Postadress: Box 7070, 750 07 UPPSALA Tel: 018-67 10 00 (vx) Besöksadress: Almas allé 8 Mobilnr: 070-3361022 Org nr: 202100-2817 www.slu.se Lillemor.Karlsson@slu.se Ledningskansliet Lillemor Karlsson REKTORS BESLUT (REB) BESLUTSLISTA § 79-84 2019 2019-04-23 Närvarande: Karin Holmgren Rektor Martin Melkersson Universitetsdirektör Lillemor Karlsson Sekreterare §79/19 Tilldelning av medel ur Bröderna Jonssons fond 2019 Rektor beslutar att tilldela följande personer medel ur Bröderna Jonssons fond: Kristina Holmström, 9 200 kr Elin Stenberg, 25 511 kr Torun Wallgren, 13 000 kr Niclas Högberg, 14 200 kr Jenny Yngvesson och Torun Wallgren, 18 000 kr Totalsumma: 79 911 kr Föredragande: Margareta Stigson SLU ua 2019.3.1.5-1734 §80/19 Uppsägning på grund av arbetsbrist Rektor beslutar att på grund av arbetsbrist säga upp två arbetstagare vid institutionen för husdjurens utfodring och vård. Föredragande: Jeanette Kankfelt SLU ua 2019.2.5-82 §81/19 Beslut om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare Rektor beslutar SLU ua 2019.1.1.1-1690

2019-04-23 - SLU.SE · 2019-04-25 · 2019-04-23 : Sändlista Beslut om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare Beslut ... SLUs styrelsebeslut (SLU.ua.2017.1.1.1-2219)

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Page 1: 2019-04-23 - SLU.SE · 2019-04-25 · 2019-04-23 : Sändlista Beslut om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare Beslut ... SLUs styrelsebeslut (SLU.ua.2017.1.1.1-2219)

Postadress: Box 7070, 750 07 UPPSALA Tel: 018-67 10 00 (vx) Besöksadress: Almas allé 8 Mobilnr: 070-3361022 Org nr: 202100-2817 www.slu.se

[email protected]

Ledningskansliet Lillemor Karlsson



Närvarande: Karin Holmgren Rektor Martin Melkersson Universitetsdirektör Lillemor Karlsson Sekreterare


Tilldelning av medel ur Bröderna Jonssons fond 2019 Rektor beslutar att tilldela följande personer medel ur Bröderna Jonssons fond: Kristina Holmström, 9 200 kr Elin Stenberg, 25 511 kr Torun Wallgren, 13 000 kr Niclas Högberg, 14 200 kr Jenny Yngvesson och Torun Wallgren, 18 000 kr Totalsumma: 79 911 kr Föredragande: Margareta Stigson

SLU ua 2019.3.1.5-1734


Uppsägning på grund av arbetsbrist Rektor beslutar att på grund av arbetsbrist säga upp två arbetstagare vid institutionen för husdjurens utfodring och vård. Föredragande: Jeanette Kankfelt

SLU ua 2019.2.5-82


Beslut om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare Rektor beslutar

SLU ua 2019.1.1.1-1690

Page 2: 2019-04-23 - SLU.SE · 2019-04-25 · 2019-04-23 : Sändlista Beslut om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare Beslut ... SLUs styrelsebeslut (SLU.ua.2017.1.1.1-2219)


att godkänna ansökan från institutionen för akvatiska resurser (daterad 190225) om tillfälligt ekonomiskt stöd med 2 660 tkr, att godkänna ansökan från institutionen för husdjursgenetik (daterad 190226) om tillfälligt ekonomiskt stöd med 951 tkr, att godkänna ansökan från institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning (daterad 190228) om tillfälligt ekonomiskt stöd med 900 tkr, att överföringarna enligt ovan görs under 2019 fr.o.m. maj månad från rektors strategiska medel (kst 1000000, prj 68000). att upphäva rektors beslut 2018-10-08 om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare (SLU ua 2018.1.1.1-3557). Föredragande: Niklas Nordquist


Delad medfinansiering 2019-2022 av projektet Mistra Digital Forest Rektor beslutar att under perioden 2019-2022 medfinansiera projektet Mistra Digital Forest med 610 tkr per år, att medlen ska överföras till institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, att kostnaden för 2019 ska belasta rektors strategiska medel, kst 1000000, proj 68000. För återstående period 2020-2022 hanteras med-finansieringen i ordinarie anslagsfördelning, att uppdra till fakulteten för skogsvetenskap att årligen 2019-2022 medfinansiera projektet med 610 tkr. Föredragande: Niklas Nordquist

SLU ua 2019.4.2-1715


Yttrande över internremiss angående SUHF:s förslag till yttrande över Styr- och resursutredningens slutbetänkande

SLU ua 2019.2.1.2-1408

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Rektor beslutar att avlämna Yttrande över internremiss angående SUHF:s förslag till yttrande över Styr-och resursutredningens slutbetänkande (bilaga). Föredragande: Joakim Ögger


Fördelning av SLU:s karriärbidrag 2019 Rektor beslutar att fördela Karriärbidrag – Junior, omfattande 1 mnkr per helår under perioden 1 juli 2019 - 30 juni 2022, till följande forskare: Marie Rhodin, Anatomi, fysiologi och biokemi Stefanie Rosa, Växtbiologi Johan Lundqvist, Biomedicin och veterinär folkhälsovetenskap att fördela Karriärbidrag – Senior, omfattande 1 mnkr per helår under perioden 1 juli 2019 - 30 juni 2024, till följande forskare: Sara Hallin, Skoglig mykologi och växtpatologi Dirk-Jan De Koning, Husdjursgenetik Tomas Roslin, Ekologi att utbetalningen av bidrag periodiseras enligt följande: Juniorer: 250 tkr (2019); 1000 tkr (2020); 1000 tkr (2021); 750 tkr (2022) Seniorer: 250 tkr (2019); 1000 tkr per år under åren 2021 – 2024; 750 tkr (2024) att bidraget utbetalas till mottagarens institution men är personligt och får disponeras fritt av mottagaren inom ramen för anställningen, att bidraget utbetalas under förutsättning att mottagaren är anställd vid och bedriver hela sin verksamhet vid SLU. Om mottagaren lämnar SLU dras medel motsvarande resterande bidragsperiod in. Mottagaren är skyldig att omgående meddela rektor i det fall man lämnar sin anställning vid SLU, att mottagaren är skyldig att på anmodan av rektor lämna en kortfattad rapport över bidragets användning och resultat, samt

SLU ua 2018.2.5.3-4828

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att kostnaden belastar SLU:s ordinarie anslagsfördelning. Föredragande: Boel Åström

Page 5: 2019-04-23 - SLU.SE · 2019-04-25 · 2019-04-23 : Sändlista Beslut om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare Beslut ... SLUs styrelsebeslut (SLU.ua.2017.1.1.1-2219)
Page 6: 2019-04-23 - SLU.SE · 2019-04-25 · 2019-04-23 : Sändlista Beslut om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare Beslut ... SLUs styrelsebeslut (SLU.ua.2017.1.1.1-2219)
Page 7: 2019-04-23 - SLU.SE · 2019-04-25 · 2019-04-23 : Sändlista Beslut om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare Beslut ... SLUs styrelsebeslut (SLU.ua.2017.1.1.1-2219)
Page 8: 2019-04-23 - SLU.SE · 2019-04-25 · 2019-04-23 : Sändlista Beslut om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare Beslut ... SLUs styrelsebeslut (SLU.ua.2017.1.1.1-2219)
Page 9: 2019-04-23 - SLU.SE · 2019-04-25 · 2019-04-23 : Sändlista Beslut om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare Beslut ... SLUs styrelsebeslut (SLU.ua.2017.1.1.1-2219)
Page 10: 2019-04-23 - SLU.SE · 2019-04-25 · 2019-04-23 : Sändlista Beslut om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare Beslut ... SLUs styrelsebeslut (SLU.ua.2017.1.1.1-2219)
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Postadress: Box 7070, 750 07 Uppsala Tel: 018-67 10 00 (vx) Besöksadress: Almas allé 8 Org nr: 202100-2817 [email protected] www.slu.se

Rektor BESLUT SLU ID: SLU ua 2019.1.1.1-1690



Beslut om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare

Beslut Rektor beslutar att godkänna ansökan från institutionen för akvatiska resurser (daterad 190225) om tillfälligt ekonomiskt stöd med 2 660 tkr,

att godkänna ansökan från institutionen för husdjursgenetik (daterad 190226) om tillfälligt ekonomiskt stöd med 951 tkr,

att godkänna ansökan från institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning (daterad 190228) om tillfälligt ekonomiskt stöd med 900 tkr,

att överföringarna enligt ovan görs under 2019 fr.o.m. maj månad från rektors strategiska medel (kst 1000000, prj 68000).

att upphäva rektors beslut 2018-10-08 om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare (SLU ua 2018.1.1.1-3557).


Rektor beslutade om riktlinjer för stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare den 8 oktober 2018 (SLU-ID: SLU ua 2018.1.1.1-3557). Bakgrunden till det beslutet är styrelsens beslut om anslagsfördelning 2018 där 10 mnkr avsattes för att utgöra ett tillfälligt ekonomiskt stöd till institutioner som under en övergångsperiod anser sig behöva ekonomiskt stöd för att klara de utökade kraven på anslags-finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare.

I och med detta beslut ges stöd till de tre institutioner som inkommit med ansökningar. Beslutet innebär också att möjligheten att söka detta stöd upphör.

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Beslut om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare


Beslut i detta ärende har fattats av rektor Karin Holmgren efter föredragning av forskningssekreterare Niklas Nordquist och i närvaro av universitetsdirektör Martin Melkersson.

Karin Holmgren

Niklas Nordquist

Bilagor Bilaga 1: Ansökan från inst. för akvatiska resurser Bilaga 2: Ansökan från inst. för husdjursgenetik Bilaga 3: Ansökan från inst. för skoglig resurshushållning

Sändlista Prefekt vid inst. för akvatiska resurser Prefekt vid inst. för husdjursgenetik Prefekt vid inst. för skoglig resurshushållning Övriga prefekter

Kopia för kännedom Prorektor Vicerektorerna Dekanerna Fakultetsdirektörerna Planeringschefen Redovisningsenheten

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Postadress: Turistgatan 5, Lysekil Tel: 018-67 10 00 (vx) Besöksadress: Turistgatan 5, Lysekil Mobilnr: 010-478 4093 Org nr: 202100-2817 [email protected]


PM 2019-02-25 Rektor


Enligt rektors inbjudan (SLU.ua 2018.1.1.1-3557), ansöker institutionen för akva-tiska resurser för stöd till finansieringen av seniora forskares/lärares tid för forsk-ning.

Institutionen har en stor externfinansierad verksamhet (90,5 % av omsätt-ningen på 208 Mkr för 2018). Anslaget till forskning uppgick 2018 till 14,6 Mkr. Institutionen har därför ett stort behov av stödfinansiering för att implementera SLUs styrelsebeslut (SLU.ua.2017.1.1.1-2219) om att med statsanslag finansiera seniora lärare/forskare.

Följande lärare är i nuläget berörda rektors beslut:


Anslag % enligt beslut

Anslag % institut-ion 2018 Sökt belopp

Befordr professor t o m 150616, 30% finans anslag Erik Petersson 30% 7% 230 000 Magnus Appelberg 30% 28% 20 000 Michele Casini 30% 2% 280 000 Forskare FLK & docent, 20% finans anslag Leonard Sandin 20% 13% 105 000 Ann-Britt Florin 20% 10% 150 000 Lena Bergström 20% 3% 255 000 Andreas Bryhn 20% 6% 210 000 Kerstin Holmgren 20% 1% 285 000 Mattias Sköld 20% 1% 285 000 Andrea Belgrano 20% 0% 300 000 Valerio Bartolino 20% 4% 240 000 Massimiliano Cardinale 20% 0% 300 000 Totalt ansökes om 2 660 000

Vi söker totalt 2,66 Mkr för hela 2019. Avdrag har gjorts för finansiering av

forskningsanslag som redan fanns på plats 2018.

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| 2

Det ackumulerade kapitalet vid årets slut 2018 uppgick till 18,6 Mkr och ut-gjorde 9% av institutionens omsättning. Institutionen uppfyller därmed kravet på att det ackumulerade kapitalet understiget 10% av den totala omsättningen på in-täktssidan. Noél Holmgren

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Page 16: 2019-04-23 - SLU.SE · 2019-04-25 · 2019-04-23 : Sändlista Beslut om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare Beslut ... SLUs styrelsebeslut (SLU.ua.2017.1.1.1-2219)
Page 17: 2019-04-23 - SLU.SE · 2019-04-25 · 2019-04-23 : Sändlista Beslut om stöd till finansiering av seniora lärare/forskare Beslut ... SLUs styrelsebeslut (SLU.ua.2017.1.1.1-2219)


Dnr SLU ua 2019.4.2-1715 Exp

SLU, Box 7070, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden tel: +46 (0)18-67 10 00 Org.nr 202100-2817 [email protected] www.slu.se

Rektor …

BESLUT 2019-04-23 Sändlista

Delad medfinansiering 2019-2022 av projektet Mistra Digital Forest

Beslut Rektor beslutar:

att under perioden 2019-2022 medfinansiera projektet Mistra Digital Forest med 610 tkr per år,

att medlen ska överföras till institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning,

att kostnaden för 2019 ska belasta rektors strategiska medel, kst 1000000, proj 68000. För återstående period 2020-2022 hanteras medfinansieringen i ordinarie anslagsfördelning,

att uppdra till fakulteten för skogsvetenskap att årligen 2019-2022 medfinansiera projektet med 610 tkr.

Ärendet Beslutet grundar sig på riktlinjerna för delad medfinansiering (SLU ua 2016.1.1.1-645) som har till syfte att möjliggöra för forskare vid SLU att delta i större forskningsprojekt där finansiären inte ger full ekonomisk täckning för kostnaderna i projektet.

Mistra har beslutat att finansiera forskningsprogrammet Mistra Digital Forest med 58 mnkr under fyra år enligt avtal med programvärden Skogsindustrierna. Ett konsortialavtal för genomförandet har upprättats med 12 parterna, varav Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet är en part. Huvudsökande inom SLU är institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning tillsammans med ytterligare fyra institutioner. Projektets totala omslutning inom SLU under perioden år 2019- 2022 är 20 516 tkr. Det totala medfinansieringsbehovet för SLUs del i projektet blir över perioden 7 317 tkr, vilket motsvarar 1 829 tkr per år.

I enlighet med tredjedelsprincipen i riktlinjerna för delad medfinansiering har efter diskussion i rektors ledningsråd överenskommits om att stötta projektet med en

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Delad medfinansiering 2019-2022 av projektet Mistra Digital Forest


tredjedel av medfinansieringsbehovet. En tredjedel av medfinansieringsbehovet tillskjuts med centrala medel genom detta beslut och ytterligare en tredjedel tillskjuts av fakulteten för skogsvetenskap. Institutionen står själv för den sista tredjedelen av medfinansieringsbehovet.

Beslut i detta ärende har fattats av rektor Karin Holmgren efter föredragning av forskningssekreterare Niklas Nordquist och i närvaro av universitetsdirektör Martin Melkersson.

Karin Holmgren Niklas Nordquist

Sändlista Prefekt, inst. för skoglig resurshushållning Dekaner Fakultetsdirektörer Kopia för kännedom Forskningssekreterare Redovisningsenheten Internrevisionen Bilagor 1. Ansökan och redovisning av medfinansieringsbehov 2. Avtal - Mistra Digital Forest 2019-2022

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Projektkalkyl_Mistra_DigitalForest 2019-04-16 08:56

Projektkalkyl med koppling till ANSÖKAN SLU id:

Projekt: Digital Forest Kalkylkommentar:Huvudsökande forskare: Skogsindustrierna

Huvudsökande institution: Skoglig resurshushållningFinansiär: MISTRA

Fullkostnadsfinansiär: NEJFinansiering av indirekta och lokaler (% på av finansiär accepterad kostnadsbas): 23%

Valuta/penningvärde: SEKProjektstart: 2019-01-01Projektslut: 2022-12-31

ProjektkostnaderKostnader förväntade att täckas av finansiär 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total

Löner inklusive LKP 2 269 558 2 736 347 2 199 439 2 287 608 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 492 952Driftskostnader och övriga personalkostnader 381 000 409 000 390 000 352 403 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 532 403Utrustning - avskrivningar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Lokalkostnader accepterade som direkta av finansiär 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Indirekta och lokaler accepterade som OH av finansiär 519 729 626 624 503 671 523 862 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 173 886

Total kostnad i ansökan till finansiär 3 170 286 3 771 971 3 093 110 3 163 873 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 199 240Varav utanför SLU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Kostnader förväntade att medfinansierasIndirekta och lokaler inte accepterade som OH av finansiär* 532 400 646 954 509 473 528 775 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 217 603

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Löner inklusive LKP** 856 265 959 415 852 830 874 151 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 542 661Driftskostnader och övriga personalkostnader** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Utrustning - avskrivningar** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Lokalkostnader** 72 412 81 579 73 826 75 672 0 0 0 0 0 0 303 490Indirekta kostnader** 301 796 341 220 301 334 308 867 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 253 218

Total kostnad i medfinansiering av ansökan till finansiär 1 762 874 2 029 169 1 737 464 1 787 466 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 316 972Varav utanför SLU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total projektkostnad 4 933 160 5 801 140 4 830 574 4 951 338 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 516 213

Medfinansieringsandel 36% 35% 36% 36% 36%

* Finansieringskälla: Anslag** Finansieringskälla: Anslag

Huvudsökande SLU-forskare Prefekt huvudsökande SLU-institution Ekonom huvudsökande SLU-institution



Datum (ÅÅÅÅ-MM-DD): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Kalkylen omfattar SLU:s del av ansökan som är koordinerad av Skogsindustrierna. Förutom Skoglig resurshushållning medverkar Ekologi, Skogens biomaterial och teknologi, Skogsekonomi och Sydsvensk skogsvetenskap i SLU:s del. Medfinansieringen beror dels på att Mistra inte täcker OH fullt ut, och att de täcker max 70% av projektets direkta kostnader.

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SLU id:

Mottaget av fakultetskansli (datum):

Projekt: Digital ForestHuvudsökande forskare: Skogsindustrierna

Huvudsökande institution: Skoglig resurshushållningFinansiär: MISTRA

Valuta/penningvärde: SEKProjektstart: 2019-01-01 Total projektbudget (full kostnad): 20 516 213Projektslut: 2022-12-31 Varav utanför SLU: 0

Medfinansieringsbehov vid SLU i genomsnitt per år: 1 829 243

Bilaga Att läggas till detta dokument om FGI är delaktig. MedfinansieringInstitution Fakultet Rektor

FakultetGEM SLU-biblioteket 0GEM Universitetsadministrationen förutom Skara 0GEM Universitetsadministrationen Skara 0

SLU-gemensam stödverksamhet (GEM) 0 0FGI Biosystem och teknologi 0FGI Ekologi 32 342FGI Mark och miljö 0FGI Norrländsk jordbruksvetenskap 0FGI Skoglig mykologi och växtpatologi 0FGI Skoglig resurshushållning 736 216FGI Stad och land 0

Fakultetsgemensamma institutioner (FGI) 768 558 768 558LTV Arbetsvetenskap, ekonomi & miljöpsykologi 0LTV Enheten för samverkan och utveckling 0LTV Landskapsarkitektur, planering och förvaltning 0LTV Odlingsenheten 0LTV Växtförädling 0LTV Växtskyddsbiologi 0

Fakulteten för landskapsarkitektur, trädgårds- och växtproduktionsvetenskap (LTV) 0 0NJ Akvatiska resurser 0NJ Artdatabanken 0NJ Centrum för biologisk mångfald 0NJ Ekonomi 0NJ Energi och teknik 0NJ Molekylära vetenskaper 0NJ Vatten och miljö 0NJ Växtbiologi 0NJ Växtproduktionsekologi 0

Fakulteten för naturresurser och jordbruksvetenskap (NJ) 0 0S Enheten för skoglig fältforskning 0S Skogens ekologi och skötsel 0S Skoglig genetik och växtfysiologi 0S Skogliga biomaterial och teknologi 812 774S Skogsekonomi 60 850S Skogsmästarskolan 0S Sydsvensk skogsvetenskap 796 809S Vilt, fisk och miljö 0

Fakulteten för skogsvetenskap (S) 1 670 433 1 670 433VH Anatomi, fysiologi och biokemi 0VH Anatomi, fysiologi och biokemi - Hippologi 0VH Biomedicin och veterinär folkhälsovetenskap 0VH Husdjurens miljö och hälsa 0VH Husdjurens utfodring och vård 0VH Husdjursgenetik 0VH Kliniska vetenskaper 0VH Nationellt centrum för djurvälfärd 0

Fakulteten för veterinärmedicin och husdjursvetenskap (VH) 0 0SLU totalt per nivå 2 438 991 2 438 991 2 438 991

SLU totaltFörhandsbesked från fakultet önskas (datum): 7 316 972

Namnteckning av prefekt huvudsökande institution* Fakultetsbeslut (X för ett av tre alternativ):

1. Om bidrag beviljas tar fakulteten emot ansökan om deladNamn: medfinansiering mellan institution och fakultet.

Datum:2. Om bidrag beviljas tar fakulteten emot ansökan om delad

Namnteckning av dekan huvudsökande fakultet* medfinansiering mellan institution, fakultet och rektor.

Namn: 3. Fakulteten kommer INTE (och därför inte heller rektor)Datum: att bidra till medfinansiering av projektet.

* Medfinansieringsfördelning är avtalad med ev. partnerinstitution/-fakultet/-universitet.

E-posta denna fil och PDF av ansökan till fakultetens forskningssekreterare. Namnteckning nedan kommer att hanteras senare.Föranmälan måste skickas senast två veckor innan förhandsbesked önskas (anges nedan), och före deadline för bidragsansökan.


Villkor för delad medfinansiering >>

Föranmälan om delad medfinansiering

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Bilaga A till Konsortialavtalet: Mistras styrelsebeslut


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Stiftelsen för miljöstrategisk forskning Protokoll nr 116 Styrelsen Sammanträdesdatum 2018-10-05 Plats och tid: Lindholmens Science Park, Lokal Demostudion, Lindholmspiren 3, Göteborg,

kl 8.30 – 14.30.

Deltagande styrelseledamöter: Kerstin Johannesson, vice ordförande Klas Eklund Hans Folkesson Sara Ilstedt Ulf Landegren Eva Samakovlis Anne-Marie Tillman Kyösti Tuutti Margareta Törnqvist Anmält förhinder: Johan Söderström, ordförande

Närvarande från kansliet: Åke Iverfeldt, VD Birgitta Jonsson Palmgren, sekreterare Christopher Folkeson Welch Thomas Nilsson Malin Lindgren, §8-16

7. Bioekonomi och skogsbruk ( DIA 2017/14)

Styrelsen beslutade att bevilja ansökan Mistra Digital Forest (DIA 2017/14 #6), med Skogsindustrierna som

huvudsökande, högst 58 miljoner kronor över en fyraårsperiod; uppdra åt VD att i samband med upprättande av programavtal förhandla om en

konkretisering av samarbete med externa aktörer kring bioraffinaderier och framtida mer cirkulära produkter;

uppdra åt VD att godkänna den slutliga programplanen; motfinansieringen ska uppgå till minst 30 procent av programmets sammanlagda

budget; avslå övriga inkomna programförslag DIA 2017/14 #5 och DIA 2017/14 #7.

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Bilaga B till Konsortialavtalet: Programavtalet



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Mistras Dm DIA 20 17/14

Avtal om forskningsprogrammet Mistra Digital Forest

har denna dag träffats mellan Stiftelsen för Miljöstrategisk forskning (“Mistra”) ochSkogsindustrierna genom Arbio AB (“Programvärden”).

1. Bakgrund

Mistra har beslutat att finansiellt stödja Mistra Digital forest (“Programmet”). Programmet ärett samarbete mellan Skogsindustrierna genom Arbio AB, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet,Umeå Universitet, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, Skogforsk, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan,BillerudKorsnäs, Holmen, SCA, Stora Enso, Sveaskog och Södra, som tillsammans utgör ettkonsortium (“Konsortiet”). Detta avtal (“Avtalet”) reglerar villkoren för Mistras stöd.

2. Syftet med Programmet

Programmet siktar på att bidra till transformationen av vårt samhälle till en hållbarbioekonomi. Specifikt kommer det att bidra till utvecklingen av en hållbar skogsbmkssektorsom utnyttjar digitalisering av hela värdekedjan.

Programmets vision är Digitala lösningarför en hållbar och effektiv skoglig bioekonorni, ochdess mission är Utforska och skapa möjliggörare för en digital skoglig värdekedja.

Programmet förväntas samverka med andra Mistraprogram med liknande inriktning utifrånMistras tematiska arbetssätt.

3. Omfattning

Mistra åtar sig att på i Avtalet angivna villkor finansiera Programmet med högst 58 miljonerkronor. Motfinansieringen ska uppgå till minst 30 procent av programmets sammanlagdabudget. Villkoren för detta stöd framgår av Bilaga 1 (Allmänna villkor), Bilaga 2(Programplan — vid var tid gällande i separat fil) och Bilaga 3 (Godkända kostnader ochgodkänd motfinansiering), vilka utgör integrerade delar av Avtalet.

4. Ändring av Avtalet

Parterna är överens om att Avtalet med bilagor innefattar en fullständig reglering avavtaisförhållandet mellan Mistra och Programvärden. Varje ändring, tillägg eller preciseringav Avtalet ska, förutom vad avser godkännande av reviderade programplaner (se punkt 1.1 iBilaga 1) göras skriftligt och undertecknas av båda parter för att äga giltighet och kunnaåberopas.

5. Avtalstid

Avtalet träder i kraft 2019-02-01 och gäller t.o.m. 2023-01-3 1.

