count (leukocyte- TRC Transfusion-Related 167reduced RBCs) Cell Count

Analyte/Procedure Index

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 243

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg Analyte/Procedure LAP Program Description Pg

ENR Code ENR Code

Analyte/Procedure Index

College of American Pathologists

244 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

WBC differential, X FH1-FH4, FH6, Hematology, Auto Diff 110automated FH9, FH10,


West Nile virus antigen X NAT Nucleic Acid Testing 170Yeast identification X F Mycology 140

X F1 Yeast 140Zinc X R Trace Metals 59Zolpidem FTC Whole Blood Forensic 81


Surveys Product Shippingand Pricing22

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2010 SURVEYS Product Shipping and Pricing

ABF1 ABF1 Automated Body Fluid $282 115 A 8 B 16

ABF2 ABF2 Automated Body Fluid $282 115 A 8 B 16

ABF3 ABF3 Automated Body Fluid $282 115 A 8 B 16

ABL ABL Accuracy Based Lipid $426 85 A15-16 B19-20

ABO HL HLA Serologic Typing (Class I/II) $249 176 A 9 B 15 C 14

ABS ABS Testosterone and $450 87 A 13

Estradiol Accuracy Survey

ABT ABT Antibody Titer $392 165 A 1 B 25

ABT1 ABT Antibody Titer $294 165 A 1 B 25

ABT2 ABT Antibody Titer $294 165 A 1 B 25

ACE ACE Angiotensin Converting Enzyme $284 55 A 29 B 20

ACL ACL Antiphospholipid Antibody $238 155 A 15 B 1

ADL ADL Aldolase $534 55 A 17 B 18

AFL AFL Amniotic Fluid Leakage (Nitrazine) $218 115 A 10 B 13

AHIV AHIV Anti-HIV-1/2 $396 169 A 29 B 9 C 29

AHIVW AHIVW Anti-HIV-1/2, Waived $214 169 A 9 B 29

AL1 AL1 Whole Blood Alcohol/ $324 79 A 22 B 7 C 27

Ethylene Glycol/Volatiles

AL2 AL2 Serum Alcohol/Ethylene Glycol/ $324 79 A 1 B 1 C 4


AL2M AL2M Serum Alcohol/Ethylene Glycol/ $261 82 A 1 B 1 C 4

Volatiles SVM

ANA S Immunology $150 153 A 22 B 16 C 22

APC GIH Anti-Parietal Cell Antibody $388 155 A 26 B 27

APT APT Fetal Hemoglobin $242 116 A 1 B 27

AQ AQ Critical Care Aqueous and $462 71 A 8 B 7 C 11

Fluorocarbon Blood Gas

AQ2 AQ Critical Care Aqueous and $534 71 A 8 B 7 C 11

Fluorocarbon Blood Gas

ASA SEM Semen Analysis $240 121 A 19 B 25

ASC ASC Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae $374 155 A 10 B 6


ASO S Immunology $150 153 A 22 B 16 C 22

AUCD AUCD Autopsy Pathology on CD-ROM $340 202 A 15 B 27

AUCD1 AUCD Autopsy Pathology on CD-ROM $98 202 A 15 B 27

B27 B27 HLA-B27 Typing $450 177 A 13 B 24

BAS BAS Bacterial Antigen Detection $176 135 A 1 B 8

BCP KP Blood Cell Identification $39 109 A 25 B 3 C 20

BCS BCS Blood Culture $300 136 A 21 B 25


BDP BDP Bacterial Detection in Platelets $564 165 A 19 B 18

BDP5 BDP5 Bacterial Detection in Platelets, $852 165 A 19 B 12 C 18

5 Challenges

BFC CRS Crystals $356 116 A 7 B 11

BGL BGL ACMG/CAP Biochemical Genetics $670 183 A 9 B 17

BGL1 BGL ACMG/CAP Biochemical Genetics $420 183 A 9 B 17

BGS Y Bone and Growth $512 64 A 26 B 20

BL BL AACC/CAP Blood Lead $633 79 A 15 B 12 C 25

BLM BLM Blood Lead SVM $510 82 A 15 B 12 C 25

BMD BMD Bone Marrow Cell Differential $350 113 A 22 B 23

BNP BNP B-type Natriuretic Peptides $210 48 A 16 B 19

BP BP Blood Parasite $471 142 A 25 B 17 C 20

BRAF BRAF BRAF $1,050 186 A 17 B 8

BU Y Bone and Mineral Metabolism, $484 65 A 26 B 20


C1 C General Chemistry and $330 45-47 A 15 B 1 C 4

Therapeutic Drugs

C3 C General Chemistry and $387 45-47 A 15 B 1 C 4

Therapeutic Drugs

C3X C General Chemistry and $441 45-47 A 15 B 1 C 4

Therapeutic Drugs

C7 C Pseudocholinesterase $177 58 A 15 B 1 C 4

CARM CAR Cardiac Markers $219 49 A 2 B 1 C 5

CARMI CARI Cardiac Markers $324 49 A 2 B 1 C 5

CBT* CBT Cord Blood Testing $698 166 A 2 B 3

CCP RDS Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide $392 156 A 17 B 1

Antibody (Anti-CCP)

CD CD Cadmium $1,572 80 A 4 B 29 C 1 D 2 E 20 F 22

CES CES Celiac Serology $482 156 A 8 B 13

CFS CFS Commutable Frozen Serum $200 49

CGDF CGL Coagulation, Limited, D-dimer/FDP $150 125 A 25 C 13

CGE CGE Coagulation, Extended $468 125 A 29 B 30

CGEX CGE Coagulation, Extended $758 125 A 29 B 30

CGL CGL Coagulation, Limited $219 125 A 25 B 10 C 13

CGM CGM Coagulation SVM (Comprehensive) $204 130 A 25 B 10 C 13

CGS1 CGS1 Coagulation Special Testing, $390 126 A 29 B 30

Series 1

2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing (Continued)


*Product ship date subject to change.

Look for notification of kit shipment via CAP TRAKersm. If you do not receive your kit within 7–10 calendar days following theship date, or if you receive an incomplete or damaged shipment, please call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040option 1. Requests for replacements after the 10th calendar day cannot be accepted.


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may be purchased at any time during the year

CGS2 CGS2 Coagulation Special Testing, $636 126 A 29 B 30

Series 2

CGS3 CGS3 Coagulation Special Testing, $370 126 A 29 B 30

Series 3

CGS4 CGS4 Coagulation Special Testing, $232 126 A 29 B 30

Series 4

CGS5 CGS5 Coagulation Special Testing, HIT $438 126 A 12 B 18

CH50 CH50 Total Hemolytic Complement $384 158 A 19 B 1

CHPVD CHPV Human Papillomavirus for Cytology $549 201 A 29 B 2 C 13

CHPVJ CHPV Human Papillomavirus for Cytology $549 201 A 29 B 2 C 13

CHPVK CHPV Human Papillomavirus for Cytology $549 201 A 29 B 2 C 13

CHPVM CHPV Human Papillomavirus for Cytology $549 201 A 29 B 2 C 13

CMMP CM Clinical Microscopy $110 114 A 15 B 30

CMP CM Clinical Microscopy $184 114 A 15 B 30

CPIP CPIP Clinical Pathology Improvement $400 10 A 6 B 6


CPIP1 CPIP Clinical Pathology Improvement $120 10 A 6 B 6

Program, Addl Path

CRP S Immunology $150 153 A 22 B 16 C 22

CRT CAR Cardiac Markers $282 49 A 2 B 1 C 5

CRTI CARI Cardiac Markers $381 49 A 2 B 1 C 5

CS CSM AACC/CAP Immunosuppressive $322 47 A 8 B 22


CT CT Activated Clotting Time $294 127 A 18 B 19

CT1 CT1 Activated Clotting Time $302 127 A 18 B 19

CT2 CT2 Activated Clotting Time $270 127 A 18 B 19

CT3 CT3 Activated Clotting Time $270 127 A 18 B 19

CY CY ACMG/CAP Cytogenetics $570 181 A 29 B 12 C 1

CYBK CY ACMG/CAP Cytogenetics – Booklet $624 181 A 29 B 12 C 1

CYCGH CYCGH ACMG/CAP Microarray-Genomic $580 182 A 17 B 18

Copy Number

CYF CYF ACMG/CAP Fluorescence In $482 181 A 12 B 1

Situ Hybridization – Constitutional

and Hematologic Disorders

CYH CYH ACMG/CAP Fluorescence In $542 181 A 1 B 22

Situ Hybridization – Breast Cancer

(HER2 Gene Amplification)

2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing (Continued)


Look for notification of kit shipment via CAP TRAKersm. If you do not receive your kit within 7–10 calendar days following theship date, or if you receive an incomplete or damaged shipment, please call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040option 1. Requests for replacements after the 10th calendar day cannot be accepted.


