तिदश 2019- 20 का छठी विषय -हदी समय :3:00 घटे ाक : 80 नोट: 1 इस चाय खॊड 2 खॊड से तक चाय खॊड अननवामय 3 के सबी उऩबाग के उय भश एक साथ लरखखए 4 उय ऩुततका उय के साथ वही सॊमा लरखखए जो -दी गई है खड 1 गदमाॊश ऩकय नीचे लरखे के उय दीजए। (5) कफीय ने सभाज यहकय सभाज का फडे सभीऩ से नयीण कमा। सभाज पै रे आडॊफय बेदबाव साॊदानमकता आदका ऩुटि भाण रेकय ऐसा वयोध कमा कसी की दहभत नहीॊ जो उनके तक को काि सके । कफीय का मततव इतना ऊॉचा था उनके साभने दिकने की दहभत कसी नहीॊ थी। उहने सभाज की धालभयक फुयाइम को नकार कय सफके साभने यखा। ऊॉचा नाभ यखकय सॊसाय को ठगने वार के नकरी चेहय को सफके साभने यखा उहने कभजोय को ऊऩय उठाने का उऩदेश देकय सफके साभने एक आदशय तुत कमा। कभय , सेवा, अदहॊसा तथा नगुयणता का साय कमा। उहने कभयकाॊड तथा भूनतय -ऩूजा का वयोध कमा। अऩनी शततम दवाया सभाज के लरए एक वशार -भागय खोरा उहने कथनी-कयनी की एकता ऩय फर दमा। कफीय एक भहान मुग टिा, सभाज सुधायक तथा भहान कवथे। () कफीय का मततव कै सा था? () कफीय ने कसका चाय कमा ? () कफीय के दो गुण के वषम लरखखए? () कफीय ने कसका वयोध कमा ? () नीचे लरखे शद के वरोभ शद लरखखए - 1) दहॊसा 2) दूय 2 ननलरखखत कामाॊश को ऩकय दए गए के उय दीजए - (5) कहती है सायी दुननमा जसे कतभनाभ है उसका हकीकत भेहनत जो यचते , खुद अऩनी कतभ, वे कहे जाते साहसी।

2019- 20 :3:00 : 80(ख) ननम नलरखखत शब द भ अनतव य अथव अनन लसक चचह न रग इए - 1) आध 2) सदय प रश

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  • प्रतिदर्श प्रश्न पत्र सत्र 2019- 20 कऺा छठी विषय -हहिंदी

    समय :3:00 घिंटे पूर्ाांक : 80 नोट: 1 इस प्रश्न ऩत्र भें चाय खॊड हैं । 2 खॊड क से घ तक चायों खॊड अननवामय हैं । 3 प्रश्नों के सबी उऩबागों के उत्तय क्रभश् एक साथ लरखखए । 4 उत्तय ऩसु्ततका भें उत्तय के साथ वही क्रभ सॊख्मा लरखखए जो प्रश्न-ऩत्र भें दी गई है ।

    खिंड क प्रश्न 1 गदमाॊश ऩढ़कय नीचे लरख ेप्रश्नों के उत्तय दीस्जए। (5) कफीय ने सभाज भें यहकय सभाज का फड े सभीऩ से ननयीऺण ककमा। सभाज भें पैर े आडॊफय बेदबाव व साॊप्रदानमकता आदद का ऩसु्टि प्रभाण रेकय ऐसा दृढ़ ववयोध ककमा कक ककसी की दहम्भत नहीॊ हुई जो उनके तकों को काि सके। कफीय का व्मस्ततत्व इतना ऊॉ चा था कक उनके साभने दिकने की दहम्भत ककसी भें नहीॊ थी। उन्होंने सभाज की धालभयक फयुाइमों को ननकार कय सफके साभने यखा। ऊॉ चा नाभ यखकय सॊसाय को ठगने वारों के नकरी चेहयों को सफके साभने यखा । उन्होंने कभजोयों को ऊऩय उठाने का उऩदेश देकय सफके साभने एक आदशय प्रतततु ककमा। कभय, सेवा, अदहॊसा तथा ननगुयणता का प्रसाय ककमा। उन्होंने कभयकाॊड तथा भनूत य-ऩजूा का ववयोध ककमा। अऩनी शस्ततमों दवाया सभाज के लरए एक ववशार ऻान-भागय खोरा । उन्होंने कथनी-कयनी की एकता ऩय फर ददमा। कफीय एक भहान मगु दृटिा, सभाज सधुायक तथा भहान कवव थे। (क) कफीय का व्मस्ततत्व कैसा था? (ख) कफीय ने ककसका प्रचाय ककमा ? (ग) कफीय के दो गणुों के ववषम भें लरखखए? (घ) कफीय ने ककसका ववयोध ककमा ? (ङ) नीचे लरख ेशब्दों के ववरोभ शब्द लरखखए - 1) दहॊसा 2) दयू प्रश्न 2 ननम्नलरखखत काव्माॊश को ऩढ़कय ददए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तय दीस्जए - (5) कहती है सायी दनुनमा स्जस ेककतभत नाभ है उसका हकीकत भें भेहनत । जो यचत ेहैं, खुद अऩनी ककतभत, वे कहे जात ेहैं साहसी।