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6. Tvist

Svensk lag ska vara tillämplig på Avtalet. Tvister som uppstår i anledning av Avtalet skaslutligt avgöras genom skiljedomsförfarande administrerat vid Stockholms HandelskammaresSkiljedomsinstitut (SCC). Regler för Förenklat Skiljeförfarande ska tillämpas om inte SCCmed beaktande av målets svårighetsgrad, tvisteföremålets värde och övriga omständigheterbestämmer att Skiljedomsreglema ska tillämpas. 1 sistnämnda fall ska SCC också bestämmaom skiljenämnden ska bestå av en eller tre skiljemän.

Avtalet har upprättats i två originalexemplar, varav parterna tagit var sitt.

Stockholm 2O19-(.b

Stiftelsen för miljöstrategisk forskning


Birgi a Jonsson PalmgrenAdministrativ chef

Stockholm 20194&//

Skogsindustriema genom Arbio AB

Carina HåkanssonVD


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Bilaga 1

tillAvtal om forskningsprogrammet Mistra Digital Forest

Allmänna vifikor

1. Programplan

Programplanen redovisar Programmets målsättningar och ingående delaktiviteter (“Projekt”)samt Programmets tids- och kostnadsramar. Programplanen styr Programmet och Projekt förden tid programplanen är gällande. Av Mistra vid var tid godkänd programplan utgör Bilaga 2till detta Avtal.

1.1 Ändring av programplan

Programstyrelsen ska varje år upprätta och senast den 1 december varje år lämna enuppdaterad programplan till Mistra i enlighet med Mistras riktlinjer för upprättande avprogramplaner (se www.mistra.org). Efier att den reviderade programplanen skrifiligen hargodkänts av Mistra blir programplanen gällande för den tid som anges i programplanen.

Den uppdaterade programplanen ska innehålla en tydlig redogörelse för hur programstyrelsenavser att avsluta Programmet, särskilt med avseende på hur forskningsresultaten skakommuniceras och komma till användning och hur den kompetens som har byggts upp skabevaras.

2. Programvärdens åtaganden

Programvärden åtar sig att på i Avtalet angivna villkor

a) ansvara för att Programmet genomförsb) ansvara för förvaltning av beviljade medel,c) ansvara för ekonomisk och juridisk administration av Programmet.d) ansvara för att Mistras vid var tid gällande stadgar, riktlinjer och policyer

(se www.rnistra.org) är kända för Programstyrelse och Programchef för att därigenomvara vägledande för Programmet.

Därutöver åtar sig Programvärden att, utan särskild ersättning, tillse att Programmet påMistras begäran bistår Mistra med forskningskompetens i brådskande policyfrågor. Sådanainsatser är begränsade till maximalt 40 timmar per år.

2.1 Personal m.m.

Programvärden ska genom avtal med sina egna anställda och samarbetspartema fastslå attpersoner knutna till Programmet medverkar på ett som sätt som till alla delar står iöverensstämmelse med Avtalet.

Mistra tar inte något arbetsgivaransvar för den personal som arbetar eller har arbetat inomProgrammet.

2.2 Ekonomisk redovisning

Programvärden ska utforma den ekonomiska redovisningen så att Programmet som helhet ochdess olika projekt är tydligt avskiljbara från Programvärdens övriga verksamheter. Aven

1(6) fAir

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övriga finansiärers bidrag till Programmet ska ingå i redovisningen och redovisningen skavara reviderbar.

Senast den 31 mars varje år ska Programvärden i enlighet med punkt 6.3 nedan lämna endetaljerad ekonomisk redovisning för föregående kalenderår till Mistra. Den ekonomiskaredovisningen ska vara godkänd av Programstyrelsen.

Programvärden ska även lämna en ekonomisk slutredovisning till Mistra, godkänd avProgramstyrelsen, senast fyra månader efler Avtalets upphörande. Medel som inte harförbrukats inom Programmet ska återbetalas till Mistra.

Programmets budget ska förstås så att år 1 är 11 månader (2019-02-01 — 2019-12-31), år 2 är12 månader (2020-01-01 — 2020-12-31), år 3 är 12 månader (2021-01-01 — 2021-12-31), ochår4 är 13 månader (2022-01-01 —2023-01-31).

Programmets kostnader för avtalstiden är inte godkända förrän Mistra godkänt denekonomiska slutredovisningen.

2.3 Konsortialavtal

Programvärden ska se till att det i samband med detta Avtals undertecknande upprättas ettkonsortialavtal mellan i Konsortiet deltagande parter. Av konsortialavtalet ska framgå vilketansvar deltagande parter har för att uppfylla åtagandet gentemot Mistra enligt detta Avtal. 1konsortialavtalet ska även finansiering samt ägande- och nyttjanderätt till resultat regleras.Kopia av undertecknat konsortialavtal ska skickas till Mistra senast tre (3) månader efier dettaAvtals undertecknande.

3. Ledningsorganisation

För styrning och ledning av Programmet ska en Programstyrelse och en Programchef frnnas.

3.1 Programstyrelsen

3.1.1 Tillsättande och enttedigande av Frogramstyrelsens ledamöter

Programstyrelsens ordförande och övriga ledamöter utses och entledigas av Programvärden isamråd med Mistra.

Programvärden ska genom avtal med Programstyrelsens ledamöter försäkra sig om attledamöterna omedelbart efier begäran av Programvärden utträder som ledamöter iProgramstyrelsen. Programvärden ska omedelbart entlediga ledamot av Programstyrelsen omMistra kräver det.

Programstyrelsen ska bestå av mellan fem (5) och nio (9) ledamöter inklusive ordföranden.Framtida användare av resultat från forskningen inom Programmet ska vara välrepresenterade i Programstyrelsen. Ordföranden ska ha en fristående ställning i förhållande tillProgrammet. Forskare eller administratörer verksamma i Programmet ska inte ingå iProgramstyrelsen.

Mistra har rätt att utse en person med närvaro- och yttranderätt till Programstyrelsen.

3.1.2 Ersättning till Frogramstyrelsens ledamöter

Programvärden ska betala ett skäligt arvode till Programstyrelsens ledamöter, varvid Mistrasriktlinjer för arvodering på www.mistra.org ska vara vägledande.


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3.1.3 Frogramstyrelsens åtaganden

Programstyrelsen har, på uppdrag av Programvärden, det övergripande ansvaret förProgrammets inriktning, kvalitet och ekonomi.

Programstyrelsen ska

• fastställa planer och budget för Programmet utifrån Programmets målsättning,• besluta om, styra och följa upp den forskning som utförs inom Programmet,• besluta om hur Programmets strategiska reserv används,• följa upp Programmets ekonomiska utfall mot budget,• verka för ett aktivt engagemang från näringslivet och andra användare och se till att

information om Programmet och forskningsresultaten kommuniceras effektivt,• verka för att forskningsresultaten nyttiggörs,• fastställa verksamhetsinstruktioner för Programchefen,• utse och definiera uppgifter för eventuella referensgrupper,• i samarbete med programvärden lämna förslag till reviderad Programplan,• lämna årlig verksamhetsrapport (Årsrapport) i enlighet med punkt nedan samt• lämna en slutrapport i enlighet med punkt nedan. Årsrapport

Programstyrelsen ska senast den 31 mars varje år publicera en årsrapport avsedd att spridainformation om Programmet till olika målgrupper. Årsrapporten ska lämnas till Mistra. Slutrapport

Senast fyra månader efter det att Avtalet har löpt ut ska Programstyrelsen lämna enslutrapport till Mistra. $lutrapporten ska innehålla en tydlig redogörelse för uppnåddavetenskapliga resultat, forskningsresultatens användning och vilken kompetensuppbyggnadsom Programmet har bidragit till. Slutrapporten ska godkännas av Mistra.

3.1.4 Frogramstyrelsens sammanträden

Programstyrelsen bör sammanträda minst fyra (4) gånger per år. Ordföranden ärsammankallande. Om Programstyrelsens ordförande, en majoritet av Programstyrelsensledamöter, Programchefen, Mistra eller Programvärden begär det ska Programstyrelsen kallastill sammanträde. Kallelse till Programstyrelsens sammanträden ska lämnas till Mistra. Kopiaav protokoll från Programstyrelsens sammanträden ska lämnas till Mistra och Programvärdeninom en månad efter sammanträdet.

Programstyrelsen är beslutsmässig om minst två tredjedelar av dess ledamöter är närvarande.Beslut fattas med enkel majoritet.

3.2 Programchef

3.2.1 Tiltsättande och enttedigande av Programchef

Programchefen tillsätts och entledigas av Programvärden i samråd med Mistra.Programvärden ska genom avtal med Programchefen försäkra sig om att Programchefenomedelbart efter begäran från Programvärden ska avgå som Programchef. Programvärden skaomedelbart entlediga Programchefen om Mistra kräver det.



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3.2.2 Programchefens åtagande

Programchefen är föredragande vid Programstyrelsens sammanträden och verkställerProgramstyrelsens beslut.

Programchefen ska

• ansvara för den dagliga ledningen av Programmet,• skapa och upprätthålla god samverkan inom Programmet,• övervaka att verksamheten i programmet drivs i enlighet med vad som överenskommits i

Avtalet,• ansvara för uppföljning av Programmet och dess olika delar och för sammanställning av

rapportering avseende verksamhet, ekonomi och erhållna resultat,• ansvara för information om verksamheten och för att erhållna resultat delges Mistra,

eventuellt andra finansiärer och relevanta målgrupper,• ingå de överenskommelser med andra parter om ersättning m.m. som krävs för att

Programmet ska kunna genomföras i enlighet med Avtalet.

3.2.3 Övrigt

Mistra har rätt att årligen kalla Programstyrelsens ordförande och Programchefen till samtalkring verksamheten.

4. Resultathantering

Forskningsresultat som kommer fram inom Programmet ska så snart som möjligt publiceras iinternationella, vetenskapliga tidskrifter med refereesystem eller ges offentlighet på annatmotsvarande sätt, såvida inte överenskommelse träffats om hemlighållande under viss tid förbevakning av kommersiella intressen. Om publicering sker i en vetenskaplig tidskrift som intetillämpar öppen tillgång (open access) ska den vetenskapliga artikeln snarast möjligt efterpubliceringen arkiveras i en fritt tillgänglig databas.

Resultaten kan även bli föremål för patentansökan eller föremål för annat immaterialrättsligtskydd. 1 händelse av att resultaten är lämpade för exploatering eller förväntas kunna bli detska Programvärden verka för att de hanteras så att förutsättningarna för exploateringentillvaratas på bästa sätt. Detta kan ske genom Programvärdens egen exploateringsorganisationeller annan sådan organisation som har vana att hantera forskningsresultat i tidigaexploateringsfaser.

Programvärden ska vidta sådana åtgärder att i Programmet deltagande forskares intressen ochrättigheter tillvaratas på ett tillfredsställande sätt.

Vid publicering av resultat från Programmet ska anges att Mistra finansierat forskningen.

5 Utbetalning och kvarhållande av beviljade medel

Under förutsättning att Programvärden fullgjort sina åtaganden enligt Avtalet gör Mistrautbetalningar tertialvis i förskott enligt överenskommen betalningsplan. Utbetalning sker efterrekvisition. Vid rekvisition ska Programvärden redovisa dels summan av tidigare rekvireradebelopp, dels utfallet av hittills nedlagda kostnader för Programmet jämfört med budget.

Ett belopp på 5,8 miljoner kronor kvarhålls till dess ekonomisk slutredovisning enligt punkt2.2 ovan och slutrapport enligt punkt ovan godkänts av Mistra.

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6. Godkända kostnader samt innehåll i ekonomisk redovisning

Programvärden ska använda utbetalda medel för att täcka Programmets kostnader. MedProgrammets kostnader avses direkta kostnader enligt punkt 6.1 nedan och indirektakostnader och lokalkostnader enligt punkt 6.2 nedan.

6.1 Direkta kostnader

Med direkta kostnader för Programmet avses kostnader som är en direkt följd av Programmetsgenomförande i enlighet med Mistras riktlinjer för godkända kostnader (se Bilaga 3).

6.2 Bidrag till indirekta kostnader inklusive lokaler

Indirekta kostnader är kostnader som inte är projektspecifika. För lärosäten avses bl akostnader för universitets-, fakultets- och institutionsgemensam administration samtlokalkostnader i enlighet med Mistras riktlinjer för godkända kostnader (se Bilaga 3). Mistrabidrar med maximalt 175 000 kronor per heltidsekvivalent och år till dessa kostnader.

För övriga parter, t ex forskningsinstitut, utgår ett omkostnadspålägg baserat på bruttolön ochlönebikostnader för täckande av indirekta kostnader och lokaler. 1 lönebikostnaderna får ingainterna pålägg ingå.

Kostnader för resurser från forskningsinstitut som ingår i RISE-koncernen beräknas medsamma taxa som instituten tillämpar gentemot sina medlemmar. Denna taxa ska inte omfattavinstpålägg och är ett lägre pris än vad institutet debiterar gentemot andra. För andra institutska särskild överenskommelse göras om kostnadsnivån med Mistras riktlinjer för godkändakostnader som utgångspunkt.

Beräkningama av påslag för indirekta kostnader ska kunna redovisas varje år om Mistra begärdet.

6.3 Innehåll i ekonomisk redovisning

Senast den 31 mars varje år ska Programvärden i enlighet med punkt 2.2 ovan lämna endetaljerad ekonomisk redovisning för föregående kalenderår till Mistra

Redovisningen ska avse samtliga intäkter och kostnader under året och innehålla enjämförelse med budget. Programmet totalt och dess projekt ska redovisas. Kostnaderna skafördelas på

• Bruttolön + lönebikostnader• Resekostnader• Förbrukningsmateriel• Avskrivningar på investeringar i projektet• Övriga direkta kostnader (licenser, hyra av särskild lokal, kostnader i samband med

seminarier mm)• Externa tjänster• Indirekta kostnader

Av redovisningen ska också framgå hur Mistras bidrag fördelats till de olika parter som ingåri programmet.

Till den ekonomiska redovisningen ska en bemanningslista bifogas där det framgårtjänstgöringsprocent för den personal som ingår i Programmet.


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7. Revision

För kontroll av Programvärdens åtagande enligt Avtalet har Mistra rätt att utse en revisor förgranskning. Programvärden ska i det sammanhanget se till att allt material som behövs förrevisionens genomförande ställs till Mistras och den av Mistra utsedda revisoms förfogande.

Även efter Avtalets upphörande har Mistra rätt att utöva granskningsrätt enligt ovan, underförutsättning att sådan granskning påbörjats senast tolv månader efter det att Slutrapport ochekonomisk slutredovisning lämnats in.

8. Förtida upphörande m.m.

Mistra har rätt att efter eget gottfinnande antingen säga upp Avtalet till omedelbartupphörande och avbryta utbetalningen av för Programmet beviljade medel eller justerautbetalningspianen av för Programmet beviljade medel om

a) Programvärden eller Programmet i väsentlig mån åsidosatt sina skyldigheter enligtAvtalet och inte vidtagit rättelse inom 30 dagar efter skriftlig begäran om det,

b) oriktiga, ofullständiga eller vilseledande uppgifter föranlett att Mistras finansiering harutbetalats, eller

c) av Mistra tillsatt revisor enligt punkt 7 ovan enligt Mistras uppfattning riktat allvarligkritik mot Programmet och dess verksamhet, Programvärdens ekonomiska redovisningeller Programvärdens användning av medel tillhandahållna av Mistra.

Programvärden har rätt att säga upp Avtalet med omedelbar verkan om Mistra i väsentlig månåsidosätter sina skyldigheter enligt Avtalet och inte har vidtagit rättelse inom 30 dagar efterskriftlig begäran om det.

Om Part säger upp Avtalet till upphörande enligt denna punkt 8 ska rekvirerade ej förbrukademedel omedelbart återbetalas till Mistra, om inte Parterna skriftligen kommer överens omannat.


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C Skogs1) Industrierna 2018-11-09

Mistra Digital ForestProgram Plan, Part A

The program plan is established at program start, and is updated yearly. Each new version of the programplan is subject to approval from Mistra, and is then entered as appendix 2 in the program agreement. Theprogram plan is limited to 100 pages.

The program board and the program management leads and controls the program from the program plan.

PartA of the program plan consists of the original program description from the application, and is notsubject to change. The long-term 8-year perspective is covered in Part A.

Part B of the program plan is a developed and concrete plan for the program work during the upcomingyear. It is an active working document that is updated yearly. It includes clear and concrete descriptions ofplanned scientific deliverables and communication activities. It also includes achieved results, budgetsituation, and any changes of plans.



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Mistra Digital ForestApplication submitted to the Mistra call Bloeconomy andforestry

Contact person for the applicationTorgny Persson, director of research and innovation at the Swedish Forest Industries Federation.Contact information: torgnv.perssonskogsindustrierna.se, 08-762 7979, 0730-876 373.

SummaryThe Mistra Digital Forest research program aims to contribute to the transformation of our society to asustainable bioeconomy. Specifically, it will contribute to the development of a sustainable forestiy sectorthat utilizes digitalization of the entire value chain. This will create value adding and cost efficientsolutions to societal challenges — including climate change and exhaustible resources — that in a functionalcycle produce sustainable products with long-term market competitiveness in relation to fossil-based ornon- circular products.

The program will contribute to a significant leap regarding the digitalization of forest operations. Theavailability of high-resolution digital information is increasing fast in the forestry sector. Integratinginformation flows and closing data loops has a great potential to increase efficiency and add value byutilizing the potential of information value chains. Automatic processing of data will provide a basis forplanning and decision support for forest management, enabling a more efficient and environmentallyfriendly utilization of products from the forest, a more efficient use of raw material, machines and data,and precision and predictability in planning and raw material flow.

Hence, the Mistra Digital Forest program is focused on creating a functional digitalization that integratesthe entire forestiy value chain, in which the industrial process starts already at the standing trees, beingfully integrated with the factoiy. This approach will give a positive environmental impact on society — inclimate and resource issues — and on Swedish competitiveness, and it will greatly contribute to Sweden’sconversion to a bioeconomy and to climate change mitigation. The program will in addition provide digitalsolutions for forestry sustainability analyses and a developed community dialogue. The program’s visionis Digital solutionsfor a sustainable and efficientforest based bloeconomy, and its mission is Expiore andcreate enablersfor realizing a digitalforestry value chain.

The consortium behind this program is solid in its scientific expertise and in the integrated industrialengagement, together representing most part of the Swedish knowledge and resources in the forestiyarea. In addition, the program partners include specific digitalization knowledge from informatics andphysics-based simulation with experience from industrial-context digitalization in other sectors. A jointprogram test site, the Digital Forest Test Site, will be established as an important hub for the programcooperation. The program has also engaged strategic partners in relevant areas in Sweden and abroad, toensure excellent research and efficient utilization of the research results.

SammanfattningForskningsprogrammet Mistra Digital Forest siktar på att bidra till transformationen av vårt samhälle tillen hållbar bioekonomi. Specifikt kommer det att bidra till utvecklingen av en hållbar skogsbrukssektorsom utnyttjar digitalisering av hela värdekedjan. Detta kommer att skapa förädlingsvärde ochkostnadseffektiva lösningar till samhällsutmaningar — inkluderande klimatförändring och ändliga resurser— som i en funktionell cykel tillverkar hållbara produkter med långsiktig marknadsmässigkonkurrenskraft jämfört med fossilbaserade eller icke cirkulära produkter.

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Programmet bidrar till ett betydande språng i digitaliseringen av skoglig verksamhet. Tillgången tillhögupplöst digital information ökar snabbt i den skogliga sektorn. Att integrera informationsfiöden ochsluta dataloopar har stor potential att öka effektivitet och förädlingsvärde genom att utnyttja potentialen iinformationsvärdekedjor. Automatisk bearbetning av data tillhandahåller en grund för planerings- ochbeslutsstöd för skogsförvaltning, vilket möjliggör en mer effektiv och milj övänlig användning avprodukter från skogen, en mer effektiv användning av råvara, maskiner och data, och precision ochförutsägbarhet i planering och råvarufiöden.

Programmet Mistra Digital Forest fokuserar därmed på att skapa en funktionell digitalisering somintegrerar hela den skogliga värdekedjan, där den industriella processen startar redan vid de ståendeträden och är fullt integrerad med fabriken. Detta angreppssätt ger positiv milj ömässig påverkan påsamhället och på svensk konkurrenskraft, och det bidrar kraftfullt till Sveriges omställning till enbioekonomi och till begränsning av klimatförändringar. Programmet tillhandahåller dessutom digitalalösningar för skogliga hållbarhetsanalyser och en utvecklad samhällsdialog. Programmets vision ärDigitala lösningarför en hållbar och effektiv skoglig bioekonomi, och dess mission är Utforska och skapamöjliggörareför en digital skoglig värdekedja.

Konsortiet bakom detta program har solid vetenskaplig expertis och integrerat industriellt engagemang,och representerar den största delen av Sveriges kunskap och resurser inom det skogliga området.Dessutom finns bland programparterna specifik digitaliseringskunskap från informatik och fysikbaseradesimuleringar med erfarenhet från industriell digitalisering i andra sektorer. En programgemensamtestsite, Digital Forest Test Site, kommer att etableras som ett viktigt nav för programsamarbetet.Programmet har också engagerat strategiska partners inom relevanta områden i Sverige och utomlands,för att säkra excellent forskning och effektiv användning av forskningsresultaten.

1. Vision, objectives and expected impactThe Mistra Digital Forest program will develop and demonstrate digital solutions for a sustainableSwedish forest sector and an internationally competitive Swedish bioeconomy. To achieve this, theprogram uses digitalization as a key enabler along the entire forestiy value chain. The goal is not toprovide fully industrial implementations, but rather to develop tools and solutions and to test andevaluate these in field operation and industrial conditions. This entails a number of challenges, and thussets the direction for research, development and communication to be conducted in the program.

1.1 Vision and missionThe Mistra Digital Forest program aims to contribute to the development of a sustainable forestiy sectorthat utilizes value chain digitalization to create value adding, cost efficient and sustainable solutions to itsown and societal challenges — including climate change and exhaustible resources — and that in afunctional cycle produces sustainable products with long-term market competitiveness in relation tofossil-based or non-circular products.

VisionThis program focuses on digitalization along the entire forestry value chain. This approach will give apositive environmental impact on society — in climate and resource issues — and on Swedishcompetitiveness, and it will greatly contribute to Sweden’s conversion to a bioeconomy. This approachwill also provide digital solutions for forestiy sustainability analyses and a developed communitydialogue. The program’s vision is stated as follows.

[ Digital solutions for a sustainable and efficientforest based bloeconomy

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The parallel development of sustainability and efficiency is challenging, and gives the program a cleardirection. Focusing only on sustainability or efficiency would be easier, but would not provide such adirection or the desired effects.

MissionThe Mistra Digital Forest program will provide research and test implementations to evaluate andillustrate various solutions that contribute to the program’s vision. Different organizations will requirespecific implementations for their own conditions, and they will want to have their own implementationfor competitive reasons. Therefore, the program focuses on providing the best conditions for suchimplementations. The program’s mission is stated as follows.

Expiore and create enablers for realizing a digitalforestry value chain]

Full-scale industrial implementations will require further development and adaption to the respectiveorganization’s needs. The program will develop key components that the companies can connect andimplement.

Scientitic objectives for program year 1-4The bullet list below provides examples to give an early flavor of the program’s scientific objectives.• Investigation of new value creation opportunities associated with an integrated end-to-end digital

information flow across the forestiy value chain• Methods for utilizing increased streams of digital data about the forest, including methods for high-

resolution prediction of growth, better estimates of tree species and terrain models• Digitalization of forest operations by enhancing autonomous driving in the terrain, autonomous crane

manipulation and by providing sophisticated decision support functions• Expanded and improved systems analysis for sustainability and circularity assessment of bio-based

products, including specific evaluation of the potential for property-based planning of raw materialsupply to match future industrial needs

The scientific objectives are summarized for the entire program in section 2, and for the respective workpackage in sections 6.1-6.3. The scientific work is described in detail in the task descriptions in section 6.

Indicative objectives for program year 5-8The hullet list below provides examples to give a view of where the program plans to go after the first fouryears.• Methods for keeping forest databases up to date, including theoiy and systems for assimilating new

data into spatial forest databases and for forecasting databases• Complementaiy models enabling a fully automated forest management planning and operations

process, including stakeholder involvement and taking new materials and products into consideration• Guidelines, tools and databases for sustainability assessment for a broad range of forest-based

products and for raw materials of varying geographic origin• Digital systems for strategic and tactical planning of forest management based on sustainability

indicators, remote sensing and machinery observations

Indicative objectives are summarized for the respective work package in sections 6.1-6.3.

1.2. Motivation and approachOnly by creating an efficient and fully integrated digital value chain, the forestry sector can provideproducts and services that are competitive compared to products made from fossil-based or non-circularraw material, thus strongly promoting a circular bioeconomy and contributing to climate changemitigation and ecosystem services.

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The transformation to a biobased economy will not take place just because it is good for the environmentand for the climate — the bioeconomy also needs to be economically competitive. The program thereforetakes on the challenge of a parallel development of both sustainability and efficiency, and the route chosenhere is digitalization of the forestry value chain, as illustrated in figure 1.

Digital solutions for a sustainable and efflcientforest based bioeconomy

Figure 1. The program’s route towards its vision “Digital solutions for a sustainable and efficient forest based bioeconomy”,

This program takes inspiration from the vision “The Swedish forestsector drives growth in the globalbioeconomy”, formulated by the Swedish Forest Industries Federation, and from the Forest-based sectorresearch agenda1, where the entire sector has formulated a roadmap toward this vision. This programaims to contribute significantly to the development of a sustainable and efficient forest based bioeconomythat utilizes value chain digitalization to achieve long-term market competitiveness in relation to fossilbased or non-circular products.