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CYI CYI ACMG/CAP Fluorescence In Situ $522 181 A 22 B 2

Hybridization – Urothelial


CYJ CYP ACMG/CAP FISH for Paraffin- $572 182 A 22 B 2

Embedded Tissue

CYK CYP ACMG/CAP FISH for Paraffin- $624 182 A 22 B 2

Embedded Tissue

CYL CYP ACMG/CAP FISH for Paraffin- $698 182 A 22 B 2

Embedded Tissue

CYM CYM ACMG/CAP Cytogenetics SVM $399 182 A 29 B 12 C 1

CYS CYS Cystatin C $344 56 A 29 B 7

CZ C General Chemistry and $510 45-47 A 15 B 1 C 4

Therapeutic Drugs

CZ2 C General Chemistry and $594 45-47 A 15 B 1 C 4

Therapeutic Drugs

CZ2X C General Chemistry and $660 45-47 A 15 B 1 C 4

Therapeutic Drugs

CZVM CZVM Chemistry/TDM SVM $420 52 A 15 B 1 C 4

CZX C General Chemistry and $579 45-47 A 15 B 1 C 4

Therapeutic Drugs

D D Bacteriology $318 133 A 1 B 24 C 4

D1 D1 Throat, Urine, GC Cultures $252 134 A 29 B 9 C 29

D2 D2 Throat, Urine, GC Cultures $270 134 A 29 B 9 C 29

D3 D3 Throat, Urine, GC Cultures $264 134 A 29 B 9 C 29

D4 D4 Bacteriology (Limited) $297 134 A 29 B 9 C 29

D5 D5 Gram Stain $204 135 A 22 B 6 C 18

D6 D6 Rapid Strep Antigen Detection $201 135 A 8 B 9 C 13

D7 D7 Throat, Urine, GC Cultures $276 134 A 29 B 9 C 29

D8 D8 Group B Strep Detection $261 135 A 26 B 12 C 29

D9 D9 Rapid Strep Antigen Detection, $138 135 A 29 B 2


DAT DAT Direct Antiglobulin Testing $186 166 A 1 B 11

DL DL HLA Molecular Typing $645 176 A 16 B 29 C 28

DML ML HLA Molecular Typing $1,197 176 A 16 B 29 C 28

DNA DNA DNA Database $888 205 A 5 B 13

DNAF DNAF DNA Database $838 205 A 5 B 13

DPATH DPATH Online Dermatopathology $420 194 A 14 B 13

DPATH1 DPATH Online Dermatopathology, $120 194 A 14 B 13

Addl Path

DSC CM Dipstick Confirmatory Testing $200 116 A 15 B 30

2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing (Continued)


Look for notification of kit shipment via CAP TRAKersm. If you do not receive your kit within 7–10 calendar days following theship date, or if you receive an incomplete or damaged shipment, please call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040option 1. Requests for replacements after the 10th calendar day cannot be accepted.


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DY Y Ligand Assay (Special) $86 64 A 26 B 20

E E Mycobacteriology $420 139 A 4 B 2

E1 E1 Mycobacteriology (Limited) $372 139 A 8 B 27

EGFR EGFR EGFR $570 187 A 1 B 30

ELU ELU Eluate $968 167 A 22 B 19

EMB EMB Embryology $390 121 A 7 B 25

EPO Y Erythropoietin $326 65 A 26 B 20

ESR ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate $198 109 A 17 B 7

ESR1 ESR1 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate $198 109 A 17 B 7

F F Mycology $459 140 A 11 B 3 C 23

F1 F1 Yeast $357 140 A 1 B 24 C 13

FCFS FCFS Fecal Fat $264 56 A 1 B 13

FF FF Fetal Fibronectin $416 65 A 7 B 25

FH1 FH1 Hematology Automated $300 110 A 25 B 3 C 20

Differentials FH1 Series

FH10 FH10 Hematology Automated $300 110 A 25 B 3 C 20

Differentials FH10 Series

FH10P FH10 Hematology Automated $333 110 A 25 B 3 C 20

Differentials FH10 Series

FH1P FH1 Hematology Automated $333 110 A 25 B 3 C 20

Differentials FH1 Series

FH2 FH2 Hematology Automated $300 110 A 25 B 3 C 20

Differentials FH2 Series

FH2P FH2 Hematology Automated $333 110 A 25 B 3 C 20

Differentials FH2 Series

FH3 FH3 Hematology Automated $300 110 A 25 B 3 C 20

Differentials FH3 Series

FH3P FH3 Hematology Automated $333 110 A 25 B 3 C 20

Differentials FH3 Series

FH4 FH4 Hematology Automated $300 110 A 25 B 3 C 20

Differentials FH4 Series

FH4P FH4 Hematology Automated $333 110 A 25 B 3 C 20

Differentials FH4 Series

FH6 FH6 Hematology Automated $300 110 A 25 B 3 C 20

Differentials FH6 Series

FH6P FH6 Hematology Automated $333 110 A 25 B 3 C 20

Differentials FH6 Series

FH9 FH9 Hematology Automated $300 110 A 25 B 3 C 20

Differentials FH9 Series

2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing (Continued)


Look for notification of kit shipment via CAP TRAKersm. If you do not receive your kit within 7–10 calendar days following theship date, or if you receive an incomplete or damaged shipment, please call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040option 1. Requests for replacements after the 10th calendar day cannot be accepted.


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FH9P FH9 Hematology Automated $333 110 A 25 B 3 C 20

Differentials FH9 Series

FID FID Forensic Identity – Nuclear and $918 205 A 5 B 13

Mitochondrial DNA Analysis

FIDM FID Forensic Identity – Nuclear and $808 205 A 5 B 13

Mitochondrial DNA Analysis

FL FL Flow Cytometry $1,476 159 A 8 B 14 C 11

FL1 FL Flow Cytometry $792 159 A 8 B 14 C 11

FL2 FL Flow Cytometry $849 159 A 8 B 14 C 11

FL3 FL3 Flow Cytometry – Immunophenotypic $670 159 A 2 B 14

FL3CD FL3CD Flow Cytometry – Immunophenotypic $260 159 A 8 B 16

FL4 FL4 Flow Cytometry – CD34+ $544 160 A 12 B 18

FL5 FL5 Flow Cytometry Interpretation $236 160 A 8 B 16

FLD FLD Body Fluid $308 55 A 15 B 2

FNA FNA Online Digital Slide Program in $310 200 A 19 B 7

Fine-Needle Aspiration

FNA1 FNA Online Digital Slide Program in $98 200 A 19 B 7

Fine-Needle Aspiration Addl Path

FNAG FNAG Fine-Needle Aspiration Glass Slides $420 200 A 21 B 13

FNAG1 FNAG Fine-Needle Aspiration $150 200 A 21 B 13

Glass Slides, Addl Pathologist

FOL K RBC Folate $228 66 A 6 B 19 C 8

FP FP Maternal Screening $702 66 A 25 B 1 C 7

FPX FP Maternal Screening $801 66 A 25 B 1 C 7

FR FR Forensic Pathology $412 206 A 17 B 22

FR1 FR Forensic Pathology $98 206 A 17 B 22

FT FT Fructosamine $148 57 A 3 B 8

FTC FTC Whole Blood Forensic Toxicology $1,060 81 A 8 B 13

G G Syphilis Serology $240 157 A 12 B 9 C 6

G6PDS G6PDS Glucose-6-phosphate $276 57 A 22 B 11


GH2 GH2 Glycohemoglobin $212 50 A 6 B 9

GOCB CM Gastric Occult Blood $252 117 A 15 B 30

H GIH Antimitochondrial M2 Antibody $396 155 A 26 B 27

HBF HBF Fetal Red Cell Determination $330 167 A 26 B 1

HBVL HVL Hepatitis Viral Load $474 146 A 2 B 25 C 28

HC1 HC1 C. trachomatis Antigen $342 145 A 8 B 6 C 25

Detection (DFA)

HC2 HC2 Herpes Simplex Virus Antigen $351 145 A 8 B 6 C 25

Detection (DFA)

HC3 HC3 C.trachomatis Enzyme Immunoassy $354 145 A 11 B 26 C 7

2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing (Continued)


Look for notification of kit shipment via CAP TRAKersm. If you do not receive your kit within 7–10 calendar days following theship date, or if you receive an incomplete or damaged shipment, please call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040option 1. Requests for replacements after the 10th calendar day cannot be accepted.