  • जो कयत ेहैं, ईश्वय से लशकामत, वे कहे जात ेहैं, आरसी । जो रुक गमा, लभि गमा उसका नाभो-ननशाॉ जो चरता यहा, अऩनी भॊस्जर वो ऩा गमा। खुशी की हकदाय है वही, स्जन्होंने दखु को सहा छोड के दाभन पूरों का, काॉिों की याह को चुना । ननयाशा का अॊधकाय लभिाकय, आशा के दीऩ जराओ । छोड बाग्म की दहुाई, अऩनी ककतभत तवमॊ फनाओ । (क) हकीकत भें ककतभत ककसे कहत ेहैं? 1) सेहत 2) भॊस्जर 3) भेहनत 4) सहभत (ख) जो अऩनी ककतभत यचत ेहैं उन्हें तमा कहत ेहैं ? 1) आरसी 2) साहसी 3) कवव 4) भखूय (ग) सच्चा खुशी का हकदाय कौन है ? 1) सखु रेने वारा 2) सखु सहने वारा 3) दखु देने वारा 4) दखु सहने वारा (घ) ककसका अॊधकाय लभिाना है? 1) हताशा का 2) आशा का 3) ननयाशा का 4) बाषा का (ङ) जो ईश्वय से लशकामत कयत ेहै उन्हें तमा कहत ेहैं ? 1) आरसी 2) भेहनती 3) रेखक 4) साहसी

    खिंड- ख प्रश्न 3 (क) ननम्नलरखखत शब्दों के ववरोभ लरखखए- (2) 1) जीवन 2) चतयु (ख) ननम्नलरखखत शब्दों के वचन फदलरए- 1) कववता 2) खुशी प्रश्न 4 (क) ननम्नलरखखत शब्दों के लर ॊग फदलरए - (2) 1) अलबनेता 2) गणुवान

  • (ख) ननम्नलरखखत शब्दों भें अनतुवाय अथवा अननुालसक चचह्न रगाइए - 1) आधी 2) सदुय प्रश्न 5 (क) ननम्नलरखखत शब्दों के तकुाॊत वारे दो शब्द लरखखए- (3) फजाना (ख) ननम्नलरखखत शब्दों भें ‘य’ के उचचत रूऩ का प्रमोग कीस्जए - 1) याटि 2) ऩव (ग) ननम्नलरखखत वातम भें उचचत ववयाभ चचह्न का प्रमोग कीस्जए- वाह खीय तो फहुत अच्छी फनी है प्रश्न 6 ननम्नलरखखत शब्द के अथय भें अॊतय तऩटि कयत ेहुए वातम फनाइए- (2) हाय –------------- -------------- प्रश्न 7 ननम्नलरखखत वातमों के लरए एक शब्द लरखखए - (2) क) ककए गए उऩकाय को भानने वारा ख) ऩॊद्रह ददनों भें होने वारा प्रश्न 8 ननम्नलरखखत शब्दों के दो-दो ऩमायमवाची शब्द लरखखए - (2) क) कभर ख) अॊधकाय प्रश्न 9 ननम्नलरखखत शब्दों का इस प्रकाय वातम भें प्रमोग कीस्जए कक उनके अथय भें अॊतय तऩटि हो सके- (2) सभान सम्भान प्रश्न 10 ‘हाथ साप कयना’ भहुावये का अथय लरखकय वातम फनाइए । (2) प्रश्न 11 ननम्नलरखखत वातमों भें सॊऻा शब्द येखाॊककॊ त कीस्जए एवॊ बेद का नाभ फताइए- (2) क) ज्मादा काभ कयने से भझु ेथकावि हो यही है ख) ऩऺी चहचहा यहे हैं। प्रश्न 12 ननम्नलरखखत वातमों को उचचत सवयनाभ शब्द से बरयए- (2) क) दयवाज ेके ऩास --------------खडा है। ख) स्जसकी राठी ---------- बैंस। प्रश्न13 ननम्नलरखखत वातमों भें ववशषेण शब्द येखाॊककत कीस्जए - (2) क) छठी कऺा के फच्चे ऩढ़ यहे थे। ख) फारयश भें कऩड ेगीरे हो गए थ े प्रश्न 14 ननम्नलरखखत वातम भें कार के बेद का नाभ लरखखए। (2) क) हभ सफ कर कपल्भ देखने जाएॉगे।