The availability of high-resolution digital information is increasing fast in the forestry sector, but there is alack of a robust system to integrate and disperse this information throughout the value chain. Integratinginformation flows and closing data loops has a great potential to increase efficiency and add value byutilizing the potential of information value chains. Automatic processing of data will provide a robustbasis for planning and decision support for forest management. This will enable an efficient use of rawmaterial, machines and data, and it will provide precision and predictability in planning and raw materialflow.

‘Forest-based sector research agenda 4.0 (Skogsnäringens Forskningsagenda 4.0):http://www.skogsindustrierna.se/siteassets/dokument/forskningsagendan/skogsnaringensforskningsagendan4.0.pdf (only in Swedish)

Positive impact on water, soil, CO2 issues Competitive forest industry

Sustainable forestrylncreased gentleness and trust

Efficient forestrylncreased cost efficiency and added value

Efficient use of taw material, machines and dataPrecision and predictability in planning and raw material flow

Utilization of the potential of information value chainsPlanning and decision supportforforest management

Availability of high resolution digital information

Swedish forestry

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A more efficient forestry increases productivity and adds value, and thus fosters a more competitive forestindustry. A more sustainable forestry has a positive impact on biodiversity, water, sofl and COz issues, andthus increases gentleness and credibility.

1.3. The Sustainable Development Goals and expected environmental impactThe United Nations have adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals2 (SDG). The growing forest andincreased use of forest-based products can substantially contribute to these. A sustainable forestry is aprerequisite for a sustainable society in Sweden. The forest provides a renewable raw material, enablingproducts excellently suited for reuse, recovery and recycling — thus contributing to a circular bioeconomy.Such products can also vastly reduce C02 emissions and thus reduce negative climate impact by replacingproducts made from non-renewable materials and greenhouse gas intensive materials on a global scale.

The value creation is maximized by using different types of raw material from the forest where it gives thelargest value in eveiy stage, and by using the fiber as many times as possible before turning it intobioenergy. A prerequisite for a suitable forestry is that the production is allocated to land where potentialeffects on other values can be minimized. Efficient management, growth and use of the forest is thusdesirable from both a climate and environmental perspective as well as from a political and financial view.

The SDGs are an integral package, and all parts are naturally connected. Although the forest sectorcontributes to all SDGs to a varying extent, this program has chosen to focus primarily on four goals (9, 12,13, 15), but will also address four additional goals (5,6,7, 11) during the program, as illustrated in figure

Figure 2. Sustainable Development Goals in focus for this program.

Expected environmental impoct on society• Sweden has a sustainable forestiy• The environmental impact from forestry is minimized, regarding:

o Soil and water issueso C02 emissions and fuel consumptiono Biodiversity

• The environmental impact from products are vastly reduced, through:o Replacement of products made from non-renewable and greenhouse gas intensive raw

materialso Circular utilization of forest-based materials

2 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals:http: //www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-pals/


ii uJuaioiuII *imams

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Section 3 elaborates further on how digitalization of forestiy value chains can create a long-termcompetitiveness in relation to products made from fossil-based or non-circular raw material, thus giving astrong base for the bioeconomy and its impact on climate change mitigation.

1.4. Forestry objectives and expected impact on Swedish competitivenessA competitive forest sector contributes to reduced negative climate impact and carbon mitigation, andoptimizes the value of the ecosystem services and their contribution to economy and society. Thebioeconomy share of Sweden’s GDP has the potential to triple by 2O5O, which demands an increasedbiomass production and an increase in production efficiency.

To ensure competitiveness, the Swedish forestiy sector needs to develop knowiedge, technologies andproducts for increased efficiency and profitability while meeting societal demands on environmentalprotection and sustainability. A developing world provides new markets, but also new competition.Therefore, Swedish forestry needs to push forward on further refinements of the forest, as weil as onincreased production efficiency of existing products and development of new products. By being acompetitive forest industry nation, Sweden can be a leading force for a sustainabie societal developmentand a circular bioeconomy.

There is strong potential for improvements on how Swedish forestry can use raw material, machinesand data more efflciently. Digitalization of Swedish forestry is a timely and very important step in thisdirection. The forest industry companies that participate in this program have defined the expectedimpact below, which is suitable for collaborative research on Swedish forestry, whereas the companies inparallel will separately develop business opportunities and increasing competitiveness.

Expecfed impact on Swedish competitiveness• Sweden has an efficient forest industry

o Raw material, machines and data are used efficiently, safely and sustainabiyo Increased productivity and gentlenesso Sustainability performance is strong and transparent

• Added value and resource utilization increases in the entire value chain, through precision andpredictability in the planning and a smooth raw material flow

• New concepts — business models, products and services — enabled by digitalization are increasinglyadding value

• Knowledge and ability to make the right decision in eveiy situation in the forestry, by utilizing verylarge amounts of information in decision-making and decision support

1.5. Communication objectives and expected impact on users in this andother sectorsCommunication is an integral part of the program, and therefore the program communicator will bepositioned within the program management team. Communication has a central role in the program, bothto establish an internal information exchange between the program partners and to create a dialogue withusers and the public. Hence, communication and the communicator are not services to the program, butstrategic tools for its implementation.

The communication activities will be planned and organized within WPO by the program managementteam. The communication work is described in detail in section 8.

Expected impact on users in the forestry sector and other areas• The Swedish forestiy and its actors have a strong credibility

Skånberg, 1<., 0. Olsson, K Hallding (2016). Den svenska bioekonomin: definitioner, nulägesanalys ochmöjliga framtider. SEJ Project Report 2016-02.

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• Forest owners have the knowiedge and tools to make well-founded decisions• An established and active dialogue with the public regarding different uses of the forest and iis

importance for a sustainable society• An increased understanding and willingness to pay for sustainability and circularity• Developed cooperation between forestty and other sectors on the potential of digitalization

The program aims at building trust and credibility by developing ability to and conditions for dialoguewith different stakeholders on lo ca! and national scales and beyond. A key activity is to visualize thesustainability of short and long term scenarios for different forest management operations. The programalso aims at building an understanding of markets and individuals’ behavior in relation to sustainability.

2. The program’s scientific value, inciuding state of the artThe program will contribute with technical and non-technical knowledge on the potential of and theprerequisites for a transformation to a Swedish forest-based circular bioeconomy using digitalization. ttwill explore the new value creation opportunities associated with an integrated end-to-end digitalinformation flow across the forestiy value chain, and investigate the new potential digital services thatcan leverage a digitalized value chain.

The program will develop methods for utilizing the increased streams of digital data about the forest. Thisincludes methods for high-resolution prediction of growth using repeated laser scanning, as we!! as betterestimates of tree species by using laser data in combination with dense time series of optical imagestrained with harvester data. Furthermore, models of tree stems and terrain will be obtained using mobileand high-resolution airborne laser scanning.

In addition, the program will contribute to a significant leap regarding the digitalization of forestoperations by enhancing autonomous driving in the terrain, autonomous crane manipulation andproviding sophisticated decision support functions, which together will decrease the operator bad,increase productivity and potentially reduce negative impact on soil and water. The industrial process willstart already at the standing trees, being fully integrated with the factoiy.

Moreover, the program will provide an expanded and improved systems analysis approach forsustainability and circularity assessment of bio-based products by combining existing knowledge on theforestiy system interactions with new data and information gained via remote sensing and machine-basedobservations. The scenarios will include a specific evaluation of the potential for property-based planningof raw material supply, matched to satisfy future needs from the industry.

In section 6, the scientific objectives are summarized for each work package, and the scientific work isdescribed on task level. The task descriptions include research questions and state of the art, scientificobjectives and expected scientific impact, approach, and expected results and deliverables.

3. The program’s societal benefitsFossil-based, non-circular and greenhouse gas intensive raw material like ou, plastics, concrete, metalsand minerals will always be around, and they will remain competitive to various extents for decades ormore. A prerequisite for the bioeconomy is thus that it is competitive on both national and global scales.

The Swedish forest industry is efficient, but is subject to fierce global competition. Sourcing of forest rawmaterial is highly dependent on private forest owners. Figure 3 illustrates how the revenues in SEK/m3from forest harvesting has diminished drastically over the last 60 years4. Hence, there is a prominent riskthat the profitability challenge can affect the supply of biobased raw material in Sweden, and thereby

Swedish Forest Agency’s statistics database 2017

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instead trigger an increased use of fossil-based raw materials. Sweden’s bioeconomy is largely based onthe forest, forestiy and the forest industry. A prerequisite for the Swedish bioeconomy is thus thatSwedish forestry is efficient, profitable and sustainable throughout the entire value chain, starting withthe forest owner.

1 000











0rrttov,rde Gross vaice (SEK/m’f pb) Rc0rettcarcJe Ner convercion v&ue (5EK/m’f pb) Rerctt efter stnader Re,ult after ce,t, (SEIQrn’f pb)

Figure 3. Yearty values of forest harvesting in Sweden, using 2016 pnce levels, according to an analysis by the SwedishForest Agency (Skogsstyrelsen).

There are a number of urgent climate and environmental problems that a competitive forest-basedbioeconomy can contribute to solve. A selection of these problems is outlined below.

• The world is moving from the geological epoch Holocene into Anthropocene, which is characterizedby significant human impact on the earth’s ecosystems, including climate change and biodiversity loss.Digital solutions for efficient forest operations and profitable forest-based value chains also provideopportunities for management of forests for multiple ecosystem services, including negative impacton biodiversity.

• The levels of C02 in the atmosphere and the oceans are increasing toward a climate collapse. Unlessthe use of biobased raw materials increases at the cost of fossil based ones, this climate collapsecomes doser.

• The world’s population increases towards 10-11 billion, implying that circular solutions and biobasedraw materials will become more important to enhance sustainability.

• Forestry affects the supply of drinking water and the ecological status of the world’s water resources.Precision forestry can help minimize negative the impact of the forestty on soil and water.

• Environmental, climate and sustainability goals are not met — neither nationally nor internationally.There is a risk that profitability problems in the forest industiy will affect such goals negatively unlessmore efficient and sustainable forest management solutions are developed.

• The profitability problem of forest-owning can — in the long run — affect the supply of biobased rawmaterial, and could therefore risk to increase the use of fossil-based raw material.


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• The bioeconomy goals of Sweden and the Swedish forest industry demand more biomaterial than canbe produced nationally. A more efficient use of biobased materials and products is thus necessaiy, andhence sustainability needs circularity.

4. The program’s organizationThe program organization is illustrated in figure 4.

Program host

Organizational details that complement section 4 are available in Appendix 4.

4.1. Program host, program board and program managerThe prospective host for the Mistra Digital Forest program is the Swedish Forest Industries Federation,with vast experience of managing large initiatives and currently host of the strategic innovation programBiolnnovation, which is complementary to Mistra Digital Forest regarding value chain, focus areas andtechnology readiness level. At program start, a program agreement will be set up between Mistra and theprogram host, as weil as a consortium agreement between the program partners. Together with Mistra,the program host will appoint a program board, which, together with Mistra and the program host, willsubsequently appoint a program manager. The program board will also appoint thematic referencegroups, thus involving users and key persons to ensure broad utilization of the program’s research resultsin the Swedish forestry sector and other relevant sectors.

It is of high importance that the program board and the program manager can integrate and support thedifferent perspectives and requirements of researchers and users involved, and facilitate cooperationbetween all actors to strive towards common program objectives. The program manager and the programboard will work for gender equality — equal opportunities regarding resources, influence and visibility areimportant for the entire sector.

An interim program board will be chaired by Torgny Persson, director of research and innovation at theSwedish Forest Industries Federation, and will have the following members:- Göran Andersson, head of forest management, BilierudKorsnäs- Jan Åhlund, head of forest operations, Holmen- Magnus Bergman, chief technical officer, SCA- Fredrik Granath, function manager strategy and development forestry, StoraEnso- Fredrik Klang, senior vice president forestiy, Sveaskog- Mats Johansson, head of department products and services, Södra- Göran Ståhl, dean of faculty of forest sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Figure 4. Program organization.

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- Charlotte Bengtsson, managing director, Forestiy Research Institute of Sweden- Mårten Larsson, deputy director general, Swedish Forest Industries Federation

Program manager will be Linda Eriksson, Forest Director at the Swedish Forest Industries Federation. Theprogram manager is draftsperson in the program board.

4.2. Program management team and integration in host organizationThe program manager will appoint a program management team consisting of the work package leaders,the task 0.3 (Synthesis) leader, the communicator and other relevant management support. The programmanagement team will run the program operatively. To support the program management team, theprogram host will set up a program office with a capacity to provide relevant management support,economic and legal administration, and practical support in the daily management of the program. Theprogram office will be set up at day one to ensure that administrative and organizational support isavailable from start.

The program host will provide these resources, which — for efficiency — will be shared with other activitiesat Skogsindustrierna. This ensures that relevant competence and expertise is available when needed,without having to pay for it when not needed. This also ensures access to relevant information in topicalforestry issues, excellent channels for external communication, and continuous collaborationopportunities with other programs and activities in the area. The program manager and the programcommunicator both already have full time positions at the program host.

4.3. Thematic reference groupsThe program board will appoint thematic reference groups with members representing users of theprogram’s research results and other relevant stakeholders. The members should represent technical,natural science and social science perspectives, as well as different societal and industry perspectives,ensuring an involvement of expertise from all areas of expected program impact. More organizationaldetails, as well as examples of thematic reference groups, are provided in Appendix 4.

5. Competence and networkThe network is a core deliverable of the program. All results that can lead to implementation areimportant, but the network built in the program has a very large value in itself. It ties together actors inthe Swedish forestry sector with organizations from other areas and abroad, thereby enabling a trans- andinterdisciplinary approach to the different work packages.

5.1. The research environmentThe program’s research provider partners are listed and briefly described in table below, and theirrespective role in the program’s research is outlined in the work package descriptions in section 6.Additional research providers will be engaged during the program based on needs of specific expertise.

Research provider Competence and relevance, and role in the programSwedish University of The Faculty of Forest Sciences at SLU is a world leader in forestiy research.Agncultural Sciences The research at SLU aims at developing the knowledge of how sustainable(SLU) use of forest ecosystems and resources can be established, in a wide range of

scientific disciplines, from forest genetics to forest yield modelling. ResearchGöran Ståhi, professor includes basic and applied research in close cooperation with differentand dean offaculty of stakeholders, nationally and internationally. SLU researchers will contributeforest sciences with economy and policy expertise in WPO and with technology, ecology and

economy expertise in WP1-3.


Work package leader of WP1. Task leader of tasks 0.3, 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 and 2.2.

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Swedish Center for Digital Innovation (SCDI) is a leading research centerinvestigating digitalization in close collaboration with industiy partners, asweil as publishing resuits in international scientific outlets. Scholars at SCDIhave extensively investigated digitalization across a number of industriesand the forestry industry is currently particularly relevant due to thechallenges and opportunities it is facing.Task leader of tasks 0.4 and 0.5.

UMIT Research Lab is an environment for fundamental research incomputational science and engineering, involving 50 researchers. Innovativesoftware tools for simulation and high-performance computing arecontinuously developed and tested in collaboration with industiy partners.Wants to develop algorithms, numerical methods and simulation methodsfor a more sustainable forestry and autonomous machines (WP2).Task leader of task 2.3.IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute is an independent researchinstitute with a vision of a sustainable society and a long-term aim tocontribute to a sustainable development by performing applied research incooperation with industry and the public sector. IVL has close to 300employees and more than 50 years experience of research focused onsolving environmental and sustainability challenges together with Swedishindustries.Work package leader of WP3. Taskleader of tasks 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.Skogforsk is the central research body for the Swedish forestiy sector,financed jointly by the government and the members of the institute, withthe mission to develop and communicate knowledge, services and productsthat will promote greater sustainability in the use of forest for the benefit ofsociety. Skogforsk and its 125 employees has research competencethroughout the whole field of forestry and forest operations, including onemain strategic R&I task about digitalization in forestry.Work package leader of WP2. Task leader of tasks 1.3, 2.1 and 2.4.

Royal Institute of KTH and its department of Fiber and Polymer Technology with 13 professorsTechnology (KTH) is the host of Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC), anda strong

research environment for new materials based on wood. Focus is onLars Berglund, multidisciplinary research on new molecular and nanoscale methods forprofessor and director modification of wood, wood fibers and wood biopolymers such asof WWSC2.Q nanocellulose, lignin and hemicelluloses.

Investigator in task 3.2.

5.2. The companies’ roleSwedish forestry companies are the primary users of the program’s research results, and are thereforekey actors throughout the program. To achieve the objectives and fuffil the expected impact outlined insection 1.4, company partners will engage before, during and after research activities. Company partnerswill continuously develop their organization and internal systems to be able to receive and utilize theresearch results, and then transfer them to the desired impacts of section 1.4.

Before research activities, companies will formulate their desired requirements and demands in order toensure that relevant research questions are addressed, and to facilitate future utilization of the researchresults. During research activities, the companies will act as land host and will provide test beds, data setsand full-scale trials. They will also in addition contribute to evaluating methods and systems in real-lifeoperation conditions. After research acfivities, the companies will connect and implement selected keycomponents for their own conditions and adapt them to their own needs.

Umeå University

Jonny Holmström,professor SCDI

Martin Servin, associateprofessor UMIT

IVL SwedishEnvironmentalResearch Institute(IVL SvenskaMiljöinsitutet)

John Munthe, vicepresident researchThe ForestryResearch Institute ofSweden (Skogforsk)

Magnus Thor, directorofR&I

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The program’s company partners are listed and briefly described in table below, together with theirrespective role and interest in the program.

Company Role and interest in the programBillerudKorsuäs Wants to increase the efficiency in forest planning and production, develop

increased automation in the forest, and see the entire forest supply system asGöran Andersson, head a virtual factory. Will contribute with industrial knowledge on relevantofforest management issues, and provide a test bed. Wants to understand the improvement

potential of the forestiy system as a whole.

Holmen Wants to create new values through digitalization, by development ofgeneral models that can be applied on various operations. Will contribute

Jan Åhlund, head of with competence, with a test platform for geodata, and as land host. Will beforest operations active in WPO, WP1 and WP2.SCA Wants to develop efficient processes in the forestry value chain, and general

methods for planning of forestry operations. Will contribute with field tests,Magnus Bergman, chief data, and as land host. Will be active in WP1 for a transition from manual totechnical officer automated data collection, and in WP2 for development of automated

vehicles and precision forestry.StoraEnso Has an interest in WP1 and WP2 to develop platforms for digitalization that

can be implemented in the wood supply chain. Has an explicit interest in aFredrik Granath, deeper understanding of the customer. Will contribute in various types offunction manager field tests and knowledge building in all WPs. Emphasizes the importance ofstrategy and WP3 to increase knowledge on forest and forest products values asdevelopmentforestry foundation for dialogue with partners and public.Sveaskog Wants to utilize digitalization in forest planning and production, and gain an

increased understanding of terrain and stand structure to be able to directFredrik Klang, senior the raw material to the right use. Will contribute as land host. Will be activevice presidentforestiy in all WPs, in particular in WP1-2 for predictability in planning and smooth

raw material flow.

Södra Wants to increase the efficiency of data collection and utilization. Wantsdecision support for advising forest owners on a balanced use of the forest.

Mats Johansson, head of Will contribute by testing concepts with forest owners and in collaborationdepartment products with entrepreneurs. Will be active in WP2 regarding precision forestry forand services increased gentleness and improved wood supply forecasts, and in WP3

regarding a deeper understanding of the forest owner, and mapping of theforest owner through his behavior.

Swedish forest The Swedish Forest Industries Federation represents more than 200Industries Federation companies in the pulp, paper and wood products industries. With the aim of(Skogsindustrierna) promoting growth in the world’s bioeconomy, the Swedish Forest Industries

Federation strives to strengthen the competitiveness of the companiesLinda Eriksson,forest involved, and has interests in the entire program.director Program host. Work package leader of WPO. Task leader of tasks 0.1 and 0.2.

5.3. Exchange programs with Canada and FinlandThe program plans to establish an exchange program with Canada, where FPlnnovations has launched itsForestry 4.0 Initiative. This will provide an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge and experienceson digitalization to support efficient and sustainable forestry operations. Sweden and Canada share greatambitions in forestry digitalization, and it is expected that joining forces will be of mutual benefit when itcomes to developing a competitive bioeconomy. The exchange program will include direct researchcollaboration with Université Laval in Quebec, and may include Canadian government organizations, e.g.Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and Canadian Forest Service.

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The program also plans to set up an exchange program with Finland. Sweden and Finland have a longhistory of research cooperation, as exemplified by the recent Tandem Forest Values call (Sweden’s gift toFinland 2017) that has generated new possibilities for academic researchers from these countries tocooperate in forest bioeconomy issues. Finland has international academic excellence in some of theprogram areas, and cooperation will be of mutual benefit.

The exchange programs will be developed in detail in cooperation with organizations in Canada andFinland, respectively, but the base will be annual networking activities, seminars and workshops,combined with opportunities for research visits.

5.4. Relation to other ongoing relevant research activitiesCooperation outside the program is important in several aspects. There are ongoing research andinnovation activities that are relevant to the program, and it is therefore essential to ensure coordinationand cooperation where relevant.

Cooperation on performing researchThe Wallenberg Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) is aleading actor in research on autonomous systems, sensor systems, decision support systems and otherareas directly relevant to WP1-2 and to this program in general. This program will follow WASP closely,and will actively seek cooperation opportunities that utilize WASP activities and knowledge.

The Drone Center Sweden is a UAS (Unmanned Aerial System] test bed run by RISE with funding fromVinnova. It focuses on UAS for environmental applications and is directly relevant to WP, and hasstakeholders relevant to this program. This program will follow Drone Center Sweden closely, and willactively seek cooperation opportunities.

Biolnnovation is a strategic innovation program with some activities directly relevant to this program.One of the most important is the recently started project Sustainability criteria and life cycie analysisforforestry, led by 515 Swedish Standards Institute. The project runs 2017-2020 with a volume of 9 MSEK,with objectives relevant to WP3 and with several actors from this program. It is thus obvious thatcoordination will be sought to mutual benefit.

Cooperation on utflizing the program’s research resuitsThe deliverables of the program can be divided into different categories, including knowledge,demonstrators, potential descriptions, key components and test implementations. It is essential for theutilization of the program’s research results that other actors can further test, develop and refinesolutions in order to help companies to go all the way to industrial implementations.

The Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC 2.0) is a strategic partner of the Mistra Digital Forestprogram, which can utilize research results like knowledge, components and materials, and integratethem into the basic VRA1SC 2.0 research program on “New materials from trees. Specifically, this isplanned regarding relationships between the chemical components and physical properties of wood andthe desired properties of designed materials. WWSC 2.0 will also provide insights into new materials forthe development of future scenarios of wood biomass use for the assessment of resource demand andpotential benefits of property-based planning of wood biomass supply. In addition, there will be feedbackto the program from companies and end users, and this will provide the Swedish forestry sector withopportunities for industrial implementation.

The Cluster of Forest Technology (Skogstekniska Klustret) is another strategic partner that organizes anumber of leading manufacturers of machines and components for forest operations. They can providetest platforms and facilitate spin off projects for implementation of the program’s research results. This isin particular expected regarding (semi)autonomous driving in the terrain, autonomous cranemanipulation and decision support functions that decrease the operator bad. They can also provide ifrst

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hand insights and company demands that are important to link the research in WP1 and WP2. Acting as areference group, they will engage in a dialogue with the researchers on the relevance of the research andon the demands on the expected solutions.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestiy (Kungliga Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien)is an important partner for dissemination of the program’s research resuits as weil as for thecommunication and dialogue with actors in the Swedish forestry sector. The Academy is an impartialorganization, economically independent of authorities, businesses and interest groups. Its free andindependent position in society and its good name create important opportunities for meetings andconstructive discussions.

The program is connected to the research network European Forest Institute northern regional office(EFINORD), which has contacts in the Baltic-sea region extending to Scotland and Iceland. The mainpurpose of the network is to facilitate research coliaborations and knowledge transfer within the topic ofbioeconomy.

Cooperation on program management levelTo ensure an efficient utilization of the resources for research, Mistra Digital Forest will cooperate withseveral other research initiatives, including the national research piatform Treesearch and the strategicresearch and innovation program Biolnnovation. Coordination on program level inciudes jointmanagement meetings, joint communicator meetings, joint portfolio analysis and joint efforts to affectpoiitics and society. Cooperation on the research level includes joint seminars and encouraging researchercooperation.

Cooperation for excellence and renewalCooperation outside the program is critical to ensure both academic excellence and renewal. Hence, theprogram board will set up objectives such a certain number of joint publications with selectedinternationally leading research groups to ensure front line research and academic excellence, as weil aswith top-level research groups from other areas to ensure knowiedge transfer between different sectorsand the corresponding renewal.

The program board will continuously take initiative to participate in complementary projects, whereprogram partners apply for other funding to further develop or implement the program’s research resuitsin other constellations. The program will thus serve as a backbone for its area during its entire lifetime.

5.5. Relation to educationIt is essential for the Swedish forestiy sector and the Swedish forest industry to ensure the availability ofcompetent coworkers in the future. The Swedish Forest Industries Federation’s Research and InnovationCommittee and its Forest Committee are assigned by the sector to work strategically with universities onthis matter. The program will support this work with facts and results, and with opportunities to stimulateinterest among future students.

Further, the research schools within SLU provide a base for higher education within the field of MistraDigital Forest. The program’s researchers will seek cooperation with PhD and master students fromrelevant academic disciplines.

6. Description of inciuded projects (work packages)The program has four work packages (WP), organized as illustrated in figure 5. WP1-3 are arrangedcircularly to emphasize their interdependence since the expected effects are interlaced, and this should beutilized to guide the program implementation. The synthesis work enclosing WP1-3 relates to the entireprogram, but is coordinated from WPO. The division in work packages is a way to organize the work, notto divide it, and in reality all work packages will be tightly connected and partly overlap. The circular

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arrangement of WP1-3 not oniy illustrates a circular material flow but also a desired circular informationflow. Integrating information flows and closing data loops has a great potential to add value. Evaluatingthe digitalization potential relates to all work packages, as illustrated by the innermost circle, but is run asa task in WPO.


