請保持安靜並將手機靜音 Please silence your cell phone during the worship time 2018年教會主題: 使萬民作我的門徒 Make disciples of all the nations 19 所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他 們施洗。20 凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同 在,直到世界的末了。19 Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: 20 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. (馬太Matt. 28:19-20)

2018年教會主題 使萬民作我的門徒 - tlgcc.orgtlgcc.org/speech/2018/120918.pdf寶貴十架的大能賜我生命 The precious Cross by its power I am set free 主耶穌我俯伏敬拜祢

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請保持安靜並將手機靜音 Please silence your cell phone during the worship time

2018年教會主題: 使萬民作我的門徒

Make disciples of all the nations

19 所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗。20 凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同在,直到世界的末了。19 Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: 20 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even

unto the end of the world. (馬太Matt. 28:19-20)

1. 我信上帝,全能的父,創造天地的主;I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,

2. 我信我主耶穌基督,上帝的獨生子;and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord:

3. 因著聖靈感孕,由童貞女馬利亞所生;who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,

4. 在本丟彼拉多手下受難,被釘於十字架,受死,埋葬;suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and was buried;

使徒信經 The Apostle’s Creed

5. 降在陰間, 第三天從死人中復活;he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead;

6. 升天,坐在全能父上帝的右邊;he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;

7. 將來必從那裡降臨,審判活人、死人。from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

使徒信經 The Apostle’s Creed

8. 我信聖靈;I believe in the Holy Spirit ; 9. 我信聖而公之教會;我信聖徒相通;the holy

catholic church, the communion of saints ; 10.我信罪得赦免; the forgiveness of sins, 11. 我信身體復活;the resurrection of the body, 12. 我信永生。and the life everlasting. 阿們! Amen.

使徒信經 The Apostle’s Creed

尊貴的主 Majesty

敬拜主 敬拜尊貴救主 Majesty worship His majesty

榮耀 尊貴與頌讚都歸耶穌 Unto Jesus be all glory honor and praise

敬拜主 敬拜全能的主 Majesty Kingdom authority

至高寶座 天國權柄 都屬基督 Flow from His throne unto His own

His anthem raise

尊貴的主 Majesty 1/2

當歡呼 應當高舉耶穌的聖名 So exalt lift up on high the name of Jesus

來讚美 耶穌基督是榮耀君王 Magnify come glorify Christ Jesus the King

敬拜主 敬拜尊貴的主 Majesty worship His majesty

祂曾捨命 今得榮耀 萬王之王 Jesus who died, now glorified King of all kings

尊貴的主 Majesty 2/2

充滿我 Fill Me Now

真理聖靈在我心中 Hover O’er me Holy Spirit

自由運行作善工 Bathe my trembling heart and brow

發出亮光照耀啟示 Fill me with Thy hallowed presence

使我識主並自己 Come O come and fill me now

充滿我 Fill Me Now 1/8

充滿我 充滿我 Fill me now, fill me now

耶穌今來充滿我 Jesus come and fill me now

榮耀聖靈今充滿我 Fill me with thy hallowed presence

願主現今充滿我 Come O come and fill me now

充滿我 Fill Me Now 2/8

將我器皿完全倒空 Thou canst fill me gracious Spirit

污穢渣滓除乾淨 Though I can not tell Thee how

用主言語使我成聖 But I need Thee greatly need Thee

平安喜樂常得勝 Come O come and fill me now

充滿我 Fill Me Now 3/8 b

充滿我 充滿我 Fill me now, fill me now

耶穌今來充滿我 Jesus come and fill me now

榮耀聖靈今充滿我 Fill me with thy hallowed presence

願主現今充滿我 Come O come and fill me now

充滿我 Fill Me Now 4/8

有如渴鹿愛慕溪水 I am weakness full of weakness

我心渴慕主恩惠 At thy sacred feet I bow

活水江河願主湧起 Blest divine eternal Spirit

自我心中流不息 Fill with power and fill me now

充滿我 Fill Me Now 5/8 c

充滿我 充滿我 Fill me now, fill me now

耶穌今來充滿我 Jesus come and fill me now

榮耀聖靈今充滿我 Fill me with thy hallowed presence

願主現今充滿我 Come O come and fill me now

充滿我 Fill Me Now 6/8

不是依靠勢力才能 Cleanse and comfort bless and save me

惟獨仰賴活聖靈 Bathe O bathe my heart and brow

心眼光明靈耳開通 Thou art comforting and saving

聖潔器皿合主用 Thou art sweetly fill me now

充滿我 Fill Me Now 7/8 d

充滿我 充滿我 Fill me now, fill me now

耶穌今來充滿我 Jesus come and fill me now

榮耀聖靈今充滿我 Fill me with thy hallowed presence

願主現今充滿我 Come O come and fill me now

充滿我 Fill Me Now 8/8

一 顆 謙 卑 的 心

求 祢給我 一顆謙卑的心

給 我一顆受教的靈



一 顆 謙 卑 的 心 1/4

幫助我 更多的禱告

幫助我 更深的倚靠




一 顆 謙 卑 的 心 2/4 F

求 祢給我 一顆謙卑的心

給 我一顆受教的靈



一 顆 謙 卑 的 心 3/4

幫助我 更多的禱告

幫助我 更深的倚靠




一 顆 謙 卑 的 心 4/4 F

愛使我們合一 The Bond of Love

主的愛使我們合一 We are one in the bond of love

主的愛使我們合一 We are one in the bond of love

主的聖靈充滿在我們的心裡 We have joined our spirit with the Spirit of God

主的愛使我們合一 We are one in the bond of love

愛使我們合一 The Bond of Love 1/2

讓我們同聲歡唱 Let us sing now everyone

主的愛彼此分享 Let us feel His love begun

讓我們攜手同心向世人證明 Let us join our hands that the world will know

主的愛使我們合一 We are in the bond of love

愛使我們合一 The Bond of Love 2/2







耶路撒冷大会 (使徒行传15章)