  • ख) नानी ने फच्चों को कहानी सनुाई थी। खिंड- ग

    प्रश्न 15ननम्नलरखखत गदमाॊश को ऩढ़कय प्रश्नों के उत्तय दीस्जए- (2+2+1=5) सुॊदयरार अऩनी फी.ए. की ऩयीऺा के लरए ननैीतार जा यहा था ।उसने यातत ेभें कुछ रोगों को एक साथ फहुत से ऩेड काित ेदेखा ।मह देखकय उसका भन व्माकुर हो उठा। वह फस से उतय ऩडा औय ऩेडों को काि यहे रोगों को जाकय सभझाने रगा । ऩय उसकी हैयानी का दठकाना न यहा जफ उसने सनुा कक वे रोग कॊ ऩनी के नौकय हैं औय कॊ ऩनी ने जॊगर कािन ेका ठेका रे यखा है। मही कायण था कक वे ऩेड कािना फॊद नहीॊ कय सकत ेथे। मह जानकय उस ेदखु बी हुआ औय आश्चमय बी। उसने कबी सोचा बी नहीॊ था कक इस प्रकाय इतने फड ेततय ऩय ऩेडों की किाई बी हो सकती है (क) सुॊदयरार कहाॉ जा यहा था औय वह व्माकुर तमों हो उठा था? (ख) फस से उतयकय सुॊदयरार की तमा प्रनतकक्रमा थी? (ग) सुॊदयरार ने तमा नहीॊ सोचा था? प्रश्न 16 ननम्नलरखखत ऩदमाॊश को ऩढ़कय प्रश्नों के उत्तय दीस्जए - (5) यदहभन वे नय भय चुके, जे कहुॉ भाॉगन जाॉदह। उनत ेऩहर ेवे भएु, स्जन भखु ननकसत नाॉदह।। दोनों यदहभन एक से, जो रौ फोरत नाॉदह। जान ऩयत हैं काक- वऩक, रयत ुफसॊत के भाॉदह।। तरुवय पर नदहॊ खात है, सयवय वऩमदह न ऩान। कदह यहीभ ऩय काज दहत, सॊऩनत सॊचदह सजुान।। कदह यहीभ सॊऩनत सगे, फनत फहुत फहु यीत। ववऩवत्त कसौिी ज ेकस,े सोई साॉच ेभीत।। (क) यहीभ दास ने ककसको भये हुए के सभान फतामा है ? 1) जो देत ेहैं 2) जो भाॉगत ेहैं 3) जो हॉसत ेहैं 4) जो सोत ेहैं । (ख) ककस ऋत ुके आने ऩय कौवा औय कोमर की ऩहचान होती - 1) सदी 2) गभी 3) फसॊत 4) शयद (ग) इन दोहों के यचनमता कौन हैं ? 1) कफीय 2) यहीभ 3) तरुसीदास 4) सयूदास (घ) कौन व्मस्तत दसूयों के लरए धन का सॊचम कयत ेहैं ?

  • 1) दजुयन 2) सज्जन 3) ऩरयजन 4) आत्भीमजन (ङ) ववऩवत्त कसौिी ऩय कसने वारे लभत्र कैस ेहोत ेहैं ? 1) वाचार भीत 2) सच्चे भीत 3) दजुयन भीत 4) झठेू भीत प्रश्न 17 ननम्नलरखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तय एक वातम भें लरखखए - (1x8=8) क) भेहनती व्मस्ततमों का यातता औय भॊस्जर कौन सी होती है? ख) अभन के लभत्रों के नाभ लरखखए। ग) जरस ेभें ऐड भातिय ने तमा सनुामा? घ) सॊऩादक का नाभ तमा था ? ङ) याजा को ककसने फचामा ? च) गोऩार कहाॉ यहता था ? छ) नजान ूतमा फनना चाहता था ? ज) ऩयोऩकायी फनने के लरए हभें ककसके जैसा फनना चादहए ? प्रश्न 18 ननम्नलरखखत भें से ककन्हीॊ चाय प्रश्नों के उत्तय ववतताय से लरखखए - (3x4=12) क) छठे नौजवान ने ककस प्रकाय एक वयदान भें सफ कुछ भाॊग लरमा ? ख) सुॊदयरार की आत्भग्रानन का तमा कायण तमा था ? ग) भाट्िू ऩोंगर के ददन तमा होता है ? घ) भदहऩार लस ॊह दवाया छाऩे गए साप्तादहक सभाचाय ऩत्र भें तमा-तमा छऩता था ? ङ) चॊचर ने सत्मऩार को अख़फाय फेचने का तमा उऩाम फतामा ?

    खिंड - घ प्रश्न 19 ककसी एक ववषम ऩय अनचु्छेद लरखखए - (5) ऩौस्टिक आहाय मा मदद भैं प्रधानभॊत्री होता / होती प्रश्न 20 ऩाॉचवीॊ कऺा की वावषयक ऩयीऺा देत ेसभम आऩने ककन-ककन कदठनाइमों का साभना ककमा। (5) मा लभत्र को ऩत्र लरखकय फताइए कक आऩ छुट्दिमों भें तमा कयना ऩसॊद कयेंग े। प्रश्न 21 गभी की छुट्दिमों भें आऩ कहाॉ-कहाॉ गए? अऩने ऩाॉच अनबुव डामयी के रूऩ भें लरखखए। (5)

  • ��तदश� �� प�(2019-20)  िवषय - �हदी    क�ा (छठ� ) अंक िवभाजन उ�र संकेत �थम स� परी�ा   

    �म सं�ा 

    उ�र संकेत    

    मु� �ब� हते ुअंक

    कुल अंक

    �� 1         �� 2      ��3  �� 4  �� 5    �� 6  �� 7  

    1 अपिठत ग��श क ) कबीर का �ि�� इतना ऊँचा था िक उनके सामने िटकन ेक� िह�त िकसी म� नह� थी | ख ) कम�, सेवा ,अ�हसा व िनगु�णता  ग ) युग��ा व समाज सुधारक और महान किव (कोईदो) घ ) कम�क�ड और मू�त पूजा ड ) 1 ) अ�हसा 2 )समीप   अपिठत का��श (क ) मेहनत  (ख) साहसी (ग) �ख सहने वाला (घ) िनराशा  (ड ) आलसी (क) 1 ) मरण /म�ृु 2 ) मूख� (ख) 1 ) किवताएँ 2 ) खु�शय� (क) 1 ) अ�भने�ी 2 ) गुणवती (ख) 1 ) आँधी 2 )सुं दर  (क) सजाना , खजाना (ख) 1 ) पव� 2 )रा�� (ग) वाह! खीरतो ब�त अ�ी बनी ह।ै हार - गले का हार,पराजय(�यं र�चत वा�) क ) कृत�  ख ) पा��क