L Program management, WP coordination and communication

wp1Collection and processing of dataLong-term planning and d_support for forestry WP2


Autonomous vehicles and driversupport in forestryPrecision forestry

Synthesis• Circularity, bioeconomy

and sustainability• Demand and instruments

Figure 5. Structure of the Mistra Digital Forest program and connections between the work packages.

Integrating information flows and closing data loops has a great potential to support an increasedefficiency and add value. A systems analysis mapping the information flows and evaluating thedigitalization potential is hence an important task early in the program (see section 6.0). This analysis willillustrate what total efficiency is possible upon improvement of different components in the digitalinformation value chain. The resuits will be an important basis for prioritizations later in the program.

A table ofdeliverablesfor all tasks is given in section Z References to state of the art made in the taskdescriptions below point to a list offull references available in Appendix 3.

6.0. Work package 0: Program management, WP coordination andcommunication

WPO scientific objectivesWPO will contribute with technical and non-technical knowledge on the potential of and the prerequisitesfor a transformation to a Swedish forest-based circular bioeconomy using digitalization. Task 0.1 willmake available the Digital Forest Test Site, a large coherent forest area where high-resolution data will becollected and made available and where most field trials will be performed, as described below and inWP1. Task 0.3 will provide a synthesis of insights on how the transformation to a forest-based circularbioeconomy should be done, and on what is required by society in general and by the forest industry inparticular to implement a circular bioeconomy. Task 0.4 will further explore the new value creationopportunities associated with an integrated end-to-end digital information flow across the forestry value



forest facts

WP3- Visualization for deepened understanding of forestry- New and traditional products from renewable raw material* Life cycleanalyses

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chain. Based on these resuits, task 0.5 will investigate the new potential digital services that can leverage adigitalized value chain, how they can be created, and what the logics of their associated business modelsare.

WPO indicators concerning scienceScientiflc papers are planned on:• Circular bioeconomy in future forestry — deflnitions of concepts• Value chain of information• Sustainable criteria and precision forestry — how to implement a circular bioeconomy based on

forestry• Report investigating value chain digitalization challenges and opportunities

In addition, some scientific conference contributions.

WPO indicators concerning utilization• Efficient communication of the program’s research results within and outside the program• In-depth case study/studies of company-level efforts on digitalization of the value chain• Digital service innovation concepts generated through interactive coliaboration between the

companies, researchers and student task force teams• Video productions that document the concept generation process and progress, which are distributed

internally as weil as externally for inspiration and benchmarking

In addition, at least 10 presentations in workshops and (non-scientific) conferences for stakeholders.More than 25 articles in newspapers and magazines.

WPO leaderWPO leader is Linda Eriksson, forest director at Swedish Forest Industries Federation.

fask 0.1: Program management and WP coordinationApproach. The program manager will appoint a program management that runs the program operatively,and the program host will set up a small program office to support the management work.

The program management team will develop the yeariy program plan and communication plan fordiscussion in the program board and approval by Mistra. It is important that the program plan has aformat that supports easy follow-up, and contains items that be assessed.

Digital Forest Test Site. A joint program test site, the Digital Forest Test Site, will be established andcoordinated by the program management team. This site will constitute of a large coherent forest area,where high-resolution data will be collected and made available, and where most field trials will beperformed. The forest companies Holmen, SCA and Sveaskog will act as land host and provide data forparts of the area. Additional data collection will be made with program fundingwithin WP1, and SLU willprovide a server for data access. Use and utilization of the test site is handled in and funded via therespective work packages, but the coordination is done by the program management team. The exactlocation of the test site will be decided at program start, but it will consist of two adjacent parts with highand low density laser data respectively. The low density scanning part will have a size of at least 1 millionha, and will be laser scanned during 2018 or 2019, with 1-2 points/m2 as part of the new national laserscanning. The size of the high density part remains to agree upon, but about 100 000 ha with 10 points/m2would meet all program needs.

Task leader and participant organizations. Task leader is Linda Eriksson (program manager) atSwedish Forest Industries Federation. Participants are the program management team.

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Expected resuits and deliverables.• Fulfilment of overall program objectives• Leadership and representation of the program internally and externally• Coordination of all work packages into a coherent program

fask 0.2: CommunicationApproach. for details on communication activities, see section 8.

Task leader and participant organizations. Task leader is Linda Larsson (communicator) at SwedishForest Industries Federation, working in the program management team.

Cost budget. Communication costs — in addition to communicator salaries — are estimated in the tablebelow.

Item Estimated cost (SEK) Estimated cost (SEK)first year following years

Web 250 000 30 000Graphic profile and template documents 70 000 20 000Content production and deliveiy 150 000 125 000Images, photos and films 100 000 80 000Printed material 80 000 60 000Other 50000 50000Seminars 100 000 100 000

Expected results and deliverables.

• Efficient communication within and outside the program

fask 0.3: Synthesis — digitalization for a sustainable bioeconomyResearch question and state of the art. In the current bioeconomy strategies, it is often more clearlystated why a transformation to circular bioeconomy is needed than how the transformation should bedone. Task 0.3 focuses on how future decision-making and knowledge-supporting tools, derived fromdigitalization, may contribute to this transformation. Here, questions such as what is required by societyin general and the forest industiy in particular to implement a circular bioeconomy will be addressed.

The forest is central for a circular bioeconomy, and is an important contributor to several of thesustainable development goals, such as water quality, climate change mitigation, consumption, innovationand preservation of biodiversity. The use of forest ecosystem services needs to be balanced [1], and boththe general public and all values of the forest need to be included in the decision making [2]. Moreknowledge is needed on how the transition to a circular bioeconomy is affected by political decisions andregulations, by how consumers and suppliers act on global markets [3], and by the different needs oflarge- and small-scale forest owners [4].

Scientific objectives and expected scientific impact. The synthesis research activities will deepen theunderstanding of what is required for a transition to a circular bloeconomy. The overarching long-termobjective is to combine the findings from the program’s work packages. Specific objects are to ta] developand understand the value chain of information; (b) analyze the effect of digitalization as knowledge anddecision-making support and efficiency driver; and (c) analyze and evaluate the sustainability criteriaconnected to forest management.

Approach. In the synthesis, the initial work will clarify the concepts used in the program. It is vital for thesuccess of the program to use common definitions and terminology, and therefore the work will includecompiling of existing knowledge and its relation to sustainability indicators. Further, the synthesis willserve as a connection between the work packages in synthesizing the results towards the program goals.

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Essential for the synthesis of the program is to connect research questions and resuits, and to provide abasis for dialogue in the reference groups. The work will build upon and integrate the synthesis andsustainability assessment for defined scenarios performed in WP3.

Task leader and participant organizations. This task is led by PhD Camilla Widmark, SLU, together withall partners — research providers and forest industry organizations.

Cost budget and time table. The estimated cost for this task is 800 000 SEK (SLU). Each partner isexpected to contribute to the task by interaction and discussions. Starting date is month 1 and end datemonth 48 (4 years).

Expected resuks and deliverables. This task will contribute with common definitions for the programand will serve to connect research results from all work packages. As the aim of task 0.3 is to connect thework in the work packages and lead the synthesis work, most work is carried out over the full programperiod, with publications typically finished toward the end of the program.

fask 0.4: Digitalizing the torestry value chainResearch question and state of the art. This task explores the following research question: Whatcharacterizes the current information flows in the Swedish forestry value chain, and what are the newvalue creation opportunities associated with an integrated end-to-end digital information flow across thevalue chain? The forest industry is facing continuously growing demands to increase transparency of theproduction process due to business and environmental concerns. Even though the technical preconditionsfor end-to-end traceability do exist, the industiy as a whole is facing major challenges in integrating theflow of information. In investigation of models and methods for “weaving the digital thread”, largecompanies that control the entire value chain end-to-end (possibly with a few exceptions such as thecarrier link) provide a fertile ground for applied and exploratory research on how weaving the digitalthread can be managed.

SCDI is a leading research center investigating these issues in practice and in close collaboration withindustry partners. Extensive investigation of digitalization of the mining industry has been performedthrough comprehensive field studies at LKAB [5], and the media industry has been studied at e.g. Bonnier[6]. Experiences from research into Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things [7] will form thebasis for research into the digital value chain in the forest industiy and on digitalization potentials.

Scientific objectives and expected scientific impact. The objectives are to map the current informationflow in the entire forestry value chain, identify key bottlenecks, and explore the potential of fullydigitalized information value chains. The use of qualitative data collection and analysis enables thegeneration of a rich understanding of these issues — one that is firmly grounded in contemporary forestrypractice. In particular, the implications for forestry practice include managerial advice that can serve asbasis for strategic decision making in further digitalization efforts by companies and organizations.

Approach. Task 0.4 will conduct qualitative field-based data collection from all actors throughout thevalue chain, adopting a qualitative case study methodology [8]. This process will identify and exploredigitalization opportunities. Integrating information flows and closing data loops has a great potential toincrease efficiency and add value. Mapping of information flows and an associated evaluation ofdigitalization potentials is an important basis for overall prioritizations at later stages of the program.

Task leader and participant organizations. Jonny Holmström, Professor at SCDI, Department ofInformatics, Umeå University is the task leader. All the following companies are relevant for theinvestigation conducted in this task: StoraEnso, Sveaskog, BillerudKorsnäs, Södra, Holmen, SCA. Thefollowing research providers are important to share knowledge with: Skogforsk, SLU, IVL.

Cost budget and time table. The total cost is 1,6 MSEK and runs between month 1 and 36.

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Expected results and deliverables. Two key types of concrete resuits will be achieved in this task. ta] Areport that illustrates the information flow across the value chain in the participating companies, andfurther identifies the bottlenecks interrupting that flow in each participating company, and highlights thepotential value creation opportunities that would anse if the bottlenecks were removed. (b) At least onein-depth qualitative case study that zooms in on one of the companies and their efforts at digitalizing thevalue chain, focusing on that company’s specific efforts.

fask 0.5: Concept generation through digifal service innovationResearch question and state of the art Task 0.5 explores the following research question: Which arethe new potential digital services that can leverage a digitalized value chain; how can they be created, andwhat are the logics of their associated business models? Thereby, it is explored how the outcomes of task0.4 can be concretely manifested in new digital services. The companies will be invited to participate indigital innovation processes where concrete methods are applied through collaboration between thecompanies, researchers and student task force teams. The concept generation process will be documentedin video productions that are distributed internally and externally for inspiration and benchmarking. Forexample, the notion of traceability provides an opportunity for digital service concept development [9].Nylén and Holmström have an established format for applied company-student-research collaborationthat will be of value in this task [10].

Scientific objectives and expected scientific impact. The objective is to create new digital serviceconcepts (inciuding business models] that leverage a digitalized value chain by the application ofcontemporary methods in digital service design. Creating such concepts, and adopting methods from fullydigital disciplines, is a key concern for traditional industries that seek to utilize the full potential ofdigitalization. These efforts will be carried out in collaboration with one or several companies at a time.However, to maximize the impact in Swedish forestiy, video documentation and distribution will serve asan integral vehicle to spread the new ideas and practices.

Approach. An engaged scholarship approach [11] will be applied, in which industry and academia cometogether to jointly expiore and create solutions to problems with a practical and scientific relevance. Theapproach is, in part, inspired by action design research approach [12] as it involves design-leaps in whichnovel conceptual designs are created.

Task leader and participant organizations. Daniel Nylén, Associate Professor at SCDI, Department ofInformatics, Umeå University is the task leader. All the following companies are relevant for theinvestigation conducted in this task: Storafnso, Sveaskog, BillerudKorsnäs, Södra, Holmen, SCA. Thefollowing research providers are particularly important to share knowledge with: IVL, SLU, Skogforsk.

Cost budget and time table. The total cost is 1,6 MSEK and runs between month 10 and 48.

Expected resuits and deliverables. Two key types of concrete results will be achieved in this task. (a)Collaborative joint efforts involving student task force teams, researchers, companies and organizationswill be set up and generate digital service innovation concepts. (b] The process of generating theseconcepts will be documented in video productions. Seeking to serve as inspiration and benchmarking, thevideos will be distributed within and outside of the project.

6.1. Work package 1: Forestfacts

WP1 scientitic objectivesWP1 is focused on establishing new methods for estimating spatial databases as weil as actual spatialdatabases for utilization in other parts of the program. In addition, new spatially explicit methods for longterm forest planning will be developed in task 1.4. The long term planning will utilize the nesults from task1.1, where forest growth is a new variable that will be estimated from multi-temporal 3D laser data. Thiswill, together with improved tree species estimates and existing methods for laser scanning based

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estimates of other forest variables, create a fundamentally improved basis for long term spatially explicitforecasting of forest resources. Task 1.1 will utilize sparse repeated laser scanning and optical satellitedata, which is available nationwide without cost. In contrast, task 1.2 will be enabled by taking advantageof the possibilities offered by more high resolution data, captured both through dense airborne laserscanning and as a sample from mobile scanning within the stands that need to be surveyed, e.g. beforeharvest. In task 1.3, the opportunities with using harvester data that is transferred (imputed) from alreadycut stands to similar not yet harvested stands will be evaluated. Carrier data for characterizing the standto be cut will be based on remote sensing data from tasks 1.1 and 1.2, respectively.

WP1 indicators concerning scienceScientific papers are planned on:• Large area growth estimates• Improved tree species estimates• Use of mobile laser scanning and dense airborne laser scanning for characterizing tree stems and

terrain• Validation of imputation of harvester data• Development of new, spatially explicit methods for long term forest planning

Some of the above subjects are likely to be of significant importance for long term planning andoptimization of the forest resources, as well as for the precision forestiy developed in WP2.

WP1 indicators concerning utilizationThe work package can be considered successful from a utilization point of view if some of the developedmethods have been operationally implemented and have contributed to a more efficient andenvironmentally friendly forestiy practice.

WP1 indicative objectives for program year 5-8During the second part of the program, the development of methods for keeping forest databases up todate will continue. This includes development of theoiy and systems for assimilating new data into thespatial forest database, for forecasting the database using functions driven by time series of 3D data, andfor detecting changes with time series of data. Furthermore, more data will be analyzed on single treelevel, using high resolution airborne lidar, trained with stem data from harvesters or small lidar sensorscarried by man or machine. On the planning side, the efforts on using high-resolution spatial forestinformation for forest management planning will continue. The research will be broadened to include alsoadvanced decision support for non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners, a most important area as morethan half of the Swedish forest production potential is in the hands of over 340 000 NIPF owners.

WPJ leaderWP1 leader is Håkan Olsson, professor at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Task 1 .1: Large area mapping of tree species and growthResearch question and state of the art. How could tree species and forest growth be estimated for largeareas, given a regular supply of optical satellite data and repeated laser scanning? Using Airborne LaserScanning (ALS) trained with field reference plots, high resolution and highly accurate databases with treesize related variables such as height, basal area and growing stock volume can be estimated for large areas[13]. However, tree species and speed of growth are also two very important variables that have not yetbeen operationally estimated with sufficient accuracy. Recent research suggests that these estimationscan be improved by using color from aerial photos in combination with ALS [14], but the quality has notyet been considered sufficient for operational use in Swedish forestry. Sentinel 2 satellite data havenarrow spectral bands that are useful for species classification [15]. The hypothesis is that sufficientspecies estimates can be obtained with ALS in combination with time series of Sentinel 2 data fromdifferent seasons. Site index and related variables such as growth and stand age could most likely be

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obtained from the development of the canopy height, as measured with 3D remote sensing data such aslaser scanning from several time points, which however to date have been poorly expiored [16, 17].

Scientific objectives and expected scientific impact. The objectives of task 1.1 are to develop anddemonstrate new methods for estimation of tree species and growth for large areas of boreal forest.These methods are expected to be of significant importance for the future use of remote sensing inforestry and nature protection. Within the research program, the estimations of tree species and growth,together with operationally estimated variables, will be the foundation for most of the other tasks. Theestimations will be used for imputation of harvester data and forecasting for long term planning (tasks 1.3and 1.4), as well as for the planning of forest operations in WP2 and for the analysis made in WPO andWP3. The long-term goal for this task is to develop the tools needed for keeping forest databasescontinuously up-to-date. Thus, methods for change detection using time series of data and methods fordata assimilation [18] of different types of data in combination with growth functions, as weil as methodsfor improved tree species classification using for example multispectral laser scanners will be developedin the second part of the program, year 5-8.

Approach. The task will use, and contribute to, the common test area for the program, which will consistof two adjacent parts with low and high-density laser data, respectively. The low-density scanning partwill have a size of at least 1 million ha, which will be laser scanned during 2018 or 2019, with 1-2points/m2 as part of the new national laser scanning. The aim for the high-density part is about 100 000ha with 10 points/m2. The methods for tree species classification will use Sentinel 2 optical satelliteimages from different seasons in combination with ALS data. Tree species will for the large area beestimated by employing area based metrics from ALS data in combination with Sentinel 2 imagery. Thetree species estimates will be trained and validated with sample plots from the participating forestcompanies, or alternatively from National Forest Inventoiy (NFI) plots, as well as with hanrester datafrom Task 1.3, using Random Forest [19] and similar machine learning algorithms. For the high-densitypart of the test area, a second study will be made, in which also the shapes of individual tree crowns willbe included in the tree species estimates. Height growth for individual raster cells across large areas willthus be estimated from ALS data from two time points with 6-7 years between the data acquisitions.Height development curves will be developed using age independent functions such as Chapman Richardsgrowth functions [20]. Estimations of height growth will be combined with other variables to modelgrowth for growing stock volume and basal area. Thus using this strategy, the Mistra Digital Forestprogram will for the first time be able to provide wall-to-wall estimations of growth for important forestparameters. Additional use of the high-density part of the test area is described in task 1.2.

Task leader and participant organizations. Task leader is Dr Eva Lindberg at SLU. Estimations on thetest sites will be made in cooperation with forest companies.

Cost budget and time table. Mistra funding 2200 kSEK Tree species estimations will be delivered month18 using area based methods and month 42 using single-tree methods. Growth estimations will bedelivered month 30. Scientific articles should be ready 6 months after deliveiy of the databases.

Expected resuits and deliverables. The task will deliver methods and estimations for growth and treespecies for the low-density ALS test area, as weil as a tree species estimation that utilizes single treeanalysis in the high-density test area. Three scientific articles will be produced.

Task 1 .2: Remote sensing of tree stems and terrain for operational planningResearch question and state of the art. We will address the question how to develop feasible methodsfor extraction of tree level stem information and detailed terrain data by fusion of high-resolution 3D datafrom airborne sensors and ground-based mobile sensors. Detailed data about stem shapes and terrainwill enable optimization of forest operations including nature protection [21]. The development of newairborne sensors indicates that it will be realistic to obtain dense ALS data wall-to-wall, for example usingsingle-photon laser systems [221, or alternatively just for areas to be harvested using drones or small ALS

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systems on helicopters. Such high-resolution ALS data enables extraction of tree crown information forindividual trees and construction of high-resolution terrain models [23, 24, 25]. Stem data needed fortraining of databases with individual trees can be extracted from a subset of the forest with ground-basedTerrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) [26, 27, 28], by Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) systems carried by man ormachines [29] , and also from harvesters (task 1,3) when more precise coordinates for harvested treesbecome available. Moreover, developments in other industries (e.g. autonomous cars) contribute tosensor developments towards small and inexpensive solid state lasers. The combination of the newsensors described above now opens up for a new generation of precision forestiy with access to highprecision stem measurements from MLS for subsets of trees combined with tree maps from ALS of allareas of interest, to support operational planning.

Scientific objectives and expected scientific impact. The objectives of task 1.2 are to develop methodsfor extraction of tree level and terrain information using fusion of sensor data from the air and from theground, which matches the needs of the forest sector.

Approach. Part of the program test site will be scanned with high-density ALS (at least 10 points/m2).This airborne scanning will be either wall-to-wall for a larger area, or on object level for stands within thearea that are candidates for final felling or thinning cutting. The stands that are scheduled for harvest willalso be densely scanned with MLS. TLS and field plot data will be collected for validation. The analysis ofthe ground-based data will include evaluation of stem profiles, branches, canopies, terrain, classificationof tree species, and estimation of variables related to wood quality. A tree canopy map, as well as adetailed digital terrain model and estimates of understory vegetation will then be computed from the ALSdata. The MLS and ALS data sets will subsequently be merged [30] and the influence of different levels ofambition for the mobile scanning will be evaluated, using field measurements and high-resolution TLS forvalidation. It will thus be evaluated to which degree mobile scanning of a subset of a stand is sufficient,given that the data can be extrapolated to other parts of the stand by using the airborne data as carrierinformation. Furthermore, the possibility to detect terrain, stones, and understory vegetation with thedense ALS data will be evaluated using the TLS data. The Remningstorp test site will be used for tests withphoton counting ALS.

Task leader and participant organizations. Task leader is associate professor Johan Holmgren at SLU.High-resolution stem and terrain data will be delivered to WP2. Product assortments will be developedusing harvester data and stem information for not yet harvested sites, by using the predicted forestvariables as target data, together with Skogforsk in task 1.3.

Cost budget and time table. The estimated cost is 2600 kSEK plus scanning of dense ALS. Databases ofstem profiles from MLS will be delivered month 12 and terrain and tree crowns from ALS will be deliveredmonth 18. Method articles about stem models including wood quality; detection of trees from ALS,detection of terrain and understory vegetation, and the recommended combination of ALS and MLS will beready month 24-36. Data for imputation of harvester information will be delivered to task 1.3 month 40.

Expected resuits and deliverables. High-resolution databases with tree stems and terrain data will bedelivered to other parts of the program, in particular task 1.3 and WP2. Methods for estimating woodassortments, as weil as for creating stem and terrain maps using a realistic amount of field work will beevaluated.

Task 1 .3: Data from forest machinesResearch question and state of the art The research question to be addressed in task 1.3 concerns howto leverage the potential of using digital data from forest machines for more efficient and sustainableforest operations and increased value creation. Forest machine data is a key asset in the digital forestrychain and an enabler for many applications along the value chain. This data possess a very high level ofdetails and quantity to allow ‘circular use’ in advanced analyses and machine learning. Recentdevelopments has enabled data collection in a standardized format (StanFord2OlO), which in tum opens

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for leaps in R&D and fast implementation. The StanFord2OlO standard is managed by Skogforsk and is theglobal de facto standard used in harvesters. The involvement of all major forest machine companiessecure operational implementation [31]. The standard inciudes high-resolution data on each harvestedstem and log, and on machine performance. ln addition, it offers a possibility to map considerations takenduring operations. Starting 2017, Skogforsk established an R&D database of harvester data covering all ofSweden and up to now consisting of about 70 million trees, corresponding to about 200 million logs.Analyses with ALS-derived forest estimates indicate significant improvement when combined withharvester data in different applications, e.g. for yield predictions [32, 33]. Improved Global NavigationSatellite Systems (GNSS) positioning also paves the way for single-tree positioning to combine harvesterdata with remotely sensed data [34].

Scientific objectives and expected scientific impact. The scientific objectives include the use of forestmachine data to explain the local variation in the forests and its impact on forest yield and value creation.The inclusion of forest machine data in decision support will be explored for yield predictions andconsiderations taken, the latter including precision forestry for improved environmental concern.Successful implementation on standardized machine data in decision support models will enable furtherresearch on developing new models for inventory, forecasting, planning, feedback, and their comingimplementation in operational forestry. Forest machine data will contribute with a detailed automateddata collection, for utilization in several subtasks in WP2 and WP3.

Approach. Analyses will be based on the established R&D forest machine database and combined withgeographical data from tasks 1.1 and 1.2 to explain the variation of forest properties. The approachincludes machine learning and imputation techniques. To explore the variation power, businessintelligence tools will be utilized in combination with statistical packages. Validation will includeadditional harvester data as well as field measurements.

Task leader and participant organizations. Task leader will be Lic Tech Maria Nordström at Skogforsk.Contribution from the information hub for the Swedish forest industty (SDC) and forest companies willconsist of harvester data.

Cost budget and time table. Estimated budget 2400 kSEK to start month 2 and end at month 45.

Expected resuits and deliverables.• Operational and scientifically approved models for using forest machine data.• Recommendations for principles using forest machine data with all relevant stakeholders.

Task 1 .4: Using high-spatial-resolution forest information for improved long-termforest planningResearch question and state of the art. How can high-spatial-resolution and wall-to-wall forestinformation be used in long-term forest management planning to secure sustainable and multi-objectiveuse of forest resources? The increasing demand for forest products and ecosystem services brings aboutthe need to use the full potential of wall-to-wall forest information, the steadily improved formulation ofoptimization problems and the increasing power of computers for long-term management planning [35,36, 37]. Firstly, the approach for strategic planning — today performed on just a sample of stands — has tobe switched to an approach including all stands in order to handle significant spatial aspects [38].Secondly, the subsequent tactical planning [39, 40] has to further utilize the high-spatial-resolution datapotential by switching the traditional standwise planning approach to a pixelwise description of attributesand to a dynamic treatment unit approach [41, 42].

Scientific objectives and expected scientific impact. For the long-term management planning level, theobjective of task 1.4 is to develop strategies for handling large-scale management planning problemsincorporating spatial aspects. This concerns e.g. spatial distribution of habitat for species andconcentration of harvest activities in time and space. For the tactical planning level, the aim is to develop

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spatial optimization models for creating dynamic treatment units of relevant size and design in relation toharvesting and terrain transport costs, etc. This is in line with the program objectives, sustainable use offorest resources, the promotion of the Swedish forest sector competitiveness and efficient use of andfurther refinement of high-spatial-resolution forest information.

Approach. The formulation of long-term management planning will be discussed with planners in forestcompanies and research groups within operations research. Subsequently, the potential forsimplifications of spatial and temporal aspects and refinement of the formulation of optimizationproblems, still providing relevant solutions, will be expiored. For the tactical level, different models for theaggregation of grid cells to treatment units will be investigated and new approaches developed. On bothplanning levels, the appropriateness of exact optimization methods versus heuristic methods will beevaluated.