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2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing (Continued)


*Product ship date subject to change.

Look for notification of kit shipment via CAP TRAKersm. If you do not receive your kit within 7–10 calendar days following theship date, or if you receive an incomplete or damaged shipment, please call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040option 1. Requests for replacements after the 10th calendar day cannot be accepted.


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HC4 HC4 Herpes Simplex Virus Culture $378 145 A 22 B 7 C 20

HC5 HC5 C. trachomatis and $444 145 A 11 B 26 C 7

N. gonorrhoeae by DNA Probe

HC6 HC6 C. trachomatis and $408 145 A 18 B 17 C 13

N. gonorrhoeae by NAA

HC6X HC6 C. trachomatis and $621 145 A 18 B 17 C 13

N. gonorrhoeae by NAA

HCC HCC Waived Combination $154 52 A 8 B 20

HCG S Immunology $153 153 A 22 B 16 C 22

HCV2 HVL Hepatitis Viral Load $1,455 146 A 2 B 25 C 28

HCVN HVL Hepatitis Viral Load $957 146 A 2 B 25 C 28

HE HE Basic Hematology $225 109 A 25 B 3 C 20

HEP HE Basic Hematology $243 109 A 25 B 3 C 20

HER2* HER2 HER2 Immunohistochemistry, $772 197 A 26 B 27

Tissue Microarray

HFC HFC Hemocytometer Fluid Count $268 117 A 2 B 29

HG HG Hemoglobinopathy $496 111 A 8 B 9

HIV HIV HIV Viral Load $624 146 A 2 B 25 C 28

HIVG HIV HIV Genotyping $570 146 A 2 B 25 C 28

HLAS HL HLA Serologic Typing (Class I/II) $777 176 A 9 B 15 C 14

HLAS1 HL HLA Serologic Typing (Class I/II) $696 176 A 9 B 15 C 14

HMS CR Homocysteine $274 50 A 22 B 1

HPS HPS H. pylori Antigen, stool $254 136 A 29 B 13

HPV HPV Human Papillomavirus $258 147 A 21 B 18

HQIP HQIP NSH/CAP HistoQIP $588 195 A 15 B 2

HQIPBX HQIPBX NSH/CAP Biopsy Series $498 195 A 15 B 2

hsCRP CR High Sensitivity C-reactive Protein $270 50 A 22 B 1

HV2 HIV HIV Viral Load $729 146 A 2 B 25 C 28

I I Instrumentation $498 104 A 29 B 26 C 29

ID1 ID1 Nucleic Acid Amplification, Viruses $620 148 A 12 B 18

ID1T ID1 NAA, JC, and BK $320 148 A 12 B 18

ID2 ID2 Nucleic Acid Amplification, $550 148 A 12 B 18


IDO IDO Nucleic Acid Amplification, $520 147 A 12 B 18


IFS IFS Interfering Substances $397 105 A 4

IG S Immunology (General) $261 153 A 22 B 16 C 22

IGX S Immunology (General) $390 153 A 22 B 16 C 22

IL S Immunology $957 153 A 22 B 16 C 22

2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing (Continued)


Look for notification of kit shipment via CAP TRAKersm. If you do not receive your kit within 7–10 calendar days following theship date, or if you receive an incomplete or damaged shipment, please call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040option 1. Requests for replacements after the 10th calendar day cannot be accepted.


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IM S Immunology $150 153 A 22 B 16 C 22

IMW IMW Infectious Mononucleosis, Waived $98 153 A 29 B 9

IND IND India Ink $174 140 A 10 B 6

ING Y Insulin, Gastrin, C-Peptide, and PTH $176 65 A 26 B 20

ISH ISH In Situ Hybridization $770 186 A 5 B 29

ISH2 ISH In Situ Hybridization, HER2 $760 186 A 5 B 29

J J Transfusion Medicine $378 163 A 8 B 14 C 7

(Comprehensive, Limited)

J1 J1 Transfusion Medicine $300 163 A 8 B 14 C 7

(Comprehensive, Limited)

JAT JAT Transfusion Medicine $570 163 A 25 B 14 C 20

Automated Testing

JE1 J Transfusion Medicine – $204 163 A 8 B 14 C 7

Educational Challenges

K K Ligand Assay (General) $465 63 A 6 B 19 C 8

KET KET Ketones $212 50 A 3 B 8

KIT KIT KIT/PDGFRA $1,400 187 A 12 B 25

KK K Ligand Assay (General) $636 63 A 6 B 19 C 8

KRAS KRAS KRAS $420 187 A 6 B 15

KVM KVM Ligand (General) SVM $453 67 A 6 B 19 C 8

LAS LAS Legionella Antigen Detection(Urine) $188 136 A 10 B 6

LBC LBC Lamellar Body Count $330 58 A 19 B 25

LCW LCW Limited Chemistry, Waived $186 51 A 1 B 11

LDM LDM TDM Calibration Verification/ $258 92 A 17 B 15

Linearity SVM

LKM GIH Liver-Kidney Microsomal $356 157 A 26 B 27

Antibody (Anti - LKM)

LLM LLM Ligand Assay Calibration $258 92 A 1 B 22

Verification/Linearity SVM

LM LM Lung Maturity $262 58 A 1 B 27

LM1 LM Lung Maturity $310 58 A 1 B 27

LMB LMIP LMIP $820 33 A 4 B 1 C 30 D 29

LN1 LN1 Chemistry Calibration $634 93 A 14 B 6


LN1ER LN1ER Chemistry Calibration Verification/ $730 93 A 14 B 6

Linearity Extended Range

LN11 LN11 Serum Ethanol Calibration $356 96 A 25 B 2


2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing (Continued)


Look for notification of kit shipment via CAP TRAKersm. If you do not receive your kit within 7–10 calendar days following theship date, or if you receive an incomplete or damaged shipment, please call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040option 1. Requests for replacements after the 10th calendar day cannot be accepted.


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LN11ER LN11ER Serum Ethanol Calibration $374 96 A 25 B 2


LN12 LN12 C-reactive Protein Calibration $342 96 A 25 B 2


LN13 LN13 Blood Gas/Critical Care $430 97 A 25 B 2

Calibration Verification/Linearity

LN13C LN13 Blood Gas/Critical Care $508 97 A 25 B 2

Calibration Verification/Linearity

LN14 LN14 Whole Blood Ethanol Calibration $408 97 A 25 B 2


LN15 LN15 Glycohemoglobin Calibration $432 97 A 23 B 21


LN16 LN16 Homocysteine Calibration $564 97 A 8 B 13


LN17 LN17 Whole Blood Glucose $280 98 A 8 B 13

Calibration/Verification Linearity

LN18 LN18 Reticulocyte Calibration $434 98 A 8 B 4


LN19 LN19 Reticulocyte Calibration $434 98 A 8 B 4


LN2 LN2 Chemistry/Lipid/Enzyme $780 93 A 14 B 6

Calibration Verification/Linearity

LN2ER LN2ER Chemistry/Lipid/Enzyme $862 93 A 14 B 6

Calibration Verification/Linearity

Extended Range

LN2- LN2- Chemistry/Lipid/Enzyme $670 92 A 14 B 6

ERVM ERVM Calibration Verification/Linearity

Extended Range SVM

LN20 LN20 Microalbumin Calibration $330 98 A 12 B 11


LN21 LN21 High Sensitivity C-reactive Protein $360 98 A 12 B 11


LN22 LN22 Flow Cytometry Calibration $658 99 A 29 B 4


LN23 LN23 Prostate-Specific Antigen $842 99 A 24 B 22

Calibration Verification/Linearity

LN24 LN24 Creatinine Accuracy Calibration $400 99 A17-18 B22-23


LN25 LN25 Troponin I Calibration $676 99 A 23 B 21

2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing (Continued)


Look for notification of kit shipment via CAP TRAKersm. If you do not receive your kit within 7–10 calendar days following theship date, or if you receive an incomplete or damaged shipment, please call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040option 1. Requests for replacements after the 10th calendar day cannot be accepted.