    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ½ +½ ½+½ ½+½ ½+½ ½+½ ½+½ ½+½ 2 1 1

    5 5 2 2 3 2 2

    �� 8  ��9 ��10 �� 11   ��12 

    क ) जलज, पंकज, सरोज  ख ) अँधेरा ,तम �यं र�चत वा�  चोरी करना ,�यं र�चत वा� क ) थकावट (भाववाचक सं�ा) ख ) प�ी(जा�तवाचक सं�ा ) क ) कौन 

    ½+½ ½+½ 1+1 1+1 1+1 1

    2 2 2 2

  •  �� 13  �� 14  �� 15     �� 16      �� 17           ��-18           �� 19    

    ख ) उसक� क ) छठ�  ख ) गील ेक ) भिव�त काल  ख ) भूतकाल  पिठत ग��श क ) नैनीताल,पेड़� को कटते देखा ख ) पेड़� को काट रह ेलोग� को समझाना  ग ) िक बड़ े�र पर पेड़� क� कटाई भी हो सकती ह ै

    पिठत प��श क) (2) जो म�गते ह� ख) (3) बसंत  ग) (2) रहीम  घ) (2) स�न  ड) (2)स�े मीत ��ो�र  क ) नेक ,स�ाई  ख ) राघव, जफ़र ,परमीत  ग ) स�पाल क� स�ाई क� घटना घ ) मिहपाल �सह  ड ) �ह नौजवान� न ेच ) कनाडा  छ ) बड़ा कलाकार ज ) व�ृ और सरोवर


    िव�तृ �� उ�र (कोई चार )  क ) उसने राजा को वष� म� एक बार अपने यह� अ�त�थ बनकर आने को कहा। ख ) कंपनी के लोग� को पेड़ काटने से न रोक पाना | ग ) पशुओं के ��त कृत�ता �कट करना, बैल� को सजाना, बलैगािड़य� क� दौड़ करवाना घ ) ग�व क� बात� , कहािनय� और किवताएँ ड ) िक दो चार चटपटी खबर� को नमक िमच� लगाकर बनाना तु�ारे अपने हाथ म� ह ै


    अनु�ेद लेखन  िवषय व�ु  अ�भ�ि�  भाषायी शु�धता

    1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 1

    2 2 2 5 5 8 12 5

  •  �� 20     ��21 

     प� लेखन �ा�प संबंधी औपचा�रकताएँ िवषय व�ु  भाषायी शु�धता

    डायरी लेखन  िवषय व�ु अ�भ�ि� भाषायी शु�धता



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    The paper is divided into two sections :-

    Section – A

    I) Multiple choice questions

    II) Very short questions

    Section- B

    a) Question 1-6 carry 3 marks each.

    b) Question 7-13 carry 5 marks each.

    c) Question 14 & 15 is a map work which carries 7 marks.

    SECTION-A (1x10 = 10)

    I Multiple choice questions

    Q1. Which colour is used for showing water bodies?

    (a) Green (b) Brown

    (c) Orange (d) Blue

    Q2. The degree of the tropic of cancer is –

    (a) 23 ½. North (b) 66 ½. North

    (c) 23 ½ . South (d) 66 ½. South

    Q3. Deepest ocean of the world is –

    (a) Atlantic (b) Arctic

    (c) Indian (d) Pacific

    Q4. The study of inscriptions is known as –

    (a) Epigraphy (b) Numismatics

    (c) Calligraphy (d) Archaeology

    Q5. Indus Valley civilization is also known as –

    (a) Egyptian civilization (b) Chinese civilization

    (c) Harappan culture (d) Mesopotamians

    Q6. The society was divided into ____________ varnas.

    (a) Two (b) Four

  • (c) Five (d) Nine

    Q7. By which ruler Chanakya was insulted ?

    (a) Ghananand (b) Ashoka

    (c) Chandragupta (d) Darshak

    Q8 Mauryan Dynasty was established by –

    (a) Ashoka (b) Bindusar

    (c) Chandragupta (d) Samudragupta

    Q9.India comprises of how many union territories?

    (a) 6 (b) 7

    (c) 9 (d) 10

    Q10. The government at the grass root level is known as –

    (a) State level (b) National level

    (c) Village level (d) Union level

    II Very short questions

    Q11. Write the full form of IST.

    Q12. Isthamus of Panama works as a link between which two continents?

    Q13. Define monuments.

    Q14. Mention the name of the book written by Kautilya.

    Q15. Name the central part of the city in Indus Valley civilization.

    Q16. In the early vedic period who was known as the head of the family?

    Q17. Which Mahajanapada emerged as most powerful Mahajanapada ?

    Q18. Write the another name of Chanakya.

    Q19. Name the first unit of the community.

    Q20. Mention an outcome of conflicting situations.


    Q1. Define plains. Explain briefly the formation of plains. (3)

    Q2. ‘Human activities are responsible for causing ecological imbalance’. Justify the statement in three points. (3)

    Q3. In what ways, archaeological source materials help us to learn about our past? (3)

    Q4. Explain the administrative system of Magadha rulers. (3)

  • Q5. Highlight three factors that make the city life in India very difficult. (3)

    Q6. The responsibilities of government have been divided at three levels. Explain the three levels of the government.(3)


    State any three features of representative democracy.