Task leader and participant organizations. Task leader is associate professor Tomas Lämås, SLU.Researchers and system developers within the Heureka team at the program of Forest SustainabilityAnalysis at SLU will participate. Collaboration will be established with personnel responsible formanagement planning at Swedish forest companies to (aj describe problem settings and (b) to evaluatepotential solutions. Collaboration also with operations research groups.

Cost budget and time table. Costs for four years: total 2800 kSEK Start month 0, end month 48.

Expected resuits and deliverables. Theory for inciuding spatial aspects in long-term strategic planningof forest resources will be developed, reported as scientific articles, and demonstrated in showcases.Furthermore, the developed methods will be implemented in the Heureka Decision Support System.

6.2. Work package 2: Efficient forestry

WP2 scientitic objectivesWP2 will contribute to a significant leap regarding the digitalization of forest operations — an imperativecontribution to the bio-economy. Digital data collected in WP1, together with already existing digitalopportunities, will support efficient multifunctional planning and management of the forests, including amore efficient environmental concern. Research efforts towards autonomous driving in the terrain,autonomous crane manipulation and decision support functions will decrease the operator bad. Duringoperations, the digital production site in the forest will be created in real-time. The industrial processstarts already at the standing trees and is fully integrated with the industry, using the digital opportunitiesfor material supply to both new and traditional products. Inputs from and interfaces to WP1 and WP3 areimperative. WP2 research will lead to increased efficiency, operator relief, shorter transports and reducedC02 emissions and fuel consumption.

WP2 indicators concerning scienceScientific papers:• Model for optimization of on-site route planning• Individual tree biomass-growth models• Forest machine data to support forest regeneration• Cost and success of regenerations with high- and low spatial planning• Scenario analysis of effects on ecosystem services production comparing silvicultural treatments with

high and low spatial resolution• High precision forestry as a tool for improve environmental concern• Forest terrain model• Terrain learning algorithm for identifying terrain parameters and predicting bearing capacity and

trafficability• Vehicle state-observer, motion-planner and controller for ecological driving in rough and soft terrain• Model for re-planning of terrain transport

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• Model of re-planning of road haulage• Analyses on possible machine systems in future sustainable forestry

In addition, at least 15 scientific conference contributions and about 15-25 MSc thesis within WP2 tasks.

WP2 indicators concerning utilization• Demonstration of a forest planning robot• Model to identify and manage faulty data in the planning process• A new version of the Heureka decision support system with new forest growth functions

implemented• Demonstration of machine perception and smart motion planning and control in a digital twin setup• Studies of man-machine interactions, inciuding operator support, in digital twins• Demonstration of an integrated seamless production system

In addition, at least 40 presentations in workshops and (non-scientific) conferences for all stakeholders.More than 25 articies in newspapers and magazines.

WP2 indicative objectives tor program year 5-8• Complementary models enabling a fully automated forest management planning and operations

process, inciuding stakeholder involvement and taking new materials and products into consideration• New Forest Facts enabling further development of models for precision forestry for a wide range of

ecosystem services• Machine perception adapted to different silvicultural operations to cover all forest operations• Increased TRL-level for robotics in forestry applications

WP2 leaderWP2 leader is Erik Willén, process manager for digitalization at Skogforsk.

fask 2.1: Precision torestry — planning ot torestry operationsResearch question and state of the art. How to perform efficient forest management planning formultifunctional use. Digitalization now overturns many sectors in the society. “Robots” and automationaccording to the industrial revolution 4.0 are introduced in industry as weil as society [43]. The concept ofrobots appears in social services, building permits and legal experts. These “robots” are algorithms, oftenbased on Artificial Intelligence (Al), which perform and deliver robust decision support to rationalizeworking procedures. In general, planning of forest operations is at present carried out manually and istherefore very challenging, difficult to optimize and in constant need of updates to fulfil the requirements.An automated solution that enables faster execution, higher quality and robustness is thus wanted. This isalso a prerequisite in further automation and use of autonomous forest machines.

Multi-criteria analyses and optimization techniques have been appiied for decision support in forestry.Examples include scheduling of harvester teams [44J, and logging and forwarding routes [45]. Rönnqvistet al. [46] provide a set of open challenges in forestry including operational problems that all requiredetailed information to be dealt with. Open challenges include: (i) Operational interfaces to all relevantdata sources; (ii) Models for combining data into decision support in multifunctional forestry; (iii)Integration of models in a “robot”; (iv) A generic information standard allowing several informationsources to be integrated/coordinated; tv) A quality assessment of the data from different sources; (vi)Processes to identify and dean faulty data; (vii) Practical processes to include multiple stakeholders’ viewin the decision process, i.e. development of decision theatres.

Scientific objectives and expected scientific impact. The scientific objectives include an optimization ofthe large variety in data available for forest planning prior to forest operations, taking sustainable forestproduction, cultural heritage and society into consideration. The objectives further include developmentof a methodology to integrate and handle different levels of information quality in the planning models.

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Increased precision and robustness in forest planning for multifunctional use of the forests, enablinghigher value, lower costs and minimized negative impact on the environment [47]. Moreover, this taskaddresses the development of decision theatres [48] where multiple stakeholders, often with conflictingobjectives, can interact and find common solufions. This task contributes to several subtasks in WP2 formachine operator decision support, and to WP3.

Approach. Data sources and data flows will be mapped and described to form a basis for development ofinterfaces and services. Identification of possible, today non-existing, data sets will be done. Existingmodels for logging and forwarding routes will be further developed with respect to increasedfunctionality and higher automation, to be included in algorithms to automate demanding planningprocedures or other processes that at present are conducted by forestry professionals. In addition,sketches of possible future models including possible future data sets will be generated, as weil as a novelframework for data quality and a strategy for how to integrate it in the planning models.

Task leader and participant organizations. Erik Wiilén, Skogforsk, will lead the task. Skogforsk andprofessor Ola Lindroos at SLU will provide specification and model development

Cost budget and time table. Skogforsk 1200 kkr, SLU 900 kkr, UmU support from task 2.4. The task runsproject month 1-36.

Expected resuits and deliverables.• Demonstration of planning robot for operator support• Quality assessment of information sources and iis use in planning models

fask 2.2: Precision forestry, biomass production and other ecosystem servicesResearch question and state of the art. How can new digital data be appiied in operationai forestmanagement and to gain other ecosystem services? How and to what extent will the production of variousecosystem services benefit from precision forestiy?

Silviculture in Sweden is approaching a paradigm shift. We currently have, or are about to have, acompletely new set of information about trees, forests, sites and forest environments with a resoiutionthat is previously inconceivabie [49]. New digital data, derived from WP1 and elsewhere, will make itpossible to perform silviculture and apply forest management treatments with a much higher resolutionthan before, where mean values from stands were the basis for forest management decisions. In recentadvances of precision agriculture, SLU has showed how satellite imagery and soil databases can be usedsuccessfuily in decision support systems for farming [50], flndings that in relevant parts can be translatedto forestry.

Increased biomass production is an aim from a forest industry point of view, but also with respect tomitigation of climate change. However, increased production may come at the expense of other ecosystemsenrices such as biodiversity, water-quality and recreational values [51, 52]. The hypothesis of this WP isthat employing silvicultural treatments at high resolution will enhance the production of multipleecosystem services, including more efficient environmentai concerns.

Scientific objectives and expected scientific impact Development of high-resolution functions forbiomass production of common tree species in Sweden, making it possible to examine the effects ofsilvicuiture on different scales as weil as on production or creation of different ecosystem services.

Approach. In task 2.2, the possibilities for future intensification of forest management will be estimatedusing data that will be available within the near future. The starting point will be 10-15 m resolution withsupport of detailed data from permanent field experiments, National Forest Inventoiy piots and forestmachines at the Digital Forest Test Site. Effects of various silvicultural treatments on varying scale will beestimated in simulations with the decision support system Heureka [53, 54, 55]. Existing models for tree

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growth on stand- and tree-level will be improved to inciude inter- and intra-species competition to makeuse of high-resolution data.

Task leader and participant organizations. Urban Nilsson, professor at SLU, is task leader and expert insilviculture. Joachim Strengbom, associate professor at SLU, will contribute with ecological expertise.Skogforsk will contribute in the mod el development, and several forest companies in validation.Coordination with task 3.1 is planned on sustainability indicators.

Cost budget and time table. SLU 900 kkr, Skogforsk 400 kkr, from project month 1 — 48.

Expected resuits and deliverables.• Data for high resolution modeling of tree biomass growth• Forest machine data for planning of forest regeneration

• Individual tree biomass growth models

• A new version of the decision support system Heureka

• Scenario analysis of the effect on production of various ecosystem services of silviculture on highspatial resolution

Task 2.3: Machine perception for smart ond automated torest operationsResearch question and state of the art Autonomous as weil as human operated terrain driving andsteering of crane manipulators is a highly complex task, which comprises multi-criteria decisions takingproductivity, ecological values and operator environment into consideration. This task explores thepotential and challenges of machine perception for efficient operations with a soft footprint, establishedthrough operator decision support and an increased level of automation and remoteness. Increasedenvironmental value could be expected from a smart selection of routes and trees.

The key research questions addressed in task 2.3 are: (i) How to automatically create and update a realtime digital model of a forest machine and its local environment from aggregated data and physics-basedmodels? (ii) How to generate and evaluate alternative operations and motion plans given such a digitalmodel? (iii) How to integrate knowledge about forest ecology in the perception and planning algorithms,and in the operator interface?

The research will be based on state-of-the-art computational science and engineering, now manifested inthe technology for autonomous vehicles, virtual and augmented reality, and smart control ofmanufacturing processes using digital twins [56]. Selected techniques will be adapted and furtherdeveloped for forestry applications.

The process of creating and updating a virtual reptica of a real system includes the combination of sensordata with CAD and simulation models [57]. The benefit of the resulting digital twin will be that it allowssystematic simulation experiments to generate large sets of synthetic training data, which complementthe data that can be obtained from the real system [58]. With sufficient training data it will be possible toapply machine learning and mathematical optimization in developing state observers [59], fault detection,semantic segmentation of the 3D environment [60], as weil as multi-objective motion planning andoptimal control. Successful solutions will, following the initial analysis, be transferred to the physicalsystem and continuously improved in an iterative manner over time. The research task addresses specificphysics-based simulation models for virtual environments [61] and distributed high-performancecomputing algorithms [62] that are applicable for realistic dynamics of terrain and terrain vehicles as wellas crane manipulators in the forestiy domain [63]. The task makes use of the latest solutions for remotesensing described in WP1. The fact that Komatsu Ltd, NVIDIA and SkyCatch [64] are introducing serviceand hardware for automated drone scanning and data processing for near real time monitoring ofconstruction worksites is an indicator of the maturity of this technology and that the costs for hardware isabout to drop.

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Scientific objectives and expected scientific impact. The objectives of task 2.3 inciude developing andtesting models and algorithms for forest machine perception, multi-criteria decisions and optimal motionplanning based on the aggregated data from remote sensing, GIS and machine sensors combined withphysics-based models for vehicles, terrain and single objects such as trees, bushes and rocks.

This research will contribute to the development of autonomous capabilities, decision support andfunctions that will decrease the operator bad. Additional scientific impacts include deeper knowledgeabout key factors for terrain bearing capacity, ground damages, vehicle mobility and preservedbiodiversity. A functional machine perception system will become an instrument that records detailedinformation about the forest environment properties, as a function of time and geographic position. This isessential for predicting terrain properties in advance and minimizing the ground damages already at theoperation planning state. The new knowledge and developed terrain models will also be applicable forsimulation-based design of new machine concepts with radically improved mobility and reducedenvironmental impact.

Approach. For a given location in the forest, some of the terrain characteristics is partially known from åpriori data (WP1). When a machine drives on-site, new data can be collected using the sensors that themachine is instrumented with. Data from both internal sensors (e.g., power distribution, torque, slip,accelerometer and gyro) and external sensors (e.g. camera, lidar, radar) will be combined to generate andcontinuously update a 3D model of the immediate environment, segmented into objects of different types(trees, logs, deadwood, underbrush, rocks, terrain). The plan is to build a library of realistic forest terrainmodels with known properties, running many simulations of a machine riding over them and generatingsynthetic sensor data comparable to the real situation. Using machine learning, a terrain learning systemwill be developed, which is able to recognize what terrain is being traversed and to determine possibleeffects made on the terrain in the process. The models will be tested, integrated and demonstratedprimarily in simulated environments, but with a digital twin setup that combines both simulated and realdata from an instrumented machine and scanned forest environments from the Digital Forest Test Site,ensuring that the validity of the simulation models can be evaluated. Man-in-the-bop studies will becarried out in Trodsson Forest Technology Lab [651 to investigate suitable machine-operator interfacesfor semi-autonomous manipulator control. Operators will be recruited among experienced professionalsas well as inexperienced students.

Task leader and participant organizations. Associate professor Martin Servin (UMIT at UmeåUniversity) is task leader. Other staif at UmU will contribute with machine and terrain simulation modelsand machine learning. SLU (professor Ola Lindroos and researchers Pedro La Hera and JoachimStrengbom) will contribute with modelling ecological footprint, control systems and motion planningalgorithms. The work on ecological footprints will be coordinated with task 3.1 regarding sustainabilityindicators. Skogforsk will perform man-in-the-bop studies. Forest companies, The Cluster of ForestTechnology and vocationab schools will provide vehicbe test rigs and operators.

Cost budget and time table. 4800 kkr (UmU), 1200 kkr (Skogforsk), 900 kkr (SLU) from project month1-48. Efforts planned after 48 months inciude design of new forest machine concepts with improvedmobility and reduced environmental impact.

Expected resuits and deliverables.

• Forestiy terrain modeb library accessibbe on-line and published in a scientific journal.• Terrain learning algorithm for identifying terrain parameters from measurement data and simulation

models, published in a scientific journal.• New machine-operator interfaces for semi-autonomous control tested in digitab twins.

• Vehicbe state-observer, motion-planner and controbber for ecologicab driving in rough and soft terrain,published in a scientific journal.

• Analyses on possible machine systems in future sustainable forestiy

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Tosk 2.4: Red-time integrated production systemsResearch question and state of the art. Given all data available for use, how could the ‘digitalproduction site’ in the forest be created in real-time, where the industrial process starts already at thestanding tree and which is fully integrated with the industrial process?

Sustainability and efficiency in all kinds of forest operations are key aspects for their implementation andsocial acceptance. Forest operations are truly the first step in the industrial process, where the incentivesfor adding value should be present from start, including compliance with legal and societal contracts. Replanning on site, based on å priori data and data acquired during the operation, to optimize the overallperformance would increase the overall value, decrease costs and improve sustainability.

WP1, task 2.1 and other data sources will provide input for instructions, decision support, monitoring andreporting. The digital infrastructure is partly weil in place in the Swedish context, through SDC [66], whichwill launch a new on-line system for additional functionality. Data communication from and betweenforest machines uses the world leading defacto standard StanForD [67J, which has enabied numerousspin-offapplications and uses. The optimization application BestWay (task 2.1) is a starting point,developed for optimal design of extraction routes in a stand, considering the distribution of assortments,retention areas and terrain and site conditions. Examples of open problems are: (i) Models for timeefficient re-planning of terrain transport, based on on-site deviations from plan (concerning e.g.production, terrain, water, habitat), or by using up-to-date production data from the preceding operation;(ii) Mod els for re-planning of road hauling and destination of products, given new information from theforwarder on stock levels at roadside in different assortments and at different sites. These models shouldbe robust and fast enough to allow re-calculation several times per day; (iii) Assessment of the sensibilityof weather, i.e. ram precipitation during different seasons of the year for scheduling purposes; (iv)Integration of weather forecasts for short term planning; (v) Use of different harvest and forwardingstrategies and machine types for each harvest area; (vi) Visualization tools to support machine operatorsduring all seasons of the year; (vii) Use of collaborative logistic approaches across, e.g. companies andcontractors.

Scientific objectives and expected scientific impact. To develop models and interfaces for real-timemonitoring, models for optimization and re-planning of both the production process and environmentalconcern in the forest, and then seamlessly from stump to mill, e.g. by interface towards or interaction withlogistics decision support systems. These systems inciude route planning, deliveiy and reception at theindustry. Integrating weather forecasts to revise the operational planning of harvest areas will also beincluded. As with all big data applications, it is critical to have visualization tools for supporting andenabling decision support from advanced planning systems to machine operators. This task will furtheralso investigate how collaborative mechanisms [68] between companies and contractors can support amore efficient and sustainable utilization of the forest resources.

The expected contribution to WP2 and program objectives are: (i) Cross-sector logistics development,including planning on other scales than currently; (ii) Data provision to WP3 on production andenvironmental performance indicators. The over-arching objective is to achieve a fully integrated digitalreal-time production system, from the tree throughout the entire industrial process. This will iead toincreased efficiency, shorter transports and reduced CO2 emissions and fuel consumption

Approach. Based on existing applications and models, new modeis for real-time re-planning along thesupply chain will be developed, tested and demonstrated at the Digital Forest Test Site. The suggestedmethod is development of decision tools that combines many and diverse data sources, performsinformation quaiity assessments, revises information, solves prescriptive analytics models and visualizesthe proposed decisions in an easy environment for the operators. Furthermore, these tools will be criticalfor the development of autonomous machines in the future.

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The research group has profound experience in solving real problems in several industries with ORmethods [69]. The tests will be performed in close collaboration with stakeholders. Demonstrations willbe made open to forest companies, ICT companies, agencies, researchers and NGOs. Standardization workconcerning new variables at hand will be conducted within existing standardization groups.

Task leader and participant organizations. Erik Willén, Skogforsk, will lead the task. Skogforsk willprovide specification, model development and standard development. UmU and SLU (professor TomasNordfjell) will contribute in model development. SDC will provide digital infrastructure, and several majorforest companies will be active hosts for test cases and demonstrations (and further implementation).Collaborating researchers from Université Laval will have a crucial role in the optimization modeldevelopment. Prof. Mikael Rönnqvist and his group has a long record of collaboration with Skogforsk andthe Swedish forestry sector [70], as evidenced by multiple journal articles and implementations leading toprestigious innovation and academics awards [71].

Cost budget and time table. Skogforsk: 1200 kkr, SLU 900 kkr, UmU: 530 kkr, from project month 1-48.

Expected results and deliverables. Task 2.4 will deliver models for re-planning of terrain transport androad haulage (journal articles), a suggested standard to enable sharing of resources to supportcollaborative logistics, standardized interfaces for communication of “new” data for e.g. terrain orsustainability indicators (WP3). Demonstration of an integrated production system, seamless from tree toindustrial process.

6.3. Work package 3: Forest and forest products values

WP3 scientific objectivesWP3 will contribute with an expanded and improved systems analysis approach for sustainability andcircularity assessment of bio-based products. By combining existing knowledge on the interactionsbetween forestry, environment and the social system with new data and information gained via remotesensing and machine based observations, a foundation for a digital system for sustainability assessmentcan be built. Circularity of biobased products will also be evaluated and included in the assessment. In ashort-term perspective, updated and expanded Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) models will be developedwith new input parameters and results presented in a digital and accessible form. Scenarios for newmaterials and products will also be explored in terms of raw material availability, resource efficiency andsustainability. New materials and products are often based on biomass with specific properties or specificfractions of the biomass, and the scenarios will therefore also include a specific evaluation of the potentialfor property-based planning of raw material supply to satisfy the future requirements of the industry.Additionally, WP3 includes the development of tools for visualization of the sustainability of the fullforestry value chain. Visualization tools based on existing models BioMapp and Heureka will be developedto allow visualization of the full value chain from seedling to product. The visualizations will also form thebasis for a stakeholder dialogue on perception of sustainability for forestry and forest based materials andproducts.

WP3 indicators concerning scienceScientific papers:• Indicators for sustainability assessment of forestry and forest based products — including circularity.• Digital input and output of sustainability assessment — towards a digital LCA system for forest based

products• Case study results: Sustainability of selected bio-based products and materials based on an improved

and expanded sustainability assessment.• Availability of raw materials for future industrial demand of raw materials for new products and

materials.• Material properties in relation to wood and wood fibre structure and chemical content

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• A conceptual framework for a digital property-based raw material supply system for the forestindustry.

• Scenarios for property-based supply and demand of forest-based raw materials and products• Visualization of the sustainability of forestry and forest-based products• Stakeholder demands on sustainability of forest based products and the bioeconomy — results from a

dialogue process.

In addition, at least 15 scientific conference contributions.

WP3 indicators concerning utilization• Updated and expanded LCA models and resuits for selected forest-based products• Indicators for use in sustainability assessments of products, processes and for forest management

planning• Updated BioMapp model and results for future scenarios• Updated visualization tools and results for various scenarios• A conceptual framework for design of a digital property-based raw material supply system for the

forest industiy.

In addition, presentations in external workshops and (non-scientific) conferences for all stakeholders.More than 10 articles in newspapers and magazines.

WP3 indicative objectives for program year 5-8• Provide guidelines, tools and databases for sustainability assessment for a broad range of forest

based products and for raw materials of vaiying geographic origin.• Integrate sustainability indicators and contribute to development of digital systems for strategic and

tactical planning of forest management based on remote sensing and machinery observations.• Develop and apply a dynamic version of the BioMapp system for simulations and visualization of

biomass pools and flows over varying temporal and geographical scales, for different productcategories and industrial infrastructures.

WP3 leaderWP3 leader is John Munthe, vice president research at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.

Task 3.1: Circularity and sustainabilityResearch question and state of the art How can the accuracy, relevance and accessibility of currentmethods for sustainability assessment of bio-based products be improved by updating the existingenvironmental indicators and expanding the value chain to include the entire circular perspective ofproducts and materials? What indicators can then be monitored and incorporated using data from remotesensing and forest machines?

To contribute to a scientifically sound assessment and credible communication of the sustainability offorestry and forest-based products, science-based and transparent systems analytical methods that coverthe complete value chain of forest biomass and products, are required. Credible communication ofsustainability aspects of bio-based products is also an important factor in procurement and consumerchoice, and thus also for market vatue and competitiveness. Internationally recognized methods such asLife Cycie Assessment (LCA) (ISO standard 14040) are commonly used, but few LCAs include impact one.g. biodiversity and water resources, strongly indicating that they need to be improved andcomplemented with other impact assessment methods [72]. In addition, inciusion of product circularity isrequired to enable an understanding of carbon storage (anthropogenic stocks), resource efficiency andimportant circular functions such as soil and nutrient replenishment.

LCA of bio-based products are used in market communication via Environmental Product Declarations(EPD) and as a basis for decision making in policy and legislative matters [73] on e.g. construction

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products and buildings [74], use of wood in the building sectors [75] and climate benefits of the use ofcartons for packaging [76]. LCA has also been used as a basis for dialogue amongst market actors [77] andfor review and dialogue for identification and prioritization of key impacts and indicators [78]. Theenvironmental benefits of increased circularity for bio-based materials have recently been demonstrated[79]. Assessments based on a broader approach to sustainability can be made using indicators defined inthe SDG framework [80] or ecosystem services [81, 82], or by linking to the Planetary Boundaries [83].

Scientific objecfives and expected scientific impact. The long-term objective is to develop an expandedand improved digital system-analysis approach for sustainability and circularity assessment of bio-basedproducts on different geographical and temporal scales. By combining existing knowledge and resultsfrom recent research on the interactions between foresty, environment and the social system with newdata and information gained via remote sensing and machine based observations, a foundation for adigital system for sustainability and circularity assessment can be built The near term objective (year 1-4]is to develop, test and evaluate this system in the Digital Forest Test Site within well-defined andmonitored forests and forest operations, and with associated industrial infrastructure (e.g. saw mills, pulpmills) and for selected product life cycles. Furthermore, to define and develop links between definedsustainability indicators and digital data sources (WP1) and to provide digital sustainability indicators forutilization in strategical and practical forestiy planning (WP2) and for communication and scenariovisualization (tasks 3.2 and 3.3).

This task covers the key topic Sustainability and circularity in the call text, and contributes to the programvision Digital solutionsfor a sustainable and efficientforest based bloeconomy. Key contributions are toprovide new and expanded models/tools for sustainability assessment and results that cover the full valuechain from plant to product and end-of-life, including circularity to be published as scientific journalpapers and to provide results to other program tasks and end-users.

Approach. Synthesize and compile existing knowledge on the forest industry’s positive and negativeinteractions with key targets and indicators for sustainability (defined in dialogue with task 0.3) anddevelop links to indicators monitored via remote sensing and machinery observations [84]. Reviewcircularity of forest based products and materials to identify potentials for improved circularity andassociated benefits of forest based products and materials. Compile the results as a digitized andtransparent database to be used as a knowledge base for LCA and other sustainability assessmentapproaches and for visualization (tasks 3.2 and 3.3). Develop and demonstrate improved and expandedLCA methods for selected products. Coordinate with previous [85] and planned [86] efforts to developLCA for e.g. biodiversity.

Task leader and participant organizations. This task is led by Martin Erlandsson, IVL. SLU andSkogforsk will participate in the review of recent research results and development of indicators linked toremote sensing and sensors. Partner companies will provide access to data from the Digital Forest TestSite and participate in evaluation of indicators.

Cost budget and time table. The estimated cost for this task is 3 850 kSEK (IVL), 400 kSEK (SLU) and1 000 kSEK, (Skogforsk). Starting date is month 1 and end date month 48.

Expected results and deliverables. This task will contribute with a database for sustainability indicators

based on recent research, and implement relevant indicators in an improved LCA model. The model willbe tested and evaluated for selected product categories using data from identified case studies, forestrysites and value chains.

Task 3.2: Sustainable opportunities for new and traditional products and materials— optimizing raw material supply based on species and propertiesResearch question and state of the art What are the potential benefits of a property-based rawmaterial supply system for production of traditional and new bio-based materials and products?

