e .. .. , . \ VOLUME XXI. HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLAND, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1880. . NUMBER Adver tisements. Advertisements. Advertisements. --o-- , Legislative Colnicil. li on. COLOSI.\1. SECIICTAIIT entirclv con- penutaon to t• 10 pc lty wbn 11 re p'lOr Tho b!luao then, on m otion of bon. corr. .. "j,l in t he pnnclpl r or t hu Ball Ji.1a 110t men nnd "ho Me l..:'lkcn . ,.,., , rro 111 I heir Co lollll11 Secretary, itaeii soto co lll· the firn tuue the quutton of the own 11 ork or bnlln UM f ur daJ'II dunu" term matteo of t"nl wholo upon the Supplyllill, old jury h:u bc,•n proi,'Oseil lo the llml nt snconveauunce - ho Mr . Fox 1 11 tho chll.ir. Tc£SD.lT, AprilG J,et;t&IIIHlre, h111 111)! lle un !Ublla,lllcd fo rco u- , to thl!lll JL 11 unly fnar ther.:fo ro H oll. CIJIJiSI.If. :is:CnET,\nT In mo•ing 11dcrahon m11uy )• •:\'!'$ llllll, :\lid ho M !lao d:aonld be re:>sou'lbly couau,lored , but 10 thu tho h"'t &dction pomlcd out the 1\lnountl I l' If trll<'nrl;:,l l .t h<11 e a 8. \6AAR or e>f w<>rk 111 l\o v llmh or fQr Uh.l f' UI"· fl .l' <' Of h.l 1':111!(' ftlllc1 S fOr J>I'OI'itllnJ: n P :lr""ttl.U\!!c 10 \\ lt '' !:>L (.corgc 8 t hurd1\ngus. ilEUOW$' 411POIID MEDICAL HAI,L :trnTJlil ESTAB LI SHED 1855 . tunc cxpreaai!J srrou:: o1'auaoua sn fnv •• r o f c:u o or llf'c''" 'l JU nes t hey 11 r 11 foruw<l of ami obJects of t he new votca 111 t ho Uall. T Read•ui of s_ sll to lli ll• or t he adopt ion of t he f:l'lllll l JUry 111 (.' 11 who llTC all "'"" oiT,I\Url to li on WAnllt:S ""d btl fallilu to ob - Ul t.lso •Alia t he IIIII. Al wh om thu lllY.,Qf utljl <ioiiA.r....ll!lr •r 11 llO acrvo 10 thc U1ll a ny au 111 lt't down for tho U ou R. Tuonno11s who had ehnrsre of t h11t t aw a ,,,.., olsd not lind r .. or r>t the " I"' '"""" · - W 'iiU com- ampro.-cmcot of llaunonnl\n 1'11rk. II• tlua mensuru llnc lly e1plaaned 1t1 obj ect hnnll5 "' thu t<•re. but •wcu t hen. I pi 0111 .,r t ho I•M.bhap of t \ken ,. , .sled to t. e llevc f rom ob of Tho pr anc•pal po111t aud pu rport of t bc he. rus "ell M other ntll •oo.:llt<S of 11, luuc from thcll' bu,wcn ' or ofil;,-s 10 ae" o 011 t hu IUlldtl m nnothcr Cb :\rub.:r upoa\ Uall. II to au veat the En do,.cc o f a 13•11 of b ucn a:uorc 1 111 the•r 1 •I? 1101 D.l 111 ,t:u n uf thoar r.,. dus that :\n ITOilld bo l.Arl aosr with t ho 11:\IIIU righ t, po .. or :>ml of I he cleil rnllo hly o r alw c'u"' .c 1 , 11 , 1111 r>IH>n , t borcfu re It 11 n••t fvr 11. thu aeusou. :t.ul to 1111t hor11Y as arc "' 10 orat:llll\ 1 111nker \' w" tloc <hip nu.l hy nee 10 L. As t he fiud hst lwpo wns ,\n ex· of thu IIIII, whauh' ,. >ll tl•o la•r t ht! ls:: ht4 of reMon n"'l IL ol•rml llln of t be l.hll hi'\.Yin, a len•le nn tu pco11a turc he re to tit :It of Brota 111 an r.:.srtct to seem nil) thl u.: I"J 111co'n•u'Ntt 1 t hrm• III Dru lnbonr 011 a•.cc;;.l J try I "' aome IJe ttcr cuodltlon th:Ln t he t he matter of 1..-Hhug. wa t.h oni1n 3Cn1•t u.• tf•c pru ,:nt. J nr> b" I ,. 1 11 h: Hc t )lll\l n cuu t r\ ry effect, bcc,. 1 ' 1 ,, . one it now pr eseuu. 1111d to 13\C from utte r these U1 lls A u c n1lorsed 11od unanumty aho uld h:t\\l "''"" I" ranllt l·•l tu I a!ae lt.'ltn, of t bu pL o(.t y) J the monC) already IL. from oue )>l'r ly lo Ano ther, n ud st h.., l>ceu h:n e Iaiii so louz llflt>- lite Uuok I IIIIU men, u IL s; • rcebeen 1 •1:\n tcd there ou m,r, tunu found thllt tbe po" ere of 8Dtt nawd 10 t he Its prmc1plc I& ddellsablc.IIO f3 r "" h• coni I col \Till do ll) nua 111 .: tt.e one occll.iaon, J cL f rom wnnt of h the 'OI'lj. noa l prop netor of tho lhll d1d n ot pa.ss perce a. e, aoldy e>u th e of ••• Al lll wi ll l>u more ll c .. ro ,, 1 ,, h nvc ft: ncc kept 1:1 t hey havo been b:lrlceJ to party t.o whom 1t wMendo,.cd, hence qu lt y. at be au,: -ooc or ns:IJ.:.i'8 au uiJ c:u c• tncJ by potty t h u o t hl'y nrc M by _;o:11.8 nnd co nscqucut ly • .\ Co utnntec h :\.q bee n forme .t consastsug of t h" (,>IIO\\IIIg "ho "a ll help to .. th a6 o''l" t - 'I rs II \ 1: I Lf. l I. J>,c•uf rul .l Ul l :S ,.. \ II iII. l 'tct dv 1. \I: l'l ,F I' I. \l r. t. ,..\ lll ol .11 'I J!UJ.-:1 lN ll uUlkwg my m,_aa .y fnoa ds fur t hei r o f"'IISI hboml l'atrouogt- dnnng tho p Iii II yctU 'I!, 1 b e:; \.Q cull tilt• Jr _, .. .-., __ !I cm -clul n lt cnuon tho fo ll o11m 0 lss1 of - II 1.1r1' __ - IIOillO of the l' rsnc-apulst oms of my s 1o..:k. !J !!!!'/ Of SC\"QI1ll o( alao 1\rll Cfcb h e r em cnume1 - o- nt etl, 1 II Ill IJy fut the IIUJ )Orlor m Th ilo Pro motor &old P erfec wr or At - H a s i.Jor Grace. .M) e nuro lltOCJk whac h :'o l r• \\ 11 !. 1. \\ , \\'I Ll OX. :\lc t. It \IIII I rr s, \l r< Ill 11 \:0.: 1), "" Cl l \1.1\FH. :\l r< lo t l :f'l ' II etm nlion. 1 '·' 1 1 1 , d T .lo RefQrmer a nd Vltaliz er o! the lS ' c ry as t,'O, vur wu, ILl\( comp e, n.n 1 Blo d . - l•s ..::onRtnntly rc plcns Rh c J, 1M pur 1 Producer and Invtlt()rat or of clansrtl fo• C A ::if;{ sn I ho bes t mas kets No ,..,e a nd Muaclo. 1llld I offer It to my c lse u t sat cot tcMpund '.llho B uildo: and Supportor o! B r11.1n 1 nnlv low ra1cs - .!. J nn , \ P , 1 P otro r. Jj;y lt11m. Dcn" mo, gun Dll\c kl cac\ 1 N1XO) S lllncld<'ad , 1 f".ll<un C'"o n110Unt l Sy r up 18 o' fn C:vld L onf, llruliJIIfiCK Black lol. uiiCAt wl •h lhn•• wlllrh ronotlluf r. I Lc- -r·s ]<; IMIIC l r.cll r> Rubber II d1l1\ Bluo l Mu&tle fl n•l S rr\!tt An •l Hr ut ""'"' ,.,..,. wlnlo l ifo llaoll 10 dor c-.; tly J.peu< l•n l \'nnueh ll nr.ti!IL <. llr114a Po hah "I'"' •"" 0 ' I Ill< Ill I c•. thcs Urn alaca, lhu B aking Ma:le El. sy -lll- 1 l"oodtl{. (,',., II If il l B 1 { 111•1 l 'l •u dr•1 lh I• nulon wllh It• • bl lOd ond 11.> e!T..ct "\"'" ! Nns: Jv f or>th do I t l• tuu,..de." t'tlfttblt.. lun -.: tho one An I I on ng Sl ut\ tng do UroMt H.chuv urs l it. ''" r II Ia aiJUblo of .aocttug ttv> n t 01 c I Fl JO HN WILSON, J ,. 1111 ,. re:u RASOJ , n rr u uwcra I II "oil ollopl:u:o or ... ,.h ...utl ubcrculoua mal c... tor u.t por do sn h ottlea 1t r "' n.l 1h u, ('nrc- Ohnm 01 1!... ktns Chln tiJo nf Lautc Camph or I n Ul r.• . ... tltj.! Xon •'ll" 1\Ud l1 tl f'(' ltbr \ i;:.or 11 C..:onn. l''lMtcr. Cold Crcc un "all ,,, !! 0\ •V"j)"'• (.-. b 1 e ar 11te r rupl ro l a 10 1it'n , d L 0 I II 1 b 1 l, ( alu .rt an• P ;\IJ) It .. t lnn \\ t-'\k.th !I lult'l· Uo 1\ur I per J.:!\ t.uu l o. tn ol1 Cll /111.11 I\ \ :\ L: I \ < ' I l It I Jl 11 ,. 1 .'r ,, '""' w 1 J• .,;['!.f ... '' '•'" ' , f •t ''•'''' ' ''' •U "'' 11 I l•t .r• 'I tJ,r 1 I. I' '; J t 1 I ••t ' ' .. u/ tl,f J•, tt- 1 111 1(/( I.;' ·u "'( I t,, J.,.'Tid. \W'('""t r\ U'\ f rl lX Jf"lt.,:ul ·u c ,nnlJa. Ft n o Co mbs Ca nary :Scod It .Ill .. n. o\ t'Uit or t.; hr uul• C··nccn trnt ed L) O, ,Bott le Cork 'II llw ... C"\: f'tu tu the ,_;l:.rnUhJ.: ,., r f nrtu r, 1-:t.OIIli\J,, Gl) cC rl tl O I '"' ' \ II II ' I\ ' '- i • ,r. "' \ ... a1.n•• I o:d of \ ,u.._ ""e l' ohsh, Gluo, C:umt\r:"Lin c. \ IIU I• '"" "• \\ 1""'1'1".: I uu.;h I 'l I f F d IJ tl ."'\ •' :uul ' "" nH"-l '"an• I rful •• IJa ltiCt. to ( rc BIH ·• u as, • 11 .anl.d cc ot t!S ) ,. \' 1 tl \ 11 11HtlllfVI11r ,,,! .. \\ ttl l•l 1t \t -..t tl111r p 1 t 1 1, t.t Ull t pt .. I' 1,." tU I \\ I • 1 t I II Hlu1 r, m,-..I H: -.In au•uuuiog hfe dunns t ho pr..,_ Uonnct Ciluu, K I\J eCnn:,cnhn o. Lomun "", ' P•t•h•h•r" Lhno J moc, L 11\11onco , Mnchsnc Osl I I• ' "''" ,,,..., ovr i iH r.1u li••• he1 n n;: ••>n•i •' ! fu r . Feedtng Unltlc a lar , !\nl4 no 1 rt."p ,raiH•h b a •uL.ruutc lor N c Utl . Hctl andy ell ow Q: b t"Cs ,r l fttun ,J.r ll a, l ,, ... I "\ • ,\ I r IJI J 11 \o t I • I i\ 1 \ I 'I 1r1 U, Ill I 1 .. ; 1 It l t \, II t tt l It 11-" IU"'to)4 t \ Ill ' ' ' tiJ ... 'f ll , :'\ \\ II ..... (I\ I \ - I I I h I ,. _ I ,. I t '\C I It• II .: .. •' I I ,, t .. 1 I j \\ i.l.., \ .. \\\1\ ' I ' \ ... t I IJ io • I l J , • .. 11 .,. l"u\\ tl\ r \\1. t II J l:L LARD :C;: os 1 : . Ill \ l ! I I \• ' I : I. ll L { ,l l ( I \ F o: ;: One Month 'Only ' I !II c,l '. 1 I'\ 1 .\ ( i It 1>:: 1 L '" C..{ 11:\ :l H '" l !1 .. Bl t 110 1 .. ,' A 1 , 1 n... .t J 1 FF.J . .. Dry i ""tnnl.1 - ull Pa pa Clay 1 tt'\ :-.. .,, ; ,,hu n nn 1h10 rutJ U<u .ca :uu.l l'nffs, R oot tH .t. rm-rk " hld1 t:t aeen L' h lllJ i ng tlJo P•lxu Puuuoo :)tone, H. vl tf\ , &I Yr unt."ll:l a .. 1 "' '""""' Rul .. 1 Oa l por gallon, do. 111 bo tt les I "' 1 P" llaule •• • t.. r Lc 111o n. S;llt(lct re. !lc1 dl uz ••• 11 1 ' • 11 Ju,. 11 r.um :Sheline, Sn uff lleana, C:uttto Sunp ' 111 1:: l3 £ST OF ALL A LO'W ( WUO I E Ll t F. RAT II) Rese1ve En dowment ?olicy IN T UI! Wetropol ifan Life Insurance C'mpany 01' ' NE\V \' OU IL Thomps on'& Mn llo lf Ronp Hs own W111ds••r dv Gl} ecnne c\ c. of l';udn. W Cr} otnl Spmu o! 'fu r peMm o. S pnlll111;::s n t uo 1'nhle Snit, Pl utc n Alc ock 'a l'uruus ri Rli!Alr. T:trtnrsc Acsd hueuco u{ L omo n, T t><•tlt l' .. wdor & l',...to Cupa l Vnrmeh, Ysnogar, Gutl benr. Al um t::x t rnct of C: rn unl\ dn Adam's l udllln S:th• c, \1 a 'I rs All o11 'a l :hsr ltoato o cr. Z) lobalsenmus do A) era Che rry P cctoul. Ayer 'a Snrllllpllr s lla do I:In>r Vt:;c. r, R oac tt cr a Un1r ltoatoror R u!IUh ont, Uratsal, Otl do Hend v ! :chef, Br o"n 'a Uron cbslliTroch oa. Fl ond a \\ nlor Hm" u a Ch lvrods ne, lluraotl' Coc,.n•no Clu ldrcn 'K T il<' th a ug H mg., Es P upporm mt l:l on rya Cal:tncd M a.:t"clla H 1 1ln""Y'• Omtmc nl, Hollolfay'e Psll a Cl ot'"oCJo Wr 1 I .II.C!'IlO \Vn•h11 " 1\rnc- 1 II' CS Cor Pa rk P lace&Ch mchSt, 1\ew Yo rk Oock lc'a Pslla, lln n u, do o rtl)[t'a do Pai'SOu'a do n l Ph\lt111g Mac hines fl p• f \1 \llHtu• f) 1 '\' ' tn.l \ .. :\(h I I " ""',.,.Ill .. , 1\ I\(, \1 \( :tl'\ l .. '" n t111 ctl tu bu t h_,m i',..J t .. !t,r uuc mvu th 1 ua.h / Itt \:1111 7fr \ftfU fl/tU'/fiJ ttl? (' IUJtlWy, M F 17.! \\ t tf' r ' t. ... r .J ohn:4 :\1 REP \l m o St .Toho t. 1\ Assurance Company. I'Olt - LIFE FIRE PRE:\Ut,;:ll!:) •..•• Lt n: do. ISfEREST £403,00< I !>7 ,()()( • 10 1,00( HEAD OFFICES Lmmos- 1 :lloorgate Stree t A lltltDt:l s--j b:Ulg St reet I a•ur:mc eufl' cccdon Propcrtyio Now Jo uutl umd "t C urro utl:tAtoa of Psv· r .. tum. P !'<l8pneruaoa of Ap plicntioll fvr P aru a n<l Ltld losur nac:o :md nil other ln f.>rmntt on bn obtnmcd Ill the Ollico of A. 0 Tl AY'WARD Bt. John'• Agent for Nlld NOTICE I 'l ' HF. SUBSCR fnt::lt hu much J osEPtt F KsAPP J ons R II r. ov. J.us, I 1Ct' ,(o Wll P bTl:W.\IlT .J. ctuary J.lA;:s"AOERS FOR CANAD:\. lu os A f t::III'LE, l\l nr atlmo Pt o ,· o nces :)t J nhn, ?' 13 F ,\ Pro • m ces Ontnrso and Qu u t. ec, To on to, Out. Ii:>R C ANADA. A) e r'a do do l<.'d" ll) 's do Wt laon'• do tiudo Jo hn's do A n od) 'l O L umen I Coug h Lo:rtun aoa do Worm 1'abll' ta Wood s!'• Lozolljlll4 • Y e nr. tfugo, Modicum! ntum Swer'a Opoocldoc, 111natang Linsmont - Uoroh cad'a Maguctso P luter P oor Mlln'a l 'rscnd, 1 'loLh 1 a Rat Poiaon &he. Spmt Gl:uao Shendan'a Con dition l'o wder H on L. ,\ \VtL)IO T, Frede ric t on, N B R am .nel'a J, 1 mo J utce and Olycorine JKo, S MACLEAN, Bunk. ol ,\ 1 11 rgo aunrLment of Runma tl'a porfnme Nora &u lla, Ihlif .. x. l:iangletona Golden Eyo Osntruc nt Chorr y Dalaam, Vsnlot l'owdor W. II. THOMP SON, Oone ral A11eol f or NOd GUARDIAN FIRE & LIFE Assurance Company .. OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1821. do Soot.lung Syrup, P.JTe Dtio Salm W sn11low• do 0Jtralo Smo king Tobacco, Pi pea . Pcnknivoa Pap er Env olopea 1 Poua, Pe ucsl• Wrstilag An<4 lnka Po uch ea, Camel Hair Pe nctla Wax, Os gara Avery, Brown & Oo'a Anili no D yM in 6d. p •ckaaoa· GROCERIES: Boat Ground Coii'Cf!, Calanncot, Sago 'Pearl Barley Candied Citron Peel, Flarouring E asoncea do. Lemon do. d o. O rau go do. B<-tlled Fruita So n SCltlDBlt 0\PtT.a. L •• .!2,000,000 J •nu, J olhoe, :\hrmalado, Canned Oyaten l 'nT.a.L lrrvWHJto FolfDI Con denaetl-.¥1 ilk , Beof Ul'\'l'.ut OII OJ' • •••••• ••• 2,750,000 " ANNUAL hrcOILB, WARDIII)J' ••• •• ••• •• ••• 860,000 Tho "OUARDIAN" E n;flll b L n5ursnce Compa n 'f, otfl'ra All those ad•anUtgca m011\ de•irablo t.o loaureJl, -riL, undoubte d atabslit y, fAYorable tenna and p rompt ... ttlcmen l.ll of clairua ror loa The un dcrt.iJtnod haYintr bceu :lppoi nted AJent for Newfoundland 11 prepar ed to la- •ua Polla ea againat lov by P re.orvod Motton, Soup and Bou ilh Polt.od Tongo l' , PoLted Hamt, Po tted Beof Oor 11 Floor, P eppe r, Spice, Omnamon O.u-ro...-a., S<wld, Oloyoo. Psckl oa. !!a n ees Como Powder, Thyma, Sag e, Para!oy )tar Jorarut. Maoe, Tablo Nutmega Cayenno ropper, Oapera. Mat.chea Ne 1 aon'a G.tlati.oo and Woodtll'a Baking l 'owder,l'toparod Bo pa Robin'aon' a Pat4nt Jtarloy, Eppe Cocoa d o. do Groat.e 1t h1111 beru daffi cnl t to tuemuac 1 1ch p rs tsuc•us to bu hcl,l prt'lllltllltlluu w I 1\'l t' •c on ti ny t hey anvu lved. Jt !vu du- '" aomc umu become necoMar) 111 pole sL w1s•lom Jow11 to uR, n-" I . \ftcr Jl•lmc f urther dcla bcrnuon th o com , rcclat 3 bl.: to 11 to«n hkc St. J ob nll not to commcrc11\l 111 cou necllOil w1th such M tho cmh.ulunc nt or tho nllltcu aud r cport.:d lllll wnh•>u t t.: wu aomu plll ce !or outdoor' pubhc re- mn tte ra. For tins rcMO II It baa b tt u con- of our 1\11 l th us aL 4!Jlll h op,JO•cll nmenJmcnt especanlly for chaldren so ch11rgo eade rcd dea•rnble to mnlw ou r law conform to re:..wn •n o l up to t ltu On 1110110 11 the recoll •ed nne! or C.\On ol CIIJOY open 111r to t he l mpera!ll ll\lf upon tlus auhj cc t. ll\ 111ne l 11 nf o ,muon 111 1 t orJ,•rualthnt the lltll bo rend <'XCrc1 sc sn she p ubhc atrccaa "'tl'out "l11 ch t he per11011 to wh oru a llsll of l tnnl "' Jlln d o,• nut , XIII 1 h<ru , 11 tho 1111111 tu· lnorro.v on nccuu nt of t he ti':\ Uic IS tndor&cd 8hnll be In t he l<a mo lrll\l o• uti CIVIl •o:ues n m•JO rU) ru les the Ull IIIOtiOil of hon R. niOr burn t he nor "oultl cxcrC UIO 1 11 Lhc &l r cel! be 10 COil poaatson ""'! subJec t 10 t he &Mnc llllbal ll) va•h c t. t.nt 1t •• 81111 ntha ure!<l tu an En;:· I 11110 conunlttcc of abu ,;hole du c" e to health ns 111 :1 ul11ce ofpromcn:ldo u hd who drew up the 11111 ora ;rnal ly. ll u I h111d wuh , xtrn<lr< l•nnr) not l" f>O" thu II• II •pcc uu;; lhlld of 111 ' '""au bur l», 111 t he fresh 111 r nu< l d1d no t 1 h111k there woulol be nuy OhJ<cllon "" J.!lnr•n,; contrnol•.rao n of th e hun \l r \\ ' .,.r,•n 111 thu ch:ur_ li ••lds Jf there trc rc on ly a fc •v gm,dlcd th e ll all on the pn rt of comwerco.•l n1cn I •dud• op<rnt ca After d l' hb,•rntton t ho co m- nnd grofl p lot.!! lAII I out tu tho park, I he prr: unlolo or the Impend Sttnut.e I I:! Ill .. u Anl\ lo;:ous Clro\IIIISL3 11Cc.l \\ lu ' rc : •grcCllliUee llUU roportctl t ho U.tl \'tllhouL It would l>c 1\ l> lc'!IIID" to cluldrtn ro- 1\lld l !J \' 1cto n:\ Cap :l wh1ch held mcut of opi 11oun the tha n:,: eu l,!l•t. i\u nmc ndmeuL 'l 'llrao;.r 01 1tt1oor c x crcsc \l 'c llns to L hcar hu u lu tr ocln•er uf t ho 13•11. f ully ex- cHu>ple •• sh0\\ 11 111 t he w •d f. On 11101 1011 t ho r eport "'M rcco l\·ed, 11 1 11 on of he:llth and pllllll'lilhc mel\ nnd Ol.I JCCt ur the Ulc:l th e \ cry founl lllll 1\1111 r m •ll ·· vf thu to Ito rcl tl lhu.t umc t o-•uorrow Mfcl} :,;0 I \\:1-, ho Wi th the UC· sur e. it runs t hus :u HI rl" rc au en nrc ni) L t ' , n l>on .HI t hu Jlon r w \III !£S 111ovcd th e hou' e 11110 of 111k•n;.: 110mc e1 cp3 in the \\ hc reas b 1• tho c ustom of rnc rch ft nt ft n an lcnntty of on oath n i11rc lll:\Jur> ly coman>tt•;o of tho " buill upon tho thn£ t.o hr>d earl) 111 th e &essaoa 13all of l .nrl1n;: uf ,::o<>Qs l>esn;: t rnnsfernblo uf u11u'" hcl•l to cnrry t lihur} 1111, -hoo . \lr l>rouJ.!ht 1L b) uf notaou befor.: t utR rnrlort h' III CIII. the pr ope r I) ru t he :,:ooda J lieu, to ll •o J •••h chl \, r.• 111 t ltt! clu\lr h ou&c IIU<I the lo O\ crnmcnt. tulll Aul>scq•acnt- 101\)' thcru b) p:tll! lo the t ndol"lce. bu tncrur· lrcn• h nntlll •• fonn•l th st '' •nnJUrll) nf tilt' · ,\ ftl'r 8011 10 Spt'ntin •I hbcrMaon th e ty Accm;: ra,or" l.llu oi the I'Nullcr the leas "f:hls 111 respect of t he co11 lr ncl Jll• l::c8 c.• rrv :> thc•s•on n;:nu• .n nil onlu I co 1111111 tc,. ro <e 31 111 ruporl cd t he 11•11 " P''" 11. hu hnoi t l•c Clllt'<' tntao n COIIU\ID<<iln t he litH of cor . tmue 10 1 111\tlfnl or art.arnllon, the "'"J •nly On 11101 1011 thu " :L' rc.:ciiCII, nnd l tltlll &OIIICthiiiJ: woulol be tlone, and, \\1\S t he o rt.,:•nal Ah'l'per or ow ner, IUod ll IS< tl1e ISsue. nud 111 fnct I'VC r) ·• ht!re 111 t he It ""' oro!"'' 1 tbu Uall l>e r,;,:1J a t lla nl sOrr) he "IIi •h6!lf'l"" "tc I, Jn< l..:an;: hy t no prtlaeut t l•nl anch l'l):h t• eh ou ld pMI >roLh ' "t!c!l I':\11 1:C of c•renm8t.ru•c" re<f'UIIn.,: I 1 10 w to -mor ro " <l h<c ncc of n , ollc for 11 tn t ho :-in{lpl) U1 ll t hl' property. an d st frequnntl) of opuuuu. ahnt l!lllto pr•nciJ >Iu In reply to ho n Dr \\' ma,.r, It on Co lon- j 1 l o:1 H 1, as a l•c r h •etly llf!recd wuh lho lmppen8 t hM au r dpcct of " hach l wh ch pro na S' Yc uuol , xecp• 111 81111 1 1 10 6 t 1 ouhl I• ) upon hon II ' t hou;:ht t he rotcu - Ball4 u r lad an:. purporL to be &l,:n".J h ave c.1st nf tnnl L) .lur .t \\ l uo h sl.,n J5 o •L 111 t 'lblo nf t hu huu 3 r. p bns cstllnn' c:t, :>n•l ,,011 , .,r t he l•<l \ 'erruncut '" rc """'' but noL bee n on Rnd It •• pro1>cr r d1 ef n..:niiiSt t ho oth t• I'I •IID nmV\'r " II) I uaher ln forlll liiOil J•rtopo,uJ \\0 1 1d bt• af tl"') " ere c: tr rluJ O.J t th:\t an c l1 b11ls of lndmJ: an t ho ha n ds of rt'co,: n•zc•l rul u or III•Jorll.l So l <.'l th'"' " e nN t old th H a c, •rt un pbco 11 l' " "d lxmu fi•lr lo olrlc111 for ' ")no t ltout. i not bo t he of n11t•quat1 n111l "'' lion' \\' \f:r.r.s 0 nohro t•J tho ' "tit J.!OOcl It u lu.;h ly d as - quclt•ooetl by t he mnster or ot.loer p t• r AAn .:rc:IL th e ull thnt ncrou ut 111 Il K hon ==>corct.tr' 10 C.\la•c 11 .C:t l t: · crcolit nl>l" to t J ohu s lo t lul coud1toon 611 :' 1 111!! the Mlll u o n the $:1'0und o f tbcsoodl fa • o r thl\t "I' 10 tlu • t une pro..:r•••s 111 ,. 11 t t , t.a l<tid on the ubl u uf tl u• 1., 11 ,, •• t he ao t xluh ll• nn•l ho hnpcd not bet-u laclt•n 118 IJcen \\'c l :uow ho" •h s'ao ' "'" t uu n umber oi nil ;•>•ncth wg l VI II IJo done Jurtn;r t he tMumg Il n bc(:!!C•I to muvc t hnt t ho lltll he now 11 u to do molls II ol•l ••us louu, uo 111 •: tN 1 ( :r jlmnt i llc.: n• e• of <•ce ll I'"""" ' ""'"'uer to ly 1t. As Llac hon « ad a ICCOIIcl tune """ :uatn,.:OIIIAIIC to nnd ln .. r. fu rm f<>r I au l r .. r .. ·ult n nl or lifa. tril l\ r CIII\I'l.Ctl. t her e IS no lli3CO I he mo tion •n8 put 11nd canaed and t he h l\s 111 mIll ) m qL1ne"8 hl·cn a more lcd•mu n11 ,1 "P" w ti Rto. " 11 1 1 d .;r I"' tlnot on n cl11ldrcn can l.le r;u nr1 B1ll W:IJI r.::td a scco ud tunc; to bccomu:n ttcd ;>roccB 1h1 1n th e rcformnLa un o! ol rl "o•u nppll uamcs of nppll t'a nt•, and tho 11m u..: "11h 11.'\fd) . ou r t.t•lllg 10 t o-morrow. out 81\CII\ l "''":;•-s. II took IIIBII )' ) C:RN 111· 1 of luul oo "l'l'l "" l f >r nut! whnt I rro<\tlc•l w llh l rnfi1. lh:lt IL sa Secon•l of Ll• ll to amend t he A ct 1o hu•I: n ,c n tK n( coniiiiiU?n• "1"!11 hl s IJ<cn " l'nnt.,.l 0 11 dnch n pj)llcnU>n&. i or n1l ultd nt to lltrnu::b. 38 \'•ctor in.U t'11p 1 I t he )'Jrl uf t he lc::nlauuHl• u! 1 ,,. Fl 011 Til l ' ''En)IL\. t•.·u·, n1ul he t rustNI h•• o l>, cn :ltl ou s '"ll li on Mr \Y \I.t• Es-Thss m rMure h:1-l lnuo l, to Lrc11l: clo"n a hc nno11nun•s con. h- I' ') ( 1 1 1 l•n•· u ""'f: :> t 1 11 t ho tbe rclllllOil IO :\ll .\ et nrOD ll10 ISII\ tlllc floo\t 11011 of the l1w of <tiOlvnt" fl duru 1 Ppti i!\IIOild ro>lll IIC O \f'f lponer to j;l\ 0 t' fT.:CL IO fai.s llll::ge&llOIIS fo r t ho o f ahe Silmon hohery. 111 nl:crn ttc.11 to •t •pr<. '8• Ht •llftp t , 0 b•r pe 1 up f vr cone of t ho I L> 1 L •>l tlSI 11.. t.CI t:TAI:Y wu unnble to which 10 one or two poanH It UlllllCntlcd I ll ••lent)) h l'lo lt lmt I'"'Y 111" ..... '" I IIII \ n· ll •• I I "")' h no 1\ IIC for tho p urpoN Ul SOllie n lt erl\11 011 h hns ll eon fonnd SUit he ("A I l B 1:.() nnl<ll I 1'1 IIII I, "" ku cn th cmMt b) 1113111 \>erso nsen ::ll ;:ed in t he prosec•llllln \\AS 1101 pcrnnl 'rrl t fl I Cohfl Ill t 'tc 811 11 . he ' ·:'" !llh I to pr<l\ l' 0 u'r l\11 I rl\·ornltl) 30d m:ty be yet Of ti llS fiB lh nL t ho pi'OYI8ion COIIII\ 11\etl \\M l l"ll lll t bu of I( Oltiiii i"IIIIICnl of the t lt'ltwhn: n"y 00RCC0111phabcd 111 tho foursh e•'Cilon of I he cx a• un ;: Act. l (l •t•thcr. ftO fi "or, ous '" M tb, pr1 'IOllllf'IIOII • 1 \ 111 ut coutll n <s I o •t o! t ho S: .J oh n's cn,t nne I 11 en apec1nl bc l\1'8 hurlly upon t he llltcrcsll or the !\;., ..., Ius I , .;C ih l ite 1-!''" \I I I; .. , ,. I • wo: rc Lot \lll 1\ ' I lOtS :Somo:lll ll !( pc r h:'lp! b e he el 111\l mon C:\t oher, IIIJJnlllch ft& th o r1:.1tnc11ou 1\rou;:hnm t he chu r 1 11 1 me 10 bo n second 10 ' f ro n th oac eon rccs nnlcM t lwy lun·c: nlrr lldy of tho to s•x an chra 11 llo "s 1111\IIY •h·molulll tt. z thnt lmr1Jnro11s Sill I I' of t he l:t>< mvrr " ' bl'cn ex pc n ch• I sn ntll 3nco for other njleda. a nnr ket:.IJio fi ab to tluas i le wath oL'• erA 1111111) I he hou se then nUJ o>urood until to·mo r- IL I to bJ n hsr cb1n\ upon local dcprsYiflj: h un of R 1 \l liOUllt Of benefit, \fOUfLI nnso \\ hC rCIII t he Jlrllltlp:t ls \\ ere rOlf ' f,ln< 1 t l,e consurnera of 11 co11'1tlerabltl q unn t ur of the on ly 11 ho IIOSAt l<!ed n corr• ct -;--- h I lt ,tJl I' G 1 W cter Com· ! ood. and doc Col o ny or ao mu ch ku" " led1:c of we nntl thcv , 1111 r .. m '"· A pnl j • fu1ul! f baft Ua llprov1dca tllnt tlte 11ze of t he mu b an htl\'1 0'' the lnw so mod•li.:.l 1111\t tl•e J he h ou<D metnL fou r 0 li on tor r. cn t:T.\1. '1'- Tt. cri! 11re of 113lmon n e ts Ahnll be reduced II re{,'l\rtl to Q\' ldoncc nor "1\S•IIII\Oic ll < IDII:SSilo lc On IIIUihJill or h;n b 1., 1alt. o:\ purolt:l ut ll oo upon r duguun the d eep aea li11hery, b ut thl\l st \\ ll h tb e 1\Mll mcJ of lu:u to "on cr 0 1 D 'ay 1 •c 111 11 to pet •clltorum nlre:\'ly. Jl o dad not know aha II r e m:u n ntsix IIIC he&u wluch \\'M to lie dnt) tahn an to nccou••t. ••me lid tho 1 dto b) J ur . l", arc •1p0n t.ho fpecsal grnnta, fi elung 111 b rooke and IIJ repelllm:;: It \\ M t nrdd) nduuucd upo n 1ul\lure co I nwl" tmr 1 111 0 ., 1 1 but 11o l.nattrd, f. cnn be neeomplwhtd, tbc fou rt h or tho I"" • anrl •tde rntlon Riter 0 Jon,: s trnt;J:lll t hl\t 11 "u 11 ° H 101 l 1 ' b 111 t1 11 •· hon. W a rrcn r ecommends would 111ne nd mg by tlua I11ll, woll be lef.l: "ith J:nOo l J U•h;mcu t tlo:lt the• aencc 0 1011 •o r u rn 1 0 1 re- be ve ry optional with pcraons pr otecntang the d eep be ant! thu lnw "" -" 1111 '- of llldlll :; , \\1\S re.td a t lt ard I li on W \ 111:1 :-;-Tho Go fernmen t seaaalmoo fi shery t.o 1111'1 M) aszo m•·•h tl•f'y aul eOtl t'd so tl"t 1hc lr mlj:ht like tun c nuJ pas<ed 1 hlll t! t ho poi'Cr to do it111 o"u hands. requare, My f rom rour.a nd· 4-Lnlf to five nil o th er c• 1 de 11 ce, l.lo t.kcn, waah' t he •n ctL'Inl(u WMthtn tnken to , 1 oe .\ luemltlJ :-< o port•on o! those :;rnnts can he expenrled tucbu, b<lt Ill order to pr otcet.almoo an th o o! before 1\ Jnr ) to tll!orm tbnL bo dy of t.hc ouncal 5 oxc.:pt t hrough t he Bonrd of Work$ walh nYera the eXIJ tiDlr a ox m ch sn uh 1 hns \\M onu fallncy o( t ho lnw c:urrcnce ;n. fon:t: 0111 li' Ullb. tho anncuon of the E1ecu tave, t hereforo is r etained li e unde,.tOOd there Wt\ll aomo a<>opta""'Y• but t here sta ll rcllll\lltS :mot her li on. 1 · J t:SSII: I: !:"'" 11 0111 ' 0 thllt ho th ey nrc mule I'll of the l!ltnat•uo. obj eclaon 11t II !'lit to nltcrmg t he preunt Act. 111 the ,lor) syBtem "1,,..h ho lds 011 t .... norr th\', 100 ! 0 tho adopt a on of I lion Cot.os r, ,a.. S EC11l'1' .1 JI\ - Ti.at may !raring st iu jnnonsly &tfcct t he r1ver sle grou nd an despit e ,,, 0 tl 1 1\t the l. cport of .romt of both 1 be ao but 1f t hose grouts :\l' 'l np propriatad fiah ery, the other 1Jr1111Ch conaeu ted to t ho th o sn 1>ersori1y of t he J ury of houses of t ho lc ila lnturc, 011 tb o of lu ad unce, t hey tir o a vnalab'c alteration• now propoaed, atsll conhonmg &o tlaud 1s dt'n o.ms trnt ed nod admut ed h) tllo 0 propased rn ar C 1 1 S Tho commtttee then r ose and r eport4d the gneu to t he river fishery by aomo of the most cm 11 a cnt 1 n 11 tUOtlon ° on ° 001 11 ecretr.ry. the 111 11 t ho law n ow in force He wu we ll awaro land Th o prm c• ple•propolled 10 t haa B 1 11 t he supply 1l•ll wns r ead 11 aocond 1110 '• 10 On motion. the wu r eceived, and t liat at rong optUinns were eotertalued, 11nd b:u been sn a:nnuy yeara sn t he be co mmttted to-mo rrow. 1t wu ordered tbaL the BtU be read a t bsrd ml\dc a g>ss net the aalmon .,8ter colomu tbsa 'being t l•e only ono in :X.cond r eadm::;0f 13Jll to prov•do for t he to-morro•" - llahery Ac t o f 1875, t hat bc•ng th o whach t he old • "yaWm ss atlher cr l 1 0. lion of t..;ollnlll 81100 "rs of t ho Su- On mo ti on of bon 'f. Tnlbot tb e houao law, tile llltc of tbe mutt by 11 m ust ha ve ob5e rve rl for they pn HnD t.,;!(.rL sn plaecs th en " ent t oto commlltee of the whole u pon h•ug rtgardt:<l na loo largu fo r the ahorl\ or are nil Jury t btnaaclves alll\t'un •mnii iY I ll un ! 1 01 ';t"::' sefond th o ll1 llto provtde for t ho of l ea llllwon fi shery of L" IJrndor Ill re nd erl ll" thoonl; \'o ry UI!SII'IIblc 0 11111 T li' y rc xp Ri lle< lkl COIIIIOIYIOnen o r t ho Supreme 10 pellllo na hi\VC preaonced prAyang for II cl tell r l.o CXIlt•rl ('nce or pltJcCI It ,, esa::ne• to <lCth t'l tU p ro- piACI.' I :lbron d,- hon R. 'l'horb uno sn t ho alterati on, aoano thlll wluch to most of ua 11"1 ) 111'0<11 tlemur u trnl<'.!l thnt I cc lure an the UJ 1:1\'IUI: po•ver IO chaar the n ow propoaed li e koew uoon n o occ..,. 10 11 when n , ursnou m m c t ho t.:ha•f for tho tauac h l!au.:. or ' "" A ft e r a Ahorl lamr •rent in lh ll tau the aprm!S aeaaon when a:slruon first bt·forc n Jllry !or dec 1 310 n wl 1 ich ntll mttc •1 1 ,\ 8 \l•tllu t 01 th o !'>upreme the coounnttce r os, •aud the llall t:n&ke apvenmnoo on our ah orea th ose or :> dafTurence of op 1111 on d 1 d tit I) t ..-ch 0 Gourr, to :tt•po •nt t.,;.) 1111111 aoncrs to Ou mo t. •o•\. t he r eport \\M r ce esved. :tnd aught aro chleOy or a m"<lemtc 11u. but mtude w 1 t hout compromtso; 111 fn.: t nnJ C•• rl\· ordl'r '"" wndu tL:'It bo read a t hsrd tam., when th o caplm acbool aeta an t he fish t. 'ke n st o mpoM1 hlo where scopo f ur p:t peu nnJ llocumNJ ts t lll •t 111 "Y lle ne- tv -01orro"' 1 bJ'O mnel1 amalle r, bot nouo t he lw uaef 11l or lfcot unent was offered t hat 1111 y CtiS!.,ry •n t.ho of c&o •, 1\ I HI Wit h ro- li on 1 '. G T r.sstrn mored t ho ndopllon a ud OllJOyabl o u au arti cle of food n nd or o men aboold t.e fou ud unnn u noua upon apect 1 10 1 11 colo- of t ho r eport of the .lomt l:omws tleo a good marke table commodoty nt thM ti111e au bJeOt " h 11 tAoe ver . Vel'fhct.s gw uu under 11 '1 WI 1 !:' " 0 10 sue 1 of l>oth branch a of t he I.cf:a&l8ture upon 'J hi& Llill wsll buo tho or the 11 rc m f 8 ct thuu"h 11 m'm 1 "' to those 1 the eubJcCL of t ho propoacd R"h'llY· II11 th11t .,,pply, and f ully 111 ita sn nnmo cM 1 aec1 1 by' 0 'J' hcv oaon rrs of 11 111 ewfouo l:tht · "" I would "ant>ly remark tlut, t bo Joint · Go·u - provsllona, he btpged to moYo that it be nlmO!t in'varubly rul e tho re3ult and it '1 the1r "'':ncuurc 01111 'CP rLah c:-nto Will be ve ri· m1tteo bad t heir &eri ous coo- now relld a1ecoud lllllt. IOiliCtl lllt'l lta;>J.>CI18 tlutt lhll o( 1\ tlc,tann Of IAII Jaty of such dnoumcnls 1 to tillS l.lj:hly ilu portll)lt '[ he motion was Aod CArried , and the 1 ury aucccod 111 1nfluenc 11 w t ho •c r nml 1111 ' 1 IV> II he hull! M proof nn, l hnd Mri ved nt t ho un:snuuou•c"uclueion B•ll wu then rud a second t.iane, to be com- to 11 1loru tbusr view" o£ tho t l:•·rt'of 111 to the snvo lvNI 1 th0111: h a "<'e ry lArge uutlay would bo witted to.morrow. ' 11 1 erc fore ho rcll:lrded • t hsa 1.1111 as ouly :J lwv "ill not h 11 ' 0 1110 po"cr of snvohed au t ile const ruc taon or tho " orlc, 1t Uon. R. K I:IIT prtaentt'tl a pehtion o n Ctllc ulnted to tllo law conform to t' 1 o ss;uan;: l ila n ow prnpoaed woulrl bo (1'1\nt:ht ll' llh snamenso benefits to tho subject or pension• fr om cer tam Ill· racu t hnL v.ro know 41 to obt:tin iu trul l by " 1 11 t ho ronnUilbou t 1\ntl tedaoua the I of the colony. Aa a DOl will b Abii&Jlt.t or Old llonoYe uture, 1 rsnlly j ury UIHie r t he li e con - ont 'r •th reJp<;e t 1 10 be btfore shlB'coouwl for Bay. 1idered was mostaLroa oo ly recommended the 1 11 lll:f 0 nl ' :n• t.J, n 1 n.· sts to ont tb o recommt n• anhou 10 teoderlnll bi.'l t haoka to t.ho public bf J oh o'a, and t be Outpom for tho hberol he hu du ring the fi'fo yean ho bu been in b usi o•:u. Al 110, woul..J Cllll atten tion to t ht new Vllntly or JAMES 8. WI N TER, St . J ohn'•· JOSEPH QtJDDEN, Sub-.Ageot Hr. Grace. Nono'• l!'ood for Ia.fanta, Ball Bluo Mudam in and bottlea Pook, Fr- & yo'a oolobra141d Biac yUIn 21b tin•. ' NOTJCB Of ' MOTION. by tbo rtsulus of experi;ni:o nod lie relt &c., 111 on t(tdu of 1 u Colo - o( t he .Jotnt by t ho B on. l\Jr. WAilltllS-' I' o uk the lion t hnt !\t 1 1\! L t he pr ,•jt cL il 0 s ul>malted to OJ . 1\I"O Ill .mrtte.. ern- nll81n;: or n loon ( or thl} conatruet ion of abe Colonial to 1 111 on the Table of t he lcgialnt oro wuh tho t hu Qr n cctcal ,,,th t he tiiLua!" 11 L"' tj\l" of slto "" prOJi'CI;>•I R.'lilll'llV, aod containmg ot ber thia Houac lho plans, e•tsoJatc&, 141d paas 111 g Into liiw ao and d calr11ule 1\ here: Lh \'r eforo, "' 11 ! 11111 o uble 1 <ll y pro1 a itou1 fur st• 11qlt rt f Uia- &c., of l ho prop-otcd Hailway upon reforo• , mo te nno hu 0 8 1J.llon taon; 1!-.o tr ua1ed bon. will rtfrAill tllo Jo in' Ctm u llittee havo ce r 1.111o The fi !'IL secl•on and enbseqnent on ea a mtl who be therc:ln. Trom d••cu..aaou UJ>On tllo q ucstloo until t hat HMOi utsooe rulatiYo • b leb wsll no were tbtn aers atim 11 olopted eneh bei ng .. lie to ruove t ho Hsll be rc:ld ttoauea on. ll u ruovcd tbnt t ht) ' Gravestones, etc., which he hu no'll' on ba n d, and ean be fnr- n iahed At l hOrt t tiiiOlice. P OI'SOIU Wl\nt.!Jig llO:>of Ul LES'L 'ij, GRAVF' .STONES, ote., - for their f rieqda, wou ld do wcU call bef oro pureb ui nA' el1ewhere. · Te rra Mvblo Worlu, 15aeet, St. lohti'a ,Nnd. (Oppoeite f>! tbt Sea llalL) .Jun11. Feb. 'T. St. Marhlo · Warka. - I T fiE SU.BSCRlBU rlllp8lltfally thab hit rri eocll aod tbepatillo,.•erallylor t.ho liberal patrollaC8 beetoW'ecl npoD blaa tho IIWI7fUN pu&; ud to loforW from "'" ho hi. DOW' oa IIUIIf "• farael• of t•rALlAM ltiAB8LB""' mpon. ed Into &lila ki&Dd, f1011Wid6 1M Ia ,... Pffeortod Salmon, Sardines do. Loball!t', Pent!an $herbot. A largo•toek of Kerot< no Osla nd Ob imnJee oCc., etc., elft7• Ob hand . W. R. THOMPSON. do u bt bo aubmitwttfor tho adop lloo o£ tblt plaloed u t hey were br the boo 1 1 1 11 retv l a tecond timo to report be 1uJopted d Chamber. •o 1 "' fhc queauon WN put, llD am .... af. 'fhe boato \hen lldj ourud. unUlto· mor- lloo. Mr. A rns re marko;l "lth rercrenco · be , W>mQrrow firma tJNIJ upoo a daVLolloo. roW'. to t !•o inereues the rc mu nem- rnou Tnt: A&<illlllli.T. 1\Jr.>S.\Ot FIU))t m 11 .;\ SSUJII.Y , tioo t.o pen7 j tfry men lr0111 '"•o aud ttx· A dCIIlllllltton frof" Lo V!tQ:Il!SDAT'. Apn1. 7. peuce to fo rt y CCDI.II. ll bftt 110 llljoahco op for CO IIOllrrcnclo! tllo Coulleil,.ll Uill nc pntat!On$ f rom the houso 'l'be booM 1\alf.I JUI four o'cloc k. seemed to IJo •peclal j urota whoeo 1.9 fur tho onatn1ct lon 11n1 nfni• for concurrc ucc ot. t.be Co uncil: .Uoia. C9LOIIUL i)!;qn'J' Ail1', h1 · dlrentiou reo it pen ouJ of ron•l s. no in t hi.:a Colonr 11 11! 11 to authomu the .ral.l ut:t tnlll or of bu Excello.IHlJ l.ho JJoYeruor, laid o n t he c:uea in court prefe r to }•nit them t ri ed IJy aut! itdcpondenciet : U "ln'J for t.b o cooatruc&aon pf a RAlhr ar of'11te boUM. Oeo lo ([ical :iu"eJ It o- 1 peciAI juriea,.aod a larjter abaro of Oo 1 110 tion of bpu OolonlaJ Secretary a111l for l •f!ll'OIK'tl tbe,.wltb. oa {;I'IJWII Laada, Report 00 worlc.. talla UpOO t hem, 111)1\ Will ptohllblr do thill Ulll 'lii'U tllen re •ll time, to be .u .. A llltl ro latiujf tcr AlftMment• ptot.o&lOII, and lteport 110 to a !rft a tu extent. DDd•r till• 11\w, the read a eoeood to -o Jorrow . C OLIII!I\ 1 11111110 1 !Jill fo, pro .. tllo Ttll..,.pb Colllpaoy. Dtlmber of i.be pe&tJ' jnry pa n el bulng ro- llo'* l hl iD ldjouroed nutll to-mor- &jla lhll (ra\ldolcn' a,arkl nJ of daeed by lle t.boUJiat t herefore an o n- row. goodl oad suerol,.ndue. DUI to amaod fair d btorlmmat loo n1 111acl. In t be --"-- On boll. r. U. lite in &lie obelr . of 011e ala» ot j orora Md April 0. Jtall WMI841 a tl ..e; to &1111 tnt &lie oUt,.-, olle 11 on• The llOVel mel!.- balf- P»i fonr o'ol oolr. ! 111 •· JI"'poNd ..- wbUe &lie other in.,ca.. r.: Qo 11'10&{611 ol bon. Colonial &!If Oll o!Splll{lll'il lfn11. f 'f'AtRqt'-. t"n• of th e ill• Qo!\d l)ill WU !'fad A rJ1!Clllld fllft, to bo dJ, ,S..,L OfMte '' w tll .. ltl 11011:· "'

ecollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2016-09-23 · I"J 111co'n•u'Ntt 1 thrm• IIIDru lnbonr 011 a•.cc;;.l J try 11,~;, 1~ I"' aome IJettcr cuodltlon

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Page 1: ecollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2016-09-23 · I"J 111co'n•u'Ntt 1 thrm• IIIDru lnbonr 011 a•.cc;;.l J try 11,~;, 1~ I"' aome IJettcr cuodltlon

e .. ..

, .


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Legislative Colnicil. lion. COLOSI.\1. SECIICTAIIT entirclv con- penutaon to t •10 pclty joro~ wbn 11re p'lOr Tho b!luao then , on motion of bon. corr. .. "j,l in the pnnclplr or t hu Ball Ji.1a 110t men nnd "ho Me l..:'lkcn . ,.,.,, rro111 I heir Colollll11 Secretary, ~ol-red itaeii soto co lll· the firn tuue the quutton o f :\l~nn;; the own 11ork or bnllnUM fur daJ'II dunu" term matteo of t"nl wholo upon the Supplyllill, old j ury eyat~an h:u bc,•n proi,'Oseil lo the llml oft~n nt ~,..-o:lt snconveauunce 11 ~11 lo'~ - ho '· Mr. Fox 111 tho chll.ir.

Tc£SD.lT, AprilG J,et;t&IIIHlre, h111 111)! lleun !Ublla,lllcd fo rcou- , to thl!lll JL 11 unly fnar ther.:foro th~y H oll. CIJIJiSI.If. :is:CnET,\nT In mo•ing (Cont~U(I/.) 11dcrahon m11uy )••:\'!'$ llllll, :\lid ho M !lao d:aonld be re:>sou'lbly couau,lored , but 10 thu tho h"'t &dction pomlcd out the 1\lnountl

I l' If trll<'nrl;:,l l .t h<11 e a 8 .\6AAR or ~ l c1 e>f w<>rk 111 l\ovllmhor fQr Uh.l f'UI"·

fl.l'<' Of h~lp.tt;! h.l 1':111!(' ftlllc1S fOr J>I'OI'itllnJ: n P :lr""ttl.U\!!c 10 C~o.lUth:cttvn \ \ lt '' !:>L (.corgc 8

t hurd• 1\ngus.


:trnTJlil ESTAB LI SHED 1855

. tunc cxpreaai!J srrou:: o1'auaoua sn fnv••r o f c:u o or llf'c''"'l JUnes they 11r11 foruw<l of ami obJects of the new votca 111 t ho Uall. T -~.!nd Read•ui of s _sll relati~~ to llill• or t he adoption of t he lll~JUI'Ity pnuc'lol~ "lu~h f:l'lllll l JUry 111(.'11 who llTC all "'"" oiT,I\Url to l ion ~l r WAnllt:S ""d btl fallilu to ob­~---- Ul t.lso •Alia fcl\~ru sn the J>rt.l.Wu~ IIIII. Al whom thu lllY.,Qf utljl <ioiiA.r....ll!lr ~ •r 11 llO acrvo 10 thc U1ll a ny a u 111 lt't down fo r t ho

U ou R. Tuonno11s who had ehnrsre of t h11t t aw a ,,,.., va~w olsd not lind r .. or r>t the cu~t•idemll<>n " I"' '""""· - W'iiU lh~>y com- ampro.-cmcot of llaunonnl\n 1'11rk. II• tlua mensuru llnclly e1plaaned 1t1 object hnnll5 "' thu IrJ~Idl •t<•re. but •wcu then. I pi 0111 .,r 1~ tho I•M.bhap of \wn~ t \ken n ·•~y ,. ,.sled to t.e llevc from ob crv~~tiooa of bon.~ Tho p ranc•pal po111t aud purport of t bc he. rus "ell M other ntll•oo.:llt<S of 11, luuc from thcll' bu,wcn' or ofil;,-s 10 ae"o 011 t hu Pr~nucr IUlldtl m nnothcr Cb:\rub.:r upoa\ Uall. II to auveat the Endo,.cc o f a 13•11 of bucn a:uorc stron~ly cunfirau~ 1 111 the•r 1 J llri"~ , t'~<) •I? 1101 D.l 111,t:un uf thoar r.,. dus &uhj~ •·t, that :\n npp~e> Jirllttsou ITOilld bo l.Arlaosr with t ho 11:\IIIU right, po .. or :>ml op•n•on~ of I he cleilrnllohly o r alw c'u"' . c


,11,1111 r>IH>n, t borcfure It 11 n••t ~~~~•ucJ m:~•lu fvr 11. thu aeusou. :t.ul h~ r~;rrcltell to 1111t hor11Y as arc " ' ~ted 10 t~e orat:llll\1 111nker \'w" Ill~! tloc auhj~ct <hip ,,._.,,n~td) nu.l hy nee ·~Hry 10 111~r.:"•t: •L. As r~;;rH.I~ t he fiud t h~t hst lwpo wns urir.:al~A~<I ,\n ex· o f thu IIIII, whauh' ,. >ll ~~aaouulnte tl•o la•r t ht! ls::ht4 of r eMon n"'l J <~• l ~ u·~~~~ IL t!o~• ol•rml llln of tbe l.hll hi'\.Yin, a len•lenn tu pco11aturc w:unccc~nr) topl·'~e the ~roumls here to tit :It o f l . r~nl Brota111 an r.:.srtct to seem atnln~e tl111 ~ nil) thlu.: I"J 111co'n•u'Ntt 1 thrm• IIIDru lnbonr 011 a•.cc;;.l J try 11,~;, 1 ~ I"' aome IJettc r cuodltlon t h:Ln the ma~crnbl tJ t he matte r of~llall~ of 1..-Hhug. Somellmc~ wat.h oni1n ~ry 3Cn1•t u.• tf•c pru,:nt.J nr> b" I ,.111 h:Hc t)lll\l n cuut r\ry effect, bcc,.1'1,,. one it now preseuu. 1111d to 13\C from utter these U1lls A u c n1lorsed 11od trautfer~d unanumty aho uld h:t\\l " ''"" I" ranlltl·•l tu I b~ r;uaau~r a!ae lt.'ltn, of tbu pLo(.ty) r~ p~nol J ~a3to the monC) already ~xreodc•l u~~ IL. from oue )>l'rly lo Another, n ud st h.., l>ceu h:n e Iaiii so louz llflt>- l ite stn~ute Uuok I IIIIU s~cnru>,[ ~upcnor men, u IL s; ~'l!'l""" • rce• h:~vo been 1•1:\ntcd the re ou m,r, tunu found thllt t be po" ere o f 8Dtt nawd 10 t he Its prmc1plc I& ddellsablc.IIO f3 r "" h• coni I col 1~ \Till do ll) nua111.: tt.e 'l"~lahcatlon . one occll.iaon, J cL f rom wnnt of h •~•u~ the 'OI'lj.noal propn etor o f tho lhll d1d not pa.ss percea. e, aoldy e>u the ~:round of ••• Allll l ltti~'l\nt~ will l>u more llc .. ro ,, 1, , h nvc ft:ncc kept 1:1 r<lp~ar they havo been b:lrlceJ to t~e party t.o whom 1t wMendo,.cd, hence qulty. at be au,: -ooc or aho~u ns:IJ.:.i'8 au uiJ c:u c• tncJ by potty JUne~ t h uo thl'y nrc M by _;o:11.8 nnd conscqucutly des~royed, n!~ur

• .\ Co utnntec h :\.q been forme.t consastsug of th" (,>IIO\\IIIg 1~r"'"'' · "ho "all ~lndly r,c~"" ~~~~ help to .. nrJ~ tha6 o''l" t -'I rs )ltl ' ~:' II \ 1: I Lf. l I. J>,c•ufrul \l r~ .l Ul l :S ,.. \ II iII. l 'tct dv \Jos~ 1. \I: l'l,F I' I. ~attary \lr. t . ,..\lll ol •I·~ .11 Hlt' ~l' l \11~ \\ll i' I~"U:\' ,

'I J!UJ.-:1 l N lluUlkwg my m,_aa.y fnoa ds fur t hei r o f"'IISI hboml l'atrouogt- dnnng tho p Iii

HDS~na II ~~ twetll)~l\0 yctU'I!, 1 b e:; \.Q cull t ilt•Jr

ll~d _, .. .-., __ !I ~ cm -clul n lt cnuon ~o tho fo llo11m0 l ss1 of


II 1.1r1' __ - ~ IIOillO o f the l'rsnc-apulstoms of my s 1o..:k. !J !!!!'/ O f SC\"QI1ll o( a lao 1\rllCfcb h e rem cnume1

- o- n tetl, 1 II Ill IJy fut the J~t IIUJ)Orlor m T hilo Promotor &old P erfecwr or At- H a si.Jor Grace. .M) e nuro lltOCJk whach

:'o l r• \\ 11 !.1. \\ , \l1~ \\'I Ll OX. :\lc• t. It \IIIII rrs, \ l r< Ill 11 \:0.: 1), " " Cl l \1.1\FH. :\l r< l o t l:f'l ' II

etm nlion . 1 ~ ' ·' 1 1 1 , d T .lo RefQrmer a nd Vltalize r o! the lS ' c ry a st,'O, vurwu, ILl\( comp ~; e, n.n

1 Blo d . - l•s bean~ ..::on Rtnn t ly rc plcnsRhcJ, 1M pur 1 T~e Producer and Invtlt()rato r of clansrtl fo• C A ::if;{ sn I ho best mas ke t s No ,..,e a nd Muaclo. 1llld I offer It t o my c lse u tsat cot t cMpund

'.llho B uildo: and Supportor o! B r11.1n 1nnlv lo w ra1cs -

Bn...: n~, .!. ~ J nn , \ P , 1 ~~ P otror. Jj;y lt11m . Dc n" mo, Rastnt~ gun Dll\cklcac\

1 N1XO) S lllncld<'ad , U lncksn~,t 1 f".ll<un C'"o n110Untl Syr up 18 ~ompos••1 o' fn llron~e C:vld L onf, llruliJIIfiCK Black ~·· '"'''~ lol.uiiCAt wl•h lhn•• wlllrh ronotlluf r. I Lc--r·s ]<; IMIIC l r.cll r> Rubber II d1l1\ Bluo l M u&tle fln•l S rr\!tt An •l Hr ut ""'"' ,.,..,. wlnlo l ifo llaoll 10 dorc-.;tly J.peu<l•nl \'nnueh I ~• llnr .ti!IL<. llr114a P o hah "I'"' •"" 0 ' I Ill< Ill I c•. thcs Urnalaca, lhu IJruah~a

Baking Ma:le El.sy -lll-

1 l"oodtl{. (,',., II If ill B 1 { 111•1 l 'l•u dr•1 lh •I• nulon wllh It•• bl lOd ond 11.> e!T..ct "\"'" ! Nns: J v f or>th d o I t l• tuu,..de." r~ t'tlfttblt .. lun -.: tho one An I I o n ng Slut\ tng do UroMt H.ch uvurs

l it. ''" r II Ia aiJUblo of .aocttug ttv> lollo•Tin~ n t 01 c I Fl JO HN WILSON, J ,.1111 ,. r e:u RASOJ , n rr ~1111 u uwcr a I II "oil ollopl:u:o or ... ,.h ...utlubcrculoua mal c ... tor u.t por ~·lion do sn hottlea

1t r "'n.l 1hu, ('nrc- t~on~tuu,vraoh Ohnm011!... ktns C hlntiJo nf Lautc Camphor

I n Ul r.• . ... tltj.! X on •'ll" 1\Ud l1 tlf' (' ltbr \ i;:.or 11 C..:onn. l''lMtcr . Cold Crccun "all ,,, !! 0\ •V"j)"'• (.-. b1e a r 11•te r rupl ro l a101it'n , d L 0 I II 1 b 1 l, ( alu u~ . r t an• P ;\IJ)It .. t lnn \\ t-'\k.th !I t~f lul t'l· Uo 1\ur I per J.:!\ t.uu l o. tn ol 1 Cll

/111.11 I\

~1 \ :\ L: I \ <' I l It I Jl

11 ,. 1 .'r ,, '""' w J~.,J. 1 J• .,;['!.f ... ' ' '•'" ' , f •t ''•''''' ''' •U "'' 11 , r~ I l•t .r• 'I • tJ,r 1 I. I' '; J t 1

I ••t ' ' .. u/ tl,f J •, tt- 1 111 1(/(

I.;' ·u "'( I t,, J.,.'Tid. \W'('""tr\ U'\ f r l lX ~ Jf"lt.,:ul·u Urcastn~ c ,n nlJa. Ftno Co mbs Canary :Scod It .Ill .. n. ·u~hlrt16 o\ t'Ui t or t.;hruul• ~tu).:tl"lh•C C··nccntrnted L) O, ,Bott le Cork• 'II llw ... • C"\: f'tu tu t he mn'~ ,_;l:.rnUhJ.: 'tA}:~:•, Crc~un ,.,r f nrtur , 1-:t.OIIl i\J,, Gl) cCrl tlO

I '"'' \ II II ' I\ ' '-

i • ,r. "' \ ... a1.n•• I o:d of \ ,u.._""e ~ ,.a.na! ,:~'" ~ ~ Furut~rc l'ohsh, Gluo, C:umt\r:"Linc. Uono~ \ IIU • I• '"" t:.,.l~···" ~ "• \\ 1""'1'1".: I uu.;h I 'l I f F d IJ t l ."'\ •' U~'~:Jt ,.~ :uul ' "" nH"-l '"an• I rful • •IJaltiCt. t o ( rc BIH ·• u as, • 11 .anl.d cc IJI~ ot t!S

) ,. \' 1 tl \ 11 11HtlllfVI11r

,,,! l~ ~""'"'''!\'~ .. :tnl"' \ ••'tnri'~· l \\ ttl l•l 1t \t -..t tl111r p 1 t iu.,:o~ ~•I 1

1, t.t ~ - -' Ull t pt .. I' 1,." tU I \\ I •

1t I II

Hlu1 r, m,-..I H: -.In au•uuuiog hfe dunns tho pr..,_ Uonnct Ciluu, KI\J e Cnn:,cnhno. Lomun "", ' P •t•h•h•r" Lhno J moc, L 11\11onco, Mnchsnc Osl

I I• ' "''" ,,,..., ovr i iH r.1u li••• he1n n;: ••>n•i ~) ,,.:s inge. ~ ' I'Jl •' ! fu r .Feedtng Unltlca lar , !\nl4 no ,,th~r 1 rt."p ,raiH•h b a •uL.ruutc lor N c ~tsfoot Utl. Hctl andy ell ow Q: b t"Cs

, r l fttun ,J.r ll a, l , , ... I \\11~1 "\

• ,\ I r IJI J 11 ~11 \o t I • I

i\1 \ I 'I 1r1 U, Ill I 1 ..

; 1 I t l~ l ~ t \, II t ~ tt l It 11-" IU "'to)4

t \ Ill ' ' ' tiJ ... 'f ll , :'\ \\ I I ..... ( I \ I \ - I I I h I ,. _ I ,. I t '\C I It• II .: .. •' I I , , t ..

1 I ~~ j \\ i.l.., \ .. \\\1\

' I ' \ ... t I IJ io • I

l J , • .. 11 .,. l"u\\ tl\ r \\1. t II

rt~Y·r~. J l:L LARD :C;:os ~ 1 : . Ill \ l ! I I \• ' I : I. ll L { ,l l ( I \ •

F o:;: One Mon t h 'On ly ' I !II c,l '. 1 I'\

1 .\ ( i I~ It 1>::1 ~ ~ZWING MACHINE~ L '" C..{ 11:\:l H '" l !1 .. ,cllsn ~s-

Bl !tfo~tl ~(~o t n~t !1:n•h1nc~


1 .. ,' .~ ':.~1 ; 1;;r 1';,:u.:r:~.::·~~~~~ A 1,1n ... .t J 1 FF.J. .. Dry i""tnnl.1- ull Ahatl~. Papa Clay 1 tt'\ :-.. .,, ; ,,hu ~ n nn 1h10 ~.,llou u· r~ppt , rutJ U<u.ca :uu.l l'nffs, Pan~ R oot tH \~ .t. rm-rk " hld1 t:t aeen L' hlllJ ing tlJo P•lxu Puuuoo :)tone, H.vltf\ , &I Yrunt."ll:l a .. 1 "' '"• """' Rul .. 1 Oal por gallon , do. 111 bott les

I "' ' I ~ 1 P" llaule •• • t .. r !':~ ~0 ~nllaof Lc 111o n. S;llt(lc tre. !lc1dlu z Pu•~do•• •••11 1 ' • 11 ltru.:~•·•• J u, . 11 r.um :Sheline, Snuff lleana, C:uttto Sunp

'111 1:: l3£ST OF ALL A

LO'W ( WUO I E Ll t F. RAT II)

Rese1ve Endowment ?olicy IN T UI!

Wetropol ifan Life Insurance C'mpany

01'' NE\V \ ' OU IL

Thompso n '& Mnllo lf Ronp Hs own W111ds••r d v Gl} ecnne c\c . C:ndton!lt~ o f l';udn. W :>Slu n~o: Cr} otnl Spmu o! 'fu r peMmo. S pnlll111;::s n tuo .'l!J<lll~ca , 1'nhle Snit, ~lnthcr'a Plutcn Alcock'a l'uruus riRli!Alr . T:trtnrsc Acsd hueuco u{ L omon, T t><•tlt l ' .. wdor & l',...to Cupal Vnrmeh, Ysnogar, Copper:~~ ~hmcnl , Gutlbenr . Alum t::x t rnct of Log,~ood. C: rnunl\ dn Adam's l udllln S:th •c, \1 :~taon a ~cbolndJou 'I rs Allo11' a l:hsr ltoatoo cr. Z) lobalsenmus do A ) era C herry Pcct oul. Ayer'a Snrllllpllr slla do I:In>r Vt:;c.r, R oacttcr a Un1r ltoatoror R14th~ny'a R u!IUh ont, Uratsal, Otl

do Hend v !:chef, t'achou~ Bro " n 'a UroncbslliTrochoa. Flonda \\nlor Hm" u a Chlvrod sne, lluraotl' • Coc,.n•no Cluld r cn 'K T il<'th aug H mg., Es P upporm mt l:lon rya Cal:tncd M a.:t"clla H 11ln""Y'• Omtmcnl, Hollolfay'e Pslla Eur~'<n Clot'"oCJo Wr n~rr 1 I

.II.C !'IlO \Vn•h11 " 1\rnc-1 II'CS Cor P a rk P lace&Ch mchSt, 1\ew Y ork Oocklc'a Pslla, llnnu, do ~ o rtl)[t'a do Pai'SOu'a d o Cen tcn:~ n l Ph\lt111g Machines

flp•f \1 \llHtu• f ) 1 '\' ' tn.l \ .. :\(h I

I """',.,.Ill .. , 1\ I\(, \1 \( :tl'\ l .. '" n t11 1 ctl tu but h_,m i',..J t .. !t,r uuc mvut h 1

ua.h / Itt \:11117fr \ft f U fl/tU'/fiJ ttl? (' IUJtlWy,

M F S~Y'rR . Ase::~

17.! \\ t tf' r ' t. ... r .John:4

Sr.:wt~G :\1 \ Ct ii ~E:, REP \l m o St .Toho • ~ov t.

1\ llRTII EH~ Assurance Company.

I'Olt -FX:Ja.~.i ~ LIFE

FIRE PRE:\Ut,;:ll!:) •..•• Ltn: do. ISfEREST

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H EAD OFFICES Lmmos-1 :lloorgate Stree t A lltltDt:l s--j b:Ulg St reet

I a•ur:mceufl'cccdon Propcrtyio N ow Jo uutlumd "t C urro utl:tAtoa of Psv· r .. tum.

P !'<l8pneruaoa -~'orm• of Applicntioll fvr P aru a n<l L t ld los u r nac:o :md nil othe r ln f.>rmntton ~~~ bn obtnmcd Ill the Ollico o f

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'l'HF. SUBSC Rfnt::lt hu much pl~uure

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J.lA;:s"AOERS FOR CANAD:\. l u os A f t::III'LE, l\lnratlmo Pt o ,· onces

:)t J nhn, ?' 13 F ,\ ~OOIIE, Pro• m ces Ontnrso and

Quut.ec, T o o n to, Out.


A) er'a do ~l orriaon'• do l<.'d " ll) 's do Wtlaon'• d o tiudo John's Vc~:etablo d o J,,ftnaon·~ A nod) 'lO Lumen I Kcatsn~;a Cough Lo:rtunaoa

d o Worm 1'abll'ta Woods!'• Lozolljlll4 ~leleu.n • Y enr.tfugo, Modicum! ntum Swer'a Opoocldoc, 111natang Linsmont­U orohcad'a Maguctso Pluter P oor Mlln'a l 'rscnd, 1'loLh1a Rat Poiaon Ruua~ &he. Spmt Gl:uao Shendan'a Condition l'o wder

H on L. ,\ \VtL)IOT, Fred e ricton, N B R am.nel'a J,1mo J utce and Olycorine JKo, S MACLEAN, P~cstdcn~ Bunk. o l ,\ 111rgo aunrLment of Runmatl'a porfnme

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W. II. THOMPSON, Ooneral A11eol for NOd


Assurance Company .. OF LONDON.


d o Soot.lung Syrup, P.JTeDtio Salm W sn11low• do 0Jtralo ~'1ogretia S moking Tobacco, P i pea . Pcnknivoa Pape r E nvolopea1 Poua, P e ucsl• • Wrstilag An<4 !'tlar~ing lnka

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p •ckaaoa· GROCERIES:

Boat Ground Coii'Cf!, Calanncot, Sago Arrowroo~. 'Pearl Barley Candied Citron Peel, Flarouring E asoncea

do. Lemon d o . do. Oraugo do. B<-tlled Fruita

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WARDIII)J' ••• •• • •• •• ••• 860,000

Tho "OUARDIAN" bein~ra~raklaaa E n;flllb Ln5ursnce Compan'f, otfl'ra All those ad•anUtgca m011\ de•irablo t.o loaureJl, -riL, undoubted atabslity, fAYorable tenna and prompt ... ttlcmen l.ll of clairua ror loa

The undcrt.iJtnod haYintr bceu :lppointed AJent for Newfoundland 11 prepared to la­•ua Polla ea againat lov by Fi~.