    Q7. India has opted for a democratic system of government. List any five purpose or goals of democracy. (5)

    Q8. “ Different types of map making is adopted in different parts of the world”. Elaborate the statement with referenceto history of map making. (5)

    Q9. Draw a well labelled diagram of the heat zones and explain which zone is most suitable for us and why? (5)

    Q10. The excavations prove that the cities of Indus valley civilizations were the most planned and developed. Justifythe statement by giving five examples. (5)


    The people of Harappan civilization worshipped nature. State any five religious beliefs and practices to support theabove statement.

    Q11. Explain the political conditions during vedic civilization. (5)

    Q12. Describe the finest examples of the architecture of the Mauryan period. (5)

    Q13. How does the cultural exchange help in community development? (5)

    Q14. Map Work :

    a) Two features A and B are shown in the given political map of India. Identify these features withthe help of information given below and write their names on the lines marked on the map.i) Newly formed state of India. 1ii) Latitude which divides India into almost two equal parts. 1

    b) On the same map locate & mark the following : 3i) Lothal ii) Magadha iii) Sanchi Stupa

  • Q15. Mark and name the following on a map of World. 2

    A) Dark ContinentB) Smallest Continent

  • Class VI (2019-20)Term 1

    Mathematics SAMPLE PAPERTime 3 Hours M.M. 80

    General Instructions:a. All the questions are compulsory.b. The question paper consists of 40 questions divided into four sections A, B, C and D.Section A comprises of 20 questions of 1 mark each out of which first 10 questions are MCQtype, Section B comprises of 6 questions of 2 marks each, Section C comprises of 8questions of 3 marks each and Section D comprises 6 questions of 4 marks each.c. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in twoquestions of 2 marks, 3 questions of 3 marks and 3 questions of 4 marks.d. Use of calculator is not permitted.

    Section-A(Q1 to Q10) Choose the correct option.

    Q1. The smallest 5 digit number formed by using the digits 8,2,0 isa) 20008 b) 20080 c) 00028 d) 28000

    Q2.The identity element of addition isa) 0 b) infinity c) 1 d) none of these

    Q3.The largest 2-digit prime number isa) 99 b) 95 c) 97 d) 93

    Q4. Horizontal line in a bar graph is called _________a) y - axis b) x - axis c) scale d) bar

    Q5. Which of the following is a factor of every natural number?a) 1 b) 0 c) -1 d) any number

    Q6. |25| + |-25| equalsa) -50 b) 50 c) 0 d) 1

    Q7. Every negative integer is ______ than any positive integer.a) greater b) smaller c) equals to d) none of these

    Q8. How many lines can be drawn through 2 given points?a) 1 b) 2 c) infinite d) 3

    Q9. In a pictograph,@ symbol=15 students, then how many students will be represented by@@@ ?a) 15 b) 45 c) 60 d) 30

  • Q10. What happens to the area of a square ,when its side is doubled?a) remains same b) becomes half c)gets doubled d)becomes four times

    Q11-Q14 Correct the statement.

    Q11. The sum of three angles of a triangle is 360 degrees.

    Q12. Two angles whose sum is 180 degrees are called complementary angles.

    Q13. -102 lies to the right of 100 , on the number line.

    Q14. The corner of a triangle represents a ________.

    (Q15- Q20 Fill in the blanks)

    Q15. The measure of angle turned by the minute hand of the clock from digit 12 to 4 is_______ degrees.Q16. In tally marks , 9 is represented as ____________.Q17. _________ is an example of parallel lines.Q18. A triangle whose all the sides are different in length is called __________ triangle.Q19. The length of the boundary of a closed figure is called _________.Q20. A _____________ extends endlessly in all directions.

    Section B (2 MARKS QUESTIONS)Q21. Simplify: 16 + 21 - (-5) - 4

    OrSubtract (-35) from 42

    Q22.Check whether 16 and 25 are co- prime numbers.Why/ Why not?Q23. Write down any two pairs of adjacent angle in the given figure.

    Q 24. One angle of a right angled triangle is 40°.Find the other two angles of the triangle.

  • OrTwo angles of a triangle are equal. If the measure of each equal angle is 50°,find themeasure of third angle.Also, state the type of triangle.

    Q25.Find the following:.a). Complement of 70°b). Supplement of 146°

    Q26. (a) Can two numbers have 16 and 252 as HCF and LCM respectively. Why or whynot? (b) Use the divisibility test to find whether thenumber 251743 is divisible by 3 or not.

    Section-C (3 MARKS QUESTIONS)

    Q27. Find the value of 125 x 8 x 883 + 117 x 25 x 40.Q28. Find the least number that should be added to 1000 so that 35 divides the sumexactly.Q29. The LCM of two numbers is 1760. If the numbers are 160 and 352, find their HCF.

    ORWrite greatest 4 digit number. Express it as product of primes.

    Q30. Compare (-80)-(-15) _____ (-80) + (-15)OR

    The sum of two integers is 72. If one of the integers is -43, then find the other integer.Q31.In given figure, namea). A pair of parallel linesb). A pair of lines intersecting at D.c). Three concurrent lines.

    Q32. Look at the given figure and name the triangle whichhas :a) D as one vertexb) CE as one side

    c) G as one vertex

    OrObserve the given figure and answer the

  • following:a) Name any two sides of ΔGDC.b) Name a triangle with CE as one side.c) Name the side opposite to vertex B of ΔABC.

    Q33 Find the area of a square lawn whose perimeter is 84 m.

    Q34.Read the bar graph and answer the questions, recorded by a teacher of DAV schoolwhich shows the favourite subjects of her students.