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Today, forestiy raw materials are to a large extent treated as a homogenous buik material. However, largebenefits in resource efficiency could be gained by matching the technical quality of raw material to thespecific requirements of the industrial user, and in addition reduce the overall system waste. Immenseresearch efforts are also being put into the development of new materials and products from forestbiomass, with future market opportunities and substitution of fossil-based materials as the main drivingforces for investments. New materials and products will place additional demands on raw material supplyand separation processes to ensure the availability of biomass and/or biomass-derived chemical fractionswith suitable properties. Digitalization offers great opportunities to design and develop a system fordigital information of forest properties from plantation to raw material supply and matching this supplywith industry demand.

Partial systems exist for traceability of trees and properties, but these systems are not fully utilized forpractical and economic reasons, despite potential gains in resource efficiency, reduced environmentalimpacts and increased economic benefits [87, 88]. Recent developments with scanners at forestindustries, e.g. saw mills [89], open the possibility to link forest data, calculate wood properties [90] andcompare these with properties measured at industry. New materials developed from forest raw materialsare often based on specific properties or chemical/physical fractions of the biomass [91, 92, 93]. With anincreased knowiedge on the links between wood composition and material properties on one side, anddigital information and communication systems on the other, it will be possible to designate the rawmaterial prior to forest cutting and optimize the flow of raw material based on requested properties.

ScienUfic objectives and expected scientific impact. The main scientific objectives are to demonstrateto what extent a digital property-based system for optimizing forest raw material flows can contribute toresource efficiency in the current forest industry and to assess the potential of more property-based rawmaterial supply for optimizing supply to new bio-based materials and products. As a basis for this,information on current and future industiy requirements need to be evaluated, and the obstacles forimplementation identified. Benefits of a digital system in terms of resource efficiency, environment andmarket potential will be demonstrated. From the point of view of wood, wood fibres and product propertypredictions, a specific objective is to quantify the effect of tree/wood and wood fibre structure andchemical content on material properties. The difference between spruce and pine in this respect is ofparticular interest.

The main scientific impact will be to provide an assessment of obstacles and potential benefits ofimplementing a digital property-based classification and optimization of raw material flows and toprovide a conceptual framework for designing such a system. New results on relationships between woodfibre structures and material properties will also be presented.

This task will contribute to the program objectives on New and traditional products from renewable rawmaterial; Products that minimize negative environmental impact and maximize climate benefit and addedvalue; Increased competitiveness of the Swedish forestry sector.

Approach. The approach is composed of three components: (i) Quantify the effect of wood structureparameters on properties of new materials with desired/specified properties, involving physical andchemical characterization of tree parts and wood tissues, creating advanced material sub-samples andcharacterizing these, physically and chemically; (ii) Compile and evaluate information on current andexpected future industry requirements, identified obstacles for implementation and expected benefits(interviews, in collaboration with task 0.4; (iii) Perform scenario calculations of future property-basedraw material flows using BioMapp (with updated material property descriptions and sustainabilityindicators from task 3.1) to assess potential benefits for current forest production and industrialinfrastructure as well as for defined future demand scenarios for production of new materials (alsoincluding new industrial infrastructure components such as bio-refineries designed for extraction ofspecific components); (iv) Synthesize results and develop a conceptual framework for a digital propertybased raw material supply system for the forest industry. The work will initially be performed using the

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Digital Forest Test Site and in close collaboration with task 1.3. BioMapp development and definition ofscenarios will be fully coordinated with task 3.3.

Task leader and participant organizations. This task will be led by Jan-Erik Nordström, IVL, withparticipation from professors Urban Bergsten and Geoff Daniel, SLU, Erik Willén, Skogforsk and professorLars Berglund, KTH/’ARWSC 2.0.

Cost budget and time table. The work will start in month 1 and end in month 48. Cost per partner is:2 750 kSEK (IVL), 1 450 kSEK (Skogforsk), 400 kSEK (SLU) and 1 600 kSEK (KTH/WWSC).

Expected resuits and deliverables. The potential benefits of a digital system for property-defined rawmaterial supply for current and future bio-based industry will be assessed for defined scenarios.Relationships between wood fibre composition/physical properties and new advanced materialproperties will be evaluated — with focus on comparing spruce and pine. Resuits will be published inscientific journals and at research conferences.

fask 3.3: Visualization for deepened understanding of forestryResearch question and state of the art. How can future scenarios for a sustainable bioeconomy basedon Swedish forest resources be visualized and communicated?

To support a science based public and stakeholder debate, and an increased public awareness andunderstanding of forestiy and the forest industry, facts and knowiedge about forestiy, forest industriesand bio-based products must be communicated in an efficient and transparent way. Visualization toolscan provide the means for this communication if based on credible information, i.e. if based on currentscientific knowledge and with a systems perspective from seedling to product and covering all relevantaspects of sustainability. Visualization is also an important part of interactive communication anddialogue on demand requirements between producers and users of bio-based products and materials(B2B and B2C [94]). Digital information from research conducted in this program (models, synthesis andmonitoring) can provide the basis for developing modern visualization tools designed for differentcommunication objectives and for different audiences.

The BioMapp tool [95] was developed to visualize user-defined scenarios for mass, volume and energyfiow of forest raw materials from harvest to product. It includes descriptions of all major material fiowsfrom harvest to the existing industrial infrastructure (pulp milis, sawmills, energy) and further on to mainproducts (paper, materials, sawn products] as weil as minor material flows of specific side-streams andby-products. BioMapp was published as an open communication tool and has already provided manystakeholders with new insights into the forest industry and potential for increased use of specific parts ofthe forest raw material fiow. The Heureka [96] forest decision support systems projects the long-termdevelopment of trees, stand and landscapes given forest management actions and provides information ontree layer attributes like tree species composition, tree biomass, timber volumes, etc. The system projectstree and stand development in five-year time steps, with optional harvest and silvicultural activities.Heureka is used by large forest companies and non-industrial private owners, as weil as for the ForestImpact Analysis (the latest SKA 15) on a regional and national level.

Scientific objectives and expected scientific impact The overall scientific objective of this task is todeveiop and apply tools for visuaiizing the sustainability of forests, forestry and bioeconomy for futurescenarios. Also to engage in diaiogue with selected stakeholders (producers and consumers of bio-basedmaterials and products) to allow interactive discussions on future demands and perceptions ofsustainability of forestry and bio-based products.

The expected scientific impact is a tool for visualization of the sustainability of the full forestry value chainadapted for different communication needs, including a complete description of material fiows and pools

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in forests and forestry — in units of mass, volume, energy as weil as biomass fractions and specificelements (e.g. C, N, base cations).

This task will provide tools for communicating the resuits from WP3, and aiso contribute to thestakeholder diaiogue in task 0.3 as weil as the overall program communication in WPO. These activitiesare anticipated to contribute to overall program goais of access to relevant information for decisionmaking and to the expected impacts of increasing credibility in forestiy and the forest industry, as weil asto diaiogue and increased willingness to pay for sustainable products. The visualization tools will also beused to demonstrate expected improvements in resource efficiency, increased value creation and higherprofitability for the forest sector.

Approach. Digital data supply and model development: Modelled data from Heureka (and results fromWP1 on forest stand composition and status) will be used to refine the BioMapp model in terms of addingpools and fluxes from seedling to harvest (initially for the seiected case study region and alsoincorporating results from task 3.2 on raw material properties), and pools. Sustainability indicators: Theflow of biomass through different processes will be linked to selected indicators (from task 3.1), includingpositive and negative impacts on (i) Environment and climate; (ii) Economic benefits/marketvalues/growth; (iii) Social aspects such as perceived aesthetics, recreational values. Development ofgraphical visualization tools for fluxes and pools of the forest biomass components and elements (C, N,etc.) will further be integrated into Heureka. Scenario visualizations. Future scenarios for a sustainablebioeconomy will be defined and visualized in dialogue with stakeholders (task 0.3). Results will be storedin an accessible (web based) format to allow presentation of a representative selection of scenarios basedon user defined needs and requirements. Scenario development will be fully coordinated with task 3.2.

Task leader and participant organizations. This task will led by Per-Erik Karlsson, IVL, withparticipation of Dr Hampus Holmström, SLU. Forest companies will participate in the development byproviding data and participate in selection and evaluation of criteria and results during development.

Cost budget and time table. The activities in this task will begin in month 13 and end in month 48.Budget: IVL 2 600 kSEK, SLU 400 kSEK

Expected resuits and deliverables. Complete visualization of material flows and pools in Swedishforests and forestry — in units of mass, volume and energy, as well as biomass fractions and specificelements (C, N, BC). Initially for the Digital Forest Test Site. Dynamic and flexible tool for visualization ofuser-defined scenarios for forestiy over different time and geographical scales.

7. DeliverablesThe program’s deliverables have the character of new scientific knowledge, demonstrators, potentialdescriptions, key components and test implementations. This clarifies how the program is delimited, whatthe program can take responsibility for, and for what the program’s resources are sufficient. This alsomakes it possible to delimit the precompetitive content of the program, which is an important balance.Different organizations will want specific implementations for their own conditions, and they will want tohave their own implementation for competitive reasons. The network that the program builds is also animportant deliverable.

The deliverables in the tables below are coordinated with the objectives in sections 1 and 2, and with thedetailed research descriptions in section 6. The deliverables are stated in the format DX.Y.Z, meaning workpackage X, task Y, deliverable Z. Month is time from program start. TRL is Technology Readiness level5.

Technology Readiness Level, according to the EU commission definition (see table in Annex G),https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/support/fags/fag-2890.html

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Deliverables from WPO: Program management, WP coordination andcommunicationName Desuription TRL Month

D0.L1 Program plan year 1 NA 1D0.1.2 Program agreement and IPR agreement NA 3

D0.1.3 Program plan year 2 NA 13

D0.1.4 Program plan year 3 NA 25

D0.L5 Program plan year 4 NA 37

D0.2.1 Communication plan year 1 NA 1

D0.2.2 Communication plan year 2 NA 13D0.2.3 Communication plan year 3 NA 25

D0.2.4 Communication plan year 4 NA 37

D0.3.1 Scientific paper: Circular bioeconomy in future forestry — definitions 2 12of concepts

D0.3.2 Scientific paper: Value chain of information 2 48

D0.3.3 Scientific paper: Knowledge and decision-making support and 2 48efficiency drivers — perceptions of forest industry and public

D0.3.4 Scientific paper: Sustainability criteria and precision forestry — how to 2 48implement circular bioeconomy based on forestry

D0.4.1 Report investigating value chain digitalization challenges and 2 12opportunities

D0.4.2 In-depth case study/studies of company-level efforts at digitalizing 2 36the value chain

D0.5.1 Digital service innovation concepts generated through interactive 5 40collaboration

D0.5.2 Video productions that document the concept generation process 4 48

Deliverables from WP1: ForestfactsName Description TRL Month

D1.1.1 Tree species using area based ALS and Sentinel 2 — Database 5 18

D1.t2 Tree species using area based ALS and Sentinel 2 — Article 5 24

D1.L3 Wall-to-wall growth estimations — Database low density scanning area 3 30

D1.1.4 Wall-to-wall growth estimations — Article 3 36D1.1.5 Tree species estimation using single tree ALS approach and Sentinel 2 4 42

— Database high density scanning areaD1.1.6 Tree species estimation using single tree ALS approach and Sentinel 2 4 48

— Article

D1.2.1 Extraction of stem profiles from ground-based laser scanning in area 5 12to be harvested (database)

D1.2.3 Ground elevation models, including stone detection and early tree 6 18crown map for areas to be harvested (database)

D1.2.2 Methods for extraction of tree stem models, wood qualityvariables 4 24and tree species from ground-based laser scanning (article)

D1.2.4 Tree crown models from single photon airborne laser scanning for 5 24estimation of tree attributes, including tree positions (article)

D1.2.5 Methods for detection of low vegetation (forest structure) from high 5 24resolution airborne laser scanning (article)

D1.2.6 Methods for stem diameter distributions using a combination of ALS 6 36and MLS (article)

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D1.2.7 Stem estimates for prediction of wood assortments, deliver stem 6 40diameter distributions for stands as input for predictions in WP1.3(articie, WP1.3)

D1.3.1 Technical report on forest machine data ownership and integrity 7 12

D1.3.2 Technical report on how forest machine data can document 7 24considerations taken in forest operations

D1.3.3 Journal articie on forest machine data for forest yield estimates 6 36

D1.3.4 Journal articie on use of stem diameter predictions from WP1-2 for 5 46imputation of forest machine data to not yet harvested sites

D1.3.5 Contributions to scientific conferences 5 24, 36

D1.4.1 Workshop with forest planners and operations researchers NA 6

D1.4.2 Report on objectives and challenges for wall-to-wall long-term NA 18strategic planning

D1.4.3 Show case on a wall-to-wall long-term strategic planning 3 30

DL4.4 Functioning prototype of a decision support system for wall-to-wall 6 42long-term_strategic planning

D1.4.5 Scientific paper on wall-to-wall long-term strategic planning NA 48

Deliverables from WP2: Efficient forestryName Descripfion TRL Month

D2.t1 Model for optimization of on-site route planning, journal article 5 12

D2.1.2 Demonstration of planning robot 7 36

D2.1.3 Development of decision theatres for forest planning 7 36

D2.1.4 Model to identify and manage faulty data 5 24

D2.2.1 Description of available data for modeling (internal report) 6 12

D2.2.2 Scientific paper on individual tree biomass-growth models 4 24

D2.2.3 Scientific paper on forest machine data to support forest regeneration 6 24

D2.2.4 Scientific paper on cost and success of regenerations with high- and 5 30low spatial_planning

D2.2.5 A new version of the Heureka decision support system with new 7 36growth functions_implemented

D2.26 Scientific paper on scenario analysis of effects on ecosystem services 5 48production comparing silvicultural treatments with high and lowspatial resolution

D2.3.1 Terrain mode! library 5 24

D2.3.2 Terrain learning algorithm 3 32

D2.3.3 Vehicle state observer and motion planner for ecologica! driving 5 18-24

D2.3.4 Demonstration of smart motion planning and contro! in a digital twin 6 44setup

D2.3.5 A method for generating and updating a segmented 3D mode! of a 3-5forestry_manipu!ator workspace.

D2.3.6 Studies of man-machine interactions, journal articles + instructional 3-5 24-48material

D2.4.1 Model for re-planning of terrain transport (journal article] 3 24

D2.4.2 Model of re-planning of road haulage (journal article) 3 36

D2.4.3 Up-to-date standards regarding new data for sustainability KPIs 7 18-48

D2.4.4 Demo of integrated seamless production system 6 42

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Deliverables from WP3: Forest and torest products valuesName Description TRE Month

D3.1.1 Publication: Indicators for sustainability assessment of forestry and 3 18forest based products — inciuding circularity.

D3.1.2 Digital input and output of sustainability assessment — towards a 4 24digital LCA system for forest based products

D3.1.3 Database — sustainability indicators 5 30D3.1.4 Case study resuits: Sustainability of selected bio-based products and 7 48

materials based on an improved and expanded sustainabilityassessment.

D 3.2.1 BioMapp model capable of simulating tree properties/fractions from 5 18plant to product

D 3.2.2 Publication: availability of raw materials for future industrial demand 5 24of raw materials for new products and materials.

D 3.2.3 Publication: A conceptual framework for a digital property-based raw 6 48material supply system for the forest industry.

D 3.2.4 Publication: Relationship between wood fibre composition/physical 4 24properties_and new material_properties.

D 3.2.5 Publication: Scenarios for property-based supply and demand of 6 36forest-based raw materials and products

D 3.3.1 Visualizing the sustainability of forestry and forest-based products — 6 30web presentation and publication

D 3.3.2 Resuits presented as a flexible and interactive tool — based on 6 36BioMapp and Heureka — for visualization of user-defined scenarios

D 3.3.3 Publication: Stakeholder demands on sustainability of forest based 6 36products and the bioeconomy — resuits from a dialogue process.

8. CommunicationOverall communication objectives and their expected impact are stated in section 1.5. They imply thatcommunication is an integral part of the program, and that the communicator has a given place in theprogram management team. Hence, communication and the communicator are not services to theprogram, but strategic tools for its implementation. A communication strategy and a communication planwith target groups and detailed objectives will therefore be developed at program start, in addition to ayearly plan for seminars and networking activities.

A website that provides broad information about the program and its objectives, but also about the visionand the way to get there, will be generated at the onset of the program. A timely newsletter will providedirected information to selected groups about program activities and results, as well as upcoming eventsand opportunities for interaction. Seminars and workshops will provide opportunities for presentingnew results, but also for debating them in other perspectives and discussing their suitability for industrialimplementation. There are severa! relevant graduate schools that are a natural way to disseminate newknowledge. Excursions will provide hands-on demonstrations of new solutions, and insights from seeingthem in forest environments. Networking activities will be important to support the trans- andinterdisciplinary approach of the program, and will allow researchers from different areas to cooperate oncomplex issues, and researchers and companies to cooperate on the utilization of research results. Theexchange programs with Canada and Finland are important to several of the mentionedcommunication activities, as are its research visits. A natural channel to Europe is EFINORD (Europeanforest institute northern regional office], with its main office at SLU.

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For a broad communication to the public and to decision makers, media is an important channel — bothsector-specific and daily media. ExisUng meeting places like other actors’ conferences and exhibitionsare also important to utilize, both regionally and nationally. Existing channels of the program host and ofthe program actors are also natural to use. Any use of social media will be considered during the program.In addition, the program will generate a yearly report that targets a broader audience.

For communication within the program, an appropriate meeting structure will be set up, as will acollaboration plafform for document sharing and more.

Research results will be communicated — before, during and after research — to a broad audience of endusers and stakeholders, and to the scientific community via journal publications and conferencepresentations. Since the program sets out to shape the future in some sense, it is important that theresearch can be presented and discussed also before it is actually performed. This can be done by askingwhy-questions and discussing the conditions of research.

The outcome of the work in the thematic reference groups will be important for most communicationactivities. The reference groups will give advice to ensure broad utilization of the program’s researchresuits in the Swedish forestiy sector and other relevant sectors. The reference groups are also importantin selected seminars and workshops to mix the researchers’ view with other perspectives, to interpretresults from different angles, and to offer a reality check. The subject for such seminars and workshopsshould be chosen from an outside-in perspective, so that real-life issues are prioritized over narrowacademic questions. This qualifies the research results further, and ensures relevance for both industrialimplementation and dialogue regarding balances between different uses of the forest

The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestiy is an essential partner for dissemination of theprogram’s research results and for communication and dialogue with actors in the Swedish forestrysector. The meetings and seminars of the Academy are important ways of moving the entire sectorforward. By coming together for discussions on important questions, it is possible to take initiatives onmeasures or activities that stimulate development.

A coordination of the communication activities is planned with other large programs like WWSC 2.0,Treesearch and Biolnnovation. The communicators will meet on a regular basis to synchronize the overallcommunication, plan joint seminars, and organize joint efforts to affect politics and society.

It is important to ensure the credibility of the program in the eyes of academy, industry and the public.To be a relevant dialogue partner and source of information, it is necessary that the program is perceivedas objective and not biased to any side.

Communication thus has a central role in the program, both to establish an internal exchange between theprogram partners and to create a dialogue with users and the public.

9. BudgetThe budget in the requested template is provided on the following page. It includes 58 MSEK funding fromMistra, 30,1 MSEK co-funding from companies, and 15,4 MSEK co-funding from research providers. Thetotal budget for the program is thus 103,5 MSEK, whereof 44 % is co-funding. ln addition to this, theDigital Forest Test Site corresponds to an additional co-funding of at least 12 MSEK worth of land accessand data.

The program allocates a strategic reserve of 10 % of the public program funding in order to enableimplementation of activities that were not anticipated in the beginning. The program board decides on theuse of this strategic reserve.

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Budget - application

Programme host:

Mistra Digital ForestSwedish Forest industries Federation (Skogsindustriema)


Whereof co1054196hs-Idnd:Travek,




Where Where.Total Wh.rec co-fundia co4undk j Tota

Total budeet. kSEK Year 1 Year 2 Ye.r 3 Ye.r 6 bud9et tdiitra in-hid cavh budget

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3118 3661 2918 293 1263 1000 2636 1 1263

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SCA 1043 1166 1288 1411 491 2628 2920 2280 490

StoraEnso 1063 1158 1313 1438 SOC 252 2800 248 0 500

Sveaskog 1148 1283 1418 1 553 541 2 52 2800 288 0 540


861 962

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SkogsIndustrierna 2019-01-25

Mistra Digital ForestProgram Plan, Part B

Part B of the program plan is a developed and concrete plan for the program work during the upcomingyear. It is an active working document that is updated yearly. It includes clear and concrete descriptions ofplanned scientific deliverables and communication activities. tt also inciudes achieved resuits, budgetsituation, and any changes of plans.

PartA of the program plan consists of the original program description from the application, and is notsubject to change. The long-term 8-year perspective is covered in Part A.

1. Planned program management activities - program year 1

1.1. Establishing program management§3.1 and §3.2 in appendix 1 (Terms and Conditions) of the program agreement apply for the programboard and the program manager. The program manager will set up a program management teamconsisting of the work package leaders, the task 0.3 (Synthesis] leader, the communicator and otherrelevant management support.

An early task of the program management team will be to establish how to coordinate the research workin practice, and to establish how to cooperate between WPs and between partners in practice. Oneelement of management will be through commonly set objectives and deliverables.

Before research activities, companies will formulate their desired requirements and demands in order toensure that relevant research questions are addressed, and to fadilitate future utilization of the researchresults. During research activities, the companies will act as land host and will provide test beds, data setsand full-scale trials. They will also contribute to evaluating methods and systems in real-life operatingconditions. After research activities, the companies will connect and implement selected key componentsfor their own conditions and adapt them to their own needs.

1.2. Startup of the Digital Forest Test SiteA joint program test site, the Digital Forest Test Site, will be established and coordinated by the programmanagement team. This site will constitute of a large coherent forest area, where high-resolution data willbe collected and made available, and where most field trials will be performed. The forest companiesHolmen, SCA and Sveaskog will act as land host and provide data for parts of the area. Additional datacollection will be made with program funding within WP1, and SLU will provide a server for data access.Use and utilization of the test site is handled in and funded via the respective work packages, but thecoordination is done by the program management team. The exact location of the test site will be decidedat program start, but it will consist of two adjacent parts with high and low density laser data respectively.The low density scanning part will have a size of at least 1 million ha, and will be laser scanned during2018 or 2019, with 1-2 points/m2 as part of the new national laser scanning. The size of the high densitypart remains to agree upon, but about 100 000 ha with 10 points/m2 would meet all program needs.

Early tasks of the program management team includes- Agree upon location, size, data collection, data availability, expectations and responsibilities- Make clear budget and company contributions- Plan 2019 data collection — especially 100 000 ha with 10 points/m2 — possibly with separate funding

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C) SkogsU Industrierna

1.3. Communication activitiesA communication strategy and a communication plan with target groups and detailed objectives will bedeveloped at program start. The starting point will be section 8 in the application, and further guidancewill be taken from Mistra’s communication handbook: https://www.mistra.oi’g/wpcontent/uploads/20 18/10/mistra handbok kommunikation 201 8.pdf.

Communication costs — in addition to communicator salaries — are estimated in the table below.

Item Estimated cost (SEK) Estimated cost (SEK)First year Following years

Web 250000 30000Graphic profile and template documents 70 000 20 000Content production and deliveiy 150 000 125 000Images, photos and films 100 000 80 000Printed material 80 000 60 000Other 50000 50000

Seminars 100000 100000

1.4. Initiating thematic reference groupsThe program board will appoint thematic reference groups with members representing users of theprogram’s research results and other relevant stakeholders. The members should represent technical,natural science and social science perspectives, as weil as different societal and industiy perspectives. Thethematic reference groups will advise the program board to ensure broad utilization of the program’sresearch results.

The Swedish Forest Industries Federation has a Forest Committee and a Research and InnovationCommittee. Acting as reference groups, they can provide an industrial perspective with focus onimplementation and dissemination.

The Cluster of Forest Technology (Skogstekniska Klustret) organizes a number of forest operationcompanies. They can provide test platforms and facilitate spin off projects for implementation of theprogram’s research results. They can also provide flrst hand insights and company demands that areimportant to link the research in WP1 and WP2. Acting as a reference group, they can engage in dialoguewith the researchers on the relevance of the research and on demands on the expected solutions.

1.5. Exchange programs with Canada and FinlandThe program will establish an exchange program with Canada, where FPlnnovations has launched itsForestry 4.0 Initiative. The exchange program will include direct research collaboration with UniversitéLaval in Quebec, and may include Canadian government organizations, e.g. Natural Resources Canada(NRCan) and Canadian Forest Service. The program will also set up an exchange program with Finland.

The exchange programs will be developed in detail in cooperation with organizations in Canada andFinland, respectively, but the base will be annual networking activities, seminars and workshops,combined with opportunities for research visits.

1.6. Cooperation for excellence and renewalThe program board will set up objectives such a certain number of joint publications with selectedinternationally leading research groups to ensure academic excellence, as weil as with top-level researchgroups from other areas to ensure knowledge transfer between different sectors. The program board willalso take initiative to participation in complementary projects, where program partners apply for otherfunding to further develop or implement the program’s research results in other constellations.

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fl Skogs#) Industrierna

2. Planned deliverables - program year 1The program’s deliverables have the character of new scientific knowiedge, demonstrators, potentialdescriptions, key components and test implementations.