P re.orvod Motton , Soup and Bouilh Polt.od T ong ol', PoLted Hamt, P o tted Beof Oor11 Floor, P epper , Spice, Omnamon O.u-ro...-a., S<wld, Oloyoo. Psckloa. !!anees Como Powder, Thyma, Sage , Para!oy )tarJorarut.Maoe, Tablo Vsn~ar, Nutmega Cayenno ropper, Oapera. Mat.chea Ne1aon'a G.tlati.oo and Taln~IAI.Jia Woodtll'a Baking l 'owder,l'toparod B opa Robin'aon'a Pat4nt Jtarloy, Eppe Cocoa

do. do Groat.e

1t h1111 beru dafficnlt to tuemuac 1 1ch p ro· thn~ stsuc•us to bu hcl,l pr t'lllltllltlluu w J•~ I pr.~ent 1\'l t'•c on tiny t hey anvulved. Jt !vu du-cccdm~ft '" aomcumu become necoMar) 111 pole sL• w1s•lom h~ull t'll Jow11 to uR, n-" I .\ftcr Jl•lmc further dclabcrnu on tho com , rcclat3 bl.: to 11 to«n hkc St. J obnll not to commcrc11\l :\IT~ '"' 111 counecllOil w1th such argu~,l . M tho cmh.uluncnt o r tho •• •~•turn nllltcu .,,.~ aud rcport.:d t~o lllll wnh•>ut t.:wu aomu plllce !or outdoor' pubhc re ­mntte ra. For tins rcMOII It baa btt u con- of our :~ncc•t'lrll, 1\11 l th us aL 4!Jlll h op,JO•cll nmenJmc nt cre~tton, especanlly for chaldren so ch11rgo eadercd dea•rnble t o mnlw our law conform to re:..wn •nol exp~nenct! up to t ltu prca~nt On 111011011 the report"'"~ recoll•ed nne! o r nuracr) 111~ 1J3 1~ ho C.\Onol CIIJOY open 111r to the l mpera!ll ll\lf upon tlus auhjcct. ll\ 111ne l 11 ::K:otll\lluuu~u•uuty nf o ,muon 111 1t ..,~, orJ,•rualthnt the lltll bo rend "~harJ <'XCrc1sc sn she p ubhc atrccaa "'tl'out " l11ch the per11011 to whoru a llsll of l.~rl•nt: l tnnl "' Jlln do,• nut , XIII 1 h<ru , 11 tho 1111111 tu· lnorro.v dflu~cr o n nccuunt o f the ti':\Uic ~'•ercou, IS tndor&cd 8hnll be phtc~d In t he l<amo lrll\l o • ut i CIVIl •o:ues n m•JOrU) r ules the Ull IIIOtiOil o f hon R. niOrburn t he nor "oultl c xcrCUIO 111 Lhc &lrcel! be 10 COil• poaatson ""'! subJec t 10 t he &Mnc llllballl) va•hct. t.nt 1t •• 81111 nthaure!<l tu an En;:· I hou~o "~ut 11110 conunlttcc o f abu ,;hole duc" e to health ns 111 :1 ul11ce ofpromcn:ldo u hd who drew up the 11111 ora;rnally. ll u I h111d wuh , xtrn<lr<l•nnr) pbrt an~clly, not l"f>O" thu II• II n ·•pccuu;; lhlld of L:l<iau~:,- 111 ' '""au bur l», 111 the fresh 111r nu<l ~:reen d 1d not 1h111k there woulol be nuy OhJ<cllon w1thstnndan~: "" J.!lnr•n,; contrnol•.raon of the hun \l r \\' .,.r,•n 111 thu ch:ur_ li••lds Jf there trcrc only a fc •v gm, d lcd ~o the llall on the pnrt of comwerco.•l n1cn I oruumr~ly aC()cptcrl~,>nn~IJIIc •dud • op<rntca After con!lld~ml>lo d l'hb,•rntton tho com- 11 nl~s nnd grofl p lot.!! lAII I out tu tho park, I he prr:unlolo or t he I mpen d Sttnut.e I I:! Ill .. u Anl\lo;:ous Clro\IIIISL311Cc.l \\ lu' rc :•grcC• llliUee ro~Q llUU roportctl tho U.t l \'tllhouL It would l>c 1\ :.: rc~L l> lc'!IIID" to cluldrtn ro-1\lld l !J \'1cton:\ Cap :l wh1ch held bc~n 31'nL mcu t of opi11ou n •~ the than:,: eu l,!l•t. i\u nmcndmeuL 'l'llrao;.r 011tt1oor cxcrc•sc ~ \l'cllns to Lhcar huu hy.J.h~ lutrocln•er uf tho 13•11. f ully ex- cHu>ple •• sh0\\ 11 111 t he l.t•{)s~bturc w•df. On 111011011 tho report "'M rccol\·ed, 11111 p:~rc•nld o n coud•dcr.lllo••~ o f he:llth and pllllll'lilhc mel\ IIIII~ nnd Ol.IJCCt ur the Ulc:l the \ cry founllllll 1\1111 r m•ll ·· vf thu 1:~"• · t o Ito rcl tl ~ lhu.t umc to-•uorrow Mfcl} :,;0 1111pre~5~ I \\:1-, ho With t he UC·

sure. it runs t hus :uHI rl" rc au en nrc ni)L t ' , n l>on .HI b~ thu J lo n ~I r w \III!£S 111ovcd the hou'e 11110 cc~my of 111k•n;.: 110mc pr.-.~llcnl e1cp3 in t he \\ hcreas b 1• tho custom of rncrchftntft n anlcnntty o f on oath )C~ n i11rc lll:\Jur>l y coman>tt•;o of tho " buill upon tho ~almon 111:~tta, thn£ t.o hr>d earl) 111 the &essaoa

13all of l .nrl1n;: uf ,::o<>Qs l>esn;: t rnnsfernblo uf u11u'" hcl•l 8<> 1 1l c~tnt to cnrry t he ""'"~ tlihur} \c~ u•ncndmc11 ~ 11•11,-hoo .\lr l>rouJ.!ht 1L b) noll~c uf •notaou befor.: t utR b~ rnrlorth'IIICIII. the proper I) ru t he :,:ooda unpulr~nt nh•t~.c<lll ci J lieu, ~o to ll•o J•••hchl \ , r.• 111 t ltt! clu\lr hou&c IIU<I the lo O\ crnmcnt. tulll Aul>scq•acnt-101\)' thc rub) p:tll! lo the t ndol"lce. butncrur· lrcn• h nntlll •• fonn•l thst ' ' •nnJUrll) nf tilt' · ,\f tl' r 801110 uno~ Spt'ntin •I hbcrMaon the ty Accm;: ra,or" l.llu reru~rks oi the I'Nullcr the leas ~II "f:hls 111 respect of t he co11lrncl Jll• l::c8 c.•rrv :> thc•s•o n n;:nu• .n nil onlu ~r~ I co 1111111 tc,. ro<e 31111 ruporlcd the 11•11 " P''" 11. hu hnoi a n<lu lg~d t l•c Clllt'<' tntao n COIIU\ID<<iln t he litH of uulul~ cor.tmue 10 1111\tlfnl o r art.arnllo n, the "'"J •nly dechlc~ On 111011011 thu r~l><•tt ":L' rc.:ciiCII, nnd l tltlll &OIIICthiiiJ: woulol be tlone, and, \\1\S

t he ort.,:•nal Ah'l'per o r ow ner, IUod ll IS< I· tl1e ISsue. nud 111 fnct I'VCr) ·• ht!re 111 t he It ""' oro!"'' 1 t :1~~t tbu Uall l>e r,;,:1J a t lla n l sOrr) he "IIi •h6!lf'l"""tc I, Jn<l..:an;: hy t no prtlaeu t t l•nl anch l'l):h t• ehould pMI >roLh ' "t!c!l I':\111:C of c•renm8t.ru•c" re<f'UIIn.,: I 110w to -mor ro" <lh<cncc of n , ollc for 11 tn t ho :-in{lpl) U1ll t hl' property. and " b~reM st frequnntl) concurr~ucc of opuuuu. ahnt l!lllto pr•nciJ>Iu In reply to ho n Dr \\'ma,.r, It on C olon- j 1 lo:1 H 1, a s a l•c rh •etly llf!recd wuh l ho lmppen8 t hM ~he ~oodo au rdpcct of " hach l wh•ch pro na "· S'Yc uuol , xecp • 111 tlu~ 011~ 1~ 1 ~cerci :\!') 811111 110 6 t1ouhl I•) upon 1 t1 ~ hon ~lntl~'"'" II ' t hou;:ht t he rotcu ­Ball4 u r ladan:. purporL to be &l,:n" .J have c.1st nf tnnl L) .lur.t \\ luoh sl.,nJ5 o •L 111 t 'lblo nf t hu huu3 r. pbns cstllnn' c:t, :>n•l ,,011, .,r t he l •<l \'erruncut '" rc """' ' but noL been ln rl~n on bo~nl , Rnd It •• pro1>cr r d1ef n..:niiiSt tho otht• I'I•IID nmV\'r " II) I uaher ln forlll liiOil cou~crll lllJ:: th~ J•rtopo,uJ \\0 11d bt• h~tt~r af tl"') " ere c:trrluJ O.Jt th:\t ancl1 b11ls of lndmJ: an t ho ha nds o f rt'co,: n•zc•l rulu or III•Jorll.l So ~truu~ ~~ l<.'lth'"' " e nN told th H a c,•rt un pbco 11 l'" " d lxmu fi•lr loolrlc111 for ' ")no t ltout.i not bo the p•c•t•~c of n11t•quat1 ntt.~chctl, n111l "' ' lion' ~l r \\' \f:r.r.s ~,•:n 0 nohro t•J •~k tho '"tit J.!OOcl lll tcnlloll~ It u lu.;hly d as­quclt•ooetl by the mnster or ot.loer pt•rAAn .:rc:IL the pri'JU•It~c ull thnt ncrouut 111 IlK hon ~ulomsl ==>corct.tr' 10 C.\la•c 11 .C:tlt: · crcolitnl>l" to t J ohu s lo ~ce t lul coud1toon 611:'1111!! the Mlllu o n the $:1'0und o f tbcsoodl fa • or thl\t "I' 10 tlu• t une pro..:r•••s B~nu>•L 111,.11 t t , t.a l<tid on t he ublu uf tlu• 1.,11,, •• t he ao c:~lle.l p:~rl. t xlu hll• nn•l ho hnpcd not hn~w;: bet-u laclt•n 118 :~for~Mifl l ~tl1ns IJcen ~how \\'c l:uow ho" chtH~ •h s'ao ' "'" t uu n umber oi nil npphc:~llun• ;•>•ncthwg lVIII IJo done Jurtn;r the tMumg

Iln bc(:!!C•I to mu vc thnt t ho llt ll he now 11 u to do molls II ol•l ••uslouu, uo 111 •: tN 1 .~.1 . ( :r jlmnti :~ 11 t! llc.:n•e• of <•cell I'"""" ' ""'" ' uer to r~mc ly 1t. As Llac hon ~eut le-« ad a ICCOIIcl tune """ :uatn,.:OIIIAIIC to ~n•oll , nnd ln .. r. furm f<>r I au l r .. r A~r .. ·ult nnl pnrpo~c• or lifa. • 111~11 h•~ t ril l\ r CIII\I'l.Ctl. there IS n o lli3CO

I he motion •n8 put 11nd canaed and the hl\s 111 mIll) mqL1ne"8 hl·c n a more lcd•mu nrr~• n11,1 "P" nrd~ w tiRto. " 1111 d 11e~ .;r I"' tlnoton n ,; 111~ rc cl11ldrcn can l.le r;u ~~~ nr1 B1ll W:IJI r.::td a sccoud tunc; to bccomu:nttcd ;>roccB 1h11n the rcformnLaun o! olrl "o•u nppll• ~ 1 1011 , uamcs of nppll t'a nt•, and tho 11m u..: "11h 11.'\fd) . our clu~f ~tr.:et.s t.t•lllg 10 t o-morrow. • • out 81\CII\l "''":;•-s. II took IIIBII) ' ) C:RN 111· 1 ~•tuatmn of luul oo "l'l 'l ""l f >r nut! whnt I rro<\t lc•l wllh l rnfi1. lh:lt IL sa d~uc:erous

Secon•l rcArl ln~ o f Ll•ll to amend t he Act 1o hu•I: n ,cn tK n( coniiiiiU?n• h~talc• "1"!11 hls IJ<cn " l'nnt.,.l 0 11 dnch npj)llcnU>n&. ~ . , II ior n1lultd nt 11 111~3 to p:>~ lltrnu::b. 38 \'•ctorin.U t'11p 1 I t he )'J r l uf t he h~ndua,.: lc::nlauuHl• u! 1 ,,. • 111 ~,va:.' Fl 011 Til l ' ''En)IL\. t • .·u·, n1ul he t rustNI h•• ol>,cn :ltlous '"ll

l ion Mr \Y \I.t•Es-Thss mrMure h:1-l lnuo l, to Lrc11l: clo"n ahc nno11nun•s con.h- I' ') ( 1 1 1 l•n•·u ""'f::>t 111 t ho qu~r:cr hn1·m~ t be

rclllllOil IO :\ll .\ et nrOD ll10 ISII\ t lllc floo\t 11011 of the l1w of <tiOlvnt" flduru II~ 1 Ppti i!\IIOild ro>lll IIC O \f'f ,\O~~e l poner to j;l\ 0 t'fT.:CL IO fai.s llll::ge&llOIIS fo r tho r~~oiM10n o f a he Silmon hohery. 111 nl:crnttc.11 to •t•pr<.'8• Ht •llftp t ,0 b•r per·

1 ~;tn ~ht up fvr cone ~rrcuec of tho Co~n · IL> 1 L •>l tlSI 11.. t.CI t:TAI:Y wu unnble to

wh ich 10 one or two poanH It UlllllCntlcd I ll •••lent)) hl'lol tlmt th~ prmc•!'~l I'"'Y 111" ..... '" I IIII \ n ·ll •• I I '~!1) "")' thcr~ h no 1\IIC fo r tho purpoN Ul m~kc SOllie nlterl\11011 h hns lleon fonnd SUit '111\.lll~ll"'·lcof ;.: l\lll)( <\ hhnu!aiiJ he ("A r ~'' I l B 1:.() nnl<ll I ~ IC 1 ' 1"· IIIII, "" kucn thcmMt r"a!da•~utlierl b) 1113111 \>ersonsen::ll;:ed in the prosec•llllln \\AS 1101 pcrnnl 'rrl tfl ICohfl Ill t 'tc 811 11 . he ' ro•~n ·:'" ,\~t. !llh ~ I to pr<l\ l' 0 u'r l\11 I rl\·ornltl) re..:~r.l~d 30d ·~ m:ty be yet Of tillS fiB lei'~ , lhnL t ho pi'OYI8ion COIIII\11\etl \\M tf .:J.urc•l~tcflllh.J l l"ll lll e~urt ~~ t bu ~ppniiiiO<IIt of I( Oltiiii i"IIIIICnl of the t lt'ltwhn: l~MU,::~,·~tuoJ n"y 00RCC0111phabcd 111 tho fo ursh e•'Cilo n of I he cxa•un;: Act. l(l •t•thcr. ftO fi"or,ous'"M tb, p r1 'IOllllf'IIOII • :-.upr~"'c

1\ ~'1

11 "1 111 ut •~r coutll n <s I o •t o! tho S: .John's cn,t nne I 11 en apec1nl bcl\1'8 hurlly upon t he llltcrcsll or the !\;., ... , Ius I , • .;Cih l ite 1-!''" \ I r~formcr I I; .. , ,. I • wo:rc Lot\lll -~vemll) re~·l 1\ ' I lOtS :Somo:lll ll!( 111~) pcr h:'lp! be heel 111\l mon C:\toher, IIIJJnlllch ft& tho r1:.1t n c11ou l~nl 1\rou;:hnm .~liS t he chu r 1\~ell~ 111 lir~t 1 me • 10 bo re~d n second 11"1~ 10' f ro n thoac eonrccs nnlcM tlwy lun·c: nlrr lldy o f t ho mc~h to s•x anchra 11llo"s 1111\IIY •h ·molullltt.z thnt lmr1Jnro11s Sill II' of t he l:t>< mvrr " ' bl'cn expcnch• I sn ntll 3nco for other n jleda. alu~bla annr ket:.IJio fiab to e~l·t, tluas i le wath oL'•erA cont~u· l ··d th~t 1111111) cl•~s I he house then nUJ o>urood until to · mor- IL '' \'I"~'''~. I to bJ n hsr cb1n\ upon local dcprsYiflj: h un of R l~rj!C 1\lliOUllt Of benefit, \fOUfLI nnso \\ hCrCIII t he Jlrl llt lp:tls \\ ere rOlf ' f ,ln< 1 t l,e consurnera o f 11 co11'1tlerabltl q unn tur of the only ftMiac~ 11 ho IIOSAtl<!ed n corr• ct -;--- h I lt ,tJl I' G 1 r..~ ltr.-Tho W cter Com· !ood. and d oc Colony or ao much w~l\ltb ku" " led1:c of we r~c:~, nntl thcv a~ccce•leol , 1111 r .. m '"· A pnl .~1 .~ j P.'n~ • fu1ul! f baft Uallprov1dca tllnt t lte 11ze of t he mu b an htl\'10' ' the lnw so mod•li.:.l 1111\t tl•e J he hou<D metnL hn}~·l!:.;'t four 0 c lo.~ li on tor o~·u.L r.cnt:T.\1.'1'-Tt.cri! 11re of 113lmon nets Ahnll be reduced II re{,'l\rtl to Q\' ldoncc nor pnllcljl:ll ~ "1\S•IIII\Oic ll<IDII:SSilolc On IIIUihJill or h;n b 1.,1alt.o:\ purolt:lut l l oo UI~IIJ ucrn~ncb upon th~~ rduguun the d eep aea ~lmon li11hery, b ut thl\l st \\ llh tbe 1\MllmcJ ~u~l"' 1o~ of tb e~r lu:u to th~ "on cr 0 1 D 'ay • 1 •c 11111 to pet•clltorum nlre:\' ly. Jlo dad not kno w aha II rem:u n ntsix IIIChe&u rd:.'llrds~nlmou- wluch \\'M to lie dnt) tahn an to nccou••t. ••me lid tho :~"

1 r~ll\lmlf dto 1 "~t' b) J ur.l", <Yh~t chttr,.r~s arc •1p0n t.ho fpecsal grnnta,

fi elung 111 b rooke and rar~r~. IIJ repelllm:;: It \\ M tnrdd) nduu u cd upon 1ul\lure con· I "'~o nwl" tmr 11110., \~11 F~~' 1 1

~ but 11ol.nattrd, •f. s ~ cnn be neeomplwhtd, tbc fou rt h ~~ecuon or t ho pr~aeut I""• anrl •tderntlon Riter 0 Jon,: s trnt;J:lll t hl\t 11 " u 11 m~t;on ° H101l

1' b cS;oc~, 111t1 ;~ 11

•· wh~t hon. ~l r W arrcn r ecommends would 111nendmg · ~ by tlua I11ll, ~~ woll be lef.l: 1ncoussst~nt "ith J:nOo l JU•h;mcut tlo:lt the• aencc 0 1011 •o r urn 1 0 1 r e- be ve ry <le~al'llblc optional with pcraons protecntang the d eep ~houlu be c~cludc11, ant! t hu lnw ""-" apc~w•.: 1111 '- of llldlll:;, \\1\S re.td a t ltard I lion ~lr W \ 111:1 :-;-Tho Gofernment seaaalmoo fishery t.o 1111'1 M) aszo m•·•h tl•f'y auleOtlt'd so tl•"t 1hclr evtclcu~o mlj:ht like tunc nuJ pas<ed

1 hlll t! tho poi'Cr to do it111 the~r o"u hands.

requare, My from rour.and·4-Lnlf to five nil o ther c • 1d e11ce, l.lo t.kcn, waah' the ·~ •nctL'Inl(u WMthtn tnken to ,1 oe .\ luemltlJ :-<o port•on o! those :;rnnts can he expenrled tucbu, b<lt Ill order to pro tcet.almoo an tho ordt-~1 o! cro,..~ cx~uuoahnn before 1\ Jnr) to tll!orm tbnL body of t.hc ouncal 5 cou- ~ oxc.:pt t hrough t he Bonrd of Work$ walh tpawoi n~t nYera the eXIJ tiDlr aox m ch snuh 1 hns \\M onu p:~lp~blo fallncy o( t ho lnw c:urrcnce ; n . th~ fon:t:0111li' Ullb. t ho anncu on of the E 1ecutave, t hereforo is retained lie unde,.tOOd there Wt\ll aomo a<>opta""'Y• but there stall rcllll\lltS :mo ther li on. 1 · J t:SSII: I: !:"' " 110111' 0 • thllt ho they nrc mule I'll of the l!ltnat•uo. objeclaon 11t II !'lit to nltc rmg t he preunt Act. 111 the ,l o r) syBtem "1,,..h oh~tl~l\tdy holds shou~u 011 t .... norrth\', 100! 0 tho adopt a on of I lio n Cot.osr,,a.. S EC11l'1'.1JI\ - Ti.at may !raring st ma~ht iu jnnonsly &tfcct t he r1ver sle ground an l:ngl~nd despite , ,,0 fnc~ tl11\t the l. cport o f t h~ .romt tomnult~e of both 1 be ao but 1f those grouts :\l''l nppropriatad fiahery, t he other 1Jr1111Ch conaeuted to tho tho sn1>ersori1y of the J ury S)~tf'lll of houses of t ho lcilalnturc, 011 tbo aubJ~Ct of lu a dunce, t hey tiro no~ a vnalab'c alteration• now propoaed, atsll conhonmg & otlaud 1s d t'no.mstrnted nod admuted h) tllo

0propased rnar "'~Y· C

1 1 S Tho commtttee then r ose and r eport4d

the pro~ction gneu to the river fishery by aomo of the most cm11acnt l a~Yyers 1n En~- 11 tUOtlon ° on ° 00111 ecretr.ry. the 11111 • t ho la w now in force He wu well awaro land Tho prmc•p le•propolled 10 thaa B111 the supply 1l•ll wns read 11 aocond 1110 '• 10 On motion. the rcpor~ wu received, and t liat atrong optUinns were eotertalued, 11nd b:u been sn oper<~ tiou a:nnuy yeara sn t he be co mmttted to-mo rrow. • 1t wu ordered t ba L the BtU be read a t bsrd r~mon1traracea ml\dc ag>ssnet the aalmon .,8ter colomu tbsa 'being t l•e only o no in :X.cond readm::;0f 13Jll to prov•do for t he 1.1111~ to-morro•" -llahery Ac t o f 1875, t hat bc•ng tho vreaen~ whach t he old• "yaWm ss atlhercrl 10. lio n np~~lt of t..;ollnlll81100"rs of t ho Su- On motion o f bon 'f. Tnlbot tbe houao law, tile llltc of tbe mutt cst~bhshcd by 11 seutl~mcn must ha ve ob5erverl for they pnHnD t.,;!(.rL sn plaecs abro~d then " ent toto commlltee o f the whole upon h•ug rtgardt:<l na loo largu fo r the a horl\ or are nil Jury m~u tbtnaaclves alll\t'un•mniiiY I llun ! 1 ~Luo~t"~ 01';t"::' 1~0 sefond tho ll1llto p rovtde for t ho llpposnllneu~ of l ea llllwon fishery of L" IJrndor M~ny Ill re nderlll" V\'l'lhCI~ thoonl; \'ory UI!SII'IIblc rc~tlmt; 0 11111 ~·· Tli' y rc xp Rille< lkl COIIIIOIYIOnen or t ho Supreme Cour~ 10

pellllona hi\VC ~CD preaonced prAyang fo r II c l tell U;l\llnlll:\bl~ rl.o CXIlt•rl('nce or pltJcCI I t ,, esa::ne• to <lCtht'ltU p ro- piACI.'I :lbrond ,- hon R. 'l'horbuno sn tho alteration, aoano thlll ye~ r wluch ha~o led to most of ua 11"1 )111'0<11 tlemuru trnl<'.!l thnt I cc lure an the c<~nrts UJ 1:1\'IUI: po•ver IO chaar the am~o..Jmenta now propoaed lie k oew uoon no occ..,.1011 when n , ursnou m mc t ho t.:ha•f .J ust•~c for tho tauac hl!au.:. or ' "" Afte r a Ahorl lamr •rent in drhb~rahou, lhlltau the aprm!S aeaaon when a:slruon first bt·forc n Jllry !o r dec1310n wl1ich ntllmttc •1


~.cnoor ,\8\l•tllut J ~ttl,.ro 01 th o !'>upreme the coounnttce r os,•aud ~JlOtle<! the llall t:n&ke ~heir apvenmnoo on our ahorea those or :> dafTurence of op1111on d1d tit I) t ..-ch 0 Gourr, to :tt•po•nt t.,;.) 1111111 aoncrs abro~d to Ou mot.•o•\. t he report \\M rceesved . :tnd aught aro chleOy or a m"<lemtc 11u. but mtude n~:roe w1thout compromtso; 111 fn.:t t:~ke nfllol:w a ~J, r~tlu al nastcr o:~ths, nnJ C••rl\· ordl'r '"" wndu tL:'It •~ bo read a thsrd tam., when tho caplm acbool aeta an the fish t.'ken st '~"-' ompoM1hlo where scopo fur Yl\n,•tv~fy p:tpeu nnJ llocumNJts t lll•t 111"Y lle ne- tv -01orro"' 1 bJ'O mnel1 amaller, bot nouo t he lw uaef11l o r lfcotunen t was offered t hat 1111y Lwcl v~ CtiS!.,ry •n t.ho l rs~l of c&o•, 1\IHI With ro- lion 1'. G T r.sstrn mored tho ndopllon a ud OllJOyablo u au article o f food nnd oro men aboold t.e fouud unnnunoua upon ~ny· apect

110 Ol~l' r le~:AI"Jlrocc~ur? 111 11' ~' colo- o f tho report of the .lomt aelcs:~ l:omws tleo

a good marke table commodoty nt t hM ti111e aubJeOt " h11tAoever. Vel'fhct.s gw uu u nder 11'1 ~ WI 1 !:'"0 10 sue 1 t.,;omnu~•onera of l>oth branch a of t he I.cf:a&l8ture upon 'J hi& Llil l wsll buo tho eiT~-ot or 111e~~uing the p<Tsent ays~m 11rc m f8 ct thuu"h ~ot wen~ 11m'm1"' to those K~•tcd 1~ Go~111118d 1 the eu bJcCL of tho propoacd R"h'llY· II11 th11t .,,pply, and fully conc11mn~ 111 ita sn nnmo cM1aec1

1 by' majon~ae3. 0

'J'hcv oaonrrs of 11 s.l ~v•t.!l 111 e wfou o l:tht · "" I would "ant>ly remark tlut, t bo Joint · Go·u ­p ro vsllona, he btpged to moYo that i t be nlmO!t in'varubly rule tho re3u lt and it '1 t he1r "'':ncuurc 01111 'CPrLahc:-nto Will be veri· m1tteo bad .:i~en t heir 1uos~ &erious coo ­now relld a1ecoud lllllt. • IOiliCtllllt'l lta;>J.>CI18 t lutt lhll llllll~rtf) o ( 1\ tlc,tann Of l h~ IAIIJaty of s uch dnoumcnls 1 611l~rntion t o t illS l.lj:h ly iluportll)l t Dlll\l~r.

' [ he motion was pn~ Aod CArried , and the 1ury aucccod 111 1nfluenc11w t ho l~r •cr nml clral~rnt•ona 1111' 1 IV> II he hull! M proof nn,l hnd Mrived nt t ho un:snuuou•c"uclueion B•ll wu then rud a second t.iane, to be com- uumb~r to 111loru t busr vie w" o£ tho c.t""s~ t l:•·rt'of 111 rc'p~cl to the tnlltl~~ snvo lvNI 1 t '•~t, th0111:h a "<'ery lArge uutlay would bo witted to.morrow. '111ercfore ho rcll:lrded • t hsa 1.1111 as ouly :J lwv "ill not b~l1'tlvcr h11' 0 1110 po"cr of snvohed au t ile constructaon or tho " orlc, 1t

Uon . R. K I:IIT prt aentt'tl a pehtion o n Ctllculnted to u1~k \l tllo law conform to t '1o ss;uan;: prnc(~l l ila ~lltraa now prnpoaed woulrl bo (1'1\nt:ht ll'llh snamenso benefits to tho subject o r pension• from certam Ill· racu thnL v.ro know41 to obt:tin iu trull by " 111 obr•:~to t ho ronnUilbout 1\ntl tedaoua the I ohm~ of the colony. Aa a DOl will bAbii&Jlt.t or Old llonoYeuture, 1 rsnlly j ury UIHier the ctistinflay~tem. lie con - proce<~llrc ont ":ft~ ·~nc~l~ ' r •th reJp<;e t

110 be t.rou~:ht btfore shlB'coouwl hM·sn~ for

Bay. 1idered s~ was mostaLroa oo ly recommended the 111 lll:f 0 n l ' :n•t.J, n rmAI Itl~ 1 ~~ n.· sts objec~ to t::~rry ont tbo recommtn•anhou

10 teoderlnll bi.'l t haoka to t.ho public bf ~t. J oho'a, and t be Outpom ~eoerAIIJ, fo r tho hberol patrona~ he hu recea~ed d u ring the paa~ fi'fo yean ho bu been in b usio•:u. Al110, woul..J Cllll atten tion to tht new Vllntly o r

JAMES 8. WINTER, St. J ohn '• ·

JOSEPH QtJDDEN, Sub-.Ageot Hr. Grace.

Nono'• l!'ood for Ia.fanta, Ball Bluo Mudam in paola~ and bottlea Pook, Fr- & yo'a oolobra141d BiacyU•

In 21b tin•.

' NOTJCB Of' MOTION. by tbo rtsulus of experi;ni:o nod lie relt Nlfnn~ &c., 111 pi~ ont( tdu of 1 u Colo- o ( t he .Jotnt (;.,IHnllll~e, by nuthoHaln~ t ho B on. l\Jr. WAilltllS-'I'o uk the lion ~lad t hnt !\t 11\!L the pr,•jt cL il


s ul>malted to OJ . l~!t ldo 1\I"O 0~0"":"'! Ill .mrtte.. ern - nll81n;: or n loon (or thl} conatruetion of abe Colo nial &cre~&ry to 1111 on t he T ab le of the lcgialntoro wuh tho thu 11ro, 11ec~ Qr ncctcal ,,,th t he tiiLua!" 11L"'tj\l" of slto "" prOJi'CI;>•I R.'lilll'llV, aod containmg otber thia Houac lho plans, e•tsoJatc&, 141d lttn~:th paas111g Into liiw ao gr;:a~ and d calr11ule 1\ here: tl.l>~ Lh \'r eforo, "'11! 11111 ouble

1<lly p~o- pro1 aitou1 fur st• ·aoaMJ:lCrutn~ 11qlt rtf Uia­

&c., o f l ho prop-otcd Hailway upon w~t~h reforo• , mote nno l~tCiht!\tO •hu snter.-~ts 0 8 1J.l lo n taon; 1!-.o trua1ed bon. gentlem~n will rtfrAill tllo J o in' Ctmu llittee havo ~ cer1.111o The fi!'IL secl•on and enbseqnent onea amtl chcnl~ who 111~Y be COII~emed therc:ln. Trom d••cu..aaou UJ>On tllo q ucstloo until t hat HMOiutsooe r ulatiYo ~herulo • bleb wsll no were tbtn aersatim 11olopted eneh being .. ~~.. lie be!t~rl1 to ruove tha~ t ho Hsll be rc:ld ru~:\aure ttoauea on . llu ruovcd tbnt t ht)

' Gravestones, etc., which he hu no'll' on band, and ean be fnr­n iahed At l hOrtt tiiiOlice. P OI'SOIU Wl\nt.!Jig llO:>ofUlLES'L'ij, GRAVF'.STONES, ote.,

- for their decu~C~d frieqda, would do wcU call beforo purebuinA' e l1ewhere.

• rOll~ SKIN,~Jo.;f(, · T erra ~ova Mvblo Worlu, D~ 15aeet, St. lohti'a ,Nnd.

(Oppoeite f>! tbt Sea llalL) .Jun11.

F eb . 'T.

St. Jobn~a

Marhlo· Warka. - I

T fiE SU.BSCRlBU rlllp8lltfally thab hit rrieocll aod tbepatillo,.•erallylor

t.ho liberal patrollaC8 beetoW'ecl npoD blaa tho IIWI7fUN pu&; ud ~ to loforW from "'" ho hi. DOW' oa IIUIIf "• farael• ~t~~ek of t•rALlAM ltiAB8LB""' mpon. ed Into &lila ki&Dd, f1011Wid6 1M Ia ,...


Pffeortod Salmon, Sardines do. • Loball!t', Pent!an $herbot.

A largo•toek o f Kerot<no Osland ObimnJee oCc., etc. , elft7• Ob hand . • • W. R. THOMPSON. doubt bo aubmitwttfor tho adop lloo o£ tblt plaloed u t hey were eonsltl~rcu br the boo "~.j0"j~ 1

11 ':!~ 11 ~ retvl a tecond timo to report be 1uJopted d ·-~•

Chamber. JUOY~r. •o 1 "' • fhc queauon WN put , llD am .... af. 'fhe boato \hen lldjourud. unUlto·mor- lloo . Mr. A rns remarko;l "lth rercrenco · be, comms~ted W>mQrrow firmatJNIJ upoo a daVLolloo.

roW'. to t !•o ~ectton t~t inereues the rcmunem- Mcss'c~: rnou Tnt: A&<illlllli.T. 1\Jr.>S.\Ot FIU))t m 11 .;\SSUJII.Y • • , • tioo t.o pen7 j tfry men lr0111 '"•o aud ttx· A dCIIl lllllt ton frof" ~he ,\uerublybroo~h~ Lo

V!tQ:Il!SDAT'. Apn1. 7. peuce to forty CCDI.II. llbftt 110 llljoahco op for COIIOllrrcnclo! t llo Coulleil,.ll Uill n cpntat!On$ from the ~cr houso 'l'be booM me~ a~ 1\alf.IJUI four o'clock. seemed to IJo ~ •peclal j urota whoeo 1.9 pro.sd~ fur tho onatn1ctlon 11n1 nfni• lll'Onllh~.up for concurrcucc ot. t.be Co uncil: .Uoia. C9LOIIUL i)!;qn'J'Ail1', h1 · dlrentiou reo it no~ In~ Moa~ pen ouJ huin~: of ron•ls. atre~b!. no brldg~il, in thi.:a Colonr 11 11!11 to authomu the .ral.lut:t • tnlll or

of bu Excello.IHlJ l.ho JJoYeruor, laid o n t he c:uea in court prefer to }•nit them tried IJy aut! it• dcpondenciet: U"ln'J for t.bo cooatruc&aon pf a RAlhrar ta~e of'11te boUM. Oeolo([ical :iu"eJ Ito- 1 peciAI juriea,.aod thu~ a larjter abaro of Oo 1110 tion of b pu OolonlaJ Secretary a111l for l•f!ll'OIK'tl rouo"'t~ tbe,.wltb.

oa {;I'IJWII Laada, Report 00 worlc..talla UpOO them, 111)1\ Will ptohllblr do thill Ulll 'lii'U tllen re•ll • 6n~ t ime, to be .u .. A llltl rolatiujf tcr AlftMment• Dll~tr ptot.o&lOII, and lteport 110 to a !rfta tu extent. DDd• r till• 11\w, the read a eoeood &lu~e t o -oJorrow . Wa~r C OLIII!I\111• 111110 1 !Jill fo, pro .. tllo

AA1la~llletriel~ Ttll..,.pb Colllpaoy. Dtlmber of i.be pe&tJ' jnry panel bulng ro- ~fb6 llo'* l hliD ldjouroed nutll to-mor- &jlalhll (ra\ldolcn' a,arklnJ of ~CI·of "~'-'1'.AJ~M~rr1110YedU..bouelatoCom· daeed by I~ lle t.boUJiat t herefore an on- row. goodl oad suerol,.ndue. •

DUI to amaod fair d btorlmmat loo n1 111acl. In ralat~~,~t t be --"-- • On • boll. r. U. Ttlft~er, lite in &lie obelr. ~a11matl011 of 011e ala» ot jorora Md no~ t'niD~T, April 0. Jtall WMI841 a 8~\ t l..e; to

&1111 tnt &lie oUt,.-, olle 11 1~ n~ly on• The llOVel mel!.- balf-P»i fonr o'oloolr. !111 • · JI"'poNd ..- ee~ac. wbUe &lie other ree~aloa in.,ca.. r.: Qo 11'10&{611 ol bon. Colonial ~--u~ &!If Oll o!Splll{lll'il lfn11. f 'f'AtRqt'-. t"n• of!~~~ of th e ill• Qo!\d l)ill WU !'fa d A rJ1!Clllld fllft, to bo

dJ, ,S..,L OfMte '' w tll .. ltl a~rtto ~•t~o&lllt 11011:· .n.!tt~tlto•llhllrd,., "'

Page 2: ecollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2016-09-23 · I"J 111co'n•u'Ntt 1 thrm• IIIDru lnbonr 011 a•.cc;;.l J try 11,~;, 1~ I"' aome IJettcr cuodltlon

On mohon nr loon Cul OIIIIII Secret~ ~11CI ll1JI to vrnellt fnlUJ)olonl. IDalunq of Jncn:I11\11Jue .... u read a 'lltll\ tlmo tu b., read a aecon•l UOJil ro morrow

Lbe bQ.II.o then adJ<turueJ uohl )loo~l ZIUI:

m;ge ~htnharh un CI I110 \-I~~~-.. n tr.P7 1<:t;l I

i\tn. J t.:II'TIC& Pts~~'IT bu!l l~een ~h r T(\C.Ipu~n~ of 11nothor aJJro61 Our clll ceua on Jdtcnlny forenoon teatllicd tluJJr


Tudgea ( \ our J.ordsl11p amoog~t tbe num tlur) UO" OCCUJ>YIUjC 11Cl11.8 upon tho lJeiiCD or tbg :supremo Courtcaucbiw tb11couutrytow tbe1r Mhvo IMU.