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LN27 LN27 Troponin T Calibration $676 99 A 22 B 20


LN3 LN3 TDM Calibration Verification/ $346 94 A 17 B 15


LN30 LN30 B-type Natriuretic Peptides $440 100 A 22 B 14

Calibration Verification/Linearity

LN31 LN31 Immunosuppressive Drugs $882 100 A 20 B 26

Calibration Verification/Linearity

LN32 LN32 Ammonia Calibration $380 100 A 24 B 15


LN33 LN33 Serum Myoglobin Calibration $490 100 A 17 B 15


LN34 LN34 CA-125 Calibration Verification/ $552 100 A 19 B 18


LN5 LN5 Ligand Assay Calibration $318 94 A 1 B 22


LN6 LN6 Urine Chemistry Calibration $382 95 A 17 B 15


LN7 LN7 Immunology Calibration $398 95 A 12 B 11


LN8 LN8 Reproductive Endocrinology $390 96 A 6 B 27

Calibration Verification/Linearity

LN9 LN9 Hematology Calibration $632 96 A 6 B 27


LN9ER LN9ER Hematology Calibration $650 96 A 6 B 27


LPE ELP Lipoprotein and Protein $188 57 A 26 B 9


LPX LPX Laboratory Preparedness Exercise $298 136 A 5 B 7

LUM LUM Urine Chemistry Calibration $310 92 A 17 B 15

Verification/Linearity SVM

M M Cerebrospinal Fluid Chemistry $398 56 A 12 B 7

ME ME Monitoring Engraftment $561 177 A 23 B 27 C 10

MGL1 MGL ACMG/CAP Molecular Genetics $1,028 184 A 22 B 11

MGL2 MGL ACMG/CAP Molecular Genetics $1,270 184 A 22 B 11

MGL3 MGL ACMG/CAP Molecular Genetics $1,056 184 A 22 B 11

MGL4 MGL ACMG/CAP Molecular Genetics $2,228 184 A 22 B 11

MGL5 MGL ACMG/CAP Molecular Genetics $602 184 A 22 B 11

2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing (Continued)


Look for notification of kit shipment via CAP TRAKersm. If you do not receive your kit within 7–10 calendar days following theship date, or if you receive an incomplete or damaged shipment, please call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040option 1. Requests for replacements after the 10th calendar day cannot be accepted.


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MHO MHO Molecular Hematological Oncology $570 188 A 9 B 7

MHO1 MHO Molecular Hematological Oncology $750 188 A 9 B 7

MHO2 MHO Molecular Hematological Oncology $570 188 A 9 B 7

MHO3 MHO Molecular Hematological Oncology $750 188 A 9 B 7

MHO4 MHO Molecular Hematological Oncology $750 188 A 9 B 7

MK MK Immunohistochemistry $614 196 A 15 B 16

ML ML HLA Molecular Typing $690 176 A 16 B 29 C 28

MMR MMR DNA Mismatch Repair $450 196 A 8 B 12

MPA CSM Mycophenolic Acid $564 48 A 8 B 22

MRD MRD Minimal Residual Disease $770 189 A 20 B 5

MRS MRS Methicillin-Resistant S. aureus $196 137 A 1 B 4

MRS5 MRS5 Methicillin-Resistant S. aureus, $300 137 A 1 B 1 C 4

5 Challenges

MSI MSI Microsatellite Instability $352 186 A 14 B 18

MVM MVM Cerebrospinal Fluid SVM $320 60 A 12 B 7

MX1B MX1 HLA Crossmatching, Antibody $720 175 A 26 B 18 C 12

Screen, and Antibody

Identification, Class I

MX1C MX1 HLA Crossmatching, Antibody $726 175 A 26 B 18 C 12

Screen, and Antibody

Identification, Class I

MX1E MX1 HLA Crossmatching, Antibody $306 175 A 26 B 18 C 12

Screen, and Antibody

Identification, Class I

MX2B MX2 HLA Crossmatching, Antibody $690 175 A 30 B 27 C 2

Screen, and Antibody

Identification, Class II

MX2C MX2 HLA Crossmatching, Antibody $1,038 175 A 30 B 27 C 2

Screen, and Antibody

Identification, Class II

MX2E MX2 HLA Crossmatching, Antibody $402 175 A 30 B 27 C 2

Screen, and Antibody

Identification, Class II

MXB MX2 HLA Crossmatching, Antibody $1,272 176 A 26 A 30 B 18 B 27 C 12 C 2

Screen, and Antibody

Identification, Class II

MXC MX2 HLA Crossmatching, Antibody $1,590 176 A 26 A 30 B 18 B 27 C 12 C 2

Screen, and Antibody

Identification, Class II

MYG MYG Myoglobin, Urine $292 54 A 22 B 19

N N Urine Chemistry (Special) $580 54 A 22 B 6

NAT NAT Nucleic Acid Testing $2,370 170 A 15 B 6 C 18

NB NB Neonatal Bilirubin $204 51 A 1 B 1 C 4

NB2 NB2 Neonatal Bilirubin, 2 Challenges $154 51 A 1 B 4

NGC NGC Non-Gynecologic Cytopathology $720 199 A 18 B 12 C 19 D 11

Education Program

NGC1 NGC Non-Gynecologic Cytopathology $120 199 A 18 B 12 C 19 D 11

Education Program Addl Path

NP NP Neuropathology Program $354 202 A 8 B 9

NP1 NP Neuropathology Program $98 202 A 8 B 9

NVM NVM Urine Chemistry (Special) SVM $464 54 A 22 B 6

NX N Urine Chemistry (Special) $610 54 A 22 B 6

OCB CM Occult Blood $130 117 A 15 B 30

OLI M Cerebrospinal Fluid Chemistry $498 56 A 12 B 7

P P Parasitology $348 141 A 18 B 3 C 20

P3 P Parasitology $348 141 A 18 B 3 C 20

P4 P Parasitology $342 141 A 18 B 3 C 20

P5 P Parasitology $330 141 A 18 B 3 C 20

PAP PAP PAP PT and Education Programs 198,

Products 199

PAR PAR AABB/CAP Parentage/ $1,089 171 A 16 B 22 C 21

Relationship Testing

PARF PARF AABB/CAP Parentage/ $1,005 171 A 16 B 22 C 21

Relationship Testing

PCARM PCARM Plasma Cardiac Markers $255 51 A 1 B 7 C 11

PCT PCT Procalcitonin $600 60 A 1 B 30

PF PF Platelet Function $260 127 A 8 B 11

PF1 PF Platelet Function $242 127 A 8 B 11

PGX PGX Pharmacogenetics $982 66 A 19 B 13

PHG PHG Plasma Hemoglobin $260 58 A 29 B 13

PIA PIA Platelet Induced Aggregation $320 129 A 12 B 18

PIP PIP Performance Improvement $640 193 A 15 B 7 C 13 D 6

Program in Surgical Pathology

PIP1 PIP Performance Improvement Program $120 193 A 15 B 7 C 13 D 6

in Surgical Pathology Addl Path

PIPW PIPW PIP, Online $524 193 A 15 B 7 C 13 D 6

PIPW1 PIPW PIP, Online, Addl Pathologist $120 193 A 15 B 7 C 13 D 6

PLA PLA Quantitation of Lp-PLA2 $440 57 A 29 B 27

PLTM PLTM Platelet Mapping $278 129 A 12 B 18

2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing (Continued)


Look for notification of kit shipment via CAP TRAKersm. If you do not receive your kit within 7–10 calendar days following theship date, or if you receive an incomplete or damaged shipment, please call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040option 1. Requests for replacements after the 10th calendar day cannot be accepted.


2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing

College of American Pathologists

258 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

For PAP shipping and pricing information, refer to page 263.

2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing (Continued)


Look for notification of kit shipment via CAP TRAKersm. If you do not receive your kit within 7–10 calendar days following theship date, or if you receive an incomplete or damaged shipment, please call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040option 1. Requests for replacements after the 10th calendar day cannot be accepted.