2.1. Planned scientWic deliverablesTitle Conceptual definitions: circularity, bioeconomy and forests in SwedenDescription


Leading conceptual discussions in the consortium on definitions central to the projectScientific paper: Circular bloeconomy in future forestiy — definitions of concepts(D0.3.1J20 19-12-3 1Task 0.3, Camilla Widmark, SLUAll work packages

Value chain digitalization reportReport investigating value chain digitalization challenges and opportunities (D0.4.1)2019-12-3 1Task 0.4, Jonny Holmström, SCDI Umeå University

All work packages

Biorefinery capacity reportReport: Compilation of current and planned capacity of biorefineries in the Nordiccountries (D0.6.1)2020-01-3 1Task 0.6, Program managerTask 3.2 and report readers

Biorefinery integration report

Report: Description of biorefinery integration with existing industrial infrastructure(D0.6.2)2020-01-3 1Task 0.6, Program managerTask 3.2

Tree species classification using Sentinel 2 time series and airborne laser dataManuscript for scientific article (D1.1.2)2019-12-3 1Task 1.1, Arvid Axelsson and Eva Lindberg, SLUPart of method development for upscaling to test site

Title Site index and growth estimates using bi-temporal laser dataDescnption First manuscript for scientific articie (D1.1.4)

Deadline 2019-12-31Responsible Task 1.1, Mats Nilsson, Kenneth Nyström and Håkan Olsson, SLURecipient Part of method development for upscaling to test site







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(SkogsU Industrierna

DescnptionTitle Stem profiles from ground based laser scanning


Database: Stem profiles with mobile or terrestrial laser scanning for areas to beharvested (D1.2.1)Later to be combined with airborne laser data and validated with harvester data(D1.2.1)2019-12-3 1Task 1.2, Johan Holmgren, SLU

Forest companies, and input for further work in task 1.2

Imputation of harvester data

Manuscript for scientific articie (D1.3.1)2019-12-3 1Task 1.3, Jon Söderberg, SLUFundamental for Task 1.3

Long term forest planning using high resolution forest databases — user needs andtechnical opportunitiesReport, from workshop and literature review (D1.4.1)20 19-12-3 1Task 1.4, Tomas Lämås, SLUForest companies and input for further work in task 1.4

Optimization of on-site route planningJournal articie validating a model for on-harvest site route planning (D2.1.1)2019-12-3 1Task 2.1, Erik Willén, SkogforskTask 2.3 & 2.4



Title Advances in using robots in forestry operationsDescriptlon Book chapter on the state of the art in automation in forestry operations

Deadline 2019-03-31

Responsible Task 2.3, Ola Lindroos, SLURecipient Task 2.1





Available data for modeling

20 19-1 1-30

Internal report: Description of data available for modeling, National Forest Inventory(NFI) and long-term experiments (LTE (D2.2.fl

Task 2.2, Urban Nilsson, SLUTask 2.2

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fl Skogs1) Industrierna

Title Internal report: Current praxis and most promising approaches on circularity andsustainability indicators applicable for system analytic tools like life cycie assessment(LCA)

Descriptlon The initial work in Task 3.1 will describe a conceptual approach for inciusion of severalsustainability themes in system analytic methods such as LCA. The conceptual approachwill include indicators for e.g. 1) Circularity (see section 5) 2) Land qualities 3)Biodiversity 4) Biogenic carbon storage 5] Societal and cultural services. Possibilities toinclude ecological compensation will also be considered. The work will be made in closeinteraction with other tasks in the program, mainly tasks 0.3, 1.2, 1.4, 2.2 and 3.3 and indialogue with participating companies. The initial mapping will result in a report and awork-plan to be included in year 2020.

Deadline 2019-12-31Responsible Task 3.1, Martin Erlandsson, IVL

Recipient WP3, input to work plan 2020

Title Internal report: A conceptual framework for BioMapp model capable of describingforest raw material flows including tree properties/fractions from plant to product

Descriptlon The conceptual framework will be developed in close cooperation with new task 0.6and focusing on scenarios for future biobased products (see revised WP3 text in section5]. Potentially important value chains will be identified for new materials from e.g. kraftfibers, lignin and regenerated cellulose. The possibility to link wood properties tospecific material requirements will be included in the conceptual framework. Generalinput as well as specific case studies (new or planned biobased materials underdevelopment) from participating companies will be integrated in the conceptualframework.

Deadline 2019-12-31Responsible Task 3.2, Jan-Erik Nordström, IVLRecipient WP3, input to work plan 2020

Title Initial mapping: How can future scenarios for a sustainable bioeconomy based onSwedish forest resources be visualized and communicated?

Descnptlon During the first year, activities within task 3.3 will be focused on first attempts to linkthe material flows in BioMapp, as well as the forest production and forest condition inHeureka, with some important quantitative, sustainability indicator functions. Someindicators are already present in Heureka. The inclusion of indicators for both BioMappand Heureka will be made in close interaction with other tasks in the program, mainlytasks 0.3, 1.2, 1.4, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2 and in dialogue with participating companies. Effortswill be made on strategies for how to present and visualize the resulting indicatorvalues. This task will also contribute to the development of BioMapp in Task 3.2.Theinitial mapping will result in a work-plan to be included in year 2.

Deadline 2019-12-31Responsible Task 3.3, Per Erik Karlsson, IVLRecipient WP 3, lnput to work plan 2020

2.2. Planned company deliverablesThe primary purpose of listing planned company deliverables is to give concrete input to the WP leaders’efforts in planning research activities and coordinating cooperation between companies and research

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(SkogsJ Industrierna

providers. As such, planned company deliverables are not a part of the formal program plan, but areindicatively listed in a separate appendix.

2.3. Other planned deliverablesTifie Program plan year 1DescnptionDeadlineResponsibleRecipient

Program plan year 1 (D0.1.1)2019-02-01Program managerMistra and program partners


Consortium agreementConsortium agreement (D0.1.2)20 19-02-01Program managerMistra and program partners



Communication plan year 1Communication plan year 1 (D0.2.1)2019-03-0 1CommunicatorMistra and program partners

Web skeWeb ske t ww» tlfnrsts for public communication— - - - - fl. LIn,atI at.I.c

2019-04-0 1CommunicatorMistra and program partners


Program plan year 2Program plan year 2 (D0.1.3)2019-12-0 1

Program managerMistra and program partners

Title Yearly report year 1Descnption Yearly report that targets a broader audienceDeadline 2020-03-31Responsible CommunicatorRecipient Mistra and outside world

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(SkogsU Industrierna

3. Budget

3.1. Comments on budget situationThe budget inciudes 58 MSEK funding from Mistra, 30,1 MSEK co-funding from companies, and 15,4 MSEKco-funding from research providers. The total budget for the program is thus 103,5 MSEK, whereof 44 %is co-funding. In addition to this, the Digital Forest Test Site corresponds to an additional co-funding of atleast 12 MSEKworth of land access and data.

The co-funding is weil over the 30 % demanded by Mistra. There is an ambition to apply for additionalfunding from other funding agencies for complementing research activities. In such cases, co-funding maybe transferred to new complementing projects. The co-funding in Mistra Digital forest will always be over30%.

The program budget is to be interpreted so that year 1 is 11 months (2019-02-01 — 2019-12-31), year 2 is12 months (2020-01-01 — 2020-12-31), year 3 is 12 months (2021-01-01 — 2021-12-31), and year 4 isl3months (2022-01-01 — 2023-01-3 1).

Aflocation of part of the strategic reserveAt program start, 4,8 MSEK from the strategic reserve is allocated to the new task 0.6 to meet the terms inMistra’s decision on increased focus on biorefinery and circularity issues. A significant part of this fundingis allocated to investigations that are not specified in detail at program start. This can be viewed as adedication of a part of the program’s strategic reserve to the area of task 0.6, while the final allocationwithin task 0.6 remains a strategic decision.

The remaining strategic reserve of 1 MSEK of the public program funding is at the disposal of the programboard to enable implementation of activities that were not anticipated in the beginning.

3.1. Budget tablesThe tables in the budget appendix give the overall program budget as weil as detailed specifications.

3.2. Budget outcome for program year 0Void (placeholder for coming years).

4. Achieved resuitsNo resuits at program start.

4.1. Scientific deliveriesDate Description2019-xx-xx

4.2. Other resuitsDate DescripUon2019-xx-xx

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( SkogstJ Industrierna

5. Changes of plans

5.1. Measures taken corresponding to terms in Mistra’s boord decision atprogram start

Excerpt from decision by Mistra’s board“Assign to Mistra’s CEO to — when drawing up the program agreement — negotiate on concretization ofcooperation with external actors regarding biorefineries andfuture products that are more circular.”

Measures taken- More clearly address biorefinery issues

o WPO formulates new task 0.6: Biorefineiy synthesiso Allocate 4,8 MSEK from the strategic reserve to task 0.6, to be lead by the program managero lncrease funding to task 0.6 through Mistra Fellow grant or through application to other

funding organizations- More clearly address issues concerning new products and circularity

o Task 0.3 to encompass also new products and circularityo WP3 increases focus on new products and circularityo WP3 extends and makes more explicit the cooperation with actors like Wallenberg Wood

Science Center 2.0 regarding new materials and circular productso WP3 leads cooperation on circularity issues with task 0.3 (Synthesis) and the new task 0.6

(Biorefinery synthesis)- Change of program manager

o Program host recruits new program manager with profile matching the terms in Mistra’sboard decision on increased focus on biorefinery and circularity issues

New task 0.6: Biorefinery synthesisResearch quesUon and state of the art. What is the potential of biorefineries to suppty raw materials toforest-based products of the future?

Biorefineries are key components of a future sustainable bioeconomy with a circular and climate-neutraleconomy as the key objective. Main drivers for societal development towards this objective have beenidentified by the European Bio-based industries Consortium [1], and inciude the needs for food securityand material needs, resource efficient and carbon-neutral value chains as well as informed andparticipating citizens. In Sweden, several biorefineries are in operation for production of biofuel as well asa range of chemicals and components for new bio-based materials from forest based raw materials. On aEU scale, more than 40 ligno-cellulosic processing plants are in operation, and future challenges includefeedstock logistics, limitations of conventional processing technologies, and uncertain market economics[2].

There are extensive research projects related to biorefineiy issues, and the state of the art has beenlimited to those future forest-based products that have large volumes and potential economic impact forthe forest products industry.

There is an expanding market for engineered wood products (EWPs) to be used in structural building andin future hybrid materials. There are extensive research activities in Middle Europe in the hybrid materialfield [3].

Biofuels from catalvtic conversion of kraft lignin is already today used in production of renewable dieselfuels from tall oil, a residual product from paper industry kraft pulp processes. There are also severalemerging processes for catalytic conversion of lignin into biofuels [4].

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fl SkogsU Industrierna

The manufacture of nanoceflulose in pilot and large scale is already an extensive global activity [5].Although the manufacturing processes of nanocellulose materials are weil known and utilized, theconversion processes for large-scale manufacturing of packaging coatings, replacement for plastic packingand plastic film replacement are still under development [6]. Nanocellulose packaging/flims still sufferfrom limited gas barrier properties, as do all biodegradable materials [7].

New opportunities for lignin-based products and materials are of great interest. This inciudes carbonizedlignins [8], lignins as adsorbents and lignin as a precursor for thermoset resins and binders [9]. Lignin as aprecursor for polymers is of particular interest also in short-term industrial applications, for instance PFresins used in adhesives and binders for forest products.

1) European Bio-based industries Consortium (2018). Draft Vision 2018. https://biconsortium.eu/node /1192

2) Hassan, S.S., Williams, G.A. and Jaiswal, A.K. Trends in Biotechnology, (in press)https://doi.org/10.101 6/i.tibtech.2018.07.002

3) Hybrid 2014 “Expioring the Potential ofHybrid Structuresfor Sustainable Construction”, fribourg, Switzerland

4) Galkin et al in CHEMSUSCHEM 9, 1544 t2016]

5) ISO TC6 TG 1 NOOlO. “Summary ofInternationalActivities on Cellulosic Nanomaterials” (2015)

6) Covie et al. Tappi j. 13(6) 57 (2014)

7) Aulin et al in Cellulose 17, 559 (2010)

8) Puziy, et al Topics in Chemistry, 376, 33 (2018)

9) Gioia et al, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140,4054 (2018)

Scientific objectives and expected scientific impact. The main objectives are the following.

• Evaluate the current capacity of biorefineries in the Nordic countries to provide raw material tosupply market needs for production of base chemicals, biofuel and raw materials such as bioplasticsand biopolymers.

• Assess how the biorefineiy production capacity can develop to provide raw materials for future biobased products (linked to task 3.2).

Approach. The approach is to gather information on existing and planned biorefineries in the Nordiccountries focusing on production design, capacity and market expectations for their products. Informationwill be retrieved from open literature and by direct contact with relevant actors. Based on thisinformation, an assessment of material flows of e.g. raw material input and specific product output will bemade to describe the current and already planned situation for biorefinery capacity. Secondly, theseresults will be compared with scenarios for future products developed in task 3.2 to assess how thecurrent capacity of biorefineries should develop to ensure supply of raw materials for future bio-basedproducts. The analysis will include cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, and derivatives of these to alignwith identified raw materials for different product lines defined in task 3.2.

Task leader and participant organizations. This task is led by the program manager together with allpartners — research providers and forest industry organizations.

Cost budget and time table. The total cost for the task is estimated to 4,8 MSEK, whereofa significantpart is allocated to investigations that are not specified in detail at program start This can be viewed as adedication of a part of the program’s strategic reserve to the area of task 0.6, while the final allocationwithin task 0.6 remains a strategic decision. The task runs between month 1 and 48.

Expected resuits and deliverables. Surveys of biorefinery production capacity and material flows incurrent and future production scenarios, including circularity aspects of new materials and products.Results will be published in reports and at conferences, and used as input to scenario development in task3.2.

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(Skogs13 Industrierna

Name DescnpUon TRI Month

D0.6.1 Compilation of the current and planned capacity of biorefineries and NA 12emerging pilot/large scale biorefineries in the Nordic countries,inciuding raw material input and specific product output

D0.6.2 Description of biorefineiy integration with existing industrial NA 12infrastructure to be used as a basis for assessment of circularity andindustrial symbiosis

D0.6.3 Development and evaluation of scenarios for future development of NA 36biorefineries in Sweden based on results from year 1 and incooperation with task 3.2

WP3 update on new products and circularityThe Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC 2.0) is a close cooperation partner regarding new productsand circularity. WWSC 2.0 can utilize research results like knowledge, components and materials, andintegrate them into its own research program on “New materials from trees”. Specifically, this is plannedregarding relationships between the chemical components and physical properties of wood and thedesired properties of designed materials. WWSC 2.0 will also provide insights into new materials for thedevelopment of future scenarios of wood biomass use for the assessment of resource demand andpotential benefits of property-based planning of wood biomass supply.

Research at VRA1SC 2.0 is focused on two tracks: The material biorefinery and wood nanotechnology. Thematerial biorefinery research is focused on extraction and separation of polymers and chemicals fromwood raw material. The wood nanotechnology research is focused on improving performance andfunctions of wood components on the molecular scale, including nanocellulose and advanced biopolymers.

In Mistra Digital Forest, the knowledge and experience gained in ARA[SC 2.0 research will focus on thefollowing topics:

1. future scenanos for wood-based materials and products. The aim is to provide a basis forintegrating resuits of research on new wood-based materials and products as well as property basedraw material supply into future scenarios for a sustainable bioeconomy. IVL, SLU and WWSC 2.0 willdevelop a set of pathways describing potential futures for bio-based products taking into account thepotential for substitution of fossil based products, products and materials providing newopportunities, and available wood raw material supply. The scenario will be developed in stepsstarting from a simple material flow description to be later developed and refined with new data onwood properties and new products, results from task 0.6 on biorefineries of the future andsustainability assessment in tasks 3.1 and 0.5.

2. Linldng wood properUes to new materials and products. ln this work, knowledge on properties ofwood and how it varies with tree species, age, growth conditions etc. will be linked to methods forextraction, separation and modification of compounds with potential for development into newmaterials and products. The overarching aim is to explore possibilities to develop an optimized rawmaterial supply chain from standing forests to products for specific wood components. Theassessment of wood properties will be linked to the development of digital survey tools focused onstanding forest (WP1 and WP2) as weil as to the material flow modelling using BioMapp.

3. Biorefinery processes of the future. ln Mistra Digital Forest, the knowiedge and experience gained

by WWSC 2.0 research on wood processing will be aligned with process infrastructure in existingbiorefineries (task 0.6] to allow identification of potential pathways for future expansion of thebiorefinety capacity.

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fl Skogs) Industrierna

Circularity of bio-based products

Bio-based products are by definition circular provided that consumption and disposal is balanced byregeneration of new biomass, e. for forest biomass via planting and growth of new trees and recycling ofminerals via ash treatment. Despite this, there are many benefits gained if wood-based products can be reused and re-cycied to yield longer life-times not least in the form of carbon storage. Several well-knownexamples exist where re-use and re-cycling of wood-based products provide benefits in terms of reducedC02 emissions e.g. printed paper, packaging materials and construction wood (Harris et al., 2018:https://www.ivl.se/download/1 8.2aa2697816097278807e8a5/152 352203$883/C296.pdO.

With the development of the bioeconomy, many new applications of wood-based products will becomeimportant on the market. It is thus necessaiy to explore new pathways for circularity as an importantcomponent of ensuring the sustainability of the bioeconomy. Potentials for increased lifetimes of productsand materials need to be expiored, as weil as using discarded material streams from paper, wood and newproducts as feedstock to biorefineries. As important as material circularity is the avoidance of increasedenergy consumption or increased use/emissions of process chemicais or air/water pollutants in thecircular process.

In Mistra Digital forest, circularity assessment will be included as a component of the scenariodevelopment described above. Existing as well as new data on climate and environmental impacts fromproduct LCA studies will be used as a basis for the assessment New pathways for re-use and recycling willbe developed in dialogue with participating industries.

6. The Program board’s plans for finalizing the programSee Part A of the program plan (program description from application) in general — there are no otherplans for finalizing the program at program start.

6.7. Dissemination and utilization of research resuits

6.2. Maintaining the built-up competence

53 av 54

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Budget appendix

— 1 —

• 1


Programme host:

total budget. kSEK

Mistra Digital ForestSwedish Forest Industries Federation (Skofsindustriema)

Yearl Year2 Year3 Year




.1VP0: Program mangagment and communkation 5 564 4 854 4 702 4 750 19 870 19 750 12fl 19 $70

NP1: Forest facts 3 118 3 661 2 918 2 939 12 639 10 000 2 636 0 12 636NP2:Efflcientfo’ 5556 5582 5482 5502 22123 12799 9324 0 22123WP3!Forestandf ,ductsvalues 4066 5675 4333 3694 17764 14451 3317 0 17768

250 250 250 250 1000 1000 0 0 10006439 7159 7878 8594 30074 0 30074 30074

WM 24994 27181 25563 25733 103471 58000 45471 0 103471




“sidpalitles, NGOs, and others 64 7 159 7

Yearl -Year214644 18121


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10 1166 1:



11 1271


easkog i1dra 8 1 — il

ln 1 144 1

niversifies and research institutes 38 3 3


77 1

rneå University 3C______________________ 2


fl______________________ 2





249 271

1469 161


103 110


4 4.




0 0 0

ddjö11o-funding - Digftal Forest Test SfteHolmen 1 000 1 000 1000 1 000 4000

CA 1 000 1000 1000 1000 4000veasko; 1 000 1000 1000 1 000 4000UM 3000 3000 3000 3000 12000

firand totalfunding 27994 30181 28563 28 733 11547113305 14053 14676 15437 57471

‘Tshareoftotolfunding 48% 47% 51%

T.Lra per partner, kSEK Year 1 Year 2 •SLU 3339 3927 32 3vs 1379IlmeåUniversky 2500 2100 1900 1900 $400IVC 2200 3651 230 1650 9801$kogfotsk 2 450 2 450 245 2 450 9 798tTH 400 400 400 400 1601

3550 3350 335 3350 13601eserse 250 250 25 250 1 000

SUM 14 689 16128 13 8$ 13 296 58000


10 0• 0 fl

rnlI r,..f

Total costsfunded byMistra


54 av 54

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i l\A 1 Zf E IX Gamla Brogatan 36-38, 911 20 Stockholm1 V 1 1. J 1 1 ‘ tel: 08-791 10 20, fax: 08-799 1029

Stiftelsen för mitjöstrategisk forskning maikmistra.org www.mistra.org

Godkända kostnader ochgodkänd moffinansieringGätterft 0 m 2017-06-01

Syftet med dessa riktlinjer är att ge stöd för framtagande av budget i program- ochprojektansökningar till Mistra. Samtidigt utgör de ett ramverk för hur finansiering från Mistrafår användas i ett beviljat program eller projekt. Budget och ekonomisk uppföljning bör göras isamarbete med ekonom vid ansvarigt lärosäte och/eller annan deltagande organisation.

1. Godkända kostnader

1.1 Direkta kostnader

1.1.1 Lönekosinader

Lönekostnader är kostnader för personal som arbetar direkt i programmets/projektetsverksamhet, såsom forskare, lärare, tekniker och annan personal. För administrativ personaloch stödfunktioner ska det tydligt framgå i programplan och budget hur de är en del avprogrammets/projektets verksamhet om deras kostnader tas upp.

Lönekostnader beräknas som månadslön med ett påslag för semesterlön, förmånsvärde,arbetsgivaravgifter samt pensionskostnader och gruppförsäkringar. 1 månadslön fårlöneökningar under projektperioden ingå. Inga interna kostnadsfördelningar får ingå ilönekostnadspåslaget.

1.1.2 Resekosinader

Resekostnader far tas upp i enlighet med lärosätets resebestämmelser.

1.1.3 Maten atkostnader

Som materialkostnader räknas material som är nödvändiga för projektet.

Sedvanligt förbrulmings- och kontorsmaterial ingår inte i materialkostnad utan i indirektakostnader, se nedan 1.2.

1.1.4 Övriga kostnaden

Som övriga kostnader räknas bland annat

• hyra av utrustning, licenser för programvaror och dylikt, avskrivningar på utrustning ochlicenser som används i projektet inklusive kostnader för direktavskriven utrustning

• kostnad för kommunicerande av resultat• konsultkostnader

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LiMISTRAStiftelsen fbc miljöstrategisk forskning Kostnaderför utrustning, ticenser och dylikt

Kostnad för utrustning, licenser för programvaror och dylikt är godkända och hanteras enligtlärosätets regler för investeringar och avskrivning av utrustning. Det finns två grundläggandehanteringar beroende på utrustningens kostnad och användning.

;. Större investeringar, som skrivs av över en längre period och används i flera projekt och/ellerav flera enheter. 1 dessa fall ska projektet endast belastas med kostnader för den del/tid/andelsom utrustningen används i det aktuella projektets verksamhet.

2. Mindre investeringar, som direkt skrivs av i sin helhet eller vars användning enbart kanknytas till det enskilda projektet. Då ska den fulla kostnaden tas på projektet.

Kostnad för persondatorer och sedvanlig mjukvara ingår i indirekta kostnader, se 1.2. Kostnaderför kommunicerande av resultaten

Med kostnader för kommunicerandet av resultat avses publicering och spridning i vetenskapligasammanhang, branschtidskrifter och tidskrifter med internationell räckvidd samt kostnader föratt fortlöpande och avslutningsvis kommunicera programmets verksamhet och resultat medolika aktörer i samhället. Utöver detta godkänns kostnader för språkgranskning. Konsuttkostnader

Konsultkostnader accepteras i begränsad omfattning och ska vara marknadsmässiga. Häromfattas kostnader för personer som måste anlitas för att genomföra projektplanen.Konsulttjänstema kan levereras av t.ex. företag eller forskningsinstitut. De kan inte levereras avforskare som också är anställda vid sökande lärosäte eller av personer i medfnansierandeföretag.

1.2 Indirekta kostnader

1.2.1 Indirekta kostnader vid lärosäten

Det belopp som anges nedan för bidrag till lärosäten för indirekta kostnader inklusive lokalergäller för nya utlysningar publicerade fr 0 m 2017-06-01. För uflysningar inom pågåendeprogram och program under uppstart gäller i uflysningen anvisade riktlinjer. För pågåendeprogram, centrum och projekt gäller avtalade bidragsnivåer till indirekta kostnader och lokaler.

Indirekta kostnader och overheadkostnader är samma sak. Mistra ersätter maximalt 175 tkr perheltidsekvivalent och år för indirekta kostnader, inklusive lokalkostnader.

Indirekta kostnader är kostnader som inte är projektspecifika och avser bl.a. kostnader för

• förvaltning såsom universitetsledning, fakultetsledning, institutionsledning, bibliotek m.m,• administrativ personal som inte utgör direkt kostnad i projektet,• befintlig utrustning som endast används i försumbar omfattning i det aktuella projektet,• persondatorer och sedvanlig mjukvara,• telefoner, mobiltelefoner och post,• försäkringar och övriga riskkostnader,• förbrukningsmaterial och kontorsmaterial• kontorslokaler och arbetsplatser både för personal som arbetar direkt och indirekt i projektet


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LMISTRAStiftelsen för rniljöstrategisk fnrsknln

Kostnader för särskilda lokalbehov ska i förekommande fall tas upp till diskussion med Mistra

för prövning av kostnadernas godkännande.

1.2.1 Indirekta kostnader vidforskningsinstitut

Kostnader för resurser från forskningsinstitut som är hel- eller delägda av RISE ResearchInstitutes of Sweden Holding AB beräknas med samma taxa som instituten tillämpar gentemotsina medlemmar. Denna taxa ska inte omfatta vinstpålägg och är ett lägre pris än vad institutetdebiterar gentemot andra.

För andra institut ska särskild överenskommelse göras om kostnadsnivån med riktlinjerna idetta dokument som utgångspunkt.

För pågående program, centrum och projekt gäller avtalade modeller för indirekta kostnader.

För utlysningar inom pågående program och program under uppstart gäller i utiysningenanvisade riktlinjer.

1.3 Ej godkända kostnader

1.3.1 Immateriella kostnader

Kostnader för ansökningar av patent inom projektet finansieras inte av Mistra.

1.3.2 Stipendier

Mistras finansiering får inte användas till stipendier eller utbildningsbidrag.