In conclUIJOU allow ut \0 wtSb Your f.onblllp ll\1\DV happy JC\1"8 or bODOI'IIblo labor and an Oll1 a,ru Q/ well f9Crlled ropolO

Wo hl\• o tho honor ro bo ). our Lon:lab~l 1 mos~obed(eut S4lrHinl.8,

Joux UtliiSTiirt SbonfT

l tOr);e I ru vn lluct r C 1rt11

J l I 3~un• \ I ~ 10 I r P 1raom

11 !'lte w:trt l'.:.rl

d~~re to OIO'ft' &o 7011 oar atntlmonm of utpilO\ .ud approclahoo for tho 1\lallnt r Ill wbldlfOD baYO IUtt.lloe\l your OWted> and rapoottble poamon an tb11 commool~y

\\ o hue lwl to observe with admnauoo tho deep 1ot.1reat wbloh you bno enr I!YIDced an alllliAUe,. atJecuog tho educa tion of )Out-11, tho 1odoetnal advaoeeruent of tho peupl~• and tho woral pregreu of tbo COLDI\l(JUI\y, and wo bnu not.ed wath t:rellt uuafactloo tbe weMoro of eoecttl wl lo'• h..s nil ended your earue.~l aod ardu ous ~ fTorld in thCAo groal c.' usee.

I rreaf\Cetlvu of reh,•o 11 donomtollllOo \\ 0 UUIIU I ll bearm,:r l e.illnl Ill)' to thu po tetft"'iutlarnc:o •htch you havo pot.ae&3.:J 0\ Uf tbOJ d CO UHIIIIJeJ I O yo If JlMIOr&l cl11u,.e 11oJ to tho umform . xcr~tse of t hs . 11 lltct elf 111 r<~prc.sslog whatever wl::; 11 te nd ' " tna protlucuou of dlsconl ~nd 1 1 m:u 1

Ullnm,. tho IIIMt hamJomon~ r.lfttJUu• bu ~ •~cu all cl""-'Cll of Clll,enil 1u tlua coru1uu Ut i)

ICd Btlons ao k nlll) a~ lhoao '~l1ch h~vo C!~IJted be l ~\!UU Ui C lUll ill b'J 8Cl Crc J U Jib lllll IUIIllltll IOf i'O\\

\ •..1 M wo truu tb~t we mil) ucar 11 ab~ro 111 ) our LorJdnt'" Jl<'"-! ~~~ ~ lllCIIOri<S t o

l WU o;."\ 11 II UN) ) 1111 Uf 1\ a!J:trO Ill U 1r be•t ",. 1c4 noJ of our •~nc,ru dcs1re lh~l you r

I cuuo~ciJun w1tli \ unr ne v oh:a.r .ll l l:l) be

In I u u.r "'' l r) \o .til pMIJca .., hn~e bcl"n ' our rulatw au to tho cotuuaUIHty of ll~iuor VI':ICC

Ab addroaa wa. tb~,( ~ and nbmltled I our beatt.. e buo 1~ a B11hop abd a by tho ChJUrmao wh1ch ""'' approvetl of frie nd , llld aa long M recolloetlon • power aod adopted by the rueetmg and tho fo l- la.t., wo .,II remowber you aod all thac. you lowtng Ullmed Wl'\tloweu weN apjlOioled M have dono for UL fonmog a depu~t10n to '11'&1~ on Hit Lord \\ tth frofouud re..,ect. we rcmaJu l: our aluf and preeenl It J I... PreodC~gMt, Lordlbip • m• buwblo ud obedient aer J I ChamnAo F ) . MeCariby Eeq .• J .P., •uta tn Cbnet, Secretary Captalua Will !Am Hton-y l 1.. PRE..'JDEKGAST J 'P, TboiiWI O~ry lollobow U snrabao Mlabael C.\a•rlaan JJnen John Ken~alf, t\1cholr.~~ Jo'itzgemld, F J McCARTHY, J t> ~ J11rnea b.eule ltcSI!r.. C. L. Kttoned,r. Tboa, &crv(arg Malouo Jaou~a Kehoe • J o!epb Mackey1 0 L. Kenoed1 Tbomt.t Ahlooe, Sr Wd J obu Stl"llpp M11t1bow l'o\T~r J ohn llogan ham H~noe..oy J'U!l011 Kehoe Nlcholu Thoma. ~ ion Jn01es Kelly Pe~r Dw1o• llanrabau Tbua. Geary ~hcbael Bnen fl\mt! W alab lhchard ~urpby Arthur J obn Kenealy Joeeph :\1110lley Jolin Stnpp l llo nqy J ohn Geor~ru. \\ ilJ1111o l!utOphrey M~tthew Po•er John Hog;lD ~•chow I 1cbard ~lcCs11by JNU~s Callanan James fitzgerald Tho!DM P10n Jatnea Kelly 1' lommm~t ['etc r llo.mJitoo Mu:hael liar \Peter Dwyer J Wiea Wabb lticban:l Mur te ry fbom:u Caudlur, aud Michael Dwyer, phy Jamea L. Keefe J ohn George \\ llllllm J r Pumphrey Richard McCa11hy James Cal

J L. PRE~DERGAST lanu Jamea ~ lcmmmg l'cter llanulton Claatnnatl ~Ucbacl lln11ery I ho u:u C&Odler M1cbael

F J McCARTHY Dwyer J 1' aod ..100 oth~l'll.

'.lny 2nd 1880 :X•rt.Jary

fh follo wmg a re tl c llddruau wh1ch ha\e b. en pre'-! Dietl lind Ilia Lordahl(ll ro phea thei'\'IIO

Addrou from tho Cntholics of HArbor Groce ancl Co.rbonoa.r

7 o tA• l1 .-1 Un L I ll stY CAl F\OSISI

0 S I JJ •• 1 nJ 1/ ~r/,or G rae~ ~l AY IT PI t:.l 'it: \ Ol l U lltDSlliP-

01 ro n10rc 11 ttl wo ) our ch1ldrcn tho ('atholu , of llnt l or GI"I\Ce and Carbon

hu,.hly •ohc1t to apvroach

Reply Gt:.-rLtllts ~"o l>E\RLr Bst.ovEo ts

C IIKI !'T-A IOYing and lender father on the el"e of

hiS departure fo r • loag and penloua voy Qgt uocerta1o of eYer agam aeem.: h1s homo nod deAr f~mll) w11h lm hc:a.rt fnll of emolJUJU 11ud confhc taug fM!hu~:• 1a unable ~ 6nd word11 or to cxprcu tbt'm 10 nnswe r to I.IJe 6nal aJJtu of hill woepm~: be to~ cJ and lo~ 10~ clllllrco I hr~ ge ntlemen IS

~e• crthcleu 1 alll\11


&ply Mr Dt: ~r. SISTF.C~ ts J t:St:S Ctrnt-rr-

1 lhaok you (or your benuuful art.lrt'S!I &lod I MSuro you that t he k10d acntlwenw therem expl"''t.aed towards 010 ahall ever hllYO a place io my muld 1 I ehall be for CVOf OllllUful Of tho goodot.aa Of JOUf b t nrt fi'Olll which they hue emaoalcJ

'l:es an ettabllAbrng tho Society .of t ho l m111acul&lo Conception 1 had a hro fold Object in YIOW tbe beauty Of the re mplo of God and more so thA' of llillplnlual temple which you are roy beloved &IJte n Jt will, 1ndee I JUT ObJ~ \hU you mtgh~ 11dom and beauufy by your uertlooa and coot.nb~tlona tbrs houao of God , and 1n 10 domg you &I'll entitled tu my tbaou M well M t hOle or all tho faithful of thll COlD n:aunity , belldea tha eternal rG'II"Ard wh1ch fOil -1 ospeel from God wbo dweJia in H. But my prioalr-J objeo&>wM t.batrotaml~b~ obtam from God, tlironib tbe tnlereeaaioa or HIS llumaculat.e Mol.bn your Pa&nla­tbo rr- &o eaablo roo to adom aud beautlf1 your eoula with rima-. For iu 01tec~u' Socie9l pleood he 1110mllen, loa ..... --... JII'C*Cdoo of tbe ~- of God, ..S ..,..,. Her 10 &bem u ao aamplo for IMir , ....... y~ .... oWl4rea of ... ~ Palrtlnh,

&. .......................... ., ... . Falet.la.W..~,,.... lpro. =~::~···.t ~! CUIIIW..... ........... •• r~

~~·-.. :: ....... m....... ........ lloaot•r~,..... ,.._ .. Wl .. .-,.~411.:

Page 3: ecollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2016-09-23 · I"J 111co'n•u'Ntt 1 thrm• IIIDru lnbonr 011 a•.cc;;.l J try 11,~;, 1~ I"' aome IJettcr cuodltlon

DARD . . ,

= • New A~verb.se.uient .

. l TnuliSDu, Ma, eth. ·LBTTB:a . By Telegraph or thllt FAllb. whtch hta chtl<\re,n, my

brot.hen~, wllh ao mueb dc\'OUon noll zeal ha •e plnled m tine oonntry

I eball DOYCr forge~~ rrsy lor yon and [ am auNt thol y ou, 10 your obar,ly, wrn llCYcr forgeL lO pray fo~ lilt!: ' M,y God, t l><t bcnutv of whe&o houeo you havo 110 m11ch at h~rt, t h roui!h the utt<recu•on of J ~~~ lmm11~u iMc Mo ther '"boac jllone~ and de• ouon ) OU hAY& so tea lout ly vromulgnterl nu lpromotctltn t his comlllutllt) q mnL , ou ll o~ holy 11.11mtanco to lead 111 th~a "orld a h r~ \TOrlhy o( 1ho ~tni' tla\Uj:ht~"' of ~l11ry, and nfter n bapp) dcnth, mft) I lo ndmot )OU 11111011~3t t he blelll!cll 10 J ~~~ lllRil8101l or ll<rtd l bhM-II en~~n

SIAlil! o1 UDELL.-.At tho operuog of tho --o- , Court l:l~a Lon.lship dcltvcred tho follO'I'wg (FrqDl Our St • .John'• OorrMpOnacL) TIALn'AX, N IS May 1 -Fammo m

;nJDGME.Nl' I ll1tsopotllm~a and K urqlitan 11 1noreumaly !WHOLESALE and RETAIL --------~·~---------------

-o-'l'bla Ia • caao ofappeool frort~lbo Dlalriot Oourl St. JoAtt'•, ,}fay Gth, lSSO. temblo. • •

tiS llarl>or Qracoe to tltW Court 011 ()lrcQrt,!tod I t in . I t 1a hiU'dly 'lforth whllo tending yon a '.[ho· I lAban Gonnuoent'e b udget bu ~olna tb& lmportaat qoNIJon, wbttl1•r paid lc ttor this week. fo.r n otb1og bu oocurred been u ereat-ed, and t l\c rotigl)&uoq o£ !.po


DB "If GOODS9 ··&e. Ser,. .. na nga~od lu tbo -cla'btorl .. ere eotltled 1o 10 tho oounte ol1t th,at 18 '\'Orthy of com- C11b1uQ~ IS repor~d parllclpu. to tile beoolk ol Solngo o1 propony men\. '.D\o bt'-Y ~QUOD b&8 com,mcnoed, Abdul ~bman profeuu aubmi'IIIOll to

CLUillt(), : lhT 8 -l'flt, Colllo-, TnpiiDI, ..J&-:.ralon :loluoo

t1: Co Si"n of tho RED ·I.A'liP, 129 WATER STREET, St J ohn's. aboul l~ ..._...,, ol wblch ll1t7 IWIJ' be ~ed d U 1 It m cy b llri' ' h • - d .n. • A• R !lll In «~otmoa vhb tt.clr E•uplorcra. ' I "n 'II o are a 10 IO on~ ou tna mg on t o us .... rma 1\D repa ... a...... Ul&l

'1 llo clrcurulan ... a oltbla cuo ..,,,.,rr.,d a& Lab- that wo ~vo no tiouo to fUmlsh ~bulum tondcllCU!&. S 0 :Uorao1 rlko SL \loaont moloun .tt>-<lo 1>-ll•y Stale, lhrdr, Uostuu, geaoi'al e>rl)o)-C

W &u.t Co.

I ~1\c you, you nml nil tho m~mbeN oi '\'Ollr &Odahly front t he OOUOW o f IU) h enri IllY Ill<!~ bk~•u~ In t he llllmc of the bther o1ul of t he Son and of thl! IIOIJ t; Loot. ,\ 111en

Y nul'll fn1tbfully 1n Chr1•l t 111::;\lt¥ C\HF\G:\l~J, OS 'f'

.lhy :ith

rad~r. wb•n upon the O<"CUion of the WT'Odc ol " for ~o liCW~Qr corre!pomleot. Tho l'aroell'e Janel leaguo meeting wu not­t team<r ulled tbe ,_ tho Dol.odonL and hi• ehop kecpingb ocu m tho Carut:U 18 being ous «nd t.ho agttator narrowly eaeapod per­""""""' hla reqnell p-.led lp a l<lhont1•r I rom cona1del"lliJ1> cu up Fh c n ow •bops ha. e sonnl Ytolencc, l 'ed R•) to t.bo aeono.of t\lo ,.....,..Jc for the purpo"' .... t tJ d t 11 tb co c. '1 , . h 1 • I b I f D bt h ol reodoruli t UIIta...,.. and sn>ug "b.u Pr< IJCrly uvctl OI>CilC( liR aprmg, lUI Il l ey Ill ho -..nt 0 IC "rc I 11 lOp o u 10 u 1b~y ronlrl An1l h lo«;.•Mrte~t br the Plafnhl! t<od The all"ugslcs of tho ebop kcopen to out~ l.Uuod a rastol'l\1 wnro1og tbo peoplo AgllUUt , .. ,, den!.! I by the Dtlenllotntth•t he (tho IJoloo<l- J te--Onu MOther remmd OliO of CarJylo & Jllr Commumlm aut) ~aid ho would .. ,,.,,or rcutunerato thNA. of VIpers, CI\CU try10g to got tt4 head upper· On tho sixty-second aunt1'el't4ry of the

A ,nat fiN I ol valuable properly ,.._ ... ......_ most Czar a btrthda,y, SIX LhoUUlld pruoncra ,,Jl con•l•ting ol !lour, 0 '1.1Ur, eh~ae, ~I.e lane , lite Olll F.xcellenmr tho G o, omor 11lrt for be roltucd Vel•n~nl nol u11punng tbo rlghl to • ab&ro or _, I '--· Of •t G h .. t~o~ft on tho part .,r 1ueh u his SS'rnoa •• Engirultl I.Jy the lu~ AI All ,,.,.,t. coun!t!, Wtlhaut Colc ma.n nntl Jamea " c ~rat , .vera tsi>Arem•n, ponllhen• onr t>•anfJ po11odt • thero are O\"tlr 80 tann~ conjcotures 11bout lhl' ~cwfoundl:md fi&hermcn, dnfted awny tn & 1 1.~, bot rolu..,.l to al111w anJihlns; to tho Str· object oJ lu1 \ tal l. 1 d o n t know wlml. It IB, d ory, &lld 3fte r tlvc dl\)ll' e xposure, auccc:cd· •onta '"' mtgH, ncept to one nan lo v bon1 tho 1\nd tbereforo c.'n' t tdl l'orh~ps he hl\8 od 111 reaclnug l):oblo lel:oud When t ho lltiOD<Ianl guo, u bo ~·· " a gntuur' olthlrl) rro11o wcrcly to csc.,pe thc protrl\cted cold two men fnlldod t ho) ' rero neAr I) d ena from

7-Tnco) JIU>o, Loollorcb•nl, do ,Uo-do Ct.&AllED

ltrtr ll-Flor~ll•, U~u, :srdoos, ball•n.-D J Orcen

6- \.llco l.lp!U, Pib, Olu'O. Day, t..llut.-Wm lJutt.

P aasoogo.ra. P~r !'\ """ &ulu•• from lnvcrflll<ol-llMf'l'll. n

llrolt:'f, u .\lcGO\ ID n s Munn Ju Tl)Ob f t; Smllh 1\'ru !:!t ~r•ben 0 l:h•lnburn ~l n. Morl'l)' ond iufonl l h ... t; ll~rt •IJ' ll•••~r Mar•lll llf" ll t.lvel II tnl<rw .... llola an I I iu •letra~e

l'er lltu<~lt.t lor t ba !>onhw,,.J_ M••or• "l!r 1\o) fll nMUI\en !'•>'"'• Ur«nq, l lcVuu,. ... u

0 -------0-------J ust rccctvcd n Jnr~(' nsso1 uncut ot DltY: GOODS, B~OTS, &e,

nenrl) all ot ~''hich Wc i'C bou~hL b<:lorc the late n~c. IU

!1l'1CCS, aml \~111 l.>c sold \:b~t\p. FLAN~Et.<3, (111l • ool)- 11' ~rynrd) T..:vhrs .lACI\ l:'l'S, fmm 6~ e.~eh

r<1 l.Auhtll' 1{1 RAW II \ l':i S.l e&ch \ :A J,T 0 from .!!tl por }II l,,d,•·•'l-'ANl. Y ' IHR1'S, 2• ,ach WI :-I(~\", from a~ll per Vllnl • PL"E" ll!JI..F<:. GOI'IO'\ I'HI I\ 1::> fruoo :lJd per yadl LonthtJ ll emsttteh IIA~· .. u G ...,.. ~

11 1'.1 T l'\(; f rom •r~d per .f:\rd ;Ia. per !!oxen •• :\lOLr.:::>l\.1:\ , from l d :ld l'llr larJ 1 I..:atlle<S SI LK liES, Go! c11cb •

&lnlllo~:L " h t b t I U lif Tbt ro appoort In h•"'• ~~n 00 uldeo .. olony of our vnQter for o lS n o M r o n~ liS IC huos:~r and t lurst. L boy nmvcd aL ll ax sUPnE:r.tS COURT A T HARBOR cuotam one w•y or lbo olh•r, on1l 1be qn<101lnn looka, accordtng to nil nccouut.s-pc riU\fl! ) Citcrd'J by tho 1tenmer Ntll')Uid.

G:L'...lCE-SPU qlG TERM, 1880 tlle,.,.loro c.w;n• upon Uoe common t.w rlghta of 1b~ 111 hts IA! rm of officu hero 'Jt; dr:wmg to n l ' rmco lltam!Utk re.:tet.s tho Enghsb

11 000 pan-s ~It: n ,., 1farchnlon~ E001'S, at i t H p:!l' pait':" ~leu ':s Dt 1 k BOO 'I ', J O/f1 p e 1 pat!' .

1 Wo11t~ n s P1 bhlc Lnt1•cl BOO 1':--, 6/G p~r p:m Suu1'!'< re .!S In litera~

E&!!) 2!22!2!£

Ne w Advertisements. r l• fnailT oloso, he hM ,::one to 111'\lllrc "hAt next?_ L1bcrnl , 1ctory

I"" lr.arnc>.l Oonnael lor tl10 Pofcndont ( tbe pcrl\llpl!, 1\ll 111te nl1ct It:\~ been IR1d o n thu " rhndord h~ llechoed the embuuze I \~omcu.:s I:I.t.st ic· ide Len! ~Ct' BOOT , 5/ pet palr-1 " omcu,.. P1 uu~lla 13001 s. 3/ pet· pmr ' l'l"'ll•ul) '>lntand..t tlo•t, uaumtng 1 prona ao d h

1 1 1 ~ 1

h•u ~ .. nL,.Jo b• 1Lo Oc!onJ~o1 1o •-"ltly' lloo r:ul"n), Bll e tM j:Onc to ll\\ tl lt rcmO\ Ot to Constnnltnop e :o.j(l'<l)\\ ' ' "' 'r,l l'l• tnlofi'....QT ,., rtmun.noo l•in> ""' " prnmt.. -pcrh!ll)l. he h:\!1 ~.: oarc to objcct1o \ nukco M \ l ,l-Tbc l t.~hRn <.:h!\mber " "'' been

fIn l'elty Jur\" P nnd WM '" ntlundauco "'"ull b<! ....,.,.,.1"',,_ aoo wid beeausu ~"CIIog Doodle beau.: rltll od :\II) lou,:cr rtJund onr d1asoh cd n.nd nn e lection wall be held 011 I

FOR S \ LE 'I'E \. , TOj;\CCO. ~LG \It . :;o I F.untl) SOAP, 111 301!1 boxc~, nt i / pe1 box ~~~I •If """"t"'J It> their Ionon< I but OIIC to tho roo: .,( oloo "'"llur tbo l'lolnlla ..,.. .... COMI&-pcrhllfl.\ l1e hum\ le" t.ho ! Utpcrtn.l ~he I ~th lllSt:lUt 1j he n ew (.;harobcr Dleets

1 , 1 "hum a ruh for 11110 \fM orolcn.•ol vtrlu• t>fh" ·~.emvnt ••• :Str~· 111 tntb~ lhh•r) guMan~e or the Or) IJocl. o r l ho French o n tho ~ th

'I liE

Dwelling-House, Stabie, Out-houses


\1111 1\'1 } I \lrn • ;\ \fll\'>ltt :SI\\Fll_ II ~~;.~t,1:,~~~.;~~~": i~:·~~r\~ .. l~·.~i"!~;::. i~~·~·~~! ::,h.:>ro dofficnlty-pcrb:\r• nil lhc•c-rcr- It IS a:ud t lont rnuco l.copuld •nil ICR\"e - -\l r \ I.:O.:c,J \~1 ruul\[ r \\ "ndfor tl~e ,.,..011 an l thor~l•n•<l~>u th>llhepron,..oby hnps. none ofthem .A pi~~"-1 111 \ 0} Mtunnd for Caoa<l:l oothu 1 1th. ll 11 ab~cncc Will

l ltlllft' ~l r l o II ~tucnnu Jr for Uc anl m 1~ ,.r.,lonn//otv...,./onnt forl <rlnrnu no.: nMfurotumtohorn forh~'occm~ to takc 1\ bc ltnuted to four mouths •lnrlll.t:' "h•ch l~ I~, I •I <~ tl.< "ou" work lor " htrh a c..rt• in romuoorauon renlmte rc! t 10 thu wcl(nro ol th~ countn ' IS In• outcn t iOil tn ' '""the Unuc<l '-tn tu

and Grounds, I ,t.,

WOnt port c uatomcl'tl "''llllnu tt to tbiltr nu1unta,.:o to cumtoo tho a.bo1'e Siook before

p urcha.;wg elsewhere R ICHARD HARVEY.

110 " 10 111~ O<'Cupsnc) of the SuiJscnber I • '• •cllfiO h . 1 ' "~II hr '"~"I tu reM \ cr I '"· •'r"JJ 1><-..n . _ ...... upou, wnulll be null • n•l Utsbop r o .. er left hi t he ~-~me b(l11 lmt I I Ito l>ukc of J:dml ur~;ll_,.u wmrun~ popu ~ ~ ~~~ ( •I I I >Ur•t ~1 nlton.llllcc lho \l .. tcr"''"

1J n•tbe wunJ ioo.rrJOUt •"ch nn>llo tntltbcrt) LORJt<~llllleou lu~ L or•l l•r fo\l OIIr to• tfo .. \\ ••t o f lrcl&nl \\here t"l ~ r tun t.:a nru J.: I "~..~tult('l hi JH''('Im ••& ... ... & ..,. ~·~

I ur I' •rllculllra nppl) t o .\OTT C E

"" I '"' <1

h Ill< '- I he n.r, •.• bnl ' ( """'' I In I hi• ...... the \TOf Ia • re lhno~ nf lhft uon•l sbap 8 mo~cmcuts-:m<ltt . no mnttcr t loo shaps IIIHicr lua liiiUJCdl~to commanrl -o--1 ""I ~..,, •• , r~· IIllO Cuurt ;;I •• \\II '• fi,b, .. a"""'rornl• onrl II•• I l• oul(lf nn•lrr<o••k I h ero l8 II III Cl J;(OO!I •Icnl , ,f Ullk 1\00IIl the a ro Cllj,"::l!Cd( chC>III;( tho tlos:rused pc >ple '[I ll'~ \' I'\ (,~ II\ '1\ K \1111 hPnreForth

Un All. \ :\

" 1,

11 '"' e I I , 11111 !fa ( .., 111 'I 1l1c II • •• II I 1 ·~" • th~ 0 lrn l•nl '••~\•{ropr~~11~~"-("Z' J>C II!IItJUillt; busm~M. h" arc l!."H<hcd "hh De~pllldte& frolul \ f,:lnnHII\11 "'" t 'tnt 1 FO Jt , ALE be "P• 11 1(1 •It JlOSil0111 IIJIUn C\ d ) Ua) 1 , " 1 tf1•t •• .>nw~: l b~u•t.: t t ofllt~d 1.. '' n~,14"'!1 .r,. "'Au f""'Y' "' • ,...1/ 1 •lu althoug h 1 tluttk tbe Go,erumcllt cunltl the 1u 0 ,cmcnt11 of t'u! !Int is.., m<fl.,~te Ml 1

of tht> week at th11 u~unl lonur$ 1 f '" ~-' l':o •'I n11t..IT \\A1 nut <Ill oh I 1<1 n ·~ ':1< It< • tbc ~oluus ' "J'•gv or"'" •"'

1 a•t<r> n~t h:\\ C d ono olhcr ' 1110 1h:m l h~y d11l e~rl) srttlc1ncnl of ~h• ,hili• ult)

1 ~' n,;" Hl\nk, \ th""" u•n B u!Jon.,,

ln r\ ~'''I •h 1l1l r. r ftlllutn•m'' bdurt the 1 '"'),';'~~,- "'lnl~n thOJ• ,.nrolt <lo '"'' .-o~er • r.o• l l b(' l>cllUOn o f the Ch1cf Ju,LICt f •r I "'' I trl t "wper ht\., be on npf:IOllltcd l.ord A I V l ~r 2tltft \ pnl I~ , ,1 11 !~, , ne t un•• o•crrulullh, "'')"I"'" 1 of"'"·~· •<r• lc.. 1 can quk~< ynder•tonllth>t to r< lire ""'" hcfor \! them n111 l tho> felt 1 tculcna ,~of Irelnu•l Spruce Rails & Stakes.


:s:.. lo_ln • Apn l 1 t ,ortll,; tho I"''"' 1 hc """""' \\M '"'""I'""•IINtan.trn•h•mof llluO•b•rj•u•h l t lmt thc) coJulrlnot do h«f<'lr (nnl th tu llr:tii\U,:h rN111Ui l tl lnl.ce the Onlhof • I''" ' I f, r n,lclllhnrc IIJIUil I I, r~u<IRnl•' \\ ;} I. ""Khl on I I , ...... ,. Jo II <lnlo 1• .... IM I \\1\S ''""" for Cbwf l u•tiCC llr:~th llo ,, h ~. \llq :mncc on the aronud th3~ ho .. nn I . N otlCe

I ·' ) t f I li'r\ •• .,, Ul lbo .. U•r hnl.t and lh• h nJ • n•l vr~ I I d t f r t l ( I I \\ ILLI \ ~I S 1 E' 1'1\SO'\ \\ \: ( tHJ\\ 'U\u .. t.:Xtt.'lll n,.: r m..a :w IUJ¥"5 H( rlu.• J ntplt \ tf-"'11 or nht h m1\" ~ .,nd I \C 1111\Mcr U\ [;'Oa C OU 'lf •lr h .: rO\ t\tltCl~'t R1111 !\ \('ptl lllt.: :'l.n

' " '•lhml>t'r 1•'1- 1. 1 \ 1•11• \\llh fr, lflll"""' '••-rv•« •lfot,tilo<'<•mmoo<>l j...,, lut <'Tllmenl to d m" hn,k II B\tnf! """''er .l u¥1<orforo•,~; n1Hnbhnvo heeo or.lcr•u :5hp ll cl\.1 I Goodin\ootmontformoney>ntheHn.r-

.1 ,, 1 "I ,•rat tonK fnr the rdo~f ot :l "n wl\{k lu tbc """" "I Sol\•.:o •• I ''" ·~tr• I d t•pooc d of ~1r l ln~h llo\ lcH I "oulol "'" c t o lc~u c "t Pet ~rsbur~ \Ia) - b:lr O rnco Wntcr Oomp!Uly I ! 'I

l , 1 tJ ~;run.l~.l ..,uul, ,.. <thfH•ftry dl;trA tt r "n•lu&mlllv IIC'NUll•'•h"tl t t'\• I hc~n k."ll1sfnctor) tu thcconntrvtfl lh1 1A•,.:t:4 lhe t.crrunn t. >, ~rumcut. bil.\C l.Jtt:D J t: - - ---1 h l'o• ul iT n.ntl llr ~hrtt n \\frC ~\1\tl '' f:r '' r 1"'"1 lhon •rdw•r) Lu•we.• It " bture hacl ~o'I\Cn •111110 tl.'k~uraucc tloll hclt<'i (,Atc<llll t l"' l'11 h~ta,: ;\ £\\' FOU;\ l) J, \.:N J) ( ~ •r the I :'IIIII Iff~ t "' Ill I lh· II~ ", :: <;•IT• /""•''""'-' ···," sukchl •<r: •c•• ... I ',"" f"rth thcro.l \\ OUIJ bu '"' lllllre pc IRI•llllll,: ~ I \\ ~ -"~IIOUo ltbl)ur n ol3 1\t o~cbcc In~o-os~ nt F •ve por cent. per 1\DDum, l

, .. • •

I I I I .• • ...... u lh I "' ·~·· nn "'' .. ... , •• r """ • I I ... I I I • "'I A s 0 NT I n G ovornmonL So~unty' payable "" },, • "" ' • • I t •e udtll<'t! 1 ,.. Ill• •h• '""'~, r <h• 1 .... '" tbo ,,, •• .,,. 1 uni~M 111 \Cry cxcop1wn~ <n•<~ If 1- I bct "c~u h , ud l nod l n •h _) I \ , , liulf-yenrly I t l '"' rt .. Inc l l VII l ) f du' tlrt_m'll I ll(.., lUI ' ••rOJW'rt) to ' " '"'Uur Sah"C(II ,. r~1('t ~ .A Uti "oulll hi\\\: l'L~•u a:.t\: J 111 I hi~ .r lu. h·ul r , ru .... t l ~t,!nn.tor Ucvrt;:' Bruwn ll stnh!il to \.Jo .. ,

\ u H• l the ,::rOIIIIll th:-. IIi hl !fotU:b au f'"XIrtH •• Ibis "'Pli'H caarfc-tlllutl b\ l h~ the p cD.SJOU ~ luch hr- cnul I '" r\ \\ ~ 11 h l\\; I tl)IU~ L ~ I nu ' AsSO"iatlon [ f n E \ S II -i;; II t1 Gn I wo' I lEI' Of 11011~'1' \l TI'IE(' I

1' HE GREATE S1 I lrll) t im~ tltc \ llrrdc\OI "hlpllllj; \ ( 1 •• •••m•u •n ''" ,,. ... """" I d one, for I he h.\ (' he hn• the HI<'"" .. f In l he Doum\1011 l'~rhatncllt \ •II btl p ro lJ.e llS!ll' Cl/ ce ' • l ,~, I ArtlOr Ill I .~~~ .... . ~~~ • • ::~Cli;I~ICd tl:~ II l II 1: l tl ;I ll•

m.,nn" ,..~nn t b. I I ru t.~ l n( tl1a ri.,.:LL t "'"•h=" ... ~ I f r (I t l I t. --o-- .... V ·v ·~ I 1 .._ ('\ ("t I\ .1111 ·~ft.>rflh ht \.I) ~~~ b h mil\ h'\\t-l"fl \ 111JZ: :\ I e 0 U ht!!\tl I ll I t I .. U\ ~U(t \\hI HI to~ ned on ] nd:n nt xt :\I ' [ f)'!\ ' Ol r sr] I ::; \1 <..I Ul •n rt.::\~{ or tuc ( RJHll\l ~l ()(:a.. nf the ~·rl I--ll .... 1 tt• I ,, f \ "f J'lllllh .. "" ''" "'"" 1 .. bun.l.mu~.; lu• 11111\c C>lllllr\ l h hd H ~ ~Ufl<t h loJr ft~rtllll;htl} an:ul to) llaw I /',Y.•III•ul l rullurtr I C olll,lliiV I•} lhc c~hnl or ' l'\\n 11101.: Q fi l

r uc ' '") I"' .. ,, 1 1-t 1 1hto " ... , .. , I a .. r_.'" 1 t h r I then lti \ C Ui J U~l ... ,,. ~"' l :lith~ ~trnt l ... r fax~ .JuJua '- ~ I '\~ 1 , ~1 \1

't Il l Sl,tl n l'ot x t , .. curnnc\ 1 , ,,,, ""'"'"""" " •'•••• ""'" • •nl I lou t nl l<eol 'llOI'>'t for he l'r,~u:n,, " ;;•'~ol I,,J l ..trlt o.<pCr bnppolntmeuth.'\Sbccn"cll H loii.IT \\ l t•HIT rcrol<arg ( <I •~1)111811~;) Ill ~ 1\r. l'o t;so :SII\Ir.• ' • • I

\ - '1"'' Jl • '"'"' I." Iuc io II ,.., ••I "I •• '/"'' "' I 0 11 '"~ 111111\ I'll\ fCCCIYC\1 by all part It 3 Ill l rd>.ud Oil a t I (Jft:- tl t h \ t r lucor ~!:!!!!!!!::~:!::!!:==========-"'

"',tho .. h.l, ll>h<l)lll , , . , •• 1" ·,1·',"' •I ...... r I I !Jure"' " lull Jll•lllfl\\ Ill Ilk .~~~~~'" ut I ll" L ~·nch ( h~mbcrs IHl\ c rc~umc I the llro• Jlc , \\ I' ll or lllros J I Dl CUI"'" u cunloronll} "' I 0 '~ 0 I rortoll r_nluill>n•• II"" .. '"'"""I I . ..... I \\ \\ pnr:\tlllll ::.c~ Il l l cnd~ l'll \\ Ill ba r o ·rr .. , Put.S l'lll l h t l.cCioo•ll con ect nll ,. •rl .:. u .. , rn h 1 ,. , ,..,, ~u 1,.., ul l 1 r• , .. .r :m\ , ..... c About t he mth\':1\ hu, tut "'-"' wto "lu 1

"1 dot}:lt(l ou .fl dtHt ~xp1.1 lstou II \ ' 1 ')lOl ll 1 1 Ut' I C..: l f t tl 1 , rue (rum p:nLH~' \\ '"h n~ t o ~ I S I


•lur••ut .. r • 1 "'• J""' "''rrn•• n <holunt hn•~ cntcr~d l he h,( nod uuJ.,J 1hc \1\\ 1- 1\ nrLe~\\ CQn ltll'l.llnnntl(lu= \ \ " ' '"s ' "" I ' I I (~Jil<l" tn~ ahn• <m thc nho' o ' tock 10

t la~ eX ,hMor.lots of the 1\tt, t.lllli\Ct, \1• •II'" I ~ . ..... h "'"' vutfor lbo ('U•f"••e or I o nl) tidlicult) l lm•c holwth. 111111lr Ill< IS r cJ><.Ifi<J <crtniU <.hun.: llo•• lntc I \\ II,..IS (, (, ( .tiJOI_ ... I t<ll" of )\ ·~1\ It'll' U tslltlll l 'ut '<lhiiii)S ·· ·u l ·now('!~. Ullll ui O 111\\IUII,'o .. u l ... ....... ,IW~ " I I not 1 t.lunk b..· 'I t;ulh l<lllh I ""

1 , .. ~. I Chlll~ll<l AutiJ,'\,..,.~dor to ){u..,, Iolli !Jccll ·' h Il l Gil l;, (., Dlt;l\> I ( !-' •• 1) lllltll s \II I' I) \ Y, t\\cllh fourth on .. If C.llllftlnlll tll IUClJcntu.l to l-<mn <5 11 1 .. 1!0,1 t rl&,t tt was.:tt ""''"" ' n t au tlu• nto 1 n U 1 1 1 l I I • - '" \ ..... r utl•' 'l h r ao.k "~ th" !lit •r nnn &h\t hro lt·u• It IS not Ol rcr \ COII IItt h ; t \It l II :u M!Jitclltt' l lu th:c \}Htauc u i tH Ol \ J rlilu fit ,\utl n .. n pnmiU11\ b tle • , " ' ''" "'""''~lt h r iultuf•lo•"'•~•l•hu j iii!;Of lhc rMol tlthou;..hnntl ,f I Un•l i iJO.Jorou .. . .r • .,roluto10110rth o ( fn, RUIE.SO tt lo\ I\\\-. t• •oJ"Itu~ l <nolcN IIIU~lat31 c h•ll\11~11\ 1 ' c 0t'>TlHSTIRtii"C\lll) 11'ltnlJlt: rc·mlv 10 I nl '" """ l ....... ' ~ ..... "" •I~ leu~··· up "llh the prujd'l 1\d n!TecllU~ t ho IUicH •t• bud •trtfolc 1\~Q"" I he fiv. I cr (' ut rc I-n,.,,,," tint'"" \ •:~nCIIliOII shnll be Olllltl• ~lulhn.,... " " I pctH 0 1\ all be ~ ~H u 1111 I ~ · I I '_M Uld " ounrb, Sorl.'l!, Ill Ill .... ,,,,,.or cut'"' I . . ..... 111\t •II lenonlo Ill '""lnf the colon) I me.~u the scu l, Ill Ill. f '" duo tHHI Cut lou •troker. nro t l: r. ~leu<: I en II. I the '\t "fn Ill llnuol \l!110UIC I ofc lu r t d I I I F , . .... y "" . , • r " ' •• n IOU u ,. "' nJor "' "1"''," lmnJ • Ill the lnkrlur I lla~e n o r, " , ,, It J h< ~1lnrae• ol tl.t, Cn_hu!i olh ~" ID the lUll'"' "' A.:~o< m lOll for each ~LI\1 c 0 IN ponu ~ curr,nC\ 1 u lcc>N nl """ 1:: \ (' I l)ll): !ll&n< on.; o r

tl 0 -u--··· •I ''" ••• , •••• <Ufll\ or,,. r II h 1 I II I I I I f I \ I ll be II) ordo r Bwndull~ l ••r·h thillltl (. Oll"h~ C'olol•, n ..... I . _,.. .. .. ), lh l•.rr' l l->lln•( I ( >r I) \ COlt~'\ \ I 0 lllJlcrln ::unnul c \ 1 I c lun.O<h bcrvh .. 'C h:l\ 0 b •• lU reduce< l~ 1... .!. - I IU 0 'I' " ' 0 • ~~~ ,AOCI!l.IIOn ~"' I I ( r"' \ n,,... c Gonl l~t .. : .. nntbiO, nnJ.nll kill Olbcllbl~

th I I n I fJ th,l l)il 4 tn lA\ lt"r:tlltl m atlrd 8 \h I IICCltru I thnt II If 1h~ 1)11'\ tlt.: r l'!t !"' p\: r \ per t:C il t l to i l:'\Ct I 1fc l n'turn.uc4) \\ ttlnu lhc r~uch or rcrrtnn; rrrPt• ,, tr't o((r () t I rl '"' n ,, •• ' " ' ' 11101 \ n I IO lhe •mollnl bHI h,forc lloo llomc (,0' """'" Ill IIIII the J hu / 'ul/ 1{ •'l c .•. Iff hccotuellluu or.,llu l hu ~ nil• fil ii\ In ~C\donn•lbud ll:ubor (. mcc .!n.l ,\pill, l ~)IJ It l aa~ 110 Cull l "", 1.-1 lv oloo lvurt I,.. In•• nu ~• "'non ,. ,;uamntcc beoug ~. cured 1h lo nl1loll~ )! th.: of thtJ ( , 1 ,,)~tone \ lan1-tn ! •-I ha; \ no• ttllon •lmll be tnnn~~e·l b\ ---- _ ___ 8 -= ... w·J.\ R~ (lr! •·l· 1\ Au l II I ~I 11 I i ••• IO ... . '" .... I ronol ·~on I) n. tn!lllcr <Jf ~ IIli i IIIII~ lllll l he ~ lwlle ll c ,.'flll ohl'tcul ly •• not aeUI• tl I r\ t OUIIIIlltCC or l lurtccn clcc tcJ by h31lol tJ ()I-IN c·, A S l,"":.J lr.. - r-.. , 1 t r,t 1 m .. r th ,. ... ( n. l t, 1 l l hr 11 .. 1• 1ou II 1 1 1 (

- m' 1


~ 71 u Ju I\.:.: n( thc 111 ,.1" 1 1 u 1 ~ J onl~or tb2.t net.~cl C..'\lt~ 110 C'Oll\'..:na ut t H rat\ 11\ \ lln11H\It b..1.u c l:~ oc' 11 •'t t''~ te rritory cr:tlt.: I C\11 th~ t lur~ l l li:J.tl\\ In 1\lHI:\r"\* our tu C .....l' • raa. I


1" C•( l "I u.. JouuiU< I \VIlli • •• • cnl\:rprt~e IS """"lrlll fur the I· • hi of,thc L• luo ltcy, rcfnt lll., 10 rcllll Jllldh ('0~1 • l Ctlfl! nnnu:tll) , \\ ItO Hhnll I.Ju c ll:,tLic f~r American ounteJ.-J.eltS.