• 时间:

• 地点:

• 人物:

• 事件的发生:

• 为什么发生:

• 如何解决问题:

• 结果:


I. “忠心”




I. “忠心”

II. “良善” 用爱心去成全,用恩慈去接纳


I. “忠心”

II. “良善”

III. “有见识” 以冷静去面对,用智慧去处理


I. “忠心”

II. “良善”

III. “有见识”

IV. 结论



聖 餐 Holy Communion

寶貴十架 Precious Cross

主耶穌 我感謝祢 Thank you Lord You died for me

祢的身體 為我而捨 With love You gave Your life for me

帶我出黑暗 進入光明國度 Brought me from darkness into the world of light

使我再次能看見 opened my eyes to see

寶貴十架 Precious Cross 1/3 寶貴十架 Precious Cross 1/3

主耶穌 我感謝祢 Praise You Lord Your love for me

祢的寶血 為我而流 Your blood of grace flows over me

寶貴十架上醫治恩典湧流 Your tender mercy pours down from Calvary

使我完全得自由 Your love has set me so free

寶貴十架 Precious Cross 2/3 寶貴十架 Precious Cross 2/3

寶貴十架的大能賜我生命 The precious Cross by its power I am set free

主耶穌我俯伏敬拜祢 with my all I worship at Your feet

寶貴十架的救恩是祢所立的約 Your saving grave so secure in this promise of old

祢的愛永遠不會改變 its Your love unchanging for me

寶貴十架 Precious Cross 3/3 寶貴十架 Precious Cross 3/3

主耶穌 我感謝祢 Thank you Lord You died for me

祢的身體 為我而捨 With love You gave Your life for me

帶我出黑暗 進入光明國度 Brought me from darkness into the world of light

使我再次能看見 opened my eyes to see

寶貴十架 Precious Cross 1/3 寶貴十架 Precious Cross 1/3

主耶穌 我感謝祢 Praise You Lord Your love for me

祢的寶血 為我而流 Your blood of grace flows over me

寶貴十架上醫治恩典湧流 Your tender mercy pours down from Calvary

使我完全得自由 Your love has set me so free

寶貴十架 Precious Cross 2/3 寶貴十架 Precious Cross 2/3

寶貴十架的大能賜我生命 The precious Cross by its power I am set free

主耶穌我俯伏敬拜祢 with my all I worship at Your feet

寶貴十架的救恩是祢所立的約 Your saving grave so secure in this promise of old

祢的愛永遠不會改變 its Your love unchanging for me

寶貴十架 Precious Cross 3/3 寶貴十架 Precious Cross 3/3

救主耶穌 在十架捨命 Down At The Cross Where

My Savior Died

救主耶穌 在十架捨命 Down at the cross where my Savior died

流出寶血 將我罪洗淨 Down where for cleansing from sin I cried

若不流血 罪債還不清 There to my heart was the blood applied

榮耀歸主名 Glory to His name

救主耶穌 在十架捨命 1/6 a

榮耀歸主名 榮耀歸主名 Glory to His name Glory to His name

救主寶血 將我罪洗淨 There to my heart was the blood applied


Glory to His name

救主耶穌 在十架捨命 2/6

我真希奇 從罪重得救 I am so wondrously saved from sin

主在十架 竟將我收留 Jesus so sweetly abides within

我真快樂 主使我自由 There at the cross where He took me in


Glory to His name

救主耶穌 在十架捨命 3/6 b

榮耀歸主名 榮耀歸主名 Glory to His name Glory to His name

救主寶血 將我罪洗淨 There to my heart was the blood applied

榮耀歸主名 Glory to His name

救主耶穌 在十架捨命 4/6

我今靠主 脫離罪權勢 Oh precious fountain that saves from sin

有主時常 住在我心內 I am so glad I have entered in

如此蒙恩 我實在不配 There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean

榮耀歸主名 And all my heart is love

救主耶穌 在十架捨命 5/6 c

榮耀歸主名 榮耀歸主名 Glory to His name Glory to His name

救主寶血 將我罪洗淨 There to my heart was the blood applied

榮耀歸主名 Glory to His name

救主耶穌 在十架捨命 6/6

1. 今年會員大會定於 12/14/18(星期五)晚上7:30。此會員大會將進行以下事項:

2019 年年度預算批准(請參閱附件預算)。




電郵給您所要授權之會員同工(如果可能請勿授權給長執同工)並CC Copy 執事們. 您將會計算於會員總人數中。

2. 教會主日學於每主日早上9:30至10:30。希望弟兄姊妺參與。這期主日學主題為:舊約概覽 Church Sunday School from 9:30am – 10:30am every Sunday, Church invite all church brothers and Sisters come to attend.

3. 教會2019月曆已到,歡迎大家與Anna姊妹 和Kim 姊妹聯絡索取。鼓勵愛心奉獻,成本費為$5.0/份。

-- end --

我們在天上的父,願人都尊祢的名為聖。 Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

願祢的國降臨,願祢的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in



Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

不叫我們遇見試探,救我們脫離凶惡, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

因為國度、權柄、榮耀,全是祢的,直到永遠。 For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,

for ever. 阿們。Amen.

三 一 頌

讚 美 真 神 萬 福 之 根 Praise God from Whom all blessings flow

世 上 萬 民 讚 美 主 恩 Praise Him all creatures here below

天 使 天 軍 讚 美 主 名 Praise Him above ye heavenly host

讚 美 聖 父 聖 子 聖 靈 Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

阿們 A-Men 1/1