    (a) Which subject is second most popular?(b) Which subject is favourite of 50 students?(c) Which subjects have the same number of votes?

    SECTION -D (4 MARKS QUESTIONS)Q35.Simplify : 45 - [ 35 - { 60 ÷ 2 - ( 9 - 7 + 3 )}]

    ORIn a tree plantation drive, 105 schools participated and planted saplings. If each school

    planted 567 saplings,find the total number of saplings planted by all schools.(UseDistributive property)Q36. a) Find the LCM of 24,36,40b) Test the divisibility of 58334661 by 11


    a) FInd the HCF of 70,21,35b) test the divisibility of 427248 by 9

  • Q37. Temperature of Four cities recorded in the month of January are as follows:--2°C, 11°C, -13°C , 0°C

    a) What is the minimum temperature recorded ?b) Write the additive inverse of the maximum temperature recorded.c) Arrange the given temperature in descending order.

    Q38.Geeta ran around a rectangular garden of length 30 m and breadth 25 m. Seeta ranaround a square field of side 45 m, who covered more distance and by how much?


    Vinay wants to polish the floor of a room which is 140 cm long and 120cm wide.thecharges for polishing the floor is Rs.52 per square metre. What will be the cost of polishingthe floor of the room?

    Q39.a) Can you construct a triangle using line segments of the following lengths : 4cm,3cm, 7cm? Give reason to support your answer.b) Look at the figure and complete the given statements.

    i) The interior opposite angles of L4 are _____ and ________.ii) the interior adjacent angle of L5 is _______.

    Q40. A field is in the shape of a rectangle whose length is 110m and breadth is 70mrespectively. Find the cost of planting fruits in it at Rs.20 per sq m.

  • TERM I

    Class VI

    Science 2019-20

    Time: 3 hrs M.M. 80

    General instructions:

    ● All questions are compulsory.

    ● Question 1 to 10 are multiple choice questions and carry I mark each.

    ● Question 11 to 20 are very short answer type questions which carry 1 mark each.

    ● Question 21 to 30 are short answer type questions which carry 3 marks each.

    ● Question 31 to 36 are long answer type questions which carry 5 marks each.

    ● Internal choice is given in 3 and 5 mark questions.

    1. Which of the following is an abiotic component of the environment? (1)

    i) Producers iii) Temperatureii) Consumers iv) decomposers

    2. We should say No to plastics because (1)

    i) it is costly iii) does not look beautifulii) Blocks the drains iv) We have other options

    3. Which of the following have a lustrous appearance? (1)

    i) Steel spoon iii) Iron rod

    ii) wood iv) Pebbles

    4.On increasing the temperature the solubility of a substance (1)

    i) Increases iii) Decreasesii) remains same iv) Does not change

    5. Which of the following is a reversible change? (1)

    i) Inflating a balloon iii) Burning of a candleii) Baking of a chapatti iv) Grinding of wheat flour in to flour

  • 6. Which of the following statement is wrong? (1)

    i) living things grow iii) Living things show no responseii) Living things respire iv) living things reproduce

    7. When a rubber band is streched it can be said to have gained........ (1)

    i) Chemical Energy iii) Kinetic Energyii) Potential Energy iv) Electrical Energy

    8 Work done is equal to FORCE X.......... (1)

    i) Distance iii) Speedii) Velocity iv) Motion

    9. ......is a natural phenomenon that sometimes occurs on a full moon day. (1)

    i) Solar Eclipse iii) Shadowii) Lunar Eclipse iv) Image

    10. In Rectilinear propagation light moves in.......... (1)

    i) Straight line path iii) Circular pathii) Curved path iv) Zig Zag path

    11. The cycling of materials through biotic and abiotic components is called ...... (1)

    12. The degree of hotness or coldness of a person or a place is called.............. (1)

    13. Name a liquid which floats on water. (1)

    14. ............ is a natural chemical change. (1)

    15. Correct the statement.......”Glowing of bulb is a chemical change”. (1)

    16. Name the organism that has the shortest life span. (1)

    17. Wheat and grass have ......... venation. (1)

    18. Define Energy. (1)

    19. Wood and tin don’t allow light to pass through them. They are.......materials. (1)

    20. Name 2 natural sources of light. (1)

    21. Differentiate between Biodegradable and Non Biodegradable materials. Give 2examples of each.



  • Differentiate between Autotrophs and Heterotrophs. Give 2 examples of each.

    22. Write an activity to prepare saturated Solution of common salt in water. Drawwell labelled diagram to support your answer. (3)

    23. i) Define Rust.

    ii) How is rusting caused?

    iii) Mention 2 ways by which rust formation can be prevented? (3)


    Differentiate between Slow and Fast changes.Give one example of each.

    24. Classify the plants on the basis of Height, Size and Shape and write onecharacteristic of each. (3)

    25. Write 3 differences between Vertebrates and Invertebrates. (3)

    26. Briefly describe an activity to show that roots grow downwards and shoot growsupwards. (3)

    27. Name the part of the plant where Photosynthesis occurs. Draw the well labelleddiagram of that part. (3)

    28.Identify the transformation of Energy in the following................. (3)

    Ceiling fan......................to................. Electric Bulb...................to.................. Battery in torch...............to.................