'I r

I ' ' I

• ' I

> 'I lo •

l 1\ I

1 1 \I


' I tl l t 1


• r I r

~ 11 I

I •

• ..,_,,u n1' 1 ltlt I \\~!"! -. .. t11.J



JtHJ _ ( r ,..,... (th • lfl llllttu,.r \ l :tt.;1~trU4) OU n llt lr~r.:• r~~1n"'t J)l ( U 3-lll 0 .. II\ tht.: hnn I' v 1hc ltc(.,,.J.nt" Au orne) 'hHnt _ 1 It •lor ' On \ I •re b :l2:u l h' I n l<ttcr fro n P ro\ .. ~" rd~\Hntoen<h tl,.! ~nu.Ju~·o to ~o<t.tl I 111 tlte IIHlnt\' for '1!1!<1\ 1 ~takr­h•d n.letter ou \pnl •lit f rom l>dcnd.u•t 1

Altornev 10 the • rna11n\r mnllc· cl uw1n1: tll1t 1101~ 111 J I ecn UI<IOI'P •.1 tu hun fo r h1s fL'{ • •an) C>lltlOIIII ).( lmu 1111~ I ll J>A\ tO 1\0)

one tlrt \ !r l hfl, ~lr W aatcr Q <.: , nnd ;llr \\' ootl "'oro hu'lrd on tho m~u c r

R y tl.-: C"urt-\tl order can be made at prhont. 1 he uo1e nod 1111 eont~n'-' mu~t be JtTO' ed nnd l1.ll opnortQIIIlV nllo"e•l to others to come 111 i.A)t tho mntt<.~r "1th 1hc Jl:lf>eN oe tran•lcrreu to :::.t. J ohn e for fu t thor en· '}Utry

,fiLl ARO rt. l'i:St>ll\01 'IKI -:fb11 1\ChOn \\'M brOII(!hl 10 rerover S~l), IOOil<'J' pa1d OD 1\ d1e'luc d tSbouored <on pre~ntauon. Mr ( 'hftnoJ ~l r Woo.l appe~red 1n tho cue \ erd1ct for l'bmufT for S 10

HUII Iht J I'I"'SJ"'1' couutn nnd unl<"-~ lltc•e but< n·e ' '~' " ; 1on l r ccJcuon TAILOR & CLOTRIER. -- v--l'rwod••:J J•ol;c.. up thM ob;eoL "all nut I u n "' npl"''" I 1 he J,c , J ohn Stewnr~of Xew ( , J,,;:ow 1- 1 h~tornnul' t'c shnll cloct the or Ch11ar 1 11 1\~t • e~[)('C.trully tako )~n \ n to c


\lr tr6 I I ~ rn~.-.on fr for l 'htultff . ! Ius •nh;crt h:.s llllt hcl' ll olchbcrn ' etl upon llau olrl<St Ulllll•tcr ltl .\ovl1 Scull~, Ole t I 111~ 11 ] nn~urer null ~ccret!lry 1 j(j ll "atu ._t' TimbOJ (},ewe ! tho lllCniiOil of tho l 'uhltu (:t:'lll'tbllj t tl \lr \k'\< oll ~t fur l>dc udant b} llu>Govcmmuut na tLJo ><:rH"'toJbe h . )C>IeMJ ,,_F,ury \ la.tii.'T \lnAnu •uLscnlun:: ton t hu f tc l t ltu~ Cl'l l:\IO l l ou rc.s

111 Nev

l •• • 1.111 {I I. I \ '\ I' - II··· ~~·c '···I wtll h:\\ C 10 bc'8cn ously riL-.;1 ... ..,.1 m~L I C> :\lA\ li-Se\ ere <ruphol~· or lied& a ro Loo l~o Ill .._, .. ruuol\11 "'" IUd bt tn,.: In li"UJ (0)'(101>11~ l'o!t Ollie~) r h "~ • -

1 h I I I ol ' d• 1 • b 1 1 \lllk '1 0 ~l'h<h tw to l llRU\ p n1i.:l 0 t 1• h•. ' ' ><l .Ju" II h ar ' " ,J~, I h, ""•c•~l 81011 '" t c ..t,.:tb ntnrc, 1\nl sow• 1111.{ c r~rorto• l j $1;1111 ~~~~ 11-,) ul'<:Ome 1\ 1111! u cr o I 115 "

' • J I ,r I 1 fill llil '" " b~I C 10 be donu :oh Hit ,, In I flO ( . crrn~n nc chlt:l" LIL, !'ft'IJ!Cd tlae \ s 0' '"" " I ' the I'~) llll ut of lUI Clllrnu~c t.~A.U orocra In lho abovo hno prOI'lJ:Il· •1 •• 1.. :-;I' u I tl (It.: :s I :\II r A I 10~ Ot "" \\n•

111 111• II nnce t "l'fl~' < t 'I . I I I II I ( I th - I r "'I l I d ,.. I , , t ' I L f I ' I l I I I • I t nn~un lieN IJI 110 ' I I u 1) llr Ill 0 e ,\ nu " ocmli$t Jill I' <ouo huodrcJ aoJ r \' ..,, ::;! ,~, 1\lll au I ~C:I.•Illclll 0 "' I) Ill l y nttvndo to Ill \ "'"' 1\lll vllltllltll IC~O rRII( p ,, llh ~ ..:"' • u u''' 1 ,.t C"' l:\' tot t to.:u t•) l tcu I I 1 l p fi H 1 .J 1 1 , .

I , 1 .. L 1 1 I tcrnt<>taC8 11ronah " u • 1 1c ~u1c "· 11111et v one to 11111ct- four 1 toh~u~ 111 IH1u1 ~I< hNll c nun 1 \fil l I 1

lu 11

., 1

tf1, u l ,bds:wtue ntldtC~ll tn _,ow tlu; tn~ uut ltllt,.Ct l~h v\:en Ut. r t llll:t I

1 1 , • b 1

I I I 1 11 I " ') J~'11""3 ur •~ '" I''''' I urt) I ou~"'t llel 1 he cv~t of l" \l·h~u \Ur excerds th~ 1 h-1 lu the dca•h of" mem • r cnc • Rnr I \ ,,, k 1 1 n . \\ l\.~ , J 1nu t h l morrtH~ 1 .. ... 1 11

f 1 1

1 I' ' Ill It • • \I t • ' • r. - l lu• '':1"' lt' rl tf• rs ,:o '•crl ' cnr ~o ~rc:lt " t tc unto II cstuu~tu " ' on,, " tllw' biC• hu~ 'tvon.: llli'IHIJ, r a tn 1''~' or I '" ' II ' nu I I ,Jo no~ nllow tn) "\I l'd1Cllll'8 to be soli!

1,.," "'t d "II f .. 1 .,,, '· I ~It \ f "" lo I r;:rniiOII IIIlO thC.l!C tcrnlllrll $ th:ll " ~ •>rrhn)l' I no ~ " )' I !! •'< au II'C I to :>•l'cntl the t l Orloi .,1 t cprc&ellt ''" 0 uf thu ,,, • ':ll>ed f l u eJ Stut 1 1 l \1 I I lr 1'1) " Ill tl tn::.lr I ~l o~dtlnnltlltl' .xpcctcd t olll til< "t L.'\wr~IIC(l tu' llebcc h n '"'<lll o) hit tl""' h tho "c.rcl~r\ l lh >IIIII of ~10• I l Ill; J'IIL(I llo 1111 • e~ 1~ \0 :\\ r IV~ \lr unUit 1"1 :\lt,; t \:) h . II I f l ! • f " • ., - I ,.. f ' I 'I cro "rv 'JndiCIOft .. nro I I f I " 1 ~ 1 ""'"'' thnt wa '" fo:•H rom llu S.\ c ' "l.ll 1n tho lccfiulll3 anol hn I 1u Jlllt IntO nn•l \lj crnt~ thu \lur~m.: txpcuo.~ o no ""~~~~ II • I • -' ~ ~~

Li. I n• I ' l rt.: cunH 4 rum t IQ e' II" H n I d I I II tl • ' I _, '- .. ,3 O vfold Slrcct \ l r ~ 111 ..,. n fur J)cf, ,.1~11 1 ,._,kc I lor 1 w" bn ~ ' urm,.; IIO next ten )'"' 111 I'"' 10 :-lorth "5dne' ::.ho u:leJ )e8tcnlAy for lh~ \ 113octat on ""

1 uu1uu u) I ll(, n~ ' ' , ·•

lth d~, 0

11.,1 th", '"''".Ill """ nllu,.cd 1 cxpen•< of butf,ltu;::- lhc nuhl~\ \\ uh II~ ll lluLcc I •-Lnch mc mhcr ~hAll bo d11h not lied Lo n •loll

.-'1 . ''"'" 111111 I , , t na L. I :s f dl I r J .... I I I II e I I I I I j •t •• daffer<ut ~ ... 1\\ tlh~llll lou;.: .. u t h:tt ""'" \1 ~ l i- \ fir~ nt BOAton dcJtro• ell Q.)OO 0 11 tJ ... , , , ~th of II member 1\11 I ·" d l bl: 1\l I l tl l!IO hooks or -torccltOll<j ullixe!l t o I I• I I I I I lor hc• u 1!.1tdll"'"'l t•ll c\\IIUI nu '' l)U il\ o rh ofproperty lo >~ •<l ot!dty~lO JlliY """~c'<Smcul lj l lfteSJllllli U~ III Ikul~t\c:tUliOD, \\ Orntn!!

I 1 1" ''1t' 1"


1' " "1' 1

:• n '1' "rr,:'" 1 I O nrd ' \lc lul\ C uo, w.lur,d tbc on lo 1:1q 1 be 1~ 111 • o f s1~111 h!UI r.bnnolnncJ In• I n~ lecu u,.: to dol so 111 lho l iUJ" opcetlh rl -, ,, I .rill l" "' .c I ""'"'"~ t ""' .. r ,, or I k • ' ~ I I b Dental Notl'ce I tit(' Pnloftc l(~llnSt bcmg d eccn ed by lrlll' l t Ill' I r 1111,.111111 111 1.,. 1 w---- ~n.! 1t. , cun,:nutt • '""to '"' a~ tl. Journo~ 1o t:uropc on nc o uot of dl h eulth sh~ll f ~rfca t hu mom ocrslu o, " uc can ,

1 1

.1.) t bo » •led I, ,111

u l 1 11

1 ' ' u'' 1 1 I " "" l>rt,.;n~ nL t hu < onccr t or tho c,0 so hen hns b,~u nppo•nted \"'IJ"•n1lor on lv bu n.,:ttncd by Jl3)tng t he sum 01 count~ • ull~ ., n o 11' • ' 'J • ~ "I~' I' ,~• II ,a• lllr) mnl•,•;•tr ",' nt l :~•J •,c~r:.~~ \born I ~octet• ••rente•! Oil I h tr-•1" 'Vt n to L nrkn l ... ~yonl obt~ l tlll l e:l~c vf tl>scucc j $1 'II) S T an tend r~g l mL " •horL II no a u luctrnl~< lit~:., (I~ tl•t:J aJ4 tl.c CO !IIIIer

" " ' ''<' " ' J '"J:!'' L'' •r • " c•\' 1' l.l ft I'"" IMI nuJ "•" nl '"' " h ou r• ~c •) "!"'e •hh Loo n ~~·y " ' w l rcnch \lllU:U...tdur IJ~ 1:1-r\nJ \ln:~t~r :vt:uon eub~crlhtn:! to n .... '+. ''' I I U'llor Gm~, IK'I'liOII'l n:qPmu.: f ell of tl<r!J 1" dtl!d lo Jcuouuct. f<T\1~ OF \llf' rul\1 11~- r I ... I I ~ I l I ' • ~ ' r '-)... .. , 'I "' I :] I - 1 1 h '" ""'' mnc to II """ A ""-'' 1. '

0 not tLrrtvo•l nL I o utlon • .~e .. roun llnnfl I "J-~ not Jl>IIIIUS: .,~ vrc 111, .,,r, 1c·•• • •n ~·quesu .. '<l to callna H<.-' n u '111eef) couult'nt!l l.~ nro p111c Ul'IC •y tiiO\"'\f lur :\ lllUlt~t rnlltiU ro OU\. ~n ' I r b ' r .. ~ I II I I ~ ~.... ...o ........ • '-- I

f 1. \\ 1 1 1 pr.,ten<l to u~ a I"' j:c o •"' pe r orm nee •, lbn~rnrHcr 1• rtfe a t Coo•tnntanopl~ .. j lhc Anunal \lccttu,.: '" I S! 0 8 m nu ' ' 0 cuu' <~•ICilt nnp1111

c1r1fctl VPndor& nL oo4Lnlf I 10 r '"'cOl 0 ... u ...... _ " ' """" "en .. f b r cc• I k nil b l t t '-' 1

rnn I, nnol loHI I"OUitnlA not IICI ( lll. I he vUt. 0 cou.-..u '" Ut\ pr, c ro!n I e 111~ I rcnch I 1\hiOCL h~Hl been 81l~tJI IIlNI 80 ) tl 1111\JOrlly • o t<J 01 liWUIIl cO 1\1 '"~ r r~ II \LI,.r.! pnec 01111) rrlls nml O tolment, Rllll nro luol •o on '''HJIHn found lh~t" <lcc.B'>:tl "ho ~ to ~ul'l• cntc rl~tnnh nL>. fhl' dw Oil t bc relt.;aou~ •tucstaun h> 11 \ Oio of o~U.!. I Qur.rlcrh lucclmg :\lllrdt -0 bOhl to ~ OIItUl UIY I(OJIUIM ~fcdlcme., t 1 II t 1 1 1 r ruik!s llOru &II C>ccllcntlv ~1\t!ll, nn•l n( lht> to l :l'i I tl-~ouc of theso nnlca or n, f.~" s ah!lll "~" ~~~;;nr:: ~~~I~<~ 1\M "rr~l no ·~;~cr solos [ \\M }'1\riiCIII~rl) dcltjlbtt•d \\ l lh tbu At tho offici I rCC('tlllOn Lorn Gmnvallc I be alttrctl cXCc{'tl\1 1\ <.. cnernl \li"dlll!." I [ mC>llt Cl\lnntl) RJ'Jlt:tl l to t hnttcnso 1

' I I I"'" .... I l~rc COli u c II c ~mt;HIJ.( of \lisa llulltl\, ~lr.;< MilrCh an<l It J eciArcd th3t tb o r.,r,i •n poll · · o f t ho Go• I 1:.. <oltr d, tiiR~ t he ~l ectin;;s o f tho \ om c \ R D I or J IISIICO, .. Inch l feel sure J 71111) Hit· I UI\f \: 011 c "'"' pt:UUun tl I tl • ! I It ~ J I II I I ld 0 I '- r 11 I ·~bl 1 ,1 ,n !If \I , 11y ::.u \1 r.n'<f~<E\ o( C'nr •• 811JH r uou~ to s.~~ "" 1

Uh o t •c ~· crnmeut ••oul.t mnmtnau t he l rcaly o f anttr..,o o f li11• All.'lOCt~tlon 1'" >e " -- -- tu ac 11110n ns .. mg l'Otu a 1(\COGrw o honenr _ \l r l::murson fo r he lio n John \ l r ~ lftchm, nltho u;.:h 1 bdac'c he \HI-

1 not Burl on I h o (,u, cr nmcot -.ould cuter anlo Q mr(erl} oa t he • ccoml l ndn) of J•nuary A. H. SEYMOUR p<'IMOII~, lu n;..~~~~ "'"• 11ntl tho PuLhc, M

ltorke nurf (_ ~ll\ckov ~-'1< ( the £xccutor• J m tbu best ln m, bcmg Rloghtl) m <h • I>O""J 110 coutmc utal nlhlln~N, \V<lniJ cont1110 <Or \pnl, l ui) 1111J O ctober bo"' to announ~e 10

the p ubhc <'f ll~rbor tar ns m ny Ito 111

thl't r J'O\\ C)r, m do J r rob l< Gra~wd. thlll cvemns: But nil "ere good. f ltas IR Juu r ciAUOlli >Yttb l rnuC'Il, llnd ''uulu aup \lnl I (~ ;;cc aud Conccpucu 1\a) ~cncralh, thM n ouno

1nJ; ti lt~ llhnmtfnl l rn td 100

'" o r p


lbo 11 1'11~ reAlly 811

CCCSI<ful, nt lel\SL popularly port tho Greek cbuM h!\\ln0

,. b<cn llpflOtulcd A~;cut fur I t:'l'cu Vo~ nn.l llox of tho Gcnuth~ ftuo \l. May itb StiCC~Asful, concert of tho SoCiety, lllld tt IS Ollkt •leclllrC' tbnL l urkey "'"' be com i\I a d (!} d c

Upo n the Court s meelill(f but before 11A 18 no~ murcly nmul!Cmtll~ but ~Jucahon m favo~ eollfedcr:\tiOn for tho lrctl ::States It! J ' St<uup \\Jih tho w ords "}[()[ J OII ~~-' to be bop<)() It W ill DOL both< l:ul, for there pelled to e:tl.'~uto tiiC pledget! rof?rms li e I ~,,aw ar en w.ea St Wm Etll (\ Co~ OHG_t Y S I ~r('<l lclllc:<, boors tho JJntwtlt t'}VtrnmeJ!,

ope1111111 tho ::.hunff :md R ll\rgil Pnl>ho eucb performancca. of South ' '-"• tern L uro pc. --- hu '" II l>.J ""I'll) to n·~a~~ ~ orders oral\~ ~ l'llL.i ASD Ot...,TllbST, Losoo>O,"un;;tn\N DeJlll t.~llon \Yiuted o n the J uJ.go 1\Hh the S I G:\L\ _ _ _ Just rccct~ ed at nnJ mform.-.hou \\tlb •ego.rd to ll10 s.~me I U U

0 l ibel

111 t.ho uddres!

bl h d I I lllll• ' mt .. ·' h•l RllU ll f1 Cc3 lO bu hRlf M hi• l lCrcOn ll l I , \ d•lrc1111 pu as e c 8()\\ len: F.xPtJII"scm IIA• Alln' l'l<onn, and th~ lht Th t 'll/l''di !Hall •• -" • ., S Lo 00~ he e After the o~enang or the Court, C la•uhns ollho IU o>ll!calf•cult) ""''••nliC.II .. lbo Olnl•mcnl I ompson s JU. ca &hop, \\,Iter :Street \ I~ on hAn•lnt pre l>:.lo~, UXfO\ Jl Tr.Rr.T, ); , \\ 1

\ \ nt •• L'~ 'oromllll of tho G rnud Ju ry Local and ot h er Items. tl .. t qnlnltto Ia lhe 10011 rehobl~ ~11"'!11<> l·r I \ C l \ t t r ~- 11 OR<. \:S (slll tnble for l:hurcb or l nl rmo th(') ni'C M nnnrliCtttred /lol.o-.., ~


• m·l·"' ·II····· IUid a IIIII'" an.ltl·r•l•••· I I • f•·u•l _, IOICO ' ssor men ° - It I ,. I r II J 0 L attended, and the J udge St..'\led th:lt he bad ~-~'''~ • •"" • Y "' • " l b ctnv~3, -1 cct~ c~• • '-on p er 1w 111 < • ana m lmntt vrcfiT<nfl ony •- tl t - Our rtapectcd towusml\n It i:l ~hum, effico<) I n•~<~ uual lonn lho bhtrmr•• ol '" New Garden ll um mn uti Grnnd Or""n, II s top•, \\htclt ol~•it

1.,J,(,t',<JI ar~ rotullrr~"rtlt g'IVCn prompt atte ntion w te prcl!Ctllme ll b dav~r conllilul<& an obj,..,t!ou to " "hu 1111"') o·· • • ''

of the ( ir:uod ,Jury , and m reply to a le tter Etq, arr1vod 10 town yeeterd:.y f rom I u pertuns Lut ,.b•n 1 ,..11.,""' 1 1~ 11.., •~.:"""'t.lo s E E D s "111 l>c sold rc:\Sonnblc I 1lho l'rndc )111 1 1;~ o r t l cso M o<ltctnn from btmsclf be had rcccn ed a lette r from mo lher country We 11ro plc111ed to 'Te l c<moblsuuon kno><n as • :oi'o~rllorop ,l, l•)OI~n• ,, :\Iorch l :l lm lirA rc" t~te 1 eJ 111

Ottlt!l'll 11<-n<.-e, uny tho Colonaal SeoretArv, now read H11 h1m btlck, .and glad t o obserTO Lhnt (lnlt~lne W ·~e, th~ tMal ,ft>Jlc..oa., ~·•ll.la '" nut e 1 .,

1 ll h p

., 1 k d 1 tb b 1 b ·1

_,. d· • b lt.. 1 11 bo • 1 Th S b • b ono llu on ,.J.out l 10 nus \lSSCIISIOn~, [ A-'-L•P auppo•ad lMt IL \1 ould bo tho hiS 00 • oro . a JJ1 lit e I &II !1..., sn Oil- uuen .... ) n ". Vo ' "'""'" I>Nll"'l'll' O<l e u sen ers ., Co ~"""' ~ F • I • ·---· I rol .. I M flO ll'. ' k •C(l t ho An•cn enn UlltCl· dnto of ""!'SOD I hero to !ICC thAt the necea· JOyablo t nv puro. t<I'TI "''"" anu Cuu "" •n•nu c wgr •n A ptll 20 .. • ., •

~~ry eupph~a of potAtoes were o btamed, or crtue '"' r.mcdlal pro1~o:rtJ~ rho M Q twine ~ ,.. r uot anlr anpart ~~It • pf-ut &.oil~ bul In ------------------ ha~ e rcccutl) recen'l:J n llll'l:O \.uortment I rc1t.s tu1 l!>tfo, "tll bo t•rosecutcd tho purcbOlQ of whach tho GOH)rnmcnt -Cun LosT - \ Ve lel\rn that 011 Thu~- \1 me" '" a aov.ro..-l!:nT•mody r.,r btL.ou.t runllll.llll Mnnpno.se, Magno.!Jtt.e, Iron, O.hz:omo, -OF- Slf,'ll£'(1 " ould llllpplythe mfllln-tn the ml\nner md1- d11y 01ghL lu t , ll fore and 11rter bclongmg aod lnttnnht~nlle~tr lllaltco t<tl,....,nthoattarks, and Ooppor Oro.a 0 :J: G- ..A. :El.. S l 'H.Ol\C AS U OLI.OW A. Y cated lJ) th u Coloma! Secrot1\l'y Jl le t ter, to ?tfr J obn n~rrelt or SD!\nlllrd II lJily WILS and u~ wllh poraiJt.<>nr., u•l rogat.nty an.J an 633, O xfonl Street, London, \ 1~. by mvan<> emJ•loymenL 10 t.hOIO 10 need. f 1, .-- 1,_ l 1 t ln~•~rouut or • urna...•'""!: ,. • .,... It emlo ... Jha 1,.,.0 R IIIIATION w ANTED. of vftrlOllS choaco brnnti-'Ttz, Ill\ van:~, ! lor -

79 1 ·~ .,. " losL at t he bottom o rtmty ><~J', " "" tleblfuaiO<i whh lr<'lll• vt;:or oonqu~ .. d)IIJ>' r'"L "'"' d!l- \hna, I lor de 'loutt , o ncha ~lnJOr, J •111 I I - m G OOORIDO£ ,,.. Afi\'1.!1.-'I'ho Spoc.iAI Jury cndt'I\WOrlng to proouro a •ur~·'> o r bait for r.forro• on lrro<rul,lr l .. bl~ of 110<1( I and r<allor•• I h I ,. d d h t tJ b ., " RT L'" t d k M) 0"" llmnd :on" 1\nt '""II' , wa.s m atten aocc, M t e caae wen o 1 tho proeecuuou of the ll1mk 11uory qul.tullft and 4>oe to"" ~nletblO< n~non• ~1 •· pA I~ m terca ~ 10 or no\fmg " ,,_

tenaon of ab6enoe of Pl11.1ntilf'a Wtt.Delllt'~ ,...,. h lo by a)<OJII~~ ·h;uU>n "odualnlllauon dapos•l.tl of the abo\ O mwcrnla, would H --:! ' '> !lent, ~ lcdu\ H .. :;,.ha, <'<C • Thu Jury wu diaebarged. lh•t tho hiOG'I Ia ~nr~d,..,L ' l'hl• P~'<P3'"''"0 t.y ot.hgo by communicating to • W, ' t•• 0 All of whieh will b o GOld at. v ery l ow PrnM~ ., "IIOW~ •• So!f - In E<tu1ty -Tho follomnJ: aro tho llrrll'llll &t Sl· 51• 1n!< a prornpl '" I ~a..cwAI lrupetn• "'the two no s J b N u Pricos

~"''"'"" • 0

" " ' t be Joho'a frool thu Sen I Ftllht ry amce tutti· llron' .... ruOt..J Ia Ibn Ul011110 or rcnP>rfn.: I be llox I"" t.. • 0 n, • 0

The cndenco m thUI cause not ) e t mg •ne S :S ll'cr/nv ( llrd tnp), l,200 old \'ttaliiJ ,.llfch .o nun, unforlaoso 1~ nM>na Apn l 17 --lt AL.~o-a very Ju~:e auortrnen~ of !..3d tea', oomple~. IL wu transferred to St. J ohn II. acafl. s s Grtclllcrnd (2nd tnp), 2,00..1. f..cl th~l w-anl n~~forod •rpeulo all\! lr.nqull 2 Gentlemen .. ll llU (;luluren'l

TOBIN 111 l3l'RT - 0n motto n or lll r W m · IVol'.f •~po•• aro •llf'O!Iy l'OIU<lttoeu..,. of Ita """ 11 ~A 'l'JfT'E D S ter on tiehalf of Mr Uoone for Phuntilf,. s s. ~pord ( 2 nd lr•p)l 1,500. s s. c<>DIOlall DOihlog bUliOllllar,.lnmtlloua,anrt may \YY ..cLJ.' .. • BOOTS and SH OE I

(2nd tr1p) 226 1 1cbr ~~~~~ B /J:wr/f1Jr<l, 4~ be UAed whbou~ appr•b•otlon by P<'roona 111 • C rule nw for attachment forcont.e.napLiaued youn~r barpe and 60 o ld , bngt. Daum, doli<ato coualfiiiUoll$. 'lhe arllrl..- Ia wltlt l.Y ootl

1000 n S nones- Antmn l ' nntl Grntl~men a UN 0£H~GI.O Ill IN ••

AglUDSt Jl 0 Hodgo aod T D flodga, b t J OO d t he S.l) A ctac (2nd tr1p) tle~rT<KllJ' popular, ADd liU DO amfl) w11h W.... • o whtcb wn nro pNpnrod tJ t1dl n~ Jess tha~ Gamlabtcl, for DOL paylDa' lnt.o Conrt t.he ~.~b' (1,600io:'d' hArp.aeals. ~bo re ports lh~ truhy prepuaiiOIII wb((h eoaulhtr~'" obntalo a 1000 t ons Fish Manu re. 1181111 p rtm. money atl:t\cltod 1t1 t.betr hand&. ~ 000 E brief noiOTtoly by oudaclOU11 pu •ry D)efl , -telv NCOI\'Cd II foll,asaortn'lt'ht or rollowlnjt lt-ettmt r.ll Aurora,~. ' #J'"" tbiJuld bo p>rtlcul'f lo tU>It lot I ll~ • QOinlo~ ...... J

8ARTL£Tr Cl. M ERCilR -~lr :&mel'IOn mau, 2,800 ' Nrplllnt, 1 000 ' lice lor, {00 ' Wine pr~pue.l by North rOll & L)'m•u, TorODIO (!)a. a CJ /! n Ill a.~~ moved to dtsebArge thu attaobmen&, aa t.he Nandal, 1,000 , lkar, I 500 , Conuno.Jtfrt, l:fold by m .. UclootL.w.lue ovor$ ,.hero ~WittiWJ\tUI l_ ~ .. ~ cue bad not been tned lllr Wood contra 600, and t.ho Protttu., 1,000 AIJrd 2~ ,

By 1M Cflurt - Tho J' l.aintilr botng still at Ch•p~ handt A lew dmp/ nf JOUNSI):o;•s the eeal flahory,tho albchmen~would not be Bia F.xeelloooy tho Go,.e.mor baa been ANOD :I:NE r.r!\UJP.!IT roblle<lln10 1llo ht.oda dilcbarged, bnL le..,.o would be lfl'en to ~ued In appotot A lex J W Mo~ally, O<'OUioually wllllcto!pii!Ml•tllhud fn:~lrom tnro-iiUbttitctte Ball for the mono1 pt.ld Ulto {be , to be Qne~·· Conneellor the Ialand u- 6oldlorl'i•Uon~ aod IUtlodnnoo •l;ould.n>-Shcntre banda. of , ewloua d l&Dd. , n•ea.ber tb.l.. ~ !.a U... bclit LtultDOot ln tho

The Court then I'OitO for the term. 1111 E xcellen"J tho Go1'crnor 10 Connell ""'111 for auy pufJIOH.

bu al10 be~n plcU«< to appotnt t ho Ito" F or '"" of C'tld llllfli all. 1.'...1 ,..tor Ill t<>w• , lon D V OJ"yllm, a11d .lllr Hobert Ooae, bo1h of •t>PI'tlte, nM, or mernln Ill 111..-1>, lhl'* wlntl of s-~lud'a &y. to be Me-mbers of t ho ..._"' w!Dd,oad roarl~lf and lor aN '>ll<ltrectfi•l\l Oh-~-c. _. .. 1 d D - - .... ofEdacadoDior ol tile lddNy. 111 <Jiil,....,.. u.o 8UMIIDA:o;-a

UNU'VI ~•1 aa ...-no 0A.V•U,~1' ~Nn~l'ION l'OWD!:RS D.io'l Harbor Grace -Gaulle. · lla.y a ~ ...a oi'wo'rlbl$powd•r.

For Sale

A i'1i&G Bar H4BD ntmg IIX years old, tbo properlf or Dr At.L;.\,.0( • '

'for p6RIOUt.nl apply to Or W lJ ALLA~.

Ilarlior Grs~nl 23

0. L. i DHHIDY hu prerioaa\7 •onouoced) bu r e111med b111lneu IQ.,abitp No :$~ Waur Street;. dt· notiJ OJlpoaltl ll...,. p .\TCJb!O!I ~ Fom:R'S. Bll b~s hla old cual.orners will ~ot l onrct him. B~ Jru.'All~ tbat ~ will lfl\'O tho ~·e 11'~011 ~ lit did pre¥111111 to dae) lale •re.

WOIUt IIROP • ' Old Slaild~pP!*to. ... IDIIGI&flle premS... of Uet~rs. J ou Jlva • Co. L~•,A ,._. .. d . ..U..-.riecl a&oell: of l,U1rOOODS~ IIMt!r.




$ 1

Page 4: ecollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2016-09-23 · I"J 111co'n•u'Ntt 1 thrm• IIIDru lnbonr 011 a•.cc;;.l J try 11,~;, 1~ I"' aome IJettcr cuodltlon

.House of Assembly.

Mo:~D~r. Marcia l :i (COHI11f~ttf1)

\VA'.,:, A::-\ 1> ~r \N;). After le.ngthy a~cbcs fNttl i\lr r r!INcr

lion. .llr 1:-1 d Jll) 1 uncyor ( cncml, lllr McL.,u~:hhn, ~·r r.muc 1\JI ( lion :Kecct•cr ( ,en~t1ll 1 tbo t hA11'1U111 ~porwd f roon t loo! Com milt~ th~t t li<J ha l co oilldcr t!d Lhe ICYtm.l zuat.ttrs refur~d :.o ~em and )1!\'ID!r CU UIU to tbo HcltOIUIIUUI lbe t<O 1 "lueh they had du-ect.-<1 huu w ropon tu tbe !lou,.,.. In, aeeor hn,!(h t.rul nan de I theon In IlL th11 Clet ot r table wb;:r., bcJ were r~:W IU foUowa -

I tA lcvd - rn .. t It II t'IO OjliOIOn or llo I

t:oouuaott11t.! tbM tl1c tl\blu o .lu .a upou h'" O ' ' • wa,....a 111d merehan.!u.: 111 pon cd 111lu .:\ l'\\ foundl~nd nud 114 Uep•n11l~ ucteL liS

1 1'\!~nucJ 111 thil Ac\ of toe lieuu.-al \~&em tr p 1:1 eel au th11 -l:lm1 \cU of thu rco,.'IJ of

Her pre...,nt \laJ~&~J t'otlt lo I An \ ct for ,.:ranuux to lie~ ~11\jcl~) ceo IJ\tu Dutoes on (oOO<ls. \\ nrea, 1\lld ~lerclmldWl Imported Jnto r l u~ Coluuy IWd 111 Ue~uJ~u'"" IJe a:loptc..J

p,, -1<'< I - J11a1 tho ~c~er~l pronaoons COIIt.~IIIHJ Ill thu &:uJ Aclf pNVId Ill; for nud conn.;~h I "oth tho: colloction of IJuuca o n GuOdt~. \\ nrcs. :Uld .llcrch~1d11u nnport o:d 111to ~!111 t:olouy 111111 111 U. pcn lcucou, 11ud J M t b.'CIIC m hcu of Uut1et unJcr lbc b :ne, bo re .,o~tcd fur one y~ar

On mOtlun that tho n oport or tho Com llhttee be adopted -

~lr T rrn J mo,t.J 111 amenduteot, S<cond ed by :\1 Sco•t,

llut the f rl owmg el11uae be at!Jed to th~ hu~ He.tolut10n - P rovodod th~t so UIIJC!t of the S:llll \ C. ~I Jll'\>1 odes fur the Jl~) u u •t uf au ildtlt t..unal IHtc, u 1 ur cent npuu th~ an lUll lA l13'al lu 1\S J ut1c;o 111 1'\:

PIJ< Ct of !11< ""'CI'Il) Arl1cle t!Jero111 cuutu~r .a t, I IJc :uoJ a!JinJ l'l'pc•lcJ

11o~ CJUl'llllun bemg then put thc~on tllc llons~ Jlltduc.l w bco tb<ru nppc.Mctl 1 •r lhf A nondmcnt !I -A(f'\lnftl ot, 1.> hlr T ~~~~~ llon A tty ( en~ I':\ I

Kent, Hcc. Gcnorul &ott, .:>llrl cyor(, , ncr::U !\u~ I an I ::. \\ IIIIer { ourO) Ch:urm~n [I \\ ork! I' trsOII8, ~I r W Ill 'IOU 0 \111m :\lllck:l\ (oreeue U•n cr ~cLougLlaa D"wc

::i.'\1111 J<,oufcJ j i'Cllll) ~ OI'UIIUI lhre

Dr kdto"

Tito :\IMler 10 Cb:.nc~ry to tho u~:~••~ tav" (;ouucol br ... ught down the foJio,. wg Me~Dg" -

funk f uhery D1ll wtlhout Amend ment.