2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 259

PM1 PM1 CD117 Immunohistochemistry, $495 197 A 29

Tissue Microarray

PM2 PM2 ER, PR Immunohistochemistry, $496 197 A 17 B 1

Tissue Microarray

PM3 PM3 CD20 Immunohistochemistry, $495 197 A 30

Tissue Microarray

PM4 PM4 EGFR Immunohistochemistry, $495 197 A 8

Tissue Microarray

PNH PNH Flow Cytometry – $488 160 A 27 B 26

Immunophenotypic Characterization

of Paroxysmal Nocturnal


PNHW PNH Flow Cytometry – $536 160 A 27 B 26

Immunophenotypic Characterization

of Paroxysmal Nocturnal


PS PS Platelet Serology $506 167 A 15 B 18

QF QF M. tuberculosis Infection $350 157 A 17 B 18

Q- QPR QPR $395 20-23 B 22 C 21 D 20 A 7


Q- QTR QTR $940 25-31 B 1 C 7 D 7 A 7


R R Trace Metals $332 59 A 4 B 25

RAP Y Renin, Aldosterone $212 66 A 26 B 20

RDS RDS Rheumatic Disease Special $340 157 A 17 B 1


RF S Immunology $150 153 A 22 B 16 C 22

RFX S Immunology $249 153 A 22 B 16 C 22

RHIV RHIV Anti-HIV-1 $384 170 A 29 B 9 C 29

RHIVW RHIVW Anti-HIV-1, Waived $156 170 A 29 B 9

ROM ROM Rupture of Fetal Membrane Testing $298 117 A 10 B 13

RRS RRS Reference Range Service $274 101 A 22

RRS2 RRS2 Reference Range Service $324 102 A 22

RRS3 RRS3 Reference Range Service $306 103 A 22

RRS4 RRS4 Reference Range Service $306 103 A 22

RT RT Reticulocyte $276 112 A 25 B 13

RT2 RT2 Reticulocyte $276 112 A 25 B 13

RT3 RT3 Reticulocyte $280 112 A 25 B 13

RT4 RT4 Reticulocyte $280 112 A 25 B 13

2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing (Continued)


*Product ship date subject to change.

Look for notification of kit shipment via CAP TRAKersm. If you do not receive your kit within 7–10 calendar days following theship date, or if you receive an incomplete or damaged shipment, please call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040option 1. Requests for replacements after the 10th calendar day cannot be accepted.


2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing

College of American Pathologists

260 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

RUB S Immunology $156 153 A 22 B 16 C 22

RUBX S Immunology $246 153 A 22 B 16 C 22

RUR RUR Rapid Urease $120 137 A 26 B 9

S2 S2 Immunology (Special), Immunology $492 154 A 6 B 9 C 13

(Special, Limited), H. pylori IgG


S4 S2 Immunology (Special), Immunology $327 154 A 6 B 9 C 13

(Special, Limited), H. pylori IgG


S5 S2 H. pylori IgG Antibody $150 154 A 6 B 9

SARC SARC Sarcoma Translocation $396 187 A 11 B 2

SC SEM Semen Analysis $254 121 A 19 B 25

SC1 SEM Semen Analysis $304 121 A 19 B 25

SCM1 SCM Special Clinical Microscopy $186 118 A 15 B 8

SCM2 SCM Special Clinical Microscopy $186 118 A 15 B 8

SCO SCO Serum Carryover $368 106 A 10

SCP* SCP Stem Cell Processing $1,472 166 A 6 B 5

SCS SCS Sickle Cell Screening $226 112 A 1 B 9

SDS SDS Serum Drug Screening $284 79 A 22 B 1

SE SE Diagnostic Allergy $564 156 A 29 B 9 C 29

SEC SEC Post Analytical DNA Sequencing $570 184 A 19 B 6

SFLC SFLC Serum Free Light Chains $400 158 A 12 B 25

SM SEM Semen Analysis $244 121 A 19 B 25

SM1CD SPCD Sperm Motility and Morphology $238 121 A 19 B 25

SMCD SPCD Sperm Motility and Morphology $336 121 A 19 B 25

SO SO Blood Oximetry $393 72 A 19 B 12 C 25

SP SP Stool Pathogens $346 137 A 17 B 1

SP1 SP Norovirus $320 137 A 17 B 1

SPE ELP Lipoprotein and Protein $162 57 A 26 B 9


ST ST Shiga Toxin $312 138 A 15 B 9

SV SEM Semen Analysis $238 121 A 19 B 25

SW1 SW Sweat Analysis Series $296 59 A 18 B 6

SW2 SW Sweat Analysis Series $296 59 A 18 B 6

SW3 SW Sweat Analysis Series $296 59 A 18 B 6

SW4 SW Sweat Analysis Series $296 59 A 18 B 6

T T Toxicology $678 75 A 1 B 19 C 11

TEG TEG Thromboelastogram $204 128 A 12 B 23

TM TM Tumor Markers $518 67 A 18 B 19

2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing (Continued)


Look for notification of kit shipment via CAP TRAKersm. If you do not receive your kit within 7–10 calendar days following theship date, or if you receive an incomplete or damaged shipment, please call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040option 1. Requests for replacements after the 10th calendar day cannot be accepted.


2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 261

TMCA TMCA Transfusion Medicine Competency $411 164 A 8 B 14 C 7

Assessment – Comprehensive

Transfusion Medicine

TMCAD TMCAD Transfusion Medicine Competency $206 164 A 1 B 11

Assessment –DirectAntiglobulinTest

TMCAF TMCAF Transfusion Medicine Competency $336 164 A 26 B 1

Assessment – Fetal Red Cell


TMO TMO Ticks, Mites, and Other Arthropods $372 142 A 8 B 26

TMX TM Tumor Markers $602 67 A 18 B 19

TRC TRC Transfusion-Related Cell Count $534 167 A 4 B 10 C 23

TRP CAR Cardiac Markers $234 49 A 2 B 1 C 5

TTD TTD Tick-Transmitted Disease $538 149 A 8 B 13

U U Urine Chemistry (General) $298 53 A 4 B 12

UAA UAA Automated Urinalysis $236 115 A 15 B 26

UAA1 UAA1 Automated Urinalysis $236 115 A 15 B 26

UBJP ELP Urinary Bence Jones Protein $260 57 A 26 B 9

UDC UDC AACC/CAP Forensic Urine Drug $1,196 78 A 4 B 26 C 26 D 1

Testing (Confirmatory)

UDS UDS AACC/CAP Urine Drug Testing $393 77 A 8 B 14 C 4


UDS6 UDS6 AACC/CAP Urine Drug Testing $270 77 A 8 B 4

(Screening), Limited

UDSM UDSM Urine Drug Testing (Screening) $318 82 A 8 B 14 C 4


UMC UMC Urine Albumin (Microalbumin)/ $204 118 A 17 B 20


URC CRS Crystals $302 116 A 7 B 11

UT UT Urine Toxicology $567 75 A 1 B 19 C 11

UTCO UTCO Urine Toxicology Carryover $315 106 A 10

UVM UVM Urine Chemistry (General) SVM $240 54 A 4 B 12

V V Viscosity $232 59 A 6 B 4

VBP VBP Online Virtual Biopsies Program $404 194 A 22 B 24 C 23 D 1

VBP1 VBP Online Virtual Biopsies Program $96 194 A 22 B 24 C 23 D 1

VLS VLS Viral Load $570 146 A 21 B 29

VM1 VM AABB/CAP Viral Markers – Series 1 $354 168 A 4 B 10 C 23

VM2 VM AABB/CAP Viral Markers – Series 2 $495 168 A 4 B 10 C 23

VM3 VM AABB/CAP Viral Markers – Series 3 $450 168 A 4 B 10

VM4 VM Viral Markers – Series 4 $768 169 A 4 B 10

VM5 VM AABB/CAP Viral Markers – Series 5 $105 169 A 4 B 10 C 23

2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing (Continued)


Look for notification of kit shipment via CAP TRAKersm. If you do not receive your kit within 7–10 calendar days following theship date, or if you receive an incomplete or damaged shipment, please call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040option 1. Requests for replacements after the 10th calendar day cannot be accepted.


2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing

College of American Pathologists

262 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

VMC VMC Viral Marker Chemistry $231 169 A 1 B 1 C 4

VR1 VR1 Virology Culture $696 144 A 25 B 17 C 20

VR2 VR2 Virology Antigen Detection (DFA) $513 144 A 15 B 12 C 1

VR3 VR3 Infectious Disease Serology $496 149 A 15 B 1

VR3M VR3 Infectious Disease Serology $224 149 A 15 B 1

VR4 VR4 Virology Antigen Detection $366 144 A 4 B 26 C 8

VS VS Vaginitis Screen Antigen Detection $360 138 A 29 B 26 C 25

VS1 VS Vaginitis Screen Antigen Detection $274 138 A 29 B 26

VS2 VS2 Vaginitis Screen, Virtual Gram $284 138 A 8 B 6


WB2 WB2 Whole Blood Glucose, Waived $192 52 A 8 B 11

WBDD WBDD Whole Blood D-dimer $254 129 A 25 B 7

WBG WBG Whole Blood Glucose $285 52 A 8 B 14 C 11

WP3 WP3 Whole Blood Prothrombin Time $234 128 A 8 B 3 C 20

WP4 WP4 Whole Blood Coagulation $285 128 A 8 B 3 C 20

WP6 WP6 Whole Blood Coagulation $321 128 A 8 B 3 C 20

WP7 WP7 Whole Blood Coagulation $309 128 A 8 B 3 C 20

WP8 WP8 Whole Blood Prothrombin Time/ $214 128 A 8 B 20

INR – CoaguChek, Waived

WP9 WP9 Whole Blood Prothrombin Time – $363 128 A 25 B 17 C 7

CoaguChek XS Plus

Y Y Ligand Assay (Special) $390 122 A 26 B 20

YVM YVM Ligand (Special) SVM $344 67 A 26 B 20

YY Y Ligand Assay (Special) $486 122 A 26 B 20

Z Z General Chemistry and $294 45 A 15 B 1 C 4

Therapeutic Drugs

ZT ZT Therapeutic Drug Monitoring $519 48 A 15 B 1 C 8

(TDM) (Special)

ZZT ZT Therapeutic Drug Monitoring $720 48 A 15 B 1 C 8

(TDM) (Special)

2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing (Continued)

Look for notification of kit shipment via CAP TRAKersm. If you do not receive your kit within 7–10 calendar days following theship date, or if you receive an incomplete or damaged shipment, please call the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040option 1. Requests for replacements after the 10th calendar day cannot be accepted.