    29. Define work. What are the factors affecting work. (3)

    30. Write three main characteristics of an image formed by a plane mirror. (3)

    31. i) What is rainwater Harvesting? How is it significant for the welfare ofenvironment?

    ii) Discuss any 2 ways other than Rain water Harvesting to save water. (5)


    i) Suggest any 5 activities that can help to save the environment. (5)

    32. i) Ankita has opened a soda water bottle. What will be she observe immediatelyon opening the soda water bottle?

    ii) What will she observe after sometime and why?

  • iii) Your mother is cooking rice in the kitchen and you get the aroma in your studyroom. Identify the process. Give one more example of this process.

    33.i) Folding of paper is a physical change but burning of paper is a chemicalchange. Justify.

    ii) Give one example of each........

    Change in which energy is absorbed........... Change in which energy is released........... (5)


    i) Give 3 examples of Irreversible Biological changes taking place inenvironment.

    ii) Name any 2 undesirable changes occurring in the surroundings which can beprevented by efforts.

    34. i) What are Xerophytes?

    ii) Why do they have thin and spiny leaves?

    iii) Give 2 examples. (5)


    i) What are Hydrophytes?

    ii) What types of roots do they have and why?

    iii) Give 2 examples.

    35. Draw well labelled diagram of structure of a flower. Label any 6 parts. (5)

    36. i) What do you understand by Solar Eclipse?

    ii) When does it occur?

    iii) Draw well labelled diagram of Solar eclipse. (5)


    i) What do you understand by Lunar Eclipse?

    ii) When does it occur?

    iii) Draw well labelled diagram of Lunar eclipse.

  • 1



    CLASS – VI (2019-20)Time : 3 Hrs. M.M. : 80_______________________________________________________________________________

    General Instructions:1. This paper consists of three sections : A , B and C2. Attempt all the questions.3. Ensure that questions of each section are answered together.4. Read each question carefully and follow the given instructions.5. All the answers must be correctly numbered as shown in the questionpaper and should be written in the answer sheet provided to you.6. Strictly adhere to the word – limit given with each question.7. Don’t write anything on the question paper.________________________________________________________________________________


    Q 1.Read the following passage carefully. 12

    I. Even a semi-literate salesperson at a handicraft store seems to

    know of the significance of possessing a statue of the laughing

    Buddha or the Happy Man. It is being sold everywhere for years

    now. Chinese call him Hotei. He is believed to have existed in

    China as a Buddhist monk thousands of years ago. One of the

    major mistakes the westerners seem to make, is to confuse the

    Laughing Buddha with Gautam Buddha. The Laughing Buddha, in

    fact, was one of the Buddhist monks, Pu Tai, who is believed to

  • 2

    have lived in China during the Liang Dynasty 2,500 years ago.

    II. The Laughing Buddha has a large exposed potbelly that

    protrudes and you can almost hear the belly laughter when you

    look at it. His fat stomach is a symbol of happiness, luck and

    bounty. Interestingly, the name Hotei in Japanese actually

    means ‘cloth bag’ or ‘glutton’. It is believed that the rubbing of

    his belly brings good luck and wealth. Another thing associated

    with the Laughing Buddha is a begging bowl which represents

    the Buddhist philosophy of renouncing the worldly ties and

    leading a life of a wanderer.

    III. Why do more and more people across the world today seek

    solace in the principles of Vastu and Feng Shui is anybody’s

    guess. In their quest for contentment and happiness, many have

    found out that possessing an idol of the Laughing Buddha is an

    easier way to attain success and fulfilment instead of changing

    the spatial organisation of their house.

    1.1. Based on your reading the passage, answer the following

    questions. (8)

    (a) Who is the laughing Buddha? 1(b) What is believed as the easiest way to bring happiness and

    luck at home? 1(c) What mistake do the westerners seem to make? 1

    (d) What does the begging bowl associated with the LaughingBuddha represent? 2

    (e) The _________________ is a cloth bag. 1(f) His fat stomach is a symbol of _______, ______ and bounty. 1(g) The Laughing Buddha is called _______________ by Chinese. 1

  • 3

    1.2 Find the words from the passage which mean the same asfollowing: 2

    (a) bulge (para 2)(b) comfort (para 3)

    1.3 Find the antonyms of the following words from the passage.

    (a) hidden (para 2) 2(b) dissappointed (para 3)

    Q2. Read the following poem. 8

    The Bridge Builder

    1. An old man going a lone highway,Came, at the evening cold and gray,to a chasm vast and deep and wide.Through which was flowing a sullen tidethe old man crossed in the twilight dim,the sullen stream had no fear for him;But he turned when safe on the other sideand built a bridge to span the tide.

    2. “Old man,” said a fellow pilgrim near,“You are wasting your strength with building here;Your journey will end with the ending day,You never again will pass this way;You’ve crossed the chasm, deep and wide,Why build this bridge at evening tide?”

    3. The builder lifted his old gray head;“Good friend, in the path I have come,” he said,“There followed after me to-dayA youth whose feet must pass this way.This chasm that has been as naught to meo that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be;He, too, must cross in the twilight dim;Good friend, I am building this bridge for him!”

  • 4

    2.1. Based on your reading the poem, complete the followingsummary by putting one blank in each sentence. 6

    The poet compares life to a lone (a)_______________ and the old age to the(b) ____________________ time. An old man walking on the highwayhappened to reach a deep and wide (c) ________________ through whichwas flowing a sullen tide. In the dim (d) ________________of his life, hecrossed the chasm. On reaching the other side, he decided to build abridge. A pilgrim who was passing by said to the old man that he waswasting his (e)___________. The bridge, he said, would not be of any useto him for his life was going to end with ending day. The builder liftedhis head and said that the chasm he had just crossed had been a naughtto him but it could well turn out to be a (f) ______________ for the youngman who is walking the dim twilight now. The bridge he was buildingnow, he said, was for him.