Ordertdlthnt the s:ud o1cssage do he up on abe t.,bfc


:\{r 1\0ft)IAM pre110nterl ae•cn petat1ons from l f08ea Morcnn nnd other~~, tnlaabu•n~<~ o r tbe dli lnet or Bn~tt~I IUI!I Port-dc-Gnne p,.nng for grant~ of money to open up and rep:ur r011da, atreoU -and lm dgos 111 tboBC ~~etllementL

Ordered tliJ\t the ISJd ae.-cnl petillona do lie upon tlte tAble

OnD Ell OF T ll P. 0 \\ PunstiiiDt 10 the Order of tloe Day the

n.n for ~;rsnltn~: to ll.:r M&Jc6tv cert~ID du t ee on GoodA, \\ a~• and ~ lcrebaudoze was­read a aec:oad ttmc

Ordered thAt tht/Hou:M do on t.o mnr Yow, reeol"e auell 1nto a Comm1ttee of the Whole;oc tl!o ~~a~d Utll


The bon Rtctt\ ea Go:tnAL 8"1n notice thaL on Fnday nexCbe Will mo.-o lbtt a a up ply be pnU!d &o Uer Ma~at.r


The non A1TOIUI£1' O E:O:lUt., by COlO ~~~&nd or bte J::xcdleno 1 tbe Governor pre NCted &o the: Ho111o the foUowuog docu -te -

-.,ort ef S11perlntoadent or Clanrab of Eodantl Scboola,. forihe year ltri~

Jhpon of ~perua~udont of Woeleyao &hoQJa, for the yeu 1879

Ordered thai the aid l!ocumenta bo lalil u~ tile tablL

Oa IIIOdou lite Jloute the:a adJourned till T1nmday out, at three wd a ball odoek.

llr 1, Al!l!O!iS pl"'!lentcd a peUIIOII froltt­th~ lnh, bluuot.s uf ~ 1!1~ Hock , for a road l.wllu~ Cro1u Lhc t l!tt.lcouen ttu 10u1t u lu:WJ.s InaJa " blt b tlo~y .N 0!1"1ll01& uv rur -at'ICnl t anlipUr])Uirt, At t ho lUbj\'C~ Of Agnctnl tural •• lh<~ all l'nj,'I'OIIlou ou .. ~~~ p~ttnt, h~ U3rnc•tly hoP<.J that tht~ Clof411"llmeot would M~de tu tho ~1:10u:1l.l., 111117Cr o£ the poh lloue"'

:\l r I'AI® XS nlw Jlrl'~cnt\'\1 a petlllnn Croll\ J olin 1\0I<l,.Oi th.{ 11nd othenol l 'ouch VII' t' on thOl 1u1J;..ct 0 1 1'0.'\ I•

Mr "AI IT (JI"l'acntcJ n poullon from ,\ tbm S"ufinjltou lind oth.rs or 1 •~"'11 Cu\ II ou th, aubJed or " rOAd

Ord.rr ll th~t t}1c w d te' crul r lltiUoua d o he II {IOU I hu 1.&1.1c 0

\\A\ :S A~D :\111. \ :'\$. t:pon mohon or thu lion I.LC!ii\1:R n ell

tR 11... t b., ll ou~u Wilnt mto Commu~c ohbo \\ ho'c n pou \\ ll\ & 1\D I ~ltl\nL

\lr \\ \n.Qs 111 tho chatr lloc <: ouowllltt ha1uog r-d the di!Ttr

ent ~<CI II,U ~ rote IIUd l"lJ'Ori.CJ tltll~ We\ iud p:uacd tllu 11:\IUO \\ tlbout IIJt.JenJ ntent.

U (IOII tnohon th~t tho rtport be 11dopled Mr Ltttl., liubwmcJ tllu fvlloWIUi awen.J UJ~U t

l'b.\t tho extra duty of I ~ per <'Cnt clu~J upon the IICCOIII I >f UUIIeA COIIC<'I col uml~r the prd tt.l H t'l ~uuo \o~ ll\1 nl.lol t•htd

\\ lucb ""nug been put1 \~3& Jolt upon ~111011 "'""\:

Or.Jcrc I that tho l.ltll IX' ~~u n thud tome on to morro•r

\ n ~~.:tge from •bo lion the l.cgtal&lt<"c Counc1 l 1111nou • c.J thRt tit, y l 111l 1• '~' I 1 11 B1ll rciR mg to th., l'ul.hc llcnhh 1111hout nmcndmc11t.

CO \ DII I l r 1:: 01' rilE \YIIOII 0 :'\ \\ lt i::CK A~ U :-; \ L \ \ ( , 1:: t; IL L.

llou tho P rt:lllllt p l r \\ lutr"n.-) \Ctcr tho F\'CODU lc~oloug of • In~ lllll ot " ""

Jctcnllmcd to refer 11 tu n ...,l,ct cc• 111 11 Icc I hi! coonnullce c:trefully wco heel c<"cry ~~ec 1011 ~nd thu rcsu'L uf th, or le hl.lcm!lolls 1>1 the 1 rc ~cnl lllcaJ!UI'c I '"el'l l/11110f'OhJI'ClaOn<ll 1u h lll UcCn <'Jlllllt:dl or so 111~ hfiu•l "" to mrct tho 11c '" of nil pnrto s :111J the J'l'\!11<!111 !loll hM ' ''' "uh 1hc ~1111uunous "'"' nt .,f the whole :-, I, ct I Olllll,liiiCu He th I nut th nl.; II II<'C• 1 ~ry 10 CXI I& II Sfrc II m I e 1 roq,oou• of tlk


lion tho l'nr.lltr.r. oltJeeled to tile ex punJ:ln:: 1f tho c!PIU.'le under duw:uwon A goOll dcnl hu bl:cn q!J upon tina anhJrCI Lut ho 111 18~ couft'$8 that it d od not ~~~ nil bn ng eouvtc toon to hom " .\pllrL from tl•e IM'!nlwo cnl~h~on 111~ponn!! tbe obJ!CrfnUons of bon gentle111ctl there 11 no nrgument what­ever •dvar>ced to supJ>Ort tho p<I"IUon as auoucd \\ b:ue•cr woj:ht bo aa1d to th~ conln\ry tbe ~ney of Ulc nl ruoJ:;hLy dol l&r would rJwll.) a 1\.Wlrtf'taclf Uu WM 1\

firm be he• ttr 10 lhu po "lt:ople or pnyong hanolumoly fur hand10m un1t~L \\ ht~ fore ho dloultl hlte to know ahonld nn 1n

dn t•lul\l who had "'kCII htll life to ~'•o tho lifo of &notber bo 110~ han<IIOmel) rcll'~rd od? And af there 11 no auffic1ent j;.'\:uc.-roalr.Y' Ia huu"n. nature to voluntArily row11rd Mrotc IIlli of d nn~; atleh rttr~~ rd shouiJ bo on:ldc compultory Uc luu~~elf had k no wn rnttanees wbcrc life b3d l>een n~~ked an tnlng 11 •h•p 1 crew ILild tbo,eapWa re fll5log 1b~ 'h~:hte~L compeo~~ataon or rceog nltJou. \\ hurc: ~noroua feeling 11 11\ueut., Lhe lAw cotll4s in and ltYI yog moa' 1"'1 It 11 uoL tbe ,:;enerooa naao, bot abe churl thu 11 oontecaplllt.ed b7 thla elallA8 of tho RtU 1bu hon. Attorney General ob,)t'Cted &o h4•­lllg tbe ci•UJ!C npuu~d.

.A ftor cooald~tablu dtJC11MJOn In wh1clf llOYenl members on botb eJdea of tho h011ae took part tho Cbalnnao reported from tbo Commlttcu t1tat ~~ harl ~ to the lJ1ll refClTed to t.l!cm, w1tb 110fJH1 aweod menta.

Ord.Nd 1~ the Bill be read a tblnliLmt 10 fOOITO'!'

Upon lllotioa of tbt boa. A noun C ElC· ttUt., the Ho1110 weae. luto Committee of the Whole apoo the om r. ... ,... •• Ulloa of •mall Jl!)lL

11r WA'I'Id la die *lr. Boa. ATrOUU Gar&aAL.-'natre i. at

the Scat11a. Boolt a law wbiCh

r I IJl\T ~~~n'lo I ~ floc llouae Ot"'nccl to tl...v punu.~ut to

,Jjuuro "'"' t at S J o t:loc!: XO riCI Of ~lOfJO~

deNd a~ a tlme by tbem n re 11116 u t.o fu oil,weigh the ex~ndltara lncarred In the~r tu&lntcoanee. l o COIDO b'Clc to the parliduiar •ore under d~te..-lon be (bon A G ) beho:Vt!d tblt appomtmcut.absolulciJ Ueceu\ry for tbe duo P"""'" &tlon or order &JJd t.'lfety Of life in th&t b.r&o &Jid gt'O'fiog dLlHct.

l!bu vote then pM~Cd.

VOTE l'OR POLICE FORCE. Mr l.rrn.E.-In cooneehon wllb the \ Oto

for i•ohce bu ( Mr L.) 1hould tk consu tenl IU azaw CSI rcatng fila dlJaf'Jl roYIII of lb~ 1111\lllletll\liCU O£ tho CIIY&b·J force Jlo Orl."td b11 obJecirona partly 011 tl1u Ht port 1\.~IYeU by hun ( :llr L.) tn his otliclo.l cat•ll City u Attorney Ucnt>l'lll under tho formur &d1nonlatmuou l'ba~ n: pon wu frooii the Into Mr Folc) then th., h~ad of tlte l'oh~ Ucp1rtmcnt. :\Jr McGown whp comrllltnd cd thnt 101"4.'\1 111110 coneul~ntd tho foi'<'C u wholly llllllt:CI!SIIry to our otrenmslllncl'~ I oolra11g nL th\1 )l\f1!C nmoun t lllpc!Odt <.l on thta force be OOI~UJercd It I Wk:ll-&5 C1p.!ll dllurc or moncv 11te f'I!!)Ort o£ Mr f olus Wl\ll l\f!llllll t tlou contluUI\OCU a nd an f111 d~ of the abohuon or thta ca' •lrJ Coree J t tni\J Lc 1\ lltdol forcu In 1\ co•lnu-y where tL Cllll bo lltoh wd but loolang lit tl1~ ~11110 1\nd 1'\l qurl'\!nH:nUI or th1.1 eoautn at waa a!tll\lllly 11 1110 t ustlc-u force 11ro mun 1\f'\l well

Cove when It Ia UDpoai'blt t.o MeUN them an,r otbltt' plACe. At p,.,..u &haN ia oo r611d comnantoiCAtion bo~ .... a Flat Roek &ad Se•~ COli! 11nd tb& pc~ c!ooeequenUy auiT\lr g at hal'<lahtp, in lkfnt obhaed &o RO there by \lat flo u roeatly hoped lba& the Bon. R4!Cl'lvcr General woald udilble a hero to nl&et tho pmycr o£ the petrt.ion an ordt r to rho pro'<.'<!uuon o£ thote import.aot anduatnca wrtb ~acct.

Mr 0 M \IIA ami :ll r .Paso" atronaly aupporlccl tbt: prayer or tho peutJon

~lr. KL~"T vreacnte I the followang pet.l tto11s on the enbJcC:t or road& and biidgd ono from I hos. :\l~~nnwg aud othens oiTor• b,y, nnd h:n frum ::il\muel PP'*!na, Md olloe ... or F lnt Hoc .. Atld other tett.ltmcnla ru l;t. J ohn 1 f~t:.

Mr Gu£es£ I{MO nouce lh11t on t.o-mor row lot: woll Mk l«:11•c to lntrQduce a Boll tu 3meud tho lcnv rellllm.; &o IJW. of Lad IU,... l llr 0 ~hn.\ pr~nted a pctihon from

the uoh<~bo t:uou of Punu~:11l Covo for lbe eonurucuon or n Uoek M Wutera l'omt. l'ortu~; ol Co,, It nppe~rs that ofteo umea tbu &lcl\mcr 111 nn.'\l.llc w npprom the wharf nL Por1u1-...U Co• c nud pMll<lnllors Are olllig ed to l()nll nl Western Poont. 'l'bero Ia a l~~r"" numbur of puople our&tde or thnac im meduii•IY concerned who nre mtcrcstl'd tn tbos work bl:tnz done :-<vcong till ~rent oe CcL<JI) hu t ru•IC lth3l l1u " ould h"'o the hc:~r< J support of bon m• mbers 1n 1ecunng n prt" Ill on for th~ work

~ l r K~"n - ! Ius \\1\3 3 ·ury lmportaut """''" eiT«IIn~"" 11 ' I u tbc ent1re ~~ ~CD C l' trnlfic nf (;nntCilllOD lhy f'be Ill c~&<lly f tr thu work ~1\ DIIOl be for a

t pnn Ol lll n of tl u ( 11\IIUI \S OP Til!

II ll o •' 1\ ' "' tlo llou3U " cnt auto I • 1111 ~' u! ~ ,} \\ I ule upou lto:>ch aa I u •• '~'

~I r \ I 1 l'()s In th+' riHur II~ ( u \1 1 s II rllr IIO ,RD OP \\ Olllt~

h~• l I< onfu r u tot l l oo&u t1111t Ute r <) tC 1~

II'" .. , u '" 1 ~~~ o' Ia t ••ou1on Th~ c nh jl':\)111,. t!lnttllo 0 1:lnt fo- r. ar} bw:t 1,, I''"" u '' 1 rh.., nor..>uoH ofS J ()I)) forthr lllc":\ ~ I •n M 1'' , t I• the 1, ' b 11 t 1 •~t' 'I • 11 1 I :11 b,eu pi ,~aJ tn tile ph 1110rc~ fr<fJ t,ntl• I ct '"' 1 I )1, I I :u I r 'I I Il l w I< A I of l l u ~ l f)\IIJ Jilt I for con l trt ~~II Co• ' l'h~ pcOJit ur lid! I I, I \ .... I ce I \ ·~ th 'cfor~ llllii+'Cci .I.VY lu nn: br, h en;:"~ d 111 ns: nc tlturc a ul cl l<t 111 t ho I ""o w1t 1 anv ob~ervRt oous no • n>k the l lo lk 'or '''"" 1 ~~~ • ' ' llu wn ti.J a lll(ly 111" "' tile :..Jopttoo of lhc lllc~·~· or 1'01110 l illie:\( 0 11 1\llh the ( ~PI-11 I'"• \ 0 c Ill o·d • lo nalrlc the f"'Oplc 1h1 c I h- 1 \ l r he~ r- r here wo lltl &fP'~r to be tl ,, I md l to"'"~" I h .. •!: C!'l1t I I uti u•u Ill M<tn, r.. any lucu "1'1'"' fc T\ lotruJ.I tri>M file ! IrA I I, k 111'1 I I flll\l l I ' 1 11 RflH h~\1 I. b.Ji:II IO., dtt \ftlh of three :LiM JITl!Jit'lll I ~~~ ~nt ' u· tu, '"' ~ol lUI d\ ICIIIU or till! ( 0 nmttl c t lory &en teo r. t pr,;,cnt 15" >en ""'II one not or " " ' rtc I on1o ocher ch:>noela ln ID111Y " o1hatnnd111;: t hM n ' "IJ 111'1..'0 numb< r o nut~ucc• 1110 lieS W"!uch h&ve bee a r otc: I for r-eople cro...a orcr T ho nunohcr or IJe't>fll• 11 p.-u ucular lo.,•hty h11vc b6~u expended for uow hrtn{r Ill Belle h.le ts f)hi n 1 n much l\loothcr l t 1o~y be: ' cl) wull 1f for ID lnrjNr 1111111bcr tl11n when the B~"" o •us ~~ '" e nn 11pp opn,.toon were eeL do••n for on~u tul<d .t\ aunolnr pc~ tilton >rM pre Jl r' "t c ohr roo I 11ntl u •t actu&lly req 11ro:d ~nt<ld last • e~r by Ius Lon nnd lcl\l'nc I l or t h~t 1 01l to 111 ply 1t where tt u more collc11~1~ ~l r l\ cnt Mkont: tb:u cb, l 'IJ 1 onunco.l o~tely requtre L fbta AJIAID rcllo:clt f /qru U•l,.rlot c'll M lldlc lAic o ~~ o I •~k UfJO D tl ~ tnspcetors who should t l\ oco & \\ cc k 11hoc lo ahe n 1~ht do wothour Lno" n l tun~tely where tbe expcnd1turo " ontcrfcn n$r tn &IIY w11y "'llh her prcre11t I\ I' 111 ~ l~d mn~mcntA. lie Cl\rnestly hopt!tl th&t cv" " ~1 r 0 ~~ \ ItA should ccrta•al1 ay thai con&~duBtlon would IX' exteudei.l to tlte pc so r" 11,~ the rond ~:rant ,Cor :s~ J ohn • tauonerll. I ~" W:t< con ernt I 11 h"rll!• • en Yerylittlo

~l r Kt.''T 11nd :\lr P , r,AAs• h"' I much llMiafl\cllon for the Jl<Mt twelvo months f'ICIISUI'tl Ill I IIJlJII>rllnZ the JlrliJ r~ of the fl\: II e dod unt In &1\y 'It my CUL Ml'l blame lllllln bl:fore tlo~ ll •u~ upon the Cloi\IMnftn of thu ilo11rd o Worka

Dr :SKELTOS pr!Nlnlecl 1\ r ctlhOn from who \\ M lllOI! obiiJ:III. tn j:IVlng upon &II ~teploeo ::.kelton n11d olhcNI o ( . recnJponcl occ • 0 11 1 ' ' l!ry 111fo rm111oou aod uu.Cactlnn WhocJt \\ •.S 1'\:a!l"~d lind re'\cl f'T-~1 11<: for lht tO the r I' 1CIIIAIIYe• O( the dtst rtcC.. llo <'Onslrucuoll of a L3nd1o.c; l' l:u:e at l'ontl Wlli un l~r th 11111 reaaoon that the t;hatr llcl\d ou '" \\ O 1 d t 't11 }o&r propose a.>rae pl11n an ~lr R ICE prell'nled the followm:r JX'II w uc • t ol.1 Act woald bo cam od o ut moro

hon• upon the aul.lj ... -et o r rn:t•ls from Wm U tt>f ctor1ly u far a.s :St J l)bn • EMt wu II P.d) redan &nd utbe"- of ~lllrnt5 ll&rbor eonecr11e.J 1\IIU florrtlll! 1\cck And frono ahu Rell .ll r I' AI soss run, endoraed aJI the r e 1' lyn n nud others or \\ aJdroos 11nd Coltrta m11rk1 of thu hon meoobcr for Sa.. J ohn 1 Core J:;.lllt u pou tkta matter llo 1boaiJ hke to

lir CoLt.ass pl't'tl{!nted a ~b110n from aee th11 Cl.!entaally the poor 1uan • gpnt, J ohn 1 ::St. C rots or l\ orth :Side l' oaat, h'l I UCfC:l&~d f hc rrest~ grant or forty cenll lln'<'L I" r aput for lucml roads Ia far too amall

Ur 0 ~fAr. \ presented pel1ti0n1 from In tb" Cttee of the 1mmense rn euue or laa~ George :lloulton and oU eM! 'Poach Go•e }car and tl o ceutmuauoo of the fifteen per omd l!e' er:ll otbcr JWlttaons from tho tnhabt cen t. the ( ,o,ernmrot ~honld ba• e onc~IIS 11\nll or the ~me U ltlemeut 00 the &Ubj«t ed tim YOte I be Gonrumeo t abould or road& Rnot bndgo., t11ke ~ .. ay llol\t 10 yer cen now patd for

llon .')Uit\ £TJlll (, .£.,..En.u prc!~enlcd a pc auperyo.,u~t tl1o ro~d• h would be better titulO fro o llc~d Hober t llrcm~'\n 11nd " '" ' much more aaUafactorr~ ('YO the In· other~~, of Lit&le Plaoenltll, forl\ gmnt to con spector " regular aslary tbau to perullt tbo neot the Long l111rbor hoe wilh tha~ ~ettle j:rllnt to bo redoeetl by tbe ab1t1"11Ctaon ot ment.. In anpporling the pm1er of the peu tine 10 per ceal llan twoloapeelora, ooo loon he won! I rem11rk th:lt tt , :u one of for tbe t:uL .Eod add oae for the Weu , very arcat lmport.,uco to the peopiQ ol thu r.•Y them good aalarioe, bat do not allow IOCAltty H aa very la'brely and respem~IJ t to Apllear thac c.ho road {11\11~ 1110 mach 11gnl!d by the people of the place 1'berr o•ery year, while oat of e•e'7 baadred only me11n11t f communae~~taon 11' preun~ 11 pouud• tbo peopro ont,...«'L waely lle by w11tor wbich 11 p:d prtbly anadJ:quate rortho tiJou~tbt tbo grauL aboald bo locrtaatd arowaolf oeetla or tbo J><!Oplt Mr LtTTUl thought h nry u nwLSe Ia the

Mr U1~ TEn had much ple114oro m rupport Gonroment to make an ltlluffictent jlftnt ID{f tho pmyer of tbe peh tiOII for the lniiiQ lines unleu thtylhiuk that the

Mr PAMONS prcteoted tho following po rsllway II &o take tht place of thaae rOada. l tllona from J ohn t;odner a ad olhonl of [ here • all b .. ao1ple moMy au the chuL at 1 orbay And from J amea Merrll and olbera, t be ead of tbe you 10 tlaaL &be Gonrnn1eut of Pouch C.:o.va. need nnt b.o 10 careful In ' ho 1011tter or a

Hon SunVI!ron Ot scltAt. prti!Ooted a pe jlfAIJL that Ia recoJrtJOd u tb11 woet necet tlon from tb~t ferry man of IJ ttJo J.>laoenlla, ury lind beno691al f Ote or tbe Leglllaluro for lncl't'alle of a..Jary T ho ren, Dll\,0 Ia 11oens ehould be a good Y(l.ta to keep the obllgtd to be Atbiapo~tatA!l umea, day :~nd matn hoea ia repair •ad f.o open np oow n rlfbt, and upon many occaalofl4 14 obh~d linea to Induce tho people to aellh DpoD t.o brlog lwo boat~ IntO requlllbOn l'be tbe m h tracta or land which lie allaroaad Mlary Ia altOjl'etbl!r, !~dequl'ta, &o the our b.ye. llo ~tr L) wu clad that. lit amount of '!'Orlt bt II' obllpi td perform w~ hl•rao ou~ tn lhe .,...Jr b1 'bo boo Ho truted tha~ 'll'ban tbti)Df!frion or ferrtta Ch•trDJIIII or thad.~&rtl of Work.L catae op Ia 10pplr dlty woold. t.. in a poll Han CIIAI IIIliil ~the BoARD o£ WORD tioD to aaoonl a p~aaJ oo...Wer&Uoo to aJrre~ whb lbel boa membet' fcn Harbor tho claim o£ tbt pelitloaer, 1\lalo that tho YOtl for malo h11• ... ioeaaf.



llr Dnn b~ IIIUe\1 pleuure Ia 611po ft:Jen\, ba& tbere could be ao..,.medy u­portantr the Pft1"" of Uae datrrin~t petition· cepe the one be prOpottd. &Del if boa. JDtm• er Wore tM Uoo. and Ito fully endoi'ICid bera \t'ODid 01117 ooaaeat to f{n ap • pof· e•..,.tltlar diU bid beoo PI'~ b7 hla tJon of the I~Hl&l appropria&ioa i& woald be boa. coiJellae. tlnol ed to lite .ala lla-. Tbt •otjl for

Mr. IOC'IIl """'• ill' & fa 160,000. aod td,· ... 000 for'laala rr ............. "'

ii=~~~~~~ii!S~ii ,. ........ &Ia ~cl ~ .... opponui~J of ....... ~...,tel&"'.,. ... ~ ............ . ... ;.;;...""•• ...... - ""!""'


• AOr '

lir Rtott-For Uae put t*o ,.,. tbe people of r..tllhlJ''-"od Fo~ but liHa ssetnioliiOI Uat !.tgielatoN for ao &Olllllt• meu~ ol &he law relauaa &o &be aau of tho aalmon oeL 1'bey eouadlll' the p reaent Ia 'II" makta the mtab too 1&!'10 for tbe re· q nlreweota of ~elr dlaVicl. A much amaller clau of aalanon rieiliWI &bu par\ of tbe co:tal than com• in oo any otber. fhf (lreleot 111he !.a IU IDChet,&Jid they wl.ab the Jaw &o be 10 altered u to pcrw1t them to uac a meab or fiye inchu l'~e Bill wb1ch be uow mo•ed the aceood read1ug ol wu antaoded co remedy &be u al cuaupi&Jued of, .ad be boJ!ed that n ery l:aon mewbor would fl" a~ bo• 1uppon.. lie bad :nucb ('ltU Unl ID mOYID8 the HCODd rea hog of t bc lll ll j

Mr lhwc-Ba.fore tbta Bill II aud a aec ond tame he wtabed to o!Jer'a few reourh u~o the aui.IJect J lo wa~ compelled to dufer watb the bon me1uber Mr ltac:e, up on tho CliJCaltOD Of tho 1 110 or lhc aaliDOD uet. 1Jo~ (Mr D) consluered that not only wu tho preatnt alxo or • s incbes aruall enougb but that tnatead of makiDJ: at erualler ho wu or opcnlon that tt would be l.leodlct&l to tbe aalwon llabny ao th111 con a lry af the IIZU WLS ODe quarl.:r of 1 o ineb ll\f):er & lmon !&Item in a net or le~ ' '"' " IIX IDclau were of lottie 1f • nY market value If aueh a net u the one J•roJro.lcJ os per D11tted to ~eo on our llaWte ~lc the ul moo tlthery rn N~wfouodlaod wall eooo be lltuong the: thmp I haL were lie thOu!lht II lu_. Jot,) to oppose t l e pn nc1plc of thtl 1.1111 Jt WM one wh1oh he thouah t could uot be 11dnutten to a aeco11d rel\lho~r and he hOJletl II a uvo:r wouiJ bceome law lie mo• eo.l t hat the B11t be read ag:un tb11 tby IIX moutl 1

WAN1El> On the Secariiy o1 nlaablt P&UBOLD

l'ROPEIU Y ;~ oi-

Horue, Garden, Meadow, ~c. At Dun~tn&, DO'II' oeoap~ed by em· plo7- of A•alo-AIDtdaU hlqupb Compaoy, tet~at~u,

A Loan of .£220 oo lnttret~ aL curre11t rates.

F or fgrtber puttalllan apply to J H IWO.N E,

/:lDllCilOr f or Propr~ton St. J obu a, J11.1. SO ll •


TROS. GRAY.M.D.,C.M. Gn.duate of McGill UmYc.rstty, :\lontrtal,

Ca®da Phyeid au, Slll'geou o.ncl Accoucheur

Reaulencc--llltu.i us• J11u :Ill

NOTICE! - o-

J usl Oprncd oppome lles!n. Paterson eSc f ll~ter a A lllbl l,;LA.:;:;

Costume Tailor SHOP where All ~> orl;,. woll l.le do11c au tho L.'\lcal

anti lliOIIt



~r Htc& wtabed to u:plaao to t loe hna member ~lr 0 Awe who eo w11rmly op pos~s tho& lhJI l 111\l 11.11 prOYIHIOIII 1\t .. only Intended to Apply to t oo ;l~tr.ct of I wol hn.,ate 11nd Fo~o 11oe peopl'l of t lu" pArt or the count ry IU'C: 3lonolt UCJIIII 00115 IIi to Carnages tbe ntcc,.:m y for the proposed eh3nJ:r 10 fl\r llll tJo~y l\l'o concorne I aoJ .., he (\l r


R ) had ow crveJ .. l .. n pNaenton. their WARREN &WHITMAN pcliiiOnS 011 l hu ltUUJcCI the peii~IOIIH4 n~e - -the po:r.o11s lll ter«to:d a nu b :lYcl the l.lrat J \~I f., \\ \ Jttn :'\ w1,hea 10 t l•aok htl O!JpOrl lOlly of JlldjiiUg of thcor O W U \1"111.!1 III~I\Y fncDLI< Ill Jlnrbor l.i mce and Oil~ An~t r~q llrcruo:uiL lie bopeJ bon mcm l'"rl.ll lur U c lr l>cmi J)t•tronli.C cxt~u led to l>c t o oi l ace tho ncceLirty or pcrwotttu., , 111n durws.; t~o p:u t yc~r an i be:r>< to tuforou tht ""~"auru ,to become law t loc u t l nt he lo~ • ill tcly • "'" ~'< I Into p~rt

lion tlou l o O IIEil-1 here were ' Y:trlc ty uurAhll' 1utlt .ll r J \ \\ 1111 ~1.\ ~ 311 ex­of oponto111 upon tho aubJtCt wath ~rluch pcncuced tl•c propose I nl\"Mure tntcouled to U<RI 1111tl OAit!UAGE-at """ not the ft rat t 11ue l 'oat the q oesuon I nol c:omu l.lcft~rc tho llo ou In I 7 Jthure B U [ L O Eft \, :-.; V P \J~TF.R WAJI a IOIUCt CO 0 ll ltto:O of thl' flo J<C :If I roo• nto:tl t• ooq 1 ru 11110 &ad r, Jl"rl 1 p 111 the q uutoou 1111d after t..aktll l( a v \~11\lnO~M Of CYI lcncc tl e COIIIIIIIIIC~ of \1 IJtC 1 loe ( the l'ro:ouo.:r) wru a m~.to obcr nll\<ill " leoath \ revort upon the b 1soa or wl o h the • o or o:x •uu. l11w WM lr!lneJ ll o hI out nt prcfcnt Slli>J'Ort t1111 lllcMUN JHOJl03c I but he ,. " opdu to oonvlcllon "I'C"' 1 11~ subjeCt un ler nll l '" corCU Uiiiii\Dr,. n11 I lU Ut.: hon the SJ>C:iko:r \Yho L"' tl c I u11or to rrprt-aent the do.troct or f ,y,!Jull:at• "' I I o,~:o wuh tho loon meuol.lcr \lr H1c t< 110t on 3 pOIIIIln I<> ml\~c k 110 .. n c • the tloua Ius Vlo:WI on the subJect.. he ( h 1n I r.- ourr) wouiJ su. ~,•t thnt the U11J b;o rd I " a, c "' I t11rt~ "not be permotte I to ~n " c '"' uatteo of the whole \\ hllu upon t ' ., ~ub JllCI It IIH.ht not bO UIIQIII>r II Tillie to 0 1!1 thu " "' 1111011 or tho> flu ··~ t o he n blu rc 1 ort vf \ le«l'l U o ck l~u lnnJ \\ alp'>le o n ktcrlre I ... , J"~'· or which "" loa I t oe I 0 I o of l&po., "copv on I he hbl~ I he re port COl rnous a lllr~,:e nmnunt of in( J ""

liOn wloch of pul>lo• locd wouiJ be very "'lusbtc Ill t l c 1 top!ll >f tlu• C<ounln I he re1 ort coo t:lllli'lk>UI 1) trl\ h \ u pa,..cs nod woul l cost 1 o hm. fo r pront on. cono pMt:J \fllh lhe v 'l n~bl" nod < cso n •,. 111 r rrm:\11 ' &I Mil , _, , •cocullh 1\11 I 0 hrr ,.,,e will '' 11 lj.!'ll b, do I rob ott'd 1\ll\r at t u: c. mtr> lie tho o~ht thoa ref.ren~e co t! c r~I'IOrL l!ermn11c to tho 4U IJJcCt IcC 1 I he ch~or nurl iu 1." m., the re110r1 on thu 111hlc ho ~>oultl mo1e t lont It be 1 nut•! \\ 1th reg~~rd co tho U1ll beforu the lluoue h, "' ouiJ au:,:;:cst tint It be permt te I to 1:1 tu Commlllet' nn•l thcru Uoc 111:1ttcr c:~n be tborou"hly oh.acomcd

I he lloll wru rhen rea :I a t ceond tome nod orde rod to ll'l conumtt~d to morrow

On onothln the llouao then adJourned ull to morrow at ~} o clock

QUEE lN Insuranoe Company.

CAI'ITAL-£2,000,0()0 Sterling



60 OltAOP.C H lJRf' ll STRf n , J ONDON


I'ho R~~r~ 11nn A CX'onn t.s for the yrar 18 7s:Jimont6tl tO thP hnrchol<lers at tho A nnuall\l f'f'ltng on TuestlaJ , 27th May, ISiO, IIt\\lllolo Ucmu~l Raii,Esq , pa-estd~tl , clloowetl, 111 tho D andcnd and Bom11 aL t he r~t te .&ogj>lher of 16 pt r cent wu declared, £1.(,035 bcnng car neJ forwatd

FIRE llRA~CH, That the Pro1nauma 1 or 1878, a fter

deducting Re.mlmr ... cea, o .. rnoun t.()tl t.o ~6,274-, betng an moreue of ..£6,391 over the P remaum J ncomoof 1877 , nnd the Loalstw t.o .!:.!61,661, being 55 16 per cont.. on the Pt'Ommms of tl1e Y car

IN TBE LIFE DEPARTMENT, ThAt N ew P oli.:.aoa had ~~~ 1asnod

f.>r £ 222,485 , afld tha t tho Ltfo F und, lly th11114ld ctiOUII 1UU4lo t.o t t na the I"'OIttlt of tftfl YW I Oj Mir&hoiiA now repreaenl.ti 67 0 por c:ent ofthe ou~areuetPtwPt :.una recol\ eel on every P olao1 m toroe

Tbe enrph:.11 balaude m the Fire Ao ooomt wu llloown tO bo £107 690, out o1 whiclt ..£20,000 -~ r vprop .. at&lod t.o Suii] IOAie Account, raiJu~ iliat. Account. t.o £140,000 and ma k.ing Wlth tho J~ 110r~ e lo'und and Balcwoe cirritd Coa waHd .£324,000

PUN OS OapUal Pal( ap • 11110,036 <ltnoral ~IIU'Ye Fund 170 000 l'ino Thad for Uueam;d Premrums H O,OOO Balaaoe Oll'dtcl forwanl ,14,~ [J(e AolamalatioD had. 300,81!) A.Diacai'l f'U4 . 11,630

I U\6,428 !IlciON DONOVAN,

Geaeral Aaea' for ~llcl. lva-ACIUft. .&. T. DB.YSI>.lLB.:

Ban. Graoa. B. 'Q. 8BdHAN •Oo.