1.4 Mervärdesskaft

Samtliga kostnader redovisas exklusive menrärdesskatt. Mistras medel får inte användas tillmervärdesskatt förutom i de fall mervärdesskatten utgör en verklig kostnad förbidragsmottagaren, vilket är fallet om mottagaren av projektstödet inte ärmervärdesskatteskyldig. Endast i dessa fall kan mervärdesskatten utgöra en del av de godkändakostnaderna.

Mistras stöd till programmet är inte mervärdesskatteplilctigt.

2. Godkänd moffinansiering

Finansiering i programmet eller projektet från andra än Mistra, s.k. moffinansiering, kan beståav naturainsatser (in-ldnd) och/eller kontanta medel. Närmare information om vilka former avmoffinansiering som är godkända i respektive uflysning anges i utlysningsteflen.


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MISTRAStiftelsen för miljöstrategisk forskning

2.1 Moffinansiering från näringslivet

2.1.1 Naturainsatser (in-kind)

Som naturainsatser kan följande kostnader räknas:

• lönekostnader (eget arbete)• resekostnader• materialkostnader• kostnader för användande av dyrbar utrustning och/eller licenser för användning av

programvara• konsultkostnader

övriga kostnader kräver särskilt godkännande för att få räknas som motfinansiering. Lönekostnader- kostnadför eget arbete

Lönekostnader beräknas till ett schablonbelopp på högst 900 kr/timme. 1 timkostnaden fårinräknas direkt lön, semesterlön, förmånsvärde, arbetsgivaravgifter, pensions- ochgruppförsäkringar samt indirekta kostnader. Särskild motivering och Mistras godkännandekrävs för timkostnader över 900 kr/timmen. Resekostnader

Resekostnader i samband med genomförandet av projektets verksamhet är godkända sommoffinansiering. Materiatkostnader

Som godkänd materialkostnad räknas material som är nödvändiga för projektet.

Sedvanligt förbruknings- och kontorsmaterial ingår inte i materialkostnad utan i indirektakostnader. Kostnaderför utnyttjande av dyrbar utrustning och/etter licenserför användning avprogramvaror

Kostnader för användning och modifiering/tillbyggnad av dyrbar utrustning kan räknas sommoffinansiering. Det ska då finnas en beräkning i ansökan för hur kostnaden för nyttj ande avutrustningen eller licenserna har beräknats. Mistra gör en rimlighetsbedömning av denberäknade kostnaden. Konsuttkostnader

Konsultkostnader, d.v.s. kostnader för arbete utfört av personer som inte är anställda ideltagande företag/organisation i fråga, som uppstår i deltagande företag/organisation för derasgenomförande av projektplanen kan räknas som moffinansiering. Kostnaderna ska varamarknadsmässiga och stämmas av med Mistra innan ansökan skickas in. Konsultkostnader fårinte belastas med indirekta kostnader. Indirekta kostnader


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L MISTRAStfteIsen for rrijÖstrategi5k torskoo

Indirekta kostnader som ingår i intemtaxa för lönekostnader godkänns som del avmoffinansieringen. Lönekostnaden får dock beräknas till högst 900 kr/timme inklusive direktlön och indirekta kostnader, se

2.1.1 .7Mervärdesskatt

Mervärdesskatten får endast räknas som motfinansiering om den utgör en verklig kostnad.

2.1.2 Kontanta medel

Kontanta medel kan räknas som moffinansiering om inte annat anges i uflysningen.

2.2 Motfinansiering från lärosäten

2.2.1 Naturainsatser (in-kind)

Som naturainsatser kan följande kostnader räknas:

• lönekostnader (eget arbete)• resekostnader• materialkostnader• kostnader för användande av dyrbar utrustning och/eller licenser för användning av


Kostnaderna redovisas utan påslag för indirekta kostnader.övriga kostnader kräver särskilt godkännande för att få räknas som moffinansiering. Lönekostnader- kostnadför eget arbete

Lönekostnader får beräknas som månadslön med ett påslag för semesterlön, förmånsvärde,arbetsgivaravgifter, pensionskostnader och gruppförsäkringar. Inga internakostnadsfördelningar far ingå i lönekostnadspåslaget. Resekostnader

Resekostnader i samband med genomförande av projektet är godkända som motfinansiering. Materialkostnader

Som godkänd materialkostnader räknas material som är nödvändiga för projektet.

Sedvanligt förbrulmings- och kontorsmaterial ingår inte i materialkostnad utan i indirektakostnader. Kostnaderför utnyttjande av dyrbar utrustning och/etter ticenserför användning avprogramvaror

Kostnader för användning och modifiering/tillbyggnad av dyrbar utrustning kan räknas sommoffinansiering. Det ska då finnas en beräkning i ansökan för hur kostnaden för nytljande avutrustningen eller licenserna har beräknats. Mistra gör en rimlighetsbedömning av denberäknade kostnaden.


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C SkogsJ Industrierna

Konsortialavtal för genomförande avforskningsprogrammet Mistra Digital Forest

1. Konsortialavtalets parterPart Organisationsnummer

Arbio AB (avdelning Skogsindustrierna) 556067-2924Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet 202100-2817Umeå Universitet 202100-2874

IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet AB 5561 16-2446Stiftelsen Skogsbrukets forskningsinstitut 817602-9786(Skogforsk)Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan 202100-3054

BillerudKorsnäs AB 556025-5001Holmen Skog AB 556220-0658SCA Skog AB 556048-2852Stora Enso AB 556173-3360

Sveaskog förvaltnings AB 556016-9020

Södra skogsägarna ekonomisk förening 729500-3789

Ovanstående parter benämns kollektivt “Parterna’.

2. BakgrundBaserat på en ansökan från Parterna till utlysningen Bioekonomi och skogsbruk har Mistras styrelsebeslutat att bevilja forskningsprogrammet Mistra Digital Forest (“Programmet”). Mistras styrelsebeslutfinns i Bilaga A.

Mistra har åtagit sig att finansiera Programmet med 58 Mkr under f’ra år enligt avtal med programvärdenSkogsindustrierna (“Programvärden”). Programavtalet finns i Bilaga B (“Programavtalet”]. Dettakonsortialavtal (“Konsortialavtalet”) hänvisar flera gånger till Programavtalets Allmänna villkor för attundvika onödigt långa upprepningar.

1 Bilaga 8 ingår en programplan för Programmets genomförande. Det är ett aktivt arbetsdokument somuppdateras årligen, och som fastställs av Programmets styrelse och godkänns av Mistra. Den senastfastställda versionen är gällande och benämns “Programplanen”.

3. Parternas åtagandenParterna åtar sig att bidra till Programmets genomförande i enlighet med Programplanen.

Programvärden åtar sig att transferera bidrag från Mistra till forskningsutförarna enligt Mistrasutbetalningsplan och budget i Programplanen.

Företagsparterna åtar sig att medfinansiera Programmet genom att utföra reviderbara insatser enligtProgramplanen, till ett totalt värde som uppgår till minst 30 % av Programmets sammanlagda budget.

Parterna åtar sig att använda bidrag från Mistra endast för att täcka Programmets direkta och indirektakostnader enligt §6.1-6.2 i Programavtalets Allmänna villkor. Parterna åtar sig också att tillhandahållaekonomisk redovisning som möjliggör för Programvärden att fullgöra sin redovisningsskyldighet enligt§2.2, §5, §6.3 och §7 i Programavtalets Allmänna villkor.

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C Skogs) nUustrierna

4. Programmet och syftet med KonsortialavtaletProgrammet siktar på att bidra till transformationen av vårt samhälle till en hållbar bioekonomi. Specifiktkommer det att bidra till utvecklingen av en hållbar skogsbrukssektor som utnyttjar digitalisering av helavärdekedjan. Programmets vision är Digitala lösningarför en hållbar och effektiv skoglig bioekonomi, ochdess mission är Utforska och skapa möjliggörareför en digital skoglig värdekedja.

Syftet med Konsortialavtalet är att reglera medverkan, styrning och finansiering, samt möjligheter tilluppföljning av Programmet. Konsortialavtalet tecknas i enlighet med §2.3 i Programavtalets Allmännavillkor.

5. Ledningsorganisation

5.1. Programvärden och dennes åtagandenProgramvärden ansvarar för genomförandet av Programmet, förvaltning av för Programmet anvisademedel, samt för den ekonomiska och juridiska administrationen av Programmet. Programvärden ansvarargentemot Mistra enligt Programavtalet, och i synnerhet enligt §2 i dess Allmänna villkor.

5.2. Programstyrelsen och dess åtagandenProgramstyrelsens ordförande och övriga ledamöter utses och entledigas av Programvärden i samrådmed Mistra. Programstyrelsen ska bestå av mellan fem (5] och nio (9] ledamöter inklusive ordföranden.Framtida användare av resultat från forskningen inom Programmet ska vara väl representerade iProgramstyrelsen. Mistra har rätt att utse en person som har närvaro- och yttranderätt iProgramstyrelsen. Programstyrelsen bör sammanträda minst fyra (4] gånger per år.

Programstyrelsen har, på uppdrag av Programvärden, det övergripande ansvaret för Programmetsinriktning och kvalitet. Programstyrelsens förutsättningar och åtaganden i övrigt regleras iProgramavtalet, i synnerhet i §3.1 i dess Allmänna villkor.

52.1 Arvodering av ProgramstyrelsenProgramvärden ska betala ett skäligt arvode till Programstyrelsens ledamöter, varvid Mistras riktlinjer förarvodering ska vara vägledande. För det fall arvode skall utgå är arvodet för ordföranden fast, och arvodetför ledamöterna är rörligt baserat på deltagande i sammanträden. Resor och omkostnader för ordförandeoch ledamöter ersätts separat.

5.3. Programchefen och dennes åtagandenProgramchefen tillsätts och entledigas av Programvärden i samråd med Mistra. Programchefen svarar förden dagliga ledningen av Programmet. Programchefen är föredragande vid Programstyrelsenssammanträden och verkställer Programstyrelsens beslut. Programchefens förutsättningar och åtaganden iövrigt regleras i Programavtalet, i synnerhet i §3.2 i dess Allmänna villkor.

6. Revision och granskning av ProgrammetFör kontroll av Programvärdens åtaganden har Mistra enligt §7 i Programavtalets Allmänna villkor rätt attutse en revisor för granskning.

7. Hantering av forskningsresultatForskningsresultat som kommer fram inom Programmet och som finansierats av medel från Mistra skainte patenteras utan publiceras i internationella, vetenskapliga tidskrifter med refereesystem eller gesoffentlighet på annat motsvarande sätt. Om publicering sker i en vetenskaplig tidskrift som inte tillämparöppen tillgång (open access) ska den vetenskapliga artikeln snarast möjligt efter publiceringen arkiveras ien fritt tillgänglig databas.

Vid publicering av resultat från Programmet ska anges att Mistra finansierat forskningen.

‘oF)-g /12(5)

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C Skogs) Industrierna

8. Avtalstid och uppsägningKonsortialavtalet träder i kraft 2019-02-01 och gäller t.o.m. 2023-01-3 1.

Part har rätt att säga upp Konsortialavtalet i förtid med sex (6) månaders uppsägningstid om parten anseratt utsikterna att inom rimlig tid nå tillfredsställande resultat av Programmet saknas med hänsyn tillbland annat väsentligt förändrade resurser, tekniska, kommersiella och/eller miljömässigaförutsättningar.

Om Mistra enligt §8 i Programavtalets Allmänna villkor säger upp Programavtalet, avbryterutbetalningarna eller justerar utbetalningsplanen, så har Programvärden rätt att omedelbart säga uppKonsortialavtalet, avbryta eller justera transfereringen av bidrag.

9. Tillämplig lag och tvistelösningSvensk lag ska vara tillämplig på Konsortialavtalet. Tvist i anledning av Konsortialavtalets innehåll skalllösas genom förhandling mellan parterna.


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(‘ Skogs) Industrierna

UnderskrifterArbio AB avdelning Skogsindustrierna (556067-2924]


Carina Hakansson, VD Skogsindustrierna Katarina Arneving, Adminstiv chef

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (202100-2817)

Datum och ort:

Göran Ståhl, Dekan vid fakulteten för skogsvetenskap

Umeå Universitet (202100-2874)

Datum och ort:

Caroline Sjöberg, Universitetsdirektör

IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet AB (556116-2446]

Datum och ort:

John Munthe, Forskningschef

Stiftelsen Skogsbrukets forskningsinstitut (Skogforsk) (817602-9786]

Datum och ort:

Charlotte Bengtsson, VD

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (202100-3054)

Datum och ort:

Maria Gustafson, Head of Research Office


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C) Skogs) Industrierna

BillerudKorsnäs AB (556025-5001)

Datum och ort:

Magnus Wikström, SV? Innovation and Strategic Projects

Holmen Skog AB (556220-0658)

Datum och ort:

Jan Åhlund, Skogsbrukschef

SCA Skog AB (556048-2852)

Datum och ort:

Jonas Mårtensson, Affärsområdeschef Skog

Stora Enso AB (556173-3360)

Datum och ort:

Johan Lindman, Senior Vice President Ulrik Johansson, Bolagsjurist

Sveaskog förvaltnings AB (556016-9020)

Datum och ort:

Fredrik Klang, Skogsbrukschef

Södra skogsägarna ekonomisk förening (729500-3789)

Datum och ort:

Olof Hansson, skogsdirektör


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Postadress: Box 7070, 750 07 Uppsala Tel: 018-67 10 00 (vx) Besöksadress: Almas allé 8 Mobilnr: 070-395 59 23 Org nr: 202100-2817 [email protected] www.slu.se

Rektor BESLUT SLU ID: SLU.ua 2019.2.1.2-1408



Yttrande över internremiss angående SUHF:s förslag till yttrande över Styr-och resursutredningens slutbetänkande

Beslut Rektor beslutar att avlämna yttrande över internremiss angående SUHF:s förslag till yttrande över Styr-och resursutredningens slutbetänkande (bilaga).

Beslut i detta ärende har fattats av rektor Karin Holmgren efter föredragning av controller Joakim Ögger och i närvaro av universitetsdirektör Martin Melkersson.

Karin Holmgren

Joakim Ögger

Kopia för kännedom Dekaner Fakultetsdirektörer

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Postadress: Box 7070, 750 07 Uppsala Tel: 018-67 10 00 (vx) Besöksadress: Almas allé 8 Mobilnr: 070-395 59 23 Org nr: 202100-2817 www.slu.se

[email protected]

YTTRANDE SLU ID: SLU.ua.2019.2.1.2-1408


[email protected]

Yttrande över internremiss angående SUHF:s förslag till yttrande över Styr-och resursutredningens slutbetänkande

Sammanfattning • SLU instämmer i förslaget till gemensamt remissvar från SUHF:s

medlemmar och har inga allvarliga invändningar att anföra. • SLU vill särskilt framhålla SUHF:s bedömning att det finns risk för att de

fyraåriga överenskommelserna som beskrivs i betänkandet inte kommer innebära ökad rådighet, utan tvärtom kan medföra en ökad kortsiktighet och detaljstyrning av verksamheten.

Beslut om detta yttrande har rektor Karin Holmgren fattat efter föredragning av controller Joakim Ögger vid planeringsavdelningen. Innehållet har utarbetats av prorektor Erik Fahlbeck, vicerektor Ylva Hillbur, prodekan Pär Forslund vid fakulteten för naturresurser och jordbruksvetenskap samt planeringschef Lena Ousbäck.

Karin Holmgren

RJoakim Ögger

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Postadress: Box 7070, 750 07 Uppsala Tel: 018-67 10 22; 018-67 10 00 (vx) Besöksadress: Almas allé 8 [email protected] Org nr: 202100-2817 www.slu.se

Rektor BESLUT SLU ua 2018.2.5.3-4828

2019-04-23 Exp. 24/4 -19/BÅ


Beslut om SLU:s karriärbidrag 2019

Beslut Rektor beslutar

att fördela Karriärbidrag – Junior, omfattande 1 mnkr per helår under perioden 1 juli 2019 - 30 juni 2022, till följande forskare:

Marie Rhodin, Anatomi, fysiologi och biokemi Stefanie Rosa, Växtbiologi Johan Lundqvist, Biomedicin och veterinär folkhälsovetenskap

att fördela Karriärbidrag – Senior, omfattande 1 mnkr per helår under perioden 1 juli 2019 - 30 juni 2024, till följande forskare: Sara Hallin, Skoglig mykologi och växtpatologi Dirk-Jan De Koning, Husdjursgenetik Tomas Roslin, Ekologi

att utbetalningen av bidrag periodiseras enligt följande: Juniorer: 250 tkr (2019); 1000 tkr (2020); 1000 tkr (2021); 750 tkr (2022) Seniorer: 250 tkr (2019); 1000 tkr per år under åren 2020 – 2023; 750 tkr (2024) att bidraget utbetalas till mottagarens institution men är personligt och får disponeras fritt av mottagaren inom ramen för anställningen, att bidraget utbetalas under förutsättning att mottagaren är anställd vid och bedriver hela sin verksamhet vid SLU. Om mottagaren lämnar SLU dras medel motsvarande resterande bidragsperiod in. Mottagaren är skyldig att omgående meddela rektor i det fall man lämnar sin anställning vid SLU, att mottagaren är skyldig att på anmodan av rektor lämna en kortfattad rapport över bidragets användning och resultat, samt

att kostnaden belastar SLU:s ordinarie anslagsfördelning.

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Beslut om SLU:s karriärbidrag 2019


Redogörelse för ärendet Under 2016 infördes en strategisk satsning på karriärbidrag till framstående juniora och seniora forskare (dnr SLU ua 2016.1.1.1-4908). Bakgrund och principer beskrivs i Riktlinjer för SLU:s karriärbidrag (Bilaga 1). Syftet är att uppmärksamma och stötta individer som gör goda prestationer inom forskningen och ge dem ökade möjligheter att fritt utveckla sin forskning. För juniora forskare kan bidragen underlätta utvecklingen av en självständig forskningsprofil. Satsningen på karriärbidrag förväntas bidra till att stärka kvaliteten hos SLU:s forskning.

Under 2018 genomfördes den andra utlysningen av karriärbidrag. Alla institutioner inbjöds att föreslå lämpliga kandidater. Varje fakultet gjorde därefter ett urval bland förslagen och lämnade in nomineringar till rektor.

Rektorsgruppen (rektor, prorektor samt vicerektorerna) granskade den 10 december 2018 de inkomna nomineringarna och beslutade att samtliga skulle lämnas vidare till sakkunniggranskning. Sakkunniggranskningen genomfördes med stöd av internationella experter och baserat på de bedömningskriterier som SLU tidigare fastställt (beredningsprocessen beskrivs i bilaga 2 till detta beslut). Granskningen utmynnade i att kandidaterna grupperades i fyra prioritetskategorier.

Vid möte med rektorsgruppen den 16 april 2019 gjordes det slutliga urvalet av mottagarna av bidragen (se bilaga 3). Urvalet utgick från sakkunniggranskningen, och följde de sakkunnigas prioritering. Urvalet resulterade i en jämn fördelning av bidragen mellan kvinnor och män.

Beslutet om fördelning av karriärbidrag kan inte överklagas. Beslut i detta ärende har fattats i rektors frånvaro av rektor Karin Holmgren efter föredragning av enhetschef Boel Åström och i närvaro av universitetsdirektör Martin Melkersson.

Karin Holmgren

Boel Åström

Sändlista Mottagarna av karriärbidrag Övriga nominerade kandidater

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Beslut om SLU:s karriärbidrag 2019


Kopia för kännedom Dekaner Berörda prefekter Planeringschefen Ekonomichefen Kommunikationschefen Internrevisionen


1. Riktlinjer för SLU:s karriärbidrag (expedieras ej) 2. Beskrivning av beredningsprocessen 3. Protokoll från rektorsgruppens möte den 16 april 2019

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Description of evaluation process 1 Expert panel An expert panel was created, using experts from 17 universities/institutes in Europe, Australia, Canada and USA. A total of 24 members were recruited to guarantee the covering of the area of expertise needed. Thirteen members constituted the core group, reading 5-14 applications each. Further 11 members were recruited as Ad-Hoc readers reading only 1 (in few cases 2) application. This was necessary to obtain 4 readings of each application with at least one being expert (A-reader). Two chairmen were appointed (one for senior-candidates and one for junior candidates) to later assist with the final ranking. This was found necessary because the lack of a physical meeting for final ranking. 2 First round evaluation Each application was read by one A-reader (expert and rapporteur for the application) and 3 B-readers (not all experts but with good knowledge in the area). The distribution of application was done after the competence declaration from each expert. The defined criteria from SLU Career Grant call was used, using a Formas-scale from 1-7 for each criterion:

7 – Outstanding. The application successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the criterion in question. Shortcomings are insignificant. 6 – Excellent. The application successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the criterion in question. Shortcomings are minor. 5 – Very good. The application addresses the criterion very well, but with some notable shortcoming. 4 – Good. The application addresses the criterion well, but with several notable shortcomings. 3 – Acceptable. While the application broadly addresses the criterion, but there are considerable weaknesses. 2 – Poor. The application addresses the criterion in an inadequate manner, or there are serious inherent weaknesses. 1 – Insufficient. The application fails to address the criterion under examination or cannot be judged due to missing or incomplete information.

An Excel table was created for each application and reader (4*34=136 tables). All readers were asked to grade and give 1-2 comments on each criterion. 3 Second round evaluation All 136 tables with the grading and comments from the first evaluation round were collected by Administrator of the evaluation (Jacob Paulsen) and a new table created, comparing the grades and comments from all 4 readers for each application. The new table was sent to the A-Reader with cc to all B-readers with a request to compile the comments and grades into a consensus in the group of 4 readers. After the second round, the tables were collected by the administrator. 4 Ranking With the compiled evaluation reports from the second round evaluation as a support, the two chairmen made a suggestion for ranking, after reading all the applications in the group (senior or junior). The ranking was then discussed with the administrator, comparing grades and comments for all applications, going back and analysing individual comment and grading in cases where applications were on the limit between two groups in the final ranking. The applications (or candidates) were divided into 4 groups; +A, A, +B and B where A was excellent to outstanding with an overall grading at 6 or above. Here, a few was also marked with “+” to illustrate that these in particular was fount to be the best applications by the expert panel. The third and fourth group, +B and B, was used for the application with the grading between 5 and 6, somewhere between “very good” to “excellent”.

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PROTOKOLL SLU ua 2018.2.5.3-4828


Protokoll fört vid rektorsgruppens möte om urval av mottagare av SLU:s karriärbidrag 2019

Närvarande Karin Holmgren rektor (ordförande) Erik Fahlbeck prorektor Ylva Hillbur vicerektor Förhinder Kevin Bishop vicerektor

Övriga närvarande Boel Åström föredragande, mötessekreterare

§ 1 Sakkunnigbedömning av nomineringarna

Underlag Beskrivning av beredningsprocessen Sammanställning av bedömningsresultatet och ranking av nomineringarna

Lista över mottagarna av karriärbidrag 2017 Beskrivning av ärendet Konsult Jacob Paulsen (tidigare Formas) har på uppdrag av SLU organiserat genomförandet av sakkunnigbedömningen. Bedömningen har omfattat 16 juniora och 18 seniora kandidater. Totalt 24 internationella sakkunniga har medverkat i beredningsprocessen. Bedömningen har baserats på de kriterier som SLU formulerat och utförts enligt samma principer som vid föregående tillfälle, då Formas ansvarade för sakkunniggranskningen.

Rektorsgruppen bedömer att sakkunnigbedömningen har genomförts på ett övertygande sätt och att den gett ett bra underlag för den slutliga prioriteringen.

Konstaterades att en övervägande del av kandidaterna vid de två utlysningstillfällen som hittills genomförts har sin forskning inom det naturvetenskapliga området. Detta gäller såväl de som har nominerats som de som har tilldelats bidrag. Inför nästa utlysning bör SLU, baserat på en analys av det totala utfallet 2017 och 2019, överväga om det finns skäl att rikta utlysningen till särskilda områden, som till exempel det samhällsvetenskapliga eller tvärvetenskapliga området.

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Protokoll från rektorsgruppens möte om karriärbidrag 16 april 2019


§ 2 Urval av mottagare av karriärbidrag Underlag Se § 1

Beskrivning av ärendet Enligt SLU:s riktlinjer ska rektor besluta om fördelning av karriärbidragen efter diskussion i rektorsgruppen, där sakkunnigbedömningen ska vara rådgivande. Det slutliga urvalet ska göras med hänsyn till jämställdhet och målet att bidragen ska fördelas över flera, strategiskt viktiga områden. Vid lika kvalifikationer ska jämställd-hetsaspekten vara avgörande. Under 2019 ska tre bidrag fördelas i vardera kategorin.

Konstaterades att de nominerade kandidaterna håller en imponerande hög kvalitet och att konkurrensen i likhet med 2017 är mycket hård.

Sakkunnigbedömningen hade resulterat i ett toppskikt med kandidater som rankats som A+ eller A inom respektive forskarkategori. Efter noga övervägande valde rektorsgruppen att strikt följa de sakkunnigas rangordning av såväl juniora som seniora kandidater. För juniorkategorin innebar detta att två förslag klassade som A+ och en klassad som A valdes ut. Inom seniorkategorin valdes de tre högst rankade i den grupp på fyra som klassats som A+. Sammantaget innebär detta att karriärbidrag 2019 tilldelas tre kvinnliga och tre manliga forskare:

Karriärbidrag - Junior

Marie Rhodin, Anatomi, fysiologi och biokemi Stefanie Rosa, Växtbiologi Johan Lundqvist, Biomedicin och veterinär folkhälsovetenskap

Karriärbidrag - Senior

Sara Hallin, Skoglig mykologi och växtpatologi

Dirk-Jan De Koning, Husdjursgenetik

Tomas Roslin, Ekologi Anm.: Ylva Hillbur deltog inte i beslutet rörande Teun Dekker p.g.a. jäv. Vid protokollet:

Boel Åström Sekreterare

Karin Holmgren Rektor