2010 Surveys Product Shipping and Pricing

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 263


PAPXE1*, PAP PAP ED Series 1 for Non-CLIA $438 + 199 A1 B1

APAPXE1* + APAP fee per enrollee $62/indv. 2/15 to 3/8 8/16 to 9/9

PAPXPT1*, PAP PAP PT Series 1 (per lab fee plus $1,365/ 198 8, 22 8, 22 5, 19 3, 17 1, 14, 12, 9, 23 6, 20 4, 18 1, 15,

APAPXPT1* one APAP fee for each enrollee) lab + 28 26 29


PAP ED Series 1 Included 199



PAPXPT2*, PAP PAP PT Series 2 (per lab fee plus $1,365/ 198 8, 22 8, 22 5, 19 3, 17 1, 14, 12, 9, 23 6, 20 4, 18 1, 15,

APAPXPT2* one APAP fee for each enrollee) lab + 28 26 29


PAP ED Series 2 Included 199



PPTENR PAP PAP PT laboratory enrollment only $203 198 There is no date associated with this product.

CAPPROC PAP CAP Proctor— $302 198 Laboratory to choose date (with CAP discretion)

Base fee plus all proctor expenses

PAPXLT* PAP PAP PT for Locum Tenens—Test taken $155 198 Examinee to choose date (with CAP discretion)

at CAP

*PAP Products – To order Education/PT slide modules, substitute X for the following:C=Conventional, J=Mixed slide type, K=SurePath, M=ThinPrep

Laboratory to choose one date from above (with CAP discretion)

Laboratory to choose one date from above (with CAP discretion)

A12/15 to 3/8

B18/16 to 9/9

A25/3 to 5/24



Survey Binder InformationTo provide you with an easy way by which tostore your program materials, for every seven (7)Survey Programs you order, one three-ring binderwill be sent to you at no charge. There is no needto order the binders as they will be shippedautomatically upon placement of your order.

Additional binders may be purchased for $10each using the 2010 order form; see SurveyBinder-product code “CAPBIND.”

If you have questions regarding the bindersor any other inquiry, please e-mail the CAP [email protected] or call a Customer ContactCenter Representative at 800-323-4040 option 1.

17 Survey Programs

Three-Ring Binder



Customer Support andOrdering Information23

Every number is a life.™














Customer Support and Ordering Information

Customer Support ..........................................................................................................267Ordering Information, Forms, Terms and Conditions ..........................................................268Additional Information for International and Non-Continental US Customers ........................272Order Forms ................................................................................................................279

Every number is a life.™23C














Customer Support

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 267

Customer Support

Contact Center Hours: Monday–Friday, 7:00 AM–5:30 PM CT

CAPTRAKerSM E-mailThe CAP’s electronic PT kit shipment-tracking service offers these services to your lab:

� Locate your PT kit in an instant

� Receive CAPTRAKer e-mails notifying you of product shipments

� CAPTRAKer e-mail will include a link to FedEx tracking information

To initiate the receipt of CAPTRAKer e-mails, please forward your name, account number, and e-mail address [email protected].

e-LAB Solutions™Join over 10,000 laboratories that are using the CAP’s online proficiency testing service. Using e-LAB Solutions, your laboratorycan take advantage of the following benefits:

� Enter and view results online

� View or print copies of evaluations, participant summary reports, kit instructions, and result forms

� View or print your Analyte Reporting Selections document to ensure proper regulatory reporting

� Access the “My PT Calendar” feature, which shows your customized Proficiency Testing shipping calendar

� Access accreditation information, including your laboratory’s customized accreditation checklists

The site also contains a User’s Guide that will help walk you through the process. By opting in, your laboratory will receiveimportant e-mail notifications regarding proficiency testing events such as non-receipt of your result forms and evaluationavailability online.

Program CertificatesAt the completion of the program year, participating laboratories will receive a program certificate that recognizes eachinstitution’s participation in the CAP Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs and its commitment to patient care.Certificates are signed by the CAP president and are suitable for framing.

Call us for the following: 800-323-4040 option 1• Speak with a Contact Center representative 847-832-7000 option 1• Change contact information (telephone number,e-mail address, fax number, or address)

• Discuss special needs (International)• Initiate CAPTRAKerSM e-mail

To contact the CAP via e-mail Log on to www.cap.org and select “Contact Us” at the top ofthe home page.ORSend e-mail to [email protected].

To submit orders or permits Fax: 847-832-8168e-mail: [email protected]

Laboratory Accident Hotline 800-443-3244847-470-2812

Contact Information

Ordering Information, Forms, Terms and Conditions

College of American Pathologists

268 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

To ensure accurate and timely order placement:

� Return ALL pages of your renewal order form, including payment information.

� Print legibly and follow all instructions for adding and canceling products. The order form is processedusing optical character recognition, so legible printing will help ensure the accuracy of your order.

Order Deadline� Order by December 1, 2009, to ensure full participation.

� Order early. Some products have limited quantities.

� Orders received after December 1, 2009, will be processed by date of receipt and pro-rated perproduct availability.

Renewal Orders (for current customers)� Products ordered as of August 1, 2009, have been pre-printed on your order renewal form.

� Review all notes.

� Refer to this catalog for product changes, discontinuation, and new products.

� Complete form with payment information and fax all pages to Customer Data Management.

� An order acknowledgment will be e-mailed.

� Once processed, your order confirmation will be mailed to the shipping contact. Order changes canbe made at that time.

� You can also see a list of products under “My PT Shipping Calendar” at www.cap.org.

Order Additions and Cancellations� Every effort will be made to accommodate orders received after December 1, 2009, dependent on the shippingschedule and specimen availability.

� Due to vendor commitments, cancellations must be received no later than six weeks prior to the ship dateto receive credit for cancelled products.

CAP and CLIA Numbers� Please have your CAP number available when placing orders. If you are a new CAP customer, a CAP number willbe assigned and will appear on your order confirmation.

� US Customers: Confirm or provide the laboratory’s CLIA identification number, which is assigned by the Centersfor Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and can be obtained from your laboratory director. Contact your CMSRegional Office if you do not have a CLIA ID number.

� Orders may be submitted pending assignment of your CLIA number. Forward the number to CAP once assigned.

� An additional blank order form is provided for your convenience.

Prices� Prices are listed on the Product Shipping and Pricing schedule in Section 22 at the back of this catalog or on theproduct pages of the online virtual catalog located at www.cap.org.

� Prices are listed in US dollars.

� Prices exclude taxes, duties, and other applicable charges; all prices are subject to change without notice.

� The CAP reserves the right to change the published prices and ship dates for products in this catalog.

Ordering Information, Forms, Terms and Conditions

Ordering Information, Forms, Terms and Conditions

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 269


Complete the payment section of the order form. To avoid delay in the processing of your order, one of the following methods ofpayment is required:

� Check payable to the College of American Pathologists in US dollars.

� Credit Card number, expiration, cardholder’s name, and authorized signature.

� Purchase Order: Contact the CAP if a price quote is required prior to processing a purchase order.

� Letter of Authorization: If your institution does not use a PO system, a signed letter of authorization on institutionalletterhead will be accepted.

� Wire Transfer: If your institution will be paying with a wire transfer or ACH, a signed letter of notification oninstitutional letterhead should be included with your order.

Payment Terms and Conditions� For orders processed by October 31, 2009, payment terms are extended until December 1, 2009.

� After November 1, 2009, terms will be net 30 days from the invoice date.

� CAP terms and conditions supercede any terms and conditions supplied by the customer.

Wire Transfer Information� Include all bank fees with your payment.