• • !'ierft. ~ 17, lift.

fro n :'\ ov~ ::.colin lhcy \\ Ill noiY b~ hblo to do " ork 1 hnt CI\IIIIOt l.lc Sllft>llc:..:d

\ , "c :uo ""l"'n',.,. of hr,il cia a aloe~ We l.lchC \ ~ 1\c C"\11 8 Il l tfo ., lliO~t ftt'> lldiVllS

Jlf\TJ\r; t l S / ' l (/ ! I.TJ

rar~tr ct nltt, uto.-n ll.'lod tu ouii,JOrL orJent t r l\.:t"lt 1110 I ratu

I 1 \C •• I ~>ts a;...s- \1 nter :Street ncu ~lllrto 'a ll oo~

\\ \l, l. t:: :'\ & \\ Ill f\1 \ ~


Pr.nso~ 11rr"" _ nt I " Hohcrt• per I teR ncr , 1 otr r I h lx1r I m c or

nrhlluc~r t':\11 be fOr\\ u ni~J b) 1\ :::tru:ltl I I \ ~l

\ pplv bv I. ttcr t I .m I or r N n otly to ~l r l h11 Llll\ n~x t dour I u~~ Ollh;c

J une .!1


'v f. nrc nl>l.- to ~" t l•nt t ~~ tot ron 11n~le l1 c l'n rrcnl ) ",. \' 1\ str­

au l I • ~• tr fn u li c 111 I :wu ""I" UD lit I HI:'\( ( \ILl\ 0::1 \ \ Ct :-.. I X ~~

of ~"l'cnnr q ''"'> 111 It' •r m~h work:n~n ~lup 1111 1 nl ~•t~<fmt r1 rltcd nino ::.H\11 t.nrl ll l ltl l ~ t \ I Is

1\ ''" the pru" t or alHpf'IIIJ In ~hrc:h n e ~"l eTc I" AH In!! 011 rno.lot 1\11 lw­• tr. 1 n1 "I t th<tnt HIOII ou the1r t\rll~"l :tt :st Jot 11 ~

A ~ll J,ll,; \ ~:\I l & 1 \\i l ~l Co U t ~ • llo~ ton

Pl-ICENIX Frre As3urance C'pauy.

LoliDAI\D STI\t:Y.l' !: CnAr. r:~o Ca:o53 J Ol'\ DO~

rTA. llf.lS H F.D I~ liS!!

T RU T EF c; & O!HEC roru; Join l hro,.lllo• Ill Co l ~•,lOO'I IIanbur~ f'.,.'J Of m •• UurtDn f • 1 I\.. II Hod,.t"n f'.,r U I Tl c lion Janocl u,.ng .)II' J L obbodc DAr1., Jol n Clutlon Eoq 1t l' , • II $ \) c. (.oopo ~::.o.:, I l f p opu 1 bOll I ne:u E•tt Jo.lm Coot"~ DaviA EA.1 lnu D )(, •• ,.. Eaq, o~4r¥• \ f Iller '"''l lobn S!rw.rt l}o!ey,t;fq <'bu i Ow lh>J'I t "'1 h'rl~ It•,..• t .q Dudlrv l l :Swotb }..oq \\ m. J [ ho:~~paon Etq

AUDi rons Waller Dlrd Eo1 1 1 onll\ on. Brook I'blpp8

J ..-opb l ranru L...Wer l:&~:r

J ons J DROOliFtt t.J> & crctar11 F lt \SCIS B Mc UoMAt.o, Aht &crtlary

1 nanrancea nptasl Loaa by } 1ro &ro e£­locted by the

PH<.E~fX CO:\!P .ANY upon eYCI')' deacnplton or P roperty to onry pcut of tbe world. on the moat ruorablo temu

l hu promphtudo nnd hbemhl1 wtlb whtch I~ coga;:elnenUI are ahnp mot IJ• tht• Compl'DJ aro well kl'own, and the un porl.l\nco Of 118 reJahOIUI Wtlh t he J"tlbltc m•y bo esttmated from tbc foct th11~ •mco 1111 e•t.al.lh~bn\out., au u ~ad moro th•o lW J::LV~ ~llLLWNS :slEitLJNG on

dUICbarge or cbu:ns for Losaea by tiru Raw of premanm aad all other mforma

lion may bo obtatned on apphcatton &o W & G1 RENDELL,

Sr J on:u

Aug l! A!]t'ICt f vr ~'ctcfuundland

'I' he .Harbor Grace Standard - A..'IIJ-

6onccptton ilac ~bbcrhstl·

Is prm ta.l .. n 1 publube I OYerv SATOIIO.t.. T m.,rn1n~ on bob:~lf of tbe Eatate or tho

lata Auoau a.u .o Mo!t~ , by J P MC!f!f1 a t t bo " dt."UadW 0 BDf', Wal# SUoclt E:LSt, Harbor 0..-, Nlld T auuu -Toweut.y '!lhtlli~• per annum­

-payable h&lf-yearlJ l'hia p.ipar Ia not iasued to aar aobtcribv

fora I.e &ei'JD ~haft ebt m'\ ttlv. Taallc fnl\ \oVIrQII•" -Fin' I~Utrtion

- for ~arn J.nn ~tier VP'I b 1 for """' aJdiUooal llfta 3-L .-ortlleh C"''n• Uoalltlou one \hli'J of \he INa obfao. -I:PAcl\'ertiaaaeata notlftll • U. otlot ol tbla paper ..._, wriUtla IMirlletion• llaalblf tt.e -"'•rot .......... (Aao-dou, ~ ....., ......... ......... lef. .............. ..., ... )Williiii'IPIM· e4httiOI'Il ....... .......... ~-... .......... ..........,.



Page 5: ecollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2016-09-23 · I"J 111co'n•u'Ntt 1 thrm• IIIDru lnbonr 011 a•.cc;;.l J try 11,~;, 1~ I"' aome IJettcr cuodltlon


'J 111

• • I I 1 1

- , t - /' tuu~ never h'ltl the!ro b oon tn tho n11.'l, tnxolton 0::1 t.h o popull\h on \VouH tt por~ who wcruld feel1t. a ~t bard t.bip homo to bon. membe11 tho raet that they • t 11'1 c 01'1r l13 CXf\11\tn"•''>n no more •M· , .. - not bo n ptofilalll~ apccnloiLton 1£ t~e t.o he •leprt'cd·o l tull great- blessm~ 1 lUI had &!forded \be goYehlmeotan o~por~uui-

N ewfoundland Railway llllhlll!ll\lll\1 1 III":\Clt tc,'hlo lit wouiJ llJlJICII\' nt~r Ci>lll<l w e untletJinln uc ~ho fnturtt, ll conltl lll\\'0 Ull.i work comvt,.ted ut. nn It must Uo C008U:Iered~••ull. tho sen 111 our ly t.o l4ko adnnta~e or" poiiLIOQ &.ho con-no,

10 , ., , .,

0, · t 1~t t 1e JIN to.:t wa.a ono limo rooro opr10• t.u11o thau. tho p rOlleD t unnu ,1 til xnlllltl of 44 cants n her.ll ,.tJ1h •rl'ent 110,..hwny of trnffi~ However lhoy .equeuce1 of wb1eh &.hey duJ oo~ appaar c.o

= =·==

D o bate in the ~of A.ssombly 03

quito "'cth111 onr cqean 1 to nccomph~h for fntbarkmg tu llll enterprl!le reqttilllll; tlonul 1 N..,,,. '" Wultltl uo ouso• , ed ho ~mgh~ heartily npprove o f n scheme realilCI at the limo. lf, after aub11Htl1ng tho RoeoluUOJll Ultroduce:l b

7 the wtthoat l ,ku1.; up,\ our~ch o.t amy 1 ert l •rgo tu >hetlll 'I tlu~ltnnsumc11~1 \Vo hotll 111 ulu thi~ c-tlcnl LliOII lc;1' 102 nil pro 1 1 1 1 '- -·' .tb t c.l.na 1oa~tcr t.o tbo cooa•d~:ratlon o r ~be Se-

p B -- W"' 'ft :. • .. 'I A 'I'

0 CJ

1 11... ,yJuch he h ,, o " ln t

0-.o nntl l no;rlllitn

0•• JIOJIIIhLhun "' uc

1 mila~ lO oo.-uu UJ100

aa,.. • gren I cot. Comm1ttca a, prorJed, and th a raauU reuuor, on. -... ..,...,.., 7· s• e h ulll• lull II I I - SI!IIC. lliiJI~OJ irhllhJn~ fur roii•IP a nti o~hur I f r l _, L.- h d - · ' l l k t.o k tl

0 1{;


0 dipenden~ m 11nh uuttl

6 very "hort lltA"pp•ng at.o11e t.o our removfl rom our o t IJit eoq11•ry abow ..., tbat t o uo er-

pro p .»uu c .t o w '-' n~ 1 0 J nurJIO'Jt!i cul.1ct, "lth ou0<>h uo C))tl tderw 1 d d • tb L " th t 'l'o&SDAY, M11

reh 16 . , 116

tl A,,. or a a•lecl tune amco, wlwn tho mtuornls lto0!!1\ll to , . Jll'Cill:!llt 'l<IO •te con thon, yo~, oy t.&o.1ng ur not wt .. ltU• our 111eaD1 ey mua

o concur II\ •IO BJ,. :)II m .. • " thM lhty "'"Y f<~ tr'y t.uko S3D,OOO a 11houltl be von c::~rorut n ot t.o be auduced only"lubmtt t.oihe1r dee1110D flo d1d not, nESOLUTIONS.ON R .\ 1 1.\V .\ y r.oJUrUI~toc, tn r\lr •ll wtth b on :;<!ntle n o n be worked, up<)ll onr hshnrt;,.a al~tll , we ) l'lr rruhl•the lar;;o r•llll J!I'MIIl ot $10;i. ~I cuter usx>n nn umlort.aktng wlucb I bowner, \bioc that. '" waa beyond o ur On motton of tho hou ATron~ I!.\ from t hol I] Jlp" r o •u.mhcr II J •llllt .. 'Urn• c.llllllt aunt our eye• 10 tlu 11\."t. 0 II Cnll 000 llfo!lllll"rOJifllltC I. h e $20,000 tl V('l\r I ··- I r w u I mtanL n e did not DOW refer to tho largo

GESEilA' seconded bv ~ho ho n A :4m: ' • mlttcc, Ill 01-d\lr thtl t tho aubJ oCt Illig I.~ tmue 1 I CCIII renee \)r JIIIIJICrl,lll Ill u•ll'~r \ nuitl . r., r~t-IIOntl Jll tlolte JIIIJII"h'Cill~Oll OilS •1

"" t 10

1 '11~1\l!l 0 cnpp n:: I a co. aeheme or three buodred and fifty rut lea or

...., • "'coi\C the b 33t nn I fullest ollll iltJomtt<m e nt j '_1r t1 of ~lie L.ln nJ, when 11 fu1lutt' ur ,. 011~ 11111111c

1 11 .~ ~ 111" v~ry not.ortous m•lroad, becaoae be aboulrl cooCca, he-fel~

R uolvd,- TbBt n select C\lllllllltt.<•o be -• I '- I I I f li d ~h" bs Lol'" •·tkM l'l>&cu •n ~hose Joc.,huu.~' tnwlltll~ IJ:'YIII:; thH l'll erf'llt "P'-" t lus :-nuthH nml of recen t lll&tory, thut ooo a little •tarlled "' tho pr.ISped of , O'Iargo

cd t 8 lie lllll I Jill t IIi ~? llllU il I" \VO OilY uo ~ IOroug I) or~t ~ .• .. , 811111• '11>-tllch \II'OIIId renlly o-.:.lnco t he ololt r I I I nppom t o cou I r ' .: uv c\ hlcnc:e r. om nntb on ttc sou•ccs Uti· aud Wltb.oul' n:;:rlcu ltuml latul1 ''I\ in:.. ' d o tho n etg lllorm.; co ontM Wl\11 ato tmfH an llndc:rtakin~ u that. By Ul'\L:tn;;t tiDall

t he prnchc::lblhty of coMtt ucun.;~ foro t.'\lttn! 1\ ~lop Uo wll, 11

waro lhat cumbtmt. IIJUD 11 , tAl nJt> jlt I!Unlfl n e.• n~ :,;nt1u1u to 1\ very an,,.J

11 tm

11lunc.. 1H o1 h~- III \.O couloc.lcra t1on by m eans or a ra1l adnoca at fl~t they wtll bo tho better

] "


1,., ny throur•h t uo d!!~llct of A• 11lt111 , , , nt t 11!1 \lf'W to rt\'ru., •I~ "''"6 t ,., 1 a r ac 1o.1u I t mn• 110.ocublv lie tll(l~ t hts c ol• able to pronde Co\" future arr.~n~emeota o much unthll:II.\SIU cxts LeJ o11t.dOOr!l nt. lho ~~'II IMvor tn d' ·'" t 1ul I•COJ'Iu w.v Ina • ' 'J'b f th \V ~

1· on tho bru;ts of tho 10Ur1 ey m~tt lu 111 l :i7j. 1!'4~ "~JICC~ !,nt thure "osw '"! wkcn mto 011y would h~d 1t ncc:cSsnry horcr.flcr t.o e CNt o o ater ,ompaoy u ueen

"llh extonston t.o t>Ort"' Ill Cvnco'l'uon p resent t• m~t, " n l tlltl~ hy tho Clllhn11J'S lbetr onltlvtLllo I llo.~ wIll ""'" l"ru~ •I COII~ulwntliOI\~lho t ... nnht u \11111," w the k J I referred t.o aDd It "a cue IU polllt-. Whoa u c ~~ u,,~ tloS3nw I d esu-:1\.tlo Lh . t we huly !lO'XIOII~ t h Lt tho F11o1Cry A" onl 1

10 KCC riMI!Itt.uco out au • to ro te'rtl IL that wu atarc.ed a aum or .£80,00!> was eah-

D ,, 1

n1 rl f11rtuor1

ns t.o the extcu~IOII o f I k 1

IJ 1 1

coun try f rom t ncr .. u<~f',l l t'tllt>ntPnt am fr.•m nn 111tl., ltt l'dlleSS wlucb we Clln n o w m·•ftd t.o be r•qu•red to oomple'A the wor'· J .t f SJIOitll "'t~l" Oil' •J1A II Il l t•rltl Ill'"' !\I. 8 lOll •A lil Y~'- I ll uOI \1"'11111! Jtl'tllllt• -~ " ...., o. tho 831\l R lUI\\nV no rth {11\U \~c;t, \ .... J w • " 0 ""' ~"'" n ~· ' l!f!r1t'l ·' tl lllulo,ull!'lll 1· 18i S the) I u d I J .111 h •z. 'rtl" The conliOtttct, h •" e~er, nen~ th11~ wo11lol lou uf t .. -.uoq ht:n.-.1~ t v , ' '' ry c:o'll Y ll\ottl ncr tlelle carcum l11C"COnntty at well M tho l.og•sl11ture wu

1\ cthm tho means of the col>JII), utHI 1 1 1

Ia no I h~o l •t"•lo "I hn!.! t•l llul•:.ultzo 11 rnu.t I ~ot•1nco.~ 1t "' uu hi hi\VIl Loen the more ~fo etartled 11t thtl tlmount, nod thoro wa.i n

I I wo ul.l hii\ C lo "l'l'ro lch thoRihJCCliYt t l tho eouhtn• J(, 111l "'"' " p•lurlu ( l ') wttho ul u lcrcnse to ou r h~c11 "1 •r:;e~ , I

1 , , t n tlw • x.vn~ •• S - ,U:JJ t~r lllllflltll, 1 un •l I" 1ule nt c<>nrse t o IHn o conhnf'll ou r gren~ t.lcal of d •llienlty to mduco the llousu

I , _ c..rc, tntl ••xer .. t-;:: 11 c.1 m nml c.1u Jllu!! fullh n.! nH n •;: 11 11 ~ H , " •~ 'u•" lillie • 1 , 1 nlso, th11~ 11

mcs.\llg<l bo scut to t 10 uu ~ - ~ ' ,,,., m '"> wo11ll t. " '" l!<liiO to t ,.., t-XtCIIl sci 1 "~ to (,he t1110 w JJ 111 hur Om co wh1ch to aucu~ to 1l. T ho work cos~ httlo eu .... tolll\0 Counctl nskiO" tlltl~ uo.lv to "I' llll!lll, "'••I~~ on tho ono h.llHl nppr~CI\~ nfriiO lcit It !lhoul.t '•c rol ttlll tl• l ""·'> · of $!OO,O:)J Ul ~u·,) u:> l"'r ll llllll'lllj l wunlll IIOW seem t il Ln.vo UI!C\l. UUi&n Uttln £100,000 W ho, bo \fOIIId ask, Li

I) !Oint a sclcr.t comnllt~"• t.o 01

, c t ,, 110

1u;.:_ul! tho nth•nnl.t~ ':1 w lu ch will u ecus utd Ito h' I s~mug ••:iJ'IIll t "'"~ W ~<"U I~ 110 1 \huott~ .,. h •> ,1 nil I 1 11111 6 1tuw• llu weal ,(.,u..d cnnsctons of nny p rCSJure from the operu· lect. comnut tcc oftlus Hou'l~, to em" tl.lllh yew to th o.~c1u 1 l1) lrom tno c .m c~11voateol u·t.J•~mr:•l l,~lln~.• nlul""'l: 11.;l•L, fur tlau tllth r..-ct 1Jcnl'hl8 woul• l l Jl •>n M• S U£..\-h tsnotnutmrl:med u ouoCthatmea.sure, Bu•l•'tho 1.11 prop.'lred •lcr outl re JIOrt I\S t.o the pruct c .&u thq of


11truc:t• un of tho r011•l on ~hu o .lu:l h ou<l T hu H 11! r.r.vl Mclu•llw, th•'''- "ln .: 1 J,,. lull 0 lwo•u IIIUI., 1 h 111 11 ~umr" ns.•Uun I ~~~ l_.tTTLt: wotS rol~td to ltP~Ir IL li e nt tho prenot moment to do w1thout 1it ,. • tnklll" c

1rl' •b :n wo Jv n u' 1\.S:JIIIUO ,

1,, ,,


13, ,l " 1 ~ t•l !'xl"ll•l fr11 11 :-,t J 1' 1 1 ~ ., l-.1cry one feels thn~ n ~:rent bleasto~. 11\8

construoetmg 0 ltlilhHl) tlii•HI"h t hO 0 • • • v 'r II' .. . t.hti•IH•tl olth ,.: olltl\1 hOW J'I OJ•O.o;t'J ho \\ C\1 '· Antndy UJ111rO\I!tl o f l ho :-l,lo b r I !\ l iS n cL o .n1<~1 0 .1 IIJIOn , 1 t'l"" u wn~, ~~~ I ~ wea-r, nul 111.; l.o> " • •l t li'\ ~r·nt llllliWII t o refer tho tnauur to a wlthatnudmg tlto IQI(IIenac boucfit wluc:t I t f

, 1

,1 0 1

,• ( 11

,0 I hnrJon " luch wuHI,l tOIIlJ~"~'""Iy c r•pJ•lr lhntn)(h , t h• ,11 .. 1 net nf \ • " ' '" I•• t ltt 1 1 1 I • ceo con t~rrcd upoo the poop .: o t -

f 1 .. -G tl rtXIO 011 t" JOr ' ll<, .. . J dillS lltljll!dO ol O IJIOS~plne ~htl hl .. Hi ool 1'. 111\tV n., tJ \\ l r.t~\J ... Iu:-\111111 I ' I f I d f ,;nr\1') o v i , IH 1 , '"' " • ~, ' wuniJ loll' O th••l\ un• "''"k1 n l.n.-. u r J•llll~ t~•k'\:t comuutt~'OI beth H o>n8Cs to 1 1:1t measure hu eoofcrrc upon us, 1,

r •. l u I r r•l or \ l•' ''' ••Cct Wo h \ e Ill \ 11) \V f •llhor thUIJII O :hl\ll ! h t l,., oh!>tt ld nf u 11\IUO, 1\tll I I ' I tl fi •. •. £ 10)000 1· .I •... lll IJUII-OJI lOll D '' • nm ' ' • I ' " v ~ I I H " , • .... I h t.>n n-< rc-:" ~ t Ill mteto·~• 1' " " c IIIlO cooll~\1111 tlllll 'ct•ore t ••on tin~ nlllttcr Ill ao •ra• UI.S .. 'Ince, , ul\u .,!en

Ul:tOtlliiOU 0 .uC8.111 til , , I l ' I. I ~"" ... urklll~l' 'ttot!lt'~·. ll lttllu•lt1 l.t "'""' thu ''""""10!!" to rtsll l• f ro m w hich IHI\t.l ~ ~ " I u• I .. . f

,I. I R I. ) ,,'·til ,,,,, 1 11\JlO l iS 1\CC.lllllJ li 111\tlll t .I \VII~ , .. I \ • h iH'I I a "''' r ll·y '"'' ' lil t•) u~ lllkAd for tl•· y -o 11<1 h•"e bee• loo'-t r 1 tl or thl' \ ll tlll \ !)\\1\ rC lhnl t ho <O who ht\\ 0 ~uC l lllll '"'I'- 1''•>111, ~horo '" 111<<111! thiUII •11 rh~lll.: I I I I c - etl upo n 1\! ht IUbJCCIS for tloe lunnliC

wcsl ' 1 1

" 11 lin 10 mtcc"'"

0 1



h..1l , " f 1ru uul 11 h 111c •m:~nt uf dill c Jlllllry ut I ate•• II, , 1l I on 1 ~ 111 I tulllll•r, '"'' ' II •• ,II, c '"f,-s< 1" ' """ nt

11 o.~" 1'1 s~t. 1 0

" 11

ulq llul lwcn ' xn;:.:~'l'ltcd llo !an• I 0

' ('I) M} luw \'f hen •Mr (.;)rna ~·•old cnmo Ltcro nn< "It IOU~ IIICI'I!.I~O 0 r l~c. " o' I I

1 I I I I II tl<•h lllll.' sum, l.ut 11.- luul h<',.r•l I rum .! wnl e<lllh•l• nee tn t h\.' 11 L~UOII\ o11J forrstoht 11 few l eA- n,.o An·' pr •noJcd t lae I•• 1n,.•• of

hoa · t u(' unuu.; tIll mo~t e n. '""''l!il lc reu.: un~ ll mllll'l , 1u 1 ao nurt • c 1 I 0

" '


o " u v,. ~. ) l OTIO :\ r OR .\PPO I'\ l'\JL'\ I' \)J-' I Jl ,• \Ill~ ll.oa\ \\ 111 " " ' , , th.no !lrO thl'l"'~ "-'\W UIII' lwn ..:·utlo lll Ill Sltl •.au.: ~. ... t.uul lllldl<lllt) t h Ill\ '"" lll l ..:h~ hu Wul kl'• ' •• r tlllt ~ llllllll:"r, t hl~ tho grentt!S~ 1\ tCIC$:m ph hoe ACross tho Allt111UC hu ni\'J

. \

'-'"' l ,t.'.C'"" ''O"'lllf'&..''.•.

0_,- \ 1 I ""~11• 1 11 r •cJ. Wn \ l"r""·"~ 1\ " ' "x '

1c.11111un "OIItl loeul"c' '&•llllnO,IIItJIOS s•mplynd•cu lcd Yc~thc)' II.'I\Vthl.i~relLL

,..,,, r , . .... .U.) "' - · ' \\hlltl,tpo> lu l hC'prt,c iL(:u•CIIllllUIIl \\ 10 ll:!tlwn,h t h" \\tl lUI t..JIIIl<lt llc 1111 f ~ f I OU kb h h I II I b olru r , IJ ) to ·H I t h It "o " c no~ smc~ • c I unci. ' t .tc "' ' t.nt I, I h " " ' ' ut n IIIW '" ' ""'t' " n•,nou niL ' ' S ,IIL'.rl u ' 7.' ' r •II I I tntt "pup t lor• llnamcml ahou luen:~ o f t hr ., or y w rc now n mos~ n ~ •e Illness JL\ lL \\' .\ Y. , ~ 1111 ··~. t 1 1L t 1~ , :oc , "" ,, ""' h 111..: " " " 1 col m v 1 , 11 ~~.~ .. 1, hnrtlcus "luch or the world ur cnrncd on s •c.-cssCully nr:· '"'' ' nre onh hulolan; ou~ I .l~o h lJIC< &uc:n~< 111 I lm "rHI• I til c ' tum th 1C. 1 ~ 1 1 t 1 1 11 1

1 11 1-'


0' ' c<lmphshed '1 ho lion A ttorney (,cul!rt\l

11 o n tho Pnr.m Ell ( ~~ r .\\.lull'\\ 111 ) l'ha•« \lur OJ'•""'~'"'"· go on to s '1 Lluo~ " 11 1111t s n;11 1 "' ..:1111 ~1C " '"1.. nller ull I ' 1"Crf':\l

0 '"111" 1'

1t01' 111111

1 ' '1 ' ' '" .. n:; 111 " """


teutl '0



r ' l zo her 1•rcson~ ' 11' hn, referred to tho c~L of complct111g tln't

\ "

> J aiiOIIt •o 111'1 011 11~ fvr lhu e )ll"l to l~ r I ' I I I ., ~ ' " Ill'' • 'I l\llt •••• ,,. '""' IIi tl All I II' ""I ~IliOn I d '· r I ~~ • ' ~v \\C '""I'' IJt l~llq ll 111111,1 tllli ~~~ ro ~< I If , " ,.J,Ipu~ tl1 ll'nn" 111 n ..:•·~nl I II k 1 t p, 10

• .. ., 1" nu ro:~ wor.. I e, IIIOsolf, \\:U not 111 n.

1uon ot1 tho llouio n Mil"'' c t o l ' ' •' f , , f

1 l 1 tl t I f

1 1 1 1-"' f I ,.,,., " uu • I''' 11!1 '~ " 1 110_ • x ,,~ .. ~r·~ \II lion \I r :-;,n" conclln-Ct.l full) m the ro· ooa•llon ~~~ present to &\) aoyllun" npou 1t

~'' "ltlmportnncc 1~ l 1',;11

rJ•t 'H' fn t tll t l o>pr<'p:tr.·n~ '- ' "'""''•' " 1 "'11' 1111' " ' " '' o.~r It "'"11 '1•'" "11 ~ '" 1111 ) ~~~,c• •l ,,,I.,. lut IIP<L '''''"""II' It 11l:trksol thehu11 n11Jic:.rnedmombcr, Mr 1J'hobon AttorncrGeuert\l hll:e


(;1\0n the ul lh11 c.mntq nllll he lru ~to I ,., l l I he ·~ I :I II ·~ ? Ill \\ IIICh lhn!>':l \\ ho lrll '" I t lllll .,., 1\) !!I•., I" • Cl~l) h !'" "'' I r. ·"·' "o;llltl olo ~\) '""' "'"" • Ill th<' lilt" ... . ·.lliU I IItie, LIH\L the) Hhoulll fee~ d~ply j!T!Ite• mnucr thn~ ctlrclnl cons•dert\UOO, lllld hM n:sllloftlttlr.•lehloc111lH111'l 1\ oml.l l "" (\\ til of l!.Jnfet!~r:l ll r"' ,I'"" tu ll clhiiO'c I " ''•' m.;nr '"'""1;""!" I .Jttlt•• l ( ,,t,,r I \\ e iiiii ;J. 1, • l'r''P""' lu•" J.,..._ .. nn•h:t I fulto t ho hnn tho l'rclllll:r, not only for acqo•rcd t hl\' lllMS ofvl\lnaulomform:~llou

1 th 11 11 •JI'"L _, Jl\ •" "'' p II t I


1 n•1i~ 1

(; oC.J f r 1111 • J u an 1 ~hr m~ 1 1l:u 111 >it 111,. Jan 11l 11, , . , , ,,u ,,,. 1111 1110 ,1 11 o. 1 ~· tloc llltro•luct tull nf the resol ui!ODS bdorc winch b:ut bel'n 111a01(cftted 111 Ins nhl~ :~-I· llllllti Hm of 11 lle \l • lf-.;lo Ill lit" '''"'' ' " \ 1 1 1 1 '- -' 1 ' •· ~ ' " ~• I bl f ''l'""'"s I llollll " ' III II ull~ Il l~ ,.t c, lll~nlr Jtlft .,, t 1al' ,JauJ " '"' llt•l)lill"' I r I 1- I I I I the IIOII•l' but 1\lgo for tho ~ " U!l 0 In Or· dreu to tho House flus c \CIIIO... :SII JlJlO~.J of t1

11 connll\ \\ '" n "' l o:>i~ ho h ,,1 · I I " '' t•, . 11 L 1110 "" I""' w I V , ,. IU\tl 1 1 h fT _ _. -> d c

llllrthiiiCfd 1\ RIIIIC <lf l('~oolu 1 1 "11~ lip til the s ul•t• d •Jfll l:oll \\ :1\ •he " ' 'J l ~ ~~· H•\11)11 ott ll \\ 1 ~ till C<lll,llllctl Ill u f • ttlt• l :-~cr o;..o; :s~ ,dtll\r. allunol t tl t 11111 1 1,,:, 111 th1ot \:1-t:J d o• lll 11f CI.I IIIUI lUI< <tl Ill WI. I •11 '~ •~ , 011"'-'1 " •I un•l wrallttl ul h v \ l o ~llhlfo~:~l I li"'lll lll.! I•• 1 >ull• o:L I ott • "' " 1tl1 tl oo.: l '•~ II" ( >l ~l \,, ' h•l •..: tho

I 11•>• th I h "l'<h 1111) o 10 to 1111 •"1110 ~ 111L l h o.:rc fvr w111tL h • " " '" I t.o • ,J., " .~ tu I 1 1 m:tiiUII " nc I he " I Orutln ten LD~ lO It 111 dccadcrl thl\t Lluri •~<>rk IIIIlS~ go u11

I "

1 II ' 1" l!ll<t til II'' tat" II l""''hln lov "l'l"rf' ll'. 1 t tl e n11o1 of the ( 1 1 1 d 1 1 1

" tl "~•'<! '''''"I L 1 ' ' ' "'' 1h • 1 •" 1l u 'I "ou11 up uur 11 •n cultur II I uul< uu I utl ... n l I I "• 1~ 11 uur


0 It' oppr Cl


nna 10 •~ Cl cr\ <"v 1h CIH" t • \~ K 1 1

'lu•· . ' Lll'l'•"ll·' ·' · I~.,, • I • I t II I I r"' I I' I I ~ '" Cl cn lu tlllll .. ~'·It liiC l ol u l, '" ··~ I0\11CIIC.'Ibii1 L.) or the ntt•:uture llllllcr COli ld · l Wlllll<l be thu tlcc t.IOII ) lhcu our hr LilT\)

\ l ltt lllh o .. · .n :-; , , looll•llul ... ~ lo n l f u l:"o Lt\\ 1<11' olloll ., ,r , t l..,; loCIIt

0 ~ Jll,ltlcr<'d lol h 1111 H I • .u '' <l

" " I mn•L rxpc<h llo u. t ollll• 111J lo • 111 .;

t lw '"" mt 1 • ' of cr.•~·"· <' • ' "I 1: • t ~t. ll'ntt •r~) Thl'n ", •" 111 "· '' u4 ~o t dl h•IJ t 1w np1111 HI ti t • . II L' " .!ll tol I • 11.0 I uo • ftrl \11 '" "·' r .. , .... frn n l\ I

Hill " l ! Ill 1 ""I I 11 11 o I • rc . 1


\ iH'i\\ llt 11},. " ' tf lultl) lh I 1l \,;,

'" ' c " 11 1" h n 1 ~ " .t I ' 1 I _ 1" ,

., U1f' !\t cl ''" 111..,. t •LIH.~T"" dun ... ... 1 \ , t '' 1

,,~f'\h t tl t h \ t ttl \11111l t1 "''' •" t v ' ~ ~ - \ II{HI1ll ,J I l .... I -"'' ' ,,, '" I II 1 . .. I, J'l, ( lltl , lll t l i t 11l1 t J If\ \ Il l i 111, \\ l11 I

hhuu\.1 I • l ..,l l l t l t il } \ J) r..s_. II II up I \

'""~ . ...... _ • ,.._. "'"' "'• 1 CJH c u p 1\ tat .. n\ , .. o t r p ... •••t lh • ••l• 1 1 f 11 1 1 h ' • II 1

( , 1

1 l 1

all 1 \ N il< I "ttoolll a.-na J•llrL tl 11, \\ 1)11 1 t:rn 1011 I c ccr1n1n v wt\S more I nn anr cccd &o r• 0111~t bo w cu•nt•l• IC the @Urli!\ I'J"I Irh t,., ol Ill' \\ t lin 0111 111~111 '<, " ' 10 II <Jr on c o \\ 111 IIU ··~<Ill V lll II 1 1 k J I I 1.; I I d l J J "' • I I \ , ln t ln '"" ~ . l k uf f

1 1 :S I , '"''' e l 1111 I" ' '"'" Ill! L :<I J~'"(• I " pn•~1 , oo •nz n~ l b•J mu U nnous lllc h:lt mn~Ln ~c•unh b~: t1

1o prclulllnnry

"'" 111

' •11

1.: 1 1

J'lll" L 1 ' 01" " • ' ' • ' ' " '"" ul lochd-11

1 cia ,1 1lall t' " • ~ 110 ..... ._ "lal~h It 1 tl.-vnhm,:! upo11thc lion \ ttorncyGencml, atcp lln\111;! ~fJect~lltho Bllrli!), h•~ 1de l l ' ' " , ,., • 1 111 " '• 11! '", ' '" we h '" 1.lo11 '"'' 1 ... 1 .t "' 1 I" la1 ·•, "1tla l u "'"Ia 1 1 1 1 , tlol\1 Ill• hM l,lo~cn c:nnll t:d to I'XIrt\c t tune \\ Oultl uc thnt tcndont betldveruscJ 'o• tho

I ' I

1 1, I '''"PO""•l·~·•t•f,•t\ r-tuu••nl.t.• cn l r. Ill , •

'"'" 11"\t to t " 1

• .:c • oil t r<.t> lu "' l uw. tu IU\\IIi 1111 llu• I" ''"• w ootl•' I"' I II 1 1 1 1 sul.lr'- nt to tnt\ulc him to mmster n tIll pcrlorma11ce of the work n"'tl thntnoLiunr.

I I I '•'"'I' ,..,. I out " . ... nl II "'' cu n t·~ to f l< - l I r • I I I •. •o r I • .. I' " 'I" "

11 11,

1 , o)o 1 c )II ,,. IICI' t n IJ , ,, , l ,c 11

111n 3 ·t)

1111:1 ~ h t. u l ''" 11 I

1 1 • ' '"' 11 o l ••C mMsuro w u c • •:~vo uecn D urt 1er should be J ouo3 n11111 the nex~ meet .

I f j I I \JII\<;0 ltl> " ... .. Ill C .. lltl"-' " ''111 "'''I lll I I ll I I I c l b•rorc thiS r I , _ I II ld

"" ud "' '" I 11 •tr ..: 1r &Jill 11 til' ~11 1 th 1t 1

lo1 1 .t .. ., .. 11 11 1 " mil l'r' I I , " Y ""' ea orncy 1'110

' c 10go thl .....,1:11 1\lUru ICY " on then I ~ ' ' 'l'l h lo" lit " nnv ui•Jc" t '"' nptt I t I I I I ~ ~'I O:lJ • , . I t h o t•roy ct II• ' " t•r ••t • , .. ,., I .. COliC " "'"" ll ou~o to sfrw lie ~~~ ac:ueal, nod \ cry bo In II po IliOn to know whnt tbo 1\c tulll


0••.: ) co •t 1' ' 11 •

1>on• ~ - i.<• ~- '•' he would ~~~ t luiL lu laul l"'t lur\\nnl trll lyllt:&tccl 1hmt 1f lh~y duJ not uow ~:mp· co tor tho con'<trucllou of the roall woulol

11 ash u1 l" 1111" oo tl•\ mum• v Jo~ 11 &u ll• lu1L l l< t wa~ ll llll t CH" t \ I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 b d b 1 h

I I I • · •he'u '" ..,,. """ .. , I!' "' n••.! •t th l'ru 1 r• e " "' ' '\-' ~u IJ~Ct 1 ttY etou ' n nu uu c, " 11c woulol effcclu:~ll) lh~JlOltl of the

, ,) " 1"11\ l it St "' Il l.! tlu ''' "tllltl.'rt:~l ,, t l1rl.' o Cut sax w ch ••1 1 •1 w "' ' ' ' "'"'L l ' ~ Ill ot•e of •· 1 t 1..10'' 1' 11p •---~mlt"C 1 h 1 1 1 - " " j c t 1\1\1 1'" " ' ' " "'' 1 •t ~ lv1 tlo• J"'rJ>lhl " 1 '•\!f lllfll II 1\ ,. • • ""~ ~ BJlCCII llliOI\.8 1\! tO t C COSt IO 1\ IIC I tIC) • !111 tlw uu

1•ru" n ut o111 l 1 h <ll t:l' lll t"Ut otll unr ""JIIr<" lll t:llt~ H 01oli hn I ''"' 1 I I - I 1 our hrlt\IICII\1 t>0~111uo •~ better no w thnn ""' Jumted at l'r~clll I f; .. , ,.