    2.2 Find the words from the passage which mean the same asfollowing: 2(a) cavity (para 1)(b) sunset (para 3)


    Q3. Write a letter to your friend Saksham / Sakshi sharing your views /opinions on why having a hobby is important these days. Discuss yourown hobby too. (8)Q4. School days are the best days of a student’s life. Write a diary entryabout your experience on participating in various school activities.Mention the activities that are held in your school and also theactivities you participated in. (8)

    Q5. Given below are some of the particulars of Mr .Sharma , the

  • 5

    Mathsteacher. Read carefully and write the Bio Sketch.(4)

    ● Age: around 50 years● Height/Weight: six feet, solid built● Qualification :MA in Mathematics● Profession: teacher● Hobby : reading , playing Badminton● Why he is popular: a loving and dedicated teacher

    ORWrite a thank you note to your uncle for the Diwali gift he hassent for you. Also mention how the gift will be very useful to you.

    Q6. Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences asgiven in the example. 3

    (i) spiders / are not / many / dangerous(ii) helpful / spiders are / they eat flies , mosquitoes and ants / because(iii) don’t get / caught in / spiders / their own webs

    Q7. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error ineach line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answersheet against the correct blank number. The first one is done for you.(½x6=3)

    wrong right

    In 1968 , astronomers on Cambridge eg : onofdiscovers a new class of celestial a) ________ _________bodies which send out radio pulses onb) ________ _________regular intervals on time.Once a pulse c) ________ _________of radio noise were detected.d) ________ _________A timing between the pulses wase) ________ ________unbelievably regular , excelling even a best f) ________ _________

  • 6

    atomic clocks.Q8. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs given in thebrackets. (1/2 x8=4)

    I held my mother’s hand as we (a)__________ (walk) to the doctor’shouse. It (b) ________________(take) us about an hour. There was a kindof dentist’s chair in the doctor’s room and I was made to (c) ________(sit) on it. The doctor (d) ____________ (has) a round mirror strapped tohis forehead and he (e) _____________(peer) up my nose and into mymouth. He then took my mother aside and they (f) _________(hold) awhispered conversation. I (g) _______(see) my mother looking rathergrim , but she (h)___________ (nod).


    Q9. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions thatfollow: (4 each =12)

    9.1 ‘All right , hide yourself tonight.’ Her voice was as sharp as adouble edged dagger.

    i) Identify the speakera. the Youngmanb. the elder brotherc. the princessd. the Peasant

    ii) The speaker is speaking toa. the elder brothersb. the Princessc. the young mand. the Peasant

    iii) The speaker was asked to hide becausea. his elder brothers wanted him killedb. the princess wanted to impress himc. the Young man was in dangerd. he had accepted the challenge

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    iv) The literary device used in the extract isa. Metaphorb. Similec. Alliterationd. Personification

    9.2 ‘ I decided at last to write out the confession. In this note, not onlydid I confess my guilt, but also I asked adequate punishment for it.’

    i) Who is ‘I’ in the above extract?a. Gandhiji’s fatherb. Gandhijic. DorabjiGimid. Gandhiji’s brother

    ii) What crime has the speaker committed?a. he has cheated in the examb. he harmed somebodyc. he stole a piece of goldd. he slapped his brother

    iii) How did he confess?a. by writing a confession noteb. by saying sorry in publicc. by conveying through his friendd. by writing his biography

    iv) Give a phrase from the passage above, which means ‘ enough orsatisfactory.’a. punishmentb. adequatec. confessione. guilt

    9.3 We shall set up schools – all sacred temples for us….and proudly thump our shoulders and utter

    the name of this land of ours , Bharat.

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    i) Name the poem.a. Our Treeb. Bharat Desh written by David Harmerc. Bharat Desh written by Subramania Bhartid. Leisure

    ii) Why according to the poet should we set up schools?a. to make use of landb. to promote educationc. to appoint teachersd. to bring down the problem of unemployment

    iii) A comparison has been made between schools and temples. Thecomparison isa. Metaphorb. Similec. Alliterationd. Personification

    iv) The word that means the same as ‘holy’ isa. thumpb. proudlyc. sacredd. temples

    Q10. Answer the following questions; (do any six) (2X6=12)

    (1) Why did Daddy want to be a dog? What did he understand aftermeeting the officer?(2) Why has the poet repeated the phrase ‘ no time’ in the poem‘Leisure’. Write any two things that he is unable to do due to lack oftime?(3) Why did Daddy want to be an ice cream man? How did his parents

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    feel about it?(4) ‘Noble animal, your goodness puts mankind to shame.’ Write 2-3lines on the character of the White Elephant in the light of thiscomment.(5) Why has the poet asked his countrymen to learn scriptures andSciences in the poem Bharat Desh?(6) What inspiration do you get after reading the excerpt fromGandhiji’sautobiography , ‘My Experiments With Truth’ ?(7) What makes you proud of your motherland? What will you do for theprogress of your country?

    Q11. After reading the poem , ‘Today and Tomorrow’ you learnt thatprocrastination is a bad habit. Now, you have resolved to makethebest use of time. Write a diary entry expressing your resolve andhow you plan to utilize the time.


    Imagine you are the Mother elephant. Write a letter to your friendexpressing your feelings when your son was taken away from you. (6)