� The CAP is not responsible for bank fees incurred while remitting payment.

� Remit wire transfer payment to:

� Harris Bank, 311 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois 60606 USA

� Phone: 312-461-2121

� Account Number: 223-733-7

� ABA Number: 071000288


� Include the following information:

� Customer name

� CAP number

� Account number

� Invoice and/or order number

Tax Information� Appropriate taxes for your locale will be assessed and added to your invoice if your institution is subject to sales tax.

� Include applicable taxes with your prepaid order.

� If your institution is not subject to sales tax and you have not previously notified the CAP, enclose your tax-exemptcertificate with your order form.

� The CAP federal tax identification number is 36-2118323.

Ordering Information, Forms, Terms and Conditions

College of American Pathologists

270 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Product Usage� All products are intended for proficiency testing (PT) use only.

� PT samples, their progeny, unmodified derivatives, or modifications thereof may not be transferred or incorporatedinto a product intended for sale.

� PT samples, their progeny, unmodified derivatives, or modifications thereof, reagents, and disposable equipmentused in proficiency testing, when disposed of, should be autoclaved or incinerated and disposed of as hazardouswaste.

� All directions concerning use of the product are intended as guidance only.

� No license is either granted or implied by the sale of any product.

Laboratory Accident Hotline800-443-3244847-470-2812 (for International Customers)Accidental exposures while processing specimens from the CAP, including cuts and contamination of mucous membranesor non-intact skin, should be reported to the CAP hotline for evaluation and questions regarding prophylaxis. Please haveavailable the identification number of the relevant specimen.

Biohazard Information/Warning Statements� All bacterial and viral strains used in PT challenges have been classified by the Centers for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC) as not greater than a Biosafety Level 2. A full description of Biosafety Level 2 handlingrequirements, as defined by the CDC Office of Health and Safety in Biosafety in Microbiological and BiomedicalLaboratories, can be found at www.cdc.gov/OD/ohs/biosfty/bmbl5/bmbl5toc.htm

� All Surveys include a biohazard warning statement appropriate for handling of the material.

� Surveys that do not include etiologic agents are still expected to be handled in keeping with CDC universalprecautions and OSHA blood borne pathogen rules.

Shipping� All shipments are made Freight On Board (FOB), origin Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU).

� The CAP is not liable for loss or damage caused by force majeure.

� Provide a complete shipping address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, and contact name onyour order form.

� Post office box numbers are not an acceptable address for product shipments.

� Most proficiency testing shipments will be sent via overnight or two-day service.

Prelicensure/Reinstatement Service� The CAP provides proficiency testing (PT) samples to laboratories that may need to perform prelicensure testingbefore beginning patient testing and/or reinstatement testing due to PT failures.

� PT samples with limited stability will not be available for prelicensure/reinstatement testing. Contact the CAP forcost and availability.

� Reinstatement evaluations will be provided upon submission of results to the CAP.

Ordering Information, Forms, Terms and Conditions

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 271

CMS Reporting� The College of American Pathologists is required to submit proficiency testing (PT) results to the Centers for Medicareand Medicaid Services (CMS) for all laboratories providing a CLIA identification number.

� Your reporting preferences are outlined on the CMS Analyte Reporting Selections document, which is available onlinein e-LAB Solutions.

� If a laboratory does not notify CAP in advance that they have discontinued testing of a regulated analyte, a score ofzero will be given.

� To avoid any penalties, analytes listed on this report for which you do not perform testing must be noted to ensureappropriate reporting in the future.

PT ReferralProficiency testing referral has come under greater scrutiny from inspectors for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS). The CAP’s PT Program reminds participants that per CLIA ’88, laboratories must test the PT specimens it receives in thesame manner as it tests patient specimens—specimens must be tested with the laboratory’s regular workload, using thelaboratory’s routine methods, and the same number of times it routinely tests patient specimens. However, laboratories must notcommunicate results, share proficiency testing specimens, or refer proficiency testing specimens to a laboratory with adifferent CLIA number for tests not on the laboratory’s menu even if the referral for testing is routinely performed for patientspecimens.

Information for International and Non-Continental US Customers

College of American Pathologists

272 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

What you need to know before your PT Product is shipped:

PermitsMany countries require import permits or certificates of origin for customs clearance (regardless of hazard status of aproduct).

� Import permits are obtained by you the recipient and forwarded to the CAP for inclusion with the productshipment. You will also need to give these documents to your broker or the local Federal Express office.

� Work with your local authorities to determine if any permits are required.

� Use product descriptions in the CAP catalog to prevent discrepancies in permit preparation and customsclearance documents.

� Products with hazardous materials may require special permits and incur additional charges.

� Products will not ship without required documentation.

� You are responsible for monitoring permit expiration dates and submitting a new permit.

Permits should be submitted at the time of ordering but minimally six weeks prior to the stated product ship date to ensure ontime delivery.

Canadian PermitsCurrent Canadian regulations require permits to import animal and human pathogens. These permits must be obtained bythe recipient for all infectious modules from:

� The Public Health Agency of Canada

� The Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Hawaiian PermitsThe state of Hawaii requires import permits. You may obtain an import permit by contacting the Plant Quarantine Branch ofthe State of Hawaii Department of Agriculture. Form PQ-7 must be completed to obtain an import permit.

Additional Information for International andNon-Continental US Customers

Information for International and Non-Continental US Customers

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 273

Product Code Product Name

BDP/BDP5 Bacterial Detection in Platelets

BCS Blood Culture

D Bacteriology

D1 Throat Culture

D2 Urine Culture

D3 GC Culture

D4 Bacteriology, Limited

D7 Throat/Urine Culture

D8 Group B Strep Detection

E Mycobacteriology

E1 Mycobacteriology, Limited

F Mycology

F1 Yeast

HC4 Herpes Culture

HC5 Chlamydia/GC by DNA Probe

HC6/HC6X Chlamydia/GC by NAA

HPS Helicobacter pylori Antigen, Stool

IDO Nucleic Acid Amplification, Organisms

LPX Laboratory Preparedness Exercise

MRS Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Screen

MRS5 Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Screen, 5 Challenges

SCP Stem Cell Processing

VM1 AABB/CAP Viral Markers—Series 1

VM2 AABB/CAP Viral Markers—Series 2

VM3 AABB/CAP Viral Markers—Series 3

VM4 AABB/CAP Viral Markers—Series 4

VM5 AABB/CAP Viral Markers—Series 5

VR1 Virology Culture

VS Vaginitis Screen Antigen Detection – BD Affirm VP III

VS1 Vaginitis Screen Antigen Detection – Genzyme OSOM Trichomonas Rapid Test

Products Requiring Canadian Import PermitsProducts requiring Canadian import permits are listed below and are accurate as of May 1, 2009.

Information for International and Non-Continental US Customers

College of American Pathologists

274 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

The products listed below contain hazardous materials and may require special permits and additional charges toenter your country:

Note: WARNING: The Instrumentation (I) Survey samples contain substances which may be corrosive, toxic,environmental hazards, and irritants.

Product Code Product Name

BDP Bacterial Detection in Platelets

BCS Blood Culture

CBT Cord Blood Testing

D Bacteriology

D1 Throat Culture

D2 Urine Culture

D3 GC Culture

D4 Bacteriology, Limited

D7 Throat/Urine Culture

D8 Group B Strep Detection

E Mycobacteriology

E1 Mycobacteriology, Limited

F Mycology

F1 Yeast

HC4 Herpes Culture

HC5 Chlamydia/GC by DNA Probe

HC6/HC6X Chlamydia/GC by NAA

HPS Helicobacter pylori Antigen, Stool

IDO Nucleic Acid Amplification, Organisms

LPX Laboratory Preparedness Exercise

MRS Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Screen

MRS5 Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Screen, 5 Challenges

SCP Stem Cell Processing

VR1 Virology Culture

VS Vaginitis Screen Antigen Detection – BD Affirm VP III

VS1 Vaginitis Screen Antigen Detection – Genzyme OSOM Trichomonas Rapid Test

Products With Hazardous Materials

Information for International and Non-Continental US Customers

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 275

Shipping and Handling ChargesAdditional fees of up to $140 (US dollars) are charged for products sent outside the United States to cover shipping costs andhandling requirements. All additional fees, duties, and taxes not reflected in CAP list prices may be imposed on orders; customershould check with the local customs office regarding these charges. Note: Refunds are not issued for this fee once any of theshipments have been sent.