011111 then

I I I l If( t • l\\'IHJ U•lt U \ l ' " Ull l. •rlll •IU" ~,

,,f t lo( C• " " l ' } " ' " hi\C •r.; 1 111111~ lnuiLcH•u1•" '"'"\ ,.f "''"<,lut h.-1 1 1 1 "' - evt'rll"n••nt lw lu~ln•yorrhccolon) or"R~ 8co full•tlouextcntofthc t•llh•:&llous" l"ch

I I 1 ' I 1\11' &t t J .. ll f "''"" ~ '" CUll I\ II\ ll• I k I b J I I I II ' ~ 111 ! 111 ,j,, ••• 111 • ' " 1111 l•O .!• ne111 IJdh!\o tl t uaL he " 1,. ~ '"Ci. "' , 1 ,tul' -

1 1 f 11 - 1 n·cr I;::LIII • ~ Y IO t' •ey 11\\ c 11\ro Y tlu) Yovnl•l b >! c:lllcolnpon tO:IS'!IImC l111 ' Ill I"' ~ nf ""' I" •'I''' di u"' ll t)C ''" •nh th It In l•llll olna' II "''I L' ll '" '' ;_.: , .,.- · ""!ttl'" 1"'"1' ,. ' " "~""' ' " 1 ... l :~rn vctllll lltH'h " COIIohlloo nf U•llt~ll t h"t •~ no l~'lrty 'l'l"llon If~~'' on e to dC\tllll

' ·• >< I IIIII l I I " ~, .. .. ".Ill 111111 II I I • I. I ' ' " tr<: d ut t ' " lllll lt \ II., .. ., . .. lo•~ ...... u u kN Llll v ahollltl COII~III t•r ~~~ rurlllllr IUIJlrO\ C• t he <"UIIdiUOII c r l ite people l\l op~n u p 1\u.l ... • \ ' ' ) ot • ..., \\ , • c •• , . 1• , \ .... .: , ••• •:ft •...: , , • 1 r 1 1 .;, ll >f '' " '' " ' Liu•• In tl '., l' c '' ' ,,r "' •.!' t • lu ''~"' ' I lotu kul, _.~ t ' l• I '"" ~r t u r "' at "''" "~" ool '""'"lit• I ~~~~~~L~II u Olllfr tc""', '''on ~11 1\ c.:. ony unprt\C ,lc • clop tbt~ r< u , r., ,·~ of t loc cu mtr) to I

1 1 I I • ' k now , 1..:.- , ( ' '"' l1 1 " ' ' ut , 11h"" I''" '" • I! t aat •~ hQ tlelf co•nmll'!l"" !\_" I:"C mcrc:UC<I lnb11nr not! "HC oar people

I I I " it" ' ' • ~.tt• I' l~t \\ c Ill l lit c I>L Ill ooL " I I ) II ru :1 n " .... . ' .011111" :~·· ~ il l' ,, ott lol " '"'''' \ no I I I hut ". It ll••lnlllfll " nc :Ill 17''" r. nd tht rc IK 100 the IOC lila or llnll"lll' their ~ululllr\ to pro-\ I \too I I, I ... ~ Ill ul t l• I lllll<:h I \JI '<Ill ~·· .~ L11C \\ .. ' • •Ill I "~ ,J ..... r... l I . , I f lrtloc r IIKil uf tit. If hcuw '" r\1 J Iocr(' '" ht.,ble t\CCOII DI. ~~ ~1111"1 ,,A~~ -~r.l· 1

· . ft I Ill I. n I \ , . . .. I• \Il l .. ...... ,!II ot .. 0

, .. , ~· • "" ..

" ,111. !oPt _. , 1• ••111_; 1111 ll .lCt: •


1- J l2tll)uuulo• l.1•k n1! olttlou ' '" l" 11,, " '"1.-rt<uch ("trcums tMIC< ' nofntnrc foorlln! \\nrklni\IHch"" ' hl\vo 1\ll n tlccll .. ntc rcst

I I ., I " ' '"'"' ot -.: 1 \ 11 .. •• t u Itt. - • •t •l;.. 1 ""' ' "fllo•ll, 1, " '.! " " ' '' I c ' ' ' 11c 1 uf n t1 11 r 1 , .. J~ 11f ,11111 t, 1 ,111 , "uclo culuu) ""' lluhopcfurlllll'cople lxct>p IIICflllltiiOU llcllchcvcd th~l \\ hC'l tho

- - ,•, ,. , lt .. , . .. .... h I """~ I I dl '"'" I II k I ,. l , nil l• . , ,. 1 , r 11 t.:t 11 1»:1 ~~~ '" Ia .t toe. 1 11

tn" 11

t > j11111 1 t " 0 1 ,J " I' 1 ' ' ' • """ "' ' en I :a <" tn t lu cumprchcii~IVl' hno "~~"~ completed 1t wo uld not pny moru ' ' o " ' I' ol I ' " " I I ' "I'~'"" th• II IIH Ill' \ I I'" " l II tl ti l \' h to I ,,,., I In uit ""' ' r I t I I ' •v ,, ,1 I II "' ' ' '\ t l, Ill ' ' ' Ill'"" ' tlu ~clcr uf tloe r,,.nlniiOnK aubuull d l ' ' ' th~n \lao "'Orltlng e:Cj)C:IISC' for some J CII MI


1 111 1 1 " 1~ n ~t \\lllllll

11111 • I I ••· •t 111 • " ' tloo ~~· oL • l <l•r l""l ••r-- thu ll un Allonac~ ~.; ,.," r"l ll u lonusclf lhcobJOClln uudcrtnkmgtbl:t work 1~ nu~

I' ''' • • U ~IIColl ll <l.tlll..'\'~ nl 11 " ' " C•1 1.--. •l 1 " "" J, ol , , .,11 , 1, 1,1 "'' 1111 r ,.1111 11 "''"1&1 .! ~•l11pt tl&l\t loe f~lt n h1tlu nf thllt t hat It tmght y1elJ 110 nnoulll diVHlend

1 '" ' 1 I • • • l t 11 1 tlo 11 mnHIIIH'II l~ ''" ' 111 I 1 c' • , ~ 1 d 1 tl 1 1 1 f 1 1 ' ' "'' " l lo•t I I "'~ o u lnttr•'il th•t c ' I •,• ~ t " '' " '' ••Y '"'" ' " '' " " '' ·• , ,, ""' u tt• i ' '11r•I~LII'l lu t •c l'rllc llo'l1hiii)'O s• 1\"l;O hey hn"e fllr bro:~der :'ln&l lllore llueml 1 ' ">r ll•• swl to1 lou ol J :,,~ J',,,,l111


1,1' ' ' , " 1, 1

, 111.! 1111

, ,, ,11

, ., , ,.1,., " ' 1\Ach~u .. ~ l! unllll.-r<ltootlhuntoati\IJ' th.-t objecta mv1ew '11•elr p nrpo'IO 111 to1111 tit• " ' ,l ltt • I II •"IU I Ill dll~ ~Hi lt• \ t. •rll l ll~ r. htn , ...... ""''~ , , I I II I r I "'"~II lnry:rr \IC\1/1 WCI""\! tlaoso wluc:b ho prov;athoeountry.nntltotlrOIIIOielhenro.; ( ' llllohonlo o ~ ll ttlt<•utlo•o llr o.-1 1 I I I ll Ill I ltt ••• •I•IZII 'I,'"'' ' "' "~' •JI I Ill '· I l I I J cJ I" ' • ,,, "• " '"' • • .,.,,,. 11• • ' ' ro 1 u..;th,

1111 1 t:

1.: .; 1 1.: 1 ~ .! j,.,.~ ;1 '1 1.,, l.t. I · 'oon • 1 .. c H• seu n tnnMe y rcn IZC• t p~nty 11nd sreat.:r 10 cpcm.lc nco of lhe pco·

l. ll!f .. r s c I 1\\ follt:l' l tllll 1••1• \ I rl<lllt, IO\ "' 101 oull tU • IltiiO ~ I II ~ I ~··~ I vlhu ..: lltOC!..c ll il<t < oo!'t\\ \1.0::11_1 1114 ''" ""' '1

'1' "' "

1 ' 1 11 "'''" 1 1 ' 111111111 "" l" l '~l>~tll!rln° UIIt.l< rl~klll~ of th l!lklll•lthnt pie lC lhe wbololcbeme propotet.l, uy "fl~ l thr clo~m.: .. r th•· I ' .!I ,, .. 1 .... " l ' II l'llll,•" ,Ia Ill · ~ ,I•J• ct c ~ ~~ I I I the tl II )ll 'iiC n,.'tJI e l rl I I ~· • ~w ' ~ t " '' I • •• ' '" ~·· ;~ l •l "" I " ' \\ " lilt" c Ill ''" v ~hun ld prorn ,J ''"" rr nn:i Y"tn C.'lrC· the bon Attorner Goneml were t::lrnct.l out ,

'"" "" ron .! H .... , '\ uw tmu . II Ill I ' " u•dlll ' l1 "1~1•11•1-1•\ll lt Ballo! ~ 11 tlo

.,.,, h ~~,,1 '"I "'il.li lhr lu ,.,o c 1 ... ol ' " l

1:- 7"'. the(. 1,.1'rnmru~ io •1u, 11tlo 111 r ,_

1 " "'' • •II• • !'"'" ' " '' '';., t• llll i vi tl•• full• If tl•~>nru&n~tnancribythcrcople atwouldno~ Jlerh:&Jlll uc more t bnn t hey

• ' Jlt •n u n u t ur-r ..,t, ... • t. l '" '"'" t .. , \ 1u "4 u n l f •nr o 1.un t.a tt.:\ ~ 'j' t f• ht ... 1 1 1m 1111

enh,t<'ol 1 hr " , r u ,, lli J> , , h\ ,,f 1

1 11101 " ~ "t.•.._h l o~ I o I _ • • • 11 • 111 tht" tllt'IUIHc (1111< lac behcve1l I hat the) coulo eM•Iy meet A lll!lrC porllou o f onr 'lr !"':'lntlfutl



111 llor .. ,

1t., H" ' '"' Cll lfll\ 11 ' 1 1"' ~" '' 1~ 1"'~11 ''' 111 111 > ' " ' ""~;.~ 7~ tun'l lv t•l .t \\ttla fo1 I ~l r L llr 1 - 11• " ' ,,,(, ,,~ tJ11• '"" wert-), tll .. yslotll j:Oun "nhsr('i\tcr o;onfi- aubll•~u.•a "oultls:o t c. c.tntnuulo towt~rd!l

\\hom! .. - lllf !'tl'llllt f ""' . l uftlol" .II• ··P•"'l• IIIIOitl( l '' ' '1 " 1 111 ~"'~"1 " c ~lth (t• at ) IIII I \\It"~ Ta~ 0.:1111•.!"< t'IC0

1 \ ltloololl\hol•ciJ •II•I ' "'" t ill•• I<Je•ll dcll:tl Ill t ho \111\~trnct!OII of t lus thOII:\)OI('IIt cof~ho lut\!n:e~upontbec::llll · l• l•h•t thl'\ ~ "'-''" "l1f, h • ~' ,,.,. ,ll \ ,..,.,111 v,o l•tc twanlv•·• ·h ~ Jl •' -cu.o ·

1 ,

1 1 wur ... o f re:,:~nl'rt\ 1\0 n from Lhu fncl lt\l outb} Our 81cnm acr11eo need J:O' n lo,IOfl llllll \ of •' J II<:..~I\1~ J1,, lhllt!.~ I I , , . II f ~ ,., , ~ . ll" l i •••·I L " I' ' " too ""l'" ' ''"l l Itt' I I I I I ' ' I •• \\ II .. • .. I Jll I ""' '\.I\ I' I l ol(l wv rklll. Rt..a r c ..... ~·~ .,, .... f-11 '1110• I ' an ... \ "'" ~u•l:l "'·" 1\ t tO p t'OI' .. 10 :1 ri!OI!I\11 IIJIOO ao estc:n 1\'0 1\ SC:\ 0 1111 It lr1 .lu('lo\ lh•'llllllll\ furt hr ,J, ololnt••• •l f·ortf,, · th lnla o lt~oi JII Hl"ll t '••~• r.a·l l ' lfl • <'r llrt,;; ll, •ullr• l "" I ,lnt•-lo~ o•t tllt l llr I t I''"'''~""' ' I~"'"'"''' '' '"" "nrk"'''' hlh•\ nr~ l\u lunJ,:a Slll&he•l to """ Our pM tlll Bl'f\lcO could nl lioO bt wluch h<l lO<lk 111 lhe ,ul•t• c' uull or l1.t.l1 '


" "1111

1 ur tlt ll\1' , Ilk~ ol I ' l · I! I , I I I lu t huu_lot l lo oL '"''I I ool~· >-l l ~tl! lolh• ' tln\\Hhuu t llu~ 1~ n ot llllMtt:rto"l"ch COUKidernhly nbrltl•ctl Jo, \ \!11 1f tho coaL

I f " tat ll t.oto> Wol" 1'-< "'111 ' ' '"""' )II f I I II \ I I I I d h " COII!ICIIUilt;Lo h~cJn•o ller.Prt~ rel l ll I Ill~ loolh n« ful "'J (•111111\llllllll "'"~h " ol \ ~, " I~:,, • -• •l• II'" '" VII ' """'" l o.-111 111 1 ''"' ' '' ' ~1110\UUI onvo pctiJ:e I emaehcs or llua,::rl':tl .... o rlc enl•ulc;l "" noltllliOIII\1

to tho wutl. r " ' J .ondon ) J1riJ"' " I do 1 1

I •1

lui..,• 1 ' · " l ' "' 11 • tr IJ r• 1 111~ 1 ru,. ~~~~~ e-11 1111 1 nll••nll• "• " l••cl • h e I he llu11 Allorue.) l nul'ml h11a 1nnply anb· ohhs:auon 11110n tho co lon) of :11Jou ~ \\ )II III pn L "" llll 1\ ' \.. "II I O w II r ul VI r ll " 111 <1 cl 'I I 1 (\ c I I I I I I I .£ ·o 000 i ··- I I h 'lf'CCf!Slii"JOttVCI1.1i<Oill l.'llttltlanoc:ll'lll1 ' ' ·''~ \\ I IIII <ll t rl~'l\( ' II< lltl l<C.Itol.tl t,lll \\ tJiljt tllllol<llll'lt•Urt , llltlC< IISU\\11 IIIIIVuiiA \ ll!l"IUJIOO It '• 't iS IImtltlt'r Ouvlll\\1111 t O\

wlllchtht\ prOI>'l:il.'d t u pul, l,,h,lontl• C) \lll l iiCi 1' '";", Olr cl.111 1 ~'' tl r.l 't jcl l ~• 1'acC1t •l_;ufou nCoo\ ''""' , tu l • ""1:' ' '11101 Ill •• " lh• t 1,1, 11 , , , .t.tull• lt~<tuuii"II IKIOrcfcrtho &DI\llerlon lo10t 3hoult.l ootforl\momcnl hcalll\11' l ite:•


1 1 1 , , 11 u•u moo I' 1c • t ') , "" ' 111 " , ... ,:r111 • lw.: 14\ 1 '' I' 1111 1 t • • .:~ t!a•. ,. ,. '"" 1 ,. •c'• '"' 1 "'""':", " 11 cl. 1, . ~111 , 111111 ,., 1 1,11 "·' :-;,It t t l 1111\nlltl cc o f ho~h brnu~11 «'" o r tho offered, and wert! rcaoly to s.:•v~ $I :liJ,

.ore 1'11 • IC:IUon nn IIIHlX J'<d" "'''""' "' la.-• c 11c 1 111 •11 , ~~~ '" ' '" 1 lhhCII~~ \ nn l 1,.,1

"" ' "'"'~ t•r r 1,111 f 11 '~'II• t d f 1 , 1 ... .: •~lntur~ to rcpm ln.'< to the ft!l~lbll• l) of OliO wllh hbert\l j:rt\llt'l o f l1111tl Ill a111

T'r~s< ntcd u sclr. ami dtlau 1·1h th ot ulr II 1 \\ ,.. f 11 1 - - c..>ll·"' r 1l '"' " ' " I """ ll u•llnlloh 11 , re 11 • 1 b h d 1 11 d k 1 •-,. " • 11 nr11 1 " ''• 1"' 1\ '''"'' "" , 1 " • ,0._,. 1~ 110

h d 1,.., 11 11,f,u 111, 1 ''" l 11., 1 I '" ooc 1111 "" comnnl Ct', o n C\ l' ry COniJ'RO)" \ V 10 11 on • un ertll c t uJ " v r ... btaclc 1!1 n:presc:n:.C..l tn 11'1 u!t o11l' h ••• , 1 1 k - J •~ "'""'' .. "" 11 " " '" '·•".: ""I l 1uu •lot < o•ulht~llce. wonlolllll.:c<"• ery n~essan c•r· of bmld•n"' 1\ rallr>J!Itl ncro&i the I"\·

lllll<l ul•,lll 0<11 '11' \t"~ 1111 \Ill l' IIII I \VUI k 1111" 11~ It• ' ' ' ' " f II 1' 1 •ht tit •II' 1'1•1 ~ ,.. l \Ort\n, s till -we lu•o..l "lll(• l uc:u l~ l \\n 1 1 1 1 1

, <> - \\J Lh ",, 11111• IL • • •~:•• '" tlu f111<11f' 111 Cll nast.oiH'U 1111 0 1\CC0\1111, nml they '"" be lnn1l l hnL lar:;c lllllll alul no~ 111:1rtle us t <~IIIl i V'\\ 1 1l !! 1 1111.: tliO ol r • 111~ 111 "I •I lloll"<~ 1 1111 1o w:,,:, n~lll'ri Ill\ l t< u •l ~I r, ,.. 1 1 1 -• 1 •·- M 1 en I'll w1lhon t liS r<'lllUI nl r nu I'"', rn

1 t f

11 1. " 11 .-. ·~~ u l t 1,. • ''""' 1 11 '"'"''" " "111clt I t:"" c• 1n t 1c1r u c '""mt10 11 nntllinr l report If ~:.!yo · 000 were ll.!lk'!u fur nt t he tnno It


II II II f I m.:l ll 1111 "'""'' 1'10 "11(\rll\ \\I 11 (l)l} - lttttlllllll'&<ltl<('llc;) ul <loi iiiL "" II II I ""'"-~b\lhOlii!COIISIIIAmiiOn•wLIC r l\-llke · IVOuld hnve ueftll Mrftllllllyn•e••l·'·' l" lllCOlli\\CnOO('n l \IC\ COII• lu lltllll t ••tt• lll~llll l ' I"" Oil 1''-o;.rllllr," lJ o \\1 lol'\ rtdl c•"' "''" ll !111 l <l t'111111 ~ ~ n • ~ ' ~ ~ v u v the ohjCCt T ho 8< ""'nt' ho ' e \ ('f. co " I .. \IIIJ' '"'''I" to '" n \ c tiL 1111\ tlo lll.! lml h\l I ool I ll!' ~ .. le u I I . ... ... . ~~~ · ~ Ill ' t'UIII\ 11<1 ,, I) 10 IC IIII to th e p101l101 lOll or t b faro \\ hen the) cOnlldcr the lnrJ:C bl' llt liL'I

" •~ nu t b'""::; '" • 'I' otlttlP un tho Ill lilY 111


1,., 111 li e ,11t 1111 1t1• \\' .,J.l , l huu, , '), uf th,• C11I1111V \\ 1tlt rdcrt nco to thcatat wh1ch mun flow to t ho c<Jion\ f rum such n

n o t Lo nth rrtu.l'd for r l' , , ., .. ~ I' an'" 1t111.: 1

f 1 1 l l " • '' ", w• • II 11111. IHttll•lch fdt I' ~: n• ' '"''"<:"" \l 11 • "' ' 11 I arouq 1 " cnull \V ho'o .!saL IIC<' frvm , ~ Tohn'~ 111 r nt o f tho hr•u nml lenmC<I member ~<ork, the tax11110n "onlo.l h e rt\thcr the other f , on~ Lho I mp<'rtnl G o \ crnm• ut.. "h1, Ia ta

1, t

11 l:l_,lllg Jt

11 ~


1J1ijl.. llll CJhiiiiHIII 1 • 1' m ' " " f, "•' I, ,,., " 1 1 r 1!\aL tl .. ~ .. ~ I L•tt l~ tlanL the) m~y loc m rluc;:cl to nntlcr· 1 wnr l he pre eu~ l'o\ eromcnt ~twuld tnl.: o

r~:~sons h<l. wus 00~ 111 1 I' o!lltl•ll Ill J'IU l,,.,. 111 ~,1 sp~r·o l, C't:IIIIIIIIII IIC.Itl\l'l "th 1"11"111:;hl'lol oll L'lllllt) ll•). 1111 ole• Mil •ml ,,,JI" t loP il om Atlullll'\ f t•kc 11hh~nt1v1u1 wh1ch \\ Onl J e .-cntunllv , f:!rC:Itcrctht for the pre,cnt hnnnc1nl po, l -11cnt. t.o 8tnle ' bu~ h e hl\ll "" ,•,)l'l.t I haL I a oh othl'r, Ill lk Ill.: ~~~ ·~ "' I,., uf Ill I ll\ (: IIIli. I u \V tO I. ""'Oil<, I;., l .. r.t~ " •ul I r .II \. Y\' Ill h ; ' 1..-hl\\ tltl I I'll< I t ho colony IIIlO Con r~:~lt"mtion J II • 1100 or the colony, nnd he \\ oultl hu &Orr) tho obj ccltons would m ' 11ho t t t11u11 l.t• ,

10" 11~ 1


.m r• c-••), 1 ~

1 11 c t

111 tho tlu . \\ 11h Dr:tlh:h c.>nuPcl o •~. ''"" k II .: "" tlu r r.~.r ... l th 1t 1 hl' p m ''' t~lm~ 'l' 1th the qHcsllnll of oureder '''" o to cnpplt.> tn 1\11) uny t .. nt J IO~•t•on hy nuv

remo\cd I n mtr~~UCIIIJ; lite rQ"uln U•IIIll \el<lfl mfollt.vf ,,. , ,,., 111111 Ill l nlll111'M, uor I to\\ t l~ In ·.mcrpl\01. U ly, pu,ltiOil to oxLcllll ~~~~~hun ()\t I ""'X I h~( \lr ~)ll~'l'('r \\ CIItlk:lnml llnyonoab:.ck I lllltluc ur('lllurc ll o fe lt proud that tlll~ ~ 0

ll 1

1 s 1 e 1 1 :'1 1 1 tl I 11111

\olll tlatl hue ~;') n11la•~. t ••tll ul th•~·· ltunol au 1 '" " ' hiL,. 111 11, ,. lie )ltl cr ".oultl l>o a part) to t lu .. 4 cololl) matter IS to IJ~ !nl:c11 up 111 n \VI\) thn~ \1111 rc err l o n 1 ' • 1 1 ' 1 ~ . c< 1~1 ":IS h .• .t.~po•<t ,J to I lt••ea tlot 01 r n;~ncul. ~ t r- t ~

0 1) l '"r In II(' ~ 1 ,0 J IJU.I I I I

1 I _1 1 1 ~ow:: ua to <.:oorutlemo un lly'l\nj 1tt:ch 1nenos e ns oro 11s mnl L stnct nntl c::~rcfn l cunSJJer- •

J l onse l~ tdopL 1\!1 n n nx10 11l tlanL 11 It u l- tnl tl 1111111

rnl lllo·l 11011,Ar ~~·~un~·- • r ~ ~ • · - wun • If' CJ"'" "u •v t "' culniHII t <'• 1 8 tl 01 1 1 1 1, ~ h II 1 II d Itt t l , . t

d I 1 • ' " ,.,.. .• Th lii WOIIltl lolf't,tl\"ult~alnLI •Iu•~-1- ., 1 • 1 • n • I! 1111nnnc• u.•ynevcrl! C\ go l l\11011 o-cans1 ert l Hit .o .. o\ Crllllle•t

TO:I nero l1C c>Jun t •v 1nn• t l;o 11111t, tlac~o "1 11

, •nnlttl"!l wlalch t.u Ln•k.f11

r I a'll\ 1 ntl.-anpt IO; loun • •"1""" 1t1r onr t lorrc11~be,.'l..,. .,. ,rhehnstlv .. •co tocryout ,~c:ro 'l'ftlo • n not hnv•n:: sulumllctl th111 :tn•l, 10 lhl\ 1\ 0 \\lll o l tlw It~• ~J,.~s :.;r wtt•ol,


1 ht• only rl'll'!II IOII'l w h lch ceut.. 1111!'~ i!~t. "--" t ill rcfurc llll .. ru•t I" r ""'""R \ V" h"1l 1111".!"""1 t it 1t the "••• k ' "~'11111'<\ 11 If hl! nttltt•r•rrseut moment be· meuurc bl'forc, fo r nc' cr C'Oultl 1t luwo

] l u n C\, " lh"V m•:."l frrt~ l u tt 111111~ 1~ Ill' prutn~rJ fur 1 he comnuttce to cvllJII !IIlii IIIII , ~I G.:-,0)) I c. "uul I ''" 1\"lkf'•l ''' tho CuuumllN' woulo l l111'" l,cl.'ll l~lll !It vc:ol tltll~ the\, uy the•mcauurc now pro· been aubnultcd at 11 mnre OJitlortuno time

\Hill :~ccom~·ltshNI, on lv l1o (1hc [ ac I •l 'r \\Crt, h o "

11r ,• nllth l'..<c l i"<lllrCC I to ' h o" "'~ ~1111 Ltl llll lll 1•lr "I' nur Ct1,11111: hul' I 10 tlan J'rftJHO'II'tl huu C\'"' ~\Ill • po1c11, .,.onl1l be ultunatoly ~upnllctl to or 1\l n tunc wl1e n they co11ltl bo 111 11


cr) a.ud wo ahou h l rathrr 1\ nrm to 1t L



do• dnt" I I " ''-" tho stClt lll lllll,,., ;.l' ~I<>W .. !>2,11U-> lu·•~ • 1 J 11!11,•,. " 11t. the tlllfc:rt>n~ 1101 111 1~ kn~k-~t til~ doora or tho U~m11110n for ad- better po11uun hoancutlly to tlr:tl '"'" 11 l (o lutd ~hen 311111 that.tf f,'()IO 1111) C:ltl I} l llllll nrll\l'll to l.utltl IIIIi \ \)\Il l C.lll tho IIIIlCh "s th O I'Iilr,\,~llllhl t • ~~ thl' ht:nl c .m.epliOII H ov, *\11•1 Ill tlllll", 11 '1 the ' ":-·uuu: Ito \\ OUI•l . lniii!Cthatcly, ftb:lndo~ Jt.. l'ho diiCIUSIOU nt preae n~ IS perbl\ll'lt\ httlu

b IJ ( 1 1 1 1 .,r Pl:~cl'ntt , G 1\, t l

1 1t R ,,. ""' I

1111 e>•m •

1 1 11 1 ,,, 1 • 1 .,. II 11 \\ hcu tlu:y <tl•e ( oO\'erumeol) aoe.ant Con- 10 ath·nnco 11ae) wore now, M 1t were, "'TO 11 on '" 111 tlccnmp 1" 1111S 1 11' " 01 k Ito . tono w&llt t l10 m r "'" nt uur o.lu1 e. lt ll\ " c ~"' Nl

1 ul • lou t-e d 1

1111111 11 11 1 011 1

I \Ill Y 011

' <. ' 1 • to fl-<lt'rllllon, they L"d eo hooeatlr. and they mcrelr, upon l ho threaholtl or the undertak-

b"l'"d obJeCt wu•ch h o th. 11 l ~tul 111 '" ", 1 , ,~ ,) 1 A few 0

, 011111

.. i 11 1 11c~ he h :u l ro 1011111 1 • 1 " ' ' 1 '"' • :< cowl I~ CJotlllii0\11 1.<1 t.l&o 11ou1 c IPIIIutu An bruit teal the matter to the pcoplo for mg !'hey hM•e however tnken1nto h:\o<LI o l cst l\b!LShmg II hnn ui CQ\11111111\I('Itllnll ' r. I r .Jol t o I he lin IIICI~I IH'I~~llon of I h o hy l liiJ 1111n~ .,r tho lo.ltl I 1\t l hu h t' u l or th•trtct• I j t) fcarQ.I, I herrl<lnl, tllllt th~lr oleCISiun 1 hey dec.rlct.l &!1111111&. the I t he r.rnctic:ll c~nsulemll~o or " !}UI'.Sh on . bet11~n Brttnm nml Amc1 1r ' 11ero11' colony

111 ucmro 011,~ 0

r 101

u k•·•l &l.lllJih ~v Plnct'nll l n •Y· "'' 111~ "II lll<' ll ll c.JHu u•: owen~ to ~hu cno• nWIIM C•lnt.emplttll'<l ~;overnnlent of the d11y, and t hey were obhg- wh1c 1 aboold oceup) the nttent•ou o C nil N ewfoundlnntl. nt nil t'\ ont.a there " o u', l '



1 th:lt wo nr~ Vlrt• ulh "llhllltt

11 Jlll b UIC.lttun llf'l" 1!1'11 t h · ~ 0 1) nu•l ~I.. J•1hn i! p r<lltU' two" o t tlu• .. t:lu·lnt• 11,111 1111,.111ot-fl4 cu to IICC"e(•l t .. c consc:qoencea T bcy hue our people, ~ho 11re nnx•ous for tnatennl ,l~;nc been only 1t hLtlo t11no IIOII.encq.:) h e tlt:Lt, "lnlr~l on tho ,,ti,c r h'lnll \\O h ltl roun 1 C •t•G Ltnc~, " loll" r 111th' .\ ,.; 1111, ;.n"y 1..-J dcV!II~I t n 1111 ~uv-m• ~ "I"") nothll•lot tv bo nah~~rued o f 111 tbat , on tllo onllaoc!OII\Ih-:tnccment. l ~ i• a reproach

11pen~, we should k n ow ou1

JIOillltOil llllll cxcolhlllt r<l Ltld lhroll'•hll!IE t ho CJnn~r~ , aum1le1 atf•amer~ :\l n lUIS aul~,uly w.mhl t ins m 111111ru win ch ntherw iM', 11 01t. r 11 coot ,.r_\, they h&Ye e~erythmA' t o-be prond to uJ, 11.'111 eolony, thQ~. we liN 110 long wlth-ld 1 1 1

o ' 1,0

~f1uu-erl north c>nnN:UII • 1,h

1oo a

1 1 1 1 tl l l 1 or 1f they were anx•oua to force t.h11 col- out Uua grut c•nhtmJ: ageul llu urnest-

....,.o cou I lCD A" O our n ten 1')11 to 111 c 1 1111liiLI: nt of 1ml>hc uu1hhn~'"l of 1 a r•ou-. v h th r~tls.m 't••o D 11 1~ 1011

tho Ill oro lllllttt 1 111' " 0 "~ •~'V Ill I)( 1 .'e ooyn1tr• Cnnrederauon, no opportumty wu ly t ru.ated that lbe d11y lfouJd noL be Card••·

1f . \90 .fOOid not COill!lruct II ro 1tl wt.1ch 1J~~Crlplt•lll~ t e le"r P lh (jll(n OIIIIV)riiiU \ tl " ' ~ t I lll•luctd L0 Mlllllll" r he st.orler thll nlh•red by t bt achon of hon. IDOOJbenJ n few l.t\ll~ when they would CC:\&e to OCCUIIY thnt would m<'et. our local WIU!lil, 1\. cht' •t • • la~ht.

11111, .,, ;:

1111 1°

0; he• pu'•>h" w<~rk•1 1'S!-"Lhshm1)tlt. o f tho n1tlW.1W. \V 0 m l.;ht tnncc to tl .. l l•ur UrnNJ m"y I an C0118tolor· years ago AL that tiDIO they wAnted to ooed••ablo poGJt iOD, and when t t:cy woult\

:arrow Sllli~O l'ti:\U. or 'l\1ht•lher wo Cvl"'' I \\ 'uch IIIIJhL htt )()1)\ti!(IU (IOII 1\11 110 1))1\Ch t.urly calculttte th It n t thu e:'tptrallvll ...,, .. d Uo \VIlh llt>llltyuuchtt lltk~n '1'1•" b on force the lioYenunent lo rurcbuc, ahn liD- look back • •tit pride at tho aehou of the

>IO~ run ahort.ltn•~ of r011d IIllO u,., 11c h I" ClJI->r L), 1111

cof ,~ lllch 11,l.., t,


11 f'"''J f\l r tlurpre.wn~ cn3st.a l llt.'tt lll conttllc.t.c, hK.If lhe Pro•u•e r lw 1 rt!f .. ri'"E'Il to the pro auenao •um.tliuotcreeto the Anp lo-Amor- llou, AUorney Genffftl in 1ntro\:luciog tho

I Bods then 111111ltrd on'• nn•l * tnl'ntrou eil I ' l'hc•o is n(J col oily 10

tho l;rtll!ih DJ thn~ Slll~•uy '~0111~ Ito auvcd S.!G,OO\> prsety ol 1,..1hu•ntt t~ e amoun'- n f l)ur !cao Telegraph Compuy 111 thm colony. r~lotio~ to-day, and in ao domr rorclo~ CCl II ~· C\ Mu • t Ito I o.~u.:cp&.ton .Vny .:llt.•0 \\1 I au b COI\Htll al.elltn-- -And oth~r lillUtlldletl "" fhe ruuh o f IUCh purch ... woald be to h!m•lf a httle ID .Adnnce or those llfOUDll

e8p " } tn • r I •• ~ !TilY "'r<'l•or 111111101111 "hu,o 6s::n l n ffau ll nt. t l1e pre ll ltl v ' 8 OOO • 1 • • L Induce the comr-oy to pau thla colooy 111m Uc l&!lt •&lifted tha~ t lillf were au•-~ now, then, ;~l;out to ""k lho H ou 110 s~:11t u u1o tuo in so &'ltl~f~tct.ory n a caw \V utAtt .CO::a8ttll S:~r\"t; ' .. " ' 1-.:

1 tn; nt'ro811\ry -~ 1 ~W~ .. t ' tn

1( ufnoyln~1 1111o.l land tbetr c:ablee to Non Scotia there- till nOd by all tho outatde )lubho tn this

to c-11U1de r t ho altomat1• e .s t. t lh:\~ .,. th .)!!() o r N o wfonndlttnd. .AUu nuon 1 ......... - 2,()00 ~ •e ~trnounc. reqtu.-ou to 01\Mlt t •«~ IIIlO tnt by depct'Ying:u~ or we pnnle:,tn wbieh we weuurc, -who purpo80 to reg~~rd lbil-colony · t1mo.augpted. ..Aa we .. ere n ow eltua· I. ft'<>m tlny t.o J.ty mote ant! more al- Interett on FLShury A wnrJ . • SJ,Ol>O tntflrUttt 'l J•on tho outlar. H e ve>r7 no_,: enjoy, and lc:uiogoue 10 retum a to~ or u bnlng a future, and who lnt(lnd to make \ed, wo roul't bav(l a ebeap R .ulro•ul nr tntOJ ed t.o our wmer.tl regions, ancl wtth Surr•ltlll on R eveuutt, Uti l"'r much fanml tis,. c. l~ll.'l po.~~ittnn wuuhl uot material of a . worao-tluu,~aeelea eh11raeter, i~ their futuro bome. , '.fhey tboold n o t, nona aL Ml, and whlh m~~.y be d ono r.,cn ltties for comontnic•tton o •pit.lll w•ll Em:nat.o · ... • · .. 22,000 r f'CCIII' h e enclnrcataun or hon mea..bero~ ~~ we were- eooeemed. tJ'bo reaol&. bow~nr, io &heir pat anxiety for Ule ~o· mna~ be ..done by ouraelvCl! , H e '"" II Le

111"'"" to thG count ry. No OI)C hsd or thi" A ~~~eu 11,Jy, ea1leC11 11y lhOI8 nopre · m... e9itably hue been thtl we tboultl \cea of tbur~De&~tU't',~rmh their Juctcmeo~

00~0 10 a, tho~ tho ~~eheme wt11


1e wall (lono .. ,oro t.ow~ttla '-nna•n• "U" ...........

1 $S8,0UO sonuu.r t.h~ 011,~ort 1Jis~-cct.e look tug ~oolhret1 to aeek rehef aomewbero from 1o bo dtaturbed. Ur.oo tbem reata \be bur-" ·.. • u rr... •• ....... - •• B..al:aooo 80,000 '" . . the dlfficul~ Do d1d not., bowcn•er, wtah den and mpon11b1hty of 1t; aod rcpntlott •

now a ot t-0 auurutt fur ~ullull'l • "hon l reaourcea into u ot.ico tb bad tho bo.ad at our pecuh"r 8100~ral'hu:~ l 11011'1011

be to import ioto the- dlac:UIIlon oae wonl of &ta~ whole circuGlltaocea or tbe ea1e n wtll ap a~ 6nt aipl fortDiti•Ulo, but he ap ...-w tho grttli&M' d1ffioril~~ 10 d otng • ..,., a part7 or dUIII,re~able eharacte?. Do now be entertd upon under "oJtpi~• that. aro b o to be able to a bow tlull. there were of the Oeologi.al ~parkoont, lf r. Mur S16B,OO.P wu h &lie .. u-,.m oeo•mntlic ,fton ·~•ch wo merely referred to tbeeo to~ICA ro r the par- beat. ealcalatod to J~d to a aatialactOrJ Ia- • DO i rlllO.QQtable ditliCJII~Iel, aocl tbaL my. It. wollld then be readil1 ,dtnltted Or &.Ul)~ 44 Ol'Dta eer bead 'adthtiuul -~ lM'O-'CR& enju)' Tbon; cu-e ruall1 ou~- polO of jyliBc:aUoa, aod la. order tu brioJ. 101, •

.. .. . I .];.