If a special or hazardous material shipping and handling charge is required for your order, the additional fee referencedabove will be waived. The calculation of the hazardous material shipping and handling charge is based upon the method ofproduct delivery designated for your country. The charge is $370 USD to ship via freight forwarder, $195 USD to ship airport-to-airport, or $85 USD to ship door-to-door via courier.

The following paper/online products are NOT subject to shipping and handling charges:

CarriersAll 2010 proficiency testing program shipments will be sent via Federal Express.

In select instances the CAP must use a freight forwarder to ship products to your destination. If this is the case, the CAP willcontact you regarding additional fees. If your organization is specifically requesting shipment via a freight forwarder at yourexpense, provide the CAP with your final shipment address and the freight forwarder’s US domestic address and contactinformation.

Tax Identification NumberProvide CAP with your federal tax identification number if your country requires that number be listed on the commercial invoice.

Product Code Product Name

APAPCPT, APAPKPT, APAPMPT, APAPJPT, PPTENR Gynecologic Cytopathology PT Program, additional pathologistor cytotechnologist

APAPCE1, APAPKE1, APAPJE1, APAPME1, additional Gynecologic Cytopathology PAP Education Program, additionalpathologist or cytotechnologist pathologist or cytotechnologist

AUCD1 Autopsy Pathology, additional pathologist

CPIP1 Clinical Pathology Improvement Program, additional pathologist

DPATH1 Online Digital Slide Program in Dermatopathology, additionalpathologist

DY Ligand Assay, Special

FNA1 Online Digital Slide Program in Fine-Needle Aspiration, additionalpathologist or cytotechnologist

FNAG1 Fine-Needle Aspiration Glass Slide Education Program, additionalpathologist or cytotechnologist

FR1 Forensic Pathology, additional pathologist

NP1 Neuropathology, additional pathologist

NGC1 Non-Gynecologic Cytopathology Education, additional pathologistor cytotechnologist

PIP1, PIPW1 Performance Improvement Program in Surgical Pathology,additional pathologist


RRS, RRS2, RRS3, RRS4 Reference Range Series

VBP1 Online Virtual Biopsy Program, additional pathologist

No Shipping and Handling Charges

Information for International and Non-Continental US Customers

College of American Pathologists

276 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

Special RequirementsDiscuss any special shipping requirements or updates with the CAP Customer Contact Center staff.

All requests for special shipping arrangements must be received at the CAP a minimum of six weeks prior to the stated productship date.

Product StabilitySome products have limited stability and may be difficult to transport to some locations. These products include the following:

Please note that replacements will not be available for products with limited stability. Survey materials that are liquid are shippedwith frozen cold packs or dry ice and need to be kept cold as much as possible. If transportation to your location does not allowfor these conditions to be met, replacements will not be available.

If the CAP accredits your international laboratory, please review options for addressing issues with material instability with the CAPLaboratory Accreditation Program staff.

Customers shall be liable for all costs and expenses related to the return of shipments to the CAP or its designated packagers, if thereason for such return is late product cancellation, shipment refusal, or invalid ship-to address.

Dry IceSome shipments are packed on dry ice to maintain product stability. Dry ice shipments are shipped as UN1845 dangerous goodsshipment. Due to sublimation, there may not be any dry ice present when you open your kit. This is not an indication that theproduct has been compromised. If your country does not allow dry ice shipments, your Surveys will be packaged with cool packsthat may not be as effective in maintaining a cool environment. Upon receipt, follow the kit storage instructions as soon as possible.

Product Code Product Name

B27 HLA-B27 Typing

CARM, CARMI, CRTI Cardiac Markers with Isoenzymes

CBT Cord Blood Testing

EPO Erythropoietin

FL3 Flow Cytometry—Immunophenotypic Characterization of Leukemia/Lymphoma

GH2 Glycohemoglobin

HLAS HLA Serologic Typing (Class I and II)

HLAS1 HLA Serologic Typing (Class I only)

LN15 Glycohemogloblin Calibration Verification/Linearity

MX1B Crossmatching, Antibody Screen and Identification (Class I) basic

MX1C Crossmatching, Antibody Screen and Identification (Class I) comprehensive

MX2B Crossmatching, Antibody Screen and Identification (Class II) basic

MX2C Crossmatching, Antibody Screen and Identification (Class II) comprehensive

PNHW Flow Cytometry—Immunophenotypic Characterization of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria

SCP Stem Cell Processing

Products With Less Than 10 Days Stability

Information for International and Non-Continental US Customers

2010 Surveys & Anatomic Pathology Education Programs

www.cap.org 277

Product Code Product Name

ABL Accuracy Based Lipid

ABS Testosterone and Estradiol Accuracy Survey

BGL/BGL1 ACMG/CAP Biochemical Genetics

BNP B-type Natriuretic Peptides

CFS Commutable Frozen Serum

C1, C3/C3X/CZ/CZX/CZ2/CZ2X, CZVM, Z General Chemistry and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

CRT, CRTI, TRP Cardiac Markers

HBVL, HCV2, HCVN Hepatitis Viral Load

HIV, HV2 HIV Viral Load

HIVG HIV Genotyping

K/KK, Y/YY Ligand Assays

LN1/LN1ER Chemistry Calibration Verification/Linearity

LN2/LN2ER, LN2VM, LN2ERVM Chemistry/Lipid/Enzyme Calibration Verification/Linearity

LN25 Troponin I Calibration Verification/Linearity

LN27 Troponin T Calibration Verification/Linearity

LN30 B-type Natriuretic Peptides Calibration Verification/Linearity

LN31 Immunosuppressive Drugs Calibration Verification/Linearity

NB/NB2 Neonatal Bilirubin

MHO, MHO1, MHO2, MHO3, MHO4 Molecular Oncology

MRD Minimal Residual Disease

SARC Sarcoma Translocation

Products Shipped on Dry Ice

Important Information Once Your PT Product Arrives in Your Country:

Duties and Taxes� Duties and import taxes imposed by countries outside of the United States are the responsibility of the customer andcannot be waived by the CAP.

� Shipments are processed Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU).

Local ArrangementsThe CAP recommends you contact the carriers in your country to discuss delivery requirements. It may be necessary to complete apower of attorney (POA) or identify your broker for customs clearance. Establishing an account with the appropriate carrier(s) willexpedite delivery by allowing the carrier to charge duties and taxes directly to your account.

Commercial InvoiceCommercial invoices are affixed to packages as required by international shipping conventions. The commercial invoice is anofficial transaction record between an exporter and an importer. This is the form customs officials use to clear your shipment.

The invoice total listed on the commercial invoice is not an amount due to the CAP or your country. The invoice total is listed forthe purpose of computing duties and taxes.

Information for International and Non-Continental US Customers

College of American Pathologists

278 800-323-4040 Option 1 for Customer Contact Center

DeliveryCAP products are shipped door-to-door service whenever possible. In instances where your country does not allow deliveryto your door, the CAP can only arrange shipment to an airport. In these instances you will be notified when a product hasbeen cleared and is ready for pickup. You must take action at that point to pick up your shipment. Refusal to pick up yourshipment may result in cancellation of your order for any remaining shipments.

Carrier ContactCarriers or customs officials may attempt to contact you if there are issues regarding clearing your shipment. Please respondto these requests for additional information as soon as possible. Contact the CAP if you need additional product informationto expedite clearance.

Failure to respond to information requests from carriers and customs officials may result in the following:

� Additional charges to your organization may be incurred for storage and management fees.

� Disposal or return of your shipment may also cause you to incur additional fees.

The CAP is committed to the success of pathologists and the laboratorycommunity, both for today and tomorrow. We’ve recently launched a multiyeartransformation effort to create an enhanced and evolved role for pathologistsover the next generation—yielding a greater recognition as physicians activelyinvolved on the patient care team.

Learn more at cap.org/transformation

Primary role onthe clinical team…

Use of innovativetechnology…

Do you see yourself inthe center of patient care?

Central position in themedical team…

Involved inhealth care reform…

AccreditationOffers the "gold standard" for laboratoryaccreditation

Proficiency TestingEnsures precision and confidence for your lab

CAP 15189SM

Recognizes a sustainable Quality ManagementSystem

EducationServes as a leading resource for informationand education in the lab

Efficiency/Quality ToolsAllows more time for patient care

AdvocacyRepresents the interests of pathologists in thegovernment and regulatory arenas and in theprivate sector

MembershipProvides valuable benefits and leadership forall laboratory professionals

SNOMED Terminology Solutions™

Provides clinical and technical consultationservices, education, and health informationtechnology

Programs andResources

College of American Pathologists325 Waukegan RoadNorthfield, IL 60093-2750800-323-4040 or847-832-7000 option 1www.cap.org
